Re: [CTRL] Mission Creep, Stealth War, Seen (fwd)

1999-04-09 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Samatha 'Smith' wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-04-08 07:51:43 EDT, you write:

  Recently picked up on net that Mossad was involved with CIA in
   assassination of JFK; well, this would make Gideon's Spies really in
   cahoots with my bible code which was situated within a particular
   edition of the Gideon placed bible.and why the Nazis coming to
   America under protective orders were aided by B'nai Brith, a masonic
   order of German descentthis would implicate Herr Kissinger, who was
   counter intelligence in 1940 period also working as Soviet Spy Code Name

 I came upon the same info recently (about the Mossad involvement in JFK).
  I now have THE book on the subject, "Final Judgement:  The Missing Link in
 the JFK Assassination Conspiracy" by Michael Collins Piper.  Piper posts
 frequently on Alt.conspiracy(jfk).

This is silly! But enjoy the book anyway.

 I've only just begun the book, so cannot pass judgement, but if it is
 true about the Mossad, there are several things to be restructured in MY
 thinking, anyway.

 Can you explain further how the B'nai Brith aided the Nazis?  Never heard
 that before.


This, unfortunately, is true. But not in the way you think. They were
covering for the Zionists who made deals with Eichman.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Mission Creep, Stealth War, Seen (fwd)

1999-04-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I am still wondering if Madeline Albright was naturalized prior to her
recent oath, where she stated it was in honor of her 50 years after
being admitted to USA.

Recently picked up on net that Mossad was involved with CIA in
assassination of JFK; well, this would make Gideon's Spies really in
cahoots with my bible code which was situated within a particular
edition of the Gideon placed bible.and why the Nazis coming to
America under protective orders were aided by B'nai Brith, a masonic
order of German descentthis would implicate Herr Kissinger, who was
counter intelligence in 1940 period also working as Soviet Spy Code Name

Does Clinton have a gun to his head; was this Lewinski as reported
working with  or for Mossad - the Mossad taping phone calls between
Lewinski and the President of the United States.  No wonder King Hussein
shortly before his recent illness, kicked the Mossad out of Jordan.

I Yugoslavia, are the chickens coming home to roost aided by the
President and Albright, whom I believe should be and are the war

Inasmuch as this is an illegal war under our constitution it would seem
to me that Clinton and his gang, the Cowards of the Country, are liable
personally for the damage they have caused to thousands of refugees, who
have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to this country, and who do not
understand why suddenly Clinton has ordered the Mighty Ducks to bomb it
to death.

I hope these people sue, and sue, and sue.   This is not the NATO I once
respected;  and I might add, this CFR representative was on the air
again hawking the war and NATO.   This man is not an elected official of
this country and Iight add, neither is Albright or Kissinger.
Is this war really the work of the Mossad while Kissinger sits in the
background shedding more tears as he did when Princess Diana was laid to

Vote them ALL outand believe me, if I coud find a way to sue this
unholy ring of conspirtors, I most certainly would.

Thousands of people homeless because Clinton had an affair - sodomy in
the Whiteouse - and now would inflict his pain upon the public from this
disgusting episode on the history of the United States.

Perhaps we should do as King Hussein did prior to his deathkick this
Mossad out - or are they truly Gideon's Spies in cahoots with our
Masonic CIA.

Colleen Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mission Creep, Stealth War, Seen (fwd)

1999-04-08 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-08 07:51:43 EDT, you write:

 Recently picked up on net that Mossad was involved with CIA in
  assassination of JFK; well, this would make Gideon's Spies really in
  cahoots with my bible code which was situated within a particular
  edition of the Gideon placed bible.and why the Nazis coming to
  America under protective orders were aided by B'nai Brith, a masonic
  order of German descentthis would implicate Herr Kissinger, who was
  counter intelligence in 1940 period also working as Soviet Spy Code Name

I came upon the same info recently (about the Mossad involvement in JFK).
 I now have THE book on the subject, "Final Judgement:  The Missing Link in
the JFK Assassination Conspiracy" by Michael Collins Piper.  Piper posts
frequently on Alt.conspiracy(jfk).

I've only just begun the book, so cannot pass judgement, but if it is
true about the Mossad, there are several things to be restructured in MY
thinking, anyway.

Can you explain further how the B'nai Brith aided the Nazis?  Never heard
that before.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Mission Creep, Stealth War, Seen (fwd)

1999-04-08 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Werner von Braun was at Red Stone Arsenal - after WWII he and over a
hundred scientists, etc., came to US to work on the space program.   By
the way,  the little "v" designates the nobility - he was the son of a

The B'Nai Brith as I recall was formed, a masonic order, for obvious
reasons.  After the war, the Russians of course got their share of the
german scientiests - the joke of the day was "our german scientists know
more than your German scientists).  I had a relative who knew and worked
with von Braun on space stuff; probably had it not been for von Braun,
Russia may have beaten us to the moon, and the space program was
sabotaged extensively in my opinion, which means nothing.

So, the B'nai Brith knew the Americans were giving the rocket scientists
a home in American to work on the rockets, and the B'Nai Brith who had
every reason to want these men brought to justice as war criminals,
turned the other cheek in the best interests of our national secuirty,
so the story went.not that they had any choice anyway.

