[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Is America safer? Pulitzer Prize-winning author examines how U.S. got from 9/11 to the war in Iraq

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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Is America safer? Pulitzer Prize-winning author examines how U.S. got from
9/11 to the war in Iraq
Seymour Hersh

Sept. 12, 2004 - It’s been three years since the Sept. 11 attacks, and
Americans observed the anniversary with memorials, prayers and debate. Is
the country any safer today from the threat of terrorism than it was then?
Did President Bush do the right thing in launching a war against Iraq, and
was it worth the price? Author Seymour Hersh doesn't think so. He believes
that somewhere over the past three years the Bush administration took a very
wrong turn. In his new book, "Chain of Command," he tells the story of a top
secret intelligence unit that he says answers directly to the highest levels
of the Pentagon and how its early successes led to shameful excesses that
dealt a serious blow to America's war on terror. Read an excerpt below:

In May 2004, at the height of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, a senior
political Republican Party operative was given the reassuring word that Vice
President Dick Cheney had taken charge, with his usual directness. The
operative learned that Cheney had telephoned Donald Rumsfeld with a simple
message: No resignations. We’re going to hunker down and tough it out.

Cheney’s concern was not national security. This was a political call—a
reminder that the White House would seize control of every crisis that could
affect the re-election of George Bush. The Abu Ghraib revelations, if left
unchecked, could provoke more public doubt about the wisdom of the war in
Iraq, and about the sometimes brutal intelligence operations that were used
to wage it. The White House and Pentagon also would have to work together to
prevent Congress and the press from unraveling an incendiary secret—that
undercover members of an intelligence unit that operated in secret in the
name of every American had been at Abu Ghraib. The senior leadership in the
White House has been aware since January of the mess at Abu Ghraib, and,
more importantly, of the fact that photographs and videotapes existed, and
might someday reach the public. As we have seen, the military chain of
command had ignored the possibility of higherup involvement and moved
quickly to prosecute the military police who had committed the acts—“the
kids at the end of the food chain,” as a former senior intelligence official
put it: “We’ve got some hillbilly kids out of control.”

The perception persists that this was Rumsfeld’s war, and that it was his
assertiveness and his toughness that sometimes led to the bombing of the
wrong target or the arrest of innocents. But Cheney’s involvement in trying
to conceal the import of Abu Ghraib was not unusual; it was a sign of the
teamwork at the top. George Bush talked about “smoking them out of their
holes” and wanting them “dead or alive,” and Rumsfeld was the one who set up
the mechanism to get it done. The defense secretary would hold the difficult
news conferences and take the heat in public, as he did about Abu Ghraib,
but the President and Vice President had been in it, and with him, all the
way. Rumsfeld handled the dirty work and kept the secrets, but he and the
two White House leaders were a team.

There is so much about this presidency that we don’t know, and may never
learn. Some of the most important questions are not even being asked. How
did they do it? How did eight or nine neoconservatives who believed that a
war in Iraq was the answer to international terrorism get their way? How did
they redirect the government and rearrange long-standing American priorities
and policies with so much ease? How did they overcome the bureaucracy,
intimidate the press, mislead the Congress, and dominate the military? Is
our democracy that fragile? I have tried, in this book, to describe some of
the mechanism

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's Bloody Flip-Flop

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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George W. Bush and his White House advisers overruled the judgment of the U.S. Marine 
commander in Iraq last April, ordering him to launch a retaliatory assault on 
Fallujah. Three days later, the Bush administration reversed course, pulling the 
Marines back and ceding control to the insurgents. By then, however, six Marines and 
scores of Iraqi civilians were dead.

For the full story on Bush's bloody flip-flop, go to Consortiumnews.com at 

Also, orders can now be made through the publisher for Robert Parry's new book, 
"Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq." To pre-order 
the book, click on New Book at the Consortiumnews.com's Home Page.

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[CTRL] Priests charged with child abuse being sheltered in Rome, ritual abuse

2004-09-13 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Priests charged with child abuse being sheltered in Rome 9/13/04 "SOME Roman Catholic religious orders have been sheltering priests in Rome despite claims that the men sexually abused children, it was reported yesterday. Of the seven accused priests located by the Dallas Morning News, one has been indicted in Arizona, but refuses to return to face the charges. Two others had admitted to abuse years ago, but now face additional claims." "The newspaper identified the men as part of an investigation that found more than 200 priests accused of abuse have been moved from country to country. Nearly half of the cases involved priests who tried to elude law enforcement, the newspaper said." http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1072822004

This page describes crimes - The purpose of ritual elements of the abuse seems threefold: 1.) rituals in some groups are part of a shared belief or worship system. 2.) rituals are used to intimidate victims into silence. 3.) ritual elements (devil worship, animal or human sacrifice) seem so unbelievable to those unfamiliar with these crimes that these elements detract from the credibility of the victims and make prosecution of the crimes very difficult." http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=ritual%20abuse
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[CTRL] It's the investors stupid_PNAC Petrol NAZIs Behind 911

2004-09-13 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 19:12:11 -0500 (CDT)From: Raleigh Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: It's the investors stupid_PNAC Petrol NAZIs Behind 911To: undisclosed-recipients:;Ra Energy Fdn.Raleigh MyersWorksheet biohttp://www.igc.apc.org/raenergy/bio.html It's the investors stupid_PNAC Petrol NAZIs Behind 911It's the investors stupid. The CIA the (Corpratist's Invisible Army) Al CIAdah etc.http://raenergy.igc.org/invst.html PNAC Petrol NAZIs Behind 911http://raenergy.igc.org/geopolitical.html Blog 20 year http://groups.google.com/groups?q=raenergy&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d SING
 THE VOTEhttp://atomfilms.shockwave.com/contentPlay/shockwave.jsp?id=this_land&preplay=1&ratingBar=off DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in song is the first step to a fascism free planet"THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND, THIS LAND IS MY LAND, THIS LAND IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME"IMAGINE: WE are children of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; WE ALL have a right to be hereSTART SINGING THE PLANET'S ANTHEM AT ALL EVENTS TO SHOW HOW "WE" HAVE ALREADY VOTED.This would get some air time if we did it at GOP campaign events even in congress this Summer and fall and beyond after all it is the anthem of the Age of Aquarius no. We suggested that "THIS LAND" be the Global Village Planetary anthem at Woodies celebration in San Francisco at the Geary Theater in 1967. It was seconded by three ambassadors and has become
 the second third fourth etc. anthems to many countries.FOLKSAY(people say)  has become Our defacto Global Village Planetary anthem and in essence we voted for citizen empowerment as we sung it. Now let's get it officially on record by singing it everywhere as direct democracy.THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is the reality at hand! The children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek taking their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy.Ra Energy Fdn.Raleigh Myershttp://raenergy.igc.org/raenergy.html Worksheet biohttp://www.igc.apc.org/raenergy/bio.html Newsgroups beginning in the eightiesCall to Action bloghttp://www.google.com/search?q=Global+Vote+raenergy&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&filter=02Eigc%2Eorg%2Faction%2Ehtml "Raleigh Myers" webhttp://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22Raleigh+Myers%22 "Raleigh Myers" groups sort by date alsohttp://groups.google.com/groups?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22Raleigh+Myers%22 raenergy webhttp://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=raenergy raenergy groups sort by date alsohttp://groups.google.com/groups?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=raenergy 
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Re: [CTRL] 911 and Global Hawk

