Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2020-03-18 Thread grarpamp
> Find some really good joke(s) about Windows to Georgi
> the answer

Some answer MS Win hardly need honor by windows jokes, so...

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2020-03-18 Thread grarpamp Corona Sex Interview McAfee

Life under Martial Law in Spain.

"Aren't I afraid, going outside? We are safe in here." No one is ever
safe. Fear caused this entire country to accept: - no travel - no open
businesses - no contacts with neighbors, friends - no approaching
anyone closer than 3 feet - no standing outside feeling the sun Sane?
Oh ... Can't touch anybody either."

We are in "Mandatory Quarantine" In this country -- An emergency law
Preventing any citizen From meeting with any other citizen ... Without
permission. This has never, In History, Without aggression, Been done
before. Shame on you ... My children.

I am chastised for not listening to Government's decisions And advice.
But I ask you: When was the last time you benefitted From listening to
your Government? Eh? :)

In 5 months The Coronavirus has killed 7,000 people Word-wide Out of 5
Billion people. That's 46 people a day. Worldwide. The flu kills 1,800
people a day. Why are we not locking down for the flu every year?? See
the idiocy people.

The vaccine debate: Here is the issue: Why do those who want
vaccinations Give a shit About what those who don't want them Choose
to do Or not do? If you're vaccinated you are safe from all ...
According to your own beliefs ... So why concern yourself with what
others do?

We are still unable to get out of Spain in order to go home. Nothing
open except hospitals and supermarkets. No banks No hotels No
restaurants, bars, clubs, Nothing. Can't get money Can't cash checks
... Nothing

We are destroying our economies, And giving up our freedoms to
assemble And move freely ... We are watching a society In the throes
of insanity.

It's the fear of Coronavirus That is our threat. Not the virus itself ...

When Coronavirus Is found to have little impact On World health - They
will tell us, With all seriousness, That we were SAVED By the
Draconian measures That they implemented.

The Coronavirus response has become - By any definition of the word -
Insane. And we voted these Fucks - Who are now making decisions about
our rights to assemble And move freely as we wish - Into positions of
power. Surely we can vote them out!?

"The Chinese are purposely spreading Coronavirus .. Though toilet
paper that has been sprayed with the virus Prior to packaging. AVOID

It's true: I see things others do not. But ... I've always assumed
That was the drugs.

Murder Video shows AU SAS Killing Unarmed Afghani

2020-03-18 Thread grarpamp

Four Corners has obtained video which shows a Special Air Service
(SAS) operator shooting an unarmed Afghan man three times in the head
and chest while he cowers on the ground.
A former member of the same SAS squadron, who was on the 2012
deployment to Afghanistan and has been shown the video, described the
killing to Four Corners as a "straight-up execution".
The ADF investigators concluded that the Afghan was lawfully killed
because he posed a direct threat to the Australians.

Anyone thinking that video... of various Government
forces doing obvious murder, torture, rape... doesn't
exist, hasn't been on the fileshares, forums, and
darknets the last 15+ years.

Joshua Schulte Trial Huge Collection

2020-03-18 Thread John Young (813MB)

Checks from the government

2020-03-18 Thread John Young

Cryptocurrency: In times of recession, Coronavirus

2020-03-18 Thread grarpamp
On 3/18/20, Georgi Guninski  wrote:
> Cryptocurrency exchange rate at times of recession?
> Dow Jones dropped and according to some we are at or near
> recession/financial crisis.
> How are cryptocurrencies going at times of recession/crisis?
> Browsed some rate charts on and bitcoin appears to
> have dropped in the beginning of March.

Electric + Internet = Crypto keeps on going. Down 25-50++%, relative
shifts, normal. Crypto not yet a top shelf adoption usage, thus can
get sold before other assets, for need, or bets in other markets.
Halvenings offering attractive inflation rates. Required Privacy and DEX
starting to be taken seriously. No currently leading coins expected to
handle credit card tx rates, too busy bloating selves by needing chain
history and layering on stupid apps, tokens, features, weight, centralized,
politics, compute, and metoos... instead of being simple lean high tx
distributed cash. Need new coin for that. Central of ASIC manufacture
and mining a bit iffy model over more distributed CPU. Regulation and
centralized fiat shitcoins are still biggest risks, that's pointless old world,
stop supporting either of them if expect to have anything new and free.

Mining cycles being temporarily diverted to coronavirus crunching.
Crypto coronavirus charity efforts, etc.

Crypto hist: ... ~= $1275/$200 2013-2015 ~= ... ~= $20k/$4k 2017-2020
~= ... ~= ???

Early days, have fun.

cryptocurrencies in times of recession

2020-03-18 Thread Georgi Guninski
Cryptocurrency exchange rate at times of recession?

Dow Jones dropped and according to some we are at or near
recession/financial crisis.

How are cryptocurrencies going at times of recession/crisis?

Browsed some rate charts on and bitcoin appears to
have dropped in the beginning of March.

the Fed (/IMF /BIS /etc) sets up to buy everything - [PEACE]

2020-03-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Eventually, QE will be so large, the Federal Reserve will buy everything.

Here's a classic example of the Fed setting the stage to be the holder of 
everything, in this case stocks, which must of course be preceded by becoming 
the lender of last resort (he who lends the money, calls the shots, ultimately 
collecting the collateral).


