[CTRL] Martial Law In Minny?

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon

Martial-law option studied as response to foot-mouth


 Minnesota state officials said Wednesday they might ask the Minnesota
Legislature for authority to declare martial law in Minnesota counties or
regions if foot-and-mouth disease strikes livestock herds.

The governor has such authority now if a contagious disease imperils humans,
said state Agriculture Commissioner Gene Hugoson and officials at the Board
of Animal Health. But the legal issues are not as clear in a crisis affecting
animal health.

``What we would be dealing with is an economic disaster, not a human
crisis,'' said Hugoson, speaking before a legislative panel.

Martial law, at least at it has been applied in the United Kingdom, would
mean the state could use the Minnesota National Guard and law enforcement
agencies to keep people from moving in or out of some communities. Children
from contaminated farms would not be allowed to go to school, Hugoson said.A
task force from state agencies is working with the attorney general's office
and governor's office to determine if emergency powers are sufficient or if a
new statute ``with teeth'' is needed, Hugoson said.

State officials said they might seek additional funds from the Legislature to
put contingency plans in place, given that the European outbreak could
threaten agriculture, manufacturing and tourism industries in Minnesota.

Although there is no evidence of the disease in the United States, in
comments before the start of Wednesday's hearing Hugoson said, ``I wake up
with knots in my stomach every night.''

Hugoson, state veterinarian Tom Hagerty, and deputy state veterinarian Bill
Hartmann appeared before the House Agriculture and Rural Development Policy
Committee to brief lawmakers on contingency plans.

Groceries for farm families would be delivered in bags left by the side of
the road. As was done in England, people would be restricted to their
property for two to three weeks after health authorities determine that the
farm has been decontaminated, he said.

Foot-and-mouth -- a virus spread via wildlife and people's clothes, shoes and
vehicles -- was discovered in early February on a farm in northern England
and since has spread to 1,300 farms in the United Kingdom. Outbreaks also
have been reported in Ireland, the Netherlands and France. The disease, while
not a threat to human health, requires large-scale destruction of livestock.

Although the disease is found in parts of Africa, Asia and South America,
state officials said that the Midwest's ties to Europe, which bring a stream
of passengers and goods to airports and ports, represent the largest threat
to this country.

Hugoson said meetings with federal health, agriculture and trade officials
have determined that states will need to act first if the disease is
diagnosed on farms, zoos or in wildlife. Federal agencies would provide
assistance after the diagnosis. About 30 states with large livestock sectors
are making contingency plans now, Hugoson said.

An unresolved issue is how to protect a farm family from financial loss if
livestock must be destroyed. The federal government is likely to offer an
indemnity program that would pay an amount equal to the value of an animal
lost to hoof-and-mouth, Hugoson said. However, he added that the real
economic hardship would come from the loss of earnings from a breeding herd,
not from an animal's initial market value.

[CTRL] Martial law is coming -- one city at a time

2000-04-03 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Martial law is coming -- one city at a time
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:11 PM

>From the February 2000 Idaho Observer:

Martial law is coming -- one city at a time

Help us to draw your sleeping countrymen a map

by Don Harkins

City councils all across the country are passing emergency
powers ordinances -- all of which are nearly identical in form
and content. The ordinances empower the nation's unelected
city administrators (city managers) to take complete control of
town functions during a declared state of emergency. The
ordinances also turn municipal emergency administrators into
agents of the federal government in the event of a declared
state of national emergency.

The Idaho Observer became aware of this serious threat to our
way of life in the winter of 1998 and by the time we printed,
“Has your city adopted this 'emergency' ordinance (The Idaho
Observer, April, 1999)” the problem had become much worse.

While most sovereignty-conscious Americans are awaiting some
overt sign that will signal the commencement of a brave new
age of global socialism, the infrastructure for our collective
enslavement is quietly being laid, city by city, all across this still
sleeping nation.

We believe that almost every city council in America has
adopted such sweeping emergency powers or is seriously
considering granting themselves those powers.

The replacement of elected government officials with unelected
administrators is metropolitan government. Metropolitan
government was exposed in the late 50s by Jo Hindman
(Terrible 1313, Terrible 1313 Revisited, The Metrocrats and
Blame it on Metro) and Joe Spenner in the early 90s
(Rockefeller Regionalism: The Shadow Behind Oregon's
LCDC). This unconstitutional form of government is being
implemented all over the country -- particularly in the nation's
more densely populated areas such as Chicago, New York, Los
Angeles, Portland and Seattle.

