Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-26 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

  The planes I've seen are totally white. The long blue boom hanging off the
back of the plane attached to the top of the vertical stab is the only thing
that hints to me it's a chemplane.  There are no defining numbers or
markings on the plane.  Where?  This is the crazy part.  I'm about 10 miles
from the Tulsa International Airport but near there is a national guard
base, so from where I was it was difficult to tell which airport they were
landing at. But I wouldn't think they would land at a public airport, but I
could be wrong too. When?  Last week.


[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I've seen the planes, I've seen them land.  They are white jetliners.

Where? When? What models? What were their markings? Specifically, what
were their numbers? Did you write down their numbers? If not, why not?

>They are spraying. It's fact.  What? Well, that's the question in which
there is lots of
speculation.But I'm sure it's something to further their agenda, so by
default that makes it bad for you and I.

Agreed. But part of the problem here is we are still at the stage of
speculating as to who "they" are and what, exactly their agenda is.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-26 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I've seen the planes, I've seen them land.  They are white jetliners.

Where? When? What models? What were their markings? Specifically, what
were their numbers? Did you write down their numbers? If not, why not?

>They are spraying. It's fact.  What? Well, that's the question in which
there is lots of
speculation.But I'm sure it's something to further their agenda, so by
default that makes it bad for you and I.

Agreed. But part of the problem here is we are still at the stage of
speculating as to who "they" are and what, exactly their agenda is.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-26 Thread Bill Huey

The most important thing is that the spraying is a new occurrence. So why not let the 
people know (if it's not a "bad" thing).
I see it almost daily morning, noon and night. I travel and see it in most cities I go 
to. On a recent flight to the west coast I saw the planes spraying out my window. When 
we landed I had a discussion with the pilot about "clouds" at such a high altitude his 
"unusual for sure" I mentione "chemtrails" he said it was being discussed among 
commerical pilots but he seemed uneasy about discussing  it with me. What is it? I 
dont know yet I wonder if it's not bad why not let the people know.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/26/00 12:36AM >>>
In a message dated 5/25/00 9:21:39 PM Central Daylight Time,

> There is too much of people wondering if some authority has a qualification
>  and dismissing something for lack of verified evidence. There is no time
>  that.

  I know I have no time for that.  I weigh what I see, what I read, what I
experience, and try to put the most logical scenario together.  I'm cautious
to use words like 'my opinion' and 'my belief'.  I'm not arguing in a court
of law, I'm just trying to figure things out.  I thought that's why we were
here on this list in the first place.  That's why I'm here.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-26 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

I've seen the planes, I've seen them land.  They are white jetliners.  You
may ask how I know it was a "Chemplane?"   Because a "normal" plane has no
need for a long blue boom hanging off the top of the horizontal stabilizer
(rudder).  I've seen them spray.  Check out
Also, I'm a part of the Chemtrail club on Yahoo at .  They are spraying. It's
fact.  What? Well, that's the question in which there is lots of
speculation. But I'm sure it's something to further their agenda, so by
default that makes it bad for you and I.

 (I'm back)

-Original Message-
From: tenebroust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

I have seen these things as well.  A strange accumulation of crosshatching
which is unusual.  I have never seen a plane make them and have never seen a
plane "spraying" anything.  That does not mean it is not happening, but I
have no proof of it.  I also have read articles in "mainstream" publications
which give some scientific explanations for these things which do not
involve spraying of chemicals.  They could of course be "part of the
conspiracy", but I don't know it.  Let us see what we shall see.
Speculation is 100% okay and presenting information of this kind is often
limited to speculation as no hard evidence can be gleaned (especially if the
spraying is done at high altitudes, little residue would make it to the
ground to be gathered and tested).  One simply cannot say what it is that is
going on.  Given our government's past activity I am inclined to believe
that they ARE spraying us with something, as well as other not-so-noticeable
things as well (like ELF, Micro-waves, etc.) BUT my inclination is NOT
proof, thus we should reserve judgement on what is the truth.

