[CTRL] FBI Withheld McVeigh Evidence

2001-05-10 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Withheld McVeigh Evidence

·  Defense Attorneys Weren't Given Nearly 200 Pieces Of Evidence
·  McVeigh's Lawyers Considering Asking For Stay Of Execution
·  FBI Probing Why Materials Weren't Disclosed

May 10,  2001

(CBS) Federal officials have informed the judge who sentenced Timothy
McVeigh to death that the FBI mistakenly withheld nearly 200 pieces of
evidence from defense attorneys in the Oklahoma City bombing trial, CBS
News has learned.

McVeigh and his attorneys were also informed. The attorneys tell CBS News
they are actively considering filing for a stay of execution.

CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports that some of the evidence
appears to be original FBI interviews done in the hours and days
immediately after the bombing.

An FBI spokesman told CBS News that the bureau does not know at this time
why the material was not turned over, and is conducting an internal
investigation to determine how such an error occurred.

The evidence was discovered in a recent search of the bureau's archives and
consists of FBI 302 forms, which are reports of interviews and sworn
statements by investigators.

More than 18,000 such forms were generated by investigators during the
Oklahoma City investigation. It is possible some of the recently discovered
forms are duplicates.

None of the new material is considered favorable to McVeigh, but to
withhold evidence either by design or by accident is a serious matter and
potentially could lead to a hearing that would delay the execution.

In most cases, a disclosure that evidence was withheld would make a motion
for a new trial almost certain.

At a minimum, that would involve a hearing that would delay the death

But that is up to McVeigh and his attorneys. McVeigh has said he wants to
die. It is not known what he has conveyed to his attorneys, and he might
tell his defense team not to interfere.

Oklahoma City survivors, meanwhile, were stunned by the late development.

It'll set everybody back several steps, said survivor Glenda Riley. I
really think it'll set everybody back.

McVeigh is scheduled to die by lethal injection at the federal prison in
Terre Haute, Ind., at 7 a.m. CST on May 16. His execution would be the
first federal death penalty administered since 1963. It will broadcast on
closed circuit television so survivors and families of those killed can watch.
The April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in
Oklahoma City killed 168 people.

McVeigh claims he built and detonated the 4,800-pound bomb in response to
the deadly 1993 federal raid at the Branch Davidians compound in Waco.

McVeigh was convicted in 1997 of conspiracy, using a weapon of mass
destruction, destroying a federal building with a bomb and murdering eight
federal agents. He was sentenced to death.

He appealed the sentence, but in December, 2000, withdrew his appeals and
asked for an execution date. On January 16, the date of May 16 was set.
McVeigh had one month after the date was set to ask for executive clemency.
He did not.

McVeigh's accomplice in the bombing, Terry Nichols, is serving a life
sentence on federal charges and faces 160 Oklahoma state murder counts.
Michael Fortier, who was involved in the early planning for the bombing but
cooperated with prosecutors, faces jail time on weapons charges.

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[CTRL] FBI Withheld McVeigh Evidence

2001-05-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

FBI Withheld McVeigh Evidence 

Feds: Nearly 200 Pieces Of Evidence Mistakenly Held From Defense 
McVeigh's Lawyers Considering Asking For Stay Of Execution 
FBI Probing Why Materials, Found During Archiving, Weren't Disclosed 

WASHINGTON, May 10, 2001
AP / CBS  
McVeigh's would be the first federal execution since 1963. 
(CBS) Six years after the Oklahoma City bombing and six days before Timothy 
McVeigh is scheduled to die, the Justice Department Thursday said the FBI 
mistakenly withheld nearly 200 pieces of evidence from McVeigh's defense 
team, CBS News has learned. 

McVeigh and his attorneys learned of the evidence on Tuesday, and the judge 
in the case, U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch, has also been informed. The 
Justice Department delivered the documents, comprising thousands of pages, to 
the defense team. 

The attorneys told CBS News they are actively considering filing for a stay 
of execution. 

We have under consideration the options that we could pursue, said attorney 
Nathan Chambers. Mr. McVeigh is going to think about it and decide how he 
wants to proceed. 

CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports that some of the evidence appears 
to be original FBI interviews done in the hours and days immediately after 
the bombing. 

An FBI spokesman told CBS News that the bureau does not know at this time why 
the material was not turned over, and is conducting an internal investigation 
to determine how such an error occurred. 

According to a letter from Justice Department attorney Sean Connelly to the 
defense team, which was delivered by hand Thursday, Connelly told the lawyers 
about the newly uncovered evidence by telephone on Tuesday. Connelly first 
learned of the oversight the same day. 

Now It's McVeigh's Call  
CBS News.com Legal Consultant Andrew Cohen explains McVeigh has been handed 
an extraordinary position of power through an extraordinarily unconscionable 
FBI mistake.
The materials were generated by the FBI field division outside Oklahoma 
City, according to the letter and include FBI 302 reports of interviews, as 
well as photographs, letters and tapes. Some of the material concerns people 
who at one time were thought to resemble the composite sketches of the 
bombing suspects produced early in the investigation. 

Connelly wrote that FBI Special Agent Danny Defenbaugh, who headed the 
bombing investigation and now works in the bureau's Dallas field office, 
alerted Connelly to the existence of the material. 

FBI Director Louis Freeh and Agent Defenbaugh had requested on numerous 
occasions prior to trial that each field division and legal attache forward 
all (bombing investigation-related) material to the Oklahoma Division, and 
had received assurances that all such materials had been forwarded, the 
letter reads. The belated discovery of additional such materials came after 
an FBI archivist requested that all (bombing-related) materials be sent to 
the Oklahoma City field office for archiving. 

The Justice Department letter contends the evidence is not relevant to the 
convictions of McVeigh and accomplice Terry Nichols of the sentences against 
them. Nichols is serving a life term. 

Similarly, we do not believe anything in the materials makes even a prima 
facie showing of either man's actual evidence, Connelly writes, adding that 
many of the materials are similar to evidence the defense team was given. 

In most cases, a disclosure that evidence was withheld would make a motion 
for a new trial almost certain. At a minimum, that would involve a hearing 
that would delay the death sentence. 

But that is up to McVeigh and his attorneys. McVeigh has said he wants to 
die. It is not known what he has conveyed to his attorneys, and he might tell 
his defense team not to interfere. 

Chambers said there was a theoretical possibility McVeigh could be tried 

I'm disturbed that these reports were produced at this late date, Chambers 
said. Here we are a full six years after the bombing and less than a week 
before Mr. McVeigh's scheduled executions, when these reports mysteriously 
appear, so it's a cause for concern. 

Oklahoma City survivors, meanwhile, were stunned by the late development. 

FBI Statement 
On Tuesday, May 8, the Department of Justice notified Timothy 
McVeigh's attorneys of a number of FBI documents that should have 
been provided to them during the discovery phase of the trial.
While the department is confident the documents do not in any 
way create any reasonable doubt about McVeigh's guilt and do not 
contradict his repeated confessions of guilt, the department is 
concerned that McVeigh's attorneys were not able to review them at 
the appropriate time.

The documents have been made available to McVeigh's attorneys, 
and the department has asked for notification if they believe any 
of the documents create