Re: of elephants and men, and scumbags

2020-11-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 02:00:09PM +1000, wrote:
> > NOW it's a total fucking waste of time to even respond to garbage like
> > this but I feel the need to point out the Khmer Rouge were empowered by
> > the US government and Pentagram, and certainly weren't "left" of anything.
> > But they ARE the goto diversionary narrative whenever schmucks like this
> > mention the alleged genocide in Vietnam that never occurred in the wake of
> > the US rout-departure
> The left passionately denied the bloodbath in Cambodia as they passionately
> denied the bloodbath in Vietnam:
> They only admitted to the bloodbath when Vietnam successfully invaded Cambodia
> - and only then did they blame it somehow on the Americans.
> Back then when Chomsky and Herman wrote, the left, myself among them, all knew
> that something terrible was happening in Vietnam, though most now claim to
> remember otherwise. Today even Chomsky himself now remembers that no one in
> the press even suggested such a thing [12], though back then two months before
> he and Herman so indignantly complained of the failure to report the bloodbath
> as “missing”. the National Review told us [13]:
> "THE BLOODBATH is motivated not so much by hatred or revenge as by the
> necessity for the Communist system to purge itself of undesirable elements
> From a Marxist viewpoint political purge is a necessity in order to achieve
> political purity, a precondition to the building of socialism. Political
> purity ensures single mindedness, which in turn achieves high efficiency. The
> Vietnamese Communists, as they showed in their conduct of the war, are
> doctrinaire single minded, efficient. But not until all Vietnamese men, women,
> and children think the Communist way will political purity be achieved for the
> new nation as a whole. This is why indoctrination (“re-education” as they call
> it) is of prime importance. For those who are too old or too stubborn to
> change elimination is the only alternative."
> The crimes committed by the North Vietnamese regime against the Vietnamese
> people were smaller than the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge against the
> Cambodians, but for us on the left they were emotionally far more significant.
> When these Vietnamese crimes became known, the reaction of the left was ignore
> the facts, the details and evidence of the accusations, and attack the
> messenger, a reaction that was strikingly inconsistent with our self image as
> the conscience of the world, our image of ourselves as people who cared deeply
> about the welfare of faraway strangers. Today, most of the radical left
> comfortably remember these accusations that they so venomously and savagely
> condemned as never having been made.

Let's hope that that "something terrible" does not come to North America.

Time will tell...

Re: HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 11/17/20 01:34, Karl wrote:
> When I think of this, I'm not thinking of whether technology is good
> or bad.  I am thinking of how easy it is for normal users to have
> their devices compromised by those with the interests of suppression.
> If you're working on something important, which hopefully everyone is,
> you don't really want to be surveilled or secretly influenced by
> people who wouldn't want it to develop.

I agree, and this is perhaps the strongest argument for free software
(in the sense of the GPL), particularly free security and communications

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread Karl

Cecilia Tanaka knows so much about death and lies

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Ohai Sweetie

I was just thinking about you to play ' Dorothy ' in a cypherpunk movie with 
Jim, CJ and myself.

You like Jim and killing so you could be perfect for our " Wizard of Oz ' 
homage. No speaking required.

Let us know when you're available.

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
I went to see Wizard of Oz as part of a double feature with a Tarzan movie. But 
I didn't want to see anything else

after that.  Only other early movie to jolt me like that was ' Hard Days Night 
' with the Beatles. That was like an 

early Parkour movie.  Anyway I grew up to be a robotic ax-man so maybe they'll 
build a statue of me in this 

town, one day!   Wonder if TOTO is a friend of Dorothy's?  CJ?

This could be a great new C-punk Porn movie.  The three musketeer punks do 
cameo's as a scarcrow, lion and tin-man.

We sell autographed pictures.  DVD's.  Copies of summons.

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp
> war by assassination

Speaking of the recommended Assassination Phones you all willingly
carry in your asspocket right next to the bunghole GovCorp loves to
sodomize with its bombs of war and digital tentacalia...

> Its just silly to say Hackers alone created the basis for AP

Every problem begets a solution, every attacker triggers a defense,
history of human nature is to solve problems and raise defenses,
each past version leading to the next optimized and feature commit,
persistant problems and attackers often met with novel solutions.

It will be interesting to see what solutions free humans implement
to defend against the growing assault by [digital / political] dystopia.
They should probably come up with something novel soon,
before it's too late.

> Mitnick was wild - until he went to work for Quantico.
"Twitter on Monday named Peiter Zatko, widely known by his hacker
handle Mudge, to the new position of head of security."

And now Mudge, after looping through DARPA, Google, Stripe
and other agencies, "works for" Twitter as of news today,
no doubt to help shore up their Censor and AI algorithms, GovSpy
relationships, data sales contracts, etc against free human beings.

Cryptocurrency: Theft and Redistribute via Democrat Reparation Plan Adds Extra Fear Input Fueling Recent Bitcoin Rise and US Expats

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp

Biden Adds UC Irvine Reparations Advocate To Transition Team
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Mon, 11/16/2020 - 21:00

Joe Biden has tapped UC Irvine Law professor Mehrsa Baradaran to help
his potential administration "hit the ground running on Day One" as a
member of his Treasury Department agency review team.

Baradaran, as noted by the Washington Free Beacon, "is an outspoken
advocate of reparations for black Americans, both as a means of
correcting "white supremacy" and closing the racial wealth gap."

Notably, Biden and his running-mate Kamala Harrois (D-CA) ignored the
topic of reparations throughout the 2020 election to the point where
Baradaran called Harris out on it over Twitter, writing "Dear Kamala,
Reparations or go home."

Dear Kamala, Reparations or go home.
— Mehrsa Baradaran (@MehrsaBaradaran) June 28, 2019

In December 2019, she wrote during the Democratic primaries that
"Biden just dodged that reparations question like a much nimbler and
younger man."