On Thu, 25 May 2000, nessie wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >>
> >And we
> >don't know what else it is or isn't, either."
> >
> >
> >You say this all the time about everything.
> And I'm almost always right.
> >
> >
> >
> >Post referred to - "the take off and landing weights of his planes
> >suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
> >that something besides fuel was lost during those flights."
> Did you you personally weigh the plane? Neither did I. I'm willing to
> believe that some guy said the weights were different. I'm not willing to
> believe the weights were different without corroboration.
> >
> >
> >
> > are the commercial planes
> >spraying something we don't know about?
> >
> >
> How do you know, because somebody told you? Or did you personally observe
> it happening and scientifically eliminate all other explanations for what
> you saw?
> Let me tell you what I know. Twice I have seen weird cross hatch contrail
> patterns over my city. We have three major airports here. Commercial
> airliners cross the sky here constantly. It is not at all unusual for me
> to see airliners overhead. Sometimes they leave contrails, usually they do
> not. It depends on atmospheric conditions. When they do leave contrails
> the contrails are always at pretty much the same altitude. There are
> seldom more than one to three at a time and while the are occasionally do
> cross each other they never form a dense cross hatch pattern at lower
> altitude like the two cross hatch patterns I reported. This has led me to
> believe that it highly unlikely that the weird crosshatch patterns I saw
> had anything whatsoever, natural or otherwise, to do with commercial
> airliners. That's what I know.
> I didn't see the planes that produced the weird cross hatch patterns.
> Though I consider it unlikely, it is entirely conceivable that the planes
> resemble commercial airliners. They may even be the same makes and models,
> though I doubt it highly. That, however, does not make them commercial
> airliners. Commercial airliners do not behave that way. Commercial
> airliners never fly relatively low over the city in a cross hatch pattern,
> ever. Such totally anomalous behavior would surely have drawn great
> attention. We see commercial airliners all the time. The always behave the
> same way. They climb and  they leave the area in a relatively straight
> line or they descend and then land. They never fly cross-hatches low over
> the city. They tend to not fly directly over the city at all because
> that's not where the airports are.
> This 

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-25 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 5/25/00 9:21:39 PM Central Daylight Time,

> There is too much of people wondering if some authority has a qualification
>  and dismissing something for lack of verified evidence. There is no time
>  that.

  I know I have no time for that.  I weigh what I see, what I read, what I
experience, and try to put the most logical scenario together.  I'm cautious
to use words like 'my opinion' and 'my belief'.  I'm not arguing in a court
of law, I'm just trying to figure things out.  I thought that's why we were
here on this list in the first place.  That's why I'm here.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-25 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> Given our government's past activity I am inclined to believe that they
>ARE spraying us with something

Me too. They've done it before. They have the means and the motive.

However, while thay have sprayed us in the past, it hasn't been that
often. On the other hand, they lie to us every single day. It's thier
primary means of control. We must not discount the possibility that what's
happening here is a massive psy-op. Let's not let ourselves be stampeded.
Remember how our ancestors used fire to hunt. The smoke from the torches
would spook the herd which would then flee over the cliff. It's a very old
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-25 Thread tenebroust

I have seen these things as well.  A strange accumulation of crosshatching which is 
unusual.  I have never seen a plane make them and have never seen a plane "spraying" 
anything.  That does not mean it is not happening, but I have no proof of it.  I also 
have read articles in "mainstream" publications which give some scientific 
explanations for these things which do not involve spraying of chemicals.  They could 
of course be "part of the conspiracy", but I don't know it.  Let us see what we shall 
see.  Speculation is 100% okay and presenting information of this kind is often 
limited to speculation as no hard evidence can be gleaned (especially if the spraying 
is done at high altitudes, little residue would make it to the ground to be gathered 
and tested).  One simply cannot say what it is that is going on.  Given our 
government's past activity I am inclined to believe that they ARE spraying us with 
something, as well as other not-so-noticeable things as well (like ELF, Micro-waves, 
etc.) BUT my inclination is NOT proof, thus we should reserve judgement on what is the 

