this list is a jewnazi cesspool...

2023-12-27 Thread punk

...and I am unsubscribing again, this time for-ever. Los locos hijos de 
puta de esta cloaca son realmente notables. Es imposible encontrar una 
coleccion mas perfecta de robots repitiendo la propaganda del pentagono mas 
imbecil que se pueda imaginar. 

I don't understand why Greg mantains such a cesspool. Oh well. 
Hopefully the agents will all die a horrible death. 

ps: looks like jewnazi grarpamp has nothing to say about his jewnazi agent in 
argentina, jakobo milei. Grarpamp is too stupid to babble even half a retarded 
non-argument. His greatest philosophical ability is to spam jewtube and 
wikimierda links.  Shocking.

Re: fuck all you jewnazi KKKristians - and jews.

2023-12-25 Thread punk

> And not least since your man Milei won

that piece of jew shit is not my man - he is your man, as explained in 
the message I posted twice,  the message you ignored twice, and that I'm 
posting again .


this is for grarpamp. It just so happens that anarchist theory can 
predict the future quite well, and as soon as this jakobo milei turd became an 
'anarchist' president, that is, the supreme boss of the state mafia, he started 
to act like the supreme boss of the state mafia.

first thing jakobo milei did was rise taxes, including taxes on 
international trade. Hey, nothing says 'libertarian' like import/export 
duties!! Moral of the story, he steals money to pay government parasites - 
that's his purpose in life.

second thing he did was suck zolosky cock. Ah yes, the anti human jew 
and murderer of the ukrainian people, zolokys, came to 'congratulate' jakobo 
milei. Two despicable pentagon assets sucking each others cocks. They should 

anyway, it only took two days for jakobo milei to betray every single 
promise he made.

funnily enough james donald understands the argie situation well :

"Milei is a US puppet. He is backing Ukraine and Israel, he is cutting 
relations with the BRICs. He is integrating with the US finance system, which 
is not capitalism, but communism.

This kind of “capitalism” was an economically ruinous catastrophe for Argentina 
and Yeltzin’s Russia the first time around. It is likely to be a catastrophe 
the second time around." 

ps: grarpamp you sent me a personal message to this address awhile back. I 
can't reply to your jewnanzi jewmail account though. joogle joonazis block 


a few days ago milei 'issued' an 'executive order' with some alleged 
'deregulation measures' in it. So far the only thing he's achieved is a steep 
increase of inflation rate. The only 'deregulated' thing here is the price of 
food, skyrocketing. 

fuck all you jewnazi KKKristians - and jews.

2023-12-24 Thread punk

'kkkristmas' is one of the most stupid and evil examples of jew-western 
savagery. Fuck all the assholes who 'celeberate' it.  

the poor, anti-human jewnazis are losing

2023-12-23 Thread punk

they are losing their little ukrainian war. The jews, 'led' by jakobo 
zoloski, massacred some hundred thousands ukrainians, and yet they are getting 

Orwellian Morning Joe "Redefines Success" in Ukraine—Erasing Their 
Warmongering - signed jakobo greenwald.

grancrap's bosses are anti-human jews! So unexpected.

2023-01-12 Thread punk

So, looks like one the 'masterminds' (LMAO!!!) behind the US jewnazi 
war against russia is a cunt called victoria nuland. Victoria, such am aryan' 

in reality the cunt "was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon 
born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants, and a Christian British native 

ha - hard to think of a most toxic, anti-human mix : 

But wait, it gets better. The cunt is married to another anti-human jew 
called kagan. 

"In 1997, Kagan co-founded the neoconservative 'think tank' Project for 
the New American Century with William Kristol" 

Yeah it's THEM. The things who planned the 9/11 'new pearl harbour' in 
jew york city. Jakobo kagan and accomplices came up with this : 

"a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating 
Tomorrow's Dominant Force" becamethe subject of considerable 
controversy: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings 
revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and 
catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.""

how is the U.S. mailbomber jewnazi grarpamp @ 'financed'?

2023-01-10 Thread punk

where does the stolen money that pays for all the list's propaganda  
come from? 

"In all, at least a mind-boggling $21 trillion of Pentagon financial 
transactions between 1998 and 2015 could not be traced, documented, or 

So that's the answer eh. 21 Trillions of 'black budgets' in less than 
twenty years. I bet the current figure is some 40 trillions. 

But hey, the only jewnazi global empire and biggest threat to human history...the jewnazi U.S., is no different than any other 
'bad actor', like, I don't know, the governmnet of paraguay!

Re: More on the RSA crack by new quantum approach paper

2023-01-09 Thread punk
On Mon, 9 Jan 2023 16:24:57 +
Peter Fairbrother  quoted:

> "Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can 
> create an algorithm that he himself can't break. It's not even hard. 
> What is hard is creating an algorithm that no one else can break, even 
> after years of analysis. And the only way to prove that is to subject 
> the algorithm to years of analysis by the best cryptographers around."

so called 'peer review' doesn't *prove* that all. 

1)  an algorithm that no one else can break
2)  the only way to prove that is to subject the algorithm to years of analysis 
by the best cryptographers around

laughably dishonest and idiotic lie. The only thing that 2) 'proves' is 
that those people couldn't break the system, or didn't want to, or didn't 
publish their actual results. It doesn't prove that it hasn't been broken by, 
you know, the 'intelligence' 'community' mafia.

so guess what, jakobo shneir 'law' is not a 'law' at all - it's a piece 
of propaganda coming from a pentagon jew.

Re: U.S. jewnazi war against Russia

2023-01-07 Thread punk
On Sun, 8 Jan 2023 00:39:27 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Instead of saying that all Govts suck, including RU and US,

So the jewnazi pentagon war propaganda is relentless. The vomits coming 
from the anti-human jewnazi bot grarpamp @, hiding behind jewmail are 

> all Govts suck, including RU and US,

There's only one jewnazi global empire commiting crimes against 
humanity since 1776, and it is  the jewnazi U.S., the anti-human entity paying 
grarpamp @ to spam war propaganda. 

"Washington's determination to overthrow the Russian government via a 
proxy war in Ukraine has brought the threat of nuclear war closer than ever in 

What grarpamp @ wants is for BIDEN'S WAR to proceed 
unchallenged and to ultimately destroy russia, as a NEEDED STEP to then ATTACK 
CHINA. Sorry, I mean 'contain' china.

