Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-09 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
as one of promiscuity.

Those are people who've never met anyone who's homosexual...I've known and
worked with heterosexuals who were far more 'promiscuous' than the
homosexuals I've known and worked with...

The reason for this is that
homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."

Again, I've known far more heterosexual "Peter Pan"s than homosexual...
and in fact, the "Peter Pan Syndrome", when first coined, referred to
HETEROsexual men who treat women either as "Wendys" or "Tinkerbells"...

The person who wrote this homophobic diatribe is an idiot.

By refusing to commit to someone of the
opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
about the responsibility of children,

Bull.  Many homosexuals have previously been married, and have children.
Many heterosexuals OTOH choose not to have children...not having children
is NOT an indication of irresponsibility, in fact one can argue that by
limiting the growth of population, those who choose not to have children
are far more 'responsible' than those who do.

much less the responsibility of a commitment.

Every homoxexual I've known was in a longterm, committed relationship.

If homosexual marriages were legalized, you'd see many more such committed

 Also if they do
decide to break off the relationship they normally do
not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.

This is true...which is why you find many HETEROsexual couples opting for
the same...

Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
be allowed to serve in the military?

Should HETEROsexuals WHO (the correct grammar, BTW) are seen as
promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and unwilling to take on
responsibility for other people be allowed to serve in the military?

One COULD argue that such self-centered people, no matter their sexual
orientation, could make a BETTER soldier, as they wouldn't be 'hindered'
by caring thoughts for fellow men and women...

Also, the ancient Spartans, feared by their enemies as an extremely
brutual and efficient army, ENCOURAGED homosexual relationships amongst
the troops, as they believed it fostered a deep camraderie for one's
fellow soldier, a camraderie which translated into the desire not only to
attack the mutual enemy, but to defend one's lover as willingly as one
would defend oneself.

BTW, there have ALWAYS been homosexuals in the U.S. military...

What kind of person
do you want to depend on? Would you rather
depend on someone that is willing to take on
commitments of religion and family,

Such as Bill Clinton?  :-7

The military image requires that the people of the
military be true to the most stringent standards
that their culture has. If you can not take pride
yourself and your own culture, how can you
understand the pride that someone else has in their

This is the same argument that was used to justify keeping blacks out of
the military, keeping Hispanics out of the military, keeping women out of
the miliatary, etcit is the standard argument which is raised whenever
ANY minority request equal rights under the law...

True homosexuals have decided what sex they
are and what life style they want to follow.

And what, pray tell, do homosexuals do that heterosexuals don't do also?

True homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
to rape a heterosexual.

TRUE homosexuals rarely commit rape, period.

These controlling personalities are really in the
closet! Because if the real truth were known,
they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
male or female of any age.

Then they are bisexual, not homosexual and not heterosexual...

These control fiends
are the type to have a physical relationship with a
single or divorce mother and also think nothing
of having a relationship with here male OR female

Anyone having sex with a child is a pedophile...which has absolutely
NOTHING to do with normal homosexuality, bisexuality, or

A man having sex with a little boy is no more indicative of normal adult
homosexuals than a man having sex with a little girl is indicative of
normal adult heterosexuals...

Some countries have been sympathetic to the
American Homosexual. Iceland has an
overwhelmingly female population - I think the
current ratio is five females births to every one male

Citation for such figures?

The American
homosexual has usually decided that they want
few, if any commitments.

Then you have obviously never met any.

Have you
thought what it would be like if the military didn't have
a standard.

Standards like those displayed at Tailhook?

But I guess you APPROVE of heterosexual promiscuity...

(c) 1997 by Laura Lee Lanning-Shipton
AKA The Pied Piper
You are welcome to forward this for
non profit purposes, with the copyright intact.

The only place this warrants forwarding to is 

Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-09 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, 1lls0081 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Many Homosexuals have a level of self discipline that makes the pope look
like a goof off.  OK.  Maybe I should not go - Quite - that far, but have
you seen what it takes for a woman to get dressed up.

