No Subject

2000-02-26 Thread anonymous

Subject: twisted little fiddler

Friday February 25 2:11 PM ET 

 Frenchman Sentenced in Card Fraud Case

 PARIS (Reuters) - A French computer scientist who found a way to fool cash machines 

 giving him $2,000 every 15 minutes was given a 10-month suspended prison term Friday.

 Serge Humpich, who tried to sell his discovery to others rather than use it himself 
to buy

 goods, was found guilty by a Paris court of forgery and fraudulent access to an 
automated data


 Humpich, 36, told the court he had not been looking to steal when he cracked an 

 enabling communication between bank cards and machines, thus infiltrating France's 

 Bancaires interbank payments system.

 Humpich, who is appealing against the decision, found a way to have his home-made 

 card answer ``yes'' whenever a machine asked it if he had typed in the correct PIN 

 ``It was crazy -- I could communicate with the central computer and let myself in via 

 network. (I was) the only person in the world that could take out 15,000 francs 
($2,238) every

 quarter of an hour and buy absolutely everything I wanted,'' Humpich told Friday's 


 Humpich never profited from his discovery. Instead he approached Cartes Bancaires 
through a

 lawyer and offered to sell them his secret.

 But the company rejected his offer and alerted the Interior Ministry. He was arrested 

 September and fired from his job as a computer engineer.

 His lawyer said the discovery had advanced science. But the company's lawyer called

 Humpich a ``twisted little fiddler.'' 

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread Sunder

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Aaron wrote:

 On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 15:48:11 -0500, Sunder wrote:
 FYI: corporations don't own my ass.  I'd say the reverse is true though. Ever
 hear of stock?  When you buy it, you own a piece of their asses.
 Yeah, and you're Ted Turner?  Don't equate yourself to the bourgeoisie.  You
 only make me laugh at such foolishness.

Bitch please, the basic premise that all men are created equal still holds
true.  To each his own.  I don't strive to be Ted Turner, nor does he
strive to be me.  That's the thing about freedom.  The "worker" is not a
synonim for "drone."  

Laugh all you want, but that's reality.  When I buy even a single share of
a company, I own a slice of that company.  When it does good, I make
money, when it doesn't I lose.  If I decide the company sucks ass, I can
sell it, and it will lose money.
 Capitalism doesn't dig its own grave.  Capitalism provides a very important
 feedback mechanism. To succeede at it you have to do something right.  You
 can't be lazy and rely on others to provide for you.
 Speculation is a form of laziness our capitalism has plenty of. 

Speculation in what form?  Speculating what precisely?

 But that's not the main flaw of capitalism.  Capitalism digs its grave because
 ultimately it's exploitive to the workers.  The government has had to protect
 workers from the corporations for the sake of corporations.  But as the protections
 are removed... we'll see.

And who forces you to work for a particular company?  If the place sucks,
quit and work elsewhere.  IF you can't find work, it's because you're
incompetent, or your skills are outdated.  You can only blame *YOURSELF*
for that.  You have no one else to blame.  Is that why you turn to
communism?  Because you're too lazy to learn new skills that are in

Protections my ass.  No one puts a gun to your head and says you must work
here for X amount of dollars doing Y hours a week in Z conditions.  It's a
free market Mr. Commie.  Like auctions, a thing's value is what people are
willing to pay for it.  Same for your skills.  They're worth exactly what
the market is willing to pay for it.  Same for products and services,
they're worth what people are willing to pay for them.  Those that suck go
the way of the dodo, those that succede make money.

If a company mistreats you, you can always walk away, and you can always
tell your friends exactly why it sucks and why they shouldn't work there.
Hell, and I didn't even mention anything about lawsuits so far.

Anyone who gets exploited by any entity does so because they allowed
themselves to get that way.  Oh, and please, don't give me a strawman
about people getting mugged or raped at gunpoint.  Were they allowed to
carry in the first place, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Sorry, but so far, you've not managed to give a single good arguement for
communism or why capitalism is bad.  It's moronic that you repeatedly spew
the party line about how capitalism becomes communism in the long term,
when there's no proof of that whatsoever in real life.

