For consistency and proportionality

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Jim Bell might be released and Jeff Luers sentence cut to 4-5 years.

Last year, the Commission promulgated an amendment that referenced 18 
U.S.C. 2339 and 2339A to 2X2.1 (Aiding and Abetting) and 2X3.1 (Accessory 
After the Fact). The offense at 18 U.S.C. 2339 prohibits harboring or 
concealing any person who the defendant knows, or has reasonable grounds to 
believe, has committed or is about to commit one of several enumerated 
offenses. The maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years. The offense at 18 
U.S.C. 2339A prohibits the provision of material support or resources to 
terrorists, knowing or intending that they will be used in the preparation 
for, or in carrying out, specified crimes (i.e., those designated as 
predicate offenses for ``federal crimes of terrorism'') or in preparation 
for, or in carrying out, the concealment or an escape from the commission 
of any such violation. The maximum term of imprisonment is 15 years. In 
contrast, a violation of the general harboring statute, 18 U.S.C. 1071, has 
a maximum term of imprisonment of 5 years. For consistency and 
proportionality, the proposed amendment not only makes the ``cap'' of level 
20 inapplicable to harboring a person who is convicted under 18 U.S.C. 2339 
or 2339A but also to the conduct of harboring an individual who commits a 
terrorism offense, i.e., one of the offenses listed in 18 U.S.C. 2339 or 
2339A or an offense involving or intending to promote a federal crime of 
terrorism, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 2332b(g)(5). Proposed Amendment (Part 
IC): Section 2X3.1 is amended by striking subsection (a) and inserting the 
following: ``(a) Base Offense Level: (1) Six levels lower than the offense 
level for the underlying offense, except as provided in subdivisions (2) 
and (3). (2) The base offense level under this guideline shall be not less 
than level 4. (3)(A) The base offense level under this guideline shall be 
not more than level 30, except as provided in subdivision (B). (B) In any 
case in which the conduct is limited to harboring a fugitive, other than a 
case described in subdivision (C), the base offense level under this 
guideline shall not be more than level 20. (C) The limitation in 
subdivision (B) shall not apply in any case in which (i) the defendant is 
convicted under 18 U.S.C. 2339 or 2339A; or (ii) the conduct involved (I) 
harboring a person who committed any offense listed in 18 U.S.C. 2339 or 
2339A or who committed any offense involving or intending to promote a 
federal crime of terrorism, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 2332b(g)(5); or (II) 
obstructing the investigation of, or committing perjury with respect to, 
any offense described in subdivision (I). In such a case, the base offense 
level under this guideline shall be not more than level 30, as provided in 
subdivision (A).''.
Patriot Act Games.

Corporate Colonization Strikes Native Resistance.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Nuxalk First Nation Attacks Corporate Fish Farm
Corporate Media Report
Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Natives, environmentalist and commercial fishermen stormed the construction 
site for an Atlantic salmon hatchery on B.C.'s (Canada) central coast and 
tore it apart yesterday.

Native leaders likened introducing Atlantic salmon and parasites and 
diseases spread by fish farms to the arrival of the first traders who 
spread smallpox up and down the coast killing 90 per cent of the native 
people in some villages.

Enough is enough, said Chief Nuximlayc of the Nuxalk First Nation of 
Bella Coola. It is like when smallpox came into the valley. It killed our 
people. Now they want to do the same to the salmon.

The 60 protesters who arrived by boat from the neighboring communities tore 
open a gate to the Omega fish hatchery in Ocean Falls and ripped down the 
wooden forms for newly poured concrete.

We don't want the fish hatchery. We don't want the fish farms. We mean 
it, said Clement Lam 35, of the Forest Action Network, who was arrested 
for ripping down the form. Our ultimate goal is drive all the fish farms 
out of the British Columbia coast.

The 20 fish farms operating in the Broughton Archipelago near Alert Bay are 
being blamed for destroying the pink salmon runs in the area.

Fewer than 150,000 of the more than 3.6 million pink salmon that were 
expected actually returned this year.

A scientific study of the disaster suggests the juvenile salmon were killed 
off by bloodsucking sea lice they picked up on the way past the salmon farms.

Natives raised the alarm even before the fish failed to return.

Fishermen were finding young pink salmon covered in the parasites near the 
fish farms and last month demanded the shutdown of all the fish farms in 
the area -- to no avail.
The B.C. Salmon Farmers' Association said it would cooperate with a 
scientific study into the problem.
The association would not comment on yesterday's protest and Omega 
officials could not be reached.


