[CTRL] U.S. Aided Iraq in War

2002-08-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/18/international/middleeast/18CHEM.html?ex=

August 18, 2002

Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas


ASHINGTON, Aug. 17 — A covert American program during the Reagan administration
provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a time when American 
agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the
decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war, according to senior military officers with 
knowledge of the program.

Those officers, most of whom agreed to speak on the condition that they not be 
spoke in response to a reporter's questions about the nature of gas warfare on both 
of the conflict between Iran and Iraq from 1981 to 1988. Iraq's use of gas in that 
conflict is
repeatedly cited by President Bush and, this week, by his national security adviser,
Condoleezza Rice, as justification for regime change in Iraq.

The covert program was carried out at a time when President Reagan's top aides, 
Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci and Gen. 
Colin L.
Powell, then the national security adviser, were publicly condemning Iraq for its use 
poison gas, especially after Iraq attacked Kurds in Halabja in March 1988.

During the Iran-Iraq war, the United States decided it was imperative that Iran be 
so it could not overrun the important oil-producing states in the Persian Gulf. It has 
been known that the United States provided intelligence assistance to Iraq in the form 
satellite photography to help the Iraqis understand how Iranian forces were deployed
against them. But the full nature of the program, as described by former Defense
Intelligence Agency officers, was not previously disclosed.

Secretary of State Powell, through a spokesman, said the officers' description of the
program was dead wrong, but declined to discuss it. His deputy, Richard L. Armitage, 
senior defense official at the time, used an expletive relayed through a spokesman to
indicate his denial that the United States acquiesced in the use of chemical weapons.

The Defense Intelligence Agency declined to comment, as did Lt. Gen. Leonard Perroots,
retired, who supervised the program as the head of the agency. Mr. Carlucci said, My
understanding is that what was provided to Iraq was general order of battle 
not operational intelligence.

I certainly have no knowledge of U.S. participation in preparing battle and strike
packages, he said, and doubt strongly that that occurred.

Later, he added, I did agree that Iraq should not lose the war, but I certainly had no
foreknowledge of their use of chemical weapons.

Though senior officials of the Reagan administration publicly condemned Iraq's 
of mustard gas, sarin, VX and other poisonous agents, the American military officers 
President Reagan, Vice President George Bush and senior national security aides never
withdrew their support for the highly classified program in which more than 60 
officers of
the Defense Intelligence Agency were secretly providing detailed information on Iranian
deployments, tactical planning for battles, plans for airstrikes and bomb-damage
assessments for Iraq.

Iraq shared its battle plans with the Americans, without admitting the use of chemical
weapons, the military officers said. But Iraq's use of chemical weapons, already 
at that point, became more evident in the war's final phase.

Saudi Arabia played a crucial role in pressing the Reagan administration to offer aid 
to Iraq
out of concern that Iranian commanders were sending waves of young volunteers to
overrun Iraqi forces. Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United 
then and now, met with President Saddam Hussein of Iraq and then told officials of the
Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency that Iraq's military
command was ready to accept American aid.

In early 1988, after the Iraqi Army, with American planning assistance, retook the Fao
Peninsula in an attack that reopened Iraq's access to the Persian Gulf, a defense
intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Rick Francona, now retired, was sent to tour the 
battlefield with
Iraqi officers, the American military officers said.

He reported that Iraq had used chemical weapons to cinch its victory, one former D.I.A.
official said. Colonel Francona saw zones marked off for chemical contamination, and
containers for the drug atropine scattered around, indicating that Iraqi soldiers had 
injections to protect themselves from the effects of gas that might blow back over 
positions. (Colonel Francona could not be reached for comment.)

C.I.A. officials supported the program to assist Iraq, though they were not involved.
Separately, the C.I.A. provided Iraq with satellite photography of the 

[CTRL] weapons inspectors in Iraq

2002-08-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=198577contrassID=

w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Report: U.S. willing to push for weapons inspectors in Iraq

A British newspaper reported over the weekend that the American administration has
changed direction in its policy on Iraq and Saddam Hussein and is willing to use 
pressure ahead of any military action.

According to the Financial Times,
the Bush administration's new strategy involves agreing to push Iraq to accept renewed
United Nations weapons inspections, a move it believes will illustrate Saddam Hussein's
unwillingness to cooperate and reinforce the need to topple him.

The paper quoted an administration official as saying that the strategy is to press 
to have
the inspectors go back in with unimpeded access until people appreciate as we do almost
uniformly that he is never going to let that happen.

According to the report, President George W. Bush's new stress on diplomatic activity
proves the administration's growing awareness that other nations, well as senior 
figures in
the U.S., require further convincing of the need to oust Saddam.

I am aware that some very intelligent people are expressing their opinion about Saddam
Hussein and Iraq. I'll listen carefully to what they have to say, Bush told reporters 
over the

Sharon aide: No point in waiting
A top aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Saturday that, while Israel was not 
to dictate the timing of a U.S. military campaign but warned that, faced with the 
Saddam was fast developing weapons.

Any postponement of an attack on Iraq at this stage will serve no purpose, Ra'anan 
told The Associated Press. It will only give him [Saddam] more of an opportunity to
accelerate his program of weapons of mass destruction.

Israeli intelligence officials have gathered evidence that Iraq is speeding up efforts 
produce biological and chemical weapons, said a top aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
said Friday.

Among the evidence of Iraq's weapons building activities, Israel points to an order 
gave to Iraq's Atomic Energy Commission last week to speed up its work, Ra'anan Gissin

Saddam's going to be able to reach a point where these weapons will be operational, 

Ha'aretz reported in its print edition Friday that Israel is pressing the U.S. not to 
action aimed at toppling the regime in Iraq.

According to the Ha'aretz report, Sharon has sent messages to the U.S. administration 
recent days saying that postponing the Iraq operation will not create a more 
environment for action in the future. But Sharon added that Israel would support any
American action, and would respect U.S. decisions regarding the method and the timing.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres sent a similar message Thurday during an interview with
CNN television. The problem today is not if, but when, he said, adding that while 
now would be quite dangerous... postponing it would be more dangerous, as he
[Saddam] will have more weapons.

But like Sharon, Peres also added a disclaimer, saying he did not want to be seen as 
the United States to act and that America should act according to its own judgment. 
he said, will be a good soldier in the camp led by President George W. Bush.

Sharon has also repeatedly informed Bush that if Iraq were to attack Israel, Israel 
respond. During the 1991 Gulf War, the United States effectively prevented then prime
minister Yitzhak Shamir from retaliating against Iraqi missile strikes by refusing to 
give it
the friend-foe codes required to keep U.S. and Israeli planes from shooting at each 
But in closed discussions recently, Sharon told associates that he had a clear 
with the United States that this time, if Saddam were to attack, Israel would be 
allowed to
exercise its right to self-defense.

However, he added, the Israeli response would be closely coordinated with the 
Americans -
and, as he told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee earlier this week, it
would not be automatic.

A senior government source explained: If we are talking about a single missile that 
falls in
the middle of the Arava [Desert], far from the major population centers, or into the 
sea, it
is hard to believe that we will respond.

But if missiles strike Israeli cities, as they did during the Gulf War, Sharon told the
committee, we cannot sit with folded hands.

During the 1991 Gulf War, in which U.S.-led strikes pushed back an Iraqi invasion of
neighboring Kuwait, Iraq hit Israel with 39 Scud missiles - none of them with chemical 
biological warheads - causing few casualties but extensive damage.

In the 1991 conflict, the United States worried it would lose Arab 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control] (fwd)

2002-08-18 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

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Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:48:48 -0700
From: Tim Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Fwd: Fw: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control]

- Original Message -
From: James E. Gribble III mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 11:49 AM

Subject: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control




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August 13, 2002

New Article Posted to Fight Terrorism ../../terrorism/index.htm Section.

Reporting to the UN reporting_to_un.htm

The Bush administration?s compliance reports to a new Security Council
committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United
Nations dictate terms to us.


Get US out! Starter Kit - $ 9.95


The Starter Kit is intended for beginners in the campaign to Get US out!
of the United Nations. The kit contains everything needed to learn more
about the United Nations and take necessary action to begin influencing
others. Comes in an attractive folder and includes a product catalog to
order additional materials. - Order

Reporting to the UN
by Steve Bonta

The Bush administration?s compliance reports to a new Security Council
committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United
Nations dictate terms to us.

UN Documents

(These links open in a separate window, PDF files require a free Adobe
Acrobat reader.)

UN Resolution 1373

U.S. Report to CTC - December 2001

U.S. Report to CTC - June 2002

With all the attention paid to the domestic war on terrorism and the
dangers it poses to our liberties ? the PATRIOT Act, the Department of
Homeland Security, the TIPS program, and so forth ? scant notice has
been given to the United Nations? international anti-terrorism campaign.
Yet below the American public?s radar screen, the UN Security Council?s
new Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) is trying to achieve on an
international scale what measures like the PATRIOT Act are doing
domestically: expand the reach and power of government ? in this case,
the UN?s embryonic world government ? in the name of fighting terrorism.
And the potential consequences for U.S. liberty are dire indeed.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee was created by paragraph six of Security
Council Resolution 1373, issued last September 28th in response to the
September 11th attacks. The purpose of the CTC, in the words of 1373, is
to monitor implementation of this resolution. To allow the CTC to
carry out this monitoring, UN member states are required to submit
regular compliance reports to the CTC. The first round of such reports
came in to the CTC from December 2001 through the early months of 2002
and, as we reported in the February 25th issue of The New American, the
U.S. government was one of the first member states to submit its report
on U.S. compliance with the Security Council?s new anti-terrorism
guidelines. The U.S. report, dated December 19th, depicted the USA
PATRIOT Act and other 

[CTRL] SNET: The New World Order's Dirty Dozen (fwd)

2002-08-18 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 22:44:02 -0400
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: SNET: The New World Order's Dirty Dozen

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

The New World Order's Dirty Dozen

In the November 1994 issue of Directions, the monthy bulletin of Live Free, an article 
was reprinted from the Chicago Tribune, written by George de Lama, which was intended 
to discredit much of what anti-NWO patriots charge about the gradual takeover of 
America by United Nations and other forces. Some claims, such as foreign troops on 
U.S. soil, were described by de Lama as striking some observers as bizarre. While 
others were explained away as harmless, everyday things, or fantasies of fevered 
right wing minds. Let us examine a few facts that even the most ardent NWO type cannot 

The Undeniable Dirty Dozen: Cold Facts

1. A United Nations exists, and U.S. sovereignty is being dissolved on an almost daily 
basis, ie., the GATT Treaty.
2. Blue helmeted UN troops exist.
3. U.S. Troops have fought under the UN flag in two wars.
4. Executive Orders, which give the President of the United States dictatorial powers, 
5. The Brady Bill and a ban on semiautomatic firearms in the U.S. exists.
6. In a Combat Arms Survey American troops have been asked if they would fire on 
U.S. citizens during firearm confiscation raids.
7. The attack on Randy Weaver and his family happened.
8. An armored attack on U.S. civilians in Waco, Texas happened.
9. A change in our money has been recommended by U.S. Treasury officials
10.A National ID Card (in addition to your Social Security Card) is on the way, in 
the guise of controlling illegal imigration. A computerized National Identification 
Center has already been establised, with all states contributing information on it's 
citizens within three years.
11.The Rico Act allows for government seizure and forfeiture of private property. The 
original intent was to seize the assets of drug dealers, but it could be used as a 
civil penalty against anyone in opposition to a government policy.
12.American History is being re-written, with the blessing of the federal government 
that reduces the Founding Fathers to the level of non-persons.

Please note that the Dirty Dozen are not given in any order of priority, since all 
are equally important as each threatens our liberty, our nation and our future.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Blacks take over farms as whites flee police

2002-08-18 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/17/02 10:12:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Now here is a REAL reason for US Intervention.  Where is Bush on this? 

He'll come up with something just as soon as Sharon tells him.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankerman

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bankerman

by Russell Madden 

As repositories for much of average citizens' money, banks have long been a favorite pressure point for the machinations of politicians intent on furthering the modern police state that is present day America. Since large numbers of individuals have relatively simple financial needs that rarely extend beyond checking and savings accounts, they are rather unsophisticated and usually rationally ignorant of the more elaborate and private means of utilizing and protecting their relatively meager monetary assets. 

People can, of course, conduct their finances separate from formal institutions such as banks and credit unions. Such a choice, however, carries with it substantial inconveniences. Cashing monthly paychecks, paying bills, and making large purchases such as a car or a house range from difficult to impossible outside the State-controlled and -directed banking system. Indeed, the old joke about a business owner looking mystified at cash offered in payment and asking, "What's this?" becomes less and less a joke with each passing month. 

Once upon a time, banks were primarily private and independent entities. In the Nineteenth Century, for example, banks issued their own "money," i.e., claims for real money, i.e., gold, and relied upon their reputations to become successful. Customers rewarded bankers they trusted by depositing more of their wealth for safekeeping. They punished bad bankers by withdrawing their funds. If enough individuals lost their confidence in a particular bank, a "run on the bank" occurred as people en masse demanded real money for the paper claims they held to their wealth. 

Such relative freedom, however, has long been a stranger to the financial world. The State did not like competition besting it in the monetary realm. Over the years and decades, it slowly drove free banking into extinction. Reserve requirements that created instability in financial transactions; legal tender laws that forced people to accept only government scrip in payment of debts; repudiation of gold and then silver certificates that robbed people of real money; and unconstitutional abandonment of the gold standard aided the State in its silent theft-by-inflation as it monetized its unlawful debts and unobtrusively destroyed the savings of prudent citizens who suspected too late what evil was being perpetrated in the name of "protecting" them. 

The establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 along with the obscenity that is the federal income tax combined with a Great Depression created and deepened by State-interference to set the stage for more virulent infection of the banking world by the American police state. FDIC "insurance" encouraged bankers to take unwarranted risks and rewarded reckless financiers at the expense of wise ones. President Richard "I-Am-Not-a-Crook" Nixon's expansion of the War on Drugs led to reporting requirements of any deposits or withdrawals of money more than $10,000...though, of course, depositing or withdrawing less than that amount can get you arrested, as well, for "conspiracy" to evade reporting requirements. 

The Know-Your-Customer law that mandated banks monitor — and report — your spending habits for "unusual" peaks or irregularities died a welcome death after massive citizen protest...then was quietly resurrected after the tragedy of the World Trade Center attacks. This vampiric beast has just barely begun to suck the last drops of freedom pulsing feebly through the financial veins of this country. 

If the War on Drugs won't get you, the War on Terrorism will. 

Sadly, the very institution that should stand up for your right to privacy — the bank you employ, i.e., that you pay, to provide you financial services — is eager to thrust you into the jaws of the red-eyed creature thirsting for your liberty. 

The latest installment in this travesty comes to you courtesy of der Busch Administration, its misbegotten offspring, zie Patriot Act, and der Treasury Department as it stalks the midnight realm of monetary slavery. 

That ol' debbil, "money laundering," that magically picks ten grand from the air as the figure favored by mobsters and drug lords for "cleaning" their money, is once again tiredly trotted out as the justification for the next increment towards total surveillance of innocent citizens. 

The Treasury Department apparently believes that those mean ol' terrorists relied on "money laundering" to help pay for their assault on America. (That's odd; I thought the regulations the feds already have in place were supposed to prevent "money laundering"... 'Course, in LaLaLand, D. C., nothing succeeds like failure.) With the utterance of that magical word, "terrorism," the TD demands that your friendly neighborhood bankerman examine more closely evidence that you are who you say you are. After all, you are 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Edgy About Exams, Schools Cut the Summer Short

2002-08-18 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And my public-school teacher friends try to tell me, Oh, we don't 'teach to the test' 
at all. If you believe that, I got some swampland in Florida with a bridge already 


Edgy About Exams, Schools Cut the Summer Short

August 18, 2002

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Aug. 16 - More than a dozen school
districts in Florida - and others in Texas, Maryland,
Kentucky, Colorado and California - have moved up the
opening day of school this year, cutting short summer
vacations and requiring students to report a week or more
earlier than in recent years.

