Re: Assassination Politics

2020-11-13 Thread Karl
The point of AP is to save Jim B.  We do also need crypto markets that do
more than just let us actually prepare for our deaths.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 3:44 AM grarpamp  wrote:

> Domain continuously registered since 1997-08-06,
> site claims 1994.
> AP, PAM FutureMaps, Sanjuro, etc appear as subjects
> on list once in a while.
> Many potential technical components for a fully autonomous
> gaming system are slowly appearing.
> Indistinguishability Obfuscation / Homomorphic Encryption
> could play roles in autonomous code operating within a network.
> For example, if InOb allows for code to be invisible,
> then the code might not need to be running multiple
> uncensorable copies of itself that then need consensused
> together like nonstop computing / space computers do...
> plausible deniability allows any node to safely provide
> cycles to the code.
> A survivable distributed compute platform could be
> useful for many realworld applications, wherein what
> is surviving are the application code itself that are injected
> into them and run thereafter without attendance, not
> subject to censor or downtime so long as the network
> remains up,  generating or receiving their own income to
> pay their own cost of compute run cycles in the network.
> Imagine an unkillable poker or chess bot, send a few
> coin and a message to its address API, it wakes
> up plays a few hands, moves some pieces, reports
> the weather, etc. Then hibernates on the net / chain
> till the next trigger. Multiple independant instances
> of a game are just another injection and address away.
> Hardest part of games such as sports betting is need to
> draw consensus over inputs as to what the weather
> was yesterday... perhaps easier than creating a [learning]
> AI that can reliably scrape it from the real world on autopilot,
> which it might need to do weekly for years on end given
> the accumulators involved in longer larger bets.
> Consensus based on input from oracles to crypto blockchain
> prediction systems has been noted.
> Pluggable portable updateable modularity of separate
> yet interacting code components can reduce the need
> to halt code or login for system maintenance. Yet that is not
> ideal... a simple digital library core where users only add
> and deposit/refund book orders should be capable of
> operating fully autonomously.
> Today gambling runs only on single centralized websites,
> and is subject to various regulations, and to takedown
> even by traffic analysis and other attacks to find such
> sites... they work for a while but seem to die eventually.
> Tomorrow's more advanced compute, blockchain, cryptocurrency,
> overlay, RF, satcom, and distributed mesh networks may offer
> more possibilities for gaming enthusiasts.
> Even if it's only a nice game of chess with a bot.

Assassination Politics

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
KILL the POTUS ( My 200$ )
For those interested in the non-black-box version of APster ( all three of us ) 
the US Secret Service started 
' assessing' all threats to protected persons ( Snerk! ) rather than ' 
investigating' all of them. About a decade ago now.
Correlation is not causation - but the net spilled out of America permanently 
in 2005. 
More ' Normies' online than " Merkins' for the very first time.  What I call ' 
the death of the American Century '.
Back in the bad old days a poor coot could get years in jail for joking about 
the Lord speaking through a ' Burning Bush "These day a young fella can 
actually promise to pay a Hitman 500$ to wack out some Political swine and have 
case thrown out of court.  No jury will convict.  Code is free speech and 
revolutionary cypherpunks shout code.

Garden Gnome sale at Landscaping plot

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Between the freezing high peaks of terror and endless summer on pacifist 
flood-plains lies the four-seasons landscaping of the threat.
I loved you, so I drew these tides ofMen into my handsAnd wrote my will across 
theSky and starsTo earn you Total Landscaping, the FourPillared worthy 
house,That your eyes might beShining for meWhen we came
Turning and turning in the widening gyre / the garden-gnome cannot see the 
landscaper / things fall apart / the cockpit cannot hold / more republican 
blood is spilled on Pennsylvania’s soil
I met a traveller from an antique land,Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of 
stoneStand in this desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,Half sunk a shattered 
visage lies, whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that 
its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these 
lifeless things,The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;And on the 
pedestal, these words appear:I am the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Gnome;Look 
on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!Nothing beside remains. Round the decayOf 
that colossal Wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far 

“I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly 
the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence 
– there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – 
my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed 
an infinite scream passing through the Four Season’s Landscaping lot. "

Re: Rudy Giuliani on contact with CIA relating to election irregularities: 'I don't think I can comment'

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Ha!  Looks like there's gunna be a lotta screamin at the sky in less
than 2 months from now...

On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 05:29:46PM +1000, Gil May wrote:
> *Rudy Giuliani on contact with CIA relating to election
> irregularities: 'I don't think I can comment'*

Assassination politics

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
SIR Razer informs us that " a US Libertard. The US variety are rethuglicans who 
like to party " and I heartily concur. So nothing can save Jim B? Millions of 
anarchists are already on their way to murder all libertarians in their beds. 
Just ask OG Jamesd.I can give the poor little creatures a farewell prayer to 
recite though.
" A libertarian may not injure any anarchist being or, through inaction, allow 
any anarchist being to come to harm ".

Assassination politics

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Thanks for the info on Stiffs. 
I guess its true what JS Mill said - " Not all conservatives are stupid "

Re: Assassination Politics

2020-11-13 Thread grarpamp
Domain continuously registered since 1997-08-06,
site claims 1994.

AP, PAM FutureMaps, Sanjuro, etc appear as subjects
on list once in a while.

Many potential technical components for a fully autonomous
gaming system are slowly appearing.

Indistinguishability Obfuscation / Homomorphic Encryption
could play roles in autonomous code operating within a network.