If anything, quite the contrary, the breakup of Russia proves that
communism will rot from the inside out because of capitalism.  If anything
the corruption inside its government points to bribes as a way of life.
What are bribes if not a form capitalism deemed illegal? 

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread Aaron

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 15:48:11 -0500, Sunder wrote:

FYI: corporations don't own my ass.  I'd say the reverse is true though. Ever
hear of stock?  When you buy it, you own a piece of their asses.

Yeah, and you're Ted Turner?  Don't equate yourself to the bourgeoisie.  You
only make me laugh at such foolishness.

Capitalism doesn't dig its own grave.  Capitalism provides a very important
feedback mechanism. To succeede at it you have to do something right.  You
can't be lazy and rely on others to provide for you.

Speculation is a form of laziness our capitalism has plenty of. 

But that's not the main flaw of capitalism.  Capitalism digs its grave because
ultimately it's exploitive to the workers.  The government has had to protect
workers from the corporations for the sake of corporations.  But as the protections
are removed... we'll see.

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech!

2000-02-26 Thread mgraffam

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Reese wrote:

 At 01:56 AM 2/26/00 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Sunder wrote:
  Oh puhleeze.  Research before you speak.  I was born in a satelite of Red
  Russia.  It was a commie state.  I remember it all too well.  Joe Sixpack 
  might not give a shit about how much it sucks elsewhere.  I do, I was 
 Nope - not irrelevant.  First hand knowledge of a socialist regime,
 communist variant.

Granted, it's not irrelevent to you: it adds to your knowledge -- and
that is fine. And, telling all of us privledged assholes adds to our
knowledge, so that's ok too .. but the original statement was about
Joe Average's views on Communism. Joe Average isn't on this list. Joe
Average doesn't know this list exists. 

Joe Average shouldn't have an opinion on Communism, just like he shouldn't
really have an opinion on relativity. 

A lot of people "know" that E=mc^2, and how the speed of light
cannot be exceeded, or how time slows down as you approach relativistic
speed. They read sci-fi .. ask them to explain why, and they can't --
because they don't know anything about it, really. Scientists say this
stuff too, and because the people treat scientists as the new priesthood,
they listen to it, and they believe it.. when in reality, there exists
several good books for the layman on the topic. Of course, trust in
science is bit different anyhow, because of peer review and all. 

Which is precisely why trust in the bullshit that the government feeds
us isn't always so wise: many times they have a lock on the information.
Independent information ('a repeated experiment, so to say') is not
available. I don't like trusting in a Pope; regardless of who is wearing
the damn robe.

Joe Average is uninformed. He "knows" that Communist rule sucks.
But he can't explain why. He listens to his government, he listens to
the media, and he believes it without any attempt to verify the
information. He sits back, and lets himself get fed. 

Whether or not relativity is actually TRUE, or communism is actually
a threat to free men is irrelevent, because he'll believe the opposite
too (if the propaganda machine were so inclined).

We were talking about allowing the government to think for the people,
rather than the other way around.

 Americans condemn Communism usually without even having read the Communist
 70 some years of watching a country flounder then fail, and you want us to
 adopt their failed system?

Strawman. I never said this. In fact, I said I don't support Communism.
Thanks for playing though. Insert another quarter?

 Americans condemn Communism without knowing shit about Marxist
 tenents, and without knowing (or even reading about) the realities of
 life under a Stalinist/Maoist rule. 
 "You will obey me, or die."  What else do I need to know about
 Stalinist/Maoist rule?  You are still an idiot.

_YOU_ don't need to know anything more. If you've lived in that
environment, or have knowledge of it -- now we are talking about an
informed opinion and not mental masturbation. Good deal. 

But, the reality of Americans is that they don't know shit about it.

For every horror story you can give them, some asshole can say something
along the lines of "That was a tragedy, yes .. but no where NEAR the
proportions that you make it seem. You need to understand insert
propaganda. It is like the tragedy in America with the Natives. Or
the imprisionment of your Asian population during WWII. That SURELY 
doesn't make the U.S. a great evil does it? Neither does this tragedy
make China,USSR,any other fucked up country you like a great evil.
No government is perfect, but we try our best to serve the people
as best as we can."

And the people will buy into it. 

