Re: [openzfs/zfs] mentions to 'child gangs' in the source (#10554)

2020-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
If everyone does just a little bit regularly, no more than you are able, this 
war shall in time dissipate from its present socio-political community sphere, 
into nothingness, no longer impacting us nor any longer relevant to almost 

God speed fellow Souls,

- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness  -

From: Zenaan Harkness 
To: openzfs/zfs 
Reply-To: openzfs/zfs 

Date: Sun, 09 Aug 2020 17:35:58 -0700
Subject: Re: [openzfs/zfs] mentions to 'child gangs' in the source (#10554)
List-ID: openzfs/zfs 

On Sun, Aug 09, 2020 at 09:16:00AM -0700, misterbigstuff wrote:
> > (And yet, you used the _more_ triggering term "child gangs" in your subject 
> > line: this is disingenuous by you, and belies that within you is a hidden 
> > agenda, and an intention which you fail to disclose to us.)
> I wasn't triggered by it. an interviewer I was discussing it with, however, 
> was. I still don't think (personally) that it's a huge deal, but it is here, 
> open for discussion, if enough people want to change it.
> the rest of your comment is exactly what's not needed here. do you think all 
> that questioning of ahrens' mental state is helpful? i think if _you_ were 
> being genuine, you would have privately reached out to him instead of trying 
> to insult him here in public. for what it's worth, you seem like you are 
> doing a comedy session for your supporters that you think are going to come 
> here and read, and give thumbs up and laugh with you. but it's not really 
> funny, you're not funny.

It is primarily questioning of your mental state.

Perhaps you missed that part.

If you are triggered, and/or those you say you interviewed got triggered and 
you imply "they" won't contribute to OZFS because they are so triggered, 
perhaps you and this group of people you interview and who are not contributing 
to OZFS because they are so triggered, ought get professional help for your 
individual and collective, and evident (by your own words) mental issues.

So again, those questions are primarily, for you.  And it becomes evident that 
we need to add an additional question for you personally:

 - Since you failed to observe that the questions were directly aimed at you, 
and you missed this point, and instead you appear to present quite certainly 
that those questions were aimed exclusively at Matthew Ahrens, are you 
cognitively impaired?

That's a serious question: are you cognitively impaired?

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

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On Sun, Aug 09, 2020 at 06:42:50PM -0700, misterbigstuff wrote:
> @ahrens @behlendorf doesn't ^ this kind of stuff fall under CoC as targeted 
> harassment?

On Sun, Aug 09, 2020 at 06:48:07PM -0700, Alexander Motin wrote:
> @misterbigstuff, aren't you intentionally harassing this project and the 
> people with your insinuations of something that never existed here before you?

[At this point, the thread has been locked, purportadly due to "personal 
attacks" ... go figure.]

extracts from Mikovits' book

2020-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Some extracts from Judy Mikovits' book "Plague of Corruption" - hand picked by 
our ever conscientious Leo :)

Editorial review of Dr Judy Mikovits latest book ‘Plague of Corruption’ 
consisting of extracts directly from the book.

 - Many viruses are composed of DNA, but a retrovirus is composed of RNA and it 
was thought that RNA was a precursor of DNA, used by more primitive organisms, 
or as found in animals.

 - Pathogens made of RNA, like retroviruses need an enzyme to transform their 
RNA into DNA and insert itself into the hosts DNA blue print in order for the 
virus to survive.

 - A retrovirus as found in animal tissue cannot live or replicate without 
using the machinery of the host cell.

 - The enzyme retroviruses used to change their RNA into DNA is called 

 - I consider the presence of reverse transcriptase in a disease to be almost a 
smoking gun evidence of a retrovirus being involved.

 - Retroviruses are enveloped viruses possessing an RNA genome and replicate 
via a DNA intermediate.

 - Retroviruses rely on the enzyme reverse transcriptase of its genome with an 
integrase enzyme.

 - DNA can remain in a latent form in the genome or its RNA can be expressed 
intermittently as infectious virions.

 - Retroviruses are made up of RNA and once transcribed into DNA, they can go 
into that organism and slumber for extended periods of time or can under the 
right circumstances, spew forth infectious particles.

 - One would think that this series of facts was worthy of a national emergency 
but nothing has been done to stop it, instead the reputations of the whistle 
blowers are usually destroyed, discounting any other views.  

 - So simply put:   When you mix animal and human tissue together, there’s a 
risk that infectious agents present in the animals may cross over into the 
human cells.

 - The viruses were most likely dormant in the animal, but when put into 
humans; they may wake up and become active.

 - So this is breaking down the barriers nature has erected so that pathogens 
of one species cannot be easily transferred to humanity and vice versa.

 - Endogenous retroviruses that are infectious for human cells in vitro have 
been detected in many species, including baboons, cats, mice and pigs.

 - Retroviruses can affect you in ways that are different from those normally 
associated with your typical virus.

 - Transmission is ‘silent’ meaning your body’s immune system is not alerted to 
fight this invader.

 - If this is not bad enough, our little retrovirus will get busy changing your 
gene expression in unpredictable ways, promoting the development of cancer or 
recombining with other pathogens in your body to create new monsters. END 

ADDED: A simple question, what is worse, the CV19 or the vaccination results as 
described by Judy? 


Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2020-08-09 Thread grarpamp

As with the two docs in California, another much larger group of
outspoken doctors gets censored, canceled, and bashed over
their hydroxychloroquine HCQ outreach, opinions, and ideas.

Yet more researchers getting DoS'd...

Many countries either adopted or declined early treatment with HCQ,
forming a large country-randomized controlled trial with 2.0 billion
people in the treatment group and 663 million in the control group. As
of August 9, 2020, an average of 40.9/million in the treatment group
have died, and 446.4/million in the control group, relative risk
0.092. After adjustments, treatment and control deaths become
84.7/million and 642.9/million, relative risk 0.13. Confounding
factors affect this estimate, including varying degrees of spread
between countries. Accounting for predicted changes in spread, we
estimate a relative risk of 0.21. The treatment group has a 79.0%
lower death rate. We examined diabetes, obesity, hypertension, life
expectancy, population density, urbanization, testing level, and
intervention level, which do not account for the effect observed.

Regardless of content, seems some very big forces
do not want people to see information.

Re: Breaking Defense: GPS Anti-Jam M-Code Takes Two Steps Forward

2020-08-09 Thread coderman
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Sunday, August 9, 2020 7:59 AM, grarpamp  wrote:
> For extra fun, unfold your portable tinfoil uplink dish,
> plug in SDR backpack, brute force and fuzz the satellite
> control channels, reach commandeer god mode, then...
> Deorbit some gifts back to the TLA's front lawns.