On Thu, 25 May 2000, nessie wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >>
> >And we
> >don't know what else it is or isn't, either."
> >
> >
> >You say this all the time about everything.
> And I'm almost always right.
> >
> >
> >
> >Post referred to - "the take off and landing weights of his planes
> >suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
> >that something besides fuel was lost during those flights."
> Did you you personally weigh the plane? Neither did I. I'm willing to
> believe that some guy said the weights were different. I'm not willing to
> believe the weights were different without corroboration.
> >
> >
> >
> > are the commercial planes
> >spraying something we don't know about?
> >
> >
> How do you know, because somebody told you? Or did you personally observe
> it happening and scientifically eliminate all other explanations for what
> you saw?
> Let me tell you what I know. Twice I have seen weird cross hatch contrail
> patterns over my city. We have three major airports here. Commercial
> airliners cross the sky here constantly. It is not at all unusual for me
> to see airliners overhead. Sometimes they leave contrails, usually they do
> not. It depends on atmospheric conditions. When they do leave contrails
> the contrails are always at pretty much the same altitude. There are
> seldom more than one to three at a time and while the are occasionally do
> cross each other they never form a dense cross hatch pattern at lower
> altitude like the two cross hatch patterns I reported. This has led me to
> believe that it highly unlikely that the weird crosshatch patterns I saw
> had anything whatsoever, natural or otherwise, to do with commercial
> airliners. That's what I know.
> I didn't see the planes that produced the weird cross hatch patterns.
> Though I consider it unlikely, it is entirely conceivable that the planes
> resemble commercial airliners. They may even be the same makes and models,
> though I doubt it highly. That, however, does not make them commercial
> airliners. Commercial airliners do not behave that way. Commercial
> airliners never fly relatively low over the city in a cross hatch pattern,
> ever. Such totally anomalous behavior would surely have drawn great
> attention. We see commercial airliners all the time. The always behave the
> same way. They climb and  they leave the area in a relatively straight
> line or they descend and then land. They never fly cross-hatches low over
> the city. They tend to not fly directly over the city at all because
> that's not where the airports are.
> This whole thing puts me in mind of the whole unmarked black helicopter
> flap. I've heard about them. I've seen picture of what has been reputed to
> be unmarked black helicopters. These are not good enough reasons for me to
> believe people are flying unmarked black helicopters. So I studiously
> avoided telling people that unmarked black helicopters were flying in our
> skies. I did however tell people about the reports and the pictures,
> neither of which amounted to my being able to truthfully say that unmarked
> black helicopters fly in our skies. They could just as likely be accounted
> for by lies and by Photoshop.
> However, I personally have twice seen unmarked black helicopters with my
> own eyes. The first time I was out in the country in Northern California.
> I saw two unmarked black helicopters circling a remote farm house at
> extremely low altitude. Since it was a Saturday, I guessed that they were
> police marijuana raiders who were making a little money on their day off
> by taping over their tail numbers, removing their badges and stealing
> marijuana for themselves. This happens fairly often around here. I figured
> it was a very good time for me to be somewhere else and I prudently lef

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-25 Thread Nicky Molloy


I am using my critical facility here - who said anything about a commercial
airliner having to produce a visible contrail if they are spraying stuff
into the sky?  You are trying to SEE evidence. Try analysing instead. If we
could see airlines spraying contrails we would all know by now that they are
doing it.  They can spray anything they want it dosen't have to show. The
point is what are they spraying?  I have 3 posts on the Cloverleaf
connection coming shortly.

This will answer your doubts. I'm not trying to pass myself off an an
authority on anything. Instead I am trying to help in ensuring the survival
of the people on this planet from predators whether human or otherwise.
There is too much of people wondering if some authority has a qualification
and dismissing something for lack of verified evidence. There is no time for
that. It is still OK to say someone said something. We listen to you, you
are someone saying something.

 It is a matter of LUCK to wonder about if a possible thing may be occuring
and then miraculously finding it appear in your inbox or while surfing.
Connect the dots. I get help - it comes from having an open mind. Josh would
say uncritical. Whatever. You are looking at everything from an American
point of view, I'm not. I have had more than 60 jobs and lived in various
countries and learned to detect a predator through experience. Right now USA
is being destroyed from the inside. It is very noticeable.


-Original Message-
From: nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 26 May 2000 02:58
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

>Who are you telling to buy a @#$% dictionary?

I'm telling you to stop repeating hearsay as fact. It's hinders science
and gets in our way. I also suggest that you are far to gullible and
trusting to be consider as a reliable source of analysis. Your critical
reasoning ability needs a lot of work. Please, learn how to tell a fact
from a rumor.

As a source of data you could conceivably be superb. You have the drive.
You have the time. What you lack is rigorous scientific method. Until you
develop some I recommend that you be taken with a large grain of salt. If
you tell us that somebody told you they know what these things are, I'm
willing to believe you. Yeah, probably somebody did tell you that. But
when you tell us that means that you know what these things are i do not
believe you because it is not true. hearing something is true and knowing
something is true are different things. Everyone on this list, everyone in
the world, would do very well to learn how to tell the difference.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:">Archives of


Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-25 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>And we

>don't know what else it is or isn't, either."
>You say this all the time about everything.

