[CTRL] THE MRC's weekend report

2004-01-17 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
January 16, 2004
^Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today^s CyberAlert:

1. NBC Promotes Al Gore^s Attack on Bush^s Environmental Record
Thursday^s NBC Nightly News, in the guise of explaining why the
environment has not become an issue yet in the campaign, delivered a
one-sided assault on the Bush administration^s environmental record.
Anchor Tom Brokaw began by showcasing how Al Gore ^accused Bush of
consistently putting the interests of big campaign contributors in the
oil, coal, utility and mining industries ahead of the public interest.^
After a clip of Gore accusing Bush of being a ^moral coward,^ NBC^s
Kelly O^Donnell provided a story which featured soundbites from three,
unlabeled, liberal environmental activists, two of which came from Sierra
Club operatives on the very day that special interest group launched an
anti-Bush TV ad campaign. O^Donnell also proclaimed: ^The League of
Conservation Voters grades the President with the first 'F^ in the
group^s 34-year history.^

2. Couric Challenges Kennedy on How Democrats Failed to Oust Saddam
Couric gets tough with Kennedy. Though NBC^s Katie Couric gave Senator
Ted Kennedy a chance to agree with the proposition that the Iraq war was
^payback for the first Bush administration's failure to go all the way^
and for ^an assassination attempt that did not bear fruit against
President George W. Bush's father,^ on Thursday^s Today she also
pointed out to him how ^the notion of removing Saddam Hussein from power
was not invented by this current administration^ since ^the 1998 Iraq
Liberation Act...was passed unanimously by the Senate and near
unanimously by the House, so Saddam remained.^ She challenged Kennedy
with this unusual take for anyone in the media: ^Why weren't the
Democrats able to oust him and should this President be given credit for
doing the job that the Democratic administration could not?

3. Record Low Temps, Yet USA Today Plugs Movie on Global Warming
The definition of bad timing: Warning about ^global warming^ on a day
when record-low temperatures are being set in some parts of the nation.
It happened to USA Today on Thursday when a front page headline
announced, ^Bitter cold bores into East,^ but the front page also
featured a plug in the top corner for a ^Life^ section preview of a
movie with a plot about how global warming destroys the Earth.

See today^s entire CyberAlert at:


www.TimesWatch.org TimesWatch.org
Bush's Election-Year Ploy to Help Iraq
The Times puts its best cynical spin on a U.S. move to press the U.N. for
action in Iraq: Kofi Annan is said to be highly reluctant to give his
blessing to what is widely seen as a jerry-built process in effect
concocted to let the United States hand over sovereignty to Iraq by June
30, as the American elections get under way.

Read the entire article as posted on TimesWatch.org:


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Bozell's Entertainment Column
How Angels Demonizes

 It^s amazing, if not surprising, the degree to which trashing God,
trashing America, and trashing traditional values are the entertainment
factory^s favorite pastimes. All these ritual hatreds are brought
together in HBOs miniseries Angels in America, as the prestige cable
channel tiptoes into another season of Golden Globes and Emmys and
deep-bowing tributes.

 HBO, that jewel of the Time Warner empire, has taken Tony Kushner^s
propagandistic Broadway smash ^ the theatrical version of one of those
crazy letters to the editor that never end and have too many capital
letters ^ and devoted $60 million to turning this stale 1980s artifact
into a...

Read the latest column written by L. Brent Bozell III, MRC President:

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for 

[CTRL] Is War Necessary?

2004-01-17 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
Is War Necessary?
by Harry Browne
  January 16, 2004

I have managed to live on this planet for 70 years without
ever striking another human being.
There have been a dozen or so times when someone wanted
to fight me. I managed to talk my way out of a fight in most of
those cases. In the few times I didn't succeed in avoiding a
fight altogether, I managed to end the scuffle without hitting
the other person and without suffering any noticeable damage
to myself.
Granted, I've been fortunate. I grew up in a peaceful
suburban area. Had I had the bad fortune to have been born
in the inner city in a gang neighborhood, I might not have
avoided violence so easily.
But that's an important point. Being fortunate in the
circumstances of my birth and my growing-up, I didn't
squander that good fortune by looking for trouble.
The U.S. by Birth

America was also fortunate in the circumstances of its birth.

After one apparently necessary fight to extricate itself from
British rule, it found itself in the best neighborhood possible. It
is bounded by two friendly countries and two enormous
oceans. No need here to look for trouble.
And yet, ruled by American instead of British politicians, the
United States has found itself embroiled in one street fight
after another.
In fact, in the 20th century there were less than 20 years in
which America was at peace with the world. What with World
Wars, the Cold War, police actions, gunboat diplomacy in
Latin America, overthrowing governments in Iran and other
places, suppressing the Philippine rebellion, interfering with
the Mexican revolution, firing missiles at Afghanistan and the
Sudan, invading Panama and Grenada, bombing Libya, and
on and on and on, Americans have lived with the tension of
conflict and violence almost their entire lives.
And we live in a good neighborhood!

