Re: [CTRL] JESUITS: VATICAN: (was) The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations

2000-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

Hi there - Reference Bird Code - we had Hughes and Big Bird; we had in
the movie the right stuff Fanny something dancing with silver and gold
feathers for the astronauts; we had Icarus the asteroid on way ready to
hit - on collsion course with earth prior to murder of RFK as Jobs
Coffin appered in the sky.

We have in the bible where the carcase is the eagles will assembly,
wonder if they were buzzards.

We have black crows dying in fields, thousands of them last year, for no
reason - maybe Nile Encephaliis (see the pyramids along the way); and we
had the song Blue Birds Over the White Cliffs of Dover and Skylark
symbolizing birds of a rarer species.

But in Spandau, birds had different meanings.certain birds may have
meant number of guards, and birds represented different countries who
took the watch during certain time framessome birds, were friendly
than others.

So Audobon would be working overtime today.

I noted in the item you forwarded, Bandelier - isn't this where the FIRE
BIRDS hitLost Alamos?   Nazis worked at Los Alamos too - or were
they just Germans caught up in a war who like von Braun had said, he
would rather go to moon than win the war.he was a scientist and
Albert Speer, the architect - Speer wrote in his diary of the bible code
and "calendar code" taken away from the Baron - so the 7 Men of Spandau
used the bible code which was invented my MI6 friend said, by Trithemius
centuries before, who also wrote Stenographia, as I recall.short
hand, after all, is a coded message - speedy writing..

Now when you cross an Eagle with a Blue Jay, you have the eyes of eagle
and mouth of blue jays communicate when danger is
nearcould always tell where my cat was hiding, for a blue jay would
get over him in a tree and holler until I retrieved the sneaky cat -
like the cat bird, used to follow me around the house hovering over my
head when my cat would be day all I saw was a feather in
my cats mouth - but the cat bird was up on the car hawking away.

Birds communicate - when you know birds you sometimes know people and
when danger is near?   Now there is a blue jay in my yard squawking
away..once I had a dream I opened my back door and in my yard I have
18 evrgreens and many trees.there in the evergreen, and the dream
was darkish color, and beautifulthere was a talking blue jay and I
thought my goodness, I will make a million dollars with that one.but
I woke up before I became birds I love, for they do
communicate...appear in times of great anger in particular to

So bird codes; like watching cobra and rabbit - you learn much about
hypnotic control and signs of danger..great communication system.

So in years past I took name Yellow Bird - after a girl named Mosha
Yellowbird who used to do a dance and the Vegas Mob went wild..for
they knew the secrets of the little yellow bird with wings of silver and

So much for Birds, bird.   By the way my brother in law was at Wright
Field but refused to take job of CO..Colonel Frank Rhodes and
Clarkson were there then after war endedClarkson  died in plane
crash heading for Colorado...hit a mountain that wouldl not move for
great Eagle.   Alway wondered about that crash, for my sister was to
have been on board too.

Your stories mentions Wright Field - secret experiments still going on

Phil my brother in law worked on two big birds, one went south to north,
which I saw zoom over me - bue ice fire ball, and the other from west to
east which I saw zoom in daylight as I toldl my boss what I saw night
before..these were great UFO birds of day.and I got out of my
house two times at the precise moment they went over and above my
house...Phil said change my brand of liquor but I did ot
drink..but this one from south to north flying low and cold icy fire
ball - was the first to fly that direction.later this man escorted
the first missile to England and was madder than hell that I pursued my
bible code - birds of different color - chameleons, change and fly under
many colors like a Kissinger or a spy at Huntsville and in Georgia
during Viet Nam, reporting UFO's so Viet Kong would know our planes were

So.bird codes..there are those today who say we did not go to
moon - why?   Well that guy that married Barbara Streisand and OJ
Simpson, played in movie where it was said our space program was

Evidently they too never read Acts 19 - the story about the three men in
the firey furnace in Danielburned up in the Apollo sabotaged by Challenger blow up by KGB..all becaue they did not
want a German to take credit for getting us up to the moon before the

Shadrach, Meschenk, and Abenego - always wondered why Jack Ruby
(Rubenstein) always said that over and over in his prison cell after he
shot Oswald..