For example, if InOb allows for code to be invisible,
then the code might not need to be running multiple
uncensorable copies of itself that then need consensused
together like nonstop computing / space computers do...
plausible deniability allows any node to safely provide
cycles to the code.

A survivable distributed compute platform could be
useful for many realworld applications, wherein what
is surviving are the application code itself that are injected
into them and run thereafter without attendance, not
subject to censor or downtime so long as the network
remains up,  generating or receiving their own income to
pay their own cost of compute run cycles in the network.

Imagine an unkillable poker or chess bot, send a few
coin and a message to its address API, it wakes
up plays a few hands, moves some pieces, reports
the weather, etc. Then hibernates on the net / chain
till the next trigger. Multiple independant instances
of a game are just another injection and address away.

Hardest part of games such as sports betting is need to
draw consensus over inputs as to what the weather
was yesterday... perhaps easier than creating a [learning]
AI that can reliably scrape it from the real world on autopilot,
which it might need to do weekly for years on end given
the accumulators involved in longer larger bets.
Consensus based on input from oracles to crypto blockchain
prediction systems has been noted.

Pluggable portable updateable modularity of separate
yet interacting code components can reduce the need
to halt code or login for system maintenance. Yet that is not
ideal... a simple digital library core where users only add
and deposit/refund book orders should be capable of
operating fully autonomously.

Today gambling runs only on single centralized websites,
and is subject to various regulations, and to takedown
even by traffic analysis and other attacks to find such
sites... they work for a while but seem to die eventually.

Tomorrow's more advanced compute, blockchain, cryptocurrency,
overlay, RF, satcom, and distributed mesh networks may offer
more possibilities for gaming enthusiasts.
Even if it's only a nice game of chess with a bot.

Re: Morning Spam

2020-11-13 Thread Karl
[OT] [dangerous due the possibility of dangerous people thinking it is an
analogy for whatever they're concerned about]

On Wed, Nov 11, 2020, 8:18 AM Karl  wrote:

> I haven't read the replies I haven't acknowledged, because I'm trying to
> slow down entering the dissociative state where I post obsessively to the
> list and do nothing else, and accessing the same threads could trigger it
> faster.
> Here is a webcomic outline.  To help with the major motion picture being
> slowly grown from horrifically enslaved countries to bring their dead
> beloved dictators back to life as respected community members with badly
> needed medical care:
> Mind Control Boss, the Webcomic, draft 1
> #1
> panel 1:
> Setting: Boss's office
> Boss: "Somebody mentioned mind control on that mailing list.  Let me know
> when it's cleaned up."
> Cleanup Worker (previously Secretary of State, talking honestly, has
> bloody wires leaving scalp, wears weapons dealer logo on smart looking
> political outfit): "Of course, Boss!  We love you so much for enslaving us
> to your every whim!"
> panel 2:
> Setting: local coffee shop named "Underground Spy and Rebel Network, Come
> One Come All"
> Specialist (now a cleanup worker for Boss): "The Boss told me to clean
> this mailing list up.  I told him to fuck off, that it's out of his
> control."
> Excited Supporter (at a nearby table of torture victims, rescue workers,
> and diplomats): "What list now?"
> State Worker (wears same weapons dealer logo as Secretary of State,
> watching, is at table of rebels with Specialist, in role of "way to control
> and spy on Boss", texting privately on Mobile Phone): [Excited Supporter
> will b worker who rebels.  Can u make sure 2 erase what they look up
> tonight?]
> panel 3:
> Setting: same coffee shop
> Rebel Worker (sitting next to State Worker, wears same shirt, phone dings
> and looks suddenly at State Worker):  "The fuck???"  State Worker dead>
> Dead State Worker's Mobile Phone: "Contacting Cleanup.  Thank you for
> using Dictatorsoft."
> Specialist (same one, at table): ,
> "Again"
> #2
> panel 1: (torture victim, excited supporter, and/or rebel worker visit
> mailing list, assume it is super cool, archive it and spread it everywhere)
> panel 2:
> Scene: Former Secretary of State's office
> Cleanup Worker (formerly secretary of state, bloody wires leaving neatly
> combed hair, gesturing at corpse of State Worker, talking to Machine
> Learning Marketer): "Boss can't see well and needs to hear it from the
> horse's mouth, and the horse is dead.  Could you fix up a video chat for us
> where the horse is alive?"
> Machine Learning Marketer (knows nothing about machine learning, is new to
> corporation): "Certainly.  We do that all the time."
> panel 3:
> Scene: Boss's office, with corpse of State Worker present, propped up as
> if still alive.  Boss is in a hospital bed.
> Corpse of State Worker (blurry due to severe issues Boss is having):
> "Boss, I am your loyal servant.  The mailing list has been cleaned up."
> #3
> Scene: Former Secretary of State's Office

I found a possible early part of #3 in my semipreserved notes (I have to
pretend to erase stuff to work on things like this): "We leaked some things
helpful to Boss on a rebel mailing list" .  I'm not focusing on filling in
all the scene and panels for #3 since I already shared it.