Re: U.S. jewnazi war against Russia

2023-01-07 Thread punk
On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 21:33:34 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> >> Yet again, Juan is refusing to call out his Govt.
> > meh
> Here Juan again dodges and refuses to call out his Govt.

I already explained, multiple times,  that 'my' govt is actually 
grancrap's jewnazi government. 

I think there's another important thing to underscore here. Why does 
the turd keep lying and keeps wanting me to 'call out' 'my govt'? 

What grancrap ACTUALLY wants is for me to stop calling HIM out. 
Furthermore, grancrap would be pretty happy if picked up a fight with a local 
cop, and were prevented from ever posting here again. 

It's the same reason grancrap mailbombed me. 

> Putting a silly word between the two does not diminish
> the fact that you claimed it as "My Government".

Are you drunk as well? You can't keep lying like this. 

So, for the last time, no, I never claimed that the U.S. jewnazi 
government currently  invading argentina and its european and local accomplices 
is "My Government" 

There's no such thing as "My Government".

At the same time, 'we' can easily take a look at the archives and see 
literally thousands of messages in which grancrap defends the trumponazi U.S. 
government AND DEMOCRACY. That is, HIS government AND DEMOCRACY.

Not to mention all the rest of pentagon propaganda he spams.

Like I said, this list is finished. 

Re: U.S. jewnazi war against Russia

2023-01-07 Thread punk
On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 18:58:41 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Yet again, Juan is refusing to call out his Govt. 


oh, and for completness sake. The stupid, infinitely evil, and lying 
piece of shit grancrap keeps lying.

I've commented on the argentine government multiple times. The 
situation is summed up in one sentence : The argie government is a puppet of 
the U.S. jewnazi government. 

That is a pretty well known fact, and should be especially well known 
to a PENTAGON NAZI like grancrap itself. 

jakobo grancrap has to be infinitely stupid and evil(duh!) to try to 
accuse me of siding with 'my' (LMAO!!!) government, since 'my'(LMAO!!!) 
government is, again, a U.S. puppet government.

> he declares his GovtPols as being "His Government (literally: "My 
> Government")"

did I mention your stupidity and evil are infinite? Especially your 

I wrote : 'my' (LMAO!!!) government 

'my' in 'scare quotes', plus laughing my ass at the idea that  it is 
'my' government. Then again, you're not just infinitely stupid, you're 
infinitely dishonet. 

Re: U.S. jewnazi war against Russia

2023-01-07 Thread punk
On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 16:15:41 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

>  still refuses to say a word aboutGovPols system in his own country that 
> are ruling over him

oh, and for completness sake. The stupid, infinitely evil, and lying 
piece of shit grancrap keeps lying.

I've commented on the argentine government multiple times. The 
situation is summed up in one sentence : The argie government is a puppet of 
the U.S. jewnazi government. 

That is a pretty well known fact, and should be especially well known 
to a PENTAGON NAZI like grancrap itself. 

jakobo grancrap has to be infinitely stupid and evil(duh!) to try to 
accuse me of siding with 'my' (LMAO!!!) government, since 'my'(LMAO!!!) 
government is, again, a U.S. puppet government.

the war in russia and the jewnazi grancrap - grarpamp @

2023-01-07 Thread punk

When grancrap talks about the demrats we can hear very loud hysterical 
screeches accusing the demrats of being 'the far left'.  Listening to 
grancrap's hysterical screeches one would assume that grancrap himself isn't a 
demrat. I mean he's trying to sound like he doesn't like them...?

Consider now the current US war against russia, fought for world 
domination. The war was started in 2014 by the demrat obomba and put into high 
gear by the demrat biden in 2022 - the two supreme demrat commanders. It's 
rather clear that demrats are the most insane, anti-human warmongers in the 
known universe. 

And now it gets really amusing, because the anti-human jewnazi grancrap 
who pretends to  hysterically whine about the demrats, is the same anti-human 

Yeah, the only thing grancrap does is parrot anti-russia, 

Re: U.S. jewnazi war against Russia

2023-01-07 Thread punk

jewnazi grancrap grarpamp @ - anonymous coward hiding behind 
jooglemail vomited :

> History is full of "leaders" and "countries" initiating violence
> by creating and launching their militaries across border regions

yes, and your trumponazi cuntry is the biggest offender. A jewnazi 
global empire of which you're the lowest kind of propaganda bot.

you are the biggest fraud on this list, a list that itself is a 
hilarious fraud.

U.S. jewnazi war against Russia

2023-01-07 Thread punk

"Washington’s proxy war with Russia is the result of a carefully 
constructed plan to embroil Russia in conflict with its Ukrainian neighbor. 
>From the moment that President Putin indicated that his government would not 
tolerate a NATO military presence on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine, Washington 
sought to expedite Ukraine’s development into a regional military power hostile 
to Russia.

 The Maidan coup allowed Washington’s agents in Kiev to install a 
government that would cooperate with this project. PM Merkel’s recent admission 
that she and her European colleagues sought to exploit the Minsk Accords to buy 
time for the military building in Ukraine confirms the tragic truth of this 

pentagon jewnazi bots

2023-01-05 Thread punk

some random pentagon jewnazi bot has automatically spammed a bunch 
of...propaganda! Shocking!

The propaganda did contain one correct and irrelevant fact. Ron paul is 
a racist. The poor stupid  bot doesn't even know that paul is also a 
jew-kristian nazi, a US 'nationalist', a US cunstitutionalist etc.  And still 
all that has nothing to with this other fact : 

 People in the U.S. who are actually opposed to war (like ron paul) say 
this about the war in ukraine

"Washington's determination to overthrow the Russian government via a 
proxy war in Ukraine has brought the threat of nuclear war closer than ever in 
history" *

U.S. jewnazi warmonger grancrap - grarpamp @

2023-01-05 Thread punk

What do people in the U.S. who are actually opposed to war say about 
the war in ukraine? They say this : 

"Washington's determination to overthrow the Russian government via a 
proxy war in Ukraine has brought the threat of nuclear war closer than ever in 
history" *

OK, so that's what the war is all about for U.S. jewnazis like 
grancrap. The U.S. jewnazis, a collection of non human criminals of which 
grancrap is a robotic mouthpiece, want complete control over russia. 


