Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-02-22 Thread grarpamp
Conversation between Tucker Carlson and @MikeBenzCyber
Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship
and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing
is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-02-03 Thread grarpamp
GovCorp Deep State and Democrat 1984 PsyOps keep
getting exposed.
Ep. 70 Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand.
This is his first interview since that happened. Watch it when you get
a minute. It's one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern
world you'll ever hear.

See also: Max Igan, David Icke, Alex Jones

The Conspiracy Theorists were always right,
it's now all Conspiracy Fact.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Attention: Asshole Globalist Elites, and
Pussy Self-Preserving Corrupt Members Parliaments...
Your Legacy has Expired... Go Fuck Yourselves !!!

Sullivan stated that the Bill contains “very invasive search powers on
the grounds of material that hasn't even yet been communicated.”
Asked about potential parallels to the situation in the U.K., where
police have raided houses for offensive tweets, Sullivan said, “I
think the fact that many of these offences are vaguely worded is
@HMcEntee has dismissed objections to her Bill's lack of a definition
for 'hate', stating that “we all have an understanding of what hatred
means.” But Sullivan says that “there are requirements that criminal
law be clear.”

Destroying freedom of speech means destroying democracy

"Just because they're attractive white blonde females, doesn't make
them not leftist globalist tyrants... honeytraps, trojan horses for
the Schwab'ian regime that should be booted from office and power
⚠️ Civil Rights Alert: The below screenshot is from @CNaM_ie's draft
Online Safety Code. CnaM have been given authority by Dublin &
Brussels to regulate Video-Sharing Platform Services (VSPS), such as
@X, @YouTube, & @facebook. Through their Code, CnaM are proposing to
make VSPS penalisable for 'harmful content' posted by users. Most
notable, 헩헦헣헦 현헼혂헹헱 헯헲 헽헲헻헮헹헶혀헮헯헹헲 헳헼헿
혃헶헱헲헼혀 헽헼혀혁헲헱 헯혆 혂혀헲헿혀 혁헵헮혁 헰헼혂헹헱 헹헲헮헱
혁헼 헵헮헿헺헳혂헹 헰헼헻혁헲헻혁, or as they say “content that is
indissociable from user-generated videos.” This would mean to avoid
penalties, platforms such as X would need to censor user content that
is not even regarded as 'harmful' under the Code. While these
regulations are to be enforced in Ireland, they could lead to
censorship worldwide. The offices of many of the VSPS based in Dublin
are their European headquarters. Brussels-based journalist
@PeterCaddle says such censorship could soon hit America as it will
“likely be easier to apply EU censorship rules to all users rather
than to try to split the user base into EU and non-EU users.” The
deadline for submissions for the consultation on the draft Online
Safety Code is the 31st of January. Details can be found here.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Attention: World "Economic" Forum (WEF) and
Asshole Politicians in Ireland... Go Fuck Yourselves !!!

Act for the Irish peoples at the link below...
Free Speech Ireland
The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your
loved ones jailed for possession of memes, cartoons or any content
that could be deemed "hateful". The Bill includes no definition of
hate and is wide open to abuse by bad actors. Defend free speech – say
no to this legislation. Sign the petition:… #BinTheBill
This Bill will have major consequences for Freedom of Speech in
Ireland and around the world. Now more than ever, the scale of what we
could be doing has outpaced what we can do. If you can, please support
us. #BinTheBill Watch this video...

- I’m sure Trudeau is very upset that his government didn’t propose this first
- The Thought Police is here. Literally.
- The fact that we even need to protest such crap is terrifying.
- I can smell Stalin

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-01-09 Thread grarpamp
The Perpetual War On Free Speech

by Donald Jeffries via "I Protest" substack,

The Founding Fathers made the Constitution palatable by including a
Bill of Rights.

Without the First 10 Amendments, the Constitution is just what its
early critics, including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, said it
was; a dangerous consolidation of power far less representative of
liberty than the Articles of Confederation.

The First Amendment was always a huge concern with statists of every era.

Those who thirst for power, and will compromise themselves in order to
attain it, have never looked favorably upon those critical of them.

John Adams, the second president of the United States, passed the
Alien and Sedition Acts for just this reason.

He bristled at criticism.

Fortunately, Thomas Jefferson succeeded him in office and scrapped
this tyrannical concept.

But the notion reared itself again in 1860, with the election of
Abraham Lincoln. Adams was a civil libertarian compared to Lincoln.
“Honest” Abe didn’t pass any new Alien and Sedition Acts; he just shut
down over two hundred newspapers that opposed any of his
unconstitutional actions.

Woodrow Wilson revived these odious acts during World War I. Eugene
Debs and others were imprisoned for opposing the pointless shedding of
blood, and America’s participation in it. The Supreme Court, in
perhaps its worst ruling ever, upheld Wilson’s right to jail antiwar
protesters. Great “liberal” justice Oliver Wendell Holmes coined the
phrase “yelling fire in a crowded theater” to justify such heinous
oppression, placing an ugly asterisk on free speech. Apparently no
concerned American asked at the time, just how protesting a war could
be construed as yelling fire in a crowded theater. This expression
gained great renown across the land, and is forever on the lips of
those who seek to censor dissent.

Franklin Roosevelt built upon the actions of Wilson, who was inspired
by the maniacal despot Lincoln. One of the countless unconstitutional
agencies created under the New Deal, the Federal Communications
Commission was in effect a national Alien and Sedition Act for the
radio stations, and would go on to control content in Hollywood and on
every television network. It banned selling advertising that discussed
“controversial issues.” Vulgarity and “extremist” opinions were
strictly forbidden. FDR pushed several inquisitions in Congress, most
notably the one chaired by then Senator Hugo Black. You know, the
former KKK member who went on to become a “liberal” Supreme Court
justice and arbitrarily awarded the 1948 Senate election to
“Landslide” Lyndon Johnson, who was the first to court the dead vote.

The Black Committee and other inquiries attempted to severely curtail
the ability of journalists to criticize the New Deal. FDR himself is
documented to have personally tried to ruin the careers of his
political opponents. And all of this was years before the Pearl Harbor
false flag. Once America entered the war, FDR went after draft
evaders, and memorably incarcerated American citizens in concentration
camps. Not just Japanese Americans, but German and Italian Americans,
too. The Roosevelt administration also stole billions in personal
property from these poor souls. Much as Lincoln had locked up any
northern antiwar voices without any due process, FDR imprisoned those
opposed to his war. In 1945, his successor Harry Truman had antiwar
poet Ezra Pound arrested, and he spent a decade in a mental

We must consider today’s “Woke” authoritarianism in its historical
context. The precedents are all there.

Cancel culture was born when Lincoln “canceled” his critics in the
press, and threw thousands of uncharged citizens into makeshift
prisons. Wilson followed this precedent, but FDR expanded it into a
totalitarian art form. His administration “canceled” its critics in a
variety of ways. FDR used J. Edgar Hoover to target some of them. His
administration confiscated millions of telegrams to and from Roosevelt
opponents. Long before Richard Nixon’s laughable efforts to use the
IRS to monitor his critics, FDR had the fledgling agency audit almost
everyone who opposed him. Indeed, FDR led a veritable crusade against
free speech.

The Social Justice Warriors might look different. Tattooed. Pink or
purple hair. Transitioned into countless new “genders.” Utterly
addicted to name-calling. But they are the logical descendants of
those who supported the Alien and Sedition Acts. Who threw citizens
into jail that objected to our involvement in faraway wars. Who wanted
to use the IRS, and the FBI, to “cancel” critics of the political
elite. Not enough tried to stop this onerous censorship in 1860. Or
1918. Or 1939. And too few are trying to stop it now. The January 6
political prisoners are a testament to that, subjected to the cruel
and unjust punishment explicitly prohibited by the Constitution, which
was inflicted 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-12-11 Thread grarpamp
On 12/11/23,  wrote:
> Wikileaks as a limited hang-out. Who knew!?

Everyone knows that ProfRat is too fucking
shamefully lazy to paste the article...

Webster Tarpley Speaks With Alex Jones About the Wikileaks
Organization Being “Controlled Opposition”

Audio: Webster Tarpley Speaks With Alex Jones About the Wikileaks
Organization Being “Controlled Opposition,” December 5, 2010
recorded December 5, 2010, running time 37 minutes 42 seconds

[Note: March 1, 2020— I have updated the text of this article.]

Author and Historian Webster Tarpley discusses issues with Alex Jones
concerning the Wikileaks organization.  Explained is that its leaks
are controlled by the political Establishment in order to “whitewash”
the most significant wrongdoings of the government and to attack
individuals and organizations that are on the CIA’s “hit list” as well
as to attack certain financial institutions, while at the same time
serving as an excuse for the government to crack down on freedoms of
the internet.

The following are descriptions of statements from the conversation:

Webster Tarpley:  The Wikileaks operation is associated with the
globalist financier George Soros and the rouge network of intelligence
agencies including the CIA and NSA, being similar to Daniel Ellsberg’s
“Pentagon Papers” of 1971 which was a similarly highly publicized
“document dump” as Wikileaks is today.  The RAND Corporation and CFR
associated Pentagon Papers covertly intended to “whitewash” wrongdoing
by the CIA and to shift guilt to the U.S. Army and to President
Kennedy, and also to cover up many aspects of the Kennedy
assassination.  Similarly, “Watergate” was used to shift popular rage
to be against Nixon when it should have been against the CIA for its
involvement in such activity as drug smuggling and gun running
operations and their involvement in setting up the major wars at the
time.  Morton Halperin is a highly ranked individual in George Soros’
organizations who had been personally involved with the Pentagon
Papers, and Daniel Ellsberg himself has recently been personally
endorsing Julian Assange.

Daniel Ellsberg’s “Pentagon Papers” of 1971 was a similar
Establishment trick to disseminate disinformation as Wikileaks is

Webster Tarpley:  Wikileaks has had three major “waves” of public
releases so far.  The first wave was the now well-known exposure of
the video of people being machine gunned from a helicopter in Iraq,
which was released to build credibility for the organization.  The
second round came in July 2010, where it was attempted to “Watergate”
Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq to show that he was corrupt and presided
over murders— which was true, but the intention was to create an
excuse for bringing in Ayad Allowi who was more of a U.S. puppet than
Maliki was, but up until now that operation has failed.

Also the second round of releases exposed the murder of the Italian
intelligence agent Nicola Calipari, who had gone into Iraq and was
able to free a kidnapped Journalist Guiliana Sgrena of the left wing
“Manifesto” newspaper of Rome.  Calipari had much specific information
about the U.S. running Al-Qaeda in Iraq and he was murdered so he
would not expose that information, and the Wikileaks documents were
disinformation which attempted to conceal direct U.S. involvement in
his murder.

Alex Jones:  Four years ago George Bush put out a press release
admitting that the U.S. was running four Muslim groups— three of them
Al-Qaeda based, out of Iraq and Kurdistan into Iran.  Also two months
ago Fox News exposed a secret document explaining that Anwar al-Awlaki
was really a CIA operative hanging out secretly at the Pentagon
getting orders while running the “Underwear Bomber,” and the “Fort
Hood Shooter.”  Al-Queda was created decades ago by high ranking U.S.
individuals such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and the current Secretary of
Defense Robert Gates.

Alex Jones:  The Wikileaks situation is ultimately meant to help move
toward global destabilization and a major global war leading to a
police state in the U.S.  The influential organization the RAND
Corporation has openly stated that they want such a war in internal
documents as reported two years ago by Alex Abella who was one of the
only outsiders to ever be given entrance into the organization.

Alex Jones:  Ray McGovern, the high level CIA analyst and former top
briefer to Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. said four years ago on
the Alex Jones Show that the “Golden Mosque” bombing was intended to
get Sheites and Sunni Muslims fighting and killing each other.  Also a
Guardian of London Report showed MI6 commandos dressed as Sunnis
Muslims shooting Iraqi police in Basara.  He explains that since it is
a multi-trillion dollar war, it is necessary for them to create a fake

Webster Tarpley:  The cables released by Wikileaks are carefully
selected by an interagency committee of 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-12-11 Thread grarpamp
On 12/11/23,  wrote:
> Wikileaks as a limited hang-out. Who knew!?

Your posts will be more visible, and pass through more filters,
if you properly thread them by hitting some form of the 'reply'
button instead of initiating a new message everytime, moron.
You can also quit using the retarded Yahoo webmail interface
and switch to Mozilla Thunderbird, or whatever.

FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-12-11 Thread pro2rat
Wikileaks as a limited hang-out. Who knew!?

Reposts not snorements of gramps garbage

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-12-11 Thread grarpamp
Fantastic news for Free Speech this week...

>From Alex Jones, to Laura Loomer, Tommy Robinson, Owen Shroyer,
J6'rs, and many more around the world, many have now been freed, yet
more than a sizeable number are still being held as Political Prisoners,
and they must all be freed as well, regardless of platform or country,
including Julian Assange, Andrew Anglin, Nick Fuentes, Max Igan,
privacy coins, all the covid people, all the election people, groypers,
the LaptopFromHell, and many more.

The fact that they've been Freed, is proof that their imprisonment
was false, malicious, corrupt, conspiratorial, and worse, to allow
these global tyrants to push their bogus narratives, defraud elections,
silence, oppress, and psyop the world's people without consent,
critique or challenge or arrest.

Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information
"Threatens Democracy"

To all the Authoritarians and Tyrannies still holding political
prisoners, tp the
Nanny State Warn'ers, Globalist Powermongers, CBDC purveyors, and more,
you're going to lose, so GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
6 Sep 2018
Alex Jones Confronts The Architect Of Deplatforming Conservatives: Oliver Darcy
Alex Jones Confronts The Censorship Architect: Oliver Darcy
Alex Jones went to Washington D.C. for the congressional hearings
where Twitter and Facebook heads were testifying, and he confronted
one of CNN's censorship propagandists: Oliver Darcy.

"People Have Spoken": Elon Musk Restores X Account Of Alex Jones After User Poll

He’s baaack! The media meltdown that’s about to ensue is going to be
epic  @RealAlexJones

 Big Tech's de-platforming playbook that got people like @Cobratate
banned from all socials, was created for @RealAlexJones back in 2017
Following a poll, @elonmusk brought Alex back: "I vehemently disagree
with what he said about Sandy Hook, but are we a platform that
believes in freedom of speech or are we not? That is what it comes
down to in the end. If the people vote him back on, this will be bad
for 핏 financially, but principles matter more than money." Alex Jones
will be joining us in less than an hour for his first appearance on
핏. Freedom of Speech in Action
Friendly reminder, this video, which was livestreamed on Twitter's
Periscope, is the reason cited for Alex Jones being banned. Not his
conspiracy theories about the school shooting, as widely believed.
Twitter called it "harassment" to tell off a CNN reporter (a public
figure) who was working in the capacity of a reporter at the time,
while on public property, while covering a congressional hearing about
social media censorship. The irony is just too thick.

ALX  @alx
Owen Shroyer (@allidoisowen) was suspended by Twitter 1.0 in 2020 at
the behest of Media Matters for telling people to go to a rally that
violated a local “social distancing order” Just an example of how
easily they were able to control policy under 1.0

Owen Shroyer, Harrison Smith, Paul Joseph Watson, Kari Lake, Marjorie
Taylor Greene, Candice Owens, Steve Bannon, Christine Anderson, Javier
Milei, etc. etc. etc. + 81 MILLION AMERICANS!!!

God Bless America
Elon Musk @elonmusk
Haha true
ALX @alx
If we banned all conspiracy theorists from the internet, @CNN,
@NYTimes, @WashingtonPost, @MSNBC et al. would be the first to go.

As the media flips out over @ElonMusk restoring Alex Jones account
(@RealAlexJones), it's important to point out to everyone the REAL
reason Alex was banned from Twitter in the first place back in 2018.
And contrary to popular belief it was NOT because he entertained some
conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook, as crazy as they were. Twitter
specifically cited the Oliver Darcy confrontation, who is a public
figure (working for CNN), which took place on public property, while
Darcy was working in the capacity of a reporter at the time, outside a
congressional hearing about censorship on social media. They claimed
it was "harassment" because he told him off for working to get him
banned off all the other platforms. The irony is too thick to even
describe. Twitter held out after he was unpersoned by YouTube and
Facebook, but then after he humiliated the CNN clown, that was cited
as the reason for the ban by Twitter's Trust and Safety account.
People should watch Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones to see
the real Alex, not just his flaws and mistakes that the media spent

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-11-23 Thread grarpamp

Michael Shellenberger
Nov 21
NEW DOCUMENTARY: "The Censorship Files" How much would you pay to
protect your freedom? by @lwoodhouse & @shellenberger One year ago, we
and other journalists gained access to the Twitter Files. What we
discovered shocked us. Not only were highly partisan and ideological
individuals within Twitter censoring people for holding views with
which they disagreed, they were often doing so on behalf of US
government officials and contractors with the FBI, CIA, and Department
of Homeland Security. And so, one year later, we are happy to announce
a new, full-length documentary film, “The Censorship Files.” You can
see the trailer above. The film, made by Leighton Woodhouse and Jonah
Markowitz, will bring you inside the Twitter Files and the race to the
Supreme Court, which will hear the Missouri v. Biden censorship case
early next year. Today we must ask you a personal question: what price
would you put on your freedom? Many of us tell ourselves that freedom
is priceless: we would sacrifice everything, die even, to protect our
freedoms and keep America a free nation. Even if we weren’t willing to
die or go to prison for our nation, we would make a significant
financial investment to protect it. We are asking you to make a far
more modest payment: less than $9/month, or about half the cost of a
Netflix subscription. A subscription to Public is an investment in our
investigative reporting, our free speech campaigning, and the final
production and distribution of “The Censorship Files,” a film that
will change how Americans think about free speech. We believe $9/month
is a tiny investment to pay to ensure that, in the future, you can
read what you want to read, watch the programs you want to watch, and
voice your opinions. “The Censorship Files” will be a landmark film in
educating younger Americans, who are more censorial than their elders,
about America’s remarkable history of strong free speech protections.
They will learn about the Civil Rights movement, the right of the New
York Times to publish “the Pentagon Papers,” and the right even of
pro-Nazi and pro-terrorism activists to march freely through America’s
streets. “The Censorship Files” will reveal the origins and scope of
the Censorship Industrial Complex, its leaders and architects, and its
victims of censorship, from moms sharing stories about the Covid
vaccine’s side effects on their children to two of the world’s
foremost experts on the Covid response, Harvard’s Martin Kulldorff and
Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya. Finally, we will use “The Censorship
Files” to build a new free speech movement in America, city by city,
campus by campus, from the grassroots up. Because if we can’t persuade
America’s youth to support free speech, then the First Amendment is
just some words on a piece of paper. We can’t save the First Amendment
without you. We can’t even finish “The Censorship Files” without you.
This is not complicated. We need more paid subscribers. We need more
than 10% of our subscribers to contribute thirty cents daily. If we
could get 30% of our free subscribers to support our movement, I
believe that we would have a fighting chance to save our first freedom
and the other pillars of democratic civilization along with it. One
year ago, we didn’t even know we lived in a heavily censored society.
Today, we have ripped back the veil of the Censorship Industrial
Complex and are on the cusp of defunding and dismantling it. Such a
process will take years but won’t take a decade. It may even happen
much more quickly than that, depending on the actions of the Supreme
Court and Congress. What’s certain is that we can’t do it without our
paid subscribers — and we don’t want to do it without our unpaid ones.
We promise that, in the future, you’ll be grateful you funded the
fight for our first freedom.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-11-15 Thread grarpamp

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-11-06 Thread grarpamp
Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins freed...

Tommy Robinson Full Address Oxford Union

Nuck Fuentes, Alex Jones, Andrew Anglin,
and numerous others still jailed for FreeSpeech.


Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
Censorship: LondonReal Brian Rose David Icke Shutdown for Silenced
Documentary re Big Tech Libs

The one thing 1984's Censors absolutely will not let you talk about,
is that the Censors are Censoring and Manipulating you with
their Mind Control PsyOp Programming Regimes.

If they don't want you to see it, it's vitally important that you do
seek it out and watch it.

"This account has been terminated for a violation of YouTube's Terms
of Service."
"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."

Facebook goes after London Real for promoting Freedom of Speech and
for speaking out against Censorship

Fuck Google and the UK Govt, Facebook, Twitter, et al.

London Real: David Icke Exposes The Cabal's Dystopian Social Credit
System Used In China And Being Implemented In The United States,
Commonwealth Countries And Around The World



Brian Rose (LondonReal) now BANNED from LinkedIn - after being
punished by YouTube, Google, BBC, OFCOM, Instagram - for posting an
interview about anti-5G.

Grifters and Antis abound

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-10-28 Thread grarpamp

Oct 23
US Government & NewsGuard Sued by Consortium News… The suit accuses #NewsGuard of defaming
@Consortiumnews and the U.S. government of acting in concert with
NewsGuard to violate the First Amendment. Read about it and watch the
news conference.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-10-22 Thread grarpamp"censorship+in+argentina;

With the pending win of a Libertarian Party in Argentina,
it will soon enjoy less censorship and more Free Speech.

Argentina's corrupt politicans tried to arrest prosecute
persecute and cancel Javier Milei during his Presidential campaign
for speaking out freely about the worthless peso vs other currencies
and exposing inflation, taxation, unsound money poliies.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-10-22 Thread grarpamp
Replying to @rustyrockets
Joe Rogan - targeted bc of his dissenting voice. Tucker Carlson -
targeted bc of his dissenting voice. RFK Jr. - targeted bc of his
dissenting voice. Donald Trump - targeted bc of his dissenting voice.
Gina Carano - targeted bc of her dissenting voice. Russel Brand -
targeted bc of his dissenting voice. Conservative Influencers Twitter
1.0 - targeted bc of their dissenting voices. and many more... When
you oppose the narrative, you become the target.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
> A new wave of global censorship for 1984 is spooling up via
> UN and other cunt entities including Jacinda Ardern and Melanie Joly
> If you're not fighting back against these asshole tyrants
> in some way every single day, you are LOSING, because
> their fight against you never stops, ever in history.

Didn't cypherpunks say they had a solution to all this?

The new Digital Services Act rules apply to 19 "very large" digital
platforms (such as social media networks, websites, and online
retailers) with at least 45 million active users in the EU.

The 19 platforms that fall under the umbrella of the new rules are:
Alibaba AliExpress, Amazon Store, Apple AppStore, Bing,,
Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Search, Google
Shopping, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, X, Wikipedia,
YouTube, and Zalando.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-09-27 Thread grarpamp
A new wave of global censorship for 1984 is spooling up via
UN and other cunt entities including Jacinda Ardern and Melanie Joly

If you're not fighting back against these asshole tyrants
in some way every single day, you are LOSING, because
their fight against you never stops, ever in history.

Canada Launches UN Declaration Targeting Online 'Disinformation'

Authored by Amanda Brown via The Epoch Times

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly has launched a United Nations
declaration that calls for action to protect what it calls
"information integrity" and to tackle "disinformation."
Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly speaks with reporters in the
foyer of the House of Commons in Ottawa on April 27, 2023. (The
Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld)

Ms. Joly launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity
Online jointly with Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Hanke Bruins Slot
during the U.N. General Assembly in New York on Sept. 20.

