Re: [CTRL] 1[CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread magnetic field

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry to interject my opinion here but protein is protein under
extreme circumstances. My grandmother used to tell me these wild stories
about the depression. During the depression you did not ask "what's for
dinner". If it was there you sat down said grace and ate it and were
greatful. We laugh at road kill jokes but especially in rural areas meat is
meat. Animals such as raccoon, possum, rabbit, squirrel, pidgeon (that is
squab to you rich folk) are, I am told, tasty if cooked properly. I sure
when times got extremely rough that many a "companion animal" or "pet" made
it into the stew pot. If not your own pet then someone else's from down the
Hardly any of us have known real starvation. We say that we are
starved if we haven't eaten in 3 hours or so. How many of us have gone 3
days without food???
In many places on this planet people eat snake, dog, cat, birds of
all type, monkey, goat, sheep, horse, etc. Unless we are vegetarians we eat
meat. Are meat comes to us all neatly packaged and labelled in the
supermarket. We try not to dwell on how it gets to us, just that it's there
when we want it.
 Many of us who got a Y2K stash together bought canned goods and
bullets. The bullets were not just for keeping away predators (2 legged and
4 legged) but for possibly hunting game. I am sure that most of truly know
that all animals feel pain and we wish their death to be as pain free as
possible. I believe that if you kill an animal you should eat it or find
some use for it. Otherwise it is a waste. All life is precious.
  magnetic field

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >And June would know - her father and mother were dog catchers for the
> >local pound.
> >
> >Daily executions
> Not daily...
> >wonder what they did with the meat.
> At first the carcasses were buried across the street, along a RR grade;
> then when the number of irresponsible dog owners grew so that there was an
> exploding population of unclaimed strays, the carcasses of the strays that
> were put to sleep were brought to the town dump; when the town got around
> to building a trash incinerator, the carcasses were disposed of there.
> Colleen would like to make out that dog wardens are somehow cruel, but my
> parents made it a point to never allow a stray to be taken by the very
> experimental labs who use dogs for testing, even though it would have been
> financially lucrative to do so.
> >Have you ever been to the pound and seen some of these animals that are
> >to be executed?
> If you have been, then why didn't you adopt one of the dogs?  It's a shame
> that there are so many unwanted strays, but if owners were responsible and
> didn't let their pets roam, and also got them spayed or neutered, there
> wouldn't be a problem of so many unwanted strays that end up having to be
> destroyed.
> >But in June's case this one individual was so upset
> >for the pound over which her father was the Dog Catcher, which means
> >boss of and only over the dogs,
> Point of fact, the town dog warden oversaw a staff consisting of an
> assistant dog warden and a couple of part-time kennel workers; also was
> responsible for drawing up the annual budget and for making hiring and
> firing decisions...
> >the complaint was they made the fees so
> >high people could ot afford to take the dogs home.
> First off, I'd like you to show some sort of PROOF for this allegation.
> Secondly, the adoption fees are set by the state, not by the town and
> definitely not by the individual dog warden.
> Point of fact, when my parents worked for the town, the adoption fee was
> -- hardly an astromical price.
> >Later, I got that creep fired and there ws a very lovely investigation
> >into the dog pound.
> If what you say is true -- and you consistently prove how faulty your
> memory is -- then the 'creep' as you described him deserved to be fired,
> and an investigation into the workings of the pound was more than
> warranted...
> >So dogs - see how it is.Like people, nobody wants an animal without
> >a pedigree for it is of no value.
> Mutts have value as wonderful companions
> >Now nobody would eat a dog of great alue so it looks like it will be the
> &

Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>And June would know - her father and mother were dog catchers for the
>local pound.
>Daily executions

Not daily...

>wonder what they did with the meat.

At first the carcasses were buried across the street, along a RR grade;
then when the number of irresponsible dog owners grew so that there was an
exploding population of unclaimed strays, the carcasses of the strays that
were put to sleep were brought to the town dump; when the town got around
to building a trash incinerator, the carcasses were disposed of there.

Colleen would like to make out that dog wardens are somehow cruel, but my
parents made it a point to never allow a stray to be taken by the very many
experimental labs who use dogs for testing, even though it would have been
financially lucrative to do so.

>Have you ever been to the pound and seen some of these animals that are
>to be executed?

If you have been, then why didn't you adopt one of the dogs?  It's a shame
that there are so many unwanted strays, but if owners were responsible and
didn't let their pets roam, and also got them spayed or neutered, there
wouldn't be a problem of so many unwanted strays that end up having to be

>But in June's case this one individual was so upset
>for the pound over which her father was the Dog Catcher, which means
>boss of and only over the dogs,

Point of fact, the town dog warden oversaw a staff consisting of an
assistant dog warden and a couple of part-time kennel workers; also was
responsible for drawing up the annual budget and for making hiring and
firing decisions...