2004-09-13 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-


9-11: Carl Max HammondPosted by: souljah on Jan 16, 2003 - 02:10 AM

 Carl Max Hammond Jr, 37, a magnetospheric physicist from Sunnyvale, California, was on a hijacked airliner that crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. He worked for Mitre Corp in Boston. http://www.physicstoday.org/pt/vol-54/iss-11/p10.html~The following is taken from Hammond, 37, was a passenger on board the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 1, 2001.
 He worked for a technology research firm in Boston. Mr. Hammond earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Georgia Tech and a doctorate in physics from UCLA. He had begun work at MIT Research in Boston in January. He is survived by his parents. See Georgia Tech, DARPA, and Global Hawk See MIT, Lincoln Laboratories, and Mitre Corp.
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Re: [CTRL] Judy Andreas: An Evening in Pursuit of the Truth/Eastman's and Webfraudy's ghosts of cointelpro

2004-09-13 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-

"The photograph reveals a crucial piece of evidence, which if positively identified could help prove what kind of aircraft hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001."Please see Industry Experts Can’t Explain Pentagon Photo Evidence
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[CTRL] BBC Expose of Skull and Bones

2004-09-13 Thread Daniel Mio
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BBC Expose of Skull and Bones

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[CTRL] Fw: [ENWL-eng] QUERY - Hurricanes: Is scalar electromagnetics being used?

2004-09-13 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:51 PM
Subject: [ENWL-eng] QUERY - Hurricanes: Is scalar electromagnetics being

> Vancouver Independent Media Centre
> Original article is at
> http://vancouver.indymedia.org/news/2004/09/161025.p
> hp
> QUERY - Hurricanes: Is scalar electromagnetics
> being used?
> by ecologynews.com =95 Sunday September 12, 2004 at
> 08:40 PM
> QUERY - Hurricanes: Is scalar
> electromagnetics being used?
> http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenewsdes
> k.html What is your opinion?
> QUERY - Hurricanes: Is scalar electromagnetics being used?
> http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenewsdesk.html
> What is your opinion?
> Here are some comments:
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Charley - Scalar
> Electromagnetics Used?
> By Michael Edward
> World Vision Portal.org
> 8-30-4
> First, a brief background regarding Scalar Electromagnetics
> and how
> they effect weather and the human mind.
> The key discovery made by Tesla in the late 1800,s was that
> the
> earth itself reverberated with a pulsing electrical current in the
> low ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) range. Tesla had also
> discovered
> the exact frequency at which the earth normally pulsates.
> These
> natural waves are created as a result of electrical activity in the
> atmosphere. Collectively, these waves are called The
> Schumann
> Resonance. These are quasi-standing [SCALAR] ELF waves
> that
> naturally exist in the earth's electromagnetic cavity, the space
> between the ground and the Ionosphere.
> By causing many towers [HAARP, GWEN, etc.] to pulse with
> the exact
> ELF frequency of the normal earth pulsation, scientists have
> learned
> how to not only create, but also how to maneuver and direct
> storms.
> Tesla,s discovery can duplicate almost every single phenomena
> of
> nature, from cyclones to tornados; and now, with Solar Power
> Satellites used in conjunction with land based towers, weather
> Control is just that simple.
> GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitter
> towers bathe the
> entire U.S. in an artificial magnetic field which can rise from
> the
> ground to 500 ft, but also goes down into the ground as deep
> as a
> normal basement. Everyone can be affected and mind-
> controlled. This
> entire artificial ground wave spreads out over North America
> like a
> spider,s web.
> The natural earth ELF waves are identical to the frequency
> spectrum
> of our human brainwaves, and it has been proven that the use
> of an
> ELF bombardment - at the same frequency as the human brain
> - can
> change a person's thoughts or emotions. In the early 1960,s,
> Dr
> Andrija Puharich discovered various mental effects of ELF,
> specifically that 7.83 Hz (the earth's pulse rate) made a person
> feel good, producing an altered-state; that 10.80 Hz caused
> riotous
> behavior; and that 6.6 Hz caused depression. It has since been
> discovered that 10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state.
> In speaking with everyone I can who survived the direct path
> of
> Hurricane Charley, I have begun to see a definite pattern in
> their
> stories. At first, it appeared that this was the effect of rapid
> barometric pressure changes that accompany powerful
> hurricanes. But
> people were not just describing the pressure they felt in their
> ears
> or the other physical signs of rapid pressure changes. Rather,
> they
> were describing extreme mental and mood changes they could
> not
> control.
> About an hour before the center of Hurricane Charley passed
> over,
> survivors have described how they became very tired,
> depressed, and
> lethargic. While an approaching hurricane would depress just
> about
> anyone anticipating its arrival, the depression every survivor
> has
> described was not the anxiety depression such anticipation
> would
> typically invoke. This was an overall mental and physical
> depression
> that even affected them with general body aches and a
> widespread
> feeling of non-wellbeing. Almost all said it was as if they were
> drugged with a pain killer, but without the "goofy side effects.
> They could do the things they needed to do, such as get
> mattresses
> into their bathrooms to huddle under, but their thinking
> seemed "surreal.
> When the eye passed over, they described feeling "numbed,
> both
> mentally and physically. While a few took a look outside to see
> if
> it was all over, most said they just didn,t have a thought to do
> anything other than sleep and not move an inch from where
> they were.
> When the backside of Charley came, the same numbness as in
> the
> beginning again overwhelmed them. But what is most
> interesting is
> what they all described after Charley had finished its fury, from
> 1
> to 3 hours later. Stupor, hypnotized, trance, under a spell, and
> zombie were the most common descriptions. Even though

[CTRL] Fw: [IAC] Letter to Pres. Slobodan Milosevic

2004-09-13 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: [IAC] Letter to Pres. Slobodan Milosevic

