Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-30 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 4:57:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< So true, so true. Whether it turns out to be a bona fide catastrophe or
 a pretext for martial law, I think we need to start converting our anxieties
 about it into action, and use it as an opportunity for community building,
 community agriculture to guarantee continuity of our food supply, etc. Call
 a kook, but I think we need to steal the ball and take it back down the

 --Charles >>

Could not agree more Charles.  When you SIGHT the ball let me know and then we
can TRY to steal it back and then go back down the court!  :)

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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-29 Thread EASTERISLE

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 4:38:46 PM, you wrote:

>This is the whole problem with this topic.  One does not know what to
>That is the whole point anyway.

So true, so true. Whether it turns out to be a bona fide catastrophe or merely
a pretext for martial law, I think we need to start converting our anxieties
about it into action, and use it as an opportunity for community building,
community agriculture to guarantee continuity of our food supply, etc. Call me
a kook, but I think we need to steal the ball and take it back down the court,


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype?

1998-12-28 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

>Yeah, who or what do you believe? If you listen to Gary North he sounds a
>little too apocalyptic, yet his supporting information seems plausible, at
>least to this layman. At the same time I've heard programers with nothing
>lose or gain say that yes, Y2K is every bit as serious as it's being
>and they knew it all the time. But guess what - today we hear that Social
>Security's Y2K bug has been fixed and that they are now in 100% compliance.
>Apparently it took 2800 people to pull that off (no time frame given) and
>came in a full year ahead of the deadline. If this is true, it seems
>reasonable that everyone else, with a full year left, has a great
>to fix their problem too, or at least that is what I would infer, if the
>spokesman is to be believed. So who was that spokesman, that bearer of good
>tidings? You guessed it! So where does that leave us? Who and what are we
>As to the martial law theory, it's one that's been gaining momentum in
>conspiracy circles in recent months. And after everything that's come down
>since 1993, you don't dismiss out of hand ANY conspiracy theory anymore.
>if there's something in the works, why would Slick announce the SS cure?
>Perhaps to lull the nation into a false sense of security? To short circuit
>preparedness plans? Does that sound paranoid? Maybe, but don't forget that
>Bill has made paranoia fashionable.

Some facts:

The SSA has been working to remediate their systems since 1989. The other
Fed agencies did not start until 1995. It is very interesting that in the
past, the Administration
has claimed all other Agencies would be complaint by Dec. 31, 1998. When
trying to understand the Clinton Administration, the only time they are
forthcoming is by omission. Note there was no announcement that any other
Agency was compliant.
The SSA does not issue the checks. The checks come from Treasury. Treasury
is not compliant.

One of the most vocal group of citizens that the pols really pay attention
to are the Seniors, especially when it comes to their SS checks. No doubt
the White House has been getting a lot of fevered inquiries from the
Seniors, demanding to know if Y2K will effect their SS checks. Are we seeing
a poll driven photo op here?

An aside: Notice Clinton said that SS checks would not be delayed "for one
Why didn't he simply say that they would not be delayed, period? Does it
that the checks will be delayed for more then one day? (Depends on what the
word "is"

They claim they are "compliant" yet they have not fully tested. Testing is
the difficult part.

SSA interacts with approx 2000 other data base systems. If those systems are
not compliant, then they can corrupt the whole SSA system. As of today, the
SA does not know the status of those systems.

It took them 9 years to remediate 30,000,000 lines of code. The SSA also
relies on approx. 33,000,000 lines of code within State agencies. Those
lines have not been

Clinton has signed various E.O.'s giving himself martial law powers (when he
declares an emergency). The Feds (FEMA and the military) are planning
several "exercises" to practice for possible Y2K National / International
"emergencies" in the first part of 1999. The state's National Guards have
been coordinating with FEMA in case of a
"National Emergency". For the past several years the military has been
"urban assaults" in many major US cities.

Conspiracy? Of course not. Maybe they just know something that we don't.

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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-28 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 11:38:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  This is the whole problem with this topic.  One does not know what to
> believe.
>  That is the whole point anyway.  It seems to me that what can be
> accomplished
>  with the "use" of such a thing is great.  Consider the "apocalyptic"
>  maundering of the "fundies", as you say.  Then consider the stoic silence
>  the programmers.  There could be panic by some, anticipating something
>  happening even though nothing will or does happen.  This whole thing could
>  just be a prepared ruse in order to effect some societal change, banking as
>  the "controllers" would be on the panic of the misinformed and the
>  who will be looking at 2000 as though it is the end.  Do I hear the term
>  "martial law"?
>  Teo1000
Yeah, who or what do you believe? If you listen to Gary North he sounds a
little too apocalyptic, yet his supporting information seems plausible, at
least to this layman. At the same time I've heard programers with nothing to
lose or gain say that yes, Y2K is every bit as serious as it's being billed,
and they knew it all the time. But guess what - today we hear that Social
Security's Y2K bug has been fixed and that they are now in 100% compliance.
Apparently it took 2800 people to pull that off (no time frame given) and they
came in a full year ahead of the deadline. If this is true, it seems
reasonable that everyone else, with a full year left, has a great opportunity
to fix their problem too, or at least that is what I would infer, if the
spokesman is to be believed. So who was that spokesman, that bearer of good
tidings? You guessed it! So where does that leave us? Who and what are we to