Ever wonder why Astronauts took Gideon Bible to the

Re: [CTRL] JESUITS: VATICAN: (was) The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations

2000-08-17 Thread NSA

YOU MEAN: Aviary Bird Code and "Alien" presence ???

BTW - The book burning in Acts was conducted by the "heathen" ridding
themselves of their pagan SUPERSTITIOUS nonsense when they discovered of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Likewise, but somewhat conversely, the Papacy, is a mongrel religion of
Gnosticism, Judaism and  Paganism, which sought to eradicate all manner of
books and knowledge including that of religion, philosophy, science, and the
BIBLE itself - which it perceived as heresy. Fundamentally, the papacy, is
in your face witchcraft.

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] JESUITS: VATICAN: (was) The Illuminati and The Council
on Foreign Relations

> The only thing I remember about Biship Fulton Sheen was he beat Milton
> Berle, the Star of NBC is his ratings..and one sermon, which I did
> watch but at the time I had other interests and I never did think Milton
> Berle was funny - slap stick and all.
> The Bishop spoke of alcoholism and said the reason a man sat down at the
> bar and drank himself to death, was because he had nothing he loved
> better than the bottle before him - which had taken control over his
> life.
> The above item written on Illumiinati and Hitler; I always wondered
> about the 1000 years in the Revelationsand the 1000 year
> Reichand one has to remember it was to be that Hitler would put the
> Hohenzollern/s back on the throne.
> Hitler and the many domes do we have now?   Speer and his
> cathedral of light - beautiful site to behold - but what I liked was
> this.
> In Albert Speer's Diary,  October of 1954 - the Russian Guard took a
> Bible Watchword Calendar away from the 7 men at Spandau - which ws in
> possession of the Baron - for the guard said it was coded -for instance,
> arms meant armament, the word supplies, supplies in
> Acts.or Paul the Aged, a name taken by the old Hells Fire Club
> member Paul Whtiehead - code names.
> Book entitled 7 Men of Spandau speaks too of bird codes for those guys
> got a lot of mesages to their family - but then,  America was softening
> io the Nazis for we needed something from them - guess what we needed?
> The Russians had their Nazi Scientitsts, only our Nazi Scientists knew
> more than their Nazi scientists.
> When one reads this version of the Illuminati Story you see where Hitler
> got the Masons bu he also got the each his own, and
> when in Rome do as Romans.
> Hitler according to some was Jewish.   Like Barry Goldwater was John
> Birch, was jewish and the old coconut squad worked overtime to prove
> this - Hitler had a phoney Clinton, Ford, and even Jesse
> Ventura - these were not their real names..what is that in the bible
> I Will Give You a New Name?
> Did Jesse ever have his name changed legally for to run on a ticket in
> Ohio - well you just do not run under a stage name.Bill Clinton -
> real name Blythe?   I wonder - for are all these people manchurian
> candidates?
> The Jesuits I have known have been brilliant menG. Gordn Liddy had
> Jesuit traiing -
> So this item Hitler wants to wipe out Masons, Jews, and this stuff
> sounds more like New World Order than anything else for this man was
> trying to do unto Europe, what we did unto the USAone story has
> it there were thousands of bibles in a room, ready to be
> book burning originaed in Acts 19 in the Bible which is a Key reference
> to our Space Program, the little Princess and the bible code - Apollo
> the Craft that came to naught?
> Me what I think?   Lost treasures in the bible, lots of gold in Ezra and
> paintings...golden apples in a silver frame - art involved, gold,
> oil, wine, numbers, drugs, and the perfect book to be used by Mafia
> land.
> The Catholic Church has taken the worst beating; and Hitler feared the
> Pope; like the UN, he wanted his own religion and he wanted to keep the
> race pure - then look at Mussolini and say he does not look like movie
> star Sophia Loren.take a look at that broad and remember her family
> married into his famly.
> Prior to advent of Hitler books on the occult, drugs, and pornography
> saturated Germany - like America today, who wouldn't want this place
> cleaned up - but you do not send in Larry Flynt who uses pornography as
> front for their drug running, to do the job.
> You wonder who and what created Hitler.Bible says they will come out
> of prisons to rule over you, and God sets the Solitary in
> familie

Re: [CTRL] JESUITS: VATICAN: (was) The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations

2000-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

The only thing I remember about Biship Fulton Sheen was he beat Milton
Berle, the Star of NBC is his ratings..and one sermon, which I did
watch but at the time I had other interests and I never did think Milton
Berle was funny - slap stick and all.