> President Slobodan Milosevic
> 12 September 2004
> Dear President Milosevic,
> We, the undersigned, are outraged by the decision of the
> Hague Tribunal
> (ICTY) to impose counsel on you against your will and to
> deprive you of your lawful
> and fundamental right to self-defense. Although we
> previously had agreed to
> testify in your defense, under these conditions we cannot
> and will not
> participate as witnesses in these proceedings.
> Not only does the Tribunal's decision violate basic legal
> and ethical norms,
> it brazenly disregards its own rules. Under Article 21,
> paragraph 4 of the
> Statute of the ICTY, a defendant is entitled to certain
> "minimum guarantees,"
> including the right "to defend himself in person or though
> legal assistance of
> his own choosing." The Statute furthermore states that a
> trial should be
> conducted "with full respect for the rights of the
> accused." We can only comment
> that our understanding of the word "guarantee" evidently
> differs markedly from
> that of the Court's.
> We can assure you that we remain ready and willing to
> appear as witnesses in
> the event that your right to self defense is restored to
> you and you choose to
> invite us. We stand united in our belief that the charges
> against you are
> false and that they represent a continuation of the war
> against Yugoslavia and
> the Serbian people by the U.S. and its NATO allies. We are
> sending a copy of
> this letter to the court to inform them of our decision.
> Signed,
> Gregory Elich
> Sara Flounders
> Barry Lituchy
> Michael Parenti
> cc.: ICTY Registry, The Hague
> Iraq War Crimes Tribunal
> Thursday, August 26
> call 212-633-6646 for more information
> http://www.PeopleJudgeBush.org for more information
> Contribute to the War Crimes Tribunal:
> http://www.PeopleJudgeBush.org/donate.shtml
> The International Action Center
> http://www.iacenter.org
> ___
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> Send an email request to:
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> Subscribing and unsubscribing can also be done on the Web at
> http://www.organizerweb.com/mailman/listinfo/actioncenter.balkan

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[CTRL] Fwd: Judy Andreas: An Evening in Pursuit of the Truth/Eastman's and Webfraudy's ghosts of cointelpro

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/13/04 7:56:40 AM, :

Another dynamic presenter was Dave Von Kleist who showed a portion of his film "9/11 in Plane Site." Through the use of actual television news footage and eye witness testimony, Mr. Von Kleist presented a most compelling argument disputing the official story on many fronts. Why is there no wreckage or crater from Flight 77 on the lawn of the Pentagon and how does a plane 125 ft wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft across. Von Kleist's footage showed a "pod" attached to the bottom of "Flight 175" and questioned the reason for its presence. Why did an eye witness report seeing no windows on Flight 175 a commercial United Airlines jetliner? Why were there dozens of reports of bombs and explosions going off around the World Trade Center before any buildings collapsed? These are just a few of the myriad questions asked in Mr. Von Kleists remarkable documentary, a film that should replace Michael Moore's meager attempt.


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-Caveat Lector-
Judy Andreas: An Evening in Pursuit of the TruthSunday September 12th at 10:18 AM
http://www.rightiswrong.com/leftout.phpWords cannot express what an inspiring, exciting event I attended on September 11, 2004 in New York City. It was called Confronting the Evidence: 911 and the Search for Truth. My friends and I arrived at the Manhattan Center at 7:00, a full hour before the program. The streets were already full. The Manhattan Center must hold 1000 people and yet there were additional hundreds outside hoping for cancellations. This was a very good sign. Recently a Zogby poll stated that over 40% of New Yorkers do not believe the official story of the events that transpired on September 11, 2001. Several people believe that the 9/11 Commission should have been re-titled the 9/11 Omission as it was nothing more than a whitewash.The evening was hosted by Ed Begley Jr and co-hosted by Jamey Hecht.The presenters included such notables as Jenna Orkin, World Trade Center Environmental Organization, Kristina Borjesson, author of Into the Buzzsaw, Dr. Robert Bowman, USAF Colonel (retired) president, Institute for Space and Security Studies, Paul Thompson, author of The Terror Timeline, Christopher Scheer, journalist, Los Angeles Times, John Prados, journalist, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Karl Schwarz, chief executive of Global Axxess, Jeff King, M.S, physician and engineer, Webster Tarpley author of The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush (Sr.) , Christopher Bollyn, The American Free Press, Tom Gordon, 9/11 Science and Justice Alliance, David Von Kleist, host of The Power Hour and director of the film "911 In Plane Site" and Barrie Zwicker, filmmaker, "The Great Conspiracy" The evening began with a brief but heart wrenching film called A Tribute to the Fallen by Mike Berger.Next, Jenna Orkin, for the World Trade Center Environmental Organization, talked about the cover-up of the air poisoning at Ground Zero.the asbestos, mercury and lead that had been rele
ased into the air. The EPA lied to the American people and told them that the air was safe to breathe, even allowing the White House to edit their press releases. And since then, over half of our heroes have begun manifesting respiratory problems. There are firefighters who can no longer work and, as a preview of what's in store for us, 14 rescue dogs have died.The Bush administration was more concerned with opening Wall Street then with the safety of the first responders and the American People.A segment from

[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. refuses to rule out Iran attack

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
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-Caveat Lector-

Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government September 12, 
2004 http://www.legitgov.org/ 

refuses to rule out Iran attack --The United States is 
determined to stop Iran getting atomic weapons, and has signalled Washington 
will not rule out an attack if peaceful diplomacy failed to achieve this. 

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pls. write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED], and 
I can add your name to the roster) lrp/mdr/CLG 
CLG Newsletter editor: 
Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright © 2004, Citizens For 
Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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Re: [CTRL] Authenticity backed on Bush documents

2004-09-13 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

Sorry, but the odds are at least 95 percent these docs are phony. Here's

In 1977 and 1978 I had the privilege of typing many U.S. Army documents on
the typewriters used at the time. For the past 25 years I have formed a very
intimate relationship with the history, use and format of fonts. Most people
go blank when I try to explain exactly how they are designed and spaced.
There is little chance proportional fonts were used. Superscript may have
been possible on IBM Selectric, but my unit (infantry headquarters company)
did not have them.

Second, even at my level, if my CO had seen terms like "sugar-coat" or "CYA"
in ANY written record, his response would have been "shitcan this and do it
right." With a few more 4-letter words thrown in for emphasis. Even the
greenest, dumbest Lts. I knew would have known better than to use such
terminology. Those terms may be commonly used verbally but NEVER for a
written public record. That would be pure stupidity.

Authenticity backed on Bush documents

By Francie Latour and Michael Rezendes,
Globe Staff
September 11, 2004

After CBS News on Wednesday trumpeted newly discovered documents
referred to a 1973 effort to ''sugar coat" President Bush's service
in the Texas Air National Guard, the network almost immediately
charges that the documents were forgeries, with typography that was
available on typewriters used at that time.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Saudis sued for 'aiding al-Qaeda'

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Saudis sued for 'aiding al-Qaeda'
By Phillip Coorey in New York
September 12, 2004

AS Americans came together to remember the third anniversary of the
September 11 attacks yesterday, two companies that lost more than 730
workers in the terrorist strikes filed a billion lawsuit accusing Saudi
Arabia of providing financial aid to al-Qaeda.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the World Trade
Centre site and lost 84 employees, joined a lawsuit filed by Cantor
Fitzgerald, an investment firm, which lost more than 650 workers in the

The lawsuit accused the Saudi Government of participating directly or
indirectly in al-Qaeda activities, through charities and relief groups with
ties to the terrorist network.

"We have a responsibility to the millions of people who live and work in the
region, as well as to our bondholders, to pursue every legal avenue to
recover the losses we sustained on September 11," the Port Authority said in
a statement.

