Re: [CTRL] Impeach The Rapist

1999-02-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/27/99 1:29:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 We are speechless. >>

Thank God!  You've repeated yourselves so many times.  Prudy

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Re: [CTRL] Impeach The Rapist

1999-02-27 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Sno0wl wrote:
   What this has achieved is that it now allows all those
   rightwing loonies to follow Clinton around the country,
   screaming "Impeach the Rapist." Something a year of Monica
   Lewinsky failed to achieve.

from elsewhere ...

Lie back and enjoy it

ã Jon Perdue

America, your president is a rapist, we said.

But like the muffled screams of his victims, the shouts of a small,
informed group of citizens have also gone unheard. Those of us who have
been shouting for your attention on these matters have been trying to
alert you since the ’92 presidential campaign.
But you called us Clinton haters.

To attempt to gain your ear we told you that our purpose still, was not
to say we told you so, but please listen and look for yourself, and even
refute us. We would have loved to have found that these crimes never
But you called us zealots.

We said that the president bombed Sudanese civilians to distract you
from his crimes. We said that Sudanese citizens worked for a month to
provide for emaciated children what we spend on a power lunch. We noted
that dropping bombs on them had no national security interest,
especially when the only ones killed would be civilians. Many of your
political allies even agreed with us.
But you called us paranoid.

We told you that even pentagon and military officials were incredulous.
We quoted a Washington Times story that reported "senior Pentagon
officers expressed great skepticism ... about the raids. This source
said that the White House eagerness to launch air strikes grew with
intensity as a parade of centrist Republicans announced they would vote
to impeach the president." We cited the front page story of a national
But you called us anti-Clinton.

We told you that the day Monica Lewinsky testified before the federal
grand jury that he had encouraged her to deny their relationship and to
submit a false affidavit, the president ordered the attack on "terrorist
facilities" in Sudan and Afghanistan. We mentioned that not only were
the Joint Chiefs of Staff not consulted prior to the attack, but it had
since been revealed that a medicine factory that was claimed by the
administration to be making nerve gas was actually just a medicine
factory. We said that when it became clear on the afternoon of December
16th that the President would be impeached, the bombing raid on Iraq

We quoted Pentagon sources that said "I have had senior flag and general
officers question the timing I have had senior military officers
laughing. I hate to say that Why now? He hasn't built a coalition.
He hasn't done anything. Why this timing?" We quoted the disbelief of
those who study war, and the means to avoid it.
But you called us conspiracists.

We said that the president spoke on the phone to a congressman about the
decision to send our sons into combat in Bosnia while receiving oral sex
from a young girl. We identified the congressman, proved the call
through phone records, and received no denial from the president.
But you called us sex-obsessed.

We said that the president’s defenders were not objective. We reminded
you that the president’s lawyer admitted that reasonable people could
conclude that he had perjured himself. We recalled that Democrat
congressmen had said unequivocally that the president was guilty of
felonies. We reminded you that Ivy League law professors that testified
on behalf of the president also continued to defend the innocence of
O.J. Simpson.
But you called us racists.

We said that the president not only used interns his daughter’s age for
sex acts in the Oval office, but had also violently raped a woman who
trusted him. We reminded you that the vote for impeachment in the House
of Representatives had swung on information concerning numerous assaults
on women, and especially the testimony of one known as Jane Doe #5. We
quoted elected officials saying that they were physically sickened by
the testimony, and that the evidence left them no choice but to impeach.

But you called us partisans.

We aided the media, upon who you had relied for your information, in
checking the credibility of the person making the incredible
allegations. We quoted sources saying to the accuser "The good news is,
you’re credible. The bad news is, you’re too credible". The accuser
released all documents to investigators. The president, after numerous
requests from a major news network, released none. The accuser’s
background was thoroughly researched, and both state and federal
government investigative agencies publicly stated that she was a solid
citizen. The president’s passport file mysteriously disappeared in ’92.
The president refused to release his medical records, and fired his
original physician who insisted on delving into his medical history.

We pressured a major television network to air twenty minutes of a five
hour interview with the accuser, after they had refused for weeks. The
accuser was shown to be credible.

Re: [CTRL] Impeach The Rapist

1999-02-27 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

What this has achieved is that it now allows all those rightwing loonies to follow
Clinton around the country, screaming "Impeach the Rapist." Something a year of
Monica Lewinsky failed to achieve.

They can take your car if you appear to be Driving Under the Influence. You may be
proven innocent--but that won't get you your car back.

You can be accused of raping someone two decades ago. You may be proven
innocent--but that won't get you your reputation back.

That's the kind of country we've become. I'm writing for them to get Clinton for the
murder of Jon Benet Ramsey.