Whether or not the people are brainwashed with the truth or not is
not the discussion -- it is that they are brainwashed. Their method
of arriving at their truth, namely, by cuddling up to their Unk'a
Sammy and asking for a bedtime story, is fundamentally flawed --
regardless of whether or not Unk'a Sammy reads a good story or not. 

 "The answer to our question (what do we do about the poor) is simple:
 nothing. We need an impoverished working class to supply cheap labor to
 our corporations. They must, after all, turn a profit."
 and this is the final irony.  In our system, such things may be said
 freely, whether they represent the Truth or not.  In a socialist system,
 such as that would either be a state secret, or be heresy punishable by death.

Agreed. I do _love_ freedom of speech.. and I love using it, and even when
I hate what some shithead is saying, I love watching it being exercised.
Good stuff.

That still doesn't make the brainwashing of my people worth the price.

I love my rights, but I love humans more -- and if pissing away 
my right to free speech would wake everyone up from their dogmatic slumber
and get them thinking about just what the hell is going on .. I'd do it
in a 

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread Sunder

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh puhleeze.  Research before you speak.  I was born in a satelite of Red
  Russia.  It was a commie state.  I remember it all too well.  Joe Sixpack might
  not give a shit about how much it sucks elsewhere.  I do, I was there.
 Irrelevent. No one is arguing that existence under communist rule is 
 a holiday -- or even better than existence in the U.S. The statement is
 simply that the average american knows dick about the conditions that
 exist in other nations, and as an aside, is oblivious to the conditions
 he himself lives in. 

Irrelevan my ass.  I'm offended that you would assume such a thing about
anyone.  I won't let you escape this arguement by stating "But I said the
Average American and you're not average."   The average American isnt'
knowledgeable about cyphers, or the NSA either for that matter.  By
talking on this list, you're not talking to the average American, so you
can't take that exist hatch.  It's irrelevant to this discussion that the
Average American(tm) couldn't tell you in 5 seconds where Austra is if you
gave him a globe.  It's irrelevant to this discussion that the Average
American(tm) couldn't tell you how much of his money went to taxes
either, or how his car, phone, or computer work.

Quite honestly, I know both commie theory and have experienced it on my
own back. Remember, I lived in a commie state when I was a kid.  I know
exactly what the conditions are.  Can you say the same?

Unlike you, I haven't read Marx in the comfort of my own liberty.  I
didn't chose to read commie propaganda.  It was forced upon me.
Repeatedly.  I didn't have the luxury of even learning about anything
OTHER than communism at the time.

Until I escaped the evil clutches of the communist regieme, I had no idea
how any other place or how any other system was.  I can honestly say that
it was brainwashing at its best.  No, I didn't believe a word of it
because what was said and what was done were at odds with each other.  I'm
not a blind believer in faith.  

Just because I've read Marx doesn't mean I'll believe it.  Just because
I've read the bible, doesn't mean I'll believe it either any more than
reading Lovecraft will get me to belive that gigantic intelligent squid
and semi-plant/semi-animal elder ones live under the Artic caps either.
Bullshit may be entertaining, but it's not reality.  Not being able to
tell them apart is a bad thing.
 Americans condemn Communism usually without even having read the Communist
 Manifesto; and if they HAVE read the Manifesto, they say something good
 and stupid like "sounds great on paper, but doesn't work in the real
 world." Americans condemn Communism without knowing shit about Marxist
 tenents, and without knowing (or even reading about) the realities of
 life under a Stalinist/Maoist rule. 

Just because the Average American condems or promotes something doesn't
make them wrong either.  Why is it do you think that they say "sounds
great on paper, but doesn't work in the real world?"  How do you know how
much the Average American knows or doesn't know?  How do you know that
lack of firsthand experience or reading it makes them unknowledgeable
morons or experts?  You're assuming this, no?  If not, where's your proof

 It is _precisely_ because of this ignorance that makes Anonymous' point
 so relevent.

Look, the Average American will also tell you that getting a hot iron
shoved up your ass isn't a good thing either, and I guarantee you that
precisely less than 10 Americans have experienced getting a hot iron
shoved up their ass.  Does that make their point less valid?  Do they need
to know the medical theories behind why getting a hot iron shoved up your
ass is bad for you?  Do they need to experience it first hand to know it's

 No matter how (insert adjective) X is, denouncing it before
 you know what X actually is, and is not, is rubbish at best .. insanity
 at worst. 