Any legal action had to be launched within three years of the attack and it
was filed in Manhattan's US District Court on the eve of a Ground Zero
ceremony that began with a moment of silence at 8.46am local time - 10.46
last night (AEST) - the precise time the hijacked American Airlines Flight
11 slammed into the north tower.

As is now tradition, about 200 bereaved parents and grandparents read the
names of the 2749 people murdered here by al-Qaeda terrorists.

The ceremony paused three more times - at 9.03am, when United Airlines
Flight 175 hit the south tower, and 9.59am and 10.29am, when the towers

At dusk, the twin beams of blue light shot into the sky as a tribute to
those lost and a symbol of defiance. Among those reading names was Sydney
couple Jack and Rae Tompsett, whose son Stephen, 39, died in the north

"And our son, Stephen Kevin Tompsett," they concluded, after reading the
names of two dozen other victims.

Stephen's wife, Dorry, and daughter Emily joined grieving relatives on a
ramp down to Ground Zero, now a construction site, to lay flowers.

In Washington DC, President George W.Bush attended church while Defence
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld laid a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery.

On Friday, Mr Rumsfeld urged Americans to remain steadfast, warning it would
be a long, Cold War-like struggle against Muslim extremists.

He said people should expect to live in a world of violence, made more
dangerous by the availability of lethal weapons.

"This is more like the Cold War," he told the National Press Club. "This is
something that's going to take time. It's going to take perseverance. People
are going to have to be steadfast."

The Sunday Telegraph

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by Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy News
for OSINT purposes - it should be a serious reason (particularly to
journalists and web publishers) to think twice before using it for their
story writing, further publishing

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Re: Google is dying: Death by a billion cuts

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

 Google is
dying: Death by a billion cuts

 by Daniel Brandt

September 10, 2004 
On sites with more than a few thousand pages,
Google is not indexing anywhere from ten percent to seventy percent of
the pages it knows about.

Bob> Google is dead already.

BigBro has no need to fear that small sites will teach history or
hyperlink annotate analyze news in real time.

...but only five pages for Cuba, a FAR more popular search term, making
   difficult for Cubans to learn Real Cuban History
 ...only one hit for Porter Goss doesn't teach much Real Cuban History!

...FIVE hits on "heroin" in 70,000 page cia-drugs archives!
...18 hits for "CIA" found in 70,000 page cia-drugs archive!
...one hit but that page has nothing to do with Phoenix Program history!

...67 pages is about right for Hamilton (good guy)
...but 185 Ervin (bad guy) hits sounds a bit unfair to Hamilton!

...Hint: eric44 and webfairy do relatively well

...uh-huh, "small world", I mean REALLY small




replace "phoenix" with your favorite unfound word, complain--

Rocky Ward wrote:

is dying: Death by a billion cuts
Daniel Brandt
September 10, 2004 
  On sites with more than a few thousand
pages, Google is not indexing anywhere from ten percent to seventy
percent of the pages it knows about. These pages show up in Google's
main index as a listing of the URL, which means that the Googlebot is
aware of the page. But they do not show up as an indexed page. When the
page is listed but not indexed, the only way to find it in a search is
if your search terms hit on words in the URL itself. Even if they do
hit, these listed pages rank so poorly compared to indexed pages, that
they are almost invisible. This is true even though the listed pages
still retain their usual PageRank. 
  I have been complaining about this since
April 2003, and it has become more visible in 2004. There is no method
to Google's madness, which is another way of saying that this
phenomenon is not characteristic of any particular type of site. It is
happening across the entire landscape of large sites. I find it on
www.johnkerry.com, on searchenginewatch.com, and dozens of other large
sites I checked. Our own site, www.namebase.org, is a clean example of
this, and I will use it to show how to do searches that expose this
  You have to know what to look for and how to
look for it... 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Scores killed in blasts, firefights in Baghdad as leading al Qaeda activist says US forces ''humiliated''

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Scores killed in blasts, firefights in Baghdad as leading al Qaeda activist
says US forces ''humiliated''
12-09-2004, 09:44

Huge blasts rocked central Baghdad early Sunday, and fighting erupted on a
major street in the heart of the city near the U.S.-guarded Green Zone, in
violence that killed at least 17 Iraqis, according to the U.S. army and

According to The AP, rocket and mortar fire erupted about 5:30 a.m. and
continued into the morning. Several rounds hit the Green Zone. U.S. soldiers
took positions behind walls and trees along Haifa Street.

AFP, quoting U.S. sources, said the fighting erupted after a car bomb
exploded on Haifa street.

An American Bradley fighting vehicle caught fire and Iraqi children climbed
on top, cheering and dancing beside the flames after the Americans left. A
military spokesman said the Bradley was apparently hit by a roadside bomb.
Four troops were slightly wounded, he conveyed.

Shortly later, two US helicopters launched missiles and heavy machine-gun
fire at the celebrating crowd. The US strike left at least five corpses
scattered on the ground and 45 injured, according to AFP.

The Iraqi health ministry confirmed the death toll and said another 45
people were wounded in the fighting between the Americans and Iraqi
resistance fighters.

One of those killed in the Baghdad violence was a Palestinian who worked as
a producer for Dubai-based Arabic channel Arabiya and for Saudi channel
Ikhbariya, Arabiya and friends said. Witnesses said the young man was shot
by U.S. helicopter fire as his crew filmed.

Also in the Iraqi capital, an Iraqi police colonel from the interior
ministry died in a car bombing on his way to work in the western Baghdad
neighborhood of Amariya, a ministry spokesman told AFP. Another policeman
and a 12-year-old boy were also killed in the blast.

Also in western Baghdad, gunmen attacked a police patrol, killing one
policeman, the Interior Ministry said.

A second car bomb went off outside Abu Ghraib prison west of Baghdad,
injuring at least three people, Reuters reported. Officials said the two
attacks may have been suicide bombing attacks.

The early-morning explosions followed a late-night barrage that rattled the
capital. Three or four projectiles slammed into apartment buildings across
the street from the Palestine and Sheraton hotels, where many international
journalists are based.

Col. Adnan Abdul-Rahman, an Interior Ministry official, said there were no
reports of casualties.

Meanwhile, an audiotape purportedly by leading al Qaeda activist in Iraq Abu
Musab al-Zarqawi, boasted that Jihad warriors have humiliated the U.S.-led
occupation in Iraq.

In Saturday's audiotape, the speaker noted recent battles between American
forces and militiamen in the holy city of Najaf.

