CS: Pol-Straw may permit pistol shooting at Manchester games

2000-08-15 Thread Dave

From:   Dave Reay, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Gill Marshall Andrews, of the Gun Control Network,
which campaigned alongside the Snowdrop Petition, set up
in Dunblane after the 1996 shootings, said: "The prospect
of our gun laws being eroded is devastating. No-one will
believe this is a one-off. If it goes ahead there will
be other exemptions and we will have lost the ban on
handguns. That is how the gun lobby works. We cannot
allow that to happen." 
The ban on handguns has patently failed to make grate britain a safer
place, shootings with handguns have increased not fallen.

  She urged Jack Straw, who helped to steer the
original legislation through the Commons and House of
Lords, to remember the reasons why he had supported a ban
on handguns four years ago. 

  She said the gun lobby's claim that pistol shooters
were responsible and safe was an old argument. Hamilton
had owned guns legally, as had Michael Ryan, who was
responsible for the shootings at Hungerford.
Hamilton was first and foremost a paedophile, he murdered those poor
kids and their teacher for no other reason than "If he could not have
his perverted way with them, nobody would". In the current atmosphere of
"paedophile bashing" we will be missing a golden opportunity to remind
the media and Jackass Straw that we were used as a scapegoat for
paedophiles! Why was the witchhunt against shooters and not paedophiles?
A bloody coverup is my opinion (all those that have been paying
attention will know my views on that subject). Thomas Hamilton was not
in possession of handguns legally as he was not a member of a gun club,
the plod failed the public Big Time over this one! McMurdo failed to act
when his own people advised against renewall of Hamiltons FAC, you have
got to ask youreself WHY? 

  "Labour, when they came to power, made a brave
decision to ban handguns. In terms of gun legislation
we have the gold standard in this country. It is a
source of inspiration for gun control groups around
the world. It would be devastating if we now went
back on that and changed our minds." 
They made a political gesture, they thought it would make them the
"party tough on crime and the causes of crime", well how many guns have
been taken out of the hands of criminals? How many shootings have taken
place with handguns since the ban? Political gestures are as empty as
politicians promises. The fact that the Tories were voted out so
emphatically, makes them think they were voted in. In fact the Home
Secretaries son has been caught selling drugs, the prime ministers son
was found drunk and incapable in a public place and the transport
ministers driver was caught speeding at 103mph with the transport idiot
in the car! What the Hell have been the real benefits of the handgun
ban? Absolutely bugger all! The downside of the ban, companies going out
of business, the internationally recognised sport of target shooting
with handguns is banned to the people of grate britain and the plod
cannot find a decent place to hone their skills. Oh! I almost forgot the
57000 British people that were forcibly deprived of their property and
made to feel like pariahs in their own country.
Dave Reay
Be careful on quoting the crime statistics.

There were more people killed with handguns in 1998 than in any
year prior to 1992, the figures for 1998 are less than in some
of the years 1992-1997 but we need more time to see if there
is a downward trend.  However it is certainly safe to say
that so far there is no indication of a significant drop off
in serious firearm-related offences.  Some categories such
as assault and attempted murder have gone up.


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CS: Pol-Straw may permit pistol shooting at Manchester games

2000-08-14 Thread RustyBullethole

From:   RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Times 14.8.00

  Straw may permit pistol shooting at Manchester games 


  THE Home Secretary is considering proposals for pistol
shooting to be reintroduced as a sport at the 2002 Commonwealth
Games in Manchester without compromising the controls brought
in after the Dunblane massacre. 
  Home Office officials have confirmed that the Government
has received applications from overseas sporting organisations
to bring pistols into Britain for the competition. It is
looking at ways of allowing the British team to train in this
country rather than having to go abroad as they do at present. 