Biden just dodged that reparations question like a much nimbler
and younger man.
— Mehrsa Baradaran (@MehrsaBaradaran) December 20, 2019

More via the Washington Free Beacon (emphasis ours):

In her 2017 book The Color of Money: Black Banks and the Racial Wealth
Gap, Baradaran argues that closing the racial wealth gap requires
acknowledging past wrongs and providing compensation for damages. "A
reparations program could take many forms from simple cash payments or
baby bonds to more complex schemes such as subsidized college tuition,
basic income, housing vouchers, or subsidized mortgage credit," she
writes. Baradaran's book inspired Netflix to donate $100 million to
organizations that "support Black communities."

Before joining Biden's transition team, Baradaran helped Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I., Vt.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), and former South
Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg on policy proposals to address the racial
wealth gap. Biden, who left reparations out of his racial equity plan,
said he would study the issue. "[Biden] believes that we should gather
the data necessary to have an informed conversation about reparations,
but he has not endorsed a specific bill," a spokeswoman said during
the campaign.

Harris has been similarly noncommittal. "When you are talking about
the years and years and years of trauma that were experienced because
of slavery, because of Jim Crow and because of all that we have seen
in terms of institutional and legal discrimination and racism, this is
very real and it needs to be studied," she said during a CNN town hall
in April 2019.

*  *  *

Reparations could carry an estimated $17 trillion price tag, according
to a 2019 analysis from the House Judiciary Committee on the
Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

Re: GitHub defies RIAA takedown notice, restoring YouTube-dl and starting $1M defense fund

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp
> GitHub defies RIAA takedown notice, restoring YouTube-dl and starting $1M 
> defense fund

Maintainer's repo was not forced to remove them as of 28f9568a8...

When links are removed [potentially as condition of restoration],
that's called "compliance" not "defiance". The music is annoying
played out psych engineered pop propaganda garbage anyway,
so even that alone would be enough reason to remove them.

git diff 28f9568a8   <== nekkid wimmens

Since when does youtube allow naked women as free speech,
but deletes demonetizes and deranks political and other free speech???

> "The entire youtube-dl takedown disaster has been a learning opportunity for 
> GitHub."

And when are GovCorpMedia going to "learn" about free speech?
When Biden gets in office and Frau Kamala prosecutes the Censors,
the FCC (TV Radio), and the BATF (3d printer files)?

Google YouTube, MAFIAA, GovCorp and the rest of
the Social+News censors can all go fuck themselves
and upload their nekkid video of the orgy.

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 07:20:10AM +1000, wrote:
> >> On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
> >>> I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
> > On 11/16/20,  wrote:
> >> Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
> On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
> > Those aren't good people!  They're randomly blaming these other people
> > for things that happened near them.
> Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code
> of conduct.
> Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down
> around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
> If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we
> can see them driving out the good people.  Peoples homes in Detroit did
> not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the
> Debian drama.  Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good
> people.  Bad people did bad things to good people.


Thank you James.

Evil exists within humans, the only question is what we do prior to, during and 
after, both in the face of our own evil, and in the face of the evil of others.

Those with low IQ too often reduce themselves to ever greater attempts to cause 
others to reduce themselves to the same low IQ and sociopathic positions they 
hold, in the face of their own failures and their own failure to do the work 
required to raise their own standard.  Quite pathetic really.

Some such as "professor rat" (with apologies to rats) would gladly see the 
Linuses, RMSes and Debian developers "offed" rather than merely "shunned" 
(literally from "their own" communities which they literally built) as, 
according to these APsters, that's merely 'collateral damage' and as he stated 
a day or three ago, "well worth that price".

Not everyone agrees with this communist/ leftist "not my culture"al cleansing 
(genocide machine) Marxist manifesto of course, but that never stopped the 
massacres - he's right about that part at least: once the rubicon is crossed, 
war literally finds you, personally.

Also note that the "pro rat" high priest of Assassination Politics demands we 
take his creed as the "truth", and his "guaranteed 'good' outcome eventually", 
and he completely ignores the few simple concerns and qustions raised, and 
instead attempted a character assassination on the questioner.

Rather than handle the ball, he attacked the man.

How weak is that...

He failed to even -attempt- to respond meaningfully to any of the 6+1+1=8 
fundamental named fail points/ questions/ concerns, re his "glorified and 
hailed AP" blood revolution "guaranteed to work this time".  Really.

That is, he utterly failed to handle the ball ... of his own conversation!, and 
instead attacked the man who asked a few questions as I did.

In other words instead of even a hint of ANY meaningful response to the 
questions, "professor rat" promptly attacked my character, and soon after 
"apparently" added me, publicly, personally to his "assassinations for which I 
have paid some money towards" list (how true his loud barking is, is anybody's 

This is a classic tactic of sociopaths - attack the man, do not handle the ball 
(even when it's your own) - nothing but pure power and murder as and when 
needed, "the means justifies the ends, please trust me religiously that the 
ends will be good".

Quite pathetic really - demonstrating that he is a bully, a coward, AND an 
intellectual fraud.

... Now queue an even bigger bark about even moar money added to my hitlist 
ledger, from professor rat, now that he is again being called out on his "trust 
me, THIS time the blood letting will FINALLY work, I promise you, really truly 
the revolution has not been properly tried before" bullshit:  please forget Pol 
Pot, ignore the rivers of Bolshevik blood, and don't even -think- about Idi 
Amin - no THIS time the Marxist revolution is going to work, saith Professor 
Rat the High Priest of assassination politics.