Science is Fraud (like this mailing list)

2023-01-03 Thread punk

Human Endogenous Retroviruses and AIDS Research - Etienne de Harven 

Attached ppaper explains the AIDS scam, one of the biggest scams in 

de harven was 'president of the electron microscopy society of 
america', plus other various 'scietific' 'credentials'.

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Anti War: Thread

2023-01-03 Thread punk
On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 02:47:49 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> > The Democrats Are Now The War Party
> So is Japan, again...
> plans to become the world’s third-highest weapons spender

lawl you have to be an insane U.S. jewnazi like grancrap to point the 
finger at japan. Funny thing is, japan is buying more crap from the U.S. 
jewnazis. If japan is being 're-militarized' it's just because they are 
following pentagon's orders - as usual.

And to make this doubly hypocritical, japan is just a U.S. jewnazi 
vassal state, and so japan is against russia, like grancrap and against arabs, 
like grancrap.

Bottom line, this mailing list is a fucking fraud. Like grancrap.

Name the criminals

2022-12-31 Thread punk

I'm reposting this, waiting for Greg to comment : 


So I think Greg must list all the government agents here

"Subscribers are also warned that the list is frequented by spooks. 
Sabotage, COINTELPRO and other forms of subversion or attack are often 

That is of course correct. The vast majority of traffic belongs to that 
category. The only thing that remains to be done is to explicitly name the 
government criminals. 

Re: the cypherpunks mailing list is finished

2022-12-29 Thread punk
On Thu, 29 Dec 2022 23:04:24 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> > government agents who infest the list.
> "Juan Garofalo punks @"

This is another thing. Not only is grarpamp @  using the 
cpunks list server for mailbombing/D.O.S attacking people, he's also trying to 
'dox' people. 

So I think Greg must list all the government agents here

"Subscribers are also warned that the list is frequented by spooks. 
Sabotage, COINTELPRO and other forms of subversion or attack are often 

That is of course correct. The vast majority of traffic belongs to that 
category. The only thing that remains to be done is to explicitly name the 
government criminals. 

the cypherpunks mailing list is finished

2022-12-29 Thread punk

99.9% of the messages posted to this list are spam and they come from 
four spammers/US government agents : 

grarpamp @
pro2rat @ 
gmkarl @ 
g @ 

their messages are not just spam, but they are vicious US government 

As correctly stated here

"Subscribers are also warned that the list is spooks"

I think at the very least that page should name the government agents 
who infest the list. If the spam/propaganda wasn't bad enough, the US 
government agents named above have now resorted to direct mailbombing/D.O.S. 

I appreciate thew work that Greg does by running the list, and the fact 
that legitimate messages are not censored. On the other hand, the list is a de 
facto US propaganda echo chamber and as such it has nothing to do with alleged 
cypherpunk values. 

Re: Cryptocurrency: Printing $10k ASIC's Is Fail

2022-12-22 Thread punk
On Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:44:53 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> When your PoW is not ASIC-proof, and when only a few
> GigaCorps are permitted by a fully retarded user base to
> monopolize user-unbuyable $10k ASIC boxes through
> Cantillionaire effects... this is the foolish results you get...

lawl, the pentagon nazi is lying! This is so unexpected! 

bitcoin is centralized because your US jewnazi cesspool is the biggest 
monopoly on the planet. Everything is a pentagon controlled monopoly, so you 
have to be a braindead 'cypherpunk' to pretend to believe that your 
'cryptocurrency' won't be centralized when everything around it is.

> When your PoW is not ASIC-proof

you can choose between TSMC asics and btc or amd-intel-jewnaziware and 
monero. Yeah fully backdoored amd-intel-jewnaziware is such a great choice for 
a 'cypherpunk cryptocurrency'.

And then, if mining using amd-intel-jewnaziware is 'profitable', the 
rothschilds will set up monopolistic 'mining farms' with 100,000 of machines. 
But hey your "PoW is ASIC-proof" 

see what your problem is grancrap? You're a infinitely evil. And 
infinitely stupid.

whine some more about the russians not being a US jewnazi vassal state.

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-12-22 Thread punk
On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 04:30:02 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Putin is a mass Invader, 

So grancrap, the non-human pentagon turd who mailbombed me was you, 

"the list is spooks, trolls, and other sources of 
negative influence, surveillance or disruption. Sabotage, COINTELPRO and other 
forms of subversion or attack are often observed." 

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-12-21 Thread punk
On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 04:30:02 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Putin is a mass Invader, 

So grancrap, the non-human, jewnazi pentagon turd who mailbombed me was 
you, right? 

paging Greg - cypherpunks list attack

2022-12-19 Thread Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0

I'm resending this, since I didn't see any comment from Greg.


Hi Greg. 

In the last few hours this address received more than 3000 
'unsubscribe' notifications 

"We have received a request from for the removal of your
email address, """ 

So the government agents on the list are getting more criminal. They 
are now using the list as a 'tool' for mail bombing. I suggest you ban them 

Please disable somehow the notification system since it's being used 
for outright criminal activity. 


cpunks list server is a D.O.S. attacker

2022-12-18 Thread punk

So the list's server accepts unauthenticated commands from any IP 
address and fowards them to the D.O.S. target. 

This 'feature' of the server doesn't have any legitimate purpose, since 
people who want to subscribe/unsubscribe/etc should send the commands using 
their email address, not an unauthenticated 'web' interface. 

At the very least the web interface should ban tor and have some kind 
of rate limiting instead of mindlessly fowarding 1000s of messages to one 

cypherpunks list attack

2022-12-18 Thread Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0

Hi Greg. 

In the last few hours this address received more than 3000 
'unsubscribe' notifications 

"We have received a request from for the removal of your
email address, """ 

So the government agents on the list are getting more criminal. They 
are now using the list as a 'tool' for mail bombing. I suggest you ban them 

Please disable somehow the notification system since it's being used 
for outright criminal activity. 


Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2022-12-15 Thread punk
On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:12:12 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> attack dog against
> conservatives for years rather than an accurate news source.

bla barf barf jewnazi vomit barf barf

> Specifically, the outlet's use of fraudulent "fact checking" has
> contributed to a considerable decline in public trust, and this habit
> accelerated after Jeff Bezos acquired the Post in 2013. 

but wait, bezos is a non-human jewnazi pentagon turd AND LIBERTARIAN - 
exactly like the non-human turd grancrap

Re: please ban the fucking asshole

2022-12-15 Thread punk
On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 16:43:04 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> > piece of shit
> > 'cypherpunk' list is finished.
> So says the biggest abuser of everyone, and finisher of it all,

oh look, jewnazi non-human turd grancrap is now playing the victim? 
Poor little pentagon turd is being 'abused'?  Are you being 'abused' and 
'raped' by the truth grancrap?

> Agent Juan Garofalo (aka The Internet's Big Boy), 

Who are you, apart from an anonymous, cowardly, jewnazi, non-human 
turd? I guess a thing  like you will hide behind his joogle jewmail forever. 
What's your name again son?

> classicly attacking
> every one and every thing and their efforts, 

your efforts and the efforts of your accomplices karl jakobo, jakobo 
lardson and professor jakobo are the efforts of the pentagon to exterminate the 
human race. 

are you whining because your evil efforts are not being properly 
praised? What a tragedy!

This piece of shit list is finished.

Re: please ban the fucking asshole

2022-12-15 Thread punk
On Wed, 14 Dec 2022 22:43:36 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Karl is a spammer, 

and so are you. You grancrap are a piece of shit, US jewnazi pentagon 
spammer just like karl and your boyfriend professor turd.

and this piece of shit, US jewnazi 'cypherpunk' list is finished. 


Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam

2022-12-13 Thread punk
On Tue, 13 Dec 2022 03:43:43 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Islamic "Immigration aka Invasion" 

oh look, jewnazi non-human turd grancrap is defending the borders of 
his jewnazi state(s). Yeah, grancrap is the Supreme Emperor of Freedom.

jewnazis in jewnaziland

2022-12-12 Thread punk

that's the heimland of our resident, non-human jewnazi turds : jakobo 
grancrap and his boyfriend jakobo professor turd. 

grancrap, the jewnazi, trumpofascist turd.

2022-12-09 Thread punk

The cartoon thought balloon over Trump’s head:

“I green-lighted Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights; I gave that BiBi 
bastard The Key to the Whitehouse, I ignored the George Floyd riots; I mostly 
ignored the borders; I pardoned Pollard, not Snowden; the only promise I kept 
was to be the best friend Isreal ever had — and all I got was this goddammed 
‘You’re Fired!’ T-shirt!!”

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-12-09 Thread punk
On Fri, 9 Dec 2022 23:58:06 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> This is why Russians are losing in Ukraine.

I can't believe this motherfucking piece of non human jew shit keeps 
spamming pentagon nato propagada. 


the story of signal-NSA and mokito morlonpoke, a little shitcoin scammer

2022-12-09 Thread punk

the mobile-shitcoin was 'created' by one "Josh Goldbard" - right - 
jesus goldbard - so that's the first jakobo. Jakobo goldbard-sucks.

"For now it's listed for sale on just one cryptocurrency exchange, FTX,"

yeah - can't make this shit up - the shitcoin created by jakobo 
goldbard and pumped by jakobo morlonpoke was then 'traded' at the 
money-stealing-laundering operation invented by the Joo King of Crypto, 
jakobo-fried-bank.And what kind of 'valuation' did the joo 'free market' 
asign to this thing? 

"its 250 million coins, at around $69 each, are currently worth almost 
$17 billion dollars in total."

WOW - 17 BILLIONS. That's a lot of BILLIONS for a scam pumped by 
morlonpoke who is a 'progressive' 'anarchist' and 'communist'. Nothing says 
'anarcho-commie' like SNATCHING BILLIONS eh.

And now, the last episode of this little story. At the moment, the 
signal-NSA-mobile-shitcoin 'trades' at $1. Yeah, it went from $70 to $1 in one 
year. That's right, it lost 98.6% of its supposed 'value'.

Just the kind of thing that should be 'traded' at FTX!

jewnazi elon moko BANS Kanye West

2022-12-09 Thread punk

YES! This is what 'free speech' means in the non-minds of non-human 
turds like grancrap and his faggot boss moko - West was banned for  "tweeting 
an image of a swastika " 

that's all it takes for non-human turd moko to show its true colors

who is grancrap -

2022-12-06 Thread punk

it's funny how agent grancrap, US nazi and  jewmail user, hides behind 
his jewmail account while 'doxing' people here. 

it's hard to be a bigger, cowardly piece of shit and coward =) 

then again, we're talking about US jewnazis here

Show some balls, turd, tell us your real name. 

grancrap and professor turd's 'workplace'

2022-12-05 Thread punk

of course what these two non-human jewnazi turds do can't be called 
work. But the place is exactly the one depicted. 

there are many tests to detect US jewnazi government agents, and 
grancrap and professor turd test positive for all of them.

grancrap's jewnazi war in jewkraine

2022-12-05 Thread punk

here's another example of a person in the west who isn't a NATO 
jewnazi, and so tells the truth about the war.

this is the exact opposite of what jewnazi grancrap and his boss 
jewnazi professor turd do.

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-12-03 Thread punk


"Dennis Kucinich and Lawrence Wilkerson Expose US Role in Creating 
Ukraine Crisis"

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-12-02 Thread punk

"Obama's War On History - Attempting to justify placing the US on war 
footing with Russia over the recent referendum in Crimea"

jewnazis now 'defending' assange.

2022-12-01 Thread punk

so it seems that the jewnazis are now playing the 'good' cop game. The 
same non-human turds who have been attacking assange for the last 10 years or 
so like (and john young CIA turd) now are 'defending' him.

the brazilian, pentagon-puppet and turd da silva is also posing as an 
assange supporter, so this seems to be yet another pentagon PSYOP. Shocking.

jewnazi elon moko, orwellian anti-free-speech crusader.

2022-11-30 Thread punk

"New twatter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.

Negative/hate tweets will be max deboosted & demonetized, so no ads or 
other revenue to twatter.