"permanent denial of service" of your satellites...

apparently this is encouraged now? ;P

Working with the Defense Digital Service, which its director Brett Goldstein 
refers to as a “SWAT team of nerds that operates in the Pentagon,” they came up 
with Hack-a-Sat, a space security program that invites hackers and security 
researchers in to find the same bugs and flaws that the enemy wants to exploit.

fun times, indeed

best regards,

Re: Cryptoanarchism writecode vs SJW style methods [re: mentions child gangs slave in source]

2020-08-09 Thread Mirimir
On 08/09/2020 02:11 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Most opensource project issue trackers now experiencing same.
> Master/slave? ...

What's funny here is that these authoritarians are functioning as
masters. So they ought to start by eliminating themselves ;)

> But does seem they forgot to destroy some devices in their PC's first
> to set proper example.

OK, they oughta nuke their PCs first.

> Of far more important matter to this forum...
> Remember, authoritarians also deploying some of the same SJW
> style methods to condition you susceptible so that you will remove
> strong crypto, decentralization, privacy, p2p, anonymity,
> cryptocurrency, distributed voluntary cooperation, etc...
> the very cypherpunk cryptoanarchism... from your code.

Yep, they're a bunch of fucking thieves and rapists ;)

> Be aware of that, don't fall susceptible,
> continue writing the cypherpunk code of cryptoanarchism.
> May it yield a more free peaceful forceless loving world.

"Do what thou wilt. Love is the law. Love under will."

> I strongly suspect the people who are pushing for these things
> fall into two camps. The first camp are people who genuinely want to
> control the language, and by proxy, thought. These are very dangerous
> people and should be resisted at all times.

Not just resisted. They must be killed after their first offense.

> The second camp are people
> who genuinely want to do something so they can be a part of this
> current trend and feel like they are participating in a meaningful
> way. These are ordinary decent people, but are certainly influenced by
> the bluster and actions of the first camp.


> Here's the thing, though. If you're in the second camp, your
> actions will not save you from the first camp. The authoritarians in
> the first camp are fundamentally about control, and if you stand in
> their way, your past actions will mean nothing. Anything less than
> complete subservience to whatever ideology is currently in vogue in
> the first camp, is treated as a viral attack and is stamped out with
> extreme prejudice. Your past capitulation will not serve you in the
> future.


> Nobody--at least nobody with a lick of sense or
> proportion--actually thinks that changing "master/slave" to something
> else will accomplish anything of substance or real value. It's nothing
> more than a publicity stunt to demonstrate that you are not like those
> people over there, the racists. It's a signal of your adherence to the
> new narrative, nothing more. The authoritarians in the first camp will
> acknowledge your signal, and they now know that later you will be more
> likely to accept the next click on the ratchet. Make no mistake,
> however; when they ratchet it too far for you, nothing you did in the
> past will save you.
> It's the behavior of cults, and used to great effect at
> controlling behavior. What's surprising is how many tech people are
> susceptible to it.

Cults, sure. But fundamentally it's the behavior of dictatorships.


2020-08-09 Thread rooty

Re: Great Firewalls: Watching Blocking Censoring Disappearing You with Loving Oppression

2020-08-09 Thread coderman
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Sunday, August 9, 2020 6:09 PM, grarpamp  wrote:
> There is now a detailed written report on the new phenomenon of ESNI
> blocking in China. ...
> Here are some of the points most likely to be of interest to this group:
> -   The ESNI detector only matches the ESNI encrypted_server_name
> extension 0xffce (draft-ietf-tls-esni-00 through -06), not the ECH
> extensions encrypted_client_hello 0xff02, ech_nonce 0xff03,
> outer_extension 0xff04 (draft-ietf-tls-esni-07).

interesting that encrypted client hello is not blocked, as this would also make 
the SNI private! perhaps this is targeting by adoption, rather than capability.

if hosts move to encrypted client hello, will this next be blocked?

also, per :
Moreover, as more clients enable ECH support, e.g., as normal part of Web 
browser functionality, with keys supplied by shared hosting providers, the 
presence of ECH extensions becomes less unusual and part of typical client 
behavior.  In other words, if all Web browsers start using ECH, the presence of 
this value will not signal unusual behavior to passive eavesdroppers.

best regards,

"Why I’m Writing A Book On Cryptography"

2020-08-09 Thread coderman

Why I’m Writing A Book On Cryptography  posted last month

I’ve now been writing a book on applied cryptography for a year and a half. I’m 
nearing the end of my journey, as I have one last ambitious chapter left to 
write: next-generation cryptography (a chapter that I’ll use to talk about 
cryptography that will become more and more practical: post-quantum 
cryptography, homomorphic encryption, multi-party computation, and zk-SNARKs).

I’ve been asked multiple times why write a new book about cryptography? and why 
should I read your book?. To answer this, you have to understand when it all 

Diagrams are everything

Today if you want to learn about almost anything, you just google it. Yet, for 
cryptography, and depending on what you're looking for, resources can be quite 

It all started a long time ago. For a class, I had to implement a [differential 
power analysis 
attack](, a 
breakthrough in cryptanalysis as it was the first side-channel attack to be 
published. A differential power analysis uses the power consumption of a device 
during an encryption to leak its private key. At the time, I realized that 
great papers could convey great ideas with very little emphasis on 
understanding. I remember banging my head against the wall trying to figure out 
what the author of the white paper was trying to say. Worse, I couldn’t find a 
good resource that explained the paper. So I banged my head a bit more, and 
finally I got it. And then I thought I would help others. So I drew some 
diagrams, animated them, and recorded myself going over them. That was [my 
first screencast](

This first step in education was enough to make me want to do more. I started 
making more of these videos, and started writing more articles about 
cryptography on this blog (today totaling more than 500 articles).

[we want to know]

I realized early that diagrams were extremely helpful to understand complicated 
concepts, and that strangely most resources in the field shied away from them.

For example, anyone in cryptography who thinks about AES-CBC would immediately 
think about the following wikipedia diagram:

[aes cbc]

So here I was, trying to explain everything I learned, and thinking hard about 
what sorts of simple diagrams could easily convey these complex ideas. That’s 
when I started thinking about a book, years and years before [Manning 
Publications]( would reach out to me with a book deal.

The applied cryptographer curriculum

I hadn’t started cryptography due to a long-life passion. I had finished a 
bachelor in theoretical mathematics and didn’t know what was next for me. I had 
also been programming my whole life, and I wanted to reconcile the two. 
Naturally, I got curious about cryptography, which seemed to have the best of 
both world, and started reading the different books at my disposal. I quickly 
discovered my life's calling.

