Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream -- OFF-TOPIC (James Donald is a creep)

2018-01-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/28/2017 10:42 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
I would *never* ask for any murder.  Why the heck do you think I am a 
veggie since my earlier years?  Because I was a hipster, being veggie 
before it becomes hype, very cool?  Hahahaha!!!  ;D

Veganism has been cool for a very long time.  Indeed, the lies on 
saturated fat were manufactured back in the forties to give "scientific" 
endorsement to veganism, much as the lies on anthropogenic global 
warming were manufactured to give "scientific" endorsement to demonizing 
the technological and industrial civilization that white people created.

Indeed, veganism has recently ceased to be cool, has fallen out of 
fashion, which made it possible for scientists to notice that saturated 
fat is actually rather healthy.

The next fashion is going to be buying a young pig, killing it oneself, 
washing it down with caustic potash to remove the hair, shaving it 
oneself, gutting it oneself, and throwing a big party around the intact 
pig, with head and legs all together so it still looks like an animal, 
roasting on a spit over hot coals.  For organic trendiness, everyone 
will have lots of ice cold extra fizzy recently fermented high alcohol 
Kombucha while waiting for the roasting to finish and the pig to be 
served, plus some beer, coke and mountain dew for those who are not so 

Further, there are no strict vegans, only vegans that eat vegetables 
plus milk, cheese, and eggs. The strict vegans are just status 
posturing.  Strict veganism will make you sick or kill you, and will 
result in an uncontrollable raging hunger for steak, bacon, fried 
chicken, and so on and so forth.  Humans are obligate omnivores.  We 
don't have to eat veggies, though it is difficult to go without.  We do 
have to eat animals, or at least eat milk, cheese, and eggs in place of 
animals.  It is impossible to go without.

I do *not* support any death.  And, sorry, if you were not informed 
about it, the life of cows, pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, koalas, and 
several other animals, is *not* more important than *any human life*, 
including yours.

And yet you appear to believe, and enthusiastically endorse, tall tales 
that, if true, would justify killing me, and indeed killing Christians, 
whites, and males, would make killing me, people like me, and people 
vaguely resembling me, justifiable self defense.

Presumably you would not oppose killing a mad dog that was attacking 
you, and you identify noticing politically incorrect facts about reality 
as being a mad dog who attacks you, and declare that Christians, whites, 
and males are horribly prone to this terrible mad dog disease.

No you don't say "Kill Jim".  You say you are terribly sad that I have 
this terrible mental disease that makes it regrettably necessary to kill me.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/28/2017 4:18 AM, juan wrote:

Really? How did you learn that?

> "James A. Donald" <> wrote:

By reading the histories of Josephus, who came mighty close to being
forced to suicide by Jewish religious fanatics.

On 12/29/2017 2:59 AM, juan wrote:

lolwut - that was allegedly because of his fight with the

We have multiple independent sources suggestive of a holiness spiral in 
Judaism at the time, consistent with the account given by Josephus and 
in the gospels.

When the area was ruled by Greeks, the Jewish hereditary priesthood led 
a revolt against Greek secularism and established a dynasty of priest kings.

The rabbis (pharisees) challenged the power of the hereditary 
priesthood, on the basis of being holier than thou, and part of being 
holier than thou was being more willing to get into suicidal war with 
powerful enemies, just as today's progressives are flirting with nuclear 

The hereditary priesthood had led the Jews into a war with powerful 
enemies (Greeks) and won, so the Rabbis wanted to lead the Jews into an 
even bigger war with even more powerful enemies (Romans plus Greeks 
under Roman leadership) and win.

Now that the formerly communist regimes have turned right wing, progs 
are today the war party.  Similarly, rabbis were the war party back in 
the days of Jesus and Josephus, hence the prophecies of Jesus about the 
fall of Jerusalem and the temple.

Thus we know from other sources that events must have been much as 
depicted by Jesus and Josephus.

You suggest that Josephus made up the story of being forced to suicide 
to justify his betrayal of his comrades, but we have independent 
evidence that his comrades murdered everyone, Khmer Rouge style, as over 
the top fanaticism spiraled into even further over the top fanaticism. 
If they did not attempt to force Josephus to suicide, they forced 
everyone like him to suicide.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream -- OFF-TOPIC (James Donald is a creep)

2017-12-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/28/2017 12:16 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
If God really exists, They are pure, sincere love and absolute 
compassion, never cruelty, any kind of prejudice, racism, intolerance, 

We are all Their sons and daughters, and we all received the gift of 
life the same way.  We all are brothers and sisters, and we should make 
our best for our family.

Says she while enthusiastically calling for the murder of Christians, 
whites, and males.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/28/2017 1:27 PM, grarpamp wrote:

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 8:52 PM, John Newman  wrote:>

That’s already happened and happening. Religion is the opiate
of the masses, or so they say - except I never caught anything like a
a good morphine buzz from a bunch of delusional nonsense.

Humanity needs to kick the fucking habit. It’s healthier ;)

Opiate? More like a drug that puts them in rage murder mode.

Social Justice Warriors always project.

During the twentieth century, it was your side that committed all the 
mass murders, and when you deploy this rhetoric, I see another wave of 
mass murders coming.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-27 Thread James A. Donald

"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

Jewish religious tribalism was going nuts at the time, Roman paganism
was dissolving in cynicism.

Also, Roman paganism had abandoned patriarchy, and as a result Romans
had stopped reproducing.

On 12/28/2017 4:18 AM, juan wrote:

Really? How did you learn that?

By reading the histories of Josephus, who came mighty close to being 
forced to suicide by Jewish religious fanatics.

By reading the laws of Augustus, who was simultaneously emancipating 
women (revealing that his nominal religion was dead in the water) and 
pressuring men to get married (revealing that men no longer wanted to 
marry emancipated women).

Christianity is around because the state needed a religion, and
because Christians had children.

"the state needed a religion," - the part about christian
reproduction is of course nonsense.

Over and over again, throughout the last two thousand years, it has been 
demonstrated that people who adhere to the Pauline laws on marriage 
reproduce at about seven live grown children per woman if there is 
adequate food, people who grossly deviate from these rules reproduce at 
slightly less than two children per woman, even if food is abundant.

Peoples that have bad marriage laws fail to reproduce and disappear from 

Either we replace our current state religion of progressivism with a 
religion that supports marriage laws that enable people to safely form 
families, or we get replaced by conservative Islam.

Either way, female emancipation is going, but the second way it goes 
because our people, our culture, and our civilization disappears.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/27/2017 8:39 AM, juan wrote:

So let's reverse the lunatic logic of the joo-kristian scum.

Why would a witch-doctor, pig-exorcist, be remembered after 2000
years and why would his lunatic  'teachings' 'conquer the

A religion is a synthetic tribe.   A state needs a tribe, and tribe 
needs a state.

Jewish religious tribalism was going nuts at the time, Roman paganism 
was dissolving in cynicism.

Also, Roman paganism had abandoned patriarchy, and as a result Romans 
had stopped reproducing.  Christianity retained Jewish patriarchy, so 
Christians were able to form families and reproduce.

Christianity is around because the state needed a religion, and because 
Christians had children.   Constantine founded state Christianity, which 
made a disintegrating state viable, and gave the state a ruling elite 
that was able to reproduce successfully, a program in due course 
imitated by Charles the Hammer, who proceeded to defeat Islam and found 

Today, the ruling state religion is progressivism, but progressives, 
like Romans when their religion became decadent, cannot reproduce, and 
like Jews, when their religion became ever more insane in a holiness 
spiral, are engaged in ever more self destructive and warlike government 

Thus, self destruction, which requires replacement by a sane and 
patriarchal state religion.

Conservative Islam is adequately patriarchal, but, absent a Calif, tends 
to madness.  Maybe we will make Mormonism the state religion, or perhaps 
import Russia's eastern Orthodoxy.  Our current state religion, 
progressivism, cannot survive, the only question is whether everyone 
else perishes with it.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/27/2017 8:17 AM, juan wrote:

yes - we - John and me - already discussed what sort of
lying joke wikipedia is.

Yes, Wikipedia lies all the time, but what in this case Wikipedia does 
is list a pile of historical evidence for Jesus the man, which evidence 
you keep saying does not exist.

So you have to refute that evidence, not just issue links to articles 
that deny the evidence exists.

And, just as the general circumstances make it inevitable that someone 
like Pontius Pilate must have existed, the general circumstances make it 
inevitable that someone like Jesus the man must have existed.

They don't make it inevitable, or even probable, that he rose from the 
dead etc, but they do make it inevitable that a prophet, indeed more 
than one prophet, would arise, and criticize the Jewish religious 
establishment for legalism and hypocrisy, and get executed for that.

Re: [WAR] Telling a tall/Torah story

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/18/2017 12:24 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

  Someone rewrote the Torah to declare that the Holy Land extends from
  the River of Egypt (i.e., the Nile) to the River Euphrates. This is
  false! Nabī Ibrahīm (‘alaihi al-Salām) had to migrate from Babylon
  and travel a long distance in order to reach the Holy Land.

Old Testament unambiguously gives most of the middle east, rather 
vaguely defined, to the Jews.

Arabs don't seem to be doing a very good job of governing themselves, 
but on the other hand, Jewish governance of Arabs has been piss poor also.

To fulfill biblical prophecies, would need to deliver a better quality 
of governance.

Which an Ashkenazi Israel could do, if it had the right motivations and 
incentives.  Unfortunately, the official state religion of Israel is not 
Judaism, but progressivism, whose incentives we saw on display in Haiti, 
where a bunch of people from Harvard stole all the aid and left pregnant 
women eating dirt contaminated with human feces, resulting in cholera 

Also, looks like Israel will finish the job that Hitler started, and 
eradicate the Ashkenazi, in which case there is no likelihood that the 
prophecies will be fullfilled.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/27/2017 6:35 AM, juan wrote:

again, your mental vomits have been addressed multiple times.

You just repeat your lies over and over without explanation or argument.

Repetitious assertion is unconvincing.

One may reasonably doubt the existence of Christ the God, doubt that 
Jesus the man rose from the dead, but to doubt that Jesus the man lived, 
preached, and was executed, is just nuts.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/27/2017 6:35 AM, juan wrote:

if you stupid lying cunt are unable to read a couple of basic
articles and understand them,

The articles you cite lie:  See wikipedia on this topic:

	Modern scholarship has largely acknowledged the authenticity of the 
reference in Book 20, Chapter 9, 1 of the Antiquities to "the brother of 
Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James"[12] and considers it 
as having the highest level of authenticity among the references of 
Josephus to Christianity.[13][1][2][14][15][16] Almost all modern 
scholars consider the reference in Book 18, Chapter 5, 2 of the 
Antiquities to the imprisonment and death of John the Baptist also to be 
authentic and not a Christian interpolation.[17][18][19] The references 
found in Antiquities have no parallel texts in the other work by 
Josephus such as The Jewish War, written 20 years earlier, but some 
scholars have provided explanations for their absence.[20] A number of 
variations exist between the statements by Josephus regarding the deaths 
of James and John the Baptist and the New Testament accounts.[17][21] 
Scholars generally view these variations as indications that the 
Josephus passages are not interpolations, for a Christian interpolator 
would have made them correspond to the New Testament accounts, not 
differ from them.[17][22][21]

In this, Wikipedia accurately reports the official consensus of official 

However, on the dating of the gospels, the the official consensus of 
official academia is evidently untruthful, dating the gospels to after 
the fall of the temple and Jerusalem, because the gospels report Jesus 
as prophesying the fall of the Temple and Jerusalem.  And they figure no 
one could have seen that coming.

But you would expect someone who was critical of the holiness spiral 
going on at the time to prophesy the fall of Jerusalem, regardless of 
whether divinely inspired, God himself, or just another man like myself 
holding up his finger to see which way the wind blows.

