Re: [CTRL] Infallible Sectarianism

2000-10-31 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Yeah. Religious intolerance--right. Now let me see, what is the religious
"tolerance" record of these poor victimized Protestants? I believe George
Dubya Bush--a God fearing Prostestant (How do I know? Why, I've heard him
say so ad nauseum!!)--has IN THIS CAMPAIGN called Wicca, which is a religion
officially acknowledged and sanctioned within the United States and its
military (they even have Wiccan chaplains) to be an "abomination" that
should be "eradicated."

 Those dear Protestants under their wonderful first head, Henry VIII,
continued the Inquisitional practices of the Catholic Church (which they
professed to abhore) by using "witchcraft" as a bandaid charge for rounding
up perceived political enemies and burning them at the stake. The German
Lutheran Church encouraged the incarceration and destruction of the Jews in
Nazi Germany. So did the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church has
publically apologized and atoned for this stance, whereas the Lutheran
Church silently ignores their own connivance in the Holocaust. It was
PROTESTANTS in New England who, having loftily pronounced their own
victimization in England, merrily proceeded to imprison, torture and execute
all suspected dissidents to its own religious mandates. Check any history on
the Puritans' treatment of Quakers,  Anglicans, and Catholics.  And
perceived political agitators, of course (preserving the practices of Dear
Olde England which they had spat upon when they left)--just think of the
religious tolerance exhibited by that pious and benevolent Protestant, Rev.
Cotton Mather! Yeah--call them a witch and then torture them for the good of
their soul!!! Also consult the Puritan treatment and murder of Native
Americans under the pretext that native American religion was "Devil
worship." Of course this is what they still say about Wicca--the more things
change, the more they remain the same.

Let's not leave out the Christian fundamentalists (Prostestants all!) in
this country who, although a small minority, have worked to seize control of
the Republican Party and to attempt to dictate BY LAW the behavior of
Americans according to their own narrow, zealous ideas of what is "godly,"
which includes belligerently unrestrained human reproduction but obviously
does not include respect or preservation for the planet they expect those
children to live on. The Pope just controls the Church--the Fundies are
working hard to seize control of the biggest secular government in the
It's about time that Protestants learned to stopped their judgemental
condemnations of gay people, Jewish people, pagans, Buddhists, and anyone
else whose spirituality is individual and real. The mote in their own eye is
pretty damned obvious, don'tcha think?--and needs all of their attention.
The Protestant Church in general can only benefit from a healthy dose of
"religious discrimination" directed against itself, since it's apparently
unable to learn what's "wrong" with dishing it out, except by being a target
of it.
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Infallible Sectarianism

> -Caveat Lector-
> Infallible Sectarianism
> "There is no mistake so great as that of being always right." – Samuel
> Butler (1835-1902): Notebooks.
> Professor Arthur Noble
> The Pope's ecumenical dupes got a rude shock on September 5 when his
> self-styled 'infallible Holiness', in an official document called Dominus
> Iesus, questioned the validity of Protestant Churches and instructed his
> bishops not to use the term 'sister churches' with reference to them. The
> Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has now arrogantly
> pronounced that henceforth non-Roman-Catholics are to be designated as
> "ecclesial communities" with "defects". It declares that churches that
> a "valid Episcopate [bishops] and the genuine and integral substance of
> Eucharistic mystery are not churches in the proper sense"; and a Vatican
> letter to bishops, released the same week, calls for Protestants to be
> "evangelised".
> The American Crosswalk News site summed it up in the headline:
> are not our equals, says the Vatican." It was on a par with Hitler's
> comments about the Jews.
> The chief ingredient of this latest outrageous pronouncement by the Roman
> impostor is nothing short of blatant sectarianism – a predictable
> to the flagrant racism of his beatification of Pius IX. Once again, the
> congenital religious intolerance behind the mask of the Church of Rome's
> smiling ecumenism has been

[CTRL] Infallible Sectarianism

2000-10-30 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

Infallible Sectarianism

"There is no mistake so great as that of being always right." – Samuel
Butler (1835-1902): Notebooks.
Professor Arthur Noble

