Re: [CTRL] Am very distressed!

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I had similar surgery - and let me tell you thisyou take 1000
Vitamin C, 400 IU Vitmin E, one GOOD multivitamun (Lins Pauling Vitamis
good) and also FLAXSEED 1000 mg.

I almost died; doctor said too you for all that; I could not even walk
and had to leave work to the emergency room.emrgency surgery, etc.
And then this Doctor .well had good one, but let me tell you
thisthey wanted more surgery, and drinking organe juice, and all tht
vitamin junk, I have reversed this thing.

Causewell working for  newspaper, came into my office with men in
silver suits; and then for civil serv., same thingsilver suit men
and I hd to be movedthink this hurt.

So, please, please - strawberries, get a juicer = an for just a year, no
bacon, eggs, and eat lot fat stuff, etc.

I am back to normal and better now; no one ws more shocked than I.
Happened to our Mayor in Columbusand he is not that old either.

Peter...pleasethe woman who helped me was  dietician,
nutritionistand I think she virtually saved my life..

Vitamin C 1000 MG;   Vtamin E 400 IU
Flaxseel Oil Capsules (I hate Fish)  1000MG.

Linus Pauling was on our Assassination Committee and knew this Mark
Lane; I did not realize who he was at the timebut the Vitamin C will
save your life, health, etc.

So, from now on I send jokes only.  Remember thisyour efforts have
produced resultsthe tide is turning, and it is never too late.

This Spear of Destinythe spear that pierced the side of
ChristClinton holds the destiny of the world right now in his
hands.if he would ever touch that Spear, he would be hit by

This stuff is really deep;  but, sometimes you must trust somebody, or
and I wish to heck I could go onto Washington on a march against

The most important thing now, is take it easy, drink organge
juice, get a juicer and drink that good stuff.and you will b fine.

I am so sorry  = how is it I did not now about thisyou take
careand now you know why my Mother hated Lincoln..
and Sherman.and those damnyankees.


Remembertake it easy.we will win, you now.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Now isn't this interesting . . .

1999-05-15 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Kris,

Funny you should mention this, as the same thing has happened to me. On Thursday I
was sending pages and posts on mind control etc to a researcher at AOL and 2 of
them were responed to with this message. I never knew which ones .

My notice had in the subject. Mail delivery notice. Mail delivery
Sorry [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your mail to brikanarwa could not be
delivered because brikanarwa is not accepting mail with

Well I don't know who brikanarwa is, never heard of them, and don't recall sending
any attachments, but I sent these items below as separate emails.

Also I noticd my emails were acting strange immediately after downloading Yahoo
pager. They were deleting themselves and leaving a blank line when I deleted them.
When highlighting something the lines were left on many of them and all were
coming up at once when I was trying to open another.

Is this another surveillance method? I'm suspicious of Verisign trying to take a
few minutes to make a digital signature. I know Netscape can see into your
computer as can AOL.


Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 For some very strange reason, an email that I have been sending is not
 arriving to the list or the archives. My computer did quit aol an error one
 message some minutes after I had sent the first message. Also I have not
 recieved a message from listserv about a duplicate message and their bot has
 already disregarded two administrative messages that I sent to the wrong
 address and told me so, so one would think that their duplicate-bot would be
 up also. Hmm . . .

 The message is one about the new MI6 list. what is up? -NEW MI6 List replaces
 fake one-

 This is America . . .?

UN tampering with mental health.

Mass control by UN

UN cops on every corner.

Bio chip

National ID card.


Berit Kjos articles. Global religion etc


Bank snooping : Crabby Traveler: Hotels Get to Know You

ZDTV | High Tech Snooping,3700,2120457,00.html

ZDTV | Information Superspyway,3700,2134763,00.html

ZDNN: Web has work to do on privacy,4586,2258012,00.html : Military Develops Non-Lethal Strategies

MC] The Electromagnetic Bomb

Fwd: [MC] re: a counter to arguments attempting to discredit MC

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: CCAFT vs. Nato-Yugoslavia War.

1999-05-15 Thread Inhabitant of the Conquered Land

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: LJ: CCAFT vs. Nato-Yugoslavia War.
 Date: Saturday, May 15, 1999 6:59 PM

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:59:06 -0700
 From: CCAFT Vancouver Office [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 With apologies, if this is a duplicate message! (We're re-organizing our
 e-mail lists.)


 Please pass the word, far and wide, as this might be an one-time only
 broadcast. Tape it so you will have an educational program to use and
 share. If everyone who receives this message, reaches another ten people
 to alert them to the program and to urge them to tape it, we will
 increase an aware and well-informed anti-war population in this country
 in leaps and bounds!

 Leading Canadian Opponents of the War Against Yugoslavia Speak Out


 JAMES BISSETT, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and
 Albania and former High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago: "Most
 Canadians believe NATO was established to keep us out of war, not to
 wage war against another sovereign state. Do our political leaders
 seriously believe NATO credibility is worth killing thousands of
 Albanians and Serbs? Does NATO credibility depend on its display of
 destructive fire power in destroying Yugoslavia?"

 MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa,
 author of The Globalization of Poverty: "What is most important now is
 the question of legitimacy. The evidence suggests that we are literally
 destroying an entire nation at the bequest of an armed terrorist
 organization with links to organized crime."

 URSULA FRANKLIN, FRSC, Companion of the Order of Canada, professor
 emeritus, senior fellow Massey College, University of Toronto: "This war
 is the denial of law-abiding citizens' expectations that their own
 countries act lawfully. Today I see the lawlessness of my own chosen
 country. There is no point in law if it simply makes it easier for power
 to run amok."

 DAVID JACOBS, lawyer, human rights activist: "The claim that NATO may
 act in violation of international law with impunity is to sanction the
 rule of the lynch mob, the rule of the vigilante."

 ROLAND (ROLLIE) KEITH, 32-year career Military Officer (Ret.) former
 Director of Kosovo Polje  Field Office of the Kosovo Verification
 Mission, 99: "I did not witness, nor did I have knowledge of any
 incidents of so called ‘ethnic cleansing’ and there certainly were no
 occurrences of ‘genocidal policy’.  NATO has caused the catastrophic
 Kosovo population displacement to occur."

 DAVID ORCHARD, author of The Fight for Canada, farmer, former candidate
 for the federal Progressive Conservative Party leadership:  "The
 unprovoked attack by 19 industrial countries on little Yugoslavia is
 blatantly illegal and profoundly immoral. We are essentially bombing an
 open and helpless population."

 MARJALEENA REPO, freelance writer, media critic and activist: "The
 Western media’s relentless demonization of the Serbs of Yugoslavia has
 produced a very predictable result:  a truly genocidal assault on the
 Serbian people by Western military might, Canada to its eternal shame

 Also appearing, a special last-minute guest:

 DR. ROSALIE BERTELL, scientist, expert of low-level radiation.

 For more information contact:
 Ad-Hoc Committee to Stop Canada’s Participation in the War on
 Yugoslavia, c/o Citizens Concerned About Free Trade,
 #202—9 Bloor St. E., Toronto, ON, M4W 1A9  Tel: (416) 922-STOP(7867)
 Fax: (416) 922-7883  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ad Hoc Committee to Stop Canada's Participation
 in the War On Yugoslavia
 P.O.Box 1983, Saskatoon, Sask., S7K 3S5
 Saskatoon: (306)244-5757 Fax: (306)244-3790
 Toronto: (416)922-7867  Fax: (416)922-7883
 Vancouver: (604)683-3733 Fax: (604)683-3749

 Submit message by sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsub info - send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], putting
 "unsubscribe liberty-and-justice" in the msg BODY (not subject)
 List-Owner of Liberty-and-Justice is Mike Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 List Moderator is Scott Bergeson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange 

Re: [CTRL] Bubonic Plague Confirmed in Namibia

1999-05-15 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 15 May 1999, Crimm Sun wrote:
Unless I'm wrong, isn't bubonic plague relatively harmless as long as you
regularly wash with soap?


Has nothing to do with washing, or not washing, with or without soap.

It has to do with getting bitten by fleas infected with the disease, or
breathing in infected microscopic particles when an infected person
coughs on, or nearby, you, or if the pus from a broken buboe comes in
contact with another person's broken skin...

BUt it IS relatively harmless, if diagnosed soon responds
well to early treatment with most common antibiotics...


 Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring!

  - " Mary Poppins "
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Am very distressed!

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, I am glad there is someone who is an expert in the field of
insanity who feels pretty much as I do.Clinton is insane.

He equates Sex to Guns to WarJust like Hitler.  He is a sadistic,
evil man putting up a good front; but, you can tell from the size of his
nose, which has obviously undergone some therapy itself, that this man
is also on drugs.

He is doing to Serbia what those 2 kids did at Littleonsame
personality type, but what make Clinton twice as deadly, he has the
power to destroy this country and everything we stand for.