Some things were annoying me though. In particular, the long introductions that 
would start with history. I was only interested in the technicalities, and 
always had been. I swore to myself, if I ever wrote a book about cryptography, 
I would not write a single line on Vigenère ciphers, Caesar ciphers, and others.

And so after applying to the masters of Cryptography at the university of 
Bordeaux, and obtaining a degree in the subject, I thought I was ready for the 
world. Little did I know. What I thought was a very applied degree actually 
lacked a lot on the real world protocols I was about to attack. I had spent a 
lot of time learning about the mathematics of elliptic curves, but nothing 
about how they were used in cryptographic algorithms. I had learned about 
LFSRs, and ElGamal, and DES, and a series of other cryptographic primitives 
that I would never see again.

When I started working in the industry at Matasano, which then became NCC 
Group, my first gig was to audit [OpenSSL]( (the most 
popular TLS implementation). Oh boy, did it hurt my brain. I remember coming 
back home every day with a strong headache. What a clusterfuck of a library. I 
had no idea at the time that I would years later become a co-author of TLS 1.3.


But at that point I was already thinking: this is what I should have learned in 
school. The knowledge I’m getting now is what would have been useful to prepare 
me for the real world. After all, I was now a security practitioner specialized 
in cryptography. I was reviewing real-world cryptographic applications. I was 
doing the job that one would wish they had after finishing a cryptography 
degree. I implemented, verified, used, and advised on what cryptographic 
algorithms to use.

This is the reason I’m the first reader of the book I’m writing. This is what I 
would have written to my past self in order to prepare me for th

Julian Assange: A Wanted Man - ARTE Reportage - Watch the full documentary | ARTE

2020-08-09 Thread jim bell

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-09 Thread Karl
To explain: left-wingers don't hire people to market politics to
communities.  My native language is not English so much as x86 assembler, I
know that Black slavery is _ongoing_, and I can introduce anyone to other
people with the same situation, where each person is _new_, until I die,
with ease.  The words of these people are being suppressed by harm.  We're
really powerful, we're just kind and understanding and usually have lots of
friends to support us when our lives are destroyed by an easy to track
political mafia.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2020, 7:54 PM Karl  wrote:

> James, I enjoy relating across culture bounds, but part of our JOBS here
> is PROTECTING people from misleading information, and I am tasked with
> doing this too.
> Please let people make their own decisions and if you are aware of sharing
> biased information, please inhibit this share.
> Really when the flurry is too large I'll be looking for ways to make the
> area look more open to dialogue that I can come up with when taxed and
> confused, and that may come down to trying to tax the people or groups
> expressing overly-biased information somehow.  My "superiors" can change
> this behavior if there is reason to do so.
> K
> -
> There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
> group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
> responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
> people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
> masse, for profit.
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2020, 8:56 PM  wrote:
>> On 2020-08-08 08:13, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>> > On Sat, 8 Aug 2020 07:38:02 +1000
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> On 2020-08-07 07:12, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
>> >>> Sorry James, the topic was slaves in the US, not in africa,
>> >>
>> >> The question is, who enslaved them?
>> >
>> >   and the answer is : jew-kristian white criminals like you,
>> Like Karl making up his own present day reality which is the complete
>> reverse of easily observed reality
>> You make up your own history.
>> Blacks were the primary slavers, whites the primary, indeed only,
>> emancipators.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-09 Thread Karl
James, I enjoy relating across culture bounds, but part of our JOBS here is
PROTECTING people from misleading information, and I am tasked with doing
this too.

Please let people make their own decisions and if you are aware of sharing
biased information, please inhibit this share.

Really when the flurry is too large I'll be looking for ways to make the
area look more open to dialogue that I can come up with when taxed and
confused, and that may come down to trying to tax the people or groups
expressing overly-biased information somehow.  My "superiors" can change
this behavior if there is reason to do so.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2020, 8:56 PM  wrote:

> On 2020-08-08 08:13, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > On Sat, 8 Aug 2020 07:38:02 +1000
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On 2020-08-07 07:12, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> >>> Sorry James, the topic was slaves in the US, not in africa,
> >>
> >> The question is, who enslaved them?
> >
> >   and the answer is : jew-kristian white criminals like you,
> Like Karl making up his own present day reality which is the complete
> reverse of easily observed reality
> You make up your own history.
> Blacks were the primary slavers, whites the primary, indeed only,
> emancipators.

Re: Whites going ape for Blacks in the US shithole

2020-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 10:27:46AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 07:13:59PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > On Sat, 8 Aug 2020 07:38:02 +1000
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > On 2020-08-07 07:12, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > > Sorry James, the topic was slaves in the US, not in africa, 
> > > 
> > > The question is, who enslaved them?
> > 
> > and the answer is : jew-kristian white criminals like you, who else? 
> > Not only blacks were 'imported'(and enslaved) by white slave dealers, black 
> > slaves were also 'bred' in the US. 
> Why do you say Jews are "white"?

Because, the slave traders, who ran the slave ships, were Jewish.

And the first slaves shipped into America were Irish.  Irish are "Euro"/white.  
Jews want to be seen as white for some reason I don't fully understand.

> >
> > 
> > of course, slavery is explicitly acknowledged in your US cuntstitution
> > 
> > "The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now 
> > existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the 
> > Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax 
> > or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for 
> > each Person." 
> > 
> > 'importation' of persons done by white slave dealers. And after 
> > 'importation' was 'banned', breeding. 
> > 

Blockchain Empowers Social Resistance and Terrorism Through Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

2020-08-09 Thread jim bell

Journal of Strategic SecurityVolume 13 Number 1 Article 3
 Blockchain Empowers Social Resistance and Terrorism Through Decentralized 
Autonomous  Organizations
Armin KrishnanEast Carolina University, 

Follow this and additional works at: 
41-58 Recommended CitationKrishnan, Armin. "Blockchain Empowers Social 
Resistance and TerrorismThrough Decentralized Autonomous Organizations." 
Journal of StrategicSecurity 13, no. 1 (2020) : 41-58.DOI: at: 