And I'm almost always right.
>Post referred to - "the take off and landing weights of his planes

>suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning

>that something besides fuel was lost during those flights."

Did you you personally weigh the plane? Neither did I. I'm willing to
believe that some guy said the weights were different. I'm not willing to
believe the weights were different without corroboration.
> are the commercial planes

>spraying something we don't know about?

How do you know, because somebody told you? Or did you personally observe
it happening and scientifically eliminate all other explanations for what
you saw?

Let me tell you what I know. Twice I have seen weird cross hatch contrail
patterns over my city. We have three major airports here. Commercial
airliners cross the sky here constantly. It is not at all unusual for me
to see airliners overhead. Sometimes they leave contrails, usually they do
not. It depends on atmospheric conditions. When they do leave contrails
the contrails are always at pretty much the same altitude. There are
seldom more than one to three at a time and while the are occasionally do
cross each other they never form a dense cross hatch pattern at lower
altitude like the two cross hatch patterns I reported. This has led me to
believe that it highly unlikely that the weird crosshatch patterns I saw
had anything whatsoever, natural or otherwise, to do with commercial
airliners. That's what I know.

I didn't see the planes that produced the weird cross hatch patterns.
Though I consider it unlikely, it is entirely conceivable that the planes
resemble commercial airliners. They may even be the same makes and models,
though I doubt it highly. That, however, does not make them commercial
airliners. Commercial airliners do not behave that way. Commercial
airliners never fly relatively low over the city in a cross hatch pattern,
ever. Such totally anomalous behavior would surely have drawn great
attention. We see commercial airliners all the time. The always behave the
same way. They climb and  they leave the area in a relatively straight
line or they descend and then land. They never fly cross-hatches low over
the city. They tend to not fly directly over the city at all because
that's not where the airports are.

This whole thing puts me in mind of the whole unmarked black helicopter
flap. I've heard about them. I've seen picture of what has been reputed to
be unmarked black helicopters. These are not good enough reasons for me to
believe people are flying unmarked black helicopters. So I studiously
avoided telling people that unmarked black helicopters were flying in our
skies. I did however tell people about the reports and the pictures,
neither of which amounted to my being able to truthfully say that unmarked
black helicopters fly in our skies. They could just as likely be accounted
for by lies and by Photoshop.

However, I personally have twice seen unmarked black helicopters with my
own eyes. The first time I was out in the country in Northern California.
I saw two unmarked black helicopters circling a remote farm house at
extremely low altitude. Since it was a Saturday, I guessed that they were
police marijuana raiders who were making a little money on their day off
by taping over their tail numbers, removing their badges and stealing
marijuana for themselves. This happens fairly often around here. I figured
it was a very good time for me to be somewhere else and I prudently left
the area immediately.

The second time I saw unmarked black helicopters, three were flying very
low over the SOMA district of San Francisco. I had just dropped my SO off
at work. I was riding home. I looked up and there they were. I have know
idea what they were doing. All I know was they were black and they had no

So yeah, unmarked black helicopters fly in the skies around here. People
tell me they are the advance scouts of the New World Order's UN  strike
force. Personally, I think that's a patent absurdity. Other people tell me
there are no such things as unmarked black helicopters. They are dead
wrong and I know it for a fact because I personally have seen seen
unmarked black helicopters with my own eyes. I don't know what they were
or what they were doing. All I know for sure is that they were black and
they had no markings. I've also been told, though I haven't looked it up
myself, that flying without markings is a crime. So, I hear, is flying 150
feet over SOMA. That's all I know.

Likewise, I have twice seen with my own eyes weird cross hatch contrail
like formations at relatively low altitude over my city. I don't know what
they are and don't say that I do. Maybe they are chemicals. Maybe they are
biologicals. Maybe even they are vaccines. Maybe they are

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-25 Thread Nicky Molloy


 If you really want to find out if something is going on it would pay to get
more info [buy books, mags, watch videos] rather than just waiting for
others to get it then commenting - we don't know if its right or not, by
just sitting reading posts and then weighing up the odds by just looking at
the post. Some people actually put the time in getting a lot of information
and you never stop cutting people down for trying to inform others. Read
what you just wrote please and ask yourself if you have contributed more
than the post you are talking about.