Stand behind Congress and the Senate; there is something wrong
herethey have been coerced and threatened, and are afraid of

What did happen at the Mormon Church Library at the shootout - and the
Littleton Library and School Hall of Records.

How many kids were going for the Rhodes Scholarship there; Colorado is
somekind of a focal point for them.

Rhodes Scholars.well at Oxford, they must learn about the art of
genocide; Clinton prefers genocide to war no doubt; the problem is, with
geonocide you have a change.

Now we maybe can understand how the poeple in Germany felt with the
advent of Hitler; most wree frightened, some showed love when in reality
it was fear - and Hitler, also equated love to fear

Read that psycho's live and compare it to ClintonClinton is
fulfilling Hitler's dream..the Warthogs and Wartburgs have come home
to restbut the Spear of Destiny in the wrong hands, well - Clinton
does know know what the realy power is behind this spear.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ex-spy publishes coded book on Net

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Did you ever wonder what happened to Bill Colby, found in a river; and
there was a man who was a friend of Bud Fensterwald, CIA who lived next
door, found dead in a similar accident.

Way back n 1969 Bud Fensterwald wrote in a letter that he had a million
dollar life insurance policy on his life and if anyting happened to him,
it would be used to get the killers.well, he died right after the
movie JFK came out -some wonder about his death, I do not now.  I know
my friend Sybil was almost murdered at Hilton Head SC. and ended up in
the hospitalso these people are very dangerous when aroused, but
only if they have something really evil to hidesay for instance,
drug running.   Why was Sybil's old friend on the run not knowing
whether it was a KGB Agent or MI6 Agent out to kill him; in
counter-intelligence who knows.   Kissinger was such an Agent - Code Nme
Bor.   Every wonder whose side he was really on.

Mr.Tomlinson has some good protection; Gordon Novel, too had stuff
hidden away for his own protection.and if anything would happen to
him that might be considered questionable, a lot of people who restill
living from 1963 and later, would be in a lot of trouble.

Me, I think an Old Knight Templar, possibly traveling in pairs - went
after the culprits who did the jobGianciano, Rosselli.and Hoffa
I hope did get away to Cananda, as I was told he did by Hoffa's only
friend, prior to his death.

Someone is using Mr. Tomlinson's name on the netsome of this stuff
could not have possibly been done by him.

Anyway, these Agents who put their country above these greedy bastards,
should be protected; and I think it is nice, that somewhere in this web
of millions, you will find a few honest men.who's truth did not set
them free, but rather have placed them in a time warp until the truth
does out.

Colleen Walsh Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Am very distressed!

1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks for your response Sweetheart.
I try not to excite myself;  had an angioplatsy on 5/16/98, ok now.
We have to get back to a federal government as it was "structured" prior to
the tyrant Abahram Lincoln.  The Slaves, of course, would be free and so
would WE.  The f*cking tariff protectionists (the money-grubbing class of
the North) screwed things up for all of us.  It was NOT a Civil War!!!  It
was a War of Northern Aggression Against the South!!!
A civil war means two opposing factions attempting to take control of the
central government.  The socialist bastards and bitches in the classroom
continue to teach the "myth".  Every federal facility of the Department of
Education should be padlocked.   LOL  Reagan wanted to do this, but didn't
have the guts when he had the power.


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Colleen Jones
 Sent: Saturday, May 15, 1999 3:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Am very distressed!

  -Caveat Lector-

 Well, I am glad there is someone who is an expert in the field of
 insanity who feels pretty much as I do.Clinton is insane.

 He equates Sex to Guns to WarJust like Hitler.  He is a sadistic,
 evil man putting up a good front; but, you can tell from the size of his
 nose, which has obviously undergone some therapy itself, that this man
 is also on drugs.

 He is doing to Serbia what those 2 kids did at Littleonsame
 personality type, but what make Clinton twice as deadly, he has the
 power to destroy this country and everything we stand for.

 Stand behind Congress and the Senate; there is something wrong
 herethey have been coerced and threatened, and are afraid of

 What did happen at the Mormon Church Library at the shoot-out - and the
 Littleton Library and School Hall of Records.

 How many kids were going for the Rhodes Scholarship there; Colorado is
 some kind of a focal point for them.

 Rhodes Scholars.well at Oxford, they must learn about the art of
 genocide; Clinton prefers genocide to war no doubt; the problem is, with
 genocide you have a change.

 Now we maybe can understand how the people in Germany felt with the
 advent of Hitler; most were frightened, some showed love when in reality
 it was fear - and Hitler, also equated love to fear

 Read that psycho's live and compare it to ClintonClinton is
 fulfilling Hitler's dream..the Warthogs and Wartburgs have come home
 to restbut the Spear of Destiny in the wrong hands, well - Clinton
 does know what the real power is behind this spear.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Da Bombz!

1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Published Saturday, May 15, 1999

Editorial: Cluster bombs -- For Yugoslavia's kids, a pernicious gift

In Yugoslavia, as in every other land, children wake up on a weekend
morning ready to play. They check the sky and, if it's free of clouds

and F-15s, head out into the neighborhood. They play ball, kick
sticks and hunt through the grass for bits of treasure. Lately
they've been stumbling upon some especially alluring objects --
bright orange-yellow things the size of soda cans, and shiny spheres
the size of tennis balls. The kids snatch them up. They explode. The
kids lose an arm, an eye or a life.

This scenario is made possible by NATO, which has been scattering the

colorful trinkets across Yugoslavia for weeks. The soda-can things
are CBU-87 and RBL755 bomblets, while the bright little balls are
ATACMS bomblets. None of them is meant for children, of course.
They're unexploded submunitions -- the little bombs inside of cluster
bombs. NATO likes to drop them on enemy airfields, because cluster
bombs release a shower of explosives that then explode again -- doing
great damage to planes and other equipment.

But every now and then NATO misses its mark. It drops cluster bombs
not on a military installment, but on a civilian center. This
happened earlier this month in the southern Yugoslavian city of Nis,
when an airstrike meant for an airfield instead hit a hospital
complex and a market. The damage of such a mishap doesn't end with
the airstrike. That's because the bomblets inside cluster bombs don't
always explode when they're dropped. A good 5 percent of them are
duds -- lying in quiet wait for an unwitting walker to happen by.
They become a kind of land mine, detonating when they're disturbed on
the ground. Like land mines, they remain lethal years after a
conflict has ended -- killing innocent civilians.

This circumstance has caught the attention of the acclaimed
international group Human Rights Watch, which is calling on NATO to
stop using cluster bombs. The group cites testing data that suggests
that each cluster bomb leaves behind 5 to 10 duds on average. The
danger posed by these bomblets is anything but theoretical: On April
24, Human Rights Watch reports, five children playing with unexploded
submunitions in southern Kosovo were killed. Two were injured. The
death toll is likely to increase.

NATO and Pentagon spokesmen insist the cluster bomb is an especially
effective weapon in a campaign like this because of its ability to
devastate a wide area. But similar arguments can be made for many
other weapons already forsaken -- chemical and biological weapons,
for instance. Civilized nations refrain from using them not because
they're ineffective, but because they hurt civilians as well as
soldiers and because their effects outlast even the longest war.

This war -- any war -- can't help but stir pangs of conscience for
the thoughtful. Slobodan Milosevic's cruelty to the Kosovars evokes
horror, and pounding his military machine may seem the only proper
response. But it's impossible not to wince at the idea that Serbian
children have been left motherless by NATO jets. And it seems right
to cry out in anguish at the news that NATO's weapons are leaving
behind spangly lethal little toys that beckon to little Yugoslavian
children. Surely no wager of war -- especially one fighting to save
lives -- should leave such a legacy.

© Copyright 1999 Star Tribune. All rights reserved.

When I was on Guam (late '70s), no one was allowed out in the
jungles because of all the ordnance left over from WW2, still 'live'
and still explodable.  When I was in Germany (mid-'90s), they were
still finding bombs from the same conflict (different theatre), still
'live', still explodable.  I wonder what it must be like to have
grown up in places where the worst thing that could happen would be
like, oh, getting a bad sunburn, or, turned down for a date.

Excerpted from The-Times (UK)

Begin excerpt
May 15 1999 BALKANS WARPicture: Line

Italian fishermen injured as munitions explode; 100 feared dead in
Kosovo raid

Nato jets dump bombs off Venice


ITALIAN authorities yesterday cordoned off a coastal area off Venice
where hundreds of cluster bombs apparently dumped by US warplanes
flying bombing missions in the Balkans had fallen. Officials said
fishermen who had hauled in the bombs had been injured and
minesweepers were to move into the area today.

The news came amid claims that up to 100 Albanians had been killed
and many more injured by Nato cluster bombs dropped in Kosovo. If
confirmed, the death toll would be the highest among civilians in a
single airstrike since the bombing began seven weeks ago. Still-
smouldering tractors, trailers and dead bodies littered the streets
of a village near the Albanian border yesterday, more than 12 hours
after the reported attack.