We can be sure that all four primary gospels were written before 70 C.E, 
because Jesus' prophecies concerning the fall of Jerusalem and the 
temple were vague, shifty, evasive and unfalsifiable, even though it was 
obvious at the time that the wind was blowing towards suicidal and self 
destructive war with the Roman empire

Had they been written up after the fall of Jerusalem, they would have 
been remembered as much more specific concrete, and detailed.

Shortly before the fall of Jerusalem, Christians did get specific and 
concrete prophecies about the fall (but by that time it was pretty 
obvious what was going to come down) and those more concrete prophecies 
were not misattributed to Jesus.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 11:26 PM, John Newman wrote:

On December 25, 2017 1:26:52 AM EST, juan <> wrote:

On Mon, 25 Dec 2017 10:50:59 +1000
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

to address the mental christian vomits of supreme right wing
'libertarian' donald


The time that Jesus Christ supposedly existed is one the most heavily
documented periods in ancient history.  Yet there is virtually zero
historical evidence of his supposed existence in any contemporary
historical record.  It is also important to understand that an absolute
reign of terror was instituted when Christianity seized power in the
Roman Empire as documented in our Christian Totalitarianism Report.
The Church appointed an official historian of dubious ethics, Eusebius,
to write an official history.  Meanwhile, Christian launched the
largest book burning campaign in history, destroying a vast part of the
wisdom and history of the ancient world forever.

The Account of Josephus is a Fraud

When discussing the alleged existence of Jesus Christ, one piece of
"evidence" that frequently gets mentioned is the account of Flavius
Josephus, the famed Jewish general and historian who lived from 37 to
100 C.E. In Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews there is a notorious
passage regarding Christ called the "Testimonium Flavium."

"Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to
call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works,--a teacher of
such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both
many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and
when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had
condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not
forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the
divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful
things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him,
are not extinct at this day." (Whitson, 379).

This brief piece of evidence which supposedly contributed the best
"proof" of Jesus's existence has actually been proven to be a fraud. It
has been demonstrated continuously over the centuries that "Testamonium
Flavium" was a forgery manufactured by the Catholic Church, and was
inserted into Josephus's works. The Testamonium Flavium account is so
thoroughly refuted, that biblical scholars since the 19th century have
refused to refer to it, unless to mention its false nature.

Dr. Gordon Stein gives a further explanation for this forgery. The
History of Jesus: A Reply to Josh McDowell.

Another source is The Jesus Forgery: Josephus Untangled.

First Written Accounts of Jesus's Life Occur Decades After His
Purported Existence

Most written accounts of the life of Jesus did not exist until a couple
decades after his purported existence. These accounts were presented by
a number of different authors and had somewhat conflicting stories
about his existence. These written accounts are known as the Gospels.
Also, it is worth knowing that not all of the gospels that were written
even made their way into the bible. Only four gospels became the
canonical writings for the church. The rest were burned, destroyed or
lost. Historians estimate that the first written gospel, the gospel of
Mark, was written sometime after 70 C.E, which means that at the
earliest, it would have been written 40 years after the alleged
crucifixion of Jesus.

We can be sure that all four primary gospels were written before 70 C.E, 
because Jesus' prophecies concerning the fall of Jerusalem and the 
temple were vague, shifty, evasive and unfalsifiable, even though it was 
obvious at the time that the wind was blowing towards suicidal and self 
destructive war with the Roman empire

Had they been written up after the fall of Jerusalem, they would have 
been remembered as much more specific concrete, and detailed.

Shortly before the fall of Jerusalem, Christians did get specific and 
concrete prophecies about the fall (but by that time you did not have to 
be a weatherman to see which way the wind was blowing) and those more 
concrete prophecies were not misattributed to Jesus.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 11:24 PM, John Newman wrote:

There is contemporary evidence
of the existence of Pontius Pilate... There is *no contemporary*
evidence for Jesus. Even if you consider Josephus a
contemporary, which he isn't, it is widely accepted that the
few lines  "he scribbled" on Jesus are a much later
interpolation, a forgery done by some devout
who was embarrassed at the paucity of evidence for the

It is plausibly *suspected* that *one* of Josephus's references to Jesus 
is a forgery, or more likely was improved by a Christian editor.

There is no reason to doubt his other references to Jesus.

Further, we have multiple references to the disciples of Jesus. That his 
movement existed is undeniable.

We know that Jesus the man existed the same way we know that Pontius 
Pilate existed:

Someone like Jesus the man had to exist, in that the rabbis were engaged 
in a holiness spiral, a holiness spiral will get called out by prophets, 
and then those prophets get suppressed, and someone like Pontius Pilate 
had to exist, in that the Roman Empire ruled the area, and history 
records Jesus as one of those prophets, and Pontius Pilate as one of the 
Roman Empire's administrators.

And if our records of Jesus the man are a bit thin, our records of 
Pontius Pilate are not a whole lot thicker.

Re: Current State of Mailing Lists / Forums about Internet Freedom, Security and Privacy?

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald
On 12/27/2017 3:30 AM, > Does anyone have an option about how the things 
going on today? Any

of the current state of the Internet communities? And what is your
of a good online fourm for general discussion of freedom, security and

Numerous incidents of potentially deadly violence directed at crime 
thinkers, who tend to get deemed white supremacists etc.

Better publicized, and more common, destroying their business and career 
prospects, as for example Urbit.

This has been effective in quelling dissent.

Observe that the people who made bitcoin work are all undercover, and to 
the extent that I know who they are (which is not much) they are 
international travelers with bugouts in place.  Anyone who openly 
purports to be an important bitcoin person is apt to be associated with 
US Government law enforcement - entryists and infiltrators.

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/27/2017 2:16 AM, juan wrote:

> There is contemporary evidence
> of the existence of Pontius Pilate... There is *no contemporary*
> evidence for Jesus

You are a liar and a fool.

The contemporary evidence for Pontius Pilate is exactly the same as the 
contemporary evidence for Jesus.  Josephus was there, and he mentions 
both of them.

Further, it is obvious that someone resembling Pontius Pilate had to 
exist, because the Roman Empire dominated that region, and it is obvious 
that prophets resembling Jesus the man had to exist, because the rabbis 
were in a holiness spiral, prophets would have condemned this, and would 
have been executed for condemning it.

Various prophets are listed as doing this, and dying because of it, 
Jesus and a couple of Christians being prominent on the list.

Re: Are cryptocurrencies ready to handle large number of transactions?

2017-12-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 4:04 PM, Steven Schear wrote:
Clearly they are not, yet. The problems are somewhat multi-dimensional 
and the way forward isn't assured. If some counters wanted to scale a 
"Bitcoin-like" chain to handle, on-chain, the average transaction volume 
of PayPal (about 120/sec.), quite a coup, it would require (by my 
reckoning) a block size of about 64 MB. The Bitcoin Unlimited people are 
planning to test blocks much larger. Clearly, this would likely result 
in considerable miner concentration, unless, as Garzik's recently 
announced Bitcoin United (which includes a "our" Escher feature) takes 
over Bitcoin Corey's mantle.

Every peer has to download every transaction, in order to judge it for 
validity. If relying on someone else's claim about validity, not truly a 
peer.  It is having many peers that makes the network resistant to 
control and attack.

This inherently limits the number of transactions that can be made fully 
on the blockchain and fully peered to something that is not compatible 
with taking over the world.

Thus scalability, up to world conquering scales, requires an 
architecture where most people do not have peer wallets, but client 
wallets, and most transactions are consolidated into fewer and larger 
transactions by important peer wallets functioning somewhat like banks 
before the transactions are entered into the blockchain.

The Lightning Network is intended to have transactions consolidated by 
important peer wallets functioning somewhat like banks, but it is not 
altogether clear how this will work in practice, or if it will work in 

Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

The last piece of questionable historical evidence we'll discuss here
is the passage in Suetonius's Life of Claudius, dating around 110 CE.
There is a reference in this work to a figure named "Chresto" who
caused the Jews to riot in Rome. First of all, if Jesus Christ did
exist, it is not possible that he would have been in Rome at this time.
Claudius reigned from 41-54 CE, this is at the time of Christ's alleged

On 12/25/2017 10:28 PM, Michalis Kargakis wrote:
Christ was crucified when he was 33 years old, ie. 33 CE. After they 
thought he died, he actually came back so I don't know what this piece 
is trying to debunk.

Irrespective of whether Jesus did in fact show up after his death, he is 
reported as showing up after his death, thus it is likely that his 
followers believed that he had shown up, and this likely caused problems 
for the Romans, causing Roman historians unaware that he had been 
crucified to also believe that he had indeed shown up.

Re: Are cryptocurrencies ready to handle large number of transactions?

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 12:58 AM, Michalis Kargakis wrote:
Not a ready implementation yet but the mimblewimble protocol solves a 
lot of the scalability issues plagued in other blockchains.

Maybe I am understanding this imperfectly, but this hides how much you 
are paying, and thus how much you have, but does not hide whom you pay 
it to.

Suppose HHitler create an evil fascist website, and requests donations 
in mimblewimble coins.

Let us call the public key advertised on that evil fascist website HHitler.

Ann buys mimblewimble coins on an exchange, using US$, and has to give 
her true name and an image of her true face.

Won't the mimblewimble blockchain show that Ann gave an unknown amount 
to HHitler, whereupon antifa goes around and kills some girl whose face 
superficially resembles that of Ann, and then the judge lets them off as 
well intentioned good guys?

As the judge recently let off a black man who killed a white man and 
then took his wallet, and subsequently claimed, without racist 
inconvenience of actually needing to produce any evidence, that the 
white man had called him a nr

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Re: PapersPlease: “Continuous screening” means continuous surveillance and control

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 9:23 AM, grarpamp wrote:

What is your solution?

While one should avoid war with outgroups, (rule of acquisition thirty 
five) takes two to avoid war.

Democratic party policy is to hike tribalism up to the max, to have 
integration but resist assimilation.  This is a program bound to end in 
war, democide, and genocide.

Assimilation works, integration does not. If two tribes occupy 
overlapping territories, either war will ensue, or one will rule, and 
the other be second class and forced into submissive posture.  That is 
human nature.

Since tribalism is also human nature, need borders with walls backed by 
men with guns.

The peace of Westphalia is a general formula for peace between Kings, 
nations, peoples, cultures, tribes, and religions.  This social 
technology, one of Chesterton's many abandoned fences, needs to be 
revived and reapplied.

Lacking this, we are seeing increasing incidents of casual violence 
against white males, with those guilty getting away with it, being let 
off by police and judiciary.   This can only escalate.  One tribe must 
rule, one must submit.  The Democratic Party prescription is a 
prescription for genocidal and democidal war, and that war is beginning.

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Re: PapersPlease: “Continuous screening” means continuous surveillance and control

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 5:01 AM, juan wrote:

a piece of shit like you surely deserves to be beaten to death
- as to 'your' stuff, it's not yours since it's the result of
  anti-free-market looting.

Pretty sure you have the same evidence that any white person's stuff is 
the result of looting as you have that my stuff is the result of looting.

Also, the Clinton's stuff and Bernie's stuff actually is the result of 
looting, so chances are that the holiness spiral in the Democrats will 
result in you eating the people who are competent to organize you to 
take my stuff.

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Re: PapersPlease: “Continuous screening” means continuous surveillance and control

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 2:04 AM, juan wrote:

what the fuck are you talking about? The piece of
right wing shit james donald is the invader. He and the rest of
european shit who invaded america are the invaders.

The alliance between La Raza, Black Lives Matter, and the Democrats, 
resembles the alliance between the Populares and the Samnites.

The Populares and the Optimates were political parties in Roman Empire, 
"Populare" meaning "People's party"  The Populares corresponded to 
today's Democrats, the coalition of the fringes, weirdoes versus normal 
people, minorities versus the majority, the coalition of high and low 
against middle.

The Populares wanted to give the Samnites (equivalent to today's La 
Raza) a fairer deal within the Roman Empire.

The Samnites wanted to level the walls of Rome, kill all male Romans, 
and enslave all Roman women.