On 27 Feb 99, , Prudence wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 2/27/99 4:51:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> << "I hear from the wingnuts all the time how the president screwed around,
> then
>  lied to his spouse, then lied under oath about it, so therefore, we shouldn't
>  believe a word he says. Here's a chick who was screwing around, lied to her
>  husband, then lied under oath about it, but of course she's credible as hell,
>  isn't she?"
>  It is food for thought, isn't it?
>  Samantha >>
> Yes, Samantha.  Isn't it a hoot?  And she's older than Clinton (which kind of
> precludes the deluded virgin theory too).  Prudy


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeach The Rapist

1999-02-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/27/99 4:51:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< "I hear from the wingnuts all the time how the president screwed around,
 lied to his spouse, then lied under oath about it, so therefore, we shouldn't
 believe a word he says. Here's a chick who was screwing around, lied to her
 husband, then lied under oath about it, but of course she's credible as hell,
 isn't she?"

 It is food for thought, isn't it?
 Samantha >>

Yes, Samantha.  Isn't it a hoot?  And she's older than Clinton (which kind of
precludes the deluded virgin theory too).  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Impeach The Rapist

1999-02-27 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-02-26 20:53:41 EST, Mike moxley write:

<< "It doesn't rise to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor," we heard
 repeated on every talking head show night after night, week after week.
 Well, how about rape? Does that rise to the level of a high crime or
 misdemeanor, Barney Frank?

What ever will be next?  A good point made on another list (name withheld):

"I hear from the wingnuts all the time how the president screwed around, then
lied to his spouse, then lied under oath about it, so therefore, we shouldn't
believe a word he says. Here's a chick who was screwing around, lied to her
husband, then lied under oath about it, but of course she's credible as hell,
isn't she?"

It is food for thought, isn't it?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Impeach The Rapist

1999-02-26 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Impeach The Rapist
By Joseph Farah

© 1999 Western Journalism Center

Interesting, isn't it, that not one member of Congress has come forward to
call for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton for moral turpitude
in light of the accusations of Juanita Broaddrick?

So, let the chorus begin here: It's way past time to throw this bum out of
office. He's a disgrace to his office. He's a detriment to his country. And
he's an embarrassment to the human race.

I believe Juanita. And, I would dare say, 95 percent of Americans in their
heart of hearts do as well. There's just no reason not to find her
credible. In a he-said-she-said contest, Clinton's got to lose. He's played
all his cards. He's denied the undeniable one-too-many times.

It's time to recall the arguments against impeachment and conviction the
last time around.

"It's about consensual sex," we heard over and over again ad nauseum. Well,
folks, this isn't. This is about force, about coercion, about violence,
about rape.

"It doesn't rise to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor," we heard
repeated on every talking head show night after night, week after week.
Well, how about rape? Does that rise to the level of a high crime or
misdemeanor, Barney Frank?

It's time to put on trial those clowns who stood by their man despite
overwhelming evidence of perjury and obstruction of justice. What are they
going to say about Juanita Broaddrick? That the statute of limitations has
run out? What's a little rape between friends? I'd love to hear the
rationalizations this time.

But, of course, there's no sign we will ever hear any explanations from
Clinton's chorus in Congress or from the commander-in-cheat himself.
There's only one thing that can force them to defend the indefensible -- a
spontaneous uprising by the American people. They've got to say it loud and
say it clear: We've had enough. It's time for abuser-in-chief to go.

I don't care about "political realities." I don't care that it may be
impossible to get 67 votes in the Senate if this guy murdered a saint on
live television. I don't care that another impeachment case would be a

Let me tell you about realpolitick. The Congress of the United States and
the court of public opinion are the only avenues left for justice -- for
Juanita Broaddrick and for the rest of America.

America cannot tolerate a rapist in the White House. And Bill Clinton is
not denying Juanita Broaddrick's charges. He won't even acknowledge them.
He sends his lawyers out to make parsed denials. He's betting that
Americans have so lost their moral bearings that they won't demand

If feminists and the religious right can't get together on this one, they
will never agree on anything again. If this doesn't bridge the gender gap,
it's unbridgeable. If Clinton gets away with this one, add another felony
to the list of offenses -- perjury, abuse of power and now rape -- that
have been effectively decriminalized by Clinton's blind partisan

There is no middle ground on this one. If you believe Juanita Broaddrick,
then you have to act to remove Clinton. Rape cannot be tolerated. We cannot
be apathetic about sexual predators in high office.

On the other hand, for those true believers who continue to stand by their
man, why are you not demanding that Clinton explain himself, tell where he
was at the time of the alleged attack, present his alibis, clear the air?

When was the last time you heard of a man accused of rape issuing a "no
comment"? Put yourself in that position: If you were unjustly accused of
such a heinous crime, how would you react? Would you casually dismiss
questions when the entire country is talking about it? Does that sound

Remember how Clinton reacted so angrily and publicly about the far less
serious charge of adultery with Monica Lewinsky.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky," he
exhorted emphatically. Of course, it was a lie. But he behaved in a
reasonable way for a man pretending to be falsely accused. Let's at least
demand to see another show, another lie. We deserve that much.

Or maybe we don't. Maybe America is getting just what it deserves in Bill
Clinton. Maybe he's our curse, our judgment, for not being able to
determine the difference between right and wrong.

"If we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority,
violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of
morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which
holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may
overwhelm us, that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
-Daniel Webster
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