Re: jolly roger

2000-07-01 Thread cypherpunks

Cypherpunks is already aiding the stupid.. I mean look at the amount of
spam that comes into this list.  It's mind boggling!!  I've actually
downloaded and installed Outlook Express for the sole purpose of using a
filtering agent that interfaces with it.


> I wonder how they are getting pointers to the list.  In my more paranoid
> moments I imagine certain Agents of the TLA (Hi Jeff!) pointing them here
> hoping to get Cypherpunks shut down due to an "Aiding the Stupid" charge
> or drive out the regulars due to all the clueless twits showing up. Either
> way it seems more and more like a form of denial of service attack.

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-18 Thread Username

isn't it considered entrapment? maybe i'm unclear on the entrapment thing

> Personally, I think they ought to be tracked down and dealt with more
> directly. Cops who solicit illegalities need to be dealt with directly.
> But that's just my opinion.

I think it should just be considered entrapment and made unusable in
court. That would end the problem right there.

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-16 Thread Tim May

At 8:59 PM -0400 6/16/00, Randy wrote:
>yeah, those ppl do tend to do such things, and use the same abbreviations,
>and apparently don't feel the need to capitalize proper nouns, or anything
>else, kurth.

and time it is to roundly ignore such ppl, yaknow

too many bozos already on this list to waste time on another illiterate ppls

--tim e.e. cummings may

RE: jolly roger

2000-06-16 Thread Josh Rice

Well, first of all you forgot a "since". And your the one talking about how
annoying missing punctuation and capitalization can be? 

Really the only point to making short words shorter is that it looks cooler.
I will be the first to admit that. Of course most users who do this are
teenagers (or just want to think they still are), but the point of my
discourse is that there is no purpose to this form of shorthand. I guess the
real point should be, is it really worth talking about?

-Original Message-
From: David Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 5:31 PM
To: Josh Rice
Cc: Kurth Bemis; Daniel; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: jolly roger

Josh Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, have you ever done anything on the net before? 

I've been using the Internet the late 1980s.

> "ppl" is chat shorthand
> for people. Come on. Get into the 21st.

Considering that it takes only a fraction of a second longer to type
"people" than it does to type "ppl," I don't quite see the
point. "People" isn't like "I am not a lawyer" (IAMAL), or "if I
recall correctly" (IIRC), or other full phrases which are shortened
due to their length and frequent use. Substituting "ppl" for "people"
is on par with substituting "ur" for "you are," "r" for "are," "4" for
"for," and "u" for "you," or leaving out capitalization and
punctuation. Of course, "ppl" is not *anywhere* near as annoying.

But more to the point, I've seen "PPL" used as shorthand for "people
of the proletariat" before, which I why I asked and didn't just ignore

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-15 Thread David Marshall

Josh Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, have you ever done anything on the net before? 

I've been using the Internet the late 1980s.

> "ppl" is chat shorthand
> for people. Come on. Get into the 21st.

Considering that it takes only a fraction of a second longer to type
"people" than it does to type "ppl," I don't quite see the
point. "People" isn't like "I am not a lawyer" (IAMAL), or "if I
recall correctly" (IIRC), or other full phrases which are shortened
due to their length and frequent use. Substituting "ppl" for "people"
is on par with substituting "ur" for "you are," "r" for "are," "4" for
"for," and "u" for "you," or leaving out capitalization and
punctuation. Of course, "ppl" is not *anywhere* near as annoying.

But more to the point, I've seen "PPL" used as shorthand for "people
of the proletariat" before, which I why I asked and didn't just ignore

RE: jolly roger

2000-06-15 Thread Josh Rice

So, have you ever done anything on the net before? "ppl" is chat shorthand
for people. Come on. Get into the 21st.

-Original Message-
From: David Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 5:35 PM
To: Kurth Bemis
Subject: Re: jolly roger

Kurth Bemis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 11:04 PM 6/11/2000 -0400, Daniel wrote:
> hrmit seems that whenever i see something about privacy or free
> speech kiddies always bring up this anarchist shit.  Is it me or do
> other ppl notice this also.?

What is "ppl," anyway? People of the Proletariat?

Anarchy is attractive to soem people because they figure that they
would occupy a fairly high position on the hierarchy of force. They
dislike any form of authority. For an example of how an anarchist
society would be with these people in it, go to a big city public high
school, quantity the abuse, violence, and idiocy that you see, and
raise it to the fourth power.

Anarchist theory doesn't necessarily require any kind of hierarchy of
force, or, as Heinlein put it, "violence: the supreme power from which
all other powers are derived," but I seriously doubt that the
anarchist kiddies who are trying to be "elite" (or 31337, if you
prefer) and "cool." They'd like a system where if they don't like the
guy across the room for no particular reason, they can go beat his
face in anyway.

Libertarian ideals are something altogether different as are, I would
assume, the more refined anarchist ideals.

As for the Anarchist's Cookbook, half the things in there are more
likely to get you killed than to work as intended. You can't expect to
go mixing chemicals and be safe, even if you have good instructions, 
if you don't know anything about the underlying chemicals.