"A new decentralized Silk Road for illicit goods and content could appear atany 
time that uses smart contracts to manage orders, to accept and releasepayments, 
and to deduct a founders’ fee, without the need of the operatorsto leave behind 
many digital fingerprints, if any at all. It might beimpossible to shut down a 
blockchain-based Silk Road, especially if itsnodes were numerous and spread 
across multiple jurisdictions.48Obviously, blockchain and smart contracts would 
also lend themselves tothe use for blackmail and for dead hand switches that 
automaticallyrelease content based on pre-programmed conditions. For example, 
if acertain transaction on the blockchain has not taken place at a 
specificpoint of time, it can trigger the smart contract function, which 
executes aprogram. 
"One can also imagine the use of a DAO to facilitate an anonymousassassination 
market, which is a concept originally proposed by anarchistJim Bell in his 1994 
essay “Assassination Politics.” Bell wrote, “While it'scomparatively easy to 
“get away with murder,” it’s a lot harder to rewardthe person who does it, and 
that person is definitely taking a serious risk.’49 His solution is an 
anonymous assassination market, where individualscan anonymously contribute 
funds for the assassination of a celebrity to alegal organization and whoever 
guesses the correct death date of thecelebrity receives all the money donated. 
A high enough fee for making abet would discourage contributors from making 
random guesses. As thecontributions increase, so would the incentives for 
somebody to kill theunpopular celebrity and collect the money.
 "In the blockchain age a smart contract can govern such an arrangement.The 
assassin could be confident that the sponsoring organization willmake the 
payment for a correct bet and would be able to collect the moneyin an anonymous 
fashion. An anonymous vote by all contributors couldestablish whether the 
celebrity has died and could automatically releaseaccumulated funds to the 
correct guesser. 
"According to a report by Vice,people already use the prediction platform Augur 
to make bets on “thedeaths of public figures, including Betty White, Donald 
Trump, Jeff Bezos,and Warren Buffett.”50 The practical advantage of an 
assassination marketfor those participating is that it creates legal challenges 
as to whetherJournal of Strategic Security, Vol. 13, No. 
1 a bet constitutes the 
incitement of murder and also who could becharged with it in case of a large 
number of people contributing money tothe cause of compensating somebody who 
makes a correct prediction. 
Blockchain-Enabled Political Revolutions 
"During the Arab Spring small groups of activists could mobilize the 
massesagainst the respective government through tweets, Facebook posts, andtext 
messaging. The Egyptian government became so desperate at onepoint that they 
temporarily shut down the Internet and mobile servicesnation-wide on January 
28, 2011 to prevent the coordination ofanticipated mass protests.51 After the 
Arab Spring, many authoritariangovernments cracked down on social media and 
NGOs. Major social mediaplatforms and search engines, most importantly 
Facebook, Twitter, andGoogle now face strong political demands to police 
content under thethreat of onerous regulation and fines. Peter Singer and 
EmersonBrooking have pointed out that the social media companies have 
assumedthe functions of government and that “they are now grappled 
withintractable political problems,” adding that the problems are of “the 
kind[that are] always destined to leave a portion of its 
[end of partial quote]

Re: Cryptoanarchism writecode vs SJW style methods [re: mentions child gangs slave in source]

2020-08-09 Thread Karl
On Sun, Aug 9, 2020, 5:13 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> Most opensource project issue trackers now experiencing same.
> Master/slave? Some internet forums are, discussing that surely
> tickets must now too be filed across all OSS projects demanding
> removal some of the newly approved words (and even more old ones
> not yet found analysed and latched on by triggersphere) such as
> 'dependant',
> 'dependency', 'child', etc for being say extremely debilitating triggers
> regarding many peoples and nations former status and horrible experiences
> while as such or under such authoritarian forces, and are noting oddity
> why SJWs are not filing those tickets too, opening possible reality their
> raging being symptom apparent that maybe need therapy, some love puddles,
> attention at their time to address some self issues on those words... or
> not.
> What is the word graph there among the various camps. As they saying, who
> knows.
> But does seem they forgot to destroy some devices in their PC's first
> to set proper example.
> Now they know and can stage protest showcasing their action therein to
> youtube.
> And must destroy whole PC too because the firmware, CPU, manufacturers are
> all littered with such words... their entire machine is one big
> trigger baked in silicon ;)
>  Carlin on the matter
>  Simpsons pressure to signal
> Of far more important matter to this forum...
> Remember, authoritarians also deploying some of the same SJW
> style methods to condition you susceptible so that you will remove
> strong crypto, decentralization, privacy, p2p, anonymity,
> cryptocurrency, distributed voluntary cooperation, etc...
> the very cypherpunk cryptoanarchism... from your code.
> Be aware of that, don't fall susceptible,
> continue writing the cypherpunk code of cryptoanarchism.
> May it yield a more free peaceful forceless loving world.
> "
> I strongly suspect the people who are pushing for these things
> fall into two camps. The first camp are people who genuinely want to
> control the language, and by proxy, thought. These are very dangerous
> people and should be resisted at all times.

I have never experienced danger of any kind from people who try to reduce
triggering language (which is not the only thing going on).  The word
"trigger" is from professional therapy practices for _victims_ of excessive

The second camp are people
> who genuinely want to do something so they can be a part of this
> current trend and feel like they are participating in a meaningful
> way. These are ordinary decent people, but are certainly influenced by
> the bluster and actions of the first camp.
> Here's the thing, though. If you're in the second camp, your
> actions will not save you from the first camp. The authoritarians in
> the first camp are fundamentally about control, and if you stand in

We must resist control by not choosing sides, and I erred by not providing
a third option of mediating between the two sides, in my previous email.
It takes more energy to mediate; it might be good to safely centralize the
effort somehow of not choosing sides.

their way, your past actions will mean nothing. Anything less than
> complete subservience to whatever ideology is currently in vogue in
> the first camp, is treated as a viral attack and is stamped out with
> extreme prejudice. Your past capitulation will not serve you in the
> future.
> Nobody--at least nobody with a lick of sense or
> proportion--actually thinks that changing "master/slave" to something
> else will accomplish anything of substance or real value. It's

Adding a little acknowledgement to the reference could show enslaved people
who stumble upon a word they can never ignore, that freedom exists.

> more than a publicity stunt to demonstrate that you are not like those
> people over there, the racists. It's a signal of your adherence to the
> new narrative, nothing more. The authoritarians in the first camp will
> acknowledge your signal, and they now know that later you will be more
> likely to accept the next click on the ratchet. Make no mistake,
> however; when they ratchet it too far for you, nothing you did in the
> past will save you.
> It's the behavior of cults, and used to great effect at
> controlling behavior. What's surprising is how many tech people are
> susceptible to it.
> "

Re: Cryptoanarchism writecode vs SJW style methods [re: mentions child gangs slave in source]

2020-08-09 Thread Karl
This appears to be mostly about wording of computer terms, not ongoing
human trafficking which I am passionate about and overlaps with software.
I only read the first link.

One way to handle the referenced issue quickly is to place a prominent
message in support or not in support of Black Lives Matter in the project,
and if in support ask Black Lives Matter to come together to express an
opinion on the details.

