[CTRL] Fw: Ukraine Coup, Part III

2004-11-29 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

November 2004 -
USraeli UKRAINE Coup: 
Part III (last)

“We must find new lands 
from which
we can easily obtain raw 
and at the same 
exploit the cheap slave 
that is available 

from the natives of the 
The colonies would also 
a dumping ground for the 
surplus goods
produced in our 
- Cecil Rhodes, 
“founder” of Rhodesia

La comedia est finita.
Get out the corpses.

The Ukrainian parliament of USA have 
declared the “elections” results were not valid and in addition humiliated the 
people of the Central Electoral Commission, and recommended to all of them to 
sign their resignations.
Right. They have been rather 
naughty: they have declared the wrong candidate for the future president of the 
former comparatively independent state of Ukraine – after today it will be only 
one more client “state” of USA/EU/NATO/OSCE/NED/CIA/MOSSAD/SOROS/ maybe even 
MPRI* and Madonna plus Arnold 
the Ugly Muscle from California.
New members of the Central Electoral 
Commission will be “elected” when Yushchenko of USA is ready with the list of 
names of suitable people.
It doesn’t matter how people will vote 
and even whether they will vote or not.
We know who will be the next 
“president” of Ukraine of USA.

The Ukrainian people should remember 
forever those MP who voted in such a way today – 27.11.2004.
In the next years they will have many 
reasons to remember that Day of Treason and the names of the Traitors who sold 
their Motherland to the Beast of USA without batting an eye.
If you keep them under watch, you will 
soon mark the new flats – houses – cars that will crop/pop up in their families; 
you will soon notice the sweet life of their sons and daughters.
Gold/dollars and 
swords/F16/Mothers of all Bombs, the long new range of deadly 
These are the tools of the World 
Conqueror coups and military triumphs.
(By the way, it’s interesting how 
much Mr. speaker of the ukrainian parliament has been 
given. How much is the Market Price now of a Parliamentary Speaker?
How much is the Market Price of a 
country? Of a Motherland?…)

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the 
ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is 
less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor 
moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through 
all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor 
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he 
wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies 
deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly 
and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body 
politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared" -- 
Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC

I am not going to comment the coming 
grand pillage under the IMF titles of “privatization”/“structural reforms”, the 
kicking away of all the social protections the Ukrainian people enjoy now - the 
future pauperization of the Ukrainian people, that will naturally follow.
Neither will I comment the political 
tightening – the impossibility to protest anymore if you cannot steel yourself 
against getting dragged along the streets and in courts, the uniform servile 
I think about the people that will go 
with the winds like dry autumn leaves…
Some of us here, the Balkans people - 
especially the much suffering people of YUGOSLAVIA, know too well what will 
follow during the inevitable process of “democratic” hygienization of the newly 
acquired colony of USA. 
Because there are still people that can 
be neither frightened nor bought. They might threaten the “democtratization” and 
should be efficiently cleared away.
Here step in MPRI and the other brother 
agencies advertised by Abu Graib, Iraq.
And the Mossad professionals.
Or maybe not – maybe the UKRAINE 
FASCISTS will prove to be quite enough for all the wet operations planned?
I see them even now fervently filling 
up their lists of the Doomed…
There will be numberless mysterious car 
accidents in Ukraine of USA, direct kills, mysterious deadly heart attacks in 
the police stations of the UKRAINIAN “DEMOCRATS”... 
Some Ukrainians will be charged - 
dragged to prison and sentenced to long prison terms. 
(That holds true especially for those 
who have talked today about referendums and autonomy in Ukraine. Do it really if 
you do not want to leave behind orphans and widows!
And also for those MPs who have refused 
today to throw themselves on their bellies in front the USA blood-dripping boots 
- the ones that have not voted the r

[CTRL] Fw: Ukraine

2004-11-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Blagovesta 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: Ukraine

November 2004 - 
USraeli UKRAINE Coup on 
Hot Run: Hip, Hip – HURRAY!

