[CTRL] 19 December 2001 Federalist Edition #01-51/52

2001-12-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

19 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-51/52
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
ICTUS Imprimis
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


The belief in a God All Powerful wise and good, is so essential to
the moral order of the world and to the happiness of man, that
arguments which enforce it cannot be drawn from too many sources nor
adapted with too much solicitude to the different characters and
capacities impressed with it. --James Madison


The Lord will  have compassion on Jacob and will again choose Israel,
and will set them in their own land, and aliens will join them and
will cleave to the house of Jacob. (Isaiah 14:1)  ++  And the angel
said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with
God.  And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and
you shall call his name Jesus.  He will be great, and will be called
the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne
of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob
forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.'  (Luke 1:30-33)
++  The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most
High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be
called holy, the Son of God.  (Luke 1:35)  ++  And in that region
there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock
by night.  And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of
the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear.  And the
angel said to them, 'Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news
of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born
this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke
2:8-11)  ++ Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared
with the angel, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. (Luke 2:13-14)


No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the
reward for what he gave.  --Calvin Coolidge  {}  Nothing can bring
you peace but yourself.  Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph
of principles.  --Ralph Waldo Emerson  {}  It doesn't take a hero to
order men into battle.  It takes a hero to be one of those men who go
into battle. --H. Norman Schwarzkopf  ++  Bravery is the capacity to
perform properly even when scared half to death.  --General Omar
Bradley  {}  Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also
of the overcoming of it.  --Helen Keller  {}  You can preach a
better sermon with your life than with your lips.  --Oliver Goldsmith
{}  He is the promised Messiah, the Son of God come to earth to offer
salvation for all mankind. --Ronald Reagan


Follow your dreams You never know where life's gonna take ya. I
never sat and thought, 'Gosh, if I work hard I'll be president of the
United States.' It wasn't in my vocabulary. But you never know. You
never know. Trust the Lord. --President George Bush  ++  In a
president, character is everything.  You can't buy courage and
decency, you can't rent a strong moral sense.  A president must bring
those things with him He needs to have a vision of the future he
wishes to create.  But a vision is worth little if a president doesn't
have the character -- the courage and heart -- to see it through.
--Peggy Noonan  {}  Christians view history as a cornucopia of
complexity because we understand the doctrine of original sin. We know
that because the human race is fallen, people are capable of great
evil. But because we are made in God's image, we are also capable of
great good. --Charles Colson  ++  However, the Bible conceives the
world in very real terms, and recent events have clarified what the
real world is about. It's about the struggle between goodness and
wickedness, about which our Constitution is not the ultimate
authority. --David Klinghoffer  ++  For a religion that is said to
respect human rights and equality, Islam does a rather thorough job of
trampling the former and denying the latter, from Africa's west coast
to East Asia. While they're voluble in demanding tolerance for their
faith, when it comes to the suffering of minorities in Islamic
countries, American Moslems are mute.  --Don Feder  ++  A religion
that is not in fact the government is a potential 

[CTRL] 19 September 2001 Federalist Edition #01-38

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

19 September 2001
Federalist Edition #01-38
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts
Editor's Note


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I will not believe our labours are lost. I shall not die without a
hope that light and liberty are on steady advance. And even should the
cloud of barbarism and despotism again obscure the science and
liberties of Europe, this country remains to preserve and restore
light and liberty to them. In short, the flames kindled on the fourth
of July seventeen hundred and seventy six have spread over too much of
the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism.
--Thomas Jefferson


If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful. --C.S. Lewis
++  No one is safe by his own strength, but he is safe by the grace
and mercy of God. --St. Cyprian  ++  Those wars are unjust which are
undertaken without provocation.  For only a war waged for revenge or
defense can be just. --Cicero  ++  How merrily we headed for
catastrophe! --Albert Speer   ++ Our worst days are never so bad
that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are
never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. --Jerry
Bridges  ++  Little progress can be made by merely attempting to
repress what is evil; our great hope lies in developing what is good.
--Calvin Coolidge Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all
terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without
victory there is no survival. --Sir Winston Churchill


The way to deal with this problem is not to suddenly become a police
state and say we are not going to be free and we are not going to go
about our lives. We are going to go after the people who are posing
this very serious danger and that's what we need to do. --DefSec
Donald Rumsfeld  ++  This is a war that has been launched against the
United States and we need to understand that, but we do not need to
cease being the United States of America in response to these
attacks. --AG John Ashcroft  ++  The administration has steadily
moved in the right direction...from talking about justice to talking
about victory...from talking about criminals to talking about enemies
and...from talking about retribution to talking about defeating. These
are very important changes. --Newt Gingrich  ++  We are placing
tremendous trust in our president to pursue our enemies as our
commander-in-chief but Congress must remain vigilant as to not allow
our civil liberties here at home to be eroded.  The temptation will be
great to sacrifice our freedoms for what may seem to be more security.
We must resist this temptation. --Rep. Ron Paul  ++  Clinton should
be vilified. Perjury is one thing. Rendering inoperable our country's
defenses against terrorism is high treason. --Paul Craig Roberts  ++
War nearly always serves as an occasion for serious expansions of
state power and the destruction of legal protections. --Joseph Sobran
++  In the midst of so much carnage, compassion and courage,
congressional cowardice is shameful. --Oliver North  ++  What
happened Tuesday was unimaginably horrific. What happens the next time
could be worse. --Steve Chapman  ++  We do not need to 'neutralize'
or 'punish' or even 'apprehend' terrorists. We need to kill them.
Perhaps our greatest national weakness is our short attention span,
and I fear that, in a surprisingly short time, we will forget our just
anger. --Ralph Peters  ++  Did you want us to respect your cause?
You just damned your cause. Did you want to make us fear? You just
steeled our resolve. Did you want to tear us apart? You just brought
us together. ... You don't know my people. You don't know what we're
about. You don't know what you just started. But you're about to
learn. --Leonard Pitts  ++  The job of the Secret Service is to keep
the president of the United States alive, not  satisfy the silly
little social concerns of Peter Jennings or others in the media.
--Rush Limbaugh  ++  Barbara Olson was one of freedom's warriors.  A
Texan who 

[CTRL] [19] Agency of Fear - Opiates and Political Power in America

2000-08-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://mega.nu:8080/ampp/"The Architecture of Modern
Political Power/A
Agency of Fear
Opiates and Political Power in America
By Edward Jay Epstein
Chapter 19 - World War III