I have not managed to return to the other threads I am participating in
yet.  Sorry.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2020, 5:13 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> Most opensource project issue trackers now experiencing same.
> Master/slave? Some internet forums are, discussing that surely
> tickets must now too be filed across all OSS projects demanding
> removal some of the newly approved words (and even more old ones
> not yet found analysed and latched on by triggersphere) such as
> 'dependant',
> 'dependency', 'child', etc for being say extremely debilitating triggers
> regarding many peoples and nations former status and horrible experiences
> while as such or under such authoritarian forces, and are noting oddity
> why SJWs are not filing those tickets too, opening possible reality their
> raging being symptom apparent that maybe need therapy, some love puddles,
> attention at their time to address some self issues on those words... or
> not.
> What is the word graph there among the various camps. As they saying, who
> knows.
> But does seem they forgot to destroy some devices in their PC's first
> to set proper example.
> Now they know and can stage protest showcasing their action therein to
> youtube.
> And must destroy whole PC too because the firmware, CPU, manufacturers are
> all littered with such words... their entire machine is one big
> trigger baked in silicon ;)
>  Carlin on the matter
>  Simpsons pressure to signal
> Of far more important matter to this forum...
> Remember, authoritarians also deploying some of the same SJW
> style methods to condition you susceptible so that you will remove
> strong crypto, decentralization, privacy, p2p, anonymity,
> cryptocurrency, distributed voluntary cooperation, etc...
> the very cypherpunk cryptoanarchism... from your code.
> Be aware of that, don't fall susceptible,
> continue writing the cypherpunk code of cryptoanarchism.
> May it yield a more free peaceful forceless loving world.
> "
> I strongly suspect the people who are pushing for these things
> fall into two camps. The first camp are people who genuinely want to
> control the language, and by proxy, thought. These are very dangerous
> people and should be resisted at all times. The second camp are people
> who genuinely want to do something so they can be a part of this
> current trend and feel like they are participating in a meaningful
> way. These are ordinary decent people, but are certainly influenced by
> the bluster and actions of the first camp.
> Here's the thing, though. If you're in the second camp, your
> actions will not save you from the first camp. The authoritarians in
> the first camp are fundamentally about control, and if you stand in
> their way, your past actions will mean nothing. Anything less than
> complete subservience to whatever ideology is currently in vogue in
> the first camp, is treated as a viral attack and is stamped out with
> extreme prejudice. Your past capitulation will not serve you in the
> future.
> Nobody--at least nobody with a lick of sense or
> proportion--actually thinks that changing "master/slave" to something
> else will accomplish anything of substance or real value. It's nothing
> more than a publicity stunt to demonstrate that you are not like those
> people over there, the racists. It's a signal of your adherence to the
> new narrative, nothing more. The authoritarians in the first camp will
> acknowledge your signal, and they now know that later you will be more
> likely to accept the next click on the ratchet. Make no mistake,
> however; when they ratchet it too far for you, nothing you did in the
> past will save you.
> It's the behavior of cults, and used to great effect at
> controlling behavior. What's surprising is how many tech people are
> susceptible to it.
> "

Inverse: The big future of satellite internet just took a promising step forward

2020-08-09 Thread jim bell
Inverse: The big future of satellite internet just took a promising step 

Cryptoanarchism writecode vs SJW style methods [re: mentions child gangs slave in source]

2020-08-09 Thread grarpamp

Most opensource project issue trackers now experiencing same.

Master/slave? Some internet forums are, discussing that surely
tickets must now too be filed across all OSS projects demanding
removal some of the newly approved words (and even more old ones
not yet found analysed and latched on by triggersphere) such as 'dependant',
'dependency', 'child', etc for being say extremely debilitating triggers
regarding many peoples and nations former status and horrible experiences
while as such or under such authoritarian forces, and are noting oddity
why SJWs are not filing those tickets too, opening possible reality their
raging being symptom apparent that maybe need therapy, some love puddles,
attention at their time to address some self issues on those words... or not.
What is the word graph there among the various camps. As they saying, who knows.

But does seem they forgot to destroy some devices in their PC's first
to set proper example.
Now they know and can stage protest showcasing their action therein to youtube.
And must destroy whole PC too because the firmware, CPU, manufacturers are
all littered with such words... their entire machine is one big
trigger baked in silicon ;)  Carlin on the matter  Simpsons pressure to signal

Of far more important matter to this forum...

Remember, authoritarians also deploying some of the same SJW
style methods to condition you susceptible so that you will remove
strong crypto, decentralization, privacy, p2p, anonymity,
cryptocurrency, distributed voluntary cooperation, etc...
the very cypherpunk cryptoanarchism... from your code.

Be aware of that, don't fall susceptible,
continue writing the cypherpunk code of cryptoanarchism.
May it yield a more free peaceful forceless loving world.

I strongly suspect the people who are pushing for these things
fall into two camps. The first camp are people who genuinely want to
control the language, and by proxy, thought. These are very dangerous
people and should be resisted at all times. The second camp are people
who genuinely want to do something so they can be a part of this
current trend and feel like they are participating in a meaningful
way. These are ordinary decent people, but are certainly influenced by
the bluster and actions of the first camp.

Here's the thing, though. If you're in the second camp, your
actions will not save you from the first camp. The authoritarians in
the first camp are fundamentally about control, and if you stand in
their way, your past actions will mean nothing. Anything less than
complete subservience to whatever ideology is currently in vogue in
the first camp, is treated as a viral attack and is stamped out with
extreme prejudice. Your past capitulation will not serve you in the

Nobody--at least nobody with a lick of sense or
proportion--actually thinks that changing "master/slave" to something
else will accomplish anything of substance or real value. It's nothing
more than a publicity stunt to demonstrate that you are not like those
people over there, the racists. It's a signal of your adherence to the
new narrative, nothing more. The authoritarians in the first camp will
acknowledge your signal, and they now know that later you will be more
likely to accept the next click on the ratchet. Make no mistake,
however; when they ratchet it too far for you, nothing you did in the
past will save you.

It's the behavior of cults, and used to great effect at
controlling behavior. What's surprising is how many tech people are
susceptible to it.

Great Firewalls: Watching Blocking Censoring Disappearing You with Loving Oppression

2020-08-09 Thread grarpamp

Present in and coming to your own countries soon...

Re: [TLS] Possible blocking of Encrypted SNI extension in China
David Fifield  Fri, 07 August 2020 23:56 UTC

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 03:45:48PM +, onoketa wrote:
> The Great Firewall of China may have identified and blocked
> Cloudflare's ESNI implementation.
> I have found that when using a TLS client hello with ESNI extension to
> connect to servers behind Cloudflare's CDN, the connection will be cut
> off after the whole TLS handshake is done. And then that IP address
> will be blocked at the TCP level for several minutes.