Metro is pitched to citizens as a way to reduce taxes by
streamlining government services in overlapping city, state and
county jurisdictions. Unwitting citizens then vote to provide for
the hiring of “expert professionals” to eliminate costly
redundancies in government services. Once in office, these
unelected “experts” begin exercising ever-increasing amounts of
policy-making power over an ever-widening spectrum of
municipal activity.

The true purpose of metropolitan government, as stated by its
architects, is to replace elected officials who are answerable to
the citizen at the voting booth with hired professionals who are
answerable only to those few people in a community who are
able use their power and influence to secure the appointment of
preferred professionals.

According to several municipal emergency powers ordinances
we have seen, the city manager, upon assumption of
emergency powers in a declared state of emergency, is
empowered to shut down utilities, close stores, barricade
streets, declare curfews, ration food and other necessary items
and mobilize police agencies and soldiers. The non-elected city
manager will also be the point man to interface with federal
agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency

In a declared state of national emergency, FEMA has been
granted, through legislation and executive orders such as EO
12919, the power to take control of and administrate crises on a
national level.

FEMA will dictate the activities of your emergency-empowered
administrator and will allocate emergency funding to your
community based upon its level of cooperation with federal

While most of America sleeps and while those of us who are
awake are awaiting an obvious sign that the New World Order
has arrived, the groundwork for the military occupation of
America is being laid by our local leaders.

Strength in numbers

Between readers of The Idaho Observer and other concerned
Americans all over this country who subscribe to alternative
publications, there is at least one of us in almost every town
from coast to coast. However loosely affiliated, we represent
the only group of Americans who are positioned to stop the
quiet construction of occupational machinery in our beloved

Go to your city hall. Find out if your city has passed an
emergency powers ordinance or if passage of such an ordinance
is being considered. The ordinance will be publicly available at
city hall as a part of your city's municipal code. Some cities
have a website that posts city codes and other public

Make two copies of the ordinance; keep one for your records
and send the other to: The Idaho Observer, PO Box 1353,

[CTRL] Martial Law enforced by Prisoners?

1999-12-31 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

enforced by
local law enforcement, national guard, marine swat units
Will look like the UN, so some can say that we can not
wipe our own noses, or change our own dipers / nappies
Will actually be NATO having to come in house
who will the people in the uniforms be?  Since it is
NATO I assume that government has a contingency
plan with other nationalities / nations.  has promised what?
once the locals are displaced who will take over?
If you were the likes of Clinton and Bush where would
you  hide a standing army???
- make sure they get preferences
- making sure that they think that the local enforcement
is just as bad as they are.  They are just Bubba's
(average guys that got caught)
Why rehibiliate, they are as normal as the President
and the Bush family.
Texas backs Bush Jr.?
Which people are they taking the statisics from
the prison population>?

Food for thought from the Pied Piper
Oh yes, Happy New Years.

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you
will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977
NEW - my sites are having a problem staying up right now.
So, here they are mirrored.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Martial Law is Here!

1999-11-29 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 http://www.infowars.com/martiallaw.html">Untitled Document

Today is Monday, November 29, 1999
Article on the Military policing 77 Texas Counties Released Today.

Martial Law is Here!
By Ed Hohmann
Infowars.com Exclusive

(Captured Video Images of I-35 Operation -- Click Here)

While everyone has been wondering what excuse the Federal Government will use
to declare Martial Law, we have been living under it. For years, right here
in Texas, US Army soldiers have been performing civilian law enforcement
duties off base.

According to a US Army SWAT Entry Team Leader with the 38th MP unit at Fort
Hood, the City of Killeen has been using the Fort Hood SWAT Team to serve
warrants and arrest civilians for at least the past two years. Apparently,
Killeen does not have a SWAT Team of its own, so the city uses US Army
soldiers instead. The Army, for its part, seems only too happy to oblige.

All of this came to light Wednesday morning when Mike Hanson, cameraman for
documentary film maker Alex Jones, spotted a bus being searched on a
blocked-off stretch of the feeder road along I-35 in the middle of Temple.
Mike was on his way to Waco with a load of building materials for the new
Mount Carmel Chapel. With his camera ever at the ready, Mike got off at the
next exit and swung back around to film the incident. Other local media were
already at the scene of what appeared to be an ordinary police search.