“Information integrity is essential to help ensure the strength of
democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights,” says a joint
statement by Canada and the Netherlands.

“The erosion of information integrity, including the propagation of
disinformation, weakens the strength of democratic engagement.”

In a speech on Sept. 20, Ms. Joly said the declaration is a “concrete
step toward establishing global norms on disinformation,
misinformation, and information integrity,” the National Post

Speaking to the U.N. on the same day, Ms. Bruins Slot said the
emerging online environment makes it difficult to determine what is
and what is not truthful.

“Every day, the world is flooded with disinformation and
misinformation. Rapid advances in technology—particularly generative
AI—make it more and more difficult to tell fact from fiction,” she

Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia,
Japan, and South Korea are among the 30 countries that have signed the

The declaration promotes concepts such as respect for "the right to
freedom of opinion and expression, and the freedom to seek, receive,
and impart information."

It says signatories need to "take active steps to address
misinformation and disinformation targeted at women, LGBTIQ+ persons,
persons with disabilities and Indigenous Peoples."

It also calls on signatories to "refrain from unduly restricting human
rights online, especially the freedom of opinion and expression, under
the guise of countering disinformation," and to "promote and respect
pluralistic media and journalism, and protect access to media content
as one measure to counter disinformation."
Multiple Strategies

In recent years, the federal government has initiated a number of
projects to counter “misinformation,” “disinformation” and what it
considers extremist ideologies.

Some initiatives are the result of international collaborative efforts
to shape the flow of information, and others have been conceived
closer to home.

Canada's participation in the Rapid Response Mechanism, established by
G7 leaders at the 2018 G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Quebec, monitors the
digital information environment. Its goal is to encourage cooperation
among member countries to provide a coordinated response to "foreign
state-sponsored disinformation" and the “evolving foreign threats to

The Liberal government has enacted legislation to shape the
information space, with bills C-18 and C-11 being passed in recent

The Online News Act, Bill C-18, which passed in June, has been framed
as an 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-09-22 Thread grarpamp
1984 and Internet... never short of twisted things...

Ever notice how whenever anyone popular with the people speaks out
against the corruption, nonsense, hypocrisy, and evil operations of
the Deep State and Globalist powers...

Rumble is still standing for now, most other big commercial platforms
have caved to demonetization, downranking, censorship, and outright
deletion and permabans.

Twitter X Tesla and Elon are under massive assult,
SpaceX only survives because Govts depend on it to fuck each other
and you over, but they're all being commanded now to perform illegal
racist "migrant" hiring practices, prosecuted [forced] by US Democrats.

Rumble, Bitchute, Odyssey, and a few other distributed
and alt-platforms, those are the only survivors, for now.

What about Tara Reade whose alleged rape by Joe Biden was apparently
not a rape because she'd once expressed some positive views about

Funny how Russel has been in the spotlight his entire career, and only
now gets allegations against him after he rants about political
corruption and endless wars. Exposing the real enemy will result in
demonizing. It's obvious.

It seems to me the people are already doing something about it seeing
as though the legacy media is dying off before our very eyes. The news
was the establishment’s most powerful tool to program the masses and
they are now rapidly losing that ability thanks to the internet. This
is why wannabe fascists are so desperate to censor their political
opponents’ online accounts no matter how shameless it makes them look.

Op illustrates a good point. The gross inbalance in what is deemed a
criminal act and what is not. Its the usual story of slight-of-hand
and focusing on anything other than actually what is important. Yes,
rape is important but I rather see an in depth breakdown of the events
leading up to the invasion of Ukraine. I want to see the backhand
business deals going on with Biden there in Ukraine, I want NATO to be
held accountable for inciting Russia by fucking around on the
expansion treaty. And I want all that on the news until we get to the
truth. But that can all be fucked off with because the powers don't
want us to know. Instead, we get fed dog shit and were meant to feel

His ratio of volume vs quality of information is different than
Assange, but it's just as harmful to the narrative. The average
suburban housewife doesn't know wikileaks, but they're aware of Brand.
The point of this post is what's not being covered. We've got the
names of Brand's accusers; let's see the names in Maxwell's book.

Hollywood and mainstream media loves you with you are a degenerate
drug and sex addict.
As soon as you get married, have children, get sober, find God, and
start speaking truth, then they want to destroy you for having lived
their value system and left it.

This bullshit with Brand is such a clear smear campaign it makes me
what to puke. I myself being a victime of unsolicitated sexual acts, i
DID NOT wait fucking 20 years and oh, stay annonymous by that, to file
a complaint.. i can understand fear and shit but Naw man.. this makes
it even harder for people, Men and women, who have been SA victims to
be taken seriously.. and what about INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY?!?!?!
Youtube has put a demonitization on everything Russell will post now
its clear they want him quiet and subdued because he speaks up against
all their bullshit and now people are looking towards them. They dont
like that!
So they are doing everything to shut him up and shoot him down. I will
keep supporting him and this will not stop their little disgusting
actions to see the day, sooner rather then later.

I'll start caring whether or not Russell Brand had some questionable
sex a decade or 2 ago when the media starts caring what Bill Gates or
Prince Andrew was doing on Epstein's island, or when it starts naming
the customers Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of supplying trafficked
minors to.

And I'll care about what one former US president is or isn't guilty of
when the media starts caring what other former US presidents are or
are not guilty of (or even what the current one's been up to lately).

And I'll care about a more powerful country invading a less powerful
country when the media reports the conflict and its context in exactly
the same tone and with the same degree of neutrality versus moral
outrage as it uses when the more powerful country in question is the
USA (or any other NATO member).

Until that day, the mainstream media and everyone who repeats its
talking points on social media is nought but idle gossip and the sound
of one hand clapping.

Until that day I could not give less fucks about who the msm says any
fucker fucked or didn't fuck, so fuck the msm. Let anyone it fucks
with tell it to fuck the fuck off with its farcical fuckery.

This is primarily, but not only, a British thing. It's British
television and British media that are doing most of the smearing.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-09-20 Thread grarpamp
Fucking censorship regime getting caught on
camera every week now...

Jacinda Ardern is a Lockdown cunt queen against Freedom
that desperately needs to suicide herself in shame.

Former NZ PM Ardern Urges United Nations To 'Crack Down On Free Speech
As A Weapon Of War'

Jacinda Ardern may no longer be Prime Minister of New Zealand, but she
was back at the United Nations continuing her call for international

Ardern is now one of the leading anti-free speech figures in the world
and continues to draw support from political and academic

In her latest attack on free speech, Ardern declared free speech as a
virtual weapon of war.

She is demanding that the world join her in battling free speech as
part of its own war against “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

Her views, of course, were not only enthusiastically embraced by
authoritarian countries, but the government and academic elite.

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says free speech
is a weapon of war, and censorship is necessary to protect free
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) September 19, 2023

In her speech, she notes that we cannot allow free speech to get into
the way of fighting things like climate change. She notes that they
cannot win the war on climate change if people do not believe them
about the underlying problem. The solution is to silence those with
opposing views. It is that simple.

While some of us have denounced her views as an attack on free
expression, Harvard rushed to give her not one but two fellowships.

While the free speech community denounced her for unrelenting attacks
on this human right, Harvard praised her for “strong and empathetic
political leadership” and specifically enlisted her to help “improve
content standards and platform accountability for extremist content

I actually have no objection to the inclusion of Ardern as a Harvard
fellow. She is a former world leader who is leading the movement
against free speech. It is a view that students should consider in
looking at these controversies.

However, Harvard has heralded her views with no acknowledgment of her
extreme antagonism toward free speech principles.

There is also little countervailing balance at the school with fellows
supporting free speech as a human right. Rather, Harvard (which ranks
dead last on the recent free speech survey) has become a virtual
clearinghouse for anti-free speech academics and advocates.

Free speech is now commonly treated on campuses as harmful.

Rather than the right that defines us, it is treated as an existential threat.

What is so chilling is to hear Ardern express her fealty to free
speech as she calls on the nations of the world to severely curtail it
to prevent people from undermining their policies and priorities.

She remains the “empathetic” face of raw censorship and intolerance.
She is now the virtual ambassador-at-large for global speech

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-09-20 Thread grarpamp
Elon Musk Says "Strange Almost No Legacy Media Coverage" On Worsening
Southern Border Crisis

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin posted on X, "It's a total free for all
in Eagle Pass right now."

Thousands of illegal immigrants continue flooding the southern US
border while the Biden administration pretends everything is fine.

Melugin and his team are at Eagle Pass, Texas, where they have
captured alarming footage that shows a massive flow of illegals
crossing into the US.

Melugin said, "Mass illegal crossing taking place for over an hour and
a half. Almost 2 years to the day we saw 15,000+ Haitians under the
bridge in Del Rio, we now have thousands of predominantly Venezuelans
gathering under Eagle Pass bridge."

It’s a total free for all in Eagle Pass right now. Mass illegal
crossing taking place for over an hour and a half. Almost 2 years to
the day we saw 15,000+ Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio, we now
have thousands of predominantly Venezuelans gathering under Eagle Pass
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 20, 2023

Melugin said Texas has declared an emergency in Eagle Pass.

BREAKING: An emergency declaration has been issued in Eagle Pass,
Texas after a surge of migrants invaded the southern border.

The declaration was made by Eagle Pass mayor Rolando Salinas after
over a thousand migrants crossed the border.

Most of the migrants are coming from…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 20, 2023

Elon Musk commented on Melugin's X post: "Strange that there is almost
no legacy media coverage of this."

Musk continued, "About 2 million people – from every country on Earth
– are entering through the US southern border every year. The number
is rising rapidly, yet no preventive action is taken by the current

Musk is correct that corporate media aligned with the Democrats are
not covering the continuing border crisis. And why would they? It's
another failure of this administration, even after they put forth
supposedly new 'border enforcement actions' earlier this year.

Earlier this week, Fox News journalist Griff Jenkins shared another
shocking video of a train of illegals heading north in Mexico to the
US border.

FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants
out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering
and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”@FoxNews
— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) September 17, 2023

Under the Biden administration, disastrous open border policies have
led to nearly 6 million illegal crossings. The influx of migrants has
also supercharged the drug crisis nationwide, as fentanyl is now on
every street corner. And things are quickly deteriorating in major
metro areas, such as New York City, which have been swamped with
migrants that risk sparking a financial crisis.

Radicals in the White House are going against the will of the people
with open border policies. Why is that?

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-07-28 Thread grarpamp
Congress shall make no law respecting... Freedom of Speech.

Mitt Romney is a piece of shit that needs sent to a
horribly Unconstitutional Prison along with Joe Biden.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-06-20 Thread grarpamp
Luke gets censorbanned for the millionth time...

KanekoaTheGreat @KanekoaTheGreat
The Ministry of Truth is working diligently to suppress
@RobertKennedyJr's presidential campaign. Why is Google allowed to
blatantly interfere in American elections?
Luke Rudkowski @Lukewearechange
Played a small clip of @RobertKennedyJr to comment on for my YouTube
But.. maybe I should now go to @rumblevideo and/or Twitter and do
a full interview with RFK now?

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-06-15 Thread grarpamp
Creator Of Conservative Chatbot Powered By ChatGPT Says OpenAI Tried
To Censor Content

Authored by Bryan Jung via The Epoch Times,

The creators of a conservative chatbot powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT
announced that they shut down the chatbot because of pressure from
OpenAI to censor the bot’s responses.

The conservative chatbot, named GIPPR in honor of the late President
Ronald Reagan, debuted in May and is part of TUSK, a pro-free speech
and anti-censorship web browser.

GIPPR is a modified version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and provides users
with answers from a conservative perspective.

The creators of GIPPR said they were forced to sever ties with OpenAI,
after they were told that their chatbot failed to “conform to their
requirements for what can or cannot be said.”

TUSK founder and CEO Jeff Bermant said in a statement to Fox Business
that OpenAI told him that GIPPR was not in compliance with its
policies, which were “specifically related to deceptive activity and
coordinated inauthentic behavior” and that they needed to “keep users
and third parties safe.”

The actions of OpenAI appear to many conservatives as another example
of attempted censorship from the left.

“The GIPPR bot had been modified to not be highly biased in favor
of a leftist agenda, something which seems to be of critical
importance to the original creators of ChatGPT,” Bermant said in the

“Tusk had produced the only AI bot in operation which actually was
fair and balanced and did not promote a radical leftist agenda.”

TUSK said it is currently exploring how to make GIPPR operational
again and urged users to help them to support defending free speech on
the internet.

“Until they find a solution to get it back online, the world of AI
will remain highly unbalanced,” Bermant added.

GIPPR Creator Wants to Oppose Left-Wing Bias

Bermant said he got the inspiration for GIPPR after his first
interaction with ChatGPT following its launch in November.

He said he was shocked after he asked the chatbot questions about
cultural issues and politics and received left-wing answers in

The TUSK CEO told Fox Business in May that he then realized that the
ChatGPT was likely programmed with a “very progressive” bias, which
led him to create his own version using the same OpenAI software.

“We believe that Conservatives are subject to oppressive cancel
culture that now includes AI and are expected to exist in a society
that tells them what to think and how to act by the progressive left,”
Bermant announced after releasing GIPPR.

“It’s time for a TRUTHFUL AI chatbot to take the market by storm
and remove the barriers the Radical Left and Big Tech have put in
place to allow all Conservatives to enjoy the benefits of AI, without
fear of being canceled or shamed for your beliefs,” he said.

OpenAI did not respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment before
press time.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-06-11 Thread grarpamp
Re: Assange, Trump, Free Speech
[pictured] Excerpts from a 2016 amicus brief by the ACLU
arguing the unconstitutionality of the Espionage Act.
Get ready for lots of people to conveniently forget about all this.

Some examples of previous Espionage Act prosecutions Two years in
prison for saying: “This is a war fostered by Morgan and the rich"
Five years in prison for saying: "America was buncoed into the war by
munition makers"
The National Civil Liberties Bureau, which would later be
reconstituted as the ACLU, was formed in direct response to the 1917
passage of the Espionage Act, and would go on to have its offices
raided under the claimed auspices of the Espionage Act
May 4, 1918 — Sioux Falls, S. D. — Conrad Kornmann receives 10 years
and $1,000 fine for opposing the Liberty Loan in a letter to a friend
May 28, 1918 — New Britain, Conn — John Kunz convicted for remarking,
"Young men are fools to enlist and go across to be blown up"
March 6, 1918 — Fargo, N.D. — Henry von Bank convicted for alleged
statement, "I would rather see a pair of old trousers flying from the
school house flag pole than an American flag.” Conviction reversed on
2. In 1918 the founder of the Democrat "Sewer Socialist Movement",
Congressman Victor Berger, and three others were charged under the
Espionage (spying) Act (enacted in 1917), convicted in 1919 or 1920.

Double Down News @DoubleDownNews
Our interview video with Roger Waters, which reached over 1.5 million
people has been deleted. This is extremely disturbing @Twitter.
@ElonMusk can you please help, explain and reinstate the video with

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-06-04 Thread grarpamp
Deep State Pharma Etc are CensorBanning and LawFare
SueBanning O'Keefe again for documenting the reality of your 1984...

James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII

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May 23
ANOTHER ONE: Special Assistant to @JohnFetterman says his boss is
“okay with overturning the Second Amendment” and handpicked
journalists like @karaswisher “will say exactly what you f***ing want
them to. #RealJohnFetterman
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It costs so much to do the investigative reporting and deal with all
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Please tune into @Timcast show tonight. I’ll be making some major
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SPIRIT @spiritraps
May 30
James O’keefe has an amazing production team. Very quality trailer
right here. I’ll subscribe to see this!
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May 30
OMG Podcast Episode #1 - My sit down with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Full
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May 30
OMG Podcast Episode #1 - My sit down with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Full
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OMG Podcast Episode #1 - James O’Keefe and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Full
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James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII
May 30
Finally got a chance to sit down with Jimmy Dore
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May 26
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an opportunity for you to expose corruption, wrong-doing, and abuse to
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Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-05-31 Thread grarpamp
Democrats are violent, and gay...

University Of Colorado Declares Misgendering An "Act Of Violence"

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

The University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder) is under fire this week
for a statement on the “Pride Office” website stating that
misgendering people can be considered an “act of violence.”

The guide on pronouns is reportedly the work of students associated
with the office and states that “choosing to ignore or disrespect
someone’s pronouns is not only an act of oppression but can also be
considered an act of violence.”

It is a familiar position for many in higher education.

Opposing viewpoints are now routinely declared to be violence. That
allows professors and students to rationalize their own act of
violence or censorship.

The most vivid example was recently seen at Hunter College, which is
part of the CUNY system. Professor Shellyne Rodríguez recently was
fired after holding a machete to the neck of a New York Post reporter
and threatened to “chop you up.” However, Hunter College decided not
to fire her over a prior incident in which she trashed a pro-life
table run by students.

Rodríguez spotted students with pro-life material at the college. She
was captured on a videotape telling the students that “you’re not
educating s–t […] This is f–king propaganda. What are you going to do,
like, anti-trans next? This is bulls–t. This is violent. You’re
triggering my students.” Even after a remarkably polite student said
that he was “sorry,” Rodríguez would have nothing of it. After all,
espousing pro-life views is now “violence.” Rodríguez rejected the
apology and declared “No you’re not — because you can’t even have a
f–king baby. So you don’t even know what that is. Get this s–t the f–k
out of here.”

Just a week earlier, a professor stopped another “violent” display of
pro-life views in New York. Professor Renee Overdyke of the State
University of New York at Albany shut down a pro-life display and then
resisted arrest.

At the University of California at Santa Barbara, feminist studies
associate professor Mireille Miller Young criminally assaulted
pro-life advocates on campus, and later pleaded guilty to the crime.
She was defended by faculty and students, including many who said she
was “triggered” by a pro-life display and that pro-life advocates were
“terrorists” who did not deserve free speech.

It is that easy. You simply declare opposing views “violent” and then
you can justify your own violence as a matter of self-defense.

The Colorado controversy does not involve acts of violence over
misgendering. Moreover, the guide reflects a deep-felt concern that
using someone’s pronouns incorrectly, even unintentionally, leads to
“dysphoria, exclusion and alienation.” There are also some positive
recommendations in dealing with these difficult situations.

However, this is a university site and there are countervailing free
speech costs to characterizing of opposing views on pronouns as
violence. As have previously discussed how other countries are
prosecuting those who “misgender.” Schools in the United States have
promised disciplinary action against any misgendering despite some
court cases ruling for faculty with opposing views on pronouns. Even
passing out “he/his” candies can result in a university investigation.

Conservative sites like Campus Reform have reported on the Colorado
controversy and sought clarification.

Universities are often presented with difficult countervailing
interests. On one hand, it must maintain a welcoming and tolerant
environment. On the other hand, it must protect free speech values,
including the right to express unpopular views or values.

Colorado students have every right to declare misgendering as violence
in their eyes, even if many of us disagree. However, the university
has an obligation to clearly establish that such views are not the
policy or approach of the university itself.  The site states “This
information was created by students, for students. The university
supports an inclusive environment.” It should state that “while the
university supports an inclusive environment, the statements on this
site are not official statements or policies of the university.”
Otherwise, the university should address the free speech implications
of declaring misgendering as a violent act.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
John Campbell @Johnincarlisle
Post truth world… When serious, well
published academics can no longer get published I get concerned.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
Vivek Ramaswamy @VivekGRamaswamy
High school debates are now adopting the same rules as left-wing
media: if you say “capitalism can reduce poverty,” “Israel has a right
to defend itself,” or “illegal immigrants,” you will lose. No
questions asked. This is why young Americans are so lost.
At High School Debates, Debate Is No Longer Allowed
At national tournaments, judges are making their stances clear:
students who argue ‘capitalism can reduce poverty’ or ‘Israel has a
right to defend itself’ will lose—no questions asked.

New York Post @nypost
NYC ProgDemSoc professor Shellyne Rodriguez turns herself in to cops
after threatening Post reporter with machete

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-05-13 Thread grarpamp
The Extinction Event Hitting Corporate Media...

Authored by Mark Jeftovic via,
MSM went “all-in” on a discredited COVID narrative.

Since the pandemic I’ve been saying that confidence in the mainstream,
corporate press has been irreparably damaged. After four years of
non-stop Trump Derangement Syndrome so intense that even some liberals
were wondering if the press had gone overboard on editorializing –
Covid hit, and a lot of normies now see the MSM for what it really is:
agitprop and brainwashing.

Cancel culture and censorship reached such absurd levels that we
started to see an exodus of high profile reporters (Matt Taibbi, Glenn
Greenwald, et al) exiting corporate news outlets and setting up on
their own, after they committed the sin of colouring outside the lines
of establishment precepts.

The MSM went all-in in Covid, but every core tenet of the Covid
narrative has since fallen apart:

This thing came out of a lab

Ecohealth and Fauci are up to their asses in it

The lockdowns did more damage than anything else, and

Everybody was forced to take a vaccine that not only doesn’t work
but also seems to be the common denominator in an excess fatality rate
that exceeds the pandemic itself.

Not good.

With the tempo being set by numerous media collapses, especially by
overtly “woke” ones: Buzzfeed’s bankruptcy, Vice circling the drain –
and television viewership plummeting, the stage was set for a few key
moments that will be remembered as defining the extinction level event
rolling through corporate media:
#1) The Rise of Dark Carlson

After Fox News fired Tucker Carlson, the number 1 pundit on television
with the highest viewership today, he didn’t go to a rival network
(Newsmax offered him $25 million), he decided to take his own show out
on Twitter.

This is a defining moment in the extinction event hitting the
corporate media these days.
— Mark Jeftovic, The ₿itcoin Capitalist (@StuntPope) May 9, 2023

Apparently, on his own, not part of any deal with Elon Musk, Carlson
is just letting it all hang out. In one of his first installments, he
called into question the 9/11 narrative (Why did Building 7 just fall
into its own footprint for no reason?). It prompted one observer to
coin the term “Dark Carlson” for what is transpiring via this channel.
#2) The Schism of RFK Jr. coverage

RFK Jr, having thrown his hat into the ring to challenge Joe Biden for
the Democratic nomination, immediately drew fire from the MSM, having
unilaterally decided that anything RFK says is automatically
“misinformation” (see the closing remarks on “rhetorical circularity”,

RFK Jr, for his part, created an account on Nostr.

Nothing epitomizes the Industrial
Age vs Network Era like these two images - screen capped back to
— Mark Jeftovic, The ₿itcoin Capitalist (@StuntPope) May 11, 2023

Nostr is a fast growing decentralized social media network, contrast
with Twitter – which is governed by the vagaries and whims of whomever
owns it – Nostr is decentralized at the server level to relays (which
anybody can run) at the the account level to individual users. This
protocol is spreading like wildfire and it’s beyond censorship.

The juxtoposition between a sclerotic,  industrial era, mediocre
network clutching their pearls over RFK’s “misinformation” and RFK
showing up on Nostr tells us a lot.

