[CTRL] Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker. = (Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor.)

1999-08-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8815/"Talmud Expos /A

Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker.

Exodus 20:13

(Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor.)

Response to anti-Semites' posting of Talmud "Quotes"
and other anti-Semitic fabrications and distortions

Author: David S. Maddison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project started: 1998CE/07/29
This site started 1999CE/03/15

Much of anti-Semitism appears to have its origins in the supposed belief
that Jews must intrinsically hate Christianity and humanity in general.
Of course, this is not true, but it does not stop the production of vast
amounts of anti-Semitic propaganda to this effect. This belief is often
combined with the idea that Jews are somehow not human, but must have
access to various subterfuges or even magic to give, at least, the
appearance of being human and thus be able to "infiltrate" and "corrupt"
normal society. Indeed, many societies have blamed "the Jews" for all
their problems. It follows from these beliefs that Jews must therefore
be exterminated in order for society to function normally, and sadly,
this has been tried on more than one occasion. The types of fears and
misconceptions at work in these cases are among the most ancient and
primordial in existence. Perhaps if those that blamed "the Jews" for
their problems had the same devotion to education, learning and personal
advancement that Jews typically do, they wouldn't have whatever problems
they are blaming Jews for.
This is a project to provide responses to the anti-Semites who post
alleged quotes from the Talmud and other anti-Jewish propaganda in a way
intended to promote hatred of Jews. These "Talmud quotes" and other
material are either entire fabrications, mistranslations or out of
context. This is a sample of the first small completed section. If you
have any comments I would be happy to hear them. I would like to thank
all the people who have contributed answers. Each contribution includes
the author's name or initials. I would also like to thank Frances for
starting this site and for ongoing support. There are also several other
documents that I am working on. Most of the "Talmud quotes" come from
the Russian anti-Semite Rev. I. B. Pranaitis, who had a criminal record
and was "Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the
Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church" in Old St.
Petersburg, Russia. He wrote this material around the turn of the
century in a booklet in Latin with the English title of "The Talmud
Unmasked". He was a self-identified Talmudic "scholar" who testified at
the B. Mendel Beilis "Blood Libel" case and was laughed out of court
when asked some very basic questions on the Talmud which he couldn't
answer. Nevertheless, his legacy survives and it is about time there was
a response to it. So here is the first part.

Note: This site will not attempt to deal with Holocaust denial. For
those requiring proof that the Holocaust did occur, please visit
http://www.nizkor.org or http://www.holocaust-history.org

David S. Maddison

Response to:
"Why Jews are Persecuted - Some Insight from Jewish Writings"
"The Code of the Jews - From the Talmud"
"Why jews Are Persecuted For Their Religion - The Truth Is Stranger Than
Response to: The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Response to:
Aren't a majority of modern Jews descended from the Khazars?
If so, Jews should have no claim on Israel.

Some true quotes from the Talmud by Michael Gruda

(In two parts.)

 A brief chronology of anti-Semitism

 Who was "Reverend" Pranaitis and what did he do?

The supposed quote of Rabbi Wise purporting that Communism=Judaism

The supposed quotes of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson and others

Please come back soon and visit me.
NOTE: If you tried to send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] any time
before June 30, 1999 I DID NOT RECEIVE IT due to an email problem.
Please re-send it to the above address.

This web page was made by Frances - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8815/Response1.html"Response
Response to:
"Why Jews are Persecuted - Some Insight from Jewish Writings"
"The Code of the Jews - From the Talmud"
"Why jews Are Persecuted For Their Religion - The Truth Is Stranger Than

Examples of this document on line are at:

English language:

Non-English language:
http://www.nidlink.com/~aryanvic/jewper-SW.html(Aryan Nations, Sweden)

"We beg Thee, O Lord, inflict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in
Thee. Take away, O Lord all hope from them. Destroy all foes of Thy
nation."--Synagoga Judaica, p. 212. Minhagen, p. 

Re: [CTRL] Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker. = (Do not

1999-08-14 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Sir;

Having read your response, may I reply? Have you ever watched television?
Have you seen the most recent creations out of Hollywood? Do you think it is
a good idea to display this filth on a regular basis? Why do Rabbis condemn
inter-racial relationships and Hollywood regularly legitimizes them on screen
after screen? You constantly cry Anti-Semitism while American society and
culture are reeling from the effects of the "art" emanating out of Hollywood.
Please try to be more concise.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker. = (Do not

1999-08-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Yo Dude;
Considering that it wasn't a response, but a posting of some information from
a web site, I'll entertain your foibles.

Let see, there was nothing in my post about television or hollywood. Sounds
to me like you have a personal problem. And ignorant prejudical rhetoric is
divisive and counterproductive.

Yes, sir, and I use the term loosely, there are 'jewish ' elements
intertwined within the conspiracy. Most of these are creations of the
Illuminati. The illuminati is not jewish, We are dealing with
multi-generational luciferian cults, mostly based in Europe.

Look at the methods of the anti-semitic attack, it is full of fraud and
mistruths. Why? Because it is propaganda used to sucker-in prejudical,
ignorant people into a highly controllable 'belief system'. They then can be
used in 'social games'.