" blah...We don't know yet. We may never know.  And we
don't know what else it is or isn't, either."

You say this all the time about everything.

Post referred to - "the take off and landing weights of his planes
suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
that something besides fuel was lost during those flights."

Here is the main point of the post and 2 other posts already posted here
went into this in great length, which was - are the commercial planes
spraying something we don't know about?

YES THEY ARE. WE DO KNOW . Who are you telling to buy a @#$% dictionary?

Its your vagueness as projection that you see.  [shrug]


-Original Message-
From: nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So let me get this straight.  Nicky says that Steve says that ManBrad says
that a guy on the Art Bell show says that he got an email from a guy he
says is named Thomas who says some guys whose names we don't know but he
claims were "meteorologists" made faces once so we're supposed to be
scared the sky is falling.

Yeah. OK. Sure.

Maybe the sky is really falling. Hey, it could happen. But this is not
evidence that the sky is falling. This is fifth-hand hearsay from people
we have never even met. We have  no proof whatsoever that any of them even
exist. For all we know for certain they could all be literary creations,
characters in some psycho-drama psy-op. Whatever they are, evidence they
are not. Evidence they do not present. And if we can't learn how to tell
the difference between hearsay and evidence, we are doomed to be herded
like livestock for the rest of our lives.

On the other hand, yeah, the government does do spray stuff in the air
sometimes. For example: two miles from where I sit right now they once
sprayed serratia marcescens into the air and infected the entire SF Bay
Area. See: A High Form of Killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman, ISBN
0-8090-5471-x, p 156.

So we cannot, and should not, dismiss out of hand the possibility that
foul play is afoot here. But let's be rational and follow the basic rules
of logic and evidence as we investigate the possibility. How would you,
personally, like to be convicted in a court of law and then imprisoned on
the basis of fifth-hand hearsay? I didn't think so. So please, show us
some common courtesy here and don't attempt to imprison our minds in a
cage of unsubstianted claims, wild rumors and disinformation.

The government, and the entities the animate it,  all have a long, thick,
rich history of engaging in massive disinformation campaigns. Is the whole
chemtrail affair a psy-op? We don't know yet. We may never know.  And we
don't know what else it is or isn't, either.

But we do what hearsay is, don't we? I do. If you don't, go buy a goddam
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> I've seen the chemtrails and I wasn't hallucinating!

I've seen 'em, too, twice. That doesn't mean I know what they are. Unlike
some people, I have the common decency to not say that I do when I know
that I don't. More importantly, I don't repeat hearsay and treat it as
fact. As far as I'm concerned, doing that just plays into the hands of
whoever is behind whatever they are.

Twice this spring I have seen the famous cross-hatch pattern over the city
of San Francisco. I've avoided writing about it so far because I don't
want to contribute to confusion and growing hysteria and because i haven't
figured out what the hell is happening with this. But I go outside every
day a couple times a day to walk my dog and every day I look up at the
sky. I am intimately familiar with the contrail patterns normally produced
by traffic at our local airports. These cross-hatches were substantially

The first one I saw from my bike as I was riding near the Panhandle of
Golden Gate Park. It appeared to be over North Beach, downtown and Pacific
Heights. This was last February. The second was a couple of weeks ago. I
was on Ocean Beach, near Kelly's Cove. This second cross-hatch appeared to
be over the Sunset district. I'm on that beach every single day and I've
never seen anything like this before or since. At two of the contrail
intersections a peculiarity of light took place. One was a patch of
iridescent turquoise. The sky was a uniform, cloudless azure. The
turquoise patch stood out prominently. The other anomaly, also at an
intersection of two of the trails, was an iridescent brownish orange. Both
were bright, clear and above all uniform, laser-like, single frequency
colors. That's weird, thinks I immediately, that looks like somebody is
shining  lasers on those things. But I shut up about it till now because,
like I said, I don't want to fan the hysteria, at least not till I'm sure
what I'm talking about. I don't, but I'd very much like to.

