[CTRL] Fwd: [A Great Rant]

2000-06-24 Thread ATB XX
  Your Time Is Valuable, I respect that. Take advantage of my generous nature and share in the good fortune I have been graced with. I have done the research, reap the rewards without the problems:    http://growrichnow.com/?250329If you are already wealthy, sorry to take your time... If not, enjoy this FREEBIE on me, pass it on and discover how good it feels to share the wealth!  http://growrichnow.com/?250329~~for educational purposes only~~Playing Monopolyby Joseph SobranNow that Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson describedas "a pro-business, conservative Republican," bythe Wall Street Journal has ordered the breakupof Microsoft, we should pause to reflect on antitrustmeasures and monopolies of power.Years ago I was asked: "Why don't you criticizeBig Business the way you criticize Big Government?"A fair question. I answered that I wasn't forced todeal with General Motors. I was free not to buy itsproducts, and it couldn't jail me for driving aHonda. By contrast, I had to pay the federalgovernment roughly the price of a new car everyyear and I never got the car. My money wasdistributed among others who were favored by thepoliticians.Since then, Microsoft has replaced General Motorsas the emblematic giant corporation. And I do dealwith Microsoft. I use its products freely andvoluntarily, as everyone else does and they havebecome indispensable to my work, even at this moment.I don't feel that I need Judge Jackson or AttorneyGeneral Janet Reno to "protect" me from Bill Gates.Neither of them could do what Gates has achieved.He is unique, a great innovator. They belong tothe huge class of interchangeable people who runthe government that is, who deal with peoplethrough the constant threat of force, which isthe essence of government. They can be replaced;countless others can do what they do.Miss Reno, after all, was Bill Clinton's thirdchoice for her job. She will be remembered chieflyfor violent confrontations in Waco and Miami, andperhaps secondarily for helping Clinton escapeinvestigation by special prosecutors. People likeher are essentially parasites; they produce nothingto enhance our lives. They are the people we reallyneed to be protected from.The definition of "monopoly" in business hasbecome highly technical and manipulable. Butthe bottom line is that I'm free to use theproducts of Microsoft's competitors. I could evengo back to my old Royal typewriter if necessary.But Gates attracts the predators as what TomWolfe has called "the Great White Defendant."Jackson and Reno are basking in the glory ofhaving nailed him.Why is nobody talking about the real monopoly ofpower that of the federal government? The word"federal" has become a misnomer; there is nothingreally federal about a government that can claimauthority over anything it chooses to control.The Constitution is an antitrust act forgovernment. It was designed to prevent thefederal government from becoming a monopoly ofpower, or what the Framers called a "consolidated"government. A few specific powers were delegatedto it, and all others were denied to it. The pointof the Tenth Amendment is not, as is usually said,to protect "states' rights," but to limit federalpowers.But power tends to accumulate, and throughoutthe twentieth century the United States wentthe way of so many European nation-states. Itabandoned its tradition of federalism anddecentralized power, just as other countrieswere adopting communism, socialism, fascism,and other variants of the consolidated state.The interpretation of the Constitution wassystematically and shamelessly warped toauthorize what that Constitution clearly prohibits.But who will break up the federal government'smonopoly? Most Americans, drenched inpro-government propaganda, are ignorant of theConstitution especially if they've studiedconstitutional law in a pricey law school. We'vefallen for the prevalent but preposterous notionthat the interpretations of the U.S. SupremeCourt somehow supersede the clear, original,traditional, and logically inescapable meaningsof the text itself.By inflating the meanings of a few phrases,some of which aren't even in theConstitution "interstate commerce," "freedomof expression," "equal protection of thelaws" the federal judiciary has helped createmonopoly government.A monopoly of the coercive powers ofgovernment including the powers of taxing,regulating, arresting, and confiscating isfar more dangerous, and potentially lethal,than any powers a private corporation can amass.Bill Gates can't arrest his competitors; he can'tlay armed siege to an eccentric religious sect;he can't punish you for boycotting Microsoft.And he can't distract attention from his troublesby bombing foreign countries.Do You Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Fwd: [TheFrogPond] LAUGH BREAK !!

2000-06-24 Thread ATB XX
  >Source:>http://www.herald.com/thispage.htm?content/archive/living/barry/content.htm>>Dr. Kevorkian's services needed on the campaign trail>>By DAVE BARRY>>Here's some exciting news for you voters: There are>only six or seven more months until the presidential>election! That's right! Just a half-year or so of>listening to the candidates accuse each other of being>pond scum, and then we get to choose one as our>president!>> Oh, it's going to be a fun campaign. It certainly has>been wild and unpredictable so far, hasn't it? I mean,>just a year ago, all the so-called ``experts'' were>saying that it was a done deal, that Al Gore and>George ``W'' Bush were sure to get nominated, just>because they had money and the political big shots>behind them. But guess what? This is not a brutal>dictatorship such as Iraq or your cable company. This>is the United States of America, where the PEOPLE>decide. And the 126 people who actually voted in the>primaries have decided that the nominees will be: Al>Gore and George ``W'' Bush.>> Of course both men were challenged in the primaries.>Al Gore was challenged by Bill Bradley, former>Knickerbocker and U.S. senator from the state of>Suspended Animation. He reportedly had some good>ideas; the problem was that, because of his speaking>style, nobody heard them. He'd give a speech on health>care, and the audience would wake up days later, still>groggy, saying, ``I remember him saying something>about pre-existing medical conditions, and then>apparently my head struck the floor.''>> Bush's main challenger was Sen. John McCain, who got>good coverage from the news media, because he invited>them to ride on his bus. To a normal, well-adjusted>human, a bus ride is not particularly exciting, but it>was HUGE to the media, because pretty much everybody>hates them, especially politicians, who generally>would not invite the media to ride on anything except>an inner tube floating just above Niagara Falls. So>McCain got excellent press, to the point where some>Bush supporters felt that the coverage was slanted, as>evidenced by this front-page headline from the Feb. 2>issue of The New York Times:>> McCAIN IS SEEN GAINING ON STUPID>> But when all was said and done, the winners were Bush>and Gore, one of whom will be our next president,>unless -- and I would not totally rule this out - the>Constitution suddenly is discovered to be missing, and>it mysteriously turns up a few days later in the White>House living quarters, and, lo and behold, the part>that limits the president to two terms is GONE.>> But probably it'll be Gore or Bush. Perhaps you're>asking yourself: Since we have the candidates, why not>just hold the election NOW? Why drag it out? Why can't>we be more like, say, Great Britain, which somehow is>able to elect an entire new government in less time>than it takes for our presidential candidates to agree>on the lectern heights for a TV debate?>> The answer is that if we vote now, we will do a great>deal of harm to something we Americans call ``the>democratic process,'' by which I mean ``TV and radio>broadcasters.'' These companies are going to be paid>many millions of dollars to air commercials in which>the candidates viciously attack each other, day after>day, month after month, until nobody wants to vote for>either one of them except their immediate pets. This>is called ``informing the voters.''>> To get you started with this process, here's an>analysis of the two candidates' strengths, weaknesses>and positions on the issues:>>AL GORE: His strength is that he has been vice>president for eight years, which theoretically gives>him a lot of experience. Unfortunately, he cannot>remember ever having participated in any official>meetings or discussions or anything else that any>current or future special prosecutor may or may not>find out about. He is in favor of education, the>economy and the Family, and he communicates his views>on these topics by speaking in a style identical to>that of Mister Rogers reassuring 2-year-olds that they>will not be sucked down the bathtub drain.>> GEORGE ``W'' BUSH: His strength is that he is the son>of former President George Herbert Walker Hoover>Franklin Pierce Kennebunkport Bush. His biggest>weakness is that he apparently does not speak English,>or anything else, as a native language, and thus has>trouble when asked trick questions such as what he>thinks. He is also in favor of education, the economy>and the Family.>> Both men are strongly against the use of drugs, at>least at this point in their lives. So there you have>it, voters! Your exciting choice! Ointment vs.>Suppository! Only another 200 days or so, and you get>to pick one! This is assuming you have not moved to>Iraq.>>>__Your Time Is Valuable, I respect that. Take advantage of my generous nature and share in the good fortune I have been graced with. I have done the research, reap the rewards without the problems:    http://growrichno


2000-06-13 Thread ATB XX
undefinedDo You Yahoo!?
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Re: [CTRL] Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien on Mind Control 3/3

2000-06-02 Thread ATB XX

  I just finished the published book, Trance Formation
of America, and if you get a chance I would recommend
you do the same. This "David and Goliath" story will
answer those questions, without hesitation. I would
say I comprehend the seriousness of the situation,
only through the exposure of these ultimately
versed individuals, and in the reality of how heavily
it "strong arms" all the perception possibilities, to
the point of it actually placing EVERYONE at risk, if
not in total control.
  The "name dropping" will cause your head to spin,
and the degree of torture implemented to instill the
"control factor" on these slaves is close to being
beyond belief... until you realize how ultimately
successful the "methods of madness" are. (Do research
"compartmentalized memory" and the "Oz" programming)
  With the "gun control issue" being on the front
burner of the "media" and both Presidential Platforms
(if you still believe there are two parties), is it
really surprising that there is suddenly a rash of
violent gun "crimes"? This being perpurtrated on the
same "dummied down" populace that has been taught to
be "politically correct" in accepting anything
presented in the Socialist Agenda as being for the
"good of America", from Education 2000 to same sex
  Realize, this is not "new", there have been entire
generations who have labored on this same Agenda,
knowing full well they would not experience fruition
in their lifetime, yet not questioning nor relenting
in their pursuit of the Spiritual, mental and
financial bancruptcy of the human being. Now armed
with "technology" and having only the desire to
"Master" the sheeple (including reducing the number of
available humans, depending on their willingness to be
enslaved), through control of all factors of life as
we believe it to exist. RIGHT DOWN TO THE DEFINITIONS
  Follow or "rebel", the choice is not yours unless
you comprehend the seriousness of what is described in
Trance Formation... and actively combat the process of
being led and lied to. Do beware, if in fact you have
been programmed, this book could be a rather
unpleasant "trigger", and without not only your
permission being granted, but without being aware of
the actions performed.
  Control can be recognized, total control will not
only not be realized, but performed without question.

>   I don't understand this reasoning.  Is he saying
> if he were to use a
> publishing house, they would own the copyright and
> then could be strong-armed
> not to publish the book?  That the CIA could silence
> the publishers and then
> Mark would be dead?  I don't get it.  Authors own
> the copyrights usually.
> Samantha

$ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
 Your Personal Lifestyle Upgrade Available. Want BIG MONEY and the time to enjoy it?
Catch this train before it pulls out, IT IS FREE TODAY...and
   can you tell me when the next one runs. Winning is not everything, but the 
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: NWO Pattern Emerging

2000-05-30 Thread ATB XX

> There are many seemingly disjointed events taking
> place across the
> country. Isolated, they seem so innocent; but when
> they are
> connected, they form a pattern.
> For instance, the Hollister R-5 School District in
> Hollister, Missouri,
> agreed to participate in an emergency evacuation by
> having students
> board school buses and leave for destinations
> unknown. They were to
> have permission from their parents, but it did not
> matter when the time
> came.
> Then, the U.S. government has special training in
> urban areas for
> EMERGENCIES, such as nuclear bomb blasts,
> chemical/biological
> attacks. They have sent in black suited troopers
> with automatic
> weapons to close down airports, scale buildings,
> blow up buildings,
> take prisoners, etc.
> Then the constant ATTACKS upon the Christian
> religion through the
> courts. Example: In eastern Kentucky the schools and
> courthouses
> are taking down the Ten Commandments, Mayflower
> Compact,
> Declaration of Independence, the U.S. motto - in God
> we trust.
> Every vestige of the Christian faith that this
> nation was built upon
> MUST be destroyed by the ungodly deceivers.
> Then the black suited "Special ops" and FBI agents
> that burned -
> deliberately - to death 86 Branch Davidians on April
> 19, 1993. ALL
> WITH DECEPTION by accusing them of having an illegal
> drug
> operation to bring in the military. A pattern is
> emerging.
> Then the Seattle World Trade Organization
> demonstration that turned
> ugly. The police that stepped in were wearing full
> military riot gear
> including military HELMETS. Once again, a pattern in
> emerging. THE
> Then there is H.R. Bill 2987 that has hidden inside
> of it "Secret
> Searches" of Americans homes. The section is labeled
> "Notice
> Clarification." Under this the government could
> enter your house,
> apartment or office with a search warrant, conduct a
> search, seize or
> copy files from your computer and NOT tell you until
> months later.
> Another section of this bill would relieve the
> government of giving
> property owners who are searched an inventory of
> seized items.
> Currently, the law requires an inventory of seized
> items to be
> prepared and delivered right after a search.
> Free speech is at Risk. H.R. 2987 would also allow
> the government
> to order websites censored and shut down WITHOUT any
> due
> process of law and WITHOUT any notice given to the
> website's
> owner.
> When you study very carefully WHY the colonists in
> America finally
> made the Declaration of Independence, you would
> think it was talking
> about America in the year 2000 - not 1775-76!
> The pattern goes deeper. President Clinton has spent
> 8 years
> DESTROYING our military and leaving Americans
> defenseless. At
> the SAME time, Russia has increased its military
> budget under new
> President Vladimir Putin by 50%. He also has
> reinstated boys age 15
> and up in school to train in the use of shooting
> guns and marching
> military style. Are there any patterns developing?
> Communist China threatened to send nuclear bombs
> into Los Angeles
> if America intervenes with their launching an attack
> upon Taiwan
> [March 2000]. They now have decided to use their
> foreign businesses
> as spy operatives. Is there a pattern developing?
> That pattern is that America's centralized
> government in Washington,
> DC, feels it has sufficient power as to ignore the
> laws of the land and
> violate every constitutional right the American
> people are supposed to
> have. This infiltration is part of the New World
> Order's program to
> The signs are everywhere. The handwriting is on the
> wall. Exactly
> WHEN they will pull the strings to cause an economic
> collapse and
> military occupation is unknown at this point.
> However, they are
> becoming more open than ever before.
> The Planners already have the whole world wired for
> a "cashless"
> society by the Y2K threat. When the economic
> collapse occurs, it will
> be a simple matter to force everyone without
> understanding to enter
> their New World Order Economic System for "buying
> and selling."
> Unless you knuckle under to their economic,
> political, religious and
> military system, you will be hunted down as cancer
> cells in the New
> World.
> Sincerely,
> David J. Smith
> -end article-
> -
> Rev:13:16-18
> And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and
> poor, free and
> bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
> their foreheads: And
> that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
> mark, or the name
> of the beas