 On August 2, 1971, Nelson Gross, of Saddle River, New Jersey, was chosen to
lead a worldwide attack on illicit drugs. As A New Jersey politician, Gross
had been successful in staging a quiet revolt against the older wing of the
Republican party in New Jersey, thus gaining a modicum of power for himself
in 1968. He failed to win elected office as a congressman or senator, even
though he ran loyally on President Nixon's law-and-order theme. After his
defeat for the Senate in 1970, Gross asked Nixon for a position in foreign
policy, and Nixon appointed him senior advisor and coordinator for
international narcotics matters at the Department of State. In theory, the
"global war against drugs was to be coordinated by the newly created
(September, 1971) Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control, which
held its first meeting on network television and included such illustrious
figures as Secretary of State William Rogers, who nominally chaired the new
committee, Attorney General John Mitchell, Secretary of the Treasury John
Connally, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, newly appointed Secretary of
Agriculture Earl Butz, and CIA director Richard Helms. The committee met on
only three other occasions before it was phased out after the 1972 election,
and most of the day-to-day tactical decisions were left to Gross and Egil
Krogh, who was, in addition to his other duties, executive director of the
cabinet committee.

Although a battle had temporarily been won in Turkey, the war against heroin
was anything but over-at least as far as Gross and Krogh were concerned. The
1972 election was little more than a year away, and there was the dramatic
possibility for further victories in the war against heroin. The rapidly
expanding BNDD (its budget had trebled in four years) advanced the theory
that there still remained a large Turkish stockpile of opium, which would
explain the need for drug agents in the foreseeable future. According to the
convenient stockpile theory, every Turkish poppy farmer had squirreled away a
hoard of opium as a dowry for his daughter's marriage and for other future
emergencies. Even though they were now being forced by their government to
plow under their opium crops, they could reach into this presumed hoard and
sell it to traffickers for the American market.

President Nixon had already publicly demanded the eradication of the poppy
flower from the entire world, and Gross concluded that America could not wait
for the screw worm to be developed. The Golden Triangle was not only
producing ten times as much illicit opium as Turkey ever produced but
supplying about 20 percent of the American soldiers in Vietnam with pure
heroin. Gross foresaw that it was only a matter of time before this Golden
Triangle heroin found its way into the American market, and he decided to
consult Graham Martin, who had been ambassador to Thailand and to Italy
before becoming ambassador to South Vietnam. Much to Gross's surprise, but
not necessarily to the White House staffs, Ambassador Martin, in a state of
exasperation, reported in no uncertain terms that the only way of disrupting
the supply of opium from the Golden Triangle was to organize assassination
teams to kill the few key traffickers that controlled the trade. Though New
Jersey politics in Gross's day were fairly tough, assassinations seemed

Instead, Gross decided to -make heroin a primary foreign-policy objective of
the United States. He ordered fifty-odd American embassies around the world
to draw tip fiction plans which specified how American diplomats in those
countries could stimulate interest in the heroin problem to persuade the host
government to conform to American narcotics objectives, and to detail ways in
which the CIA and State Department intelligence could be used to discover and
intercept heroin traffic. Gross further wanted American diplomats to threaten
any country that refused to cooperate in the effort with an immediate cutoff
of economic and military aid. He even suggested the use of the American veto
to prevent the World Bank and other international financial organizations
from extending credit to such countries. There was considerable concern in
the higher councils of the State Department that such "heroin diplomacy," as
Gross called it, would lose more friends for the United States than it would
net traffickers, and might endanger what they considered more long-term
foreign-policy objectives, such as the safety of the United States. Henry
Kissinger's National Security Council also had its doubts about heroin
diplomacy, especially since less than two months before Gross assumed his
command in the new global war, the secret report of a White House task force
with representatives from both 

[CTRL] [19] Treason's Peace

2000-07-17 Thread Kris Millegan

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print


Behind America's Iron Curtain

"CONFIDENTIALLY, it stinks," said Senator LaFollette. It was April 24, 1942,
more than four months after Pearl Harbor. The Wisconsin Senator was
expressing his opinion before the Senate Patents Committee of the failure of
the justice Department to punish the affiliates of I.G. Farben who conspired
to obstruct production of defense materials, and its neglect to require full
disclosures of the know-how of the patented processes thus obstructed.

Thurman Arnold, Assistant Attorney General, had been making a half-hearted
defense of the consent decrees in the Standard and Alcoa-Dow cases, as having
been the best which the department could obtain under the circumstances.

However, it was apparent from Mr. Arnold's testimony on this occasion, and
previously before the Truman Committee, that he did not wish to make public
exactly what circumstances, or whose intercession had caused the justice
Department to give in to the offenders after ample evidence had been
uncovered for criminal prosecution for conspiracy and interference with the
war effort. Mr. Arnold admitted that he had been faced with a "take it or
leave it" attitude in dealing with the Farben affiliates and that when he
"took it" he agreed to fines, which he considered inadequate punishment, and
to terms in civil consent decrees which he conceded did not properly supply
the know-how on the patents which had served as pass keys in the illegal
tie-ups with Farben.

While Mr. Arnold was before the Patents Committee he had ample opportunity to
reveal to the Senate and the public the reasons, and the influence which
caused him to consent to what amounted substantially to immunity for those
who had conspired with Farben to obstruct our preparations for war. Mr.
Arnold, however, chose not to volunteer such information, and the Senators
who were questioning him chose not to press the questions that would have
compelled him to do so. Senator LaFollette contented himself with his jibe at
the odor of the situation, and Senator Bone with comments that anyone who had
withheld technical knowledge and vital necessities from his country at such a
time "was not decent" and "has no business in this country."

Mr. Arnold, in testifying later before the Bone Committee and elsewhere made
no secret of the fact that he was not in accord with the postponement of the
other prosecutions which he had instituted against Farben affiliates in
plastics and other munitions industries. Nevertheless he had meekly consented
to them on the ground that it would interfere with the pursuance of the war
to prosecute those accused of conspiring to obstruct our preparations for the

It was not mere rumor in Washington that Thurman Arnold resigned as
anti-trust chief in March 1943 because of dissatisfaction (honest rage might
better describe it) with what seems to have been pseudo-legal sabotage of his
efforts to eradicate Farben's industrial sabotage of this nation.