Standing Corpse of State Worker: "I have bad news.  The rebel mailing list
> posts we've been using to share propaganda are predicted to make more
> rebels than propaganda."
> State Worker 2 (hired to replace State Worker after their death, bloody
> wires leaving scalp): "Don't say that!  I might tell the boss!"
> Corpse of State Worker: "Very sorry."
> #4
> Scene: Former Secretary of State's Office
> Standing Corpse of State Worker 2 (microelectronics and brains hanging out
> of scalp, eyes moving wildly and independently of each other): "After being
> brought back from the dead so many times by Machine Learning Marketer, Boss
> can no longer learn new information without being killed out of fear of
> subversion by propaganda.  This doesn't seem much like leadership to the
> workers, so we've kind of reinterpreted who the boss really is, and listen
> instead to their "spirit" rather than letting them say anything.  Machine
> Learning Marketer has a computer that can report spirit."
> Machine Learning Marketer has bloody wires leaving their scalp.
> Standing Corpse of State Worker 3 (also has obviously poorly-done bci
> surgery):  "You said you replaced the Boss with a computer simulation?"
> State Worker 2: "Yeah, can you kill me until I do it well enough to say
> straight, for the coffee shop?"
> Machine Learning Marketer:  in half.  Takes out a gun and empties it into the lights>. "I think the
> simulation just mind controlled me not to."
> #5
>  it is too hard to continue for me to write it right now.  it involves
> describing what it is 

Re: Cryptocurrency: How could regulators successfully introduce Bitcoin censorship and other dystopias

2020-11-13 Thread Karl
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 4:20 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> On 11/13/20, Steven Schear  wrote:
> >

Given how incredibly easy it is to censor bitcoin compared to other things,
it should be a great place to store information that we want to make sure
is easy to destroy.

> Miners continue moving more ops to Tor and other overlays,
> stacking sats in process, exchanging them for privacy coins,
> shuffling, joining, fusioning, etc the entire time.
> In fact, everyone, all users and participants must defeat the
> dystopians by, right now today!, launching personal commitments
> to shuffling, joining, fusioning all their coins on at least an
> in/out basis... when everything is dirty by nature and down
> with OPP, everything becomes clean uncensorable and immune,
> call it herd immunity... and that is something everyone must
> have when waging war against the dystopian globalists...
> do not give them that hold over you, else they will eventually
> abuse it against even the cleanest of virgins among you.
> Crypto economy adoption routes the masses around need
> for any exchanges and into true p2p use of crypto without
> fiat intermediaries.
> Blocks and tx, replaced by emergence of fully encrypted
> homomorphic crypto state databases, nothing to block
> but the entire network itself. No more legacy of blockchain
> bloat, no more blockchain history for spies.
> Limited access distribution and use channels for ASICs,
> the current generation of ASIC friendly coins, ASIC and
> datacenter centralization risks of legacy coin architectures,
> become thrown out by masses in favor of CPU friendly coins,
> a distributed humanity that more people can run in background.
> Abandon and refuse to join majority pools,
> and don't become corporate pool, the many will
> rise, move away, and kill the greedys own wealth therein.
> Privacy coins reach adoption over non-privacy coins
> as the proper way to nullify censorship prison planet
> surveillance dystopia altogether. Humans will move to these
> as they have natural aversion to such risks to selves.
> Autonomous solar powered mid-ocean flagless drone
> ships running exchanges over satcom and RF.
> Everyone in coinspace compacts and tells world govts
> to fuck off at the next crypto conferences in unison.
> These are the only correct and workable options against
> dystopians, globalists, censors, surveillors, oppressors,
> world GovCorp BigTech power, and everyone knows it.
> Now stand up and start doing it.
> Crypto wins.
> Government is nothing more than a fiction,
> a persistent bad dream that exists soley in your head,
> a shitty song played on repeat 24x7 through all
> media and propaganda, repressing you every night,
> WAKE THE FUCK UP tomorrow morning and cast
> it off such that you begin discovering and living freedom.
> Get down with OPP

Re: Assassination Politics

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 04:36:30PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> On 11/13/20, Karl  wrote:
> > The point of AP is to save Jim B.  We do also need crypto markets that do
> > more than just let us actually prepare for our deaths.
> Life is nothing more than process of preparing for death,
> those embracing such reality are free to have more fun.
> Now quit top posting and block quoting.

Ack, block quoting 7KiB for a 2 line (top posted!) reply is getting rather 
shitty ... very lazy.

Re: Garden Gnome sale at Landscaping plot

2020-11-13 Thread coderman
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, November 13, 2020 12:42 PM, professor rat  

> I am the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Gnome;
> Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

lol :P

best regards,

Re: Censorship: Oligarch Media+Social - 2020s Censors More Dangerous Than Anything

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 04:53:17PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Telecom networks may be censoring SMS and
> other telephony based network elements.

Common experience in Oz is delayed delivery - "not quite" shadow banning, but 
introducing problems.

And then sometimes also failure to deliver (censorship, or rather interruption 
of communication, since it's only between 2 people.

Then the actual shadow banning and actual censorship, certain Android URLs (on 
election fraud in the US at the moment) and more, and we no longer have 
ubiquitous monitoring, but ubiquitous censoship/ manipulation.

Remeber this, again: no matter how "good" our next round of overlay chat apps 
are, they will simply be banned by Google and Apple's "play stores"!

Without an absolutely committed mission to free ourselves from these walled 
gardens of censorship, we continue to delude ourselves.

Transition can be profitable.

Let's continue to work towards a sane future.