Prejudice IS NOT research.  If one truly does the research, not just reading
a few screeds, but actually goes to the source materials and commentaries
built up over centuries of many folks investigations and lives, one finds
that you,sir, are either an agent provacteur, ignorant, a psychotic or
stumbling in the dark.

As for TV, myself personal, when my chilluns was young, we didn't have a TV.
Only get a few stations myself, don't watch much.Like Mystery on PBS. TV
ain't bad it is what folks do with it.

Is the entertainment business, TV, music and movies highly controlled and a
sham for social and political control? Quite surely.  Is it all a jewish plot
emanting from Hollywierd? fraid not. Are there alot of jewish connections in
hollowood, absolutely. Been Jews in entertainment business for centuries, ya
see, folks wouldn't let em own land, so some travelled and entertainment,
kinda like being on the road today for entertainers. Ya can play for the same
folks every night, pretty soon, they don't come, your always there --gotta
travel--That's entertainment.

And their cohesive famial groups have encouraged artistic talents and
disciplines.  Us, just plain ole Europeans, come from a basic culture that
was to destroy the others culture, so by now, we have run-over each other so
many times, there ain't much culture left.

Add to that the Illuminati and their multi-generational graspings, through
many varied fronts and guises and yes, the world., its folks and socialality
is in an interestig fix.

But ya have to understand, there are many more people than scoundrels and the
culture is already way beyond the any 'planned events'. There are places and
people that will act as 'they' wish, But Do Not Tread On Me is very much a
reality. Chaos in the cities is never very far away.
Will you help them foment divisiveness among the people. You distrust the
Jewish folk. Which other folks are you uncomfortable with? You gonna kill 'em
all? What ya gonna do?

Disgrace the conspiracy. They haven't told the people, do real research. Let
us get our money back. Depersonficate the corporation. Transparancy for
databases. Let us all be watchers.

So, Sir, if that ain't concise enough, Have a nice day.


In a message dated 8/14/99 9:04:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Sir;

Having read your response, may I reply? Have you ever watched television?
Have you seen the most recent creations out of Hollywood? Do you think it is
a good idea to display this filth on a regular basis? Why do Rabbis condemn
inter-racial relationships and Hollywood regularly legitimizes them on screen
after screen? You constantly cry Anti-Semitism while American society and
culture are reeling from the effects of the "art" emanating out of Hollywood.
Please try to be more concise.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker. = (Do not

1999-08-14 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/14/99 7:07:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yo Dude;
  Considering that it wasn't a response, but a posting of some information
  a web site, I'll entertain your foibles.

  Let see, there was nothing in my post about television or hollywood. Sounds
  to me like you have a personal problem. And ignorant prejudical rhetoric is
  divisive and counterproductive.

  Yes, sir, and I use the term loosely, there are 'jewish ' elements
  intertwined within the conspiracy. Most of these are creations of the
  Illuminati. The illuminati is not jewish, We are dealing with
  multi-generational luciferian cults, mostly based in Europe.

  Look at the methods of the anti-semitic attack, it is full of fraud and
  mistruths. Why? Because it is propaganda used to sucker-in prejudical,
  ignorant people into a highly controllable 'belief system'. They then can
  used in 'social games'.

  Prejudice IS NOT research.  If one truly does the research, not just
  a few screeds, but actually goes to the source materials and commentaries
  built up over centuries of many folks investigations and lives, one finds
  that you,sir, are either an agent provacteur, ignorant, a psychotic or
  stumbling in the dark.

  As for TV, myself personal, when my chilluns was young, we didn't have a
  Only get a few stations myself, don't watch much.Like Mystery on PBS. TV
  ain't bad it is what folks do with it.

  Is the entertainment business, TV, music and movies highly controlled and a
  sham for social and political control? Quite surely.  Is it all a jewish
  emanting from Hollywierd? fraid not. Are there alot of jewish connections
  hollowood, absolutely. Been Jews in entertainment business for centuries,
  see, folks wouldn't let em own land, so some travelled and entertainment,
  kinda like being on the road today for entertainers. Ya can play for the
  folks every night, pretty soon, they don't come, your always there --gotta
  travel--That's entertainment.

  And their cohesive famial groups have encouraged artistic talents and
  disciplines.  Us, just plain ole Europeans, come from a basic culture that
  was to destroy the others culture, so by now, we have run-over each other
  many times, there ain't much culture left.

  Add to that the Illuminati and their multi-generational graspings, through
  many varied fronts and guises and yes, the world., its folks and
  is in an interestig fix.

  But ya have to understand, there are many more people than scoundrels and
  culture is already way beyond the any 'planned events'. There are places
  people that will act as 'they' wish, But Do Not Tread On Me is very much a
  reality. Chaos in the cities is never very far away.
  Will you help them foment divisiveness among the people. You distrust the
  Jewish folk. Which other folks are you uncomfortable with? You gonna kill '
  all? What ya gonna do?

  Disgrace the conspiracy. They haven't told the people, do real research.
  us get our money back. Depersonficate the corporation. Transparancy for
  databases. Let us all be watchers.