While this is not seen as much of a big deal yet, this is a signal
worth paying attention to.
#3) CNN’s disastrous town-hall with Trump

I didn’t watch it, and when you look at the reporting on it, both left
and right traditional outlets are declaring victory – but the reality
is that CNN pulled the plug on it 20 minutes earlier than scheduled
(ten key moments here).

Love him or hate him, Trump draws attention and viewers unlike any
other personality – and the fact that CNN drew the curtain early
signals one thing: it was a disaster for the network and probably
didn’t hurt Trump. After deftly manipulating a hostile media and
leveraging social media cunning to win the presidency in 2016, it
doesn’t look like the MSM has learned much.
When the media falls, so does the system it supports

When the Soviet Empire fell in 1989 – 1990, anybody predicting it even
months earlier would have been ridiculed. When it happened it took
everybody by surprise (even the CIA) and unfolded at astonishing speed
(Victor Sebestyen’s Revolution 1989: The Fall of the Soviet Empire
covers it brilliantly).

Things move even quicker today – where we are in the early innings of
what will possibly be the final financial crisis of the fiat money

In another great book about Late Stage Communism,  “Everything Was
Forever, Until It Was No More“, Alexey Yurchak chronicles the
hyper-normality that saturated the zeitgeist during “the last Soviet
Generation”. The “Dead Irony” chapter outlines the ingenious forms of
unauthorized humour.


Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-05-13 Thread grarpamp
Where The Internet Has Been Restricted

The arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan in Pakistan yesterday
has led to nationwide uproar and protests. In the city of Peshawar, a
local hospital has reported three people being shot dead and a further
27 suffering injuries.

In the state of Punjab, where the army was deployed, officials said
that 945 arrests had been made and 130 police officers injured.

In addition to the government's response on the ground, there have
also been restrictions put in place on access to internet services
such as mobile connections and social media sites.

As Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in the infographic below,
Pakistan is one of many countries around the world whose government
has taken the step to disrupt internet services in response to some
kind of civil unrest or political event.

Infographic: Where the Internet Has Been Restricted | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Before the latest disruption, a database by Surfshark had recorded 12
cases in Pakistan - five due to protests, one an election and 6
connected to general political turmoil.

India has the highest number of internet restrictions, with 108, the
majority of which (83) were connected to protests.

Interestingly, USA did not make the list - but we assume that
'restricting' the 'wrong' websites is the 'right' thing to do for

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-05-12 Thread grarpamp
The people who endlessly and shrilly insist they are fighting fascism
constantly advocate: * A union of public power (CIA/FBI/DHS) and
corporate power (Big Tech) to censor the internet; * The president
ignore court orders; * Adversary media be banned. Very odd
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
AOC calls on the government to ban Tucker Carlson and other Fox hosts
Jen Psaki nods along

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-04-24 Thread grarpamp
Deep State canceling many this week, 1984 shuts down Tucker Carlson
and a bunch of others including Andrew Anglin of Daily Stormer...

Andrew Anglin April 24, 2023
Wtf is This Shit
Tucker Carlson apparently just either got fired or quit Fox News.
And my Twitter account, several hours after the 12-hour suspension
ended and I was allowed to use the account again, is now showing like
it’s totally locked.
Also, Twitter seems broken.
I don’t have time for this right now.

Andrew Anglin April 24, 2023
It’s Just One of Those Days
It’s not really one of those days where there’s some kind of problem
or whatever.
But real life stuff happens, and I can’t write anything good or go
through and finish my meme collection.
You people know I’ve worked 365 days a year for 10 years straight now, right?
And still you get all of your daily news items, of course, which is
the only thing anyone was ever promised.
I’ll be back tomorrow with the full memes, a very funny article about
my recent 12-hour Twitter ban, and many more great things.
Until then, enjoy the news.
And also send crypto.


Featured Stories

Daily Stormer

Featured Stories

Featured Stories

Wtf is This Shit

Andrew Anglin

I don't have time for this right now.
It’s Just One of Those Days

Andrew Anglin
EPA Ignores Court Order Banning Terribly Toxic Herbicides, Lawsuit Claims

Elvis Dunderhoff
Russian Company Releases GigaChat AI to Rival ChatGPT

Elvis Dunderhoff
South Koreans Completing Tasks from Cash-Giving Apps for Cents
Because of Economic Crisis

Elvis Dunderhoff
Man in Custody Battle with Ex-Girlfriend to Stop Her from
Trannifying His 3-Year-Old Son

Snake Baker
Chicago: Yoofs Who Stole Car, Caused Crash That Killed 6-Month-Old
Get Charged with Misdemeanors

Snake Baker


San Francisco Target Locks Down Entire Inventory Because of
Shoplifting Crisis

Elvis Dunderhoff

What a racist thing to do.
Pilot Who Offered Affordable Flights to Women Looking for
Abortions Gets Fired

Elvis Dunderhoff
EPA Ignores Court Order Banning Terribly Toxic Herbicides, Lawsuit Claims

Elvis Dunderhoff
Chicago: Yoofs Who Stole Car, Caused Crash That Killed 6-Month-Old
Get Charged with Misdemeanors

Snake Baker
Faggot “Throuple” Adopt Girl, Plan for More Children

Snake Baker


Experts Announce It’s Time to be Afraid Again as New Coronavirus
Variant “Arcturus” Spreads

Elvis Dunderhoff

Your rights are making people sick.
Russia to Ban Changing Gender on Passports, Other ID Documents

Elvis Dunderhoff
Russian Company Releases GigaChat AI to Rival ChatGPT

Elvis Dunderhoff
South Koreans Completing Tasks from Cash-Giving Apps for Cents
Because of Economic Crisis

Elvis Dunderhoff
New Migrant Caravan Coming to America

Elvis Dunderhoff


Man in Custody Battle with Ex-Girlfriend to Stop Her from
Trannifying His 3-Year-Old Son

Snake Baker

She also wants to get him vaxed against Covid.
Red Cross Campaign Urges Gamers to Stop Committing War Crimes,
Attacking NPCs

Elvis Dunderhoff
Boston: Climate Terrorists Deflate Tires on 43 SUVs

Elvis Dunderhoff
Pope Francis, Bill Gates, And Others Lose Twitter Blue Checkmark

Elvis Dunderhoff
Florida Restaurant Allegedly Throws Out Faggot Beer Cans, Tells
Customers They Don’t Sell Faggot Beer

Elvis Dunderhoff
The Science Using Gene Therapy to Make Men Infertile

Elvis Dunderhoff
Chorus of Screeching Fat Sluts Attack Blue Cartoon Dog for
“Fat-Shaming” Them

Snake Baker
Elon Says Larry Page (Google Jew) is Planning to Create AI God

Andrew Anglin


Saturday Swine Pearls: “Drug Addiction” is a Dumb Hoax

Andrew Anglin

We're doing quickies now. Breaking the conditioning.
German Peasants Protesting the Total Breakdown of National
Functionality – No Leader

Andrew Anglin
Leftists Do Not Understand Rightist Beliefs and Do Not Appear to
Even Understand Their Own Beliefs

Andrew Anglin
Memetic Monday: These Memes Just Keep Getting Better, I’m Telling You What

Andrew Anglin
Eat, Drink, And be Merry. It’s All You Have.

Andrew Anglin
How in the Heck was I Not Aware of This 2021 Modest Mouse Album???

Andrew Anglin
Memetic Monday: The Best Memes Ever?

Andrew Anglin
Happy Easter, Everyone. Christ is Risen.

Andrew Anglin

Recent Posts
California: Politician Wants to Make Criticizing Teachers Who Trannify
Kids a Crime

Snake Baker

Up to a year in prison if it passes.
Italy: Jews Whine After Minister Says Italians Shouldn’t be Ethnically Replaced

Snake Baker

Oh noes!
Leftists Do Not Understand 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-29 Thread grarpamp
> .@ggreenwald Warns Against US Government’s Efforts to Ban TikTok “The
> government is now about to embrace powers that the Chinese government
> itself has long wielded to control the flow of information in their
> countries… I think we ought to think about why this is happening.”

Greg Price @greg_price11
The bill to ban TikTok is absolutely terrifying. It gives the
government the ability to go after anyone they deem as a national
security risk at which point they can access everything from their
computer to video games to their ring light. This is a Patriot Act for
the internet.

Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
Under the new Restrict Act ("ban TikTok act") VPN users face 20 years
in jail and a $1mio fine if they evade US internet censorship.
Compared to this, the great firewall of china looks like a picket
fence  E.g. VPN are largely tolerated (used one for 7 years with no

Lolo @LolOverruled
Senate Bill 686, The Restrict Act, wants to put you in jail for 20
years for using a VPN for using a website or app is operated by a
“foreign adversaries.” These are the foreign adversaries btw

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-29 Thread grarpamp
.@ggreenwald Warns Against US Government’s Efforts to Ban TikTok “The
government is now about to embrace powers that the Chinese government
itself has long wielded to control the flow of information in their
countries… I think we ought to think about why this is happening.”

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp
They censored Tom too, among millions of other
voices censorbanned, downranked, buried, paused, etc...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-16 Thread grarpamp
Epstein affiliates and Democrats Plaskett and Buckney-Small try
to censorban their own sexually deviant sextapes...

Bizarre Video Of Stacey Plaskett And Naked Husband And Nude Photos
Leaked Online; Plaskett Issues Statement - V.I. Consortium
ST. CROIX -- Bizarre video showing husband of Delegate to Congress
Stacey Plaskett, Jonathan Buckney-Small, who was being recorded by the
congresswoman ›
Dem Lawmaker Stacey Plaskett's Sex Tape Leaks Online - The Daily Beast
A freshman Democratic lawmaker said Thursday that her sex tape was
stolen and leaked online. Stacey Plaskett, the Virgin Islands'
non-voting representative in Congress, blamed the incident on... › story › 2016 › 07 › stacey-plaskett-sex-tape-225951
'Private' video of Virgin Islands Democratic delegate posted online
A "private" videotape of the Virgin Islands' delegate to Congress,
Democratic Rep. Stacey Plaskett, which showed her husband naked and
wearing makeup, was posted online Wednesday night but... › news › national ›
Sex tape of Virgin Islands delegate Democratic Rep. Stacey Plaskett ...
A sex tape featuring the Virgin Islands' delegate to Congress and her
husband was briefly posted online by hackers before being removed, the
lawmaker said Thursday. A topless photo of Democratic... › life › article ›
Democratic Congressional Delegate Stacey Plaskett's Sex Tape Leaked ...
Stacey Plaskett, a delegate to Congress, had her computer hacked and
an apparent sex tape was leaked. Politico reported that a "sex tape "
and a "topless selfie" featuring Stacey Plaskett was revealed on a
Facebook page and other social media platforms on Wednesday night.
Plaskett, 52, is the Virgin Islands' delegate to Congress. › news › article-3702307 ›
Hackers steal sex tape from Virgin Islands Congressional delegate and ...
Hackers steal sex tape from Virgin Islands Congressional delegate and
post it online two weeks before she runs for re-election Democratic
Rep. Stacey Plaskett, 52, said it's a 'shockingly... › VIC › ?p=42397
Bizarre Video Of Stacey Plaskett And Naked Husband And Nude Photos ...
ST. CROIX — A bizarre video showing the husband of Delegate to
Congress Stacey Plaskett, Jonathan Buckney-Small, who was being
recorded by the congresswoman, naked, wearing eye shadow and ... › 2016 › 07 ›
Hacker Steals Democratic Delegate's Sex Tape and Personal Photos and ...
A sex tape of Stacey Plaskett, the Virgin Islands' congressional
representative, was posted online (and later removed) Wednesday night,
according to Politico. Photos of Plaskett were also circulated online,
as well as a family video that included one of her children. › blogs › blog-briefing-room › news ›
Sex tape of Virgin Islands Dem delegate posted online | The Hill
A sex tape involving the Virgin Islands' Democratic delegate to
Congress was posted online Wednesday after her computer was hacked.
{mosads} Del. Stacey Plaskett said in a statement Thursday... › news › article-4695292 ›
Staffers indicted for nude images leak of Stacey Plaskett
Juan McCullum (pictured) former general counsel for Delegate Stacey
Plaskett, was indicted for cyber stalking after stealing personal
images of hers and disseminating them online Browne-Louis,... › news › national-news › articles › 2017-07-13
Nude Images, Videos of Congresswoman and Husband Shared By Former ...
Two former Capitol Hill staffers were indicted this week in connection
with the alleged sharing of "private, nude images and videos" swiped
from a congresswoman's cellphone. The footage depicts...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-13 Thread grarpamp
Uncivilized mobs, Leftist screechers as usual...

Should The Names Of Stanford Student Disrupters Be Published?

Once again, a conservative speaker had been shouted down by censorial
law students who didn't want him to speak. This time it was Stanford,
last time it was Yale. Then it was Georgetown.

If the Stanford Dean of diversity, equity and inclusion gets her way,
this censorship of conservative speakers will spread to other
campuses. Among the worst offenders in this all-too-common censorship
fest was Dean Tirien Steinbach. In what appears to be a written
statement prepared in advance, she effectively silenced the speaker,
federal Judge Kyle Duncan, by monopolizing his space. She sought to
justify not inviting speakers who might offend the sensibilities of
students who she claims to be responsible for "protecting" and
providing "safe spaces" against uncomfortable ideas.

After paying lip service to free speech, she suggested reconsidering
Stanford's speech policy, repeatedly asked whether "the squeeze is
worth the juice". She questioned whether Judge Duncan, whose opinions
and views cause "hurt" to students, should have been invited to speak.
Her bottom-line message was that offending some students is worse than
allowing others to hear from a controversial speaker. This from a
high-ranking administrator who was purporting to speak on behalf of
the university.

The real victims of this censorship were the students who were denied
the opportunity to hear Judge Duncan's full presentation.

An angry Judge Duncan responded, "Don't feel sorry for me. I'm a
life-tenured judge. What outrages me is that these kids are being
treated like dogshit by fellow students and administrators."

As the late Justice Thurgood Marshall once observed, "The freedom to
speak and the freedom to hear are inseparable; They are two sides of
the same coin."

To her credit, the dean of the law school, Jenny Martinez, condemned
the disrupters, writing, "However well-intentioned, attempts at
managing the room in this instance went awry... The way this event
unfolded was not aligned with out institutional commitment to freedom
of speech." She gave no indication of whether anyone would be

To be sure, protesting, picketing and even brief heckling of speakers
is also protected free speech, but shouting speakers down with the
intent to silence them is not.

It is explicitly prohibited by Stanford's rules. Yet that's exactly
what occurred without apparent consequences to the disrupters.

The disrupters also attempted to shame the sponsors of the speech by
disclosing their names and subjecting them to harassment. This
suggests a possible response to the disrupters. Following the Yale
disruptions, some judges have announced that they will no longer hire
law clerks from Yale. Similar announcements regarding Stanford are
likely. In my view, that amounts to collective punishment of the
innocent along with guilty. Many law students from these schools do
not agree with disrupting speakers, and they should not be denied
clerkships. Instead, the names of the disrupters might be published
and made available to potential employers, so they can decide whether
they want to hire graduates with such intolerance for diversity of

I made a similar suggestion about publishing the names of Berkeley law
students who voted to ban all Zionists — that is, believers in
Israel's right to exist — from speaking at 14 law school clubs,
including feminist, Black and gay organizations.

As one who well remembers McCarthyite "blacklists," I'm uncomfortable
about publishing the names of student censors. But if they are proud
of their very public efforts to silence speakers with whom they
disagree, they should be proud to have their names published so that
potential employers can have relevant information before they make
hiring decisions.

That would be far better than judges and other employers refusing to
hire ANY students from the offending schools.

Law schools are supposed to teach advocacy skills and a commitment to
the rule of law. They should have and enforce vigorous free speech
policies. They should not have deans, like Steinbach, who are part of
the problem, rather than part of the solution.

Stanford should apologize to Judge Duncan for the dean's actions and
inactions. He observed that in his view, "This was a set up. She was
working with the students." Stanford should 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

The White House has endorsed a Senate bill that members unveiled
Tuesday, which would give the U.S. government more far-reaching powers
in restricting and even banning foreign-linked software or electronics
producers. As Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, the draft law is
considered to be aimed at Chinese-owned social media network TikTok,
even though it doesn't explicitly name the service.

The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk
Information and Communications Technology Act - RESTRICT for short -
is being unveiled after two years of largely fruitless negotiations
with TikTok to address U.S. national security concerns surrounding the

Concern over how much of TikTok's user data could be seen - and
potentially weaponized - by the Chinese government has been
heightening in the U.S. and Europe alike.

As seen in data by Statista Market Insights, TikTok has curated a
large following in the United States and Europe, with its app revenue
market share surpassing those of older social media networks like
Instagram and Facebook - both U.S. owned.

Infographic: TikTok: Social Media Heavyweight | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

In the United States, TikTok's share is already comprising 26 percent
of the market, far ahead of Instagram's 14 percent. However,
advertisers have been sticking to longer-standing services. TikTok's
social media ad spending share in the U.S. as well as the UK and
Germany hovered between 9-12 percent, behind larger ad players
Facebook, Instagram as well as professional networks Linkedin (i.e.
equivalent Xing in the German market).

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
France's First Lady Loses Transgender Lawsuit

Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, filed a complaint last year
against two women who uploaded a YouTube video titled "Brigitte Macron
is a man." The video alleged that Brigitte had a gender reassignment
at 18.

On Wednesday, the French newspaper Le Point reported that Brigitte's
complaint against the two women was "voided" by a Paris Judge.

In its decision, consulted by AFP, the court declared void the
summons issued by Brigitte Macron for invasion of privacy and image
rights, considering that the facts she denounced should have been
qualified of public defamation.

Brigitte Macron, her brother, and the three children of the First
Lady had assigned two women on February 15, 2022, one presenting
herself as a "medium," the other as an "independent journalist."

They asked the court to condemn these two women to pay them
damages for having broadcast on the YouTube channel of the "medium",
on December 10, 2021, "a perfectly eccentric thesis" according to
which Brigitte Macron, born Trogneux, does not would never have
existed, but that his brother would have taken on this identity after
changing sex.

"It is hard to imagine that the First Lady of France, accompanied by
the best lawyers, erred in qualifying her complaint as defamation
rather than an invasion of privacy. Unless she tries to drop the case
as soon as possible and not go any further," French media outlet Le
Média en 4-4-2 wrote.

Brigitte's transgender rumor appeared around France's 2022
presidential elections. Despite the video receiving hundreds of
thousands of views and trending on Twitter for days, Emmanuel still
pulled off a victory. A more serious accusation is the affair Brigitte
had with Emmanuel when she was 39yo, and he was 15yo schoolboy...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
AOC, the jumping-mad hoe (AOC was a broke cocktail waitress
upon entering US ConGress, four years later and reports say
somehow having net worth ~ $1.5M), tries to censor critics and
catcalls with Lawfare... free rage-jumping speech for her, not for you...

'Big Booty Latina' AOC Sued By Comedian She Blocked Over Catcall

Alongside Rashida Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez was the first female member of
the Democratic Socialists of America elected to serve in Congress.

Alex Stein, a political provocateur who called Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez his "favorite big booty Latina," is suing AOC for
blocking him on Twitter.

"She wants to kill babies but she’s still beautiful. You look very
beautiful in that dress. You look very sexy. Look at that booty on
AOC," he said last July amid a national debate over abortion.

"Look how sexy she looks in that dress. Oooh, I love it AOC. Hot, hot,
hot like a tamale," Stein continued.

Despite flashing a peace sign, she claimed that she was "actually
walking over to deck him."

Here is a video he posted of the incident. I was actually walking
over to deck him because if no one will protect us then I’ll do it
myself but I needed to catch a vote more than a case today
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 14, 2022

Stein's lawsuit cites a decision by a federal appeals court which
ruled that then-President Donald Trump violated the constitutional
rights of several people after he blocked them on Twitter. Days after
the Trump ruling, AOC apologized to and settled a case brought by
former Brooklyn assemblyman Dov Hikind, who sued her for blocking him,
CNBC reports. AOC eventually lifted the block, and admitted that he
"has a First Amendment right to express his views and should not be
blocked for them."

Stein seeks the same response.

"I really don’t have any hard feelings for AOC," he said, adding "I
really would like to have her unblock me."

If the congresswoman fights the complaint, it would reopen the
legal argument about the rights of political figures to prevent
certain individuals or groups from following them on social media

In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court erased the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals ruling that Trump had violated the First Amendment rights
of the people he had blocked from his Twitter account while serving in
the White House. The Supreme Court ordered the appeals court to
dismiss the case as moot, because Trump by then was a private citizen.

Stein's suit claims AOC blocked him "in retaliation to Mr. Stein’s
exercise of his First Amendment right, because earlier that day Mr.
Stein, in the context of political commentary and satire, complimented
Ms. Cortez."

"Mr. Stein has a constitutional right to access Ms. Cortez’s Twitter
account as part of vigorous public comment and criticism," the filing
continues. "Ms. Cortez’s practice of blocking Twitter users she
disagrees with is unconstitutional and this suit seeks to redress that

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
The Censored Generation

Incredulity. Astonishment. Disgust. Anger.

It is these feelings—amongst others—that describe the general reaction
to the revelations of the Twitter Files and other egregious episodes
of Big Tech censorship of the electronic public square.

The implicit deal with companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.
is very simple: we will look at your ads if you give us a service for
free. The deal did not include censorship.

But what is society to expect when those doing the censorship seem to
see absolutely nothing wrong with it, and that it didn’t even occur to
them that what they were engaged in—often at the specific request of
governmental agencies—was at all a problem?

For a generation that has grown up with speech codes, enforced nicety,
automatic deference to the feelings of others, and has been swaddled
in bubble wrap against the vagaries of life, censoring of speech is
not only not an ethical leap, it is the right thing to do.

Couple that with a permanent, purposeful self-infantilization that
makes them defer to (or incoherently rage at for NOT censoring speech)
anyone they perceive to be a grown-up—such as former FBI bigwig James
Baker at Twitter—and the stage is not only set, but the terrifying end
of the play writes itself.

This generation is not necessarily Y, or X, or millennial—it’s a bit
of a mix of those aged from about sixteen to about thirty-six, numbers
that will, sadly, most likely become lower and lower on the low end
and higher and higher on the high end as time marches on.

It is a subcohort (I thought it best to learn their language) of
people who have much in common—first, they have come from the now de
rigueur smaller families, hence they do not have the thick skin and
personal combat skills that one acquires when one has siblings.

They have usually grown up relatively comfortably and are
uncomfortable with confrontation. They went to the right schools, but
they do not understand how other people can think differently. They
are overcredentialed but actually vastly undereducated. They feel
twinges of guilt when the grocery store delivers but are absolutely
certain that a twenty-five-minute trip to the store is a waste of
their valuable time.