  The Swiss by Birth

Contrast our circumstances with those of Switzerland.

The poor Swiss have the misfortune of living in the middle of
one of the worst neighborhoods in the world. Centuries of
imperial rivalries, ethnic hatreds, governments armed to the
teeth and ready to go to war at the drop of the hat, and
populations nursing grudges against each other  all these
elements have kept Europe in turmoil for centuries.
Switzerland is like the inner-city family that hears gunfire
outside its windows every night.
And yet Switzerland hasn't been involved in a single war for
two centuries. The Swiss managed to avoid being sucked into
the World Wars, the Cold War, or any of the other conflicts
that have beset Europe.
The Swiss haven't been fortunate in their geographical
circumstances. But they've dealt with those circumstances
intelligently. It wasn't by the grace of dictators that they've
avoided war; it has been a national policy to do so.
The Swiss have always made sure it was in the self-interest
of warring nations to leave Switzerland out of their quarrels.
They've devised ingenious defenses to demonstrate that,
while Switzerland is not unconquerable, the cost of conquest
would be intolerable to the conqueror. And they've made
themselves an indispensable trading partner to any country
that otherwise might see some profit in invading Switzerland.
It may seem that war is inevitable for many countries  such
as the warring factions in the Balkans or some countries in
Asia or Africa. But Switzerland has proven that it isn't
inevitable for anyone  not even for a country as poorly
situated as Switzerland is.
Why then is America continually at war over one thing or
The Last Resort

Whenever the U.S. goes to war somewhere, the politicians
tell us that diplomacy was tried and failed  and that war
was the very, very, very last resort.
But the truth is that the politicians didn't try much at all to
avoid war. And the diplomacy was bound to fail, because it
involved our politicians making insensitive demands on a
foreign country  demands we had no authority to make and
were known in advance to be unacceptable to the foreigners.
In the few cases that America has been attacked, it's been
because our politicians were trying to dictate to other
countries  countries that represented no threat to us at all.
The foreigners attacked either to try to gain an advantage
against the stronger U.S. when our government had made
war seem inevitable (as at Pearl Harbor), or because
attacking seemed the only way to strike back at a country
that was throwing its weight around in other people's
business (as in 9/11).
  Our Neighborhood

How easy it would have been for Americans to have lived the
past two centuries in peace. We have never been attacked
by a country that hadn't first been subject to interference by
our politicians.
Maybe others aren't so fortunately situated, but we are.

No one can seriously believe that terrorists have struck
America because they hate our freedom, our democracy, or
our prosperity. If that were true, they would have 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] I believe in conspiracies

2004-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


I believe in conspiracies
John Laughland says the real nutters are those who
believe in al-Qaeda and weapons of mass destruction
Believing in conspiracy theories is rather like having
been to a grammar school: both are rather socially
awkward to admit. Although I once sat next to a
sister-in-law of the Duke of Norfolk who agreed that
you cant believe everything you read in the
newspapers, conspiracy theories are generally
considered a rather repellent form of intellectual
low-life, and their theorists rightfully the object of
scorn and snobbery. Writing in the Daily Mail last
week, the columnist Melanie Phillips even attacked
conspiracy theories as the consequence of a special
pathology, of the collapse in religious belief, and of
a descent into the irrational. The implication is
that those who oppose the West, or who think that
governments are secretive and dishonest, might need
psychiatric treatment.

Psychiatric treatment by a conspiracy of nutters--


The torture at Lexington followed the pattern developed by Cameron in
Montreal: Drug-induced sleep was interrupted by electroconvulsive shock.
Cooperative subjects were rewarded with shots of heroin or any other
drug of their choice. And
for mental health, the masonic administration encouraged the prisoners
to participate in synthetic religious and political cults. Felix's
program was not simply to make humans into controllable beasts, but to
decentralize the zombie- manufacturing. A 1993 report to the Scottish
Rite Supreme Council by its current psychiatric research director,
Steven Matthysse, explains: ``Thirty years ago, a massive program began,
which has continued unabated to this day: the deinstitutionalization of
the mentally ill My predecessor as research director of the
Schizophrenia Research Program, Dr. Robert H. Felix, 33 Degree, Gourgas
medalist and the founding director of the National Institute of Mental
Health, was one of the chief architects of this program. `We are
entering a new era,' he wrote, `of community-centered, comprehensive
psychiatric care.'... Dr. Felix predicted that, in 25 years, `State
mental hospitals as we know them would no longer exist.' He was
right During the years from 1955 to 1992, the state mental hospital
census went down by 82%.'' The strategists of MK-Ultra succeeded in
moving the mentally ill out of costly mental hospitals, onto the
streets, where they now consitute a large proportion of America's
homeless. We shall now see what kind of ``community-centered psychiatric
care'' these strategists did in fact implement, as Britain's MK-Ultra
poured drugs into the country and worked to fabricate the drug- sex
youth culture. {{Seymour Solomon Kety}} was both an executive of the
Scottish Rite's psychiatry experiments, and a Scottish Rite- funded
clinical experimenter. He was chief of NIMH clinical sciences from 1957
through 196
7, and continued as the NIMH ``senior scientist'' into the 1990s. A
close associate of the Kallmann Nazi-eugenics cell at Columbia, Kety was
a national director of the American Eugenics Society, under its 1980s
name, the Society for the Study of Social Biology. Kety helped lead the
masons' U.S. agency, the NIMH, beyond the Kentucky experiments, to the
brink of Hell.