End excerpt

[CTRL] Refugees Refuse

1999-05-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune (

Paris, Saturday, May 15, 1999

Tired Refugees Loath to Pull Up Roots

Kosovars Resist Efforts to Move Them From Overflowing Border Area

By John Ward Anderson and Molly Moore Washington Post Service
KUKES, Albania - They wait here, tens of thousands of them, in the
dusty, dirty tent cities of this overcrowded border town, hoping to
be reunited with family and friends who were forced to stay behind,
wanting only to remain close to home, to Kosovo.

But in the curious logic of the relief effort here, where the
psychological needs of refugees do not always coincide with the
practical demands of international aid agencies, these refugees are
being asked to move farther south in Albania. And they do not want to

Seven weeks into Europe's worst refugee crisis since World War II, aid officials say 
they now expect hundreds of thousands of the people who have fled Yugoslav forces in 
Kosovo to remain in Albania for at least another ye

The prospect is a daunting one for Albania, the poorest and most backward country on 
the continent. Nowhere is the problem greater than in Kukes, transformed over the past 
two months from an impoverished backwater of 24,0
00 inhabitants into a refugee encampment overflowing with more than 100,000 people.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the government say that Kukes, already 
suffering water shortages, rising crime, inadequate sanitation, and insufficient 
schools and hospitals, cannot cope much longer. On top of t
hat, they fear the camps here make tempting targets for Yugoslav artillery positions 
just over the mountainous border about 25 kilometers (about 15 miles) away.

But with more people arriving from Kosovo every day, officials are approaching a moral 
dilemma: how to move traumatized refugees, who have already been pushed around too 
much, to the Albanian interior if they do not want
to go.

The aid agencies say they will not order the refugees to resettle farther south, but 
they began an information campaign Tuesday to try to persuade them to move 
voluntarily. As of Thursday, fewer than 3,300 had agreed to g
o. If this campaign does not work, the Albanian government is considering ordering 
them to move.

When they think about forcing people to go, though, they are confronted by stories 
like that of Sabrije Haliti, whose daughter was killed and son severely wounded in 
Kosovo last month when Yugoslav forces tossed a grenade
 into a crowd of people they had corralled in a field. Mrs. Haliti's 17-year-old 
daughter-in-law and 11-month-old granddaughter were marched away during the incident, 
and soldiers prevented her husband from accompanying h
er or their wounded son on a bus to Albania. Now he is hiding in the mountains, or so 
she hopes.

Mrs. Haliti and her son are safe in a refugee camp, and the thought of being uprooted 
again is frightening. ''If all the other people go, I will go with them,'' she said.

Although nearly 300,000 refugees have already been relocated deeper inside Albania, 
Kukes is beginning to feel like home to many.

Some are waiting to be reunited with families or friends. Others claim relatives in 
the Kosovo Liberation Army, which is fighting for independence for the Serbian 

Others are simply too fatigued, traumatized or demoralized to move again.

In addition, thousands of refugees fled with their Yugoslav-made farm tractors, which 
sell for about $6,300 each. That is almost a life's savings for people who have 
already had their houses burned and livestock slaughter
ed; they do not want to abandon their last asset. Officials are exploring the idea of 
storing the tractors in a guarded parking lot.

''Most have been here several weeks, and they've put down roots, and they don't want 
to leave,'' said Ray Wilkinson, a spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency.

That problem was vividly illustrated this week in Macedonia, which has been pressing 
relief organizations to move some of the 231,000 refugees there to the West or Albania.

The government is alarmed at the mounting cost of accommodating the refugees and fears 
their continued presence could upset Macedonia's delicate ethnic balance.

NATO officials have talked of transferring 60,000 people to Albania, but few have 
opted to leave.

In Kukes, the dilemma faced by officials is even more complex. The UN High 
Commissioner for Refugees forbids placing refugees near unsafe borders, and Albania's 
border with Kosovo is anything but safe. ''The KLA is active
 in this area,'' Mr. Wilkinson said, adding, ''all it takes is one shell'' from 
Serbian artillery to create a horrific tragedy in a camp.

Seven refugee camps just outside Kukes have grown into small tent cities, some quite 
well equipped.

In fact, some relief workers have privately expressed 

Re: [CTRL] Bubonic Plague Confirmed in Namibia

1999-05-15 Thread Crimm Sun

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/15/99 7:04:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


  Has nothing to do with washing, or not washing, with or without soap.

  It has to do with getting bitten by fleas infected with the disease, or
  breathing in infected microscopic particles when an infected person
  coughs on, or nearby, you, or if the pus from a broken buboe comes in
  contact with another person's broken skin...

  BUt it IS relatively harmless, if diagnosed soon responds
  well to early treatment with most common antibiotics...


Hrmm.  Well, the only reason I thought the bubonic plague had something to do
with washing was that I remember being taught that sometime in public school.
 I can't remember when.  I spoke with a friend of mine today and he also
remembers being taught that, and he and I did not go to the same elementary
or middle schools.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Dark victory of the NWO.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-


by Walden Bello

May 20, 1994

1994 is the year the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
mark their  golden  50th anniversary. But it is an event most of the
world's people have little cause to celebrate especially the countries and
the peoples whose economies are in a state of collapse, largely as a result
of the structural adjustment programs imposed on them by these
institutions. Knowledge of this failure is now widespread, as is awareness
of the insecurity and deterioration of working conditions being experienced
by most people in the North. What is not widely recognized is that these
two phenomena are linked to the same cause a sweeping strategy of global
economic rollback unleashed by Northern political and corporate elites to
consolidate corporate hegemony in the home economy and shore up the North's
domination of the international economy.

Central to this process was the leadership of a highly ideological
Republican regime in Washington. Aside from defeating communism, Reag anism
in practice was guided by three other strategic concerns. The first was to
re subordinate the South within a US-dominated global economy. The second
was to roll back the challenge to US economic interests from the newly
industrializing countries (NICs) and Japan. The third was to dismantle the
New Deal  social contract  between big capital, big labor, and big
government which both Washington and Wall Street saw as the key constraint
on corporate America's ability to compete internationally.

This is not to suggest an image of corporate and political elites plotting
at the White House or in Manhattan high rises to impose global adjustment.
This is never the way major shifts in national policy come about. What
usually occurs is a much more complex social process in which ideology
mediates between interests and policy. An ideology is a belief-system a set
of theories, beliefs, and myths with some internal coherence that seeks to
universalize the interests of one social sector to the whole community. In
market ideology, for instance, freeing market forces from state restraints
is said to work to the good not only of business, but also to that of the
whole community. Transmitted through social institutions such as
universities, corporations, churches or parties, an ideology is
internalized by large numbers of people whose actions it then informs.

Radical free market ideas had been around for a long time as an alternative
to the post-War Keynesian  social contract.  However, market ideology
became a dominant force only when a political elite which espoused it
ascended to state power on the back of an increasingly conservative
middle-class social base at the same time that the changed circumstances of
international economic competition caused the corporate establishment to
desert the liberal Keynesian consensus in its favor.

There was a  wide sharing of the assumptions of free-market ideology by
cultural, state, and economic elites during the Reagan-Bush era. There were
obvious differences among these elites, but for the most part there was
agreement on the broad thrust of championing private enterprise, rolling
back communism and the insurgent South, eliminating state intervention in
the economy, reducing government-supported safety nets, and  freeing labor
markets  by dismantling unionism.
When a class-based ideological alliance faces a conflict between
ideology and its class interests, the class interest generally prevails.
This alliance is no exception. The very intellectual foundation of free
market ideology is a belief in the superiority of purely competitive
markets over oligopoly. Unrestrained by concern for intellectual
consistency and coherence, the central commitment of the Reagan-Bush policy
agenda to  unfettering the market place  found expression not in efforts to
break up oligopolies, but rather to doing away with the obstacles to
corporate mergers and acquisition. The result has been a further
concentration of corporate power.

Ultimately, the strategic coherence of the Republican policies was provided
not by their pro-competition principles but by their anti-statist and
pro-corporate thrust. From the viewpoint of the free-market vanguard which
dominated Washington, state intervention via protectionism and foreign
investment restrictions prevented U.S. capital from fully penetrating Third
World Economies; aggressive state support for domestic firms in the NICs
militated against the creation of a  level playing field  for U.S.
corporations; and exorbitant taxation of the private sector and enforcement
of environmental and labor standards prevented U.S. capital from becoming
com petitive with the formidable Japanese. Thus they sought to eliminate
state supports for production in the South and the NICs, and to reduce
state restraints on corporate activity in the United States.