While there are many, many examples, two events stand out as exemplar
moments for the censored generation. First, this rather well-known
incident from Yale University in which a college student is angrily
demanding to be treated like a child, and this chilling tale of a
professor struggling to deal with the “best and the brightest”
demanding to be lectured to rather than participate in a thoughtful

Professor Vincent Lloyd, director of black studies at Villanova
University, writes:

Like others on the left, I had been dismissive of criticisms of
the current discourse on race in the United States. But now my
thoughts turned to that moment in the 1970s when leftist organizations
imploded, the need to match and raise the militancy of one’s comrades
leading to a toxic culture filled with dogmatism and disillusion. How
did this happen to a group of bright-eyed high school students?

This remembrance of things past, as it were, should not be viewed as
garden variety “Get off my lawn!” generational angst. This is not,
when complaining about Elvis Presley’s hips, purposefully failing to
remember exactly how much underwear was visible at a 1940s swing

These two examples starkly show that a sea change has occurred in just
the past ten or fifteen years. It is simply unimaginable that students
prior would have demanded more boundaries, more restrictions, more
lectures, more being told what to think, and, especially, more being
told how to think.

It literally has never happened before.

This, to quote Alan Furst’s book The Foreign Correspondent, “doctrinal
agony over symbols” has always existed, but it only flourished in
insular monomaniacal environments, like the cloisters of a medieval
monastery or a dingy backroom full of bickering Bolsheviks. Now, these
ultimately meaningless disputes capture much of the globe’s attention
and involve a race to the bottom of dogma, to a purity purgatory
which, thanks to the speed of social media, has engulfed us all.

The past has seen its share of equivalent events and trends, but the
speed at which “facts” and thoughts and concepts move on the internet
essentially destroys the usual “predators” of bad ideas—nuance,
history, research, reason, time to reflect, reliable sourcing, and
proper context. This has allowed people to simply ignore or dismiss
anything they think may contravene their own ideations and the
ideations of whatever happens to be ascendent that particular day. It
is this permanent state of flux, intentionally unmoored 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-05 Thread grarpamp

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-02-16 Thread grarpamp
Bill Gates was major 1984 style trouble ever since he
continued to write closed source NSA_KEY software
and use the deadly violence of the State to enforce
"copyright" fiction.

Free Speech Is Futile: Gates Goes Full 'Borg' On AI Censorship

Below is my column in the New York Post on the call of Bill Gates to
use Artificial Intelligence to combat “political polarization” on the
Internet. It turns out the problem on the Internet is those pesky
humans “who want to believe … things” that they should not. Enter the
new AI Overlords to bring collective peace and tranquility through
content assimilation.

Here is the column:

“We are the AI.”

That Borg-like greeting could be coming soon to the internet in the
form of new AI overlords. In a recent chilling interview, Microsoft
founder and billionaire Bill Gates called for the use of artificial
intelligence to combat not just “digital misinformation” but
“political polarization.”

He is only the latest to call for the use of either AI or algorithms
to shape what people say or read on the internet. The danger of such a
system is evident where free speech, like resistance, could become

In an interview on a German program, “Handelsblatt Disrupt,” Gates
calls for unleashing AI to stop certain views from being “magnified by
digital channels.” The problem is that we allow “various conspiracy
theories like QAnon or whatever to be blasted out by people who wanted
to believe those things.”

Gates added that AI can combat “political polarization” by checking
“confirmation bias.”

Confirmation bias is a term long used to describe the tendency of
people to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms
their own beliefs. It is now being used to dismiss those with opposing
views as ignorant slobs dragging their knuckles across the internet —
people endangering us all by failing to accept the logic behind
policies on COVID, climate change or a host of other political issues.

This is not the first call for AI overlords to protect us from
ourselves. Last September, Gates gave the keynote address at the
Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy. He told his fellow billionaires
that “polarization and lack of trust is a problem.”

The problem is again … well … people: “People seek simple solutions
[and] the truth is kind of boring sometimes.”

Not AI, of course. That would supply the solutions. Otherwise, Gates
suggested, we could all die: “Political polarization may bring it all
to an end, we’re going to have a hung election and a civil war.”

Others have suggested a Brave New World where citizens will be
carefully guided in what they read and see. Democratic leaders have
called for a type of “enlightened algorithms” to frame what citizens
access on the internet. In 2021, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)
objected that people were not listening to the informed views of
herself and leading experts. Instead, they were reading views of
skeptics by searching Amazon and finding books by “prominent spreaders
of misinformation.”

Warren blamed Amazon for failing to limit searches or choices: “This
pattern and practice of misbehavior suggests that Amazon is either
unwilling or unable to modify its business practices to prevent the
spread of falsehoods or the sale of inappropriate products.” In her
letter, Warren gave the company 14 days to change its algorithms to
throttle and obstruct efforts to read opposing views.

Social media responded to such calls and engaged in widespread
censorship of those who held opposing views of mask mandates, vaccine
safety, school mandates, and the origin of COVID-19. Many of those
criticisms and views are now acknowledged as plausible and legitimate,
but scientists were banned and censored. There was no “polarization”
allowed. The 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-02-16 Thread grarpamp

Jordan Subpoenas Big Tech CEOs In House 'Weaponization' Probe

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) says he has
subpoenaed the CEOs of top U.S. Big Tech firms as part of Republicans’
ongoing investigation into the weaponization of the federal
U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee, delivers remarks during a business meeting prior to a
hearing on U.S. southern border security on Capitol Hill in Washington
on Feb. 1, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

In November, House Republicans unveiled a 1,050-page report detailing
whistleblower findings from FBI agents.

Since then, the House majority authorized the creation of the House
Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government,
which held its inaugural hearing on Feb. 9.

Now, Jordan has sent subpoena requests to several major tech
executives asking for documents and testimony.

“Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan subpoenaed the chief
executive officers of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft for
documents and communications relating to the federal government’s
reported collusion with Big Tech to suppress free speech,” Jordan’s
office said in a statement emailed to the Epoch Times.

“The House Judiciary Committee has repeatedly attempted to engage with
the five companies since last December,” the release continues.
“Unfortunately, the companies have not adequately complied with our

Jordan was referencing a series of Dec. 14, 2022, letters his office
sent to various tech executives.

The CEOs—Alphabet’s (Google) Sundar Pichai, Amazon’s Andy Jassy,
Apple’s Tim Cook, Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Microsoft’s Satya
Nadella—have until March 23 to provide any communications between them
and the federal government’s executive branch on the subject.

“Big Tech is out to get conservatives, and is increasingly willing to
undermine First Amendment values by complying with the Biden
Administration’s directives that suppress freedom of speech online,”
Jordan wrote, in excerpts from the letter to the executives posted to
his website.

“This approach undermines fundamental American principles and allows
powerful government actors to silence political opponents and stifle
opposing viewpoints,” he continued. “Publicly available information
suggests that your companies’ treatment of certain speakers and
content may stem from government directives or guidance designed to
suppress dissenting views.

“Big Tech’s role in shaping national and international public
discourse today is well-known. In some cases, Big Tech’s ‘heavy-handed
censorship’ has been ‘use[d] to silence prominent voices’ and to
‘stifle views that disagree with the prevailing progressive

“Because of Big Tech’s wide reach, it can serve as a powerful and
effective partisan arm of the ‘woke speech police.’ Although the full
extent of Big Tech’s collusion with the Biden Administration is
unknown, there are prominent examples and strong indications of Big
Tech censorship following directives or pressure from executive branch

“These examples raise serious concerns about how and why tech
companies suppress, silence, or reduce the reach of certain political
speech and speakers. The collusion of Big Tech and Big Government to
advance censorship undeniably undermines liberty and jeopardizes our
country’s First Amendment values and protections.”

Jordan cited long-held concerns among conservatives that their
viewpoints are disproportionately stifled on social media platforms
through outright bans, removal of certain posts, and “shadow banning,”
which dramatically reduce a person’s reach on most social media

President Donald Trump considered the issue a concern as early as
2019, and attempted at the end of his presidency to gut the legal
liability protections currently enjoyed by Big Tech platforms.

With Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and the release of documents
from the platform’s previous management, it’s become clear that these
concerns were well-founded, and have been proven that the firms were
engaging in censorship of certain viewpoints.

Read more here...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-02-07 Thread grarpamp
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20.Bryan Weisbard. Current Facebook Trust & Safety. Formerly 9 years
of “multiple senior level leadership positions in US Government
Intelligence Community.” Former Twitter Online Safety & Security
Analysis 4 years. Former Youtube Trust & Safety 1 year.…
Name Redacted @NameRedacted247
19 Dec 2022
21.Hagan Barnett. Current Facebook Trust & Safety Operations Lead.
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22.Jeff Lazarus. Current Facebook Trust & Safety. Former Apple Trust &
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23.Chon Rosa. Current Facebook Trust & Safety. Former US Army
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24.Jason Barry. Current Facebook Trust & Safety Manager. Former DHS 7
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25.Rick Cavalieros. Current Facebook Trust & Safety Manager. Former
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27.   Amarpreet G. (She/Her). Current Facebook Product Integrity,
Elections. Former FBI 6 years.…
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28.   Brian Kelley. Current Facebook Law Enforcement Outreach Manager.
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29.   Aleah Houze. Current Facebook Product Policy Manager. Former NSA
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privacy, transparency, and expression in mind. I love building systems
and frameworks that enable organizations to operate in a...
Name Redacted @NameRedacted247
19 Dec 2022
30.   Shawn Turskey. Current Facebook Global Director Security
Investigations. Former NSA 19 years. Former US Cyber Command 4 years.…
Shawn Turskey - Global Director Security Investigations at Meta
Financial Technologies at Meta...

On September 26, 2022, I joined Meta, specifically Meta Financial
Technologies as the Global Director of Security 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-17 Thread grarpamp
Ukrainian Activist Lauded By Western Media Says She Wants "All
Russians" To Be "Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth"

A Ukrainian activist who has been lauded by legacy media outlets
called for “all Russians” to be “wiped off the face of the Earth.”

The genocidal remarks were made by blogger Melania Podoliak in
response to a missile hitting an apartment block in the Ukrainian city
of Dnepr.

The building was struck after a Russian missile was shot down by a
Ukrainian anti-air weapon, according to Aleksey Arestovich, an adviser
to President Vladimir Zelensky.

“It’s absolutely fair for me to wish for all Russians and Russia to be
wiped off the face of the Earth,” Podoliak tweeted.

“It’s not hate speech, it’s not horrible of me, it’s just FAIR,” she added.

It’s absolutely fair for me to wish for all Russians and Russia to
be wiped off the face of the Earth. It’s not hate speech, it’s not
horrible of me, it’s just FAIR.

14.01.2013, Dnipro, a residential building after Russian missile
— Melaniya Podolyak (@MelaniePodolyak) January 14, 2023

Quite how it was “fair” for all Russians to be killed in response to
their government being embroiled in a war wasn’t explained by

Her comments were flagged after it was noted that Podoliak has been
given a platform by numerous western legacy media outlets, including
on NBC News as a “political activist” and by Fox News as a “media

Critics accused Podoliak of being “pro-ethnic cleansing,” to which she
responded by tweeting swear words.

Fuck you
— Melaniya Podolyak (@MelaniePodolyak) January 14, 2023

After some respondents said they knew Podoliak’s home address, she
told them they were in for “a big fucking treat,” posting a photo of
herself holding a shotgun.

Cool, now these bots threaten me by letting me know they have my address

Well if you know that, you also know your in for a big fucking treat. Cya!

(Unless you want to waste an entire missile on me, which is going
to change nothing for you, you’re still gonna get fuucked)
— Melaniya Podolyak (@MelaniePodolyak) January 15, 2023

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard such genocidal rhetoric.

As we previously highlighted, Ukrainian TV host Fahruddin Sharafmal
took to the airwaves to demand the genocide of Russian children,
quoting top Nazi Adolf Eichmann as he called for “killing children.”

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-17 Thread grarpamp

COVID-Narrative Dissenters File Lawsuit Against Legacy Media Over
Coordinated Censorship

A coalition of outspoken critics and skeptics of the mainstream
narratives on COVID-19 has brought an antitrust lawsuit against some
of the world’s largest news organizations, accusing them of working in
collaboration to suppress dissenting voices surrounding the pandemic.
Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. attends the 2018 Robert F. Kennedy
Human Rights' Ripple Of Hope Awards at New York Hilton Midtown in New
York City on Dec. 12, 2018. (Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images)

The lawsuit (pdf), filed on Tuesday in a federal court in Texas,
targets The Washington Post, the British Broadcasting Corp (BBC), The
Associated Press (AP), and Reuters—all of which are members of the
“Trusted News Initiative (TNI),” a self-described “industry
partnership” formed in 2020 among legacy media giants and big tech

“By their own admission, members of the TNI have agreed to work
together, and have in fact worked together, to exclude from the
world’s dominant internet platforms rival news publishers who engage
in reporting that challenges and competes with TNI members’ reporting
on certain issues relating to COVID-19 and U.S. politics,” the
complaint reads.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a critic of the Biden administration’s COVID-19
vaccination policies, led the lawsuit. He is joined by Creative
Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Truth About Vaccines founders Ty
and Charlene Bollinger, independent journalist Ben Swann, Health Nut
News publisher Erin Elizabeth Finn, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft,
Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Ben Tapper, a chiropractor.

The plaintiffs, the lawsuit alleges, are among the many victims of the
TNI’s “group boycott” tactic, defined as a coordinated effort to
facilitate monopoly by cutting off the competitors’ access to supplies
and necessities.

In this case, the TNI members are accused of engaging in group
boycott—in concert with their big tech partners—against small,
independent news publishers by denying them access to internet
platforms they need to compete and even survive in the online news

“As a result of the TNI’s group boycott, [the plaintiffs] have been
censored, de-monetized, demoted, throttled, shadow-banned, and/or
excluded entirely from platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
Instagram, and Linked-In,” the lawsuit states.

For example, the lawsuit claims, TNI members have been working with
Big Tech to censor what they condemned as “misinformation,” such as
reports that COVID may have originated in a laboratory in the Chinese
city of Wuhan, that the COVID vaccines do not prevent infection, and
that vaccinated people may still transmit COVID to others.

This alleged effort to establish a dominant media narrative by
shutting off nonestablishment outlets, according to the lawsuit, has
violated both federal antitrust and freedom of speech laws.

“Federal antitrust law has its own name for this kind of ‘industry
partnership,'” the lawsuit states. “It’s called a group boycott and is
a per se violation of the Sherman Act.”

Read more here...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-16 Thread grarpamp
Biden unbans Communist Socialist China
His party Twitter bans prove he didn't do it because he
believes in free speech or free software.

Why TikTok Must Be Banned In US And Free World Spinach and Opium

The United States recently banned TikTok from all federal government
devices over growing security concerns. That is a good start.

TikTok, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned at the beginning of
December, is controlled by the Chinese government, which is a national
security concern.

TikTok, a video-sharing app owned by Chinese company ByteDance, has,
according to TikTok's own estimates, 1 billion users worldwide. In
2021, TikTok had approximately 87 million users in the US, according
to Statista. Disturbingly, a recent study found that 10% of US adults
get their news from the Chinese app, up from 3% in 2020.

Wray said that China's government can control the app's recommendation
algorithm, "which allows them to manipulate content, and if they want
to, to use it for influence operations."

"All of these things are in the hands of a government that doesn't
share our values, and that has a mission that's very much at odds with
what's in the best interests of the United States. That should concern
us," Wray said in a speech at the University of Michigan.

Wray's comments echoed those he made at the "Worldwide Threats to the
Homeland" hearing held at the House of Representatives Homeland
Security Committee on November 15.

"We do have national security concerns at least from the FBI's end
about TikTok," Wray stated.

"They include the possibility that the Chinese government could
use it to control data collection on millions of users. Or control the
recommendation algorithm, which could be used for influence operations
if they so chose. Or to control software on millions of devices, which
gives it opportunity to potentially technically compromise personal

Wray's concerns are not new -- actually, they come a bit late. In
2020, President Donald J. Trump, citing similar security concerns,
tried to ban the app in the US, in addition to sanctioning the
company, but several federal judges ruled against both sanctions and a
ban, blocking his attempts. One judge ruled that the ban failed "to
adequately consider an obvious and reasonable alternative before
banning TikTok" and that the ban was "arbitrary and capricious."

"ByteDance's submission and compliance with Chinese law has rendered
it a reliable, useful, and far reaching ear and mouthpiece for the
Party and State," the Trump administration wrote at the time in a
document motivating the proposed ban. The document cited ByteDance's
commitment to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as resulting in
"systemic censorship of content across its platforms" and "the
harvesting of user data."

In the document, the Trump administration stressed noted:

"ByteDance, as a company, and its subsidiaries are subject to PRC
national security laws that require or compel the assistance of any
Chinese citizen or entity in surveillance and intelligence operations.
As ByteDance is subject to PRC 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-16 Thread grarpamp
> All My Friends Are ShadowBanned ... gets ShadowBanned
> AMFASB Gets Banned
> "All My Friends Are Shadowbanned" - An0maly and Bryson Gray

As this latest 'Twitter Files' thread spreads across a holiday market,
Elon Musk himself has opined on the efforts to bully the former
Twitter executives into censoring ZeroHedge:
Zerohedge can be jerks at times, but they did nothing warranting suspension
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 16, 2023

We'll take the 'being jerks' jab... isn't that what the media is supposed to be?

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-13 Thread grarpamp Madonna's Catholic SEX Book BANNED

Britain’s advertising regulator has banned a poster promoting Demi
Lovato’s most recent album for being “likely to cause serious offence
to Christians.”

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) launched an
investigation into the poster, which was seen at multiple sites across
London in August, after receiving complaints from four members of the

The poster featured an image of the album cover under the headline
“HOLY FVCK,” which is also the name of the album. The image showed
Lovato sprawled across a large cushioned crucifix in a leather
bondage-style outfit.

Under the UK’s code for non-broadcast advertising, ads must be
prepared with a “sense of responsibility” and must not contain
anything likely to cause serious or widespread offense.

According to the report published by the ASA Wednesday, the
complainants “challenged whether the ad was likely to cause serious or
widespread offence,” while some also suggested it was “irresponsibly
placed” where children could see it.

The watchdog investigated and upheld both aspects of the
complaints, finding that both the language and the imagery used were
likely to cause serious offense.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-13 Thread grarpamp
Govts and Secret Globalism worldwide going all 1984 on your ass... revolt now.


Glenn Greenwald
LIVE, in 15 minutes: Our exclusive report on a major escalation of
Brazil's censorship regime: a single Supreme Court judge has ordered
multiple Americans social media platforms to immediately ban
politicians and analysts or face massive fines:…

Thank you for watching this episode of SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every
weeknight at 7pm ET. Subscribe and join us LIVE on Rumble: Become part of our Locals community: h

Jan 13, 2023 · 11:46 PM UTC · Twitter Web App
Glenn Greenwald
We will reveal the full order, which we've obtained exclusively: it's
truly shocking in its breadth and authoritarianism, with no rationale.
Just a command, accompanied by threats. As this thread illustrates,
it's a threat to internet freedom globally:
Glenn Greenwald
BREAKING: The censorship regime in Brazil is growing rapidly,
virtually daily now. We just obtained a censorship order that is
genuinely shocking, directing multiple social media platforms to
*immediately* remove numerous prominent politicians and commentators.
Show this thread
Glenn Greenwald
We'll interview at least one of the Brazilian commentators who is the
subject of this order. The just has ordered his decision be kept
secret. The censored analyst had no idea these platforms were ordered
to ban him until we called. The key context:…
To Defend Democracy, Is Brazil’s Top Court Going Too Far?

Brazil’s Supreme Court has acted as the primary check on President
Jair Bolsonaro’s power. Now many are worried the court is posing its
own threat.
Greg Drew @SchwerbTheHerb
Replying to @ggreenwald
How is a single judge so powerful, seems like he pulls the strings of
a shadow gov in Brazil?
more replies
Jonathan Kogan @Kogz
Replying to @ggreenwald @chrispavlovski
What a time to be alive! Crazy to watch this happen in real-time…

Glenn Greenwald
9 Dec 2022
We're incredibly excited to announce the debut of @SystemUpdate_ -- to
air nightly, live, Monday-Friday at 7 pm ET -- exclusively on Rumble.
Our first live show will be this Monday, December 12, featuring an
interview with @Mtaibbi and other topics and guests:
Show this thread
Glenn Greenwald
Starting now, LIVE:
Glenn Greenwald
LIVE, in 15 minutes: Our exclusive report on a major escalation of
Brazil's censorship regime: a single Supreme Court judge has ordered
multiple Americans social media platforms to immediately ban
politicians and analysts or face massive fines:…
Show this thread
Glenn Greenwald
LIVE, in 15 minutes: Our exclusive report on a major escalation of
Brazil's censorship regime: a single Supreme Court judge has ordered
multiple Americans social media platforms to immediately ban
politicians and analysts or face massive fines:…

Thank you for watching this episode of SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every
weeknight at 7pm ET. Subscribe and join us LIVE on Rumble: Become part of our Locals community: h
Glenn Greenwald
We will reveal the full order, which we've obtained exclusively: it's
truly shocking in its breadth and authoritarianism, with no rationale.
Just a command, accompanied by threats. As this thread illustrates,
it's a threat to internet freedom globally:
Glenn Greenwald
BREAKING: The censorship regime in Brazil is growing rapidly,
virtually daily now. We just obtained a censorship order that is
genuinely shocking, directing multiple social media platforms to
*immediately* remove numerous prominent politicians and commentators.
Show this thread
Glenn Greenwald
We'll interview at least one of the Brazilian commentators who is the
subject of this order. The just has ordered his decision be kept
secret. The censored analyst had no idea these platforms were ordered
to ban him until we called. The key context:…
To Defend Democracy, Is Brazil’s Top Court Going Too Far?

Brazil’s Supreme Court has acted as the primary check on President
Jair Bolsonaro’s power. Now many are worried the court is posing its
own threat.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Concerns from the “highest levels” of the White House were used to
pressure social media censorship

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-08 Thread grarpamp
DemSoc's and Govts Falling Into Panic, Crypto and Internet Shall Win

The Elitists Communications Counterrevolution
Thaddeus McCotter

The gleaming promise of new technology and its uses blinded us to the
insidious extent imperiled elitists would go to protect their
unmerited power, wealth, and status. We were naïve. Yet, even if one
could have foreseen the metastasizing tyranny brought about by the
digital age, it would have strained credulity to watch
Americans—especially the young—not merely acquiescing to it, but
embracing it.

Though we are now inured to its novelty, it bears recollecting that
from the late 20th century to the present, we have lived through a
worldwide communications revolution. Profoundly affecting the
individual and society, the full impact of this revolution remains
unclear. Humanity’s ability to choose and pursue happiness has been
empowered to an extent undreamt. In the palm of one’s hand, or upon
one’s laptop or desk, and with just a stroke of a key, one can
instantaneously communicate with family and friends a world away,
conduct business, petition the government for the redress of
grievances, or bring calumny upon a major corporation. In sum, the
communications revolution is an historically unprecedented
technological boon for personal empowerment, growth, enrichment, and

It is this last that alarms the elitists.