So my guess would be this masonic order went along with the wishes of
their brothers; and not all Germans were Nazis.  von Braun wanted to go
to the moon more than win the war; however, this too, could have been
propaganda to ease the pain over a group of Nazi's working in top secret
installations.I might add, remember the first rocket we ignited; it
went up 100 feet or so, and fell on its side resulting the the English
writing in headlines "Oh What A Flopnik".very funny.

It seems hard to believe that a man who worked with Adolph Hitler, whom
Hitler respected and adimired, would end up working with the Yankees
competing with the Soviet Union.

And that is why B'Nai Brith, turned the other they say, All
Kings Are Brothers.

One other item, when the Cold War was beginning, the USA treated the 7
men at Spandau a little better; but the Russian guard did not...they
accused BARON von S of having a bible code, and took it awaythis is
in Albert Speers diary and I believe this, is when the space race really
beganBaron to Baron.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mission Creep, Stealth War, Seen (fwd)

1999-04-07 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/07/99) --  "Creeping  gradualism"  is  the typical U.S.
*modus operandi*.  For example:  the constant whittling  away  of
civil  liberties  here in the U.S., under the guise of the failed
"War on Drugs."  Some compare  this tactic of creeping gradualism
to frogs being slowly boiled:  if you drop a  frog  into  boiling
water,  the  frog will jump out; but if you put the frog in water
and gradually raise the heat, the frog will be boiled alive.  The
key to sneaky  success  in  planned operations, knows Washington,
DC, is to be gradual about it.

So it is significant  that  a  press  release from the Serb Unity
Congress warns that

  This is war by stealth.  The Congress and  American  people
  are being led along a series  of  incremental  steps  to  a
  final fait accompli of war.  This does grave damage to  the
  U.S. constitution which vests  authority  to declare war in
  Congress and Congress alone. [1]

First  there's  bombs  and  missiles  only.   Then there's Apache
Attack Helicopters.   Then  you  need  a  few  "observers" on the
ground.  (Promises Bill Clinton:  "They are there acting only  as

A  few observers here, a few observers there, and before you know
it we're talking about real war.

In Vietnam, in the early 1960s,  it  began much the same:  with a
small number of "observers."  Back then, the propaganda was  that
we  were in Vietnam to prevent a "domino effect."  Supposedly, if
Vietnam went communist that would  lead  to all of Southeast Asia
falling into the communist camp; the surrounding countries  would
fall  like dominoes.  (But then-Secretary of Defense Bob McNamara
later admitted that, by the  mid-to-late 1960s, U.S. leaders were
no longer sure why exactly we were at war in Vietnam.)

It's  "deja  vu  all  over  again."   Secretary of State Madeline
Albright says that  if  we  lose  Kosovo, instability will spread
throughout Europe.   Pentagon  brass  are  critical.   They  have
"challenged  the  'domino theory' put forth by Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright..." [2]

According to Arianna  Huffington,  Her  Ladyship  Albright is the
spiritual  patron  of  the  escalating   international   war   in
Yugoslavia.   "The  Balkans  have  always been Albright's special
project," says  Huffington.   "Everyone  in  Albright's circle is
very conscious of how anxious she has been to have a  victory  to
call  her own.  Instead, she now has a calamity to call her own."
Albright's fanatical tenacity  caused  her  to disregard warnings
from the CIA about the terrible repercussions  likely  to  follow
the  implementation of her bombing mania, writes Huffington.  "So
blinkered was her  vision  that  all  warnings  by  the CIA about
Serbian retaliations were ignored."  [3]

Privately, the U.S. government remains deeply  divided  over  the
wisdom of U.S. attacks on Yugoslavia.  Several reports, including
one  by  the Washington Post, indicate that the U.S. military has
serious misgivings.   But  they,  under  the  military  code, are
Commander-in-Chief,  Bill  Clinton.   And  politicians  skeptical
about U.S. involvement in the Balkan tinderbox mostly  adhere  to
the truism that "politics should stop at the water's edge."  But,
reports UPI, many in Congress "remain leery." [4]

"The President  is  standing  alone  on  a  lot  of this...  He's
finding fewer and fewer people who are willing to stick with  him
over  Kosovo.   He's  backed  himself, his administration and his
country into a  corner,"  reportedly  says  one White House aide.

Internationally, many countries are also leery.  "Lebanon's Prime
Minister  Selim  Hoss  says  the mass exodus from Kosovo is clear
proof  of  the  failure  of  NATO's  military  operations against
Yugoslavia."  [6] Israel's foreign  minister  worries  about  the
threat  of  a  Moslem state of Kosovo.  [7] Greece and Italy have
urged a cease fire.

Darker nuances associated with the Balkan Blow-up hint  that  the
growing  disaster  comes  from yet another CIA project gone awry.
In Zaire, in late-1960,  the  CIA  engineered the murder of Prime
Minister  Patrice  Lumumba.   Lumumba   was   replaced   by   the
CIA-friendly  Joseph Mobutu.  "The lure of [Zaire's] vast mineral
resources led the CIA  into  a  marriage of convenience with him"

But not all CIA covert projects have such "happy  endings."   The
CIA's  man  in  Panama, Manuel Noriega, got along quite well with
the U.S. ruling class, for years.  But when Noriega began to defy
Washington's anti-Sandinista  mandate,  the  USA  mass media went
into  high-gear  and  Noriega  became  an  instant  demon.   This
propaganda saturation by the USA mass media was  the  prelude  to
U.S. invasion of Panama and the kidnapping of Noriega.  [9]

According  to  Sherman  Skolnick,  head  of  the  public interest
research group, Citizens'