Re: Internet Driver's License: Et tu, Brutus?

2000-08-31 Thread Tim May

At 3:01 AM -0400 8/31/00, damaged justice wrote:

The "co-inventor of the World Wide Web" expounds thusly:

Q: How would your licence system work? Would I have to take a test to use
the Web?

A: Exactly like driving licences. They do not ensure that you will not
break the speed limit, but they can be taken away if you do. And
again: a traffic regulation only limits behaviour, not content. You
can drive where you want, when you want, provided you do it with safe
behaviour towards other traffic users. What I want is behaviour
regulation. We should all know what our rights and duties are. Teach
it in schools. Hand out a licence that shows one has passed a test of
minimal awareness.

Amongst his many travesties, he first claims that these licenses "can 
be taken away if you do," and in the same paragraph claims they are 
only to show that one has "passed a test of minimal awareness."

Needless to say, net.dummies like Gore or Liebermann or Bush would 
not have their net licenses cancelled for doing something dumb on the 
Net, thus showing their basic ineptitude. Rather, the accounts of 
"white supremacists" and "hate mongers" would be the ones cancelled. 
This is the way it always works. Tutsis would cancel Hutus, Paks 
would cancel Indians, negroes would cancel honkies, Southern Law 
Poverty Center would cancel White Aryan Resistance, and so on.

Giving the herd or its nominal herdsmen the right to revoke Net 
access is just what the statists have always wanted.

Frankly, this guy has been spouting this kind of stuff for way too long.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: SF Internet self-defense course

2000-08-31 Thread Bill Stewart

At 01:11 PM 8/29/00 +0200, Tom Vogt wrote:
Tim May wrote:
 are you required to provide your private keys to an enemy (e.g. someone
 who is sueing you) ?
 I expect 95% or more of all encryption is done at the transport
 layer, i.e., for transmission. Most peoplee, I surmise, keep their
 original compositions in unencrypted form and their decrypted
 transmissions in that form, too. The perceived threat model is for
 interception by ISPs, snoops, and government agencies.

that's where good software comes in. mutt, for example, stores the
received encrypted mail - well, encrypted. decryption is done when you
view the mail. also, encrypted mails you send are encrypted twice - once
with the receipient's key and sent to him, once with your key for your
"outbox" archive.

The Eudora PGP Plug-In deliberately decrypts received mail 
and stores it unencrypted, specifically to discourage the
"You must escrow your private keys so we can decode your plaintext"
attacks that the FBI/NSA/WhiteHouse anti-crypto mafia were pushing
a couple of years ago.  That's a different issue from storing your
mailbox in a PGPdisk volume or some other encrypted filesystem
or having the mail decryptor re-encrypt for storage with a different key
(which wouldn't be that hard, since you could use a different
public key to encrypt the session key and leave the symmetric-encrypted 
part of the message alone.)
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF  3C85 B884 0ABE 4639

Re: Feeling Lucky?

2000-08-31 Thread not_so_anony mous

*squick*   no, I'm not feeling Lucky (snicker snicker) :o)


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Re: Internet Driver's License: Et tu, Brutus?

2000-08-31 Thread Jim Burnes

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Tim May wrote:

 Frankly, this guy has been spouting this kind of stuff for way too long.

And probably gets press just because his views are so thoroughly
fascist.  I say anyone with this infantile level of philosophical
development should be prevented from using the internet.  Yes,
definitely crank out those licenses and he doesn't get one.


Re: (no subject)

2000-08-31 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 08:45 AM 8/31/2000 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i was wondering if there is a way u can listen to a 900 mhz cordless phone
conversation from some type of scanner , and be able to pinpoint the exact
phone? and i was wondering can u bugg a cordless phone ? can u bugg a

yes there is - its called fox finding.  you need triangulate the location 
of the phonenot hard to do..why do you want to bug a phone when 
your listing to it on the scanner?  To listen on a scanner you'll need to 
build a down converterhaving built many...may i suggest that you look 
for schematics on old electronic magstheir a good source...

for long distance listening - use a laser electronics 
had planed to build onei never did but i saw one in action..sweet.

bug a cordless phone without being seenisn't that like breaking and 

cordless phone without being seen? is there listening devices that can go
thru houses to hear?

Re: Internet Driver's License: Et tu, Brutus?

2000-08-31 Thread R. A. Hettinga


At 11:46 AM -0700 on 8/31/00, sunder wrote:

 This is the same arguement I have against the DeCSS injunction.  Once I
 have the media, no matter what format it is in, I should be able to do
 *ANYTHING* I wish to do with it

Quoted deliberately out of context for brevity ;-).

Agreed, but I would also add, "including selling it".

As I like to say, in paraphrase of what others(1) have said many times
before me, if it's encrypted, and I have the key it's my *property*.