[CTRL] Food for Thought

2000-05-30 Thread ATB XX

True Nature of Government
> I think it is very important that we teach our
> children about
> the true nature of government. Now, at last, there
> is a way to
> give your children a basic civics course right in
> your own home!
> In my own experience as a father, I have discovered
> several
> simple devices that can illustrate to a child's mind
> the prin-
> ciples on which the modern state deals with its
> citizens.
> You may find them helpful too.
> For example, I used to play the simple card game WAR
> with my
> son. After a while, when he thoroughly understood
> that the
> higher ranking cards beat the lower ranking ones, I
> created a
> new game I called GOVERNMENT. In this game, I was
> Government,
> and I won every trick, regardless of who had the
> better card.
> My boy soon lost interest in my new game, but I like
> to think
> it taught him a valuable lesson for later in life.
> When your child is a little older, you can teach him
> about our
> tax system in a way that is easy to grasp and will
> allow him to
> understand the benefits. Offer him, say, $10 to mow
> the lawn.
> When he has mowed it and asks to be paid, withhold
> $5 and explain
> that this is income tax. Give $1 of this to his
> younger brother,
> who has done nothing to deserve it, and tell him
> that this is
> "fair" because the younger brother 'needs money
> too'. Also, ex-
> plain that you need the other $4 yourself to cover
> the administ-
> rative costs of dividing the money and for various
> other things
> you need.
> Make him place his $5 in a savings account over
> which you have
> authority. Explain that if he is ever naughty, you
> will remove
> the money from the account without asking him. Also
> explain how
> you will be taking most of the interest he earns on
> that money,
> without his permission. Mention that if he tries to
> hide the
> money, this, in itself, will be evidence of
> wrongdoing and will
> result in you automatically taking the money from
> him.
> Conduct random searches of his room in the small
> hours of the
> morning. Burst in unannounced. Go through all of his
> drawers and
> pockets. If he questions this, tell him you are
> acting on a tip-
> off from a mate of his who casually mentioned that
> you had both
> earned a bit of spare cash last week. If you find
> it, confiscate
> all of that money and also take his stereo and
> television. Tell
> him you are selling these and keeping the money to
> compensate
> you for having to make the raid. Also lock him in
> his room for
> a month as further punishment.
> When he cries at the injustice of this, tell him he
> is being
> "selfish" and "greedy" and only interested in
> looking after his
> own happiness. Explain that he should learn to
> sacrifice his own
> happiness for other people and that since he cannot
> be relied
> upon or trusted to do this voluntarily, you will use
> force to
> ensure he complies. Later in life he will thank you.
> Make as many rules as possible. Leave the reasons
> for them
> obscure. Enforce them arbitrarily. Accuse your child
> of breaking
> rules you have never told him about and carefully
> explain that
> ignorance of your rules is not an excuse for
> breaking them. Keep
> him anxious that he may be violating commands you
> haven't yet
> issued. Instill in him the feeling that rules are
> utterly irr-
> ational. This will prepare him for living under a
> democratic
> government.
> He is too young to understand the benefits of
> democracy, so
> explain this wonderful system as follows:
> You, your wife and his brother get together and vote
> that your
> son should have all privileges removed, be caned,
> and confined
> to his room for a week. If he protests that you are
> violating
> his rights, patiently explain his error and tell him
> that the
> majority have voted for this punishment and nothing
> matters
> except the will of the majority. When your child has
> matured
> sufficiently to understand how the judicial system
> works, set
> a bedtime for him of, say, 10 p.m. and then send him
> to bed at
> 9 p.m. When he tearfully accuses you of breaking the
> rules,
> explain that you made the rules and you can
> interpret them in
> any way that seems appropriate to you, according to
> changing
> conditions.
> Promise often to take him to the movies or the zoo,
> and then,
> at the appointed hour, recline in an easy chair with
> a newspaper
> and tell him you have changed your plans. When he
> screams, "but
> you promised!", explain to him that it was a
> campaign promise
> and hence meaningless. Every now and then, without
> warning, slap
> your child. Then explain that this is self-defence.
> Tell him

Re: [CTRL] Pied: "potty mouth" :-)

2000-05-29 Thread ATB XX

  I see Y`all (he who is without...) have a stone in
each hand, I guess you have never had a rant swell and
burst on you. Congratulations! Nessie is right, but
also remember "United we stand...", I admire folks who
have both oars in the water, yet these times of
turmoil are not supportive of good manners on a "bad
day". I see he has been "publicly spanked", so let`s
shake hands and let the bygones be...
  I may be wrong, but I observe more pertinent matters
on hand. Be well in spirit, supportive of nature, and
appreciative of level thinking. He is not the enemy...

--- nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >Then join another political discussion/conspiracy
> list
> "Love it or leave it." Where have I heard that
> before?
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
> Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
> soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
> half-truths,
> misdirections
> and outright frauds—is used politically by different
> groups with major and
> minor
> effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> thought. That being said,
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to
> Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> of

> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research
> List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research
> List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

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Catch this train before it pulls out, IT IS FREE TODAY...and
   can you tell me when the next one runs. Winning is not everything, but the 
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Do You Yahoo!?
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Fwd: Cancer And The Constitution

2000-05-28 Thread ATB XX

> >  Cancer And The Constitution
> >  By Alan Caruba
> >  Toogood Reports [Saturday, May 27, 2000; 06:32
> a.m. EST]
> >
> >  http://ToogoodReports.com/
> >
> >  Try to figure this one out. On Monday, May l5th,
> the page one USA Today
> >  headline said "Cancer's decline continues." This
> year fewer people will
> >  get cancer and fewer will die from it. So,
> naturally, on Wednesday, May
> >  l7th, the EPA announced we are all going to get
> cancer from dioxin and
> >  die. Pay attention; everybody is exposed to
> dioxin in parts per billion
> >  and that's not enough to kill a gnat.
> >
> >  Now here's something that is not likely to make
> it into the newspapers or
> >  be reported by the Rather, Brokaw and Jennings
> evening circus. On page
> l49
> >  of the EPA report about dioxin it says "There is
> no clear indicator of
> >  increased disease in the general population
> attributable to dioxin-like
> >  compounds."
> >
> >  Also on May 17th, another USA Today headline said
> "EPA to hit pollution
> by
> >  diesel." The EPA objective is to clean, clean,
> clean the air still more
> to
> >  protect us against cancers that are in decline.
> The day before, May 16th,
> >  the US Department of Health and Human Services
> took the artificial
> >  sweetener, saccharin, off its list as a probable
> cause of cancer. It was
> >  put on the list in 1981 and, apparently, an
> insufficient number of people
> >  have died from putting it in their morning cup of
> coffee.
> >
> >  When are Americans going to figure out the US
> government hasn't a clue
> >  regarding any of this stuff? Nothing the EPA does
> is intended to protect
> >  us. It is intended to regulate us for a whole
> host of other reasons. The
> >  way they do this is to lie to us fulltime about
> "threats" and "risks",
> >  most of which do not exist and/or will exact
> mindlessly huge amounts of
> >  money to "fix."
> >
> >  When are we going to stop applauding every time
> any branch of the
> >  government tells us it is "protecting" us from
> skinned knees on the
> >  playground, death by auto, cancer, or every other
> possible cause of
> injury
> >  and death that exists? When are we going to take
> responsibility for our
> >  own lives by eating sensibly, wearing helmets if
> we get on a bike or
> >  motorcycle, buckle up in our cars, whatever? Is
> it really the
> government's
> >  job to require you to do anything with regard to
> these personal
> decisions?
> >  Is it the government's job to sue tobacco
> companies when the sale and use
> >  of tobacco is still completely legal? Is it the
> government's job to
> >  require warning labels on everything? Is it the
> government's job to
> attack
> >  the Second Amendment and the manufacturers of
> guns? No! No! And no!
> >
> >  When your grandparents were born, the government
> generally stuck to the
> >  job as defined and described in the U.S.
> Constitution. However, ever
> since
> >  the days of the Great Depression, the government
> has assumed the
> >  responsibility for everyone's health, for
> people's retirement plans, for
> >  the environment, for every single aspect of life
> in America. And it is
> not
> >  authorized to do any of this. There isn't a word
> in the Constitution with
> >  respect to health, housing, Social Security, the
> environment, and the
> >  endless other aspects of our lives for which the
> Founding Fathers rightly
> >  assumed individual citizens were responsible. It
> is called liberty.
> >
> >  It is doubtful that the Constitution is even
> taught in the schools these
> >  days. Most certainly, we have an entire
> generation or two of Americans
> who
> >  have never studied what used to be called
> "civics", how the government
> >  functions, its responsibilities and its
> restrictions. These are the
> people
> >  who are old enough to vote, but don't. For this
> we can thank the
> teacher's
> >  unions. Too many of us who can vote, don't.
> Clinton was elected the last
> >  time around with about 40% of the vote. This is
> not a mandate to do
> >  anything.
> >
> >  The Founding Fathers put lots of restrictions on
> the government, fearful
> >  of the unconstrained nature of any central
> government. The Constitution
> >  says that Congress has the power to regulate
> commerce, to coin money, to
> >  establish post offices and post roads, to promote
> the progress of science
> >  and "useful arts" by granting patents, to declare
> war and raise armies
> and
> >  navies. It set up the judicial system.
> >
> >  The tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights,
> declares succinctly that "the
> >  powers not delegated to the United States by the
> Constitution, nor
> >  prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to
> the States respectively,
> >  or to the people." That's important because the
> Founding Fathers wanted
> to
> >  insure that whatever power they did not grant the
> federal government, it
> >  could not have.
> >
> >  This is also why, after grant

[CTRL] Check out this site!

2000-05-27 Thread ATB XX

 Looking through old "info bins and folders" and
stumbled across this old site, when it says "we
outgrew..." follow the links, it is worth the trip!
 I had forgotten how much valuable knowledge was
stored here, these folks have a level head and have
done their homework.

> http://members.tripod.com/scwarlord/

> Warlord/Survival

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Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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2000-05-27 Thread ATB XX

> BULLETIN # 18   Dec. 6, 1999
> Dear All, Jeff green forwarded us this article,
> and says:  We had pre-arranged with Barry Forbes to
> obtain his permission to reproduce this column
> throughout
> the world. We hope that if you find his writing
> style and
> the specific text of this column as persuasive as we
> have,
> that you will consider having this article
> reproduced as a
> guest column in your favorite(or previously
> ungrateful)
> media outlet.  Thank you Barry, and thank you Hardy.
> We also urge you to send a copy to your local
> dentist,
> doctor, decisionmaker and any one else you can think
> of.
> Let's get this message around the world.   Paul
> Connett.
> Prominent researcher apologizes for pushing fluoride
> by Barry Forbes  The Tribune, Mesa, AZ  Sunday,
> December
> 5, 1999
> "Reproduced With Permission"
> "Why'd you do it, Doc?  Why'd you toss the fluoride
> folks
> overboard?"
> I had just tracked down Dr. Hardy Limeback, B.Sc.,
> Ph.D in
> Biochemistry, D.D.S., head of the Department of
> Preventive
> Dentistry for the University of Toronto, and
> president of
> the Canadian Association for Dental Research.
> (Whew.)
> Dr. Limeback is Canada's leading fluoride authority
> and,
> until recently, the country's primary promoter of
> the
> controversial additive.
> In a surprising newsmaker interview this past April,
> Dr.
> Limeback announced a dramatic change of heart.
> "Children
> under three should never use fluoridated
> toothpaste," he
> counseled.  "Or drink fluoridated water. And baby
> formula
> must never be made up using Toronto tap water.
> Never."
> Why, I wondered?  What could have caused such a
> powerful
> paradigm shift?
> "It's been building up for a couple of years,"
> Limeback
> told me during a recent telephone interview.  "But
> certainly
> the crowning blow was the realization that we have
> been
> dumping contaminated fluoride into water reservoirs
> for
> half a century.  The vast majority of all fluoride
> additives
> come from Tampa Bay, Florida smokestack scrubbers.
> The
> additives are a toxic byproduct of the
> super-phosphate
> fertilizer industry."
> "Tragically," he continued, "that means we're not
> just
> dumping toxic fluoride into our drinking water.
> We're also
> exposing innocent,unsuspecting people to deadly
> elements of
> lead, arsenic and radium, all of them carcinogenic.
> Because
> of the cumulative properties of toxins, the
> detrimental
> effects on human health are catastrophic."
> A recent study at the University of Toronto
> confirmed Dr.
> Limeback's worst fears.  "Residents of cities that
> fluoridate
> have double the fluoride in their hip bones
> vis-a-vis the
> balance of the population.  Worse, we discovered
> that
> fluoride is actually altering the basic architecture
> of
> human bones."
> Skeletal fluorosis is a debilitating condition that
> occurs
> when fluoride accumulates in bones, making them
> extremely
> weak and brittle.  The earliest symptoms?
> "Mottled and brittle teeth," Dr. Limeback told me.
> "In
> Canada we are now spending more money treating
> dental
> fluorosis than we do treating cavities. That
> includes my
> own practice."
> One of the most obvious living experiments today,
> Dr.
> Limeback believes, is a proof-positive comparison
> between any
> two Canadian cities.  "Here in Toronto we've been
> fluoridating
> for 36 years.  Yet Vancouver - which has never
> fluoridated - has
> a cavity rate lower than Toronto's."  And,he pointed
> out, cavity
> rates are low all across the industrialized world
> including Europe,
> which is 98% fluoride free.  Low because of improved
> standards of
> living, less refined sugar, regular dental checkups,
> flossing and
> frequent brushing.  Now less than 2 cavities per
> child Canada-wide,
> he said.  "I don't get it, Doc.  Last month, the
> Centers for
> Disease Control (CDC) ran a puff piece all across
> America
> saying the stuff was better than sliced bread.
> What's the story?"
> "Unfortunately," he replied, "the CDC is basing its
> position
> on data that is 50 years old, and questionable at
> best.  Absolutely
> no one has done research on fluorosilicates, which
> is the junk
> they're dumping into the drinking water."
> "On the other hand," he added, "the evidence against
> systemic
> fluoride in-take continues to pour in."
> "But Doc, the dentists."  "I have absolutely no
> training in
> toxicity," he stated firmly.  "Your well-intentioned
> dentist is
> simply following 50 years of misinformation from
> public health and
> the dental association.  Me, too.  Unfortunately, we
> were wrong."
> Last week, Dr. Hardy Limeback addressed his faculty
> and students
> at the University of Toronto, Department of
> Dentistry.  In a
> poignant, memorable meeting, he apologized to those
> gathered
> before him.
> "Speaking as the head of preventive dentistry, I
> told them that
> I had unintentiona

[CTRL] The fat lady singeth

2000-05-25 Thread ATB XX

From: Jean Staffen
Subject: The fat lady singeth
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000