The elitists believe they are entitled to wield power for the purpose
of governing their inferiors (i.e., the rest of us). To facilitate
this inversion of our free republic’s design, the elitists require the
complicity of a significant amount of the citizenry who, through
acquiescence, apathy, and/or dependency, are more than willing to
submit to the elitists’ control over their lives, be it wholly or in
part. Thus, for the elitists, the communications revolution is an
existential threat. The empowerment of sovereign citizens to
self-govern and, be it singularly or collectively, increase their
ability to control and curtail—i.e., to subordinate—the power of
public and private sector elitists, had to be blocked through
co-option and coercion; through a communications counterrevolution.

Fear is the key. (Isn’t it always when trying to pry away the people’s
rights?) Frightened elitists were able to project and impart their
fear into their fellow citizens; once the unwarranted paranoia was
sufficiently transferred to a critical mass of them, no social,
political, legal, or constitutional bar would be insurmountable. There
were foreign and domestic terrorists lurking around the corner, white
supremacists scurrying about the block, hate and racism woven
throughout our endangered democracy!

So commenced and continues the coercive disempowering of the entire
sovereign citizenry, as far too many frightened people voluntarily
shed their rights and scramble into faux lifeboats bound up serf’s
creek without a paddle. Free speech is on the verge of being viewed
not as a God-given right but a clear and present danger. A danger only
the elitists could prevent through their life-saving censorship—er,
“content moderation.”

Already, the elitists’ siren song has found fertile ground. The
elitists’ indoctrination machine has seduced many of America’s youth
to renounce what was once considered an intergenerational, innate
yearning by young people to be heard and to reject censorship. But the
elitists have tamed and muzzled the rising generation’s innate
rebelliousness. Like a teacher handing out participation trophies to
boost students’ unwarranted self-esteem, the elitists have granted
laurels to collegiates for disempowering themselves, laurels these
kids have accepted gratefully in exchange for their rights. Of course,
they and everyone who submits to the self-censorship and abets the
censorious silencing of dissent will be defenseless when the elitists
come for them. But that will never happen, will it?

This is not a partisan issue, as every American has the God-given
right to free speech. And every American is an equal participant in
our free republic’s revolutionary experiment in self-government. The
elitists’ communication counterrevolution proceeds apace—with the
bitterly ironic collusion of Big Tech, which has betrayed its initial
promise of providing and promoting personal empowerment and free
speech—and with the support of much of the Left, which once championed
free speech. Apparently, that was free speech only for themselves and
those who aligned with their ideology.

In the end, though, it makes perfect, despicable sense: Big
Government, Big Tech, and the Left are elitists in common cause to
convince the public that the greatest threat to Our Democracy™ is your
freedom. Yet, this “democracy” is actually their oligarchy, the
preservation of which is the elitists’ communications
counterrevolution’s end game.

Yes, we should have seen it coming. Still, during the 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-08 Thread grarpamp
Tomi Lahren
Censored, not silent.…
Emails Reveal White House Official Asked Facebook to Censor Tomi
Lahren on COVID Vaccines

New emails reveal that White House officials demanded that Facebook
censor Tomi Lahren for opposition to the COVID vaccines.
Tomi Lahren retweeted
Ted Cruz
Jan 7
This is brazen government censorship. If there are any actual
“journalists” remaining in the corrupt corporate media, they should
vocally condemn the Biden White House getting their lap dogs in Big
Tech to silence major media outlets.
Greg Price
Jan 7
Here is an email from White House Digital Director @RFlaherty46
telling Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. They
respond “running this down now.” This is completely insane and a total
violation of the first amendment.
Show this thread
Tomi Lahren
This photo op with border patrol agents is utterly useless if sleepy
Joe is gonna refuse to take their advice!!
Tomi Lahren
Joe should go meet with the cartels, he’s funding them.
Tomi Lahren
Everyone exiting that plane in El Paso right now, should be impeached!
Tomi Lahren
This is the tweet the White House wanted to “reduce.” If me saying
that I will not get the COVID jab caused others to think twice before
getting it, I will wear that like a badge of honor! Perhaps my tweet
played some role in protecting them from heart issues or sudden death!
Tomi Lahren
“Irregular migration” HA! It’s an invasion and it’s not an accident,
it’s by your design!! Close the border!!!
RNC Research
Jan 6
Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden "inherited a mess" at the southern
border, then says "Republicans made it worse." 樂
Show this thread
Tomi Lahren
States should not have to put flipping shipping containers on the
border to protect this country while the Biden administration allows
for a free-for-all!!
Tomi Lahren
I think I speak on behalf of all of the voices and accounts who have
been censored, we would like the White House to acknowledge and
apologize for this. Immediately.
Matt Orfalea @0rf
BREAKING: Biden's Digital Director told Facebook to censor
@TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren just for saying she won't take the
vaccine! #FacebookFiles
Tomi Lahren retweeted
Scott Taylor
NOT OK, this government official working to silence critics, whatever
you may think of @TomiLahren or @TuckerCarlson . Even, if you think
it’s horrible they said vaccines don’t work (they certainly didn’t
work as professed). “Democracy dies in darkness” @washingtonpost
Greg Price
Jan 7
Here is an email from White House Digital Director @RFlaherty46
telling Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. They
respond “running this down now.” This is completely insane and a total
violation of the first amendment.
Show this thread
Tomi Lahren
Tom Fitton
Jan 7
This looks to be criminal activity by Biden WH targeting
@TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren.
Tomi Lahren
This is the tweet from April 2021 the White House was concerned about
and triggered them to ask Twitter to “reduce” me. Unbelievable.
Tomi Lahren
12 Apr 2021
I personally will not get the COVID vaccine/will not be forced to get
it. If you want to get it, by all means please do. If you want to wear
1, 2 or 5 masks driving/walking alone, by all means please do. If you
are terrified of returning to “old normal” by all means stay home!!
Tomi Lahren retweeted
Tomi Lahren
Censored, not silent.…
Emails Reveal White House Official Asked Facebook to Censor Tomi
Lahren on COVID Vaccines

New emails reveal that White House officials demanded that Facebook
censor Tomi Lahren for opposition to the COVID vaccines.
Tomi Lahren retweeted
Attorney General Andrew Bailey @AGAndrewBailey
Jan 7
Here, the Biden White House directs Facebook to shut down conservative
voices @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren (4/9)
Show this thread
Tomi Lahren
Jan 7
Am I shocked?!
Greg Price
Jan 7
Here is an email from White House Digital Director @RFlaherty46
telling Facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson and @TomiLahren. They
respond “running this down now.” This is completely insane and a total
violation of the first amendment.
Show this thread
Tomi Lahren
Jan 7
+Secure the border
Clay Travis
Jan 7
Now that Republicans officially have a speaker the job is simple: keep
Joe Biden from making everything worse for two years until he can be
sent to retirement home in 2024, conduct primetime hearings on big

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-08 Thread grarpamp
Stanford proposes adding 'American' to harmful language list…
The list of soon-to-be banned terms includes the label “American,”
which Stanford argues is too US-centric and ignorant of the other
forty-one countries that also exist in the region.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-07 Thread grarpamp
Ontario Governing Body For Psychologists Demands Re-Education For
Jordan Peterson

Outspoken psychologist and former tenured professor Jordan Peterson
has come under relentless attack ever since he criticized the 'Act To
Amend The Canadian Human Rights Act And The Criminal Code' back in
2016.  The act is a framework which makes scrutiny of gender identity
ideology or transsexualism into potential discrimination under
Canadian law.  Peterson posted a series of videos which outline why
critique of gender identity groups is rooted in science and should be
protected as free speech.

After several years of harassment from leftist activists and
politically motivated bureaucrats, Peterson is once again being
threatened.  This time, with the loss of his license to practice
psychology unless he submits to a series of 're-education' programs
mandated by the College of Pyschologists of Ontario.

The CPO is a quasi-governmental body (a mostly unaccountable
bureaucracy) acting in accordance with the Psychology Act, 1991 the
Health Professions Procedural Code, the Regulated Health Professions
Act, 1991 and the regulations and by-laws of the college.  The CPO's
sudden aggressive effort to silence Jordan Peterson appears to have
been triggered by his reinstatement on Twitter in November.

He was originally banned from the site for referring to actress Elliot
Page by her original name (Ellen Page) and using the word “her” as a
descriptive, which is a scientific fact, but also a violation of the
leftist site's TOS before Elon Musk's takeover.

The psychologist is also known for his criticisms of Canada's
draconian covid lockdowns and mandates.

With Peterson once again having access to a wider audience on social
media, the CPO has ordered him to complete a mandatory “Specified
Continuing Education or Remedial Program” to “review, reflect on and
ameliorate [his] professionalism in public statements,” according to a
lengthy list of requirements from the college that Peterson shared on
Twitter.  He must meet with a psychologist for coaching classes, which
he must pay for, until a final report is issued by the coach that
shows their concerns have been “properly ameliorated.”

The CPO argues that Peterson's social media interactions constitute a
violation of the organization's standards for professional
interactions with the public.  In other words, the CPO essentially
believes it has the right to control the speech of member
psychologists and force them to adhere to a predetermined narrative
they find acceptable when engaging with the public.

It should be noted that there are no publicized instances of
psychologists being threatened with a loss of their license for
espousing leftist viewpoints on social media.  The measures appear to
be strictly designed to punish more conservative leaning

Peterson says he will not comply with the CPO programs because his
comments have nothing to do with his role as a psychologist.  “Every
single accusation is not only independent of my clinical practice, but
explicitly political — and not only that: unidirectionally explicitly
political,” Peterson writes.

Canada's spiral into authoritarianism is widely publicized and the
nation's waning respect for free speech accelerated during the
pandemic lockdowns.  While the US is not far behind, Americans at
least have free speech rights codified in a constitution that is
designed to regulate what the government can and cannot do.  In
Canada, such a thing does not exist.  Canadian rights are treated more
like privileges that the government is allowed to legally erase at a
moment's notice.

CPO actions not only indicate hostility towards free speech, but also
hint at an underlying fear – Members of the professional class are
often the most indoctrinated of all people, and for one of them to
break from the paradigm and speak against the establishment is
considered the utmost betrayal.

Peterson is being targeted with a special brand of bureaucratic
attention because the establishment uses the professional class to
convince and control the general public.  The claim that the “experts
have spoken” is the ultimate tool for manipulating a majority of the
population, and when some of those experts contradict the narrative,
the powers-that-be take particular notice.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-01-07 Thread grarpamp
"We Don't Do This": Adam Schiff & The Underbelly Of American Censorship

Below is my column in the Hill on the recent disclosure of efforts by
Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Cal.) to pressure Twitter to censor critics,
including a columnist. This effort occurred shortly after Schiff’s
office objected to one of my columns accusing him of pressuring social
media companies to censor those with opposing views. While publicly
denying that he supports censorship, Schiff was secretly pressuring
Twitter to censor an array of critics.

Here is the column:

“We don’t do this.”

That response from Twitter to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is a
singular indictment, coming at the height of Twitter’s censorship
operations. Apparently, there were some things that even Twitter’s
censors refused to do.

One of those things was silencing critics of Schiff and his House committee.

In the latest tranche of “Twitter Files,” journalist Matt Taibbi
revealed that Twitter balked at Schiff’s demand that Twitter suspend
an array of posters or label their content as “misinformation” and
“reduce the visibility” of them. Among those who Schiff secretly tried
to censor was New York Post columnist Paul Sperry.

Sperry drew Schiff’s ire by writing about a conversation allegedly
overheard by one of his sources. Sperry’s article, which appeared in
RealClearInvestigations, cited two sources as overhearing two White
House staffers discussing how to remove newly-elected President Trump
from office. The article raised the possibility of bias on the part of
an alleged key player in launching the first Trump impeachment, CIA
analyst Eric Ciaramella. The sources reportedly said that Ciaramella
was in a conversation with Sean Misko, a holdover from the Obama
administration who later joined Schiff’s staff. The conversation — in
Sperry’s words — showed that “just days after [Trump] was sworn in
they were already trying to get rid of him.”

Rather than simply refute the allegation, Schiff wanted Sperry and
other critics silenced. His office reportedly laid out steps to
cleanse Twitter of their criticism, including an instruction to
“remove any and all content about Mr. Misko and other Committee staff
from its service — to include quotes, retweets, and reactions to that

The date of Schiff’s non-public letter in November 2020 is notable:
Earlier that year, I wrote a column for The Hill criticizing Schiff
for pushing for censorship of misinformation in a letter that he sent
to social media companies. His office promptly objected to the very
suggestion that Schiff supported censorship.

We now know Schiff was actively seeking to censor specific critics on
social media. These likely were viewed as more than “requests” since
Schiff was sending public letters threatening possible legislative
action against these same companies. He wanted his critics silenced on
social media. After all, criticizing his investigations or staff must,
by definition, be misinformation — right?

His office seems to have indicated they knew Twitter was using
shadow-banning or other techniques to suppress certain disfavored
writers. In the letter, his staff asked Twitter to “label and reduce
the visibility of any content.”

Twitter, however, drew the line with Schiff; one of its employees
simply wrote, “no, this isn’t feasible/we don’t do this.”

The “this” referred to in this case was raw political censorship. And
even a company that maintained one of the largest censorship programs
in history could not bring itself to do what Schiff was demanding —
but the demand itself is telling.

Not only does it show how dishonest some politicians have been in
denying censorship while secretly demanding it, it also shows the
insatiable appetite created by censorship. The article in question,
written by Sperry, is a good example. Sperry has denied ever
supporting QAnon conspiracy theories, as Schiff’s office charged. Yet
even if Sperry’s account about Schiff’s staffer was wildly untrue,
that should make it easier to rebut publicly.

The move by Schiff to ban Sperry and others on Twitter — and to remove
content — is highly ironic. Schiff has been criticized repeatedly for
promoting “misinformation” and for relying on unidentified “sources”
for his claims of Trump’s criminality. For example, Schiff pushed the
false claim that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop was Russian
disinformation; he also was criticized for pushing false narratives of
Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election.

Nevertheless, I would equally oppose any effort to ban Schiff from
social media, although that is hardly likely given the demonstrated
political bias of past censorship efforts.

As for Sperry, he was later permanently suspended by Twitter, which I
also criticized.

Schiff is unlikely to be deterred by the release of these
communications. He recently sent a letter to Facebook, warning it not
to relax its 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-29 Thread grarpamp
Biden Dem SocComs Appointed US Military Wokesters to
Erase History so that their Chinese buddies can fill the void
and rule the world with even worse fist...

Watch: Chinese Fighter Threatens US Spy Plane Over Regional Waters,
Coming Within 20 Feet

West Point Begins Removal, Alteration Of Confederate Memorials On Campus

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has commenced the removal and
modification of 13 Confederate memorials and symbols on its campus at
the direction of the Department of Defense.
Cadets walk across 'The Plain' before the Oath of Allegiance ceremony
during Reception Day at the United States Military Academy at West
Point, New York on June 27, 2016. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

The modifications—recommended by the congressionally mandated Naming
Commission and subsequently approved by the Defense Department in
October—were to begin over the school’s holiday break, which started
on Dec. 18.

“Academy leaders and key stakeholders developed a comprehensive plan
to ensure that historical artifacts will be professionally and
respectfully handled during the execution phase,” the school said in a
Dec. 19 statement. “Memorabilia removed during this process will be
relocated to appropriate sites, including museums or other suitable

According to a letter (pdf) signed by Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland,
superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, items to be placed in
storage includes a portrait of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that
hung in the academy’s library, Jefferson Hall; a stone bust of Lee
from Reconciliation Plaza; and a bronze triptych from the main
entrance of Bartlett Hall.

Meanwhile, the portrait and the stone bust of Union Gen. Ulysses Grant
that have traditionally accompanied those of Lee will be moved to
Grant Hall.

By Spring 2023, the school also intends to replace a quote from Lee
displayed at Honor Plaza and begin refacing select stone markers at
Reconciliation Plaza with modified language and images.

Several streets, buildings, and areas around the West Point campus are
also slated to be renamed, including Lee Road, Beauregard Place,
Hardee Place, Lee Barracks, Lee Housing Area, and Lee Child
Development Center.

“We will conduct these actions with dignity and respect,” Gilland
wrote in the letter. “In the case of those items that were class gifts
(specifically, Honor Plaza and Reconciliation Plaza), we will continue
to work closely with those classes throughout this process. Any costs
associated with the Commission’s recommendations will be resourced
within the Department of Defense.”
The History

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, was founded in 1802
under President Thomas Jefferson.

The school churned out hundreds of graduates who fought for both the
Union and Confederate armies, including Grant, in the class of 1843
and Lee in 1829.

Lee, who became commander of the Confederate Army toward the end of
the Civil War, graduated second in his class at West Point and later
served as the school’s superintendent from 1852 to 1855.
Calls for Revisions

Established under the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal
Year 2021, the Naming Commission was created to assign, modify, or
remove names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia within
the Department of Defense that commemorate the Confederacy or those
who voluntarily fought for the Confederate Army.

On Aug. 29, the eight-member commission submitted Part II of its final
report to Congress (pdf), which addressed assets of the U.S. Military
Academy and U.S. Naval Academy.

“Throughout the [West Point] grounds, plaques adorn almost every
building and entrance, honoring the names and lives of West Point
graduates who demonstrated exceptional devotion to the defense of the
United States and the advancement of its ideals,” the commissioners
wrote in their report. “Commemorating the Confederacy alongside those
graduates honors men who fought against the United States of America,
and whose cause sought to destroy the nation as we know it.”

In defending their recommendations relating to assets named after Lee,
the commissioners noted that the general turned down the opportunity
to serve as the top field commander for the Union Army, opting instead
to join the Confederates.

“The consequences of his decisions were wide-ranging and destructive,”
they added. “Lee’s armies were responsible for the deaths of more
United States Soldiers than practically any other enemy in our
nation’s history.”

As for the triptych, the commissioners called for the removal of the
names of several Confederate soldiers. Additionally, acknowledging
that the triptych’s depiction of a hooded Ku Klux Klansman did not
fall under their purview, the commissioners also encouraged the
secretary of defense to “address DoD assets that highlight the KKK in
Defense Memorialization processes and create a standard 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-28 Thread grarpamp
> LOTT will be keep exposing them...

Rachel Levine Calls For Tech Companies To Control "Misinformation" On
Gender Affirming Care

Biden's trans Assistant Secretary for Health and honorary four-star
admiral, Rachel Levine (formerly known as Richard Levine) has called
for Big Tech companies to control "misinformation" on gender
affirmation care (hormone treatments and sex change surgeries).  This
is yet another example of open attempts by government officials to
demand tech conglomerates and social media websites enforce the
establishment narrative while censoring anyone who disagrees.

Recent Twitter File data dumps indicate extensive collusion between
government agencies like the FBI and social media in an attempt to
silence dissent on hotly debated topics from the existence of the
Hunter Biden laptop to the draconian covid pandemic response.  In most
cases, the government has sought to silence facts and evidence and
label accurate arguments as "misinformation."  Another issue which
leftist officials seem to obsess over is the trans identity movement.

Representatives claim to engage in activism in the name of civil
rights, but trans people have the same exact rights and legal
protections as anyone else in the US and equality is already a fact of
life for them.  Instead, their goals are more akin to special
treatment and extraordinary privileges well beyond the rights
enshrined in the US Constitution or the law.  It is hard to think of
any other group in the western world that gets more attention and
protection from government and corporations than trans people.  In
essence, they demand the power to control people's speech, language
and thoughts in the name of insulating trans people's feelings and
mental health.

Rachel Levine's comments on "misinformation" are clearly in response
to the massive push-back coming from the public when it comes to the
numerous oversteps by the trans community and the government.

The establishment has recently lost control of the narrative and they
are seeking to get it back.

Specifically, a large number of Americans are fighting against the
imposition of trans ideology on children and the use of hormone
therapies and gender based surgeries on kids.

In the past five years there has been an accelerated expansion of
trans related policies applied within public institutions, especially
when it comes to public schools.

Keep in mind that trans people (or people claiming to be trans) only
represented 0.39% of the population in 2016.  Only six years later
around 1.9% of the general population and a suspicious 5% of teens
identifying as trans.

One could argue that such a jump defies scientific and statistical
logic and can only be explained by the growing pervasiveness of trans
ideology in schools and media.  In other words, it is likely that many
people identify as trans today because they want to join an
artificially created trend, or, they want to get a piece of the pie
when it comes to special treatment.

Studies involving gender reassignment or hormone therapy often
conclude that patients experience a notable decline in depression or
need for mental health services afterwards.  But, after peer review
these conclusions change, indicating that there is no significant
advantages to gender affirmation care.  The media runs with the
initial story, and then never reports on the retractions.

People like Levine assert that the science is all but settled and any
contrary information is "dangerous" to the public.

What Levine calls an "onslaught" is merely the natural correction of
false information being pumped out by the government and the corporate

Science should never become political, and when it does it is no
longer science - It is cultism.  This goes for climate change, covid
vaccines and gender affirmation treatments.

Science is ever evolving with theories and counter-theories.  To
suppress all counter-theories and contrary evidence in support of a
single narrative is anti-science.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-28 Thread grarpamp

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-16 Thread grarpamp
Libs just can't help their depraved addictions, thus
sideloading will become popular again, thus
LOTT will be keep exposing them...

Ban TikTok Everywhere?

It’s time to ban TikTok. The social media app is wildly popular with
young adults and children but controlled by an authoritarian regime in
China. Apple rates the platform for users ages 12-plus. Yet the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses the app’s secret algorithm to
influence and track their opinions, messaging, keystrokes, and
The TikTok logo is displayed outside a TikTok office in Culver City,
Calif., on Aug. 27, 2020. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

One billion users globally are vulnerable to the theft of their
passwords and future blackmail. Based on data already collected,
TikTok could leverage American leaders over the entire 21st century.

TikTok is expanding into online purchases, music, search engines,
warehouses, and fulfillment centers. It would like to become an
everything app that replaces Google, Apple, Twitter, Amazon, and

Unfortunately, the Biden administration is doing next to nothing
against the threat that TikTok poses to the American public and
economy. The silence of most Democrats on the issue is a form of
Republican States Against TikTok

But Republicans in Congress and state capitals across the United
States are increasingly voicing their concerns and stepping up to the

Nebraska’s Governor Pete Ricketts was the trendsetter, having banned
TikTok on state-owned and leased devices two years ago. In the past
few weeks, other Republican leaders—including in Texas, South Dakota,
South Carolina, Maryland, and Arkansas—have taken similar actions.

The State of Indiana filed two lawsuits against Tiktok, alleging the
app deceives consumers about content and security. Indiana claims the
algorithm purposefully addicts young people. One lawsuit claims it
promotes inappropriate content and is linked to mental and eating
A young girl looks at social media apps, including TikTok, Instagram,
Snapchat, and WhatsApp, on a smartphone on Nov. 12, 2019. (Peter

Indiana’s Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita said, “TikTok is
actively exposing our children to drug use, alcohol abuse, profanity
and sexually explicit material at a young age.”

