Re: [CTRL] The Contradictions of Capitalism

2001-07-05 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Capitalism and free markets are inherently contradictory.
Capitalism can't exist in a free market because capitalism
requires the state. Without the armed might of the state to
protect them, corporations can't exist.

Good point. Most statists don't understand that there is a
big difference between capitalism (essentially State Corporatism)
and the free market.

The very concept of limited legal liability and the legal fiction
granted corporations that they are citizens and entitled to
Bill of Rights protection contradict the concept of free markets.
These are essentially statist concepts which are anathema to
any concept of free markets.

Regulatory Agencies and corporations go hand in hand.
The FDA; SEC; FDA; etc. etc. are all beloved by corporations
since they are manipulated by the incestuous Corporate State.

This is the fallacy of the Silly Socialists. They claim they would
make the state honestjust put them in charge -

Yeah right!!

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Re: [CTRL] The Contradictions of Capitalism

2001-07-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

M. A. Johnson wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Nessie Chants
Capitalism and free markets are inherently contradictory.
Capitalism can't exist in a free market because capitalism
requires the state. Without the armed might of the state to
protect them, corporations can't exist.
 Most statists don't understand that there is a big difference
  between capitalism (essentially State Corporatism) and the
  free market.

The is no such thing as the  Free Market. If there is, I'd like
you to show it to me. If you can't show it to me, then you are no
different from other superstitionists who claim there is a heaven and Hell.

 You apparently fail to grasp the difference between PRIVATE and
 GOVERNMENT. Only when one REDEFINES capitalism does one
 create the link with the State. One can have OTHER economic
 systems AND maintain a 'free market' (as limited as it might
 be), but a free market is REQUIRED for capitalism.

Johnson is completely whacky. He doesn't even live on this planet.
I wonder if he believes in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy as well?

The very concept of limited legal liability and the legal fiction
 granted corporations that they are citizens and entitled to
 Bill of Rights protection contradict the concept of free markets.
 These are essentially statist concepts which are anathema to
 any concept of free markets.

What BOTH you guys are dismissing, is that all this grew out of Capitalism,
and now you claim that it's not Capitalism. But of course it is. Because
the essentials have not changed. Private ownership of the means of production,
and the coersion of the State to protect private property ( the Rich ).

 Yes.  Corporations are a creation of Government -- having NOTHING
 to do with capitalism.

See. This guy is insane.

Regulatory Agencies and corporations go hand in hand.
The FDA; SEC; FDA; etc. etc. are all beloved by corporations
since they are manipulated by the incestuous Corporate State.

This is true for Capitalism or other forms of economies where society
is organized as a powerful state.

 Pull-Peddling Politicians seek tribute from the MANY factions
 willing to pay them.


 There is simply no other choice than this: either
 abstain from interference in the free play of the
 market, or to delegate the entire management of
 production and distribution to the government.
 Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no
 middle way.  —Ludwig von Mises

More bullshit from Ludwig. There is no reason that it has to be either or.
Both have failed miserably. The Commies are dead. Now it's the turn of

Enjoy it while it lasts boys. Capitalism is now bumping up against Nature.
Nature NEVER, NEVER loses.


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[CTRL] The Contradictions of Capitalism

2001-07-04 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

The Contradictions of Capitalism
The Dearth of Rational Discussion
by Jim Peron
We can’t win. We advocates of individual rights, free markets and limited
government simply can’t win the intellectual debate with the Left. And the
reason for it is that there is no intellectual debate with them. And there
can’t be such a debate since the Left is simply not open to rational
discussion. They know that capitalism is inherently evil and nothing that is
said, no evidence that is presented, no facts that are marshaled will
convince them otherwise.
Consider this example. The Fabian socialists were founded in 1883, the same
year that Karl Marx died, when a small group of “intellectuals” gathered at
17 Osnaburgh Street in London to hear some lectures on the promised new world
order of socialism. From this meeting was formed the Fabian Society,
dedicated to the willfully slow evolution of a socialist society in England.