> $ecrets 2 $uccess Inc.
> (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
> Can you afford to not check out the information that
> unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.
> http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580
> Dear Christian Friends;
> Several times over the past few months I have
> alerted you to the
> fact that beginning on Saturday, 2 September 2000
> (just a few
> weeks from now) the United Nations Millennium
> Assembly
> plans to celebrates the arrival  of the new One
> World
> Government (OWG) under the U.N.
> This particular UN assembly will be the largest
> gathering of heads
> of states ever assembled in the history of the
> world.  This
> assembly has been carefully designed to change the
> world
> forever and will set the world on a course of global
> governance
> under the authority of the United Nations.
> The new scheme of global governance will empower,
> and fund,
> the United Nations to be the supreme governmental
> authority on
> the planet. Selected NGOs (non-government
> organizations),
> called civil society, will take their place as both
> representatives
> of the people, and implementors of U.N. policies.
> More than
> 130 international organizations, called IGOs
> (inter-governmental
> organizations), will be consolidated as direct
> administrative
> agencies of the new U.N. system. National
> governments will
> become administrative units, reporting through the
> appropriate
> IGOs, to the supreme authority of the U.N.
> In light of the above actions (and many more)
> planned by the
> U.N. the issues (domestic and otherwise) being
> debated by those
> candidates seeking state and national elected office
> in the general
> election in November, are of no little or no
> consequences.  The
> reason those issues are of little or no consequences
> is simply due
> to the fact that in every case, without exception,
> the various and
> sundry United Nations plans, will override every
> situation
> presently being debated by the candidates.
> Following are but five, of many,  examples for your
> consideration.
> 1.  United State Senate and House of
> Representatives:  The
> present U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
> will no longer
> AMERICAN PEOPLE, but will instead assume the
> function of
> "appointed administrators" of the U. N. One World
> Government.
> 2.  The United States Department of Justice:  The
> DOJ will be
> replaced in total, by the United Nations world wide
> court and
> justice system, made up of  "appointed" officials
> and not officials
> elected and or approved of by the American people.
> 3.  The United States Department of Defense:  The
> United States
> Department of Defense (as we know it) will be
> replaced in total,
> by the United Nations world wide defense system and
> military
> forces  over which the American people have
> absolutely no
> control.
> 4.  The United States Department of Education:  The
> entire
> American system of education will be replaced with
> the United
> Nations education system and universal curriculum,
> designed and
> mandated by UNESCO, in which parents of school
> children will
> have absolutely no control.
> 5.  Social Security --- The U.N. has its own plan
> for a world
> wide social security system to replace the American
> system now
> in place. A system where "every one" will share and
> share alike
> regardless of individual earning and contributions;
> a communistic
> system wherein the "slackers" benefit just as much
> as the "hard
> workers."
> Therefore, considering the unquestionable and
> imminent threat to
> American Sovereignty, I have sent the following
> letter (litmus
> test) to several key candidates for state and
> national elective
> office.  The purpose of this letter is to determine
> (to the extent
> possible) the candidates degree of loyalty to
> America and our
> Constitutional Republic form of government, as
> opposed to the
> U.N. Totalitarian, One World Government concept.
> While not
> perfect, this litmus test will determine (to a great
> extent) what
> candidates this writer will vote for and what
> candidates The
> Christian Alert Network will endorse and support.
> The following letter (slightly modified) was sent to
> each of the
> following candidates for public office and over the
> next several
> days will be sent to other candidates..
> Vice President Al Gore, Democratic candidate for
> President of
> the US.
> Texas Governor George Bush (Jr), Republican
> candidate for
> President of the US.
> Representative Chet Edward, Democratic candidate for
> US
> House of Representatives.
> Mr. Ramsey Farley, Republican candidate for US House
> of
> Representatives.
> First Lady H

[CTRL] Educating suspicious patriots

2000-05-25 Thread ATB XX

> --Original Message--
>  Jon Roland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: May 25, 2000
> Subject: Educating suspicious patriots
> Educating suspicious patriots
> Jon Roland, Constitution Society
> One of the most rapidly growing developments in U.S.
> civic life today is
> the emergence and prevalence of unfounded theories
> about legal
> institutions, processes, principles, and personnel.
> It arises from the
> collapse of confidence in the integrity of
> government generally, and of
> the judicial system and legal profession in
> particular. In every other
> society in which such a loss of confidence has
> occurred, the result has
> been violence and oppression, and unless we deal
> with this problem, we
> can expect deadly civil conflict to occur here as
> well.
> It is very easy for people involved with the legal
> profession to dismiss
> these theories and the concerns that give rise to
> them, but that would
> be a despicable dereliction of duty. These people
> may be mistaken or
> misled in their understandings, but their concerns
> about the loss of
> integrity in the judicial and legal systems is
> justified.
> What is needed is for responsible and knowledgeable
> professionals to
> take the lead in explaining what has gone wrong and
> how the people can
> work effectively to fix it. It is not enough to just
> tell them to go to
> law school, or get involved in the political process
> and elect better
> people to public office. For most of them it is too
> late for that. Many
> of them are already being persecuted unjustly by
> corrupt and incompetent
> prosecutors, using corrupt and incompetent witnesses
> and fabricated
> evidence, before corrupt and incompetent judges,
> using manipulated and
> incompetent juries, defended by corrupt and
> incompetent public
> defenders, and denied the right to make an adequate
> defense or argue the
> charges in the presence of the jury, charges which
> are not authorized by
> statutes, which in turn are not authorized by the
> constitutions of the
> state or nation.
> They also know enough to have lost confidence in the
> electoral process,
> having learned that any election that uses punch
> card ballots can easily
> be rigged and probably is, and that the only media
> that might enable
> them to reach the public to educate them about this
> corruption and abuse
> of power are themselves compromised by the corrupt
> abusers.
> Against all this, therefore, these people are doing
> the last thing they
> can before taking up arms: seeking alternative legal
> theories and
> methods by which they might, at least for a while,
> beat the corrupt and
> abusive system at its own game. Their hope is that,
> even if the system
> is no longer constitutional, at least it might be
> proceeding on the
> basis of a consistent theory of its own, a kind of
> substitute
> jurisprudence which, if its principles can be
> discerned and used, might
> enable some people to at least win a few rounds, and
> postpone the day
> when the issue will be decided on a field of battle.
> Their hope is based on the way in which the present
> judicial and legal
> system does seem to operate in a roughly consistent
> way in most of the
> work it does, so that the rule of law may not have
> been completely
> abandoned, at least in nonpolitical cases, and there
> may still be a few
> lawyers and judges who will defy their patrons to
> try to do what is
> right. Those of us who are knowledgeable need to
> patiently explain what
> is really going on, with brutal frankness, why their
> theories are
> unsound, what small remnants of the rule of law
> still survive, and how
> we can work together to build on those and try to
> restore a legal order
> based on state and national constitutions.
> Faced with a subculture of ignorance that resists
> education from those
> they consider compromised, many professionals will
> despair of being able
> to break through and get them on the right path, but
> the solution is to
> take one step at a time, knocking out the myths that
> prop up their
> theories, and substituting correct explanations. It
> is a challenge for
> the educator, but the stakes are too high not to
> try.
> But this guidance must meet their immediate needs.
> They are not law
> students. They are, in many cases, already in the
> process of being
> prosecuted unjustly in ways that threaten their
> lives, their liberty,
> and everything they have. It is too late for
> generalities. They need
> specific answers now, answers they can use
> themselves, because there are
> not enough responsible constitutional lawyers
> available to step in to
> represent all of them, especially pro bono. We have
> to help them help
> themselves, and if there is no legal recourse, then
> we need to frankly
> tell them that the time to take up arms has come.
> Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento,
> CA 95825

[CTRL] The lawyer's "secret oath" nonsense

2000-05-25 Thread ATB XX

 Honestly, Becraft is so full of it... he has written
enough books, you would think he would give up knowing
that the word is indeed getting out.
  www.NITE.org   get the real poop! No bull here!

> >From: Jon Roland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >   From: "R. J. Tavel, JD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >http://freedomlaw.com/dismyths.htmlsRJ]
> >
> >---
> >Larry Becraft wrote:
> >
> >Hey lawyers,
> >
> >  I have been fighting the fools and con-artists on
> the Net who promote
> >flaky legal arguments such as the name in CAPS
> contention, the
> >redemption process, etc. One of these crazy
> arguments is that regarding
> >the UCC. According to this theory, this nation was
> taken over by the
> >"international bankers" via a super secret treaty
> back in 1930 and the
> >decision of the Supremes in the 1938 Erie RR case
> "banished the common
> >law" making the UCC the only form of law available.
> Of course, I have
> >posted to my web site refutations of this madness.
> >
> >  But this silliness continues and it is getting
> worse. Take a look at
> >this Net page:
> >
> >   http://www.apfn.org/apfn/secretoath.htm
> >
> >It is contended here that all lawyers know about
> this "takeover" by the
> >international bankers and have taken a secret oath
> to conceal this fact.
> >I, as a lawyer, have publicly called this crazy and
> stupid, and I have
> >informed people that it is utterly wrong.
> >
> >  I would like to send out an e-mail from various
> lawyers who will
> >likewise follow my lead and condemn this nonsense.
> If you will do so,
> >please look at the above site and learn for
> yourself what is alleged.
> >Please send me an e-mail stating that you are a
> lawyer and that this
> >contention is nothing but a lie. I would like to
> collect these
> >statements from lawyers and make a mass e-mail with
> your and my
> >statement informing people that this argument is
> madness. If it is not
> >done now, people will begin to believe this
> insanity.
> >
> >Everyone who is receiving this note is listed in
> the header hereto;
> >there are no blind copies.
> >
> >Larry Becraft
> >
> >
> >
> >   Dear Larry:
> >
> >I have been a general practitioner in the
> Boston area since December
> >14, 1981.
> >
> >I am strong critic of the bar  and
> judiciary and am  an advocate of
> >pro se litigation. I describe myself as a
> constitutionalist.
> >
> >I have handled dozens of consumer
> bankruptcy cases and have made
> >appearances in federal courts in several states and
> the District of Columbia
> >in addition to being currently  involved in a
> serious  insolvency matter
> >involving the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
> here in Boston. If there
> >was such an oath I think I would have been let in
> on the secret.
> >
> >   In any case, I have no knowledge of  the
> "Secret Oath "described in the
> >APFN web page. It has every attribute of a hoax,
> and of course the" source"
> >cited is anonymous. Frequently when I coach pro se
> litigants I find that I
> >have to spend valuable time explaining to them that
> a lot of the
> >'information" they picked up from "patriot "
> sources is not only erroneous,
> >it is the source of more problems.  I have seen all
> too many tragedies from
> >following bad advice and adopting some  weird and
> fraudulent theories in the
> >line of a misapplication of the UCC and a bizarre
> obsession with 'yellow
> >fringe flags". and "Admiralty Courts.".
> >
> >  It is a symptom of a crisis that has kept the
> patriot movement
> >ineffectual, and one wonders what the real agenda
> is of people who plant
> >what I can only describe as "disinformation."
> >
> > Attorney David Grossack
> > 781-925-5253
> >
> >
> >---End of Original
> Message-
> >
> >Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370,
> Sacramento, CA 95825
> >916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 05/24/00
>  Time: 10:41:54
> >http://www.constitution.org/
> $ecrets 2 $uccess Inc.
> (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
> Check out the information that unlocks YOUR door to
> success and...MONEY!
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$ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
 You can`t be too positive, nor too fortunate. Check out the information
that unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.
The best part...IT IS FREE!



Re: [CTRL] posting limit

2000-05-23 Thread ATB XX
You gettem Nessie!
  I`ve had my parade rained on a few times as well, whats up? 
 nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
By my count, Michael Spitzer posted 35 times yesterday. On those fewoccassions that I have tried to post more than six times in a single day,the seventh post gets automatically rejected. What's up with that?www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,misdirectionsand outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major andminoreffects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial andnazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Archives Available at:http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.htmlArchives of[EMAIL PROTECTED]http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ctrlTo subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SUBSCRIBE CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SIGNOFF CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]Om $ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580) You can`t be too positive, nor too fortunate. Check out the informationthat unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.The best part...IT IS FREE!  http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

[CTRL] Fwd: [[SSN not Required] Arrow Custom Plastics supports Freedom!]

2000-05-23 Thread ATB XX

> --Original Message--
> From: Audrey Bates
> Sent: May 23, 2000
> Subject: Fwd: [[SSN not Required] Arrow Custom
> Plastics supports Freedom!]

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> To: "Group A_No_SSN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "A_Government Watch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Ray Iddings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 18:32:24 -0700
> Subject: [SSN not Required] Arrow Custom Plastics
> supports Freedom!
> The following statement is found at:
> http://www.arrowplastics.com/opportunities.htm:
> Arrow Custom Plastics is a unique company.  It holds
> to the belief that in a
> free country, people should be free to pursue the
> opportunities of their
> choice.  The company also believes that its
> employees should receive 100% of
> their compensation.  Therefore, the company does not
> deduct anything from
> employee paychecks.
> Since Arrow Custom Plastics is a private domestic
> company, it is not
> required to report any information to the federal
> government, including the
> IRS.  For further information on this subject please
> refer to Otto Skinners
> books: The Best Kept Secret, The Biggest Tax
> Loophole of All, and The
> Defendant, P.O. Box 6609 San Pedro, CA. 90734. Or
> visit the web site
> www.edrivera.com  .  Do not
> take the word of anyone
> concerning what you can or cannot do. Study the law
> for yourself and draw
> your own conclusions. In other words, understand
> what you are doing before
> you do it. The Internet is a great source for all
> that knowledge but,
> remember, there's a lot of miss-information out
> there as well.
> Visit their web site at
> http://www.arrowplastics.com/
> And do everything you can to help and support these
> patriots in being a
> successful company.
> Regards,
> Ray Iddings
> Social Security Number Not Required
> http://www.semantechs.com/nossn/

$ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
 You can`t be too positive, nor too fortunate. Check out the information
that unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.
The best part...IT IS FREE!


Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Do want some drama?

2000-05-21 Thread ATB XX

> Every now and then, there are lyrics that make you
> see what being a freedom
> fighter would be like. Try this from Leonard Cohen
> (in 1974). If you get
> near
> it, give it a listen:
> The Partisan (by Anna Marly/Hy Zaret, 1944)
> When they poured across the border
> I was cautioned to surrender,
> this I could not do;
> I took my gun and vanished.
> I have changed my name so often,
> I've lost my wife and children
> but I have many friends,
> and some of them are with me.
> An old woman gave us shelter,
> kept us hidden in the garret,
> then the soldiers came;
> she died without a whisper.
> There were three of us this morning
> I'm the only one this evening
> but I must go on;
> the frontiers are my prison.
> Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
> through the graves the wind is blowing,
> freedom soon will come;
> then we'll come from the shadows.
> Les Allemands e'taient chez moi, [The Germans were
> at my home]
> ils me dirent, "Signe toi," [They said, "Sign
> yourself,"]
> mais je n'ai pas peur; [But I am not afraid]
> j'ai repris mon arme. [I have retaken my weapon.]
> J'ai change' cent fois de nom, [I have changed names
> a hundred times]
> j'ai perdu femme et enfants [I have lost wife and
> children]
> mais j'ai tant d'amis; [But I have so many friends]
> j'ai la France entie`re. [I have all of France]
> Un vieil homme dans un grenier [An old man, in an
> attic]
> pour la nuit nous a cache', [Hid us for the night]
> les Allemands l'ont pris; [The Germans captured him]
> il est mort sans surprise. [He died without
> surprise.]
> Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
> through the graves the wind is blowing,
> freedom soon will come;
> then we'll come from the shadows.
> $ecrets 2 $uccess Inc.
> (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
> Check out the information that unlocks YOUR door to
> success and...MONEY!
>  The best of all, IT IS FREE!
> http://wwwsecrets2success.com/special97580

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] A MUST http://www.constitution.org

2000-05-21 Thread ATB XX

> Subject: FWD: A MUST http://www.constitution.org
> I whole heartedly agree with Mr. Napier, if you
> don`t have this one
> bookmarked, you really should remedy that situation.
> From the real
> Constitution to Black`s Law Dictionary (where they
> get the definitions to
> all those sneaky words they use to steal your
> rights). Here it is, no
> excuses now...
> --Original Message--
> From: Clarence Napier
> Sent: May 21, 2000
> Subject: A MUST http://www.constitution.org
> Clarence;
> $ecrets 2 $uccess Inc.
> (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
> Check out the information that unlocks YOUR door to
> success and...MONEY!
>  The best of all, IT IS FREE!
> http://wwwsecrets2success.com/special97580

$ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com/special97580)
 You can`t be too positive, nor too fortunate. Check out the information
that unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.
The best part...IT IS FREE!


Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Solution for Email Freezing on CTRL Emails ONLY

2000-05-19 Thread ATB XX

   I use both (because of the amount of information I
process daily) and I too recomend:


  Easy to establish an acct., Yahoo seems to have the
best "security measures" incorperated into their email
program ( McAfee scan on all incoming mail ) but both
are worth checking out ).
 And BRAVO to you Tenorlove for aiding fellow members!

--- Tenorlove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- "Mary K. Gemmato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I had the same problem and fixed it. Contact your
> isp and ask them
> > what your
> > limit of incoming messages per day is. Often time
> to save money they
> > limit
> > everyone to a hundred incoming messages a day.
> There's a way around this, too. Rather than using
> your ISP's email, get
> a Web-based email account like Yahoo or Hotmail. You
> can have as many
> of them as you want. Plus, you can access them from
> ANY computer that
> has Internet access, great if you're on the road.
> Plus, if your hard
> drive crashes, your mail is still safe . . .  on
> THEIR server.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo!
> Messenger.
> http://im.yahoo.com/

$ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com97580)
 You can`t be too positive, nor too fortunate. Check out the information
that unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.
The best part...IT IS FREE!


Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] [CB-L] firewall

2000-05-18 Thread ATB XX

>  I personally have ZONEALARM installed on my `puter,
> it passed with flying
> colors! This one is also free, if you don`t have a
> firewall you may be
> inviting trouble, much better safe than sorry.
> - Original Message -
> >  Free Firewall and testing.  if you run DSL or
> Cable modem,  you must go and get a firewall program
to prevent your pc from being hacked.
> >
> >  https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2


$ecrets 2 $uccess Inc. (http://www.secrets2success.com97580)
 You can`t be too positive, nor too fortunate. Check out the information
that unlocks YOUR door to success and...MONEY.
The best part...IT IS FREE!


Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2000-05-17 Thread ATB XX

> --Original Message--
> Educators Under Armed Attack in Phoenix
> On Wednesday morning the 10th of May 2000, in a
> suburb north
> of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. JW Zidar, and his partner,
> Dr.
> Lorraine were backing out of their driveway on their
> way to
> the airport.  They were setting off on a trip to
> Europe for
> a few days.  When, from all around them, began an
> action
> known as a "drawing down".  Men in full assault
> gear, with
> automatic weapons drawn and pointed directly at Mr.
> Zidar
> and Dr. Lorraine surrounded their automobile from
> all sides.
> Screaming for them to raise their hands, to freeze,
> to stop
> the car.  Dr. Lorraine, being in a mild state of
> shock at
> this unprecedented assault, did not immediately
> raise her
> hands, and so, two of the attackers pointed their
> gun
> directly at her head as one screamed for her to "get
> her
> hands up in the air".  At this point, Dr. Lorraine
> slowly
> raised her hands, as it dawned on her that the
> screaming she
> was hearing was directed at her.  She was later to
> remark
> that "all you see is guns.. all you remember is guns
> pointing at you."
> The attackers then removed Mr. Zidar and Dr.
> Lorraine from
> the car.  Taking one to the rear and one to the
> front of the
> automobile, their hands were cuffed behind their
> backs, and
> they were taken back into their home, where they
> were put in
> separate rooms under armed guard and interrogated,
> still
> handcuffed, for over an hour.
> No documents, no search warrants, no phone calls, no
> legal
> representation.  The assault team then held Mr.
> Zidar and
> Dr. Lorraine for eight hours under armed guard while
> they
> searched the premises.  In the exercise of any
> search
> warrant, by law, the owners of the property being
> searched
> have the right to accompany the search team as they
> conduct
> their search.  Mr. Zidar and Dr. Lorraine were held
> in their
> dining room as the searchers went through and
> removed their
> belongings from throughout their house. In all, 32
> boxes of
> their personal belongings were removed from the
> premises.
> At the end of the day, one of the federal agents
> asked Mr.
> Zidar if he had the documents which authorized the
> search.
> He replied that he had seen no such documents.  At
> which
> point, the agent, apologizing profusely, offered
> over a set
> of documents purported to be the authorization for
> this
> amazing set of events.
> Who are these enemies of the State?  Were these
> hardened
> criminals, drug dealers, or members of some Mafia we
> have
> not heard of?  Hardly.  These two, who are such an
> apparent
> threat to our government that they were drawn down
> at
> gunpoint, are teachers.
> Teachers?  That can't be.  This is America.  We
> don't send
> assault teams to raid the homes of teachers in this
> country.
> They must be criminals.  They must be conspirators.
> They
> must be inciting some sort of cult ritual, or
> encouraging
> people to riot or commit mass suicides or something,
> or this
> could not have happened.  They are stealing people's
> money,
> or perhaps they are stealing government secrets and
> selling
> them to the Chinese.  There must be some "logical"
> explanation for the events of this past Wednesday
> morning
> that we aren't being told.  Well, that is a fact.
> There
> are.
> These two people, along with another couple, a Mr.
> And Mrs.
> John Matthews, were raided Wednesday morning by
> armed agents
> of the federal government for teaching people the
> truth.
> Mrs. Matthews was on her telephone, making some
> arrangements
> to do with an upcoming graduation when the assault
> team
> knocked on her door.  She didn't hear the knock, but
> her
> son, who was getting himself ready for school, did.
> He
> answered the door just as the agents were preparing
> to use
> the "door bar" and break it down.  As he opened the
> door, an
> agent grabbed him and threw him up against the wall,
> pinning
> him there.  The agent barked out a demand for his
> name, and
> his birth date.  At that moment, Mrs. Matthews,
> hearing the
> commotion, rounded the corner to the front hall and,
> seeing
> the agents, said to her son "You do not have to
> answer any
> questions."  Apparently, that was the wrong thing to
> say at
> that moment, for in the next instant another armed
> agent had
> ripped the telephone out of her hand and pinned her
> arm up
> behind her back.  And so it was that two families in
> Arizona
> received a brand new education into the politics of
> fear and
> intimidation.
> What are the facts and findings here?  What events
> occurred
> which led up to this bizarre tale?  Mr. Zidar and
> Dr.
> Lorraine are the educators and founders of an
> educational
> organization named the World Community Educational
> Society
> (WCES).  Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are long standing
> members of
> that society. WCES has been conducting adult distant
> learning classes and live telepho

[CTRL] FWD: Hot Shareware [Windows 2000 Critical Update and more... - 05/16/2000]

2000-05-17 Thread ATB XX

Scanned with Norton and InoculteIT antivirus. If you
aren`t already equiped, you need to add some of
these...better safe than sorry.

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Scanned with Norton and InouclateIT anti-virus, you need to add some of
this, better safe than sorry, and all that.

iWon.com   http://www.iwon.com why wouldn't you?

Title: Hot Shareware from PCWorld.com

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REVIEWS: GRAPHICS BOARDS: GeForce2 - Hold on Tight! NVidia's new GeForce2 graphics chipset powers Elsa's Gladiac to impressive test results. 

Hot Shareware from PCWorld.com

Windows 2000 Critical Update
This update fixes a potential data corruption problem that can occur when you save HTML files to a server from Office 2000
applications. It also fixes a bug that could enable a hacker to gain access to your PC when you are running Web or file indexing
services. Finally, it fixes a VBScripting problem in which the year is reported incorrectly when you use the Wareki or Taiwanese
date calendar.

RedHand Pro 
Keep track of your PC when you're away from your desk. This utility runs invisibly on your PC and records all activity. You can
later access the information and print reports. The program's network support allows multiple machines to be monitored from one

Recover and fix corrupted Word 95/97 documents. This tool offers seamless integration with Microsoft Word, allowing you to gain
access to corrupted data from a Recover selection in Word's File menu.


Top Ten Security Utilities

The recent outbreak of the "ILOVE YOU" virus proved a painful reminder that you need to secure your PC from cyber attacks. Using antivirus software to protect your system is just one step in the process. Limiting your computer's vulnerability to outside threats includes monitoring your Internet connection, blocking access to your files, and protecting your passwords. This week, we feature files that help you keep your data safe.The recent outbreak of the "ILOVE YOU" virus proved a painful reminder that you need to secure your PC from cyber attacks. Using antivirus software to protect your system is just one step in the process. Limiting your computer's vulnerability to outside threats includes monitoring your Internet connection, blocking access to your files, and protecting your passwords. This week, we feature files that help you keep your data safe.

NetWatcher 2000
This utility runs in the background while you're connected to the Internet and monitors information queries. When it detects a query, it alerts you and immediately closes the connection. It also logs the date and time, as well as the IP address, the port number, and the host used by anyone trying to access data on your system.

Clean up after your Web browser and cover some of your Web surfing tracks. This program periodically deletes images and text placed on your hard drive, as well as cookie files. Version 3.0 offers a new "Keystroke Wakeup" feature that removes all visual evidence of SurfSecret on your desktop until a user-defined hotkey is pressed.

This free software secures your Windows desktop, locking up your computer in three ways. Level 1 offers a password-protected lockup when you start up Windows, Level 2 hides and disables security-risk sections, and Level 3 prompts users for a password when they open any program.

Trojan Defence Suite: Scan your PC for more than 520 Trojan horse viruses and worms, including Back Orifice 2000 and Sub Seven 2.1 Gold. Once detected, Trojan horses are displayed in your taskbar where they can be easily removed.

Keep your digital subscriber line or cable modem connection secure. This dynamic firewall helps keep your PC safe from hackers by providing total control over which applications can use the Internet. You can block uninitiated and unwanted traffic while your PC is unattended or while you're not using your connection. This update eliminates e-mail-borne Visual Basic Script worms, such as the "ILOVE YOU" virus.

File Protector
Hide your files and folders, and control the ability of other users to open, delete, rename, and app


2000-05-16 Thread ATB XX

> >May 15, 2000
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Psychops Research Links
> >www.osti.gov/biochip.htm
> >
> >
> >This site reveals that the U.S. Department of
> Energy's Argonne
> >National Laboratory announced June 29, 1998 a
> joint-research project
> >with Motorola Inc. and Packard Instrument Company
> "which aims at
> >commercializing and marketing advanced biochips and
> related analytical
> >technologies" Take note--this partnership of
> powers was
> >"announced" June 29, 1998. At this posting (Oct.
> 1999), that was over
> >a year and three months ago. Just think of the
> research that had to
> >have preceeded this agreement in order for these
> three entities to
> >have formed this partnership.
> >
> >You'll see the site states "Motorola will develop
> manufacturing
> >processes to mass produce biochips, and Packard
> will develop and
> >manufacture the analytical instruments to process
> and analyze the
> >biochips." Take note--MASS PRODUCE BIOCHIPS. The
> United States
> >government has entered into an agreement with two
> publicly held
> >corporations to MASS PRODUCE BIOCHIPS and no one
> has informed the
> >American public!
> >
> >The site further states, "Argonne's contribution,
> in conjunction with
> >its Moscow research partner the Russian Academy of
> Science's
> >Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, is
> intellectual property in
> >the form of 19 inventions related to biological
> microchips." The irony
> >here is that our government has been co-inventing
> technology with
> >RUSSIA that we, the American people, can not get
> information on
> >because it is classified under of National
> Security!
> >
> >  Take note when you read "The Argonne/Engelhardt
> biochips employ a
> >  novel "micro-gel" technology in which as many as
> 10,000
> >micro-structures are mounted on a single glass
> surface about the size
> >of
> >a microscopic
> >slide." What they are not telling you is that this
> "micro-gel", aka
> >the biochip, can be put into a liquid and injected
> into a human body
> >via an injection--a flu shot, any childhood
> immunization, etc. This
> >site promotes "the great diagnostic powers this
> technology will bring
> >to fields as diverse as medicine and environmental
> restoration," but
> >fails to inform the reader of hidden dangers.
> >
> >The site makes reference to the Russian Human
> Genome Program and the
> >Department of Energy's Human Genome Program.
> According to a biologist
> >who works on the Department of Energy's Genome
> Program, part of the
> >project's "research" includes experimenting on the
> general public with
> >aireal spraying. For more information on how this
> aireal spraying ties
> >in with the biochips, refer to the information
> contained in the video
> >and audios listed in the products section.
> >
> >http://www.osti.gov/biochip.htm
> >
> >Motorola, Packard Instrument Co. and Argonne
> >to develop advanced biochip technology
> >http://www.anl.gov/OPA/news98/news980629.htm
> >
> >ARGONNE, Ill. (June 29, 1998) -- Rapid advances in
> medicine, health
> >care
> >and agriculture are expected from a joint-research
> project
> >announced today byMotorola Inc.,Packard Instrument
> Company and the
> >U.S.
> >Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory.
> >
> >The project, which aims at commercializing and
> marketing advanced
> >biochips and related analytical technologies, is
> expected to make the
> >process of decoding genes, human or otherwise, a
> thousand times faster
> >than with current technologies.
> >
> >Motorola will develop manufacturing processes to
> mass produce
> >biochips,
> >and Packard will develop and manufacture the
> analytical instruments to
> >process and analyze the biochips. Argonne's
> contribution, in
> >conjunction
> >with its Moscow research partner the Russian
> Academy of Science's
> >Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, is
> intellectual property in
> >the form of 19 inventions related to biological
> microchips.
> >
> >Motorola and Packard will contribute a total of $19
> million over five
> >years to support the joint-research agreement,
> making it one of the
> >largest biotechnology joint-research agreements
> ever signed by a U.S.
> >Department of Energy laboratory. Argonne's 19
> inventions, which have
> >been licensed exclusively to Motorola and Packard,
> are the result of
> >more than $10 million in research support since
> 1994 by the U.S.
> >Department of Energy, theDefense Advanced Research
> Projects Agency,
> >the
> >Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Russian Human
> Genome Program.
> >
> >"With a commercial biochip to rapidly and
> economically perform genetic
> >analysis, within a few years we should see better
> pharmaceuticals
> >developed more rapidly, faster and more accurate
> medical diagnostics,
> >a
> >heightened ability to assess and 

[CTRL] Fwd: []

2000-05-09 Thread ATB XX

  Here again, it`s me. This may not be needed by
everyone on the list, but if you don`t have it...