In the South, the debt crisis of 1982 served as the 

[CTRL] [Fwd: German documents reveal no genocide prior to bombing (fwd)]

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: German documents reveal no "genocide" prior to bombing (fwd)
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 17:22:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Hoover" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

forwarded by Michael Hoover

 Americans Against World Empire

 Very important documents. German govt. reports state that no extensive
 persecution of Albanians in Kosovo was taking place prior to the Nato
 bombing. ( The German govt. nonetheless supported the bombing decision. )
 This revelation completely undercuts the pro-war argument that Nato bombing
 was intended to prevent "genocide." It is not that the "genocide" or "ethnic
 cleansing" accelerated after the bombing; it simply did not exist prior to
 the bombing--it began with the bombing. The documents point out that the
 Serbian forces were fighting the KLA, not Albanians in general.


 As in the case of the Clinton Administration, the present regime in
 Germany, specifically Joschka Fischer's Foreign Office, has justified its
 intervention in Kosovo by pointing to a "humanitarian catastrophe,"
 "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" occurring there, especially in the
 months immediately preceding the NATO attack. The following internal
 documents from Fischer's ministry and from various regional
 Administrative Courts in Germany spanning the year before the start of
 NATO's air attacks, attest that criteria of ethnic cleansing and genocide
 were not met. The Foreign Office documents were responses to the
 courts' needs in deciding the status of Kosovo-Albanian refugees in
 Germany. Although one might in these cases suppose a bias in favor of
 downplaying a humanitarian catastrophe in order to limit refugees, it
 nevertheless remains highly significant that the Foreign Office, in contrast
 to its public assertion of ethnic cleansing and genocide in justifying
 NATO intervention, privately continued to deny their existence as
 Yugoslav policy in this crucial period. And this continued to be their
 assessment even in March of this year. Thus these documents tend to
 show that stopping genocide was not the reason the German government,
 and by implication NATO, intervened in Kosovo, and that genocide (as
 understood in German and international law) in Kosovo did not precede
 NATO bombardment, at least not from early 1998 through March, 1999,
 but is a product of it.

 Excerpts from the these official documents were obtained by IALANA
 (International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms) which sent
 them to various media. The texts used here were published in the German
 daily junge welt on April 24, 1999. (See as well as the commentary
 at According to my
 sources, this is as complete a reproduction of the documents as exists in
 the German media at the time of this writing. What follows is my
 translation of these published excerpts.

 Eric Canepa Brecht Forum, New York April 28, 1999

 I: Intelligence report from the Foreign Office January 6, 1999 to the
 Bavarian Administrative Court, Ansbach:

 "At this time, an increasing tendency is observable inside the
 =46ederal Republic of Yugoslavia of refugees returning to their
 dwellings. ... Regardless of the desolate economic situation in
 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (according to official
 information of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 700,000
 refugees from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzogovina have found
 lodging since 1991), no cases of chronic malnutrition or
 insufficient medical treatment among the refugees are known
 and significant homelessness has not been observed. ...
 According to the Foreign Office's assessment, individual
 Kosovo-Albanians (and their immediate families) still have
 limited possibilities of settling in those parts of Yugoslavia in
 which their countrymen or friends already live and who are
 ready to take them in and support them."

 II. Intelligence report from the Foreign Office, January 12, 1999 to the
 Administrative Court of Trier (Az: 514-516.80/32 426):

 "Even in Kosovo an explicit political persecution linked to
 Albanian ethnicity is not verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still
 not involved in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina,
 Urosevac, Gnjilan, etc. has, in the entire conflict period,
 continued on a relatively normal basis." The "actions of the
 security forces (were) not directed against the
 Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against
 the military opponent and its actual or alleged supporters."

 III. Report of the Foreign Office March 15, 1999 (Az: 514-516,80/33841)
 to the Administrative Court, Mainz:

 "As laid out in the status report 

[CTRL] Ultimate religio/politico/militario analysis of Kosovo crisis.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"God, it's getting so serious out there. I just hope it doesn't go
nuclear." - Former Pentagon
worker Monica Lewinsky's analysis of the Kosovo crisis.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] The Suez Canal of Europe.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

A good point. --J2
  The Suez Canal of Eastern Europe
  Mon, 29 Mar 1999 11:16:29 -0500
  Wojtek Sokolowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to thank Greg Nowell for his argument pinning the causes of
the current conflict in Yugoslavia to the strategic role of the Danube in
European trade.  This is the first materialist explanation on this lists
that explains why Europeans are int his conflict ("imperialist interests of
the bourgeoisie"? -- sorry but that sounds like religious exhortations).
In fact, the politics of the Danube are behind other (much smaller)
conflicts in the region (e.g. between Hungary and Slovakia) as well as
Western European influence peddling aka environmentalism.

If that interpretation is correct, the current conflict is an example of
Marx's dictum of history happening, as it were, twice - first time as
tragedy the second time as farce.  The nationalisation of the Suez Canal in
1956 by Nasser led to a subsequent military intervention of Britain and
France in Egypt.  If Greg's explanation is true, that situation repeats
itself in Yugoslavia as farce - because what is going on right now is not a
serious war (which would require the committment of serious ground forces)
but terror bombing aiming to achieve mainly a psychological effect.  That
may also explain the complacency of Russia - which clearly may see its
economic interest in the Danube commerce.

Well done, Greg (even though I'd take exception to some of your views on
bourgeois democracy).

A few follow up questions:

1. What is the current and projected flow of commercial traffic on the

2. Who are the main current and prospective actors?

3. If the Belgrade regime is, in fact, blocking the Danube commercial
traffic, why are they doing that?  What commercial or political interests
of theirs such behaviour serves?



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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.


I'm talking about on EARTH, Mr. Johnson.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-05-15 13:22:40 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.

 Even ENERGY can be neither created nor destroyed, just redistributed.
 'Twould seem even God has less "power" than an ideological Capitalist.

 "To a 20-nothing wannabee-yuppie virgin,
 even Ayn Rand at age 65 is a great lay."
--L. Ron Rothbard

Dear Mr. Rothbard,

I had her and she aint nothin'. All she did was lay there yelling "
More, more, I MUST HAVE MORE!"
No wonder Atlas Shrugged. He had her too.

This happened of course, before she died in the 60's.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Citizen

1999-05-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

(Use your own good judgment whether to re-distribute.)

What is the opinion date(s) of the Slaugher House cases?
The XIV Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868;  after the rightful(lol)
assassination of the tyrant Lincoln.
Prior to AL people were citizens of the State in which they resided.  Those
people who did not reside in a State, but were domiciled in D.C. (SinCity)
or a U.S. possession were Citizens of a federal District as defined in one
of the first laws written by George Washington and enacted by the first

The Bill of Rights acted as a restraint on the federal government.  The
People had the power, except for those enumerated powers given the federal
government to perform its duties.  The now radical rallying call, "Power to
the People" was a reality prior to AL.  It was the People who delegated
Power, not the other way around.
To wit:  Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the (U)nited States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the PEOPLE.

Only AFTER Honest Abe (God bless him!) died, the People unwittingly got
"screwed" by the power hungry thugs.

I'm no constitutional expert, but I'll stand by the above until proven

The power hungry thugs of yesteryears are today's thugs which make up the
Republican Party and the DemocRatic Party.
Any Freedom loving citizen of the united States would, indeed, be foolish to
cast their cherished vote for a Republican Thug or a DemocRatic (Socialist)
Thug.  (Those who do are scum protecting their benefits and/or subsidies
paid for by WE slaves.)

``On what rightful principle may a state, being not more than one-fifth part
of the Nation in soil and population, break up the Nation and then cause a
proportionately large sub-division of itself in a most arbitrary way?''
---United States President Abraham 
Lincoln, February 18th, 1861

(They had every Right to do so because it was the States that created the
federal government whose protective tariffs adversely affected the southern
states.  It was NOT a Civil War!!!  It was a "War of Northern Aggression
Against the South".
Remember, the war was fought IN the southern States.  Northern money
interests required the maintenance of cheap labor in the South.) [Your child
will never learn this in the socialist dominated public school system, which
exist solely for the purpose of the school district collecting its share of
the Average Daily Attendance dole.]

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the
traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers
rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to
his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to
the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of
a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the
pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer
resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague."
--- Cicero in a speech to the Roman Senate, as recorded by Sallust

(Folks,  Sound familiar??  Your damn right it infects the body politic so
WE can no longer resist.) ["He rots the soul of a nation"! hummm
Wonder who he has in mind?]

[my sub-title:  Pay Up, Slaves]

It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation,
To call upon a neighbour and to say: --
"We invaded you last night -- we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away.

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld
And then you'll get rid of the Dane.

It is always a temptation to a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: --
"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we've proved it again and again
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray,
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: --

"We never pay ANY one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost,
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!"

