[CTRL] Fwd: Check out Should there be an impeachment investigation NOW?

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: May 2, 2007 10:16:34 AM PDT
Subject: Check out Should there be an impeachment investigation NOW?

Click here: Should there be an impeachment investigation NOW?

Make your voice heard.  Let your elected representatives know you  
support Cheney's impeachment.

27,000+ signatures/messages so far, and still counting ...

See what's free at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: On the Wrong Side of History

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: May 3, 2007 9:19:11 PM PDT
Subject: On the Wrong Side of History

Insurgents 'right to take on US'


'Insurgents' in Iraq are right to try to force US troops out of the  
country, a former British army commander has said.  Gen Sir Michael  
Rose also told the BBC's Newsnight programme that the US and the UK  
must admit defeat and stop fighting a hopeless war in Iraq.  
Iraqi insurgents would not give in, he said. I don't excuse them  
for some of the terrible things they do, but I do understand why  
they are resisting. Sir Michael has written a book drawing  
similarities between the tactics of [nationalist] 'insurgents' and  
George Washington's men in America's War of Independence.

UK and US must admit defeat and leave Iraq, says British general


A retired British army general [General Sir Michael Rose] says  
Iraq's 'insurgents' are justified in opposing the occupation,  
arguing that the US and its allies should admit defeat and leave  
Iraq before more soldiers are killed.

When he was asked if he thought the Iraqi insurgents were right to  
try to force the US-led coalition [occupation] out, he replied:  
Yes I do.

As Lord Chatham [William Pitt the Elder, who, in mid-18th century  
called for a cessation of hostilities in the colonies and favoured  
American resistance to the British Stamp Act] said, 'if I was an  
American - as I am an Englishman - as long as one Englishman  
remained on American native soil, I would never, never, never lay  
down my arms'.

The Iraqi insurgents feel exactly the same way. I don't excuse them  
for some of the terrible things they do, but I do understand why  
they are resisting the Americans.

We cannot 'win' a war that serves only our enemies' interests, not  
our own.  So continuing to pursue the illusion of victory in Iraq  
makes no sense, and never did.

--Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, U.S. Army, ex-Director of the National  
Security Agency http://rawstory.com/news/2007/ 

See what's free at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Things Fall Apart

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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Date: May 3, 2007 9:11:20 PM PDT
Subject: Things Fall Apart

US inspector general for Iraq
under investigation [himself]

Reuters, 02 May 2007

By Andrea Shalal-Esa

WASHINGTON, May 2 (Reuters) - Stuart Bowen, the U.S. special  
inspector general for Iraq reconstruction whose office has  
uncovered abuse of both Iraqi and U.S. funds, is under  
investigation himself, a White House spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

Complaints against Mr. Bowen are being looked at by the integrity  
committee of the PCIE (President's Council on Integrity and  
Efficiency), said spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore.

She gave no details about the investigation or the nature of the  
complaints against Bowen, who heads the Special Inspector General  
for Iraq Reconstruction, or SIGIR.

Bowen's office declined comment.

The council, created in 1992, is comprised of presidentially  
appointed inspectors general and headed by Clay Johnson, the deputy  
director for management of the White House Office of Management and  

Johnson told Reuters he had no details on the nature of the  
allegations against Bowen, saying only they were filed by former  
and current employees.

Right now there have been no findings, he said, adding the  
inspector general of the Social Security Administration had been  
appointed by the integrity committee to conduct the investigation.

It has been going on for a long time, Johnson said.

He said he chaired the council, but emphasized it was independent  
of the White House, and his role was very limited. He said the  
integrity committee was created in 1996 to investigate any  
allegations involving inspectors general.

Several former SIGIR employees filed complaints about Bowen in  
2006, focusing on charges that he failed to come to work for long  
periods at a time, and used SIGIR staff to work on a book about the  
broad lessons of Iraq reconstruction, said one former SIGIR  
employee, who asked not to be identified.

It is SIGIR's standing policy neither to confirm nor deny the  
existence of any investigation, whether by SIGIR investigators or  
any other (U.S. government) agency, said spokeswoman Denise Burgess.

Bowen was appointed as inspector general of the Iraqi Coalition  
Provisional Authority in January 2004, remaining in that role after  
the creation of SIGIR.

His office produces quarterly reports to Congress about Iraq  
reconstruction efforts. His latest report said seven of eight  
rebuilding projects that costing about $150 million had previously  
been declared successes, were now in disrepair or had been abandoned.

Bowen, a lawyer who spent four years in the U.S. Air Force,  
previously served as deputy assistant to President George W. Bush  
as well as associate counsel.

Before his White House tenure, Bowen was a legal adviser to the  
Bush-Cheney transition team; and from 1994 to 2000, he held a  
variety of positions on Bush's staff in Texas, when Bush was governor.