The reason, in many instances, is to give students an
earlier start on preparing for state standardized tests,
which are usually given in late winter or early spring.

While the tests are not necessarily new, schools face stiff
federal sanctions, including the loss of some federal
money, this year under the new Bush education law if they
fail to meet specified goals for progress on those tests.

In Florida, the state has added a stick: third graders who
fail a state reading test in the spring will not be

Many of the students starting school early will be ending
earlier next year as well, some as early as mid-May. For
financial reasons, the districts have not added
substantially to the standard school year, which is about
180 days. Schools in at least half the districts in Florida
opened in the first 10 days of August.

The new schedules have caught some students off guard. On
the first Tuesday evening in August, for example, Eric
DeBoe, 8, announced to his family that he would be spending
the next day with his friend Tyler, rehearsing scenes in
the Jackie Chan-style action movie they are writing.

Eric's aunt, with whom he lives here in this seaside city,
gently reminded him that his plans would have to be
postponed until the weekend: He was to start the third
grade at Clearview Elementary School that very morning,
Aug. 7.

I thought it was going to be a longer summer, Eric
remembered saying.

Last year on this date, opening day at Clearview was still
six days away. But today, Eric had his eighth day of class,
along with the 112,000 other students in the Pinellas
County Public School District, which includes St.
Petersburg and Clearwater. By the day after Labor Day, they
will have been in school nearly four weeks.

For some children, the extra time could make a
difference, said Georgia Painter, a third-grade teacher
who has been teaching at Clearview for 32 years, but never
this early in August. You just have to adjust your own
personal schedule accordingly.

Experts on educational scheduling who have long pushed for
the reduction of the 10-week summer break - a vestige of
when planting and harvesting schedules influenced the
academic calendar - say that the increasing acceptance of
August as back-to-school month is an important
psychological shift for some children, parents and

Breaking from the traditional schedule does open up lots
of possibilities, one of which might be longer school years
or different kinds of schedules in schools, said Michael
D. Rettig, a professor of education at James Madison
University in Harrisonburg, Va.

Another reason, in addition to testing, that districts are
beginning the year earlier is to accommodate so-called
block schedules, in which a high school student might take
a year's worth of chemistry in the first semester and a
year's worth of history in the same slot in the second

To complete the first semester before Christmas, the school
year must often begin several weeks before Labor Day.

In Colorado Springs, for example, school will begin on
Tuesday this year, compared with Sept. 2 five years ago, so
high school students will not have to spend their winter
breaks studying for first-semester exams.

Others schools around the country - about 3,000, compared
with half as many a decade ago - are now operating on
so-called year-round calendars, in which the summer
vacation is shortened and vacations during the year are
lengthened (often to three weeks) and staggered.

Some schools have adopted such schedules to thin the
populations of crowded schools, allowing some students to
be on vacation while others are in class. Other schools
have done so to give struggling students extra time to
catch up in specially scheduled remedial sessions.

While many states defer to individual districts to decide
when they wish to begin the year, Texas passed a law last
year that set the week of Aug. 21 as the earliest a
district could open. Since then, 90 districts - about 1 in
10 statewide - have received permission from the state to
open earlier, often by a week or more, to get a jump on the
year's curriculum.

Here in Pinellas County, concerns about standardized
testing and finishing the first semester before winter
break prompted officials to announce two years ago that

[CTRL] Dr. A.R. Campbell, M.D. -- Discoverer of the Cause of Smallpox.

2002-08-18 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-


Bill Kalivas

The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe
the people with their own money. -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth. John Stuart Mill

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Zimbabwe Arrests 130 Defiant White Farmers

2002-08-18 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Zimbabwe Arrests 130 Defiant White Farmers

August 18, 2002

Filed at 7:17 a.m. ET

HARARE, Zimbabwe (Reuters) - Zimbabwean police have
arrested 130 white farmers over the last three days for
defying government orders to leave their land for
redistribution to landless blacks, farming groups said

President Robert Mugabe's government has ordered 2,900
farmers of the country's remaining 4,500 white commercial
farmers to quit their land without compensation, but nearly
two thirds have defied an August 8 deadline.

The disruption to agriculture in Zimbabwe, once the
bread-basket of southern Africa, comes as millions in the
region face food shortages.

Farmers' lobby group Justice for Agriculture (JAG) said on
Sunday latest figures showed 130 farmers had been arrested
since Thursday for defying eviction orders. Of these, 38
had appeared in court and were out on bail, while 92 were
still in custody.

In a separate statement, the main Commercial Farmers Union,
grouping 4,500 mainly white producers, said police arrested
107 farmers Saturday alone for continuing farming

``In all cases farmers have been informed that they are to
remove all personal property from their farms -- while some
have been given time to do so but no ongoing attention to
crops and livestock is to be permitted,'' CFU said.

``More than $3.72 billion Zimbabwe dollarsworth of ongoing
crop and livestock production is at risk,'' the union

Mugabe, who has been in power since the country gained
independence from Britain in 1980, says his land drive is
aimed at correcting colonial injustice that left 70 percent
of the best farmland in the hands of white farmers.

JAG says most of the targeted farmers have only one farm
each and nowhere else to stay, nor any other source of
income outside agriculture.

Aid agencies say nearly six million Zimbabweans -- half the
national population -- need food aid this year, part of a
wider food crisis threatening nearly 13 million people in
six southern African countries.

Zimbabwe now needs food aid after drought and the farm
invasions slashed output of the staple maize crop.

Mugabe's government blames the shortage of maize solely on
the drought that has hit small-scale black farmers who
produce 70 percent of national output.

Zimbabwe has been in crisis since pro-government militants
led by veterans of the 1970s liberation war began invading
white-owned farms in early 2000 in support of the
government seizures.


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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Just Saying No to Gifts From Drug Makers

2002-08-18 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Just Saying No to Gifts From Drug Makers

August 18, 2002

For Dr. Rusty West, a physician at the Nocona Medical
Clinic in Nocona, Tex., the free golf balls, dinners and
sports tickets he had received over the years from drug
companies were a small price to pay for access to him and
the other doctors in his practice. But the trade group
representing the pharmaceutical industry is now
discouraging such gifts through a voluntary code of ethics
that took effect in July.

Though many other doctors seem to feel the same way as Dr.
West, such guidelines from the Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America should come as no surprise.
Offering gifts unrelated to a physician's practice - a
common way to gain access to a physician - was explicitly
discouraged in 1991 by ethics guidelines of the American
Medical Association, to which roughly 30 percent of
physicians belong. The Texas Medical Association, to which
Dr. West belongs, also denounces such gifts. (Dr. West says
that he has not been offered any perks lately, but that he
had no ethical qualms about accepting them before.)

It's pretty hard to see how a round of golf entails a
benefit to patients, said Dr. Alan R. Nelson, a former
president of the A.M.A., who this year headed a group
charged with educating its members about the ethics of
accepting drug-company gifts.

The pharmaceutical group's code is viewed by some people in
the industry as a leveler, helping to ensure that companies
compete for a physician's attention based solely on the
merits of their products. The guidelines, among other
things, prohibit any gifts, even of modest value, that are
not for the primary benefit of patients: anatomical models
for examination rooms are O.K.; World Series tickets for a
doctor's family are not.

Few pharmaceutical companies admit to engaging in the
behavior that the guidelines reject.

Quite frankly, complying with the PhRMA code is not going
to require any changes on our part, said Bradley T.
Sheares, president of the US Human Health division of Merck

But Scott Willoughby, assistant general counsel for the
pharmaceutical group, said the industry was facing a
growing perception problem. Our C.E.O.'s kept getting beat
up in the paper over our marketing practices and wanted us
to find a way to put a code together to keep bad press from
happening, he said. If people thought we were doing a bad
thing, we wanted to change that perception.

Perhaps not enough, however. It is up to each
pharmaceutical company to establish mechanisms to punish
representatives who break the rules.

Some consumer groups find the self-imposed call for better
behavior disingenuous. Here is an industry that has
created, funded and built its livelihood around these
conflicts, said Ronald F. Pollack, executive director of
Families USA in Washington. To expect effective policing
of these practices when they're the creator of these
problems is a stretch of credibility.

Some government officials feel that way, too. In June,
Vermont became the first state in the country to enact a
law requiring all pharmaceutical companies to report gifts
for physicians if the gifts are worth more than $25.

We think most physicians will not take anything over $25
if they know their names are going to be on the Web
associated with these pharmaceutical companies, said Gov.
Howard Dean of Vermont, who once was a practicing physician

Doctors, meanwhile, seem to be wrestling with their own
ethics code. Earlier this year, the Polyclinic, which runs
three health care clinics in Seattle, started charging the
pharmaceutical representatives $30 to drop off samples.
Howard Springer, the practice's associate administrator,
said that this did not violate the A.M.A.'s policy
prohibiting physicians from accepting cash payments,
because we're not guaranteeing them access to the

But Dr. Leonard J. Morse, chairman of the A.M.A.'s Council
on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, disagreed. It's
inappropriate to the A.M.A. code, he said. Such payments
should not be accepted. It's a moot point for now.
Polyclinic, which once had 15 to 20 visits a day from
pharmaceutical representatives, now has none after imposing
the fee, Mr. Springer said.

For drug companies, the challenge goes beyond merely
promulgating a new code of behavior. The public will be
watching for attempts to skirt the spirit of the
guidelines. Doctors should refresh their memories about
their own code and refuse the gifts they should have been
refusing all along.

If they fail to comply, state governments may have to step
in. Laws like Vermont's will go a long way toward policing
the ethical behavior of the companies and the physicians if
they cannot police themselves.



[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Meredith Gardner, 89, Who Broke Code in Rosenberg Case, Dies

2002-08-18 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Meredith Gardner, 89, Who Broke Code in Rosenberg Case, Dies

August 18, 2002

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 - Meredith Knox Gardner, a linguist and
puzzle solver whose skill at deciphering codes played a
pivotal role in the Rosenberg spy case, died on Aug. 9 at a
hospice in Chevy Chase, Md. He was 89.

Fluent in French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin,
Lithuanian, Spanish and Russian, Mr. Gardner arrived here
early in World War II to work for the Army Signal
Intelligence Service, a predecessor of the National
Security Agency.

He spent the war poring over messages between Germany and
Japan. After their defeat, his focus turned to the Soviet
Union. He was assigned to help decode a backlog of
communications between Moscow and its foreign missions. The
project, named Venona, was based in northern Virginia. In
recent years, the National Security Agency has made public
some of the exploits of the code breakers.

Starting in 1939, the Signal Intelligence Service
intercepted thousands of Soviet communications, but they
were not studied while America and Russia were allied. By
1946, Mr. Gardner was among the hundreds of people trying
to decode the accumulated messages.

On Dec. 20, 1946, Mr. Gardner discerned that a message from
1944 had contained a list of the leading scientists on the
Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb. More
months of toil by Mr. Gardner and his colleagues turned up
a reference to an agent code-named Liberal who had a wife
named Ethel.

Liberal and his wife were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who
were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage. They were
executed in 1953.

Mr. Gardner worked closely with Robert J. Lamphere, an
F.B.I. agent who was assigned to chase spies. Mr. Lamphere
marveled at his partner's decoding talents.

I would bring Meredith some material, and he would print
in a new word over a group of numbers, Mr. Lamphere said
in 1996 in an interview with The Washington Post. Then he
would give a little smile of satisfaction.

Mr. Gardner attributed his code-solving talents to his
language abilities, sense of logic and, as he told The Post
in 1996, a sort of magpie attitude to facts, the habit of
storing things away that did not seem to have any
connection at all.

Meredith Knox Gardner was born in Okolona, Miss. He
graduated from the University of Texas and earned a
master's degree in languages from the University of
Wisconsin. He was a language teacher at the Universities of
Akron, Texas and Wisconsin before World War II.

Surviving are his wife, Blanche; a son, Arthur, of
Milwaukee; a daughter, Ann Martin of Annapolis, Md.; and 11

Mrs. Gardner said her husband, after retiring in 1972,
loved to solve the crossword puzzles in The Times of
London, which are noted for being extremely difficult. He
also traced his Scottish genealogy, disdaining computers
for the pencil and paper that he had used to attack codes.

Because the Venona project was not disclosed in detail
until the mid-1990's, its work was never widely recognized.
In a speech in 1997, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New
York said the deeds of Mr. Gardner and Mr. Lamphere, in
particular, were contributions that Americans have a right
to know about and to celebrate. Mr. Lamphere died in

Despite his pride in having helped to smash an espionage
ring, Mr. Gardner was sorry that the Rosenbergs were put to
death. Mrs. Gardner said her husband's reasoning was that
those people at least believed in what they were doing.


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[CTRL] 'Saddam will not stop me being a Kurd'

2002-08-18 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


'Saddam will not stop me being a Kurd'

Stripped of their homes and rights, refugees wait in the desert for
war - and a chance to settle old scores

Jason Burke, Barda Qaraman refugee camp, Northern Iraq
SundayAugust18, 2002

The Observer

When they came for Mohamed Omar he wouldn't go. Not when they
ordered him to report to the local police station to 'readjust' his
nationality, not when they told him they would confiscate all his
property, not when they threatened to imprison him and to deport his

Now Omar has spent the past three months in jail and his family
have been sent to live in a town out in the desert nearly 300 miles to
the west. His home, where his family had lived for generations, has
been given to a local supporter of Saddam Hussein. Omar is a Kurd,
from the minority who dominate the northern part of Iraq. The man
who has taken his house is an ethnic Arab, like Saddam and almost
his entire regime.

Omar is a victim of Saddam's Arabisation programme. When the
Gulf war ended, an autonomous Kurdish region was established in
the north of Iraq under the protection of British and US warplanes.
Since 1991 Saddam has forced tens of thousands of Kurds, whom
he sees as a threat, out of the areas that he still rules and into the
new self-governing enclave.

Once the Kurds have gone, their homes and properties are given to
loyal Arabs from the Ba'ath party - Saddam's political vehicle. The
demographics of key strategic regions of Iraq are thus dramatically

Omar was one of the very few to resist the Arabisation programme.
His story was told to  The Observer by friends and neighbours who
had all decided to flee rather than risk the consequences.

'He is the only man I know who refused to do what they said,' said
one. 'We all say no at first but to resist them is useless. They will
just jail you, break up your family or worse.'

Even refugees who reached the relative safety of the Kurdish
autonomous areas more than a year ago are still frightened. Many
refused to give their real names and did not want to be
photographed. 'I have relatives over the border. It would put them in
danger,' one man said. The name Mohamed Omar is false. The
details of his case are not.

But though they are keen to help the Kurds, one consequence of
Saddam's Arabisation programme is troubling the British and US
officials drawing up plans for a military strike to remove him. It is an
issue that could make the construction of a stable state   after a
conflict extremely difficult. For though tens of thousands of Kurds
have been forced from their homes, few have given up hope of
returning to them. The prospect of a nationwide settling of old
scores is very real.

Like many of those in the eastern part of the Kurdish autonomous
zone, Uria Mustafa comes from Kirkuk, a city of 550,000 in the
centre of a major oilfield.

The 28-year-old confectioner was forced to leave his house in June.
Two months earlier local government officials had told him it was
time he became a member of the Ba'ath party. He would have to
sign legal papers to 'correct' his nationality to Arab, they said. Uria
refused. 'I was born a Kurd and I will die one,' he said. Uria's elder
brother was then seized by armed officials and taken to jail. The
family were told that only when they arrived at a police station with
all their goods in a truck and handed over their identity cards, ration
books and the deeds to their home, would they be able to leave.

