Re: Ho to KICK OUT Junkbusters users

2000-10-30 Thread Tom Vogt

Igor Chudov wrote:
 I have a website ( that makes money from banners. I have
 a suspicion that a small percentage of my users uses Junkbusters proxy
 in order to avoid seeing my banners.

too bad, you lost.

no, there's no way you can do that. I'm operating a junkbuster proxy for
100+ people in the company and let's just say that if you find a way to
block us out, I'll find a way to get in again and send the patch in.

Re: Ho to KICK OUT Junkbusters users

2000-10-30 Thread Tom Vogt

Igor Chudov wrote:
 This may or may not be true. This all depends on how junkbusters script
 works. Perhaps junkbusters filters out all 480x90 images, for instance. In
 which case I can place a 480x90 transparent gif at the bottom of my
 entrance page, and upon request of such gif I can set something in the
 user's cookie that would allow him/her further browsing. A lot of things
 are computer detectable.

why don't you simply look at the source?

 Maybe it is collapsing for companies who hire dozens of programmers
 to create some trivial nonsensical sites, e.g. I created my
 site by myself, with no costs other than my time involved (and I
 enjoyed doing it anyway, so the true cost is near zero), and banners
 nicely supplement my income. I am not looking for a multimillion IPO,
 just looking to make some $$ after all expenses. I have the benefit of a
 nice name (, so I do not need to spend any $$ at all to
 attract visitors.

without sparking a political discussion about the PC of banner ads, your
main problem is that banner services (i.e. external sources) are
undetectable to you because junkbuster never does anything to YOUR site
- it just refuses to grab the ads from the external site.

you may have a way if you would serve the banners yourself. but I doubt
there's money in that.

Re: Ho to KICK OUT Junkbusters users

2000-10-30 Thread Tom Vogt

Alan Olsen wrote:
 Actually you can. Junkbusters mucks with the http headers for client type.

subject to configuration. not reliable.

Re: NZ: Sweeping powers for spy agencies

2000-10-30 Thread John Young

This report is consistent with DoJ's advocacy of a US national,
as well as international, system for police agencies to collect
and share criminal justice information, and to do so while there 
is no law against using advanced technology for this purpose.
As noted here recently, see a presentation by DoJ on how 
to override with a PR campaign citizens' concerns with privacy 
violations of such systems:

This continues the transfer and use of technology developed
for national security purposes to law enforcement agencies,
worldwide, with the initiative being taken by DoJ and FBI,
assisted and advised by DoD and the intel community (with
former members of the latter now employed by domestic
agencies or running companies selling natsec-derived
services to domestic customers).

What is fascinating about this evolution is the screaming
by domestic victims when they learn that means and methods 
are being applied to them that they wholeheartedly approve 
when aimed at foreigners, immigrants, criminals and other 
stigmatized targets such as radicals, anarchists, commies, 
neo-nazis, dissidents and whoever is different from you and 
me, well, no doubt you include me in your bullseye and me 
you when we get a whiff of the terrifying scent spread
by the malodor-spreading criminal justice mongerers.

Nothing about this whipsawing of terror and anti-terror
technology is new to this forum, but the news reports do
confirm the need to keep grinding out new outlaw means 
and methods to defy the inlaw ("justice", crime-fighting)
initiatives that just cant spend money fast enough to abrade 
and salve. The invention of new (advanced-tech) criminality 
is high on the agenda, right up there with the propagation 
of assurance that only governments can combat burgeoning 
national and economic security-threatening outlawry.

What is not said, or maybe only whispered to oversighters
hairy ears, is do not ask us to look into mirrors to see
true outlaws agrinning. Do not ask us to conduct our
affairs in non-outlaw secret settings.

Turncoats are a special feature of the official outlaw
cartel, when those who once faught official criminality are
recruited to ID, track, provoke, gather evidence, indict
and convict former associates. Read Michael Froomkin
on ICANN's board members who cant forgo power-

This is a tip of the iceberg of large numbers of means
and methods technicians being drawn into the global
justice system with sweetheart contracts and jobs and
places on advisory boards. To serve the national interest
and to get regular whisperings from those in the know it
all business.

