Re: [CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st 2nd)

2000-08-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Robert F. Tatman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Carrying this a little further, it seems that modern corporations, and
 by extension modern government, offer a safe haven for many psychopaths, whose
 antisocial or asocial conduct goes unnoticed or at most subsumed under the
 rubric of good, aggressive business practices.

Yes!  In fact I would make an argument that the modern corporate mentality (which has 
been adopted by modern politics) REWARDS
certain psychopathic behaviors

"Workaholism" can be as debilitating and destructive as any other "-aholism", yet it 
is the one addictive behavior which is nurtured
and encouraged in our society, especially by business.  Long gone are the days where a 
company "looked after" their
the driving force behind a company's business plan is how much money can be made for 
the executive board, and perhaps the
investors -- and if that requires laying off long-time workers, so be it.  And amongst 
the first to get the pink slip are anyone who
dared to try to have a private life outside of the office.

I'm not talking about slackers here -- I'm talking about good, productive workers who 
routinely work their full shifts, pitch in
when needed and work necessary overtime...but who DO leave at the end of the work day 
to pick up their kids and who spend time with
their families on weekends instead of coming in to work when such OT isn't needed...

These are the people who are seen as 'not being team players', and who get the walking 
papers first...while those who perhaps aren't
as productive, but spent their time goofing off with the 'right people' retain their 

I work at a small company which is seen as an 'up and comer', where this mentality is 
rife...the company designed a 'rec room',
complete with pool table, for employees to be able to take a break during the 
day...all well and good, but what you see are the 'in'
crowd playing pool most of the day, and then staying after hours so that it seems they 
are putting in OT (BTW, this is a
customer-service company, so when these people are playing pool, customers are not 
being serviced)

But while it is acceptable to play pool for hours during the workday because the big 
bosses like to play pool, we are having a hard
time trying to get the company to institute flextime; just this past week they sent 
out a questionaire to employees, where on one
question we had to explain to them just what we would do with flextime if we had it.  
I consider such a question an invasion of
privacy; I don't feel it's any of the company's business WHAT any employee would do 
outside of work with the flexible hours.  But it
demonstrates this company's attitude that we don't -- or shouldn't have -- a life 
outside of work.

This place forces us to attend meetings and classes after hours, and we aren't paid 
extra for it.  It is a real hardship for people
with children, but everyone HAS to attend, and if you don't you're marked as someone 
who 'doesn't fit into the team'...

And so you have children being raised by parents who are either successful at playing 
this game, and so get the message that such
antisocial and asocial behaviors (as applied to workers' families and society at 
large) are to be encouraged because they are
rewarded; or you have children being raised by parents who have not succeeeded at 
playing the game, who have either been routinely
passed over for promotion or laid off outright, and so the same message is driven home 
to the next generation...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st 2nd)

2000-08-12 Thread Alamaine


There must be an island where they can send these individuals to keep them
apart from otherwise normal people.  I would be concerned with recidivism.
However, the Britlanders seem to have evolved into a mob rule (from too much
soccer?) society, which might be slightly contrary to "family values".

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain
British media incites lynch-mob atmosphere over child sex abuse
By Julie Hyland
12 August 2000
Back to screen version

For weeks the emotive issue of child sex abuse has dominated public discourse
in Britain. This followed a sensationalist campaign initiated by the Sunday
tabloid newspaper News of the World to “name and shame” convicted sex

The News of the World, published by Rupert Murdoch's News International, has
been an outspoken defender of draconian law-and-order measures introduced by
successive governments, with one criticism—that they do not go far enough. Its
latest campaign was aimed at forcing the Labour government to introduce
stricter sentencing against sex offenders.

Under the 1997 Sexual Offenders Act, those convicted of imprisonable sex
offences must register their names and addresses with the police. Their names
can remain on the register indefinitely, depending on the seriousness of the
offence. Despite warnings from police and child welfare agencies that its
actions could endanger children by driving offenders into hiding, the News of
the World began publishing the names, photographs and approximate whereabouts
of 200 of the 12,000 individuals recorded on the Sexual Offenders Register.