Uria followed his instructions - though he bribed an official to be
allowed to keep his precious ration book. He even signed the paper
saying he was 'volunteering' to go. With an armed guard the family
were dumped in the desert on the frontline 80 miles to the north.
The house was given to a Ba'ath party employee. 'I want it back,'
Uria said.

A new family arrives at the Barda Qaraman refugee camp, set on a
desolate rocky hillside south of the city of Sulaymania, each week.
In August, temperatures reach 50 C. A health clinic operates twice a
week and there is a small government-run primary school.

Officials from the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic
Union of Kurdistan (PUK) - the two political groups that govern the
3.5 million Kurds in northern autonomous zones - estimate 3,000 to
4,000 people are deported by the Baghdad government each year.

Successive governments in Baghdad have mounted military
campaigns against the Kurds which have forced huge population

Saddam has pursued Arabisation systematically. In 1988 he used
chemical weapons against the north-eastern town of Halabja and
destroyed thousands of villages.

Combined with the deportations, continuing violence has made a
huge demographic impact. According to one PUK official, Arabs
comprised only 10 per cent of the population of Kirkuk province 50
years ago. Now Kurds are in the minority.

Most of those in the Barda Qaraman camp were 

[CTRL] [Anti-Semanticism] So, why is there no Jews for Jihad?

2002-08-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 So, why is there no Jews for Jihad?

 By Michael Freund

 http://www.jewishworldreview.com |

 You have got to hand it to the Israeli left.  Though their
 vision of an Oslo-inspired peace lies in ruins, and their
 political folly brought the State of Israel to the brink of
 war, groups such as Peace Now and Gush Shalom refuse to
 admit defeat.

 Seemingly oblivious to their impending political
 obsolescence, they continue to soldier on, issuing press
 releases, preparing reports, and organizing demonstrations,
 all in the hopes of compelling Israel to make a deal with
 Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority.

 By now, most politically-oriented groups would have thrown
 in the towel, realizing that they had placed their bets on
 the wrong horse.  But not Israel's left.  They stubbornly
 insist on rolling the same set of dice again, and again, and
 again, even as their string of failures continues to mount.

 Before you confuse this fervent obstinacy with admirable
 determination, consider the following: though the left's
 favorite peace partner and his compatriots have murdered
 over 600 Israelis in the past two years, the main target of
 their ideological ire remains, inexplicably enough, the

 Hell - Made in Israel, is just one of the headlines
 appearing on the Gush Shalom web site, along with
 accusations about Israeli war crimes and vandalism.

 Sharon leads us to destruction, says an announcement about
 a rally on a Peace Now Internet page.  The occupation
 breeds terrorism shrieks Yesh Gvul, another leftist group.

 Needless to say, the fact that there are still intelligent
 people out there who hold such opinions is, quite simply,
 astonishing.  It's as if there is nothing sufficiently bad
 or egregious that the Palestinians could do to shake the
 left's true believers out of their ideological stupor.

 Like followers of the medieval false messiah Shabbetai Tsvi,
 who continued to view him as the savior of the Jews even
 after he abandoned Judaism and converted to Islam, the
 proponents of Oslo remain firm in their conviction that
 Arafat is the key to peace, even as he wages war against us.

 What is particularly perplexing, though, is the left's
 failure to appreciate the utter lack of symmetry that exists
 between Israel's political divide and the Palestinians'
 political uniformity.

 In Israel, there are a variety of organizations spanning the
 spectrum, with some calling for annexation of Judea, Samaria
 and Gaza and others demanding that the territories be handed
 over to the Arabs.

 In the Palestinian-controlled areas, by contrast, no such
 political diversity exists.  Last time I checked, groups
 such as Arab Friends of Israel or Palestinians for Peace
 had yet to be established.

 To put it even more bluntly: there is no organized
 Palestinian left-wing to mirror that which exists in
 Israel.  One would expect that if Palestinian society were
 truly longing for peace with the Jewish state, then its
 political arena would somehow reflect this.

 When was the last time you heard about Palestinian relief
 groups offering to help Israeli victims of terror?  When
 have Palestinian human rights organizations pressed
 Palestinian officials to make concessions to Israel? How
 many Palestinian clerics have issued rulings forbidding
 suicide bombing attacks?

 We all know the answer to these questions.  All of us, that
 is, except for the hard-core ideologues of the left.

 Sadly, the only real split that seems to exist among
 Palestinian organizations is over the question of tactics,
 not strategy.  Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad compete with
 one another not over who can talk with Israelis, but over
 who can kill them.

 And while Israel's left convenes rallies in support of
 peace, Palestinian marchers converge on the streets to
 celebrate suicide bombings and other terror attacks.

 It is this dichotomy, more than anything else, which
 symbolizes the primary flaw of the left's position, if only
 because they can not point to a corresponding popular
 movement on the Palestinian side.

 Moreover, for all the invective that the left directs
 against the Israeli government and Jewish settlers, the fact
 remains that there is - thankfully - no such thing as Jews
 for Jihad or the Likud Tanzim.

 The popularity of such groups among Palestinians, and their
 absence on the Israeli scene, is hardly coincidental.  It
 speaks volumes about the two societies, their values, goals
 and objectives.

 By failing to acknowledge this painful, if inconvenient,
 truth, the Israel left has doomed itself both to political
 irrelevance and moral ridicule - a fate, quite frankly,
 which it most assuredly deserves.


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[CTRL] Mugabe fails to heed pleas of starving

2002-08-18 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


...Abednico Ncube, was quoted in a local newspaper as telling
villagers that food 'will be available only to those who dump the
opposition and work with Zanu-PF'. 

Mugabe fails to heed pleas of starving

Declan Walsh reports from the Zambezi Valley, where land
redistribution has fatally deepened a drought-led food crisis
SundayAugust18, 2002

The Observer

A straggly queue trailed around the fence of the government grain
store in Muzarabani, a village on the floor of the Zambezi Valley in
northern Zimbabwe. An old man shook his head in disgust. The
shelves were empty - again.

'This is crazy. We've been waiting here for five days,' said 68-year-
old Sinet Muzanenhamo, slumped under the shade of a tree. A truck
had come to the store, known as Grain Marketing Board (GMB),
three days earlier, he explained. But it carried just 100 bags of
maize for more than 1,000 waiting people. He got nothing.

'By now, we are eating only once a day,' he said, fingering a piece of
worn cardboard that showed that he was 10th in line. 'We fear that
soon it will be nothing at all.'

All across Zimbabwe, the story is the same - a chronic shortage of
maize, exacerbated by stubbornly destructive government policies,
is pushing a once plentiful country to the verge of famine.

The full folly of President Robert Mugabe's land redistribution
programme is being laid bare. Yesterday farm groups said that 80
white farmers had been arrested and some charged for defying
government orders to vacate land targeted for redistribution to
landless blacks. Of the remaining 4,500 white farmers, 2,900 have
been told to quit their land without compensation. Nearly two-thirds
are refusing to go.

According to the United Nations, more than half of Zimbabwe's 12.5
million people are going to need urgent food assistance in the
coming months.

Famine is not inevitable - yet. Aid food is starting to arrive, and
malnutrition rates remain relatively low - around 5 per cent in some
areas. But it is a fragile stability, aid workers warn.

'People's capacity to cope is almost exhausted,' said Chris McIvor of
Save the Children-UK. 'Once that goes, there can be a very rapid
decline. We could be looking at a catastrophic situation by

Across the country, the early signs of starvation are starting to show.
In classrooms, children are fainting or dropping out of school entirely
to search for wild food. Some have died after eating poisonous
roots. To the south, young women are flocking to the border town of
Beit Bridge, to prostitute themselves to the passing truckers. There
is competition from wild animals. Near Chadereka, two men lie in
hospital, one of them close to death. He was attacked by an
elephant while picking berries off wild trees; a buffalo gored his

Foreign aid has not yet reached Chadereka, a sleepy village further
inside the Zambezi Valley, near the border with Mozambique. With
maize hardly available, villagers have turned to masawu - berries
normally used for making moonshine - to fill their stomachs.

'But this type of food, it doesn't stay,' complained Dzidzai Musinyari,
a 22-year-old woman who was seven months pregnant. 'You eat it,
go to the toilet and then it is all gone.' Her five-year-old son was
starting to suffer from diarrhoea.

The valley people used to farm cotton, then use their earnings to
buy maize grown in the fertile highlands. Not any more.

The crisis cannot be blamed entirely on Mugabe. It was   sparked by
a sharp drought at the beginning of this year, wrecking the maize

The scourge of HIV/Aids made things worse: one in three
Zimbabwean adults is infected with HIV, and there are more than
600,000 Aids orphans. Grandparents find themselves struggling to
feed the children of their dead sons and daughters.

But if bad weather sparked the crisis, Mugabe's ruinous policies
have made it infinitely worse. He has closed down food-producing
white farms. He has beggared the economy, cutting off access to
foreign currency needed to import food. He has maintained a steely
grip on the monopoly of maize imports, though private trade is vital
to fend off disaster.

Zimbabwe used to be self-sufficient in maize, with commercial farms
meeting almost half of the requirements. But this year, drought and
farmer intimidation have caused production to plummet by 70 per

More significantly, the tobacco industry, which brought in much of
the country's foreign currency, has also collapsed. As the
government struggles to import food from abroad, it is discovering
that there is precious little hard cash with which to buy it.

Under current plans, a famine can be averted if the government, aid
agencies and private traders each import one third of the maize
deficit. The aid agencies should keep their part of the bargain, at
least until Christmas.

But the government is broke, so scepticism abounds that Mugabe
will be able to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] O.S.S. chief William Wild Bill Donovan's papers.

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-


Be sure to check out the Rutgers University online archive of O.S.S. chief William 
Wild Bill Donovan's papers. 


Superb primary reference material here on the origin of the Nazi anti-Christian 
religious persecution accusations at Nuremberg.  The principal architects were four 
non-Christian Jews Donovan assigned in mid-1945 to specifically work on that question. 
 Three of these were Judeo-Marxists of the
Frankfurt School and Jewish émigrés from Germany.  The fourth was a certain O.S.S. 
Lieutenant Rothschild stationed in London who was feeding information gleaned from 
British government sources. 

The first acrobat file link is a July, 1945 OSS document that details all the 
religious persecution crimes the Nazis were to be convicted of and suggests ways of 
obtaining the evidence to prove those crimes.  The Jewish word-twisters certainly had 
an uphill climb given a nation whose Army had
Christian chaplains in the units until the end, and whose schools were teaching the 
Bible and Catechism. 


P.S.  Read for yourselves.  I promise I'm not making up Lieutenant Rothschild. 

P.P.S.  Attention 'Christian' fans of Joseph Farah and all other Rapture Cultists.  
What's going on with the deposit of the Donovan papers into the archives is called 
'Revelation of the Method'.   The method in question is commonly known as 'Divide and 
Conquer'.  The target for division was white
German Christians and YOU.  You can go back now to reading World Net Daily, listening 
to Jerry Falwell and donating money for anti-Christ Jews to shoot Palestinian 
Christians while you wait for Scotty to beam you up.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Joseph Smith: America's Hermetic Prophet

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Joseph Smith: America's Hermetic Prophet

by Lance S. Owens

This article first appeared in Gnosis: A Journal of Western Inner Traditions,
Spring 1995. In slightly revised form, it also appears in the recent book The
Prophet Puzzle: Interpretive Essays on Joseph Smith (edited by Bryan
Waterman, Signature Books, 1999).  It is reproduced here by permission of the

Those readers seeking a more in-depth study of the material covered in this
short article should also read Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult
Connection by Lance S. Owens -- published in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon
Thought, Fall 1994, and winner of the Mormon History Association's
prestigious award for Best Article in Mormon History.


You don't know me--you never will. You never knew my heart. No man knows my
history. I cannot tell it; I shall never undertake it. I don't blame anyone
for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I could
not have believed it myself.

--Joseph Smith, April 7, 1844.

IF THERE IS A RELIGION uniquely and intrinsically American--a religion worked
from its soil, and cast in the ardent furnace of its primal dreams--that
religion must be Mormonism. Founded in 1830 by the then twenty-four year old
Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (as it is
formally named) has emerged from relative insularity during the mid-twentieth
century to become a world-wide movement now numbering nine million members.
Patriotic, conservative, influential, and vastly wealthy: modern Mormonism is
a bastion of American culture.

Despite its success and respectability, however, a fundamental crisis looms
before Joseph Smith's church--and the crux of the predicament is Joseph
Smith. Late twentieth-century Mormonism is being forced into an uncomfortable
confrontation with its early nineteenth-century origins--an inevitable
encounter given the preeminent import of the founding prophet to his
religion. From the start, Joseph Smith has been cast by his church as a man
more enlightened than any mortal to walk the earth since the passing of the
last biblical apostles. No historical life could be granted a more
mythological tenor than has his. To Mormons, Joseph Smith is, simply, The
Prophet. He bares the imago Christi. He alone stands as doorkeeper to the
last dispensation of time; to him angels came and restored God's necessary
priestly keys and powers; he built the Temple and taught the ancient
rituals which therein make of men and women, gods.

But now, one hundred and fifty years after his death, Smith's place in
Western religious history is undergoing an important and creative
reevaluation. Historians and religious critics alike are examining him anew.
And in his history's newest reading, themes unrecognized by its orthodox
interpreters are quickly moving to stage center. Quite simply put, modern
Mormonism--guardian of the Prophet's story--has no idea what to do with the
rediscovered, historical, and rather occult Joseph Smith.

Two years ago, Harold Bloom's boldly original work, The American Religion,
offered introduction to this unknown Prophet. The intrinsic and true American
religion, pronounces Bloom in his widely reviewed book, is a kind of
Gnosticism--alone a surprising enough declaration. But in evidence of this
American Gnosis and as first hero of his story, Bloom gives us Joseph Smith.
Of the man himself, he judges:

Other Americans have been religion makersbut none of them has the
imaginative vitality of Joseph Smith's revelation, a judgment one makes on
the authority of a lifetime spent in apprehending the visions of great poets
and original speculators So self-created was he that he transcends
Emerson and Whitman in my imaginative response, and takes his place with the
great figures of our fiction.1

And of his religious creation,

The God of Joseph Smith is a daring revival of the God of some of the
Kabbalists and Gnostics, prophetic sages who, like Smith himself, asserted
that they had returned to the true religionMormonism is a purely American
Gnosis, for which Joseph Smith was and is a far more crucial figure than
Jesus could be. Smith is not just 'a' prophet, another prophet, but he is the
essential prophet of these latter days, leading into the end time, whenever
it comes.2


Joseph Smith a modern Gnostic prophet? Certainly nowhere within the vast
domains of America religion did this proclamation cause more consternation or
amazement than within its Mormon provinces and borderlands. But Bloom (a
self-pronounced Jewish Gnostic) is no casual observer; his knowledge of
Gnosis and Kabbalah is tempered by vast experience critiquing the creative
matrix of its vision. His thesis deserves--and is receiving--attention.
Joseph Smith is taking on a new visage, and words 

[CTRL] Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Joseph Smith and Kabbalah:
The Occult Connection

by Lance S. Owens

This work was originally published in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought,
Vol. 27, No. 3, Fall 1994, pp. 117-194. The paper received considerable
notice, and in 1995 the Mormon History Association recognized Joseph Smith
and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection with its prestigious annual award for the
best published article in Mormon studies. There is an ongoing demand for
copies of this paper but unfortunately  Dialogue sold out its entire printing
of the Fall, 1994 issue within a few weeks.  Most academic libraries will
have Dialogue in their collection of journals for those seeking a print copy.