My above paragraph proves by counter exaple that your above point is

 I'd take issue with that, in a round-about way. Uncle Sam steals your coin
 because there are a shit-load of Americans out there with less-than-dick
 for resources. 

Any as a side issue, I'll answer that with a question: "Why am I
personally responsible for feeding and clothing them?"  As a second aside,
"why does the money Uncle Sam take from me not reach them?"  If it did, we
wouldn't have homeless motherfuckers on the streets.  The answers to these
questions point out just how bad communism/socialism is.  To take from the
worker as to feed the incompetent is socialism, which is half a step from

 These unfortunate souls might have taken up, say, basket
 weaving as a hobby rather than computer programming (unlike the majority
 of people who are likely to read this list) and as such (since hand-made
 baskets aren't in particularly high demand these days) are doomed to
 taking shitbox minimum wage jobs, probably part-time with 

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread Xenophon


  The statement is simply that the average american knows dick about the conditions
 that exist in other nations..snip
 Americans condemn Communism usually without even having read the Communist
 Americans condemn Communism without knowing shit about Marxist tenents,
 It is _precisely_ because of this ignorance that makes Anonymous' point so

For every American mouth-breather who calls all Democrats commie bastards, there is
another who laments 'American ignorance'. Both are trite. People the world over, as a
rule, know only what they need to know. For some reason it is more important for
the average German to know where Washington DC is than it is for the average American
to know where Berlin is. People are ignorant all over. Most Euros have warped and
manipulated perceptions of the US, ("it's all LA Law, and black gangs rampaging
through neighborhoods"). If one were to quantify ignorance, one would find that the
U.S. is far from having a corner on its market.

 I'd take issue with that, in a round-about way. Uncle Sam steals your coin
 because there are a shit-load of Americans out there with less-than-dick
 for resources.

Uncle Sam, or any other regime, steals money because it can. Even if the reasons were
honest, (they are not), you accurately define what is going on. It's theft. Some of
us are unwilling to exploit the unfortunate to justify thievery.

 Capitalism, with its emphasis on the profit margin can't always afford
 to give the working poor a decent wage,

You really believe that, don't you? You've made it clear that you are familiar with
Marx (and, as a result, are also familiar with his idea of the objective nature of
value. Puh.) Have you read any of the Capitalist source texts? The idea isn't about
profit, per se, it's about economic self determination, and about the subjective
nature of value. (Hint: Adam Smith, von Mises, Hayek, Friedman)

 therefore we need social programs to help the honest, working poor. And, our caring
 Uncle Sammy takes our money to see that this is the case. Fine by me (I'd rather
 live here and let Sam have some of my coin than live in say, that Red satellite you
 were talking about).

Turn off the BBC long enough to think about the mire into which your logic is sinking
The vast bulk of your beloved social programs have exacerbated poverty, stolen the
souls of the people who are stupid enough to dip their snouts into the trough, cost
the rest of us a great deal of money, and cultivated class warfare. Of course, class
warfare is very *profitable* for those who exploit it as a means to justify their
salaries. If every sanctimonious asshole who would steal my money for the sake of the
"less fortunate" would simply find one person, just one, and do something to improve
that persons life, the so called problem of poverty would be eliminated. But that's
too hard. Better to hire a group of mercenary terrorists to steal other peoples money
and then dole it out...

 The name escapes me at the moment, but some Capitalist asshole/theorist
 once said something along the lines of:
 "The answer to our question (what do we do about the poor) is simple:
 nothing. We need an impoverished working class to supply cheap labor to
 our corporations. They must, after all, turn a profit."

Therefore Capitalism sucks and Americans are ignorant? Cut the words "cheap labor to
our corporations". Paste "fodder to the bloated government charity rackets" and you
will have an accurate description of the current situation.

 With some consideration, it seems obvious to me that in any socio-economic
 system that places such high importance on money snip

Here is a truth that you have failed to consider: Money is the measure of a persons
worth to society. It always has been. Complex systems of social and economic
engineering have attempted to deny this, and have killed 100 million people this
century alone in the process.