Strategic communications.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Propaganda is obvious to anybody with any brains, but disinformation is 
not. Sometimes more than 90 percent of the content of disinformation is 
true. The thing that is important is to find the part that is false.

DoDD 3600.1 (Encl 1)



1. Computer network attack (CNA). Operations to [manipulate] disrupt, deny, 
degrade, or destroy information resident in computers and computer 
networks, or the computers and networks themselves.


1. Computer network attack (CNA): Operations using computer hardware or 
software, or conducted through computers or computer networks, with the 
intended objective or likely effect of disrupting, denying, degrading, or 
destroying information resident in computers and computer networks, or the 
computers and networks themselves.

2. Computer network defense (CND). Efforts to defend against the CNO of 
others, especially that directed against U.S. and allied computer networks.


2. Computer network defense (CND): Those measures, internal to the 
protected entity, taken to protect and defend information, computers, and 
networks from intrusion, exploitation, disruption, denial, degradation, or 

3. Computer network exploitation (CNE). Intelligence collection and 
enabling operations to gather data from target adversary automated 
information systems (AIS) or networks.


3. Computer network exploitation (CNE): Intelligence collection and 
enabling operations to gather data from target or adversary automated 
information systems or networks. CNE is composed of two types of activities:

(1) enabling activities designed to obtain or facilitate access to the 
target computer system where the purpose includes foreign intelligence 
collection; and,
(2) collection activities designed to acquire foreign intelligence 
information from the target computer system.

4. Computer network operations (CNO) Comprises CNA, CND and CNE collectively.

5. Computer network response (CNR) [Active Computer Network Defense]: 
Those measures, that do not constitute CNA, taken to protect and defend 
information, computers, and networks from disruption, denial, degradation, 
destruction, or exploitation that involve activity external to the 
protected entity. Computer Network Response, when authorized, may include 
measures to determine the source of hostile CNA or CNE.

6. Deception. Those measures designed to mislead an adversary by 
manipulation, distortion, or falsification of evidence to induce him to 
react in a manner prejudicial to his interests.

7. Electronic warfare. Electromagnetic and directed energy used to control 
the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack an adversary.


DoDD 3600.1 (Encl 1)


8. Global Information Grid (GIG). The globally interconnected, end-to-end 
set of information capabilities, associated processes, and personnel for 
collecting, processing and storing, disseminating and managing information 
on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel. The GIG 
includes all [USG] owned and leased communications and computing systems 
and services, software (including applications), data, security services, 
and other associated services necessary to achieve Information Superiority.

9. Human Factors. The psychological, cultural, behavioral, and other human 
attributes that influence decision making, the flow of information, and the 
interpretation of information by individuals or groups at any level in a 
state or organization.

10. Information. Facts, data, or instruction in any medium or form.

11. Information assurance (IA). IO that protect and defend information and 
information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, 
authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. This includes 
providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating 
protection, detection, and reaction capabilities.

12. Information superiority. The capabilities to collect, process, and 
disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or 
denying an adversary's ability to do the same.

13. Information system. The entire infrastructure, organization, personnel 
and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, 
disseminate, and act on information.

14. Operations security (OPSEC). A process of identifying critical 
information and subsequently analyzing friendly actions attendant to 
military operations and other activities to:

a. Identify those actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence 
b. Determine indicators hostile intelligence systems might obtain that 
could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical information in 
time to be useful to adversaries; c. Select and execute measures that 
eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the vulnerabilities of friendly 
actions to adversary exploitation.

15. Psychological operations (PSYOP). 

Sentence Bars Masks,Fatigues and Access in Occupied BC.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Native Youth Movement Members Sentenced to Prison for Defending Sacred 

NATIVE YOUTH MOVEMENT Secwepemc Chapter Secwepemcul'ucw (British Columbia, 


(Secwepemc Territory/ Kamloops Provincial Courts/ December 17, 2002) NYM is 
outraged with the sentences handed down today to four Native Youth Movement 
members involved in defending Skwelkwek'welt from the Sun Peaks Resort 
expansion. Judge Sanduh has definitely sent us a clear message that if you 
stand up for your rights you will face arrest, jail time and banishment 
from your homeland.

