Re: [CTRL] ENVIRONMENT-TRADE: US Drops Move to Fight Ruling on Trade Panels

2000-06-07 Thread Nurev Ind Research


Don't fall for this. This is a ploy to de-fang environmentalists and labor.
By throwing them a few crumbs, they hope to shut them up about globalization.

The problem is the effects of Big Business going global. NOT whether Greens
and unions have representation.

This is an attempt to buy off the opposition with crumbs.


IGC News Desk wrote:

Copyright 2000 InterPress Service, all rights reserved.
   Worldwide distribution via the APC networks.

   *** 06-Jun-0* ***

 Title: ENVIRONMENT-TRADE: US Drops Move to Fight Ruling on Trade Panels

 By Danielle Knight

 WASHINGTON, Jun 6 (IPS) - The US government, to the cheers of
 environmentalists, has dropped its appeal of a Federal court
 ruling that forced it to include representatives of environmental
 groups on two of its industry-dominated trade advisory panels.

 The US Trade Representative (USTR) and Department of Commerce
 dismissed the appeal on Jul. 2, a move seen by environmental
 groups as the first step in democratising how trade policy is made
 in this country.

 Together the two government agencies have almost two dozen
 advisory committees on trade policy - that are comprised only of
 corporate and industry representatives.

 Now, two representatives from environmental groups have been
 formally appointed to two trade advisory panels that discuss trade
 in lumber and paper products.

 A spokeswoman at the USTR told IPS that the removal of the appeal
 was not a sudden turn around in policy.

 "The Administration (of US President Bill Clinton) has had a long
 standing commitment toward greater inclusiveness of environmental
 and consumer organisations," she said.

 Environmental groups praised the move as the beginning of opening
 up trade policy to citizens' views.

 ''In a democracy, industry should not be the only interest
 represented in setting our trade policies," says Patti Goldman, an
 attorney with Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, who filed the
 lawsuit leading to the appointments.

 Environmental groups, many of the same who protested against the
 World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the streets of Seattle,
 Washington last year, argued that the make-up of these panels
 violated US law which requires trade advisory panels to be
 balanced and not comprised only of business and industry leaders.

 Information shared between industry and the USTR is not publicly
 released, except for brief summaries of subjects discussed.
 Meanwhile, the environmental consequences of trade agreements can
 be enormous, according to environmental organisations.

 They say that the make-up of these advisory panels reflect how
 trade agreements - including policy made through the WTO - have
 often been worked out in an undemocratic manner, behind closed
 doors and with no public participation. Groups made some headway
 last year when a Federal Court took their side.

 Last November Federal District Court Judge Barbara Rothstein ruled
 that the Trade Representative and Commerce Secretary had violated
 the Federal Advisory Committee Act by limiting membership on the
 paper and wood products committees to industry officials.

 "The composition of the forest product Industry Sector Advisory
 Committees (ISACs) ... violates (the law's) requirement to be
 fairly balanced in terms of viewpoints represented," wrote
 Rothstein in her ruling.

 Following the judge's ruling, the USTR's paper products trade
 committees met without any environmental representatives. So,
 environmentalists went back to court to obtain a further ruling in
 December directing the Administration to have an environmental
 representative at the next committee meeting.

 Then in January, in a joint announcement by the USTR and
 Department of Commerce, the agencies said they would appeal the
 court's ruling. Just before the appeal was dropped two
 representatives of environmental organisations received
 invitations from the federal agencies to serve on two ISACs.

 Yet, environmental advocacy organisations say these two
 appointments hardly equal balanced representation on panels
 containing up to 15 industry representatives.

 "One could say that the composition of the forest products ISACs
 looks more like a lynch mob than a committee since they have one
 lone environmentalist and about eight timber industry bosses,"
 says Doug Norlen, a policy analyst with the Pacific Environment
 and Resources Center, the environmental appointee to the paper and
 paper products advisory panel.

 Industry members of the paper and products trade advisory
 committee include such corporate heavy-weights as the senior vice
 president of the International Paper Company, the vice president
 of Westvaco Worldwide, and the vice president of Georgia-Pacific

 Norlen was one of the environmentalists in Seattle last year
 protesting against the WTO policies and the USTR's push to
 eliminate barriers to trade in paper and wood products.


[CTRL] Environment News Service: Indoor Plants May Not Cure Sick Building Syndrome

2000-04-19 Thread ThePiedPiper
Title: Environment News Service: Indoor Plants May Not Cure Sick Building Syndrome

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Indoor Plants May Not Cure Sick Building Syndrome

PERTH, Australia, January 13, 2000 (ENS) - They may look beautiful but forget about buying a few indoor plants to improve the quality of the air in your home or office, says environmental scientist Peter Dingle of Murdoch University in Western Australia.

