2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Daniel June <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why are you people so negative?

Men occasionally stumble on the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off
as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill
There are many reasons to be negative.  The biggest is the fact that there 
is little we can do about what is facing the world very very soon.  If it was 
as simple as willing change, people wouldn't be so negative.  There is just a 
force so powerful, intentionally ruining the lives of others, that there isn't 
much to be done other than whine.  Until the masses of the people wake up 
(which wont happen because the perpetrators control the media) we're all going 
to be screwed.  Pay special attention to the things in the world that are being 
hidden.  The stuff shown on TV and the newspapers are what "THEY" want you to 
think is really going on in the world.  The real meat of what is going on in 
the world is kept secret to the masses and only a few select people know what's 
going on.  Here is a quote or 2:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by 
those who are not behind the scenes." -- Benjamin Disraeli, 1844

That quote is from 1844.  It was spoken by the first Jewish Prime Minister of 
England.  He wrote a trilogy "Coningsby", "Sybil" and "Tancred".  He says that 
the world is not governed by the people that the world thinks is running the 
world.  And this was in 1844!!!

The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the 
scenes." -- Justice Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965) U.S. Supreme Court Justice

A supreme court justice said that in the early 1900's.  It's common sense that 
the people ruling the world secretly would not want the world to know they were 
running it.  It would also be easy to rule the world in this day and age, even 
though there are "leaders" of countries and U.N. Leaders supposedly making the 
decisions.  This world has revolved around money for a long time.  The people 
with money have always made the rules.  And those rules are ones that help them 
make more money.  There are numerous people talkin about a small group ruling 
the world, even back in the 1800's.  Now to think that these people have 
mysteriously lost power, or that a Prime Minister of England or a supreme court 
justice didn't know what they were talking about is to deny reality.  

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so 
monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

Little do people know how monstrous it really is.  People have always wanted to 
rule the world.  Whether they dream about it, or wish it, or even try to 
accomplish it (Hitler), it is a fact that many people have wanted to rule the 
world.  To think that no group of people have sat down and tried to make a 
serious go at it is crazy in itself.  It's not as far fetched as people might 
believe.  Imagine a whole race of people, with an "oral law" (not allowed to be 
written down, and passed down from father to child) trying their hardest to 
achieve this dream.  Imagine them having a belief that their bloodline is 
genetically superior to the rest of mankind.  Imagine them having the belief 
that they are somehow chosen by God to be the masters of the human race.  
Imagine them being reared up in a you versus them mentality, being constantly 
told that everyone hates them and that if they didn't conspire themselves, they 
will become slaves themselves.  That would more than motivate most people
 to working together on this goal, especially if its stated to be for their own 
self defense.  Imagine then entire generations of this race working together, 
always loyal to each other, before they are loyal to their own country.  
Imagine then one of them is able to strike it 

[CTRL] Fwd: Drug War Chronicle, Issue #364

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Title: Drug War Chronicle, Issue #364 (short version)
-Caveat Lector-


 Drug War ChronicleA publication of StoptheDrugWar.orgRaising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition


#364, 11/26/04
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Congressman Mark Souder can't stop fighting the

EPIC AND TURBULENT TIMES Two important court cases --
one civil against the government for medical marijuana, one
criminal against a heroic pain doctor -- make this an epic and
turbulent time for issues related to the drug war. On both
counts, the federal government is guilty. 
Congress's leading champions of drug law reform will address a
forum/fundraiser benefiting the John W. Perry Fund, providing
scholarships to students who have lost their college aid because
of drug convictions. 
DRUG POLICY Facing a general election five months from
now, embattled British Prime Minister Tony Blair Tuesday took
the opportunity of the annual Queen's Speech to unveil a "tough
on crime" drug bill as a centerpiece of his pre-election
legislative program. 
MATURING ORGANIZATION The beats were breaking and the
dance floor was shaking upstairs at Lupo's Chop House a block
south of the University of Maryland campus in College Park last
Saturday night as nearly 300 members of Students for a Sensible
Drug Policy marked the completion of the group's sixth annual
national conference. 
GOVERNOR'S SIGNATURE epictimes Two important court cases
-- one civil against the government for medical marijuana, one
criminal against a heroic doctor -- make this an epic and
turbulent time for issues related to the drug war. On both
counts, the federal government is guilty. The
Republican-controlled Pennsylvania legislature has unanimously a
bill aimed at reducing the state's engorged prison population by
shifting nonviolent drug and alcohol offenders out of prison
more quickly and into treatment programs. But drug offenders
will still do plenty of time one way or the other. vermont Two
University of Vermont students arrested in April at an on-campus
"420" rally because they advocated legalizing marijuana will be
$7,500 each by the university for violating their First
Amendment rights. philippines Even in the Philippines, whose are
filled with drug busts and accounts of death squad killings of
drug users and sellers, calls for reform can be heard. thisweek2
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of
The results of two surveys of Canadians came in this
week, and both suggest the government's plan to make possession
of small amounts of marijuana a ticketable offense is behind the
TEXANS Medical marijuana continues to pick up support,
both among the public at large and among medical professionals.

Republican Congressman Mark Souder just can't get enough of the
war on drugs. 
MARIJUANA ADVOCACY Two University of Vermont students
arrested in April at an on-campus "420" rally because they
advocated legalizing marijuana will be paid $7,500 each by the

[CTRL] What Became of Conservatives?

2004-11-26 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

November 26, 2004 

What Became of Conservatives? 