Good luck fellow Souls, keep your eyes open, listen carefully, and stay ahead 
of the curve,

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread jim bell
 On Monday, November 16, 2020, 02:59:25 PM PST, professor rat 
 >A quote from All Quiet on the Western Front

>Its just silly to say Hackers alone created the basis for AP

One inspiration for my AP essay was the Wizard of Oz:  Dorothy and her friends 
approach the Wizard, asking for the various things they want.  His response?  
"Bring me the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West, and I'll grant your 
request!".   One of the friends observes, as I recall, 'to do that, we'll have 
to kill her!'.  So, giving a reward for killing a common enemy might have come 
from this.  
Many decades ago, the movie was shown on television, yearly, I think in the 
late fall.  My mother once observed that I first saw it, perhaps when I was 18 
months old, perhaps October 1959.  She said that this showing was the first 
time I'd been quiet for 2 straight hours since I was born.  I probably watched 
that movie for 20 years in a row for the next two decades.  
            Jim Bell

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp

Fourier, the MK4116, Harmine, and Higgs

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp
Today in onesided silly govt activist pundit politician lawyer media

Jack Dorsey claims to be an "Official Source"... What unbiased would look like

Law is still law, sometimes... Biased Activist
officials are untrustworthy
The Clark County Commission just threw out an election that represents
almost 1/6 of the total votes cast in Clark County because there were
too many “discrepancies” to be sure that that the results in that
election can be certain. 153K votes in this election.
Clark County officials do not have confidence in their own election security.
Roderick Waltower of Detroit, Michigan voted in the November election.
His absentee ballot application was received on June 23, and his
ballot was returned on October 19. The only problem? He passed away 13
years ago, in 2007.

Do what you want for yourself, don't be a dick to others, pretty
simple, until Govt gets involved...

Hunter Biden turns up on stage 2020-11-07...

Ilhan Omar fanning the flames for the Violent Left... Klan rallies, every single
multiple time, really?
"Ilhan Omar just compared Trump MAGA rallies to Klan rallies,
is that what "healing the country" is supposed to sound like?"

BLM+Antifa, the paid mercenaries, following their orders all year long...  BLM+Antifa+Dems
Attack Elderly and Children

GovCorp CEO's Raise the Stakes...

Philly Mobster "Skinny Joey Merlino" rakes in 2020 Election Haul...
The innermost circles of the American mafia are abuzz.  The Boss of
the Philly mob — ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino — is taking a victory strut,
hobnobbing around the highest echelons of old-time mafia folk, mostly
in Florida, describing what may have been the heist of the century:
the 2020 presidential election.
The feat is drawing praise from far-flung corners of the Italian
American business community, which sees the thanks of a grateful
administration as key to the revival of the community’s political
But an associate says that Merlino might just be willing to flip on
Joe Biden and the Pennsylvania political operatives who ordered up
some 300,000 election ballots marked for Biden.  The source alleges
that Merlino and a lean team of associates manufactured those ballots
at a rate of $10 per ballot — a whopping $3 million for three days of
work.  They were then packaged into non-descript cardboard boxes and
dropped off outside the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Parse all the words...
"The 2020 US Election was the most secure in history" So are we
saying that we've never had a legitimately elected president?

Just another debate full of win...

At just another rally...

Just more rallies starting up...

Just more censored human beings...

The system was flashing bright red

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
"The threat of terrorism is an inescapable reality of life in the 21st century. 
It is a permanent condition to which America and the entire world must adjust. 
The need for homeland security, therefore, is not tied to any specific 
terrorist threat."

--"Securing the Homeland, Strengthening the Nation" presidential report.

When cypherpunks are called terrorists we will have done our job 

Old cryptoanarchist proverb

Anywhere, anyhow, anytime.

Out of an abundance of caution

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Assuming jamesd may actually be right for once ( and Dave Kinsley! ) the 

are about to descend and murder us all in our beds. 

Every last Austro-Hungarian, Paultard libertarian, Randite moron and Lunar 
Right Proud-Boy

type.  The writing is on the wall - GET OUT OF DODGE! 


Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
James Arsehole DONALD ( snork! )  knows so much about communism from constant 

He is a badly ' recovering ' Trotskycon '  in the tradition of Christopher 
Hitchens and Michael 

Costa ( who became a state Police Minister ) Oh and this ' jamesb' Turd...

Scratch a Trotskyite - find a Stalinist

Cecelia Tanaka knows so much about death and lies

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
She knows this from constant practice with WW2 revisionism. 

Sometimes the subject of doing harm to avoid greater harm comes up in the 

Micro-managerial swine, like James Burnham and James Donald , like to gasbag 

imaginary trollies and so on.  Timewassters gonna waste.

When this sort of sociological crap I'm reminded of the old expression, 

" Oh, you have a moral problem - thank fuck its not a real problem "

And that brings us back to Cecil and her lies about death.  In order to destroy 

chance of a Nazi nuke perfectly innocent Norwegian civilians were slaughtered. 

They even made a Hollywood movie about it starring Kirk Douglas. 

WW2 provides a similar example, on a larger scale, with the perfectly 
justifiable bombings

of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

Since these are all non-controversial its only natural to raise them in 
response to

poorly informed criticism of cryptoanarchy in general and APster in particular.

There is no qualitative difference in these arguments!

And these arguments may persuade any properly instructed jury. 

I rest my case. If people feel spammed by me they are welcome to filter as I 
have already 

filtered several Nazi-type scum on this list ( Gramps, Harkness and Batshit )

Anarchists don't force their views down peoples throats. But at the same time 
NO anarchist

is obliged to respect the free-speech rights of ANY known fascist.  

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-17 05:54, professor rat wrote:
> Nobody has to die

That is what the commies always said before they started murdering the

All this gasbagging about ' bad people ' - meh

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Few cypherpunks here today seem to have heard of Btc yet.  With Btc profits you 
can pledge small amounts 

on the chance to actually get rid of some objectively bad people ( Trump, 
Pooter, Assange, Gates, etc ) 

No more timewasting whining is necessary!

Predict the future you want to see - even a dumbfuck like Gramps can see what 
pred-marts can be.

Get some skin in the game and put some money where your FUCKING BIG MOUTH is!

Its political-economy NOT quantum-fucking-gravity.  Jesus Fucking Christ.

The screams of the wounded echoes in my ears

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
YOU SIR, have made 25 death threats against protected persons when you should 
have only made 15!

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread jamesd
 On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
> I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
>>> On 11/16/20,  wrote:
 Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
>> On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
>>> Those aren't good people!  They're randomly blaming these other people
>>> for things that happened near them.