When civil war between the political parties, between the Optimates and 
the Populares ensued, the alliance between Populares and Samnites proved 
less than entirely helpful.

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Re: PapersPlease: “Continuous screening” means continuous surveillance and control

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/26/2017 2:04 AM, juan wrote:

what the fuck are you talking about? The piece of
right wing shit james donald is the invader. He and the rest of
european shit who invaded america are the invaders.

Which implies that you, having some South American Indian blood, should 
kill us and take (back) our stuff.

Before we came, your ancestors were eating each other.  You did not have 
the wheel, you failed to domesticate the sheep, the goat, or the buffalo.

You don't actually have the competence or social cohesion to cause us 
problems, except that the democrats have created a alliance of low and 
high against middle, and alliance of far against near, and this alliance 
is run by white people, as is obvious from photographs of the 
"hispanics" exercising power in that alliance.  When you take over that 
alliance, when high gets full of people affirmative actioned into 
positions of power, you will wind up eating the people who organized 
your alliance, eating those few remaining (mostly Jewish) democrats who 
are still competent.   Brown Berniedette will eat the Clintons and Bernie.

When the decadent Spanish let south America go, it fell apart, and order 
was restored by the power of the USA, and to a lesser extent by Soviet 
power.  If the confederacy had won the war of Northern Aggression, it 
then would have replaced the Spaniards in South America.

All wars are white on white wars.  Whites fight over other peoples, not 
with them.  Only the East Asians are competent in war, and they are 
still nowhere near as good at it as whites.  The Vietnam war was not 
really whites versus East Asians, it was really the blue empire of the 
consulates versus the red empire of the bases.  The Vietnamese were 
Soviet proxies, and the Soviets were blue empire proxies.  Without 
Soviet backing, State Department backing, and Democratic Party backing, 
the Vietnamese would have been toast.

So bring it on.  It will end the way it did last time.

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Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/25/2017 4:26 PM, juan wrote:

We have very few historical records about Pontius Pilate and would 
expect to know even less about yet another Jewish trouble maker, of 
which there were a plentiful supply.  Do you doubt the existence of 
Pontius Pilate?

We do know the Jews were in a holiness spiral.  You would expect 
prophets to show up and condemn it.  You would expect such prophets to 
be executed - which is why the holiness spiral continued.

And you would expect such a prophet to get about as much mention in 
history as Jesus the man did indeed receive.

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Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-25 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/25/2017 4:26 PM, juan wrote:

On Mon, 25 Dec 2017 10:50:59 +1000
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

to address the mental christian vomits of supreme right wing
'libertarian' donald


The time that Jesus Christ supposedly existed is one the most heavily
documented periods in ancient history.  Yet there is virtually zero
historical evidence of his supposed existence in any contemporary
historical record. 

We have almost as much evidence for the existence of Jesus the man as we 
have for Pontius Pilate.

Are you going to concluder that Romans had no one ruling Israel at the time?

Granted, if he was God, you would expect him to have substantially more 
impact than Pontius Pilate, but he generated as much historical records 
as one would expect of yet another prophet and trouble maker in Israel.

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Re: [Cryptography] Bitcoin theft and the future of cryptocurrencies

2017-12-24 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/25/2017 1:10 PM, grarpamp wrote:

On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 4:36 AM, James A. Donald <> wrote:

On 12/20/2017 3:27 PM, grarpamp wrote:

Bitcoin is nowhere near private or anonymous.
Genuine cryptographic privacy needed for that, such as found in
the Zerocash (Zcash) family of coins,

We already are facing big trouble over scaling.  Zerocash is too damned
slow. shows near term updates coming that significantly
raise performance.

Last time I looked, could not handle bitcoin scale.

What does Zcash scale to now?

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Re: PapersPlease: “Continuous screening” means continuous surveillance and control

2017-12-24 Thread James A. Donald

On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 10:40 PM, James A. Donald <> 

One such man is just a criminal, but when he is backed and supported by
other men in this common purpose, as he is, and thus enjoys immunity and
impunity through this mutual support for violent men engaged in violent
acts, he is an invasion, part of an invading army.

On 12/25/2017 2:44 PM, grarpamp wrote:

Invaders, as one or many, and unless exceptionally strong, prey
upon the availability of the weak. Walls, borders, as single physical
points perhaps, and certainly leaving multitude holes for easy access

If group A allows group B access, group A will be conquered.  Need to 
police borders.

Chimps patrol their borders.  We need to set up electronic surveillance. 
 And patrol.  And build a wall.

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Re: PapersPlease: “Continuous screening” means continuous surveillance and control

2017-12-24 Thread James A. Donald

On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 5:22 AM, James A. Donald <> wrote:

I come in and go out by airport, where I already get survielled, so this
does not affect me in the slightest. In only affects people who are
swimming the Rio Grande and suchlike.

On 12/25/2017 1:22 PM, grarpamp wrote:> That's exactly what you and most 
sheeple said about the "law"

that was drafted and enacted to "get you surveilled", and the
"law" before that, and before that, etc.

This law keeps talking about physical locations on the physical border. 
The core thing it does is repeal any existing obstacles to building a 
wall and survieling that physical border.

The reason nation states exist is that people keep invading to help 
themselves to other people's stuff, as for example Jose Zarate, who came 
here to kill people like me and take our stuff, and has proceeded to do 
so with impunity.

One such man is just a criminal, but when he is backed and supported by 
other men in this common purpose, as he is, and thus enjoys immunity and 
impunity through this mutual support for violent men engaged in violent 
acts, he is an invasion, part of an invading army.

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Re: USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream

2017-12-24 Thread James A. Donald

On 12/24/2017 8:50 PM, John Newman wrote:

I agree, Wikipedia is badly skewed on this, but it seems like they are
probably just following conventional thought on the issue. Which I feel
is coming around to be more widely accepted that there was no Jesus
as described in the gospels that started the early Christian church

This is stupid.

There is plausible historical evidence that Jesus did not rise from the 
dead, nor did the sun stand still over one of the Empire's dominions, 
but we have ample historical evidence for Jesus the man, who was 
crucified by Pontius Pilate, and anyone who denies it is just stupid or 

If anything, we have better historical evidence for Jesus the man than 
Mohammed the Prophet.

In actual practice, the Church was founded by Paul, who used the 
conveniently dead Jesus as basis for what we now know as Christianity.

Lots of aspects of the founding myth of Christianity are improbable, and 
either supported only by suspiciously weak evidence, or contradicted by 
compellingly strong evidence, but that Jesus lived and was crucified by 
Pontius Pilate is undeniable by anyone half way sane.

The Jewish religion was in a holiness spiral which put them on course 
for a suicidal confrontation with Rome, therefore one would expect a 
prophet to condemn this holiness spiral in exactly the manner that Jesus 
is recorded as condemning it.  And one would expect a prophet who spoke 
the truth on this matter to get crucified.  As Jesus the man is recorded 
as being crucified.  This aspect of the founding myth is inherently 
plausible, and is supported by compellingly strong evidence.

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Re: Are cryptocurrencies ready to handle large number of transactions?

2017-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
What I mean by "large" is "prepare to conquer the world and displace 
major existing asset classes, including the US$.

And the existing architecture is not going to be able to do that.

The lightning network might be able to do that, but we will have to see 
what happens in practice. At present the lightning network is still pie 
in the sky.

The way it might work is that there are seven billion client wallets, a 
thousand important peer wallets, a hundred very important peer wallets, 
and ten very important peer wallets.

Every client wallet has a lightning connection to a peer wallet, usually 
an important peer wallet.

Every peer wallet has a lightning connection to an important peer 
wallet, and often two or three important peer wallets,

Every important peer wallet has two or three lightning connections to 
very important peer wallets.

Every very important peer wallet wallet has a lightning connection to 
every other very important peer wallet.

Worst case money transfer is that your client wallet talks to an 
important peer wallet, the important peer wallet talks to a very 
important peer wallet, which talks to another very important peer 
wallet, which talks to an important peer wallet, which talks to the 
client wallet of the person you are paying.

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Value of bitcoin

2017-12-02 Thread James A. Donald

What caused the most recent boom in bitcoin?

Latest countermove against "nazis" was to freeze their accounts and halt 
transfers to "nazis".

Since everyone who thinks Trump might have a point is a "nazi" and a 
clear and present danger to all decent folk, bitcoin shoots through the 

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Re: How the NSA apparently protects their computers

2017-11-29 Thread James A. Donald

On 11/30/2017 6:29 AM, Ryan Carboni wrote:!topic/qubes-users/I7_Hs4eZ0Yg 

The webpage no longer is there, but the video is online:

For the transcript:

It is well known that if you
: :	"Our HAP workstation was built from standards developed by the 
National Security Agency's High Assurance Platform Program, to show how 
Trusted Computing technologies can be used to secure the workstation and 
the networks it's connected to"

That if you follow National Security Standards, you are opening a back 
door to the NSA, which back door has leaked to all and sundry.

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Re: Graph theory question

2017-10-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 10/28/2017 5:01 AM, George Violaris wrote:
how would good peers with only two 
connections be able to gain reputation in such a system?

Nobody gains reputation.   It is intended that identities are valuable, 
and people don't want them blacklisted. Byzantine failure loses reputation.

To get into the system, you have to be accepted by three others, which 
is intended to cost time, thought, effort and money, so that once you 
are in, you don't want to get negative reputation.

Observe how Ebay works.  One negative review is really bad.  No number 
of positive reviews is particularly valuable.

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Re: [MINISTRY] the “Holocaustification of politics”

2017-10-27 Thread James A. Donald

All human blood can be traced to Africa.

That is a myth.

It is not a myth, lol.

What you think it means is a myth.

Modern humans and modern chimps are both descended from a group of chimp 
like creatures that lived in Africa.  That does not make chimps human, 
nor does it necessarily make black Africans human.

That black Africans are human is a fact about scientific nomenclature, 
not a fact about biology.  They are human because Charles Darwin did not 
feel like drawing a line down the middle of the Sahara.

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Re: [MINISTRY] the “Holocaustification of politics”

2017-10-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 10/27/2017 3:29 AM, John Newman wrote:

All human blood can be traced to Africa.

Seventy thousand years of evolution since Africa.

The white race is only ten thousand years old, the East Asian race not 
much older.

The original settlers from Africa were very different from us and from 
today's black Africans.  Seventy thousand years is a long time.

The white race originated from a mingling of brownish brown eyed farmers 
from what is now the middle east, and blue eyed hunted gatherers of 
unknown skin color and hair color, probably red haired and yellowish 
brown skinned, a combination that never occurs in moderns, in Eastern 
Europe or Siberia, originating from what is now Europe. Neither of these 
races corresponded all that much to any present day race.

The blue eyed Siberian people were descended from the same race that did 
the cave paintings in Europe. The hunter gatherers retreated from the 
farmers, then, in Eastern Europe or Siberia, mingled with them and took 
up cattle herding with cattle dogs.  The cattle herders then re-entered 
Europe in repeated waves of genocidal conquest, pretty much eradicating 
the farmer people that originally farmed Europe.

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Graph theory question

2017-10-26 Thread James A. Donald
In order to solve a sybil problem, want to show that each peer is 
accepted as a peer by three peers, and we don't want these peers to be 

Related directed graph problem: Google trying to distinguish real links 
from networks of fake websites giving links to each other.

Suppose you have an undirected graph in which every vertex is connected 
to at least three other vertexes (because we collapse vertices with only 
one connection or two connections)

Now suppose we want to make sure that the total graph is well connected 
- that every subgraph is connected to at least three vertexes of the 
rest of the graph.  We want to collapse subgraphs that are only 
connected to the rest of the graph by one connection into the vertex by 
which they are connected, and collapse subgraphs that are only connected 
to rest of the graph by two connections into a single edge.