The four were sentenced to: 90 days incarceration  a Victim surcharge of 
$200.00,  a Probation Order of 18 months with the conditions: - not to 
wear or possess any camouflage or military style clothing or fatigues. - 
not to wear or possess any mask, disguise, facial covering or facial paint 
unless you have the prior written permission of your probation officer for 
bona fide medical, health, or spiritual purposes. - not to be within a 10 
km radius of the administrative offices of the Sun Peaks Resort. - not 
block or impede any traffic or pedestrians on any public road, highway or 
public place.

Trevor Dennis, Marcus Sauls, Rose Jack and Rod Anderson were immediately 
taken from the courtroom by sheriffs to jail, but were released later today 
when the four were granted a stay of their sentence until their appeal is 
heard in March of 2003. Last month the four NYM warriors were found guilty 
of mischief and intimidation for blocking a highway and a Sun Peaks excavator.

Native Youth Movement member, Trevor Dennis responded to the sentence by 
saying, I'm upset with the sentence, but it feels good we have not lost. 
We still maintain 100% authority and jurisdiction over all our Secwepemc 
land. We stood on the side of right and we still stand on the side of right 
and that's what counts.

We are committed and dedicated in the defense of our homeland and nothing 
will change that. Our next moves will come in the form of coordinated 
actions with various support groups to inform the unaware public, tourists 
and investors about the government and Sun Peaks' collaboration to 
dislocate us from our homeland.

Media Contact:

Nicole Manuel, Spokesperson NYM Secwepemc Chapter 


2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Why I think the government’s been running such a huge deficit. Trent Lott 
didn’t want it operating in the black.
McDonald’s announced for the first time in its history, it will post a 
quarterly loss. That’s when you know things are bad – when McDonald’s 
stockholders can’t afford to eat at McDonald’s anymore.
It happened again this week. This priest is being accused of molesting 
teenage boys while they slept! That’ll teach you kids to nod off in church!
OJ Simpson did an interview with Dan Patrick on ESPN the other night. He 
said no matter where he goes, people are very positive towards him. Sure 
they are. They’re positive he did it!
Everyone is feeling Christmassy right now. Well today I got a card from the 
White House. I was surprised to even be on the list. But the card is really 
great; it’s a wonderful scene with the Three Wiseman being chased by a 
Predator Drone.
We keep learning more and more about Saddam Hussein. Did you know he has a 
copy of the Koran that is written in his own blood? It’s written in his own 
blood! How about that – it’s just the same as my contract here at Cypherpunks.
At least the cost of replacing seized laptops keeps dropping...
Read more about $200 PCs


2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Top Ten Signs There's Something Terribly Wrong At McDonald's

10. Your order Filet-o-Fish and the cashier makes the sign of the cross
9. Lowest-priced item on the Dollar Menu is 80 bucks
8. Employees are warming buns in their pants
7. Iraq helped them prepare their 12,000-page nutritional information report
6. Everything is McXpired
5. One of your French fries is wearing a wedding ring
4. Hans Blix is snooping around the back with a Geiger counter
3. Seconds after you order the McNuggets, you hear frantic squawking from 
the kitchen
2. A new hamburger is introduced called The McWidowmaker with Cheese
1. Happy Meal toy: cigarettes
Short Selling for fun and profit.
Welcome to the dawning of the age of the $200 personal computer.
Ex-IT worker charged with sabotage

By Robert Lemos
Staff Writer, CNET
December 18, 2002, 2:54 PM PT

A former system administrator for UBS PaineWebber was arraigned in a New 
Jersey federal court Tuesday on charges of sabotaging two-thirds of the 
company's computer systems in an attempt to crash its stock price.
A two-count indictment charged 60-year-old Roger Duronio with being behind 
the more than $3 million in damage caused when malicious programs placed on 
some 1,000 of UBS PaineWebber's nearly 1,500 computers became active on 
March 4 and deleted files. The indictment alleges that the Bogota, N.J., 
resident, who had left UBS PaineWebber 10 days before the deletion of the 
files, would have profited if the company's stock had fallen as a result of 
the attack.

Cybercrime against financial institutions is a significant issue, 
District Attorney Christopher J. Christie said in a statement. Although 
the damage was contained in this case, the potential for catastrophic 
damage in other cases is always there.

Duronio posted a $1 million bond on Tuesday for his release, according to a 
representative of the U.S Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey, 
the office prosecuting the case. Duronio's defense attorney, Justin Walder, 
could not be immediately reached for comment.