 I don't know what socio-economic system would work best; but I DO know
 that I will never like that which places shackles on the souls of men.

People get what they deserve. More often than not, they place the shackles upon

Hail Sparta,

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread mgraffam

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Sunder wrote:

 Anonymous Sender wrote:
  It's amusing how the brainwashing shows its ugly face when the appropriate
  stimulus is applied. For most US subjects it is the "communism" thingie.
 Oh puhleeze.  Research before you speak.  I was born in a satelite of Red
 Russia.  It was a commie state.  I remember it all too well.  Joe Sixpack might
 not give a shit about how much it sucks elsewhere.  I do, I was there.

Irrelevent. No one is arguing that existence under communist rule is 
a holiday -- or even better than existence in the U.S. The statement is
simply that the average american knows dick about the conditions that
exist in other nations, and as an aside, is oblivious to the conditions
he himself lives in. 

Americans condemn Communism usually without even having read the Communist
Manifesto; and if they HAVE read the Manifesto, they say something good
and stupid like "sounds great on paper, but doesn't work in the real
world." Americans condemn Communism without knowing shit about Marxist
tenents, and without knowing (or even reading about) the realities of
life under a Stalinist/Maoist rule. 

It is _precisely_ because of this ignorance that makes Anonymous' point
so relevent.

No matter how (insert adjective) X is, denouncing it before
you know what X actually is, and is not, is rubbish at best .. insanity
at worst. 

 I'm not arguing that Uncle Sam gets a big chunk of what I own.  The arguement
 is communism vs capitalism.  In this regard, Uncle Sam is like communism.  But
 it's certainly not the corporations that rape my money.

I'd take issue with that, in a round-about way. Uncle Sam steals your coin
because there are a shit-load of Americans out there with less-than-dick
for resources. These unfortunate souls might have taken up, say, basket
weaving as a hobby rather than computer programming (unlike the majority
of people who are likely to read this list) and as such (since hand-made
baskets aren't in particularly high demand these days) are doomed to
taking shitbox minimum wage jobs, probably part-time with no benefits;
since we all know that companies will work your ass 39 hours a week to
keep you from getting benefits, while maximizing their efficiency.

Capitalism, with its emphasis on the profit margin can't always afford
to give the working poor a decent wage, therefore we need social programs
to help the honest, working poor. And, our caring Uncle Sammy takes our
money to see that this is the case. Fine by me (I'd rather live here
and let Sam have some of my coin than live in say, that Red satellite you
were talking about).

The name escapes me at the moment, but some Capitalist asshole/theorist
once said something along the lines of: 

"The answer to our question (what do we do about the poor) is simple:
nothing. We need an impoverished working class to supply cheap labor to
our corporations. They must, after all, turn a profit."

With some consideration, it seems obvious to me that in any socio-economic
system that places such high importance on money it is mere causality
that pure economic entities, like corporations, will become powerful
controlling forces; and that power and control shall be exerted upon their
closest subjects: the laborers .. aka, the people.

I don't know what socio-economic system would work best; but I DO know
that I will never like that which places shackles on the souls of men.

Michael J. Graffam ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
"Who watches the watchmen?"   - Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347

Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread mgraffam

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Sunder wrote:

 Irrelevan my ass.  I'm offended that you would assume such a thing about
 anyone.  I won't let you escape this arguement by stating "But I said the
 Average American and you're not average."   The average American isnt'
 knowledgeable about cyphers, or the NSA either for that matter.  By
 talking on this list, you're not talking to the average American, so you
 can't take that exist hatch.

Agreed, the Average American is not represented on this list; and I
would not try and justify my statement by taking that out -- rather
my messages in this thread have never pointed toward individuals on
this list in particular, but have always been about average Americans
in general. 

 It's irrelevant to this discussion that the
 Average American(tm) couldn't tell you in 5 seconds where Austra is if you
 gave him a globe.

It is irrelevant only if we agree that we are talking not about the
Average American, but about the particular sort of American that would
frequent this list. If we are discussing the latter, then I retract any
statements that I have made and redirect them toward the average american,
as this was always my intent. 