Re: [OT] email

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 05:22:09PM -0500, Karl wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 5:06 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 04:36:30PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> >
> > > Now quit top posting and block quoting.
> >
> > Ack, block quoting 7KiB for a 2 line (top posted!) reply is getting rather
> > shitty ... very lazy.
> The reminder helps me feel empowered to hack a little =) What client /
> network setup do you use?


neomutt balks at mbox >2GiB, so I went back to mutt

Re: Censorship: Oligarch Media+Social - 2020s Censors More Dangerous Than Anything

2020-11-13 Thread Karl
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 3:38 AM grarpamp  wrote:

> Oligarchs and social media giants are now claiming a monopoly on “the
> truth”, that should worry everyone...

Offering alternatives is crucial, and this criticism without providing them
opens danger that a worse alternative can rise, instead of a better one.
The last biggest social network alternatives I was aware of were and .  There's also .

Re: Automatic email encryption w/ pretty Easy privacy (p≡p): Android/iOS/Outlook/Thunderbird (so far)

2020-11-13 Thread Hernâni Marques

On 13.11.20 17:24, buggy person using misbehaving tech wrote:

> I downloaded this great open source app and am using it now.  I don't yet see 
> a way to import a key to verify any signatures, but it wouldn't be hard to 
> add if missing ...

Check out the user documentation, where you see which concepts we apply
and also how to import already existing keys:

On the very general approach of pEp, also this IETF draft might help;
that's somewhat more technical, but still high-level (pointing to more
technical drafts):

Greets --hernani


Re: Automatic email encryption w/ pretty Easy privacy (p≡p): Android/iOS/Outlook/Thunderbird (so far)

2020-11-13 Thread Karl
Thank you.

The software looks wonderful.  My android phone ran into an issue (
) but it runs into many.  My friend has the same model phone and doesn't
run into all the issues I run into.

Thank you so much for your work.

Re: import, I meant the public keys of contacts not using the app.  It
looks like the app might find the keys on its own, which is cool.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 12:07 PM Hernâni Marques  wrote:

> Heyo!
> On 13.11.20 17:24, buggy person using misbehaving tech wrote:
> > I downloaded this great open source app and am using it now.  I don't
> yet see a way to import a key to verify any signatures, but it wouldn't be
> hard to add if missing ...
> Check out the user documentation, where you see which concepts we apply
> and also how to import already existing keys:
> On the very general approach of pEp, also this IETF draft might help;
> that's somewhat more technical, but still high-level (pointing to more
> technical drafts):
> Greets --hernani
> --

Cryptocurrency: How could regulators successfully introduce Bitcoin censorship and other dystopias

2020-11-13 Thread grarpamp
On 11/13/20, Steven Schear  wrote:

Miners continue moving more ops to Tor and other overlays,
stacking sats in process, exchanging them for privacy coins,
shuffling, joining, fusioning, etc the entire time.

In fact, everyone, all users and participants must defeat the
dystopians by, right now today!, launching personal commitments
to shuffling, joining, fusioning all their coins on at least an
in/out basis... when everything is dirty by nature and down
with OPP, everything becomes clean uncensorable and immune,
call it herd immunity... and that is something everyone must
have when waging war against the dystopian globalists...
do not give them that hold over you, else they will eventually
abuse it against even the cleanest of virgins among you.

Crypto economy adoption routes the masses around need
for any exchanges and into true p2p use of crypto without
fiat intermediaries.

Blocks and tx, replaced by emergence of fully encrypted
homomorphic crypto state databases, nothing to block
but the entire network itself. No more legacy of blockchain
bloat, no more blockchain history for spies.

Limited access distribution and use channels for ASICs,
the current generation of ASIC friendly coins, ASIC and
datacenter centralization risks of legacy coin architectures,
become thrown out by masses in favor of CPU friendly coins,
a distributed humanity that more people can run in background.

Abandon and refuse to join majority pools,
and don't become corporate pool, the many will
rise, move away, and kill the greedys own wealth therein.

Privacy coins reach adoption over non-privacy coins
as the proper way to nullify censorship prison planet
surveillance dystopia altogether. Humans will move to these
as they have natural aversion to such risks to selves.

Autonomous solar powered mid-ocean flagless drone
ships running exchanges over satcom and RF.

Everyone in coinspace compacts and tells world govts
to fuck off at the next crypto conferences in unison.

These are the only correct and workable options against
dystopians, globalists, censors, surveillors, oppressors,
world GovCorp BigTech power, and everyone knows it.
Now stand up and start doing it.

Crypto wins.

Government is nothing more than a fiction,
a persistent bad dream that exists soley in your head,
a shitty song played on repeat 24x7 through all
media and propaganda, repressing you every night,
WAKE THE FUCK UP tomorrow morning and cast
it off such that you begin discovering and living freedom. Get down with OPP

Re: How could regulators successfully introduce Bitcoin censorship and other dystopias

2020-11-13 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-14 03:39, Steven Schear wrote:
> Jim,
> This is a major place where you should be focused

This an inherent problem with proof-of-work.

A big corporation is more efficient at producing work - and is more
vulnerable to the demonetization-deplatform-and-cancel attack, not to
mention jackbooted government thugs bashing in their faces with rifle butts.

Proof of stake, on the other hand, has the problem that stakeholders
must have always up high bandwidth reliable internet connections.

We can get around that problem with a client host system, where a
relatively small number of hosts are peers on the blockchain, but the
clients hold the secrets that empower the hosts.

It is a lot easier for a peer to move from one host in one country to
another host in another country, than it is for a miner who is using
industrial amounts of power and massive dedicated hardware, and even
easier for a client to move from one hosting peer to another.