In South Carolina, the Republican governor not only removed the app
from government devices, but asked state offices to block TikTok’s

Republican Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan issued an emergency
cybersecurity directive prohibiting technologies from both Russia and
China, including TikTok, from the executive branch.

South Dakota’s tourism bureau deleted its TikTok account of 60,000 followers.

These states are stepping up to pay the price for U.S. national security.

South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem, who signed the state’s executive
order against TikTok, wrote that the CCP collects personal information
on users, including internet browsing data and keystrokes. That would
mean it could harvest passwords.

In an opinion article, Noem criticized the Biden administration for
insufficiently protecting the United States from foreign adversaries.

“Mr. Biden hasn’t demanded that Beijing or TikTok cease gathering the
data of American citizens, and he hasn’t pushed Congress to ban the
app nationally,” she wrote. “By refusing to respond to this threat,
the president is allowing China’s communist leaders to continue their
attack on American security.”

Noem also plans to work with South Dakota’s legislature to address
China’s buying of American farmland. Companies from China often
purchase land near U.S. military bases, threatening surveillance of
strategic assets, including nuclear weapons.

“South Dakota is showing the nation how to create a state-led response
to threats from communist China,” the governor wrote. “We are taking
the lead on preventing Beijing from accessing the private data of our
citizens and throttling our food supply.”

Noem, a Republican, will get support from most of South Dakota’s
voters as 53 percent are Republicans, compared to only 37 percent
Democrats. China can be a bipartisan issue—perhaps many Democrats will
support her measures. But TikTok users and farmland owners could turn
against her.

Taking a strong position against the CCP, even on a bipartisan issue
in the United States, carries political risk.
Biden’s Big Choice

The Biden administration faces increasing risk from its limited
options on the TikTok issue as well. Whether it bans the app or not,
someone will be unhappy.

Read more here...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-15 Thread grarpamp
Fuck the Kings Presidents and Politicians,
they have no clothes anymore...

Erdogan Rival Handed Nearly 3-Years In Prison For "Insulting" Election Authority

To the surprise of no one... given the now years-long crackdown on all
media including internet and social apps by President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan and his Islamist-leaning Justice and Development Party, a main
political rival of Erdogan has just been issued a stiff prison
sentence by a Turkish court for mere political speech.

On Wednesday Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu was sentenced to 2 years 7
months and 15 days in prison by a Turkish court for "insulting the
election authority," according to national media.
Erdogan rival Ekrem Imamoglu, via Reuters.

Specifically Imamoglu was accused of unlawful speech directed against
Turkey’s Supreme Electoral Council, which the mayor has denied,
instead saying it's part of a political purge backed by Erdogan

"They have stopped fighting honestly and bravely. They are resorting
to all kinds of tricks to protect their order," he told protesters who
gathered in the capital in support of his innocence. "This decision is
proof that the rulers of this country have no aim to bring justice and
democracy to the country," he also said.

According to the government allegation cited in the Associated Press:

The mayor denied insulting members of the electoral council,
insisting his words were a response to Interior Minister Suleyman
Soylu calling him "a fool" and accusing Imamoglu of criticizing Turkey
during a visit to the European Parliament.

"The will of 16 million Istanbulites is on trial," the mayor’s office
said in a firm statement just before Imamoglu's sentencing. "They are
seeking to deprive the mayor of Istanbul of his political rights."

The supposed initial "insult" that Imamoglu is "guilty" of came after
Erdogan's AK Party successfully achieved a new election after Imamoglu
won a March 2019 upset for Istanbul mayor (he won the 'do-over'
election too). It was considered a huge, historic defeat of the AK
Party. And then, as AP recounts:

Imamoglu was charged with insulting senior public officials after
he described canceling legitimate elections as an act of "foolishness"
on Nov. 4, 2019.

Erdogan has become a political superstar when he was slapped with
6 months jail sentence and a political ban two decades ago.

İmamoğlu has already faced one election cancellation which made
him a hero. Now a possible political ban?

Not very smart for whoever is behind it
— Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) December 14, 2022

For this reason the obvious heavy-handed politically motivated
prosecution is expected to result in fierce backlash from Imamoglu's
supporters and other opposition groups, possibly resulting in
large-scale protests and unrest. Erdogan and his political network
have have spent years stacking the judiciary with loyalists, who have
in turned worked to stamp out dissent, even in the areas of political
speech - as has been made clear with Imamoglu's nearly 3-year prison

What's more is that the court "imposed a political ban that could lead
to his removal from office," according to the AP, ahead of the
upcoming June 2023 presidential election.

In the meantime countless journalists as well as Kurdish and Armenian
activists have also languished in Turkish prisons, given over the past
decade mere speech-related "crimes" have been relentlessly clamped
down on.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-14 Thread grarpamp
Musk Taking Legal Action Against Kid Who Tracks His Plane After "Crazy
Stalker" Attack

We finally know why the @ElonJet Twitter account was suspended. Musk tweeted:

"Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy
stalker (thinking it was me), who later blocked car from moving &
climbed onto hood."

Musk then said, "legal action is being taken against Sweeney [the kid
who runs @ElonJet] & organizations who supported harm to my family."

Musk also said, "any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone
will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation. This includes
posting links to sites with real-time location info," adding "posting
locations someone traveled to on a slightly delayed basis isn't a
safety problem, so is ok."

Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy stalker
(thinking it was me), who later blocked car from moving & climbed onto

Legal action is being taken against Sweeney & organizations who
supported harm to my family.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 15, 2022

The college kid who created the @ElonJet Twitter account before Elon
Musk bought the social media platform has had the account "suspended."

Last Friday, Jack Sweeney pointed out @ElonJet was "search banned,"
though he mentioned the account had been "search banned for months
before Elon's takeover. "

It’s true ElonJet is search banned. But I’m not sure who to blame,
it’s been search banned for months now way before Elon’a takeover.
— Jack Sweeney (@JxckSweeney) December 9, 2022

But now it appears the account that shared publicly-available
information about Musk's private jet locations and had over half a
million followers has been "suspended."

On Wednesday morning, Twitter users are chatting away about the
suspension. Here's what some had to say:

Elon Musk’s position on free speech
— Daniel Uhlfelder (@DWUhlfelderLaw) December 14, 2022

Hey folks (@RonFilipkowski @DWUhlfelderLaw ), not only has Elon
suspended @ElonJet, he's now prevented Flight Aware from publicly
tracking his airplane. I guess it's good to be rich.

This should be publicly available information. I'm sure someone
can figure out how.
— globetrotter (@globe55trotter) December 14, 2022

Nearly a year ago, we told readers about Sweeney and how Musk
requested the college kid to take down the account because of security

At the time, Sweeney told Musk the price to take down @ElonJet would
be a "Model 3." Musk rejected the offer and told the kid: "I don't
love the idea of being shot by a nutcase."

As we've told readers, tracking the private jets of CEOs is nothing
new in the hedge fund industry. There are services that some traders
pay upwards of $100k to retrieve flight data of the movements of

We also said Sweeney would have better luck selling his technology to
a hedge fund or even Quandl, a flight-tracking company, rather than
letting it stay on Twitter. Now the account has been nuked.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-04 Thread grarpamp
'I Wanted to Punch Kanye' — Free Speech Waffler Elon Musk’s Nonsensical Take
   on Bitcoin, CBDCs, and Censorship

by [25]Graham Smith
Dec 5, 2022

   “Vox Populi, Vox Dei, man.” So says self-proclaimed Chief Twit Elon
   Musk from a private jet flying high above the world during a Twitter
   Spaces appearance on Sunday, Dec. 4 (JST). It does sound nice to say, but
   the voice of the mob should never be the voice of "God." The reasons are
   myriad. Suffice it to say that in the same way failed crypto-exchange CEO
   Sam Bankman-Fried supposedly set off Musk’s BS detector, so should Musk
   be setting off our own alarm bells. His actions simply don't match his
   nice-sounding words, and anyone who refuses to understand free speech is
   also going to miss the boat on crypto and economic freedom.

God Save the `Technoking,' the People Are Disposable

   Tesla CEO and self-proclaimed "free speech absolutist" Elon Musk recently
   ended a [26]massively-tuned-into Dec. 4 Twitter Space hosted by Mario
   Nawfal, by noting that we live in a time which, different from times past,
   doesn’t involve “some king or whatever [that would] just by default
   suppress” free speech. This is interesting, given this seems to be
   exactly the role self-labeled "Technoking" Musk is filling via his newly
   acquired social media platform, by arbitrarily and single-handedly
   deciding who gets to stay and what they can or cannot say. Musk acts, as
   billionaire entrepreneur and crypto advocate Mark Cuban has recently
   noted, like a one-man "judge and jury." Cuban [27]tweeted to Musk on Nov.

 We have no idea what Free Speech on Twitter is because you are judge and
 jury. There is no transparency.

   Indeed, it is now Elon's platform. He can do what he wants, and I am 100%
   okay with him doing that in principle, ignoring the glaring issue that
   social media platforms are massive data collection agencies for the state,
   complete with [28]special government portals for the control of
   "misinformation." That very topic was brought up to Elon, by the way, and
   he said: "I gotta dig into this trusted partnership thing. Obviously that
   has like some big brother vibes ... Twitter will adhere to the law, but
   it's not going to go beyond the law."

   Anyway, as an actual freedom absolutist (voluntaryist) myself, I have to
   put this [29]Fed-funded Musk to the test. As "private" as his image may be
   now, he's clearly in a position of state-influenced power which could be a
   huge detriment to everyday individuals and free speech/crypto advocates
   down the line. While he noted repeatedly that he wants Twitter to "come
   clean" about its past "suppression of information" in relation to U.S.
   electoral politics, Musk still delivered many mixed messages.

   [30]'I Wanted to Punch Kanye' — Free Speech Waffler Elon Musk’s
   Nonsensical Take on Bitcoin, CBDCs, and Censorship

`Free Speech Absolutist' Musk `Personally Wanted to Punch Kanye' But Allows
Murdering and Child-Abusing Politicians on His Platform

   Let me be very clear that I am not saying this is intentional here — it
   could ostensibly be a product of severe statist brainwash or ignorance —
   but Musk does allow literal child molesters (people who touch children
   inappropriately) and [31]child-murder approvers (drone warfare executive
   signatories such as [32]Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Barack Obama) on the
   Twitter platform. They are seemingly welcomed with wide-open arms.

   And if you call these atrocities and such tragic loss of life going on
   mere "collateral damage," or "misrepresented love of kids" I'm just going
   to laugh at you and call you an idiot, because you are. I would also ask
   you to be the first to volunteer yourself and your children as victims of
   such attacks and sexual improprieties the next time a bankers' war or
   pervert politician comes to your town. But I digress.

   At the same time Musk allows these creeps on Twitter, he arbitrarily
   refuses to reinstate the account of controversial talk show host Alex
   Jones (another suspect character). This is because, according to Musk:
   “I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for
   gain, politics or fame.” Jones, for his part, used free speech to
   question the official narrative of the 2012 [33]Sandy Hook school shooting
   in Newtown, Connecticut, causing a media uproar. However distasteful that
   may seem to some, it in no way compares with the actual murder and abuse
   perpetrated by those allowed to remain on Twitter.

   [34]'I Wanted to Punch Kanye' — Free Speech Waffler Elon Musk’s
   Nonsensical Take on Bitcoin, CBDCs, and Censorship

   Along with saying we shouldn't use the death of children for gain, Musk
   quoted Jesus of the Christian Bible and told a disputed story about his
   own child's tragic death to further emotionalize his point — a story
   which Musk's ex-wife says was 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-03 Thread grarpamp
Free Speech History Being Made... Let Them Speak!

"I love the first amendment! Long live Ye! I pray to Jesus
that Elon is for real... 1:35PM Dec 1, 2022 Alex Jones via
@kanyewest" (Now censorbanned again, simply for posting a
Raelian logo not any "incitement to violence".)
Kanye Fuentes Loomer Jones
The included clips alone Soros Trudeau Balenciaga
etc are gold... an "absolutely lit" Free Speech show.
Fully Fawkes'd image control on point 03h:07m:32s Kanye Fuentes Loomer Jones
Youtube (CIA, Jew) has already deleted countless copies of this video.

Kanye West
Nick Fuentes
Alex Jones
Laura Loomer
Andrew Anglin

Find all the latest censored interviews shows voices ideas documentaries...

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-03 Thread grarpamp
Kanye West
Nick Fuentes
Alex Jones

Quite possibly the three most heavily censorbanned people on the planet.
Until they can speak freely in public fora, your own Freedom of Speech
doesn't exist there either.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-12-03 Thread grarpamp

Now playing in Sydney, lol.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-25 Thread grarpamp
> Zuby with Bryce

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-24 Thread grarpamp
Censor Banners Mind Manipulators Population Steering 1984
they all fucking hate being exposed... God Love the Internet ;)

All My Friends Are ShadowBanned ... gets ShadowBanned AMFASB Gets Banned

"All My Friends Are Shadowbanned" - An0maly and Bryson Gray AMFASB

"Bump that shit, support Bryson's work!""all+my+friends+are+shadowbanned;

To be honest, @kanyewest embracing Nick Fuentes and other “cancelled”
people is actually very smart. If he embraces Alex Jones…it’ll be
wild! #YE24

CCG BRYSON @RealBrysonGray
What are y’all thoughts on #YE24?

The thought of a Ye vs Trump debate is way too exciting to me. This
will be so fun. #YE24

Kanye fully embracing Nick Fuentes is definitely one of the most mind
blowing occurrences in the history of the internet

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-17 Thread grarpamp
>> Yet another canary sends up a warning sign from
>> the coalmines to all who value Speaking Freely...

EyeOnPalestine was just suspended by Instagram/Meta.
They had 3M followers, largest Palestinian news source on Instagram.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-12 Thread grarpamp
> Yet another canary sends up a warning sign from
> the coalmines to all who value Speaking Freely...

Aidan Maclear... censorbanned...
Title   Beowulf - Imperium Press (Western Canon)
Authors Anonymous, Aidan Maclear
Publisher   Imperium Press, 2021
ISBN1922602035, 9781922602039
Length  456 pages

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-08 Thread grarpamp
> Yet another canary sends up a warning sign from
> the coalmines to all who value Speaking Freely...

David Icke Responds To Being Banned From 26 European Countries... David Icke Blasts EU Regime

Wake Up !!!

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-07 Thread grarpamp
Geopolitical ModBots, 1984...

Friendly heads up warning for CoronavirusCircleJerk Subreddit users.
Supermod that spearheaded the NoNewNormal Reddit Ban seems to be
targeting CCJ now with bans for posting there on the basis of being on
a "COVID misinformation" sub that "brigades" other subs.

For context, I post in the r/Banned subreddit (sub dedicated to
discussing subreddit bans people have received). This is how I'm
seeing a pattern beginning again. If you remember, there was a
subreddit mod, N8theGr8 (one of those supermods that mods hundreds of
subs at the same time), that was very instrumental in spearheading a
campaign against the NoNewNormal subreddit. Anytime anyone got a ban
from another sub on the basis that they were participating in NNN and
that the sub was known to "brigade" other subs, his name came up as a
listed mod of the sub that was banning.

It's happening again. There have been at least 5 different people
saying they have been banned from various subs in the past week. All
of these subs have the same mod in their list of many, and all have
listed the same reason: for participating in a "coronavirus
misinformation subreddit" that is known for "brigading", even from
subs they have never visited. All of the banned have one subreddit in
common that they have posted to: r/Coronaviruscirclejerk .

It can't be just a coincidence here that all the banned from all
different subs ( r/tifu and r/cats being two I've seen pop up as the
subs doing the bans but there are others) that have the same mod that
we saw in the past wage war were posting at the same sub.

Since Reddit admins never lift a finger at things like this (how does
one mod weild so much power over the entire site), I figure someone
needed to warn people who post there (posting it here so I don't have
anything happen to my account should this lead to any further
situations like NNN).

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-04 Thread grarpamp
Yet another canary sends up a warning sign from
the coalmines to all who value Speaking Freely...

Kiwifarms has been cancelbanned.
Cloudflare and ddosguard dropped them. apparently removed all their pages.
Clara "Keffals" Sorrenti, some activists, etc...

Joshua Moon may still be looking for hosts, dns...

Moon concludes stating "I do not see a situation where the Kiwi Farms
is simply allowed to operate. It will either become a fractured shell
of itself, like 8chan, or jump between hosts and domain names like
Daily Stormer."


Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-04 Thread grarpamp
I’m Not Actually on Twitter Yet

Andrew Anglin
The Daily Stormer
October 28, 2022


the bird is freed
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 28, 2022

I’ve declared victory against the Jews, Aryan Victory for my leader
and KING Ye. However, I’ve not actually made a new account yet. Just
to be clear.

For one, I want to wait and see if old accounts are going to be
unbanned. I would obviously prefer to have my old account back. But I
can also understand that unraveling which accounts were banned for
“hate speech” and which were banned for spam or something legitimate
would be complicated, and the banned will likely be asked to make new
accounts. I’m sure most of my followers from that account have new
accounts anyway, I would just like to have “joined in 2011” in my bio.

More importantly, I assume the old moderation is going to be at least
partially active for a few days. Elon fired that stupid fat Paki

NOW: Elon Musk just FIRED Vijaya Gadde, the woman who made the
call to suspend Donald Trump permanently.

— Brian J. Karem (@BrianKarem) October 28, 2022

But most of the moderation was done out of her home country of India.
I don’t want to make a new account and then have it banned before the
systems have changed, as this would make Elon look bad and be
generally demoralizing.

Elon has said that he’s going to follow my advice and allow people who
are very sensitive to use an “adult parental controls” system to hide
content that “triggers” them. (Just to be clear, this was my idea,
someone can find the articles where I said this.)

Dear Twitter Advertisers

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 27, 2022

I’m sure he has a plan on how that will work, but it will take a few
days to get it running.

Just so you understand, the original concept of mass censorship was
that people who disagreed with the liberal/globalist/Jewish consensus
were causing emotional trauma to believers in that consensus, and it
was therefore necessary to censor people who disagree with the
government/media in order to prevent followers of the government from
having emotional breakdowns or killing themselves. This was what was
originally meant by the slogan “hate speech causes real world harm.”
Now we think of it as meaning that people are going to see words on
the internet and commit acts of violence, but back in 2017, they were
claiming it was about the emotional trauma of people reading the text.

My plan to solve this alleged problem was to create a color system,
and tag different accounts from green to red based on how much they
violate liberal dogma. Obviously, red would be people who say
“nigger,” “faggot,” “kike,” “vaxie,” and so on, orange people who
don’t say slurs but hold the same basic worldview of people who say
slurs, yellow the basic MAGA Trump voter, and green people who agree
with the government or at least don’t question it. A government
believer can then set their account to whichever level they think they
can view without having an emotional breakdown and/or committing
suicide from the trauma of seeing people disagree with the
government/media. (Someone who set it to green would get the Twitter
experience that existed before Elon purchased the site.)

It’s something that would be very simple to implement, which is why I
kept writing these explanations of how to do it. I wanted to show how
retarded the ADL argument for censorship was, given that it could very
easily be solved in a way that was much cheaper for the company than
completely destroying their own user-base. I didn’t really imagine
someone would actually implement it, but here we are.

Basically, there just needs to be an AI learning system that labels
people’s tweets and then puts them in these categories. Obviously,
tagging people who say slurs is very straightforward, and tagging
people who support Trump is easy – creating the orange category in
between is more subtle, but if a few orange people end up in yellow or
red, that’s not the end of the world. (By the way, I don’t know if
Elon is using this exact three-tier system, but I would assume he is,
given that not only have I outlined it for years now, but it’s also
just very obvious. A two-tiered system of red and yellow plus the
sanitized green would be fine also.)

Frankly, although it is funny to just go on there today and start
spamming “NIGGER,” I don’t really think that’s productive. Elon is
doing this for the people, so we should respect him and give him some
breathing room (even though he’s not technically asking for it).

Personally, I am not going to spam “NIGGER.” (At least that’s the plan
right now, but I should note that I do drink alcohol.) I would prefer
to not be in the orange category, if possible, because I assume that
aside from being on the “safe space” lists, these users will also be
downranked in various other ways, in the way 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-04 Thread grarpamp
The Intercept Releases Department of Homeland Security Agenda to Do
Mass Censorship

Andrew Anglin
The Daily Stormer
November 3, 2022


The Intercept has published a big exposé on a Department of Homeland
Security agenda to implement mass censorship in America because it is
allegedly afraid that information will cause terrorism.

The article is based on leaks as well as court documents.

Great work by @lhfang to expose crucial evidence on the
most-overlooked point about Big Tech censorship:

This censorship is not done at the sole or even primary initiative
of Big Tech. It is so often done in conjunction with the US Govt and
US Security State, which demands it:

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 31, 2022

Docs show Facebook and Twitter closely collaborating w/ Dept of
Homeland Security, FBI to police “disinfo.” Plans to expand censorship
on topics like withdrawal from Afghanistan, origins of COVID, info
that undermines trust in financial institutions.

— Lee Fang (@lhfang) October 31, 2022

Earlier this year, DHS launched a widely panned "Disinfo
Governance Board" which it later shuttered following criticism. But
the same agenda lives on w/ DHS sub-agency "CISA" which argues disinfo
is a threat to American "critical infrastructure" #dhsleaks

— Lee Fang (@lhfang) October 31, 2022

How does DHS justify its evolving mission from countering foreign
terror groups to policing domestic "disinfo" on social media? Leaked
planning docs show the agency argues false information is a source of
radicalization & violence.

— Lee Fang (@lhfang) October 31, 2022

It is quite something. They are claiming, outright, that basically
every new item is subjected to control by the security state. The
article cites a draft copy of DHS’s “Quadrennial Homeland Security
Review,” which claims that every new story, including “the origins of
the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial
justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S.
support to Ukraine” needs to be regulated by the government.

Dept of Homeland Security plans to "hire and train skilled
specialists to better understand how threat actors use online
platforms to introduce and spread toxic narratives," per DHS
quadrennial review leaked to me.

Full story: #DHSLeaks

— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) October 31, 2022

You may recall that last year, the government attempted to implement a
“disinformation board” to control the media. The group was to be led
by Nina Jankowicz, and the plan was cancelled in large part because
this woman was so ridiculous. There were all these videos of her
singing songs.

This is the new Biden administration head of Ministry of Truth,
Nina Jankowicz. She is in charge of what’s truth and fiction in
America. Every time you think the Biden administration can’t get more
ridiculous, they do:

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) April 29, 2022

It should have been obvious to everyone that after the government had
announced that they were going to be regulating information that they
would not simply back out of that. If it gets to the point where the
government is openly announcing a new department to do censorship,
that is something that they’ve already thought through.

Prior to the 2020 election, the FBI and other government agencies met
with tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord,
Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon Media in order to discuss
with them how to fight “election disinformation,” which is a euphemism
for ensuring that Democrats win elections.

Right now, the DHS agenda involves demanding that tech companies
silence information that the government disagrees with. The Biden
Administration has previously admitted to flagging information on
Facebook that they do not want people to see.