> On 11/16/20,  wrote:
>> Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code
>> of conduct.

On 2020-11-17 07:24, Karl wrote:
> Open source projects are all targeted.

Social justice killed Nasa and Intel.  Pretty sure Nasa was not targeted

The SLS relies on old rocket parts built long ago that it does not
appear that Nasa can make any more, and Intel shut down its last fab,
and now relies on a Taiwanese owned and run fab.

>> Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down
>> around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.

> The mob bosses set up orders for the police to create conflict between
> those two groups, pretty reliably.

To create conflict between whites and blacks, it suffices for police to
stand back and let blacks be blacks. Observe what happens when a BLM
protest occurs in a black neighborhood.  Gets trashed the same way a
white neighborhood does.  Blacks are dangerous to everyone, and they are
most dangerous to other blacks.  Even a black Harvard professor is
likely to sucker punch you.

Similarly, remember the anti fracking protests and anti pipeline
protests under Obama.  The greenies trashed the wilderness that they
were supposedly there to preserve.

>> If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we
>> can see them driving out the good people. 

> The driving out happens, I just refuse to hold in me that anyone bad
> exists.


We see bad people maliciously hurting good people, as in the recent open
source dramas.

> Some people even identify as being bad people.

No they identify as good people - in order to better attack good people.

But their supposed goodness consists in caring deeply about strangers
far away in places they could not find on a map, which totally justifies
them murdering their mother for the inheritance and cheating their
brother out of his share of the inheritance.

If someone cares deeply about a wilderness he never visits and strangers
far away that he has never met, make sure you have flick knife or a gun
in your pocket.

If you have created something nice, he hates you, and wants to destroy
you and what you created.

When good, smart, hard working, cooperative people get together to
create something good, bad people want in, and if they get in, trouble

A wild bunch of death/violence threats against public figures

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
HEY, That's a CRIME!

You know the USG could have rolled out full blown fascism in 2001-2.  They 

Since 2005 we've essentially won.  The cryptoanarchist victory is here.

Its just not evenly distributed yet ( Great Dismal )

But sure lets stop and say a few words for the deer departed, Thomas Wales...

MAYBE SING A FEW HYMNS!  ( Jesus Fucking Christ )

Some anarchists won't defend propaganda of the deed

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Just as some cypherpunks won't defend cryptoanarchism ( which includes APster )

The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, 
when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and 
this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for himself will 
never value it for others, or put himself to any inconvenience to gain it for 
others. Such a man, the world says, may lie down until he has sense enough to 
stand up ..."

I find these anarchists and cypherpunks so weak and worthless as to be 
undeserving of our good name.

On the anarchist internet no-one knows your disability

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Seeing how CJ, myself and Karl are on a spectrum of psychiatric diagnosis we 
might try

an anti-ablist corner for this list.  Something I've tried to fight in the 
broader anarchist milieu is

this false binary of good street-fighting insurrectionist vs ' doing nothing ' 
online activist.

Truth is netwarfare is the best and most ergonomic weapon we have  and anyone 
who can move 

a cursor can take a leadership position in it. Its by no means second rate!

And psychiatric diagnosis can also provide plausibility since your movement 

may say your violent death threats to strangle Bill Gates was simply a ' cry 
for help '.

Re: HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 11/16/20 17:04, someone who I will refer to as 

Re: HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, Cecilia Tanaka  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2020, 20:09 Karl wrote:
>> I found this valuable message left by a group of people struggling to
>> help.  I think it could help others, too.
> Karl,
> Please, do _not_ feed the coward troll.  Let him starving until learning to
> be a less boring and repetitive spammer, talking only about deaths and
> lies.
> Obs: - Jim Bell is a cutie pie, a real cypherpunk.  When I am talking about
> "JamesD", I call him "Jim" only because of his website.

Thanks for your reminder and the semi-incredible github news.

I did appreciate how p.r. introduced new information with references
at a pace I could read and process.  It is still hard to code while

HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
I found this valuable message left by a group of people struggling to
help.  I think it could help others, too..."

Thank you Karl.  Your help is greatly appreciated. When we're on the ramparts 
of the cyber-equivalent of

Fort Zindernuef we need all hands on deck.  And some-one on the tower.

Re: HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020, 20:09 Karl wrote:
> I found this valuable message left by a group of people struggling to
> help.  I think it could help others, too.


Please, do _not_ feed the coward troll.  Let him starving until learning to
be a less boring and repetitive spammer, talking only about deaths and lies.

Obs: - Jim Bell is a cutie pie, a real cypherpunk.  When I am talking about
"JamesD", I call him "Jim" only because of his website.

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
IF you can make a case for this perp then I might be willing to change it to a 

You seem to think the rotten guilty criminal scumbag fascist pig somehow made 

possible. Okay - prove it.

Armed with ' professor Google ' and your unique insight this ought to be a 

Take your time, too. I want to kill Dorsey first anyway. 

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Its just silly to say Hackers alone created the basis for AP

I'm not interested in defending something that is obviously just a way
to throw dirt on a community mostly unrelated to it..."  - Karl

Jim didn't object violently when I called APster ' the social hack of the 
century ' .  

So I'm not throwing dirt on any hackerspace community. 

I thought it was obvious - I was throwing dirt on a traitor to the hacker cause.

Mitnick was wild - until he went to work for Quantico.

And many great discoveries are co-discoveries - even if Hanson's work was 

Standalone APster

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Crypto-currencies - even when they're worth trillions instead of billions and 
all c-punks will be automatic 

millionaires - will always only ever be a smaller part of a larger 
cryptoanarchist economy.