by Paul Craig Roberts

I remember when friends would excitedly telephone to report that Rush Limbaugh or G. Gordon Liddy had just read one of my syndicated columns over the air. That was before I became a critic of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration, and the neoconservative ideologues who have seized control of the U.S. government. 
America has blundered into a needless and dangerous war, and fully half of the country's population is enthusiastic. Many Christians think that war in the Middle East signals "end times" and that they are about to be wafted up to heaven. Many patriots think that, finally, America is standing up for itself and demonstrating its righteous might. Conservatives are taking out their Vietnam frustrations on Iraqis. Karl Rove is wrapping Bush in the protective cloak of war leader. The military-industrial complex is drooling over the profits of war. And neoconservatives are laying the groundwork for Israeli territorial expansion. 
The evening before Thanksgiving, Rush Limbaugh was on C-Span TV explaining that these glorious developments would have been impossible if talk radio and the conservative movement had not combined to break the power of the liberal media. 
In the Thanksgiving issue of National Review, editor Richard Lowry and former editor John O'Sullivan celebrate Bush's reelection triumph over "a hostile press corps." "Try as they might," crowed O'Sullivan, "they couldn't put Kerry over the top." 
There was a time when I could rant about the "liberal media" with the best of them. But in recent years I have puzzled over the precise location of the "liberal media." 
Not so long ago, I would have identified the liberal media as the New York Times and Washington Post, CNN and the three TV networks, and National Public Radio. But both the Times and the Post fell for the Bush administration's lies about WMD and supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq. On balance, CNN, the networks, and NPR have not made an issue of the Bush administration's changing explanations for the invasion. 
Apparently, Rush Limbaugh and National Review think there is a liberal media because the prison torture scandal could not be suppressed and a cameraman filmed the execution of a wounded Iraqi prisoner by a U.S. Marine. 
Do the Village Voice and The Nation comprise the "liberal media"? The Village Voice is known for Nat Hentoff and his columns on civil liberties. Every good conservative believes that civil liberties are liberal because they interfere with the police and let criminals go free. The Nation favors spending on the poor and disfavors gun rights, but I don't see the "liberal hate" in The Nation's feeble pages that Rush Limbaugh was denouncing on C-Span. 
In the ranks of the new conservatives, however, I see and experience much hate. It comes to me in violently worded, ignorant, and irrational e-mails from self-professed conservatives who literally worship George Bush. Even Christians have fallen into idolatry. There appears to be a large number of Americans who are prepared to kill anyone for George Bush. 
The Iraqi War is serving as a great catharsis for multiple conservative frustrations: job loss, drugs, crime, homosexuals, pornography, female promiscuity, abortion, restrictions on prayer in public places, Darwinism, and attacks on religion. Liberals are the cause. Liberals are against America. Anyone against the war is against America and is a liberal. "You are with us or against us." 
This is the mindset of delusion, and delusion permits of no facts or analysis. Blind emotion rules. Americans are right and everyone else is wrong. End of the debate. 
That, gentle reader, is the full extent of talk radio, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, National Review, the Weekly Standard, and, indeed, of the entire concentrated corporate media, where non-controversy in the interest of advertising revenue rules. 
Once upon a time there was a liberal media. It developed out of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Liberals believed that the private sector was the source of greed that must be restrained by government acting in the public interest. The liberals' mistake was to identify morality with government. Liberals had great suspicion of private power and insufficient suspicion of the power and inclination of government to do good. 
Liberals became Benthamites (after Jeremy Bentham). They believed that as the people controlled government through democracy, there was no reason to fear government power, which should be increased in order to accomplish more good. 
The conservative movement that I grew up in did not share the liberals' abiding faith in government. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." 
Today it is liberals, not conservatives, who endeavor to defend civil liberties from the state. Conservatives have been won around

[CTRL] Fw: Ukraine

2004-11-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Blagovesta 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: Ukraine

November 2004 - 
USraeli UKRAINE Coup on 
Hot Run: Hip, Hip – HURRAY!

Q: Why will there be never 
a coup d”etat in Washington?
A: Because there is no 
American embassy there.
From William Blum’s latest 
book, “Freeing the World to Death”, p. 226

We, who are still 
alive in the 21st Century, cannot complain of a lack of grandiose or 
not so grandiose but in both cases picturesque entertainments pertaining to a 
circus performance.
One could have had a good 
laugh if the Empire’s circuses had not been dressed with a breath-taking 
abundance of blood, excruciating pain, suffering, broken hearts and hopes, wild 
The old passion for coup 
d‘etat of the World Government Behind the Scene and its Hit Force, the 
contemporary Empire of Evil, USA the Great, at the moment is in full swing in 
poor UKRAINE, the fresh-new victim of 

  CIA/NED (the Republican 
  Institute, the Democratic Institute, and the other NED’s branches), 
  SOROS Foundations plus 

  the numberless NGOs (for 
  “human rights”, “ecology” etc.) paid and instructed by the Empire’s 
  specialists in these matters.
The organizers INSIDE are 
assiduously helped and supported OUTSIDE by

  notorious OSCE 
  (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), covered with the glory 
  of their dirty doings in Kosovo in 1998-1999, in Belarus, in Georgia in 2003 
  and the internal conflicts there, in Chechnya - and everywhere the Empire of 
  Evil needs their loyal supporting screams;
  the EUROPEAN UNION that, 
  it seems, has at last taken the decision to stop being OLD and MOULDY and get 
  YOUNG and MODERN – i.e. to be supportive of the Empires’ plans, aspirations, 
  coup d’etats - and maybe its coming War on IRAN?…?
(The Dutch 
EU puppet of USA will be allowed to lick the right boot of an Empire’s soldier, 
freshly back from FALLUJAH, the present “democratic” USA Paradise on Earth.
The licking 
of the right one has been won by Schroeder who also declared he does NOT accept 
the UKRAINE’s Elections’ results! Maybe he has a Ukraine’s citizenship? No? 
Schroeder! You should be sent to FALLUJAH!)

  Georgia, who are in Kiev waving the Georgia 
flag - 
imagine only!
(Georgian) “Kmara” = “Otpor” (Serb word) = “resistance” have WORKED in Ukraine 
for several months before the Elections, and it has ALL THE RIGHT to be now in 
Kiev’s streets waving the Georgian flag!

  CIA’s (Serb) “Otpor”, 
  experienced in some successful coup d’etat (Yugoslavia, October 2000, Georgia, 
  November 2003/Adjaria, the summer of 2004), and some unsuccessful ones 
  (Belarus) have WORKED in Ukraine for months on a run before the Ukraine’s 
  Elections and now they are also in Kiev, organizing, kicking the YOUNG FOOLS 
  and IGNORANTS in the streets.
rejoice that at least they are not waving the Serb Flag in Kiev’s streets and 
is what a disgusted Serb Friend wrote to me re CIA’s “Otpor”:
OTPOR people are not from Serbia. They are from 'Soros-land" or "Money-land", 
whoever gives first.)

Mistakes of the USA’s Local Players
The interesting thing is 
that, notwithstanding the number of the experienced Ukraine’s coup d’etat 
organizers – helpers – supporters both in practice and words – the local players 
made some rude mistakes.
First mistake
They signed the Elections’ 
protocols and all the Elections paper, Putin said in Hague yesterday.
It means they have accepted 
the results!
And they were announced!
The Ukraine TV Inter 
informed us the same in its expanded Wednesday evening broadcasting.
Second mistake
Yushchenko, the new USA’s 
puppet on a string, also made a rude mistake: according to the Ukraine TV Inter 
Wednesday evening, he declared he would start negotiations.
(By the way, what 
negotiations? Negotiations for what? Has Bush negotiated with Kerry? 
Could Yanukovic step back 
from his pre-Elections promises and accept Yushchenko’s program?
Not likely.
Then, again, what 
The CIA/NED clever ones keep 
“gathering my eyes together” with their non-stop flow of manipulative 
suggestions leading resisting people to blind alleys!)