For easier access, the paper is presented in three parts: Part 1, which
begins below, includes pages 117 to 134; Part 2 includes pages 134 to 166;
and Part 3 includes pages 166 to 194. The work uses extensive notes which are
linked in the text. The illustrations all have captions; access the caption
by clicking on the figure.

Those interested in this subject might also enjoy the much shorter
introductory article by the same author, published in Gnosis: A Journal of
Western Inner Traditions, Spring 1995: Joseph Smith: America's Hermetic


Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection

by Lance S. Owens

IN 1973 RLDS HISTORIAN PAUL M. EDWARDS identified a fundamental deficiency of
Mormon historical studies: We have not allowed, says Edwards speaking of
Mormon historians, the revolutionary nature of the movement from which we
have sprung to make us revolutionaries. He continued:

The one thing about which we might all agree concerning Joseph Smith is that
he was not the usual sort of person. He did not approach life itself--or his
religious commitment--in a usual way. Yet the character of our historical
investigation of Joseph Smith and his times has been primarily traditional,
unimaginative, and lacking in any effort to find or create an epistemological
methodology revolutionary enough to deal with the paradox of our movement.
The irony of our position is that many of our methods and interpretations
have become so traditional that they can only reinforce the fears of
yesterday rather than nurture the seeds of tomorrow's dreams.1

More than two decades have passed since those words were penned, years marked
by a veritable explosion in Mormon studies, and yet Edward's challenge to
find or create an epistemological methodology revolutionary enough to deal
with the paradox of Joseph Smith remains a summons largely unanswered.
Revolutions are painful processes, in measure both destructive and creative.
The imaginative revisioning of Joseph Smith's unusual approach to life and
religion, demands a careful--though perhaps still difficult and
destructive--hewing away of an hundred years of encrusting vilifications and
thick layerings of iconographic pigments, masks ultimately false to his
lively cast. Smith eschewed orthodoxy, and so eventually must his historians.
To that end, there is considerable value in turning full attention to the
revolutionary view of Joseph Smith provided by Harold Bloom in his critique
of The American Religion.

Broadly informed as a critic of the creative imagination and its Kabbalistic,
Gnostic undertones in Western culture--and perhaps one of the most prominent
literary figures in America--Bloom has intuitively recognized within Joseph
Smith a familiar spirit, a genius wed in nature to both the millennia-old
visions of Gnosticism in its many guises, and the imaginative flux of poesy.
Individuals less informed in the history and nature of Kabbalism--or of
Hermetic, Alchemical and Rosicrucian mysticism, traditions influenced by a
creative interaction with Kabbalah--may have difficulty apprehending the
basis of his insight. Indisputably, the aegis of orthodox Mormon
historiography is violently breached by Bloom's intuition linking the
prophet's visionary bent with the occult aspirations of Jewish Kabbalah, the
great mystical and prophetic tradition of Israel.

Bloom is, of course, not a historian but a critic and interpreter of creative
visions, and his reading of Smith depends perhaps less on historical detail t
han on his intuition for the poetic imagination. The affinity of Smith for
these traditions is, nonetheless, evident to an educated eye.

What is clear is that Smith and his apostles restated what Moshe Idel, our
great living scholar of Kabbalah, persuades me was the archaic or original
Jewish religion. . . . My observation certainly does find enormous validity
in Smith's imaginative recapture of crucial elements, elements evaded by
normative Judaism and by the Church after it. The God of Joseph Smith is a
daring revival of the God of some of the Kabbalists and 

[CTRL] [2] Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection

by Lance S. Owens

Part 2: Includes pages 134 - 166 of the published work.


Essential to understanding the themes animating the Kabbalistic-Hermetic
world view is a discussion of alchemy. In popular misconception, alchemy is
an immature, empirical, and speculative precursor of chemistry having as its
primary concern the transmutation of base metals into gold.40 This
simplification touches at only the most superficial veneer of alchemy; in
stark contrast, current historical and psychological readings of the
alchemical tradition suggest it had complex roots delving into the religious
or philosophical subsoils of Western culture and aspirations far more subtle
than the production of gold. Indeed, the dictum of medieval alchemists
themselves avows this fact: Aurum nostrum no est aurum vulgi (Our gold is
not vulgar gold).

The historical foundations of alchemy rest in the same early Christian epoch
and Gnostic cultural milieu that generated the texts of the Corpus Hermeticum
and nurtured the early mystical roots of Kabbalah.41 As with Gnosticism and
Hermeticism, after the emergence of Christian orthodoxy, alchemy submerged
into the darker subsoil of Western culture until the Middle Ages. In the
twelfth and thirteenth centuries renewed contacts with Arabic and Greek
alchemical materials, together with a reawakening interest in heterodox
classical knowledge, inaugurated a new study of this ancient Art. And to
this study was eventually add-mixed Kabbalah. No less a figure than Albertus
Magnus (1193-1280) became an adept of alchemy and authored numerous
alchemical works. To Thomas Aquinas, the great student of Albertus and the
signal theologian of the age, alchemical texts are also attributed--a fact
suggesting the philosophical and religious tenor of alchemical thought.42 For
the next four hundred years, alchemy ran like Ariadne's thread in a labyrinth
of creative vision. As the Age of Reason dawned, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle,
and John Locke would secretly correspond on alchemy's occult mysteries;
Newton is now well known to have penned more than a million words on the
great Art.43 A century and a half later its mystery would command Goethe's
masterwork, Faust, considered by C. G. Jung the final summit of alchemical
philosophy in its last creative extensions.44

Central to alchemy was the declaration of the Tabula smaragdina: That which
is below is above, that above is also below. In the alchemical view, matter,
the substance below, was the compliment and reflection of the divine realm
above. This perception was sometimes daringly extended in the face of
Christian dogma to assert that matter was eternal and uncreated, a complement
and mirror to the equally divine and uncreated spirit. As Jung observed,
Matter in alchemy is material and spiritual, and spirit spiritual and
material.45 Within matter resided a light, the lumen naturae, which was both
a reflection and eternal compliment of heaven's celestial glory, the lumen
dei. This strange perception was amplified in an array of alchemical
metaphors; the core image was a complexio oppositorum--expressed by dualities
such as light and dark, material and spiritual, wet and dry, sun and
moon, manifest and occult, feminine and masculine--seeking
transformative, salvific, and ultimately creative union. This mending of
divisions, above and below, required a work in proxy to be performed by
living men and women. Unaided by the alchemist--and his mystical sister and
feminine companion--it could not be accomplished. (See Figure 3.)

The treasure sought by the alchemist was often termed the philosopher's
stone (the antecedent of Joseph Smith's seer's stone): the pearl of great
price, the stone rejected by the builder, the filius philosophorum.46 Though
the alchemical transformation was often described as a transmutation of base
metal into gold--and though early alchemists had experimental laboratories
and engaged in empirical exploration--the late alchemical literature reveals
that ultimately it was the alchemist's own human baseness which sought
transmutation into something divine. Thus the alchemist was a necessary agent
of creative transmutation: a priest in a hallowed, ancient priesthood; a son
of the Widow; a knower of creation's ancient secret; a digger after hidden
treasure.47 The heart of this tradition was embodied in its ultimate
mysteries: the hierosgamos, or sacred wedding, and the mysterium
coniunctionis, a mysterious union of opposites that eternally wed male to
female, matter to spirit, above to below, microcosmos to macrocosmos,
humankind to divinity.

A Legacy of Occult Societies: Rosicrucians and Masons

By the seventeenth century, the creative mix of Kabbalistic, Hermetic, and
alchemical religious philosophies had nurtured among important sectors of

[CTRL] [3] Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection

by Lance S. Owens

Part 3: Includes pages 166 - 194, the end of the published work.

Prophet and Freemasonry

Whatever one concludes about the varied hints of scattered early associations
with Hermeticism, Joseph Smith had well-documented connections with one of
the tradition's major legacies, Masonry. The prophet's associations with the
Masonic tradition are thoroughly documented and discussed by Michael W. Homer
in this issue of Dialogue. It is unlikely that Smith would have so fully
involved himself and his church with the Masonic tradition if he had not
sensed therein some intrinsic compatibility with his own religion-making
vision. As Homer demonstrates, the prophet said that Masonry was taken from
priesthood, and his followers continued quoting that observation for fifty
years after.104 It is possible that Joseph's interpretation of Masonry as a
legacy of ancient priesthood was based in his own understanding of a history
extending back hundreds of years, a history entwined with the Hermetic mythos
and with Kabbalah, alchemy, and Rosicrucianism. The alliance of this occult
legacy with Masonry was well understood by esoterically-inclined Masons;
assertions of such links were bandied about by American anti-Masonic
publications in the late 1820s.105 As noted, Joseph's own history several
times touched Hermetic-Kabbalistic traditions. One could argue that he even
interacted with them in a creative, visionary sense.

Joseph's contacts with the Hermetic mythos were sufficient to generate vague
assumptions about Masonry's earlier roots, and these assumptions could have
been an historical subtext to his remarks about Masonry being a remnant of
ancient priesthood. Interestingly, modern historical examination of the
occult tradition suggests a shadow of truth in Joseph's statement: Kabbalah
and Hermeticism, as representatives of a historical stream of occult
knowledge (or as reservoirs of Gnosticism) did claim ancient lineages of
priesthood. Joseph had every reason to take those claims seriously, as do
historians today, albeit within a narrower interpretive context. In this
light, Joseph's connection to Masonry takes on several different shades of

The ubiquitous influence of Kabbalah upon the occult traditions of the
nineteenth century has been stressed, but its specific import in Masonry
requires repeated emphasis. Noted historian of occultism Arthur Edward Waite
suggested in his 1923 encyclopedia of Freemasonry that much of the great
and incomprehensible heart of Masonry came from Kabbalah, the Secret
Tradition of Israel.106 He finds such important Masonic symbols as the Lost
Word, the Temple of Solomon, the pillars Jachin and Boaz, the concept of the
Master-Builder, and restoration of Zion, all derived from the lore of
Kabbalah. The organizer of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America, Albert Pike,
manifested a similar sentiment and indexed over seventy entries to the
subject of Kabbalah in his classic nineteenth-century study, Morals and Dogma
of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.107 Though Pike's
work was published in 1871, his views reflected lore already established in
Masonry during the period of Joseph Smith's Masonic initiations three decades
earlier. Indeed, one of the earliest documentary mentions of Masonry
appearing in 1691 specifically linked it with these Jewish traditions.108

As Homer notes, the Scottish Rite developed by Pike was an evolution of the
eighteenth-century French Masonic Rite de Perfection, which in several
degrees was influenced by Kabbalah.109 Kabbalah's importance in Masonic lore
is also witnessed by Maritnez de Pasqually and his late-eighteenth century
Kabbalistic-Masonic restoration of ancient priesthood in the Order of Les
Elus Cohen. Much of this Kabbalistic influence upon Masonry may have come
from Rosicrucianism (again recalling their close association), infused as it
was with alchemical and Kabbalistic symbolism. But some additional influence
might be attributed to esoteric sources like the Frankist movement. The
Frankist--followers of Jacob Frank, and successors to the Kabbalistically
inclined Sabbatean heresy--had become active in Central European Masonic
organizations in the late eighteenth century.110 Given the wide diffusion of
a Christianized and Rosicrucian version of Kabbalah into Masonry, Joseph
Smith probably heard something about the tradition during the course of his
almost twenty-year association with Masons and Freemasonry.

It might be argued that these occult Masonic inclinations were all part of a
sophisticated, esoteric form of European Masonry foreign to the world of
frontier America. To the contrary--and though not yet fully
investigated--there are several reasons to believe that what Joseph Smith
encountered in Nauvoo was an esoteric 

[CTRL] Carol Rutz - My story intertwined with documentation. - The Fourth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference -2001

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Carol Rutz' '01 Conference Presentation

The Fourth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control
Conference -2001

This page has been put on the web by S.M.A.R.T., P O Box 1295, Easthampton,
MA 01027 E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Click here to return to our home page:

This transcript is from a presentation by Carol Rutz at The Fourth Annual
Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, August 10
- 12, 2001 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Windsor Locks, CT. Some of the topics
discussed may be triggering. The conference is educational and not intended
as therapy or treatment. All accusations are alleged. Our providing the
information below does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of it.

Carol Rutz is a survivor of Mind Control experimentation. She has attempted
to document through research and FOIA's material that validates her personal
experiences as well as other survivors. She is presenting these facts in a
book aimed at not only survivors, but health professionals and the general
public. Her topic is: My story intertwined with documentation.

First Slide Joel 1: 2, 3 Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the
land. Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of
your forefathers? Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to
their children, and their children to the next generation.

I would like to thank Neil for inviting me to participate in this conference
and also the cosponsors, Mothers Against Sexual Abuse, PARC-VRAMC, Inc.,
ACHES-MC and Many Voices. I feel very humbled to be addressing so many of my
fellow survivors as well as other interested parties here in attendance. All
statements that are not documented with source material available in my book
are alleged. Neil, I hope this will suffice, as I know I will forget to
continually say alleged while I'm speaking.

I don't expect to be able to give you all the documentation that I've found
in the time I have today to speak with you. I feel it is really important
that each of you knows that the 3 cd's with the Bluebird/Artichoke and
MKULTRA Documents are jammed packed with lots of good info, but you have to
wade through tedious hours of accounting notes to get to one savory tidbit. I
have only gone through a fraction of these documents and it is my hope that
some type of concerted effort could be made by survivors to systematically go
through and find the pertinent docs that will enhance our case as survivors.
If you aren't interested in ordering these from the CIA then you can got to

They have most of them posted for your viewing online. I have brought some
hard copies of documents and they will be at my table for viewing for those

One other thing I would like to say about FOIA requests and denials. The
guidelines for the release of information of records thru the FOIA states:

In processing a request, the Agency shall decline to confirm or deny the
existence or nonexistence of any responsive records whenever the fact of
their existence or nonexistence is itself classified under Executive Order
12958 or revealing of intelligence sources and methods protected pursuant to
section 103 ©(5) of the National Security Act of 1947. So they can deny that
any records exist on you or any other matter if they are still classified.

I'd like to start my presentation today by telling you a bit about my
background. I have DID. I am a multiple. I was a baby in diapers when the
first sexual abuse started. It began with my father and continued on with his
father. It was at the age of two that my mind felt the need to create my
first alter in order to handle the trauma from the continued abuse by him and
other family members. Before my third birthday the trauma from an initiation
and ritual performed by my grandfather in the presence of a large number of
other people forced another alter to be created. From that point on it seemed
to be standard operating procedure. Disassociation had become a way of life
for me to cope with tragedy. I had no control over it. It was my mind's way
of allowing me to stay sane when everything around me was totally insane and
out of control

To stay sane in an insane world, I continued to create new personas to cope
with severe and prolonged abuse. It was also the means by which the CIA chose
to assure my silence and create personas to use in their experiments. These
alters or personas were created by our government during systematic
experiments aimed at breaking my mind and creating a compliant slave.

Slide Two

The systematic destruction of Ego and Free Will

Power was obtained over Children and used to destroy their spiritual and
emotional growth. This was done so these men might defend and preserve their
own sick selves and their notions of right and wrong. Fragmentation of these
Children's minds 

[CTRL] Data proving the existence of recovered memory, ritual abuse, mk-ultra and information on the backlash - Neil Brick's NHHI Conference Presentation - 2001

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://members.aol.com/smartnews/nb_nhhi01.htm;Neil
Brick's NHHI Conference Presentation - 2001/A
Neil Brick's NHHI Conference Presentation in Athens, GA on July 7, 2001

This page has been put on the web by S.M.A.R.T., P O Box 1295, Easthampton,
MA 01027 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This transcript is from a presentation by Neil Brick at the Survivor's in
Recovery: Healing Inside and Out - 2001 Annual Survivor's Conference - New
Hope Healing Institute - July 7, 2001. Some of the topics discussed may be
triggering. The conference is educational and not intended as therapy or
treatment. All accusations are alleged. Our providing the information below
does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of it. The resources listed
below are for educational value only.