Johnson said he had no information about a separate investigation  
by the council of Johnnie Frazier, the Commerce Department  
inspector general, which was first reported in the Washington Post  
on Wednesday.

See what's free at AOL.com.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Support Our Troops, Who Think Torture Is As American As Apple Pie

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 4, 2007 3:05:31 PM PDT
Subject: Support Our Troops, Who Think Torture Is As American As  
Apple Pie

Pentagon studies

ethical dilemmas faced in Iraq

CNN, May 4, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In its first study of the ethics of U.S. troops  
on the Iraq battlefield, the Pentagon has found that more than a  
third would support using torture to get information from insurgents.

An even greater proportion, 41 percent of soldiers and 44 percent  
of Marines, said torture should be allowed if it would help save  
the life of a comrade.

And fewer than half of the U.S. soldiers and Marines in Iraq would  
report a comrade for unethical behavior, according to the results  
of the survey by the Defense Department's Mental Health Advisory Team.

The survey of more than 1,300 soldiers and nearly 450 Marines was  
conducted last year. It was the fourth in a series of surveys on  
troops' mental health but the first to include Marines and the  
first to look at ethics in Iraq. (Read the report)

While fewer than half of the troops agreed that all noncombatants  
should be treated with dignity and respect, a quarter of those  
surveyed said, I would risk my own safety to save a noncombatant  
in danger.

When mistreatment of noncombatants was reported, the most common  
behavior was cursing or verbal insults (28 percent of soldiers and  
30 percent of Marines). Physical abuse was reported by 4 percent of  
soldiers and 7 percent of Marines.

The survey found the death of a team member led to an increase in  
ethics violations.

The survey also found one-third of soldiers and Marines in high  
levels of combat in Iraq report anxiety, depression and acute stress.

Soldiers who deployed more than six months or multiple times were  
more likely to screen positive for a mental health issue, the  
survey found.

Effective small unit leadership -- or when officers closest to  
the troops did a good job -- promoted better mental health,  
according to the survey.

Results concerning combat stress in the latest survey were similar  
to those from a more extensive study of veterans who sought care  
from the Department of Veterans Affairs after returning from combat  
in Iraq or Afghanistan. (Full story)

In that study, published in the March 12 issue of Archives of  
Internal Medicine and carried out by researchers at the University  
of California, San Francisco, and the San Francisco Veterans  
Affairs Medical Center, 31 percent of more than 100,000 veterans  
studied were diagnosed with mental or psychological problems.

Post-traumatic stress disorder was the most common condition  
reported, affecting 13 percent of all Iraq or Afghanistan veterans  
who sought VA services, according to the study.

That's slightly less than the 15.2 percent tallied for veterans of  
the Vietnam War, but far above the 3.5 percent reported in the  
general population.

U.S. military: Top al Qaeda in Iraq figures killed

The U.S. military said Friday it had confirmed the identities of  
two more senior al Qaeda in Iraq leaders killed this week during an  
operation near Taji, Iraq.

The military identified the men as Sabah Hilal al-Shihawi, the  
religious adviser to Muharib Abdul Latif al-Jubouri, and Abu Ammar  
al-Masri, a foreign fighter facilitator.

Both terrorists were identified by associates at the site,  
according to the military.

On Thursday, the military said al-Jubouri was killed in the same  
raid in which al-Shihawi and al-Masri died. Al-Jubouri was the  
senior minister of information for al Qaeda in Iraq. (Full story)

Other developments

Insurgents killed five U.S. soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter in  
separate attacks Thursday and Friday, the U.S. military said. Since  
the start of the war, 3,354 U.S. troops have been killed; seven  
civilian contractors of the Defense Department also have died.

Sixteen unidentified bodies were found Friday in Baghdad, the Iraqi  
Interior Ministry said. Slain bodies are dumped across the Iraqi  
capital every day, although fewer have been found since a new  
security crackdown began in February.

U.S.-led coalition raids Friday in Baghdad's Sadr City led to the  
arrests of 16 suspected terrorists, part of a cell thought to  
have links to Iran, the U.S. military said.

Five Iraqi police were killed and two others were wounded when a  
roadside bomb targeting their patrol detonated Friday in western  
Baghdad's Amel neighborhood, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.

A car bomb killed three civilians and wounded three dozen in a  
attack Thursday in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq,  
the U.S. military said Friday.

Iraqi security forces detained a former military officer from  
Saddam Hussein's regime and an associate Thursday in 

[CTRL] Fwd: Decider or Deicider?

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 3, 2007 9:00:31 PM PDT
Subject: Decider or Deicider?

Update: Raw Story has the video

OH MY GOD! After Bush says either we'll succeed he utters what  
Raw Story calls a chuckle. I don't know what the hell it is--it  
seems to come out in a strange spasm as Bush struggles to regain  
control. This man is losing it. You must watch this.