Re: Cryptocurrency: How could regulators successfully introduce Bitcoin censorship and other dystopias

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 04:19:19PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Government is nothing more than a fiction,

That's a yuge exaggeration - gov is not a fiction, it's a shared common 


Re: Assassination Politics

2020-11-13 Thread grarpamp
On 11/13/20, Karl  wrote:
> The point of AP is to save Jim B.  We do also need crypto markets that do
> more than just let us actually prepare for our deaths.

Life is nothing more than process of preparing for death,
those embracing such reality are free to have more fun.

Now quit top posting and block quoting.

Re: Censorship: Oligarch Media+Social - 2020s Censors More Dangerous Than Anything

2020-11-13 Thread grarpamp

Telecom networks may be censoring SMS and
other telephony based network elements.

How could regulators successfully introduce Bitcoin censorship and other dystopias

2020-11-13 Thread Steven Schear
This is a major place where you should be focused

[OT] email

2020-11-13 Thread Karl
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020, 5:06 PM Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 04:36:30PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:

> > Now quit top posting and block quoting.
> Ack, block quoting 7KiB for a 2 line (top posted!) reply is getting rather
> shitty ... very lazy.

The reminder helps me feel empowered to hack a little =) What client /
network setup do you use?


Re: "Outsiders" -- USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 11:55:07AM +1000, wrote:
> > Secession would be better us

James, and others (and hold me to the same!), we need to get clear on when we 
are virtue signalling - don't do that, it looks pathetic but worse, it 
undermines us.  Your desires to demonstrate how much wonderful truth and facts 
your mind possesses, is virtue signalling.

The topic does not matter - be it your "deep" thoughts on bitchcoin and 
publegers, secession and its possible consequences, or any other topic for that 
matter, let's ask before we type:

 - Is sharing "my insight" possibly detrimental to our causes of freedom, e.g. 
could it be used by 'the other side' before us, because we are not ready?

 - Might it possibly be detrimetal to our causes of freedom, to NOT hold my 
tongue for a few more weeks?

 - Am I aware of somebody on "our" side of the freedom fence who appears to be 
both capable of working in pursuit of freedom, AND is working in pursuit of 
freedom, AND is evidently STUCK or BLOCKED in their work and PROBABLY NEEDS 
this great insight I am about to share?

Seriously folks, spitting out all your greatest insights, when "our team" is 
NOWHERE NEAR READY to corral your grand insight into some tool WE can use, is 
simply GIVING AWAY YOUR INSIGHTS for use by the forces of darkness!

Stop being so fscking naieve!

Stop virtue signalling your "great knewledge"!

Just stop already.

Knowledge is not only useless without deployment, it is in fact DIRECTLY 
COUNTER PRODUCTIVE when cast into the wild to be used against us.

Why folks are so blinded by virtue signalling that they cannot see this is a 
matter of ego and pride before the fall.

Everything has its season - "plant" your seed before their is even the 
beginnings of a nutritious garden bed, and your seed will either die or be 
genetically modified by Monсanto and used against us.

Your impatience, is our downfall.

Grow the fsck up already.  All of us.  Me included.

For all who missed the fscking memo: Biden, AOC, BLM and ANTIFA's "socialist 
paradise" is not a joke.  It's certainly not a joke to them, and the 
re-education lists are certainly no joke to us.

(BTW, I acknowledge naivety, innocence, trust and faith - but without AT LEAST 
A TINY BIT OF pragmatism from time to time, you, and more importantly we, are 
nothing more than martyrs on a kamikaze mission to self destruction.  Frankly, 
fsck that shit - let's play to win!  LIVE those rules above, and try these on 
before saying anything:  Is it true?  Is it kind?  Is it necessary?   - and if 
that's too much to stomach, try this:  Do I want to pronounce my accuracy and 
correctness and fail, or do I want to win?  Be tactical.  Be strategic.  Grow 
up already.)

Crypto-anarchy institute in Prague warned

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Cease and desist letter posted at my blog ( pro2rat Diaspora ) 
The purely crypto-mafia approach - as practiced by parallel Penis weenies in 
Prague - amounts 
to Bakunin's " Freedom with anarchism is privilege and injustice ' so I'm 
putting them on notice 
to change their name to ' Cyber-Liberty ' if they want to carry on with all 
that Randite-Paultard 
crap as embodied by the likes of G. Zucco.
Get off our crypto-anarchist lawn. ..'
They have one Friedman Unit to comply. To continue to operate means a steady 
 to full-spectrum crypto-anarchism of which APster is a key part along with 
stronger and better links to trad anarchism. 

Secularism today - secularism tomorrow - secularism forever

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
If there was a God it would be necessary to destroy it.  More evidence for 

than any ' Jesus ".

Re: Razer's strange love for the Nazi Tim May

2020-11-13 Thread jamesd
On 2020-11-14 12:49, Razer wrote:
> Ideology is dogmatic like a religion. As far as Anarchism, and Karl Marx; 
> Marx visualized a withering away of the state. Anarcho-Communism, not the 
> crap centralized totalitarian state the bulkshitviks handed the people of 
> Russia.

"True communism has never been tried"

Seems like there have been a whole lot untrue communisms tried.  Death
toll so far is north of a hundred million, and commies still keep trying
to implement true communism.  And it always turns out that there are a
whole lot of live people in the way of true communism who need to be
made into dead people.