The subject of the search was a Greyhound bus that was stopped at 5:00 AM on
its way from Dallas to San Antonio in response to a bomb threat. Lt. Best,
the Temple police officer responsible for the media, immediately approached
Mike and informed him that this was a military operation being conducted by
the EOD group from Ft. Hood. Lt. Best requested that Mike not film the faces
of the soldiers performing the search, but film them from the back only. Mike
said that we did not have secret military police in this country, and wanted
an explanation as to why these soldiers could not be filmed. Lt. Best
responded, "They do stuff like this and they just don’t want the people to
know what they’ve done."

Lt. Best outlined the search plan to Mike. First, the bus had been cleared by
a bomb-sniffing dog and the passengers had been removed to a remote location.
Currently, the passengers were being returned in small groups to retrieve
their belongings to be searched. Then, the bus would be searched a final
time, and the passengers would be free to board the bus and continue on their
journey from Dallas to San Antonio.

Mike expressed his concern about the use of secret military units to perform
this search, referring to the Delta Force exercises in South Texas earlier
this year. Lt. Best’s response was, "These guys aren’t Delta Force. We all
know these guys, we work with them all the time." Lt. Best refused to
elaborate further about the relationship between the Temple Police Department
and the US Army because "I don’t like how you do your business." What the
lieutenant did not like was that Mike was questioning the extraordinary
restrictions that were being placed on the media coverage, rather than meekly
bowing in acceptance.

The Waco office of the Texas Department of Public Safety originally notified
the Temple police department of the bomb threat. The Texas Department of
Public Safety has a top-notch bomb disposal unit, yet they were not called
out. Why were Army soldiers searching the passenger’s belongings? The local
police should have performed this duty. The traveling public is not supposed
to be stopped and searched by soldiers. That is what happens in third world
countries. The US Army has no authority over the civilians. On the contrary,
the United States Constitution places the Army under civilian control.
Additionally, the Posse Commitatus Act (18USC1385) prohibits military
personnel from executing local, state, or federal laws except as the
Constitution or act of Congress authorizes.

Two blocks away from the bus, hidden in some woods was a staging area. As
Mike was filming, two black Blackhawk helicopters rose above the treetops and
flew away. According to US Army official sources, unmarked black helicopters
are only used by Special Forces. Were the soldiers that hid their faces part
of a Special Forces unit? If so, what unit? Why were they searching a
Greyhound bus in Temple, Texas?

When Mike arrived at the scene in Temple, Alex Jones was just preparing for
his Genesis Communications Network broadcast. Mike called in on the hotline
and Alex started off his show with a live on-the-scene report from Mike.
Listeners were able to follow the story as it unfolded. This was the first
public broadcast reporting the use of US Army personnel engaging in an actual
civilian law enforcement action. It is important to note that none of the
other media pre

[CTRL] Martial Law Training in Columbia, SC

1999-11-15 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Alex Jones' http://www.infowars.com/


Well folks, they're at it again.  Please read what was sent to me this
morning before I located this in the papers:

I absolutely could not believe what I heard on the local news last night
here in Columbia SC. The news was warning citizens to stay away from 5
points in downtown Columbia SC. 5 points is our cities "restaurant row".
It's also all where most of the bars are located cause it's right near the
University of SC (USC).  In other words, it's pretty much the center of
nightlife here in Columbia, but NOT last night!

The local news at 7:00PM last night issued a warning to citizens to stay
away from the area as it was being used by the Marines for Urban warfare
exercises!  The late night news last night showed 5 points
abandoned except for Marines vehicles and troops.  Wonder what the hell the
college kids thought at the university when they they were turned way by
armed troops trying to go get a beer after class last night at one of the
local hangouts!  More choppers today coming into town today. Latest reports
are we now have at least several hundred Marines camped out IN the city.
Local news reported early this week that the exercises had been "extended"
from the original 1 week to a month or more. Now we hear they are here
until "further notice".  WTF?  Then today, I'm out taking my wife and our
new son to the doctor and 6
choppers fly over our truck. I'm not a military person, but it looked like
2 dark green black hawks, some other smaller dark chopper, some kind of big
"air crane" type chopper, a big white chopper (bigger than a black hawk)
and a smaller white chopper just like the smaller dark chopper but white.
A guy I work with who's wife works for the city of Columbia, told me today,
that his wife came home last night and said that one of the Marine officers
had gotten into a heated argument with our Mayor down at city hall about
"carrying live ammo". What the hell is going on? Everyone as work today was
talking about this, a lot of kinda wary jokes about we are being "invaded".