- Manchuria in California? -

As Carol Greene has demonstrated in her 1992 book [EMAIL PROTECTED] aus der
Retorte: Der Fall Charles Manson,} ({Test-Tube Murder: The Case of
Charles Manson}) {{Charles Manson,}} before he committed mass murder,
was himself an NIMH ``research subject.'' Manson was released from a
California prison in March 1967. He was required by law to report
regularly to a parole officer named Roger Smith, who was based at the
Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic in San Francisco. This was an NIMH project

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fly Me to the Moon

2004-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Arnie Shriver is the Republican Kennedy in California,
but Dub is jealous, and wants to be a Kennedy, too.

Cannibals are apt to be animists, they want to eat the
power of their enemies, not just assassinate them.

By that standard it's really Dub who deserves to play
Kennedy, not Arnie Enron Shriver. Haunting him in
the wee hours is a cannibal's conscience, saying,"And
you're no Jack Kennedy!", whatever that means. A
dimunitive pharaoh built a taller pyramid. Hitler was
shorter than Napoleon so he had to go to Stalingrad
as well as Moscow. It is not for kings to descend to
the level of details.


Shaaag wrote:

  I wonder.abtmany
thingslike, why does human nature dictate that we want to kill
the messenger when we know that "the truth will make you free."
.and, like, why is it going to take us 20 years to redo
something we alreadydid in9 years from scratch40 years ago when
the world's most sophisticated computer compared to those inyour
household washing machine, microwave, etc, .today? Why not just
bring back all the protocols that worked on a half dozen "successful
landings" (and 1 "almost"..Apollo13) and fine tune them?? 
  PLEASE don't tell me NASA (Not Accomplishing
  Significantly Anything) opted for
plan "B" in meeting JFK's 1961 "challenge of the decade"..
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The House of Bush

2004-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The House of Bush
Rep. strategist Kevin Phillips on the Bush family's hunger for power
By Eric Bates
January 5, 2004
Serving up secrets and lies

Listening to Kevin Phillips talk about politics, it's easy to mistake
him for a populist firebrand from the 1890s. He rails against the
growing inequality of wealth in America. He bemoans the unprecedented
influence that private corporations hold over public institutions. He
attacks the smug conservatism of George W. Bush and accuses the
president of attempting to establish a family dynasty better suited
to royalist England than to democratic America.
But Phillips is no left-wing demagogue. He's not only a lifelong
Republican, he's also the guy who literally wrote the book that
became the blueprint for the party's dominance of presidential
politics. Phillips served as the chief political strategist for
Richard Nixon in 1968, and, in The Emerging Republican Majority, he
formulated the Southern Strategy that helped hand the White House
to the GOP for a generation.

In his new book American Dynasty, Phillips lays out his almost
visceral distaste for what he calls the politics of deceit in the
House of Bush, accusing the administration of dishonesty and secrecy
that would make Tricky Dick blush. He traces the course of Bush's
family over the past 100 years, detailing how they sought
influence in the back corridors of the oil and defense industries,
investment banking and the intelligence establishment. Elites, not
elections, put Bush in power. I'm not talking about ordinary lack of
business ethics or financial corruption, says Phillips, who recently
registered as an Independent for the first time. Four generations of
building toward dynasty have infused the Bush family's hunger for
power and practices of crony capitalism with a moral arrogance and
backstage disregard of the democratic and republican traditions of
the U.S. government. As a result, he says, deceit and
disinformation have become Bush political hallmarks.

Is Bush really any worse than Nixon?

What makes the Bush family so different -- and, in many ways, so
dangerous -- is that they've created a dynasty. The second Bush
administration is a political restoration, not unlike the English
Stuarts in 1660 or the French Bourbons in 1815. In the last election,
the Republican Party turned to the eldest son of the Republican who
got the boot eight years earlier. That's what this country fought a
revolution to get rid of in 1776. Nobody thought that there would be
another royal house, with a couple of Georges.