The people asking for bomb instructions and such don't make an attempt
to use proper English grammar. I doubt that they would be willing to
put forth the effort to learn proper procedures for handling chemicals.

Brad the clueless wrote:

> >hi my name is brad i was to have the anarchy cookbook and such but have
> >lost it where did you find the joly roger. this is my friends computer
> >email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >thanx
> > brad

Re: Jolly Roger

2000-06-13 Thread Tim May

At 11:56 AM -0700 6/13/00, Michael Motyka wrote:
>Fine, the intersection and union of our moral universes are equivalent.
>How do you make it part of the legal system?

It's probably hopeless. I was just taking issue with your "only 
morally acceptable" point.

One scenario might be to make a citizen's arrest of a cop who is 
doing something illegal as part of an entrapment. Then make a stink 
that he is not being prosecuted.

(I vaguely recall a case in recent years where an underaged cop 
wannabee was part of a sting of a liquor store. When the merchant 
discovered he was underaged, he held the kid and made a stink when 
the official cops arrived and released the kid.)

Of course, dealing with cops this way could be a ticket to getting a 
nightstick shoved someplace. Which is why some folks advocate simply 
dealing with such scofflaws more directly, and from afar.

(I'm not advocating anyone do this, but someone who has been "set up" 
in an entrapment is probably favorably disposed toward dealing with 
the cop with a hunting rifle from afar. Is it morally acceptable? You 
>We're all a bunch of rats looking for rat chow. If there is no reward we
>just don't bother. Forcing courts to throw out entrapments and bear the
>legal costs of defendants may be an adequate solution.

Go for it, dude. Me, I don't have time to waste on such quixotic crusades.

>On another note, I heard a rumor that there might be some new,
>pro-privacy, 1st Ammendment-based law or rulings on the seizure and
>admissibility of personal writings. Any truth to that?

Don't know, but most such rulings tend to be wrong-headed. The First 
is not about some sacrosanct right to have writings kept private, it 
is about whether the government can ban certain writings or speech or 
can impose prior restraint.

The proper Amendment for issues of personal writings is of course the 
Fourth, not the First. The Fifth _may_ be implicated, but journals 
and letters are usually considered to be fair game, if discovered. 
All the usual stuff about illegal searches, fruit of the poisoned 
tree, etc.

On a related note, reporters should have no rights that others don't 
have. So-called "shield laws" and laws about "protection of sources" 
are bogus. Reporters and writers are not in some special class. We 
are all covered by the First and Fourth Amendments, and the others 
constitutional provisions about trials, producing evidence, 
testifying, self-incrimination, etc.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: Jolly Roger

2000-06-13 Thread Michael Motyka

> > Personally, I think they ought to be tracked down and dealt with more
> > directly. Cops who solicit illegalities need to be dealt with directly.
> > 
> > But that's just my opinion.
> I think it should just be considered entrapment and made unusable in
> court. That would end the problem right there.
That is the only acceptable way to treat entrapment.

I'm too busy now but someday, in my golden years perhaps, a reverse
sting could prove good entertainment. Like DOOM in meatspace.

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-12 Thread David Marshall

Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 4:34 PM -0500 6/12/00, David Marshall wrote:
> >
> >
> >The people asking for bomb instructions and such don't make an attempt
> >to use proper English grammar. I doubt that they would be willing to
> >put forth the effort to learn proper procedures for handling chemicals.
> >
> >Brad the clueless wrote:
> >
> >>  >hi my name is brad i was to have the anarchy cookbook and such but have
> >>  >lost it where did you find the joly roger. this is my friends computer
> >  > >email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  > >thanx
> >  > > brad
> The fact is that many, even most, of these "can u send me info on how
> to make bombz?" queries have a very similar structure. Coincidence? A
> commentary on 9th grade educational levels? Or high school graduate
> cops trolling?

As I remarked in private discussion with another list member earlier
today, it's pretty obvious that either:

1) It's the same guy.
2) It's a small group of people reading out of the same playbook.

The persistance seems to exclude targetted trolling. The trolling
isn't destroying the list with flame wars or clogging it with junk, so
it doesn't quite fit the profile of a troller. Most of them would have
given up by now, or graduated beyond something which is obviously

The aim would therefore seem to be one of the following:

1) Be annoying.
2) Make a political point somehow.
3) An LEO trolling for idiots.
4) To see how many creative responses the poster can get.

> About a year ago I saw an article about a cop in the midwest somewhere
> who uses his home computer to go trolling for illegal activities.
> My hunch is that many of these "can u send me child porn?" and "help
> me make a bomb" queries are by cops.

I think I read the same article. They do this on a routine basis with
child porn. Most of it probably happens in IRC channels. Of course,
since the media *still* hasn't figured out the difference between
USENET, web-based news boards, AOL-based resources and Internet-based
resources (e.g. AOL chatrooms versus Web-based ones), IRC and
chat rooms, and a multitude of other things, any information
they may provide about where these stings take place is suspect. 

