[CTRL] Lyndon Larouche was right! -Homer Simpson

2003-11-10 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 10 Nov 2003 13:32:01 -0600
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;

LaRouche in 2004
P.O. BOX 730


Press Release
For more information, contact Angela Vullo at 800-929-7566


Nov. 8--Speaking on a Missouri radio talk show on Nov. 7th, Lyndon LaRouche
declared that he is the "unnamed" Democrat who can beat President Bush in
2004. LaRouche was referring to a recent poll showing that all of his so-
called rivals for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination, running
against Bush would lose, but that an "unnamed" Democrat could beat Bush.
LaRouche dismissed speculation that Hillary Clinton was the "unnamed
candidate," pointing out that her ambitions extend no further than becoming
a vice-presidential candidate in a hung Democratic Party nominating
convention, a strategy which assumes a Democratic defeat in November.

LaRouche's remarks capped a week in which his Campaign moved from strength
to strength, beginning with the Nov. 3rd decision by the Secretary of State
of California to place LaRouche's name on the California ballot. California
Secretary of State Kevin Shelley selected LaRouche as a nationally
"generally recognized" candidate. LaRouche had previously been certified
for the Feb. 3 Democratic primary ballot in Missouri, despite a last minute
DNC directed effort to refuse his submission.

The California certification was followed by a smashing victory in the Nov
4th Philadelphia mayor race, where the deployment of LaRouche Youth
Movement secured a massive margin for incumbant Mayor Street, who was under
attack from the gestapo Ashcroft Justice Department. Then, on Nov 7th,
LaRouche was certified for Jan. 13th primary ballot in Washington, D.C. by
the D.C. Board of Elections. Washington, D.C. is a hotbed of organizing by
LaRouche Youth Movement, which has carried the Campaign to unseat war-
mongering Vice President Dick Cheney into the streets, as well as into the
halls of the U.S. Congress. The LaRouche campaign has been running ads
indicting Cheney on D.C.'s largest news radio station, WTOP for months.

Overall, it was a very bad week for the Democratic National Committee
faction, which has been leading the Democrats into oblivion, and has been
desperate to contain LaRouche, who has the only campaign with a significant
youth movement, and with demonstrated broad support among the lower 80% of
income brackets in the American population.

In Washington, D.C. five of the so-called major Democratic candidates
promptly withdrew their names from the ballot, on the pretext that the D.C
primary violates Party rules, a move which was denounced as "gutless" by
D.C. Councilman Jack Evans, the author of the D.C. primary legislation.
Meanwhile, nominal front-runner Harold Dean remains on the D.C. ballot,
where he will go up against LaRouche, who is known as the champion of the
fight to save D.C. General Hospital, and to end the murderous HMO system.

Indicative of the broad support for LaRouche "unnamed" candidacy, his
campaign continues to have the second largest number of individual itemized
contributions of any of the 10 Presidential Candidates, according to the
October Quarterly reports made available by the Federal Election

The LaRouche Campaign has announced that the candidate will be touring New
England, with appearances in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, the
week of Nov. 9th, and the Midwest, with appearances in Michigan and
Missouri, the week of Nov. 16th.

For information on public appearances by LaRouche in your area, contact the
nearest regional campaign office. Phone numbers for the offices can be
found on the Volunteer page.


LaRouche Statement on the Victory of Mayor John Street and the LaRouche
Youth Movement

LaRouche Speaks to East Coast Cadre School:
Thousands Of Youth With A Passion For Truth Will Determine 2004 Presidency

The Geometry of the Henry Wallace Nomination

LaRouche Addresses A Forum 44 Meeting in Switzerland

LaRouche Travels To Italy Oct 10-12th

International Media Grid Updated

|Paid for by LaRouche in 2004 |

This message is sent to you as someone who has requested, either through
personal contact with a representative of LaRouche in 2004 or who requested
through e-mail on our website, to receive inf

[CTRL] "Lyndon Larouche was right!" -Homer Simpson

2003-06-17 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

 *  **

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 16:56:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FUTURE-CITIES] Re: LaRouche's plan to take the cure and rebuild
the world economy

Hey, Junior...when you are cured of your major-hoople-complex, ie
megalomania, could you please start with just one city plus surroundings
in U-S-A? You remember my letter, published in New Federalist, 1994,
asking what Laroucheville would be like, designed according to "Christian
Economics", title of your book. Well, what would it be like? Would it be
any better than UniverCity  designed by all
those pagans of SFU?

