Re: USA re Assange: "First Amendment Doesn't Apply To Foreigners" - [MINISTRY]

2020-01-24 Thread Razer

On 1/24/20 1:37 PM, John Young wrote:
> US Constitution and Amendments are valid only within the US and its
> territories. Same for other countries' laws in the US. Can be modified
> by treaty or other mutually agreeable means, of which there are quite
> a few. Most of those agreements reserve the right to ignore outsider
> demands and quite a few do so.
> Of course Americans believe they can do what they want anywhere, and
> have the military power to do so. Low-ranking military members die for
> this, a few angries frag their officers, or like JFK's veteran Marine
> sniper take a shot. Or like the OKC ex-Army bomber, waste citizens and
> get offcially murdered for it. Then, there are the Waco and Jim Jones
> option to mass suicide yourselves.
> Assange's supporters (aka shark and journo leeches) seem determined to
> whack or suicide him if legal and promotional shenanigans don't work.
> At 03:53 PM 1/24/2020, you wrote:
>> "Not even" Australians have legal free speech protection of America's
>> first amendment, anywhere in the world.
> Greenwald as lawyer and journo is hardly objective, as adversarially
> trained to do.
> [Clip balance.]

Judge Dundy's decision in Standing Bear v (General) Crook which was
never overturned or even appealed. Judge Dundy stated, paraphrased,
anywhere the US flag flies constitutional rights apply... for instance
Gitmo. Ask the Dod and State department if they give one flying fuck
what any court decision that opposes their requirements is worth to them.


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Re: USA re Assange: "First Amendment Doesn't Apply To Foreigners" - [MINISTRY]

2020-01-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 04:37:28PM -0500, John Young wrote:
> US Constitution and Amendments are valid only within the US and its
> territories.

That's true from a specific perspective - the courts of the USA -
although when jurisprudence is understood, the common law (not
"common law as judicial precedent", a destitute construction if ever
there were one) is valid in all legal/court jurisdictions.

 - when that common law (e.g. right to freedom of speech) is claimed
   by a defendant in that court,
 - and that court fails to uphold the common law (variant/ natural
   law etc),

such a court gives up:

  - it's moral authority to execute judgment over the defendant

  - it's jurisprudential authority pursuant to the common law (being
"those laws of the tribe/community to settle wrongs, since time

  - it's standing in the eyes of the people

  - it's righteous authority purusant to right and wrong, good and
evil, $DEITY, etc.

So the "validity" argument (of a constitution, amendment, law, etc)
is always confined to circumstances, an empire wielding impressive
military force for example - where such force, absent moral
authority, can never morally justify its evil actions, and in the
execution of such evil, immediately and inherently manifests its

Whereas, the fundamental human right remains, regardless of whether
or not it is written in a law, a constitution, an amendment or a
treaty etc.

Each of us is always with the right and capacity (at least, if you
have functional vocal chords) to claim, in words, any and all of our
fundamental human rights - those natural rights which are inherent to
our very existence.

No -legitimate- court can deny such fundamental natural rights.

Every court which fails to uphold any such fundamental natural human
right, gives up its legitimacy and gives up any "righteous authority"
it holds over the defendant.

You may not win your case, but you must claim your right to establish
your moral victory over the bully, the coward, the empire.

In that moment that an authority demanding you defend yourself from
an evil accusation against you, fails to uphold a fundamental right,
that authority has in that moment, demonstrated its own invalidity.

There can be no valid law, no valid court, no valid authority, which
fails to uphold a basic human right.

You see we speak of "validity" - and I've done so myself in the past
- in the context in which the empire has foisted this construct upon
us, namely, upholding the deception of the purported primacy of
statute law, and the purported primacy of the empire/court's'
interpretation of the words in the constitution/ amendments etc.

   ---   ---   ---   ---
The obnoxious construct of the "validity" of a law is this:

  - a law (/amendment /constitutional clause etc) is "valid" if it
has been validly passed by parliament according to the
parliament's self decided rules

  - "validity" is confined to strict and limited definitions as
decided upon by the empire

  - a court must uphold "valid" laws

  - "valid" laws are supreme, above all human rights, above all
questions of good and of evil

  - the only relevant question for a court to decide, is the
"validity" of the "law" at issue

We accept this obnoxious jurisprudence to our detriment.
   ---   ---   ---   ---

  Notwithstanding possible negative outcomes, we MUST claim
  our basic natural human rights, we must claim righteousness,
  that which is good and true,
  and we must decry that which is unrighteous, bad and evil.

  If not I, then who?

(By the way, I am very grateful to you and various others on this
list who have named various authors of great utility for the reading,
which of course help to educate myself and others, and have helped to
form and distil certain of these basic concepts of right and wrong,
good and evil.)

> Same for other countries' laws in the US. Can be modified by
> treaty or other mutually agreeable means, of which there are quite a few. Most
> of those agreements reserve the right to ignore outsider demands and quite a
> few do so.
> Of course Americans believe they can do what they want anywhere, and have the
> military power to do so. Low-ranking military members die for this, a few
> angries frag their officers, or like JFK's veteran Marine sniper take a shot.
> Or like the OKC ex-Army bomber, waste citizens and get offcially murdered for
> it. Then, there are the Waco and Jim Jones option to mass suicide yourselves.
> Assange's supporters (aka shark and journo leeches) seem determined to whack
> or suicide him if legal and promotional shenanigans don't work.
> At 03:53 PM 1/24/2020, you wrote:
> > "Not even" Australians have legal free speech protection of America's
> > first amendment, anywhere in the world.
> Greenwald as lawyer and journo is hardly objective, as adversarially trained
> to do.
> [Clip balance.]