Here's a recent article on the price paid by scholars to 
see CIA classified material:



2000-10-30 Thread Ken Brown

There has recently been some discussion on UKcrypto of a  hypothesised
eavesdropping-safe boot CD containing OS  necessary software to get
encrypted IP links to a (predetermined?)  safe site.

The "won't be able to import files" and so on sounds familiar from a
long time ago. Isn't this the case in the maximum implementation of the
old coloured book standards? (Too boring to look it up)

Also I'd like to see a "multi-platform CD that users boot from" that
would work with OC, Mac, Sun etc... 


first few lines:

 Moot! is a cryptosuite designed to avoid RIPA pt3 
 and govermnent access to keys/plaintext in general.
 All storage is in an offshore data haven.

 Moot! is designed to consist of a multi-platform 
 CD that users boot from. It is designed to be hard to 
 emulate in software.

 It's also open-source, free if I can get enough help, 
 or at least cheap, and I plan to publish the security 
 designs and ask for comments and suggestions 
 (and help!) before actually implementing anything.

 It works sort of like this:
 in the box (on the CD): w/p, spreadsheet, 
 database s/w etc: crypto package: comms s/w eg TCP/IP, 
 modem and ethernet drivers etc.: minimal operating 
 system: no local storage

RE: digital angel (tracking device)

2000-10-30 Thread Trei, Peter

 Sampo A Syreeni[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote
 On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, Eric Murray wrote:
 The unit can be turned off by the wearer, thereby making the monitoring
 voluntary. It will not intrude on personal privacy except in
 applied to the tracking of criminals.
 Digital Angel[tm] measures bodily parameters. It does not interact with
 the body chemically or biologically. Designed to be completely harmless,
 Digital Angel will not interfere with bodily functions in any way...
 at least in this version.
 And pulling the last two together, we have Digital Angel/IE (Instant
 Execution), for those really Bad Seeds. The plus model will zap the
 offender if brought near Digital Angel/FC (For Children).
 Sampo Syreeni [EMAIL PROTECTED], aka decoy, student/math/Helsinki university
Go check out Harlan Ellison's short story "Repent Harlequin! cried the Tick
Man". This is really life imitating art.

Peter Trei

RE: Parties

2000-10-30 Thread Declan McCullagh

At 09:04 10/30/2000 -0600, Carskadden, Rush wrote:
where he actually says this himself). Under no circumstances do I consider 
it wise to fly in the face of checks and balances when your cause is 
"right" but you do not have the majority power. There is a reason that 
Congress makes laws, just as there is a reason that the Presidents can 
veto, as there is a reason that the Judicial system interprets the law. 
It's designed to create a balance that protects us from a loose cannon 
government going off and acting recklessly.

Ah, but they already have. Your beloved "checks and balances" don't work.


RE: Parties

2000-10-30 Thread Declan McCullagh


You certainly are an earnest fellow, but that doesn't get you very far. It 
seems to me that folks like you, who are college sophomores with the 
unfortunate experience of one or two undergraduate political science 
classes, don't have much to contribute to cypherpunkly discussions. Your 
points, such as they are, might be better made on alt.politics.banal-ideas.

* Don't seem to understand the nature of modern political parties
* Don't seem to understand the nature of checks and balances
* Don't seem to understand how Washington works, and the interplay between 
the legislative branch, executive branch, lobbyists, and advocacy groups
* Have not read the basic literature that would enable us to take you seriously

My participation in this sad discussion is now over, except that I will 
volunteer a reading list for you at some later point.


At 10:10 10/30/2000 -0600, Carskadden, Rush wrote:

Comments below:

-Original Message-
From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 5:17 PM
To: Carskadden, Rush
Subject: Re: Parties

 Rush is clearly someone with too much time on his hands and too little
 (demonstrated) ability to think things through. I apologize for being
 uncharacteristically blunt, but the essay below is terribly
 naive. You might as well try to draft C.J Parker for president.

I appreciate your candid approach. I am admittedly pretty young and 
uninformed compared to you, which is why I sought opinions anyway. It can 
only lead to more information and access to varied points of view.

 First, political parties are not single-issue parties, at least not
 right now. Education and taxes and health care will likely continue to
 be more important in most people's lives than technology policy for
 the foreseeable future.