A variety of organic molecules known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been found in office air and linked to sick building syndrome, a range of symptoms that leaves people feeling tired, irritable and unwell but with no specific illness. 
Corn plant imparts a touch of green to a New York City office. (Photo courtesy Earthborn Indoor Gardeners)

Furniture, carpeting, and cleaning products can contain dangerous chemicals like formaldehyde, polyethylene, and benzene, that can emit gases into the air. For example, formaldehyde is found in particleboard, some plywood, adhesives, fabrics, and some furniture.

Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical that can irritate the eyes, skin and throat. It is thought to cause nausea, dizziness and lethargy at levels as low as 50 parts per billion (ppb). It may also aggravate asthma and hay fever and is a potential carcinogen. 

Aside from obvious moves such as improving ventilation and removing sources of VOCs, potted plants have been suggested as a potential solution to the problem - although evidence that they remove pollutants is sparse. "Everybody believes plants are the answer to sick buildings and indoor air pollution," says Dingle. "It's one of the great urban myths." 

To test whether this particular myth has any basis in fact, Dingle and his colleagues examined the effects of plants on levels of formaldehyde.

Dingle and his colleagues measured formaldehyde levels in offices where the occupants had complained of poor air quality. They studyied 18 office buildings in Perth and 20 temporary buildings on the Murdoch University campus. 

These structures are typically built using major sources of formaldehyde - pressed wood products such as plywood and some types of foam insulation. 

Average levels of formaldehyde ranged from 10 ppb to 78 ppb in the office buildings. But concentrations in the temporary university buildings ranged from 420 ppb to 2,110 ppb - far in excess of the World Health Organization's safety standard of 82 ppb. 

Dingle then set up five experimental cabins each with a floor space of eight square metres (86 square feet). Into each cabin, he placed five plants every two days until there were 20 plants in each cabin. 

With up to 10 plants in a cabin, formaldehyde concentrations remained unchanged. 

With 20 plants, average levels of formaldehyde were only reduced from 856 ppb to 761 ppb. If potted plants do help treat sick building syndrome, Dingle concludes, the effect is psychological. "They really make a place more comfortable and beautiful, but they do not clean the air of pollutants to any significant degree." 
Spider plants in the middle row blend into an indoor landscape. (Photo courtesy Michigan State University)
Jeff Llewellyn, an expert on indoor air quality with Britain's Building Research Establishment in Watford, says that the importance of such psychological factors shouldn't be underestimated. He also points out that the ability of plants to remove other pollutants has not been adequately studied, "Formaldehyde is but one pollutant," Llewellyn said.

Indoor plants are apparently useful in removing some pollutants. Research in the United States at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's National Space Technology Laboratories in Mississippi has demonstrated the ability of common houseplants such as spider plants (Chlorophytum elatum var.vittatum) and golden pothos (Scindapeus aureus) to remove such indoor air pollutants. B.C. Wolverton, Ph.D., a NASA researcher, presented a report in 1985 that found formaldehyde and carbon monoxide were removed by spider plants and golden pothos from closed chambers. 

Pollutant source removal or modification is an effective approach to resolving an indoor air quality problem when sources are known and control is possible. Routine maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems such as periodic cleaning or 

[CTRL] Environment News Service

1999-10-21 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Editor, Environment News Service
Which is entitled: "Answer to World Hunger: Youth Interest in Eco-Farming"

The inclusion of this segment:

Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (Photo courtesy M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation)
He supports the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to ensure an
adequate food supply, but only with a combination of government regulations
and voluntary codes of conduct to prevent ecological and social harm.
During a seminar on genetically modified plants in January at his research
institute in India, Dr. Swaminathan said, "GMOs can confer real benefits in
agriculture, food quality, nutrition and health. However, consumer
confidence based on an appreciation of the scientific evidence and the
regulatory checks and balances will ultimately decide whether or not GMOs
make a significant contribution to feeding the eight billion people who are
likely to inhabit our planet in 2020."

Is, in my humble opinion- TOTALLY irresponsible and COMPLETELY AT ODDS with
ANY CONCEPTION of your publication as a useful or ethical source of NEWS
useful to persons concerned with ECOLOGY/Environment.

PLEASE DO NOT speak in support of INSUPPORTABLE use of UNTESTED and
DANGEROUS genetically modified organisms.

This SO-CALLED  "science" is so unbelievably ill-conceived - and
"deployment" of such "science" in it's INFANCY, where NO ONE KNOWS what
damage may be done-  is perhaps the MOST DANGEROUS and irresponsible move on
the part of the "technocratic elite" since the NUCLEAR BOMB.

If this is just a terrible mistake on your part, I will accept your apology,
printed in your online paper.