Click here to return to our home page:

This is a transcript of the second half of the presentation :

Data proving the existence of recovered memory, ritual abuse, mk-ultra and
information on the backlash. First, some basic definitions :

What is Ritual Abuse? ...is methodical abuse, often using indoctrination,
aimed at breaking the will of another human being. In a 1989 report, the
Ritual Abuse Task Force of the L.A. County Commission for Women defined
ritual abuse as: Ritual Abuse usually involves repeated abuse over an
extended period of time. The physical abuse is severe, sometimes including
torture and killing. The sexual abuse is usually painful, humiliating,
intended as a means of gaining dominance over the victim. The psychological
abuse is devastating and involves the use of ritual indoctrination. It
includes mind control techniques which convey to the victim a profound terror
of the cult members ...most victims are in a state of terror, mind control
and dissociation (Pg. 35-36) Safe Passage to Healing, by Chrystine Oksana,
1994, HarperCollins, 1-800-822-4090

What are Secret Societies?  Some secret societies allegedly practice ritual
abuse. Cults practicing ritual abuse exist as a secret societySecret
societies compete for membership with established organizations. Therefore,
they have to offer something not accommodated by the establishment: wealth,
power, fame, sex, drugs, security, promise of salvation or eternal
lifeThere can be secret societies within secret societies. (Pg. 48)
Safe Passage to Healing

The existence of recovered memory is a fact. Anyone that denies this is
ignoring large amounts of data.

The information for this part is a synopsis of data from Memory, Trauma
Treatment, and the Law by Brown, Scheflin and Hammond, W.W. Norton and Co.
New York and London, C 1998 (http://www.wwnorton.com) Page 370-381

The base rates for memory commission errors are quite low, at least in
professional trauma treatment. The base rates in adult misinformation studies
run between zero and 5 percent for adults and between 3 - 5 percent for
children. These numbers are quite different than what you might here from the
pro-fms people or the media.

Occasional unwitting misleading suggestions (Yapko, 1994a), even the
suggestion of a diagnosis of abuse, cannot adequately explain illusory
memories of child sexual abuse. (p. 379) Occasional suggestions about abuse
are not generally effective, except in highly suggestible people.

My conclusion is that memory contamination is very unlikely, except under
extreme conditions. From the data presented, it sounds like it is almost
totally impossible for anyone to make a memory error for the central plot of
a memory simply by hearing disinformation. A variety of other factors would
have to be in place. Even under hypnosis without several social influence
factors, it sounds like it is extremely rare (4-6% of 7-10%, less than one
percent of people) may be influenced by disinformation.

It sounds like most people would almost have to be in a cult or in a cult
like situation or under considerable duress to produce an untrue memory.
Theories that claim that a false memory can be created simply by hearing an
erroneous statement or because a person is looking for filler to complete
the central plot of their memory, are probably wrong.

But, if all the information in the media and society available to most
survivors is biased toward the incorrect position that memories of abuse are
false. And a survivor is manipulated and pressured by their family
emotionally and cognitively, it is very possible that a survivor may wrongly
believe that their memories are not true.

Another excellent source of information with information on fms and traumatic
memory is : Memory and Abuse - Remembering and Healing the Effects of
Trauma by Charles L. Whitfield M.D. Using clinical truths and laborious
scholarship, Dr. Whitfield brings his clinical experience and knowledge about
traumatic memory to examine, explore and clarify this important issue. Health
Communications, Inc 3201 S.W. 15th St, Deerfield Beach, FL.33442-8190.


[CTRL] Shattering the Myths--Deprogramming with System Communication Annie McKenna's '01 Conference Presentation

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://members.aol.com/smartnews/am01.htm;Annie
McKenna's '01 Conference Presentation/A
This page has been put on the web by S.M.A.R.T., P O Box 1295, Easthampton,
MA 01027 E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This transcript is from a presentation by Annie McKenna at The Fourth Annual
Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, August 10
- 12, 2001 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Windsor Locks, CT. Some of the topics
discussed may be triggering. The conference is educational and not intended
as therapy or treatment. All accusations are alleged. Our providing the
information below does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of it.

Due to the nature of the material discussed, survivors may want to read this
with a support person present.

Click here to return to our home page:

Annie McKenna is an alleged survivor of Project Monarch, a government mind
control program involving the military, various intelligence agencies, and
the Nazi's ushered into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip and wrote
Paperclip Dolls. She has an article in the 12/00 issue of Media Bypass. She
owes her rapid healing and integration process to a strong cooperative system
and scrapbook therapy. Her topic is Shattering the Myths--Deprogramming with
System Communication.

SMART 2001 - Presentation by Annie McKenna - Shattering the
Myths--Deprogramming with System Communication

For the past three years at this conference I've been primarily showing how
Scrapbook Therapy has helped my alters to communicate my past to me. This
year I'd like to expand that topic to include all ways my alters are able to
communicate with me. Because I have a lot of information and overheads to
share with you, I'd like to ask everyone to please hold questions until the
end. Also, so I don't forget, I'm always asked where I find the images for my
collages. The main source was Communication Arts magazine and I've placed a
sample on the table with my book Paperclip Dolls. But I've found pictures in
all kinds of magazines. It's just that the really bizarre ones usually came
from Communication Arts.

Before I begin my presentation I want to say that most of us in this room are
survivors or work with survivors of horrific abuse. Programming was involved
whether we were survivors of ritual abuse alone or in conjunction with one of
the military/illuminati programs. With ritual abuse, we are programmed to the
extent that we have alters who were trained to participate in rituals and
most likely several alters who took a vow of silence.

What happens a lot when survivors communicate with each other (especially in
the early stages of healing), is we trigger the hell out of each other. This
is because we are programmed beings and what comes out of us--whether we know
it or not--is programming. And that can be misconstrued as intentional
triggering or an attempt at accessing through programming phrases. I'm here
to tell you I have no idea how I was programmed but I have learned that I
heal backwards from my programming. And I only learned that because a few
times when I relayed the imagery and messages of my healing in a support
group setting, someone said that's exactly how I was programmed! In looking
back at how I got my messages, I didn't have a clue. But I am going to give
you a very concrete example of how this works for me.

In February of this year, I had a huge integration take place. It started on
February 17 and completed on February 23. Internally I was getting a
beautiful story of how my spiritual guides or protectors were each related to
an element like Earth, Wind, Fire, and Ice. The part of me that needed to
integrate I knew only as Baby. Baby had been my shattered spirit and was now
healed and ready to integrate with the core--which had also been shattered
but was now whole. So I had a whole core integrate with a whole spirit. The
timing of every aspect of my healing has been uncanny and I've just learned
to accept that strange things happen in my life and trust my protectors to
lead the way. On the evening of February 24, the day after my integration, I
was catching up on reading articles related to mind control.

One of the articles I read included information about the OTO (a
well-documented cult) and their rituals and beliefs. I was very interested
because one of my first connections to ritual abuse was the OTO because of my
father's military background. Anyway, I was reading about the OTO and it
explained how they worshipped spirits called elementals and an entity called
Babalon (BABAlon) which is a perversion of BABYlon or Baby. I totally freaked
out when I read this but then I just shook my head. That is my system's way.
My system takes the yuck and turns it inside out. So this is my trigger
warning. I do not know when I'm using programming phrases. I was programmed
my whole life and my objective is to share my healing...which means you will

[CTRL] Paperclip Dolls by Annie McKenna

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.paperclipdolls.com/html/book.html;About the
book Paperclip Dolls by Annie McKenna/A
by Annie McKenna
Cover design and illustration by Sundra

Price: US $24.95
Published 1999
soft cover

If you are familiar with the movie Conspiracy Theory, imagine a story that
goes behind the scenes to the character played by Mel Gibson (Jerry)–to his
childhood as an unwitting subject in the CIA’s top secret project, MK-Ultra.
PAPERCLIP DOLLS, would tell you how Jerry most likely became the paranoid
adult unable to remember his past and obsessed with government conspiracies.

PAPERCLIP DOLLS might be described as a psychothriller involving covert
government operations, mind control experimentation with children, Nazi
scientists who were ushered clandestinely into the United States following
World War II (Operation Paperclip), and a bizarre plot to develop the
ultimate secret weapon, a Manchurian Candidate–a spy/assassin/courier who
would not remember his or her deeds. The story, however, is nonfiction.

It’s the account of a woman who, at age 44, not only begins to remember a
childhood she never knew existed, but also realizes she has multiple
personalities as a result of her childhood trauma. She must learn to deal
with the horrific memories while adjusting to the miraculous way her brain
works and has protected her for years.

PAPERCLIP DOLLS is Annie McKenna’s story about healing from the horror of
being placed into a government program known to her as Project Monarch at
birth by her father who was military intelligence. The book is her personal
account as relayed through her journaling, supportive research, and other
writings of exactly how her memories revealed themselves, their impact on her
life, and how she was able to quickly understand and gain control of her
multiplicity. It is a story about overcoming a most insidious type of child
abuse–one that was sanctioned by our own government and which was made public
in the 70s. What the public didn’t know was that many of the unwitting
subjects of mind control experiments, including the notorious MK-Ultra
project, were children.

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[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS #43 - 17Aug02 - Death cult at the heart of the US Establishment?

2002-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.
URL: http://www.bilderberg.org

The Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University:
President George W. Bush, past president Bush senior and his father are all three 
proven initiates of this occult lodge based at a windowless mausoleum - I kid you not 
- The Tomb on the Yale campus.
New York Observer investigation http://www.observer.com/pages/story.asp?ID=2511
A death cult at the heart of the United States establishment? Impossible surely? But 
look a little closer and you'll see that seems to be exactly what George W Bush's 
family club, the order of Skull and Bones, is. Known variously as 'Bonesmen', 'The 
Order' and 'The Russell Trust Association', George W.Bush's father and grandfather 
were both initiated into this 'society' who's badge is a skull and cross bones with 
the lodge number 322 below it.
Lodge 322 is believed to have been founded on June 28th 1832. And the Skull and Bones 
are believed to have a commemoration ceremony on 28th June every year. This year 
(2002) on this date George W. Bush was relieved of his presidency for several hours, 
Dick Cheyne took over running the world's only superpower while Bush was 'undergoing 
hospital tests'.
If the Nazis' occult Thule Society had been exposed in the twenties millions might not 
have died - I would like to see the 'Bonesmen' and any other secret groups hungry for 
power fully exposed as unfit to hold positions of public responsibility.
Author and researcher Antony Sutton died earlier this year on June 17th 2002. He was a 
British born émigré to the USA and spent much of his academic time researching links 
from the US establishment and business world to fascism and communism. Particularly 
enlightening is his research on the financing of the Nazi party which he attributed to 
Wall street bankers - see his book 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler'. Sutton was a 
research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, from 1968 to 1973. He 
was a former economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He was 
born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and 
In September 1977 an article appeared in the US magazine Esquire. Sutton explains it 
detailed much of the mumbo-jumbo associated with the Bonesmen. When a new member is 
initiated into the order Tonight, he is told, he will die to the world and be born 
again into The Order as he will thenceforth refer to it. The Order is a world unto 
itself in which he will have a new name and fourteen new blood brothers, also with new 
When Rosenbaum starts to enquire about The Order he is told: They don't like people 
tampering and prying. The power of Bones is incredible. They've got their hands on 
every lever of power in the country. You'll see - it's like trying to look into the 
Mafia. Remember, they're  secret society too.
The Washington Post broached the subject on 25th February 2000 - 'Shred This After 
Reading!' Lloyd Grove called the article:
Before George W. Bush was a good ol' boy, he was a member of Skull and Bones. Author 
Ron Rosenbaum calls this club the most powerful of all secret societies in the 
strange Yale secret-society system. Its roster includes Averell Harriman, Henry 
Stimson, Henry Luce, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Dubya's dad, former president 
George Bush. They all engaged in certain occult rituals of the ruling class, as 
Rosenbaum writes, in a windowless mausoleum on Yale's New Haven, Conn., campus.
Although the club 

[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Christianity's Cult of Lies (fwd)

2002-08-18 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 12:49:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Christianity's Cult of Lies

The Associated Press

KRAKOW, Poland (Aug. 18) -

``When the noisy propaganda of liberalism, of freedom without truth or
responsibility, grows stronger in our country too, the shepherds of the
church cannot fail to proclaim the one fail-proof philosophy of freedom,
which is the truth of the cross of Christ,'' the pope said.


Let us restate that but substitute in the above, bogus christianity for
liberalism. With over one billion Roman Catholics on the planet, and
Roman Catholic missionaries being sent into pagan cultures all over the
world to transform them into Christian Cultures, one might expect these
people to be able to articulate one City of God as well as they can
articulate descriptions of villages in the pagan cultures. Christianity
today is a CULT OF LIARS. Now they have their hands out before the US
Congress to have tax credits restored to them. For what? For religion
racketeering? Let them come forward and claim James Randi's $1,000,000
Psychic Challenge first for a demonstration of faith healing. Let them
spell out one City of God plus surroundings which this pope called for


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* What would a Model City plus surroundings for Good Doers of the Axis of Good 
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[CTRL] US Attack on Iraq Started!! - With No Congressional Approval or Declaration of War

2002-08-18 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


(*Editors Note | The report below is from DebkaFile (debka.com) Debka is
connected to and relies heavily on the Israeli military for it's
information. Bear in mind as you read this that their perspective is a pro
military one. The detailed nature of the information contained in this
report, in conjunction with wire reports coming out of the region point to a
high probability of accuracy.

What is even more striking is the Bush Administration's ongoing public
relations effort. The cornerstone of which is their insistence that they
will be reasonable and diligent in their consultations with Congress and our
allies. In fact it now appears that such statements are false and
misleading. Far from acting in cooperation with anyone during the decision
making process, the Bush Administration has ignored the concerns of both
Democratic and Republican leaders and protests from scores of governments
around the world in addition to public sentiment hear and abroad.

Again the Bush Administration has clearly demonstrated a willingness to act
alone and in defiance any organization that would intervene. -- ma)


Report: US Military Operations Already Underway in Iraq
US Iraq Campaign Has Its First Engagement
DEBKAfileSpecial Military Analysis

Saturday, 10 August, 2002

10 August: America's offensive against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq has
begun as an exercise in gradualism rather than a D-Day drama. DEBKAfile's
military sources report that tens of thousands of US, British, French,
Netherlands, Australian troops may take part in the campaign, openly or
covertly, but not in massive waves that fling themselves telegenically on

The fact of the matter is that American military concentrations are already
unobtrusively present in northern and southern Iraq. The US campaign to oust
Saddam is therefore unfolding already, albeit in salami-fashion, slice by
slice, under clouds of disinformation and diversionary ruses ­ like the
latest statements by President George W. Bush (No date set yet for the
offensive) and British premier Tony Blair (Plenty of time before the war
begins), or the grave reservations issuing from the Russian, French and
German leaders. The peasoup of deception is further thickened by utterances
in the last 48 hours from Turkish prime minister Bulent Ecevit, King
Abdullah of Jordan, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the Saudi crown
prince Abdullah. They warn Washington that attacking Iraq would be a
terrible mistake, one which they want no part of.

DEBKAfile's military sources attempt here to pierce some of the thickets of
confusion with a few facts on the ground:

A. Special US forces entered the Kurdish regions of north Iraq towards the
end of March nearly four months ago, to set up local Kurdish militias and
train them for battle.

B. At around the same time, Turkish special forces went into northern Iraq
in waves that continued through April, fetching up in Turkmen regions around
the big oil towns of Mosul and Kirkuk.