 Quite honestly, I know both commie theory and have experienced it on my
 own back. Remember, I lived in a commie state when I was a kid.  I know
 exactly what the conditions are.  Can you say the same?

Nope. Best I can say is that I've done some research and talked with a
number of former Chinese citizens who have lived under communist rule.

Can't say I like what I've read, nor what I've heard from my friends.

 Unlike you, I haven't read Marx in the comfort of my own liberty.


 Just because I've read Marx doesn't mean I'll believe it.  Just because
 I've read the bible, doesn't mean I'll believe it either any more than
 reading Lovecraft will get me to belive that gigantic intelligent squid
 and semi-plant/semi-animal elder ones live under the Artic caps either.
 Bullshit may be entertaining, but it's not reality.  Not being able to
 tell them apart is a bad thing.

Agreed. I'd add that reading a medical journal, or news report doesn't
make it real (and therefore deserving of belief) either; and that is
my point. I think that the American media and government propaganda
machine has shown itself to be unreliable and untrustworthy -- therefore
when a collection of statements are made by those authorities, how do
we discern that which is worthy of consideration? 

A bit of first hand experience would be most reliable. A trusted second
party with first hand experience second-best. Independant research, etc.

After thinking for oneself in such a manner for a time, one will notice
what sort of stories are likely to have a spin put on them for some
reason or another, and to be able to develop a base of intuition as to
just what sort of spin that might be. 

You said you don't like believing things on blind faith. I agree.. I'm
just saying that it seems to me that the Average American takes a lot
on blind faith. Sometimes you get lucky "Thou shalt not murder" .. thats
a good one. "Communism sucks" .. hey, another good one. But obviously
it is not the best method in the world. 

  world." Americans condemn Communism without knowing shit about Marxist
  tenents, and without knowing (or even reading about) the realities of
  life under a Stalinist/Maoist rule. 
 Just because the Average American condems or promotes something doesn't
 make them wrong either.


  Why is it do you think that they say "sounds
 great on paper, but doesn't work in the real world?"  How do you know how
 much the Average American knows or doesn't know? 

I'm from a working class family, and I live in a working class
neighborhood. I talk with lots of average people every day. Most of my
neighbors don't have any college, or maybe a two-year technical degree.
None have a university education.. but their kids will. 

I talk with lots of these people every day. I'm friends with them. As has
been my custom for several years, after work each day, I go to a bar and
put away a pint or two of Guinness after work. While in that bar,
sometimes we watch baseball on the TV. Other times we watch the news..
and this often causes me, and other patrons to get into discussions -- a
lot of times those discussions are political.

So, I am pretty well versed in the average guys opinions.. 

 How do you know that
 lack of firsthand experience or reading it makes them unknowledgeable
 morons or experts?

What I know is, that during my discussions with people when I ask them
"why" the oft-repeated answer is "I saw it on the news." With, "I read
it in the paper" being a distant second these days. 

The mainstream media (almost by definition of mainstream) is the only
information source the average guy has. As such, his opinions are just
as suspect to me as the statements in the mainstream media. 

A house built on sand ...

On a list like this, I expect out-of-the-way information 

Re: Re: why worry?

2000-02-26 Thread Petro

In South Vietnam, our client regime

The US of A did _not_ have a "client regime" in S. Vietnam.

You are a complete fucking imbecile.

There were several "regimes" in S. Vietnam that served at the 
whim of the US State department.

I think I've made my point.

The one on top of your head?

Dig deeper, young Jedi, you've only scratched the surface.

Whereas you're still sitting there staring at the surface.

It's easier (at least for me) to forgive people who *try* to 
delve beneath the surface and don't quite grasp what they've dug up 
than to forgive those who never look.

Seaver and May are saying essentially the same thing--that 
individuals should be allowed to determine there own destinies. 
Harmon comes to this position by way (apparently) of a more "touchy 
feely" world view while May comes to it from the Techno/Philosophical 

Does it matter how you get there? We all pretty much want the 
same thing--the ability to live our own lives free from the 
interference of those who wish to control our lives and our output. 
They (Seaver and May) both detest the actions of the US government in 
many areas, they are just focusing on different flaws and violations 
in the same system.