As a woman, I'm quite aware of 'what it takes', for those of us who CHOOSE
to do nothing else but spend time in front of a mirror...

Add mysogynist to homophobe...

Think of what it takes for a cross dresser.

You are such an idiot.

Most homosexuals are NOT cross-dressers, indeed most homosexual males do
NOT look any different than heterosexual males...and point of fact, a good
many HETEROsexual males enjoy cross-dressing

Now for the regular, run of the mill person that has a same sex
orientation.  They are normally not a sadist, or controlling.  Well, not
any more so than a man that has complete control of a female when he is
lying on top of her.

Add 'frigid' to mysogynist and homophobe...

Some have been lead to believe that they should have been born the
opposite sex because of the fact that many animals can switch sexes.
Take a laying hen, there have been some that have gone from a fertile hen
to a fertile rooster.

And I'm sure you can cite a RELIABLE source for the assertion?


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-09 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Edward Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey let's do this, apply the authors logic to God. I have not seen
Him/Her display any responsibility for His/Her creation.

ALso consider that he knocked-up a virgin, and left Joseph to raise His
child   ;-)


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Homosexuals in the Military
OR Homosexual, Control Fiend, Pedophile

 Homosexuals: Who or What is Really Hiding in the Closet?
  (The Military as an Example)

Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
as one of promiscuity. The reason for this is that
homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."
By refusing to commit to someone of the
opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
about the responsibility of children, much less the
responsibility of a commitment. Also if they do
decide to break off the relationship they normally do
not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.
Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
be allowed to serve in the military?

In the military you have to trust that the person next
to you is Reliable enough that they won't get you
killed. The military oath is a promise to defend the
country. The contract that you are required to
sign upon being accepted into the military is a commitment.
Being in the military, means that you are
responsible for the people you work with and that they
are responsible for you. What kind of person
do you want to depend on? Would you rather
depend on someone that is willing to take on
commitments of religion and family, or would
you rather have to depend on someone that has a
noncommittal lifestyle. By signing up in the military,
you are signing an agreement that allows other
people to control your life. So if the people that
you are allowing to tell you what to do with your life
were to require that you have to live with a person
that doesn't seem to care about anything other
than themselves, it seems as if the concept of trust
and teamwork might get lost.

Those same concepts of trust and teamwork are
concepts the military can not afford to lose. Often
the military is a large part of the first contact that
the United States will have with other cultures.
Since they often have the responsibility of dealing
with people from other cultures, they need to be
perceived as stable and responsible. If people in
the military, are perceived by other countries as
allowed to have idiosyncrasies such as this, will
the other countries be enthusiastic about allowing
our military to help when they have problems.
The military image requires that the people of the
military be true to the most stringent standards
that their culture has. If you can not take pride
yourself and your own culture, how can you
understand the pride that someone else has in their

True homosexuals have decided what sex they
are and what life style they want to follow. True
homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
to rape a heterosexual. This is usually, if not always
done by those that use sex as a control feature.
These controlling personalities are really in the
closet! Because if the real truth were known,
they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
male or female of any age. These control fiends
are the type to have a physical relationship with a
single or divorce mother and also think nothing
of having a relationship with here male OR female
child. These control fiends are the ones that think
that a child (as young as six) is old enough to
decide their sexual orientation and to have a
physical relationship, at six, based on that design. They
refer to the child's parents, as people that have
a slave mentality, and that want to keep the child
from making an immediate choice. They are the
main ones that would like to see homosexuals
completely accepted since it will be harder to
question these control fiends at that time.

Some countries have been sympathetic to the
American Homosexual. Iceland has an
overwhelmingly female population - I think the
current ratio is five females births to every one male
birth, and parts of the Orient have five male
births for every female birth. This leads to same sex
dancing predominating in their clubs their clubs.
The biggest difference that these countries have,
particularly in the Orient is the family obligation
to have children. They are usually not homosexual
from choice, and they grow up knowing that they
have a commitment to their family. The American
homosexual has usually decided that they want
few, if any commitments.