Rudyard Kipling

(Folks,  Kosovo is an impoverished State of the federal Yugoslavia, and
hardly a neighbor.
I'll bet my bottom WE are going to PAY the Dane-geld to 

[CTRL] Federal Mapmaking Incompetence

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. Has Past of Poor Military Maps

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The federal agency responsible for making charts and maps
used by military pilots has a history of providing incomplete and inaccurate
data, resulting in fatal mishaps such as the bombing of the Chinese Embassy
in Yugoslavia, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency and its predecessor organization have
produced charts or maps that played a role in at least a dozen accidents
since 1985, some involving fatalities and loss of military aircraft,
according to documents and interviews reviewed by the Times.

On May 7, fighter pilots using outdated maps attacked the Chinese Embassy in
Belgrade, killing three journalists and injuring 20 people. The map had the
embassy in the wrong place, although the Belgrade phone book and tourist maps
had the correct address.

``No database available to NIMA identified the targeted location as the
location of the Chinese embassy,'' NIMA spokeswoman Laura Snow said Friday in
a written response to the Times' questions.

The accident remains under investigation.

NIMA maps were a factor in three accidents in the last 15 months that killed
a total of 28 people, including the clipping of an Italian gondola cable by a
Marine fighter jet in February 1998 that left 20 people dead.

NIMA officials contend they have an exemplary safety record despite a massive
workload. Last year, the agency printed 23.5 million copies of maps and
charts and produced 650,000 compact discs.

Though the Italian gondola accident received the most attention, others
involving faulty maps have occurred. About two weeks after the Marina gondola
tragedy, five Navy fliers were killed when their UH-1N Huey helicopter
collided with power lines.

The electrical wires didn't appear on the map they used even though the same
power lines killed two other people three years earlier, a military
investigator said.

The agency has encountered funding shortages, a loss of senior analysts and
cartographers and friction between intelligence and defense communities for
its services.

NIMA was created in 1996 by merging the 24-year-old Defense Mapping Agency
with photographic analysts and intelligence personnel from seven other
Pentagon and CIA branches.

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[CTRL] Your Doctor $ees You As a Guinea Pig

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Report: Drug Trials Hiding Conflicts

NEW YORK (AP) -- Hundreds of thousands of patients are being recruited by
their personal physicians into a booming venture for doctors -- the business
of testing experimental drugs on people, The New York Times reports in its
Sunday editions.

The newspaper said a 10-month investigation revealed a system that is fraught
with conflicts of interest; that relies on government and private monitoring
that can be easily fooled and that some researchers said is inadequate; and
that secretly offers a share of the cash to other health professionals who
might influence patients to join a study.

The number of private doctors in research since 1990 has almost tripled, and
top recruiters can earn as much as $500,000 to $1 million a year, according
to the story, which was based on confidential documents and interviews.

This new system is a boon for drug companies because it reaches out to a vast
pool of test subjects who have never before been available for
experimentation. But it also injects the interests of a giant industry into
the delicate doctor-patient relationship, usually without the patient
realizing it.

Among the specific findings of the Times' investigation:

Drug companies and their contractors offer large payments to doctors, nurses
and other medical staff to encourage them to recruit patients quickly. And
doctors do not even have to conduct trials to get paid: There are finder's
fees for those who refer their patients to other doctors conducting research.

Doctors who recruit the most patients receive additional perquisites, such as
the right to claim a coveted authorship of published papers about the studies
-- even though the true author is a ghostwriter using analysis from the drug
company. Those who fail to meet the recruitment goals are usually dropped
from future studies.

Testing companies often use doctors as clinical investigators regardless of
their specialty, at times leaving patients in the care of doctors who know
little about their condition. For example, psychiatrists have conducted Pap
smears and asthma specialists have dispensed experimental psychiatric drugs.

A growing number of doctors conducting drug research have limited experience
as clinical investigators, raising questions among some experts about the
quality of their data.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Free Market vs. Capital Regulation

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "While there was no consensus on long-term capital controls, there was
agreement among the finance ministers that certain temporary regulations on
capital flows were sometimes necessary ...".

Pacific Leaders Debate Asian Crisis

.c The Associated Press

LANGKAWI, Malaysia (AP) -- Finance ministers from Pacific Rim nations debated
on Saturday whether to regulate volatile capital flows that some Asian
countries consider the chief culprit in the currency crisis that struck the
region two years ago.

Officials from 21 countries at the two-day meeting of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation forum were divided over the causes of the Asian economic
crisis and are unlikely to agree on how to prevent another one.

Lawrence Summers, the U.S. treasury secretary-designate, was among those
expected to resist any calls for regulating world capital markets and putting
curbs on hedge funds and currency traders, as the host nation, Malaysia, is

Malaysian Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin opened the meeting by declaring
that APEC should help emerging economies in Asia protect themselves against
global financial uncertainties.

APEC's aim is free trade among developed member nations by 2010 and
developing countries by 2020.

Although many of the Asian nations have begun recovering from the regional
recession, Daim said: ``We must not be complacent. We must remain vigilant.''

``The APEC finance ministers process will have to ensure its continued
relevance by contributing more effectively to making the global financial
system safer,'' Daim said.

The finance ministers, who meet annually along with the heads of the World
Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank, will
review the progress of various APEC initiatives and take stock of member

Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin said that while there was no consensus
on long-term capital controls, the bitter wrangling of last year's APEC
negotiations had yet to surface at this meeting.

``The mood is one of cautious confidence, one of pulling together,'' said
Martin. ``There is no divisiveness.''

Martin said there was agreement among the finance ministers that certain
temporary regulations on capital flows were sometimes necessary. But he said
the ministers' final statement Sunday would not include any agreement on the
long-term capital controls sought by Malaysia.

``Everybody recognizes that capital controls are not a substitute for solid
economic policies,'' Martin said.

Malaysia has been campaigning for the forum to endorse its diagnosis of the
Asian economic crisis, which blames marauding foreign currency traders for
attacking weak economies to make quick profits. It believes the world's
wealthier nations must regulate hedge-fund operators and currency traders.

Some nations, such as Australia and Hong Kong, appear to support Malaysia's
prescription. The approach got a boost by World Bank President James
Wolfensohn, who told reporters the bank was not opposed to temporary curbs on
short-term capital flows.

Summers met with Japan's Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa on Saturday and the
two reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation.

The comments were a far cry from the blistering bilateral talks between the
two economic powerhouses last year when the United States blamed Japan for
helping trigger the Asian economic crisis in mid-1997. Japan, in turn,
accused the United States of bullying.

On Saturday, Japan and the United States agreed to implement structural
reforms to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of their economies, a
U.S. Treasury spokeswoman said.

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[CTRL] when the fat lady sings

1999-05-15 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

I looked at many of the links supplied for the Christian Alert Network
and was staggered at the 'wonderful Utopia' about to be realised on this
I notice that the Times reports Pornographic Movies will soon be official
in the UK - part of the ongoing de-sensitisation of the young to 'Traditional'
values. Whilst youngsters with their heads buried in the sadistic computer
games develop 'attention deficit disorder' and short-sightedness 'myopia'
These same youngsters munching through aspartame sweets and other
neurotoxin additives whilst, frying their brains with mobile phones, being
taught only to respect their new feelings and disrespect their parents for
making them feel that way, can only develop a schizm in their psychological
profile - being unable to understand their physiological poisons and causes.
Their senses flooded and disorientated with nutritional and ideological
garbage - they assimilate the voice of reason, from the central tower from
which all instructions come.
Like braindead teletubbies, a fusion of organic and cybernetic implants,
pregnant with stale recycled ideas - they become the fodder of Planet Zombie.
But what of our Alien Overlords who have a feeding frenzy for their livestock
? perhaps a timely reminder ? in Global Monoploy the HUman Race can still
play its Cosmic Get out of Jail card ... this from JRR TOLKEINs
Lord of the Rings  'all that is gold does not glitter
not all those who wander are lost
the old that is strong does not wither
deep roots are not reached by the frost
from the ashes a fire shall be woken
a light from the shadows shall spring
renewed shall be the blade that was broken
the crownless again shall be King ...'

on the return of Elessar or Aragorn and the risen Angels of Eden -
much as george Washington prophesised also.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ex-spy publishes coded book on Net

1999-05-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I want to pass this Mark Lane (and I guess I have been too)
ahead of a killer's footsteps:

Larry Flynt - his office was about a block from my office; he had
offered a million dollar reward for assassins of JFKa friend brought
his first and only FREE PRESS into my office; I read it and said My God
they are going to shoot Larry Flyntwell they did, and my bossie was
afraid I would have the FBI in on me (again)...but, whose name was in
this paper but Mark Land who told a story about Bud Fensterwald, that he
did not want out.Bud had been offered the post of Legal Counsel for
the Assassination Committee in Washington House of Rep; the CIA told him
if he took the post, they would come with his head on a platterhe
also told Mark Lane, that if he told tht story he would deny it.
Flynt was then gunned down.he still has my riginal FBI file, where
they had accually censored some of my own stuff.