When you figure that out you can save the world and go on to Mars and so


On 17 Jun 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> LaRouche in 2004
> P.O. BOX 730
> LEESBURG, VA 20178
> 800-929-7566
> www.larouchein2004.com
> LaRouche in 2004 Campaign Releases Special Report:
> "How to Reconstruct a Bankrupt World"
> http://larouchein2004.net/pages/pressreleases/2003/030604sprpt.htm
> Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche's campaign committee
> has released a new 152-page special report entitled "How to Reconstruct a
> Bankrupt World." The report contains the proceedings of the March, 2003
> Schiller Institute conference held in Bad Schwalbach, Germany,at which
> LaRouche spoke.
> For more information about obtaining a copy of the report, visit the page
> through the above link. We have posted the letter of transmittal on the
> website, with a printer-friendly version available. Use this version to
> spread LaRouche's plans for continent-wide infrastructure projects and a
> new world monetary system to finance them.
> LaRouche Replies To Bartley Column
> http://larouchein2004.net/pages/pressreleases/2003/030610bartley.htm
> LaRouche has written a reply to a Wall Street Journal article on June 9 by
> the paper's regular columnist and editor emeritus, Robert Bartley.
> Bartley's column complained that the New York Times and the New Yorker
> magazine had followed LaRouche's lead in exposing the fascist Straussian
> philosophy behind the Chickenhawks in the Bush Administration. Bartley also
> admitted that he had a long association with Albert Wohlstetter, one of the
> mentors of the Chickenhawks.
> In his reply, LaRouche writes,
> "The point of the pamphlet to which Bartley referred, was the fact that a
> so-called "neo-conservative" network of the Vice-President's lackeys,
> organized around the influence of Professor Leo Strauss--a follower of the
> Nazi existentialist Martin Heidegger, Nazi legal figure Carl Schmitt, and
> Hegelian Alexander Kojeve--are the core of the current pro-war faction
> inside the current Bush Administration's Defense and State Departments, in
> addition to the office of the Vice-President himself. Bartley evades these
> facts, the facts of the very issue which made the pamphlet as influential
> as he describes it."
> Read the full text of Bartley's article and LaRouche's reply on the
> website.
> Build Economic Recovery and Peace Upon Universal Principles of Culture
> http://larouchein2004.net/pages/other/2003/030526hzl.htm
> LaRouche's wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, joined him on his trip last month to
> Bangalore, India and spoke before the conference "The World After The Iraq
> War" on May 26. She told the participants,
> "Swami Vivekananda, in one of his lectures, says: Europe is in imminent
> danger if it does not turn to its spirituality as its basis for life. And,
> I fully agree: Europe is in mortal danger, and we have to work to change
> this. This is why the Schiller Institute is called according to the great
> Poet of Freedom, Friedrich Schiller, because he developed the concept of
> the beautiful soul; that each man must develop a beautiful soul. A
> beautiful soul is a person for whom duty and passion, freedom and
> necessity, are one and the same. Somebody who is a good Samaritan, who does
> the good without thinking about his own self-interest."
> "So therefore, let's build the Dialogue of Cultures, on the idea that what
> is common to all cultures and nations on this Earth is an image of man,
> that must be beautiful. Let's work, so that each person becomes a beautiful
> atman."
> We have posted the full transcript of Mrs. LaRouche's address on the
> website.
> International Media Coverage of Lyndon LaRouche
> http://larouchein2004.net/pages/01presscoverage3.htm
> On June 9, LaRouche was interviewed on BBC's "Five Live - Up All Night"
> radio talk show. This was their second interview with LaRouche since the
> beginning of the Iraq War. Reviewing the charges of impeachable offenses of
> Dick Cheney, LaRouche told the interviewer,
> "Well, the problem is t

[CTRL] "Lyndon Larouche was right!" -Homer Simpson

2002-01-11 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

When did Lyndon Larouche first start shouting, "The Sky is falling" ie "A
Financial Blowout is imminent"? Twenty years ago? Sooner or later it will
happen, then all the little Larouche groupies will chant in unison:

"Lyndon Larouche was right!"