C. Meanwhile, the Americans threw a ring of bases ­ using existing
facilities and adding new ones ­ around Iraq. They have since been pouring
into those bases US armored ground units, tanks, air, navy and missile
forces, as well as combat medical units and special contingents for
anti-nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. According to our sources, the
noose around Iraq extends from Georgia and Turkey in the north, Israel,
Egypt and Jordan to the west, Eritrea and Kenya in the southwest, and Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain to the south.

Furthermore, a large US armada, including aircraft carriers, has assembled
at three points: the eastern Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Persian

D. Since June, American and Turkish construction engineers have been working
in northern Iraq, building and expanding airfields and air strips to make
them fit for military use.

First US Military Steps

In the past week, once those preparations were in place, the United States
carried out two military operations:

1. Tuesday August 6, at 0800 hours Middle East time, US and British air
bombers went into action and destroyed the Iraqi air command and control
center at al-Nukhaib in the desert between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The center
contained advanced fiber optic networks recently installed by Chinese
companies. DEBKA-Net-Weekly's military sources say the raid made military
history. For the first time, the US air force used new precision-guided
bombs capable of locating and destroying fiber optic systems. The existence
of such weaponry was hitherto unknown.

Following the destruction of the facility, about 260 miles (415 kilometers),
southwest of Baghdad, waves of US warplanes swept in from the Prince Sultan
air base in Saudi Arabia and from US aircraft carriers in the Gulf and flew
over the Iraqi capital.

The Iraqi air force and anti-aircraft system held their 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control

2002-08-18 Thread ulrich stuart

-Caveat Lector-

this is definitely a form of neurosis...psychosis?

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[CTRL] Bush Anti-Corruption Chief Accused of Account Fraud

2002-08-18 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Bush Anti-Corruption Chief Accused of Account Fraud
By Simon English
The Telegraph (UK)

Thursday, 15 August, 2002

President Bush's efforts to clean up corporate America were dealt an
embarrassing blow last night when the man charged with leading his new
anti-corruption task force was sued for alleged fraud.

Larry Thompson, who is also deputy attorney general, was accused of dubious
accounting practices and insider trading while on the board of Providian, a
credit card issuer that also operates in Britain.

Judicial Watch, the self-styled watchdog that is also suing vice-president
Dick Cheney for alleged accounting malpractice when he was chief executive
of oil group Halliburton, filed the suit on behalf of a Texan shareholder in
a San Francisco court.

The suit alleges that Mr Thompson and other directors conspired to hide
Providian's mounting losses in 2001, inflating the company share price.

Mr Thompson sold more than L3 million of shares before the financial
problems became public, it is claimed. He was a board director for four
years from 1997.

Mr Thompson's office was not available to comment last night.

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[CTRL] Israeli TV Reveals Plan to Expel Arafat by Force

2002-08-18 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Israeli TV Reveals Plan to Expel Arafat by Force
Saturday, August 17 2002 @ 02:27 PM GMT

TEL AVIV: An Israeli plan that received initial approval to expel
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was revealed by Israeli
television Friday. Palestinian officials reacted with outraged
Saturday to the report, while Israeli spokesmen refused to

Israel's Channel Two revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon had previously approved a military plan to expel
President Yasser Arafat by force from the occupied Palestinian
territory, but that plan was rejected by the cabinet.

According to the report, Sharon and former chief of staff, Shaul
Mofaz, had discussed in April the military plan, which was not
revealed until now, and then presented to the cabinet. During the
discussion of the plan, several ministers argued that the
damage it would cause Israel's government would exceed its
so-called benefits.

Palestinian officials were outraged Saturday by the Israeli
television report. We denounce the mere thinking of such
despicable ideas, media sources quoted the Minister of Local
Government, Saeb 'Erekat, as saying from Egypt.

At a time when we are trying to revive the peace process the
Israeli government is thinking such ideas.

Orders were issued for a special occupation military force unit to
make the necessary preparations to capture President Arafat
inside his Ramallah headquarters and expel him, the report
relayed. The plan called for occupation troops to penetrate his
besieged headquarters, to take control of the building and
kidnap the President.

In what seems to be a scene from an action movie, a helicopter
was to deport President Arafat nonstop to a neighboring Arab
state that does not have diplomatic relations with Israel nor
close ties with the United States, Israel's premier ally, the report
further revealed.

The President would be left in a desolate area, and only after
Israel's aircraft returned 'safely' to Israel would the Arab country
be informed of the President's presence there.

Israel's occupation army and a spokesman for the Israeli Prime
Minister refused to comment on the report.

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[CTRL] Fwd: USArmy War College Expert: America Being Brainwashed by BushMob//RED Al...

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-


 ** Putting the Pieces Together

 -- from Robert Anderson

USArmy War College Expert: America Being Brainwashed by BushMob
 ** As in--RIGHT NOW!!
 ** Welcome to Hell on Earth

Hello, hello! Wake up -- that's the smell of YOUR brain being
relentlessly brainwashed 365/24/7 by the bloodthirsty hype-meisters of
the out-of-control BushMob, with the generous help of their vast stable
of toadlike, slavish, cloned, dog-on-a-leash, BigOil-soaked, mass-media
whores. AND, that's also the smell of YOUR Constitution going up in
flames, Mr. and Mrs. America.

THIS guy, a highly credentialed (militarily and academically) PROFESSOR
and major expert on psychological warfare techniques and all kinds of
related subjects, OBVIOUSLY knows what he's talking about!
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

By Norman D. Livergood, Ph.D.

The puppet Bush regime is using new, aggressive forms of brainwashing to
change the very way Americans think and feel.

This is the psychological dimension of the High Cabal's general
onslaught against American workers, just as the war on terrorism is
the military dimension and corporate crime and tax cuts for the rich
comprise the economic dimension.

We are living under the beginning stages of a military dictatorship in
precisely the same way that 1930s Germans suffered under the Nazi regime.

As in the case of Nazi Germany, state-sponsored propaganda (brainswashing)
is a vital part of the Bush regime's strategy.

New propaganda slogans are being overtly and subliminally implanted by
Bush and his gang through their speeches and actions:
 ** dissent is treason

 ** Constitutional liberties are less important than security

 ** the war on terrorism excuses any attack on civil liberties

 ** the Bush administration has the right and the duty to bring about
regime change in any nation it chooses

 ** the economy is basically sound

 ** only a few bad apples are found in the corporate barrel, which requires
no new oversight laws

 ** if Bush and Cheney say they're not guilty of corporate crimes, then
believe it and shut up

Propaganda American Style

Some of these mind programming tactics are so subtle that they can be
overlooked in the hubbub of everyday life. For example, have you been
aware that the very way in which the public discourse is being carried
on is a subtle brainwashing strategy? In 2002, the Congress, the media,
the man and woman on the street are encouraged to ask only this
question: How should the U.S. conduct its war against Iraq?

What about the questions:
 ** Should the U.S. start a second war with Iraq?

 ** Does an unelected American president have the right to force a regime
change on another nation?

 ** Why aren't Americans up in arms about Bush starting a second battle in
his war against terrorism?

 ** Why should American military personnel die merely for Bush's insane
quest for world domination and oil?

The Bush puppet regime is engaging in other rather subtle brainwashing tactics:
 ** an elaborate ruse as to who was to blame for 9/11

 ** psychic and political numbing in preparation for war

Insanity as Normalcy

The way in which the Bush junta is conducting itself is an interesting
brainwashing technique in itself: Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, and
the others continually commit OUTRAGES but don't excuse them, explain
them, or invite reflection on these affronts to morality and sanity. In
fact, when some timid media voice criticizes the Bush junta, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: MIL SOURCE: ANG Units DID Respond to Alerts 911 Leading to PA Shootdown...

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


 ** Putting the Pieces Together

 -- from Robert Anderson

MIL SOURCE: ANG Units DID Respond to Alerts 911 Leading to PA
 ** AF Units were stood down by Bush but not ANG units; Penn shootdown,
Pentagon defense by ANG interceptors

This source -- clearly -- has direct access to INSIDE information
regarding what the HELL went DELIBERATELY wrong on 9/11/01 with the air
defense system of the world's strongest military power -- which failed
almost totally in implementing current, established and in-effect
procedures for dealing with such alerts as WERE received from the FAA
and ATC on September 11, 2001.

Traitors art the VERY HIGHEST LEVEL of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of the US
Air FOrce (AND NORAD) to STAND DOWN and NOT respond to alerts received.

Yet, to limit the extent to which their monstrous treachery might be
known, Air National Guard units were NOT directly interfered with and
stood down by the BushMob, and at least one ANG interceptor DID follow
such established procedures, which resulted in the shootdown of Flight 93.

This is CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT information here. Please do your part to
ensure that it receives the widest possible attention.

Bush and other traitors within the administration MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Re: AF Spokesman: FAA Alerted Military Immediately On 9.11...

This is transmitted in confidence. I have sources to protect. If
published you are instructed to strike my email address and name. On the
morning of 9/11 a fighter pilot out of Selfridge ANG base in Michigan
(20 miles north of Detroit) was returning to base from a weapons test
run at a firing range (probably in upper lower Mich). SOP is to fire
everything on-board, for safety sake. He'd done so. He got a radio call
heading home, asking whether he was still carrying any ammo. He
responded in the negative. The response from base was, We assumed that.
Thanks, we'll find somebody else.

I fully agree that the Air Force was probably on stand-down orders.
But I further think that didn't extend to the ANG. The chain of command
loosens a bit. The ANG then operated on standing orders. Result: they
brought down one plane over Pennsylvania. It's classified, no doubt. The
cover story regards the great heroism of the passengers. Who's gonna
argue that? The black box might - oh but it was destroyed. Hmm.

Anyhow, the Pentagon, if hit from a second plane, would have probably
been in the same shape as the WTC towers. Some ANG plane prevented it.
So who's the real hero? Nobody you'll ever know! But it was the
somebody else referenced in that radio transmission.

The Feds can't possibly admit that the final attack was thwarted by an
ANG plane out of Michigan, on full afterburners, to Pennsylvania. That
would instantly raise 100 questions as to WHY the AF FAILED TO RESPOND
to problems far LESS distant.

There was instantaneous cover on the Pennsylvania crash on 9/11. The
cameras were held back a good mile from the site. Interviews with
witnesses were minimal at first. Then non-existent. But this I know.
There was NO FIRE on that site, from a near fully fueled plane. A
reasonable observer must then conclude that it burned before hitting
ground. What caused that? Science, and a good source or two, always
speak louder than propaganda.

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Re: [CTRL] Top 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence

2002-08-18 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
ulrich stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

so a video still, released by the DOD, showing the silhouette of a jet fighter hitting the pentagon (the ONLY piece of HARD evidence at all) is not even top 10?

William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
-Caveat Lector- http://www.the-movement.com/Top_10s/evidence.htmTop 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence Frank Levi (16 Aug 02)Just when you thought it was all doom and gloom, our good old chums at the agencies brought us some of the most hilariously unbelievable crap as proof "the Arabs did it." A lot of this is old hat to 9-11 investigators, some may be new. 1-Mohamed Atta's Luggage 2-Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriend 3-The Letter from the Ringleader 4-The Magic Passport 5-Ziad Jarrah's Passport Photo 6-DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in Cars 7-DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewhere 8-Arabs Starting Fights Next to Cars full of DIY Arab Hijacker Kits 9-Copies of the Koran left in Strip Clubs 10-Ziad Jarrah builds a replica of a Boeing cockpit in his apartment 1. Mohamed Atta's LuggageMohamed Atta , we are told, brought not one but two suitcases with him on his final suicide trip. Some might say it was a little convenient for the FBI investigators that these two suitcases did not make it from his connecting flight onto his suicide flight. Here is a rarely reported letter from his mother:Dearest Mohamed, Don't forget to bring your toothbrush and lots of clean underpants on your final suicide trip. You must change your underwear, you might be in an accident and have to go to hospital. It would be very embarrassing to be caught with dirty underpants, wouldn't it dear? Love, MamaOk, joking aside, what was really in the bags: Numerous documents including a letter of recommendation and education related documents. (In other words, stuff you would bring to a job interview, not a suicide attack). A handheld flight computer, flight simulator manuals, two videotapes about Boeing aircraft, a slide rule flight calculator, a copy of the Koran, his will and presumably a lot of socks and underpants. All this stuff would have been in the luggage hold, so why bring it? If he was really committing an act of suicidal Jihad he would have brought his Koran on board. http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/atta/resources/documents/fbiaffidavit1.htmThe link above has a scanned copy of the FBI affidavit detailing the contents of Atta's car and his luggage. It doesn't mention the letter he apparently wrote to the other hijackers.2. Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriendhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1664161.stmJarrah apparently wrote a farewell letter to his girlfriend - but in spite of having been with her for several years, he managed to send it to the wrong address. So the letter ended up in the hands of the FBI. How lucky is that !Relatives think that the letter to the girlfriend is a fake.I think perhaps, maybe it might be a fake too.3. The Letter From the RingleaderThis is the letter apparently from Atta giving last minute encouragement to his pals before going to Allah. Conveniently Mohamed left a copy in his suitcase , someone else left a copy in their apartment for the FBI to find, and miraculously, a third copy was found amongst the tiny pieces of debris at the Flight 93 crash site.Robert Fisk wrote an article in the Independent last September which effectively ridicules this particular piece of "evidence"http://www.eionews.addr.com/psyops/news/atta_lastletter_questions.htm - this is a copy of the original article. Read it.4. The Magic PassportMany people have pointed this one out since last September. How is it that the FBI found an intact passport belonging to one of the hijackers "several blocks away" from the World Trade centre when all the indestructible black boxes in the aeroplanes were destroyed or lost?What's really scary is that people actually believe this5. Ziad Jarrah's Passport PhotoA fragment of a hijackers passport photo was found at the flight 93 crash site. Just as a side issue - why did they insist on bringing passports when they were on internal flights - AND on suicide missions???CNN reported it was Jarrah's passport: http://europe.cnn.com/2002/US/08/01/cia.hijacker/6. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in CarsAnother car (not Atta's rental car) was found at Logan airport containing Arabic-language flight training manuals. If Atta was the pilot, why did anyone else need to bring flight manuals with them? A bit of last minute revision?7. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewherehttp://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/091601/ter_124-7402.shtmlBoeing 757 manuals, three illustrated martial arts books and an 8-inch stack of East Coast flight mapsAl-Shehhi checked out last Sunday without taking a three-ring binder full of handwritten notes, an English-German dictionary, an airplane fuel tester, a protractor, tote bag, aircraft manuals, maps and books, Surma said. This is a real "When I grow up I want to be a 

[CTRL] On 9/11, CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a Building

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

On 9/11, CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a Building

 Here's another admission which destroys the government's lie that it couldn't possibly have foreseen the use of planes to ram buildings.

The National Law Enforcement and Security Institute will be holding a conference called "Homeland Security: America's Leadership Challenge" in Chicago on 6 Sept 2002. The star speaker is Rudolph Giuliani. One of the other speakers is CIA man John Fulton. Here is the crucial sentence from the promotional literature for the conference:

On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building.

Fulton's entire passage from the promotional literature

John Fulton - Intelligence Networking  Analysis

On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day. Information is the most powerful tool available in the homeland security effort. At the core of every initiative currently underway to protect our country and its citizens is the challenge of getting the right information to the right people at the right time. How can so much information from around the world be captured and processed in meaningful and timely ways? Mr. Fulton shares his insights into the intelligence community, and shares a vision of how today's information systems will be developed into even better counter-terrorism tools of tomorrow. 