Talked to a guy in a chatroom from Myrtle Beach SC a while ago.  He
couldn't believe it. Said he had heard nothing about it.  The only report I
can find about them even being here on the net is on the Reuters/AP link
off of the Drudge report. Enter Marines in the search box, and then look on
the 2nd page of "hits". You will see a 5 line story about hundreds of
Marines conducting exercises in Columbia SC.  Very little in our local news
about what is going on except for occasional warning to stay out of this or
that area.  Is this normal?

Who has white helecopters? I assumed they were like medical helecopters or
something but someone on a chat site said they are UN. They were not light
blue or light grey but pure white. Never seen any like that around here

>From The State, Columbia, SC http://www.thestate.com/ :


Special to The State
Published on 11/10/99
Hundreds of U.S. Marines are in town this week to train in simulated war
conditions in an urban setting. According to the Oakland Tribune, when
training was conducted there this spring, residents were willing to deal
with the slight inconvenience. But when the exercises moved into their back
yards, things changed. Despite promises to the contrary, helicopters flew
low and weapons-fire noise was at an unacceptable level.

"The helicopters in the neighborhoods were not part of the plan," said Col.
Mark Thiffault. "They were not supposed to be flying at 200 feet. Our air
planner put the exercise into play without checking with us. As a result,
we and the neighbors had a big surprise." What surprises should we expect
in Columbia?

What a tremendous public relations event to promote violent response to
conflict! How can anyone morally or ethically justify this "need" to train
our military -- in our cities or anywhere else? When our nation is the
largest purveyor of violence on this planet, it should not be surprising
that our young people are so violent.

The mayors of Oakland, Alameda and Monterey "earned" $4.5 million. Is the
military paying our mayor? And what is that money used for? Instead of
spending taxpayers' money for this high-tech,window-dressing exercise aimed
at convincing us there is a foreign enemy about to invade, it could
be better spent on the many victims of the current "urban war" -- students
whose schools are in crisis, people who have no homes, people who have been
downsized out of work.

We need to stop playing war games not only in our back yard but also in
other countries where such training is a fact of daily life. Instead, we
should be training true peacemakers to go into areas of conflict ... people
who are intensely trained and committed to work for non-violent resolutions
... people who do not carry guns.

Being a socially aware a

[CTRL] Martial Law, Internment Plans/PBS Lets Cat Out Of Bag

1999-09-25 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Quote from article below:
"Also set to be revealed in the interview: the FBI's "Mad Max" scenario
that allegedly characterizes blacks as "emotional people and not an
intellectual people" who are likely to loot and riot. The Special Agent
adds, "Mad Max would consist of them going in and restoring order by
using military force, by use of the National Guard, and by using HRT
[Hostage Recovery Team]

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Subj:  Martial Law, Internment Plans/PBS Lets Cat Out Of Bag
Date:   9/24/99 7:21:45 PM Central Daylight Time

Martial Law, Internment Plans PBS Show Lets Cat Out Of Bag To Mainstream

"Tony Brown's Journal" airs news of massive federal "relocation" plans
using military might in the event of serious Y2K problems, other major

Average Americans Mostly In the Dark--
No Surprise to Intelligence Community

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A Y2KNEWSWIRE.COM Feature Article

Reprinted by NewsHawk for educational purposes only under fair use
copyright guidelines
Copyright 1999 All rights Reserved

Breaking News

September 22, 1999

We all know the FBI lied about Waco. Government troops blazed away at
the compound from helicopters, amored personnel carriers and the ground,
yet the FBI insists none of their people fired a single shot. Now the
FBI is about to face a new round of allegations, but this time, it's
about Y2K.

One of the longest-running television programs in the history of PBS,
"Tony Brown's Journal," is set to reveal explosive allegations as early
as this Friday. In the thirty-minute segment, already filmed, the former
FBI Special Agent reveals one blockbuster allegation after another,
describing, for example, how the contingency plan to relocate mass
numbers of people is hardly anything new to the intelligence community.
He says, "They prepare to go in and control the public in mass numbers,
to move them to certain locations. They have that plan in effect,
they've been training for years to do that."

About Y2K, the Special Agent says, "Y2K presents a problem because... if
you lose electricity, now you're talking about making movements under
the cover of darkness. ...And they realize... they have an acceptable
loss rate. In these movements during night, there may be some innocent
people who are harmed and shot, but that's acceptable."