In a seven-page indictment, a federal grand jury charged Duronio with one 
count of securities fraud and one count of violating the Computer Fraud and 
Abuse Act.

The indictment alleges that in his role as a system administrator for UBS 
PaineWebber, Duronio used the company's secure network to plant logic 
bombs--destructive computer programs that are set to trigger at a specific 
time or as the result of a specific action--in nearly 1,000 of the 
company's approximately 1,500 networked computers located in 370 branch 
offices. The malicious program had instructions to delete all the files 
stored on the systems at 9:30 a.m. on every Monday in March, April and May 
of 2002.

Duronio had left the company on Feb. 22, 10 days before the first trigger 
date. He had allegedly complained repeatedly about his salary and bonuses 
from the company. Around the same time, Duronio purchased options to sell 
31,800 shares of UBS stock at an average strike price of $42.91. Such 
options make money only if the stock price falls below the purchase price 
before the options expire. The indictment alleges that the former system 
administrator believed that crashing the company's systems would cause its 
stock price to plummet before his options expired on March 15. Special Report
Vision Series 3
20 minds on tech's future

The alleged plan in some ways resembles the Emulex fraud incident that 
caused that company's stock to fall by more than 50 percent.

Logic bombs have in the past been used by irate employees against their 
employers. In February, Timothy Allen Lloyd was sentence to 41 months in 
prison for leaving behind malicious programs that deleted critical data 
from the servers of high-tech measurement company Omega Engineering. 
Prosecutors in the case said the attack cost the company $10 million. 
Insider attacks are generally considered the most costly for companies.

The attack allegedly carried out by Duronio failed to have the desired 
effect, however. The attack was not made public at the time, and UBS's 
stock didn't fall below $45 in March 2002. On Wednesday, the stock stood at 

If found guilty, Duronio could serve as much as 20 years in prison and be 
subject to fines of more than $1.25 million.

Representatives of UBS PaineWebber could not be reached for comment.

UBS AG is a leading global financial services firm with 71,000 employees 
worldwide, providing a wide range of services to a client base that 
includes affluent individuals, corporations, institutions and governments. 
Headquartered in Switzerland, the bank has significant operations in all of 
the world's major financial centers.,1342,SE78-EN78,00.html

Biggee your penis 3 inches in 22 days

2002-12-19 Thread angelofevil
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2002-12-19 Thread Bern Hernandez

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I've got your check . . .

2002-12-19 Thread GreatDeals




Here's me on a recent 
vacation in Las Vegas. 





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Insight on the News Email Edition

2002-12-19 Thread Insight on the News

New stories from Insight on the News are now online.


  Folks, this Trent Lott business is Washington politics at its worst. I 
doubt there’s a single politician – Democrat or Republican – who really believes 
Lott is a segregationist. In most cases, it’s simply an opportunity to make 
political points against the other party.

  Having said this, I recommend Managing Editor Paul Rodriguez’ 
commentary on why, Lott should step down, anyway. And you won’t believe the story Ken 
Timmerman uncovered on the latest Palestinian music videos – it seems now kids 
can dance down to the bus stop and blow up some Jews. Well, that’s it for now. Until next 
time, when I’ll still be your newsman in Washington, from the Bunker.



Managing Editor Paul Rodriguez writes that whether Trent Lott has prejudice in 
his heart is something for him to grapple with out of the public spotlight.



Ken Timmerman reveals that Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority is producing 
slick music videos and other agitprop that encourages Arab children and teens to 
become martyrs and kill Jews.


 “THANK YOU FOR YOUR EXCELLENT magazine and all of the recent exposes on fraud 
in our government.”

P.R.G. – Berlin, New Hampshire

“IT’S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Without magazines like ‘Insight,’ no one would know 
the truth about anything! Thanks.” -- K.T., via E-mail



Jennifer Hickey tells us Kerry is second; Sharpton beats Gephardt, Daschle and 



Jennifer Hickey reports that though not touted as a hot-button topic in the 2002 
midterm elections, the abortion issue appears to have played a key role in 
shifting control in the Senate.

. ...


Kelly O’Meara reveals a University at Buffalo study raises yet more questions 
about the controversial drug.




JEFF CARLEY SAYS – YES --The ability to analyze vast amounts of data is 
essential if we want to safeguard our civil liberties.

