Re: [CTRL] [grassrootsreform] Re: eliminate the electoral college

1999-06-11 Thread Ronald L. Wilson.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Jim wrote:
 Meeting in secret, behind locked guarded doors, the representatives of
the States, not the of the people, created an addendum to empower the
States, through their Agency the United States.  This Constitution was
adopted by the States for the States.

   I disagree with the above. Special electors where chosen by
ballot to vote on ratification. This made them the peoples
representative not the state legislatures. The people remained
the ultimate sovereigns here. We have through ignorance surrendered
too much power to government at all levels but the avenue to
reclaim it still lies open due to the nature of the way the
Constitution for the united States was ratified. IMO


I couldn't argree more, however, I think the most important issues today are:
 The most important issues in the country today are:

#1 ISSUE. House bill sponsored by Rep.Paul (Tx): # HR 1148 IH. It
has to do with termination of the unconstitutional and privately owned
and operated: "Federal?" Reserve System. see:
[  ]

Passsage would:
a: Eliminate our National debt: $5,584,273,630,778.72
($20,500.89 per citizen!)In spite of the current budget "surplus", the
debt has increased an average of $206 million $ per day since May
29, 1998! Please see: [  ]

Secondarily, all needed government funding could easily be
derived from US Treasury banking operations. There is
absolutely no reason for us to pay private individuals (mostly
foreigners) to operate our banking systems.
Ref: [ ].

#2 Issue is National Retail Sales Tax. Current NRST bill is  H.R. 1467
IH. Sponsored by 18 Housemembers including Billy Tauzin: "National
Retail Sales Tax of 1999
 [  ]

a: Federal taxation and associated recordkeeping of businesses
and individuals will no longer be required. (For taxpaying
reasons, anyway).

b: The Nat'l debt: $5,584,273,630,778.72 will be nearly
eliminated: The estimated population of the United States is
272,391,799 so each citizen's share of this debt is $20,500.89.
Despite the current budget surplus, the debt hasincreased an
average of  $206 mil.$ per day since May 29, 1998![ ].

c:  Campaign finance reform will result since taxing favoritism
will be impossible!

d. The US tax base will nearly triple, since:
1.ALL products sold in the US will pay equal taxes
whether manufacturedor grown inside this country or
2. Foreign visitors, students, truckers, illegals and
everyone who buys anything inside the US or territories will
pay equally. Currently all these persons
pay nothing!

e.  Record keeping: depreciation schedules, production
costs and related currently "required by the IRS" records  for
individuals and "non retail" businesses will terminate.

f.  Federal inheritance records and taxes will cease to
exist. and many other benefits.

I look forward to finding activist groups whom I can support

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ronald Wilson)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [grassrootsreform] Re: eliminate the electoral college

1999-06-10 Thread Inhabitant of the Conquered Land

 -Caveat Lector-

The Articles of Confederation established a unicameral Congress of the United
States on behalf of the United States of America.

The United States is the agent, an artificial entity,  created on behalf of the
States united under the Confederation established by unanimous consent in March
of 1781.

This Congress of the United States convened to consider questions of mutual
concern for all parties of Interest.  These parties of Interest were the States

These States were the incorporation of the former Royal chartered colonies.
The Estate of Maryland was formally incorporated as a Corporate body Politic by
the council of Safety in November of 1776.  This Declaration of Rights was
amended on December 8th, 1776.

This Council of Safety was empowered on December 8th, 1776 as a five member
executive council chaired by the Governor, who was elected by the General

It was this State, the State of Maryland that signed the Articles of
Confederation and later adopted the addendum to these Articles known as the
Constitution of the United States for the United States of America in April of

The United States was bankrupt in the middle 1780's.   By 1786, the United
States could not fund the interest on its obligations owed to its creditors.
The crisis had the young Confederation of States on the brink of total
economic collapse.  Its ally, France had financially collapsed by the  the end
of 1786.

Bills of Credit generated by the various States held no value from day to day.
The Continental script was worthless by the spring of 1787.  Commerce amongst
the States and its foreign traders was no longer regular.  The British Troops
still set within  forts within the Territory of the States.  There was no navy
to patrol the coast line or protect overseas trade.  Chaos loomed.  Shay’s
rebellion shook the Political leaders to their very fiber.

Meeting in secret, behind locked guarded doors, the representatives of the
States, not the of the people, created an addendum to empower the States,
through their Agency the United States.  This Constitution was adopted by the
States for the States.

The people lead by the likes of Patrick Henry saw the inherent dangers of the
National Government and were able to secure a limitation upon the application
of powers articulated within the first seven articles of the Constitution of
the United States for the United States of America.  These first ten amendments
restricted the and delineated the powers of the United States.

The willingness of the first Americans to stand upon these limitations stirred
the political arena to the brink of rebellion in 1833 under the infighting of
John C. Calhoun, and Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson hard stance thwarted open armed rebellion.  He successfully
defeated the monetized debt instrument, the Bank of the United StatesHe
failed to recognized the domination of the foreign agents, who knew the United
States was the Virginia Company, which had successfully secured it’s
administrative position in March of 1781, under its new name the United States.

The stock holders of the Virginia dominated the United States, and secured its
position as the administrator of the Public trust with the adoption of the
Constitution of the United States for the United States of America.