You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is 
no different from rest of Internet." 

so, as you can see, the jewnazi non-human tranny'humanist' turd moko 
has redefined complete censorship to mean 'freedom of speech'.

john young's shameless bluff

2022-11-30 Thread punk

"Cryptome Founder Asks to Be Indicted With Assange"

young is the same CIA asshole who's been ranting against assange for a 
long time, plus he is a feminazi who has attacked  stallman as well. Young 
knows quite well that his CIA bosses won't 'indict' him.

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-11-30 Thread punk

"Busted! US Officials Caught Meddling in Ukraine"

who is the jewnazi grancrap? -

2022-11-29 Thread punk

it's funny how agent grancrap, US nazi and  jewmail user, hides behind 
his jewmail account while 'doxing' people here. 

it's hard to be a bigger, cowardly piece of shit and coward =) 

then again, we're talking about US jewnazis here

Show some balls, turd, tell us your real name. 

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam

2022-11-29 Thread punk
On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 03:11:32 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Apologists to Islam:

oh look, the anonymous coward is always whining 
about islam and always lying about his jewnazi masters. This is so shocking.

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-11-29 Thread punk

"US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, who was caught on tape 
planning the overthrow of the Ukrainian government with US Assistant Secretary 
of State Victoria Nuland, "

Re: What Juan wants...

2022-11-28 Thread punk
On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:02:01 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> he's a total pussy in the real world,

oh and by the way - why is it that you are not in jewkraine, fighting 
the evil putin?

you can get into the next plane, along with jim bell and a 'rainbow 
flag' - a couple of US faggots 'defending' 'gay rights'! The pentagon tells us 
that evil russians hate faggots!!

Even better, you can trannify yourself first!!! That would make you the 
perfect anti-putin-warrior. A castrated US faggot.

> he's a total pussy in the real world,

yes grancrap - we are all waiting for your next message, directly from 
the jewkrainian 'gay-rights' battlefield. That's where you're going no?

who is grancrap -

2022-11-28 Thread punk

it's funny how agent grancrap, US nazi and  jewmail user, hides behind 
his jewmail account while 'doxing' people here. 

it's hard to be a bigger, cowardly piece of shit and coward =) 

then again, we're talking about US jewnazis here

Show some balls, turd, tell us your real name. 

Re: What Juan wants...

2022-11-28 Thread punk
On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 00:02:01 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

Who the fuck are you, turd? Apart from a US cops spamming this piece of 
shit US cesspool.

who is grancrap -

2022-11-28 Thread punk

it's funny how agent grancrap, US nazi and  jewmail user, hides behind 
his jewmail account while 'doxing' people here. 

it's hard to be a bigger, cowardly piece of shit and coward =) 

then again, we're talking about US jewnazis here

Show some balls, turd, tell us your real name. 

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-11-28 Thread punk

"This is a scandal of major international proportions, and the 
implications of this clear evidence of direct US involvement in civil unrest in 
Ukraine are much more serious than most in the US and EU realize."

grancrap's jewnazi war in ukraine

2022-11-28 Thread punk

rockwell is a right-wing, US jew-kristian nazi and US corporatist. But 
even such a turd isn't corrupt enough to parrot pentagon propaganda (unlike 

"US government is imprisoning Julian Assange for journalism which 
exposed US war crimes, US government  paid for the weapons used to destroy more 
than 20 Palestinian media outlets in Gaza last month, US government whose 
unipolar domination of the planet is made possible by the journalism-destroying 
propaganda of the media-owning plutocratic class in alliance with sociopathic 
government agencies." 

in a word, "grancrap" -

"If you peel away all the narrative spin and outward politeness, the US 
empire just looks like any other tyrannical force that has ever existed 
throughout human history, except it kills a lot more people than most of the 

"The sooner humanity can extract the parasite that is the US empire 
from its skin, the better off the whole world will be." 

"The struggle against American global hegemony explains Putin’s foreign 
policy. " 

like I said, anybody who isn't fully corrupt is on russia's side. 

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-11-28 Thread punk

"Ron Paul and Charles Goyette discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and 
a new Senate bill that seeks to push the US to the very brink of war with 
Russia "

start of the war - 2014 US jewnazi invasion of ukraine

2022-11-27 Thread punk

"Yesterday in Odessa, Ukraine, more than 30 anti-Kiev protesters were 
burned alive, as a US-backed pro-Kiev mob set fire to the trade union building 
into which they ran to escape the pro-Kiev crowd. It was the largest loss of 
life in Ukraine since the US-backed coup in February, and it may well be a 
turning point in the east versus west struggle that ensued."

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-11-27 Thread punk
On Mon, 28 Nov 2022 01:14:14 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Putin the asshole that already needed to die for mass invasion,

but grancrap, you are a 'libertarian' 'anarchist' - why are you 
parroting pentagon propaganda? Even the handful of U.S. fake libertarian cunts 
like, say, wrong paul, side with putin. The few U.S. subjects who are not 
complete turds are against their nazi NATO government, and on russia's side 
(because russia is under western attack).

So, sane people in the U.S. are on russia's side, and yet you grancrap 
who are the King Of Anarchists, are parroting pentagon propaganda? Which, by 
the way, is the only thing you ever do? 

Why are you such an infinite, non-human, piece of jew shit grancrap? 
Why did jesus create a non-human turd like you? You've been clearly cursed by 

> Putin the asshole that already needed to die

no grancrap, putin doesn't need to die. YOU need to die, fast.

samuel jewnazi bank-fried confesion of covaids plandemic.

2022-11-26 Thread punk

OK, here we have jakobo-samuel-jewnazi-fried-bank candidly admiting 
that they 'released' a 'pathogen' to create the covaids-flu-common-cold farce 

starting at 24:10

the non human turds wants to "support efforts" so that "the next time a 
pathogen WAS RELEASED it did not become a global pandemic"

yep - can't make this shit up. Jewtube jewnazis please DELETE THAT 

jewnazis keep attacking black people

2022-11-23 Thread punk

the jewnazis at coindesk fired Isaiah Jackson, black, for telling the 
truth about the jewnazis at 'ftx'.

"Look up the religious affiliation of everyone involved in the FTX 
Kanye was right"

of course you'll hear nothing about this coming from jewnazi US 
government agent

Re: Large datasets missing off for weeks

2022-11-20 Thread punk
On Sun, 20 Nov 2022 00:37:17 +
Douglas Lucas  wrote:

> Thankfully it looks like the 'narcisistic hierarchy' bubble around 
> Assadgne 

lawl - yet another jewnazi non-human cop whining about assange. 