In Wednesday evening the 15 
millions of Ukraine voters - supporters of Yanukovic - started celebrating!
Alas, too early, it seems. 
The Beast of Empire is like a bulldog with its characteristic backward bite: 
when the Beast digs its awesome teeth in a country, it NEVER lets it go!…

These days I keep thinking 
about Yugoslavia of October 2000…
About CIA’s Otpor having 
gone berserk in the Belgrade streets… about the despicable, criminal 
collaboration of the Belgrade police and army people… about that very much 
“democratic” “mayor” of Chachak with his bulldozer roaring in the centre of 
Belgrade… the burning Parliament…
The cruelly beaten people – 

[CTRL] The case for not attacking Iran

2004-11-26 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Issue: 27 November 2004 

The case for not attacking Iran
by Andrew Gilligan

Do the last few days remind you of anything, by any chance? Presidential heavy breathing about a ‘rogue’ Middle Eastern state; a supporting chorus of exiles with dramatic new claims; and a senior member of the US government bearing intelligence which turns out to be more spin than spine-chilling. Less than a month after the presidential election, the Bush White House has begun its campaign against Iran. In the week that Americans break for Thanksgiving, it might seem that, for Washington, the festival of the moment should really be Groundhog Day. 
Yet while the methods and timing are about as surprising as a delay on the Tube, and while we may be tempted to say that all the neocons have done is to change the ‘q’ to an ‘n’ in the name of the target, there are excellent reasons not to dismiss the latest American sabre-rattling. 
This time there really can be very little doubt that Iran has weapons of mass destruction, chemical and probably biological, and that it wants to obtain something even more destructive, a nuclear weapon, in fairly short order. In 2002, Tehran was forced to own up to enriching uranium, an important prerequisite for the development of a nuke, at a secret plant called Nantaz. Not incontrovertible proof of anything: indeed, the Iranians said it was for civil use. But Iran has the Middle East’s third largest oil and gas reserves, and does not need nuclear electricity. Why, also, was Nantaz kept secret, in defiance of Iran’s international treaty obligations, if its purpose was entirely peaceful? 
Since that dramatic discovery, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN nuclear inspectorate, has had several other unpleasant surprises in the Islamic Republic. Inspectors have been repeatedly misled, sometimes directly, sometimes by omission; other secret facilities have not been declared; promises and undertakings have been broken; and the history of the last two years has been of constant Iranian brinksmanship, with agreements we thought we’d signed having to be re-agreed later. Even this week, as the Iranians agreed to suspend enrichment under the threat of referral to the UN Security Council, they insisted that it would only be temporary. 
An obscure substance, polonium 210, may become as familiar to us in the next few months as were the now-forgotten Iraqi buzz words of the Tuwaitha weapons plant, the al-Dawra vaccine factory and the al-Hussein conventional missile. Polonium 210 is an unstable element whose only real use is as an initiator for a nuclear weapon. The UN has discovered that it has been produced in Iran. (Tehran says it is for nuclear batteries to be used in the country’s space programme, which is not yet operational.) 
Buoyed by high oil revenues, Iran’s nuclear programme has seldom been so flush. The Israelis say that Iran could have the bomb within a year. It is unlikely to be that early, but most experts agree that if the programme continues, the mullahs will be nuclear within five years. The striking thing, really, is no longer the concealment; it is Iran’s relative openness, even brazenness, about its atomic ambitions. It knows exactly the calculations which we in the West are making, and it wants us to carry on making them. 
Politically, the picture is equally bleak. Iran is no Saddam-style tyranny, but the reform movement which gave such hope of a rapprochement with the West in the 1990s is at a desperately low ebb. The moderniser, Mohammad Khatami, remains as Prime Minister, but has effectively lost his struggle with the religious conservatives. In this year’s parliamentary elections, they managed to get a quarter of the candidates — and 87 of the sitting MPs — disqualified for being too progressive. A mass reformist boycott, a sullen electorate and a low turnout saw substantial conservative gains. Iran’s hardline rulers have now embarked on what some call a ‘modified China model’. Petty social restrictions on things like women’s dress have been eased, to reduce pressure for change — but political repression remains as strong as ever. 
Iran continues to sponsor terrorism, although not against the West. It was an Iranian-made arsenal that was found on the Karine A, the ship caught by Israel on a smuggling run, allegedly to the Palestinian Authority, possibly to Hezbollah. The arms had been loaded at an Iranian port. As far as the Israelis were concerned, the Karine A wrote the death warrant for the Palestinian peace process. 
Yet should this mean that Iran is just Iraq with one of the letters changed? Absolutely not. Except in the minds of the most hysterical hawks, a capability does not constitute a threat. A threat arises when there is capability plus intention. And there is no evidence that Iran has the intention to attack us. Iran’s relative flaunting of its nuclear ambitions may even, in o

[CTRL] Rumsfeld Uses 'Machine Pen' on Dead Soldier Sympathy Letters

2004-11-26 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
DefenseWatch "The Voice of the Grunt"
Hack's Target
‘With Deepest Sympathy’
By David H. Hackworth
Donald Rumsfeld – who’s known as a people-eating systems man – has a long
history that shows he prefers technology to humans. Certainly as SecDef he’s
always gone for high-tech military gear rather than giving the boots on the
ground max priority when it comes to the basics: armored vehicles and vests,
sufficient ammo and all the other vital stuff that helps soldiers make it
through the Valley of Death.
His beloved shock-and-awe whiz-bang wonder weapons worked well enough
initially in Afghanistan and Iraq, but as we saw on the tube last week, we’re
once again back to the age-old struggle of man against man – with grunts,
not machines, taking and holding ground.
And now, apparently, Rumsfeld’s obsession with machines and their efficiency
has translated into his using one to replace his own John Hancock on KIA
(killed in action) letters to parents and spouses. Two Pentagon-based
colonels, who’ve both insisted on anonymity to protect their careers, have
indignantly reported that the SecDef has relinquished this sacred duty to a
signature device rather than signing the sad documents himself.
When I went to Jim Turner, a good man saddled with a tough job as one of
Rumsfeld’s flacks at the Pentagon, for a confirmation or a denial, he said,
“Rumsfeld signs the letters himself.”
I then went to about a dozen next-of-kin of American soldiers KIA in Iraq.
Most agreed with the colonels’ accusations and said they’d noticed and been
insulted by the machine-driven signature. One father bitterly commented that
he thought it was a shame that the SecDef could keep his squash schedule but
not find the time to sign his dead son’s letter. Several also felt compelled
to tell me that the letter they received from George Bush also looked as
though it was not signed personally by the president.
Dr. Ted Smith, whose son Eric was among the first 100 killed in Iraq, notes
that the letter he received “from the commander in chief was signed with a
thick, green marking pen. I thought it was stamped then and do even now. He
had time for golf and the ranch but not enough to sign a decent signature
with a pen for his beloved hero soldiers. I was going to send the letter
back but did not. I am sorry I didn’t.”
Sue Niederer, whose son Seth was also killed in Iraq, sums it up: “My son
wasn’t a person to these people, he was just an entity to play their war
game. But where are their children? Not one of them knows how any of us
feel, and they obviously aren’t interested in finding out. None of them
cares. And Rumsfeld depersonalizing his signature – it’s a slap in the face,
don’t you think?”
Probably. I have devoted so much of my later life crusading to save soldiers
from uncaring generals and politicians and bureaucrats, who tend so easily
to view these kids – who are rarely their own flesh and blood – as abstract
pawns in a virtual game of chess, because I was there. I stood and was
counted, and I will never forget the pain when I signed KIA letters in Korea
and Vietnam. I would choke up as I signed them – I could see the boys’
faces, their cocky smiles, their muddy soldier suits. Each signing
reinforced the awesome responsibility I carried as a leader to be as
protective as possible about the young lives entrusted to me.
After I talked with the nearest and dearest of the KIA, I called Turner back
and told him there was evidence that Rumsfeld’s signature was in fact
machine-produced. I asked him to double-check, and he promised to get me the
straight skinny by my deadline. But late Friday I received a typical
Pentagon duck-and-dodge e-mail: “Regret to say I have not been able to get a
response as of COB (close of business) today .… ”
Throughout World War II, Army Chief of Staff George Marshall made sure that
President Franklin Roosevelt was briefed in detail on the number of soldiers
who had fallen. FDR, incidentally, probably wanted to know. He had sons who
were serving.
I suspect that Sue Niederer and the other kin are on target about how not
signing the KIA letters helps keep the commander in chief and the SecDef
detached from the consequences of a nasty war and its messy human fall-out.
--­Eilhys England contributed to this column.
Col. David H. Hackworth (USA Ret.) is SFTT.org co-founder and Senior
Military Columnist for DefenseWatch magazine. For information on his many
books, go to his home page at Hackworth.com, where you can sign in for his
free weekly Defending America. Send mail to P.O. Box 11179, Greenwich, CT
06831. His newest book is “Steel My Soldiers’ Hearts.”  © 2004 David H.
Hackworth. Please send Feedback responses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, 