 Second, privacy is an amorphous issue. It's used by leftists to
 regulate the private sector and outlaw transactions between consenting
 adults. Liberals use it to talk about abortion. Conservatives link it
 to everything from the FBI files under Clinton to Carnivore. What do
 *you* mean? And why do you think everyone else is going to agree?

By no means do I think that everyone will agree with me on my own personal 
views. I started out by pointing out in the house voting record that the 
actual rift between Democrats and Republicans in voting records (based on 
scores that I believe you put together) in technology issues was not too 
large. I then further hypothesized, based on this observation, that 
partisan politics were not creating a strong stance regarding privacy and 
technological freedom either way on either side. So, the conclusion I drew 
was that if I were to have a strong view on technology (EITHER a 100 OR a 
0 on your scale), then that strong view would not be fit to serve as a 
factor that may align me in any reliable way with either party. A second, 
personal, conclusion was that I was not content with the relatively 
mediocre (according to your scores) standing on technology by both 
parties. I do not feel I am being represented on this issue, though I do 
feel I am represented strongly on other issues, such as education, taxes, 
and health care. What I was looking for on this list was not agreement. I 
was looking for some points of view on a question that this line of 
reasoning left me with. If I want stronger representation in Washington on 
technology issues (EITHER WAY), is it easier to try to influence an 
existing party to take up my stance, or would it be easier to align myself 
with a "third" party that already has a strong stance on the topic (EITHER 
WAY) and try to maneuver it into a position where it could provide the 
needed strong representation. I would have liked to be able to say to 
myself, for instance, "Gee, certain vocal members of the cypherpunks list 
seem to think that it would be easier to just try to gain partisan support 
than to get a "third" party the strength it needs to represent me, and 
here's why...", but I can't because my naive nature is so overpowering 
that people would rather try to inform me of the Libertarian party, in 
which I have been active for years, than answer my question.

 Third, there already is (as others have suggested) a party that's
 concerned about personal freedom: the LP. If you mirror their
 positions -- or even a substantial subset -- you will be similarly
 marginalized. If not, don't look for support -- I humbly suggest --
 on the cpunx list.

The Libertarian party does not have enough power to strongly represent me, 
assuming that I agree with their stance on technology, which I don't know 
that I have said. This does not answer my question at all.

 Fourth, nowadays it seems that political parties can be formed (Ross
 Perot, Ralph Nader) or popularized only by a strong and well-known
 personality. It will help if they're a billionaire. May I suggest a
 recruiting trip to the 

Libertarians and political parties

2000-10-30 Thread Declan McCullagh

Speaking of such, here are some actual facts. I wrote about Rasmussen in a 
recent Wired article. Here's what their polls say:
Earlier this year, Rasmussen Research conducted a survey
measuring the electorate along a scale favored by many
libertarians. This survey found 16% of American voters are
functionally libertarian. However, only 2% of voters claim
the title of libertarian to describe their own views.


Re: Parties

2000-10-30 Thread jim bell

 Rush rapped:
  Glad to hear that all it takes to "get your vote" is a reckless
  pardon of criminals that is designed to utilize executive
  power to bypass the checks and balances system and negate the efforts of
  legislative and judicial branches of government

 Spoken like a true fascist. What the fuck do you think executive
 is but just another "checks and balances"? The fact is that it's the
 scum in power at the moment who are fucking the constitution with their
 little "war on some drugs". Basic 1st Amemdment freedom of religion went
 right down the drain with the very first drug law. It's religious
 pure and simple, nothing more, nothing less. Harry Browne should go
 if elected he should not only pardon every person ever convicted of a drug
 gun offense, but he should order the immediate arrest of anyone who ever
 for a drug or gun law, and who ever enforced these despicable illegal

Exactly correct.  Under libertarian principles they are fully guilty of
initiating "force and/or fraud".   And there are no "statutes of limitation"
on our response to these people regardless of current law.

Now would be an excellent time for anyone to go to their county voter's
registration office, and order a copy of the voter's registration database
for current and future use.