> Or maybe the datasets will be all back up on tomorrow. Who 
> knows?

I just checked, and now the hompeage is gone as well. 502 Bad Gateway 

So, you (jewnazi US government agent(s)) deleted the whole site, and 
you non-human turd lucas were ordered to come here to brag, posing as a 'third 
party observer'.


2022-11-17 Thread punk

can't make this shit up, even if you try for a million years

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2022-11-15 Thread punk

braindead jewnazi SPAMMER grancrap keeps spamming irrelevant nonsense 
about elections. Of course, the turd is a braindead true believer in US 
DEMOKKKRACY - shocking!

not to mention, like the good demrat he is, he wants his party to 
collect as much bribes as possible...

Re: Cryptocurrency: "Crypto Bros" Lobbying Congress Prevent Regulation... FTW!

2022-11-15 Thread punk
On Tue, 15 Nov 2022 15:57:40 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> Speak the only language they know... this my bros is how it's done!
> Bribery, buy them out, 

"jakkkobo bank fried was the second-largest individual donor to 
Democratic causes in the 2021–2022 election cycle, with total donations of 
$39.8 million, only behind George Soros." 

so what jewnazi agent grancrap here is saying is that he fully approves 
of the demrats getting +40 millions of STOLEN MONEY in bribes to allow 
grancrap's jewnazi masters steal tens of billions more undisturbed.

it doesn't take much effort to show what jewnazi government agents like 
grancrap stand for. It actually takes no effort. They will always betray 
themselves, just like their jewnazi masters. 

jewnazis keep attacking black people

2022-11-15 Thread punk

the jewnazis at coindesk fired Isaiah Jackson, black, for telling the 
truth about the jewnazis at 'ftx'.

"Look up the religious affiliation of everyone involved in the FTX 
Kanye was right"

of course you'll hear nothing about this coming from jewnazi US 
government agent

samuel fried bank is a thieving jew - shocking!

2022-11-14 Thread punk

"...jakobo hails from an upper-middle-class family of Jewish academics 
and grew up steeped in higher education." 


US jewnazis against assange

2022-11-14 Thread punk

"How the left became cheerleaders for US imperialism"

2022-11-13 Thread punk

that's particularly relevant regarding jewnazi scum like jakobo and jakobo

notice that those two non human turds parrot the same jewnazi, NATO, 
anti-russia propaganda that , a right wing jewnazi pentagon 
puppet parrots. And vice-versa.

chief JEWnazi censor at twatter resigns!

2022-11-12 Thread punk

wait, didn't elon moko fire the non-human jew-turd the first day...? He 
wanted to keep it instead...? The jewturd was called "Head of Trust and Safety" 
- such an amazing title!

anyway, it just so happens that all the 'jobs' the jewnazis do are 
anti-human crimes. That's so unexpected and shocking!

this is how US jewnazis treat their 'allies'

2022-11-11 Thread punk

Re: XMR vs. BTC

2022-11-08 Thread punk
On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 00:54:10 -0500
grarpamp  wrote:

> On 11/8/22, Peter Fairbrother  wrote:
> > a byproduct of the cryptography list.
> While they got the first post reasonably for technical review, they
> did not have the early formative ethos to inspire it that cpunks did.

bitcoin was just announced in jakobo metzger's list. That doesn't make 
it a product of said list. 

Re: XMR vs. BTC

2022-11-08 Thread punk
On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 03:35:29 +
Peter Fairbrother  wrote:

> On 08/11/2022 22:05, wrote:
> > 
> > With Bitcoin being created as a byproduct of this mailing list
> Bitcoin was, very loosely speaking, a byproduct of the cryptography list.

Most of bitcoin's 'building blocks'/concepts come from the cypherpunks 
: hash-cash, reusable-proof-of-work, b-money. So the claim "created as a 
byproduct of this mailing list" is accurate (although you could argue this 
isn't the original cpunks list).

at any rate, your claim "byproduct of the cryptography list" is flatly 

> It was in no way a byproduct the cypherpunks list.

see above

> It was/is also a piece of scam which doesn't scale enough to be a 
> currency, 

same problem monero has, except monero scales even less. You might also 
want to specify in which way bitcoin is a scam, and more importantly compare 
its scam properties to the scam properties of your government's fake money. 

> which wastes carbon-emitting resources, 

wow that's such an original and unexpected...lie. You're parroting the 
dumbest pro-state, anti-freedom, cop-talk one could imagine. Shocking!

> and which doesn't provide reliable anonymity.
> Beautiful structure and coding though. And starting off by providing 
> such a good a reference implementation ...
> Punk once claimed Bitcoin was created by the man. I don't take much 
> notice of Punk's claims (though if we aren't looking for such attacks - 
> "paranoid" - we shouldn't be in this game), but who else but the man was 
> that good at writing code?
> > Does XMR solve the problems of Bitcoin?
> No. Even with Seraphis it still isn't reliably anonymous. It wastes 
> carbon-dioxide producing resources. And it doesn't scale.
> It may be a step or two in the right direction, but I don't know enough 
> about it (and what it may develop into) to say for sure. It has a 
> loonng way to go though before it gets really good though.
> Peter Fairbrother

please ban the fucking asshole

2022-11-08 Thread punk


2022-11-06 Thread punk

> Reality Winner traveled alone to Belarus briefly. 

duh. The cunt is the lowest kind of US nazi. Why wouldn't a US 
murderer-spy travel to 'foreign' countries. That's the cunt's 'job' description.

"the cunt was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal for "aiding in 
650 enemy captures, 600 enemies killed in action and identifying 900 high value 

So the relevant question for this fine 'cypherpunk' list is : why is 
such a non-human cunt still alive?

tell us douglas, why is your coworker still alive.

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam

2022-11-06 Thread punk

oh look, US-jewnazi government-agent grancrap commenting on muslims and 
never saying a word about his jewnazi rothschild masters. Shocking!

and by the way, WHO IS  ??

he's an anonymous US jewnazi and too much of a coward to use his real 

elon moko, Supreme Chief Censor at

2022-11-05 Thread punk


Again, to be crystal clear, twatter’s strong commitment to content 
moderation remains absolutely unchanged.