Royal house? Isn't that a bit of a stretch?

The family has made a big deal of the notion that it is descended
from royalty. Burke's Peerage even got involved in the last election,
saying that Bush won because he had the most royal ancestry. The
Bushes eat this stuff up. They don't need democracy -- they feel
entitled by ancestry. For them, the presidency is something that can
be won with a Supreme Court decision.

Still, what's so bad about a son succeeding his father as president?

This type of dynasty is antithetical to the American political
tradition. The presidency is now subject to inherited views,
inherited staff, inherited wars, inherited money, inherited
loyalties. I'm not talking about particular policies -- I'm talking
about a unique evolution of a corrupting institutional process in
American governance.

If this is a dynasty, who's next? Jeb?

He's the logical choice. If they decide there needs to be a gap, you
might have Jeb's son, Neil P., in twenty years. Given Hillary's
position in the polls, it could go back to the Clinton's first.
People are obviously willing to play the relatives game right now.

How are the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Naked Emporer Re: [cia-drugs] $958.1 million in Libyan assets frozen as of 1993

2004-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Kadafi would plea bargain and pay a bribe, but the
rotters(ROT Russell Opium Trust) may not be able
to spin this one. Then they would have to go for
broke, siphoning off Libya's billion dollars in seized
assets like the gold out of Fort Knox. Arnie Enron
Shriver's father in law would have more work to do
in Switzerland. Cuba has no extradition treaty.

Lockerbie PanAm 103 is much hotter than the JFK
assassination. Russell Trust Wackenhut Bushwhackers
would be blown away like they were when opium was
legalized in China. Once one big terrorist incident is
pinned on ROT, WTC and WTCbomb and OKCbomb
and anthrax skeletons are outed as obvious, then JFK
and Watergate and Waco and fake drugwar hypocrisy
and COINTELOP and Bay of Pigs(McGeoge Bundy
SB) and smallpox blankets for indians follow suit.

"Naked Emporer, I say again, Naked Emporer, our
position is over-run!" Continuing government
genocide throws out the last g-string.


Linda Minor wrote:

  Business  Company Resource Center -- Mark List Display



  U.S. News 
World Report, Dec 20, 1993 v115 n24 p36(4)

Qadhafi's big adventure.
(lobbying in the U.S. by Libya;
Muammar Qadhafi) (includes related article on witness to 1988 bombing
of Pan Am Flight 103)
Edward T. Pound, Brian Duffy 

Abstract: Dept of Justice officials are
investigating reports that prominent US citizens met with Libyan
officials who desire to improve relations with US officials. Libya
hopes to lessen economic sanctions and resolve the legal questions that
surround the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Full Text: COPYRIGHT 1993 U.S. News and World
Report, Inc.
On a September afternoon in 1992, Bobby Burchfield, the top lawyer for
the Bush-Quayle campaign, ushered two men into his office. The first he
knew slightly. Gordon Wade was a former chairman of the Republican
Party in Kentucky and a respected businessman. The second man was a
Libyan. Wade introduced Mohammed Bukhari as Muammar Qadhafi's minister
of finance. Bukhari had a story to tell. The Libyan government had been
approached by representatives of the Bush-Quayle campaign, Bukhari
said; the emissaries had asked for a campaign contribution. The
Libyans, Bukhari said, had paid. That was impossible, Burchfield
replied. But if Bukhari would give him the name of the Bush-Quayle
"representatives," he would look into the matter. Bukhari thanked
Burchfield and continued. "Mr. Bukhari then conveyed to Mr. Burchfield
Libya's desire to have improved relations with the United States," Wade
wrote in a memorandum about the meeting. The memo was obtained by U.S.
News. Despite his polite questioning of Bukhari, Burchfield was aghast.
Accepting campaign contributions from Libya was simply illegal. Bukhari
had provided no evidence it had happened. "There was never any money
given by the Libyan government to the Bush campaign," Burchfield says.
Today, Mohammed Bukhari's unusual visit to
Washington is a principal focus of a criminal investigation by the U.S.
attorney in Washington, Eric Holder. According to law enforcement
officials and people interviewed by Justice Department lawyers in
connection with the inquiry, the investigation centers on substantial
illegal payments allegedly made by the Libyan government to American
citizens to lobby government officials in Washington. Some lobbying
was directed at the highest levels of the White House. The objective:
to ease international sanctions imposed on Tripoli and help resolve a
legal impasse over the fate of two Libyan men indicted for the bombing
of Pan Am Flight 103 over 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Global Kiddie Porn Ring Busted