Either we'll succeed, or we won't succeed.
And this gem: I'm the Commander guy.

Read the whole incoherent mess:

Iraq-Tested U.S.Generals to President: You've Failed Us

Today, two retired Generals who led troops in Iraq expressed  
outrage at the President's veto of the U.S. Troop Readiness,  
Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act.

The President vetoed our troops and the American people. His  
stubborn commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq is  
incomprehensible. He committed our great military to a failed  
strategy in violation of basic principles of war. His failure to  
mobilize the nation to defeat world wide Islamic extremism is  
tragic. We deserve more from our commander-in-chief and his  
administration.--Maj. Gen. John Batiste, USA, Ret.

This administration and the previously Republican controlled  
legislature have been the most caustic agents against America's  
Armed Forces in memory. Less than a year ago, the Republicans  
imposed great hardship on the Army and Marine Corps by their  
failure to pass a necessary funding language. This time, the  
President of the United States is holding our Soldiers hostage to  
his ego. More than ever apparent, only the Army and the Marine  
Corps are at war - alone, without their President's support.--Maj.  
Gen. Paul Eaton, USA, Ret.

The Confession of E. Howard Hunt

Hunt: I heard from Frank that LBJ had designated Cord Meyer, Jr.  
to undertake a larger organization while keeping it totally secret.  
Cord Meyer himself was a rather favorite member of the Eastern  
aristocracy. He was a graduate of Yale University and had joined  
the Marine Corps during the war and lost an eye in the Pacific  

I think that LBJ settled on Meyer as an opportunist  
(unintelligible) like himself (unintelligible) in a man who had  
very little left to him in life ever since JFK had taken Cord's  
wife as one of his mistresses. I would suggest that Cord Meyer  
welcomed the approach from LBJ who was after all only the Vice  
President at that time and of course could not number Cord Meyer  
among JFK's admirers; quite the contrary.

As for Dave Philips, I knew him pretty well at one time. He worked  
for me during the Guatemala project. He made himself useful to the  
agency in Santiago, Chile where he was an American businessman. In  
any case, his actions, whatever they were, came to the attention of  
the Santiago station chief and when his resume became known to  
people in the Western Hemisphere division he was brought in to work  
on Guatemalan operations.

Sturgis and Morales and people of that ilk, stayed in apartment  
houses during preparations for the big event. Their addresses were  
very subject to change so that where a fellow like Morales had been  
one day, you'd not necessarily associated with that address the  
following day. In short it was a very mobile experience.

Let me point out at this point, that if I wanted to fictionalize  
when I'm in Miami and elsewhere during the run up for the big  
event, I would have done so. But I don't want any unreality to  
tinge this particular story or the information I should say. I was  
a benchwarmer on it and I had a reputation for honesty. I think  
it's essential to refocus on what this information, that I've been  
providing you and you alone by the way, consists of.

What is important in the story is that we backtrack the chain of  
command up through Cord Meyer and laying the doings at the doorstep  
of LBJ. He in my opinion, had an almost maniacal urge to become  
President. He regarded JFK, as he was in fact, an obstacle to  
achieving that. He could have waited for JFK to finish out his term  
and then undoubtedly a second term. So that would have put LBJ at  
the head of a long list of people who were waiting for some change  
in the executive branch.

Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan


A Christian based group known as the Christian’s Liberation  
Movement has concluded that George W. Bush is a fake Christian and  
worships Satan. The group is demanding his impeachment not only for  
his crimes against humanity but for lying to the American people  
about his worship of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Democracy for Sale: CO Voting Official Is Marketing Votescam to Republicans

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 4, 2007 9:48:55 AM PDT
Subject: Democracy for Sale: CO Voting Official Is Marketing  
Votescam to Republicans

Colorado elections IT manager

selling voter data to GOP candidates

by Todd Johnston
Thu May 03, 2007 at 09:38:41 PM EST
An IT manager for Colorado's state-wide voter database has been  
selling targeted voter data through a GOP Campaign help web  
site at PoliticalLiveWires.com.

According to his online resume, Dan Kopelman is currently  
Elections Technology Manager with oversight and guidance of the  
State Wide Voter Database in the office of Colorado's newly  
elected Republican Secretary of State Mike Coffman.

Returning ePluribus Media's request for information, a spokesperson  
for Colo. Secretary of State Mike Coffman confirmed Kopelman's  
employment, but said the office was unaware of his side business  
selling voter lists and other web-based campaign tools.

Furthermore, after learning about the IT manager's conflict of  
interest, Deputy Secretary of State William A. Hobbs met with the  
Kopelman and directed him to take down his campaign web site  

It is inappropriate for a state employee to be both overseeing and  
selling voter lists, said Dana Williams of the SOS's Elections  
Division, adding we see this as a conflict of interest. Williams  
also stated the Secretary's office will be looking into the  
matter further.