Paranoid?  Well Hall Bopp.I got a book from a group headed up by
Rick Strawcutter, a patriot, who is trying to help the farmerslo and
behold, there was Mark Lanes stuff being used.this gorup knows JFK
was gunned down by a group of conspirators who have escaped notoriety
and justicewell, when Halle Bopp died.who did they send their
tapes to but Rick Strawcutters - a person whom they knew they could

At Jonestown, you guessed it.Mark Lane, and he alone escaped to tell
the truth.

Dorothy Kilgallon.met on a corner with Mark Lane as I recall.she
had a lot of stuff, and so did Lanethen, this strong woman,
accidently mixed booze with a medicationheart attack.

Now this is not paranoia...a friend let us say, used to play tapes
for me of Bill Colby and this Secord; to tell the truth, I didn't
understand what they were talking about.but this is the man who told
me that Mary Ferrell's son (she edited some of my stuff for me at Bud
Fensterwalds request) had been murdered, found in a river in a burlap
bag...this is the same man who played the Colby tpes to eand this
man, is a loyal patriot who also stood up for his country and like
Tomlinson, took a lot of crap by his disloyal CIA employers who failed
to back him up...but he has hidden stuff like Tominson.

Paranoia?   George Wallace - I warned him; Jimmy Hoffa  I warned him,
and  his Criminal Justice Association sent me a letter where I was to
meet with Hoffawell,before his book was on the stand, he was
gonethe Red Fox Retaurant.and Red Foxx was on this Criminal
Justice Committee, or his name was on the letterheadLowenstein or
Lowenthal had written th letter for HoffaI knew they would kill him,
and Hoffa knew who did what to the Kennedys.  He, was not involved in

And then of course, JFK, RFK, MLK, Apollo Sabotage (that was murder, and
that is when my Joint
chief of Staff, Super, Duper Top Intelligence brotherinlaw got madeat
me)  where three brave men killed.and in m possession, a bible code
- linking a lot of murder and sabotage - including the death of Princess

Now what I find interesting is thisbibles were made for Kings and
Queens, and leaders of courseand this is the master plan for
everything from genocide to murder to war.the avengers of blood to
the Mafia and nearly every secret society, youwill find home based in
the King Jame  Bible.and now, can you say you are paranoid for
thinking that just possibly, there might be a conspiracy.

Well, I know I am back to work on this stuff; and hopefully, the most
important thing right now is to end the career of
William Jefferson Clinton by impeachmentand a forced resignation.

That he could ever possibly think of himself as a JFK, is - no not so smart to fall trap to a Mossad Agent - oh
can you imagine if an Arab ever got a break in the
White House.why is Sadaam Hussein an enemy when he tried to take
back that which belonged to his country stolen from them by the

Conspiracy?  Well, look at Waco; why did David Koresch have to die, and
Halle Bopp and Ruby Ridge.these are religious orders who were
exposing in thier own way, a great truththat the USA under the
Butcher Albright, Clinton, and Reno, wree starting massive genocide -
only did it not really start at the poor victims called the
Davidians were burnt to death in a holocaust  but none dare call it

No, we are not paranoid; Clinton is insane.


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[CTRL] Taiwan Argues China Must Devolve

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Taiwan Statement May Enrage China

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- In a new book that could enrage China, Taiwan's
president urged Beijing to give up its nationalistic concept of a ``Great
China'' and instead divide the country into several smaller autonomous

President Lee Teng-hui was to unveil the book, called ``Taiwan's Viewpoint,''
on Wednesday. It describes his political viewpoints and experience dating
back to before he became president of Taiwan in 1988.

In excerpts published by the United Daily News on Saturday, Lee appears to
take a tough stand against Beijing, which claims sovereignty over the island.

``Taiwan's democracy and its economic achievement were the sole efforts of
Taiwanese,'' Lee writes. ``The Chinese Communists have made no contributions,
and of course have no right to make any claims on Taiwan.''

Lee, the island's first Taiwanese-born president, says Taiwan and China have
come a long way from the civil war in the 1940s in which the Communists and
Nationalists fought for control in mainland China, but they have since become
two equal political entities.

He calls on Chinese leaders to give autonomy to Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang,
Mongolia and a separate northeast region.

``What the Chinese Communists should do is to give up the binding concept of
a Great China, and give autonomy to the regions with distinctive features,''
he wrote.

Lee also reiterates his stand that there is no need for Taiwan to declare
independence from China. A formal declaration along with the adoption of a
new name would endanger Taiwan's de facto independence, he wrote.

China has threatened to use force against the island if it declares

Lee also wrote that Taiwan can probably resist Beijing's efforts for
reunification with continued support from the United States.

``The United States would not change its policy toward Taiwan as long as it
does not detour from reality and as long as Taiwan maintains its strategic
importance,'' he wrote.

He also said it is up to China to improve its often prickly relations with

``If the Chinese communist leaders really care about the welfare of the
mainland people, it must try to ease the tense relations with Taiwan,'' Lee
was quoted as saying.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Treason in the U.S. Senate

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in the U.S. Senate; Republicans Vote for Gun Control
-- Sen. Smith and Enzi stand alone in defending 2nd Amendment

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

ACTION:  Fax or e-mail Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) and thank him for
defending your rights (fax: 202-224-1353; e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Residents of Wyoming should also thank
Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) for standing in support of the Second
Amendment (fax: 202-228-0359; e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
These two men are sure to be attacked for the courage of their
no-compromise position.  Be sure to look to the bottom of the page
for some talking points for your Senators.

   (Friday, May 14, 1999) -- With anti-gun Democrats on the
offensive, Republicans yesterday retreated and gave up significant
2nd Amendment ground.  On two separate occasions, scores of
Republicans crossed party lines to support gun control proposals.
And on a third vote, several Republicans crossed over to give
anti-gun Senators Schumer and Feinstein a victory in their efforts
to ban the importation of high-capacity magazines.  The words "shall
not be infringed"-- the unmistakably clear language of the 2nd
Amendment-- were repeatedly ignored.

Bob Smith  Mike Enzi Stand Alone in Opposing Gun Bans and
Registration; Alone in Opposing Chuck Schumer

   * Young Adult Gun Ban.  This ban, which passed 96-2, could
severely punish parents who allowed their kids to even touch a
so-called semi-automatic "assault weapon."   [Senators Bob Smith and
Mike Enzi voted 'NO,' while Sen. Inouye (HI) and Moynihan (NY) were
absent yesterday.]  While the amendment allows for certain
exemptions, there are some imponderable questions which NO senator
could answer, but which a parent would have to answer in order to
avoid incarceration.

   For example:  What is a "semiautomatic assault weapon"?  The
definition-- plus exemptions-- takes up six pages of fine type in
the U.S. Code.  It is fairly easy for a gun manufacturer to
determine what firearms he may or may not manufacture.  It is
considerably harder for a gun collector to determine which of the
firearms already in his collection are "semiautomatic assault
weapons" and which are not.

   Second, a child can handle a banned semi-auto if he is in the
"immediate and supervisory presence" of a parent or if he possess a
written permission slip from the parent.  But what happens when,
during a target practice session, the parent walks to the car to
retrieve more ammunition and the juvenile is no longer in the
parent's "immediate" presence and he does not have a permission
slip?  A parent can receive 20 years in jail for this infraction.
This will never happen, you say?  Just ask Randy Weaver how an
arcane law involving a mere possession infraction can affect one's

   * Instant Registration Checks.  The Senate voted 94-3 to allow
this amendment to proceed.  (Senators Inhofe (R-OK), Smith (NH) and
Enzi (WY) were the only ones voting right.)  This amendment will
force the instant registration check system upon gun sales that
occur between PRIVATE sellers and PRIVATE buyers at gun shows.

   The number one danger here-- besides being an infringement of the
2nd Amendment-- is the threat of gun owner registration.  According
to government studies from 1989 onwards, any background check can
lead to registration, despite legal prohibitions.  If this provision
becomes law, expect anti-gunners to start complaining about the next
Brady "loophole"-- that is, private individuals buying and selling
guns outside of a gun show (say, in a home) without a background
check.  By closing all the "loopholes," gun grabbers can thereby
register ALL gun owners in America.

   * Republicans Preemptively Surrender to Chuck Schumer.
Republican Sen. John Ashcroft (MO) introduced the young adult gun
ban, while four other Republicans [Hatch (UT), Craig (ID), McCain
(AZ) and Gordon Smith (OR)] sponsored the amendment requiring
background checks at gun shows.  But Republicans weren't the only
force in town trying to appease the Democrats.  The Associated Press
reported that "Craig, a member of the National Rifle Association
board of directors, said the organization had 'grudgingly' agreed"
to the gun show amendment.