"The holy warriors made the international coalition taste humiliation ...
lessons from which they still are burning," the speaker said. (Albawaba.com)

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 SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to
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 Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
"reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation colle

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] "The personalities of the terrorists prove participation of the FSB (A. Litvinenko)

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Norbert Strade

Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:26 PM
Subject: CP: "The personalities of the terrorists prove
participation of the FSB (A. Litvinenko)
ChechenpressA. Litvinenko: "The personalities of the
terrorists prove 100% theparticipation of the FSB in the seizure of the
school in Beslan"In connection with the extremely intricate and
incomprehensiblesituation with the personalities of the people who
participated in thehostage-taking in Beslan, the correspondent of the
"Chechenpress" agencyturned to a specialist for an explanation. The
questions are answered byformer Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB, Aleksandr
Litvinenko.Question: Aleksandr, could you please explain to our readers
how itcould happen that the persons who seized the hostages had
previouslybeen in the hands of the FSB, and how all of them managed to be
freedsimultaneously and to organize and conduct such an
action?Answer: According to the internal orders which regulate the
operationalsecret service activity of the organs of the FSB of the
RussianFederation, for persons who have been arrested on suspicion of
theirparticipation in illegal armed units, organized criminal
associationswhich repeatedly used dangerous forms of violence and terrorism,
a fileof operative work progress is opened (a so-called file of
operationalcontrol or development, and if more than two people are suspected
ofcriminal activity, a file is opened for the group). During the work
onthe mentioned case, measures are taken for the operational tracking
ofthe criminal cases, and secret measures are taken with regard to
theprisoners. I.e., they are being followed, and in this connection
theyare constantly under the control of the special services.If the
persons involved in these cases are sentenced, the cases aretransferred to
be dealt with by the subdivisions of the FSB in whosearea the object is
serving his sentence in the form of prison. Theoperational files are
continued during his stay in the prison colony,and after he has finished the
prison period and is released, they aresent to the FSB organs at his place
of residence. When the object isreleased and reliable, and checked
information has been acquired that hehas completely stopped carrying out
criminal activity, the operationalfile is reassessed into a file of
operational observation, and continuedfor about five years, as a
rule.If the criminal case is abandoned because there is no criminal
issue, orit cannot be proved, as well as on other rehabilitation grounds
(thoughthis is extremely rare), the operative subdivision, as a rule,
continuesfor some time with the control or observation of the object while
he isfree, and it isn't stopped until confirmation is obtained that he
hascompletely ended his criminal activity.Additionally, there are
frequent cases when people who are arrested forinsignificant crimes are
controlled or dealt with like persons suspectedof more grave crimes. The
operational measures of the FSB with respectto the objects are stopped in
the following cases: no confirmation thatthe person has been engaged in
criminal activity; the person foregoescriminal activity; death; reaching the
age of 70 for men and 65 forwomen, and also in connection with their
recruiting into the secretservice apparatus of the RF FSB (then agency files
are opened on them).If we examine the case of those who have been
tracked down in thehostage-taking in Beslan town, and the fact that they
proved to havebeen free after their arrest by FSB organs and that they
committed thehostage-taking after that, then I am absolutely sure that they
couldn'thave left their prisons under any circumstances, without having
comeinto the view of the FSB. Especially if we consider the fact that
theywere categorized in their criminal cases as act

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Oliver North offers faith-filled vision in time of war

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

North offers faith-filled vision in time of warBY KATIE HEPBURNAVALANCHE-JOURNAL
Facing a full house at the Lubbock Municipal Audi torium, Oliver North delivered a message Sunday night designed to inspire faith in U.S. troops, faith in their Iraq mission and faith in God.
North, a former Marine colonel who also served in the National Security Council during Ronald Reagan's administration, was the featured speaker at "Faith & Freedom: Celebrating America's freedom with a message of hope." The event raised funds for My Father's House Living and Learning Center.


Robin O'Shaughnessy / A-J Photo 

Oliver North speaks Sunday at a Faith & Freedom rally at Lubbock Municipal Auditorium. Proceeds from the event benefit My Father's House Living and Learning Center. Currently, North hosts Fox News Channel's "War Stories."
North began his message by drawing parallels between the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
"We saw the nation rallying together to fight a desperate enemy" in which victory was crucial for the United States' future, he said. "But unlike the war that my dad fought in, America has not pulled together like they did then."
North questioned those who criticize the length of time ongoing Operation Iraqi Freedom has taken, wondering what would have happened if dissenters called for Dwight Eisenhower's resignation during World War II because the war took too long to win.
North also sought to dispel notions that the U.S. military is filled with soldiers who could not do anything better with their lives. North said he has spent extensive time with soldiers in Iraq gathering information for his TV show and said "they are truly a remarkable group of young Americans."
"I hate war, but I love warriors," he said.
North shared a piece of wisdom a Marine gave him after witnessing the combat death of his gunnery sergeant, who North saw pray with his troops the day before.
"My gunny was a hero, not for the way he died, but for the way he lived,' " North quoted the Marine as saying.

Oliver North
• Served 22 years as a U.S. Marine, receiving the Silver Star, Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.
• Speaker and author. His books, including two novels, were international bestsellers.
• Host of "War Stories" on Fox News Channel.
• Founder of Freedom Alliance, a foundation that provides scholarships for the sons and daughters of service members killed in action.
• Served in National Security Council Staff in the Reagan administration and was a central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal.
"That's what makes us so different from the other side," North said. He said the Bible shares words of love, while terrorists quote words of hatred.
"It's not about how to die; it's about how to live," he said. "Because in (the Bible), all the dying took place 2000 years ago on a hill called Calvary."
North said the troops he has encountered in Iraq steadfastly turn to the Bible in the face of daily perils.
"Stand by, because the warriors are coming home, and they're not afraid to say that that's their savior," North said, referring to Jesus.
North also showed uncensored footage his cameraman took of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines in combat Aug. 21 to show the audience the Marines' courage as they carried out their mission with precision. In addition, he showed slides of soldiers in everyday contact with the Iraqis, extolling the troops' compassion.
Brad Jurkovich, former senior pastor at Southcrest Baptist Church, was instrumental in bringing North to speak at the event.
"What I heard from this man was a message of hope," he told the audience before North took the stage, "and I thank God for a champion who can communicate that message."
Southcrest's Celebration Choir sang