About John Fulton

John Fulton’s 25 years in the intelligence community has contributed to his recognition as an expert in risk  threat response analysis, scenario gaming, and strategic planning. He is on staff for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), currently serving as Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National Reconnaissance Office, and as a member of U.S. Joint Forces Command's Project Alpha - a prestigious "think tank" for advanced concepts related to such issues as homeland security. He formerly served as the mission director for our nation's satellite imagery program as well as replacing Army Astronaut Same Gemar as the Director of the National Security Space Master Plan for the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Space Communities under the auspices of the Deputy UnderSecretary of Defense (Space).His counter-terrorism and homeland security responsibilities include advising the Director Central Intelligence Staff for Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshall's Office, and collaboration with the National Security Council.In the private sector Fulton has developed a number of patents related to positioning, "smart GPS " applications, communications, and audio/video technology. He oversees the development of public  personal safety applications of these capabilities through SafeSTAR projects, and contributes to the strategic planning and conceptual design of the SafeSTAR Homeland Security Command Center

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[CTRL] US war game 'rigged to suit military agenda'

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

US war game 'rigged to suit military agenda' 

Retired general says 'enemy' forces were not allowed to defeat friendly forces for fear of upstaging military's new combat techniques 

WASHINGTON - A retired general who commanded 'enemy' forces in a recent US war game says the exercise was rigged so that it appeared to validate new war-fighting concepts it was supposed to test. 

General Paul Van Riper, who headed the Marine Corps Combat Development Command when he retired in 1997 as a three-star general, said he became so frustrated with undue constraints on his command of 'enemy' forces that he quit the role midway through the three-week Millennium Challenge 2002. 

It ended on Aug 15. 

The US$250-million (S$436 million) exercises involved a wide range of US military commands across the country linked by computer networks to simulated troop, air and sea units with 13,500 actual military personnel fighting a war scenario.

Gen Van Riper, who was in command of the Red forces, meant to simulate the enemy, said exercise officials denied him the opportunity to use his own tactics and ideas against the Blue, or friendly, forces.

The Red forces were often directed not to use certain weapons against the Blue forces.

His complaints were reported on Friday by the Army Times, a private newspaper that covers army issues, which had a copy of an e-mail by Gen Van Riper telling his colleagues why he quit.

Mr Robert Oakley, a retired ambassador who played the role of civilian leader of the Red forces, told the Times that Gen Van Riper was outhinking the Blue forces.

For example, during computer simulations, he used motorcycle messengers to transmit orders, negating the high-tech eavesdropping capabilities of the Blue forces.

When the Blue naval forces sailed into the Gulf, the Red forces surrounded the ships with small boats and planes and sank many of them.

Gen Van Riper said he was concerned that the military would implement new war-fighting concepts on the basis of what he considers to be false conclusions. --AP 

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[CTRL] Greenspan's irrational exuberance

2002-08-18 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://www.dailycamera.com/bdc/insight/article/0,1713,BDC_2494_1330583,00.html
Greenspan's irrational exuberance 
What caused the current economic debacle? Give the Fed and its chairman a share of the blame 
By William Greider, Washington PostAugust 18, 2002
With New Economy icons falling all around, the next one may be the Federal Reserve and its hallowed chairman, Alan Greenspan.
When anxieties subside and people examine what caused this debacle, they may grasp that the Fed's policies and proclamations are centrally implicated. Notwithstanding his opaque manner, Greenspan became a cheerleader for the financial-market optimism and implicitly ratified its excesses. The chairman failed to take the timely actions that would have instilled more caution in investors, believing as he does that markets can work things out on their own. Well, they have.
This is exactly what you don't want from a Federal Reserve chairman. Central bankers are not supposed to be either optimistic or popular. They are supposed to be the national scold — the economic regulators who worry constantly over what might go wrong and impose restraints before public opinion or the markets see any problem. In that sense, the Federal Reserve went off the rails in the bubbling '90s. Though still celebrated for wise stewardship, the Fed failed its core function as the disinterested governor.
How does Greenspan feel, for instance, about the mega-conglomerates in banking that he helped midwife, now that Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase are in the cross-hairs of criminal investigations? The Fed chairman personally approved Citigroup's creation even before Congress made it legal by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act. He approved the "firewalls" that were supposed to prevent the kind of scandalous conflicts of interest recently revealed. And did the Fed's own bank examiners not notice the funny-money lending to Enron?
A more fundamental critique is that Federal Reserve policy has been a contributing force in producing deep imbalances in the American economy — the growing inequalities of incomes and wealth and other disorders, such as the burgeoning debts of families and business. The Fed helped induce these injurious shifts by essentially favoring the financial system over the real economy of production.
For most of the past 20 years, the central bank continued to fight the last war — inflation — and did so by restraining economic growth artificially. Its brake produced many years of higher unemployment than was necessary, thus ensuring stagnant or falling real wages for ordinary working people.
We will be a long time digging out of the Fed's triumph. The task of reform should begin with a less deferential Congress and media, daring to question the Fed's performance more rigorously. That requires prompt — and more candid — policy disclosure from the Fed.
In the run-up to the current debacle, Greenspan's first pivotal error occurred back in 1996, when he and other Fed governors first recognized a price bubble forming ominously in stock markets. Then-governor Lawrence Lindsey (now the president's economic adviser) urged the chairman to act promptly. Raising margin rates would tighten stock-market borrowing — the easy credit investors use in a speculative binge — and ring a loud warning bell for giddy investors. But Greenspan waved off Lindsey's prescient plea. A few months later, the chairman did speak once of "irrational exuberance," but the markets reacted badly. He dropped the subject.
Taking decisive action would have required courage. The chairman would have needed to set aside his neo-libertarian ideology, which abhors regulatory interventions in the economy. And he would have been compelled to take on the Fed's foremost constituency — Wall Street banks and brokerages — where he is most loved.
Instead, Greenspan's popularity soared with the booming economy. He backed off the Fed's longstanding anti-inflation policy of restraining economic growth and allowed unemployment to fall below the Fed's self-imposed floor. This made everyone feel good, especially the workers whose wages had been depressed for years by the Fed's stringency.
But Greenspan's second great error was joining the celebration himself. He suggested that rising productivity had opened a glorious new era of ever-upward prosperity. His ebullient remarks sounded very similar to the self-congratulations expressed by the Federal Reserve in the late 1920s. Then and now, the Fed's happy talk excited stock-market plungers, large and small.
The third error was the Fed's belated attempt in early 2000 to get some control over frenzied events — an error because it did so by hammering the real economy with interest-rate increases, rather than restraining the financial system directly. Greenspan claimed to detect a phantom price inflation in goods and services. Actually, the only price inflation was in the stock market. The obvious injustice was punishing the many for the 

[CTRL] Homeland Security: The Jesuit Gestapo

2002-08-18 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Homeland Security: The Jesuit Gestapo
By Michael Bunker

“And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together 
to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.” – Rev. 19:19

August 9, 2002 – It is little recognized by most Americans that the Bill of Rights to 
the U.S. Constitution was the work of American Calvinists who desired to protect the 
young republic from the influence of the Roman Catholic Jesuits.

James Madison, the author of the Bill of Rights, was the student of the Calvinist 
Presbyterian minister John Witherspoon. Of Witherspoon it is said that,

““He was not present during the writing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, but his 
presence was felt through his Princeton student, James Madison. In Madison's system of 
checks and balances, with its separation of powers, one can discern the influence of 
Witherspoon's Calvinist lectures on the depravity of humankind.” (Mark Couvillon, 
“Christians in the Cause”, Christian History, Spring 1996)

The Jesuits had been kicked out of almost every country in Europe for abusing the 
rights of the people, extorting, lying, cheating and murdering to maintain absolute 
authority over Kings and Princes. The Jesuits always attack the freedom of conscience, 
the free press, and the right to bear arms, because these God-given rights are used by 
True Christians to resist the evils proposed by Jesuit controlled tyrannical 

But we must also note that the Society of Jesus is always at work on both sides of any 
battle. The Jesuits were the biggest beneficiaries of the first amendment. Prior to 
that amendment, Catholicism was a small (but potent) portion of the population. 
Catholics in most areas of the continent were prevented from owning property or 
participating in any form of government. Catholics were generally prevented from 
voting or owning property.

After the Bill of Rights was approved, guaranteeing full access to the reins of 
government, the Jesuits and Roman Catholics in general invaded America from almost 
every part of the globe. I can guarantee you that behind every attempt to enslave and 
dominate Americans today, particularly by the fraudulent teaching of Romans 13; you 
will find the murderous Jesuit hand at work. Although honest, God fearing men of 
conscience may disagree on the issue of resisting tyrants, I believe that in most 
cases, if your pastor, priest, preacher or teacher does not teach you that you have 
the God-given right to resist antichrist tyrants using your words, your thoughts and 
what the great Reformer John Knox called “the weapons of Just Defense”, then you might 
suppose that your pastor, priest, preacher or teacher is mortally infected by the 
poison of Rome, and owes his wicked philosophy to the Society of Jesus.

Remember that one need not be a Jesuit ordained “priest” in order to be a warrior for 
the Jesuits. According to the Jesuit Constitutions, the Jesuit Superior General is 
permitted to:

“receive agents, both priestly agents to help in spiritual matters and lay agents to 
give aid in temporal and domestic functions.”

Enter Tom Ridge and the Homeland Security Agency

According to the White House Biography of Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge, Ridge is a 
practicing Roman Catholic. Ridge was educated at a prep school funded by the Jesuits 
and started by the Roman Catholic priest and Jesuit collaborator John M. Gannon. 
Gannon was one of the cogs in the Jesuits “education machine” that started over 35 
colleges and universities in the United States and hundreds of preparatory schools and 
scholarship programs. Gannon was also the father Gannon University in Ridge’s home 
state of Pennsylvania. Gannon University is one of the central homes of the Jesuits 

Speaking of Volunteer Corps… Tom Ridge and George Bush were creators of a new 
concoction in American government called the USA FREEDOM CORPS. I have shown in two of 
my previous videos where the founding documents of the USA FREEDOM CORPS (which can be 
found at www.usafreedomcorps.gov) were taken almost word for word from Adolph Hitler’s 
Mein Kampf. It is almost certain that Mein Kampf was written in the majority by a 
Jesuit priest named Bernard Staempfle. If Staempfle did not write ALL of Mein Kampf, 
he most certainly was the principle mind behind most of it.

“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been 
anything more grandiose on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the 
Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party.” – Adolf 

The Nazi concept of the ever present and diabolical state police force was modeled on 
the Order of the Jesuits:

The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of 
the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius 
of Loyola were the model Himmler 

[CTRL] Open Letter to America from a Canadian by W.R. McDougall

2002-08-18 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

Dear America:

And so it has come to this. Your once-great nation has fallen into madness,
an affliction of mass denial that brings shivers up the spines of millions
outside your borders. Yours is a sick nation. But most of you carry on as
though nothing at all is the matter.

Dark, evil operations run rampant in the secret corners of your government
institutions. A dubiously constituted government pursues war at will
anywhere on earth, discussing nuclear options that become points for
cheerful chatter over lunch. Your military and intelligence agencies employ
terrorist tactics around the globe even as they insist that such tactics are
necessary in the fight against terrorism.

You have become a nation of monsters, America. Hypocrites. Murderers. Fools.

Your constitution is a shambles thanks to national security measures
resulting from what might well be U.S.-government-sanctioned terrorist
attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., covert provocations designed
to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.

Never mind that earth-friendly technology already exists to once and for all
end dependence on oil, coal and nuclear energy from huge, out-of-control
utilities and corporations. You would rather pay through the nose for your
insecure comforts, wouldn't you America, and make others pay with their

At the same time, you stand by as the Israelis' secular Zionists--whom you
support through the supply of arms and money--slaughter untold numbers of
innocents in the West Bank, then blame the Palestinians for bringing the
terror upon themselves. (True, there are abominable Arab suicide bombers in
Israel's midst. But are they not driven to madness and desperation by your
infernal support of international terrorist politics?)

As I write these words, you support a nation run by a convicted murderer by
the name of Ariel Sharon who with impunity is carrying out war crimes as
cruel and horrendous as those of other sadistic tyrants in history. And you
say, in your utter cynicism, 'When will these Palestinians bring this war to
an end?'

You recklessly wage combat on other fronts, too. At home, your War on Drugs
is a disastrous 30-year folly--a gigantic con game designed to benefit
lethal cartels, corrupt politicians and menacing intelligence agencies
across the planet.

With your government's support, crooked multinationals like Monsanto buy up
the world's water supplies, and take possession of the world's vegetation
through Frankenstein technology already known to cause illness.

Does the FDA care about any of this? It does not. It has long been on the
bandwagon to foist genetically altered food on the Guinea Pigs of the
country--including every man, woman and child on America's increasingly
toxic soil.

You are a nation of suckers, America, to be bled dry of your hard-earned pay
through outrageous bank schemes, Wall Street rip-offs and fake government
budget grabs. Your Pentagon cannot account for trillions in lost dollars.

Does this bother you? Not in the least.

Your whole economy is controlled by what is for the most part ravenous,
international private banking interests in the form of The Federal Reserve,
which with your government's consent leads you down the garden path to
certain financial ruin thanks to a national debt you will never be able to

How is it that private banks are responsible for issuing your currency? How
is it that they are allowed to charge ridiculous interest rates on what they
issue? By decree, this was supposed to be the responsibility of your
government, which could create its own currency without charging interest.

Do you realize your congress could dismiss these banks in an instant if it
so wished? But don't ever count on it. More important matters are pressing.
The upcoming election needs investment.

These very same money men are the ones who, through unmonitored and
unrepresentative world committees, are driving countries like Argentina into
hopeless debt and social upheaval. These greedy overlords are creating
strife and suffering on a scale too tragic for words in nation after nation.
Just look at Africa.

They've got their sights on America, now, too; disrupting economic stability
through so-called free trade initiatives and provisions for special favors
and the endless flow of cash to corporate monstrosities like Enron.

Amid all this, where are those who are supposed to represent your interests,
America? For the most part, your congressional representatives are nothing
but swine gathering at the corporate troughs. Your president is a
white-collar thug, a hypocrite who through his actions celebrates war,
repression and greed even as he gives lip service to peace, freedom and

George W. Bush deceives you daily, the war monger hiding behind a phony
patriotism. He is an Enron buddy boy, a spoiled child lying in his teeth
about his past and current dirty deeds.

Does he care about you America? Hardly. This is 

[CTRL] US NM: Tea Might be OK'd For Religious Practice

2002-08-18 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

Newshawk: The War on Drugs IS Terrorism
Pubdate: Sun, 18 Aug 2002
Source: Santa Fe New Mexican (NM)
Copyright: 2002 The Santa Fe New Mexican
Website: http://www.sfnewmexican.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/695
Author: Tom Sharpe
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/spirit.htm (Spiritual or Sacramental)


A Santa Fe-based group might get permission to drink a hallucinogenic tea
called hoasca.

U.S. District Judge James Parker says he is leaning toward granting the
group's right to use the tea, based on the Religious Freedom Restoration

Parker last week issued a 61-page memorandum opinion and order in a lawsuit
filed against the federal government and scheduled a Sept. 3 hearing to
determine how to implement his order.

Jeffrey Bronfman, a member of the Canadian family that founded the Seagram's
whiskey brand, used to host ceremonies near his home in Arroyo Hondo, near
Santa Fe, where participants would drink the tea made from two Amazon plants
containing N.N. dimethyltryptamine, or DMT.

On March 21, 1999, U.S. Customs Bureau and other federal agents seized 30
gallons of tea shipped from Brazil to Bronfman's office on the north side of
Santa Fe. No one was charged or arrested. The arrest was not publicized.

On Nov. 21, 2000, Bronfman, as president of O Centro Espirita Beneficiente
Uniao do Vegetal (Portuguese for Central Beneficial Spirit United in the
Plant), or UDV, sued the U.S. Department of Justice for confiscating the
tea. His complaint compared UDV's use of hoasca to that of the Native
American Church's use of peyote.