Also set to be revealed in the interview: the FBI's "Mad Max" scenario
that allegedly characterizes blacks as "emotional people and not an
intellectual people" who are likely to loot and riot. The Special Agent
adds, "Mad Max would consist of them going in and restoring order by
using military force, by use of the National Guard, and by using HRT
[Hostage Recovery Team]

But none of the allegations to be revealed in the show are a surprise to
the FBI, says the former agent. "This is not even a surprise if you
understand the intelligence community," he says, explaining that it is,
in fact, the responsibility of the FBI and the intelligence community to
anticipate and plan for these kinds of events.

In an interview with Y2K Newswire, the former Special Agent revealed
that if questioned, FBI officials would certainly not deny the existence
of such a plan. They would call it a "worst case contingency" and
explain that their security roles require them to plan for such emergencies.

Plans for mass relocations of the population, "acceptable casualties"
and removal of
so-called "dissidents" after a declaration of Martial Law are only a
surprise to the American public, not the intelligence community.

The full story is unveiled on your local PBS station beginning this
Friday. Shows may air any day from Friday, September 23 through Thursday,
September 30th. Check your local listings for exact air times.

Video tapes of the show can also be purchased for $29.95 by calling
1-800-524-3552 and asking for the show titled, "Race and Y2K." Y2K
Newswire makes nothing from your purchase.

Tony Brown is the author of "Empower the People" and "Black Lies, White
Lies." Brown works to bring together blacks and whites through mutual
understanding of how the global power structures really operate. Brown
also regularly holds Y2K rallies to increase awareness and preparedness
among Americans.

Y2K Newswire is bringing an exclusive interview with the former FBI
Special Agent to its members later this week.

The above information was brought to you under the Constitutional
protection of the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment is exclusively
guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. Support your right to engage in the
free exchange of ideas, information and criticism of government by
supporting your individual right to keep and bear arms.

If you have a Y2K-related story tip for us (anonymity assured):

This page is subject to the following disclaimer:

[CTRL] Martial Law rumors, and one gun store owner

1999-06-27 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

>>Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 05:39:12 -0700
From Jim
Subject: Martial Law rumors, and one gun store owner
>>The following item appeared this morning on the J. Orlin Grabbe web site
>>This site has consistently been a reliable source of accurate and
>>important news items from both well-known "mainstream" and obscure
>>"alternative" sources. I was a  little surprised to find this item
>>there. I figured if Grabbe placed enough credence in this information to
>>use it on his site, then it was worth sending to you.
>> Preparations for Martial Law
>> From: Tim May
>> Newsgroups: comp.software.year-2000, misc.survivalism
>> Subject: Martial Law rumors, and one gun store owner
>> I was in looking at assault rifles today at one of my local gun stores
>> (looking at an FAL parts gun, comparing it the HK91 parts/clone gun I
>> bought a week ago). I got to talking to the owner, and Y2K came up.
>> His store is in an area with several DOD installations and he has
>> many customers who are either active military or retired military. And
>> some CIA spooks. I once met one of the CIA spooks in the storewe
>> had been jawboning about which of the 50 BMG rifles was best, the
>> Barrett or one of the several others, for ultra-long-range sniping.
>> the store owner casually mentioned that "Fred" had been in the CIA.
>> Out on a medical disability, and living in the Monterey area.
>> (The area is in the Monterey-Pacific Grove-Carmel area. The DOD
>> installations include: The Naval Postgraduate School, the Fort Ord
>> base (now being closed), the Defense Language Institute, and some
>> Navy undersea warfare think tanks. Also, some CIA-affiliated think
>> tanks (suspected: Monterey Institute for International Studies). CIA
>> spooks visit the area, and his store, for various reasons. I surmise
>> that he supplies some of the folks down at Camp Roberts and Camp
>> Hunter Liggett. Viewers of some Tom Clancy movies will recognize
>> this is where snipers and special forces get training.)
>> Here's the bombshell: He told me that "more than one" of his best
>> longterm customers, with affiliations to these aforementioned groups,
>> have told him of a plan for a "quick response" imposition of martial
>> law. "72 hours." The date he heard from some of them was December
>> 1st. To disburse the troops and have martial law in place in 72 hours.
>> By December 4th, in other words.
>> The idea for the timing, presumably, being that it will be clear by
>> just how many nations, companies, and agencies are not going to be
>> ready. And enough time for the soldiers to integrate with the rail and
>> utility distributions, perhaps for ration coupon books to be printed
>> and available by January 1st, etc. All those things the Naval War
>> College seminars were running scenarios about. (Links between
>> Naval Postgraduate School and Naval War College? Presumably.
>> Whether they are significant links is for researchers out there to look
>> into. Would be interesting to see if NPS folks were at the NWC
>> seminars, and vice versa. And I'm not saying Monterey and the NPS
>> is somehow the epicenter of martial law planning for Y2K...the actual
>> centers are presumably in or near Washington, D.C. But links are still
>> interesting.)
>> He didn't say his sources _knew_ that martial law was going to be
>> implemented, but that the sources had seen plans for possible
>> implementation. Now this could just be the usual rumor mill process.
>> But to lend some plausibility to this tidbit, this area is a hotbed of
>> certain kinds of counterinsurgency warfare (Fort Ord had been a
>> major center of this, now moved up to Washington State
>> somewhere--Fort Lewis, I think. But many of the staffers remained or
>> retired in the Monterey-Carmel-Pebble Beach area, and they hear
>> things. And the think tanks are where such plans are often formulated
>> and "gamed."
>> Monterey, perhaps not coincidentally, was one of the sights for that
>> recent "urban assault" exercise which got so much attention a
>> couple of months ago. (Soldiers rolling down the city streets in
>> Bradley Fighting Vehicles, being mock-fought by urban guerillas who
>> looked suspicially like militia members defending their communtiies.
>> Coincidence? The planners are here. The exercise was here.)
>> This guy, owning one of the main gun stores in the whole area,
>> comes into contact with a lot of them.
>> Take it as you will.
>> By the way, this guy had some experiences to tell of past civil
>> disturbances. He was a young gun store clerk in Stockton, CA when
>> the 1967 Watts riots in L.A. erupted. Pockets of rioting had also
>> appeared in other cities, including Stockton, in the Central Valley.
>> (Stockton now has a serious gang problem, and many murders each
>> year.) The local cops lent him a Thompson submachine gun! My, how
>> thin