In fact, we have actually seen hateful speech at times this week decline 
*below* our prior norms, contrary to what you may read in the press.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 4, "

jakobo lieberman,'s jewnazi boss

2022-11-01 Thread punk

oh look, a motherfucking piece of non-human jew-shit who is infinitely 
evil. Shocking.

"How Lieberman Got Amazon To Drop Wikileaks" 

wow - that's so unexpected. Non human jewnazi and 'libertarian' bezos 
is the pentagon, and vice-versa. Plus, bezos is the faggot boyfriend of jakobo 
liberman, and vice-versa. Such an amazing display of jewnazi 'manly' 'love'.

Anyway, the funny thing here is that grancrap is constantly whining 
about 'islam' but he never mentions his jewnazi bosses

who is the anonymous US government criminal

2022-11-01 Thread punk

How come the turd spamming from doesn't use his real 
US governemnt identity? 

It's pretty strange...

Re: Nikolai Muchgian: MakerDAO, and Troller of Deep State, Dead at 29

2022-11-01 Thread punk
On Tue, 1 Nov 2022 17:10:33 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> On 11/1/22, punk  wrote:
> >> Pedo Elite
> >> alleged "sex trafficking
> >
> > typical 'meme'
> > whine about the non-crime of 'sex trafficking'.
> "There is no fucking 'child sexual abuse'. Indeed. -- Juan Garofalo aka
> PunkBatSoupStasi aka punk aka JuanG aka [snip]"

what's your name officer grand-crap? We know you're just a big bag of 
shit, but what name is written in your US government employment card? What, 
you're not just a turd, but also a despicable anonymous coward? Shocking.

> > 'stablecoin' = idiotic scam.
> Even gold chickens bitcoin float to and at market

meaningless babbling from an anonymous US government turd who knows as 
much about economics as he knows about 'libertarianism' and 'anarchy'

And here, let me repeat the part you censored, you stupid, feminazi, US 
government turd 

> Mushegian was also a charitable figure, donating over $1 million
> to his alma mater Carnegie Mellon in 2020.   

Right. How many 'antistate' 'cryptoanarchists' 'donate' a million 
dollars to the worst US govcorp criminals on the planet? 

A carnegie-mellon-antistate-cryptoanarchist-feminazi. Yeah only the US 
can produce such an abortion...and NSA asset.

Re: Nikolai Muchgian: MakerDAO, and Troller of Deep State, Dead at 29

2022-11-01 Thread punk
On Tue, 1 Nov 2022 14:39:35 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

>Pedo Elite

typical 'meme' of right-wing jew-kkkristian trash and left-wing 
feminazis - who are one and the same.

> one day after tweeting about an alleged "sex trafficking 

only puritan trash and feminazis whine about the non-crime of 'sex 

> Nikolai Arcadie Muchgian, the 29-year-old founder of MakerDAO,
> Balancer Labs, and the decentralized Dai stablecoin,

'stablecoin' = idiotic scam. So the guy was your run of the mill 
shitcoin scammer. Shocking.

>my ex gf who was a spy. 

sure - just like him.

> On September 24, he tweeted: "Imagine how evil someone has to be to
> transform me from antistate cryptoanarchist 

huh 'antistate cryptoanarchist'

> Mushegian was also a charitable figure, donating over $1 million
> to his alma mater Carnegie Mellon in 2020. 

Right. How many 'antistate' 'cryptoanarchists' 'donate' a million 
dollars to the worst US govcorp criminals on the planet? 

A carnegie-mellon-antistate-cryptoanarchist-feminazi. Yeah only the US 
can produce such an abortion...and NSA asset.


2022-10-31 Thread punk

"Germans are so cucked that, after nearly 100 yrs of anti-nazi 
indoctrination, they feel compelled to support nazis in Ukraine because Jews 
demand it." 

James Donald, a True Nazi.

2022-10-29 Thread punk

This motherfucking thing donald is a True Nazi according to himself. A 
techno-nazi to be more accurate (but he doesn't admit that). Technonazis and 
communists are of course one and the same turd.

"We have had three hundred and eighty years of corporate tech 

...also known as mercantilism, techno-fascism, techno-nazism, or 
communism. The donald thing is about to be turned into a remote-controlled bot, 
thanks to elon moko brainchips, and yet he keeps hysterically sucking the cock 
that is about to obliterate him.

"fake Nazis on Gab are spouting Marxist history"

unlike donald who is a True Nazi, barefacedly lying about the nature of 
fascism and 'technology', which he calls 'capitalism'. So yeah, such level of 
evil and stupidity can only be achieved by jewnazi US cypherpunks such as 

jewnazis savagely attack Kanye West

2022-10-29 Thread punk

This is really shocking! Joos are the KKK, and viceversa.

Why was West attacked? Why, for telling like 5% of the truth about the 
piece of shit joos, what else.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2022-10-27 Thread punk
On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 23:45:23 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> Promote Vaccines"

promote vaccines?

you mean, like piece of technonazi shit jim bell?

> Walensky herself tested positive for COVID again last week, 

keep promoting the lie that covaids exists, asshole. 

> despite  being vaccinated FIVE times. 

there's no 'vaccine' for the common cold. Furthermore, jim bell's 
technonazi Science can't cure the common cold. 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-24 Thread punk

wow, this is even more evil and stupid than I thought 

> This raises serious legal issues which are now being litigated across the
> country. Governments can’t simply privatize their censorious ambitions
> to the private sector

total censorship is what non-human turds like tucker fully love and 
advocate. Jewnazi joogle, fukerbook and the rest are PRIVATE. The arpanet is 
Why is the non-human turd whining about his own anti-philosophy.

> There’s another reason why censorship is more pervasive than at any time
> in our lifetime. It’s because we have never had such access to so many
> varied information portals. 

I couldn't make that shit up even if my life depended on it. 

We live under complete surveillance and censorship thanks to a 
worldwide US-jewnazi monopoly, yet the non-human turd claims we live in the 
best of possible worlds.

"we have never had such access to so many varied information portals."

Right. Beating tucker to death and feeding him to pigs would be an 
insult to pigs.