Be that as it may, when the appointment was tendered him, the chunky frame of
the Assistant Attorney General bounced ungracefully down the steps of the
Justice building, and found dignified repose a few blocks away in the U. S.
Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia—where, as Mr. justice Axnold, he
could at least write his own decisions. No obstructions were placed upon Mr.
Arnold's departure. The Senate held no hearing on the confirmation of his
appointment. "My friends didn't require a hearing," he told me at the time,
"and my enemies were only too anxious to get me out of the justice

Mr. Arnold is honored for the things that he started out to do, rather than
criticized for the things he did not do; and his admirers regret that he did
not state in public the conclusions which he expressed so fluently in private
about why his efforts had failed so dismally to put the fear of God into
Farben, and its American accomplices behind bars.

As the reader may by now have concluded, always it has been
largely this official policy of "hush hush" that has made Farbeds
subversive activities possible. After the war began and revelations
of those activities began to come out, it then helped provide immunity for
the individuals involved.

On Feb. 11, 1942, when these very facts were tumbling out, when public
indignation was mounting and Washington was seething with rumor about efforts
being made to protect certain individuals who were involved with Farben, the
following letter was received by the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Office of the Attorney General Washington, D. C.

Honorable Sam Rayburn,
The Speaker,

House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.

My dear Mr. Speaker:

I desire to call your attention to the advisability of a law to protect the
contents of secret or confidential Government 

[CTRL] 19

2000-01-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Subject: The number nineteen
Date: Fri, 07 January 2000 06:28 PM EST

  The United States of America is an occult project known as New
Atlantis.  It has been organized by clandestine Luciferian Masons (CLuMs)
to help bring about the Empire of the Antichrist, a.k.a. the NWO, whose
capital will be in Jerusalem.

  One of the prominent activities of Luciferian Masons is the
performance of ritual human sacrifices, especially at the foundations of
buildings, or for the success of different occult projects.  The mainland of
the U.S., the contiguous 48 states, is roughly shaped as a rectangle, the
usual outline of a Masonic Lodge.  The presiding officer of a Lodge, its
Master, sits in the East, the eastern side of the rectangle.  In the same way,
the capital of New Atlantis, Washington, D.C., is located in the middle of
the East Coast.  The consecration of the capital of New Atlantis and its
four sides has taken place as follows.

  The sacrificial victims have been the eight U.S. Presidents who have
died in office.  Some of these ritual victims were clandestine Luciferian
Masons (CLuMs) themselves, but to be sacrificed to Lucifer is considered
a very great "honor" by these Satanists.  This practice re-enacts the myth of
the Phoenix and the myth of the Pelican, great favorite tales of the Masons.

  The timing of the sacrifices was according to the 19-year Metonic cycle
of the moon:

  The first President to die in office was William Henry Harrison in 1841,
during the Metonic cycle of 1824 to 1842.  Later deaths follow this

  Cycle of 1843 to 1861:  Zachary Taylor in 1850.

  Cycle of 1862 to 1880:  Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

  Cycle of 1881 to 1899:  James Abram Garfield in 1881.

  Cycle of 1900 to 1918:  William McKinley in 1901.

  Cycle of 1919 to 1937:  Warren Gamaliel Harding in 1923.

  Cycle of 1938 to 1956:  Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1945.

  Cycle of 1957 to 1975:  John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963.

  Cycle of 1976 to 1994:  Ronald Wilson Reagan, who experienced
Luciferian Masonic death and resurrection on 3/30/1981, at the time of his
"attempted assassination" by John W. Hinckley, Jr.

  Reagan was the ninth sitting President of New Atlantis to be offered to
Lucifer.  The number nine symbolizes the length of a pregnancy (9
"months") and its completion brings about a New Beginning.  Therefore,
CLuM Brother Reagan did not die, but was "resurrected" as another Hiram
Abiff, or another Osiris.

  Presently we are in the Metonic cycle of 1995 to 2013.  CLuM Brother
Billy Blythe Jefferson Clinton was sacrificed (impeached) on December 19,
1998, on the New Moon of Hanukkah, just before the Winter Solstice.  His
Luciferian Masonic resurrection (acquittal) took place on 2/12/1999, the
birth of previous sacrificial victim Abraham Lincoln.

  The sacrifices follow a schedule in time and a schedule in place.  The
first four victims, Harrison, Taylor, Lincoln, and Garfield, were sacrificed
in Washington, D.C., to consecrate the capital, the Master's seat of New

  The next four victims were sacrificed along the four sides of the
"Lodge" to secure the "foundations" of the Great Work:

  William McKinley was sacrificed in Buffalo, N.Y., to consecrate the
nothern side of New Atlantis.

  Warren Gamaliel Harding was sacrificed in San Francisco, CA, to
consecrate the western side.

  Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sacrificed in Warm Springs, GA, to
consecrate the eastern side.

  John Fitzgerald Kennedy was sacrificed in Dallas, TX, to consecrate
the southern side.

  After the "Master's seat", Washington, D.C., and the four sides had
been consecrated, the ritual returned to D.C. for the Luciferian Masonic
death and resurrection of CLuM Brother Ronald Wilson Reagan on
3/30/1981.  Again, Washington was the location of the Luciferian
Masonic Impeachment and Acquittal of CLuM Brother Billy Blythe
Jefferson Clinton.

  For more information on the secret nature of Luciferian Masonry and
satanic Zionism, please visit the Web site "Dark Millennium" at:

  A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/wy/1000/index.html"http://www.angelfi

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust 

Re: [CTRL] [19] The Great Heroin Coup

1999-11-28 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Hmmm! Tasteful. :-) If you have more things like this, please, post. :)

If you liked this, you oughta check out Politics of Heroin in South East
Asia by Alfred McCoy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [19] The Great Heroin Coup

1999-11-27 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Great Heroin Coup - Drugs, Intelligence,  International Fascism
Henrik Kruger
Jerry Meldon, Translator
South End Press©1980
Box 68 Astor Station
Boston, MA 02123
ISBN 0-89608-0319-5
240pps - one edition - out-of-print
Orginally published in Danish
Smukke Serge og Heroien
Bogan 1976

This chapter contains my personal interpretation of the great heroin coup.
Errors are possible on any or all points, inasmuch as the clandestine
operations treated in this book transpire in a closed world infested with
lies and cover-ups. There will always be loose ends.

The coup itself, which transferred control over the heroin gold mine from one
part of the world to another, I regard as a fact of life. Similarly do I
regard the involvement of elements of the White House staff. Just how high up
it went the reader can decide for him or her self.