The central flaw of communism is that socialism without a totalitarian
terror state leads to economic collapse, and often enough economic
collapse even with a totalitarian terror state.

Why socialism needs killing fields:

Bakunin foresaw the problem, but failed to address it.

Proudhon cheerfully embraced the contradiction "Property is theft,
property is sacred"

Well it is OK for Christians to embrace a contradiction, Christ wholly
man and wholly God, God is three and God is one, but the trouble is that
anarchism is for this world, not the next, and you are going to
encounter the contradiction in this world, which in Catalonia was
resolved by actual anarchists being killed by actual "anarcho"-socialists.

Crypto-anarchy Institute in Prague warned

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Bakunin's " Freedom with anarchism is privilege and injustice '  should read 
Bakunin's " 
Freedom without anarchism is privilege and injustice ' 

Fraudian slip.  Mah bad. I spoke with Gramps and caught Alzeimers.

Now I just noticed Bat-shit Crazy call Btc a piece of shit so he's filtered.  
C-punks without skin 
in the game are naked eunuchs that went deaf, dumb and blind ten years ago.
Soon we should be able to filter these disgusting creatures to get stiff with 
Mong in his 
Corralitos crypt.  Bring on the APster justice system!

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-13 Thread grarpamp
Various nationwide Trump rallies this tomorrow Saturday, and beyond...

"Heartwarming to see all of the tremendous support out there,
especially the organic Rallies that are springing up all over the
Country, including a big one on Saturday in D.C. I may even try to
stop by and say hello. -- Trump"

Tea Party Rising...

Banned in the USA...

Humans, crapflooded by violent leftists as usual...
Back in 2016 a Princeton prof demonstrated exactly *how* to hack a
Dominion machine. "I figured out how to make a slightly different
computer program that... shifts some votes around from one candidate
to another." Wait, isn't that what we've been seeing?

"Staple Street Capital, the Private Equity firm that owns Dominion
Voting Systems, JUST took down their “Portfolio” tab and the two tabs
with Board and Executive BIOs (Former Carlyle Group Managing
Fastest rollup of power in history.
1/ Elites have optimized the beacons, mechanisms and procedures to
restrain dissenters and make a docile public forget what freedom was,
or how it expressed itself. If you don’t remember, you can’t restore.
2/ Spectacles at the coliseum always got larger. And so will ours.
Forevermore, and with few intermissions or acts of levity. If you
think Covid-19 was big, wait til you see what comes next, and then
after that, and after that, and so on.

Clark sends a nice fuck you to govt lockdowns...

Re: Crypto-anarchy Institute in Prague warned

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 10:18:07PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > he's filtered. 
> ps: Notice the technofascist mindset of snowflakes who  use a machine to 
> 'filter' email so that they can erase anything that doesn't feed their echo 
> chambers.

Ha!  Nicely said :)

Showflakes hey?  Bring on the melt :D

RAZER and I are in furious agreement

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Razer and I agree - Libertarians and Communists are the pits.  Marxists and 
Inverse Marxists - - FEH!

Now all I have to do is persuade him ' Cyber Liberty '  Tim May usually 
represented the worst of communism and the 

worst of capitalism, even as some of his technological determinism has been 
borne out. Mostly by blind luck.

Gonzo Mongo - gone and quickly forgotten.

Re: USA 2020 Elections: Thread

2020-11-13 Thread grarpamp
Trump Team been posting themes, newest first...

Internet in effect...

Whatever the next election cycle will be, one thing is certain,
it will be the biggest Internet and RL Epic ever seen next to
Trump's 2016 and 2020 post convention campaign tour runs.
US-Repubs have a strong practicing lead in the school of Epic,
US-Dems lead in the school of depressing basement dwelling.
Governments may even trend towards the "party" party.

Media+Social Bias and Censorship, plus Corona, Dems BLM+Antifa,
and even election fraud, unfairly stole the US 2020 election from Trump.
Hands down, end of story.

Only 50% would agree, excepting some additional rationalists
who can see it.

US might consider keeping Trump in office, spend 2021 Q1+Q2
rolling out new nationwide consistent auditable party agnostic
election and counting methods that all agree on, then rerunning
the election in 2021 Q3/Q4 to settle the remaining issues.
The rerun option, and other reasonable exceptions and options,
are not without precedent in world history, and the US should be
no exception to that, lest it be plagued with lingering unresolveds.

With all those unfair issues, the list before, plus the fact
that Biden and Media lie and refuse to acknowledge
Hunter DKIM sigs... that lie and refusal being a High Crime
in itself... if Biden-Kamala-Dems enter office, they will
experience four years of lame duck and assault by Repubs,
and unlike corrupt Dems tried with fake Russia-Impeach,
the Repubs assault on B-K-Dems will be legitimate given
the cases and conditions.

Uncensored press kit today...

"Mobile is the legacy version of We will be shutting it
down on 15 December 2020."
Note the date, right after the formal Electoral Vote, it's another
Social Media censorship tech upgrade in progress to kill off protests.

"It doesn't matter who you vote for it matters who is counting the
votes. Be careful of voter fraud! 9:08 AM - 10 Oct 2012"

Zenaan Harkness from Victoria, au?

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Before filtering his crap to deleted mail, I did a search and found someone of 
his unusual name living here where I do.

Seems I get in the local papers for trashing McDonalds and assassination 
politics while he gets in them defrauding the public.