Republicans Cave in and Help Feinstein Ban Self-defense Ammunition

   By a voice vote, the Senate yesterday voted to ban the
importation of magazines holding more than 10 rounds.  (Earlier, the
Senate defeated a motion to kill the amendment by a vote of 59-39.)
While anti-gun Senators claimed these magazines were impractical for
"hunting," they dared not discuss the positive self-defense benefits
of these magazines-- like how such clips gave the Korean merchants
in Los Angeles the needed firepower to fend off rioters in 1992 when
the police were retreating from the riot-torn areas of the city.

   Republicans who sold out on the 

[CTRL] Medical Alert for Women

1999-05-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

** i received this from a friend, who had a friend who sent it to him...
passing this very interesting and important information on to all of you!
  and also to the men who will need to know about it for their loved ones.


As all of you know, I have Primary Peritoneal Cancer. This cancer has only
recently been identified as its OWN type of cancer; but it is, essentially,
Ovarian Cancer. Both types of cancer are diagnosed in the same way (with the
"tumor marker" CA-125 blood test), and they are treated in the same way
(surgery to remove the primary tumor and then chemotherapy with Taxol and

Having gone through this ordeal, I want to save others from the same fate.
That is why I am sending this message to you and hope you will print it and
give it or send it via e-mail to everybody you know. One thing I have learned
is that each of us must take TOTAL responsibility for our own health care. I
thought I had done that because I always had an annual physical, had my
annual mammogram and PAP smear, did monthly Self Breast Exam, went to the
dentist at least twice/year, etc. I even insisted on a moidoscopy and a bone
density test last year. When I had a total hysterectomy in 1993, I thought
that I did not have to worry about getting any of the female reproductive
organ cancers.

LITTLE DID I KNOW! I don't have ovaries (and they were HEALTHY when they
were removed!), but I have what is essentially ovarian cancer. Strange, isn't
it?  These are just SOME of the things our Doctors never tell us.  ONE
AND CONSTIPATION AND/OR DIARRHEA.  I had these classic symptoms and went to
the Doctor. Because these symptoms seemed to be "abdominal," I went to a
gastroenterologist. He ran tests that were designed to
determine whether there was a bacterial infection; these tests were negative,
and I was diagnosed with "Irritable Bowel Syndrome."  I guess I would have
accepted this diagnosis had it not been for my enlarged  abdomen. I swear to
you, it looked like I was 4-5 months pregnant! I, therefore, insisted on more
tests. They took an x ray of my abdomen; it was negative. I was, again,
assured that I had
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and was encouraged to go on my scheduled month-long
trip to Europe. I couldn't wear  any of my slacks or shorts because I
couldn't get them buttoned, and I KNEW something was radically wrong. I
INSISTED on more tests, and they  (reluctantly) scheduled me for a
CT-Scan(just to shut me up, I think). This is what I mean by taking charge of
our own health care. The CT-Scan showed a lot of fluid in my abdomen (NOT
normal!). Needless to say, I had to cancel my trip and have FIVE POUNDS of
fluid drawn off at the hospital (not a
pleasant procedure, I assure you, but NOTHING compared to what was ahead of
me). Tests revealed cancer cells in the fluid.

Finally, finally, finally, the Doctor ran a CA-125 blood test and I was

 I hope I haven't bored you with all of this. But I hope I HAVE scared you
enough to motivate you to action. Do YOU know 55 women? If so, at least one
of them will have this VERY AGGRESSIVE cancer-and maybe, just maybe, it will
be YOU. I hope not. Please, go to your Doctor THIS WEEK and insist on a
CA-125 test and have one EVERY YEAR for the rest of your life. And forward
this message to every
woman you know and tell all of your female family members and friends.As
the Nike ads say, "JUST DO IT!"  Please don't think youth will protect you,
either. Though the median age for this cancer is 56 (and, guess what, I'm
exactly 56),
women as young as 22 have it. Age is not a factor.


[CTRL] Is this the beginning of the ground war?

1999-05-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-


Sixteen thousand marines and a contingent of British special forces are
preparing to go to Kosovo. Is this the beginning of the ground war? It
appears that we shall soon find out.


 [CTRL] [Fwd: Fwd: A warning on US intentions re Yugoslavia]
 Thu, 13 May 1999 21:43:36 -0700

 Nurev Independent Research

 -Caveat Lector-


I don't know how to take this post. I know that troops are being prepared
for invasion. 16,000 marines, the shock troops of Transnational
business interests are going in according to MSNBC.

Normally I wouldn't distribute something like this as fact, but if true
we can bear witness to a crime against humanity. Please distribute
with this disclaimer. Let's hope it's wrong.


 Original Message 
Subject: Fwd: A warning on US intentions re Yugoslavia
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 01:54:36 +0200 (MET DST)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rolf Martens)
Fwd: A warning on US intentions re Yugoslavia
[Posted: 13.05.99 (GMT)]

I'm forwarding to newsgroups and to some mail addresses the fol-
lowing, which I've received just now. - RM.

Date:   Thu, 13 May 1999 21:34:00 +0200
From:   democrite [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Editions =?iso-8859-1?Q?D=E9mocrite?=
X-Accept-Language:  fr,el,ru,es,af
Subject: Warning

Date:  Thu, 13 May 1999 15:30:01 +0200
From:  Marijana Glisic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is a warning. There is a possibility that NATO is preparing
a staged massacre of Albanian refugees to get the excuse to at-
tack Yugoslavia from all sides and in that way defy the decisions
made by the US Congress. We could witness new Markale.

There are indications that NATO is preparing the ground offensive
on Yugoslavia as a whole and not only on Kosovo. According to the
information received from Macedonia and Albania all the Albanian
refugees are evacuating from the border areas and are being re-
placed with NATO troops.

Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria Bosnia, Macedonia and Albania
were all forced to sign the documents allowing the NATO troops to
launch the ground attack from their territories. CNN has sent
three full crews to Albania equipped with satellite broadcasting
equipment. Knowing their reputation they always get sent to the
crisis area "before" anything starts so that they can prepare for
the coverage of the "unexpected" event. There are also indica-
tions that NATO is preparing to arrange a false "massacre of the
innocent Albanian refugees" that will be used as a excuse for the

Our sources say that it will be probably done as a bombing of a
refugee camp in Albania or Macedonia.

[So far the forwarded message]

Rolf M.

 Re: RAF sent to Corsica, Paras  Gurkhas to the Balkans
 Sat, 15 May 1999 19:12:33 -0400


[EMAIL PROTECTED] quoted Yahoo News:

 ...The Government has ordered some of Britain's elite fighting
 troops to prepare to go into Kosovo as Nato suggested the latest
 civilian casualties in the province could have been victims of a
 Serb "human shield" operation...The announcement came as Nato has
 admitted that it attacked the Kosovo village of Korisa where the
 Serbs claim at least 79 ethnic Albanian refugees died.

 But alliance spokesman Jamie Shea insisted they had hit a legitimate
 military target and hinted the ethnic Albanians could have been
 ordered into a troop area by the Serbs...

and also off BBC News, who never ever lie:

 In the developing row over the Nato attack on a Kosovo village, the
 United States has accused the Serbs of using ethnic Albanians as
 so-called "human shields".

 The latest Yugoslav news agency figures say 81 civilians were killed
 in Thursday's overnight bombing of the village of Korisa.

 US Pentagon Spokesman Ken Bacon said the Serbs "had to have known"
 the building which the Kosovo Albanians slept next to was a military
 target because NATO had hit many similar installations over the last
 seven weeks.

 "It certainly looks like this was arranged to make them human shields
 but we cannot confirm this," he said.

 Yugoslav Foreign Ministry spokesman Milisav Paic has dismissed this
 suggestion as "crazy".

 "There is no doubt it was NATO who carried out the raids against
 civilians and they cannot just simply try to get rid of any
 responsibility," he told the BBC...

The Hell they can't, just listen to them!  Which brings us back to that
classic analysis of Cold War doctrine, "Dr. Strangelove."  You recall
the scene down in the War 

[CTRL] The Philadelphia Experiment

1999-05-15 Thread Theryn al'Daeri

 -Caveat Lector-

Grettings, i'm writing a report on the Philadelphia Experiment for school.
If anyone could please supply me with information (web sites, for example) i
would greatly appreciate it.


"Cry HAVOC!, and let rip the dogs of war!"--William Shakespeare

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-15 13:22:40 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.

Even ENERGY can be neither created nor destroyed, just redistributed.
'Twould seem even God has less "power" than an ideological Capitalist.

"To a 20-nothing wannabee-yuppie virgin,
even Ayn Rand at age 65 is a great lay."
   --L. Ron Rothbard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Japan's version of Littleton

1999-05-15 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

mass murder is a manifestation of human nature, and thus
is not limited to the United States, Britain's ITN
television news ran a story yesterday (5/13/99) about a
rash of mass murders without bullets in one of the most
peaceful nations on the planet--Japan.  The ITN story
explained that, just as in the U.S., a headline-making
killing spree inspired a host of copycat events.