Coffman was elected to office last November, after a week needed to  
sort out bungled election counts in Denver and Douglas counties.   
However, both Coffman and his Democratic opponent Ken Gordon vowed  
to work together to fix the state's election system.

Ferreting out employees like Kopelman would seem an ideal place to  

Political issues aside, Coffman's office is responsible for selling  
its master voter registration lists.

In other words, Kopelman was under-cutting his boss  -- the  
Colorado Secretary of State -- by pulling, bundling, and privately  
selling the state's voter information.

Unless he bought the information within the databases he  
maintained, Kopelman actions may even constitute theft.  And given  
that the Secretary's office was unaware of his actions,  
characterizing them as a side business, it seems a stretch that  
Kopelman was regularly purchasing updated voter data.

In any case, Kopelman's political ideology seems clear.  
PoliticalLiveWires.com explicitly courts GOP candidates, provides  
links to The DrudgeReport and Rush Limbaugh as useful resources,  
and streams headlines from CNSNews.com.

Also in his online resume, Kopelman states that from 1999 to 2002  
he worked in Washington, DC under the brilliant leadership of  
Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo. Tancredo (R-CO) is the  
controversial Republican Congressman who called Miami, FL a third  
world country last November. He has also announced his candidacy  
for U.S. president in 2008.

can't say I'm surprised (5.00 / 6) (#2)
This follows the trends observed in New Mexico, Florida, and Ohio  
but those stories related to the SOS election night outsourcing.
New Mexico let's ESS handle their voter registration data and  

This story seems to be a slight variation on improper SOS handling  
of election results and voter data.  I'm willing to bet if you  
checked every state, you'll find many more examples of improper  
outsourcing and integration into Voter Vault type applications.   
In fact, the 72 hours and Voter Vault powerpoint slides encourage  
people to actively share their mailinglists and other databases  
with GOP votervault.

domain registration (5.00 / 5) (#8)

Did you check out the domain lincolndaydinner.com
that is featured by Political Live Wires??

Created On:23-Jun-2003 19:17:30 UTC
Registrant Name:Political Live Wires
Registrant Organization:Political Live Wires
Registrant Street1: X S Mobile St
Registrant City:Aurora
Registrant State/Province:CO
Registrant Postal Code:80016
Registrant Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rocky Mt. News

Dan Kopelman will serve the panel representing Secretary of State  
Mike Coffman. He has an Associates Degree in Electronics  
Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering  
Technology from DeVry Institute of Technology, as well as a Masters  
in Computer Information Systems with an emphasis on Software  
Engineering from the University of Denver. Currently, he is the  
System Administrator and Manager of Unclaimed Property in the  
office of Colorado State Treasurer.
Also, this same Dan Kopelman appears to be involved with the usual  
Young Republican dirty tricks and this Press Release discussed by  
Rocky Mountain News.  He posts to ColoradoSenate.com as some form  
of communications 

[CTRL] Fwd: Entire Fedl Govt Being Infiltrated by Secret Agents of Perpetual One-Party Rule

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 4, 2007 10:10:34 AM PDT
Subject: Entire Fedl Govt Being Infiltrated by Secret Agents of  
Perpetual One-Party Rule

Justice probes hiring of prosecutors

Associated Press, May 3, 12:01 PM ET


WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is investigating whether its  
former White House liaison used political affiliations in deciding  
whom to hire as entry-level prosecutors in some U.S. attorney  
offices around the country, The Associated Press has learned.

Such consideration would be a violation of federal law.
The inquiry involving Monica Goodling, a conservative Republican  
who recently quit as counsel and White House liaison for Attorney  
General Alberto Gonzales, raises new concerns that politics have  
cast a shadow over the independence of trial prosecutors who  
enforce U.S. laws.

Justice spokesman Dean Boyd confirmed Wednesday that the  
department's inspector general and Office of Professional  
Responsibility have been investigating for several weeks Goodling's  
role in hiring career attorneys — an unusual responsibility for her  
to have had.

Investigators are trying to determine whether Goodling may have  
taken prohibited considerations into account during such review,  
Boyd told the AP. Whether or not the allegation is true is  
currently the subject of the OIG/OPR investigation.

Three government officials with knowledge of the investigation said  
Goodling appears to have sought information about party affiliation  
while vetting applicants for assistant U.S. attorneys' jobs. The  
officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing  

Goodling's attorney, John Dowd, declined to comment.

Separately, senators subpoenaed Gonzales on Wednesday directing him  
to provide any e-mails related to presidential adviser Karl Rove  
and the firings of eight federal prosecutors. In Jackson, Miss.,  
Gonzales ended a news conference about the Virginia Tech shootings  
after he was asked about being subpoenaed.