  So, Sir, if that ain't concise enough, Have a nice day.


Bravo Kris!  May I add that your thoughts exactly match my own?  The
Illuminist conspiracy is afoot, and has been for years.  Families with old
money and occult roots are behind it and they are based in Europe for the
most part, though they have spread to the "new Atlantis" as well.  I also
agree that there is dissension and the ability to fight back is present, BUT
with the apathy that is rampant in today's youth one must wonder about the
future.  These tactics work wonders on people who are looking for a taste of
what is available and they sample the most esoteric fruit, anti-Semitism as a
foil against what they perceive as them against me, racism as well.  What we
need is exactly what you have stated, revoke the personification of
corporations, nullify their rights. We must rely upon the individual to see
and learn what is true and to see into what is hidden, for agendas are the
tools of groups, mostly composed of those who follow the formula.  Let US as
individuals see what is going on, and let US as individuals make decisions of
import without the agendas and baggage that they entail.  Let US ALL do a
little research and find out what truth we can and then WE can make a
difference.  Conspiracy Theory needs people who will not stop at the esoteric
tidbits that are floating around, but will look deeper and see more, or we
will be forever thought of as cranks and "slightly off".  Disgrace the
conspiracy indeed!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by 

[CTRL] Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker. = (Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor.)

1999-07-20 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8815/"Talmud Expos /A

Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker.

Exodus 20:13

(Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor.)

Response to anti-Semites' posting of Talmud "Quotes"
and other anti-Semitic fabrications and distortions

Author: David S. Maddison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project started: 1998CE/07/29
This site started 1999CE/03/15

Much of anti-Semitism appears to have its origins in the supposed belief
that Jews must intrinsically hate Christianity and humanity in general.
Of course, this is not true, but it does not stop the production of vast
amounts of anti-Semitic propaganda to this effect. This belief is often
combined with the idea that Jews are somehow not human, but must have
access to various subterfuges or even magic to give, at least, the
appearance of being human and thus be able to "infiltrate" and "corrupt"
normal society. Indeed, many societies have blamed "the Jews" for all
their problems. It follows from these beliefs that Jews must therefore
be exterminated in order for society to function normally, and sadly,
this has been tried on more than one occasion. The types of fears and
misconceptions at work in these cases are among the most ancient and
primordial in existence. Perhaps if those that blamed "the Jews" for
their problems had the same devotion to education, learning and personal
advancement that Jews typically do, they wouldn't have whatever problems
they are blaming Jews for.
This is a project to provide responses to the anti-Semites who post
alleged quotes from the Talmud and other anti-Jewish propaganda in a way
intended to promote hatred of Jews. These "Talmud quotes" and other
material are either entire fabrications, mistranslations or out of
context. This is a sample of the first small completed section. If you
have any comments I would be happy to hear them. I would like to thank
all the people who have contributed answers. Each contribution includes
the author's name or initials. I would also like to thank Frances for
starting this site and for ongoing support. There are also several other
documents that I am working on. Most of the "Talmud quotes" come from
the Russian anti-Semite Rev. I. B. Pranaitis, who had a criminal record
and was "Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the
Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church" in Old St.
Petersburg, Russia. He wrote this material around the turn of the
century in a booklet in Latin with the English title of "The Talmud
Unmasked". He was a self-identified Talmudic "scholar" who testified at
the B. Mendel Beilis "Blood Libel" case and was laughed out of court
when asked some very basic questions on the Talmud which he couldn't
answer. Nevertheless, his legacy survives and it is about time there was
a response to it. So here is the first part.

Note: This site will not attempt to deal with Holocaust denial. For
those requiring proof that the Holocaust did occur, please visit
http://www.nizkor.org or http://www.holocaust-history.org

David S. Maddison

Response to:
"Why Jews are Persecuted - Some Insight from Jewish Writings"
"The Code of the Jews - From the Talmud"
"Why jews Are Persecuted For Their Religion - The Truth Is Stranger Than
Response to: The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Response to:
Aren't a majority of modern Jews descended from the Khazars?
If so, Jews should have no claim on Israel.

Some true quotes from the Talmud by Michael Gruda

(In two parts.)

 A brief chronology of anti-Semitism

 Who was "Reverend" Pranaitis and what did he do?

The supposed quote of Rabbi Wise purporting that Communism=Judaism

The supposed quotes of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson and others

Please come back soon and visit me.
NOTE: If you tried to send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] any time
before June 30, 1999 I DID NOT RECEIVE IT due to an email problem.
Please re-send it to the above address.

This web page was made by Frances - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/8815/Response1.html"Response
Response to:
"Why Jews are Persecuted - Some Insight from Jewish Writings"
"The Code of the Jews - From the Talmud"
"Why jews Are Persecuted For Their Religion - The Truth Is Stranger Than

Examples of this document on line are at:

English language:

Non-English language:
http://www.nidlink.com/~aryanvic/jewper-SW.html(Aryan Nations, Sweden)

"We beg Thee, O Lord, inflict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in
Thee. Take away, O Lord all hope from them. Destroy all foes of Thy
nation."--Synagoga Judaica, p. 212. Minhagen, p.