Of the many heretofore mentioned details in the coup's planning and
execution, I find the following essential:

1) Prior to the coup, Lansky syndicate narcotics boss Santo Trafficante, Jr.
had made the necessary arrangements in Southeast Asia and Mexico, and had
started a war with the Corsican Mafia.

2) Trafficante's old partner, the CIA, had long since assumed control over
Southeast Asia opium smuggling, following Ed Lansdale and Lucien Conein's
defeat of the local branch of the Corsican underworld.

3) In 1971, when the coup's execution was seriously under way, Cuban exiles,
a group with which Trafficante enjoyed a unique rapport, appeared in the
White House's mysterious narcotics operation. They were tied especially to
Conein and E. Howard Hunt.

4) Through a succession of bureaucratic reorganizations the White House
assumed control over narcotics intelligence and enforcement.

5) U.S. narcotics officials waged an all-out war against the Corsicans'
Turkey/ Marseilles/ U.S.A. network, while warnings of a serious heroin threat
from Southeast Asia were all but dismissed.

6) When the Corsican Mafia was neutralized the narcotics enforcement
apparatus was suddenly reorganized as the DEA, and shortly thereafter heroin
began flowing into the United States from Southeast Asia and Mexico.

7) The CIA-infiltrated DEA grabbed control of Latin America's political
repression apparatus, was accused of protecting major narcotics dealers, and
was exposed as an accomplice to gun-running financed with the profits from
the narcotics traffic.

8) The White House protected Robert Vesco, who appears to be a central figure
in the scheme of heroin smuggling and gun-running.

In these eight points we find the will, the power and the motives, not for
the once proclaimed victory over the traffickers, but for the dramatic
transfer of underworld power that suddenly became a reality in 1973.

The Syndicate was in on it. The White House, the CIA, and special lobby
groups were in on it, too, at least indirectly. But we still need ask who in
particular and why. We will rely on logic and guesswork, only to identify
individual accomplices and their particular contributions and motives.

Let us first consider the Lansky Syndicate, represented by Santo Trafficante
and his Cuban narcotics Mafia. In addition to motives he might have shared
with the CIA, Trafficante had many other reasons to take part in the heroin
coup. First, it meant cheaper heroin deliveries and therefore greater
profits. Second, he wanted the Corsicans out because, behind his and the rest
of the Syndicate's backs, they had begun setting up their own U.S.
distribution network. Finally, Traffiicante's drug Mob did not want to see a
repeat of BNDD Operation Eagle-U.S. drug enforcement's last effective raid
against his network.

What were the possibilities for Traffiicante's playing an active role in the
coup's execution, apart from preparation of the Southeast Asia -and
Mexico-based networks? Without help from the CIA and powerful lobbies, his
chances were slim. With their assistance he could infiltrate the narcotics
nerve center, the White House. Here we might discuss just who in fact helped

If it is true that Traffiicante fought the Corsicans so bitterly from 1971
on, how can it be that Marcel Boucan and his shrimpboat were seized in
February 1972 with 425 kilos of pure heroin, en route to Trafficante in
Florida? There is only one explanation, which Boucan himself offered in court
-that Boucan was set up by his American client. How else can the
unprecedented seizure by French Customs following a tip from the CIA be
explained? If it was a plot to exhaust the stocks of the remaining French
heroin rings, and thereby cause panic among the Corsicans, then it worked.

How guilty was Richard Nixon, who presided over the heroin coup? Personally,
I believe that, under strong pressure, he was a more or less willing tool,
rather than the force behind it all. Pointing to Nixon's guilt are his close
association with the Cuba Lobby, with people connected to Lansky and
Trafficante, and 

Re: [CTRL] [19] The Great Heroin Coup

1999-11-27 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Banhara

 -Caveat Lector-

Hmmm! Tasteful. :-) If you have more things like this, please, post. :)

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999 00:01:29 EST, Kris Millegan wrote:

The Great Heroin Coup - Drugs, Intelligence,  International Fascism

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [19] Other Altars

1999-07-22 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Other Altars - Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and
Multiple Personality Disorder
Craig Lockwood©1993
CompCare Publishers
3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55441
ISBN 0-89638-363-6
255+pps — out-of-print/one edition.
A very interesting and excellent book.

Chapter 19

Slouching Towards the Millennium:
Fin De Siecle Future

"That darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
-W. B. Yeats, 1921

In an uncertain world, facts and events don't always fit into neat
informational packages.

Though forewarned, some readers may still be expecting an authorative
conclusion that imparts a degree of certainty. Unfortunately, there is none.
There is only what Orange County District Attorney Investigator At Valdez
calls a "threshold of belief."

Each reader, at some point, will straddle or cross this two-way threshold of
belief, choosing either to wait for more information, believe in, or
disbelieve in the ritual-abuse phenomenon. This decision may or may not be
influenced by "the facts."

Putting belief and disbelief aside for the moment, let's reexamine the facts.

Fact: Hundreds of children from all over the United States and the United
Kingdom have testified in courts or disclosed during interviews with police
and child-protective services that they experienced sexual abuse with ritual
overtones in preschool settings.

Fact: Most survivors' accounts of rituals involving crimes of infanticide,
homicide, and/or cannibalism have surfaced during Some form of psychotherapy.

Fact: Therapists are not criminal investigators. They are under -no
professional mandate to verify a patient's claims.

Fact: Contemporary psychotherapeutic theory holds that verification of
patient claims would have little effect on the healing process and might
actually block the formation of the bond-of-trust needed between therapist
and patient.

Fact: Dissociative disorders exist. There is a significant body of clinical
and scientific evidence establishing the validity of the medical diagnoses of

Fact: Clinicians have identified two types of MPD: reactive and structured.
Structured MPD, which is associated with trauma-structured abuse, is
diagnosed with far greater regularity than reactive MPD.

Fact: While the diagnosis of MPD is generally accepted within the
psychological and medical communities, total consensus has not been achieved.
There are still some who consider MPD a "controversial" diagnosis. They,
however, may not be familiar with the research or the literature. Nor have
they treated patients with MPD.

 Fact: All diagnoses, medical and psychological, are subject to a degree of

 Fact: Clinicians report that patients diagnosed with MPD disclose that some
form of severe and chronic structured abuse seems to have been used on them
at a very early age.

Fact: Of the thousands of legitimately tested and diagnosed case of MPD in
the United States today, the overwhelming majority are women.