2004-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


Global Kiddie Porn Ring Busted
(CBS/AP) Federal officials on 
Thursday announced they had cracked a Belarus-based international child 
pornography ring with arrests in France, Spain and the United 
States.The cases stem from an Internet processor of Web site 
subscriptions in Minsk, Belarus, which collected fees for memberships to 
child pornography Web sites that brought in millions of dollars, the U.S. 
Attorney's Office said.An executive with a Florida company has 
pleaded guilty in the case."When we followed the money, we ended up 
getting both the operators of this outfit ... and meanwhile back here at 
home we were doing search warrants on people's computers who had subscribed 
via credit card to these child pornographic Web sites," said Michael 
Drewniak, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office.About two dozen 
people in New Jersey and 20 others around the United States have been 
charged with downloading child pornography, including a doctor, a minister 
and a teacher, the office said.They were snared by tracking the fees 
from the companies to the consumers of child pornography, with the 
assistance of credit card companies, said Michael J. Garcia, assistant 
secretary of U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement.At a New 
Jersey federal courthouse today, prosecutors revealed that many of the 
270,000 credit card transactions on the sites were from Americans, reports 
CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart."This is the first time that this 
type of comprehensive investigation has been done in this country — to go 
after the child pornography industry from the top to the bottom," prosecutor 
Christopher Christie told CBS' Stewart.Federal authorities in New Jersey 
can prosecute people for actions taken overseas because images were 
downloaded in the state by consumers, he said.The Belarus company, 
Regpay Co. Ltd., and Connections USA, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were 
indicted in a money-laundering scheme involving paid memberships to about 50 
pornography Web sites.Four of Regpay's leaders were indicted, and three 
were arrested over the summer in France and Spain.The U.S. 
government is seeking the extradition of Regpay's president, Yahor 
Zalatarou, 25, and marketing director, Alexei Buchnev, 26, who are in 
Paris, and its technical administrator, Aliaksandr Boika, 29, who is in 
Madrid. All had lived in Minsk.All three are accused of conspiracy 
to send child pornography by computer, conspiracy to commit money laundering 
and other charges. The most serious counts carry 15 to 30 years in 
prison.U.S. authorities said they were working with Belarus to arrest 
Regpay's administrative and financial assistant, Tatsiana Sienko, 25, who is 
charged with conspiring to distribute child pornography and conspiracy to 
launder its proceeds. The charges can bring five to 20 years in 
prison.Connections chief executive officer Eugene Valentine, 38, from 
Florida, pleaded guilty Wednesday to a conspiracy to launder money for 
Regpay and its principals.On Tuesday, Connections employee Keith 
Czarnecki, 46, also from Florida, pleaded guilty for failing to report the 
offense to law enforcement.Regpay was formerly known as Trustbill, while 
Connections did business as Iserve. Regpay allegedly operated at least four 
child pornography sites from Minsk, and it carried advertising for other 
pornographic Web sites. One Regpay site referred to itself as "underground 
pedo world," the indictment said."Today's indictment strikes at the 
heart of the commercial trade of child pornography by attacking the 
commercial profits derived from such a deplorable venture," Attorney General 
John Ashcroft said.He said the ring was dismantled through efforts of 
law enforcement in Belarus, France and 

[CTRL] Israel answers to no one on nuclear weapons

2004-01-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel answers to no one on nuclear weapons 

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer 

Jerusalem -- The White House celebrated news last month that Libya will dismantle its weapons of mass destruction and that Iran will permit snap inspections of its nuclear program.

But the biggest nuclear power in the Middle East, the state that runs the most secretive WMD program in the world, has signaled no intention of disarming or even slowing down.

In fact, Israel has declined to discuss -- or even disclose -- its weapons systems for nearly 50 years, and it remained characteristically silent after December's developments in Tripoli and Tehran.

Washington, too, has had nothing to say about Israel's weapons, despite an increasingly compelling reason for raising the issue -- namely, that Syria and Iran, with Egypt's backing, say they will not disarm unless Israel does.

For the Bush administration to pressure Israel to declare the existence of its weapons of mass destruction and outline the contingencies for their use would, at the very least, remove a glaring double standard in its high-minded proclamations on the subject. It certainly would reassure moderate Arab states, where Israel is usually viewed as Goliath, not David.

Just as important, it would rob so-called "rogues" -- states, groups or individuals -- of one of their main rallying cries for recruiting followers to sow bloodshed and calamity against the West: Washington conveniently ignores Israel's defiance of international disarmament efforts.

But pressure to disarm, either from Washington or from inside Israel, is unlikely.

Since the inception of its nuclear weapons program in the mid-1950s, Israel has hewed to a policy of neither confirming nor denying its arsenal's existence. Few doubt, however, that it possesses such weapons. According to the Federation of American Scientists and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, it has at least 200 nuclear warheads. If true, that would make Israel the world's No. 5 nuclear power, surpassing Britain.

In addition, a 1993 report by the Office of Technology Assessment states that Israel has "undeclared offensive chemical warfare capabilities" and is "generally reported as having an undeclared offensive biological warfare program."

Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and therefore is not subject to inspections and the threat of sanctions by the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. Its efforts to disguise its activities have gone beyond an unwillingness to enter the international anti-proliferation regime.

In the early 1960s, it actively deceived U.S. scientists inspecting its Dimona nuclear facility, building a fake control room to an underground uranium processing facility, according to "The Samson Option," an account of Israel's nuclear weapons program by Seymour M. Hersh.

Criticism rolls off

On the issue of WMD programs, international criticism has never troubled Israel. Israelis say the weapons are safe in their hands because they are not bent on destroying their neighbors. Syria and Iran, meanwhile, have sought mass-destruction weapons partly to counter Israel's, putting the region's security on a more wobbly foundation.

Israel's policy of neither confirming nor denying the existence of its arsenal has served it well, from the government's perspective. As former Prime Minister Shimon Peres has put it, "The suspicion and fog surrounding this issue are constructive."

On the one hand, the perception that it is a member of the nuclear club has provided Israel with a high level of deterrence in the Arab world. On the other hand, Israel's silence has enabled it to become the region's pre-eminent military power while avoiding a direct collision with U.S. policy on weapons proliferation. Such a collision might jeopardize portions of Israel's aid from Washington, which exceeds $3 billion annually.

This official posture of ambiguity "has enabled Israel for decades to enjoy the best of both worlds," said Shai Feldman, director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies in Tel Aviv.

Does secrecy work?

Whether the policy suits a new era and the perils that Israel faces is another matter. Does the veil around Israel's WMD undermine or encourage what the Israeli government says it wants -- a Middle East free of doomsday weapons?

In recent speeches, Israeli military officials have acknowledged that the country faces no threat on its "eastern front." Brig. Gen. Eival Giladi even boasted last month that the next time Syria and Israel clash in a war, the army will reach Damascus with the same speed that American troops drove to Baghdad last spring. 

There is widespread agreement, too, that the strategic equation of the Middle East has been transformed by Moammar Gadhafi's about-face, Saddam Hussein's ouster in Iraq and the decision by Iran's 

[CTRL] Israeli Ambassador Nabbed Vandalising Art In Museum

2004-01-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Saturday January 17, 10:17 PM 

Israeli ambassador kicked out of Swedish museum after vandalizing art

Israel's ambassador to Sweden was kicked out of Stockholm's Museum of National Antiquities after he destroyed an artwork featuring a picture of a Palestinian suicide bomber, the artists said.

The incident, widely reported in the Swedish media, occurred at the opening on Friday of the "Making Differences" exhibit, part of an upcoming international conference on genocide hosted by the Swedish government and in which Israel is scheduled to participate.

Sweden's foreign ministry said Saturday it would summon ambassador Zvi Mazel to a meeting to explain himself.

"We will contact him on Monday to arrange a meeting. We want to give him a chance to explain himself. We feel that it is unacceptable for him to destroy art in this way," ministry spokeswoman Anna Larsson told AFP.

The art installation, called Snow White and located in the museum's courtyard, featured a basin filled with red water, designed to look like blood.

A sailboat with the name Snow White floated on the water, and placed like a sail was a photo of a smiling Hanadi Jaradat, the female lawyer who blew herself up in the Haifa suicide bombing attack in October which killed 21 Israelis.

"For me it was intolerable and an insult to the families of the victims. As ambassador to Israel I could not remain indifferent to such an obscene misrepresentation of reality," the ambassador told Swedish news agency TT.

According to museum director Kristian Berg, the ambassador went berserk in front of the 400 specially-invited guests when he saw the piece.

"He pulled out the plugs and threw one of the spotlights into the fountain which caused the entire installation to short-circuit and made it totally life-threatening," he told TT.

One of the two artists who created the work, Israeli-born Dror Feiler, told AFP the ambassador was "totally unreasonable and undiplomatic" and would not listen to his explanations.

"He said he was ashamed that I was a Jew," Feiler said. "We see this as an offensive assault on our right to express our thoughts and feelings."

The other artist, Feiler's Swedish wife Gunilla Skoeld Feiler, told daily Expressen that the work was "not a glorification of the suicide bomber."

"I wanted to show how incomprehensible it is that a mother-of-two, who is a lawyer no less, can do such a thing," she said.

"When I saw her picture in the paper, I thought she looked like Snow White, that's why I gave that name to the piece," she added.

Dror Feiler was to perform a piece of music but refused to do so as long as the ambassador remained at the scene.

"Ultimately we had to escort the ambassador out of the museum," museum director Berg said, adding that he did not consider the artwork to be a provocation.

"It is rather an invitation to think about why such things happen in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," he said.

The museum's artistic director, Thomas Nordanstad, said he had given the artists the go-ahead to create the piece, and had "hoped it would lead to an artistic dialogue".