If NOT- you have exposed yourselves as a greenwashing effort and as
duplicitous corporate mouthpieces !

Dave Hartley

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Environment

1999-09-22 Thread Sean McDougal

 -Caveat Lector-

Imagine if we decided to run ourselves into the ground because we didn't
like the fact that someone was going to profit from our purchases of solar
panels, etc.

Would that be principle or natural selection?

If we decide to be that stupid then I am all for making more room for

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Environment

1999-09-20 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From The New australian

 Return to The New Australian

 Have we got a climate
 catastrophe just for you!

 By *John L. Daly
 No. 134,   20-26 September 1999

 No matter where you live in the world, the Greenhouse Industry modellers have
 tailored the impacts of the global warming theory to provide everyone with their
 own custom-made climate catastrophe.

 For Australians, warming alone would be enough to get us worried as we are warm
 enough already. Some extra rain would be nice, and the warming scenario does
 suggest increased rainfall globally — but, you guessed it — not for Australia.
 The modellers have decreed that we will have more frequent and severe El Ninos,
 the harbinger of droughts. So while the rest of the world might get more
 rainfall, Australia will miss out. How convenient.

 How about Canadians, northern Europeans, and Russians? The Industry have a very
 special deal for you too. Your primary fear is not warming (you are too cold for
 that), but that of cooling. The prospect of climatic cooling freezes the heart
 of any Siberian peasant or Canadian farmer. But, sure enough, these very lands
 are now tipped to suffer an ice age! It took a bit of jigging of the models to
 do it, but using the prospect of a failure of thermohaline ocean circulation in
 the North Atlantic, they claim that warmer waters in the Gulf Stream will cease
 to sink at the poles, causing the Gulf Stream to veer south and leave the whole
 North Atlantic in the grip of a frigid cold. A convoluted theory, but one which
 gets the desired result — a climate catastrophe designer-built just for those
 places which fear cooling much more than warming. That should very neatly remove
 any vested interest such people may have toward having a warmer world.

 For coastal communities who may be indifferent to warming or cooling, the
 Industry has them targeted too — sea levels rising to swamp them. Little matter
 that there is no convincing evidence of any general sea level rise this century,
 the modellers have built this into their models anyway, and threaten coastal low
 lying countries with Noah's flood if they don't toe the green Kyoto line.

 Then we have those ancient cradles of civilisations — the vast river basin
 communities, like the Ganges basin in India, the Yangtze basin in China, the
 Indus basin of Pakistan etc., home to hundreds of millions of people dependent
 on sustained river flows for irrigation and occasional (and preferably modest)
 floods to fertilize the land. Also home to countries who have expressed little
 or no interest in Kyoto. As special punishment, the Industry mandarins have
 recently devised a special double feature, just for them. The glaciers in the
 Himalayas will melt, they say, and this melting will cause catastrophic floods
 to descend upon those hapless millions. But that's not all. Once the floods have
 subsided with the glaciers gone, these people are still not off the hook. Floods
 will be followed by droughts as the rivers suffer reduced flows, turning these
 fertile basins into arid land. Nobody ever said the modellers were not creative.

 And the U.S.A.? If you are American, ask yourself what climate catastrophe you
 dread the most, and sure enough, that is exactly the one which the Industry has
 in store for you. Bigger and deadlier tornadoes for you mid-westerners, bigger
 and deadlier hurricanes for you coastal dwellers, bigger floods for you farmers
 in the Mississippi/Missouri basins, even (God forbid) grey skies for the genteel
 folk of Los Angeles.

 And what of the British, whose climate gurus are more responsible than anyone
 for this hysteria? The British climate is so miserable, that any change must be
 for the better. But even here, the British psyche works against them as they are
 forever talking about the weather. And the modellers have now given them plenty
 to talk about — and thus plenty to fret about.

 The customised disaster scenarios do not just stop with changes to local
 climates. There are also those dreaded `impacts', so beloved of the fringe
 elements of the Greenhouse Industry. For example, tropical diseases like Malaria
 have scourged millions of people since the dawn of time. With warming, will
 these diseases spread beyond the tropics? Yes, say the doomsayers. What of
 deserts? They will expand of course. Of course. Quite how diseases from the wet
 tropics can be expected to spread into the drying climates of expanding deserts
 is not explained. But then, consistency was never one of the Industry's strong

 There is however one shining bright spot with carbon dioxide (CO2), the trace
 gas at the centre of the whole scare. CO2 is a natural fertilizer to all plants,
 and its enhancement in the atmosphere will inevitably lead to greater biological
 productivity throughout the biological world. That's a hard one for the Industry
 spin doctors to contradict, but be assured they are working on it. The last