I don't want to comment on it without going back and talking to  
folks within the department, Gonzales said.

Additionally, new documents surfaced Wednesday showing that at  
least four of the eight targeted U.S. attorneys reported being told  
to stay quiet about their dismissals by Mike Elston, the top aide  
to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty.

The documents also indicate that one of the fired prosecutors was  
told by Associate Attorney General William Mercer that the  
dismissals were to make room for others to gain experience so the  
Republican Party would have a strong bench of candidates for  
federal judgeships.

Gonzales — with President Bush's backing — has resisted calls for  
his resignation in the controversy over the dismissals, which  
Democrats say appear to have been politically motivated.

Last month, Goodling quit the Justice Department after refusing to  
testify to Congress about her role in the firings of eight U.S.  
attorneys. The House Judiciary Committee has voted to give Goodling  
immunity from prosecution for her testimony — an offer that is  
being reviewed by the Justice Department to make sure it does not  
interfere with any criminal investigations.

Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., said the new investigation  
suggests politics infected the most basic operations at the  
Justice Department.

Goodling and Kyle Sampson, Gonzales' former chief of staff, also  
had authority to hire or fire about 135 politically appointed  
Justice Department employees who did not require Senate confirmation.

Asked if he had ever heard of the agency's White House liaison  
getting involved in hiring of career prosecutors, Dennis Boyd, the  
executive director of the National Association of Assistant United  
States Attorneys, said: No, never. Boyd, who is no relation to  
the Justice Department spokesman, declined further comment.

The investigation of Goodling appears to focus on her role in  
reviewing applications for trial prosecutors for offices headed by  
temporary or acting U.S. attorneys who had not been confirmed by  
the Senate. That responsibility is usually handled by the Justice  
Department's executive office of U.S. attorneys.

Goodling had served in the executive U.S. attorney's office until  
she was transferred to serve as Gonzales' counsel and primary White  
House contact. The internal Justice investigation concerns  
Goodling's review of job applicants only after she joined the  
attorney general's office, the government officials said.

An official using political affiliation in choosing such applicants  
would clearly violate traditional Justice Department policy and  
practice, said Joe diGenova, who was the U.S. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Will Blackwater Become Fuehrer Busch's SS, The Nasty Party's Paramilitary Arm?

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 4, 2007 2:56:06 PM PDT
Subject: Will Blackwater Become Fuehrer Busch's SS, The Nasty  
Party's Paramilitary Arm?

Will they be training [our police officers] for torture [here in  
Illinois]? asked one speaker at a community meeting.  We ought to  

People are afraid --particularly people with young children--  
whenthey see strange men here in camouflage with submachine guns.

Blackwater Rising

 By Chuck Goudie

May 2, 2007 - The world's most controversial security service is  
now open for business in Illinois. But is Blackwater, Inc. looking  
to make Illinois an outpost for what has been called the world's  
largest private army?

This is the same Blackwater that has become the icon for private  
security services in Iraq. According to critics, Blackwater is  
nothing more than a corporate warlord, based in North Carolina,  
with a payroll of hired gunslingers -- hundreds of them now  
protecting diplomats and contractors in Iraq. Blackwater executives  
say they and their mission near a rural town south of Rockford are  
greatly misunderstood -- that to know them is to like them -- and  
that they want their new neighbors in Illinois to know them.
On the ground in nine nations around the world, Blackwater is what  
one company executive calls the most notorious in the fast- 
growing business of private security. For 10 years the firm has  
been headquartered on almost 7,000 acres in North Carolina. More  
than 100,000 people have been trained there, the majority of them  
active duty US Marines, sailors and soldiers. That makes it the  
largest private military training base in the world.

The firm has received hundreds of millions of dollars in State  
Department security contracts the past few years. But Blackwater  
also has a law enforcement training division. And the company says  
the facility it just opened in northern Illinois is for police  

We saw a need for it. You would have to go five states away to  
find a training facility to find anything like this, said Anne  
Tyrrell, Blackwater spokeswoman.

Surrounded by pristine farmland, down a series of bumpy rural  
roads, Blackwater North took over an existing 80-acre shooting  
range. On the day ABC7 visited, officers from several departments  
including Chicago and Rockford were in a tactical hostage exercise.

There are new techniques that the criminals are using so we have  
to be updated with our techniques. Coming out to Blackwater, these  
guys have seen it all, said Det. Steve Stoball, Freeport Police  

In the nearest big city of Mount Carroll, some people say they  
just woke up one morning and Blackwater was in business.

If they are going to do training for torture, are they going to do  
that on the site? We don't know, said one speaker at a community  

Residents recently met to discuss Blackwater's move into Illinois,  
and whether it will be expanding, something the company claims it  
does not intend.