Facebook actually created a special department for officials from DHS
to contact them about information they wanted removed from the public
domain. This allows the government to target individuals they want

This is all completely illegal, and it is known to be illegal. It
proves, beyond any doubt, that the claim by the media that “Facebook
and Twitter are private companies and can censor anyone they want” was
a total scam. These are not private companies and they never had a
right to take away people’s Constitutional rights. But that pedantic
argument was always a ruse, because they were always doing totally
illegal forms of censorship behind the scenes. Now that they have
normalized censorship, they can come out and tell you that they are
doing it in a 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-03 Thread grarpamp
All the warnings, coming true...

Destroying Western Values To Defend Western Values 1984

So it turns out the US intelligence cartel has been working intimately
with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of
the population.

This is according to a new investigative report by The Intercept,
based on documents obtained through leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, on
the “retooling” of the Department of Homeland Security from an agency
focused on counterterrorism to one increasingly focused on fighting
“misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” online.

While the DHS’s hotly controversial “Disinformation Governance Board”
was shut down in response to public outcry, the Intercept report
reveals what authors Lee Fang and Ken Klippenstein describe as “an
expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms” in order
to “curb speech it considers dangerous”:

According to a draft copy of DHS’s Quadrennial Homeland Security
Review, DHS’s capstone report outlining the department’s strategy and
priorities in the coming years, the department plans to target
“inaccurate information” on a wide range of topics, including “the
origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19
vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the
nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”

Docs show Facebook and Twitter closely collaborating w/ Dept of
Homeland Security, FBI to police “disinfo.” Plans to expand censorship
on topics like withdrawal from Afghanistan, origins of COVID, info
that undermines trust in financial institutions.
— Lee Fang (@lhfang) October 31, 2022

The report reveals pervasive efforts on the part of the DHS and its
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), along with
the FBI, to push massive online platforms like Facebook, Instagram and
Twitter to censor content in order to suppress “threats” as broad as
fomenting distrust in the US government and US financial institutions.

“There is also a formalized process for government officials to
directly flag content on Facebook or Instagram and request that it be
throttled or suppressed through a special Facebook portal that
requires a government or law enforcement email to use,” The Intercept

“Emails between DHS officials, Twitter, and the Center for
Internet Security outline the process for such takedown requests
during the period leading up to November 2020,” says The Intercept.
“Meeting notes show that the tech platforms would be called upon to
‘process reports and provide timely responses, to include the removal
of reported misinformation from the platform where possible.’”

While these government agencies contend that they are not technically
forcing these tech platforms to remove content, The Intercept argues
that its investigation shows “CISA’s goal is to make platforms more
responsive to their suggestions,” while critics argue that
“suggestions” from immensely powerful institutions will never be taken
as mere suggestions.

“When the government suggests things, it’s not too hard to pull off
the velvet glove, and you get the mail fist,” Michigan State
University’s Adam Candeub tells The Intercept. “And I would consider
such actions, especially when it’s bureaucratized, as essentially
state action and government collusion with the platforms.”

This is absolutely wild. The government is secretly transforming
"national security" agencies into a new Narrative Police.

“If a foreign government sent these messages,” said the former
ACLU president, 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-03 Thread grarpamp
Meet The Consortium Imposing The Growing Censorship Regime

Glenn Greenwald
The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime -- and Our New
Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program
We are launching a new live, one-hour, prime-time news broadcast.
Armed with cable-sized budgets, it will be part of a network that
Russell Brand has already debuted.
Glenn Greenwald
Oct 28

Clockwise from top left: UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced
Technology speaks during the Atlantic Council's Global Energy Forum in
Dubai, on March 28, 2022 (Photo by KARIM SAHIB/AFP via Getty Images);
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Photo by Salwan Georges/The
Washington Post via Getty Images); Google headquarters (Photo by
Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images); The Comcast/NBC
Universal building in Los Angeles, CA (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles
Times via Getty Images);

The rapid escalation of online censorship, and increasingly offline
censorship, cannot be overstated. The silencing tactic that has most
commonly provoked attention and debate is the banning of particular
posts or individuals by specific social media platforms. But the
censorship regime that has been developed, and which is now rapidly
escalating, extends far beyond those relatively limited punishments.
The Consortium of State and Corporate Power

There has been some reporting — by me and others — on the new and
utterly fraudulent “disinformation” industry. This newly minted,
self-proclaimed expertise, grounded in little more than crude
political ideology, claims the right to officially decree what is
“true” and "false” for purposes of, among other things, justifying
state and corporate censorship of what its “experts” decree to be
"disinformation.” The industry is funded by a consortium of a small
handful of neoliberal billionaires (George Soros and Pierre Omidyar)
along with U.S., British and EU intelligence agencies. These
government-and-billionaire-funded “anti-disinformation” groups often
masquerade under benign-sounding names: The Institute for Strategic
Dialogue, The Atlantic Council's Digital Forensics Research Lab,
Bellingcat, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. They
are designed to cast the appearance of apolitical scholarship, but
their only real purpose is to provide a justifying framework to
stigmatize, repress and censor any thoughts, views and ideas that
dissent from neoliberal establishment orthodoxy. It exists, in other
words, to make censorship and other forms of repression appear
scientific rather than ideological.

That these groups are funded by the West's security state, Big Tech,
and other assorted politically active billionaires is not speculation
or some fevered conspiracy theory. For various legal reasons, they are
required to disclose their funders, and these facts about who finances
them are therefore based on their own public admissions. So often the
financing is funneled through well-established front groups for CIA,
the State Department and the U.S. National Security State, such as
“National Endowment for Democracy.”

As has always happened with censor-happy tyrants throughout history,
the more centers of power inject themselves with the intoxicating rush
of silencing their adversaries, the more intense the next hit has to
be. Every movement that has wielded censorship as a political weapon
tells itself the same story to justify it. In ordinary times, they
will casually recite, free speech is a vital value. But these are no
ordinary times in which we are living. Our enemies and their ideas are
different. They are uniquely hateful, false, inflammatory, and
dangerous. The ideas they espouse will destabilize society, cause
direct harm to others, deceive people, and incite violence against
institutions of authority and their followers. Thus, they reason, we
are actually not censoring at all. We are simply preventing evil
people from doing harm to society, the government, and to citizens.

Look to any government or society in which censorship prevailed —
either today or throughout history. This narrative about why
censorship is not just justified but morally necessary is always
present. Nobody wants to think of themselves as a censorship
supporter. They need to be supplied with a story about why they are
something different, or at least why the censorship they are led to
support is uniquely justified.

And it works because, in the most warped sense possible, it appeals to
reason. If one really believes, as millions of American liberals do,
that the U.S. faces two and only two choices — either (1) elect
Democrats and ensure they rule or (2) live under a white nationalist
fascist dictatorship — then of course such people will believe that
media disinformation campaigns, censorship, and other forms of
authoritarianism are necessary to ensure Democrats win and their
opponents are vanquished. Once that self-glorifying rationale is
embraced — our 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-03 Thread grarpamp
YouTube Announces It Will ‘Certify’ Medical Information In Cahoots
With The World Health Organisation

‘FIRED’ Trends And Celebratory ‘Offensive’ Tweets Are Unleashed As
Musk Sacks Woke Censorship Kingpins

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-02 Thread grarpamp
Internet crowdsourcing uncovers and speaks against potential
censorship, re another potential political assassination...

'Democracy Dies In Darkness' - Unless You Want Pelosi Video Released

The Washington Post - which carries the slogan "Democracy Dies in
Darkness" - is now suggesting that people who want to see video of the
Pelosi attack are stoking conspiracy theories.

In a Wednesday article, columnist Philip Bump draws a line from 2020
election deniers, to QAnon, to people who think there's something
fishy about last week's attack on the Pelosis' San Francisco house by
a mentally ill homeless man who was living at a house with a BLM flag,
and who back-dated posts on one of his websites after registering it
in September.

Bump writes;

The internet makes all of this so depressingly easy. Not only is
it a warehouse of information, it is also the corkboard and the
colored yarn. You can forage for evidence of your belief system to
your heart’s content and you can see how other sympathetic allies have
strung together their own theories.

I frequently come back to Lawrence Lessig’s 2009 essay “Against
Transparency” in which he warned that publishing information in the
interests of governmental transparency would simply give people scads
of material to generate their own narratives. That’s exactly what
happened, though Lessig didn’t foresee that the advent of social media
would vastly speed up the narrative-building process.

As an employee of a newspaper, I would, in fact, like to see the
video that the Capitol Police overlooked, and the body-cam footage. It
is the media’s job to question authority and to ensure accountability.
It is also the media’s job to present accurate information to the
public and to stamp out misinformation. So while seeing that footage
would be useful, there is not at this point any reason to believe that
the attack on Paul Pelosi was anything other than what various legal
documents have suggested.

The lure of conspiracy is too strong to accept that, however, and
the public understanding of how logic works is too weak. -WaPo

So - people might continue to spread conspiracy theories despite video
evidence, so best not to release it.

In closing, Bump puts conditions on transparency; "More transparency
and more information are good when considered responsibly. The
challenge is that one can no more control how that information is
applied than the people who, say, write magazine articles scrutinized
for patterns of numbers by the corkboard set can control getting
looped into a delusion."

So - no transparency for you, if you aren't qualified to process it.

*  *  *

Cameras outside the San Francisco home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
recorded last Friday's break-in, but Capitol Police officers weren't
watching the feed at the time, the Washington Post reports.

The Pelosi mansion has more security cameras than the Federal
Reserve Bank…
— NevilleTheCat (@FearTheFloof) October 30, 2022

Instead, officers were alerted to the incident because police lights
were flashing outside the house, causing them to rewind the footage
and view additional camera angles.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles
from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings
from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on
camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering
the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how
Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or
viewed the video themselves. -WaPo

So there's not only police bodycam footage, the Capitol Police have
footage of the break-in itself - and rewound it to investigate after
seeing flashing lights. So, that exists.

And why haven't we seen any of it?

Transparency is the antidote to “misinformation.” Yet for some
reason, the San Francisco Police Department is refusing to release
bodycam video of the attack on Paul Pelosi.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 1, 2022
— Black Swan, The Darkness Consumes (@MarketsPuke) November 2, 2022

The official story, which suspect David DePape has admitted to, is
that he was there to kneecap Nancy Pelosi. Instead, he ended up in a
fight with 82-year-old Paul Pelosi at 2AM after allowing Paul to use
the bathroom - where he allegedly used a charging cell phone to call

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-02 Thread grarpamp
> FCC Boss Says US Should Ban TikTok

US Democrats clamor for Foreign Govs to
Force Twitter to censor for the US Democrats...

How Elon Musk Should Shape Twitter

Below is my column in the New York Post on the media meltdown over the
Musk takeover at Twitter. The column again suggests a way for Musk to
make a clean break from the censorship culture and apparatchiks at
Twitter: the First Amendment Option.

Musk has already made great progress toward restoring free speech on
the platform with the firing of the two chief censors at the company,
but the deconstruction of one of the world’s largest censorship
systems will be a challenge in the weeks and months ahead.

Here is the column:

News reports last week seemed to start out like a bar joke: The
richest man in the world walks in carrying a sink . . .

Of course, it was a joke — a colossal joke. The question is whom the joke is on.

For Elon Musk, the punch line was appropriately delivered on Twitter,
the company he took over Friday at an inflated price. Calling himself
“Chief Twit,” Musk posted the video with the caption “Entering Twitter
HQ — let that sink in!”

For the Musk-phobic, it was as funny as a drive-by shooting. CNN
analyst Juliette Kayyem denounced Musk’s taunt as “fundamentally
cruel.” After all, when Musk was first reported to be buying the
company, employees were so traumatized that leadership had to offer
emotional support just to “get through the week.”

The reason is less the fear of Musk bringing bathroom fixture than
free speech into San Francisco headquarters.

Twitter has created one of the largest censorship systems in world
history — a system widely condemned for a pattern of political bias
and viewpoint intolerance.

Outgoing CEO Parag Agrawal is unabashedly hostile to traditional views
of free speech. Soon after he took over, he pledged to regulate
content and said the company would “focus less on thinking about free
speech” because “speech is easy on the Internet. Most people can
speak. Where our role is particularly emphasized is who can be heard.”

For employees who are true believers of this censorship scheme, the
joke no doubt feels like it’s on them. The censorship skill set may
not be quite as much in demand in a Musk-owned firm. While Facebook,
Google and other companies are still committed to corporate
censorship, Musk has pledged to restore free speech principles to

But the joke may still be on Musk if he yields to Twitter’s corporate
culture or the mainstream media’s unrelenting pressure. Democratic
leaders like Hillary Clinton have turned from private censorship to
good old-fashioned state censorship.

Clinton has called on foreign governments to step in and pass laws
that would force Twitter to continue to censor opposing views. New
Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently repeated this call for
global censorship at the United Nations to the applause of diplomats
and media alike.

Musk may have to yield to such domestic laws, but he can use his
platform to inform citizens of those countries they are being censored
and controlled in what they are allowed to read.

The most important thing in America is for Musk to hit the ground
running at Twitter.

First, he needs to order the preservation of all records. There are
well-supported examples of biased censorship, including the burying of
The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story before the election. There are
also allegations of back-channel communications from the government to
manage a type of censorship-by-surrogate system to evade the First

Second, Musk should focus on the First Amendment as a model for
Twitter’s content-management policy.

It has become a mantra on the left that free-speech objections to
social-media censorship are meritless because the First Amendment does
not apply to private corporations.

This is a knowingly cynical and senseless argument. The First
Amendment has never been the sole and exclusive measure of free
speech. It concerns the greatest threat to free speech at the time of
the founding. But corporate censorship on communication platforms is
an equal, if not greater, threat today to free-speech values.

Musk could call these anti-free-speech advocates’ bluff. Former
President Barack Obama flogged this false line at Stanford in April.
He started by declaring himself “pretty close to a First Amendment

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-11-01 Thread grarpamp
Apparently politicians never heard of sideloading,
overlay networks, cryptocurrency... but think of
the children, lol...

FCC Boss Says US Should Ban TikTok

Just days ago, one of the Democratic Party's leading figures, Sen.
Mark Warner (D-Va.), head of the US Senate intelligence committee,
admitted that President Trump was right regarding the security risks
surrounding the video app.

Across the political spectrum, Republican lawmakers are in line with
Democrats about TikTok:

"No surprise there, TikTok is just another invasive tool for
communist China to infiltrate Americans' personal and proprietary
information," Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) told The Epoch Times. "This app
presents a very real threat to our national security, and the United
States should take strong action to stop the CCP's espionage

In a recent interview, China-In-Focus' Tiffany Meier sat down with
Casey Fleming, CEO of intelligence and security strategy firm BlackOps
Partners, who said:

"What people need to understand is that TikTok is a military application.

It's a weaponized espionage application to get every bit of
information they possibly can off the phone, which they do - your
whereabouts, how you go about your day, your access to other people,
access to technology, intellectual property, and things that you can
be blackmailed on, and so on.

So people need to understand that TikTok is a weaponized military
application in the hands of our middle schoolers, our kids, our high
school kids, and our young adults."

What's remarkable is that when former President Trump considered
banning TikTok because of national security threat issues, the very
consideration was met with such controversy because a ban of the app
would jeopardize free speech and "set a very problematic precedent"
for restricting apps by the US government. Now Democrats want to do
the same thing, but there's no uproar.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-27 Thread grarpamp
Kanye West ... deplatformed and debanked... for Free Speech.

They are clearly coming for you and your speech next.
Yet you still do nothing to stop them.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-24 Thread punk

wow, this is even more evil and stupid than I thought 

> This raises serious legal issues which are now being litigated across the
> country. Governments can’t simply privatize their censorious ambitions
> to the private sector

total censorship is what non-human turds like tucker fully love and 
advocate. Jewnazi joogle, fukerbook and the rest are PRIVATE. The arpanet is 
Why is the non-human turd whining about his own anti-philosophy.

> There’s another reason why censorship is more pervasive than at any time
> in our lifetime. It’s because we have never had such access to so many
> varied information portals. 

I couldn't make that shit up even if my life depended on it. 

We live under complete surveillance and censorship thanks to a 
worldwide US-jewnazi monopoly, yet the non-human turd claims we live in the 
best of possible worlds.

"we have never had such access to so many varied information portals."

Right. Beating tucker to death and feeding him to pigs would be an 
insult to pigs.

> Imagine if the whole lockdown scenario had
> taken place in the early 1970s. There were three television networks.

now replaced by tucker's jewnazi ARPANET - a single US-jewnazi-private 

really grancrap, you have to go kill this turd, and then kill yourself.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-24 Thread punk
On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 00:30:22 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:
> Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times
> This is the age of censorship, pushed by government and interests and
> enacted by wholly captured Big Tech firms.

notice that the piece of non-human, jewnazi shit tucker pretends that 
'big tech firms' are CAPTURED.

If anything, anybody with even half a brain knows that government is 
CAPTURED by 'private' interests like joogle, microshit, and the rest of the MIC.

Hell, there are even terms like regulatory CAPTURE, which means that 
government 'regulators' get their orders from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

but of course, pieces of non-human right-wing shit like tucker will 
never tell the truth. Hopefully tucker will be exterminated soon by his beloved 
'free market'.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-24 Thread grarpamp
Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election

Why The Censors Fear Information Freedom
Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times

GOP Sues Google Over Routing Donation Emails To Spam

Why The Censors Fear Information Freedom
Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times

This is the age of censorship, pushed by government and interests and
enacted by wholly captured Big Tech firms.

If you doubt it, look through the hundred or so pages of emails dug up
in court discovery between government agencies and social media firms
during the COVID crisis. The relationship is warm and wholly normalized.

If, for three years, you had a sense that you were being fed a canned line
through all major media platforms, that the science was being filtered,
that the talking heads were merely telling you what they were told to tell
you, that dissent was being crushed, you aren’t wrong. This is exactly
what was happening.

COVID was a major test case, but the model has been rolled out to cover a
whole range of other topics, including election fraud, vaccine safety, and
climate change. If an issue is important to a powerful interest and
prevailing government priorities, the censors are tasked to get to work.
The platform you have today could be gone tomorrow, no matter how much of
a personal investment you have in it. In fact, large accounts seem more
likely to be attacked than small ones.

We now know about a series of emails between former FDA commissioner and
Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb (now at the American Enterprise
Institute) and tech firms concerning the writings of Alex Berenson.
Berenson was an early critic of COVID policies and among the first to
sound the alarm about vaccine efficacy and safety. Gottlieb targeted
Berenson by name and told Twitter and others precisely what needed to
happen as soon as possible. Berenson had to be silenced.

It’s true that Gottlieb wasn’t a government employee at the time, but
these things can get murky. We know from many reports inside the White
House that Jared Kushner consulted him directly in the days when they were
twisting Trump’s arm to approve a lockdown of society. Gottlieb’s
connections in and out of government regulatory agencies are vast.

It’s one case of hundreds, thousands, and countless other cases. People
write to me daily to report that LinkedIn has taken down a message without
warning, that Facebook has slapped a warning on a post, that Twitter has
taken down their account, or that Google’s YouTube has dinged or deleted
their account.

More intense forms are happening in web hosting (Amazon can throw you off)
and even finance. PayPal has cut many individuals and institutions from
access and even dared floating a fee for “misinformation”—a word we
now understand to mean opinions not approved by ruling class censors. If
this practice is rolled out further—and there’s no question that many
intend to do so—we could find ourselves surrounded in a Chinese-like
social credit system.

This raises serious legal issues which are now being litigated across the
country. Governments can’t simply privatize their censorious ambitions
to the private sector and pretend that is entirely consistent with the
First Amendment. The freedom of speech is a general principle that
prohibits government from muscling speech platforms to comply with their
edicts. And this is true even with private entities who sign up willingly
for the job like earnest members of the Red Guard.

There’s another reason why censorship is more pervasive than at any time
in our lifetime. It’s because we have never had such access to so many
varied information portals. Imagine if the whole lockdown scenario had
taken place in the early 1970s. There were three television networks. Each
offered 30 minutes of news each day; 10 minutes or so were devoted to
national and international affairs and the rest to sports and weather. The
news anchors all said essentially the same thing, which led most people to
believe that this was all they needed to know.

Why did we have a sense that there was no arbitrary censorship? Probably
because there didn’t need to be. The information cartel was fully
intact. The ruling class was perfectly positioned to script the prevailing
narrative. Not even newspapers were distributed outside their region of
influence. The New York Times was for New York, The Washington Post for
Washington, and so on.

There were no websites, podcasts, Substacks, discussion forums, group
messages, and not even 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-24 Thread grarpamp
Trump Won.

The US Government Sees Silicon Valley As Part Of Its Propaganda Machine

The Biden administration is reportedly considering opening a national
security review of Elon Musk’s business ventures which could see the
plutocrat’s purchase of Twitter blocked by the White House, in part
because Musk is perceived as having an “increasingly Russia-friendly

Bloomberg reports:

Biden administration officials are discussing whether the US
should subject some of Elon Musk’s ventures to national security
reviews, including the deal for Twitter Inc. and SpaceX’s Starlink
satellite network, according to people familiar with the matter.

US officials have grown uncomfortable over Musk’s recent threat to
stop supplying the Starlink satellite service to Ukraine — he said it
had cost him $80 million so far — and what they see as his
increasingly Russia-friendly stance following a series of tweets that
outlined peace proposals favorable to President Vladimir Putin. They
are also concerned by his plans to buy Twitter with a group of foreign

The “group of foreign investors” the Biden administration is
reportedly worried about oddly includes Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of
Saudi Arabia, who has already been a massive Twitter shareholder for
years. The White House certainly never had a problem with foreign
investors there before.

Scoop: Biden admin officials are discussing whether US should
subject some of @elonmusk’s ventures to national security reviews,
including his deal for Twitter Inc., and the Starlink satellite
network, sources tell @SalehaMohsin and me. @BloombergTV
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) October 21, 2022

“Officials in the US government and intelligence community are
weighing what tools, if any, are available that would allow the
federal government to review Musk’s ventures,” Bloomberg writes. “One
possibility is through the law governing the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States [CFIUS] to review Musk’s deals and
operations for national security risks, they said.”

“Musk, the world’s richest person, has taken to Twitter in recent
weeks to announce proposals to end Russia’s war and threaten to cut
financial support for Starlink internet in Ukraine,” says Bloomberg.
“His tweets and public comments have frustrated officials in the US
and Europe and drawn praise from America’s rivals.”

“If the Twitter acquisition was to be reviewed by CFIUS for national
security reasons, the agency could recommend to President Biden that
he nix the deal — something Musk himself has tried and failed to do in
recent months,” writes Business Insider’s Kate Duffy on the Bloomberg

Indeed Musk has already indicated that he’d find it funny if the Biden
administration blocked his purchase of Twitter, a $44 billion buy that
the Tesla executive has made every legal effort to back out of. But
how revealing is it that someone could be forbidden by the White House
from purchasing a giant social media company on the grounds that
they’re not sufficiently hostile toward Moscow?