And suppose our graph is very large, thousands, perhaps millions, of 

Purported peers that have only one connection are clients of the entity 
to which they are connected, and he is responsible for their good 
behavior, similarly those that have only two connections.  Three good 
peer connections make you a peer of all the other peers, two good 
connections do not make you a peer - don't get equal treatment to the 
vertices by which you are connected, get graylist treatment.

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Re: Cryptocurrency Privacy: Evolving... Zerocash (ZEC, ZCL, ZEN) vs All Other Coin

2017-10-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 06/10/2017 21:36, George Violaris wrote:

On 06/10/2017 2:01 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
Suppose a cryptocurrency substantially replaces the US dollar and the 
existing banking system, and suppose we need to keep a year or so of 
transactions in active storage.

How many transactions are full peers going to need to store?

Or to say the same thing in other words, how many transactions do 
visa, mastercard, and the banking system do?

Visa handles an average of 150 million transactions per day. Bitcoin 
currently handles around 350,000 transactions per day.

Visa is four hundred times as fast.  That is a gap we can close, though 
we will need to use a structure rather different than Bitcoin's

Bitcoin has a 
total of 250 million transaction all time. The bitcoin blockchain is at 
135GB and growing. So if Bitcoin is to reach Visa volume with it's 
current algorithm it will need upwards of 120GB of new storage DAILY!

Assume that, instead of everyone being a peer, we have two dozen or so 
peers, the peers distributed among several nuclear armed jurisdictions, 
and each peer has a hundred million or so clients.

OK, we are talking rather large peers.  A terabyte of storage, a hundred 
dollars worth, will keep one of them going for a week.  I don't think 
cost of storage is going to be a significant problem.

Scaling, however, is the hard problem.  Making enormous amounts of 
storage actually useful and effective is the problem.  The amount of 
storage per client is absolutely insignificant.  The amount of bandwidth 
per client is absolutely insignificant.  Having a useful connection 
between enormous numbers of clients and enormous amounts of storage is 
the hard part.

Re: Cryptocurrency Privacy: Evolving... Zerocash (ZEC, ZCL, ZEN) vs All Other Coin

2017-10-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 06/10/2017 16:03, George Violaris wrote:
I believe the issue with this, such as in Bitcoin and any coin, is that 
the blockchain eventually grows to an enormous size. It's all nice when 
it's at around 200GB of data and it only takes a few days to synchronize 
to the network. But think about a blockchain that is 2 TB. That is not 
only a huge blockchain, that would be huge for a relational DB that is 
stored on central server or cluster. When databases get to that size, 
companies divide the schema. They'll either divide it per system, per 
department, per branch or however it suits them best. Then they'll use 
some sort of business intelligence tool to make sense of all that data.

Suppose a cryptocurrency substantially replaces the US dollar and the 
existing banking system, and suppose we need to keep a year or so of 
transactions in active storage.

How many transactions are full peers going to need to store?

Or to say the same thing in other words, how many transactions do visa, 
mastercard, and the banking system do?

Re: Cryptocurrency Privacy: Evolving... Zerocash (ZEC, ZCL, ZEN) vs All Other Coin

2017-10-05 Thread James A. Donald

On 05/10/2017 20:30, George Violaris wrote:
In short my question is, how does zero knowledge proof compare to ring 
signatures employed i.e. by Monero?

A proof is created that previous transactions equivalent in value were 
marked as consumed, without revealing which ones.

Generating this proof is inconveniently slow, and the data that has to 
be stored is inconveniently on the fat side, but verifying it is 
reasonably fast.

I don't have accurate information as to the costs of doing it this way, 
but they seem to be non trivial.  Proof generation is particularly 
expensive, but this cost is carried only by the parties directly 
benefiting, not by the entire blockchain, thus is incentive compatible.

Re: Is a BTC - BCC flippening in the offing?

2017-09-29 Thread James A. Donald

The coin that will win:

Needs to support the zerocoin anonymous spend protocol

	Needs to support a name system that is, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, 
resistant to name seizure.

Needs to support human readable names, like Namecoin.

Needs to be a communication and blogging system, like steemit.

	Needs to have an efficient system that is capable of scaling to Visa 
speeds and volumes, like steemit.

	Needs to be genuinely decentralized, and thus resistant to government 
and banking system takeover, unlike steemit and unlike ninety percent of 
the scam bitcoins.

Such a coin will replace bitcoin, and likely replace the US dollar.

Meanwhile we are seeing a lot initial coin offering that have no real 
existence, no real users, no real business model, often no real 
operating software - you are just buying shares in a white paper

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Re: “Imagine Being Surrounded By People Who Hate You And Want To See You Dead”

2017-09-29 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-09-28 07:48, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

“Imagine Being Surrounded By People Who Hate You And Want To See You Dead”

You claim a Trump hat constitutes hate speech and violence, while also 
claiming that sucker punching a man wearing a Trump hat constitutes free 

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Re: [from offlist] Re: Juan-fap go bye-bye now...

2017-09-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-09-01 09:41, Razer wrote:

Your turn. What makes you think the alleged 'old' testament is of Judaic
origin, or is even correct regarding 'tales told about days of yore',
when compared to the Talmud and affiliated passed-down teachings?

Old Testament based on the Septuagint, which we know from recorded 
history existed in its current form in 250BC, translated from Hebrew 
sources at the command of the Greek ruler of Egypt.

Jewish texts cannot be reliably dated to earlier than about 600AD.  For 
all we know some random bunch of people reinvented Judaism around six or 
seven hundred AD, except insofar as their texts have much in common with 
the Septuagint.

crypto currency

2017-08-30 Thread James A. Donald

Money, says Moldbug, is a bubble that never bursts, until it does.

A very long time ago, all sorts of strange things, such as dog canine 
teeth, were money.

It came to pass that only silver and gold were money.

And then only gold.  The demonetization of silver gave us the long 
depression, which by modern standards was not bad at all - because it 
was long, gold rose, which is to say prices fell, very slowly, because 
silver was demonetized very slowly.  People did not like it, hence the 
"cross of gold speech" demanding that state power be applied to 
remonetize silver, but all the supposed horrid evils of deflation turned 
out to be not very evil at all.

From time to time governments discover that they can make some 
arbitrary thing money by the mere exercise of power.   This usually ends 
horribly badly.

Right now we have the disturbing and strange situation that it is hard 
for savers to receive positive real interest on their money, and at the 
same time hard for worthy borrowers to borrow money.  The system is 
malfunctioning rather badly, but monetary systems have frequently 
malfunctioned one hell of a lot worse, so I will not bother explaining 
why we are in this hole. (tl; dr; Governments did wicked, but extremely 
popular, things with money.  To the surprise of many people, myself 
among them, this did not destroy the currency, but it had other 
extremely bad effects.)

Because of governments doing bad things with money, the thought occurred 
to some people: maybe private individuals, not armed with state power, 
could make some arbitrary thing power.

Turns out, we could.

Re: opennic is safe ?

2017-08-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-08-29 07:31, juan wrote:

On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 06:22:36 +0800
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

At present it is apparent that the regular name system is owned by
enemies and Tor is owned by enemies - Tor would not block child porn,
they would not block drug dealing,  but block nazis,

how does tor 'block nazis'? are you talking about so called
'hidden' services?

After Stormfront was shut down, it was recreated on a tor hidden 
service, which was then throttled down to unusuability.

Re: [MINISTRY] thought crime begets black White Spremacist: "ignore the stupid statues and stop killing each other"

2017-08-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-08-28 17:55, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Charles Barkley is being labeled a "White Supremacist" because of
comments he made telling African-Americans to stop killing each other
and to simply ignore all the Civil War statues.

Oh my, yet another white supremacist.

Suddenly there a whole lot of white supremacists.

The goolag is going to overflow.

Re: opennic is safe ?

2017-08-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-08-28 12:46, Yush Bhardwaj wrote:

Is this safe to use

and they also provide free domains which can be access only by using 
there nameservers.

anyone have any idea about openic

At present it is apparent that the regular name system is owned by 
enemies and Tor is owned by enemies - Tor would not block child porn, 
they would not block drug dealing, but block nazis, and these days 
anyone who fits the Trump voter demographic is a nazi and therefore 
deserves a beating.

If opennic is owned by enemies, you are not worse off.

Re: [ [ PFFR ] Google Employee's Anti-Diversity Manifesto Goes 'Internally Viral']

2017-08-06 Thread James A. Donald

On Sun, 6 Aug 2017 17:09:38 +0800
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

At google, all opinions from the frothing at the mouth biting mad
genocidal left

On 2017-08-06 17:17, juan wrote:

uh oh - except for the little fact that google is the most
right wing mafia on the planet, since google is nothing but an
arm of your government.

Which government has been moving left since 1820, so that today's 
government is left of Pol Pot.

Re: [ [ PFFR ] Google Employee's Anti-Diversity Manifesto Goes 'Internally Viral']

2017-08-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-08-06 13:39, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

as is pretty widely known publicly -- Google's
internal discussion culture is extremely robust, and overall I
consider that to be good for Google and its users.

At google, all opinions from the frothing at the mouth biting mad 
genocidal left to the biting mad genocidal left may be freely expressed, 
and frequently are.

Re: [Cryptography] actual journalism, was LRB article, Satoshi's Trump Card

2017-07-03 Thread James A. Donald

Confused by this - Merkle trees inherently don't grow to enormous depth.

I am pretty sure that if I give a definition and say "A Merkle tree is 
such and such", a bikeshed war will ensue over my definition of Merkle 
tree, which war will probably result in Perry blocking my posts.

So let me define instead a donald tree.   :-)  (just kidding)

A donald tree is a tree where every node contains the hash of its 
immediate children.  Thus the hash of the root of any subtree guarantees 
the contents of all its descendants, just as the hash of a file 
guarantees the contents of the entire file.

This means that we can keep on adding to the tree, while keeping the 
past immutable, which is a useful feature for tracking who owns what, 
and who owes what.  If many people see the current hash at time X, you 
cannot change details about the past of time X without revealing what 
you have been up to.

Any tree can be severely unbalanced, for example a binary tree where 
every node has a right hand child, and very few nodes have a left hand 
child, in which case the depth of the tree is approximately proportional 
to the total number of nodes in the tree - and the tree grows to 
enormous depth when the total number of node is enormous.

Or it can be approximately balanced, in which case the depth of the tree 
is approximately proportional to the log of the number of nodes, which 
is always a reasonably small number even if the number of nodes is enormous.

And a hash that testifies to every transaction that anyone ever did is 
going to be the hash of an enormous number of nodes.  But if it is at 
the root of a tree of moderate depth, then we can validate any part of 
the tree for conformity with the rules without validating the entire 
tree for conformity to the rules.

Re: [Cryptography] actual journalism, was LRB article, Satoshi's Trump Card

2017-07-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 03/07/2017 4:31 PM, Ben Laurie wrote:

Confused by this - Merkle trees inherently don't grow to enormous depth.

The bitcoin hash chain grows to enormous depth, and arguably it is a 
Merkle tree that testifies to all transactions everywhere that ever 
taken place in bitcoin.

If you say it is not a Merkle tree, then fine.  A scalable crypto 
currency has to employ a Merkle trees instead of whatever we call the 
thing that Bitcoin uses.

Re: [Cryptography] actual journalism, was LRB article, Satoshi's Trump Card

2017-07-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 03/07/2017 7:28 AM, grarpamp wrote:

Yes they're "scams" in that hardly any of the more than hundreds of
effectively cloned coins out there are bringing any substantial new
developments or combinations of capabilities that will cause them
to float to a top ten position long term.

The coin to invest in, the coin that I will invest in both in money and 
as a software contributor, will solve the scaling problem, will be 
capable of scaling all the way to wiping out the US$ as a world 
currency.  It will have integral support for sidechains with payments 
out of one sidechain to another sidechain being endorsed by sidechain 
signature from a single authority which is itself periodically but 
infrequently endorsed by a short sidechain multisignature, which can be 
generated by arbitrarily complex rules idiosyncratic to that sidechain 
provided that conformity to the rules has verification of bounded 
computational time that the central chain can evaluate.  It will have an 
efficient system for securing history in which Merkle trees do not grow 
to enormous depth, so that it is possible to efficiently verify any one 
small part of history without needing to verify all transactions that 
have ever taken place.   (Because scalability implies we abandon 
everyone verifying everything down to the last byte.)