On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, William Shannon wrote:

> HREF="http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2901msia_arg_stmt.html";>http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2901msia_arg_stmt.html

This statement appears in the http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/2002/eirtoc_2901.html";>January 11, 2002 
issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.

Argentina Crisis Shows
Global System Is Disintegrating

by Marivilia Carrasco, President of MSIA in Mexico

This statement on the Argentina crisis as the sign of a blowout of the global
financial system underway, was issued Jan 2, 2002 by the Ibero-American
Solidarity Movement (MSIA), co-thinkers of Lyndon LaRouche in Ibero-America.

> "A people cannot die to pay the debt."
>      —Msgr. Eduardo Mirás, Archbishop of
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rosario, Argentina, Nov. 17, 2001

As the dramatic economic and political crisis exploded in Argentina in the
final days of 2001, toppling a series of governments in succession, one
stunned political leader after another across Ibero-America—from Mexico's
Vicente Fox to Brazil's Fernando Henrique Cardoso—rushed to assure the world:
"We are not Argentina. We will continue to apply the International Monetary
Fund's austerity policies and pay our debt unquestioningly. It won't happen

What pathetic fools! The explosion of the debt bomb in Argentina is barely
the beginning of what will soon sweep the continent and the world. It is a
symptom—and a small one, at that—of the thunderous collapse of the entire
global financial system, exactly as U.S. economis and 2004 presidential
pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche has been warning for years would occur.

We are at the end of the system. The 400 trillion dollar speculative bubble
is disintegrating, and the IMF's policies will not work to restabilize the
situation. Governments that capitulate to them will only produce more misery
and death, and then go the way of De la Rua in Argentina.

It's time to build an alternative.

The week-long Rodríguez Saá government in Argentina took steps in the right
direction—such as declaring a foreign debt moratorium—but foundered on the
crucial issue of how to create national credit to reactivate the domestic
economy, and was then toppled by terrified Wall Street and City of London
financial interests, operating through their local errand boys.

It is urgent that these lessons be learned fast, by Argentina and every
nation in Ibero-America—lessons which LaRouche has been explaining for years.

The stark reality is that the entire global financial system is hopelessly
bankrupt. Just look at Japan, where over a decade of hyperinflationary yen
emission has created a speculative bubble that dwarfs Argentina's $220
billion in real foreign debt, by an order of magnitude or more. As a result,
the Japanese banking system is bankrupt: it is swimming in a sea of
non-performing loans which can no longer be covered up by financial wizardry.
A number of major Japanese banks are teetering at the edge of insolvency.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi took advantage of a one-week banking holiday
at the end of 2001, to convoke an extraordinary meeting of Japan's financial
and political leaders to try to patch together emergency measures. After
meeting with Koizumi, Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Taku
Yamasaki told the press, unconvincingly: "We will take every possible measure
to prevent a run on the banks from ever happening. We will not let the people

But the Japan crisis is actually a U.S. dollar crisis. The Japanese yen has
been the major firewall for the dollar on world financial markets: when it
disintegrates, the dollar will quickly follow. The $140 trillion Wall Street
speculative bubble of U.S. debt and derivatives is balanced on top of a
shrinking base of the U.S. productive economy, and could be toppled by a
strong wind, or less. The 65% plunge of the Nasdaq stock index over the last
18 months is only the beginning. As of September 2001, U.S. industrial ouptut
had declined by 5.8%, compared to a year earlier, and its manufacturing
sub-sector fell even more rapidly, by 6.7%.

Look at Poland, look at Turkey—each is harboring a debt bomb at least as
explosive as the one which just detonated in Argentina. Or look at Mexico,
which is poised to undergo an Argentine-style economic and social explosion,
probably in the first half of 2002—right on the U.S.'s southern border.