It promised to continue publishing the list, and justified this on the grounds
of “public concern” following the abduction and murder of 8-year-old Sarah
Payne in July. Under the headline “If you are a parent you must read this”, the
News of the World claimed that there were thousands of paedophiles preying on
the young. Other newspapers joined in, orchestrating a climate of frenzied
retribution. The Daily Mirror July 18 edition front-page led with the demand
that whoever had murdered Sarah should “spend his life dodging razor blades in
his food, needing an armed guard when he takes a shower and fearing his throat
being slashed every night. Hanging these bastards really is too good for them”.

The lynch-mob atmosphere encouraged by the tabloids sparked a series of brutal
attacks across the country. On one housing estate in Portsmouth, rioting ensued
for seven nights outside the homes of suspected child sex offenders, forcing
four innocent families into hiding. Those demonstrating, including young
children, carried placards saying “Don't house them, kill them” and other
incendiary slogans.

Elsewhere in the country, several individuals were wrongly identified as
offenders and subjected to arson attacks on their homes. Two men killed
themselves as a direct result of the campaign—a 57 year-old grandfather with
convictions for child abuse and a 49-year old family businessmen accused of
sexual offences.

The government refused to condemn the disclosures and instead organized a
series of compromise meetings with the News of the World, children's agencies
and Sarah's relatives. Only when the campaign led to serious disturbances
involving hundreds of people did some Labour MPs call for an end to “mob rule”
and for legal action against the News of the World.

The News of the World finally called a halt to its campaign earlier this week,
but made clear that it was only temporary and would be restarted unless the
government adopted the measures it demanded. Any politicians who obstructed
this would be “named and shamed” the tabloid threatened.

With the support of many children's agencies and the Payne family, News of the
World is demanding the introduction of a “Sarah's Law”, modelled on Megan's Law
in the United States. This was implemented by the Clinton administration in
1994 following the murder of 7-year-old Megan Kanka in New Jersey by a
convicted sex offender. Under Megan's Law, states are able to circulate details
of convicted sex offenders to schools and youth organizations, and the police
can conduct door-to-door notifications in the paedophile's neighbourhood. The
law takes different forms in different states. Offenders in Louisiana can be
made to wear special clothes or carry sandwich boards announcing their crimes.
Sex offenders in Oregon can be forced to display a sign in their windows.

The measures being argued for by the News of the World pose a serious threat to
democratic rights that goes far beyond the relatively small number of
individuals ostensibly being targeted. Under existing legislation, those
employed in children's services in Britain are already subject to police checks
and child welfare agencies have access to the Sexual Offenders Register. What
is contentious in the “Sarah's Law” proposals are the public availability of
the register and calls that “indeterminate sentences be imposed in appropriate

Re: [CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st 2nd)

2000-08-12 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The issue of child molesters and other sex offenders is more complicated yet.
According to some material I posted to CTRL a few months ago and don't have
immediately at hand (I'll dig it up and repost it), psychopaths such as child
molesters routinely fake out their therapists by mastering the lingo of
recovery, convincing the therapists that they have been "cured."  Once released
back into the community, they calmly resume their earlier behavior without
qualm.  Carrying this a little further, it seems that modern corporations, and
by extension modern government, offer a safe haven for many psychopaths, whose
antisocial or asocial conduct goes unnoticed or at most subsumed under the
rubric of good, aggressive business practices.  (Albert "Chainsaw" Dunlap is the
classic example of this type of psychopath.)  The psychiatrist who discussed
these findings suggested that the only long-term solution to the problem posed
by psychopaths, since their response to therapy cannot be trusted, may be either
permanent incarceration or permanent close monitoring.

- Original Message -
From: "Alamaine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 9:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st  2nd)


 There must be an island where they can send these individuals to keep them
 apart from otherwise normal people.  I would be concerned with recidivism.
 However, the Britlanders seem to have evolved into a mob rule (from too much
 soccer?) society, which might be slightly contrary to "family values".


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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