Plug that, and internet bearer cash transactions, into Coase's theorem,
and everyone makes more money, including, oddly enough every intermediary
between the artist and his markets on the internet.

Just about the only people who get "hurt" are the lawyers, or, more
properly, legislators...

Bits for sale on the net shouldn't require a "license", period. In fact,
eventually, "should" will not have anything to do with it, the economics,
not to mention the physics, of digital commerce being what it is...


(1) See many people on this, not just my "geodesic recursive auction"
glossalalia :-), but, certainly before that, Eric Hughes' "universal
piracy", the Agorics' folks "digital silk road", and probably many before
those even...

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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Good work by FBI and SEC on Emulex fraud case

2000-08-31 Thread Tim May

I just watched the live press conference by the FBI, District 
Attorney's Office, and SEC folks. The full story should be on Yahoo 
and other news sites. The gist is that an arrest was made this 

A former Internet Wire employee, who left in early August, was the 
arrestee. Internet Wire was of course the service which passed on the 
false press release.

The e-mail was traced back to a public access computer at El Camino 
Community College, in the LA area. The arrestee was enrolled during 
the summer at this college, was known to use these computers, and in 
fact was seen last Thursday night using the public computers, at the 
time when the e-mail was sent from one of these computers (in a media 
lab of some sort).

The cops apparently correlated former and current Internet Wire (and 
probably other companies, like Emulex, Bloomberg, PR Newswire, etc.) 
with employees and students at El Camino.

The FBI/SEC obtained his stock trading records, determined that he 
had shorted Emulex at around $70, had then lost a lot of money as 
Emulex went up above $100, and then had bought stock in Emulex as the 
stock fell to $45 after the hoax. (There may have been various put 
and call trades...consult the detailed stories.)

In short, this was classic FBI and law enforcement legwork: 
correlations, subpoenas, and, as appropriate and with warrants, 
searches and arrests.


I mention this here on Cypherpunks because this is an example of how 
law enforcement should work.

By contrast, imagine the enforcement protocol in a Big Brotherish 
world of intercepts, escrow, bans on encryption, etc.

There _was_ some rhetoric at the press conference about "hiding 
behind the Internet." Of course, this message was not "strongly 
untraceable." It was almost trivially traceable. And traced to a 
former employee (probably disgruntled, but I am only speculating) of 
Internet Wire who had specific knowledge of how press releases were 
handled, how the authentication could be spoofed, etc.

Now, what if the perp had used "Cypherpunks technologies"? Aside from 
the likely subpoenas of Anonymizer, Inc., and varous remailers, the 
cops could have sought search warrants of the employees who departed, 
obtained records of their stock trades, etc.

Someday, truly strong methods will be more widespread. Along with 
trading accounts unlinkable to meatspace names.

Will this thwart such efforts to catch fraudsters? To some extent, yes.

However, such a world will produce other changes which work in the 
other direction. Digitally-signed press releases, for example, are 
easy to do. (And I expect them to start happening Real Soon Now. 
Possibly with the strong urging of the SEC and others.)

So, kudos to the FBI and SEC for their detective work. And let it be 
a lesson that we don't need a Big Brother world to stop computer 

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: Good work by FBI and SEC on Emulex fraud case

2000-08-31 Thread Eric Murray

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:50:58PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
 I just watched the live press conference by the FBI, District 
 Attorney's Office, and SEC folks. The full story should be on Yahoo 
 and other news sites. The gist is that an arrest was made this 
 A former Internet Wire employee, who left in early August, was the 
 arrestee. Internet Wire was of course the service which passed on the 
 false press release.


 However, such a world will produce other changes which work in the 
 other direction. Digitally-signed press releases, for example, are 
 easy to do. (And I expect them to start happening Real Soon Now. 
 Possibly with the strong urging of the SEC and others.)

A small note: IW digitally-signing the releases would not
have made a difference in this case--  the guy used his knowledge
of IW's procedures to social-engineer IW into accepting the
fake release without doing their usual checking procedures.
The story last saturday in the Merc about this said something
to the effect that he'd fooled the "day staff" into beleiving
that the "night staff" had already approved the release, and thus
the "day staff" didn't need to do any fact checking.

If they did digitally sign the releases, this one would have been
so signed.  Of course that doesn't make it any less untrue.  The
signature just protects it from detectable modification _after_
it's been sent.

When/if we do ever have the common use of digitally-signed PR, documents
etc, I wonder how much people will be fooled into thinking that the
contents must be correct, because after all, they're signed?

  Eric Murray  ericm at  PGP keyid:E03F65E5
 Consulting Security Architect

Re: Princess Di, Echelon, the Trial Lawyers

2000-08-31 Thread Rich Ankney

Yeah, but there's always the old "sources and methods" excuse
(based on personal experience).  Seems to require many more
lawyer cycles than I can afford...