Re: USA re Assange: "First Amendment Doesn't Apply To Foreigners" - [MINISTRY]

2020-01-24 Thread John Young
US Constitution and Amendments are valid only within the US and its 
territories. Same for other countries' laws in the US. Can be 
modified by treaty or other mutually agreeable means, of which there 
are quite a few. Most of those agreements reserve the right to ignore 
outsider demands and quite a few do so.

Of course Americans believe they can do what they want anywhere, and 
have the military power to do so. Low-ranking military members die 
for this, a few angries frag their officers, or like JFK's veteran 
Marine sniper take a shot. Or like the OKC ex-Army bomber, waste 
citizens and get offcially murdered for it. Then, there are the Waco 
and Jim Jones option to mass suicide yourselves.

Assange's supporters (aka shark and journo leeches) seem determined 
to whack or suicide him if legal and promotional shenanigans don't work.

At 03:53 PM 1/24/2020, you wrote:

"Not even" Australians have legal free speech protection of America's
first amendment, anywhere in the world.

Greenwald as lawyer and journo is hardly objective, as adversarially 
trained to do.

[Clip balance.] 

USA re Assange: "First Amendment Doesn't Apply To Foreigners" - [MINISTRY]

2020-01-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
"Not even" Australians have legal free speech protection of America's
first amendment, anywhere in the world.

   “We have now learned from submissions and affidavits
presented by the United States to this court that they do not
consider foreign nationals to have a First Amendment
protection,” Hrafnsson said.

   “Now let that sink in for a second,” Hrafnsson continued.

   “At the same time that the US government is chasing journalists
all over the world, they claim they have extra-territorial reach,
they have decided that all foreign journalists which include many
of you here, have no protection under the First Amendment of the
United States. So that goes to show the gravity of this case.
This is not about Julian Assange, it’s about press freedom.”

  "It's about press freedom" Wikileaks editor explains
  foreign journalists have no 1st amd protections

  WikiLeaks Editor: US Is Saying First Amendment Doesn't
  Apply To Foreigners In Assange Case

Hrafnsson’s very newsworthy claim has as of this writing received
no mainstream news media coverage at all. The video above is from
independent reporter Gordon Dimmack.

This prosecutorial strategy would be very much in alignment with
remarks made in 2017 by then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

“Julian Assange has no First Amendment freedoms. He’s sitting
in an embassy in London. He’s not a U.S. citizen,” Pompeo
told the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

That, like nearly every sound which emits from Pompeo’s amorphous
face, was a lie. The First Amendment is not a set of special free
speech privileges that the US government magnanimously bestows
upon a few select individuals, it’s a limitation placed upon the
US government’s ability to restrict rights that all persons
everywhere are assumed to have.

This is like a sex offender who’s barred from living within 500
yards of a school claiming that the school he moved in next to is
exempt because it’s full of immigrants who therefore aren’t
protected by his restriction. It’s a restriction placed on the
government, not a right that is given to certain people.

Attorney and Future of Freedom Foundation president Jacob
Hornberger explained after Pompeo’s remarks, “As Jefferson points
out, everyone, not just American citizens, is endowed with these
natural, God-given rights, including life, freedom, and the
pursuit of happiness. That includes people who are citizens of
other countries. Citizenship has nothing to do rights that are
vested in everyone by nature and God. At the risk of belaboring
the obvious, that includes Julian Assange.”

Journalist Glenn Greenwald, who is himself now being legally
persecuted by the same empire as Assange under an indictment
which Hrafnsson in the aforementioned statement called “almost a
carbon copy of the indictment against Julian Assange”, also
denounced Pompeo’s 2017 remarks.

“The notion that WikiLeaks has no free press rights because
Assange is a foreigner is both wrong and dangerous,”
Greenwald wrote at the time.

“When I worked at the Guardian, my editors were all
non-Americans. Would it therefore have been constitutionally
permissible for the U.S. Government to shut down that paper
and imprison its editors on the ground that they enjoy no
constitutional protections? Obviously not.”

Greenwald, who is a former litigation attorney, referenced a
Salon article he’d written in 2010 skillfully outlining why
Senator Susan Collins’ attempts to spin constitutional rights as
inapplicable to foreigners would be outlandish, insane, illegal
and unconstitutional to put into practice.

“To see how false this notion is that the Constitution only
applies to U.S. citizens, one need do nothing more than read the
Bill of Rights,” Greenwald argued in 2010. “It says nothing about
‘citizens.’  To the contrary, many of the provisions are simply
restrictions on what the Government is permitted to do (‘Congress
shall make no law respecting an 

Re: some info on purism

2020-01-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 03:47:37AM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Jan 2020 17:14:50 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 06:37:34PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > 
> > > An Interview With Zlatan Todoric, Open-Source Developer & Former Purism 
> > > CTO
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the link.
> > 
> > Hardware seems tough in comparison to software.
>   yeah...
>   so has purism shipped any phones? I admit I didn't bother to further 
> investigate

Yeah, first and second series - but, for good reasons, they're a
relative trickle - i.e. just like PinePhone, for developers.

> > Greenfield is tough - so many hours by those involved, no certainty
> > of outcome (similar personal experience on this one).
> > 
> > Libre greenfield hardware on a very tight budget?  That's almost
> > miraculous if you can pull it off...
> > 
> > Looks like PinePhone is definitely worth looking at:
> >
> > 
> > Good luck all,