JAMES HARPER SAYS – NO -- These databases pose more of a threat to ordinary 
citizens than to terrorists.



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I've got your check . . .

2002-12-19 Thread GreatDeals




Here's me on a recent 
vacation in Las Vegas. 





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Experience Necessary
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 Good or bad credit, it doesn't matter

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minutes to make changes for the better that will last a lifetime.

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Slashdot | New Software Secures Data when Owners Walk Away (fwd)

2002-12-19 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space


Re:Free Investment Video

2002-12-19 Thread Tax Sale
Title: Secured Investements


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Internet Week Web Services Web Services Giants Propose SpecificationsFor Security, Policy December 18, 2002 (fwd)

2002-12-19 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space


SUN,master parasites for the GOLDEN millennium.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
From a base ripping off Stanford to this...shoehorning Linux into thin 
clients for fat markups on high margins.Crips to MS Bloods.
Cost has always been the main argument for thin-client computing--is it 
harder to make that case now that Wal-Mart is selling $200 Linux PCs?
Not at all. I think the more of those that are sold to consumers, the 
better it is for everyone in the non-Microsoft camp. It's all Linux-based, 
just like our platform. Having different companies address different market 
segments is a good thing. I applaud Michael (Robertson) at Lindows for 
trying to tackle the consumer space.

But I don't see major enterprises buying their systems from Wal-Mart. They 
want an end-to-end solution, they want 24-7 help, they want on-site service.

How central is Java to Madhatter?
We think Java will become a much more dominant programming platform. 
Enterprises want the ability to run multiplatform applications, and the 
only way to create those is in Java. The ability to leverage different 
computing platforms, even different Linux flavors, is very important.

The value proposition we're adding is taking all these layers of software 
and really integrating it well into a full system. We've seen in the 
marketplace other attempts at Linux desktops...basically what they've done 
is take a lot of open-source software, throw it on a CD and expect it to be 
a complete desktop. What we've been trying to do is look at all the things 
required for a complete desktop, and Java is a big part of filling in those 

Will Madhatter use the standard Gnome Linux interface, or will you come up 
with your own?
CIOs let us know they really don't want to spend a lot of money to retrain 
employees. That means we have to provide a user interface already familiar 
to them, which means staying close to a Windows look and feel. That doesn't 
mean everything is identical, but things should be familiar, so nobody has 
to spend time relearning the system.

StarOffice just claimed its first victory with a major PC maker. Where do 
you see the major opportunities for StarOffice? Is it retail, OEM or 
enterprise customers?
We've had a lot of success at retail...What we've focused our energies on 
recently is to work with OEMs and Linux distribution companies. We're 
bundled with Linux as far away as China, with its Red Flag software.

Distribution to me is really critical. I think the combination of 
StarOffice and OpenOffice (the free, open-source version of the software) 
is just a great one-two punch.
We've also focused on hardware OEMs--that's sort of our next venue. We made 
our first announcement with Sony, and there's more to come. We also think 
there are opportunities in the service provider space. The big thing is 
that having the compatibility with Office creates a whole wealth of 

StarOffice had a lot of popularity first on Windows. But once enterprises 
evaluate software alternatives, one of the first things they want is to not 
have to pay for a Windows license. What we're providing is a way for 
enterprises to move off the entire Windows platform.

You've talked a lot about Microsoft, but isn't Corel's WordPerfect the main 
competition for StarOffice?
No, I never view Corel as the competition, because its market share is 
pretty low. And we've been working with Corel in OASIS (a trade group 
formulating an open, XML-based format for office documents).

I don't view it really as competition. I view it as an alternative to 
Microsoft, and the more of that that happens, the better it is for everyone 

Has the settlement of the Microsoft antitrust case helped promote interest 
in software alternatives?
I'm not sure if it was the antitrust case. I think it's more Microsoft 
licensing policies of late. That and the economic situation. In the good 
times, nobody really cared about the expense of desktops, the expense of 
manageability, the cost of applying patch after patch. We're in a different 
world now, where every penny counts for CIOs. I think that's probably more 
what's opened up the industry. It's more about security, cost and open 

What are your goals for StarOffice as far as market penetration?
Distribution to me is really critical. I think the combination of 
StarOffice and OpenOffice (the free, open-source version of the software) 
is just a great one-two punch. You have an open version for people to try, 
and that opens up the market that much more. And when they decide they need 
the support and other resources we offer, StarOffice is there.