Our constitution guaranties us the right to live
our lives, as we want, as long as we do not infringe
upon someone else's right. The constitution is a
commitment between this country and it's people.
The Constitution is also a commitment between
the leaders of this country and the people. This
nation was created by many different people,
and different cultures. All of these people and cultures
have a right to live in their own ways. But the
military is suppose to be reliable, trustworthy, and to

Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread Edward Ford

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey let's do this, apply the authors logic to God. I have not seen Him/Her display
any responsibility for His/Her creation. Given His/Her track record, I certainly
wouldn't want Him/Her in a foxhole next to me. Not only do I not know His/Her
sexuality, He/She has shown no interest what so ever in the workings of mankind,
all the way up to and including the death of his/her own son!

The authors bias is appalling and an insult to every person on the planet. You
just gave it the name "homosexual".

If you, 1lls0081 wrote this piece, I urge you to get help. It is bigoted concepts
like these that lead to young black men  being dragged behind cars, and young gay
men to be murdered. Their blood is own your hands.

God help you, but then again given your logic, there's a fat chance of that. But
in this case, I don't blame Him/Her!


1lls0081 wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Homosexuals in the Military
 OR Homosexual, Control Fiend, Pedophile

  Homosexuals: Who or What is Really Hiding in the Closet?
   (The Military as an Example)

 Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
 as one of promiscuity. The reason for this is that
 homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."
 By refusing to commit to someone of the
 opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
 about the responsibility of children, much less the
 responsibility of a commitment. Also if they do
 decide to break off the relationship they normally do
 not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.
 Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
 promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
 unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
 be allowed to serve in the military?

 In the military you have to trust that the person next
 to you is Reliable enough that they won't get you
 killed. The military oath is a promise to defend the
 country. The contract that you are required to
 sign upon being accepted into the military is a commitment.
 Being in the military, means that you are
 responsible for the people you work with and that they
 are responsible for you. What kind of person
 do you want to depend on? Would you rather
 depend on someone that is willing to take on
 commitments of religion and family, or would
 you rather have to depend on someone that has a
 noncommittal lifestyle. By signing up in the military,
 you are signing an agreement that allows other
 people to control your life. So if the people that
 you are allowing to tell you what to do with your life
 were to require that you have to live with a person
 that doesn't seem to care about anything other
 than themselves, it seems as if the concept of trust
 and teamwork might get lost.

 Those same concepts of trust and teamwork are
 concepts the military can not afford to lose. Often
 the military is a large part of the first contact that
 the United States will have with other cultures.
 Since they often have the responsibility of dealing
 with people from other cultures, they need to be
 perceived as stable and responsible. If people in
 the military, are perceived by other countries as
 allowed to have idiosyncrasies such as this, will
 the other countries be enthusiastic about allowing
 our military to help when they have problems.
 The military image requires that the people of the
 military be true to the most stringent standards
 that their culture has. If you can not take pride
 yourself and your own culture, how can you
 understand the pride that someone else has in their

 True homosexuals have decided what sex they
 are and what life style they want to follow. True
 homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
 to rape a heterosexual. This is usually, if not always
 done by those that use sex as a control feature.
 These controlling personalities are really in the
 closet! Because if the real truth were known,
 they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
 male or female of any age. These control fiends
 are the type to have a physical relationship with a
 single or divorce mother and also think nothing
 of having a relationship with here male OR female
 child. These control fiends are the ones that think
 that a child (as young as six) is old enough to
 decide their sexual orientation and to have a
 physical relationship, at six, based on that design. They
 refer to the child's parents, as people that have
 a slave mentality, and that want to keep the child
 from making an immediate choice. They are the
 main ones that would like to see homosexuals
 completely accepted since it will be harder to
 question these control fiends at that time.