There is a campaign being waged against us to spread false  
information, said Annie Tyrrell, Blackwater spokesperson.

Much of the Blackwater resistance began after an incident in  
Fallujah focused attention on Blackwater's hired gun role in Iraq.  
Four Backwater security agents were ambushed by insurgents,  
murdered, dragged through the streets and strung from a bridge over  
the Euphrates.

It's like a secret army over there that the majority of Americans  
aren't aware of, said the wife of a dead Blackwater employee.

At a Congressional hearing in February, relatives of Blackwater  
officers killed in the grizzly assault testified that their loved  
ones were deployed to a combat zone with minimal preparation or  
protection. Blackwater is among 25 private military firms hired by  
the US government to provide security in Iraq, at a cost of $4  
billion according to Congress, but with little oversight or  

If you are going to subcontract out this war then there needs to  
be some laws, said the wife of the deceased Blackwater employee.

North Shore Representative Jan Schakowsky has introduced a bill  
that would crack down on contractors who provide rent-a-soldiers in  
Iraq and Afghanistan.

Private military firms in general I think are a threat to  
democracy, said Dan Kenney.

The spillover from Blackwater's military operations prompted DeKalb  
4th grade teacher Dan Kenney to begin a campaign against the  
security contractor. On his spring break, Kenney says he went to  
Blackwater, Illinois, posing as a prospective customer to find out  
what they were up to.

They call it it a 'combat town', said Kenney.

Kenney says what he saw, and was told, leads him to believe that  
Blackwater will eventually conduct 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Christian Taliban is Running the Department of Defense

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 3, 2007 7:19:50 PM PDT
Subject: Fwd: The Christian Taliban is Running the Department of  

Kill everybody -- Let God sort 'em out!
On Judgment Day?
Which, thanks to them, could be tomorrow.

Can you imagine a contingent of religious zealots, with their contempt
for secular values (and such manifestations of secular order as the  

Constitution) -- and with their zest for holy war -- in control of the
most potent fighting force and weaponry in human history? Is this  

Well, said Weinstein, consider the 523rd Fighter Squadron, based at
Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., which calls itself The Crusaders, and  
emblem consists of a sword, four crosses and a medieval knight’s  
Check 'em out at: globalsecurity.org , which reports that the  
payload on

the F-16s they fly consists of a wide variety of conventional,
precision guided and nuclear weapons.

And listen once again to Commander-in-Chief Bush, speaking in 2003 to
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, according to the Israeli
newspaper Ha'aretz: God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck
them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and
now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East.

If this is a religious war -- a clash of civilizations, waged by
competing agents of God's will -- victory may be indistinguishable  

Armageddon. God help the human race.

See what's free at AOL.com.

Date: May 3, 2007 6:51:54 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: The Christian Taliban is Running the Department of Defense

*The Christian Taliban is Running the Department of Defense*
By Robert Koehler

ICH -- Sixteen words may be all that stand right now between the  
apparatus of government and the Founding Fathers' worst nightmare.  
And those words are starting to give.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of  
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...

When George Bush, in the wake of 9/11, puffed himself into Richard  
the Lionheart and declared he would lead the country in a crusade  
against terrorism -- you know, crusade, as in slaughter of Muslim  
infidels -- turns out ... oh, how awkward (if you’re on White House  
spin duty) ... he may have been speaking literally.

What's certain, in any case, is that a lot of people in high and  
low places within the Bush administration -- and in particular, the  
military -- heard him literally, and regard the war on terror as a  
religious war:

The enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Fallujah.  
And we're going to destroy him, a lieutenant colonel, according to  
a BBC reporter, said to his troops on the eve of the destruction of  
that undefended city in post-election 2004.

I knew my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real  
God and his was an idol, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Jerry  
Boykin notoriously boasted a few years back, speaking of a Muslim  
warlord in Somalia. And by the way, George Bush is in the White  
House because God put him there.

And, of course, just the other day, Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich, who  
conducted the first official investigation into Pat Tillman's  
death, opined that Tillman's family is only pestering the Army for  
the, ahem, truth about how he died because their loved one, a non- 
believer with no heavenly reward to reap, is now worm dirt.

Until I read the newly published With God on Their Side (St.  
Martin's Press), Michael Weinstein's disturbing account of anti- 
Semitism at the U.S. Air Force Academy, I shrugged off each of  
these remarks, and so much more, as isolated, almost comically  
intolerant noises out of True Believer Land. Forgive them, Lord,  
for they know not what they do ...

Now my blood runs cold. Weinstein, a 1977 graduate of the Academy  
and former assistant general counsel in the Reagan administration,  
and a lifelong Republican, has devoted the last several years of  
his life to battling what he has come to regard as a fundamentalist  
takeover of the Academy, turning it, in effect, into a taxpayer- 
supported Evangelical institution. He charges that the separation  
of church and state is rapidly vanishing at the school, which  
routinely promotes sectarian religious events, tolerates the  
proselytizing of uniquely vulnerable new recruits and, basically,  
conflates evangelical interests and the national interest.