Fact: In the past ten years, forensic evidence leading to successful
prosecution has been associated with at least a dozen
multiperpetrator/multivictim cases with ritual overtones.

Fact: International links have been verified in several high-profile
multiperpetrator/multivictim cases.

Fact: Claims that organized groups perpetrate these crimes have been met with
skepticism by certain academics and lawenforcement officers.

Fact: Crimes committed during a religious ritual are treated no differently
under the law than crimes committed at any other time. Trying a case as a
"ritual crime" offers no advantage to the prosecution.

Fact: Most prosecutors have no interest in establishing any religious
motivation during a trial because this offers defense attorneys too many
First Amendment options.

Fact: Since crime centered around ritual is prosecuted in exactly the same
way as ordinary crime, prosecutors discourage the labeling of these cases as
"ritual" to avoid negative media attention.

Fact: In the: United States, England, and Europe, there have been
successfully prosecuted cases of criminals who engaged in some form of ritual
prior to committing murder, or who first killed and then used the body in a
ritual, or killed the victim during an activity that involved elements of
religious ritual.

 Fact: Sexuality is often associated with these kinds of crimes.

Dealing with ambiguous phenomena such as ritual abuse, even a careful
observer soon discovers conflicting evidence and claims. Even facts can be
given a spin—depending on who presents them and the presenter's ideological
agenda. And make no mistake, everyone has an agenda.

Discord is amplified by emotional words and terminology. Danger always
surrounds the wholesale acceptance of 

Re: [CTRL] [19] Other Altars

1999-07-22 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

I found it strange that Elaine Showalter, one of the major figures in the
MLA (the Modern Language Association), has written a book that ridicules
those who are trying to bring the issue of ritual abuse to the attention
of the public.  Showalter gained her reputation as a spokesperson for
feminism and, presumably, she would be the last person to debunk a human
rights issue.  But instead of defending the victims she's taking the
establishment line.

We do know that the reports are well-documented.  And thanks to the work
of a variety of conspiracy researchers (Alex Constantine comes to mind),
in one widely publicized case in California, the McMartin Preschool
affair, part of the story of the alleged victims was substantiated when
tunnels were found beneath the school, much to the chagrin of
sceptics and debunkers.

I wonder if anyone has done any statistical studies of the number of
missing children in America.  Fifty years ago,  were kids just
disappearing as frequently as they seem to be doing today?

We live in evil times.

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 an excerpt from:
 Other Altars - Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and
 Multiple Personality Disorder
 Craig Lockwood©1993
 CompCare Publishers
 3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
 Minneapolis, MN 55441
 ISBN 0-89638-363-6
 255+pps — out-of-print/one edition.
 A very interesting and excellent book.

 Chapter 19

 Slouching Towards the Millennium:
 Fin De Siecle Future

 "That darkness drops again; but now I know
 That twenty centuries of stony sleep
 Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
 And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
 Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"
 -W. B. Yeats, 1921

 In an uncertain world, facts and events don't always fit into neat
 informational packages.

 Though forewarned, some readers may still be expecting an authorative
 conclusion that imparts a degree of certainty. Unfortunately, there is none.
 There is only what Orange County District Attorney Investigator At Valdez
 calls a "threshold of belief."

 Each reader, at some point, will straddle or cross this two-way threshold of
 belief, choosing either to wait for more information, believe in, or
 disbelieve in the ritual-abuse phenomenon. This decision may or may not be
 influenced by "the facts."

 Putting belief and disbelief aside for the moment, let's reexamine the facts.

 Fact: Hundreds of children from all over the United States and the United
 Kingdom have testified in courts or disclosed during interviews with police
 and child-protective services that they experienced sexual abuse with ritual
 overtones in preschool settings.

 Fact: Most survivors' accounts of rituals involving crimes of infanticide,
 homicide, and/or cannibalism have surfaced during Some form of psychotherapy.

 Fact: Therapists are not criminal investigators. They are under -no
 professional mandate to verify a patient's claims.

 Fact: Contemporary psychotherapeutic theory holds that verification of
 patient claims would have little effect on the healing process and might
 actually block the formation of the bond-of-trust needed between therapist
 and patient.

 Fact: Dissociative disorders exist. There is a significant body of clinical
 and scientific evidence establishing the validity of the medical diagnoses of
 PTSD and MPD.

 Fact: Clinicians have identified two types of MPD: reactive and structured.
 Structured MPD, which is associated with trauma-structured abuse, is
 diagnosed with far greater regularity than reactive MPD.

 Fact: While the diagnosis of MPD is generally accepted within the
 psychological and medical communities, total consensus has not been achieved.
 There are still some who consider MPD a "controversial" diagnosis. They,
 however, may not be familiar with the research or the literature. Nor have
 they treated patients with MPD.

  Fact: All diagnoses, medical and psychological, are subject to a degree of

  Fact: Clinicians report that patients diagnosed with MPD disclose that some
 form of severe and chronic structured abuse seems to have been used on them
 at a very early age.

 Fact: Of the thousands of legitimately tested and diagnosed case of MPD in
 the United States today, the overwhelming majority are women.

 Fact: In the past ten years, forensic evidence leading to successful
 prosecution has been associated with at least a dozen
 multiperpetrator/multivictim cases with ritual overtones.

 Fact: International links have been verified in several high-profile
 multiperpetrator/multivictim cases.

 Fact: Claims that organized groups perpetrate these crimes have been met with
 skepticism by certain academics and lawenforcement officers.

 Fact: Crimes committed during a religious ritual are treated no differently
 under the law than crimes committed at any other time. Trying a case as a

[CTRL] [19] Loud and Clear

1999-07-08 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Loud and Clear
Lake Headly and William Hoffman©1990
Henry Holt and Company
115 W. 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 0-8050-1138-2
272 pps — out-of-print/one edition


The Downey


I swam in a sewer. What brought me from Phoenix to this community just south
of Los Angeles was the critical August 17, 1976, police report written by Jon
Sellers, which, incredibly, had not found its way to the defense until
recently, more than three years, after Bolles died.

On 8/17/76, investigator flew to Downey, CA after receiving a telephone call
from Det. Gary Morrow of the Downey Police Department. Det. Morrow related to
investigator that he was in touch with a Bill Wright who allegedly was in an
alcoholic hospital with Bradley Funk shortly after the Bolles incident. He
related to investigator that Mr. Wright was giving him information concerning
statements that Bradley Funk allegedly made to him during their stay at the

On 8/17/76 at approximately 1:30 P.m., investigator interviewed William D.
Wright, c/m, D.O.B. September 21, 1921, present address of 8276 Telegraph,
Downey, CA, no phone. Mr. Wright related that he is a retired truck driver.