A Tidal Wave in Mexico

Like Argentina before it, Mexico is about to be overtaken by a "scissors
crisis" of simultaneous hyperinflationary financial and hyperdeflationary
physical economic processes. In Argentina, the scissors took the form of the
demented "zero deficit budget" implemented by Finance Ministe

[CTRL] "Lyndon Larouche was right!" - Homer Simpson

2000-11-02 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 2 Nov 2000, William Shannon wrote:

> British Masons And US
> Fundis Launch Isreali Apocalypse
> Via Mark Sonnenblick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Executive Intelligence Review
> 11-1-00
> Here are a very few excerpts from a 25-page feature on those who plotted the
> Israeli Apocalypse and how to stop them, published in the Nov. 3 issue of
> Executive Intelligence Review:  Through months of investigation, more
> than 30 interviews, and a review of thousands of pages of primary source
> documents, some never previously made public, Executive Intelligence Review
> has established that the entire Temple Mount provocation is being run,
> top-down, by the most lunatic elements within the highest levels of British
> Freemasonry--with the blessing and involvement of members of the House of
> Windsor. This Masonic control is exerted through the Quatuor Coronati
> "research" lodge of the Grand Mother Lodge of British Freemasonry, headed by
> the Queen's first cousin, the Duke of Kent, and run on a day-to-day basis by
> the Seventh Marquess of Northampton (Spencer "Spenny" Douglas David Compton),
> a maternal descendant of the Baring family, of British East India Company
> notoriety. Lord Northampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount
> conducting "Temple studies," candidly has admitted in interviews, that he is
> an adherent of British Israelism, which holds that the British oligarchy has
> mystical powers, because England was colonized by one of the lost tribes of
> Israel. "I think the tradition of the Kabbalah is very strong in England,
> because I think one of the lost tribes came to England. And I think you can
> spot them, quite clearly, in old English families. I am sure you can. I know
> they came to Ireland, then to the north of Wales, and then down into England.
> And then that became some of the oldest families we have." On Oct. 16,
> Israeli police turned back members of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel
> Faithful Movement, as they attempted to enter the Dome of the Rock to anoint
> the cornerstone of a Third Temple Just three weeks earlier, Israeli
> authorities {had} permitted Ariel Sharon, the head of the Likud bloc, the
> notorious "Butcher of Sabra and Shatilla" Palestinian refugee camps in
> Lebanon, and a leading player in the Temple Mount apparatus, to enter the
> site, accompanied by thousands of Israeli security personnel On the
> day when Sharon staged his well-financed provocation at the Temple Mount,
> Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in New York City had reported that they
> were hours away from concluding an agreement, that would have restored the
> momentum to the peace process. The peace process had come to a screeching
> halt the instant that President Bill Clinton, under the influence of Vice
> President Al Gore and some treacherous advisers on the the President's
> Mideast team, had been convinced to raise the issue of the Temple Mount and
> Jerusalem at the Camp David summit last July It was at that moment
> [Sept. 28] that Sharon played the "Temple Mount card," and, literally, all
> holy hell broke loose.   - The Invisible Chain of Command - It is no secret
> that Sharon is the most visible and prominent "godfather" of the Temple Mount
> fanatics inside Israel. The Ateret Cohanim yeshiva, located in the Old City
> of Jerusalem, is one of the hubs of Jewish underground guerrilla warfare
> activity, directed against the Islamic holy sites on the Temple Mount. Sharon
> has been a fixture at New York fundraisers of the Friends of Ateret Cohanim,
> as has his ostensible rival within the Likud, former Prime Minister Benjamin
> Netanyahu. Sharon has reportedly been the conduit of millions of dollars
> to the Gush Emunim movement of Rabbi Moshe Levinger and the late Rav Zvi
> Yehuda Kook, which serves as a religious fundamentalist death squad, out of
> the Kiryat Arba settlement near Hebron, on the West Bank, and out of at least
> 130 other settlements dotted throughout the Israeli occupied territories,
> which Gush Emunim cadre have founded since the late 1960s. (In February
> 1994, shortly after the signing of the OsloI Accords at the White House, a
> Kiryat Arba fanatic in the Israeli Defense Forces reserves, Baruch Goldstein,
> massacred scores of Islamic worshippers as they prayed at the Cave of the
> Patriarchs mosque in Hebron. Goldstein is heralded as a hero and a martyr by
> the Gush Emunim.)   - The Jerusalem Lodge - In December 1995, the
> "Jerusalem" freemasonic lodge was established, adjacent to the Temple Mount,
> in the Grotto of King Solomon, to work for the rebuilding of Solomon's
> Temple. The lodge worked side by side with the on-the-ground networks of
> Jewish and Christian fundamentalist fanatics, to foment a bloody religious
> war over the control of the Temple Mount. That such a lodge would be founded
> shortly after the Israel-Palestine peace breakthroughs at Oslo--and just
> w