Re: [CTRL] The end of the age of oil?

2004-11-26 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
The issue of world oil supply is not one of the end of oil but the end of
cheap oil.
Cheap oil generated energy has had a dramatic impact on the world over the
past 100 years. Cheap oil energy has fueled the explosion in world
population, food production and industrialization. Those days are numbered.
There will always be enough oil, the question is, at what price?
High cost oil will have as dramatic an impact as cheap oil.
Unless another cheap energy source can be developed within a reasonable
time, we cannot support the current huge 'cheap energy' world population.
Dramatic declines in the world standard of living, increasing famine.
political instabilty and escalating war over diminishing resources are a
Discussing the end of oil is foolish. Discussing the price of oil is what it
is all about.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The end of the age of oil?

2004-11-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-



  Friday, November 26, 2004

The end of the age of oil?
  Posted: November 26, 20041:00 a.m. 
  By Chris 
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com 
  According the Washington Post (June 6, 2004) , the world is on the 
  verge of oil famine. 
  BBC News declares "as certain as death and taxes, we shall one day be 
  forced to learn to live without oil." Further, "people in middle age today 
  can probably expect to be here" for the terminal oil shortages. 
  CBS, NBC and ABC have all presented grim and frightening reports of 
  rapacious oil executives, unfeeling consumers, gas-guzzling SUVs and 
  declining oil stocks, mostly in the powder keg countries of the Middle 
  East. The unmistakable conclusion: An energy disaster of epic proportions 
  is just around the corner. 
  Literally dozens of books and hundreds of websites paint a consistent 
  and alarming picture of the decline of the American Empire and the end of 
  the Age of Oil. 
  Could this be true? Are we really sliding downhill into a future 
  defined by scarce resources, alternative fuels and mandatory conservation 
  – a nightmare of strong governmental controls and diminished expectations? 

  The surprising answer: No. 
  The world has plenty of oil. 
  According to the United States Geological Survey, the U.S. Department 
  of Energy and many, many other reputable sources, we have sufficient oil 
  resources for at least the next several hundred years, maybe longer. The 
  costs of extraction will likely be higher, but scarcity? No. 
  Without the emotional "the end of the world as we know it," paranoia 
  from the traditional media, let's actually look at world oil reserves. 
  Currently, the world's recognized reserves of oil are higher than at 
  any time in history. And, contrary to conventional media hysteria, the 
  world's clearly identified reserves are growing every year. The USGS 
  reports in the "World Petroleum Assessment 2000" that world reserves of 
  conventional crude oil total 3,000 billion barrels. This estimate is an 
  increase from a similar estimate in 1994 of 2,400 billion barrels, up from 
  1,500 billion barrels in 1990. 
  But this report considers only "liquid" or conventional oil – oil 
  that's accessible and readily available from underground reservoirs. This 
  does not include highly viscous oils, oil-tar sand deposits or oil shale. 
  The major media focuses with myopic intensity on conventional crude 
  reserves, ignoring stunning reserves of oil located in tar sands and oil 
  shale. At best, this is difficult to comprehend. 
  For example, little media attention was accorded to the dramatic 
  increases in Canadian oil reserves. A December 2003 report in Oil and Gas 
  Journal notes that Canada's oil reserves now total more than 180 billion 
  barrels of oil, with most found in economically recoverably oil-tar sand 
  deposits. In contrast, Saudi Arabia's reserves are estimated at 264 
  billion barrels. 
  The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers sees the oil sand 
  reservoir at a stunning 2,000 billion barrels of crude, of which 315 
  billion barrels is currently recoverable. This is oil economically viable 
  at prices between $18 and $20 per barrel. World wide, recoverable reserves 
  of oil found in oil sands are currently reported in excess of 1,000 
  billion barrels. 
  But by far the largest potential reservoir of future oil is held in oil 
  The U.S. Department of Energy, in a March 2004 study, reports oil shale 
  reserves in the United States alone of over 2,000 billion barrels. World 
  wide, oil-shale reserves are estimated as high as 14,000 billion barrels. 
  To put this in perspective, U.S. oil-shale reserves alone would be 
  sufficient to provide 100 percent of U.S. crude oil consumed at current 
  usage for over 200 years. 
  Worldwide reserves of 14,000 billion barrels are sufficient to provide 
  the world's crude oil requirements for at least several hundred years. 
  The truth is, the history of oil prognostication is littered with 
  scaremongers proclaiming false declarations of approaching oil famine. In 
  fact, doom merchants have used oil as a vehicle for "end of the world" 
  scenarios since before World War I. Consider: 

In 1914, the U.S. Bureau of Mines declared that the United States 
would run out of oil in 10 years. 

In 1939, the Department of the Interior predicted that oil reserves 
would last only 13 more years. 

In 1950, when the 

[CTRL] [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Re: Are Christians To Blame For America's Moral Freefall? (fwd)

2004-11-26 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 11:08:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: beavercole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Re: Are Christians To Blame For America's
Moral Freefall?

Right after the election, various tv channels jokingly depicted two
nations in North America ... JesusLand and the US of Canada. But they
forgot Loges-de-Corbeaux, forever free.

Do so-called "Christians" even know what JesusLand would be like? Suppose
King Zandu I of Loges-de-Corbeaux were to send a missionary into deepest,
darkest JesusLand? What would the missionary report back? What would an
exemplary city in JesusLand be like?