A tape recording of the conversation held with Mr. Wright was made and the
tape was retained for future reference. For a complete verbatim account of
what was said, please refer to the tape. The following is the highlights of
the conversation held with Mr. Wright.

He said that on June 7, 1976, he was admitted to the Beverly Manor Hospital
located at 401 South Tustin in the city of Orange. He said that the hospital
is a private hospital for alcohol and drug-related problems. He said that on
June 7, 1976, he was in the detox center and was present when Bradley Funk
came into the hospital on June 8, 1976 He said that at the time he did
not know this was Bradley Funk but that he and this person were ultimately
assigned the same room, Room #211, and spent approx. 25 days together in this
room He said that Funk became very nervous following Bolles's death and
bought the paper every day and received numerous clippings from Arizona
concerning the Bolles investigation. He related that Funk told him that he
felt his family was going to be blamed for the bombing. He said that Funk
stated that in his opinion, some dog owners were the ones that killed Bolles.
He also stated that there were going to be some big people hurt as a result
of this and named Steiger and Goldwater. Wright said that Funk mentioned some
land deals and that he at some time during the conversation believes he
mentioned Max Dunlap's name. Wright was unable to be specific as to the
conversation or how it took place. He did maintain, however, that at no time
did Funk implicate himself or his family in the bombing of Bolles and simply
stated that they were going to get the blame for it.

Wright stated that he remembers Funk telling him that he believed Bolles was
blown up by a controlled device and remembers him telling him that the
explosives or something were purchased in San Diego. He further stated that
one time during their stay together, when they were on pass, Funk took him to
a hobby shop when he was buying some material for a model boat that he was
putting together and at this time Funk pointed out to him a remote control
device, stating that it was something like the one that was used to blow
Bolles up. He said that Funk only pointed to the device through the case and
did not handle or examine the device. Wright described the device as being
brown but later changed the color to black and was shown a photograph of the
remote-control device which investigators suspect is similar to the type that
was used. At this time, Wright said that the device that Funk showed him was
similar to the one that investigator had a photograph of.

Sellers had concluded that a follow-up interview with William Wright wasn't

I concluded differently.

Through a contact I had at the California Department of Motor Vehicles, I
attempted to run Wright down using his date of birth and former address,
obtained from Sellers's report. But the DMV had no information on his current

Knowing he was a retired trucker, I contacted Teamsters Local 896 in Los
Angeles and talked. to Frank Martinez, a union steward. Years earlier
Martinez had helped me with an investigation I conducted for the Teamsters.
The Justice Department had charged them with shaking down packing houses by
refusing to move meat unless paid a bribe. I was able to show that the
Justice Department informants lied to obtain lenient sentences for
themselves, and charges were dropped.

Through Martinez I obtained Wright's current address. I didn't want to just
show up on his doorstep, unannounced, but I couldn't call and make an
appointment because he had an unlisted phone. So I went to a contact at the
telephone company—who charged a hundred dollars 

[CTRL] [19] Jack Parsons The Curious Origins of the American Space Program

1999-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.27/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
Laissez Faire City Times
July 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 27
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Jack Parsons

The Curious Origins of the American Space Program

by The Magician

Part 19: Axe Me No Questions

I dozed off for a while. When I awoke, I could see bright sunlight at
the top of the tunnel. I looked around but there was no Trisha, no
copper door. I wasn’t surprised. Still, I checked the wall carefully and
clawed away some of the dirt. Nope. No copper door here. Just daylight
and sanity.

I looked at the tunnel with some suspicion. I had crawled down the
tunnel, with gravity trying to pull me back up. So, logically, I would
have to work my way up the tunnel, being careful that gravity didn’t
accelerate me along and spit me out to the external world. I tossed a
rock part way up the tunnel. It came rolling back down toward me.

I stuck my torso partly into the tunnel. No suction. Gravity was pulling
me down. So, it was a weird tunnel. No matter from which direction you
entered it, it pushed you back. Get out of me! it seemed to be saying. I
worked my way through it, and stood up outside in the warm sunlight. It
was mid-afternoon.

Down below, my car stood on a dirt road that ended at the cliff. For off
in the distance I could see a highway with two-way traffic.

I sighed, looked for the baseball bat, and took it down with me. I got
in the car and tossed the bat against the other door in the front seat.
The gas gauge told me I had 1/8 of tank left. I started the car and
headed back to the highway. There I turned back in the direction of Los
Angeles. At least that part was easy. Los Angeles was always to the
west, as long as you weren’t at the beach.

I turned on the radio and found a station. They were playing a song by
Shocking Blue. I laughed out loud. Venus. Then came the news.

"And now the news from KJIZ, brought to you by Dusty Trail Carburetors,
the carburetor of the future.

"There has been a bizarre new development in the Oral Jerry Swagger
case. Early today the body of one of the television evangelist’s
employees was found on the front lawn of Swagger’s Pasadena mansion.
According to police sources, the man’s throat had been cut and he had
been disemboweled with a butcher knife.

"A church spokesman, attorney Randy Stader, suggested that Satanists
were responsible for the killing."

(The voice of Randy Stader.)

"We regret immensely the tragic death of Mr. Craig Knowles, and extend
our condolences to his friends and associates at this time of sorrow.
Mr. Knowles was recently engaged in an important investigation
concerning what appear to be a coterie of Satanists linked to the U.S.
military, who were believed to be responsible for a wave of cattle and
even human mutilations throughout the western part of the U.S. We can
only speculate that members of this group took revenge on Mr. Knowles
for getting too close to the truth."

(The voice of the newsreader again.)

"However, confidential police sources tell KJIZ that the Pasadena police
are pursuing the possibility that Craig Knowles’ death was the result of
a love triangle. These sources speculate that at the time of his death,
Mr. Knowles was having a homosexual affair with the older Mr. Swagger,
and that he may have been killed by a jealous lover. KJIZ has been shown
photographs of what appear to be Mr. Swagger as a young man, engaged in
sex with another unidentified man. These sources imply that Mr. Swagger
has been a practicing homosexual for much of his life, and that the
death of Mr. Knowles has to be considered in that light. While these
sources say Mr. Swagger is not a suspect in the case, a note found in
the shirt pocket of the deceased reads: "I can’t live without your

"In other news, Israeli police reported today that they have arrested a
group of orthodox extremists who have been planning to blow up the
Temple Mount. According to Israeli authorities, the group had hoped the
incident would precipitate an apocalyptic war between Jews and Arabs,
and hasten the coming of the Messiah . . ."