- UncleWill 2000  wrote:
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2000
>> Subject: Fwd: []
> This post has been scanned with Norton and
> InoculateIT, absolutely safe to
> open. Take advantage of the offers to download free
> an excellent Firewall
> and the state of the art anti-virus programs. They
> have saved me a few
> headaches. It may seem like a hassle, having to OK
> every move your computer
> makes...`till it starts informing you of all the
> unasked for traffic
> attempting access to your machine. Kids would refer
> to this as "awesome".
> --Original Message--
> From: Audrey Bates
> Sent: May 9, 2000
> Subject: Fwd: []
> iWon.com   http://www.iwon.com why wouldn't
> you?

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> From: "Ivan Weltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 15:09:38 +0200
> Subject:
> Reply-to: "Ivan Weltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -- NEWS -- NEWS - NEWS
> --
> Shortly after I had despatched Thursday's weekend
> newsletter the I-
> Love-You worm hit the headlines. As chance would
> have it, I
> featured InoculateIT in that letter, a heavy duty
> anti-virus weapon
> free for personal use. Some of our subscribers were
> unable to
> access the website, others downloaded but before the
> addition of
> the antidote for the love-bug. I downloaded the
> update dated May
> 5th., and sure enough InoculateIT found the love-bug
> in an
> unopened attachment that had been emailed to me as
> an antidote!
> InoculateIT removed all trace of this nasty worm
> from my computer.
> InoculateIT doesn't conflict with other anti-virus
> software and we
> strongly recommend its use.
> Unfortunately, many of our subscribers have been
> unable to
> download InoculateIT - their server must have been
> hard-pressed to
> handle  volume. We suggest late night or early
> morning attempts if
> this problem persists. There is a May 7th. update
> for cleaning your
> email signature file. Signature file updates ensure
> that your PC is
> protected from the latest viruses. CA receives
> several new viruses
> every day and in order to protect their customers
> they post new
> updates that detect and cure these viruses when
> updated. It is very
> important to make sure that you have the latest
> signature file
> update on your PC. The link is on the InoculateIT
> download page.
> InoculateIT is reviewed at
> http://www.tudogs.com/windows1.php3
> Complete your security with Zone Alarm. ZoneAlarm
> includes five
> interlocking security services that deliver
> easy-to-use,
> comprehensive protection. Unlike any other security
> utility,
> ZoneAlarm incorporates a firewall, Application
> Control, an Internet
> Lock, dynamically assigned Security Levels and
> Zones. Combined,
> these elements yield the strongest security
> possible. And it's all
> free. Found at http://www.tudogs.com/surftools.php3
> It seems that Outlook Express is used as a back door
> for worm
> infestation, so I have switched back to the Pegasus
> email client,
> which I first used and reviewed three years ago. The
> latest version
> is an absolute pleasure to use. It needs less
> resources than
> Outlook Express yet has far more useful features,
> and is entirely
> configurable for personal preferences. It's Free, of
> course. Found at
> http://www.tudogs.com/surftools3.php3
> Finds of the Week
> I spent a good part of the week testing Star Office,
> a 65MB
> download from Sun, developed for many platforms.
> Unfortunately
> my experience was very poor (on Windows 98), as I
> found it hogs
> computer resources, and the browser crashes with
> alarming
> frequency. Star is free, and contains a browser,
> email client, word
> processing, spreadsheet, presentation app., paint
> program, and file
> management. It seemed set to provide a viable
> alternative to MS
> products. I don't feel like including it in TuDogs
> at this stage, but
> would like to hear from any subscriber who has
> experience with
> Star Office.
> The Vatican is an historical storehouse, and their
> Web site seems
> set to release all to the Web community, including
> the secret
> archives. It's reviewed in our new religious section
> at
> http://www.tudogs.com/rchr.php3
> Ivan Weltman,
> http://www.tudogs.com/

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not s

[CTRL] Fwd:- The Litany

2000-05-08 Thread ATB XX

There is more where this came from, maybe the list
isn`t interested in more, if you would care to know
more, email me at:


I label this, absolutely, need to know stuff...

> > >From: Brad Barnhill
> > >Subject: - The Litany
> I have had several requests for 'the litany'.
> Basically, it is a series of escalating statements I
> use when confronted by
> a request for the mark of the beast. Pretend this is
> jeopardy and guess the
> questions for these answers. When entering an
> office, always locate the
> Equal Opportunity Whatever sign. You can point it
> out to them when you get
> to step 6. Whether or not they are actually subject
> to federal law is quite
> another matter. Legally, if their company has an
> EIN, then they are an
> "agency of the United States government". I have yet
> to have someone point
> out to me a requirement for an artificial person to
> make application for an
> EIN.
> 1. I don't have a social security number.
> 2. Only aliens applying for permanent residency are
> required by law to get a
> social security number, and that's only if they want
> to work in the United
> States. [ 42 USC 405(c)(2)(B)(i)(I) ]
> NOTE: Try this one on the INS for your spouses who
> want to become citizens.
> All they have to do is not work until they are a
> citizen and they will be non-enumerated.
> 3. For citizens, participation in socialism is
> voluntary. I never chose to
> volunteer. [ 42 USC 405(c)(2)(B)(i)(II) ]
> NOTE: Did you personally make application for the
> mark of the beast as an
> adult? If not, are you bound by an uninformed
> decision made by your parents
> when you were a minor? If so, are you bound to
> conform to a contract based
> on fraud in the inducement?
> 4. If you need to make an information return for
> your payments to me, then
> the law says that only name, address and amount of>
> payment are required. [
> 26 USC 6041(a) & (c) ] Legally, if you do not know
> the number of the other
> person, AND that person is an ALIEN, then you are
> required to state the
> request is required by authority of law.
> Furthermore, when you make the
> information return, all you need to do is attach an
> affidavit that you asked
> for the number and I did not provide you with one.
> This will mitigate any
> penalties based on the reasonable cause that I do
> not have a social security
> number.[ 26 USC 6724 ]  You have the authority to
> open an account in this
> case if you maintain a list of names and addresses
> of those who do not have
> numbers [ 31 CFR 103.34 for banks ]
> NOTE: If you know the law and can write these
> citiations down as you are
> talking, it has great impact.
> 5. I have a religious objection to the inventorying
> of human flesh.[ Rev.
> 13: 16-17 ]
> NOTE: Another citiation of law. For the penalties,
> see Chapter 14.
> 6. Are the policies of your company in conformance
> with Title VII of the
> Civil Rights Act of 1964?
> NOTE: Ditto. Point to Equal Opportunity Whatever
> sign.
> 7. Do you wish for me to consider this denial of
> service to constitute
> religious discrimination?
> NOTE: Where's that sign?
> 8. Do you have a phone book so I can look up the
> number of the [state]
> department of civil rights?
> NOTE: Added this one this week. Quite effective.
> Now I am of a mind that folks who do not want to do
> business with me are not
> required to do so. I could probably go to another>
> branch of the same
> company or to another company and start again.
> However, I do consider that
> someone who requires of me something that the law
> itself does not require is
> not a "reasonable cause" to refuse services. Also, I
> consider this process
> of "educating the public" to be my ministry. Sort of
> a sermon with a
> practical
> effect.
> My best to you and yours,
> B
> > >
> > >Brad Barnhill
> > >Systems Analyst and patriot
> > >- 
> > >- 
> > >Liberty is not a concept...
> > >It is a way of life!
> > >
> __
> D

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil a

[CTRL] Fwd: New Lawsuit Paralyzes IRS

2000-05-01 Thread ATB XX

> - Original Message -
> >
> >  If you'd like to get the IRS off your back,
> please take a fewmoments
> to read the enclosed lawsuit, which was recently
> filed in Federal District
> Court.  The information it contains is a matter of
> public record and is
> provided to you free of charge.  What you are about
> to read will shock you
> and could dramatically change your life . . .
> >
> >
> >
> Ph.D.,
> >
> >
> >
> >  1.   Plaintiff alleges that he is a British
> citizen who has been a
> >  resident alien in the US since 1987.  Soon after
> taking residence in
> >  the US, it came to his attention that the
> American income tax system
> >  is based upon voluntary compliance.  Plaintiff
> believes that he
> >  cannot be legally compelled to obey any law that
> is voluntary, and
> >  that he therefore has no legal obligation to file
> or pay income taxes.
> >
> >  2.   At the beginning of 1996, plaintiff received
> a letter from
> >  defendant requesting payment of overdue income
> taxes for 1987, 1988,
> >  1989.  Plaintiff responded  by writing to
> defendant stating that
> >  since the income tax system is based on voluntary
> compliance, he had
> >  voluntarily chosen not to comply.
> >
> >  3.   During the next year or so, plaintiff
> contacted the IRS offices
> >  in Portland and Seattle by telephone and
> certified mail on numerous
> >  occasions asking for an explanation of the term
> `voluntary
> >  compliance' so that he could determine his legal
> liability and comply
> >  with the law if required to do so.
> >
> >  4.   Defendant ignored these requests and issued
> an involuntary
> >  federal tax lien against him on 7/12/96 for the
> sum of $7,256.80.
> >  Plaintiff then filed an appeal of federal tax
> lien on 8/9/96 and
> >  again on 9/3/97 with the IRS offices in Portland
> and Seattle.  These
> >  appeals were also ignored.
> >
> >  5.   On 2/5/98, defendant sent plaintiff a notice
> of intent to levy.
> >  On 3/3/98 and on 4/1/98 the IRS office in
> Portland finally notified
> >  plaintiff that his appeal had been disallowed,
> more than 18 months
> >  after he originally filed it.
> >
> >  6.   Plaintiff then wrote to the IRS office in
> Portland on 2/15/99,
> >  4/7/99, and 6/16/99 requesting a due process
> hearing.  Defendant
> >  failed to schedule a hearing and the sum of
> $14,609.97 was
> >  subsequently withheld from the sale of
> plaintiff's home at 701 North
> >  Winchell street, Portland on 10/14/99 under
> protest in satisfaction
> >  of the lien. Finally, on 1/3/00 defendant
> notified plaintiff that his
> >  request for a due process hearing had been
> denied.
> >
> >
> >  7.   According to the IRS Mission Statement, the
> Federal Tax
> >  Regulations, the Internal Revenue Manual, the US
> Supreme Court, and
> >  expert testimony given before Congress, the tax
> system is based on
> >  voluntary compliance:
> >
> >  8.   a)  "The mission of the Service is to
> encourage and achieve the
> >  highest possible degree of voluntary compliance
> with the tax laws and
> >  regulations and to maintain the highest degree of
> public confidence
> >  in the integrity and efficiency of the Service."
> Federal Register,
> >  Volume 39, #62 (11572), March 29, 1974.
> >
> >  9.   b)  "The purpose of publishing revenue
> rulings and revenue
> >  procedures in the Internal Revenue Bulletin is to
> promote correct and
> >  uniform application of the tax laws by Internal
> Revenue Service
> >  employees and to assist taxpayers in attaining
> maximum voluntary
> >  compliance."  Federal Tax Regulations, Section
> 601.601.
> >
> >  10.   c)  "The tax system is based on voluntary
> compliance."  Federal
> >  Tax Regulations, Section 601.602.
> >
> >  11.   d)  "Taxpayers in the United States assess
> their tax
> >  liabilities against themselves and pay them
> voluntarily.  This system
> >  of assessment and payment is based on the
> principle of voluntary
> >  compliance."  Internal Revenue Manual, Section
> 20:123 (7/15/96).
> >
> >  12.   e)  "Of course, the Government can collect
> the tax from a
> >  District Court suitor by exercising its power of
> distraint ~ if he
> >  does not split his action ~ but we cannot believe
> that compelling
> >  resort to this extraordinary measure is either
> wise or in accord with
> >  congressional intent.  Our system of taxation is
> based upon voluntary
> >  assessment and payment, not upon distraint."  US
> Supreme Court, Flora
> >  v. United States, 362 US 179, 80 S.Ct. 630
> (1960).
> >
> >  13. 


2000-05-01 Thread ATB XX

> From: "Truth Steward"
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000
> >From: "Rayelan" Subject: ALL 100 EMAIL ADDRESSES OF
> >Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000
> This list is courtesy of Spiker
> All,
> >
> >You can copy & paste the whole list into one entry
> in your e-mail program
> >address book and send your message to each one of
> them individually, by
> >clicking on Bcc:
> >
> >

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FWD: AOL Hometown page

2000-05-01 Thread ATB XX

--- UncleWill 2000  wrote:
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000
> Subject: FWD: AOL Hometown page

> UncleWill thought you would be
> interested in the information
> contained on this page found at AOL Hometown.
> http://hometown.aol.com/ultra21753/index.htm
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I in no way endorse AOL, I merely thought the page
> contained information
> which carries credence, yet I was surprised that an
> entity of the Illumined
> Ones (check out the pyramid with the "all seeing
> eye", symbolical of the
> approaching NWO),would consent to allowing the
> citizenry know of the thecno
> manipulations being performed on the populace.
> I guess even I can be surprised, with the audacity
> of the "Media" and it`s
> minions.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Secret Societies and the NWO

2000-04-30 Thread ATB XX

 To not "be a communist" you sure sing a good
Socialist song. Trashing the words of a Patriot, is by
all sides your right, mostly because you obviously
live in a country where you have rights.
 Unlike the Slave owner World "village" you promote, I
see what I EARN (this by the "sweat of my brow"), as
my property; Not a commodity to be shared, by those
either "dummied down" to expect their share of my
gains, nor the LAZY who believe the actual working
populace owes them a lifestyle equal to those who
strive for the creature comforts afforded the folks
staunch enough to actually make an effort to "earn a
 May your chains fit you correctly, when you are
fitted with the jewelry, designed for the placient
sheeple you would have us believe, are the rightful
heirs of this One World Government.
 Do you actually believe, the folks who worked and
fought for this Nation , where you can dispurage their
memory and slander their beliefs without reproach,
deserve the nasty perversions you bleat?
 Bravo! Bravo, to Nicky Malloy for voicing what
deserves to be known, and taking the time and
expending the effort to awaken people to the looming
disaster which is the NWO.

--- Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nicky Molloy wrote:
> >
> > http://members.xoom.com/biblebelieve/masonry.htm
> > Many links
> > Secret Societies and the NWO
> >
> > The New World Order
> > Is this scheme to establish a New World Order in
> fact a reality? Yes it is.
> > If you do not believe this I encourage you to

> The author is appalled at the stupidity of the Right
> who still refer to it
> after he came out and said that he wrote it as
> satire.
> snip>
> > Already in the United States those who support the
> Constitution,
> > Patriots and the Militia groups are ridiculed as
> crazy paranoids and
> > dangerous extremists. In Australia, it's the
> supporters of Pauline Hanson's
> > One Nation and Graham Campbell's Australia First
> Parties who are ridiculed
> > and persecuted. These are merely people who are
> aware of what is going on.
> > If you are one of those who believe that these
> patriots who are against
> > globalism are crazy and deluded, I ask, have you
> ever spoken to one? Have
=== message truncated ===

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FWD: Echelon Update

2000-04-28 Thread ATB XX

 Echelon Update
> If you believe the NSA`s denial here, I have some
> "Oceanfront Property in
> Nevada", you need to buy sight unseen...
> From The Washington Post,
> -
> Back Channels: The Intelligence Community
> By Vernon Loeb
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Tuesday, April 25, 2000; Page A21
> Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.), chairman of the House
> Permanent Select
> Committee on Intelligence, held an open hearing this
> month on what he called
> "substantial" concerns about the National Security
> Agency's possible misuse
> of its global system for intercepting phone calls,
> faxes, e-mails
> and other electronic communications.
> "These concerns were dramatized quite notably in the
> recent film 'Enemy of
> the State,' a very exciting motion picture," Goss
> said. "Considering the
> fact that the character playing me was killed off in
> the first half-hour of
> the film, I am pleased to report that the movie was
> nothing more than a
> very entertaining work of fiction, and we'd like to
> keep it that way."
> "Does NSA spy on the lawful activities of
> Americans?" Rep. Heather A. Wilson
> (R-N.M.) asked bluntly.
> "No. The answer is we do not," replied the NSA's
> director, Lt. Gen. Michael
> V. Hayden.
> Rep. Robert L. Barr Jr. (R-Ga.), Congress's leading
> NSA skeptic, questioned
> whether the NSA is able to safeguard the civil
> liberties of Americans under
> laws and regulations written before the Internet
> existed.
> "Any blurring of the heretofore bright line between
> the gathering of true
> foreign intelligence and surreptitious gathering of
> evidence of criminal
> wrongdoing by our citizens must be brought into
> sharp focus and, if present,
> eliminated," said Barr.
> But Hayden insisted that the line between
> intelligence and law enforcement
> remains sacrosanct, especially when it comes to the
> protected category of
> "U.S. persons."
> "We are required to guard American privacy at every
> step in the intelligence
> process," Hayden said, explaining that American
> citizens, U.S. firms or
> permanent legal residents cannot be targeted for
> intelligence collection
> anywhere in the world without a court order or
> written authorization from
> the attorney general.
> And once a foreign terrorist walks onto U.S. soil,
> Hayden added, the same
> standard applies.
> "Let me put a fine point on this," Hayden said. "If,
> as we are speaking here
> this afternoon, Osama bin Laden is walking across
> the Peace Bridge from
> Niagara Falls, Ontario, to Niagara Falls, N.Y., as
> he gets to the New York
> side, he is an American person. And my agency must
> respect his rights
> against unreasonable search and seizure, as provided
> by the Fourth Amendment
> to the Constitution."
> SPY v. SPY: Aldrich Ames, the former CIA officer and
> convicted spy, has been
> incarcerated for several years in the same prison as
> Edwin P. Wilson, the
> former CIA operative serving a 52-year sentence for
> smuggling guns and
> explosives to Libya.
> Now, they have more company at Allenwood Federal
> Penitentiary in
> Pennsylvania: John A. Walker Jr., the former Navy
> communications officer who
> recruited his family to spy for the Soviets.
> "Walker's here," Wilson confided in a recent
> interview at the maximum
> security pen. "He just rolled in. I was with him
> seven years at Marion, one
> year at Atlanta, and now here. I can't get away from
> the guy."
> But there won't be any swapping of spy stories,
> Wilson added.
> Dealing with Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi is one
> thing, he said, but
> selling secrets to the Soviets is quite another.
> Vernon Loeb may be reached by e-mail at
> © 2000 The Washington Post Company

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl


2000-04-25 Thread ATB XX

Note: forwarded message attached.

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  Came through ZONEALARM firewall, (solid post, no spamming), scanned with
both Norton and Inoculate IT anti-virus. Let`s see if `we the people` have
any pull at all...the bases are covered (all three branches of Gov`t), video
documentation, internet exposure, and acceptance as well as recognition from
established beaurocrat representitives.
Forwarded intact, credit where credit is due!


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>X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Apr 24 
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>Message-ID: <000401bfad9f$59f09e90$02c0@Pentium100>
>From: "Plain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: We The People Foundation for Consitutional Education - 
>Remonstrance to End the
>Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 22:44:02 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education
>Do you know your State Constitution?
>./../foundation/index.htm>Foundation HOME
>./../index.html>WTP HOME
>On April 13, 2000, 
>gatelist.htm>delegates from all 50 states assembled in Washington DC to 
>deliver a 
>x.htm>Remonstrance on the illegal operations of the Income Tax and the IRS 
>to the leaders of all three branches of the federal government.
>The event was sponsored by the 
>./../foundation/index.htm>We The People Foundation for Constitutional 
>Education, Inc.
>Professional videographers and photographers successfully recorded the 
>day's activities from 8am to 4pm, including the meetings at the White 
>House and in the Capitol, where the Remonstrance was hand delivered for 
>President Clinton, Speaker Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Lott,
>The delegation met at 8am in the Ballroom at the National Press Club. 
>After an 
>ch.htm>introductory speech by Bob Schulz and speeches by Joseph Banister 
>and Steve Dasbach (national director of the National Libertarian Party), 
>the delegates heard and commented on the prem

[CTRL] FWD:from a retired judge/carries with him at all times

2000-04-21 Thread ATB XX

Note: forwarded message attached.

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>Subject: FWD:from a retired judge/carries with him at all times
>Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000
>Suggest you do like the judge...he may know the law. Print this out and
>carry everywhere, there is no one in Prison that did not give his or her
>permission to be placed there!

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Dear Law Enforcement Officer:

With all due respect,

Demand for Trial By Jury to First decide the innocence or guilt of this
individual upon the instant matter is hereby made on all proceedings arising
from charges made by this Officer or Department of Government.

Demand that Nature and Cause be proven into the record of the Court for any
charges arising from charges made by this Officer or Department of
Government is hereby demanded.

Please attach this document in it's entirety with any charge, summons, or
information you may make regarding me as this Document constitutes a
specific demand for Jury trial to FIRST decide my innocence or guilt and
that the Nature and Cause for said charge be proven in this or any matter
arising out of this matter and that it must be made a part of the record of
any and all proceedings as my communication to the court and as these
demands are fully supported by the 6th amendment to the Constitution of the
United States of America (the law of the land, all others notwithstanding).

I am hereby informing you that I do not consent to talk to you, and that I
must insist, unless you are placing me under arrest, or can state specific
and articulable facts which warrant your detaining me that you immediately
leave me alone to go about my business, as is my right as a United States

I am engaged in the ownership and use of Property belonging to me as I see
fit to use it, and as is my Constitutional Right to do.  My responsibility
to that act does not extend beyond any harm my decision does to another.  If
you (the officer or applicable Department of Government) are attempting to
curtail my free use of my property you are hereby requested to identify the
injured party and to instruct said injured party articulate the specific
harm I or my use of my property has caused, in writing and provided to me
and to the applicable court.

Should you choose to ignore this request  and to detain me or cause me
costly litigation knowing that no injured party exists as a result of my
actions, be advised you are very likely acting outside the authority of your
office and your Sovereign immunity.

I am not operating a motor vehicle pursuant to USC Title 18 Sec. 31,

Whereas I recognize it is your charge to protect the safety and welfare of
the citizenry, you must also see that I have not harmed nor caused to be
harmed anyone. I state here and now that I have exercised my unalienable
rights in a fashion that is within the meaning and protection of the U. S.
Constitution and beyond that I have no responsibility.

In addition, as it is my opinion, this detention is completely about
converting my money to the use of this municipality, city, county and/or
state, I inform you that my property is also protected by the Constitution
just mentioned and that my money is my property. I do not choose to
surrender it nor any other right protected for me by that Constitution, nor
could I if I did so choose.

In addition, be advised that any act on your part to proceed under color of
law against me knowing full well I am not party to a contract which enables
you to enforce traffic and property laws (unless, there is a real/true
injured party willing to testify that I have done them harm) will be met
with an aggressive and protracted and time consuming Court battle before a
Jury of my peers.

I am party to NO contract (visible or invisible) with corporate body
politics in the City of Blue Springs, County of Jackson, State of Missouri,
or any other city, county, state in the Union or the Federal Government.  In
clarification, I pay for the few services supplied by this government that I
use with MONEY (the legal tender of this land i.e. Income tax, fuel tax,
cigarette tax, sales tax, property tax, real estate tax ,, etc. etc.
etc.).   I DO NOT PAY WITH MY RIGHTS, as do most other Americans.  Beyond
that payment I am not indebted to this or any other government entity.  As
such, there can be no valid contract, (visible or invisible) which  binds me
to the laws by contract you are heretofore attempting to enforce.



Any assumed contracts this court or this city may be acting in accordance
with have been rescinded from their inception per Affidavit currently
published at http://


2000-04-20 Thread ATB XX

Didn`t make it through my firewall and the
Norton/Inoculate T anti-virus coctail available for
free...check out zdnet.com and cnet.com. `nuff said.

--- Tara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anyone get a virus from the list? I don't know
> what it was.
> Tara
> -Original Message-
> From: root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 4:25 AM
>V I R U S  A L E R T
>   Our Virus scanner found a VIRUS in a mail from
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to you.
>   Delivery of the EMail was stopped!
>   If you require further details please contact
> RipNET.
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
> Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
> soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
> matters
> and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
> misdirections and outright
> frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to
> Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [legality-of-income-tax] Joe Banisters Complete Statment On Not Filing

2000-04-17 Thread ATB XX

--- Truth Steward  wrote:
 Fwd: [legality-of-income-tax] Joe Banisters Complete
Statment On Not Filing
 Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000

  It is a fact, your "tax dollars" are not needed to
fill the coffers and support this bloated "budget",
they are finding it increasingly more and more
difficult to hide the "overage" they steal from us now
(that is if you have decided to feed the parasitic
taxsuckers this year), and show no more consideration
for the sheeple, than the poor misguided bleatings
command from a government, no longer for nor by the
people. I won`t advocate violence on this issue, but
for the sake of your children, and future generations,
at least stand and be the needed instrument of change.

-Original Message--
From: ICE
Sent: April 16, 2000
Subject: Fwd: [legality-of-income-tax] Joe
Banisters Complete Statment On Not Filing

  Here is an interview with Joe Banister by Devvy Kidd
in which he gives a detailed account of what he will
be doing instead of filing a tax return for the year

  Dave Toney

  Can be seen at:

 Devvy Kidd
   April 12, 2000

 As regular readers to this site know, Joseph Banister
is a former IRS Criminal Investigator. After
thoroughly researching the tax code, Joe came to the
indisputable conclusion that most Americans are not
required to file tax returns. Joe resigned his
high-paying position with the IRS in 1999 because he
could not reconcile his oath of office with the fraud
being perpetrated against
the American people by the very organization he worked
for. I ask Joe if he would share with the people what
his plans were for this tax year as relates to whether
or not he would be filing an income tax return or the
paying of "income" taxes. Below are my questions to
Joe and his responses:

 Q: April 15, 2000 is just around the corner.
People are wondering whether or not, you, as a former
IRS, CID agent will file an income tax return on what
is traditionally known in the tax movement as "April
Fools Day"?
A: I know it would be easier to answer your question
with a simple yes or no. Unfortunately, due to the
complexity of the issues involved, the implications of
my answer for all of those who will read it, and my
desire to be very truthful and honest in conducting my
affairs, I must include a detailed explanation with
my answer. I will also try to be as specific as
possible so that my intentions will be very clear.
First, please allow me to introduce myself for the
benefit of those who don't know about me. After
graduating from college, earning my certified public
accountant certificate, and spending approximately 7
years in the private sector, I accepted an appointment
as a Special Agent for the Internal Revenue Service
Criminal Investigation Division and was sworn in as
such on November 15,1993. In December of 1996, I heard
you speaking on the radio and making what, at the
time, seemed to be incredible and outrageous
claims.You claimed, among other things, that filing of
federal income tax returns and the payment of federal
income taxes was voluntary for most Americans. You
claimed that the 16th Amendment (income tax amendment)
to the U.S. Constitution was never ratified. You
claimed that federal income tax money is not even used
to pay the government's operating expenses. I set out
to disprove your claims, because I believed at the
time that you could not possibly be correct. I
wondered how you could possibly be correct in claiming
that the federal income
tax was not compulsory for most Americans when the IRS
had issued me a badge, gun, handcuffs, and their
enforcement equipment to ensure that all Americans did
comply. After spending many evenings and weekends over
a 2  year period carefully researching your claims, I
concluded that you were telling the truth. The
information you provided, and my subsequent research,
led me to conclude that in order for the federal
income tax to be administered within the confines of
our federal Constitution, the federal income tax laws
and regulations were written in such a way that
comparatively few Americans are legally and
constitutionally required to pay it. I also verified
your claim that the 16th Amendment was never ratified
and that the U.S. Government largely finances its
operations with debt currency/funds rather than
federal income tax revenues. These were obviously not
the conclusions I expected to reach. Nonetheless, when
I reached these conclusions, I knew I had a duty to
discuss them with my supervisors in the Internal
Revenue Service. I gathered some of the more
compelling facts and evidence supporting my
conclusions about your
claims and submitted them to IRS officials in the form
of a report. In keeping with my oath of office, I
informed IRS officials of my sincere. concern that the
rights of Americans were very likely being violated
I asked them to show me the error of my analy