2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

 Alice Through the Looking Glass
 âI canât believe that!â said Alice. âCanât you?â the Queen said in a pitying tone. âTry again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.â Alice laughed. âThereâs no use trying,â she said. âOne canât believe impossible things.â âI dare say you havenât had much practice,â said the Queen. âWhen I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes Iâve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.â The chapter âWhich Dreamed Itâ in Alice Through the Looking Glass has sexual programming, the Red Queen is purring. The story where Walruses make believe it is oysters is used for programming. Other sexual programming occurs in the chapter âItâs my own inventionâ where the Knight In Crimson (& White) Armor are prisoners which dual for her. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum is used for S&M programming, which has a hand signal involving rotating the thumbs of a clasp hand. Alters go through the looking glass, and fall down an oak tree by falling into a deeper and deeper trance. Monarch programming is a reflection of how Satanâs mind works. Lewis Carrollâs bQok with its inversion themes fits in with this type of thinking. Lewis Carroll loved the humor of logical contradictions. In the book, Alice wonders if cats eat bats or bats eat cats, and she is told that to say what she means is not the same as meaning what she says. When she eats the left side of the mushroom, she grows large; the right side has the reverse effect. These changes in size are in themselves reversals. A large girl and small puppy end up to be a large puppy and a small girl. In Sylvia and Bruno, we are presented with an antigravity wool that can be placed into a parcel to make it weigh less than nothing, a watch that reverses time, a black light, and a projective plane with outside inside and inside outside. The slave learns that E-V-I-L is simply L-I-V-E backwards. In the looking glass world, the Red Queen knows of a hill so large that compared to it the hill in question is a valley. Also she knows of dry biscuits which quench thirst, a messenger who whispers by shouting, and Alice who runs as fast as she can to stay in one place. (Sometimes it seems we really do have to run fast to stay in place.) The King of Hearts thinks its not unusual to write letters to nobody, and the White King compliments Alice on having keen enough eyesight to see nobody at a great distance down the road. Can you see why this book was so good to program us? In the book Through the Looking Glass all asymmetrical objects (that means all objects which canât be superimposed on their mirrored image) âgo the other way.â There are left-right reversals. Tweedledee and Tweedledum are mirror image twins. The White Knight sings about squeezing his right foot into a left shoe, and there are several mentions of corkscrews. A Helix (a corkscrew) is an asymmetric structure with distinct left and right forms. The bookâs type of thinking was extended beyond asymmetrical objects to asymmetrical relations of all types. For example, Alice walks backward, in the railway carriage the guard tells her she is traveling the wrong way. The king has two messengers, âone to come and one to go.â The White Queen explains the advantages of living backward in time, the looking glass cake is handed around first, then sliced. Odd and even numbers, which are equivalent to left and right or on and off are worked into the story at several points. For instance, the White Queen requests jam every other day. Going through the looking glass takes us to a world where the ordinary world is turned upside down and backward. Things go every which way except the way they are supposed to go. Anti-matter is a mirror image. Anti-matter milk will explode Alice, but an Anti-matter Alice on the other side of the looking glass can drink the anti-matter milk. In Chapter 11 Alice captures the Red Queen. It results in a legitimate checkmate of the Red King, who has slept through the entire live size chess game without moving. The checkmate ends the dream, but leaves open in the story the question of whether the dream was Aliceâs or the Red Kingâs. The programming has so often been only a dream to us. The outside world was so often just an unreal dream to us. What was real and what was not real? The real world (for other people) was full of contradictions, and the unreal world (our internal world) was consistent. Everything was upside down, forwards and backwards. In the Looking Glass book, one shuttles back and forth mysteriously between real and dream worlds. âSo, either Iâve been dreaming about life or I only dream that life is but a dream.ââ As a slave breaks away from the programming, life becomes a bewildering confusion as the slave is pulled between two worlds. The internal world has everything the alter needs, the external world is a harsh cold reality that doesnât have much to offer. People 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Microsoft Patents the TAB (we kid you not)

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Illustrates why software patents are bad.

Lynx, a text-mode web browser, has always used the up and down arrows
to navigate i.e. move the focus up and down through the links on a page.
Then the right arrow key selects like clicking on a link, and the left
key corresponds to the Back button. That model is probably the original
model, and it would be ridiculous to grant a patent to just using a
key, Tab, instead of Down Arrow!



Rocky Ward wrote:


Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit
Internet News - Sept 10, 2004
Microsoft Wins 'Tabbed Browsing' Patent
By Sean Michael Kerner 
Microsoft has been granted a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office on a process known as tabbing through a Web page in order to
find links.
Although the patent award has raised the ire of some in the open source
browser community, the implications for the widely used technique are
The patent (number 6,785,865) is officially titled "Discoverability and
navigation of hyperlinks via tabs."
Microsoft filed for the patent in March of 1997. It covers the process 
of shifting between links on a Web page using the computer's tab button.
According to the U.S. Patent office, a "user may discover and navigate 
among hyperlinks through the use of a keyboard. For example, a user may
press a tab key to discover and navigate to a first hyperlink that is
part of a hypertext document."
The abstract also said a user may also tab to a link that is actually a
placeholder for an image "in order to make a decision whether the image
should be downloaded or not."
Virtually all modern Web browsers, including Microsoft's own Internet 
Explorer and alternative browsers like KDE's Konqueror, Apple's Safari,
Netscape, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and the console browser Lynx, allow
for tabbing between links on a page.
Patent attorney Dan Ravicher, founder and executive director of the
PublicPatent Foundation (a New York-based non-profit dedicated to
busting overly broad patents), said his first question would be whether
the patent is valid. "Just because the patent office granted the patent
doesn't mean it's valid," he said.
"There are lots of reasons why a patent can be invalid, some of them
are prior art. Some of them are other issues. The process of actually 
getting the patent into court is actually really hard. Only about 1 
percent of patents end up in court," said Ravicher, who also authored
an Open Source Risk Management (OSRM) report last month 
that found Linux to have 283 non-court validated patent infringements.
Ravicher said the only way to prove the validity of a patent is to test
it in court, which can be a difficult task. "Only the patent owner can 
sue you as a way to get the patent in court. There is an exception that
says if the patent owner has threatened to sue you, you can take that
to court, but if the patent owner doesn't threaten to sue you, you
get the patent into court," said Ravicher, who is also senior counsel
the Free Software Foundation.
In response to a query from internetnews.com about how it planned to 
handle the patent, Microsoft said: "We respond to inquiries about our 
portfolio and typically have private collaborative discussions with 
companies about using our technology. Consistent with practice 
throughout our industry, we don't believe it's constructive to identify
specific products and start labelling them as infringing or 
One of the many open source browser projects that has tabbing between
links is KDE's Konqueror browser, which is also the basis of Apple's
Safari br

[CTRL] Fwd: Mossad and FBI/CIA Brainwashing Expose -

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

MOSSAD 8 [read: Mossad Hate]
[Available also on Mossad_brainwashing Yahoo Group]

Mossad and FBI/CIA Brainwashing Expose - 
Complete details of the brainwashing techniques Mossad and FBI/CIA 
are using on select innocent citizens which they want to convert to 
their murderers and thieves. No sane human would agree to undergo 
these human torturing, this mutilation of the mind, so the USA and 
Israel do it illegally and remotely on innocent law abiding civilians 
abusing all human rights with the same disregard to humanity that 
they have practiced while conducting experiments such as the MKULTRA, 
where the goal was to take a healthy human and wipe his mind clean, 
i.e. convert him or her into a vegetable. Complete details - 
linguistics electronics equipment used - are given here. This info 
can be used by any terrorist group (internal and government owned or 
foreign) to mutilate anyone they wish, including CEO's who grant 
contracts and government officials who favor major decision which may 
benefit terrorists groups such as the Israeli Mossad and its 
affiliates, increasing (Ashkenazi) Jewish control over the American 
government and economy. At the moment the Israeli Mossad is the most 
active terrorizing group using this method with the blessing of the 
FBI and CIA. (At the moment Israel is also the ONLY country in the 
entire world which allows duplicating humans, i.e. human cloning, 
just in case you were thinking of the Israelis as 'the chosen people 
of Good...'.) Please read and judge for yourself. MKULTRA happened 
and the Manchurian Candidate is not just a fantastic conspiracy 
This EXPOSE will open your eyes to techniques of SUBLIMINAL 
The information given here can be used in a positive way to help 
people with serious disorders such as anorexia; government keeps it 
secret and uses it for the sole purpose of mutilating the spirits of 
innocent law abiding citizens. 