The Bishop spoke of alcoholism and said the reason a man sat down at the
bar and drank himself to death, was because he had nothing he loved
better than the bottle before him - which had taken control over his

The above item written on Illumiinati and Hitler; I always wondered
about the 1000 years in the Revelationsand the 1000 year
Reichand one has to remember it was to be that Hitler would put the
Hohenzollern/s back on the throne.

Hitler and the many domes do we have now?   Speer and his
cathedral of light - beautiful site to behold - but what I liked was

In Albert Speer's Diary,  October of 1954 - the Russian Guard took a
Bible Watchword Calendar away from the 7 men at Spandau - which ws in
possession of the Baron - for the guard said it was coded -for instance,
arms meant armament, the word supplies, supplies in
Acts.or Paul the Aged, a name taken by the old Hells Fire Club
member Paul Whtiehead - code names.

Book entitled 7 Men of Spandau speaks too of bird codes for those guys
got a lot of mesages to their family - but then,  America was softening
io the Nazis for we needed something from them - guess what we needed?

The Russians had their Nazi Scientitsts, only our Nazi Scientists knew
more than their Nazi scientists.

When one reads this version of the Illuminati Story you see where Hitler
got the Masons bu he also got the each his own, and
when in Rome do as Romans.

Hitler according to some was Jewish.   Like Barry Goldwater was John
Birch, was jewish and the old coconut squad worked overtime to prove
this - Hitler had a phoney Clinton, Ford, and even Jesse
Ventura - these were not their real names..what is that in the bible
I Will Give You a New Name?

Did Jesse ever have his name changed legally for to run on a ticket in
Ohio - well you just do not run under a stage name.Bill Clinton -
real name Blythe?   I wonder - for are all these people manchurian

The Jesuits I have known have been brilliant menG. Gordn Liddy had
Jesuit traiing -

So this item Hitler wants to wipe out Masons, Jews, and this stuff
sounds more like New World Order than anything else for this man was
trying to do unto Europe, what we did unto the USAone story has
it there were thousands of bibles in a room, ready to be
book burning originaed in Acts 19 in the Bible which is a Key reference
to our Space Program, the little Princess and the bible code - Apollo
the Craft that came to naught?

Me what I think?   Lost treasures in the bible, lots of gold in Ezra and
paintings...golden apples in a silver frame - art involved, gold,
oil, wine, numbers, drugs, and the perfect book to be used by Mafia

The Catholic Church has taken the worst beating; and Hitler feared the
Pope; like the UN, he wanted his own religion and he wanted to keep the
race pure - then look at Mussolini and say he does not look like movie
star Sophia Loren.take a look at that broad and remember her family
married into his famly.

Prior to advent of Hitler books on the occult, drugs, and pornography
saturated Germany - like America today, who wouldn't want this place
cleaned up - but you do not send in Larry Flynt who uses pornography as
front for their drug running, to do the job.

You wonder who and what created Hitler.Bible says they will come out
of prisons to rule over you, and God sets the Solitary in
familieis.he made the members in private - now this is a Mafia Made
Man who got his Bones I think they call like old Assassins
who longed for paradise - a promise Hassas made to all his initiates for
once taken to this beautiful garden like in Song of Solomon, drugs and
roses - and oh beautiful women - it ws virtually a brothel.the
initiates would do anything to return undr hash.

Song of Solomon - Key Experiment - Roses and Drugs and lips of those who
are asleep made to speak..

Did you ever think that censorship is the goal of these lews and
lascivitious pepole who turn our television and movies in to garbage not
fit for pigs?Get people so upset they demand censorship.