[CTRL] "Lyndon Larouche was right!" -Homer Simpson.

2000-03-18 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> Well dirtbag distorter FWP NOT the brain, but THE HYPOCRIT !  First quit
> trying to kiss up to colleen you sleaziest of humanity.  Second, you reveal
> yourself as darkside while you wear the sheepskin of a born-again Christian.
> You would go and disparage Lyndon LaRouche without ever using his name or any
> fact to back your negative attack.

On August 1, 1994 I had a letter published in Junior's newspaper, The New
Federalist. Since Junior has published a book on "Christian Economics" I
asked him to tell us in BC what a model Christian City would be like as BC
is planning a new city built totally anew on a new site ("Bamberton"). For
a man who can tell the world how to plan its economy, this should be a
piece of cake. I was promised a reply, published after my letter. I am
still waiting with baited breath for this modest statement of "The
Renaissance Man".
(CIA-Canadian Intelligence Agency).


 Again, FWP, I call to other SNET persons
> to also call for FWP's withdrawal from this list or dismissal from by SNET.
> Third, Lyndon LaRouche is running from the murderers of the NWO.  LaRouche
> always speaks out to us citizens about these NWOs, etc., that murder our
> leaders and control every aspect of our lives thru monetary control,
> propaganda, slavery, illicit drug control (production, transportation,
> distribution to selected victim groups, and sale), epidemics, pandemics,
> everything.   LaRouche goes out there and risks his life saying stuff that
> maybe only Alan Keyes would say.  The NWO evil doesn't like LaRouche but they
> love types like FWP and little fwp followers.  Yet FWP lurks there like a
> bloodsucking mosquito.  See the truth or it's messenger and suck his blood
> out and all those around him.  Go away Satan Man FWP!  Kermit the Frog

This "Great Satan" agrees with the FBI agent we met in Nebraska during the
"Franklin Coverup" investigation that Larouche is BOGUS. I just call 'em
as I see 'em...an honest umpire. If they didn't want that they shouldn't
have invited me to Nebraska. And say, Kermit, I have a few three dollar
bills here for you as well as a bargain on the Golden Gate Bridge. If you
like Junior, you'll LOVE Jim Jones, Heavens' Gate etc.
(CIA-Satanic Affairs Division).

> In a message dated 2/27/00 1:16:07 PM PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> <<  If you think "Junior" is the answer, Pinky, we'll have to send you back
> to the lab for another round of genetic enhancement. FWP (The Brain). >>
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Colleen Jones wrote:
> Hey this is best news I have had all year.sleeping lions and tigers and
> bears awaken maybe to defend US Constitution and take out the garbage in the
> White House?
> I am firm believer - Good Government Begins at Homenot at top, but at
> bottom for that is where it all beginsyou elect our representatives on a
> local leve up to the top...that handful of people at the top, answer to
> the people - the foundation of this country.
> So LaRouche, know not much of himcannot believe this article is true?
> Hope you are not kidding.
> Over 30 years ago I got up on a stage with a speech, and said "Good
> Government Begins At Home"..and I really believed itthen my kids got
> older and it looked like a lost cause  Just kidding.  colleen
> -> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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