If you think this is just a fight over some abstract principle,  
with ramifications only for atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, and other  
cadets who may be offended by fundamentalist God talk, I urge you  
to check out Weinstein's book or website. He documents a chilling  

[CTRL] Fwd: OF the Party, BY the Party, FOR the Party -- Who Do Our Public Servants Serve?

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 3, 2007 10:06:21 AM PDT
Subject: OF the Party, BY the Party, FOR the Party -- Who Do Our  
Public Servants Serve?

Embattled Interior official resigns post


An Interior Department official accused of pressuring government  
scientists to make their research fit [Bush] policy goals has  
resigned. Julie MacDonald, deputy assistant secretary for fish,  
wildlife and parks, submitted her resignation letter to Interior  
Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, a department spokesman said Tuesday.  
MacDonald resigned a week before a House congressional oversight  
committee was to hold a hearing on accusations that she violated  
the Endangered Species Act, censored science and mistreated staff  
of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Tester Calls on Montana U.S. Attorney to Resign


Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) called yesterday on a top Justice  
Department official to resign his U.S. attorney's post after  
revelations that he worked to alter federal law so that he and a  
handful of other senior aides could escape residency requirements  
that governed their assignments as federal prosecutors.

2006 Missouri election was ground zero for GOP



New disclosures in the wake of the firings of eight U.S. attorneys  
show that that Republican campaign to protect the balloting was not  
as it appeared. No significant voter fraud was ever proved. The  
preoccupation with ballot fraud in Missouri was part of a wider  
national effort that critics charge was aimed at protecting the  
Republican majority in Congress by dampening Democratic turnout.  
That effort included stiffer voter-identification requirements,  
wholesale purges of names from lists of registered voters and tight  
policing of liberal get-out-the-vote drives.

Connecting the Dots in Election Fraud

by Lynne Glasner

... The issue is clouded by the motive behind the purge. Either out  
of a desire to be politically correct or an unwillingness to apply  
a criminal mindset to the Bush Administration, Congressional  
committees are not acting as if they are investigating a crime.  
Though Bush has yet to mimic “I-am-not-a-crook” Nixon, without  
looking at the motives, it’s hard to come up with probable cause.

It’s important to apply facts to the truthiness of the Republican  
Talking Points. The issue isn’t the replacement of US Attorneys by  
a new administration -- the issue is the dismissal of US Attorneys  
without cause in the middle of their tenure.

The Congressional Research Service filed a report on the historical  
record of the hiring and terms of US Attorneys over the last 25  
years. In the period between 1981 and 2006, there were only three  
U.S. Attorneys who were dismissed without apparent cause in the  
first four years of their terms. During this time frame, at the end  
of every administration, most of the US Attorneys left, as was the  
expected practice.  But there were only 10 who left involuntarily,  
and all but two of these left under at minimum, a cloud of  
“improper” behavior. So, yes, it is a big deal.

Again, we must apply fact to the spin and Republican Talking Points  
because there’s a gap not only in the emails that went missing, but  
in the facts that are being tossed around as truths. The spin- 
meisters want the public to retain the sound bite “voter fraud.”  
Drip, drip, as they squeeze out the talking points, the timing of  
each response carefully calibrated from a general “dismissed for  
poor performance” to “dismissed for not prosecuting voter fraud.”

The public is a bit skittish about voter issues given the last two  
election cycles, so how could anyone oppose going after voter  
fraud. Of course that should be an issue. How silly of us dumb  
citizens. Here we not only get conflicting stories, but the smoke  
and mirrors act is adding to the putrid hot air.

Here’s the problem, one that shouldn’t get lost in the new  
obfuscation about emails and the technicalities thereof. The  
general public doesn’t distinguish between voter fraud and election  
fraud and the media, if they do understand the difference, have  
been strangely silent about making sure their audience is informed.  
But we should not underestimate its importance. It’s not just about  
words — it’s a mirror we should be reflecting to shine a light on  

Voter fraud is fraud committed by individual voters, for example,  
improper registration, voting twice, the kinds of things that the  

[CTRL] Fw: No Wonder They're Afraid of Brit Hume

2007-05-06 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Ann Coulter 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 09:58
Subject: No Wonder They're Afraid of Brit Hume

   May 3, 2007

No Wonder They're Afraid of Brit Hume
By Ann Coulter 
Legal Affairs Correspondent, Human Events
I just woke up from watching the Democrats' debate last 
Thursday, and I am rested and ready to report!
Someone needs to tell the Democrats to stop talking 
about their families. I know they're trying to demonstrate their family 
values, but using actual, live human beings to illustrate the freakish ideas 
of the Democratic base just makes normal people uncomfortable. Continued...