There is now a detailed written report on the new phenomenon of ESNI
blocking in China. It was produced by a collaboration of researchers
from Geneva (, GFW Report (,
and iYouPort ( (Chinese)

Here are some of the points most likely to be of interest to this group:
 * The detector is not merely matching on the lack of plaintext SNI; it
   is specifically looking for the ESNI extension 0xffce.
 * The ESNI detector only matches the ESNI encrypted_server_name
   extension 0xffce (draft-ietf-tls-esni-00 through -06), not the ECH
   extensions encrypted_client_hello 0xff02, ech_nonce 0xff03,
   outer_extension 0xff04 (draft-ietf-tls-esni-07).
 * The encrypted_server_name extension has to be syntactically correct;
   the detector is not just looking for the byte patter ff cc.
 * Once an ESNI-containing ClientHello is detected, the firewall drops
   packets in the client→server direction for 120 or 180 seconds.
 * The detector runs on all TCP ports, not just 443.

This short payload is sufficient to trigger blocking:
Python code to generate this payload is appended to this message.

Most of the functions of the Great Firewall work bidirectionally, and
the ESNI detection and blocking are no exception. Sending an
ESNI-containing ClientHello from *outside* of China to a server
*inside* results in temporary blocking, just the same as sending one
from the inside to the outside. This makes it easy to experiment with,
even if you don't control a host in China.

To experience ESNI blocking for yourself, choose a responsive TCP port
in China (doesn't have to be port 443), for example Begin a TCP ping to the port, for example using
one of these commands:
hping3 -S -p 80
nping -4 -c 0 --tcp-connect -p 80
Then send the trigger payload:
| nc -4 -v 80
The TCP pings will stop receiving replies for 120 or 180 seconds, then
will start back up again.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Generates a small TLS ClientHello that trigger's the GFW's ESNI detector.
# Writes output to the file minimal.bin.

import struct

from scapy.all import *
from scapy.layers.tls.all import *

def var(ceiling, data):
if ceiling < 256:
fmt = ">B"
elif ceiling < 65536:
fmt = ">H"
raise ValueError(ceiling)
return struct.pack(fmt, len(data)) + data

def encrypted_server_name(suite, group, key_exchange, record_digest,
return struct.pack(">HH", suite, group) \
+ var(65535, key_exchange) \
+ var(65535, record_digest) \
+ var(65535, encrypted_sni)

clienthello = TLS(
msg = TLSClientHello(
gmt_unix_time = 0x5b72616e, # "[ran"
random_bytes = b"domrandomrandomrandomrandom]",
ciphers = [],
ext = [
# The GFW detector requires a syntactically valid
# server_name_extension, but the actual values it contains may be
# nonsense. Here we use a CipherSuite of 0x5375 ("Su"), a NamedGroup
# of 0x4772 ("Gr"), and zero-length key_exchange, record_digest, and
# encrypted_sni.
val=encrypted_server_name(0x5375, 0x4772, b"", b"", b"")),


FILENAME = "minimal.bin"
open(FILENAME, "wb").write(bytes(clienthello))
print("output written to {}".format(FILENAME))

how a federal contractor secretly puts government tracking software into hundreds of mobile apps.

2020-08-09 Thread jim bell

* A new report exposes how a federal contractor secretly puts government 
tracking software into hundreds of mobile apps.
* The data gleaned from this tracking is then sold back to the US 
government for undisclosed purposes.
* This tactic is deceptive because the tracking isn’t disclosed. However, 
it appears to be totally legal.

 new report today from The Wall Street Journal exposes yet another concerning 
development when it comes to mobile phone tracking. According to the report, at 
least one federal contractor puts government tracking software in over 500 
mobile applications.
The contractor — a Virginia-based company called Anomaly Six LLC — pays mobile 
developers to include its in-house tracking code within their apps. The 
trackers then collect anonymized data from our phones and Anomaly Six 
aggregates that data and sells it to the US government.
It sounds crazy, but it’s happening. What’s more, it appears it’s totally legal.

Government tracking: What you need to know
The report from The Wall Street Journal makes it clear that the tracking 
software from Anomaly Six appears in over 500 mobile applications. However, 
Anomaly Six would not disclose the apps with which it has partnerships. The WSJ 
was unable to glean this information through other methods.
One would assume you could dive into the terms of service agreements of popular 
apps and find references to Anomaly Six. That would be a waste of time, though, 
because app developers don’t need to disclose the Anomaly Six tracker to users. 
Therefore, you could have one or even dozens of apps with Anomaly Six’s 
government tracking code and you would have no idea.
[end of partial quote]

Inverse: The big future of satellite internet just took a promising step forward

2020-08-09 Thread jim bell
Inverse: The big future of satellite internet just took a promising step 

Re: Israel's "Middle East, secured!" campaign continues - [PEACE]

2020-08-09 Thread Zig the N.g
Lebanon is one of General Wesley Clark’s notorious 7 countries in 5 years:

, as Pepe Escobar points out:

   Who Profits from the Beirut Tragedy

along with a surprisingly identical bomb after effect of a new bomb tested by 
Israel in Syria in January 2020:
   Israël détruit Beyrouth-Est avec une arme nouvelle
   par Thierry Meyssan

[in French - see escobar's piece for a summaly in English, but see that link 
for images comparing and showing the high similarity of the blast effects of 
these two bombs]

Speaking of wicked webs...

Lots more datails in the Escobar's "Who profits" article.