>the complaint was they made the fees so
>high people could ot afford to take the dogs home.

First off, I'd like you to show some sort of PROOF for this allegation.

Secondly, the adoption fees are set by the state, not by the town and
definitely not by the individual dog warden.

Point of fact, when my parents worked for the town, the adoption fee was $5
-- hardly an astromical price.

>Later, I got that creep fired and there ws a very lovely investigation
>into the dog pound.

If what you say is true -- and you consistently prove how faulty your
memory is -- then the 'creep' as you described him deserved to be fired,
and an investigation into the workings of the pound was more than

>So dogs - see how it is.Like people, nobody wants an animal without
>a pedigree for it is of no value.

Mutts have value as wonderful companions

>Now nobody would eat a dog of great alue so it looks like it will be the
>mutts who will go first.

Some of us wouldn't eat a dog irregardless whether it was a purebred or a
mongrel...but I'm sure all the meat served at YOUR table, Colleen, has a
pedigree attached to it...

>Okay to eat dogs?   Pigs will eat anything. Dogs won't.

Oh man, that shows what little YOU know!  Canines are carrion, and like
pigs will eat anything.  I've seen dogs eat excrement...

>And June,
>maybe you like to eat rotting flesh, I never did - my you must be a very
>interesting person.

You're an soon as something dies, it starts rotting; the
question is whether you eat it before it's too rotted or not.";>
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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> From: Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >My appologies for forwarding this disgusting crap. I did not read it
> completely
> >and assumed it was against eating meat, especially dogs. Sorry!
> Why?
> Lord knows that I'd never eat dog meat, but I recognize that it is a purely
> subjective judgement to deem eating dogs, cats, or horses as 'bad', but
> that it's perfectly okay to eat pigs, cattle, deer, buffalo, etc.  It's all
> rotting mammal flesh...
> Why is it okay to eat chicken, turkey, duck, pigeons or pheasant, but not
> to eat parrots or canaries?
> If one objects to eating all kinds of meat, fine; but it's hypocritical to
> say it's bad to eat 'companion' animals, e.g. those we've decided to make
> pets out of, but okay to eat other types of animals.  They all have
> feelings.

I agree with you, June, about the hypocrisy of eating only certain
types of animals.  Makes as much sense as eating only certain types of
plants.  Imagine missing the invention of Bolognese sauce due to the
old prejudice against tomatoes!  Aren't societal prejudices amusing?

Mark McHugh";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

And June would know - her father and mother were dog catchers for the
local pound.

Daily executions - wonder what they did with the meat.

Have you ever been to the pound and seen some of these animals that are
to be executed?   But in June's case this one individual was so upset
for the pound over which her father was the Dog Catcher, which means
boss of and only over the dogs, the complaint was they made the fees so
high people could ot afford to take the dogs home.

In our Columbus area one time my very expensive greyhound dog got with
my cats.The dog catcher picked them up and when I got to the pound
they had executed the cats, for they were mogrels.and said they did
not have the dog.

I knew it was a god damned like and they had a fenced off area and I
said what is back there, and was told "boarded out animals" and I
thought at a county operation?

I jumped the fence and went through the area and there was my dog.

Later, I got that creep fired and there ws a very lovely investigation
into the dog pound.

So dogs - see how it is.Like people, nobody wants an animal without
a pedigree for it is of no value.

Now nobody would eat a dog of great alue so it looks like it will be the
mutts who will go first.

Nobody wants a draft horse anymore unless a few kind Amish still use
them for plowing a field..but they sure put a lot of money on the
nose of a thorough bred.

Okay to eat dogs?   Pigs will eat anything. Dogs won't.   And June,
maybe you like to eat rotting flesh, I never did - my you must be a very
interesting person.

Myself, have always eaten little meat but when I do, I go for the T

Oh by the way a delightful treat in China other than dog meat (and they
just pick them up off the street) they love monkey brainsnow June
could have her monkies and nit pick at the same time.

White Rose Society";>
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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>My appologies for forwarding this disgusting crap. I did not read it
>and assumed it was against eating meat, especially dogs. Sorry!


Lord knows that I'd never eat dog meat, but I recognize that it is a purely
subjective judgement to deem eating dogs, cats, or horses as 'bad', but
that it's perfectly okay to eat pigs, cattle, deer, buffalo, etc.  It's all
rotting mammal flesh...

Why is it okay to eat chicken, turkey, duck, pigeons or pheasant, but not
to eat parrots or canaries?

If one objects to eating all kinds of meat, fine; but it's hypocritical to
say it's bad to eat 'companion' animals, e.g. those we've decided to make
pets out of, but okay to eat other types of animals.  They all have

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-19 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

I thought we were supposed to be morally above the beasts -
 not amongst them. Because a dog does it, it's OK to do?
Animals have very little choice in how they behave. They
are largely pre-programmed. People potentially have the
capacity to be highly self-determining. With freedom comes
responsibility.  I challenge anyone to look at the way
those Korean  meat dogs are raised and killed - ditto
today's factory farm meat, milk, and egg-producing animals -
and come back saying honestly "I don't have a problem with
that."  Anyone not morally dead and with a
compassion/empathy quotient in the single digits, that is.