  1) offer cheap credit to everyone, for everything (anything can be used as 

  2) to "strengthen the economy", possibly after "the worst of the Coronavirus 
pandemic" has passed, raise interest rates, thus eliminating liquidity

  3) profit: aka, seize the collateral for the loans which can no longer be 
repaid (real estate, corporation, or as in this case, shares)

A simple and dastardly plan comes together:

  Fed Launches Primary Dealer Credit Facility Which Will Accept Stocks As 

  Earlier today, when discussing the launch of the "Lehman crisis playbook" 
in response to the Global Covid Crisis, we listed the alphabet soup of measures 
the Fed may launch which are a replica of the measures adopted in the aftermath 
of the Lehman collapse. These included the AMFL, the MMIFF, the TAF and last 
but not least, the PDCF, or Primary Dealer Credit Facility, which as Rabobank 
said "would provide overnight funding to primary dealers, similar to the way 
the discount window provides a backup source of funding for depository 

  Just three hours later, at 6pm ET, the Fed, as expected, announced the 
establishment of a Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) "to support the credit 
needs of households and businesses." What the Fed really meant is that it is 
now launching a way for dealers to monetize the stocks they own, as the 
facility will be collateralized, among others, by "equity securities."


Aka, the Fed buys (literally) everything.

What a world...

Garnier Fructis strikes again - bi...@the.bee - was Re: Hillary Clinton Says Epstein Assassination Was To 'Manage Anxiety'

2020-03-18 Thread Zig the N.g
Garnier Fructis strikes again as Biden literally promises a woman running mate, 
possibly even "she who should not be named for criminal activities with a name 
that rhymes with Hitlery":

  Biden: 'Not Only Will I Appoint A Woman Running Mate, But I Will Stand Behind 
Her At All Times'

WASHINGTON, D.C.—If Joe Biden wins the Democratic nomination, his running 
mate will be a woman, he said Sunday. He then promised that no matter which 
woman he appointed as his running mate, he would stand behind her at all times.
[image of attractive woman lapping up Biden's adoration, not attached]

.. "You know I don't see why we can't elect multiple women as vice 
president. That's how progressive I am. I say elect me a whole harem of 'em," 
Biden added.


On Sun, Mar 08, 2020 at 10:42:15PM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
> Hillary Clinton Says Epstein Assassination Was To 'Manage Anxiety'
> March 7th, 2020
>   CHAPPAQUA, NY—In a recent interview from her wine cellar this week, Hillary 
> Clinton revealed some of her favorite methods for dealing with stress.  
> "Being the president is an extremely stressful job," she told reporters. 
> "Since I am the president, I have to deal with anxiety on a regular basis. 
> One way to calm my nerves is with a good, old-fashioned assassination. Of 
> course, I would never do such a thing, but If I did do something like, say, 
> killing Jeffery Epstein, it would be a great way to cope with the demands of 
> my very important job. Ok, I killed Epstein. I needed to do it to manage my 
> anxieties. I feel bad about it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
>   Hillary bemoaned the fact that since she isn't allowed in the White House 
> or situation room for some reason, she no longer has access to handy tools 
> like drones or Treadstone super-soldiers. "Sometimes," she said, "I have to 
> settle for watching that prison assassination scene from Breaking Bad over a 
> bottle of wine! Can you imagine? HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
>   Let it be known that The Babylon Bee proudly supports everything Hillary 
> Clinton does and we are glad she is our president. She is a wonderful leader 
> and we would never do anything to ever upset her in any way.  We are also not 
> suicidal.
> In Historic Compromise, Border Wall To Be Built Around Hollywood
> Biden To Defy CDC Warning To Stop Touching Other People's Faces
>   [facey gropey Biden pics not attached]
>   U.S.—As Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is constantly in 
> crowds, health officials are greatly concerned that he will catch the 
> coronavirus -- which would be especially bad for him as he’s very, very old. 
> Despite these concerns, Biden just can’t follow one of the CDC’s main 
> recommendations to avoid catching the disease: Stop putting your hands all 
> over other people’s faces.
>   “It’s just so hard,” Biden told the press. “I keep thinking to myself, 
> ‘Don’t touch people’s faces. Don’t touch people’s faces.’ But the next thing 
> I know, there are my hands rubbing all over some person I just walked into.”
>   Staffers have tried a number of methods to help train Biden to stop the 
> behavior, such as spraying him in the face with water whenever he starts 
> touching someone. Nothing has worked so far, but his staffers are hopeful. 
> “It’s just a habit he has to unlearn,” said Biden staffer Melanie Chapman. 
> “We’ll just keep working until--”
>   At that point, Chapman was interrupted by Biden putting his hands all over 
> her face. “You’re doing it again!” Chapman informed him.
>   “Oh no,” Biden said. “Well, is it okay if I just rub people’s shoulders?”
>   “No, that is never okay,” Chapman told him.
> Opinion: If Americans Aren't Sexist, Then How Come They Refuse To Elect The 
> Most Unlikable Women On The Planet?
>   ... Yes, people often say they’re willing to vote for a woman. But if they 
> won’t cast a vote for some of the most unlikable women on the entire planet, 
> will they really vote for any women ever?
>   ... In 2016, people had Hillary Clinton, someone so politically maladroit 
> she barely seemed human, one of the most blatantly dishonest people anyone 
> had ever seen, and someone people only ever heard of because of who her 
> husband is. But she was a woman. And that just wasn’t good enough. And now we 
> had Elizabeth Warren, an off-putting, nakedly political hack who lied about 
> her heritage and has a bunch of unworkable plans with price ta