It will be decentralized in the sense that if the police grab every 
single major contributor, software writer, and server, they cannot 
change the rules and make the currency act differently, they can only 
seize the money of the people that they have grabbed.

Re: Quantifying systemic pressure towards injustice

2017-06-30 Thread James A. Donald

On 13/06/2017 8:54 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:

The law ends at the courts, not the police.  Let the
police use it and then argue for it's unconstitionality.

The courts are corrupt.  We need Duterte's solution to judicial 
corruption and lawlessness.

The courts are no substitute for a disciplined police force - it is 
easier for judges to get away with wicked, abusive, and corrupt behavior 
than it is for police.  As for example patent law and the silicone lawsuits.

The various protections for criminals are part of an endless effort to 
get black conviction and imprisonment rates down to white levels, thus 
in practice these protections apply to black criminals, not to law 
abiding cishet whites.  Consider, for example the conviction of Martha 
Stewart, supposedly for insider trading - but what she was actually 
convicted of was obstruction of justice, which she obstructed by not 
confessing to things that they they could not prove her guilty of.

She sold a bunch of shares just before bad news hit, which is illegal if 
you know the bad news because of your insider position, and have 
neglected to make it public before you sell the adversely affected shares.

But they could not prove that she knew the bad news before she sold the 
shares, so she was in fact convicted for obstructing injustice, 
convicted her for not confessing to a crime that they plausibly 
suspected, but were never able to prove.

Compare the Martha Stewart case to a recent supreme court case, where 
some blacks in a car doing a drug deal drove in a reckless and dangerous 
manner, because they were distracted by the drug deal.  The supremes 
ruled that though police could ordinarily arrest them for dangerous 
driving, and, surprise surprise, find the drugs, it was improper to do 
that in this case because the dangerous driving arrest might be 
motivated by the fact that they saw them dealing drugs, and seeing them 
dealing drugs has been deemed insufficient grounds for search.

Had police not noticed the drug deal going down, then they could have 
arrested them for dangerous driving and found the drugs.  But because 
police saw the drug deal going down, the drugs that they found were 
ruled inadmissable.

If you are doing a characteristically black crime, police are not 
allowed to see what is right in front of them.  If you are suspected of 
doing a characteristically white middle class crime, you are subject to 
the most lawless and arbitrary inquisition.

Duterte for president in 2024!

Re: Fwd: [Cryptography] [ANNOUNCE] HashCash Digital Cash

2017-06-30 Thread James A. Donald

On 25/06/2017 12:44 PM, grarpamp wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ashish Gulhati 
Date: Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 2:06 AM
Subject: [Cryptography] [ANNOUNCE] HashCash Digital Cash

An untraceable, permissionless digital cash system based on blind

Screenshots, FAQ, and executables for some platforms are at:

The problem is that you have to trust the issuer to not defect, and to 
not be forced to defect by the cops.  It is completely centralized, 
which means the state can apply pressure - the cops come and seize the 
issuers reserves, or seize the issuer himself and his computer.  This is 
the problem that decentralized currencies like bitcoin seek to avoid.

Unfortunately, decentralization raises transaction costs, which are 
becoming extremely burdensome on bitcoin, resulting in spontaneous 

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-05 Thread James A. Donald

They are "potential" in that person A does not know that person B is
actual fellow member of the ingroup.

On 2017-06-05 16:54, juan wrote:

so to make this a bit more clear, person A is a 'newbie' and
person B is a grand wizard...


You are a moron, or else you are willfully misunderstanding my entirely 
plain words.

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-05 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-05 05:03, juan wrote:

On Sun, 4 Jun 2017 18:48:30 +1000
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

On 2017-06-04 16:40, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 > Logically, what you want, cannot exist. You can't proceduralize
 > trust. Your hope to the contrary is completely ill founded.

Secret handshakes - members of groups advertising their membership of
an ingroup to potential ingroup members

the potential 'ingroup' members don't know the 'secret
handshake'. If they did they would be actual members.

They are "potential" in that person A does not know that person B is 
actual fellow member of the ingroup.

Thus, for person B, person B is an actual member of the ingroup, and 
person A is a potential member, but for person A, person B is a 
potential member of the ingroup and person A is a potential member.

The problem is that we want person A to be able to find out that person 
B is a member of the ingroup, without person C finding out that person B 
is a member of the ingroup.

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-04 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-04 16:40, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Logically, what you want, cannot exist. You can't proceduralize
> trust. Your hope to the contrary is completely ill founded.

Secret handshakes - members of groups advertising their membership of an 
ingroup to potential ingroup members in ways that outgroup members are 
unlikely to detect, have been around for thousands of years.

They exist, they have existed.  We need to move them to the web.

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-04 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-04 16:40, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Logically, what you want, cannot exist. You can't proceduralize
trust. Your hope to the contrary is completely ill founded.

We, in fact, already have numerous secret chat rooms and blogs.  They 
work.  We have in fact proceduralized trust.

The problem is that they need to integrate with with non secret chat 
rooms and blogs without leaking their existence to outsiders.

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-04 14:15, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Steve's point, as shared with those who investigate and learn about
the tech, is that the tech you are looking for is the same as Google
has developed.

You might use a gun to defend your family from home invasions, whilst
the mafia uses the gun to shoot you:


Same tool, different outcome.

Fundamentally different, indeed directly opposite, tools.  One to 
reveal, one to conceal.

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-04 06:22, Steve Kinney wrote:

Google's search engine, for instance, delivers results biased to comply
with the known interests and beliefs of individual users.  The profiles
used for this process are developed from very extensive user
surveillance; over 90% of a typical user's network activity is visible
to Google through these vectors:

The major use of this technology by google and the government is to deny 
people government employment and academic advancement on the basis of 
their political associations, so this is pretty much the opposite of the 
solution that I am looking for.

Re: Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-04 08:44, Mirimir wrote:

Thor is a fucking god. Why expect such human gender limitations?

You would have a point if there was one virtuous white father in Marvel 
comics presiding over a happy intact family.  You would have a point if, 
like the original superman, superheroes usually came from happy intact 
families and internalized and expressed the moral code they learned from 
their wise and good fathers.

The trouble is that the disgusting, the destructive, the self 
destructive, and the evil is the norm, and the good and the normal is 
absolutely nowhere to be seen.

It is all like girly Thor, all the time.  Not that specific sexual 
deviation, but there is always some deviation.  There is always 
something wrong. Right is presented as wrong, and wrong as right.  It 
all politics all the time, overruling and disrupting story, plot, and 
character development.

People rightly ridiculed Victorian children's books for sacrificing 
story to trite moral lessons, but now story is sacrificed to trite 
immoral lessons.

We let you guys out of the closet, and now you chasing *us* into the 
closet.  Islamic state has the right idea.  Effeminate men, single mums, 
and suchlike trash need to be thrown off high buildings, to the 
enthusiastic cheers of the mighty mob watching in the street below, 
because if we let you out of the closet, you become passive aggressive 
and cause problems for regular males.  The time has come to write off 
"tolerance" as a failure.  If we tolerate you, you will not tolerate us.

And, to get back on track, to the original topic of this post, because 
tolerance has turned out to be unworkable, we need social web tech that 
supports privacy, hence we need to be a social web application that 
supports the smooth integration of private and hidden invitation only 
blogs and chat rooms with open and public blogs and chat rooms.

When we start persecuting you, instead of you persecuting us, you will 
need that technology also.

Are you also a Soviet Spy

2017-06-03 Thread James A. Donald
I have asked this question, how to do a secret handshake that reveals 
common membership of the group without giving away your membership to 
non members, several times before, and not been happy with the answers, 
so I guess I am asking it badly.

I will try to be clearer about the problem I am trying to solve.

These days, people no longer communicate on Usenet and email lists. 
Rather they use something for which we have not formed a word. I will 
call it a social blogging platform, unless someone has a better word.

Twitter, Facebook, and to a lesser extent WordPress, and such are all 
examples of this.

In a blogging platform, you post and people comment on your post. 
WordPress is the classic example

Plus, it is a communication medium, you can chat privately to people and 
groups, like viber.

Viber and skype are messenger with very little blogging, WordPress is 
blogging with very little messenger, Facebook is the two integrated. 
Viber is currently the best messaging system, WordPress the best 
blogging, Facebook the best integrated messaging and blogging system, 
but the world is moving to tighter integration.  Every messaging 
platform is adding some blog like features, every blogging system is 
adding some messaging type features.

Facebook consists largely of chicks posting "look at me, I am hot", boys 
commenting, "yes, you are hot", and then they go into Facebook 
messenger, communicate privately, and make an assignation to have sex. 
It was designed from the beginning for the purpose, hence the excellent 
integration between the posting and commenting, which is analogous to 
WordPress, and the private messaging, which is analogous to skype. 
Facebook is pretty much Skype+WordPress, and all the others are 
competing for the same market niche, though Facebook totally dominates 
the sexual assignation and booty call niche by far.

Specialist systems, for example the Cupid system for international 
dating have the same basic architecture - posts plus tightly integrated 
private messaging.

The trouble is that the major systems, especially twitter, are heavily 
politicized and censored, and so people are forming alt-tech, such as 
Gab, to escape from politics and censorship.

If you want to read a science paper about the nut gathering activities 
of the gray squirrel, or an adventure comic about the Mighty Thor, or a 
science fiction story about flash Gordon traveling to the far stars, you 
instead get politics.

You think you are reading about the nut gathering activities of the gray 
squirrel, and it turns into the effect of global warming on the gray 
squirrel, which effect we are told is extremely bad, though no concrete 
evidence of this is provided, the evils of global warming upon the 
squirrel being asserted but not actually shown.

But it is not actually about the effect of global warming on the gray 
squirrel, rather it is about global warming itself. We are told that 
global warming is even worse than we thought, though how bad we used to 
think it was is never precisely specified, and how bad now we think it 
is not specified either, and the evidence that we should now think it 
even worse is alluded to rather than given.

But it is not actually about global warming itself, rather it is that 
the industrial civilization that white people created is destroying the 

But it is not actually about the destruction of the earth by white 
civilization, rather it is that heterosexual white males are horribly 
bad, and extremely harmful to all other kinds of creatures.

Similarly, when one read the adventures of Thor, one encounters female 
Thor.  But it is not actually about female Thor, it is that gender 
binary is false and evil.  But it is not actually about gender binary, 
it is that ... heterosexual white males are horribly bad, and extremely 
harmful to all other kinds of creatures.

And similarly, when Flash Gordon travels to the far stars, it turns out 
that an evil corporation run by white heterosexual patriarchal males is 
oppressing blue skinned tree living aliens to steal their natural 
resources ... bad, and extremely harmful to all other kinds of creatures.

This endless insulting, ignorant, stupid, and offensive hectoring 
happens all the time, everywhere, on every topic, in every medium, on 
every platform, from Facebook to Twitter, from Scientific American to 
Marvel comics, from romance novels to first person shooter games, and if 
you complain, you are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and a 
denier and you get banned.  Observe for example that the only people 
allowed to be good fathers on television or the comics are blacks, and 
even black males are still required to have broken families.  Evidently 
the depiction of a good father ruling over a happy family is homophobic, 
bastardphobic, sexist, racist, whatever.

Recall that the movie "Man in a high castle" used a happy intact family 
on its poster as a symbol of Nazism. 

Re: [RUS] New Russian news feed website - for those who just can't get enough

2017-06-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-06-01 13:09, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

** Nizhny Novgorod’s annual “Parade of blondes” takes place (Video)

Ahead of the World Day of Blondes celebrated on May 31.

This caused me to sign up on RussianCupid.  I may visit Novgorod in a 
little while.