[CTRL] martial law

1999-02-28 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: martial law

martial law era.

When Martial Law was declared in 1972, the Lopezes were forced to completely give up ownership and control of MSC, and a new group identified with the Martial Law regime took over the company through the Meralco Foundation, Inc. (MFI).  The Lopezes were kept out of MSC/Meralco until after the EDSA revolution.

In October 1977, MFI acquired all of MSC¹s holdings in Meralco on installment payable up to 1991. Under the Stock Purchase Agreement, the unpaid Meralco shares would revert automatically to MSC upon default of MFI. Such a default occurred in 1985, resulting in the partial reversion of the ownership of Meralco to MSC.

In the meantime, the new Martial Law regime owners of MSC adopted a new corporate name, First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC), which gave it a completely new identity separate from Meralco. Without Meralco, FPHC was then forced to venture into other businesses beyond its traditional core competence. 

The ensuing rapid growth that resulted from an ill-timed expansion from 1979 to 1982 brought about the near downfall of FPHC. The severe economic difficulties experienced by the country from 1983 to 1986 resulted in heavy financial losses for FPHC, forcing the company to sell off some of its prized assets, notably PCIBank and PPC, to meet maturing obligations.

- Corporate Brochure, p. 5 

[CTRL] martial law

1999-02-26 Thread Troy Griggs

y2k & martial law

 Y2K & Martial Law

[CTRL] Martial Law Caveat

1999-02-16 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 11:18 PM
Subject: U.S. Attacks U.S.

>A local FEMA official has said that the Operation-Last-Dance
>attacks on Texas are part of training for massive gun-roundup
>operations. The FEMA official said that this was the official
>wargame scenario of the special forces attack on Kingsville:
>   "Martial law has been declared through
>   presidential powers and war powers act, and
>   some citizens have refused to give up their
>   weapons. They have taken over two of the
>   buildings in Kingsville. The police cannot
>   handle it. So you call these guys in. They
>   show up and they zap everybody, take all the
>   weapons, and let the local P.D. clean it up,"

  I'm afraid I read through the report too fast
and missed the "likely" part in the full text,
sorry(!), which means what the official says
above was the LIKELY scenario. It notes that
the FEMA official, Tomas Sanchez, is privy
to at least one classified document.

  Let me know if you hear about these events
in the major media.  There was apparently a
sentence-or-two cite in the Washington Post or
Times, but I've not confirmed this. How could
these top-secret-military actions on civilian
communities in the U.S. go uncovered by the
media? Assuming for the moment that they
are not the Federal Governments PR office.

There's at least one local Texas media account:

6/6/1996: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/copters.htm
8/18/1997: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/tests.htm

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