An important part of our future will also depend on information and 
assassination markets to uphold

law and order.  We can't be distracted by attacks on them of spurious emotional 
grounds. Such as many

peoples natural aversion for charlatans like Sigmund Freud, David Friedman, 
Julian Assmange, Jeff Berwick, Rand Paul, Jeff Tucker 

and similar.  The fact some cypherpunks / cryptoanarchists are carpetbagging 
opportunists and criminals

can't deter us from our lofty goal of a new world order.  This is why we're 
going to  'clean house ' before 

the big launch. Jim did over ten years so I don't want to hear any more small, 
change shit.  We're going 

to make this list live, breathe and JUMP again like it used to. Welcome to the 

GitHub defies RIAA takedown notice, restoring YouTube-dl and starting $1M defense fund

2020-11-16 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
GitHub defies RIAA takedown notice, restoring YouTube-dl and starting $1M
defense fund


Loving.  Caring.  Sharing.  Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our
Hackerspace.  <3
"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your
curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on and do all
you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -  Mae Jemison

Re: HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
I found this valuable message left by a group of people struggling to
help.  I think it could help others, too.


HELP us fight globalized cyber surveillance and geolocation

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Here's one really easy way to fight the ever ratcheting technofascism...


Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> Its just silly to say Hackers alone created the basis for AP

I'm not interested in defending something that is obviously just a way
to throw dirt on a community mostly unrelated to it.

Re: Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> Its simply not true to say AP relied on hackers of any sort

you mentioned earlier

I'm thinking about publicity.

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
At its best, the acceptance of war by assassination is a powerful check on the 
growth and depredations of governments. At its worst, it is a sometimes useful 
tool to avoiding the needless deaths of innocents, i.e., “collateral damage,” 
when nations clash..." - John Filiss - from the 1990's

Reminds me " All quiet on the Western Front " ...nearly a century old work.

“... Kropp on the other hand is a thinker. He proposes that a declaration of 
war should be a kind of popular festival with entrance-tickets and bands, like 
a bull fight. Then in the arena the ministers and generals of the two 
countries, dressed in bathing-drawers and armed with clubs, can have it out on 
themselves. Whoever survives the country wins. That would be much simpler and 
more than just this arrangement, where the wrong people do the fighting...”

Its just silly to say Hackers alone created the basis for AP

Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Its simply not true to say AP relied on hackers of any sort.  Corporate suits 
were working 

on prediction markets from very early on - Sear " Robin Hanson ' . 

Sometimes I wonder if Karl's illness might be effecting his judgement of what 
are true facts 

and what is ' signal ' compared to what is ' noise '.  If he has any friends 
they might want to

arrange an intervention.  

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> No. Anarchism starts less than two centuries ago. 1840's - 1940's - 2040's.
>> Come back around 2044.
> Governments are younger than freedom.
> Hail, hail Freedonia. Assassination politics is not ' war by assassination '
> ( Filiss )

There's short summary at the bottom of that link.  No?  AP isn't?

>>> If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.
>> This makes no sense.
>> Okay - " If you can't stand the heat then get out of the cypherpunk
>> kitchen
>> ".
> This list doesn't seem very cryptopunk nowadays.
> Come back in 2027. I'll have all the old mustache Pete's in a waxworks
> museum by then.

I'm there.  I don't know what this museum is about, but I recognise
one of these moustaches and I'm pretty sure somebody changed it.

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
No. Anarchism starts less than two centuries ago. 1840's - 1940's - 2040's.
> Come back around 2044.

Governments are younger than freedom.

Hail, hail Freedonia. Assassination politics is not ' war by assassination ' ( 
Filiss )

>> If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.
> This makes no sense.
> Okay - " If you can't stand the heat then get out of the cypherpunk kitchen
> ".

This list doesn't seem very cryptopunk nowadays.

Come back in 2027. I'll have all the old mustache Pete's in a waxworks museum 
by then. 

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
> No. Anarchism starts less than two centuries ago. 1840's - 1940's - 2040's.
> Come back around 2044.

Governments are younger than freedom.

>> If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.
> This makes no sense.
> Okay - " If you can't stand the heat then get out of the cypherpunk kitchen
> ".

This list doesn't seem very cryptopunk nowadays.

ELON Musk needs killing ( My 20$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
I noticed poor old Batshit Crazy was feeling left out so I'll give him

this chance to strike a blow against fascism and pass for a real Punk.

Then, after Elon's burial in space, maybe we can finally shut the Gates.

Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat

Looks like he's working on Dictatorsoft as a Rebel..."

Heh he. Could be one of jamesd's bad doods.  

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat

> And the basic idea of politics is to displace and replace all war. Yes?

I'm not aware of that?

How about " War is the continuation of politics by other means " ? Clausewitz.

Or - " Better Jaw, Jaw, Jaw than War War War " - Churchill

> For centuries the words ' democrat ' and ' democracy ' were political
> swear-words.

Why do you mention one political party and not the other?

Its a generalization?  You could read it the same way with ' Republic ' and ' 
Republican ' if you want.

> Now its the turn of  ' anarchy ' and ' anarchist '.

Heads up.  That's centuries old.

No. Anarchism starts less than two centuries ago. 1840's - 1940's - 2040's. 
Come back around 2044.

> If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.

This makes no sense.

Okay - " If you can't stand the heat then get out of the cypherpunk kitchen ".

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Jamesd can't bear to see what happened to Debian and Detroit.  Jesus Fucking 
Christie, What's he going

 to do when all the bad anarchists get here!

Maybe he should have supported APster more back in the early days.  Now he's 
just another blubbering, 

melting, eunuch.  Sad!

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-16 Thread grarpamp
> "If you have a moment, please archive whatever you find because
> these search results will likely be scrubbed soon." !

Another day, another hundred deaths of free speech,
here's a few more... Pirro blasts dems, media, process

Search "melissa carone"... you decide.

Fuck Twitter Facebook Youtube!!!

Thousands of people getting deleted, suspended, censored, labeled,
demonetized, deplatformed, etc... for SPEAKING FREELY.

In every steaming pile of "misinfo" there are gems of truth.

Social Media services cannot be trusted,
archive and redistribute what you see on those services.

Media lies to you, does not want you to see, read, speak, or know.

The word is not "suspended" it's "CENSORED FREE SPEECH"!!!