This isn't some hippy bullshit "Can't we just get along", but 
rather an attempt to point out that both "sides" are saying the same 
thing, just using different words.
A quote from Petro's Archives:   **

If the courts started interpreting the Second Amendment the way they interpret
the First, we'd have a right to bear nuclear arms by now.--Ann Coulter

RE: Crypto Framing in Britain

2000-02-26 Thread Black Unicorn

 Declan forwarded:
  3:00 a.m. 16.Feb.2000 PST
  DUBLIN, Ireland -- Britain is likely to
  become the first country in the world to
  make imprisonment a possible
  consequence of refusing to surrender, or
  even losing, one's private encryption
 You know, it would be most unfortunate if some anonymous swine
 generated PGP
 Keys or even S/MINE keys for all the ministers, MPs, major administrators
 and sub officials in Britain and submitted them to various key servers.
 Luckily, that would take a great deal of effort and script
 writing talent.
 I'm sure no swine on this list would be so inclined or possess
 the requisite

 Done at least six months ago by

No, it was not "done."  A single key was generated in Jack Straw's name as a
publicity stunt/pro-active attempt at persuasion.

Not at all what I am talking about.  But then again, I've never been
disappointed (with noted exceptions) by the inability to read displayed by
the masses of this list.

Re: Crypto Framing in Britain

2000-02-26 Thread Mixmaster

Declan forwarded:
 3:00 a.m. 16.Feb.2000 PST
 DUBLIN, Ireland -- Britain is likely to
 become the first country in the world to
 make imprisonment a possible
 consequence of refusing to surrender, or
 even losing, one's private encryption
You know, it would be most unfortunate if some anonymous swine generated PGP
Keys or even S/MINE keys for all the ministers, MPs, major administrators
and sub officials in Britain and submitted them to various key servers.
Luckily, that would take a great deal of effort and script writing talent.
I'm sure no swine on this list would be so inclined or possess the requisite

Done at least six months ago by

This letter was sent to Home Secretary Jack Straw, their Louis Freeh.

Begin forwarded message and revoked public key...

Dear Mr Straw, 

How the E-commerce Bill could send YOU to jail 
Please find at the end of the letter a confession to a crime, which 
has been affirmed by Statutory Declaration. The Commissioner of the 
Metropolitan Police has been informed that you are in possession of 
this information.

You will not be able to understand the confession, because the words 
have been scrambled using a strong cryptographic key. This key was 
created in your name and has been registered on international public 
key servers.

The police may come and demand that you supply the key required to 
make this message intelligible. If you fail to do so you would be 
committing an offence under the E-Commerce Bill rendering you liable 
to imprisonment for up to 2 years. 

The fact that you don't possess this key won't help you unless you 
can prove that you don't have it. I wish you well in proving that it 
isn't hidden away on a disk in your secretary's home, or squirrelled 
away on the Internet somewhere. We might have sent it to you last 
week; but according to the Bill, the police won't have to prove you 
ever had it at all.

Even if you can prove that you don't have it you would STILL be 
liable for imprisonment unless you give information to the police 
that enables them to decrypt the key. Unfortunately for you this is 
impossible, because we've destroyed all copies of the key in our 

If the police ask you keep the demand to hand over the key secret, 
telling anyone would render you liable to 5 years in jail. So you 
couldn't complain - or explain your predicament - to the PM or Home 
Secretary, to the Chief Whip or a journalist, or even to another 

Happily for all of us, the E-Commerce Bill has not yet been enacted 
by Parliament, so we have not in fact set you up for jail time. The 
Bill will be introduced in the coming session. I hope this exercise 
has demonstrated some of the drafting flaws in the Bill as it stands 
- copies of which are available from the DTI.

I hope we have also demonstrated that it is not the perpetrators of 
crime who would suffer under these draconian new powers, but 
innocent parties who are in receipt of communications from 
miscreants. This is why such sober organisations as British Telecom, 
Hewlett Packard and Microsoft have publicly criticised the Bill at 
each stage of its development.