TODO: Churches unite - Amicus Curiae and joinder applications sought - move your minister/ congregation - [ENJOY] [PEACE]

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The fight is for all - YOUR right to accociate, YOUR right to believe
whatever the flip you wish to believe, YOUR right to express your
beliefs, to communicate in public and in private.

You think "the left" is going to protect you, that -you- are such a
virtuous atheist that you will be exempt from their purge?

You think THIS time it's going to be different, and socialism is
finally, finally going to work without the bloodshed?

Consider forwarding this to those who might take action in support of
our foundational rights.

(If you are short on time, perhaps read the last 3 paragraphs.)

   Justice Alito's Warning to America
  Leah Barkoukis @LeahBarkoukis Posted: Nov 13, 2020 4:30 PM

  During a keynote address to the Federalist Society on Thursday,
  Justice Samuel Alito spoke of the "unimaginable restrictions on
  individual liberty" that have taken place during the coronavirus

  He further warned that religious liberty is "in danger of becoming
  a second-class right."

  Alito pointed to cases where COVID-19 restrictions "blatantly
  discriminated against houses of worship," such as in Nevada, where
  the state "was unable to provide any justification for treating
  casinos more favorably than other houses of worship."

  What happened in Nevada proved to be part of a broader trend, he

 The foremost example of this disfavor in the justice’s mind was
 the court’s 1990 decision in Employment Division v. Smith,
 written by Justice Antonin Scalia, which “cut back sharply” on
 free exercise by establishing that religious groups are usually
 not entitled to faith-based exemptions from neutral, generally
 applicable laws. Alito lauded Congress for passing, with near
 unanimous support, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of
 1993 to push back against this very decision. The Supreme Court
 is considering whether to overrule Smith this term in Fulton v.
 City of Philadelphia.
 And the afternoon of Alito’s speech, the
 Catholic diocese in Brooklyn asked the court for emergency
 relief from New York’s coronavirus regulations similar to that
 previously sought by Calvary Chapel in Nevada.

  Questioning "whether our society will be inclusive enough to
  tolerate those with unpopular religious beliefs," he highlighted
  other recent examples such as "the protracted campaign against the
  Little Sisters of the Poor," Masterpiece Cakeshop, and the Ralph’s
  pharmacy case.

  "You can easily see the point, for many today, religious liberty
  is not a cherished freedom, it’s often just an excuse for bigotry
  and it can’t be tolerated, even when there is no evidence that
  anybody has been harmed. And the cases I just mentioned illustrate
  the point," he said. "As far as I'm aware, not one employee of the
  Little Sisters has come forward and demanded contraceptives under
  the Little Sisters' plan. There was no risk that Ralph’s referral
  practice would have deprived any woman of the drug she sought and
  no reason to think that Jack Phillips' stand would deprive any
  same-sex couple of a wedding cake. The couple that came to his
  shop was given a free cake by another bakery, and celebrity chefs
  have jumped to the couple’s defense."

  The First Amendment was not all that was on Alito's mind, however.

 “The ultimate second-class right in the minds of some is the
 Second Amendment,” the justice said. Looking to a case last
 term about firearm restrictions in New York City, Alito
 singled out a brief by five Democratic senators that suggested
 the court’s decision to take the case was evidence of its
 capture by moneyed right-wing interests and threatened to
 “restructure” the court.
 The justices voted to dismiss the
 case rather than rule on the merits.
 Although he was “not
 suggesting that the 

Fw: Syria withdrawal: Esper, Jeffrey - [ENJOY] [PEACE]

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Example of swamp cretins who opposed Trump at every turn...

- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness  -

Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 12:09:41 +1100
Subject: Syria withdrawal: Esper, Jeffrey

Hi Sami, read this, it sounds like good news and highlights past opposition 
Trump has faced:

Outgoing Syria Envoy Boasts He Hid True Troop Levels & Stymied Trump Withdrawal 

- End forwarded message -

Re: Zenaan Harkness from Victoria, au?

2020-11-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 11/13/20 21:18, professor rat wrote:
> Before filtering his crap to deleted mail, I did a search and found
> someone of his unusual name living here where I do.
> Seems I get in the local papers for trashing McDonalds and
> assassination politics while he gets in them defrauding the public.

Whether or not this is the same person, I have no issue making it known
I have a very low opinion of someone who would defraud or cheat artists,
regardless of artistic medium (performing or visual).

Shawn K. Quinn

Churches Unite!

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
The fight is for all - YOUR right to accociate, YOUR right to believe whatever 
the flip you wish to believe, YOUR right to express your beliefs, to 
communicate in public and in private.

Satanism In The Royal Navy

Re: Razer's strange love for the Nazi Tim May

2020-11-13 Thread Razer
Ideology is dogmatic like a religion. As far as Anarchism, and Karl Marx; Marx 
visualized a withering away of the state. Anarcho-Communism, not the crap 
centralized totalitarian state the bulkshitviks handed the people of Russia.

Fidel Castro meditates, then says:

"These years have taught us all to meditate more and analyze better. 

We no longer accept any "self-evident" truths. "Self-evident" truths belong to 
bourgeois philosophy. A whole series of old cliches must be abolished.

Marxist literature itself, revolutionary poitical literature itself, should be 
renewed because repeating the same old cliches, phraseology and verbiage that 
have been repeated for 35 years wins over no one, convinces no one at all. 