Then enter people who want to don a perceived "white hat" and call
themselves "hackers." They possess few, if any, technical skills, and
instead sit around in IRC channels trolling for idiots, send trolls to
mailing lists, put up junk all over systems like GNUtella in an
attempt to catch child pornographers (there are errors in that
approach which I won't go into here), and worse. This provides them
with a sense of purpose, and gives them something which sounds
impressive to put on their next employment or graduate school

Both of these groups tend to play the part too well. Anybody who can
write a coherent thought isn't going to be posting to Cypherpunks
asking for porn or bomb making instructions. Instead, they would find
it themselves, or pull out a chemistry book and learn something. So
the authors try to act like complete idiots, but unless the poster is
six years old or possesses a room temperature IQ (on the centigrade
scale) it's obviously a setup.

Therefore I tend to agree with you that many, but probably not all, of
these incompetent requests are from the cops or from such "do-gooder"
organizations. They're probably collecting lists of people that they
can pull an Operation Sundevil on. If they don't have any evidence,
they'll just make sure that "it looked like he was going for a gun."
Either way, they get media exposure and may have a shot at some kind
of personal benefit like a promotion.

Making bombs is fundamentally easy. Making really good bombs is more
difficult. Either way, the knowledge required is available from an
undergraduate-level organic chemistry text. Anybody who has the
intelligence and mental stability to safely handle the chemicals
without blowing themselves up can read and comprehend the chemistry
text and acn go pull synthesis procedures out of some reference like
"Chemical Abstracts." In my mind, there's no doubt that these are
LEO trolls.

Of course, it's always possible that the posters really are morons who
will probably be working at McDonalds' all their lives and will keep
forgetting my fries and screwing up my change. McDonalds' will hire
> Personally, I think they ought to be tracked down and dealt with more
> directly. Cops who solicit illegalities need to be dealt with directly.
> But that's just my opinion.

I think it should just be considered entrapment and made unusable in
court. That would end the problem right there.

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-12 Thread David Marshall

Kurth Bemis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 11:04 PM 6/11/2000 -0400, Daniel wrote:
> hrmit seems that whenever i see something about privacy or free
> speech kiddies always bring up this anarchist shit.  Is it me or do
> other ppl notice this also.?

What is "ppl," anyway? People of the Proletariat?

Anarchy is attractive to soem people because they figure that they
would occupy a fairly high position on the hierarchy of force. They
dislike any form of authority. For an example of how an anarchist
society would be with these people in it, go to a big city public high
school, quantity the abuse, violence, and idiocy that you see, and
raise it to the fourth power.

Anarchist theory doesn't necessarily require any kind of hierarchy of
force, or, as Heinlein put it, "violence: the supreme power from which
all other powers are derived," but I seriously doubt that the
anarchist kiddies who are trying to be "elite" (or 31337, if you
prefer) and "cool." They'd like a system where if they don't like the
guy across the room for no particular reason, they can go beat his
face in anyway.

Libertarian ideals are something altogether different as are, I would
assume, the more refined anarchist ideals.

As for the Anarchist's Cookbook, half the things in there are more
likely to get you killed than to work as intended. You can't expect to
go mixing chemicals and be safe, even if you have good instructions, 
if you don't know anything about the underlying chemicals.

The people asking for bomb instructions and such don't make an attempt
to use proper English grammar. I doubt that they would be willing to
put forth the effort to learn proper procedures for handling chemicals.

Brad the clueless wrote:

> >hi my name is brad i was to have the anarchy cookbook and such but have
> >lost it where did you find the joly roger. this is my friends computer
> >email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >thanx
> > brad

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-12 Thread Alan Olsen

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Kurth Bemis wrote:

> At 11:04 PM 6/11/2000 -0400, Daniel wrote:
> hrmit seems that whenever i see something about privacy or free speech 
> kiddies always bring up this anarchist shit.  Is it me or do other ppl 
> notice this also.?

I wonder how they are getting pointers to the list.  In my more paranoid
moments I imagine certain Agents of the TLA (Hi Jeff!) pointing them here
hoping to get Cypherpunks shut down due to an "Aiding the Stupid" charge
or drive out the regulars due to all the clueless twits showing up. Either
way it seems more and more like a form of denial of service attack.

It does give an opertunity to sharpen up on the creative writing skills.

> ~kurth
> >hi my name is brad i was to have the anarchy cookbook and such but have
> >lost it where did you find the joly roger. this is my friends computer
> >email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >thanx
> > brad

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen| to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.
"In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

Re: jolly roger

2000-06-12 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 11:04 PM 6/11/2000 -0400, Daniel wrote:

hrmit seems that whenever i see something about privacy or free speech 
kiddies always bring up this anarchist shit.  Is it me or do other ppl 
notice this also.?


>hi my name is brad i was to have the anarchy cookbook and such but have
>lost it where did you find the joly roger. this is my friends computer
>email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> brad