[CTRL] Fwd: THE BIG LIE: You Have No Rights

2000-04-16 Thread ATB XX

> - Original Message -
> >   THE BIG LIE: You Have No Rights
> >   by Alan Korwin
> >
> Major media outlets are starting to give more
> and more space to what I
> call The Big Lie. They are coming right out and
> saying that the Constitution
> doesn't protect your right to arms, as it always
> has.>
> >   If the Second Amendment doesn't mean you can
> bear arms, well, how
> exactly did everyone get armed? It doesn't even make
> sense.>
> >   The idea that the Bill of Rights doesn't allow
> individual people to keep
> and bear arms is so logically bankrupt it's hard to
> imagine why anyone would
> use it in an argument.>
> If the Second Amendment only authorizes the National
> Guard, then how come
> there are gun stores? How come there have always
> been gun stores? How come
> the Guard didn't exist until 1903? Why don't you
> have to enlist before
> buying firearms?>
> >   Arguing that the Second Amendment to the Bill of
> Rights doesn't
> guarantee your individual rights denies history and
> the world we observe
> around us.
> >  It is a dangerous lie that threatens our
> liberty.>
> >   The scariest part is that people hear The Big
> Lie and believe. You must
> ignore the evidence of your own eyes to adopt that
> position -- but blind
> fear of guns is so intense for some people it
> prevents rational thought.
> >  Such virulent gun haters should sign up to never
> own or touch guns in
> their lives, as they would have us do. Would they
> chuck freedom for
> illusionary safety? It's a free country. Let them.>
> >   Gun haters should take the Citizen's Federal
> Gun-Free Pledge:
> >
> >   "As an American citizen, of my own free will, I
> do hereby declare myself
> Gun-Free, never to keep or bear arms in any manner,
> for the rest of my
> natural life, under penalty of arrest and felony
> conviction." Sign here.
> >
> >   If media moguls and misguided dilettantes
> succeed in deceiving the
> public on the Second Amendment, how will they
> explain state Constitutions
> with even stronger language? In my home state of
> Arizona, "The right of the
> individual citizen to bear arms in defense of
> himself or the state shall not
> be impaired" (but raising private armies is
> forbidden). That was written in
> 1912. Why would it say that if the Second Amendment,
> you know, never meant
> what it always used to mean?
> >
> >   And there's the rub.
> >
> >   Except for the last few decades, keeping a
> firearm was universally
> >  regarded as a normal, wholesome, safety-minded
> thing to do. It was
> related to liberty, freedom, honor, strength,
> security, justice and yes,
> even fun.
> >
> >   Mouseketeers pranced twirling six-shooters, kids
> wore cowboy holsters,
> it threatened nobody. Gun rights were well
> understood and exercised for 200
> years. Even today, in tens of millions of homes
> across America, guns are for
> safety. Guns stop crimes. Guns save lives. Guns are
> OK.
> >   Those who seek to disarm decent citizens are
> promoting a radical new
> notion that gun ownership is solely related to crime
> and terror, and is so
> dangerous, you dope, stop now before hurting
> yourself. Only the rulers
> should be armed. You have no such rights, never did.
> >
> >   Is that Orwellian or what? The media paints gun
> ownership as radical and
> extremist, but clearly, it is this new anti-rights
> agenda that is radical
> and extreme, because the gun owners are the ones
> with 200 years of
> tradition, history and law on their side.
> >
> >   Noted scholar Stephen Halbrook, Ph.D., did the
> legwork and concluded:
> >
> >   "In recent years it has been suggested that the
> Second Amendment
> protects the "collective" right of states to
> maintain militias, while it
> does not protect the right of "the people" to keep
> and bear arms. If anyone
> entertained this notion in the period during which
> the Constitution and Bill
> of Rights were debated and ratified, it remains one
> of the most closely
> guarded secrets of the eighteenth century, for no
> known writing surviving
> from the period between 1787 and 1791 states such a
> thesis. The phrase "the
> people" meant the same thing in the Second Amendment
> as it did in the First,
> Fourth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments -- that is, each
> and every free person."
> >
> >   Not surprising, considering the evidence:
> >  [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
> >  Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K.
> Pritchard]
> >
> >  --
> >
> >  A.K. Pritchard
> >  http://www.ideasign.com/chiliast/
> >  http://rosie.acmecity.com/songfest/189/
> >  "The great object is that every man be
> >  armed. Everyone who is able may have
> >  a gun."
> >
> >  -- Patrick Henry from debates during
> >  the Constitutional convention,  quoted
> >   in Elliot's Debates, 1836

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: Can you pass the 8th grade?]

2000-04-13 Thread ATB XX

> Scanned with Norton and Inoculate T virus scan.
>You don`t think our public school kids are being
> "dummied down", I
> honestly don`t know if I could have passed, and
> things have gone downhill
> since I was in school; I`m old, but I`m still alive,
> and I actually thought
> of myself as "nobody`s dummy". This post knocked me
> down a peg. This was 8th
> grade mind you...
> >Note: forwarded message attached.

>   Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in
> 1895?
>Probably Not...Take a Look:
> This is the eighth-grade final exam from 1895 from
> Salina, Kansas. It  was
> taken from the original
> document on file at the Smoky Valley Genealogical
> Society and Library in
> Salina, Kansas and
> reprinted by the Salina Journal.
>8th Grade Final Exam: Salina, Kansas -
> 1895
> Grammar  (Time, one hour)
> 1.  Give nine rules for the use of Capital
> Letters.
> 2.  Name the Parts of Speech and define those
> that have no
> modifications.
> 3.  Define Verse, Stanza and Paragraph.
> 4.  What are the Principal Parts of a verb? Give
> Principal Parts of do,
> lie, lay and run.
> 5.  Define Case, Illustrate each Case.
> 6.  What is Punctuation? Give rules for
> principal marks of Punctuation.
> 7-10. Write a composition of about 150 words and
> show therein that you
> understand the practical
>   use of the rules of grammar.
> Arithmetic (Time, 1.25 hours)
> 1.   Name and define the Fundamental Rules of
> Arithmetic.
> 2.   A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long,
> and 3 ft. wide. How many
> bushels of wheat will it
>   hold?
> 3.   If a load of wheat weighs 3942 lbs., what
> is it worth at 50 cts.
> per bu, deducting 1050 lbs. for
>   tare?
> 4.   District No. 33 has a valuation of $35,000.
> What is the necessary
> levy to carry on a school
>   seven months at $50 per month, and have
> $104 for incidentals?
> 5.   Find cost of 6720 lbs. coal at $6.00 per
> ton.
> 6.   Find the interest of $512.60 for 8 months
> and 18 days at 7 percent.
> 7.  What is the cost of 40 boards 12 inches wide
> and 16 ft. long at $
> .20 per inch?
> 8.  Find bank discount on $300 for 90 days (no
> grace) at 10 percent.
> 9.  What is the cost of a square farm at $15 per
> acre, the distance
> around which is 640 rods?
> 10.Write a Bank Check, a Promissory Note, and a
> Receipt.
> U.S. History  (Time, 45 minutes)
> 1.  Give the epochs into which U.S. History is
> divided.
> 2.  Give an account of the discovery of America
> by Columbus.
> 3.  Relate the causes and results of the
> Revolutionary War.
> 4.  Show the territorial growth of the United
> States.
> 5.  Tell what you can of the history of Kansas.
> 6.  Describe three of the most prominent battles
> of the Rebellion.
> 7.  Who were the following: Morse, Whitney,
> Fulton, Bell, Lincoln, Penn,
> and Howe?
> 8.  Name events connected with the following
> dates: 1607, 1620, 1800,
> 1849, and 1865?
> Orthography (Time, one hour)
> 1.  What is meant by the following: Alphabet,
> phonetic orthography,
> etymology, syllabication?
> 2.  What are elementary sounds? How classified?
> 3.  What are the following, and give examples of
> each: Trigraph,
> subvocals, diphthong, cognate
>   letters, linguals?
> 4.  Give four substitutes for caret 'u'.
> 5.  Give two rules for spelling words with final
> 'e'. Name two
> exceptions under each rule.
> 6.  Give two uses of silent letters in spelling.
> Illustrate each.
> 7.  Define the following prefixes and use in
> connection with a word: Bi,
> dis, mis, pre, semi, post,
>  non, inter, mono, super.
> 8.  Mark diacritically and divide into syllables
> the following, and name
> the sign that indicates the
>  sound: Card, ball, mercy, sir, odd, cell,
> rise, blood, fare, last.
> 9.  Use the following correctly in sentences,
> Cite, site, sight, fane,
> fain, feign, vane, vain, vein,
>  raze, raise, rays.
> 10.Write 10 words frequently mispronounced and
> indicate pronunciation by
> use of diacritical
>   marks and by syllabication.
> Geography  (Time, one hour)
> 1.  What is climate? Upon what does climate
> depend?
> 2.  How do you account for the extremes of
> climate in Kansas?
> 3.  Of what use are rivers? Of what use is the
> ocean?
> 4.  Describe the mountains of N.A.
> 5.  Name and describe the following: Monrovia,
> Odessa, Denver,
> Manitoba, Hecla, Yukon, St.
>  Helena, Juan Fermandez, Aspinwall and
> Orinoco.
> 6.  Name and locate the principal trade centers
> of the U.S.
> 7.  Name all the republics of Europe and give
> capital of each.
> 8.  Why is the Atlantic Coast colder than the
> Pacific in the same
> latitude?
> 9.  Describe the process by which the water of
> the ocean returns to the
> sources of rivers.
> 10.  

[CTRL] Fwd: Socialism Still A Failure

2000-04-04 Thread ATB XX
Subject: Fwd: Socialism Still A FailureForwarded intact, credit where credit is due.- Original Message -> From: The Republican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Socialism Still A Failure> CONGRESS ACTION: April 2, 2000> > => > SOCIALISM STILL A FAILURE: To anyone not blinded to reality by their> ideology, it is no secret that socialism, because of its inherent and> essential nature, is, and must always be, an abject and disastrous> failure. The failure of socialism and social engineering by "the best and> brightest" of left-wing liberalism is once again being proven, the latest> evidence coming from communist China, Canada, Britain, France, and> Australia.> > Exhibit One: Communist China's one-child policy has long been a shining> example to which the population control extremists in this country point,> admiringly demanding that we should try to be as "enlightened" as those> Chinese so we can "save the earth". As has been repeatedly demonstratedon> this page and elsewhere, the very ideas that the world is overpopulated,> and that population density leads to poverty and starvation, are totally> erroneous; but the "save the earth" crowd simply isn't interested in> facts. Now comes news from communist China that their one-child policy> isn't all it's cracked up to be, and has been, in fact, a disaster.> Communist officials, "spurred on by a rash of student suicides,breakdowns> and family murders", are "softening" their policy. The social engineers> have been shocked by widespread female infanticides, illegal> gender-selective abortions, and rampant official corruption and terrorism> in enforcing the policy. Turns out that, no matter how hard the> "enlightened" try, people simply can't be "engineered" like machines.Think> that the Jane Fonda-Ted Turner-Hillary Clinton population controllers in> this country will learn anything? Don't bet on it.> > Exhibit Two: Socialized, government controlled medicine is a perennial> favorite of the leftist social engineers in this country. Hillary Clinton> has become most closely associated with that goal as a result of her> disastrous nationalized health care scheme in 1993, and she has long> touted Britain's National Health Service with envy. Former candidateBill> Bradley made nationalized health care a major plank of his failed> campaign, and candidate Al Gore has cited Canada's health care system asa> model to be emulated. Now from Canada comes a report by the Organization> for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that there are long> waiting lists for surgical and diagnostic procedures (one reportconcludes> that the median patient has to wait 70% longer than is medically> reasonable); that some procedures, routine in the United States, are> unavailable in Canada; that technical devices such as CT scanners andMRI> machines are scarce; that cost controls on pharmaceuticals have actually> led to deaths from the lack of available medicines; and most astonishingof> all, in this era of increasing general world-wide health and lengthening> life spans, Canadian life expectancy is actually declining. FromBritain's> National Health Service comes a report that perhaps one third of all> terminally ill cancer patients are dying only because of delays in> treatment or misdiagnoses. According to the London Times, "long delays> between appointments were often blamed for a time lag when previously> treatable cancers grew incurable". A leading British cancer specialistwas> quoted "It costs nothing to ensure that patients see a doctor within two> weeks, as the government has insisted, but what is the point if theythen> have to wait about three months for treatment with a worn-outradiotherapy> machine?" Think that the Hillary Clinton-Al Gore nationalized healthcare> schemers in this country will learn anything? Don't bet on it.> > Exhibit Three: France contains what is considered to be the last big> communist party in Europe. But this week, France's communist party> scheduled a party vote on a document condemning the history ofcommunism,> concluding that communism "did not liberate humanity", but rather led to> the "oppression of the individual, a tendency to see different opinionsas> deviation or betrayal, and practices which in all too many casesbordered> on the criminal". Sounds like political correctness in this country. One> member of the party hierarchy in Paris said "It's time to move on and> leave all those old ideas behind. They didn't do us any good." True, but> those ideas did lead to mass imprisonment and the slaughter of millions.> Typical of the usual reaction of brain-dead socialists (and leftists in> this country), who never let reality intrude into their irrational> fantasies, was the reaction of one old communist in France: "It's notthe> party that needs to change, it's the rest of society." Typical of the> egomaniacal thinking of all socialists: the rest of the world is wrong,> only they are right. Think that the socialist left in this count

[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Patriots Stop Phoenix MOUT Attack!

2000-03-23 Thread ATB XX

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Good news!! Forwarded intact, credit where credit is

--- The Extremist wrote:
> Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 22:37:50 -0500

> From: The Extremist
> Subject:  [CTRL] Patriots Stop Phoenix MOUT
> Attack!
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> This just in: Patriots Stop Phoenix MOUT Attack!
> At 10pm EST. Hour of the Time talk show host,
> William Cooper,
> broadcast on WBCQ - The Planet Radio, announced that
> because of
> overwhelming opposition, the Marine MOUT urban
> warfare attack
> scheduled to take place in downtown Phoenix, AZ
> tonight, March,
> 23, 2000, has been cancelled.
> This is an example of what we can do when we pull
> together.
> Cooper noted that this is the third MOUT attack
> training exercise that
> has been cancelled because patriotic Americans took
> a stand
> together.  He also noted that the MOUT exercises
> that have been
> stopped in the past were training exercises that
> were known in
> advance.
> With only 24 hours notice, patriots in Phoenix acted
> and succeeded in
> canceling this MOUT exercise. Thanks to the Arizona
> Republic
> newspaper, William Cooper, and Alex Jones for
> getting the word out.
> Way to go Phoenix!
> "...but if circumstances should at any time oblige
> the government to form
> an army of any magnitude, that army can never be
> formidable to the
> liberties of the people, while there is a large body
> of citizens, little if
> at all inferior to them in discipline and use of
> arms, who stand ready to
> defend their rights..."
> -Alexander Hamilton
> The Patriot Resource Center:
> http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6627/
> Online Patriot Internet Radio:
> http://www.geocities.com/aresister_2000/
> **Live Free or
> Die!*<><

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [patriot] (fwd) [SSN not Required] FW: Tulis pursues no-SSN litigation

2000-03-23 Thread ATB XX

Forwarded intact; Scanned with McAfee and Norton

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do You Yahoo!?
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Forwaeded intact; Give these folks credit, they are actually doing
something, and have done their homework!! (notice the correct "mailing
- Original Message -
>  Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 13:44:50 -0600
>  From: schuetzen - RKBA!
>  Subject: [patriot] (fwd) [SSN not Required] FW: Tulis pursues no-SSN