-Caveat Lector-

Nothing. If they are starving, man's best friends will return the favour.

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-19 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

Nothing. If they are starving, man's best friends will return the favour.

* POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-19 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

My appologies for forwarding this disgusting crap. I did not read it completely
and assumed it was against eating meat, especially dogs. Sorry!


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[CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-19 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 20 Jan 2002 01:28:30 +1300
Subject:SNET: What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

Wok the Dog
What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

By William Saletan
Posted Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 3:56 PM PT

Nine months ago, Frame Game grossed out its readers by tackling a mounting
controversy in newspapers and state legislatures: the ethics of having sex
with dogs. In that column, Frame Game asked "why, if it's wrong to rape
animals, it's OK to kill them." Carnivores who ignored this question will now
have to confront it. The biggest team sporting event on earth, soccer's World
Cup, is coming to South Korea, where hot dogs and doggy bags are all too
literal. Those of us who don't take our poodles with noodles will have to
think about why, or whether, it's wrong to eat man's best friend.

Dogs ready for market

In case you've been distracted by the war or the recession, here's where the
dog fight stands. Dogs are eaten in parts of East and Southeast Asia. The
South Korean dog meat industry reportedly involves about 1 million dogs,
6,000 restaurants, and 10 percent of the population. French actress-turned-
activist Brigitte Bardot, backed by thousands of rabid European and American
letter writers, has enlisted FIFA, the world soccer federation, to pressure
South Korea to shut down the industry. South Korean lawmakers, angered by
this pressure, are pushing to legalize the industry next month. The industry,
armed with supportive research by a scholar known as "Dr. Dogmeat," plans to
set up dog-meat stands near World Cup stadiums and advertise recipes on
English-language Web sites.

On Jan. 14, animal rights activists muzzled the industry's PR campaign
kickoff. On Jan. 19, Korean hackers plan to attack the Web sites of French
and American media companies that have disparaged canine Seoul food. The
controversy has even invaded New York, where lawmakers are considering
whether to ban dog meat (which is legal in 44 states) amid reports that it's
being sold there. Editorials have expressed disgust at the practice, and
Korean-Americans are assuring the public that they, too, find it barbaric.
Everybody wants to show that he's civilized by condemning the eating of dogs.
There's only one problem: Nobody can explain why it's wrong. In fact, on
closer examination, the arguments against dog-eating turn out to be creepier
than dog-eating itself.

Let's start with the clearest complaint: the needlessly cruel methods—
beating, strangling, boiling—by which many dogs are killed in Korea. To Frame
Game, this is a no-brainer. These methods have to be stopped. At a minimum,
they should be replaced with electrocution, which is far more humane. That's
why South Korean lawmakers are proposing to legalize, license, and regulate
the industry. But guess who's trying to stop them? The same attack-dog
activists who complain about the cruelty of the old methods.

Grilled dog meat

South Korea's Livestock Processing Act doesn't officially apply to dogs. The
obvious solution is to classify dogs as livestock. But in 1999, legislators
who tried to do that were thwarted by critics who warned that legalization
would hurt the country's image. Now anti-dog-meat activists in Korea,
Britain, Australia, and elsewhere are trying to block legalization again,
arguing that "there is no recognized humane method of killing" dogs. As a
spokesman for the Korea Animal Protection Society put it, "South Korean
officials misunderstand the situation. They think it would be okay as long as
dogs are not killed in a cruel manner." Given a choice between ending the
cruelty and waging their all-out war till the last dog is hung, the activists
choose the latter. FIFA, too, opposes legalization—at least until after the
World Cup—and calls for a total end to dog-meat consumption.

To justify keeping the industry underground, unsafe, and inhumane, activists
ought to have a pretty good reason why dog-eating—as opposed to the eating of
other animals, which they tolerate—is too horrible to legalize. But what is
that reason? Since dogs aren't smarter or more gentle than pigs, for example,
anti-dog-meat activists argue that dogs are special because they're "pets"
and "companion" animals. FIFA President Sepp Blatter calls them the "best
friend of humankind." Dogs are "friends, not animals," Bardot told a Korean
radio interviewer. "Cows are grown to be eaten, dogs are not. I accept that
many people eat beef, but a cultured country does not allow its people to eat

Strip out Bardot's silly arrogance and her Korean colleagues' sentimentality,
and their philosophy boils down to this: The value of an animal depends on
how you treat it. If you befriend it, it's a friend. If you raise it for
food, it's food. This relativism is more dangerous than the absolutism of
vegetarians or even