The people of the States, were allowed a voice in the House of Representatives.
 This voice died in December of 1860, when the Congress of the United States
for the United States of America,  adjourned sine die.   After a million dead
and wounded Americans spilled their blood, the United States was empowered
under the fourteenth Amendment to use force of arms without question to
suppress any perceived usurpation of its now unlimited statutorily created
social democracy.

The people have never had a voice in the election of the President of the
United States.  With the imposition of the ballot box, the people of the United
States of America lost any voice in the control of the elected officials.  Now
with electronic ballotingthe most successful despotic tyranny in the
history of the World has enslaved over 250 million people, and longs to
dominate the other six billion people around the world, no matter what the

Changing the electoral college, imposing term limits, abolishing the Internal
Revenue Service is not an answer.   The answer is knowledge.  The historical
knowledge which is readably available buried within the law libraries across
this Great land.

The people of America have been lied to,  deceived and sacrificed on the
battlefields of the World not for liberty, but for the empowerment of
Democracy.  Read Woodrow Wilson’s speeches about making the world Safe for
democracy.  This Social Democracy is the new world order.

The United States is the colony of the Britannic majesty.  The Sovereign States
of America have deceived it’s own people to succor upon this corrupted trough
of monetized debt and indentured servitude.

Re: [CTRL] [grassrootsreform] Re: eliminate the electoral college

1999-06-10 Thread Jim

 -Caveat Lector-

Inhabitant of the Conquered Land wrote:

 Meeting in secret, behind locked guarded doors, the representatives of
the States, not the of the people, created an addendum to empower the
States, through their Agency the United States.  This Constitution was
adopted by the States for the States.

   I disagree with the above. Special electors where chosen by
ballot to vote on ratification. This made them the peoples
representative not the state legislatures. The people remained
the ultimate sovereigns here. We have through ignorance surrendered
too much power to government at all levels but the avenue to
reclaim it still lies open due to the nature of the way the
Constitution for the united States was ratified. IMO


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [grassrootsreform] Re: eliminate the electoral college

1999-06-10 Thread Inhabitant of the Conquered Land

 -Caveat Lector-

The States were represented at the Convention in Philadelphia.  The people
within the States had no representation within the convention.  It was a
Convention of States.  The participants were all property owners within the
States nominated not by the people, but by the State Legislatures to represent
the needs of the thirteen independent States.  Rhode Island chose not to
participate.  In fact, the State of Rhode Island refused the document till the
twelve States, not the people, therein were going to exclude the State of Rhode
Island from the benefits offered under the Constitution.   Only then did the
State, not the people, of Rhode Island agree to accept membership as a State,
not the people, to the Union under the Constitution.

The People only control the State, where in they are the Sovereigns.  The
States control the United States, which was and is their agency.  The preamble
to the Constitution was to  list we the States of .. The editorial
committee changed the preamble to read the “We the people” of the United
States.  The “people” of the United States, were and are the States.

The people’s say was the demand to limit this Agency of the States.  These
limitations are the first ten amendments ratified in 1791.

Read the Journals, and the Laws of your Estate, and later the State from 1770
till 1776.  You will then find out just what the State was, and how the State
was incorporated.

The people who voted within this State, were property owners.  In this State,
the State of Maryland, you had to own 50 acres of real property, or have a
value exceeding 100 pounds  in tangible personal property to “participate”
within this State, the State of Maryland as an elector.

The Virginia Company had two ruling committees.  One sat in Virginia, the
Second sat in London.

These two competing committees fought over control of the charter.  The
American committee put George Washington in the Field of Battle, who personally
invested over 800 thousand pound sterling of his personal funds to finance the
Rebellion against the London committee and the King’s ministers.

The Constitution of the United States for the United States of America, is a
contract between sovereign Independent  States.  The People of America have
been deceived.

Yes you are correct, not knowing the facts of history has allowed the United
States, and it’s creator, this State, to deliberately mis inform the people of

You have your self, made one fatal error You should validate just who was
allowed to participate in the Corporate Body Politic in 1787.  Property Owners.
  These property owners owned substantial amounts of real, and/or tangible
personal property.

The People’s voice within the Untied States was also decided by the States.
The State legislature was empowered to determine the Districts from which the
representatives to the House of Representatives were chosen.

The Constitution empowered the States.   The War Between the States, in 1861 to
1877, was in reality a War by the United States upon the Sovereign and
Independent States of America party to the Union under the Constitution of the
United States for the United States of America.

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

"In a age of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

 Subject: Re: [CTRL] [grassrootsreform] Re: eliminate the electoral college
 Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 9:00 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

 Inhabitant of the Conquered Land wrote:

  Meeting in secret, behind locked guarded doors, the representatives of
 the States, not the of the people, created an addendum to empower the
 States, through their Agency the United States.  This Constitution was
 adopted by the States for the States.

I disagree with the above. Special electors where chosen by
 ballot to vote on ratification. This made them the peoples
 representative not the state legislatures. The people remained
 the ultimate sovereigns here. We have through ignorance surrendered
 too much power to government at all levels but the avenue to
 reclaim it still lies open due to the nature of the way the
 Constitution for the united States was ratified. IMO


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Cav