 Some countries have been sympathetic to the
 American Homosexual. Iceland has an
 overwhelmingly female population - I think the
 current ratio is five females births to every one male
 birth, and 

Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Edward Ford wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Hey let's do this, apply the authors logic to God. I have not seen Him/Her display
 any responsibility for His/Her creation. Given His/Her track record, I certainly
 wouldn't want Him/Her in a foxhole next to me. Not only do I not know His/Her
 sexuality, He/She has shown no interest what so ever in the workings of mankind,
 all the way up to and including the death of his/her own son!

Is it possible to teach people to read?  I DID no say that they had or Should leave
or be kicked out!!!

 The authors bias is appalling and an insult to every person on the planet. You
 just gave it the name "homosexual".

Many Homosexuals have a level of self discipline that makes the pope look like a
goof off.  OK.  Maybe I should not go - Quite - that far, but have you seen what
it takes for a woman to get dressed up.  Think of what it takes for a cross dresser.
Many managed to look better than I did when I was in my twenties!

 If you, 1lls0081 wrote this piece, I urge you to get help. It is bigoted concepts
 like these that lead to young black men  being dragged behind cars, and young gay
 men to be murdered. Their blood is own your hands.

It is people like you that would have the blood of homosexuals on your hands.  The
ones that would kill homosexuals to make this kind of point are the ones
that want the homosexuals to run point for them.  The kind of people that
"might" read

 God help you, but then again given your logic, there's a fat chance of that. But
 in this case, I don't blame Him/Her!

Now for the regular, run of the mill person that has a same sex orientation.
They are normally not a sadist, or controlling.  Well, not any more so than a man
that has complete control of a female when he is lying on top of her.  Would
you call the missionary position - Sadistic or controlling?  That testosterone
should be good for something (up, down - you get the idea) for my view point I think
it is workable.

Some have been lead to believe that they should have been born the opposite
sex because of the fact that many animals can switch sexes.  Take a laying hen,
there have been some that have gone from a fertile hen to a fertile rooster.  Many
fish are capable of changing sex as well.  Males that produce eggs in their testes,
and think that they should have been born female.  This can be cause by

Then to the current scoop on chemicals (New 2 Nov 98)
"Concerned that endocrine disrupters were causing fetal development
 problems and adversely affecting male sperm counts, in 1996
 passed the Food Quality Protection Act and amendments to the Safe

 Drinking Water Act. In part, that legislation required EPA to
develop new
 chemical testing techniques. "
"As an example, LeBlanc points to incidents such as the discovery of
 demasculinized alligators in Florida's Lake Apopka. The
 may be caused by accidental spills or improper disposal of
chemicals and
 may not indicate an exposure problem of the general population. " 17 Nov 98)
take a look at the map and think of couples that are trying to have children.
Men that wear underwear that they can put ICE in so that their testicles will
be cool enough to produce sperm.
and wonder...

World Wildlife Fund - chemicals in the environment - 17 Nov 98)

"In the end we will only love what we know
and we will only protect what we love"

Find more about Health Canada's perspective on antibacterial soaps at (New 04 Nov

I like the fact that there are males on this planet.  Companies do not want to be sued

and foresee the fact that they will just clone your child IF you want one.

This current war on a small "mainly" agricultural country, that will have to take
loans from the world bank and will probably have to import food now instead
of being able to grow "possibly" (organic) food?

Are we going to hide our heads in the sand?  If this comes out the even the KKK
will lay of homosexuals, consider these chemicals are going to de - masculinate the
KKK too.  Wonder what a KKK'er sounds like in Sapporo?

Just thoughts-
Laura - ex-NCO of the United States Air Force
aka The Pied Piper

PS - Just between you and me.  I was more worried about getting raped
by a cilivian MALE then worrying about any of the females in the barracks.
Difference?  I knew I was a female and that my orientation was Heterosexual
it would have been the same as if a male had propositioned me that I did not
want - he would be slapped.  You imply that