Re: [CTRL] Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice

1999-07-06 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

7-4-1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted:

 Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice
 Christopher Ruddy
 July 1, 1999

 From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:   "Bill Kingsbury" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999
 Subj: RE: Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice

 Why doesn't somebody mention that Ken Starr and Bill Casey
 were good buddies?  Or that Bill Casey and Bill Clinton were
 working hand in glove to smuggle tons of cocaine into Mena?
 Or that Ken Starr helped to negotiate and possibly even wrote
 a 1982 memorandum allowing CIA not to report drug trafficking
 by its agents?  Or that Bill Clinton blackmailed the
 Republicans by holding CIA's own Volume II investigation over
 their heads?

 I have had all of this on my web site since January at .  And I published an exclusive on it in
 my newsletter - From The Wilderness.

 This story is only a partial truth:  great for what it says,
 to be honored and given credit for what it reveals, but to be
 improved upon with the full truth.  There is journalistic
 glory enough for everyone - as I'm sure there will be enough
 bullets when the time comes.

 Mike Ruppert


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[CTRL] Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice

1999-07-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 New Revelations:  Ron Brown's Lover Sheds New Light
 on Ken Starr and the White House

 Kenneth Starr - The Clintons' Accomplice

 Christopher Ruddy
 July 1, 1999

 The Independent Counsel law lapsed last night at midnight.
 And Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr said the law should not
 be re-authorized.

 Obviously, Starr believes that, because his own investigation
 was a waste of tens of millions of dollars, the Independent
 Counsel law should be trashed.

 The truth is that the Independent Counsel law is a good law.
 When corruption has been rooted out in places like France and
 Italy, it has usually been the result of an independent
 magistrate -- their version of our Independent Counsel.

 We also know that when Independent Counsels like Donald
 Schmalz and Daniel Pearson did their jobs, the Clintons were
 in a high state of panic and used every possible means to
 stop them.  We know that Bill Clinton has been fearful of
 another Independent Counsel being assigned to investigate
 Chinagate, allegations that he took Chinese campaign cash
 and gave away nuclear secrets.

 The law should stay.  It's Ken Starr who must go.  A weak,
 pathetic character, he has more responsibility than any other
 man in American history for the woe the Clintons have, and
 will wreak, on America.

 The Hubbell Deal

 Just how pitiful Starr's "prosecution" has been was
 demonstrated this week when Webster Hubbell admitted to
 committing a felony by misleading federal investigators,
 and a misdemeanor by failing to pay taxes.

 Any normal citizen would have been jailed and fined for such
 crimes.  Not Webster Hubbell.  Under Starr's plea agreement,
 Hubbell will be on parole and serve no jail time.  He won't
 even pay any fine or restitution.

 Worse, Webb Hubbell still doesn't have to cooperate with
 Starr in his investigation of the Clintons.  Hubbell
 continues to insist, "... I have no knowledge of any
 wrongdoing on behalf of the president or Mrs. Clinton."

 Starr's failure to seek Hubbell's cooperation -- a basic
 condition of granting a plea agreement -- violates the most
 fundamental procedures followed by federal prosecutors.
 But flouting procedure is nothing new for Starr.

 In December of 1994, when Hubbell admitted to having bilked
 his clients at the Rose Law Firm and evading taxes, Starr
 purposefully botched the plea agreement by not demanding
 Hubbell's cooperation.  Starr's actions so infuriated Starr's
 own trial attorney, Russell Hardin, that Hardin resigned.

 Hardin was incensed that Starr planned on signing a plea
 agreement without debriefing Hubbell as to what he knew and
 how he would cooperate -- a mandatory procedure for any plea

 This time around, Starr simply made no pretense he would seek
 Hubbell's cooperation.

 Just two weeks ago, the New York Times reported that Kenneth
 Starr had decided not to seek indictments against Bill and
 Hillary Clinton for crimes they had committed related to
 Whitewater or related scandals.  It's hard to get indictments
 if no one will talk.  It's nearly impossible to get people
 to talk, if the prosecutor doesn't pressure them.

 As any honest prosecutor on Starr's staff will admit, Starr
 had long ago decided not to indict the Clintons, or for
 that matter, any White House official.  Some believe Starr
 actually cut a deal with the Clintons soon after coming

 Pet Worm

 Ken Starr is Bill Clinton's pet worm.  Starr has played out a
 role in the greatest Mutt and Jeff, Good Cop/Bad Cop routine
 ever perpetrated on the American public.

 Even good folks, who realize how bad the Clintons are, have
 fallen victim to Starr's charade, taken in by the propaganda
 that Starr is the "tough, mean prosecutor" out to get the
 President, just like James Carville says.

 That's simply a mirage, cooked up by the White House spin

 What Nolanda Hill Told Me

 Is it really possible that Bible-toting Ken Starr -- arch
 Republican, shirt-sleeve Christian, and Monica prosecutor
 -- is on the Clintons' side?

 Let me answer by relating this story:

 As the long-time lover and business partner of Clinton
 confidant Ron Brown, Nolanda Hill had intimate knowledge
 of the inner workings of the Clinton White House.

 As a result of Congressional complaints, Janet Reno was
 forced to appoint an Independent Counsel to investigate
 Brown, his business dealings with Nolanda Hill, Brown's
 son Michael, and several other people.

 The Independent Counsel in this case was Daniel Pearson from
 Miami.  Unlike Starr, Pearson and his deputy were no one's
 patsies.  Instead of using Starr's delaying tactics, Pearson
 had, within months, built a strong case against Brown,
 Brown's son, and Hill.  Nolanda Hill told me they were going
 to be indicted.

 Then Brown made a desperate bid to save himself.  Just weeks
 before his death on April 6, 1996 Brown met with Clinton at