-   How to Read This Exposé and Legend  [9/10/04]

-   The Electronic Equipment Used To Remotely Control The Mind or 
Can A Cell Phone Be Used To Influence Your CEOs & Government 
Officials [9/10/04]

-   How to Read This Exposé and Legend [9/10/04]

-   Linking Negative Meanings to Positive Words and Positive 
Meaning to Negative Words [9/10/04]

-   Second and Third Iteration of Meaning of Words

-   Prey On Each Experience and Memory [9/10/04]

-   Freeze [9/10/04]

-   Ink [9/10/04]

-   Suicide [9/10/04]

Coming Soon:


-   The Mossad Opens Its Doors

-   Background: Communist Brainwashing

-   The Mossad & 9/11 or Who Lived Next Door To Mohammad Atta

-   The Mossad & The Ecstasy Trade

-   Israeli Moving Companies and Drug Trafficking

-   Prejudice in Israel: The Unfair Advantage of Ashkenazi Jews 
Over Sepharadic Jews

-   Mossad Recruits Appearance Requirement: Aryan Look and French 

-   Russians and French in the Mossad – The Marxist that Became 

-   The Use of Helpers Such As `Hetz Vakeshet' (`Bow and Arrow' 
the Jewish Cadets Worldwide)

-   To Become an Assassin Your Personality Must Be Split

-   The Elements: You've Got Mail [9/12/04]

-   The Car Incident – It's Your Car

-   Was Pavlov Jewish? Or Pavlov and His Dogs

-   Custom License Plates and Printed T-Shirts

-   Payment Schemes – Pyramids

-   The Select Group of Jews Who are the `Immune Puppeteers' of 
the World (in their own words)

-   The Tooth Implant

-   I Have A Dream

-   Men Are Heroes Women Are Whores

-   Everything Penis, Everything Rape

-   `I Love You' Must Precede `I Rape You' [9/12/04]

-   You Can't, It's Not That: Enforcing Idling Behavior And Bad 
Habits [9/12/04]

-   Where Is Your God?

-   The Third Class Citizens or The Lower Class 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Venezuela Reacts to U.S. Sanctions for Alleged Trafficking of Women and Children

2004-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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-Caveat Lector-

http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/news.php?newsno=1362Venezuela Reacts to U.S. Sanctions for Alleged 
Trafficking of Women and ChildrenSunday, Sep 12, 2004By: 
Cleto Sojo - Venezuelanalysis.comThe United States government maintains 
a double discourse in its relationswith Venezuela, according to 
Communication and Information Minister AndresIzarra.Credit: 
VenpresCaracas, Sep 11 (Venezuelanalysis.com).- According to 
Venezuela’sCommunication and Information Minister Andres Izarra, the U.S. 
government’sdecision to impose sanctions on Venezuela because of its alleged 
role in theinternational trafficking of women and children for sexual 
exploitation,"does not help the bilateral relations reach the levels they 
should be at".Last Friday, the U.S. government decided to impose 
sanctions againstcountries that according to a U.S. State Department report 
are not doingenough to crack down on international trafficking of persons. 
The reportaccuses the Venezuelan government of allowing women and children 
to betrafficked within the country and abroad to Spain and 
Guyana.Countries such as Sudan, Cuba and North Korea, whose governments 
the U.S.opposes, are also accused of not combating human trafficking, and 
thussubject to sanctions.The U.S. sanctions would consist on voting 
against the approval of loansrequested by Venezuela. Minister Izarra 
believes the White House may blockloans requested by Venezuela to the Inter 
American Development Bank aimed atcombating poverty, totaling $250 million. 
"We don’t believe the U.S. voteagainst it will be enough to block Venezuela 
from having access to thoseloans," he said.Izarra said that the 
trafficking of women and children is not only aVenezuelan problem, but also 
of concern to countries such as Colombia, Peruand Brazil. "Venezuela’s 
Ministry of the Interior is taking measures toaddress this problem, and will 
announce the details soon," he said.The minister criticized the U.S. 
sanctions. "The United States governmentmaintains a double discourse in its 
relations with Venezuela... they willcontinue financing programs they 
describe as 'monitoring of elections' and'support for political parties' as 
part of their effort to promote democracyaround the world," Izarra said. "We 
know what those funds are really beingused for," Izarra said.Izarra 
criticized the U.S. financing of political groups which oppose thegovernment 
of Venezuela, and some of whose directors participated in thecoup d' etat of 
April 2002 against President Hugo Chavez. According todocuments obtained 
through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act published inwww.VenezuelaFOIA.info, U.S. 
government-financed institutions such as theNational Endowment for Democracy 
and USAID have given up to 10 milliondollars for the last four years to 
Venezuelan opposition political groupssuch as Sumate, which organized a 
recall referendum against Chavez.The minister highlighted President 
Chavez's recent positive statementstowards the U.S. aimed at "fomenting 
dialogue between Caracas andWashington." He said the U.S. sanctions will not 
help improve relationsbetween the two countries. Due to its relations with 
Cuba's Fidel Castro andhis radical speeches, the U.S. government openly 
dislikes the VenezuelanPresident. The U.S. has been accused by Venezuela of 
supporting the April2002 coup d'etat against Chavez, and of providing 
monetary support forpolitical groups organizing a recall referendum which 
Chavez ended upwinning last August.U.S. Secretary of State Colin 
Powell said recently that it remains to beseen whether U.S.-Venezuela 
relations can improve after several years oftensions since Chavez was 
elected in 2000. "We have concerns about some ofthe actions that President 
Chavez has taken over the years in pursuit of hisvision of Bolivarian 
democracy," Powell 

[CTRL] [JBirch] CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo (fwd)

2004-09-13 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 20:07:14 -0600
From: Gun Owners Alliance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo

Media lies. Gun Owners are no stranger to it.


Gun Owners Alliance
Chris W. Stark - Director


Chicago Sun-Times

CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo

September 12, 2004


A few weeks ago, Thomas Oliphant of the Boston Globe was on PBS'
''Newshour'' explaining why the hundreds of swift boat veterans'
allegations against John Kerry's conduct in Vietnam was unworthy of his
attention. "The standard of clear and convincing evidence," he said,
talking to Swiftvet John O'Neill as if he were a backward fourth-grader,
''is what keeps this story in the tabloids -- because it does not meet
basic standards.''