As to the martial law theory, it's one that's been gaining momentum in
conspiracy circles in recent months. And after everything that's come down
since 1993, you don't dismiss out of hand ANY conspiracy theory anymore. But
if there's something in the works, why would Slick announce the SS cure?
Perhaps to lull the nation into a false sense of security? To short circuit
preparedness plans? Does that sound paranoid? Maybe, but don't forget that Mr.
Bill has made paranoia fashionable.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-28 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

This is the whole problem with this topic.  One does not know what to believe.
That is the whole point anyway.  It seems to me that what can be accomplished
with the "use" of such a thing is great.  Consider the "apocalyptic"
maundering of the "fundies", as you say.  Then consider the stoic silence of
the programmers.  There could be panic by some, anticipating something
happening even though nothing will or does happen.  This whole thing could
just be a prepared ruse in order to effect some societal change, banking as
the "controllers" would be on the panic of the misinformed and the "fundies"
who will be looking at 2000 as though it is the end.  Do I hear the term
"martial law"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-28 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

> Why do I have such a hard time finding a computer programmer that I know
> that's even mildly concerned w/ Y2K?  I've asked all my programmer friends
> the following questions: 1) Are you the least bit worried about Y2K, and 2)
> Are any of your colleagues worried about Y2K?  The answer to both is always
> no, though I don't know any fundie apocalyptic programmers with
> predispositions towards this sort of panic.

You don't know any programmers working full-time on y2k compliance? I understand
there's a population of them doing that. I expect it to be exposed as a major con
if y2k turns out to be nothing.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Y2K Overhype (Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/27/98)

1998-12-28 Thread Che

 -Caveat Lector-

>Other electronic equipment besides computers may also be vulnerable. So
>engineers everywhere are clambering over pipes, behind walls and into
>closets in a giant scavenger hunt for computer chips that control
>factories, oil platforms, aircraft, traffic lights and building-security

Why do I have such a hard time finding a computer programmer that I know
that's even mildly concerned w/ Y2K?  I've asked all my programmer friends
the following questions: 1) Are you the least bit worried about Y2K, and 2)
Are any of your colleagues worried about Y2K?  The answer to both is always
no, though I don't know any fundie apocalyptic programmers with
predispositions towards this sort of panic.

>Several potential Y2K problems have been discovered during simulations.
>When Chrysler Corp. set the clocks on the electronic equipment at one of
>its factories ahead to 2000, for example, the security system locked all
>the doors.

So, set the clocks back to 1980 and you have another 20 years to fix the
problem. QED.  I have a real problem w/ this sort of apocryphal story
(which I've heard many many times, always with a different
organization/corporation).  It defies common sense.  Furthermore, it goes
against everything I know about industrial equipment.  Very little
industrial equipment and/or embedded systems have a realtime clock.  What
little does has to have a way of resetting the clock.  Why?  The batteries
run down every 3-10 years, at which time on every powerup the clock resets
to some set date around the time of the clock's development (usually in the
early 1980's).  Anyone w/ a PC that's more than a few years old has
encountered this.  So, if your equipment has a Y2K problem, reset to an
earlier date, or go around and yank the batteries for a few seconds and
your problem is solved for 20 years.  Before which time the equipment will
have depreciated and/or worn out and been replaced.

Mainframes are a different problem, but corporations that use mainframes
have the resources to fix the old code.

PCs?  Most programmers I know have known about Y2K since before they went
to college.

>The year 2000 problem raises vexing questions for consumers. Most home
>appliances and cars should work fine, manufacturers say, though many
>people will have to test and fix personal computers.

I have a Mac that's been Y2K compliant since 1987, but I don't use
Micro$oft products.  The only reason they're not Y2K compliant is so they
can sell you an upgrade.  See how smart Bill Gates really is?  Bastard.

>Some alarmists scoff at the notion that such organizing will stave off
>the societal breakdown they see coming from large-scale computer

When profits are at risk, corporate types will find workarounds.  People
tend to be very creative when their ass is on the line.

>Bankers are especially worried about possible major withdrawals.
>The Federal Reserve Board has already said it will set aside an extra
>$50 billion of currency reserves at the end of 1999.
>"When we get down to 1999, the retail public is going to panic and want
>cash, and we better have it for them," said David Iacino, head of the
>year 2000 program at BankBoston.

This is my biggest worry - a media hype crisis, not a computer-created one.
 There's a slim chance of some government power-grab under cover of a
staged Y2K crisis, but my paranoia doesn't reach that far.  Your mileage
may vary.

Of course, w/ the media's natural tendancy to accentuate the negative, it's
hard to say whether this is the usual fear-mongering or a deliberate
disinformation campaign.  I'm leaning towards the former.


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