The Society was named after the Roman general and dictator Quintus Fabius
Maximus who fought, and laid the groundwork for the defeat of, Hannibal. In
Fabian Tract No.1 the Society explained its strategy:

“For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently when
warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time
comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain
and fruitless.”

The credo of the Fabians said that the society “consists of Socialists” who
will work to destroy private property, free markets and individualism.

Fabians were a strong, if not the strongest, influence on the British Labour
Party and used the likes of George Bernard Shaw and Sidney and Beatrice Webb
to spout its propaganda on the virtues of Stalinism and Soviet Communism. Its
list of members read like the Who’s Who of British intellectualism and
included RH Tawney, GDH Cole, Harold Wilson, Harold Laski, Oswald Mosley (the
founder of British fascism), Bertrand Russell, Clement Attlee, John Strachey,
Stephen Spender, George Orwell, and others.

For over a century the Fabian Society has continued to promote a Marxist
agenda for the various countries of the world. At the turn of the last
century the Fabians would wax eloquently on the virtues of socialism and the
vices of capitalism. They never tired of telling anyone who would listen how
capitalism would lead to poverty and misery for the bulk of England's
workers. They promised that only a socialist, centrally planned society,
could achieve wealth and prosperity. The workers, noted the socialists, could
never find happiness and self-satisfaction as long as they were entrenched in
the poverty of a capitalist economy.

One hundred years later the Fabian Society stills exists. And not long ago,
on BBC World, I watched a documentary series entitled “Big Ideas”. It was
billed as an antidote to the pessimism of the politically correct. In truth
it was hardly that at all. Instead the entire show concentrated on an
“economist” who represents the Fabian Society. So what do the Fabians have
to say 100 years later? Will they continue with their rhetoric of the last
century and castigate capitalism for leading millions into poverty? Of course
not. The laughter from the millions of “workers” viewing the show on their
color televisions would drown out their rhetoric.

Capitalism Causes Too Much Prosperity
Instead this Fabian went on about how the wealth of capitalism doesn’t lead
to happiness. This “economist” lamented the luxuries of the average worker.
He ridiculed those who work hard to get ahead in the world. And he said that
this problem was clearly the fault of capitalism. It seems that capitalism
leads to prosperity. In fact it leads to too much prosperity. People start
seeking out luxuries, and status symbol consumer goods, as a result.

When it was pointed out to him that individuals who didn’t want to work hard
didn’t have to do so, he was unpersuaded. The problem with the wealth of
consumer capitalism is that the system itself forces people to compete. The
individual who wants to drop out, perhaps to read the works of Marx, can’t do
so because of the structure of the system. He is a victim of capitalism.
People should, instead, be free to concentrate on the “important” things, by
which he means things which he thinks are important.

And, of course, the solution to this structural problem was the “social
ownership” of the means of production. He wanted regulations and laws to
prevent rampant competition and wealth-gathering.

Now just about one century ago his forerunners in the Fabian Society were
saying that capitalism leads to poverty and that only socialism can create
wealth for the workers. Turning a blind eye to a century of rhetoric, today’s
Fabians are attacking capitalism for creating too much wealth. A century ago
the worker, living in poverty, would never find happiness. Today the Fabians
argue that happiness is illusive because 

Re: [CTRL] The Contradictions of Capitalism

2001-07-04 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Capitalism and free markets are inherently contradictory. Capitalism
can't exist in a free market because capitalism requires the state.
Without the armed might of the state to protect them, corporations can't

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Re: [CTRL] The Contradictions of Capitalism

2001-07-04 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie Chanted
   Capitalism and free markets are inherently contradictory.
These two concepts are inherently linked.

Nessie Chanted
   Capitalism  can't exist in a free market because
   capitalism requires the state.
Once the STATE sticks it's nose into Capitalism -- by
DEFINITION -- it ceases.  Learn the difference between

   Without the armed might of the state to protect
   them, corporations can't exist.
Sure.  Corporations are a product of the State ... but
they have NOTHING to do with Capitalism.


There is simply no other choice than this: either
abstain from interference in the free play of the
market, or to delegate the entire management of
production and distribution to the government.
Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no
middle way.  —Ludwig von Mises

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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