The artwork was repaired and was on Saturday on view to the public, despite Israel's insistence that it be disassembled.

It was not immediately known whether the incident would affect Israel's participation at the "Stockholm International Forum -- Preventing Genocide" conference, which is to take place January 26-28.

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[CTRL] The Cost of Israel to the American People

2004-01-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Cost of Israel to the American People

by Richard Curtiss

By now many Americans are aware that Israel, with a population of only 5.8 million people, is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, and that Israels aid plus U.S. aid to Egypts 65 million people for keeping the peace with Israel has, for many years, consumed more than half of the U.S. bi-lateral foreign aid budget world-wide.

What few Americans understand however, is the steep price they pay in many other fields for the U.S.-Israeli relationship, which in turn is a product of the influence of Israels powerful U.S. lobby on American domestic politics and has nothing to do with U.S. strategic interests, U.S. national interests, or even with traditional American support for self-determination, human rights, and fair play overseas.

Besides its financial cost, unwavering U.S. support for Israel, whether its right or wrong, exacts a huge price in American prestige and credibility overseas. Further, Israels powerful U.S. lobby has been a major factor in delaying campaign finance reform, and also in the removal from American political life of some of our most distinguished public servants, members of Congress and even presidents.

Finally, the Israel-U.S. relationship has cost a significant number of American lives. The incidents in which hundreds of U.S. service personnel, diplomats, and civilians have been killed in the Middle East have been reported in the media. But the media seldom revisits these events, and scrupulously avoids analyzing why they occurred or compiling the cumulative toll of American deaths resulting from our Israel-centered Middle East policies.

Each of these four categories of the costs of Israel to the American people merits a talk of its own. What follows, therefore, is just an overview of such losses.

First is the financial cost of Israel to U.S. taxpayers. Between 1949 and 1998, the U.S. gave to Israel, with a self-declared population of 5.8 million people, more foreign aid than it gave to all of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, all of the countries of Latin America, and all of the countries of the Caribbean combined  with a total population of 1,054,000,000 people.

In the 1997 fiscal year, for example, Israel received $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, at least $525 million from other U.S. budgets, and $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the 1997 total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel was $5.5 billion. Thats $15,068,493 per day, 365 days a year.

If you add its foreign aid grants and loans, plus the approximate totals of grants to Israel from other parts of the U.S. federal budget, Israel has received since 1949 a grand total of $84.8 billion, excluding the $10 billion in U.S. government loan guarantees it has drawn to date.

And if you calculate what the U.S. has had to pay in interest to borrow this money to give to Israel, the cost of Israel to U.S. taxpayers rises to $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation.

Put another way, the nearly $14,630 every one of 5.8 million Israelis had received from the U.S. government by October 31, 1997, cost American taxpayers $23,241 per Israeli. Thats $116,205 for every Israeli family of five.

None of these figures include the private donations by Americans to Israeli charities, which initially constituted about one quarter of Israels budget, and today approach $1 billion annually. In addition to the negative effect of these donations on the U.S. balance of payments, the donors also deduct them from their U.S. income taxes, creating another large drain on the U.S. treasury.

Nor do the figures above include any of the indirect financial costs of Israel to the United States, which cannot be tallied. One example is the cost to U.S. manufacturers of the Arab boycott, surely in the billions of dollars by now. Another example is the cost to U.S. consumers of the price of petroleum, which surged to such heights that it set off a world-wide recession during the Arab oil boycott imposed in reaction to U.S. support of Israel in the 1973 war.

Other examples are a portion of the costs of maintaining large U.S. Sixth Fleet naval forces in the Mediterranean, primarily to protect Israel, and military air units at the Aviano base in Italy, not to mention the staggering costs of frequent deployments to the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf area of land and air forces from the United States and naval units from the Seventh Fleet, which normally operates in the Pacific Ocean.

Many years ago the late Undersecretary of State George Ball estimated the true financial cost of Israel to the United States at $11 billion a year. Since then direct U.S. foreign aid to Israel has nearly doubled, and simply adjusting that original figure into 1998 dollars would send it considerably higher today.

Next comes the cost of Israel to the international prestige and credibility of the United States. Americans seem constantly 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Cheney's: decades of war

2004-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Cheney's: decades of war
17.01.2004 [20:14]

In a forceful preview of the Bush administration's expansionist military
policies in this election year, Vice President Dick Cheney Wednesday painted
a grim picture of what he said was the growing threat of a catastrophic
terrorist attack in the United States and warned that the battle, like the
Cold War, could last generations.

The vice president's tone, in a major address to the Los Angeles World
Affairs Council, was sobering, unlike many other comments recently by senior
administration officials that have stressed successes in the war on
Cheney mentioned only in passing the administration's domestic policies,
while saying President Bush would present a blueprint of his domestic goals
in next Tuesday's State of the Union speech.