Jim Bell

Why Bill Joy is elitist, myopic, and wrong

2000-10-30 Thread Declan McCullagh

Why Bill Joy is Elitist, Myopic, and Wrong
By Lizard
October 30, 2000

The smallpox vaccine will cause people to turn into cows. Trains
cannot be permitted to travel more than 20 miles per hour, or else
the passengers will asphyxiate. The atomic bomb will detonate the
entire atmosphere of Earth. The history of science is filled with
dire predictions of the consequences of technology, few of which
ever come true. (Granted, many of the more lofty hopes for
technology likewise fail to appear. Where's my personal helicopter
and laser gun, dammit?) But fear sells papers, which explains why
Bill Joy is given far more column-inches than he deserves. (Joy,
the cofounder of Sun Microsystems, spoke at a Camden
Technology conference over the weekend.)

The most distressing thing about his Luddite stand is the
undercurrent of elitism which flows by without criticism. The
common man must not be permitted access to the glorious fruits of
science, he says, because out there among the teeming masses
might be murderers and madmen. Well, we'd probably better make
sure they don't get their hands on fire and the wheel, too -- who
knows what might happen?

Joy is wrong on a wide range of levels, but his most egregious
error is that he has precisely the wrong solution to the alleged
problem. If he fears the misuse of biotech or nanotech, the last
thing that should be done is to turn these technologies into state
secrets, because that puts the knowledge right into the hands of
those with a history of using it for evil, namely, politicians.

If something can be done, it will be done, and all that suppressing
information will achieve is ensuring there is not ready access to
counter-measures to whatever devious plots Joy's hypothetical
supercriminals may devise. "Open sourcing" technology will all but
guarantee that for every uber-anthrax, there's an uber-vaccine; for
every bit of world-devouring grey-goo, there's something that will
eat it even faster. Locking technology away is no solution. If the
public knowledge base of the world has reached the point where
one scientist can make the next breakthrough, then there are
dozens of other scientists who can do likewise.

And, of course, who will watch the watchers? We've already seen
that secrets aren't: There are more leaks in the U.S. national
security apparatus than in a Russian space station. Better to
simply open it up and be done with it.

There is nothing dehumanizing about the probable merger of flesh
and silicon. It simply continues the path man began when the first
barely-erect hairy ape realized a fist holding a rock got you more
than a fist alone. From that moment on, we became defined by our
tools. There is no point and no purpose in trying to stop now.

Joy is fond of saying "the future doesn't need us." He is almost
completely wrong. The future needs most of us. It's just that the
future -- and the present -- doesn't need him.

To post your response or contact the author, visit: 

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Info on Sun key compromise?

2000-10-30 Thread Lucky Green

Does anybody on this list have details about the key compromise Sun
experienced? See

AFIK, this is the first published private key compromise of a major
vendor. How did it happen?

-- Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP encrypted email preferred.

the wild ones

2000-10-30 Thread billp

Us wild ones are having FUN

Re: Sagan's V-Chips

2000-10-30 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Ann Onim wrote:

 BTW: Can Uncle Sam slap a secrecy order on GPL/public domain code, or
 do you have to actually apply to the patent office to risk this

He can slap that order on anything he likes, even if it is an unpublished
(literally, not the copyright meaning) private work.  This is a common
method used by the fedz to avoid having to do a complete "site
clearance" on certain new defense contractors (at least this was true in
the late 80's - I have no reason to think it has changed).  If work is
expected to yeild "national secrets", but it is expected to do so without
utilizing previously classified materials ("classified" being over
"Sensitive"), the work is normally allowed to progress until such time as
a "secret" work product is produced, at which time it is retroactively
classified to it's appropriate level(s).

These shenanigans work in the fedz favor because it costs real dollars to
send out the men with the little plastic ID cards to do site surveys and
personnel background checks.  If the work is unsuccessful, they have not
wasted the $$.  If it comes to fruition, they impart a "temporary" site
and personnel classification, classify the work product, and only then
spend the necessary money and D.I.S. hours.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Important Text - ebay4sex gets laid

2000-10-30 Thread Mary

We're not weird..we're sexy
eBay4Sex goes LIVE!

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Stay tuned as eBay4Sex sure to become the online auction for the adult entertainment 