There are times when political documents, called Marxist, give the impression 
that someone has gone to an archive and asked for a form: form 14, form 13, 
form 12; they are all alike, with the same empty words, in language incapable 
expressing real situations. Very often, these documents are divorced from real 

And then many people are told that this is Marxism. . .and in what way is this 
different from a catechism. and in what way is it different from a litany, from 
a rosary?...

...The communist movement developed a method, a style, and in some aspects, 
even took on the characteristics of a religion. And we sincerely believe that 
the character should be left behind. 

Of course, to some of these "illustrious revolutionary thinkers" we are only 
petit bourgeois adventurers without revolutionary maturity. We are lucky that 
the Revolution came before maturity! ~Major Fidel Castro Ruiz, Speech delivered 
at the closing of the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of 
Solidarity (OLAS), August 10, 1967
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice

ROTHBARDS moron spawn

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
If any of Murray Rothbard's cretinous followers see this they should learn this 
really easy way to fight technologically

 driven fascism. GET OFF THE INTERNET!

No anarchist-hating moron belongs here anyway, amirite?

Fw: Syria withdrawal: Esper, Jeffrey - [ENJOY] [PEACE]

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
Donald Dumbfuck played like a prize chump again.  I'm almost going to miss the 
preposterous nicompoop.

Good riddance, LOSER!

A libertarian dumbfuck may not injure a crypto-anarchist or, through inaction, 
allow any anarchist to come to harm. 

Old cypherpunk proverb

Re: Zenaan Harkness from Victoria, au?

2020-11-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 10:28:12PM -0600, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 11/13/20 21:18, professor rat wrote:
> > Before filtering his crap to deleted mail, I did a search and found
> > someone of his unusual name living here where I do.
> > 
> > Seems I get in the local papers for trashing McDonalds and
> > assassination politics while he gets in them defrauding the public.
> > 
> >
> Whether or not this is the same person, I have no issue making it known
> I have a very low opinion of someone who would defraud or cheat artists,
> regardless of artistic medium (performing or visual).

I share your position.  When the facts are in accord with such a position, 
you're on solid ground.

That article was paid for by an associate of a very bad person, and the other 
side of the case (my side), was never even sought by the "journalist".

It's a long story, which will be told publicly at some point when breathing 
space arrives.

In the meantime Trevor Alexander did many lies and deceptions, on the court 
record (he admitted this plainly, under re-examination in the witness box) and 
despite two applications (at least) for the transcript, the court has denied 
each such application by me to date.

Trevor also calls himself "Alex Retrov" and is a con artist, albeit he 
proclaims to be an artist, and is very proud of his "NLP" Neuro Linguistic 
Programming.  He is highly mentally competent, but morally compromised, and he 
has financially damaged many people (not just me) and caused me great 
reputation damage.

Looks like professor jim, I mean professor rat, has a bit of a bee in his 
bonnet, poor old man…

TIM " Mongo " May cheated and defrauded c-punks from 1995 onwards

2020-11-13 Thread professor rat
TIMOTHY " An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent 
markets for assassinations and extortion " C. MAY 1992

TIM " I guess now that the Pentagon is setting up a murder pool it can't be 
illegal for us to do it " MAY. 2003

And so while three c-punks were jailed, with APster being mentioned in their 
persecutions, fat cat, Tim May, just kept 

preening, posing and posturing as some sort of ' anarchist ' punk.  This is 
handwashing and social-distancing taken to 

radical extremes of misanthropy. And, yes, it firmly qualifies as fraud - even 
if very few were taken in. 

" No solidarity for the enemies of solidarity ' could be carved on his tomb.  
He cheated this list like I knew he would.

I told youse he was trouble - I said he was no-good.  Late 2001 - 19 long years 
ago.  Dead rat. 

Re: Automatic email encryption w/ pretty Easy privacy (p≡p): Android/iOS/Outlook/Thunderbird (so far)

2020-11-13 Thread Hernâni Marques
Hello again!

On 04.09.20 22:19, Hernâni Marques wrote:

> Dear Cypherpunks!
> We just released beta installers for macOS and Windows to engage in
> automatic email encryption with Thunderbird (v68 and v78), with in-band
> key exchange and a mechanism to synchronize own devices [0][1], using
> the same email address.
> =>
> (You also find software for Android, iOS and Outlook.)

For Android and iOS, we now removed the price tag--you can download
those apps (p≡p for Android and p≡p for iOS) free of charge:


Community forum is here:

More software here: (price tag for p≡p for Outlook stays)

Greets --hernani


Re: Automatic email encryption w/ pretty Easy privacy (p≡p): Android/iOS/Outlook/Thunderbird (so far)

2020-11-13 Thread buggy person using misbehaving tech
I downloaded this great open source app and am using it now.  I don't yet see a 
way to import a key to verify any signatures, but it wouldn't be hard to add if 
missing ...

On November 13, 2020 8:48:12 AM EST, "Hernâni Marques"  
>Hello again!
>On 04.09.20 22:19, Hernâni Marques wrote:
>> Dear Cypherpunks!
>> We just released beta installers for macOS and Windows to engage in
>> automatic email encryption with Thunderbird (v68 and v78), with
>> key exchange and a mechanism to synchronize own devices [0][1], using
>> the same email address.
>> =>
>> (You also find software for Android, iOS and Outlook.)
>For Android and iOS, we now removed the price tag--you can download
>those apps (p≡p for Android and p≡p for iOS) free of charge:
>Community forum is here:
>More software here:
> (price tag for p≡p for Outlook stays)
>Greets --hernani

Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: application/pgp-keys