Did you ever note that some of thee organizations thrive and profit on
hatethat Jewish Mafia had tons of hate litreature and this
literature was neo nazi literature - why?

Do you realize the bible is the key to psychology and control - would
you rather have a father confessor or a therapist (the-rapist)
controlling the mind of yur child?The keys of psychiatry are in Job
and any Mason high degree knows this, hopefully if he does his homework.

Why did Hitler want to toss out the Masons and destroy them?   Or the
Church - the Jewish Religion o

[CTRL] JESUITS: VATICAN: (was) The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations

2000-08-16 Thread NSA

The "ILLUMINATI" et al is a VATICAN invention, concocted by the "Storm
Troopers" of the pope, also called the JESUITS, who first styled themselves
the "Illuminated Ones," or Los Alumbrados.

 The well-known name in conspiracy circles, Adam Weishapt is attributed as
the founder of the Illuminati and was in fact trained by the Roman Catholic
Jesuit Order, and feigned the appearance of a "rogue" priest from the Order,
as is their practice, for the purposes of establishing an anti-monarch,
anti-governmental, anti-religious movement that would either crush the
Vatican’s opposition in Europe, or completely infiltrate, then control, all
sectors of the ruling class.

This included attacks and infiltration into, but not limited to, Jews,
Protestants, the Protestant Monarchies, Freemasonry, and its erstwhile
millennial nemesis, the Russian Orthodox Church. With the latter, they
succeeded eventually with the establishment of the Russian Revolution, which
suppressed, persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, or killed its members and
clergy. If you compare the ritualism fro example, of the popes and the
Soviet Communists, they are a mirror image, even down to embalming their
particular brand of “popes.”

The Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. XIII, page 1011, says that the Society Of
Jesus is "a Roman Catholic order of clerks regular, founded by St. Ignatius
of Loyola in 1540."

The same document refers to the Jesuit order as being "a principal agent of
the Counter Reformation" (1973 edition). The Britannica also tells us in
Vol. XI, page 1096 that the Illuminati were "organized along Jesuit lines."

So then, this is not a wild notion of any one man. It is undeniable history,
available to anyone who chooses to pick up an Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Names such as: Marx, Engels, Stalin, Lenin, and Fidel Castro, were not such
trained and guided by Jesuits?

Communism was also a useful Jesuit invention, in that, it provided a
bogyman, a common foe, by which the Vatican would rally the West to its
anti-godless crusade in later years. Hitler of course, was touted by the
Vatican and its prelates as the great Western Messiah that would rid the
world of the devil Communism and its supposed sponsors the "Christ-killer"
Jews. The tactic worked with grandiose success.

Said Adolf Hitler: “Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so DID
LENIN too … The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the
hierarchical structure of the Catholic church. There were quite a few things
I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the Party.”  (Manfred
Barthel, The Jesuits: History and legend of the Society of Jesus 1984. p.

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this
statement: "The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according
to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual
Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to
copy exactly. Himmler's title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the
equivalent of the Jesuits' 'General' and the whole structure was a close
imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order."

Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up
the concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: "The Third
Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts
into practice the high principles of the papacy." If you are not aware of
what a concordat is, a concordat is an agreement between the Vatican and a
government. As far as the Vatican is concerned, that government that signed
the concordat has now become a part of the government of God, and the
Vatican fully intends to stabilize that government, give it divine
protection, and give it international protection.

Hitler was also ready to discuss with the Bishop his views on the Jewish
question: "As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which
the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has
regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it
knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see
the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and
perhaps I am doing Christianity (VATICAN) a great service." (The Nazi
Persecution of the Churches" by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 25, 26 & 162.)

Hitler’s version of human history was essentially one of religious
mythology. He believed that a pure German people had lived in an early
Garden of Eden. But this pure race had been attacked by the Devil, made
incarnate in the form of the Jew. Indeed, he said explicitly that "the Jew
is the personification of the Devil and of all evil."

And thus he reached his conclusion that in fighting the Devil he was doing
the work of Almighty God.

In Hitler's theology, a different original sin replaced the once committed
in the biblical Garden of Eden. "The mixture of the races is the original
sin [Erdsunde] of this world," he claim