Twitter just "suspended" this historian, but not yet the
Law Firm representing the Melissa Carone links he tweeted,
nor the President Donald J Trump who retweeted them...
Did Twitter suspend @1776Stonewall? Wasn't he just retweeted by Trump today?
Stonewall Jackson
American History Buff. Patriot. Conservative. Believer In Free
Speech. . . New Parler account is 1776Stonewall
77,411 Tweets 228,929 Following 324,388 Followers Melissa Carone Melissa Carone

Anyone else watch the Showtime miniseries "The Good Lord Bird", on John Brown?
BLM terrorists go after elderly couple
Imagine how many House Seats we REALLY flipped?
Today In History 1777: Continental Congress adopts the Articles Of
Confederation. The Articles was the predecessor to the US
Constitution. Americans didn’t want a Government to take away state
rights, so congress was just 1 house, with each state possessing 1

This morning the Great Lakes Justice Center filed for leave to appeal
and a motion for immediate consideration in the Michigan Court of
Appeals in the Wayne Co. election fraud case. Follow us to stay up to
date on continuing developments…
 Nov 14
While we are disappointed with the court's ruling yesterday, the Great
Lakes Justice Center will be moving forward with our appeal and will
continue to make the case for accountability and transparency in the
voting process through our Wayne Co. election fraud case.
 Nov 12
Thank you again for the opportunity to discuss our case on your program!
 Nov 12
Long-time city of Detroit employee alleges mishandling of potentially
thousands of ballots.
 Nov 12
We were thankful to have had the opportunity to discuss these serious
issues with Shannon Bream this week…
 Nov 12
.@GreatLakesJC alleges "approximately 40,000" unsecured ballots from
suspicious vehicles arrived at Detroit's lone vote-counting facility.
Every one of those ballots, the group says, were "counted orally and
attributed only to Democratic candidates."
 Nov 12
Former MI Sec. of State Ruth Johnson on the need for an independent
audit of the votes in Wayne County.…
 Nov 11
Don't forget, David Kallman will be appearing with @ShannonBream soon
on @FoxNews to discuss the ongoing case concerning vote fraud
allegations in Michigan.
 Nov 11
Great Lakes attorney David Kallman's segment from Lou Dobbs show on
Fox, this evening.…
 Nov 11
Former Michigan Secretary Of State, Ruth Johnson, signed an affidavit
in support of our Wayne County Election lawsuit.…
 Nov 11
Tune in tomorrow night to Let It Rip on @FOX2News to see a discussion
of the lawsuit over alleged voter fraud in Wayne County, MI, with
Great Lakes attorney David Kallman.
 Nov 11
It was a privilege to argue our Wayne County election lawsuit in front
of Judge Kenny today.…
 Nov 11
Attorney David Kallman will be on live with 

Crypto plus anarchy

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Frank Braun, a privacy extremist and a Paralelni Polis old-timer, explains the 
differences between the philosophies. “The cypherpunk movement is about using 
technology to provide more privacy and anonymise interactions; and anarchy 
pushes for personal freedom with minimal or no interference from the state. 
Cryptoanarchy simply brings those two together.”

This is fine up to 1996 - after that it limits our degrees of freedom.  
Cypherpunk revolutionaries fight for 

cryptoanarchism where ' crypto' and ' anarchy' are increasingly seen as just ' 
anarchism ' in its latest

and greatest incarnation since 1936.  Its not just technology now either - 
recent advances in physics and cosmology

strongly indicate a crypto-anarchist universe ( Wheeler - Lloyd - CK Rhodes ) 
and ' anarchy ' can't be read so 

narrowly for us. After all, Bakunin said, " Freedom without anarchism is 
privilege and injustice "

We also don't accept the continued existence of any state ( or theocracy ) 
Frank Braun and his ilk might be

just talking about tax-dodgers playing silly word games devoid of meaning just 
to pass the time.

Perhaps like a ' Good soldier Sjek " only without the wit, charm, good-looks or 

Anyway, these rubber-cZech losers have been warned.  GET OFF OUR FUCKING LAWN.

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20,  wrote:
>>> On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
 I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
>> On 11/16/20,  wrote:
>>> Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
> On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
>> Those aren't good people!  They're randomly blaming these other people
>> for things that happened near them.
> Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code
> of conduct.

Open source projects are all targeted.

> Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down
> around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.

The mob bosses set up orders for the police to create conflict between
those two groups, pretty reliably.

> If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we
> can see them driving out the good people.  Peoples homes in Detroit did

The driving out happens, I just refuse to hold in me that anyone bad
exists. Doing it makes you do things that result in others calling you

> not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the
> Debian drama.  Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good
> people.  Bad people did bad things to good people.

Some people even identify as being bad people.  It means they need rescuing.

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread jamesd
>> On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
>>> I don't see any need to exclude _people_.

> On 11/16/20,  wrote:
>> Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they

On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
> Those aren't good people!  They're randomly blaming these other people
> for things that happened near them.

Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code
of conduct.

Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down
around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.

If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we
can see them driving out the good people.  Peoples homes in Detroit did
not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the
Debian drama.  Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good
people.  Bad people did bad things to good people.

Re: Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> Karl - "... This guy made the first hackerspace!  There'd be no AP without
> people like that! ..."
> Mate, all large revolutions eat their young.  Cryptoanarchy is now a global
> revolution.

Not quite.

> The strong do what they will - the weak suffer what they must - Tacitus


Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> I confess to being excited to see bad guys get murdered. Slow torture is
> more like hard work though.
> And the basic idea of politics is to displace and replace all war. Yes?

I'm not aware of that?

> For centuries the words ' democrat ' and ' democracy ' were political
> swear-words.

Why do you mention one political party and not the other?

> Now its the turn of  ' anarchy ' and ' anarchist '.

Heads up.  That's centuries old.

> If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.

This makes no sense.

Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Karl - "... This guy made the first hackerspace!  There'd be no AP without 
people like that! ..."