  Citizens for the "inherent dignity and worth of the human person"
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

On Fri, 26 Nov 2004, beavercole wrote:

> http://www.newswithviews.com/Ohara/debbie32.htm
> --
>   Additional Titles
>   Other
>   O'Hara
>   Articles:
>   The Fraud of Multiculturalism
>   Christianity verses Psychology
>   Can America Become a Godly Nation Again?
>   The United Nation's Plan for World "Peace"
>   Should We Have Government Schools?
>   Separation of Marriage and State
>   O, Christians,
>   Awake
>   An Open Letter
>   To Pastors
>   More
>   O'Hara
>   Articles:
>   By Debbie O'Hara
>   November 13, 2004
>   NewsWithViews.com
>   While the recent election results were certainly no surprise, they were 
> very disappointing to those like me who have prayed that American Christians 
> would arise from their slumber. The fault for returning the same socialist 
> sovereignty destroying President, Congress and Senate to office, who are not 
> only intentionally destroying the economy and moral fabric of our own country 
> but making us hated by the rest of the world, lies at the feet of Christians. 
> As Christ's representatives in the world, if we don't feel obligated to stand 
> against the tide of evil, who will? There are tens of millions of people in 
> America who call themselves Christian and yet because of their wrong 
> response, or in many cases their failure to respond in the last national 
> election, these United States will continue unabated in a moral freefall.
>   There have been numerous columns written by myself and others that 
> address Christians who support putting evildoers into office that they think 
> might do "less evil" than the next guy. The purpose of this column is not to 
> address the unbiblical stand of the "lessers" again, but to address those who 
> feel that "worldly" politics is not the proper place for a Christian at all. 
> The tens of millions of Christian men and women in America who do not 
> exercise their right to vote must understand that they directly affect the 
> outcome of each election by putting "unclean" men into office.
>   From all around the country I get e-mail from godly men and women who 
> say that Christians should not vote or have anything to do with "worldly 
> politics" because we can't serve "two masters" and "human government is 
> evil". But is involving ourselves in government policy really serving two 
> masters and is human government intrinsically evil? While certainly many 
> people who respond in such a manner are sincere, well-meaning Christian 
> brothers and sisters, they are terribly misguided and cannot back up their 
> claims biblically.
>   Scripture must always be our final authority on any matter if one is to 
> truly be called a Christian. When the whole of Scripture is taken together 
> and in context (as ALL of Scripture is given for our edification), the 
> Christian should feel duty bound to represent the cause of Christ in ALL of 
> life. This includes the Divine institution of human government, for God 
> Himself did in fact ordain it.
>   While it is man's fall into sin that made human government necessary, 
> human government is not in itself an "evil" institution. While I can 
> understand how a non-Christian might view human government as intrinsically 
> evil, a Christian certainly cannot accept that view. Human government is an 
> institution ordained of God (Romans 13:1) As God is not the author of evil, 
> the institution of government itself cannot be evil. Government is to be the 
> "minister of God to us for good." (Romans 13:4). If government is not good 
> perhaps it

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Bank of England's chief economist says dollar could fall another 15 percent

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Bank's Chief Economist Worries 
Dollar May Fall by Another 15%

By Philip Thornton
The Independent, London
Friday, November 26, 2004


The dollar could slump by another 15 percent, creating 
a potential headache for the Bank of England, its chief 
economist warned last night.

Charlie Bean said the implications for the UK economy 
depended "critically" on the knock-on effect on the 
pound and demand for UK exports. He said so far 
sterling's rise against the dollar had been offset by a 
fall against the euro, leaving UK competitiveness intact. 
"But there can be no guarantee that this pattern of 
'sterling-in-the-middle' will continue," he told 
regional business leaders in East Anglia.

Mr Bean said economic imbalances in the US meant the 
dollar would have to fall further to avoid a major 
slump. The last time the dollar fell to eliminate current 
account and trade deficits it crashed by 30 percent. 
"To date it has only fallen 15 percent since its peak 
so a further -- possibly substantial -- decline may 
accompany closure of the current account deficit," he 

"The timing and nature of this adjustment are very 
hard to predict and the implications for UK prospects 
depend critically on what then happens to demand in 
our major export markets and the impact on sterling."

Mr Bean's comments came as the euro surged through 
the $1.32 barrier to push the dollar to a record low 
for the fourth day in a row.

The pound inched higher versus the euro, pulling further 
off an 11-month low set on Monday. Were the pound to 
continue to rise against the euro, that would deliver a 
double blow to exporters and put pressure on the Bank 
to cut interest rates, economists believe. On the other 
hand economists warn that the UK's housing bubble and 
trade deficit could trigger a similar fall in sterling
that could drive up inflation. HSBC is forecasting a 10 
percent drop in the pound/euro rate by 2006.

Mr Bean also reiterated the Bank's concern that house 
prices may fall more severely than they expect and 
trigger a larger decline in consumer spending -- which 
would also open the way to a rate cut.

He echoed the warning in this month's Inflation report 
that the low levels of inflation on the high street and 
in the labour market might reverse, possibly prompting 
the need for a rate rise.

Meanwhile the CBI warned that Gordon Brown would 
have to raise taxes or cut spending in a third Labour 
term, as it slashed its forecasts for growth and tax 
revenues next year. The country's largest employers' 
organisation said rises in interest rates and oil 
prices and the slowdown in global growth would put 
the brakes on growth in the UK.

It cut its forecasts for this year and 2005 by 0.3 of a 
percentage point to 3.1 and 2.5 per cent respectively 
and for the first time pencilled in growth of 2.6 percent 
in 2006. It is the second time in three months the CBI 
has cut its forecasts. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Geomagnetic Manipulation

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Aeronet (Chemtrails)

‘Mystery Cloud’ Appears Over Eastern U.S. And Canada

Noon turns to night as cloud blacks out sun (China)

Chemtrails And Radio Propagation - Some Observations


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Central bankers told that they shouldn't talk publicly about rigging markets

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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9:04p ET Thursday, November 25, 2004

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

While you may be getting tired of news reports
about dollar exchange rates, all those dispatched
to you in recent days have included comments
by market analysts or government officials that
might have added important perspective. The
Bloomberg story below is notable for quoting 
the European Central Bank's chief economist,
Otmar Issing, as saying that central bankers
shouldn't talk publicly about intervention in
the currency markets.

That is, the value of all the world's labor, 
capital, property, and savings should be 
determined not by any objective standard or by 
free markets but rather by a few unelected 
government officials meeting in secret and 
trying to accomplish their goals in ways that
prevent people from understanding what is 
being done and why. 

So much for the most important "public" 
policy of all.

These news stories about exchange rates also 
may be notable for establishing that central 
bank intervention against markets is the 
very premise of the world financial system, even
as those in charge of the system preach markets
to the proletariat.

Though the financial press looks the other way
rather than draw the most obvious conclusions, 
the central bankers are admitting that they rig 
or may try to rig the currency markets. Contrary 
to the World Gold Council's ineffectual promotion 
of gold as jewelry, gold is overwhelmingly a 
currency, and the most dangerous one, for it is
(or easily could be) independent of governments,
the worldwide standard with the potential to
liberate individuals from expropriation by
government. And if governments rig currency
markets and gold is a currency, why should it
be so hard to believe that governments also
try to rig the gold market, openly or

Indeed, they've already admitted that too:

"Central banks stand ready to lease gold in 
increasing quantities should the price rise."

-- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
to the House Banking Committee, July 24, 1998.