  But the Home Office yesterday firmly countered any
suggestion of a general relaxation in the ban which was
introduced after the 1996 massacre when Thomas Hamilton shot
dead 16 children and their teacher before shooting himself

  It seems likely that British competitors will be
allowed to train at the national shooting centre at Bisley
in Surrey where the shooting events will be held at the
games. In preparation for the games, a range is to be built
at the centre with ú6 million of National Lottery money. 

  Kate Hoey, the Sports Minister, is believed to be
sympathetic to a call for British competitors to train in
this country. At present, the team has to travel to
Switzerland to practice. 

  Anti-gun campaigners yesterday pledged to oppose any
attempt to relax the ban on handguns. They said that an
exemption for the games, which would allow hundreds of guns
to be imported, would set a precedent which would lead,
inevitably, to an erosion of the law. 

  Gill Marshall Andrews, of the Gun Control Network,
which campaigned alongside the Snowdrop Petition, set up
in Dunblane after the 1996 shootings, said: "The prospect
of our gun laws being eroded is devastating. No-one will
believe this is a one-off. If it goes ahead there will
be other exemptions and we will have lost the ban on
handguns. That is how the gun lobby works. We cannot
allow that to happen." 

  She urged Jack Straw, who helped to steer the
original legislation through the Commons and House of
Lords, to remember the reasons why he had supported a ban
on handguns four years ago. 

  She said the gun lobby's claim that pistol shooters
were responsible and safe was an old argument. Hamilton
had owned guns legally, as had Michael Ryan, who was
responsible for the shootings at Hungerford. 

  "Labour, when they came to power, made a brave
decision to ban handguns. In terms of gun legislation
we have the gold standard in this country. It is a
source of inspiration for gun control groups around
the world. It would be devastating if we now went
back on that and changed our minds." 


  How the hell this woman get so much space in
newspapers is beyond me.

Letters to the (obviously biased) Times seem to be in order.
If they do allow shooters to practice prior to the Games
it will be a pretty major concession, it has to be said.
They were always totally opposed to that during the passage
of the Bill.

Who gives a toss if it's a "major inspiration" for gun
control groups?  Aren't the Commonwealth Games supposed
to be an inspiration to a far wider segment of the population?


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CS: Pol-Straw may permit pistol shooting at Manchester games

2000-08-14 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I, for one, will be writing to support Gill Marshall-Andrews. Those who
actively tried to stop this ban may, perversely, now support her because it
was a total ban. It sickens me that the NRA are seemingly colluding in this
whole matter. See how quickly we go from all animals being equal to four
legs good, too legs better!
This whole thing will only benefit those who are established Olympic and
Commonwealth shooters, it certainly will not allow the "grass roots" to once
more use pistols in the hope that they, too, might aspire to shoot for
England or the Home Nations.
Wholeheartedly I agree with Gill Marshall-Andrews (but for different

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CS: Pol-Straw may permit pistol shooting at Manchester games

2000-08-14 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How the hell this woman get so much space in
newspapers is beyond me.


Or, perhaps more to the point is, how is it that
she can make so many off-the-wall statements without a
wit's worth of factual substantiation concerning her
comments about firearms, and their misuse?
That, more than anything else, is what you should
be asking.
If that woman can be so assertive about a position
on something she has no direct knowledge of, has no first
hand experience in, cannot certifiably prove one iota of her
contentions on, then maybe you people need to take her to a
court of law, and sue the pants off her butt in a civil case that
would prove once and for all that her position is built upon
She has built an empire of lies, and she is gradually
going to bury in them if you don't take her to court and make
her prove that the law abiding firearms owners are not a
problem that she says YOU are.
You can just sit there and fry in your own fat, or
you can jump out of that pan, and proceed to give her a taste
of her own medicine.
What does it take, anymore, to get make Brits to stand
up and kick butt?

Your choice.

What would be the basis for a civil case?  The only one I
can think of is that she may cause a bad effect on the
revenue from ticket sales to the Games by spreading lies,
but that would be a tough one to prove in court.


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