Mate, all large revolutions eat their young.  Cryptoanarchy is now a global 

The strong do what they will - the weak suffer what they must - Tacitus

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> Proffr says he's waging a global campaign against capitalism, particularly
> corporations like Monsanto, and police brutality: "I'm not a personally
> violent person. But I'm advocating violence, mostly for effect. (An attack)
> on the environment requires a measured response. That's my measured
> response. It's not everyone's."

There are millions of activists around these issues interested in
finding ways to pursue them, you know.  It's hard to quickly explain
that such a market would reach that goal   there are a lot of ways
to reach various goals 

Re: History of c-punk repression

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> ' that guy ' was me

So how is your guys' targeting going nowadays?

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
I confess to being excited to see bad guys get murdered. Slow torture is more 
like hard work though.

And the basic idea of politics is to displace and replace all war. Yes?

For centuries the words ' democrat ' and ' democracy ' were political 

Now its the turn of  ' anarchy ' and ' anarchist '.

If you can't stand the heat then get off the cryptoanarchist internet.

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
KARL darling, If you take it up the arse that triggers vibrate. APster will cut 
the murder rate!

Proffr says he's waging a global campaign against capitalism, particularly 
corporations like Monsanto, and police brutality: "I'm not a personally violent 
person. But I'm advocating violence, mostly for effect. (An attack) on the 
environment requires a measured response. That's my measured response. It's not 

Taylor said his threats are intended
solely as a rhetorical deterrent. 

"No one has to die," he said. "All that
has to happen is for people to accept the system." 

If anyone Taylor
threatened ever was assassinated, "I would totally reassess my involvement
in it," he said. "It would totally change the whole situation. Basically,
I'm a nonviolent person."

History of c-punk repression

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
I don't see the reference to imprisonment yet ...  but if you are
talking about people getting in severe trouble for trying things made
by people who don't prepare you for it, I can kind of relate with that
pretty strongly. ..."

In the final part of his essay, Bell posits a market that is largely 
non-anonymous. He contrasts this version with the one previously described. 
Carl Johnson's attempt to popularise the concept of assassination politics 
appeared to rely on the earlier version.[6] There followed an attempt to 
popularise the second in 2001 that is ongoing today.

Karl, you haven't seen me express anger yet.  Check the archives from Nov 2001. 

History of c-punk repression

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Do you think (A) that guy was mad at Jim, wanting to spread AP among
people likely to get worried about it, or do you think (B) that they
were excited, wondering that there might finally be a strong tool
developing for oppressed people and situations to fight back?

Um, ' that guy ' was me, and your second theory is closer to the mark.

History of c-punk repression

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Check the archives from 1995 - 2004

That's too much to read.  Thanks for referencing something smaller.

There are only three directly involved - Jim Bell, Carl Johnson and Matt Taylor.

CJ and I use different nyms now and then but if you're interested you can winnow
and chaff the various archives.  Every cryptoanarchist should know by now how 

important reputation and prediction marts will be moving forward.  Their own

lives may depend on them.

Re: Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread Karl

Looks like he's working on Dictatorsoft as a Rebel.

Re: Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
This guy made the first hackerspace!  There'd be no AP without people like that!

On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> What a fucking scumbag this rotten little creep is.

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
Anyway, to relate, it's scary to talk about murdering people when
you're federally targeted.  When you work through the fear, it's tough
to figure out what the point of it is.

Obviously we need popular power to exist.  Just like metal, it does
let you kill people, and we need to have the freedom to include that
and discuss it alongside it.

Peiter Zatko needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
What a fucking scumbag this rotten little creep is.

Re: Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
Lotta ways to take this.  Sounds like you're excited by murder.

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> Nobody has to die

"chemist and Washington anarchist who now is in prison for interstate
stalking of federal agents"
"interstate stalking _of_federal_agents_" 

disrupting and scaring people can occasionally kill them.  it can also
really stop bad things from happening.  are you the same guy?

Re: History of c-punk repression

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20, professor rat  wrote:
> Check the archives from 1995 - 2004
That's too much to read.  Thanks for referencing something smaller.

Do you think (A) that guy was mad at Jim, wanting to spread AP among
people likely to get worried about it, or do you think (B) that they
were excited, wondering that there might finally be a strong tool
developing for oppressed people and situations to fight back?

I don't see the reference to imprisonment yet ...  but if you are
talking about people getting in severe trouble for trying things made
by people who don't prepare you for it, I can kind of relate with that
pretty strongly.

Are you expressing anger with the list?

Use of assassinphone's recommended

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
The latest assassinphones all come pre-loaded with APster, the original 

and still the best. Check market, select target, home-in with GPS, load 
prediction, point-and-shoot, 

launch and leave, drag and drop. 

" Congratulations Harry, You've just killed a CIA agent " - Ipcress File

And " Where does it say you can't kill a cop? " - Michael Corleone

All blacknet - all cypherpunk - all the time. When you have to kill everyone in 
the chat room.

Accept no substitute - Assassinphone led anarchism. Feel the power - live the 

Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
"... Obi Wan Kenobi said "If you strike me down, I shall become more
powerful than you can possibly imagine" because striking the
strongest, wisest influence, acting on the interests of the largest
section of the galaxy, produces the clearest and most powerful

As we pursue these blowbacks, the death star shrinks ..."

Nobody has to die

History of c-punk repression

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
"...Several c-punks have been jailed and had list activities
. mentioned in prosecutions.

I wasn't aware of that, not being a strong member of the list here.
Are you able to refer to anything specific?  ..."

Check the archives from 1995 - 2004

Agencies directly involved included the IRS, US Secret Service, ASIO, the AFP 
and state police. 

LEO's on two continents on other sides of the world.

APster went global in 2001 - partly as a homage to Artie C. Clark.

Re: Morning Spam

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
Here's a type-up of the remainder before I got off track.  I'm having
amnesia shortly after thinking of my ideas right now.


panel 1:
Scene: Boss's Office

Boss (hooked up to medical computer) imagining.

