Re: [CTRL] Moscow Gets NATO Bug

1999-10-12 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Okay, let's see now: the U.S. is the policeman/overlord for the Americas.
NATO gets Europe. (BTW, would NATO intervene if the Spanish and French
Basques were to declare an independent Basque state? What about if the
Northern League manages to split Padania off from the rest of Italy?) Russia
is "it" for the Caucasus and Central Asia. Australia has definitely gotten
the nod for Southeast Asia and Oceania. So we say that we give Northeast
Asia to a remilitarized Japan (maybe a Sino-Japanese alliance?). Southwest
Asia is a problem--no real regional power and everyone shooting at everyone
else. This one may have to go to the U.S. by default. North Africa goes to
Egypt; West Africa gets Nigeria; East Africa is Kenya; Southern Africa, of
course, is South Africa. Any comments?

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 11:14 AM
> Subject:      [CTRL] Moscow Gets NATO Bug
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Original Message Follows
> From: "fraoich munro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> INDEPENDENT (London)  October 11
> LIKE A virus, the Nato bug is spreading. Throughout the spring, we were
> treated to "precision" bombing of "military targets" and to "collateral
> damage", whose victims were "tragic", as the Alliance bombarded bridges,
> motorways and power stations in Yugoslavia.

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[CTRL] Moscow Gets NATO Bug

1999-10-12 Thread Joe Feck

 -Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "fraoich munro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

INDEPENDENT (London)  October 11


LIKE A virus, the Nato bug is spreading. Throughout the spring, we were
treated to "precision" bombing of "military targets" and to "collateral
damage", whose victims were "tragic", as the Alliance bombarded bridges,
motorways and power stations in Yugoslavia.

Then, within weeks, Israel caught the contagion. It bombed bridges and
motorways in Lebanon and destroyed two electricity stations.

"Precision" bombing, it said, "military" targets because the Lebanese
would not stop "terrorists" attacking Israel's occupation troops in
southern Lebanon. The "Collateral damage" (11 dead, including three
firemen and a young couple driving south of Beirut) was to be regretted.

In Iraq - where the Anglo-American war has been going on since December -
the air bombardments have increased. Low-level press briefings regularly
announce "precision" strikes against military targets in "response" to Iraqi
challenges of the no-fly zone. No matter that the "response" often comes two
days later, against targets miles away from the anti-aircraft battery that
may have fired at American planes. No matter that some 127 Iraqi civilians
have now been killed in these raids. Yes, the US Air Force called them
"collateral damage".

And now it's the Russians who are Nato's copycats, bombing Chechnya with
"precision", seeking only "military targets" and "the total elimination of
terrorist bases" - the same hopeless aim of Israel's regular onslaughts
against Lebanon. And, of course, the war is going wrong. Russians are dying,
civilians are dying, apparently by the hundreds. There is some "collateral
damage", the Russians now admit. A "tragedy", said a Russian minister.

Why, there's even a charred bus - its Chechen passengers blasted to bits by
a Russian tank shell - to parallel that other, awful bus on the bridge at
Luzane in Kosovo, its Serb and Albanian passengers incinerated by a cruise
missile. There are action-replays of Russian gun footage for the benefit of
television viewers. Only now are reporters getting into Chechnya to see the
truth. And, be sure, it's only a matter of time before Russian defence
ministry officials are abusing those journalists the same way Nato's flacks
attacked those reporters who revealed Nato's bloody ineptitude in

How can you blame the Israelis for "defending" themselves in Lebanon, an
Israeli journalist asked after his country's strike against power stations
and motorway bridges - which followed the Israeli woundTOP of a Lebanese
civilian and a subsequent Hizbollah rocket attack across the Lebanese
border. "After all, look what Nato did." Quite so.

Russia's population is as outraged at the bombings of civilian apartment
blocks in Moscow as Nato countries were at the Serb atrocities against
Kosovo Albanians. But just as Nato's bombing campaign provoked the worst
Serb atrocities - and a humanitarian disaster - so Russia is now provoking a
humanitarian catastrophe in its crusade against "Islamic terror". Islamic
terror. The words are carefully chosen, for what American would object to a
war against "Islamic terror"? What Israeli would object to such a campaign?

It all seems so familiar. Since Nato/Israel/Russia/the Anglo-American air
force in the Gulf never - ever - intend to kill civilians, their deaths are
always to be blamed upon Milosevic/the Hizbollah/"Islamic" rebels orSaddam.
When you're in the air force, it's good to have clean hands.



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