-Original Message-
From: Duncan Frissell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000 4:22 PM
Subject: Princess Di, Echelon,  the Trial Lawyers

So Dodi's dad and Princess Di's once future father in law Mohamed Fayed is
suing the Feds for intelligence intercepts related to the British plot to
kill the Princess to keep her from marrying outside of her race.

Lawsuit Seeks Secret Files In Death of Princess Diana

What all the coverage ignored was the Echelon link.  Mohamed is really
asking for the Echelon intercepts on Di.

If the White Commonwealth plus the US are going to set up a worldwide spy
system so they can trade intercepts on their own subjects and tap the Wogs
to boot, then they are going to end up (in theory) knowing everything about
everything including MI6 plots to off Di.  Beyond this they will also know
everything about Presidential coupling, and all the nefarious plans of Big
Tobacco, and the Drug Companies' pricing strategies and everything else.

If those records exist, then they can, in theory, be subpoenaed.  And it's
only a matter of time before the trial bar calls in its markers from the
Demon-Cat Party and gets access.  Won't that be fun.  Broad civil
discovery, indeed.


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Re: Princess Di, Echelon, the Trial Lawyers

2000-08-31 Thread Ray Dillinger

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Rich Ankney wrote:

Yeah, but there's always the old "sources and methods" excuse
(based on personal experience).  Seems to require many more
lawyer cycles than I can afford...

Me too.  But Fayed can afford LOTS of lawyer cycles.  The man 
has earned his tenth or eleventh digit of money (and "money" 
in this case doesn't mean yen, pesos, or rials -- it's a real 
currency, with a unit size bigger than dollars). 

Of course, the effectiveness of those lawyer cycles will be 
reduced by the fact that he's not an American Citizen. It'll 
be easier for the NSA or whoever to deny his appeal based on 
rules about "releasing to foreign nationals..." than it would 
be if an American with the same resources were going for it. 


Re: Robert Cailliau: turncoat?

2000-08-31 Thread Sean Roach

At 07:39 PM 8/30/2000 -0700, you wrote:
At 12:10 PM + 8/30/00, Gil Hamilton wrote:
Co-inventor of Web calls for "licence" to surf

"Unfortunately we have a global network, a global economy and global 
companies, but we have not got a global legal system. Never before have 
we lived in a situation like this."

Excuse me... I have to go vomit now.

That headline should be: "Co-inventor of Web *still* calling for
'licence' to surf".  Here's a story from last October:

Twenty years from now Cailliau will still be stamping his feet and
prattling on about the "dangers" of the Internet and how governments
need to "do something" about it.  Whatever value he contributed to
the 'net is now history.

Ironic that, as near as I can tell, _all_ of the many self-proclaimed 
"co-inventors of the Web" are calling for regulation, licensing, 
punishment of the politically incorrect, and persecution of capitalists.

The anarchy of the Net is poetic justice.
Nature of the beast.  You "create" something, and you feel that you should 
decide how it's used.  If you "create" a podium, and someone steps up and 
gives a speach that is diametrically opposed to what you stand for, or even 
slightly different, you're going to want to find some way to keep that 
individual off of Your podium.

Doesn't make it right, nor, thankfully, practical.

As regards Petro's response to same.
Read up on the history of the U.S.A., and U.K.
Unless I've misinterpreted, slaves were forbidden to learn to read in the U.S.
Native Americans were made to give up thier traditions in favor of 
"civilized" customs.
And the Irish were similary denied the ability to read, or to play thier 
traditional music.  (Bards tended to sing songs counter to the english 
policies.)  Last I heard, the bagpipe was still considered a weapon.
If I heard right, It became illegal to speak Scottish Gaelic, for a time.

Interestingly enough, all happened for the same reason.  To suppress 
opposition to the ruling class.

Good luck,

Sean Roach

Re: Robert Cailliau: turncoat?

2000-08-31 Thread Sean Roach

My error.

Sunder, not Petro.

My apologies to both.

Good luck,


Re: question?

2000-08-31 Thread superhits1


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(no subject)

2000-08-31 Thread Bbertha446

i was wondering if there is a way u can listen to a 900 mhz cordless phone 
conversation from some type of scanner , and be able to pinpoint the exact 
phone? and i was wondering can u bugg a cordless phone ? can u bugg a 
cordless phone without being seen? is there listening devices that can go 
thru houses to hear?

Re: (no subject)

2000-08-31 Thread Tim May

At 1:32 PM -0400 8/31/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
you know any child porn sider i beg you please send me some!

I see the cops in Smalltown, U.S.A. have returned from their 
Conference on Law Enforcement Advanced Tactics and are practicing 
their newfound skills in logging-on and entrapping babyrapers and 
freethinkers and cyberterrorists.

Good to know our tax dollars are hard at work.

I'm sending this yahoo some of what he craves. (In a separate file.)

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

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