> Imagine if the whole lockdown scenario had
> taken place in the early 1970s. There were three television networks.

now replaced by tucker's jewnazi ARPANET - a single US-jewnazi-private 

really grancrap, you have to go kill this turd, and then kill yourself.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-24 Thread punk
On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 00:30:22 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:
> Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times
> This is the age of censorship, pushed by government and interests and
> enacted by wholly captured Big Tech firms.

notice that the piece of non-human, jewnazi shit tucker pretends that 
'big tech firms' are CAPTURED.

If anything, anybody with even half a brain knows that government is 
CAPTURED by 'private' interests like joogle, microshit, and the rest of the MIC.

Hell, there are even terms like regulatory CAPTURE, which means that 
government 'regulators' get their orders from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

but of course, pieces of non-human right-wing shit like tucker will 
never tell the truth. Hopefully tucker will be exterminated soon by his beloved 
'free market'.

grancrap's website

2022-10-24 Thread punk

this is just hilarious

an incredibly brain-dead pentagon outlet that publishes anti-russian 
propaganda 24/7 poses as 'anti-empire' - yeah, wouldn't expect anything else 
from the pentagon.


jim bell's technonazi utopia

2022-10-24 Thread punk

Re: feminazi joogle criminal now 'works' at signal-NSA

2022-10-23 Thread punk
On Sun, 23 Oct 2022 14:48:04 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> > 
> >

yes a stupid charade. morlonpoke and his NSA accomplices are the worst 
kind of trash who pose as 'progressive' 'humanitarians' while working for the 
pentagon. Only US garbage (i.e. you) can be that corrupt.

oh look, that's signal-amazon-NSA and tor-NSA.

feminazi joogle criminal now 'works' at signal-NSA

2022-10-23 Thread punk

the cunt is too useless to be useful in the kitchen. Or maybe is it a 

slavery, the land of the jewnazi US land

2022-10-21 Thread punk

wow - such a progressive cesspool, I mean 'society'.

ps: yeah teh poor non human jews are being oppressed!!!

Re: First we kill all the cops

2022-10-20 Thread punk
On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 20:15:06 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> On 10/20/22, punk  wrote:
> > kill all the cops is fully aligned with anarchist principles and a very 
> > effective
> > way to get rid of the state and the corporate 'private' mafia behind it.
> High anarchist principles... effectively failed, even in peak 1900's,

three anarchists can't kill all the cops, so no, they didn't fail.

> November 14, 1909 – Argentine anarchist militant Simón Radowitzky
> assassinates Buenos Aires chief of police, Lieutenant Ramón Falcón by
> a throwing a bomb at his carriage while Falcón was returning from a
> deceased fellow officer's funeral. The assassination prompted
> President José Figueroa Alcorta to declare a state of siege and pass
> the Social Defense Law, which allowed the deportation of anarchist
> "agitators".
> 1926–1928 – Several bombings in Argentina organized by the Italian
> anarchist Severino Di Giovanni, in the frame of the international
> campaign supporting Sacco and Vanzetti and against Fascist Italy's
> interests in Argentina.

exactly like I said. 3 anarchists. 

But granted, given a critical mass of actual libertarians we wouldn't 
need to kill all cops. Just some fraction. The rest of murderous cowards would 
'get the message'.


Re: First we kill all the cops

2022-10-20 Thread punk
On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 17:21:41 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> No, you, the poseur, won't.
> Lame idea for a supposed "anarchist" who
> should know its futility re State.

kill all the cops is fully aligned with anarchist principles and a very 
effective way to get rid of the state and the corporate 'private' mafia behind 

Only right-wing, cop-cock-sucking clowns, i.e. grancrap, would object. 

Of course, the other turd who wrote the subject "First we kill all the 
cops" is a cop himself and is trolling this fine 'cypherpunk' technonazi list.

the eco-jewnazis in germany

2022-10-19 Thread punk

this is such an amazing depiction of the western jewnazi 'soul'

"Germany’s Green Party conference held last weekend was a repulsive 
spectacle. The 817 delegates gathered in Bonn outdid one another with demands 
for an escalation of the war in Ukraine."

so yeah. All the worst right wing 'libertarian' trash of this list, 
i.e. grancrap, bell and co. are fully aligned with the 'greens'. And 

please BAN the spammer

2022-10-16 Thread punk

US jewnazis blew up the pipelines

2022-10-02 Thread punk

I cant believe how stupid the germans are. They are not only stupid of 
course. As US puppets they are also incredibly evil.

wow look! putin blew up his own pipeline, to 'blackmail' himself

Re: Immortality: Genomics, Uploads, Synthetics

2022-09-27 Thread punk

imagine the ultimate pieces of non-human shit like grancrap and his 
fellow agents becoming 'immortal'. Yeah

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-09-27 Thread punk
On Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:19:31 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> AFP News reported the US is 'ready to provide support' to Europe after
> the Nord Stream pipeline system leaks.

US jewnazis blew up the pipeline. Shocking. Oh, and we have grancrap, 
the resident jewnazi NATO turd vomiting pentagon propaganda? Shocking!!!

Re: Inconvenient: List of US Atrocities

2022-09-20 Thread punk
On Tue, 20 Sep 2022 01:57:53 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> In addition to all the other CIA and torture and MKULTRA on list...

the key point here is, all those atrocities are endorsed by 'ex' 
supreme  comander trumpo and his trumponazi zombies, i.e. grancrap.

yes, trumpo and his trumponazis are the cheerleaders of democracy, U.S. 
jewnazi empire, and all U.S. govcorp atrocities, among other atrocities.

so here we have U.S. cop and disinfo agent grancrap trying to pose 
as...what exactly?

Re: confirm [censored]

2022-05-14 Thread punk
On Sat, 14 May 2022 19:41:15 -0400
"Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many"  wrote:

> I imagine i am expected to forward this too.

no FUCKING ASSHOLE. You are expected to leave this list and never ever 
send one more  single spam message.

Re: confirm 273603a0ebe9ecc9238069493e5b4d3886e1842e

2022-05-11 Thread punk
On Wed, 11 May 2022 21:57:57 +0200 wrote:

> Punk's probably crying, trying to get me off this list.Try harder cunt

Funny, I got 10 of those attempts myself a couple of days ago, and 
thought it was you. The same bot tried to subscribe me to the list too =)

"An attempt was made to subscribe your address to the mailing list  You are already subscribed to this mailing 

  1   2   >