On Wed, Aug 05, 2020 at 11:22:09AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> Our collective condolences to the (yet to be assessed) hundreds of Lebanese 
> who have recently lost their lives.
>'It's Like Hiroshima': Terrifying Seismic Shock From Blast Devastates 
> Beirut
>   ... Lebanese Prime Minister says Beirut explosions caused by an 
> estimated 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 6 years in a 
> warehouse
>  hypothetical postulations of an intense, sad and altogether unfortunate 
> situation>
> There is something remarkably short sighted about the Israelis - they seem to 
> imagine that the following are simultaneously true:
>  1) That Americans will believe that "securing the Lebanese-Israeli border" 
> is the USA's #1 national priority.
>  2) That creating such "friendly" relations with __Israel's immediate 
> geographical neighbours__, is somehow a good thing.
> Go figure, muh j.gger wh.iggers…
> And a message to the Lebanese: it seems you may have missed the memo that 
> EVERYBODY needs to clean up their back yard.  As in "Are you firetrucking 
> serious, you _really_ left 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate left unsecured for 
> 6 years in a warehouse" ???!!?!
> Speaking about off your nut, I guess you decided that leaving such low 
> hanging fruit around was too much effort to do anything about?
>   A note to the entire fricken world, since everybody seems to have missed 
> the memo:
> (2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, in ONE warehouse, in downtown $MAJOR_CITY??  
> Please!  This is nothing but negligence of the first order!)
> and before you can even say "boo", Trump is running round like an Israeli 
> parliamentarian on crack desperately trying to implicate America in "securing 
> the Israeli-Lebanese relationship":
>Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind" 
> After Briefed By Generals
>   .. Trump says military experts tell him Beirut blast a 'bomb of some 
> kind'.
>   .. Trump said he had been briefed by “our great generals” and that they 
> “seem to feel” that the explosion was not an accident.
>   .. "It was a bomb of some kind, yes" — he emphasized when questioned on 
> it.
> How can such statements of "feeling" be useful on almost any view?  Sometimes 
> Trump ought consider that when he speaks WITH HIS GENERALS, perhaps he should 
> ACTUALLY ASK THEM what they think might be worth communicating to the public, 
> BEFORE communicating with the public.  If he really believes that they are 
> "great generals", surely he should seek their advice a little more?  One 
> imagines that the generals may finally have had a wake up call that Trump 
> tends to tweet out the other ear, what comes in the one ear...  better late 
> than never I guess (that the generals realise Trump's nature).
> At least both Isreal and Hesbollah seem to be both in agreement _and_ in 
> totally unequivocal denial that this was any sort of "security related 
> incident":
>Israeli military sources tell Israeli 10 News reporter:
>Israel didn't bomb Beirut.
>The explosion did not occur in a Hezbollah weapons depot.
>This was not a security-related event.
>— Elizabeth Tsurkov (@Elizrael) August 4, 2020
> There is certainly no doubt that a few thousand tons of "ammonium nitrate 
> left unsecured for 6 years" may well have experienced degredation in the 
> storage and or electrical cables in the warehouse - on this planet we have 
> these things called rats, and mice, and other critters which sometimes gnaw 
> through electrical cables (and data cables, and some cables which carry both 
> power and data) and cause problems, also vessels (especially metal, but also 
> plastic) can have problems too (s

Re: A question about Pegasus

2020-08-09 Thread Stefan Claas
grarpamp wrote:
> On 8/9/20, Stefan Claas  wrote:
> > after watching Mr Snowden's YouTube video and reading the following
> > article,
> > I was wondering if a factory reset and a new SIM card would be good enough,
> > or should a compromised mobile device no longer been used and instead one
> > should buy a new one with a new SIM card?
> >
> >
> >
> Assume that malware can exploit phone to write
> itself to flash in way that persist beyond "factory reset".
> Many phones ship from factory with malware already
> loaded in form of branded manufacturer and/or carrier apps,
> and various other "partner" and sketchy / unknown crap.
> Reset does not remove those either.
> Assume States, carriers, stingrays, SDR's can all track a
> phones IMEI and SIM and do baseband / SMS control attacks OTA.
> Consider at least iOS or AndroidOne.
> See also non iRoid feature / flip phones.
> Then your own stripped android compile install, no Gapps, etc.
> Then Purism / Librem style phones running Linux / BSD.
> Then laptops... voice apps, p2p overlays.
> Then SDR phones, RF comms.
> Then no phones.
> Or just get rid of the State, and don't buy from Corps
> selling closed / insecure garbage.
> Depending on your threat case, some of those may
> be enough to help avoid new phone / SIM.

Thanks a lot for your advise, much appreciated!

I will study the options.


my 'hidden' service gopherhole:

Re: A question about Pegasus

2020-08-09 Thread grarpamp
On 8/9/20, Stefan Claas  wrote:
> after watching Mr Snowden's YouTube video and reading the following
> article,
> I was wondering if a factory reset and a new SIM card would be good enough,
> or should a compromised mobile device no longer been used and instead one
> should buy a new one with a new SIM card?

Assume that malware can exploit phone to write
itself to flash in way that persist beyond "factory reset".

Many phones ship from factory with malware already
loaded in form of branded manufacturer and/or carrier apps,
and various other "partner" and sketchy / unknown crap.
Reset does not remove those either.

Assume States, carriers, stingrays, SDR's can all track a
phones IMEI and SIM and do baseband / SMS control attacks OTA.

Consider at least iOS or AndroidOne.
See also non iRoid feature / flip phones.
Then your own stripped android compile install, no Gapps, etc.
Then Purism / Librem style phones running Linux / BSD.
Then laptops... voice apps, p2p overlays.
Then SDR phones, RF comms.
Then no phones.
Or just get rid of the State, and don't buy from Corps
selling closed / insecure garbage.

Depending on your threat case, some of those may
be enough to help avoid new phone / SIM.

> gopher://iria2xobffovwr6h.onion

Re: States of Liberation - Tech re: Harvard launches contact tracing app

2020-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Aug 09, 2020 at 03:27:59AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> Central tracking authority forces, databases recording lives,
> control switches over you, CBDC's, democracy machines...
> "Liberation" "technology"? This?!?! ... Lol.

One thing Juan consistently got right…

> Without educating and rising up a state of liberation first,

The primary state of liberation must begin within the individual, to acknowlege 
a right, then, for this to be meaningful in this world, this must extend to one 
or another action, in this world, an action which is the living of that right, 
in the face of the world's governments saying "no, that's illegal".

To handle ones fellow humans, be mindful of their expectation that you take 
your duty of care to them, seriously, as in driving safely, not putting others 
or their property at risk etc.

> naught is left but to weep for yourselves,
> as they whip you with your own tools you created shackled around you.

Making any decision to play in this realm of little faith, a none too easy 
question.  Most tech ends up used against our own interests, so we need 
something other than "new tech" - we need something rising within the 

A question about Pegasus

2020-08-09 Thread Stefan Claas
Hi all,

after watching Mr Snowden's YouTube video and reading the following article,
I was wondering if a factory reset and a new SIM card would be good enough,
or should a compromised mobile device no longer been used and instead one
should buy a new one with a new SIM card?

my 'hidden' service gopherhole:

Re: Breaking Defense: GPS Anti-Jam M-Code Takes Two Steps Forward

2020-08-09 Thread grarpamp
On 8/9/20, jim bell  wrote:
> Breaking Defense: GPS Anti-Jam M-Code Takes Two Steps Forward.

GPS has annoying anti-civilian anti-other shutoff modes.
There are three other positioning systems in the sky now.
All readable by one multipurpose SDR backpack.
At least as long as they remain geopolitically
independent and not anti-sat whack'd, Kosmos 2542'd,

For extra fun, unfold your portable tinfoil uplink dish,
plug in SDR backpack, brute force and fuzz the satellite
control channels, reach commandeer god mode, then...

Saturate all the Dish-TV's in Turkey with reruns of the Pope's Xmas Mass.
Deorbit some gifts back to the TLA's front lawns.