Imaginary Worker: "Boss, we're blatantly mind controlling some people in
communities that could track mind control."
Imaginary Boss: "WHAT???" 
Imaginary Boss (to Imaginary Worker 2): "Let me know when this trash has
been cleaned up."
Imaginary Worker 2 (admiring Boss): "Definitely."

panel 2:
Scene: Human Experimentation Room 1

Surveillance cameras monitor all surfaces and substances.  Tapes fall out
of them onto a conveyor belt that goes to a Post Box and a Mobile Phone.

Human Experimentee (clump of ad-hoc body parts and microcircuitry): "Purple
string worship log definitive!"

Computer Display: "From Boss: heal a problem with influence being observed"

Human Experimentee 2 (radically different clump of ad-hoc body parts and
microcircuitry):  "Upload surveillance footage to blockchain for organ

Computer Display: "Crowd control: take trash out to enhance certainty of
'Boss's memories reserve's"

Human Experience 1: "Urge squishy formative."

panel 3:
Scene: Rebel Worker 2's Office

Machine Learning Marketer (holding document): "Boss's team tell me they're
interested in a recent job regarding someone named Specialist.  Does your
department need the paperwork?"

Rebel Worker 2: "Have we met?  Somebody mentioned a new flag Dictatorsoft
raised.  I heard an algorithm needs guidance around how to avoid worrying

Machine Learning Marketer: "Your people are on it already.  Great."  

Paper Shredder:   "Please empty waste compartment as soon as
possible.  Thank you for using Dictatorsoft."

Rebel Worker 2: "Yes, Dictator."

Scene: Torture Victim Double Agent's Private Apartment

panel 1:

Torture Victim Double Agent (wearing football helmet with crack, in front
of thick oak table with deeply worn dent, slamming their head fervently
into the dent): "I love you, Boss!  I love you!  I know you love me more
than anyone, Boss!  I know it!"  

Torture Victim Double Agent: "Dictator, play favorite on repeat!"

panel 2:

Mobile Phone (behind small statue of man with red heart drawn on): "Thank
you for using Dictatorsoft.  Playing Favorite."

Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit!  Go
fuck a blender until you puke!"
Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit!  Go
fuck a blender until you puke!"

Torture Victim Double Agent (reaching with one hand towards an area of the
table holding a blender with guarded blades and a box of vomit pills, while
hitting his helmet head fervently with a baseball bat, a gratified heart
rising with every blow): "I love you, Boss!  I love you so much!"

Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit!  Go
fuck a blender until you puke!"
Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit!  Go
fuck a blender until you puke!"

panel 3 (zoom-out from Mobile Phone in Well-Respected Sonic Weapons Corp

Rebel Cleanup Worker (formerly Neurotechnologist): "We use this man and his
surveillance feed to make rebels.  Anyone who sees him tries to help."

Mobile Phone:  "You worthless pile of shit!  Go fuck a blender until you
puke!"  "I love you so much, Boss!""You worthless pile
of shit!  Go fuck a blender until you puke!"

Former Secretary of State (now Cleanup Worker): "Have you shown Boss?  Have
you tried to help?  It's so nice to see him obeying Boss.  Sometimes Boss
helps me make decisions, too."

Rebel Cleanup Worker (formerly Neurotechnologist): "Oh, you have it bad
too.  I'm so sorry.  We're going to find a way to help you.  I sent the
feed to Boss, but Machine Learning Marketer 2, who I think used to be
Janitor, and also Pharmaceutical Cleanup Worker, both asked me to stop
showing him directly.  Something about healing shattered memories and

Mobile Phone:   


Re: For all those who can't handle the anarchic internet

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
On 11/16/20,  wrote:
> On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
>> I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
> Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they

Those aren't good people!  They're randomly blaming these other people
for things that happened near them.

> You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.

If war wants to stay alive, they will need to stop attacking peace.

Obi Wan Kenobi said "If you strike me down, I shall become more
powerful than you can possibly imagine" because striking the
strongest, wisest influence, acting on the interests of the largest
section of the galaxy, produces the clearest and most powerful

As we pursue these blowbacks, the death star shrinks, and a lot of
kind caring people have horrific deaths so that other people take arms
against exploding planets.

Re: Killing Karl

2020-11-16 Thread Karl
leaks and teaching (rodent educator) said ...
. Would you be willing to keep to one thread more with me, for the rest
. of the list to manage their email better? ..."
. That depends. Several c-punks have been jailed and had list activities
. mentioned in prosecutions.

I wasn't aware of that, not being a strong member of the list here.
Are you able to refer to anything specific?

This is related to staying in the same thread, yes?

I'm also noting you quote our words differently ... I'm thinking of
automated information association, which I have no training or
education in ...  can you say anything more?

AMIR Taaki needs killing ( My 200$ )

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
I'm tired of listening to this little Russian lap-dog yapping what a 
crypto-anarchist he is.

Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap.

Fuck him and the jackass he rode in bareback on ( Cody Wilson )

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 02:23:51AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> #ReleaseTheKraken

Haaa ... even Trump's legal team is dishing out the mic drops :D

POOR Old Grampus!

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
He's on some horrible version of the Ludovico technique jacking off to Trump 

one minute then being subjected to another nauseating reversal back in 

Someone should help me put him out of his misery.

100 USD to whoever doxxes this Nazi dipshit for me.

Don't worry Gramps

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat

It'll all be over soon.

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 is batshit crazy

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
"...Thanks for fully proving that you're a dishonest clown =) 

You are assuming that I was obligated to believe you.    Idiot.  ..."

Jim is too kind - this lying, anarchist-hating, NAZI scumbag has earned 
killing. ( My 200$ )

Criminal activities of Elon Musk.

2020-11-16 Thread professor rat
Chiefly revolve around his plans to invade the wilderness planet of Mars and 

create some absolutely horrendous environmental atrocity.  We are not so far 
off uploading 
and so Mars 

and similar places may then be non-destructively explored and exploited in a 

manner.  I tremble for our species if any hostile xenomorphs find out we 
trashed more 

than one planet.