But the central banks have been leasing gold
in increasing quantities and the price has been
rising anyway. So hold on to your metal, get
some more, and join the struggle for a free

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Dollar Heads for Longest Losing Streak vs. Yen in 9 Years 

By John Brinsley 
Bloomberg News Service
Friday, November 26, 2004


TOKYO -- The dollar traded at its weakest in more 
than four years against the yen and headed for its 
ninth week of declines, the longest losing streak 
since April 1995. 

The U.S. currency also traded near an all-time low 
against the euro as banks cut their forecasts for the 
U.S. currency due to the record current account 
gap and in the absence of action by policy makers 
to stop its decline. 

"The dollar is falling and will continue to do so," said 
Toru Umemoto, a market analyst in Tokyo at Keio 
University's Global Security Research Center, headed 
by former Japanese vice finance minister Eisuke 
Sakakibara. "America continues to favor a weaker 
dollar and Europe isn't doing anything about it. Japan 
may intervene but it won't stop the trend." 

The dollar was at 102.52 yen at 8:50 a.m. in Tokyo, 
having reached 102.38, the lowest since March 2000, 
from 102.46 late yesterday. It was also at $1.3261 
per euro having yesterday reached an all-time low o

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] How Bush's Worthless Intelligence Agency

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Does Goss have a Himmler-complex?


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-Caveat Lector-

How Bush's Worthless Intelligence Agency
published by Tom Dispatch

Two weeks after George Bush's reelection, Porter J. Goss, the newly appointed 
Director of Central
Intelligence, wrote an internal memorandum to all employees of his agency 
telling them, "[Our job is
to] support the administration and its policies in our work. As agency 
employees, we do not identify
with, support, or champion opposition to the administration or its 
policies."[1] Translated from
bureaucrat-speak, this directive says, "You now work for the Republican Party. 
The intelligence you
produce must first and foremost protect the President from being held 
accountable for the delusions
he has concerning Iraq, Osama bin Laden, preventive war, torturing captives, 
democracy growing from
the barrel of a gun, and the 'war on terror.'"

This approach is not new, even though former CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman 
declares that "the
current situation is the worst intelligence scandal in the nation's 
history."[2] Back in 1973, when
James Schlesinger briefly succeeded Richard Helms as CIA director, he 
proclaimed on arrival at the
agency's Virginia "campus": "I am here to see that you guys don't screw Richard 
Schlesinger underscored his point by saying that he would be reporting directly 
to White House
political adviser Bob Haldeman and not to National Security Adviser Henry 
Kissinger. In the
contemporary White House, Goss need not bother going directly to Karl Rove 
since Bush's outgoing and
incoming National Security Advisers, Condoleezza Rice and Stephen J. Hadley, 
have both been working
for months under Rove's direction primarily to reelect the President.

In 1973, Schlesinger wanted to protect Nixon from revelations that the CIA had 
broken into the
headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and illegally infiltrated the 
antiwar movement
within the United States. His actual achievement was to perpetuate Washington's 
idée fixe that the
United States could still win the Vietnam War despite overwhelming intelligence 
to the contrary. The
same is likely to be true today and the outcome is likely to be similar. Just 
as thirty years ago,
an administration refused to pay attention to its own internal intelligence 
assessments and lost the
Vietnam War, so another administration has again wrapped itself in a fantasy 
bubble of wishful
thinking and so is losing the war it started in Iraq.

Intelligence and the Truth-teller

Part of the background to the Goss memo is a widespread misunderstanding of why 
the CIA was created
and what it actually does. For example, Bush apostle David Brooks writes in the 
New York Times that
the CIA is engaged "in slow-motion brazen insubordination, which violate[s] all 
standards of
honorable public service. . . . It is time to reassert some harsh authority so 
CIA employees know
they must defer to the people who win elections. . . . If they [people in the 
CIA] ever want their
information to be trusted, they can't break the law with self-serving leaks of 
classified data."[4]
Brooks seems to think that the CIA is the President's personal advertising 
agency and that its
employees owe their livelihoods to him. About Michael Scheuer, the head of the 
"bin Laden Unit" in
the agency's Counterterrorism Center from 1996 to 1999 and the anonymous author 
of Imperial Hubris:
Why the West is Losing the War on Terror, Brooks fumes, "Here was an official 
on the president's
payroll publicly campaigning against his boss."

Leave aside the fact that the President doesn't pay any government official's 
salary, at least not
legally, and that Scheuer was more interested in educating the public about 
Osama bin Laden and
al-Qaeda, on which he is an authority, than in covering up the President's 
mistakes; the point is
that the issue of the CIA's intelligence on the Iraq war is bringing back into 
our political life
once again the figure most feared by presidents: the truth-teller. During a 
previous period of
falsified intelligence, National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger said in the 
Oval Office in front
of President Nixon and his Special Counsel Charles Colson, "Daniel Ellsberg is 
the most dangerous
man in America. He must be stopped at all costs."[5] Kissinger and Nixon 
subsequently ordered up
felonies, such as a break-in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, in order to 
try to smear and
discredit the man who had revealed to the public the systematic lying of three 
presidents --
Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson -- about the war in Vietnam.


[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Plans to Annex Canada

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Centre for Research on Globalisation

Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation


Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush's Military Agenda?
by Michel Chossudovsky

www.globalresearch.ca 23 November 2004 

The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO411C.html 

Territorial control over Canada is part of Washington's geopolitical and military agenda as formulated in April 2002 by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.  "Binational integration" of military command structures is also contemplated alongside a major revamping in the areas of immigration, law enforcement and intelligence.
At this critical juncture in our history and in anticipation of the visit of George W. Bush to Canada on November 30th, an understanding of these issues is central to the articulation of a coherent anti-war and civil rights movement.
The purpose of this detailed report is to encourage discussion and debate in Canada and Quebec, as well as in the US.  Kindly circulate this article widely. The Summary can be forwarded by email with a hyperlink to the complete text.

For nearly two years now, Ottawa has been quietly negotiating a far-reaching military cooperation agreement, which allows the US Military to cross the border and deploy troops anywhere in Canada, in our provinces, as well station American warships in Canadian territorial waters. This redesign of Canada's defense system is being discussed behind closed doors, not in Canada, but at the Peterson Air Force base in Colorado, at the headquarters of US Northern Command (NORTHCOM).
The creation of NORTHCOM announced in April 2002, constitutes a blatant violation of both Canadian and Mexican territorial sovereignty. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced unilaterally that US Northern Command would have jurisdiction over the entire North American region. Canada and Mexico were presented with a fait accompli. US Northern Command's jurisdiction as outlined by the US DoD includes, in addition to the continental US, all of Canada, Mexico, as well as portions of the Caribbean, contiguous waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans up to 500 miles off the Mexican, US and Canadian coastlines as well as the Canadian Arctic.
NorthCom's stated mandate is to "provide a necessary focus for [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical support for [the] nation’s civil authorities in times of national need."
(Canada-US Relations - Defense Partnership – July 2003, Canadian American Strategic Review (CASR), http://www.sfu.ca/casr/ft-lagasse1.htm 
Rumsfeld is said to have boasted that "the NORTHCOM – with all of North America as its geographic command – 'is part of the greatest transformation of the Unified Command Plan [UCP] since its inception in 1947.'" (Ibid)
Following Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's refusal to join NORTHCOM, a high-level so-called "consultative" Binational Planning Group (BPG), operating out of the Peterson Air Force base, was set up in late 2002, with a mandate to "prepare contingency plans to respond to [land and sea] threats and attacks, and other major emergencies in Canada or the United States".
The BPG's mandate goes far beyond the jurisdiction of a consultative military body making "recommendations" to government. In practice, it is neither accountable to the US Congress nor to the Canadian House of Commons.
The BPG has a staff of fifty US and Canadian "military planners", who have been working diligently for the last two years in laying the groundwork for the integration of Canada-US military command structures. The BPG works in close coordination with the Canada-U.S. Military Cooperation Committee at the Pentagon, a so-called " panel responsible for detailed joint military planning".
Broadly spe