Read the rest of Ann's article here

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: Surprise! theso called environmental movenment is against drilling for oil....in the united states....

2007-05-06 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Bacon 
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 16:57
Subject: Surprise! theso called  environmental movenment is against drilling 
for oilin the united states

Well what do you know the environmental groups are against this project!(LINK 
 what a surprise! Can anybody point to a oil drilling project under United 
States control the so called Environmental groups Support I think these 
so called Environmental Groups have a secret agenda to keep us dependent 
on OPEC! Who financially and politically BENEFITS from these groups efforts to 
keep us DEPENDENT on OPEC! What do you think?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Wall St Journal: America NEEDS a Fuehrer Who's Above the Law, Elected for Life

2007-05-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 4, 2007 10:39:59 AM PDT
Subject: Wall St Journal: America NEEDS a Fuehrer Who's Above the  
Law, Elected for Life

Glenn Greenwald

Wednesday May 2, 2007 10:32 EST
The Right's explicit and candid

rejection of the rule of law

The Wall St. Journal online has today published a lengthy and truly  
astonishing article by Harvard Government Professor Harvey  
Mansfield, which expressly argues that the power of the President  
is greater than the rule of law.

The article bears this headline: The Case for the Strong Executive  
-- Under some circumstances, the Rule of Law must yield to the need  
for Energy.  And it is the most explicit argument I have seen yet  
for vesting in the President the power to override and ignore the  
rule of law in order to receive the glories of what Mansfield calls  
one-man rule.

That such an argument comes from Mansfield is unsurprising. He has  
long been a folk hero to the what used to be the most extremist  
right-wing fringe but is now the core of the Republican Party. He  
devoted earlier parts of his career to warning of the dangers of  
homosexuality, particularly its effeminizing effect on our culture.

He has a career-long obsession with the glories of tyrannical power  
as embodied by Machiavelli's Prince, which is his model for how  
America ought to be governed.  And last year, he wrote a book  
called Manliness in which he urges men, and especially women, to  
understand and accept manliness -- which means that women are the  
weaker sex, women's bodies are made to attract and to please men  
and now that women are equal, they should be able to accept being  
told that they aren't, quite. Publisher's Weekly called it a  
juvenile screed.

I'll leave it to Bob Altemeyer and others to dig though all of that  
to analyze what motivates Mansfield and his decades-long craving  
for strong, powerful, unchallengeable one-man masculine rule --  
though it's more self-evident than anything else.

But reading Mansfield has real value for understanding the dominant  
right-wing movement in this country. Because he is an academic, and  
a quite intelligent one, he makes intellectually honest arguments,  
by which I mean that he does not disguise what he thinks in  
politically palatable slogans, but instead really describes the  
actual premises on which political beliefs are based.

And that is Mansfield's value; he is a clear and honest embodiment  
of what the Bush movement is. In particular, he makes crystal clear  
that the so-called devotion to a strong executive by the Bush  
administration and the movement which supports it is nothing more  
than a belief that the Leader has the power to disregard, violate,  
and remain above the rule of law. And that is clear because  
Mansfied explicitly says that. And that is not just Mansfield's  
idiosyncratic belief. He is simply stating -- honestly and clearly  
-- the necessary premises of the model of the Omnipotent Presidency  
which has taken root under the Bush presidency.

This is not the first time Mansfield has expressly called for the  
subordination of the rule of law to the Power of the President. In  
January of 2006 -- in the immediate aftermath of revelations that  
President Bush had been breaking the law for years by spying on the  
telephone conversations of Americans without warrants -- Mansfield  
went to The Weekly Standard and authored a truly amazing article,  
which I wrote about here (see item 2).

Unlike dishonest Bush followers who ludicrously claimed that Bush's  
eavesdropping was not illegal, Mansfield embraced reality and  
candidly argued that President Bush possesses the power to break  
the law in order to fight The Terrorists. The headline of that  
article presented the same mutually exclusive choice as the WSJ  
article today: The Law and the President -- in a national  
emergency, who you gonna call?

In that article, Mansfied claimed, among other things, that our  
enemies, being extra-legal, need to be faced with extra-legal  
force; that the Office of President is larger than the law;  
that the rule of law is not enough to run a government; that  
ordinary power needs to be supplemented or corrected by the  
extraordinary power of a Prince, using wise discretion; that with  
one person in charge we can have both secrecy and responsibility;  
and most of all:

Much present-day thinking puts civil liberties and the rule of law  
to the fore and forgets to consider emergencies when liberties are  
dangerous and law does not apply. 
Law does not apply -- that is Mansfield's belief, and the belief  
of the Bush movement. I didn't think it was possible, but  
Mansfield, with today's article in