Q: Why will there be never 
a coup d”etat in Washington?
A: Because there is no 
American embassy there.
From William Blum’s latest 
book, “Freeing the World to Death”, p. 226

We, who are still 
alive in the 21st Century, cannot complain of a lack of grandiose or 
not so grandiose but in both cases picturesque entertainments pertaining to a 
circus performance.
One could have had a good 
laugh if the Empire’s circuses had not been dressed with a breath-taking 
abundance of blood, excruciating pain, suffering, broken hearts and hopes, wild 
The old passion for coup 
d‘etat of the World Government Behind the Scene and its Hit Force, the 
contemporary Empire of Evil, USA the Great, at the moment is in full swing in 
poor UKRAINE, the fresh-new victim of 

  CIA/NED (the Republican 
  Institute, the Democratic Institute, and the other NED’s branches), 
  SOROS Foundations plus 

  the numberless NGOs (for 
  “human rights”, “ecology” etc.) paid and instructed by the Empire’s 
  specialists in these matters.
The organizers INSIDE are 
assiduously helped and supported OUTSIDE by

  notorious OSCE 
  (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), covered with the glory 
  of their dirty doings in Kosovo in 1998-1999, in Belarus, in Georgia in 2003 
  and the internal conflicts there, in Chechnya - and everywhere the Empire of 
  Evil needs their loyal supporting screams;
  the EUROPEAN UNION that, 
  it seems, has at last taken the decision to stop being OLD and MOULDY and get 
  YOUNG and MODERN – i.e. to be supportive of the Empires’ plans, aspirations, 
  coup d’etats - and maybe its coming War on IRAN?…?
(The Dutch 
EU puppet of USA will be allowed to lick the right boot of an Empire’s soldier, 
freshly back from FALLUJAH, the present “democratic” USA Paradise on Earth.
The licking 
of the right one has been won by Schroeder who also declared he does NOT accept 
the UKRAINE’s Elections’ results! Maybe he has a Ukraine’s citizenship? No? 
Schroeder! You should be sent to FALLUJAH!)

  Georgia, who are in Kiev waving the Georgia 
flag - 
imagine only!
(Georgian) “Kmara” = “Otpor” (Serb word) = “resistance” have WORKED in Ukraine 
for several months before the Elections, and it has ALL THE RIGHT to be now in 
Kiev’s streets waving the Georgian flag!

  CIA’s (Serb) “Otpor”, 
  experienced in some successful coup d’etat (Yugoslavia, October 2000, Georgia, 
  November 2003/Adjaria, the summer of 2004), and some unsuccessful ones 
  (Belarus) have WORKED in Ukraine for months on a run before the Ukraine’s 
  Elections and now they are also in Kiev, organizing, kicking the YOUNG FOOLS 
  and IGNORANTS in the streets.
rejoice that at least they are not waving the Serb Flag in Kiev’s streets and 
is what a disgusted Serb Friend wrote to me re CIA’s “Otpor”:
OTPOR people are not from Serbia. They are from 'Soros-land" or "Money-land", 
whoever gives first.)

Mistakes of the USA’s Local Players
The interesting thing is 
that, notwithstanding the number of the experienced Ukraine’s coup d’etat 
organizers – helpers – supporters both in practice and words – the local players 
made some rude mistakes.
First mistake
They signed the Elections’ 
protocols and all the Elections paper, Putin said in Hague yesterday.
It means they have accepted 
the results!
And they were announced!
The Ukraine TV Inter 
informed us the same in its expanded Wednesday evening broadcasting.
Second mistake
Yushchenko, the new USA’s 
puppet on a string, also made a rude mistake: according to the Ukraine TV Inter 
Wednesday evening, he declared he would start negotiations.
(By the way, what 
negotiations? Negotiations for what? Has Bush negotiated with Kerry? 
Could Yanukovic step back 
from his pre-Elections promises and accept Yushchenko’s program?
Not likely.
Then, again, what 
The CIA/NED clever ones keep 
“gathering my eyes together” with their non-stop flow of manipulative 
suggestions leading resisting people to blind alleys!)

In Wednesday evening the 15 
millions of Ukraine voters - supporters of Yanukovic - started celebrating!
Alas, too early, it seems. 
The Beast of Empire is like a bulldog with its characteristic backward bite: 
when the Beast digs its awesome teeth in a country, it NEVER lets it go!…

These days I keep thinking 
about Yugoslavia of October 2000…
About CIA’s Otpor having 
gone berserk in the Belgrade streets… about the despicable, criminal 
collaboration of the Belgrade police and army people… about that very much 
“democratic” “mayor” of Chachak with his bulldozer roaring in the centre of 
Belgrade… the burning Parliament…
The cruelly beaten people –