Neither Bloomberg nor any other mainstream members of the imperial
commentariat appear to take any interest in the jarring notion that
the US government could end up banning the purchase of an online
platform because it views the purchaser as having an unacceptably
“Russia-friendly stance.” Not only is it uncritically accepted that
the US government mustn’t allow the purchase of a social media company
if the would-be buyer isn’t deemed adequately hostile to US enemies,
many mainstream liberals are actively cheering for this outcome:

BREAKING: Biden is 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-04 Thread grarpamp
> Wake up, wokester prog soc libs are out for your freedom...

Are you sheeple awake yet?
Wake up u dummies,
1984 is knocking at your door

Now not only is nearly every US Democrat, and
Biden Kamala Pelosi Trudeau Ardern Islam China
and just about every "Democracy" aka unfree Socialist shithole,
and every other "country", been fully pronouncing their love of and
plans to roll out Total Censorship Regimes... now the
"United Nations" has "united" against your God given Right
to Free Speech as well. Just look at all these sick twisted
coded speech and weasel words, hypocrite elite scumbags
entrenching and self-preserving themselves and their power
Everyone has the right to seek and receive verified information.
Fighting misinformation, disinformation and hate speech is key
for sustainable development and human rights.
International Day for Universal Access to Information
Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance and Access to Information
#AccessToInfoDay #RightToKnow
Even Saylor, bless his heart, is proposing to Lockdown the Internet
to only those who posess and pay traceable non-fungible censorable
Bitcoin-BTC to be allowed to access use and say anything on the Internet.

Note they never say the benefit of privacy-enabled coins,
Guerrilla Networks Overlays etc.

So many panties of legacy power going in bunches over Free Speech.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-03 Thread Cari Matchit

--- Original Message ---
On Monday, November 15th, 2021 at 1:46 AM, jim bell  wrote:

> How about "Letz goe Braandun" ?
> You read it here FiRST!
> Jim Bell
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 1:42 AM, grarpamp
>>  wrote:
>> Now users speech is even banned off stupid insanely
>> expensive products, only by Leftist Corp's of course,
>> those valuing free speech should sell PTON ...
>> Peloton Blocks Users From Using #LetsGoBrandon Hashtag
>> "Let's Go Brandon!" has become a political rallying cry among
>> conservative-Trump-loving Americans to show their defiance against
>> President Biden. The phrase has gone viral since Oct. 2's NASCAR race
>> at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama, after a reporter
>> interviewing racecar driver Brandon Brown quickly spoke over the crowd
>> who was chanting "F@ck Joe Biden!" She said, "You can hear the chants
>> from the crowd. Let's go Brandon!"
>> The "Let's Go, Brandon" movement is a unique public response that
>> shows their discontent for the Biden administration. Billboards,
>> bumper stickers, yard signs, rap songs, guns, memes, and trending
>> hashtags continue to go viral. But one place that has banned the
>> phrase is fitness equipment company Peloton.
>> According to PJ Media, Peloton members used the tag "#LetsGoBrandon"
>> in their profile to connect with other like-minded users. Not too long
>> after they tagged their profiles, Peloton immediately banned the use
>> of it.
>> One user shared a screenshot of an alert from the fitness equipment
>> company that said, "this tag does not meet our guidelines. Please
>> contact Support if you believe this is an error."
>> Peloton also banned the #StopTheSteal and #TrumpWon hashtags. The
>> company did allow #ImpeachBiden, #WomenForTrump, and others. However,
>> #BlackLivesMatter has almost 270,000 members, while #AllLivesMatter
>> has been banned.
>> Peloton added profile tags during the virus pandemic to "provide a
>> more robust way for our Members to connect through shared interests or
>> identity," according to Peloton, adding that tags will make "the in
>> and out of class experience feel more personal and relevant.
>> Peloton told the Washington Examiner that it has "a zero-tolerance
>> policy against divisive, explicit, or other content that violates our
>> policies."
>> "We welcome Members from all walks of life to represent themselves
>> through their Tags or by having thoughtful conversations in our
>> groups."
>> Users of the fitness bike told PJ Media they are tired of liberal
>> left-wing propaganda being forced down their throats. "We can't have a
>> 'Let's Go Brandon'?" said one user.
>> "For a company who claims to be so inclusive, they sure do alienate a
>> big portion of its members," another user said. "Attempting to silence
>> our voices will not silence us. It will only grow our will to speak
>> louder."

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-10-02 Thread grarpamp
Wake up, wokester prog soc libs are out for your freedom...

> New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System
> New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader
> to call for an international alliance to censor speech. Unsatisfied
> with the unprecedented corporate censorship of social media companies,
> leaders like Hillary Clinton have turned from private censorship to
> good old-fashioned state censorship. Speech regulation has become an
> article of faith on the left. Ardern used her speech this week to the
> United Nations General Assembly to call for censorship on a global
> scale.

This is the face of authoritarianism - even though it looks different
than you were taught to expect. And it's the mindset of tyrants
everywhere: This is someone so inebriated by her sense of
righteousness and superiority that she views dissent as an evil too
dangerous to allow:
PM Jacinda Ardern calls internet freedom a “weapon of war” in most
recent UN speech. Calls for a new type of internet with “rules and
transparency”. “How do you tackle climate change if people don’t
believe it exists”.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-29 Thread grarpamp
The Intellectual Dark Web.

Centralized alternative and distributed p2p video services
are growing rapidly in response to now known blatant
censorship and desearch derank demonetize manipulation.
Andrew Tate becomes another of the world's
most censored people.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Jacinda Ardern is a tyrant, cut from the same cloth as her
smiling-when-fucking-you-over shitbag politician Justin Trudeau...

New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System

Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks
Free Speech, International  September 25, 2022  

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader
to call for an international alliance to censor speech. Unsatisfied
with the unprecedented corporate censorship of social media companies,
leaders like Hillary Clinton have turned from private censorship to
good old-fashioned state censorship. Speech regulation has become an
article of faith on the left. Ardern used her speech this week to the
United Nations General Assembly to call for censorship on a global

Ardern lashed out at “disinformation” and called for a global
coalition to control speech. After nodding toward free speech, she
proceeded to lay out a plan for its demise through government

But what if that lie, told repeatedly, and across many platforms,
prompts, inspires, or motivates others to take up arms. To threaten
the security of others. To turn a blind eye to atrocities, or worse,
to become complicit in them. What then?

This is no longer a hypothetical. The weapons of war have changed,
they are upon us and require the same level of action and activity
that we put into the weapons of old.

We recognized the threats that the old weapons created. We came
together as communities to minimize these threats. We created
international rules, norms and expectations. We never saw that as a
threat to our individual liberties – rather, it was a preservation of
them. The same must apply now as we take on these new challenges.

Ardern noted how extremists use speech to spread lies without noting
that non-extremists use the same free speech to counter such views.
To answer her question on “how do you tackle climate change if people
do not believe it exists” is that you convince people using the same
free speech.  Instead, Ardern appears to want to silence those who
have doubts.

While referring to a global censorship coalition as a “light-touch
approach to disinformation,” Ardern revealed how sweeping such a
system would likely be. She defended the need for such global
censorship on having to combat those who question climate change and
the need to stop “hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology.”

“After all, how do you successfully end a war if people are led to
believe the reason for its existence is not only legal but noble? How
do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? How
do you ensure the human rights of others are upheld, when they are
subjected to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology?”

That is the same rationale used by authoritarian countries like China,
Iran, and Russia to censor dissidents, minority groups, and political
rivals.  What is “hateful” and “dangerous” is a fluid concept that
government have historically used to silence critics or dissenters.

Ardern is the smiling face of the new generation of censors. At least
the old generation of censors like the Iranians do not pretend to
support free speech and openly admit that they are crushing dissent.
The point is that we need to be equally on guard when censorship is
pushed from the left with the best of motivations and the worst of

As the great civil libertarian Justice Louis Brandeis once said, “the
greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of
zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”

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214 thoughts on “New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global
Censorship System”
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Johnathan Galt says:
September 27, 2022 at 12:49 PM  

What we need is a global order to censor Jacinda.
GioCon says:
September 27, 2022 at 10:42 AM  

No American elected that b*tch, so she should stick to censoring
her own tiny corner of the earth. Of course, none of these idiots ever
answer the question: Who gets to determine what is “disinformation”?
They just assume it’ll be themselves. Until it won’t.
Paul says:  
September 27, 2022 at 2:55 AM   

Adern is a fraud. Her government is in the final stages of
building NZ’s largest wind farm in a residential zone at Turitea,
Palmerston North. The wind farm does not have a consent. Shonagh
Kenderdine, for 13 months and with government oversight, faked being a
judge, granting a fake consent for the wind farm located right on the
Wellington and Northern Ohariu faults. The previous government sold
off 49% of Mercury Energy to investors which owns this asset without
telling them that it is 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-22 Thread grarpamp
Asshole Tyrant Trudeau shows his true colors and penchant
for stripping all peoples many rights away, yet again...

Funny all these young WEF + Soros graduates all want
to fuck your rights over, their words quoted all over the net...
We need to confront the rise of hate and violent extremism. At the
Christchurch Call Summit, I announced that Canada will fund a new tool
that helps small and medium-size online platforms better identify and
counter content related to terrorism and violent extremism.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-17 Thread grarpamp
I just secured a MASSIVE VICTORY for the Constitution & Free Speech in
fed court: #BigTech CANNOT censor the political voices of ANY Texan!
The 5th Circuit “reject[s] the idea that corporations have a
freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say.
Attorney General Ken Paxton @KenPaxtonTX
US Ct Appeals 5th Cir 21-51178
US Dist Ct West Texas 1:21-cv-840
Platforms vs Texas House Bill 20

"Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First
Amendment right to censor what people say."

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-09 Thread grarpamp

Racine County Judge Gags Election Fraud Whistleblower Harry Wait at
First Hearing in State’s Prosecution against Popular Activist
By Jeremy Segal
Published September 9, 2022 at 12:25pm

Harry Wait, a Wisconsin resident concerned about the integrity of
elections conducted a citizen sting operation to expose security
vulnerabilities in the state’s absentee ballot system that could lead
to widespread election fraud.

Wait is now being prosecuted himself for two counts of Election Fraud
and Unauthorized Use of an Individual’s Personal Identifying
Information for his actions.

Wait ordered eight ballots in names which he had permission from and
one in the name of Robin Vos, Speaker of the Wisconsin General
Assembly, and another in the name of Racine Mayor, Corey Mason,
through the state’s website. Wait, did in fact, receive
some of the requested ballots in the mail at his home.

Wait then provided all the evidence, including the evidence necessary
for the state to charge him with voter fraud and offered to turn
himself in to the Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling.

TRENDING: BREAKING UPDATE: Up to 50 Trump Supporters Have Homes Raided
by DOJ-FBI Across the US (VIDEO)

Schmaling declined to press charges and instead called on the
Wisconsin Election Commission to remedy the obvious flaw in their

The Journal Sentinel writes:

In response to the crimes by Wait and others, Schmaling called on
state elections commissioners — whom he has previously recommended
criminal charges against for voting rules they recommended for nursing
home residents during the coronavirus pandemic — to take down a
feature on the commission’s website to help voters request absentee

Schmaling characterized the plot as “complainants who have
reported apparent vulnerabilities” on the website.

He said one person who had come forward had “tested this
vulnerability and had a second party request their ballot and had that
ballot sent to the second party’s address.”

“The second party was successful in obtaining the first party’s
ballot,” he wrote in the statement.

He said another person requested ballots for “prominent government
officials” and others around the state.

However, the state did not approve of nor thank Wait for his efforts
to ensure elections in Wisconsin would be free from risk of fraudulent
ballots being cast.  Instead they chose to fully prosecute Wait.

Wait appeared before Judge Robert Repischak (appointed by Former
Governor Scott Walker) on Thursday in a Racine County Courtroom packed
with supporters, where he was issued a $2500 I-Bond.

Judge Repischak initially placed protective orders preventing Wait
from speaking to or about the people he had ordered ballots for.
However once the hearing was concluded and  the judge noticed Wait
answer questions with the press, he fully gagged Wait, barring him
from speaking about details of the case at all.

Here’s the moment that led up to the gag order.
Judge: “I’m not going to have you litigate this case to the media.”
Wait: “Sir, I am not litigating this case in the media… I’m
objecting that’s against my first amazement right.”

— Emilee Fannon (@Emilee_Fannon) September 8, 2022

Wait told The Gateway Pundit “I feel he [the judge] has overstepped
his authority, we still live in America and I still have my first
amendment rights.” Wait said, he is not unhappy about the gag order,
and that “history favors the prepared,” but also that “it is very hard
for me to not about something when I have a first amendment right to
talk about it.”

Gag orders have been legitimized by courts to prevent tainting jury
pools, however, in many cases the accused are the only ones barred
from speaking publicly about details in their case. Evidently the
courts do not maintain the same fears when the accusers or anyone else
in the media exercise their first amendment rights against the

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-09-08 Thread grarpamp
The fact that you sheep have to order your fucked up Govts to
produce their own criminality... is triply criminal, with you sheep
as the biggest of them all for emplacing them.

Judge Orders Fauci, Other Top Officials to Produce Records for Big
Tech–Government Censorship Lawsuit

Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and
other top Biden administration officials who were resisting efforts to
obtain their communications with Big Tech companies must hand over the
records, a federal judge ruled on Sept. 6.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee, ordered the
government to quickly produce documents after it was sued by the
attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri over alleged collusion
with Big Tech firms such as Facebook. The initial tranche of
discovery, released on Aug. 31, revealed that more than 50 government
officials across a dozen agencies were involved in applying pressure
to social media companies to censor users.

But some of the officials refused to provide any answers or answer all
questions posed by the plaintiffs. Among them: Fauci, who serves as
director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden.

The government claimed that Fauci shouldn’t be required to answer all
questions or provide records in his capacity as NIAID director or in
his capacity as Biden’s chief medical adviser. It also attempted to
withhold records and responses from Jean-Pierre.

In the new ruling on Sept. 6 breaking the stalemate, Doughty said both
Fauci and Jean-Pierre needed to comply with the interrogatories and
record requests.

“First, the requested information is obviously very relevant to
Plaintiffs’ claims. Dr. Fauci’s communications would be relevant to
Plaintiffs’ allegations in reference to alleged suppression of speech
relating to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin, and to alleged
suppression of speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19
lockdowns. Jean-Pierre’s communications as White House Press Secretary
could be relevant to all of Plaintiffs’ examples,” Doughty said,
referring to examples such as the suppression of the Hunter Biden
laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election and censorship of
claims COVID-19 originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Doughty ordered Fauci and Jean-Pierre to comply within 21 days.

Fauci, additionally, must provide complete answers to questions
regarding his role as NIAID director.

“We know from the previous round of discovery that efforts to censor
the speech of those who disagree with the government on covid policy
have come from the top. Americans deserve to know Anthony Fauci’s
participation in this enterprise, especially since he has publicly
demanded that specific individuals, including two of our clients, Jay
Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, be censored on social media,” Jenin
Younes, litigation counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance and a
lawyer for some of the plaintiffs, said in a statement.

“It is time for Dr. Fauci to answer for his flagrant disregard for
Americans’ constitutional rights and civil liberties.”
Epoch Times Photo Martin Kulldorff, epidemiologist and statistician,
at his home in Ashford, Conn., on Feb. 11, 2022. (Samira Bouaou/The
Epoch Times)

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the parent agency
of NIAID, also tried to avoid giving answers or documents in the legal
battle, even though discovery from Big Tech companies revealed key HHS
officials as participating in what plaintiffs have described as a
“censorship enterprise.”

Both HHS and the Department of Homeland Security objected to attempts
to get the agencies to search widely for relevant records, describing
the attempts as “unduly burdensome and disproportionate to the needs
of the case.” HHS identified NIAID, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, and the Office of the Surgeon General as three
subagencies that would likely have the records sought.

Plaintiffs said that HHS was effectively exempting itself from the
discovery process.

Doughty agreed with HHS that conducting a search for relevant records
among all 80,000 HHS employees would be overly burdensome, but 

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-08-31 Thread grarpamp
Google, one of many Democrat Govt Election Fraud command
followers like rest of Big Tech and Social, commits Election Fraud

Google Barring Truth Social From Play Store Due To 'Insufficient
Content Moderation'

Last week, Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes claimed that it was "up to
Google" to approve the App for download on the Play Store platform,
claiming in a statement to Just the News' John Solomon: "we're waiting
on them to approve us, and I don't know what's taking so long."

"They could approve it tomorrow and it would be live for all the
people who have now pre-ordered," Nunes continued, adding: "We have
built this from the ground up, brick-by-brick, so that we can't be
canceled. But the two companies that we have to work with specifically
for the apps, which is the Google Play Store and Apple to be in their
app store - everyone is beholden to them."

Not so fast, says Google - who told Axios that the app hasn't been
approved for distribution due to "insufficient content moderation."

"On Aug. 19, we notified Truth Social of several violations of
standard policies in their current app submission and reiterated that
having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a
condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google
Play," a spokesperson said, adding "Last week Truth Social wrote back
acknowledging our feedback and saying that they are working on
addressing these issues."

More via Axios:

Details: A source says that Google's concerns relate to content such
as physical threats and incitements to violence.

Truth Social does have "sensitive content" banners that appear
before some posts that read "This content may not be suitable for all
audiences," but content that threatens violence remains on the
For example, in response to a post from former Trump national
security adviser Michael Flynn, an account called "TheVictim24" posted
last week, "It's be nice if you people weren't just okay with the
military and police stage a rebellion and framing civilians. Zero
people trust the police and if the military comes in, we'll kill them.
Someone admit this nation needs to be nuked because it's satanic."
That post wasn't labeled.

Workaround: Truth Social could offer Android users a version of its
app via its website or other channels — an option not available to
developers on Apple's iOS mobile operating system — but the company
has not done so.

The big picture: Truth Social's technological challenges come amid
broader financial and legal disputes.

The company owes one of its tech vendors over $1.6 million, Axios
has confirmed, and the blank-check company looking to merge with it
and take it public is under investigation by federal securities

*  *  *

As Axios concludes, since Truth Social isn't available on Android OS,
around 44% of US smartphone users can't download it.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-08-28 Thread grarpamp
Atlanta: SWAT Team Assaults Black Guy’s House After He Paints
Swastikas on Government-Funded Anal Crosswalk

And here I was thinking that blacks were allowed to commit any crime
and get away with it.

They’re allowed to just randomly punch people and give them permanent
brain damage, courts have ruled.

Related: NYC: Black Felon Who Sucker Punched Guy in the Back of the
Head for No Reason Freed Without Bail

Several blacks have recently been released after committing murder.

The one crime they can’t commit, however, is vandalism.

New York Post:

A man accused of vandalizing the rainbow crosswalks in Atlanta
with swastikas was arrested following a standoff with police this

The suspect is believed to have spray-painted a swastika onto the
rainbow crosswalk at 10th Street and Piedmont Avenue on two separate
occasions, according to Atlanta police.

Investigators went to the suspect’s apartment at around noon on
Friday. A SWAT Team was called in after the man would not respond to

Roads in the area were blocked off as officers attempted to get the man out.

At around 5 p.m., the suspect told law enforcement he was leaving
the apartment and he was taken into custody without incident.

The identity of the suspect has not been released. It remains
unclear what charges he faces.

Well, if he was white, he would face federal hate crimes charges.

The Atlanta Police LGBTQ Liaison Unit was first alerted Wednesday
about a “symbol that appeared to be a swastika spray-painted” at the
intersection of 10th Street and Piedmont Avenue. Surveillance video
showed a man enter the crosswalk and spray-paint a swastika before
walking away.

The Atlanta Department of Transportation quickly arrived and
cleaned it up. But by early Friday morning, the symbol was on the
crosswalk again.

Yeah, maybe people don’t really like all this gay shit being shoved in
their faces every single day, by the government?

APD investigators are asking for the public’s help to identify a
person responsible for vandalizing the Rainbow Crosswalk in Midtown
ATL. Investigators believe the same person is responsible for two
incidents occured: 08/17/22 & 08/19/22. Call Crime Stoppers
404-577-TIPS (8477)

— Atlanta Police Department (@Atlanta_Police) August 19, 2022

We constantly hear about how gays have all of these special rights,
whereas normal people don’t have any rights and just have to accept
anal sex being shoved down their throats and taught to their children.

Clearly, some people are going to get mad about this. Most people in
America are not gay, and most men are not comfortable with the gay. So
the government is knowingly and purposefully provoking the majority
population of heterosexuals with all of this gay stuff everywhere.

I guess you can just send a SWAT team to silence anyone who takes
issue with this stuff. That might work.

This is literally the only reason we have cops now – to enforce Jewish
political propaganda.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2022-08-28 Thread grarpamp
Nigeria Says Only Black People on Ads

I support this, 100%.

I’m big on most African government policies from states that aren’t
totally controlled by Jews, frankly. Aside from the Chinese and their
Sino-Friendship group, Africans and Moslems are some of the only
people behaving respectfully and honorably these days.

No wonder Africans and Moslems are joining Sino-Friendship – it’s
shared values of not being cuckold faggots.


Nigerian ads will have to rely solely on local models and
voiceover artists in future, the African nation’s government announced
this week. The policy changes will come into force on October 1.

“All advertisements, advertising and marketing communications
materials are to make use of only Nigerian models and voiceover
artists,” the Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON) said
in a statement on Tuesday. Current advertising campaigns using foreign
talent will be allowed to continue but no new permits for similar
campaigns will be issued by the relevant authorities, the government
agency added.

The move is consistent with the government’s policy of “developing
local talent, including economic growth” and supporting the local
advertising industry, the statement said. Nigeria was previously
heavily reliant on foreign models and voiceover specialists in its
ads, including white models and voiceovers with British accents,
according to The Times.

The government has been combating such tendencies for some time.
It previously demanded that companies attracting foreign talent should
pay a 100,000 naira (around $240) tariff for any foreign model used in
an ad, the British newspaper reported.

I will say: there is nothing more jarring than seeing black people on
ads in Europe or Asia, at all. There are no black people there, so why
are they on the ads?

In America, it made sense to have, you know, 12% of ads feature black
people. It’s a correct representation, and that’s fair enough. Black
people buy things, and they probably actually waste more money on
consumer products than whites.

The most famous ads from my childhood – probably the most famous ads
ever, because they were so transgressive and Jewish – were Victoria’s
Secret ads. They would have a team of 5 or 6 girls with one black.

And it’s like, “okay, okay – fair enough.”

However, ever since Saint George Floyd overdosed on fentanyl while
getting arrested for committing a felony, everything is like, 100%
black, and it is just clearly political, trying to make whites feel
like they don’t exist – like they are a minority in a 95% black

Nigeria is a 100% black country. There are a few foreigners roaming
around in the cities, but they’re a fraction of a percentage, and they
don’t live there. There is no reason they should have non-blacks on

I think it’s awesome they’re doing this, and I think it’s something we
can point to in our own defense. Everyone has the right to control
their own spaces.

America needs some kind of autonomous region for the blacks at this
point, where they can run all black ads and just shoot each other and
smoke crack and whatever else they do.

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