>  On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 07:08:55 -0800, "Ray Iddings"
>  wrote:
>  Thought I would forward this status report along to everybody ... please
>  respond directly to David.
>  ++
>  -Original Message-
>  From: David and Jeannette Tulis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>  Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 08:42 PM
>  To: ...
>  Subject: Tulis pursues no-SSN litigation
>  David Jonathan Tulis
>  c/o 10520 Brickhill Lane
>  Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee 37379
>  Tel/fax (423) 332-6459
>  March 22, 2000
>  Dear Friend,
>  On March 13, the last day available to sue for judicial review, I filed a
>  petition in chancery court in Davidson County (Nashville) asking that an
>  adverse ruling in a kangaroo court, better known as a judicial hearing,
>  overturned and that Tennnessee Department of Safety Commissioner Mike
>  Greene be ordered to renew my driver's license, absent a social security
>  number on my renewal slip.
>  A compromise proposal sent a week before had gone unanswered. I believe
>  that an end to this conflict will emerge from the concepts outlined
>  I am a religious objector to social security, a Christian who separated
>  myself from social security by a lawful action in recission, and refuse
>  enter into social security so that driver license officials can have a
>  number on the license renewal blank. My license is said to have "expired"
>  in the course of my legal proceedings against the commissioner over this
>  issue. A petition for writ of mandamus in the matter was recently
>  Let me briefly describe the nature of this settlement offer, as it may
>  light on how one who has rescinded from social security might view the
>  by civil authority of his revoked number.
>  U.S. appellate decisions in Bowen v. Roy, 476 U.S. 693 (1986) and Leahy
>  District of Columbia, 833 F.2d 1046 (D.C. Cir. 1987), make clear that one
>  cannot have a religious objection to an internal operation of government,
>  such as the color of its filing cabinets or the use or content of its
>  internal records.
>  Tennessee civil authorities my former social security number on file. I
>  have given an SSN in the late '80s to the Department of Safety. In past
>  years I filed tax returns with the Department of Revenue containing the
>  number.
>  I cannot, under these controlling rulings, have any religious objection
>  the use of this former number. Such a number is a matter of government
>  record; it is not my property and I have no interest in it. And, in fact,
>  do not have any religious objection to its use.
>  My constitutionally protected religious objection throughout this
>  has remained consistent. I object to the commissioner's demand that I go
>  out and enter a contractually binding application with social security.
>  Neither can I, under penalty of perjury, present my rescinded social
>  security number, which I stopped using since my December 1996 recission
>  revocation filing.
>  My proposal was as follows: that the commissioner attach to my renewal
>  a number of his choosing to make my application for driver's license
>  renewal acceptable to him. He would accept my truthful, good-faith answer
>  to the renewal form's "SSN" question, that answer being "religious
>  objector." By this means the commissioner could be satisfied that he has
>  accomplished his duty in recording a suitable number for the licensee.
>  I am confident of obtaining relief at some point, almost certainly under
>  the Leahy doctrine, which came into play in a similar case in the early
>  1990s.
>  For all the words I am offering here about the merits of my claim, what
>  matters most is not their efficacy or verity, but the mercy of God on His
>  people.
>  I am throwing myself upon God's providence, knowing that He is my
>  and that there is no stronghold that He is unable to tear down if He
>  chooses, so that all Israel will roar, as they did when Elijah confronted
>  Ahab on Mount Carmel, "The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!"
>  I am not presuming on the Lord to give me victory. He may consign me to
>  defeat at the hands of infidels and liars. What matters, though, for
>  Christians in such a position as mine, is that we seek God's face with
>  hearts full of love, fear and tenderness, counting our tria

[CTRL] Fwd: [patriot] (fwd) S&W is really Tompkins PLC, Tompkins is really.....

2000-03-23 Thread ATB XX

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intact, credit where credit is due.

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- Original Message -

>  Boycotts, anyone?
>  Tomkins PLC - Subsidiary Companies (Smith & Wesson)
>  Guns and buns are two of the hundreds of diverse products made by
>  international manufacturer Tomkins, whose practice is to buy companies,
>  streamline their operations, and sell them. The firm's Smith & Wesson
>  subsidiary is the world's #1 handgun maker, and its Red Wing subsidiary
>  is a leading US maker of private-label grocery products. Other Tomkins
>  companies produce and distribute food and baking ingredients,
>  transmission parts, automotive products such as belts and hoses,
>  plumbing components, construction products, garden mowers, bicycles,
>  handcuffs, and snowblowers. Chairman Gregory Hutchings' plans include
>  selling Tomkins' food-related businesses to focus on its engineering
>  activities.
>  *
>  Construction components
>  TITUS - Air System Components - designs and manufactures air
>  distribution products for HVAC systems
>  Cobra - diverse range of products from designer taps and mixers,
>  (faucets), state of the art water control technology for industrial and
>  commercial applications.
>  Dearborn Midwest Conveyor Co.- 2" Cable Link Conveyor Systems, Overhead
>  Power and Free Conveyors, Skid and Floor Conveyors, Postal Conveyors and
>  Bulk Conveyors.
>  Dexter Axle - Manufacturer of trailer running gear.
>  Lasco Bathware - America's Bathtub Co. tubs, whirlpools and etc...
>  Lasco Fittings - Schedule 40, Schedule 80, and Drain Waste and Vent
>  (DWV) PVC pipe fittings. We manufacture fittings for general use,
>  irrigation, golf course, plumbing and industrial applications. Product
>  line includes insert fittings, unions, compression fittings, repair
>  couplings, swing joints, swivel joints, and many more.
>  Lau - manufacturer of air-moving components and fan systems in North
>  America for the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
>  Industries. (HVAC)
>  Mayfran - conveying systems, filtration equipment and separators that
>  facilitate material handling, and coolant recovery for automobile
>  manufacturers, machine tool builders, the metal working and
>  scrap/recycling/solid waste industries.
>  Philips Products - Windows and doors..
>  Philips (Malta) - Windows and doors..
>  Philips (Ventline) - VENTLINE manufactures range hoods, bathroom fans,
>  and other ventilation products for the home.
>  Ruskin - manufacturer of dampers and louvers..products for the HVAC
>  Industry..
>  Shipham & Co. Ltd - Specialist in valves and castings.
>  Twiflex - disc brakes, flexible coupling and clutch couplings.
>  Food manufacturing
>  Overseal - Supplier of Yeast and food colouring for the food and drink
>  industry..
>  R F Brookes/Avana - bakery goods and frozen foods - UK only
>  Rank Hovis - flours, breads - UK only
>  Red Wing - Produces private label foods, mostly condiments, catsup,
>  maple syrup, salad dressings, peanut butter, jams and jellies... U.S.
>  RHM Technology - food safety, microbiological and chemical analysis,
>  forensic investigation and information services.
>  Rombout - coffee, coffee filters and biscuits .. Euro only
>  Sofrapain - N/A
>  Industrial & automotive engineering
>  Gates - Floormaster - safety flooring made from a special rubber
>  formulation developed by Gates Rubber.
>  Gates - Tredaire - N/A
>  Gates Europe, Gates Formed-Fibre, Gates Mexico, Gates Rubber Company,
>  Gates Rubber Industrial UK - Automotive and heavy duty replacement fan
>  belts, v-belts, hoses, air hose, fluid delivery hoses, welding and steam
>  hoses, Trico wiper blades, replacement windshield washer pumps, belt
>  tension guages, cutting tools, belt sizer..
>  Schrader-Bridgeport - Automotive Electronics, Tire Valves and Gauges,
>  Fuel Delivery System Components, Air Conditioning Components, Automotive
>  Chassis Components, Engine Management..
>  Stant Corporation/Stant Group of companies - TRICO® Exact Fit®,
>  Windspoiler®, Winter Blades and Nu-Vision® wiper blades, heavy duty
>  blades, refills and washer pumps. ROBERK® All WeatherT wiper blades and
>  refills. PRE-VENT® fuel caps, locking fuel caps, Swiv-el® radiator caps,
>  Lev-R-Vent® pressure caps, oil filler caps, thermostats, SuperStatT
>  thermostats, heaters, heater parts and specialty cooling products.
>  Grease guns, grease gun accessories, lubricants, Pro-Tuff oil filter
>  wrenches, service and specialty tools.
>  Hose clamps, including full size, small diameter and Micro-Gear,

[CTRL] Fwd: Smith & Wesson Agreement

2000-03-23 Thread ATB XX

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Forwarded intact; is any person suprised at the shackles placed on S&W?
- Original Message -

>  Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000
>  To: therepublican
>  From: The Republican
>  Subject: Smith & Wesson Agreement
>  FWD:  This is from James.  Thanks much!
>  http://www.hud.gov/pressrel/gunagree.html
>  Preamble: The city, state, county and federal parties agree to dismiss
>  parties from the pending suits and refrain from filing suits against the
>  manufacturer parties based on an equivalent cause of action.
>  All handguns must meet the following safety and design standards:
>  Second "hidden" serial number, to prevent criminals from obliterating
>  serial numbers.
>  External locking device sold with all guns within 60 days.
>  Internal locking device on all guns within 24 months.
>  Smart Guns -- Authorized User Technology.
>  Manufacturers commit 2% of annual firearms revenues to the development of
>  authorized user technology.
>  Within 36 months, authorized user technology will be included in all new
>  firearm models, with the exception of curios and collectors' firearms.
>  If top eight manufacturers agree, authorized user technology will be
>  included in all new firearms.
>  Child Safety. Within 12 months, handguns will be designed so they cannot
>  readily operated by a child under 6.
>  Performance test. All firearms will be subject to a performance test to
>  ensure safety and quality.
>  Drop test. All firearms will be subject to a test to ensure they do not
>  fire when dropped.
>  All pistols must meet the following additional requirements:
>  Safety device. Positive manually operated safety device.
>  Magazine disconnectors must be available on all pistols to customers who
>  desire the feature, within 12 months.
>  Chamber load indicators on all pistols, showing whether the pistol is
>  loaded, within 12 months.
>  Large capacity magazines. New firearm designs will not be able to accept
>  large-capacity magazines that were manufactured prior to September 1994.
>  (Manufacture of such magazines has been prohibited since that date.)
>  Law enforcement and military exception. If law enforcement agencies or
>  military certify the need, exceptions to these requirements may be made.
>  Manufacturers will ask that these guns not be resold to the civilian
>  market.
>  Warnings about safe storage and handling included with all firearms
>  six months.
>  Illegal firearms.
>  Manufacturers will not sell firearms that can readily be converted into
>  fully automatic weapons or that are resistant to fingerprints.
>  Code of Conduct. The manufacturers will sell only to authorized dealers
>  distributors and allow their authorized distributors to sell only to
>  authorized dealers. Authorized dealers and distributors will agree to a
>  code of conduct. If manufacturers receive notice of a violation by an
>  authorized dealer or distributor, they will take action against the
>  or distributor, including termination of sales to the dealer or
>  distributor. The Oversight Commission will review such actions and have
>  authority to require termination or suspension if warranted.
>  The code of conduct will require authorized dealers and distributors to:
>  Gun shows: make no gun show sales unless all sales at the gun show are
>  completed only after a background check.
>  Brady checks: wait as long as necessary for a completed Brady check
>  that the purchaser is not a felon or otherwise prohibited before selling
>  gun to the purchaser.
>  Safety training for purchasers: transfer firearms only to individuals who
>  have passed certified safety course or exam and demonstrate to purchasers
>  how to use all safety devices and how to load, unload, and safely store
>  firearm before completing the sale.
>  Multiple handgun sales: all purchasers of multiple handguns to take only
>  one handgun from the store on the day of sale, at which point a multiple
>  sales report will be filed with ATF. The remainder of the guns can only
>  collected after 14 days.
>  Employee training: require all employees to attend ATF-approved training
>  and to pass a exam on firearms laws, straw purchasers, illegal
>  indicators, and gun safety.
>  Insurance: carry liability insurance where available, with a minimum
>  coverage of $1 million for each incident.
>  Inventory control: maintain an electronic inventory tracking plan within
>  months
>  Security: implement a securi

[CTRL] Fwd: [patriot] (fwd) A New American Hero

2000-03-23 Thread ATB XX

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Forwarded intact; credit where credit is due. A most excellent post!!
- Original Message -

>  Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 06:54:47 -0600
>  From: schuetzen - RKBA!
>  Subject: [patriot] (fwd) A New American Hero

>  On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 14:56:01 -0700, spiker wrote:
>  A New American Hero
>  http://www.sierratimes.com/edmc032000.htm
>  Editorial By : Sheriff Mike
>  (c) copyright 2000 - SierraTimes.com
>  http://www.sierratimes.com/
>  America we now have a new HERO in our country.  His name is Wayne
>  and he became a hero because he told the truth.
>  He told the truth about President Clinton.
>  Boy, did it make the President mad or what?  Kind of reminds me of John
>  Wayne who would tell the truth when it wasn't the popular topic of the
>  day.  He was honored as he should have been as a hero and a great
>  American.  Reminds me of an old saying, "the truth hurts."
>  When Mr.  LaPierre said, "I've come to believe [Clinton] needs a certain
>  level of violence in this country," he was hitting the old nail on the
>  head.  Clinton is in front of the camera as soon as his legs can get him
>  there every time there is violence with a firearm in the news.  You don't

>  see him there when the violence involves some other weapon.  Then he
>  the same thing he always does and lies.  What I find ironic about all
>  is the fool expects you to believe him, and what is even more hilarious
>  there are people who do.
>  Clinton can't even get his statistics right, (16 children a day to gun
>  violence), that is only a few thousand off.  But you are not allowed to
>  question his story or you are a no-good that needs to be controlled.
>  of sounds like another leader we hear so much about who runs a small
>  called Cuba.
>  Clinton fired back with his old," lets ask the parents of the slain
>  children" thing.
>  Well once more he was talking and not paying attention to what the people

>  are saying.
>  The parents already said it wasn't the gun and the regulations he was
>  asking for wouldn't have prevented what happened.  My question is, why
>  isn't someone asking Clinton about all the children he has killed.  I
>  there were several in the Compound at Waco who died.  However he also
>  killed their parents, so who was left to complain?
>  Once in the country we had an actor who became president.  He wasn't a
>  great actor but he was a fair president.  Now we have a president who is
>  great actor.  His only short-coming is that he lies then forgets to get
>  facts for the next lie.
>  However, you are not allowed to say anything because then you are picking

>  on him and that's not allowed.
>  I have said it many times and I will say it again, crime and guns don't
>  have any connection other than being a tool - like a knife, car,
>  screwdriver, or any other tool that a criminal will use.  When laws are
>  passed, they only affect law abiding citizens - criminals don't obey the
>  law.  Our government is after control of our land and our lives, and the
>  only way to get total control is by disarming us.  That is the only
>  agenda.  Look at what happened to the crime rate in England and Australia

>  after they took all the firearms.  You have to be blind not to see what
>  that did.
>  Mr.  LaPierre, unlike Clinton, is speaking for 3.8 million NRA members
>  80,000,000 gun owners, He is also speaking of our Constitution and the
>  rights we as Americans enjoy to remain free people.  Clinton is speaking
>  for whoever pays him the most money and gives him the most power, and he
>  sure doesn't speak about the Constitution or your rights.  Clinton
>  like the Constitution and has said so on many occasions.  Clinton thinks
>  our rights are there only to get in his way and keep him from his agenda
>  Socialism.  It's the old "trust me I know what is best for you" story all

>  over again.
>  I saw a movie once where they built a wall around New York City and
>  it into a prison.  I think this is one time when life should imitate art
>  and we could put the Clintons in there to take control and run that
>  all they wanted to.  I would volunteer to be a guard as long as we could
>  shoot anyone trying to escape.
>  America needs to get back to what it has always been: land of the free
>  home of the brave.  We need our president and all elected and appointed
>  officials to quit wasting our time and theirs, our money and theirs, on
>  this stupid agenda of the Presidents.  There is no excuse for stupid,
>  remember that.  There is also no way you can ever trust a liar or a draft

>  dodger, unfortunately we have one in the White House.  Now Mr.  Clinton,
>  tell me which part isn't true.
>  Mr.  LaPierre thank you from the bottom