I trust that when the Bill reaches the House we can rely on your 
most careful scrutiny. Further analysis is available on our web site 
or feel free to telephone me on (number supplied to J. Straw) 

I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant,

Malcolm Hutty

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: 4ip9dARaGOZiVnU9TThYSu4zn2SAAZoW


Re: damn commie hypocrite leech! (was Re: Re: Re: why worry?)

2000-02-26 Thread mgraffam

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Xenophon wrote:

 Bowing to the majority rule of democracy is not something we should
 have to do in a republic. 51% should not be able to successfully
 implement a campaign of theft.

Of course, but far more than 51% of the American people in every state
of the union, support the existence of social programs (they also
support reform of the ones we have). In any democracy, there will always
be a fringe element that needs to give in. 

If every sanctimonious asshole who would steal my money for the sake of
the "less fortunate" would simply find one person, just one, and do
something to improve that persons life, the so called problem of
poverty would be eliminated. But that's too hard. Better to hire a
group of mercenary terrorists to steal other peoples money and then
dole it out...
   On behalf of everyone how has done volunteer work:  go fuck yourself.
 You speak well for other people. Had your reading of the post been accurate, it would
 have led you to conclude that I advocate individual good works, being based as they 
 on the idea of consent. What I condemn are people who, rather than doing the work
 themselves, hire thugs to steal my money to do it for them.

Ok, so am I correct in saying that your condemnation for social programs
is limited to goverment funded, sponsored programs? 

If so, do you condemn a standing military? Do you condemn the post office?
Do you condemn paying politicians?

All of these are paid for by your taxes, and all of them offer a service
to the American people.. as do our government-run social programs. 

The only difference between any of these that I can see is that you and
I personally reap the benefits of some of these institutions, and reap no
personal benefit from the existence of social programs. 

 People who advocate a welfare
 state don't really give a shit about the poor. They are more interested in feeling 
 about themselves. As such, it's never surprising to hear them reciting a litany of 
 good works...

Yes yes, because if we really cared we'd let them starve. 

Caring is starvation.
Freedom is slavery.
War is peace.

And I mentioned my former volunteer works to illustrate that I have a leg
to stand on when speaking of the views about government programs from
a volunteer's perspective. 

I would love to see organized, wide-spread social programs without
government involvement. I really would, because I have first-hand
experience that local typically church-run groups help people a lot
more than government programs.

I would like such groups to be interconnected, sharing information,
resources, and funds, but each small enough to be able to know the people
they are helping by name and face, not by a fucking file folder. 

I don't think there is a volunteer out there who would disagree.

Unfortunately, that is difficult. To get interconnected and maintain
that level of organization requires money; and they typically don't
have it .. and that is, for better or worse, where the government
comes it and fucks it all up.

 Occasional anomolies don't disprove my submission.

A counter-example does well to illustrate that your submission is not
global, nor as strong as you made it sound. 

 I said "worth to society". Michael
 Jordan makes more than a schoolteacher because we place more value on the NBA than
 reading. A programmer makes more than a shoe shiner because we have deemed that work 

Maybe I misunderstood you.

I would submit that Jordan and programmers make more green because those
_abilities_ are more rare than other _abilities_ such as being a good 
teacher, and shining shoes.. and as such, if we want to benefits those
rare abilities give us, we have to pay top dollar for it. Hey.. its
supply and demand. 

It is completely devoid of the individuals involved. 

If the ability to teach were as rare as a good jump shot, teachers
would be making Jordan's salary because they could demand it. 

But, there are a lot of people who can teach, and a handful of them will
be willing to work for just a little less than others. Who are you going
to hire? Choice is clear to me.. you hire the one willing to work for
less; thereby lessening the number of positions available, making the
other teachers need to lower their rates.. and as this happens over 
and over, we approach a limiting value which is the average teacher

Money is simply how we express our desire for a _skill_ says nothing
about the people involved. 

This, though, I would agree with.. years ago, I'm sure that the guy with
the biggest muscles, and best ability to hunt was a real prime catch
for the ladies. Now, I'm betting Captain Caveman is less desired, instead
that banker in the 3 piece is looking nice. 

Yeah, human desires change as the human condition changes. This has
nothing to do with money, as I see it.. other than that in our society
money in some form, is needed for survival/ordinary existence.