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] 911 false flag Terror Drills on Election Day - Cheney In Command? --by Michael Kane

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Election Day Terror Drills 
Cheney In Command? --by Michael Kane

Due to the critical nature of this story, any and every news organization is permitted to publish this story in its entirety as long as it remains unchanged and a link is provided back to the original publication of the story here at CLG: 
This report was written in haste due to the critical nature of getting it out immediately. I call all concerned citizens to help. This is a call to intellectual arms!
I recommend ALL reporters and concerned citizens contact the Office of Domestic Preparedness and BOMBARD THEM WITH QUESTIONS about the scenario, below. Call Marc Short at 202-616-8952. He is the ODP Media Contact for the FEMA drill, as described. This is too critical to let slide; EVERYONE must get involved. Let them know that WE KNOW what is going on. An informed citizenry is an empowered citizenry!
October 29, 2004 --A plan may be afoot to induce a national terror threat on Election Day to lower voter turnout and steal the election for Bush once again, but this time in a different manner.
At least three states have WMD/Terrorism Incident drills scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, 2004 ¡V Election Day. As of May 8, 2001, Dick Cheney was placed in charge of managing all domestic preparedness related to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). It is likely that Cheney will be managing all of the Election Day WMD/Terrorism Incident drills across the country. The presidential statement, which gave Cheney this power, also created the Office of National Preparedness. 
FEMA¡¦s website makes the national announcement, but omits any dates, saying only that this is a ¡§training course¡¨ that takes place over three 8-hour days. The course is headed by the Office of Domestic Preparedness.
The D.C. Emergency Management Agency has a Public Works WMD/Terrorism Incident training scheduled for November 2, 2004. The location is listed as, ¡§To Be Determined.¡¨ 
Senator Dayton recently announced he was closing his DC office due to intelligence reports of possible terrorism in DC He stated he would not advise anyone to go to the Capitol between now and the election.
Arizona is running a WMD/Terrorism Incident exercise on Election Day. UPI picked this up on their wire and the Washington Times ran the story immediately after Nico Haupt broke the story at http://inn.globalfreepress.com. 
The training is designed around ¡§interactive exercises and group scenarios.¡¨ 
I contacted Marc Short at the Office of Domestic Preparedness who said, ¡§This course is offered by the ODP (Office of Domestic Preparedness) Training Division through the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). The target audience for this course is state and local first responders.¡¨
Texas is another state running this WMD/Terror Incident training drill, the same name as Arizona¡¦s drill. The date is omitted and location is listed as ¡§other,¡¨ though it is almost certain this exercise will be running on Election Day, as well. I questioned Mr. Short via email, asking if a real terror incident occurred on Election Day, would those involved in the training scenario be in a position to respond to it? He did not deny that this drill was running on November 2, 2004. 
He stated:
"If an incident occurs, the decision to deploy first responders involved 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Attempt to stop mandatory mental screening fails

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Attempt to stop mandatory mental screening failsCongressman pushed language requiring parental consent

Posted: November 24, 20041:00 a.m. 
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com 
An attempt by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, to add language 
to the omnibus spending bill in Congress to require parental consent for any 
mental-health screening done to children with federal money has failed. 
The language was proposed to blunt the effect of a program proposed by the 
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, which President Bush established in 
2002. The New Freedom Initiative recommends screening not only for children but 
eventually for every American. 
WorldNetDaily reported, in September Paul attempted to have the program 
removed from Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Act. His amendment failed 
the House of Representatives by a vote of 95-315. 
The language he hoped to have added to the omnibus bill, which passed on 
Saturday, was: 
"None of the funds made available for State Incentive Grants for 
Transformation should be used for any programs of mandatory or universal 
mental-health screening that performs mental-health screening on anyone under 18 
years of age without the express, written permission of the parents or legal 
guardians of each individual involved." 
Though Paul had support from House leadership for the language, senators who 
were part of the conference committee overseeing the final bill did not want it 
"We believe the drug companies and the psychiatric establishment convinced 
Sens. Arlen Specter and Bill Frist to block it," said Kent Snyder, executive 
director of the Paul-founded Liberty Committee. "We are extremely disappointed 
that the conference committee ultimately rejected Dr. Paul's language and that 
it was not added to the omnibus spending bill." 
Critics of the mental-health screening plan say it is a thinly veiled attempt 
by drug companies to provide a wider market for high-priced antidepressants and 
antipsychotic medication, and puts government in areas of Americans' lives where 
it does not belong. 
Snyder says Paul won't give up on thwarting the screening and will take up 
the issue again in January when the new Congress convenes. 
Previous stories: 
tries to block mental-health screening 
to dump mental screening fails 
mental screening hits roadblock in House 
Bush to 
screen population for mental illness 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] CIA finds Arafat's $1.9bn fortune

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
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CIA finds Arafat's $1.9bn fortuneBy PETER ANAV in Jerusalem22nov04
THE late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat controlled a
network of companies, investments and bank accounts with a value totalling at
least $1.9 billion, according to the Austrian business magazine
Format.Quoting a Central Intelligence Agency report, it said
yesterday the CIA had conducted inquiries after receiving information that a
holding company of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation had invested $11.6
million in a small pharmaceutical company in the Canadian town of Belleville,
Format said investigators had "stepped on an anthill" when they
uncovered the stake held by the Palestinian Commercial Service Corporation in
Bioniche Life Sciences.
They uncovered a whole network of PLO funds such as Chalcedony, Onyx,
Evergreen, SilverHaze and Avmax International, the latter based on the Caribbean
island Aruba.
The magazine said it had seen a file "detailing in concrete terms for the
first time how much money was involved".
The financial network was alleged to have been run by Arafat.
Format said between 1998 and the Palestinian uprising of 2000, an
Austrian bank and a group called Casino Austria financed a gambling casino
frequented by Israelis at Jericho on the West Bank.
It also alleged Arafat controlled $1.03 billion in bank accounts in Austria,
the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
Arafat's nephew yesterday arrived in Paris from Cairo to pick up the deceased
leader's medical records. Nasser al-Qidwa, who was accompanied by the
Palestinian Authority's representative in France, Leila Shahid, did not make any
Arafat's death has caused speculation, controversy and continuing mystery.
He was admitted to a Paris hospital on October 29 and died on November 11.
However, his cause of death has not yet been revealed.
Late on Friday, lawyers for Arafat's widow Suha said she had been given her
husband's medical file and had left for her second home in Tunisia.
Mrs Arafat, invoking French medical confidentiality laws, has kept a tight
grip on information relating to her husband's treatment during his last