Hurray for blondes.  Though east Asians are hot also.

** Russia developing hypersonic jets that can bypass any anti-missile

Scramjets do not work, yet.  First power to develop an actually useful 
scramjet will have an enormous military advantage, until the opposing 
powers steal the technology or develop it themselves.

This is vaporware.  Russian scramjets do not yet have reasonable 
performance, and may never have reasonable performance, but if Russia 
does in fact develop a scramjet missile before the US does, *then* it 
will have total supremacy over the US in the air and sea.

Instead of the US declaring no fly zones, Russia will be declaring no 
fly zones.  But as of today, still vaporware.

** CNN anchor is destroyed on air, over coverage of Trump-Russia

Truly great stuff, as was the parade of blondes.

** 5 steps to becoming a Putin Agent

Also good stuff.

Re: how to best organise a large community "important" books library?

2017-05-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-05-17 17:08, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Has anyone done anything like this, and if so, how did you solve it?

(Medium term, the problem begs for a git-like addressed, git-like P2P
addressable/verifiable "content management" solution; e.g. if I have
a random collection of say 10K books, it would be nice to be able to
say something like:
   git library init

   # add my books:
   git add .
   git commit

   git library sort categories
   git library add index1 # create an "indexing" branch
   git commit

   # add some upstream/p2p libraries for indexing/search/federation:
   git library index add upstream:uni.berkely
   git library p2p   add i2p.tunnel:myfriend.SHA
   git library full-index pull myfriend.SHA
   git library math-index pull myfriend.SHA
   git library book:SHA   pull myfriend.SHA

This is the problem of clustering in groups of enormously high 
dimension, which is a well studied problem in AI.

Take each substring of six words or less, that does not contain a full 
stop internally.  The substring may contain a start of sentence marker 
at the beginning, and or an end of sentence marker at the end.

Each substring constitutes a vector in a space of enormously high 
dimension, the space of all possible strings of moderate length.

Each such vector is randomly but deterministically mapped to a mere 
hundred or so dimensions, to a space of moderately high dimension, by 
randomly giving each coordinate the value of plus one, minus one, or zero.

Two identical substrings in two separate documents will be mapped to the 
same vector in the space of moderate dimension.

Each document is then given a position in the space of moderately high 
dimension by summing all the vectors, and then normalizing the resulting 
vector to length one.

Thus each document is assigned a position on the hypersphere in the 
space of moderately high dimension.

If two different documents contain some identical substrings, will tend 
to be closer together.

We then assign a document to its closest group of documents, and the 
closest subgroup within that group, and the closest sub sub group.

Re: What is the value of the State?

2017-05-13 Thread James A. Donald
If you have read the climategate files, you will know that the new 
scientific method, the method of official science, is to determine the 
truth by consensus, then look for evidence to support that official 
truth, while ignoring or suppressing any contrary evidence, and if 
evidence cannot be found to support official truth, to just make the 
evidence up.

Re: What is the value of the State?

2017-05-07 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-05-06 16:32, John Newman wrote:

On May 6, 2017, at 12:08 AM, juan  wrote:

On Fri, 5 May 2017 18:34:58 -0400
Steve Kinney  wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 05/05/2017 03:24 PM, juan wrote:
On Thu, 4 May 2017 20:33:56 -0400 Steve Kinney

The State fully endorses the Scientician approach, as the State's
sole function is to transfer money and power from the poor to the
rich at the fastest practicable rate.  As always, symbolic
"initiatives" and strongly worded press releases are sufficient
responses to public pressure to "do something" about, for
instance, global warming.

Well, the global-warming end-of-the-world scenario is just state
propaganda. And notice that *global* warming requires a *global*
solution, like, say, 'monitoring' and controlling the 'carbon
footprint' of every individual. Pretty convenient, the world is
saved and the whole world's population gets fully domesticated.

So in short, you are telling us you don't know anything about
geophysics and don't need to find out:

   I think I know more about physics and its manipulation by state
   mafias than you do.i ii

What's your evidence that anthropogenic climate change is a massive hoax? I 
know we've been through this before and I don't want another flame fest I'm 
genuinely curious.

It is not exactly a hoax.  Rather, they cherry pick the evidence, 
torture the data, use nonsensical statistical methods, and reject 
unwanted evidence as error, as for example

The Hockey stick curve is not exactly a lie.  Rather, what they did is 
use an estimate for recent twentieth century warming, and took any data 
that correlated with that during the twentieth century, declared 
anything that correlated to be a proxy for temperature, and took the 
weighted average of all these "proxies"

Since they were, for the most part, not measures of temperature, they 
tended to cancel out except for the period where they had been selected 
for correlating, thus producing a hockey stick.

If your data is random noise, and you select those noise sequences that 
rise from 1970 to 1990, and take their average, you get a hockey stick 
blade from 1970 to 1990, and everything before 1970 flat, *and* 
*everything* *after* *1990* flat, because except for the period on which 
you are selecting, everything cancels out.

Of course, as time passed, they proceeded to once again cancel out, so 
the hockey stick curve developed a sudden dip - the proxies were 
reporting that the earths temperature was falling back to its long term 
average - not because it was falling back, but because these proxies 
were not in fact proxies, but just random noise.

This was the "decline" that Mann refers to in "Mike's Nature Trick to 
hide the decline"

Which brings me to the climategate files.  I have read the climategate 
files.  It reflects not so much a conspiracy to fake up evidence of 
catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, as total lack of interest in 
whether the world is warming or not.  They are not looking for evidence 
of what is actually happening, but rather whatever can be useful in a 
political campaign.

They say, and it may well be true, that this how science is done these 
days.  If true, science died in the late forties, and what we have now 
is priests in labcoats.

Re: What is the value of the State?

2017-04-30 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-05-01 10:58, \0xDynamite wrote:

How does anarchy provide the high-level of organization needed to
produce a car?  From ore, to smelting steel, to engineering, to
molding, to paints, batteries, upholstery and textiles, etc?

Anarcho socialists and anarcho communists have provided vague and 
evasive answers on this question, which answers I interpret as saying 
the central planning committee will command what is to be produced and 
ration what is to be consumed, as in Soviet Russia or today's Venezuela 
and North Korea.  And if you do not produce as directed, or if you 
attempt to consume more than allotted, off to the gulag you go.

Aside from not being very anarchistic, this does not work very well. 
The planners strangle themselves in red tape and when you go to collect 
your bread ration, there is no bread.  Google Venezuela bread.

Anarcho capitalists of course have a simple and obvious solution, and, 
for a change, will actually tell you their solution:  Which is that the 
rich capitalist purchases the resources needed to build a car, purchases 
or builds the tools necessary to build a car, hires people to build 
cars, and tells them what to do.  In this model all rights are property 
rights, and if you violate someone's property rights, private security 
takes care of you.

With the rise of the reactionary right, there is now also an anarcho 
feudalist movement, which proposes feudalism with a weak king appointed 
from time to time by a board composed of or representing the 
aristocracy. Sounds awfully like an electoral republic with a restricted 
franchise, but the difference is that aristocrats make local laws and 
administer local justice.

Now I am sure that anarcho socialists can point out all sorts of horrid 
problems with other variants of anarchism, but when there is no bread, 
no one is going to worry about those problems.  The failure of socialism 
tends to be more fundamental and less abstract.

Re: [WAR] the Pentagon's "White Helmets" "moderate head choppers" descend to depths unheard of

2017-04-10 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-04-11 09:35, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Horrific. Trigger warning.

* DISTURBING IMAGES: White Helmets BUSTED killing babies in PR stunt to start 
war in Syria
White Helmets have been caught faking rescues and doctoring dead children.

moderate head choppers.

moderate head choppers.

Every time someone wants war with Russia, repeat "We must defend the 
moderate head choppers from the evil tyrant Assad"

After all, we have a duty to do good everywhere, including far away 

Indeed, especially far away strangers. Pretty sure the parable of the 
good Samaritan was all about that.

Indeed, our devotion to far away strangers explains and excuses our 
failure to do good to friends, allies, lovers, and family.  And they 
don't get stranger than the head choppers.  You don't need to do right 
for your lover or your child, because you are going to adopt a black boy 
from Somalia as a fashion accessory and transition him to a girl.

Re: Fwd: [ PFIR ] It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown

2017-04-05 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-04-06 13:25, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown

It is already illegal in the US to share an image of a gay as a disease 
spreading pervert.

Hate crimes are lese majeste laws.  You know who really rules, by whom 
you are not allowed criticize.

Re: "PHP sucks" and contempt culture

2017-04-01 Thread James A. Donald

"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

Most languages, especially Lisp and C++ provide support for very
clever ways of programming, clever ways of dealing with the kind of
almost-the-same-but-slightly-different feature that in PHP leads to
massive code duplication.

On 2017-04-01 15:25, juan wrote:

there - obviously - are php libraries, and the language has
support for class inheritance. I don't care for php one way or
another but your comment is technically nonsense.

And yet, in practice, big PHP projects do tend to suffer from code 

Your boss tells you there is a problem,you find the problem in one piece 
of code - and find there are a hundred pieces of almost identical code.

Re: over 150 bomb threats against Jews and Synagogues in the USA, in the last few months

2017-03-24 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-03-25 15:28, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

OK Razer, time to man up - all this endless hate crime against Jews,
it's just anudda showa already!


[sound of Razzer chomping on words]

So, there have been over 150 bomb threats against Jews and Synagogues
in the USA in the last few months.

Most of them, quite likely all of them, issued by a left wing Israeli 
Jew, who is now being charged by the Israeli authorities.

Suddenly social justice not such a great career move any more

2017-03-21 Thread James A. Donald
HR is still telling white heterosexual males that if they hit on any 
woman anywhere ever, whether she works in the same business or not, it 
is sexual harassment and they will never work again anywhere ever, but I 
notice that suddenly there are no more scandals about horny engineers 
hitting on the affirmative action hires.

Have horny engineers stopped hitting on females hired to make the female 
engineerette quota?

Meanwhile the black lives matter activist Kaepernick has lost his job 
for failing to stand for the national anthem, and is finding it 
strangely difficult to get another.

Re: McDonalds Twitter Account Hacked (sans image)

2017-03-18 Thread James A. Donald

Notice the sudden cessation of social justice outrages.  Are no more black
thugs who dindu nuffin being shot by police?  Are no more females being
condescended to by smart engineers and/or hit on by horny engineers?

The silence you are hearing is a horde of social justice warriors wondering
which side their bread is buttered on.

On 2017-03-18 22:36, John Newman wrote:

Anyway, give it just a little time, I have no doubt your beloved
murderous cops will continue to make news.


Observe that Yellow Hat shot a antifa who sucker punched him and pursued 
him, that Based Stickman clobbered several antifa who were up to similar 
tricks, that Yellow Hat and Based Stickman got away with it, and no one 
is making song and dance about it.

And similarly, no one is making song and dance when black thugs get 
shot.  If Yellow Hat does not get the George Zimmerman treatment, the 
next George Zimmerman is not getting it either.

So, cheer up Donald, cops are still out there doing their thing,
killing innocent black people and poor people.

If cops and security people and suchlike were killing innocent black 
people and poor people, you would not be reduced to using Michael Brown 
and Trayvon Martin for your poster boys.

George Brown as poster boy is even more hilarious than Marie Curie and 
Amelia Earhart as poster girls.

You have no legitimate black poster boys. You have one legitimate poster 
girl - Emmy Noether, but you are not using her for some reason, maybe 
because she had almost as much testosterone in her as I do.

Re: US Trump Budget: Kills Science, Plumps Military/DHS, Sinks US Prospects Further

2017-03-17 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-03-17 21:41, John Newman wrote:

Despite the moronic fantasies of reactionary monarchist fantasists like James Donald, this is not 
Trump on his way to becoming "King Trump" or "Trump playing 4d chess"...
he's just an incompetent hack, like most politicians, except people really 
fucking hate him.