Since ITN's website failed (as it usually does), to
carry the story, here are the facts as presented by The
Disaster Center,

Another Japanese Poisoning

  Six people in central Japan were hospitalized after
drinking coffee and tea   spiked with a toxic chemical
used to inflate car air bags, police said on   Saturday.

  The six -- four students and two faculty members from
Mie University's   department of bioresources -- made
tea and coffee with hot water from a   thermos spiked
with sodium azide, the same chemical used in a similar
 poisoning incident in August, police said.

  The six suffered convulsions and dizziness after
drinking the poisoned tea   and coffee on Friday. They
were rushed to a nearby hospital and all were   expected
to recover soon, police said.

  In the other case involving the same chemical, 10
people fell ill after   drinking tea laced with sodium
azide in northern Japan, about 250 miles   away from the
most recent poisoning case.

  No arrests have been made in either case.

  Japan has been hit by several poisoning cases over the
past few months   with health officials admitting they
were at a loss on how to protect   unsuspecting people
from tainted food and drink.

  The most serious case occurred in July, when four
people were killed and   at least 60 others sickened
after eating a curry dish spiked with arsenic at a
summer festival in western Japan.

 today's ITN story reported that a very ordinary
looking middle aged husband and wife have been captured
and accused of the curry killing mentioned in the
paragraph above.  The wife is believed to be the primary perpetrator--the
husband was an accessory.  Who says husbands never help out in the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread M.A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

   Wealth is CREATED, not distributed.
Das GOAT wrote:
   Even ENERGY can be neither created nor destroyed, just
   redistributed. 'Twould seem even God has less "power"
   than an ideological Capitalist.

False analogy.  Wealth is NOT energy.


Few skills are so well rewarded as the ability to convince
parasites that they are victims. -- Thomas Sowell

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How the pie is sliced. Concentration of wealth.

1999-05-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-05-15 16:48:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Few skills are so well rewarded as the ability to convince
parasites that they are victims. -- Thomas Sowell

No one is more paranoid about being "victimized" --e.g., by "Socialist"
conspiracies, by competitors in business, by "unjust" laws, by the "greedy"
poor, etc-- than a capitalist.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-15 Thread (Charles Overbeck)

 -Caveat Lector-

Be warned that by logging on to this web-site you may be monitered! So
save this file fast and mirror it.

This is the true list which was first published on the internet a nearly
a week ago. Shortly after the web-site was shut down by the British
Government, a false list started to appear over the internet which
contained the names of fictional MI6 Officers and was probably spread by
the government itself as disinformation. It was bound to happen like

This list gives the original list of names before the site was shut
down. Spread it around and mirror it to expose these criminals. You can
tell the fake one from the original because the fake one has foolishly
been put in alphabetical order which gives away the fact that it has
been carefully engineered.

Here is the list:

 Robert Bowen: 90 Windhoek, 92 Tirana.

Cor Andrew Boyd: 81 Accra, 88 Mexico City, 96 Islamabad; dob 1950.

Andrew John Bryer: 94 Santiago; dob 1960.

Christopher Matthew Willow: 88 Nicosia, 94 New Delhi; dob 1963.

Alastair Clark.

Michael Feliks: 93 Peking; dob 1964; Dr.

Roberto Dominico: 85 Hague, 88 Lagos, 92 New York; dob 1962.

Nicholai Bernarducci: 88 Lagos, 94 Istanbul; dob 1958; Dr.

Richard George Hooper: 68 Athens, 69 Nicosia, 73 Bucharest, 85 Athens;
dob 1944; CMG.

Donovan Andrew Foulsham: 84 Brunei, 86 Lagos, 95 Rome; dob 1950.

Rosalinda Maria Fulvera: 90 Hong Kong; dob 1965.

Michael Richard Foxton: 93 Geneva; dob 1958.

Richard Leslie Darlington: 73 Helsinki, 84 Washington; dob 1949.

Andrew Fulton: 69 Saigon, 73 Rome; dob 1947.

Robert Philip Bridges: 86 Warsaw, 88 Moscow; dob 1959.

Stanley Armitage Brooks: 72 Rio, 75 Lisbon, 79 Moscow, 87 Stockholm, 93
Moscow; dob 1948; OBE.

Christopher Parker: 82 East Berlin, 87 Bonn, 93 Athens; dob 1958.

Gregory Benedict Joseph Gatsby: 89 Bonn, 92 Belgrade; dob 1960; OBE.

Jeffrey Chittenden.

Robert John Paul Temple: 76 Bankok, 81 Berlin, 86 Nairobi, 89 Bangkok,
97 Nairobi; dob 1947.

Timothy Clay: 91 Warsaw, 95 Lagos; dob 1960;

Mark Hugh Clementine: 86 Tehran, 90 Vienna; dob 1961.

John Donovan Nielsonn: 66 Nicosia, 72 Bonn, 72 Brussels, 88 Washington;
dob 1941; CMG.

Peter Solomon Childs: 80 Khartoum, 82 Canberra, 93 Jakarta; dob 1950.

Andrew David Bains: 75 Nairobi, 77 New York, 84 Lusaka, 88 Berlin, 95
Oslo; dob 1947.

Nicholas Louis Cooper-Coles: 80 Cairo, 87 Washington; dob 1955; CMG,

Keith Cray: dob 1961.

Jonathan Martin James Drake: 88 Cairo, 96 Dubai; dob 1953.

Michelle Hayward Davenport: 89 Warsaw, 96 Moscow; dob 1961.

Pyoter Brian Davich: 83 Rome, 88 Peking, 96 Jakarta; dob 1954,

Richard Billing Fairchild: 68 Nairobi, 73 Prague, 80 Paris, 87 Geneva,
91 Washington; dob 1945; OBE.

John Fairchild.

Kevin Derek Everett: 75 Warsaw, 77 Maputo, 83 New York, 86 Kingston, 88
Lisbon; dob 1948; OBE.

Carrie Garvey: 81 Bangkok, 85 Hanoi, 92 Phnom Penh; dob 1960.

John Harrison Cary Smythe: 69 Hong Kong, 71 Singapore, 74 Peking, 87
Hong Kong; dob 1945.

Andrew Patrick Somerset Gibbs: 79 Rio, 84 Moscow, 87 Pretoria; dob 1951;

Sarah Goodman.

Anikka Goodman.

Keith Robert Grosling: 75 Singapore, 78 Vienna, 86 Manila, 93 Tel Aviv;
dob 1944; OBE.

Rupert Fitzpatrick Hamilton: 78 Jakarta, 82 Tokyo, 84 Hong Kong, 89
Copenhagen; dob 1948.

Roger Graham Talisman: 73 Hong Kong, 76 Sanaa, 85 Hong Kong, 96
Wellington; dob 1950.

Stanley Cole Dayton: 95 Lagos; dob 1963.

Henry John Clythe: 88 Vienna, 96 New York; dob 1962.

Catherine Sarah Horner: 85 Moscow, 97 Moscow; dob 1952.

Robert Benedictine Hurd: 95 Warsaw; dob 1964.

Robert Mitchell Forest: 74 Nairobi, 80 Turkey, 81 Ankara, 95 Ottowa; dob

Charles Maurice Kenwick-Pierce: 74 Brussels, 82 Nicosia, 88 Hague, 94
Athens; dob 1948.

Alec Kershaw: 97 Geneva; dob 1964.

Nicholas John Andrew Longman: 86 Montevideo, 88 New York, 94 Paris; dob
 Richard Vlach: 95 Havana.

James Spencer Kennedy: 91 Kuwait, 97 Damascus; dob 1964.

Andrew Whitside: 95 Budapest; dob 1968.

Marco Williams: 95 Tehran.

Drew Williams: 76 Kuala Lumpur, 79 Bridgetown, 88 Harare, 94 Delhi; dob

Shimon Walsky: 91 Athens, 93 Zagreb; dob 1966; OBE.

Claude Benton Miles: 78 Geneva, 84 Dhaka, 90 Islamabad; dob 1944.

David John Woods: 78 Vienna, 81 Bucharest, 92 Harare, 97 Pretoria; dob

Alexander Woods: 77 New York, 84 Berlin, 86 Bonn, 95 Warsaw; dob 1951.

Alexander William MacBaine: 95 Vienna; dob 1963.

Edmond John Scott: 94 Istanbul; dob 1968.

Jeremiah Triches: 87 Lusaka, 94 Vienna; dob 1961.

Gareth Geoffrey Johnson: dob 1971.

Kristina Anna MacQueen: 84 Brasilia, 89 New York, 90 Paris; dob 1959.

Norman James Sweeney: 72 Nairobi, 77 Tehran, 83 Bonn, 91 Stockholm, 95
Moscow; dob 1948.

Ian Arthur Gray: 81 New York, 85 Warsaw, 93 Prague; dob 1952.

Ian Forbes Creed: 76f Lusaka, 79 

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