What did I see? Anybody care to venture a guess?">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread Byron R Wahl

 I don't understand how the sickening aerial spraying is kept out of the 6 o'clock 
evening news. How? And why have no "scientists" taken up the topic. Which is worse, 
the media lid, or the aerial spraying. I've seen the chemtrails and I wasn't 

On Wed, 24 May 2000 05:49:04   nessie wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>This morning Art Bell had a guest on his show named William Thomas.  He
>>is a
>>chemtrail investigator who lives in Aspen, Colorado.  At one point in the
>>chilling discussion, Thomas said he'd received an e-mail from a man who
>>he was a former NOAA (National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency?) pilot.
>So let me get this straight.  Nicky says that Steve says that ManBrad says
>that a guy on the Art Bell show says that he got an email from a guy he
>says is named Thomas who says some guys whose names we don't know but he
>claims were "meteorologists" made faces once so we're supposed to be
>scared the sky is falling.
>Yeah. OK. Sure.
>Maybe the sky is really falling. Hey, it could happen. But this is not
>evidence that the sky is falling. This is fifth-hand hearsay from people
>we have never even met. We have  no proof whatsoever that any of them even
>exist. For all we know for certain they could all be literary creations,
>characters in some psycho-drama psy-op. Whatever they are, evidence they
>are not. Evidence they do not present. And if we can't learn how to tell
>the difference between hearsay and evidence, we are doomed to be herded
>like livestock for the rest of our lives.
>On the other hand, yeah, the government does do spray stuff in the air
>sometimes. For example: two miles from where I sit right now they once
>sprayed serratia marcescens into the air and infected the entire SF Bay
>Area. See: A High Form of Killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman, ISBN
>0-8090-5471-x, p 156.
>So we cannot, and should not, dismiss out of hand the possibility that
>foul play is afoot here. But let's be rational and follow the basic rules
>of logic and evidence as we investigate the possibility. How would you,
>personally, like to be convicted in a court of law and then imprisoned on
>the basis of fifth-hand hearsay? I didn't think so. So please, show us
>some common courtesy here and don't attempt to imprison our minds in a
>cage of unsubstianted claims, wild rumors and disinformation.
>The government, and the entities the animate it,  all have a long, thick,
>rich history of engaging in massive disinformation campaigns. Is the whole
>chemtrail affair a psy-op? We don't know yet. We may never know.  And we
>don't know what else it is or isn't, either.
>But we do what hearsay is, don't we? I do. If you don't, go buy a goddam
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
>screeds are unwelcomed. Substance not soap-boxing please!  These are
>sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory' with its many half-truths,
>and outright frauds is used politically by different groups with major and
>effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>">Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

Get your FREE Email at
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>-Original Message-
>From: Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>





>This morning Art Bell had a guest on his show named William Thomas.  He
>is a
>chemtrail investigator who lives in Aspen, Colorado.  At one point in the
>chilling discussion, Thomas said he'd received an e-mail from a man who
>he was a former NOAA (National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency?) pilot.

So let me get this straight.  Nicky says that Steve says that ManBrad says
that a guy on the Art Bell show says that he got an email from a guy he
says is named Thomas who says some guys whose names we don't know but he
claims were "meteorologists" made faces once so we're supposed to be
scared the sky is falling.

Yeah. OK. Sure.

Maybe the sky is really falling. Hey, it could happen. But this is not
evidence that the sky is falling. This is fifth-hand hearsay from people
we have never even met. We have  no proof whatsoever that any of them even
exist. For all we know for certain they could all be literary creations,
characters in some psycho-drama psy-op. Whatever they are, evidence they
are not. Evidence they do not present. And if we can't learn how to tell
the difference between hearsay and evidence, we are doomed to be herded
like livestock for the rest of our lives.

On the other hand, yeah, the government does do spray stuff in the air
sometimes. For example: two miles from where I sit right now they once
sprayed serratia marcescens into the air and infected the entire SF Bay
Area. See: A High Form of Killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman, ISBN
0-8090-5471-x, p 156.

So we cannot, and should not, dismiss out of hand the possibility that
foul play is afoot here. But let's be rational and follow the basic rules
of logic and evidence as we investigate the possibility. How would you,
personally, like to be convicted in a court of law and then imprisoned on
the basis of fifth-hand hearsay? I didn't think so. So please, show us
some common courtesy here and don't attempt to imprison our minds in a
cage of unsubstianted claims, wild rumors and disinformation.