If he is just an incompetent hack, how come he has a hot wife, a flying 
palace with a gold plated bathroom, and the presidency?

I bet money that he would win the nomination and then I bet money he 
would win the presidency.   Everything he did was what I expected him to 
do in order to win, and it worked. You cannot understand how he won, 
because your hatred blinds you and makes you ignorant.

This budget does not defund science.  It does not defund the poor.  It 
defunds the left - thereby diminishing the capability of the left to 
resist further defunding.   But because you have this fantasy that the 
left is a grassroots popular movement, rather than the arrogance of 
power, you cannot see what he is doing, and will not understand even 
when people explain it to you.

Re: Mirrors UCB Videos on Blockchain

2017-03-17 Thread James A. Donald

On 2017-03-17 13:22, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

This, to me, is a clear case of unintended consequences, and probably
not what those who drafted the ADA had in mind.

I am pretty sure that this is exactly what those who drafted the ADA had 
in mind, because when they shut down capitalists and throw people out of 
work, they jump for joy - it is just that some people are kind of 
shocked when progressives do to progressives what progressives do to 
everyone else.

Re: IBM: Now at 50 Qubits and Beyond

2017-03-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/7/2017 8:08 AM, grarpamp wrote:

IBM will build and sell commercial 50-qubit universal quantum
computers, dubbed IBM Q, "in the next few years." No word on pricing
just yet, but I wouldn't expect much change from $15 million


The technology is not there yet.  Building such a computer will require 
technological breakthroughs that cannot be foreseen or performed to order.

but fortunately IBM also has news there: the company's quantum
simulator can now simulate up to 20 qubits.

Similating 20 qubits requires O(2^20) storage and O(2^20) computation 
time on a classical computer.  I could simulate a 20 qubit computer on 
my desktop

Hell, I could simulate a 32 qubit computer on my desktop.  50 qubits, 
however   I would be impressed.

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/7/2017 10:53 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

If you want to count every murder of a black as lynching, observe that
there are approximately five hundred white people killed by blacks every

The number of black people killed by whites, counting whites as hispanic
is roughly comparable, about two hundred per year, but there is a big
difference, a huge difference, in the character of the killings:  Almost
every black man killed by a white man was engaged in a felony at the
time he was killed.  Only about one non felonious black is killed by a
"white" man (actually hispanic) per year.

I meant to say of course "counting hispanics as white", not "counting 
whites as hispanic".

Today, blacks are killed by whites in the course of that black man 
committing a crime.  In the days of lynchings, a lynching consisted of 
killing a black man after he committed a serious crime, instead of while 
he was committing a crime.

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/7/2017 7:47 AM, juan wrote:

lynch : to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action
and without legal authority

Presumably there is a distinction between being "put to death" and 
furtively bumped off in a dark alley.

Fine: What black man was put to death without legal authority unjustly?

Name him.

Or, if you want to define every murder of a black man as lynching, let 
us start counting whites murdered by blacks as compared to blacks 
murdered by whites.

If you want to count every murder of a black as lynching, observe that 
there are approximately five hundred white people killed by blacks every 

The number of black people killed by whites, counting whites as hispanic 
is roughly comparable, about two hundred per year, but there is a big 
difference, a huge difference, in the character of the killings:  Almost 
every black man killed by a white man was engaged in a felony at the 
time he was killed.  Only about one non felonious black is killed by a 
"white" man (actually hispanic) per year.

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/7/2017 7:43 AM, juan wrote:

you also wrote :

"Just as you cannot find a plausibly innocent black who was
lynched, "

So you are an apologist for murder and you are whining because
you are being 'attacked' by digital data on the interweb?

None of the lynchings were murders.  If any lynched black in the entire 
history of the United States was plausibly innocent, you would have a 
better poster boy.

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-06 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/7/2017 5:41 AM, juan wrote:

On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 05:11:41 +1000
"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

And they respond, not by finding better poster girls, not by
defending their existing poster girls, but by personal attacks.

you also wrote :

"Just as you cannot find a plausibly innocent black who was
lynched, "

Emmett Till was not lynched, he was quietly and furtively murdered for 
the same reasons and in the same way as lots of white people are 
furtively and quietly murdered today.  Hitting on someone else's girl, 
or merely being alone in private with someone else's girl remains today 
one of major causes of murder.

If you had one plausibly innocent black victim of lynching, in all of 
the United States, in the entire history of the United States, you would 
not be reduced to the absurdly desperate expedient making the victim of 
an entirely routine murder your poster boy.

A lynching is conducted openly in public by high status people who 
believe themselves, and are believed by others, to be defending the 
community.  Emmett Till, on the other hand, quietly vanished, and his 
hidden corpse was later discovered.

Which still happens today quite a lot for the same reasons regardless of 

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-06 Thread James A. Donald
I point out that their poster boys and poster girls for black and female 
victims of white males are fake, and their poster boys and poster girls 
for smart or creative blacks and females are fake.

And they respond, not by finding better poster girls, not by defending 
their existing poster girls, but by personal attacks.

What does this tell you about supposed victimization of blacks and 
females, and supposed black and female talent?

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-04 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/5/2017 12:21 PM, Razer wrote:

Designer does not mean creator of the image, and his denials bore me
without images of his "/studies which he made from life in 1933 and
1934/" as evidence. As far as I can find there are no such 'studies'
that produced any tangible image.

Here is the medal.

As you can see the black woman plagiarized the white man.  What would 
you expect.

Re: [TriggerWarning: Sexist-Racist-Baiting, cmon...] Selma Burke

2017-03-04 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/5/2017 10:52 AM, Razer wrote:

You know... THAT "Selma Burke". The Black Woman who never received
credit for her portrait of Franklin D, Roosevelt on the US dime.

That is because she never had anything whatsoever to do with the 
portrait of Franklin D Roosevelt on the US dime.

Like most black inventors, scientists, artists, etc, her achievements 
are largely fictional, fraudulent, or plaigarized.

The portrait on the US dime is by John R. Sinnock, and resembles his 
previous works on Roosevelt, predating her works, so she copied from 
him, badly.  He did not copy from her.

Re: coinciding with the USA's next "debt ceiling deadline" - Fw: Julie Bishop summons all Aust Diplomats home]

2017-03-04 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/4/2017 5:19 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Anyone know what's really happening? Is this the big global reset?

Long ago silver was money, and gold was money, but banknotes were like 
checks - people would turn them into real money as fast as they possibly 

And then, for no readily understandable reason, near the end of the 
nineteenth century, silver stopped being money, and only gold was money.

And then, people got used to using bank notes, and came to trust banks. 
Until the US started to run out of gold.  Whereupon Nixon said that US 
dollars were money, and gold was not money, and sort of got away with 
saying that.

And it came to pass that national currencies, banknotes, were money but 
only the home country, except that the US dollar was money everywhere.

And people said that gold was not money, and for a while, it seemed like 
it might be true, that gold was not money, that only the US dollar was 

But somehow, gold never really stopped being money, and after a while 
people gave up on saying that gold was not money.

So now we have two global moneys:  The US dollar and gold - a 
potentially unstable situation.  But chances are this situation will go 
on for a very long time without being resolved one way or the other way.

If everyone starts thinking that one day the US dollar will stop being 
international money, they will turn all their dollars into gold, causing 
the prophecy to come true.  And if everyone starts thinking that one day 
gold will stop being international money, they will turn all their gold 
into dollars, causing the prophecy to come true.  And history suggests 
that it is not very likely that people are going to stop thinking that 
gold is money.

But there is no indication that the crisis is near.

Re: Long, but very good: About Anti-Fascists and Anarchism

2017-03-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/4/2017 3:20 PM, Jason McVetta wrote:

Leftist = Rightist = Centrist = totalitarian capitalist

C'mon folks, the tired left vs right narrative has almost zero power to
explain real politics. Everytime you play along and use those bogus
terms, you obscure your own position and make the public discourse

Politics is tribal. Sometimes apt to devolve into gang warfare.

We are now in a situation where devolution into gang warfare seems likely.

Consider Apple, now run by Cook, because he is gay.  Cook is 
incompetent.  Consider, for example, the Apple watch.  If you buy an 
Apple watch, no one can tell that your watch comes from Apple.  So Apple 
is now leaking coolness.  Buying apple products no longer make you cool.

He got his job, regardless of competence, because social justice 
warriors stick together.  So Tribe A is stealing all the loot from Tribe 
B.  Social Justice Warriors get paid for being social Justice Warriors.

This creates an increasing risk that Tribe A and tribe B will come to blows.

And it does not matter much that we call Tribe A commies and Tribe B 
fascists, because when the shooting starts, no one will remember their 
respective ideologies.

Re: [WAR] [PFFR] TERRIFYING: CNN and NYT report Russian ambassador once talked to some Americans

2017-03-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/4/2017 3:47 PM, wrote:

These Russian connections undermining American democracy, have to be

Sometimes I have trouble telling the difference between sarcasm and 
genuine insanity.

By the way did you hear that the Russians hacked the American elections, 
in that some hacker who downloaded free shareware hacking software from 
an Eastern European website used that software to steal some Democratic 
party emails and then leaked them.

Re: Long, but very good: About Anti-Fascists and Anarchism

2017-03-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/4/2017 5:14 AM, Joshua Case wrote:

James, will you please, for the list, copy paste and post where I proposed 
anything, other than thoughtfulness with respect to the political noise on the 
board who’s topic has become a subject of dispute recently?

The proposition that of late there is a lot of nazism around, both 
ironic and unironic, needs to be balanced by the fact that there has 
long been a great deal more of entirely unironic communism around.

Raising the brown scare in an environment where the red scare is still 
far more appropriate is like worrying about people being killed by 
witchcraft, in an environment where witches are frequently being burned 
at the stake, but examples of people being harmed by witchcraft seem to 
usually turn out to be fake.

In the current environment, anyone who raises the brown scare is evil or 

If I see anyone pointing at real, ironic, or imaginary nazis, I figure 
he is planning to kill me and kill my children, and in the current 
environment, and in view of recent events, that is a reasonable conclusion.

You pointed at some real Nazis.   I conclude you intend to murder me and 
everyone like me.  This is a reasonable inference from the events of the 
twentieth century, where such pointing frequently has led to the deaths 
of everyone like me.

Re: Long, but very good: About Anti-Fascists and Anarchism

2017-03-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/4/2017 2:33 AM, Joshua Case wrote:

Though you would agree that this exists though, and is of late gaining
momentum of some sort, yes?

Nazis murdered about twelve million or so.  Maybe twenty million at 
most.  Commies murdered well over a hundred million.  Probably around 
one hundred and sixty million.

Commies are continually committing massive acts of violence right now 
today, for example BLM ethnically cleansing Ferguson.

You propose to pre-emptively exterminate Nazis, and then declare 
everyone who supports Trump, approximately fifty percent of Americans, 
to be a Nazi.

Re: CONFESS! Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins!

2017-03-02 Thread James A. Donald

"James A. Donald" <> wrote:

These are not tests of rote memorization.  Someone who passes them by
rote memorization is cheating.  These are tests of ability to write a
simple program.

You ask someone to write a bubble sort, not because anyone ever needs a
bubble sort, but because the program you actually need someone to write
cannot be looked up on the internet.

On 3/2/2017 6:52 PM, oshwm wrote:

Then what is the use of asking someone to write a bubble sort (which has been 
written a million times) - surely you should pick something that hasn't been 
written before?

It is convenient to ask someone to write a bubble sort because one can 
compactly express the problem.

Another popular test is fizz buzz: Print out the integers 1 to 100, 
except that for each integer divisible by three print "fizz", for each 
integer divisible by five print "buzz" and for each integer divisible by 
both three and five, print "fizz buzz"

There are a huge number of little tests like this, and because people 
are cramming on common ones like bubble sort and fizz buzz, you need to 
invent ever more obscure ones so that the cheaters will be unprepared.

And, by and large, that is in fact what we are doing: Inventing ever 
more obscure tests to beat the cheaters.  If your interviewees can guess 
the program they will be asked to write, you need to fire your interviewers.