During hearings last fall, UDV's attorneys brought into the Albuquerque
federal courtroom hallucinogen-containing plants purchased at Albuquerque
nurseries. U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency officials admitted they knew
phalaris grass and San Pedro cactus were available for sale on the Internet
and elsewhere, but said they had not tried to prosecute the sellers.

Brazil, where UDV's rites originated, has legalized hoasca for religious
purposes. Some nations allow it to be imported and used by religious groups.

Early this year, UDV suffered a setback when three branches of the Native
American Church filed a friend-of-the-court brief that said UDV was
distorting and misrepresenting ... the nature, legal history and status of
the Native American Church in seeking an exemption to use a controlled
substance under the equal-protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Parker rejected the group's Constitutional and international-law claims, but
found merit with UDV's claims based on the Religious Freedom Restoration
Act. The brief from the Native American Church branches took no position on
the RFRA.

The 1993 law was responding to a 1990 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld
the state of Oregon for denying unemployment benefits to a man who was fired
from his job because he used peyote in Native American Church rites. Its
sponsors were strange bedfellows: Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Orrin Hatch,
R-Utah, in the Senate; Barney Frank, D-Mass., and Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., in
the House. A Christian Science Church Web site says the U.S. Supreme Court
ruling in 1997, regarding a case involving the city of Boerne, Texas,
virtually abandoned the requirement that the government show a compelling
reason to restrict religious practices.

However, the Government has failed to carry its heavy burden of showing a
compelling government interest in protecting the health of UDV members using
hoasca or in preventing the diversion of hoasca to illicit use, Parker said
in the UDV case. In addition, the Government has not demonstrated that
prohibiting the UDV's ceremonial use of hoasca furthers an interest in
adhering to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances. The Court thus
does not reach the question of whether the Government has employed the least
restrictive means of accomplishing its stated goals.

Elizabeth Goiten, a Washington, D.C.-based assistant U.S. attorney assigned
to the defense of the government in the civil case, said Parker originally
set the hearing for Monday, but he agreed to wait until Sept. 3 after a
telephone conference last week. She declined comment on Parker's order.

UDV lawyer John Boyd of Albuquerque called the apparent decision a victory
for religious freedom. He said he expects the hearing will concern what kind
of system the government must set up to allow a religious use of hoasca and
also satisfy the government's concern that it not be subject to diversion.
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[CTRL] US NM: Gov. Johnson Criticizes 'War On Drugs'

2002-08-18 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

Newshawk: The War on Drugs IS Terrorism
Pubdate: Sat, 10 Aug 2002
Source: Silver City Daily Press  Independent (NM)
Copyright: 2002 Silver City Daily Press
Website: http://www.thedailypress.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/944
Author: Stephen Siegfried
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/decrim.htm (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/johnson.htm (Johnson, Gary)


Gov. Gary Johnson brought his message that marijuana should be legalized to
Silver City on Thursday, calling the war on drugs a misdirected approach
that is tearing the country apart.

Johnson was the featured speaker at the 36th annual Drug and Alcohol
Institute at Western New Mexico University.

Here's my message. Don't do drugs. Don't drink. Until you stop drinking you
don't know what a handicap it is, said Johnson, who took his last drink 15
years ago.

Eighty-four million Americans have done illegal drugs. Fifty-two percent of
young people have done drugs, said the governor, making the point that the
war on drugs isn't working.

Let's try the opposite, he said, in advocating education in addition to

Tell kids what drugs and alcohol do, Johnson told conference attendees.
It's never going to be legal for kids to ingest drugs or alcohol.

Don't smoke marijuana. Don't drink. The more you drink, the more it becomes
a handicap. We should focus on education and getting drugs out of the hands
of kids.

Prohibition encourages drug use. Kids are the mules (used to transport and
distribute drugs) because kids get a second chance.

Citing statistics from Holland and Switzerland indicating drug-related
crimes and death from drug overdoses fell dramatically with
decriminalization, Johnson said there would be less substance abuse if
marijuana was legalized.

In Switzerland, where heroin is dispensed through clinics, doses are free
and regulated, Johnson said.

The idea is to reduce death, disease and crime, he said, adding that the
incidence of disease from shared needles and death from drug overdose in
Zurich fell nine-tenths after clinics began dispensing drugs legally to

(Drug use) is a health problem rather than a criminal justice problem.
Great Britain is no longer enforcing marijuana laws. But people (in this
country) say it's the law. We can change laws.

Johnson included alcohol prohibition, together with segregation, and denying
the vote to women among the worst laws of the 20th century.

He then drew parallels between former laws prohibiting alcohol and laws now
in effect making marijuana illegal.

Death is a function of prohibition. People died drinking bathtub gin.
Prohibition is what kills. Drug prohibition is tearing this country apart,
not drug use.

He said that between the costs of law enforcement, courts and prisons, the
state is spending massive resources on the war on drugs that could be put to
better use. Nevertheless, Johnson made clear his position that any action
resulting in harm to others should be punished.

Get behind the wheel of a car (under the influence of drugs or alcohol)
then it's a crime. Harm someone or damage their property and there should be

I believe in an eye for an eye.

What should be of concern to all New Mexicans, Johnson said, is that violent
criminals are being released from prison to make room for those convicted of
nonviolent crimes.

He then told of a woman convicted of prescription fraud who received a
stiffer sentence than criminals convicted of rape, kidnapping and
second-degree murder.

Punishments for those sentenced for drug use are way out of whack, Johnson
said, before recounting the case involving a woman he recently pardoned for
cocaine use who was raped by six prison guards.

She did more time than they did. Get convicted of second-degree murder, and
you can still get your student loan, but not if you've done cocaine.

Johnson called drug and alcohol abuse and its cost in lost lives, government
resources, dollars and productivity the biggest problem the world is facing
today that actually has a solution.

The weeklong conference was attended by members of the New Mexico
Association of Addiction Professionals.

In closing, Johnson thanked substance abuse counselors for making a positive
impact on people's lives.
Distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk

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Re: [CTRL] US NM: Tea Might be OK'd For Religious Practice

2002-08-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

on 8/18/02 9:07 PM, Joshua Tinnin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Newshawk: The War on Drugs IS Terrorism
 Pubdate: Sun, 18 Aug 2002
 Source: Santa Fe New Mexican (NM)

 A Santa Fe-based group might get permission to drink a hallucinogenic tea
 called hoasca.

Ayahuasca - That¹s the snuff that you may have seen S American Indians
blowing up each others noses.

Base plant for DMT.

-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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Re: [CTRL] US NM: Tea Might be OK'd For Religious Practice

2002-08-18 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 -Caveat Lector-

 on 8/18/02 9:07 PM, Joshua Tinnin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Newshawk: The War on Drugs IS Terrorism
  Pubdate: Sun, 18 Aug 2002
  Source: Santa Fe New Mexican (NM)
  A Santa Fe-based group might get permission to drink a hallucinogenic
  called hoasca.

 Ayahuasca - That¹s the snuff that you may have seen S American Indians
 blowing up each others noses.

 Base plant for DMT.

Yes, it's called hoasca in the southwest. Same thing.

- jt

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[CTRL] priest sued, mormon teach accused, reading minds at airports, clergy panel, Iraq

2002-08-18 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Boston Priest Handling Abuse Cases Sued, Report Says  - 8/17/02  Washington
(Reuters) - A Boston priest whose responsibilities include  handling cases of
alleged clergy sexual abuse has been accused in a civil lawsuit of repeatedly
fondling a teenage altar boy two decades ago, the Washington Post reported
Saturday. Monsignor Michael Smith Foster, who is the archdiocese's judicial
vicar, is the highest-ranking Roman Catholic priest to face sexual abuse
allegations in the Boston area, the epicenter of the widening church scandal,
the paper said. As a judicial vicar, Foster is responsible for providing
advice on canon law to church officials in cases involving issues ranging
from annulments to sexual abuse, according to the report.

from L. Moss-Sharman Teacher of the year accused Milpitas man suspected of
molesting 5 children  Suzanne Herel, Chronicle Staff Writer   8/17/02 A
Milpitas man recently honored as an elementary school teacher of the year
allegedly had been molesting students since 1997, police say. Craig Allen
HarwardHarward from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
Milpitas First Ward, in Fremont, where he was a member and a secretary to the


NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airports  By Frank J. Murray The
Washington Times  Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration have told Northwest Airlines security specialists that the
agency is developing brain-monitoring devices in cooperation with a
commercial firm, which it did not identify. Space technology would be adapted
to receive and analyze brain-wave and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data
into computerized programs to detect passengers who potentially might pose a
threat, according to briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times.
NASA wants to use noninvasive neuro-electric sensors, imbedded in gates, to
collect tiny electric signals that all brains and hearts transmit. Computers
would apply statistical algorithms to correlate physiologic patterns with
computerized data on travel routines, criminal background and credit
information from hundreds to thousands of data sources, NASA documents say.

5 Resign From Va. Sex Abuse Panel - By Maria Sanminiatelli Richmond, Va. (AP)
- The Diocese of Richmond lost all five lay members of its sexual abuse
panel when they resigned to protest the reinstatement of a priest accused of
abusing teenage boys in the 1970s. The panelists had recommended in June that
the Rev. John E. Leonard be removed from duty and hospitalized for
counseling. But Bishop Walter F. Sullivan cleared the priest of the
allegations and returned him to his suburban parish. From AOL 8/17/02


Report: US Military Operations Already Underway in Iraq  US Iraq Campaign Has
Its First Engagement  DEBKAfileSpecial Military Analysis  Saturday, 10
August, 2002

10 August: America's offensive against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq has
begun as an exercise in gradualism rather than a D-Day drama. DEBKAfile's
military sources report that tens of thousands of US, British, French,
Netherlands, Australian troops may take part in the campaign, openly or
covertly, but not in massive waves that fling themselves telegenically on
Baghdad.  The fact of the matter is that American military concentrations are
already unobtrusively present in northern and southern Iraq.

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[CTRL] Fwd: ZGram - 8/16/2002 - On the trail of the REAL Anthrax Hoaxer

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

August 18, 2002

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

All I can say is:  Will it never end?


While Media Spotlights One Anthrax Suspect, Another Is Too Hot To


WASHINGTON, DC, USA, 16 August 2002 (ArabNews.com): America's
mainstream press finds some stories too hot to handle. One of the
most egregious examples of this is its coverage of the hunt for the
perpetrator of the post-September 11 anthrax letters -- a matter of
concern to all Americans. After an initial flurry of reports, the
media inexplicably ignored the FBI's laborious search for the person
who last fall mailed anthrax-laced letters to news organizations and
the Capitol Hill offices of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and
Senator Patrick J. Leahy.

Did the U.S. media merely lose interest after the government failed
to find an Iraqi or Al-Qaeda connection, and therefore could not link
the postal terrorism to Sept. 11? Or was the press warned off the
sensitive subject? After months of silence, in August the subject of
the anthrax attacks once again hit the newspapers and network TV
stations. The scientist in the spotlight, however, may be little more
than a hapless fall guy.

Five people died and more than a dozen more were made seriously ill
from exposure to the deadly Ames variety of anthrax. Americans across
the country feared opening their mail. It's a safe bet that, had a
Muslim or Arab-American scientist been the prime suspect, press
coverage would have been unrelenting. Apparently, journalists'
interests weren't sufficiently aroused by the FBI profile of a
disgruntled American bioweapons scientist who may have launched the
lethal attack merely to help his career and increase government
funding in his area of expertise. This homegrown terrorist murdered
innocents, sowed fear across the U.S., and the rest of the world, and
created chaos in the U.S. Postal Service, but for 10 months he stayed
out of the news.

The still-unknown culprit also sought to throw suspicions on Muslim
or Arab 'terrorists'. First there was the timing of the letters --
days after the Sept. 11 attack. The first anthrax letters, as well as
some hoax letters, were mailed Sept. 18 to 25. The first public
report of an anthrax case in Florida was not until October 4. Then
there was the text: The letters clearly intended to imply the writer
was of Middle Eastern origin and included deliberate misspellings
(the letters suggested taking penacilin), a Star of David, as well
as threats to Israel, Chicago's Sears Tower and President George W.
Bush. Someone obviously hoped to focus attention on an Arab
scapegoat. The perpetrator added to the already terrible woes of
Arabs and Muslims living in the U.S. post-Sept. 11.

The letters could very well have sparked internment camps for Arab
Americans, who already faced backlash from the Sept. 11 terror
attacks. The U.S. might have launched a military attack on Iraq, as
rumors circulated that [Iraq's President] Saddam Hussain was to blame
for the anthrax attacks. Fortunately, early on federal investigators
discounted the Arab 'terrorist' theory -- although plenty of
outsiders still can't give it up.

The FBI narrowed its search for the terrorist to 200 scientists who
had worked with the U.S. anthrax program in the last five years. The
investigation focused on Fort Detrick's Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases in Maryland, the military's premier
bioterrorism complex, and one of only four laboratories with the
capability for weaponizing anthrax. Only 50 scientists had access to
the Ames strain found in all the letter 

[CTRL] Fwd: 9/11 'cell calls impossible'

2002-08-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

Planes of 9/11 exceeded their software limits and 9/11 'cell calls impossible'

Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:36:34 -0500
From: Steve Moser - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Planes of 911 exceeded their software limits

Submitted by: Anonymous Jim Heikkila Saturday August 17, 2002

Two of the aircraft exceeded their software limits on 911

The Boeing 757 and 767 are equipped with fully autonomous flight capability,
they are the only two Boeing commuter aircraft capable of fully autonomous
flight. They can be programmed to take off, fly to a destination and land,
completely without a pilot at the controls.

They are intelligent planes, and have software limits pre set so that pilot
error cannot cause passenger injury. Though they are physically capable of
high g maneuvers, the software in their flight control systems prevents high
g maneuvers from being performed via the cockpit controls. They are limited
to approximately 1.5 g's, I repeat, one and one half g's. This is so that a
pilot mistake cannot end up breaking grandma's neck.

No matter what the pilot wants, he cannot override this feature.

The plane that hit the Pentagon approached or reached its actual physical
limits, military personnel have calculated that the Pentagon plane pulled
between five and seven g's in its final turn.

The same is true for the second aircraft to impact the WTC.

There is only one way this can happen.

As well as fully autonomous flight capability, the 767 and 757 are the ONLY
a feature that is standard to all of them, all 757's and 767's can do it.
The purpose for this is if there is a problem with the pilots, Norad can
fly the planes to safe destinations via remote. Only in this flight mode
can those craft exceed their software limits and perform to their actual
physical limits because a pre existing emergency situation is assumed if
this mode of flight is used.

Terrorists in fact did not fly those planes, it is totally and completely
impossible for those planes to have been flown in such a manner from the
cockpit. Those are commuter aircraft, not F-16's and their software knows

Another piece of critical evidence: the voice recorders came up blank.

The flight recorders that were recovered had tape that was undamaged inside,
but it was blank. There is only one way this can happen on a 757 or 767. When
the aircraft are commandeered via remote control, the microphones that go to
the cockpit voice recorder are re routed to the people doing the remote
controlling, so that the recording of what happened in the cockpit gets made
in a presumably safer place. But due to a glitch in the system on a 757/767,
rather than shutting off when the mic is redirected the voice recorder keeps
running. The voice recorders use what is called a continuous loop tape, which
automatically re passes itself past the erase and record heads once every half
hour, so after a half hour of running with the microphones redirected, the
tape will be blank. Just like the recovered tapes were. Yet more proof that
no pilot flew those planes in the last half hour.

Eight of the hijackers who were on those planes called up complaining that
they were still alive. I'd bet you never heard about our foreign minister
flying to Morocco and issuing an official apology to the accused, did you?
No, terrorists did not fly those planes, plastic knives and box cutters
were in fact too ridiculous to be true. Any of the remaining accused have
certainly been sought out and