I turned off the radio and drove in silence for a while. Much as I tried
to suppress it, the news report on Oral Jerry Swagger was bothering me a
lot. Finally, I could stand it no longer and stopped the car beside the
road and opened the trunk. Killed by a butcher knife.

I checked each compartment of the travel bag for the chef’s knife. I
couldn’t find it anywhere. I had wrapped it in protective covering and
put it in with the rest of my things back at the Hilton. Hadn’t I? Well,
it wasn’t there now. I checked the passing traffic, and waited for an
appropriate gap. Then I slipped the axe out of the trunk and tossed it
out to the side of the road. I got back in the car and drove on.

I entertained myself with some consoling 

[CTRL] [19] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-05-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.




For the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Empire, a war that would forever break the
hold of the antagonistic British Empire on vast oil reserves throughout the
world, had become absolutely imperative. Mussolini's acquisition in their
interest of the Harrar Province oil fields of Abyssinia, previously related,
was a mere stopgap that could not supply all the Mediterranean market.

By far the most important oil reserve from which the Rockefeller-Standard Oil
Empire was being blocked by British opposition was Saudi Arabia. In 1914 just
prior to World War I, Standard Oil Co. had loaned the Turkish Government
thirty-five million dollars. After the war, in 1922 they obtained a
concession in Anatolia, Turkey; in 1923, the Mosul concession involved the
United States deeply in European and Near-Eastern affairs; and the Admiral
Cheater grant that had been backed by Kuhn, Loch and Company precipitated a
battle royal with the British interests. Development was begun in 1926. New
oil leases were obtained by the Rockefeller interests in Arabia in 1936. But
the British still blocked their effective development, despite the fact that
the Rockefeller interests had penetrated into control of Royal Dutch and

To break the impasse the oil interests turned to Germany. Sir Henry
Deterding, Chairman of the Board of Royal Dutch, retired to Germany, married
a Nazi girl almost forty years his junior, and on their wedding day gave a
gift of ten millions to Hitler and the Nazi Party. Standard Oil acquired a
730,000 acre concession in Germany from the North European Oil Company and
extended their holdings in the German Dye Trust (I. G. Farbenindustrie).
Walter Teagle, President of the Standard Oil of New Jersey and Edsel Ford
became Directors of the I. G. Farbenindustrie; and ivy Lee, Rockefeller's
publicity man was retained by the I. G. at $25,000 a year to advise Hitler on
Nazi German rearmament. Standard Oil of New Jersey supplied oil to Germany
and finally turned over to the Nazis their refineries and accepted millions
of harmonicas in payment. Texas Company's shrewd Captain Rieber made a
sharper deal for his oil and received full payment in ships, eight of which
were delivered before the war, and two after the war. But for that he was
ousted with the outcry that he was trading with the enemy.

The plan was to build Hitler up as a menace to England, and smash the British
Empire if ne[c]cesary to gain control of its oil reserves and other
resources. It materialized in World War II.

It was not until Hitler arrived at Dunkirk, that the British awoke to a
realization that if they did not knuckle down to the Rockefeller Empire,
their own would be destroyed. The British made a deal with the
Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests to permit a development of the Saudi
Arabia field. This was predicated on effecting the entry of the United States
into World War II; the United States Navy immediately beginning to convoy
British vessels, and the costs of the war being unloaded on the American
taxpayers. These were the terms.

Never did Roosevelt follow the dictates of his masters with greater alacrity.
His education in Germany, as a youngster, had imbued him with the spirit of
Prussian militarism. His prime interest was warships and naval battles. In
World War I, F.D.R had not been at the front as we're other young men of his
age, experiencing the miseries of war. The Dynasty had protected him from
that. His war experiences had been delightful and profitable.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt yearned for a war of his own, bigger and brighter
than ever, that would memorialize him and carry his name down through
history. Peacetime Presidents generally are forgotten by history. On the day
of his first inauguration, Roosevelt confided to intimate friends that he
hoped to be a War President. He began rebuilding the war organization with
which he had surrounded himself in World War I, immediately after his
inauguration, making his wartime propagandists, McIntyre and Early, his
secretaries. In 1938, after the defeat at the polls of his at. tempted purge,
F.D.R. stated to his intimate as[s]ociates:

"If I had a war, I could be reelected."

Only war could cover up the crude conspiracy of the New Dealers, and save
them from the resentment of the nation.

The internal situation in the U.S., as has been related, demanded from the
point of view of the Dynastic conspirators, war. A war emergency would
justify a third term, would enable establishment of an absolute dictatorship,
and would facilitate welding gigantic trusts and eliminating competition. All
who opposed their conspiracy would be labelled traitors. To guard against any
miscarriage of their 

[CTRL] [19] Mellon's Millions [Notes Apendices]

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.

--[Notes Apendices]--


I am particularly indebted to Basha DeWard for preparation of the financial
tables in Appendices 6 and 7, and to Maurice Schneirov for assistance in
examining records in the Allegheny County courthouse. Arthur G. McDowell,
Martin Dillmon, Esther Lowell and Carl Haessler helped in preparing the
chapter on labor. Many newspaper men in Pittsburgh and Washington have given
me valuable sidelights on the Mellon fortune and history. Most of all I wish
to acknowledge my gratitude to my wife, Jessie Lloyd, who helped in
collecting material and in revising the manuscript.


John T. Flynn in his Rockefeller biography entitled God's Cold, estimated the
fortune of the Rockefellers, father and son, in 1932 at $150,000,000. The
Ford Motor Company's net worth is recorded in a statement filed with the New
Hampshire Secretary of State.


Chapter 1 is based mainly on Judge Mellon's autobiography, entitled Thomas
Mellon and His Times, printed privately in Pittsburgh in 1886. The volume is
rare. Old-time Pittsburghers like to describe the furore among the younger
Mellons when their father's opus appeared. The old man had sent copies to his
friends around town. Andy and Dick, according to the story, hitched up the
mare and drove to every house where they suspected a copy might be found and
collected as many of the precious books as they could demand or wheedle from
their father's friends.