Fw: [openzfs/zfs] mentions to 'child gangs' in the source (#10554)

2020-08-09 Thread Zenaan Harkness
- Forwarded message from Zenaan  -

From: Zenaan
To: openzfs/zfs 

Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2020 17:40:14 +1000
Subject: Re: [openzfs/zfs] mentions to 'child gangs' in the source (#10554)

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 05:06:16PM -0700, misterbigstuff wrote:
> wanted to ask people to just remain on-topic for finding a new term to 
> describe gang blocks, if you want to debate the philosophy of it, do so 
> somewhere else.

(And yet, you used the _more_ triggering term "child gangs" in your subject 
line: this is disingenuous by you, and belies that within you is a hidden 
agenda, and an intention which you fail to disclose to us.)

If the leadership falls for this continued attack on rationality, for "the 
benefit of people's feelings", that will be a sad indictment against that 

To put feelings above facts, is to raise into authority he, or she, who brings 
those purported "feelings" to the table as a relevant and significant issue (in 
this case, supposedly, "in relation to a hypothetical developer's lack of 
contributions due to their feelings).

Matthew Ahrens, for whatever reasons, is taking the submission/ politically 
"comfortable" approach of appeasement and submission, bowing low and proferring 
to offer up supplication in the form of "working together" and "communicating 

which is a little sad in the face of the inherently divisive language and 
intentions beinw either wittingly or unwittingly blought to this community.

Matthew I put to you this and mak my words: this is a pure power play, and 
nothing else.  Be deceived at peril.  Your statement in the other thread:

> Some people (myself included) feel that there is a connection, however 
> unintended, between "whitelist/blacklist" and implicit bias / systemic racism.

is misguided, your belief is misguided.

The reason that your opinion is misguided is that there is a connection between 
all language, and all problems.

Indeed, there is an inherent connection between our very existence, and all 
problems in the world, and this is inescapable.

Neutering our language is never the appropriate solution to any problem.

Indeed, neutering the language we use, is not only never an appropriate 
solution, in fact it always, over the medium to long term, exacerbates and 
energizes, the very problems that are proclaimed as 'reduced' by the neutering 
of our language.

The reason(s) that neutering our language in any way, exacerbates the problems 
supposedly 'reduced' by such language neutering, include:

 - All words have roots in our deep past.

 - NO amount of language neutering is EVER accepted as sufficient to remedy 
"the problem" (whatever problem is presented); as there are always more words 
which have problems, including all words used to replace the "old" wolds, since 
it is the "trigger" of being reminded of the very concept (not the word itself) 
which is the (implied/ purported) problem.

 - Those who proclaim "feelings" as the ground for any such change, can and do 
change those feelings over time, and correspondingly increase their demands 
over time.

 - There are hidden intentions behind all attempts to control language, which 
most fail to witness, and which few can even properly name.

 - All concepts still exist, regardless of which word(s) are used to name that 
concept at any point in history.

 - The hidden intentions behind all attemps to control our language, are 
usually unseen until much community and other damage has been done.

 - Mental illness ought never be a foundation on which technical projects make 
technical decisions.

 - Basing any technical decision on any "equality" foundation, rather than on 
technical and competance considerations, damages the product, and damages the 

 - Using the limited resources of a volunteer technical project, to handle the 
issues of mentally ill people, is perhaps unwise.

Unseen virtue signalling, especially towards mentally ill people, is dangerous.

@ahrens , I suggest you carefully consider the following questions, and 
possibly ask them of pourself whilst you're at it:

I suggest the following questions be put to any and all persons who come to the 
OpenZFS/ZoL projects proclaiming to want "inclusiveness" whilst bringing 
divisive issues:

 - Given your statement that you are triggered emotionally by plain words which 
are used in this specific and highly technical context, why do you say that you 
do NOT need professional help?

 - Why do you say that this project, which is both volunteer AND with very 
limited resources, should spend time making changes to accommodate you, when 
you appear to require professional help?

 - Have you ever had a mental illness?

 - Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?

 - If you have never been diagnosed with a mental illness, do you consider that 
you may need professional help, either by a psychiatrist, or a psychologist, or 
by a counsellor?

- End forwarded message -

States of Liberation - Tech re: Harvard launches contact tracing app

2020-08-09 Thread grarpamp
Some saids:

> Tracefi uses the signals phones, laptops, and tablets constantly emit to 
> Harvard’s Wi-Fi infrastructures to gather three pieces of information: a 
> datetime stamp, the signal strength received by Harvard’s Wi-Fi 
> infrastructure, and the MAC address of the mobile device. The system then 
> stores the data for up to 28 days. Harvard will use the Tracefi data to aid 
> contract tracing efforts run by Harvard University Health Services and 
> Harvard University Information Technology by providing information to human 
> contact tracers about the specific whereabouts of infected individuals.

> I was joking with co-workers about the use of ankle bracelets for such
> purposes, but as it turns out some countries and companies are already
> mandating the equivalents!

So as you see, these proposed always become all real, all evil, no joke,
you knew, but you did not rise up to actual liberation at that very moment,
so now you fucked again by the precedents you continue put in...

Central tracking authority forces, databases recording lives,
control switches over you, CBDC's, democracy machines...

"Liberation" "technology"? This?!?! ... Lol.

Without educating and rising up a state of liberation first,
naught is left but to weep for yourselves,
as they whip you with your own tools you created shackled around you.

> how come it’s OK for the DARK SIDE of INTERNET BARONS, all US BASED, to spy 
> on the whole world, but the US President objects to TIKTOK doing the same

> What is the difference between Tik Tok and all the other surveillance 
> capitalism infrastructure? (Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.)

> This is really awful, George Orwell’s and Michel Foucault’s worst
> nightmare: “24x7 ubiquitous surveillance” unless you decide to go
> off-grid and drink Labbatt’s in the Canadian wilderness

You put the GovCorp cameras and radar and drones in the skies,
the sensors and robot dogs in the ground, the ALPR's by the roads,
the RFID in the cardboard beer box, QR serial nums on the cans,
lease deposit rent registration non-allodial of the land to your master,
the phone google maps malware closed CPU GPS in your asspocket,
digital bank logs and KYC and permission and ID and tax (aka: theft)
to ensure it keeps growing bigger worse in all your payments for it all...
these travels, land, beer...

So where, exactly, is this state of liberation you speak of?

Oh Canada, eh? Certainly not!

In some locales right now, one cannot even leave the quarantine checkpoints
you raised, the real walls of imaginary "border" you drew on maps, to travel
your infected dying self out to die free and at peace in the wilderness.

Seems if you desire such non-awful, you must first create
an actual state of liberation, indeed.