The Pope's ecumenical dupes got a rude shock on September 5 when his
self-styled 'infallible Holiness', in an official document called Dominus
Iesus, questioned the validity of Protestant Churches and instructed his
bishops not to use the term 'sister churches' with reference to them. The
Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has now arrogantly
pronounced that henceforth non-Roman-Catholics are to be designated as
"ecclesial communities" with "defects". It declares that churches that lack
a "valid Episcopate [bishops] and the genuine and integral substance of the
Eucharistic mystery are not churches in the proper sense"; and a Vatican
letter to bishops, released the same week, calls for Protestants to be

The American Crosswalk News site summed it up in the headline: "Protestants
are not our equals, says the Vatican." It was on a par with Hitler's
comments about the Jews.

The chief ingredient of this latest outrageous pronouncement by the Roman
impostor is nothing short of blatant sectarianism – a predictable complement
to the flagrant racism of his beatification of Pius IX. Once again, the
congenital religious intolerance behind the mask of the Church of Rome's
smiling ecumenism has been exposed: her doctrinal fascism renders her
hypocritically guilty of the very accusation that she is so fond of
levelling against those who refuse to bow the knee to her theological

George Carey, the spiritual leader of the world's 70 million Anglicans and
hitherto a loud and pathetic parrot of the Pope, has expressed his "dismay".
No wonder: he failed to take heed of the warning that Rome does not change,
and is now suddenly confronted with the reality that the term 'separated
brethren' was merely a ruse and the original designation of 'heretics' is
now official. Carey has learned of his error the hard way. He has reacted by
saying that the worldwide Anglican Communion "does not for one moment accept
that its orders of ministry and Eucharist are deficient in any way", but
"believes itself to be a part of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic
Church of Christ."

Protestant leaders in Germany have also been rudely awakened. Manfred Kock,
chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church of Germany, told ZDF
television: "The declaration suggests that the Catholic and the Protestant
Churches are not on equal terms with each other." These leaders, be it
noted, are the dupes who on October 31, 1999, signed the Joint Declaration
on the Doctrine of Justification between the Lutheran World Federation and
the Roman Catholic Church, believing it to be the reconciliatory seal of 30
years of so-called 'dialogue' between the two Churches.

Irony of ironies! The Vatican's boot-licking World Council of Churches
itself is worried that the ecumenical relationships of the past 100 years
may now be "lost" or "hindered" by what its professing 'theologian' Tom Best
calls "language which precludes further discussion of the issues"; and even
John Wilkins, editor of the Roman Catholic newspaper The Tablet, has
described the declaration as "enormously negative".

Valdo Benecchi, President of the Methodist Evangelical Churches of Italy and
an on-the-spot connoisseur of the Pope's machinations in that country, was
quick to recognise the Vatican's latest confidence trick. Almost echoing the
warning of last October by the 150 German Academics who opposed the
LWF-Vatican Declaration, he said: "Salvation through Christ is not deposited
in one religion only. This puts only the Catholic Church at the centre, but
especially the Catholic hierarchy."

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest U.S. Protestant denomination,
has also recognised the contrivance. Jerry Rankin, President of its
International Mission Board, protested: "Salvation comes by God's grace
through faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone – not through any
institutional church body, be it Baptist, Catholic, or otherwise. […] That's
why we have always sent missionaries, even to 'Catholic' countries, because
people come to salvation only through personal faith in Jesus Christ. That
is the message of the Christian gospel according to the Scriptures, and that
is the message shared worldwide by our missionaries."

Popery, despite her modernist garb, remains unchanged. The arrogance of this
latest pronouncement is astounding. It describes all churches since the
Protestant Reformation as not being "churches in the proper sense", while in
reality it is the Church of Rome that is not a church at all, but a colossal
political and financial organisation. Adam Smith, in his famous study The
Wealth of Nations, calls it "the most formidable combination that ever was
formed against the authority and security of civil government as well as
against the liberty, reason and happiness of mankind."