Andrew Carnegie, on the opening page of his autobiography, pays tribute to
that of judge Mellon in these words: "A book of this kind, written years ago
by my friend, judge Mellon, of Pittsburgh, gave me so much pleasure that I am
inclined to agree with the wise one whose opinion I have given above; for
certainly, the story which the judge told has proved a source of infinite
satisfaction to his friends, and must continue to influence succeeding
generations of his family to live life well. And not only this; to some
beyond his immediate circle it holds rank with their favorite authors. The
book contains one essential feature of value it reveals the man."

 Allegheny County court records extending back into the 1830s have been
consulted for material concerning the early growth of the Mellon fortune via
the mortgage and judgment route.


Chapter 2 draws on Judge Mellon's autobiography and on J. R. Mellon: Letters,
privately printed in 1928. This slender book, edited apparently in James Ross
Mellon's nonage, throws a revealing light on Judge Mellon's careful training
of his sons. The volume, with its references to insanity in the maternal line
of the family and its intimate glimpses into the Mellon psychology, probably
was greeted with as little enthusiasm by other members of the family as Judge
Mellon's book.

James Ross Mellon, although the second son of Judge Mellon, faded out of the
picture about the time his father died. He was associated in the realty,
lumber and bank business with his oldest brother, Thomas Alexander, who died
in 1899. Held by some to be not so bright as his younger brothers, James Ross
was regarded as less tightfisted. He was closely guarded in his later years
to restrain his impulse to give away slices of his fortune.

Perhaps the most memorable incident in the otherwise unruffled life of James
Ross was the shipwreck of the S.S. Republic in 1909, in which for the first
time radio was used to summon aid at sea. Mrs Mellon, more panicky over her
lack of clothing than the sinking 'hip: rushed back to her cabin for a skirt
while her husband stamped the deck, complaining that the life belt didn't fit
and that he could not find his socks. They were finally located in his coat
pocket. The shipwreck ended plans for a trip to Egypt.

James Ross held tenaciously to his belief in prohibition long after the
current had started against it. Speaking before the Theta Delta Chi assembly
in 1933, he said: "The United States as a whole could get along without
liquor and would have, but for the foreign element which introduced
bootlegging and racketeering on a wholesale scale." He reproved John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., for his attack on prohibition.

For the foreclosure of James Kelly's estate, see Harry C. Gilchrist's History
of Wilkinsburg, 1927, as well as Allegheny County court records. Early files
of the Pittsburgh Banker and the Pittsburgh Legal Journal have been valuable
for sidelights on early Mellon history. Files of Pittsburgh newspapers of the
1870s and 188os have been consulted for judge Mellon's service as Select

Judge Mellon's treatise on The Sunday Question was privately printed in
Pittsburgh in 1883

The Pittsburgh riots in 1887 and other phases of early industrial history of
the Iron City are described in Pittsburgh's Progress, Industries and
Resources, by George H. Thurston, 1886, and also the same author's Allegheny
County's Hundred Years, 1888. 

[CTRL] [19] America's Secret Establishment

1999-03-29 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull  Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly reccomended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material.As always, Caveat

In stock at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)



   The operational history of The Order can only be understood within a
framework of the Hegelian dialectic process. Quite simply this is the
notion that conflict creates history.

   From this axiom it follows that controlled conflict can create a
predetermined history. For example: When the Trilateral Commission,
discusses "managed conflict", as it does extensively in its literature, the
Commission implies the managed use of conflict for long run predeter-
mined ends - not for the mere random exercise of manipulative con-
trol to solve a problem.

   The dialectic takes this Trilateral "managed conflict" process one step
further. In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the thesis) generates a
counterforce (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the
forming of a synthesis. Then the process starts all over again:

Thesis vs. antithesis results in synthesis.

   The synthesis sought by the Establishment is called the New World
Order. Without controlled conflict this New World Order will not come
about. Random individual actions of persons in society would not lead
to this synthesis, it's artificial, therefore it has to be created. And this
is being done with the calculated, managed, use of conflict. And all the while
this synthesis is being sought, there is no profit in playing the involved
parties against one another. This explains why the International
bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union, North Korea, North Viet-
nam, ad nauseam, against the United States. The "conflict" built profits
while pushing the world ever closer to One World Government. The
process continues today.

  We apologize for the poor quality of some documents included in this
volume. These are the best copies in existence today. In fact, it is a
miracle they survived at all . . . For example, letters between Patriarch
Amos Pinchot (Club D. 95) and Patriarch William Kent (Club D. 85)
would almost certainly have been destroyed if a New York State Com-
mission had not seized the documents as part of an investigation into
subversion in the United States.

  However, even where contents cannot be clearly identified, the very
existence of even a fragmentary text proves a vital point: There is a joint
calculated effort among Patriarchs to bring about a specific objective.
Furthermore, the diverse conflicting nature of these efforts, commented
upon even in letters between Patriarchs, can only be explained in the
terms of the Hegelian dialectic.

 In brief, the existence of these documents is just as important as the
nature of the contents. It demonstrates joint planned actions, ergo: A

 April 1984Antony C. Sutton

 Memorandum Number One:
  Created Conflict And The Dialectic Process


   The first volume of this series (Introduction To The Order described in
 broad terms the nature and objectives of The Order.

   Our first hypothesis, that the U.S. was ruled by an elite, secret socie-
 ty, was supported by documentary evidence: such a secret society does
 exist, its membership is concealed, and disclosure of membership is not
 a voluntary effort. Further, since publication of the first volume, the
 Sterling Library at Yale University which has major holdings of their
 records has refused to allow researchers further access to Russell Trust
 papers (the legal name for The Order).

   We also argued in the first volume that the operations of The Order
 must be seen and explained in terms of the Hegelian dialectic proess.
 Their operations cannot be explained in terms of any other philosophy:
 therefore The Order cannot be described as "right" or "left," secular or
 religious, Marxist or Capitalist. The Order, and its objectives, is all of
 these and none of these.

  In Hegelian philosophy the conflict of political "right" and political
 "left," or thesis and antithesis in Hegelian terms, is essential to the
forward movement of history and historical change itself. Conflict between
 thesis and antithesis brings about a synthesis, i.e., a new historical

  Our descriptive world history in the West and Marxist countries con-
 sists only of description and analysis within a political framework of
 "right" or "left." For example, historical work published in the West
 looks at communism and socialism either through the eyes of financial
 capitalism or Marxism. Historical work published in the Soviet Union
 looks at the West only