The government, and the entities the animate it,  all have a long, thick,
rich history of engaging in massive disinformation campaigns. Is the whole
chemtrail affair a psy-op? We don't know yet. We may never know.  And we
don't know what else it is or isn't, either.

But we do what hearsay is, don't we? I do. If you don't, go buy a goddam
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy

TIme to recycle this.

-Original Message-
From: Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 5 November 1999 07:31
Subject: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 4 Nov 1999 08:41:49 EST
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[starfriends] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

This morning Art Bell had a guest on his show named William Thomas.  He is a
chemtrail investigator who lives in Aspen, Colorado.  At one point in the
chilling discussion, Thomas said he'd received an e-mail from a man who said
he was a former NOAA (National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency?) pilot.  This
man wrote that, in retrospect, at the beginning of the chemtrail mystery
the "happy faces" of the meteorologists who had until that time been his
passengers were suddenly replaced by dour, unsmiling and non talkative
"meteorologists" and that the take off and landing weights of his planes
suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
that something besides fuel was lost during those flights.

This pilot intimated that the chemtrails are really a CIA mind kontrol
operation, the purpose of which is to make the sprayed populations confused,
depressed, a bit sick and enervated and thereby submissive and lacking
crucial analytic capacities.  Stated purpose?  To kontrol targeted
by making them more likely to be subservient to government officials during
Y2K confusion and/or martial law.  In addition, this is happening all around
the world now.

But in Amerika, Mr. Thomas stated that he believed forestry service planes
had been moved out of that service and into the production of chemtrails
which resulted in prolonged wildfires in the West this past summer due to
resulting lack of equipment to fight those fires from the sky.

We must never forget that this chemtrail spraying is apparently NOT a part
some new directive!  This kind of spraying has been going on in various
now for over 50 years.

This is all so damned mind boggling that I feel like I'm in a dream, like
in the twilight zone, like my country has been stolen away while I slept.

Mr. Thomas' website can be found at

The attached 6K jpg of a jet obviously producing a chemtrail from its tail
from Contrail Connection - THIS IS AN
LENT WEBSITE with many pictures.  Remember, planes dump fuel from their
wings, not from their tails!

Art Bell's chemtrail page -

What the hell is going on - because I think Art Bell is a part of a disinfo
op himself.  Or, is he a man in the middle?


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files


[CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

1999-01-02 Thread Steve Wingate

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 4 Nov 1999 08:41:49 EST
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[starfriends] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

This morning Art Bell had a guest on his show named William Thomas.  He is a
chemtrail investigator who lives in Aspen, Colorado.  At one point in the
chilling discussion, Thomas said he'd received an e-mail from a man who said
he was a former NOAA (National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency?) pilot.  This
man wrote that, in retrospect, at the beginning of the chemtrail mystery that
the "happy faces" of the meteorologists who had until that time been his
passengers were suddenly replaced by dour, unsmiling and non talkative
"meteorologists" and that the take off and landing weights of his planes
suddenly did not correspond anymore with the amount of fuel used, meaning
that something besides fuel was lost during those flights.

This pilot intimated that the chemtrails are really a CIA mind kontrol
operation, the purpose of which is to make the sprayed populations confused,
depressed, a bit sick and enervated and thereby submissive and lacking
crucial analytic capacities.  Stated purpose?  To kontrol targeted populations
 by making them more likely to be subservient to government officials during
Y2K confusion and/or martial law.  In addition, this is happening all around
the world now.

But in Amerika, Mr. Thomas stated that he believed forestry service planes
had been moved out of that service and into the production of chemtrails
which resulted in prolonged wildfires in the West this past summer due to the
resulting lack of equipment to fight those fires from the sky.

We must never forget that this chemtrail spraying is apparently NOT a part of
some new directive!  This kind of spraying has been going on in various modes
now for over 50 years.

This is all so damned mind boggling that I feel like I'm in a dream, like I'm
in the twilight zone, like my country has been stolen away while I slept.

Mr. Thomas' website can be found at

The attached 6K jpg of a jet obviously producing a chemtrail from its tail is
from Contrail Connection - THIS IS AN EXCEL
LENT WEBSITE with many pictures.  Remember, planes dump fuel from their
wings, not from their tails!

Art Bell's chemtrail page -

What the hell is going on - because I think Art Bell is a part of a disinfo
op himself.  Or, is he a man in the middle?


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files