Cheney devoted the half-hour speech to a frightening characterization of the
war on terrorism and the new kind of mobilization he said it demanded. He
sounded the alarm about the increasing prospects of a major new terrorist
attack and the extraordinary responses that are required. While many of his
remarks echoed past comments by the president and senior officials, Cheney
struck a surprisingly dour note and suggested only an administration of
proven ability could manage the dramatic overhaul necessary for the nation's
security apparatus.

One of the legacies of this administration will be some of the most
sweeping changes in our military, and our national security strategy as it
relates to the military and force structure, and how we're based, and how we
used it in the last 50 or 60 years, probably since World War II, Cheney
said. I think the changes are that dramatic.

He also said the administration was planning to expand the military into
even more overseas bases so the United States could wage war quickly around
the globe.
Scattered in more than 50 nations, the al Qaeda network and other terrorist
groups constitute an enemy unlike any other that we have ever faced,  he
said. And as our intelligence shows, the terrorists continue plotting to
kill on an ever-larger scale, including here in the United States.

Cheney provided no details, however, of the kinds of attacks he expected.
Although the administration has been criticized by some, including most of
the Democratic candidates for president, for not doing enough to eliminate
known programs for developing weapons of mass destruction in such countries
as North Korea, Cheney said they were a priority and confronted the United
States with its gravest threat.

Again, he presented the risks of a terrorist attack involving these weapons
in stark terms.

Instead of losing thousands of lives, we might lose tens or even hundreds
of thousands of lives as the result of a single attack, or a set coordinated
of attacks, Cheney said.

While polls show that many Americans support the president's aggressive war
on terrorism, he also has many critics for the way the battle has been
waged. The president initially justified the war in Iraq by saying that
Saddam Hussein had active programs to develop chemical, biological and
nuclear weapons. The United States has yet to find evidence of such programs
since overthrowing Hussein and installing a military occupation, prompting
questions about the president's agenda and the quality of intelligence he is

In addition, an expert at the U.S. Army War College, Jeffrey Record,
recently released a 62-page analysis that concluded the war in Iraq might
have set back American efforts to stop terrorists by diverting precious
resources to a battle that will do little to prevent new attacks.

As a result, Record concluded, the war on terrorism lacks strategic
clarity, embraces unrealistic objectives and may not be sustainable 

[CTRL] Ritual abuse plea bargain, priests 36 victims, Child porn service

2004-01-17 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

This has graphic descriptions of abuse. 

Plea bargain reached in Falls ritual abuse AP Great Falls "Cascade County prosecutors have reluctantly reached a plea agreement with a man accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old boy and killing a cat in front of the boy as part of a Halloween ritual in 2001. Mark Sprague, 26, initially was charged with felony sexual assault and ritual abuse of a minor, but entered an Alford plea to misdemeanor negligent endangerment. In an Alford plea, a defendant admits only that the state has enough evidence against him to convict him at trial." http://www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?id=1display=rednews/2004/01/10/build/state/70-ritual-plea.inc   

two fwds from L Moss Sharman Court pondering liability of church and priest in sex abuse of 36 boys - Judges reserve judgment in the case of a priest who used position to exploit by Kirk Makin 1/15/04 "For 30 years, Father Kevin Bennett exploited his godlike status in rural Newfoundland to commit hundreds of sexual assaults on young boys who both feared and worshipped him. Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Canada finally heard arguments on the crucial question of whether civil damages to Father Bennett's 36 victims should be paid by the priest, the western Newfoundland diocese where he worked, and/or the worldwide Roman Catholic Church." "The court's ruling in the Newfoundland case will directly affect its exposure in 11,500 outstanding lawsuits involving aboriginal residential schools. About 60 per cent of the schools were operated by the government in concert with the Roman Catholic Church. If the church's immunity is upheld, the government would have to pick up the bill for damages in those cases." http://www.globeandmail.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20040115/PRIEST15/TPNational/Canada

15 Arrested in New Jersey in Child Pornography Inquiry 1/16/04 Newark "The operators of a global Internet child pornography service that stretched from Eastern Europe to Mount Laurel, N.J., were indicted on Thursday, and federal and state authorities arrested 15 people in New Jersey who subscribed to the service. Law enforcement agencies in New Jersey, as well as immigration and postal service officials, collaborated for more than a year on an investigation that focused on a Belarus-based company, Regpay Ltd. The authorities said Regpay operated about 50 child pornography Web sites. The company billed subscribers more than $3 million, according to the federal indictment unsealed Thursday. Investigators traced the billings to 15 people in New Jersey who were charged with possession and receipt of child pornography. They include a retired Presbyterian priest, a campus chaplain, a family physician and three convicted sex offenders." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/16/nyregion/16porn.html?pagewanted=3Dall
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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