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Carlyle Group Profits from Government and Conflict

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
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The Carlyle Group Profits from Government and
Conflict (Source: Center for Public Integrity; issued Nov. 18, 2004) 
Carlyle Group, a Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm that employs
numerous former high-ranking government officials with ties to both political
parties, was the ninth largest Pentagon contractor between 1998 and 2003, an
ongoing Center for Public Integrity investigation into Department of Defense
contracts found.
A dozen companies in which Carlyle had a controlling interest netted more
than $9.3 billion in contracts.
Overall, six private investment firms, including Carlyle, received nearly $14
billion in Pentagon deals between 1998 and 2003.
From its founding in 1987, the Carlyle Group has pioneered investing in the
defense and national security markets, and through its takeover of companies
with billions of dollars in defense contracts became one of the U.S. military's
top vendors, ranking among better known defense firms like Lockheed Martin,
Boeing Co., Raytheon Co., Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics.
Unlike those firms, however, the Carlyle Group itself is not a manufacturer.
It offers no services directly to the Pentagon, and has no defense contracts.
Rather, it manages investments--some $18.4 billion from 600 individuals and
entities in 55 countries, according to its Web site. The firm's business is
making money for these investors, the vast majority of whose identities are not
disclosed to the Securities and Exchange Commission or other government
bodies... Though Carlyle itself has won no contracts, the companies it
has owned or controlled have done billions of dollars worth of business with the
Pentagon. The Carlyle unit that brought in the largest share--$5.8 billion--as
United Defense Inc., which manufactures combat vehicles, artillery, naval guns,
missile launchers and precision munitions. United Defense also owns the
country's largest non-nuclear ship repair, modernization, overhaul and
conversion company, United States Marine Repair Inc. Its most famous product may
well be the Bradley fighting vehicle. United Defense brought in more than 60
percent of Carlyle's defense business.
Carlyle took United Defense public in 2001; by April 2004 it had sold all its
shares in the company.
Lear Siegler Services, a leading contractor in aircraft logistics support,
maintenance, pilot training and ground support, received contracts worth more
than $1 billion. Carlyle sold the company in August 2002.
Southwest Marine Inc. also received contracts worth more than $1 billion
since 1998, and Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock received contracts worth $827
million. In 1998, Carlyle merged these two companies into United States Marine
Vought Aircraft Industries, a large subcontractor doing work for military
cargo planes, bombers, and fighters, received contracts worth $85 million.
Vought is among the few defense contractors that the Carlyle Group has not sold.

Among other private equity firms, New York-based Veritas Capital Management
firm that employs many former high-ranking military officials received Pentagon
contracts to the tune of more than $2.2 billion. Veritas is the 41st ranked
defense contractor.
Companies under the ownership of Vectura Holding Co., another New York-based
group, got deals to the tune of $1 billion, while companies controlled by
Berkshire Hathaway, led by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, won contracts
worth $688 million. Companies owned by Green Equity Investors II LP ($275
million) and Gores Technology Group ($153 million) also received substantial
defense money.
Private equity firms did not have any significant presence in the defense
industry until the end of the Cold War. Traditionally, the Defense Department
depended on mega contractors such as Boeing Corp., Lockheed Martin and Raytheon

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] China reported bidding for Canada-based Husky Energy

2004-11-26 Thread Kris Millegan
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>From Reuters
Friday, November 26, 2004


TORONTO -- A Chinese government agency is eyeing 
Husky Energy Inc., a Canadian-based company 
controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, The 
Globe and Mail newspaper reported on Friday.

The Globe, citing sources familiar with the talks, said 
representatives from China and the Li family have been 
in talks for several weeks concerning a takeover of 
Canada's No. 5 oil producer and refiner.

The newspaper said resource-hungry China was looking 
to acquire full control of Husky, known for its chain 
of Husky and Mohawk gas stations. But it was not clear 
which agency would bid.

Husky also has a dominant position in western 
Canadian heavy crude production and processing and 
is developing the White Rose oil field off the 
Newfoundland coast, scheduled to start up in late 
2005 or early 2006.

Chinese state-controlled PetroChina Co. Ltd. was 
interested in Husky two years ago but talks broke 
down over the price.

The Globe said a spokesman for Husky refused to 
comment on the story.

Canada has attracted the attention of resource-hungry 
China lately. China Minmetals Corp. is bidding for base 
metals company Noranda Inc.

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[CTRL] Portugal child sex trial, Spain internet crimes, UN/Congo

2004-11-26 Thread Smart News
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Portugal child sex trial begins 11/25/04 "The trial of seven people accused of forming a child sex ring in Portuguese care homes has begun in Lisbon. The accused include a TV presenter, a former top diplomat, and a former director of the Casa Pia children's home network.  Abuse at Casa Pia is said to have started in the mid-1970s, but was only discovered in 2002. About 700 witnesses and 32 alleged victims, some of them under 16 years old, are due to testify in the case." "A former director of Casa Pia, Manuel Abrantes, is also on trial. A woman, Gertrudes Nunes, is accused of providing her house to be used for abuse. But a Portuguese judge threw out the cases against ex-government minister Paulo Pedroso, TV comedian Herman Jose and archaeologist Francisco Alves."  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4040733.stm

Major paedophile trial opens By Levi Fernandes in Lisbon 11/26/04 "SEVEN people, including a popular TV star and a former diplomat, went on trial over a high-profile child abuse scandal in Portugal today, facing charges that include the sexual abuse of minors in a network of state-run children's homes." ""Among those standing trial are Jorge Ritto, a former Portuguese ambassador to South Africa; Carlos Cruz, a television presenter whose career spans over three decades; and a former director of Casa Pia, Manuel Abrantes. The seven, including one woman, face charges ranging from child sexual abuse to procurement and rape involving 32 victims, with the former driver of the childrens' homes, Carlos Silvino, alone facing 600 different charges." http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,11504230%5E1702,00.html

Chat-show host goes on trial over 'orphan sex ring' By Elizabeth Nash in Madrid 11/25/04  "Spanish police arrested 90 people, including 21 minors, yesterday on suspicion of trading images and videos on the internet of children engaged in "all kinds of sexual acts". http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=586434

UN abuse in Congo 'caught on film' By Meera Selva 11/24/04 "Some United Nations staff who sexually abused girls and women in the Democratic Republic of Congo have had their activities caught on film. Refugees in Congo have made more than 150 allegations against UN staff, including accusations of paedophilia, rape and prostitution. Now, the UN says it has photographic and video evidence to back up the allegations." http://news.independent.co.uk/world/africa/story.jsp?story=586040

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