Re: Ann Coulter - libertarian? - "There shall be a free market in health insurance."

2017-03-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 4:43 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

The "free market" is what is wrong with "health care" in the US.
For-profit hospitals have to make money, so they charge outrageous

Singapore has socialist health care and genuine free market health care. 
 Most people use the free market healthcare, and pay for it out of 
their own pockets (not quite their own pockets - out of mandatory 
savings accounts)

It is best healthcare system in the world.  The prices are fairly 
similar to the free market health care sectors in India and Thailand.

When government guarantees free healthcare for everyone, the hospitals 
get overrun by bums seeking a free bed and free meals, and by drug 
addicts seeking free drugs, as for example in Canada.  And then the 
government starts bumping off old people to make room.

The problem in America today is that lots of people get free healthcare, 
and these people go in by the same door, and see the same triage nurse 
as you do, so there is always a long queue of bums and drug addicts in 
front of you running up the cost of healthcare.

If you are not prepared to let bums and drug addicts drop dead, you wind 
up bumping off retirees.  Which is the Obamacare crisis. Ann Coulter 
cannot buy health insurance at any price, because bums and drug addicts 
are in front of her.

She can buy what Obama calls health insurance, but it does not cover 
cancer, broken legs, etc, and has extremely high deductibles, so is 
effectively not health insurance.  And that is the collapse of Obamacare.

Re: Ann Coulter - libertarian? - "There shall be a free market in health insurance."

2017-03-01 Thread James A. Donald

An Coulter says:
> The only complicated part of fixing health care is figuring out how
> to take care of the other 10 percent of Americans — the poor, the
> irresponsible and the unlucky. And the only reason that is
> complicated is because of fraud.
> Needless to say, the modern nanny state already guarantees that no
> one will die on the street in America. The taxpayer spends more than
> a trillion dollars every year on Medicare, Medicaid and Social
> Security disability insurance so that everyone’s health is taken
> care of, from cradle to grave.

> Policing fraud is difficult because: (1) the bureaucrats dispensing
> government benefits believe there is no fraud and, if there is, it’s
> a good thing because it redistributes income; and (2) we keep
> bringing in immigrants for whom fraud is a way of life. (See “Adios,
> America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World
> Hellhole.”)

I can confirm this from my visit to Canadian hospital.  It appeared
that I was the only person there who was not a bum or a drug addict.
I guess that all normal Canadians who needed to go to hospital went
across the US border.

Re: CONFESS! Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins!

2017-03-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 5:11 PM, oshwm wrote:

I'd take someone with good imagination who has to look up fine

> details over someone who has a photographic memory and no
> imagination any day.

These are not tests of rote memorization.  Someone who passes them by 
rote memorization is cheating.  These are tests of ability to write a 
simple program.

You ask someone to write a bubble sort, not because anyone ever needs a 
bubble sort, but because the program you actually need someone to write 
cannot be looked up on the internet.

Re: CONFESS! Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins!

2017-03-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 1:00 PM, Razer wrote:

A number of programmers have taken it Twitter to bring it to
everyone's, but particularly recruiter's, attention about the grueling
interview process in their field that relies heavily on technical

David Heinemeier Hansson, a well-known programmer and the creator of
the popular Ruby on Rails coding framework, started it when he
tweeted, "Hello, my name is David. I would fail to write bubble sort
on a whiteboard. I look code up on the internet all the time. I don't
do riddles." Another coder added, "Hello, my name is Tim. I'm a lead
at Google with over 30 years coding experience and I need to look up
how to get length of a python string." Another coder chimed in, "Hello
my name is Mike, I'm a GDE and lead at NY Times, I don't know what np
complete means. Should I?"

A feature story on The Outline adds:

This interview style, widely used by major tech companies including
Google and Amazon, typically pits candidates against a whiteboard
without access to reference material -- a scenario working
programmers say is demoralizing and an unrealistic test of actual
ability. People spend weeks preparing for this process, afraid that
the interviewer will quiz them on the one obscure algorithm they
haven't studied. "

A cottage industry has emerged that reminds us uncomfortably of SAT
prep," Karla Monterroso, VP of programs for Code2040, an organization
for black and Latino techies, wrote in a critique of the whiteboard
interview. [...] This means companies tend to favor recent computer
science grads from top-tier schools who have had time to cram; in
other words, it doesn't help diversify the field with women, older
people, and people of color.

With links:

I have not studied any of these things since forever and a day, but I 
can still pass all of them, and anyone who cannot, should not be hired.

I think the last time I read what a bubble sort was, or had to think 
about a bubble sort, was when I read Knuth, more decades ago than I care 
to admit, and yet I can do a bubble sort off the top of my head on a 

If companies have a lot of people who could not pass these tests, or 
could not pass them without cramming, they should fire a lot of people.

Re: [WAR] RABBI SHMULEY: Comparing Trump to Hitler Desecrates Holocaust

2017-03-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 12:08 PM, Razer wrote:

Rebbe schmebee. Every nutjob on the streetcorner is a theologian now days.

Besides. He's Donald Trump's "Token Jew"

Is Trump's son in law also token?

Re: Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

2017-03-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 9:41 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

#  Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

#  Maps Show Where Americans Care about Climate Change.

Surface thermometers are not an accurate measure of global warming, 
because they tend to be close to human habitation, and therefore the 
*local* environment is getting warmer.

Also weather stations keep getting shut down from time to time, and new 
weather stations pop up from time to time, resulting in the need for 
guesswork and ad hoc corrections to stitch together results from 
different weather stations.

Also, somehow, not every weather station is included, and warmists have 
a notorious tendency to somehow leave out weather stations that are 
getting colder - which is pretty much every unmanned weather station in 

Also, warmists have a notorious tendency to make ad hoc and unexplained 
"corrections" to weather stations that give inconvenient results, as for 

Bottom line:  The people whose data you are relying on have been caught 
lying before.

In the case of Antarctica, they are not exactly lying, rather they are 
cherry picking their weather stations to get the result that they want.

But in the case of Australia, we caught them just plain lying barefaced.

Re: Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

2017-03-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/2/2017 9:41 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

#  Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

This result comes from thermometers located near human habitation, which 
has exposed steam pipes, and which has increasing human habitation, and 
thus increasing sources of heat.

Thermometers far from human habitation indicate that antarctic 
temperatures are falling, as is the fact that the antarctic icecap is 

Re: #JointAddress (was Fwd: Don't forget to watch TONIGHT)

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/1/2017 1:16 PM, Razer wrote:

On 02/28/2017 06:55 PM, James A. Donald wrote:

On 3/1/2017 12:35 PM, Razer wrote:
> Donald Trump is gonna 'fix it' the way the 'banksters' fixed the
> financial system they broke.  He is not only part of the problem He
> is a glaring symptom of the problem. Malignant psychopath bordering
> on stone cold 'silence of the lambs' sociopath. Just get in the way
> of one of his business deals.

Obviously if you do a business deal with Trump, you are likely to lose
your shirt if you are not very careful, and famously lots of people
have lost their shirts in such deals.  He is famous for driving a hard
bargain. But everyone who meets him in person reports on what a nice
guy he is.

No what I mean by PSYCHOPATH is he makes money even if the deal goes
down the dumpster,


> and most of them do.

Not true, very few of them do.

 He's the Real Estave version of a corporate raider,

Corporate raiders are usually good, productive, and decent people.  They 
take on the management of badly run businesses, to the benefit of 
shareholders and employees.

Indeed, what a corporate raider does to a business, is what Trump is 
doing to the permanent government of the US.  In a corporate raid, what 
usually happens is that the shareholders are getting screwed by the 
management, so they unite behind someone powerful and wealthy to be 
their champion, as Trump is our champion.
Every story tells the same thing.  Trump is a really nice guy, kindly,
generous, and cares about everyone he meets, and has been all his life,
before he even thought about entering politics.

And here is another story along the same lines as all the others:

	Trump owns a golf resort in Scotland not far from my home, and he was 
speaking at a chambers of commerce meeting a couple of years ago, 
catered by students of the local cookery college, of which I was one - 
we did little canapes and nibbles, nothing major, but he popped in and 
thanked us for our efforts and said he enjoyed the food, which was nice 
of him.

Trump made it a point to meet with the catering student staff to 
compliment them?

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/1/2017 5:27 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

No, my love, sorry, I think it is not the way.  I don't want any blood
in my hands.


You already have the blood of many, many people on your hands, and lust 
and thirst for the blood of many more.

Fake and contrived hate incidents, for example the shooting of Michael 
Brown, have already led to the rape and murder of a great many white 
people, which you gleefully celebrated.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 02/28/2017 09:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

it's about peace, about life, about
Justice and a fairer, more transparent world, where this kind of
hateful action is *not* tolerated or ignored.

When people manufacture lists of hateful things done by Jews, most of 
the stuff is pretty trivial, and what is not trivial was done absurdly 
long ago, which shows the bad motivation of the people manufacturing 
these lists.

When people manufacture lists of hateful things done by white 
heterosexual males, most of the stuff is totally fake, which shows that 
the motivations of the people manufacturing these lists is far more evil 
than the motivations of those manufacturing lists of bad things done by 

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 3/1/2017 2:51 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

The 'Documenting Hate' Project wants transparency about relevant data
that is *not* known because most of the times are ignored or receive
more make-up than all Hollywood actresses in Oscar's night.

We know this is not true from the huge publicity that so many fake and 
trivial "hate crimes" have received, just as we know that no white man 
has raped a black women for decades from the huge publicity that so many 
fake white on black rapes have received.

If someone founded a "Documenting Hate" organization with a mandate to 
discover bad things done by Jews, you know what it would discover, and 
why it was discovering those supposed bad things - it would mostly the 
same kind of stuff as you have been discovering supposedly done by 
heterosexual white males, for the same reasons that you have supposedly 
been discovering those things.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 2/28/2017 4:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

I certainly don't want there to be hate
crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.\

When you find so many imaginary and overhyped crimes, and so very few 
real crimes, your motivation is not ending those crimes, but imposing 
collective punishment on those supposedly guilty.

Reflect on what happened in Ferguson:

A policeman shoots a black thug in self defence:

Hate crime.

Large numbers of white people are driven out of Ferguson and forced to 
abandon their homes to black people, with the result that price of these 
homes in parts of Ferguson near the riots fall to far below the value of 
the mortgages and cost of replacement.

Not a hate crime.

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 02/28/2017 12:13 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for
hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them,
reveals your hatred, not ours.

On 2/28/2017 4:44 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't want there to be hate
crimes. Shining a spotlight on them is the first step to ending them.

As I said, none of the hate crimes that you hunger and thirst for have 
occurred in the United States since the election of Trump.

Why do you want to shine a spotlight on crimes that are almost 
nonexistent?  If not to vilify and demonize white males?

But quite a lot of hate crimes against heterosexual white males have 
happened, the hate crimes that you do not want a spotlight shone on, the 
crimes that whenever someone shines a spotlight on them, you call the 
man with the spotlight a Nazi and seek to destroy his career and 
physically attack him.

Such as, for example, this hate crime:
Now that is hatred, and it is hatred that you enthusiastically and 
gleefully fan.

And you are calling for more imaginary and fake hate crimes in order to 
fan it, in order to get more incidents like this.

Fake hate crimes blamed on white heterosexual males enormous outnumber 
real hate crimes by white heterosexual males, and very real hate crimes 
against white heterosexual males enormously outnumber the fake hate 
crimes that you use to justify the entirely real hate crimes against 
heterosexual white males..

Why are you not shining the spotlight on fake hate crimes and the real 
hate crimes that they are used to justify?

Re: "Documenting Hate" Project

2017-02-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 2/28/2017 3:09 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

"Documenting Hate" Project:

That you want there to be hate crimes so much, that you look so hard for 
hate crimes, and are so thrilled when you think you have found them, 
reveals your hatred, not ours.

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