Last week, we got a good idea of what Thomas Oliphant's ''basic
standards'' are. Dan Rather and the elderly gentlemen at ''60 Minutes''
were all atwitter because they'd come into possession of some hitherto
undiscovered memos relating to whether George W. Bush failed to show up
for his physical in the War of 1812. The media had been flogging this
dead horse all spring, but these newly ''discovered'' memos had
jump-started the old nag just enough to get him on his knees long enough
for the media to flog him all over again.

Unfortunately for CBS, Dan Rather's hairdresser sucks up so much of the
budget that there was nothing left for any fact-checking, so the ''60
Minutes'' crew rushed on air with a damning National Guard memo
conveniently called ''CYA'' that Bush's commanding officer had written to
himself 32 years ago. ''This was too hot not to push,'' one producer told
the American Spectator. Hundreds of living Swiftvets who've signed
affidavits and are prepared to testify on camera -- that's way too cold
to push; we'd want to fact-check that one thoroughly, till, say, midway
through John Kerry's second term. But a handful of memos by one dead guy
slipped to us by a Kerry campaign operative -- that meets ''basic
standards'' and we gotta get it out there right away.

The only problem was the memo. Amazingly, this guy at the Air National
Guard base, Lt. Col. Killian, had the only typewriter in Texas in 1973
using a prototype version of the default letter writing program of
Microsoft Word, complete with the tiny little superscript thingy that
automatically changes July 4th to July 4th. To do that on most 1973
typewriters, you had to unscrew the keys, grab a hammer and give them a
couple of thwacks to make the ''t'' and ''h'' squish up all tiny, and
even think it looked a bit wonky. You'd think having such a unique
typewriter Killian would have used a less easily traceable model for his
devastating ''CYA'' memo. Also, he might have chosen a font other than
Times New Roman, designed for the Times of London in the 1930s and not
licensed to Microsoft by Rupert Murdoch (the Times' owner) until the

Killian is no longer around to confirm his extraordinary Magic
Typewriter, but his son denied the stuff was written by his dad, and his
widow said her late husband never typed. So, on the one hand, we have
hundreds of living veterans with chapter and verse on Kerry's fantasy
Christmas in Cambodia, and, on the other hand, we have a guy who's been
dead 20 years but is still capable of operating Windows XP. It took the
savvy chappies at the Powerline Web site and Charles Johnson of ''Little
Green Footballs'' about 20 minutes to spot the eerily 2004 look of the
1972 memo, and various Internet wallahs spent the rest of the day
tracking down the country's leading typewriter identification experts.

Bombarded with accusations that CBS had fallen for an obvious hoax, Dan
turned to his trusty Smith-Corona and bashed out a few e-mails: ''For the
umpteenth time,'' he said angrily, ''this is the kind of sleaze I had to
put up with when they scoffed at 'What's the frequency, Kenneth?' "

Are Dan Rather and ''60 Minutes'' a bunch of patsies suckered by the
Kerry campaign? Not exactly. According to the American Spectator, ''The
CBS producer said that some alarm bells went off last week when the
signatures and initials of Killian on the documents in hand did not match
up with other documents available on the public record, but producers
chose to move ahead with the story.''

Hey, why n

[CTRL] Massive Absentee Voter Fraud Threatens Election

2004-09-13 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

September 13, 2004
Absentee Votes Worry Officials as Nov. 2 Nears

As both major political parties intensify their efforts to promote absentee
balloting as a way to lock up votes in the presidential race, election officials
say they are struggling to cope with coercive tactics and fraudulent
vote-gathering involving absentee ballots that have undermined local races
across the country.

Some of those officials say they are worried that the brashness of the schemes
and the extent to which critical swing states have allowed party operatives to
involve themselves in absentee voting - from handling ballot applications to
helping voters fill out their ballots - could taint the general election in

In the four years since the last presidential election, prosecutors have brought
criminal cases in at least 15 states for fraud in absentee voting. One case
resulted in the conviction of a voting-rights activist this year for forging
absentee ballots in a Wisconsin county race. In another case, a Republican
election worker in Ohio was charged with switching the votes of nursing-home
residents in the 2000 presidential race. And last year in Michigan, three city
council members pleaded guilty in a vote-tampering case that included forged
signatures and ballots altered by white-out.

The increasing popularity of absentee voting is reshaping how and when the
country votes. Since the last presidential election, a growing number of
election officials and party operatives have been promoting absentee balloting
as a way to make it easier for people to vote and alleviate the crush of
Election Day. At least 26 states now let residents cast absentee ballots without
needing the traditional excuse of not being able to make it to polling places.
That is six more states than allowed the practice in 2000.

As a result, as many as one in four Americans are expected to vote by absentee
ballot in the presidential race, a process that begins today, nearly two months
before Election Day, as North Carolina becomes the first state to distribute

But some experts say that concerns about a repeat in problems with voting
machines is overshadowing the more pressing issue of absentee ballot fraud.

"Everybody was worried about the chads in the 2000 election,'' said Damon H.
Slone, a former West Virginia election fraud investigator, "when in fact by
loosening up the restrictions on absentee voting they have opened up more
chances for fraud to be done than what legitimate mistakes were made in

Yet many states - including battlegrounds in the presidential campaign - have
abandoned or declined to adopt the safeguards on absentee voting that election
officials have warned they will need to prevent rigged elections, an examination
by The New York Times has found.

Only 6 of the 19 states where polls have shown that voters are almost evenly
divided between President Bush and Senator John Kerry still require witness
signatures to help authenticate absentee ballots. Fourteen of the 19 states
allow political parties to collect absentee voting applications, and 7 let the
parties collect completed ballots, raising the possibility that operatives could
gather and then alter or discard ballots from an opponent's stronghold.

Most of the swing states even let party operatives help voters fill out their
absentee ballots when the voters ask for help. And political parties are taking
advantage of vague or nonexistent state rules to influence people who vote at
home. In Arizona this month, a county judge ruled that a campaign consultant had
improperly held on to more than 14,000 absentee ballot applications he collected
this summer to help nearly a dozen Republican candidates in the primary. But
holding on to such applications for at least a few days is now common practice
by both major parties in states like Arizona, which require only that they be
turned in within a "reasonable" period of time. This allows campaigns to bombard
voters with mailings and house calls just as their ballots arrive.

Some operatives boast that this absentee electioneering lets them avoid the
century-old anti-fraud rules that force them to stay out of polling places. But
while acknowledging the value of legitimate get-out-the-vote campaigns, election
officials say absentee voting is inherently more prone to fraud than voting in
person since it has no direct oversight.

"Loosening the absentee balloting process, while maybe well intentioned, has
some serious consequences for both local races and the general election," says
Todd Rokita, secretary of state in Indiana, where fraud investigations are under
way in at least five communities.

The more blatant cases of criminal misconduct have prompted some state officials
to seek new legal powers in fighting fraud, including making it a crime to lie
about not being able to vote in person in those states that require an excuse.

A Matter for the States

The Justice Dep