We've already had 10 million downloads of OpenOffice, and I think it's 
going to keep growing. From my perspective, every version of OpenOffice 
used and every version of StarOffice sold is one less user for Microsoft 

Some of the analysts have predicted we'll be at 10 percent (of the office 
suite market) in 2004. That would be nice. And I think there's room for 
growth beyond that. But I'm still being pragmatic. I 

Huntingdon Life Sciences.A DOG of a Stock.DUMP HLS.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
  For Immediate Release December 18, 2002 Attention: News Desk World's 
Largest Insurance Broker Abandons Dying Laboratory: Activists Declare Victory
(Worldwide)  Animal rights activists are celebrating their second major 
victory in less than a year with today's announcement that Marsh Inc., the 
world's largest insurance company, will no longer provide insurance for 
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). Activists have campaigned against Marsh 
since February.

Property attacks against Marsh increased in the face of mounting 
injunctions limiting aboveground protests.

The credit for this victory lies equally with those who smashed windows as 
those held vocal protests outside Marsh offices and homes of executives, 
states UK Animal Liberation Front Press Officer Robin Webb. Mr. Webb is 
currently in the U.S. and available for comment at 732.545.7560.

The UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) announced it will take over 
the insurance brokerage for the controversial lab. In a similar move last 
year, the Bank of England stepped in to provide Huntingdon with banking 
facilities, as no commercial bank would offer the lab a bank account  HLS 
was unable to write checks to make bill payments. Providing government 
facilities to a private business is an unprecedented move, prompted only 
because no commercial business will align itself with Huntingdon.

After less than a year of campaigning, activists drove Stephens Inc., at 
the time HLS's largest investor and primary financier, to sell all its 
shares in the lab and relieve itself of a $33 million loan the company had 
previously extended to HLS saving the lab from foreclosure January 29, 
2001. On January 8, 2002, Stephens, the Nation's largest investment firm 
off-Wall St., announced it would sever all ties to HLS.

As a result of the campaign, Marsh has sued dozens of activists and animal 
rights groups in up to five U.S. cities, and dozens more have faced 
criminal charges as a result of the campaign against Marsh worldwide. Three 
activists are currently imprisoned in New York for property destruction at 
the homes of Marsh directors.

Marsh threw everything they could at the animal rights movement, attempting 
to deter protests, only to fail miserably, states activist Dave Elliot. No 
lawsuit, private investigator, or criminal prosecution prevented this 
victory. Until HLS is closed we will not apologize, we will not compromise, 
and we will not relent.

Activists have now turned their attention to HLS's executive 
infrastructure, targeting the directors of the lab and their business 
affiliates. They vow to use the same strategy and tactics that have yielded 
victory twice before.

See the direct action tactics that caused Marsh to drop HLS at

Other activists may want to adopt these types of tactics.



Womens Right to Choose.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Abortion probe's star witness dies
THE woman at the centre of Victoria's notorious abortion inquiry has died - 
35 years after being told she had only 18 months to live.
Margaret Peggy Berman played a leading role in the 1970 Kaye inquiry into 
police protection of illegal abortionists.
Mrs Berman alleged corrupt police had been involved in an abortion 
protection racket for more than 14 years and gave evidence against four 
former homicide squad detectives tried for conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Mrs Berman, who worked as a receptionist at an East Melbourne abortion 
clinic, said she paid two high-ranking police officers pound stg. 300 
($600) a month for six years on behalf of the doctors who employed her.
Superintendent John Edward Jack Matthews and Inspector Jack Ralph Ford, 
both former heads of the homicide squad, were jailed for five years with a 
minimum of three years and served 28 months.
Former Constable Martin Robert Jacobson was also jailed for conspiracy and 
served 13 months. Former Station Officer Frederick John Adam was acquitted.
Ten more serving and former police were cleared of allegations made at the 
In 1973, Mrs Berman and journalist Kevin Childs wrote Why Isn't She Dead!, 
a book about the scandal that rocked the Victoria Police.
Mrs Berman had had a breast removed after developing cancer in 1965, and 
later suffered secondary cancers in the spine.
A specialist told a County Court hearing in 1970 that she had already 
survived longer than was expected.
She died two weeks ago of a heart attack, aged 79.
Her son Peter, a Melbourne barrister, said yesterday that his mother's 
recovery from cancer had been remarkable.
I've seen the radia tion scars on her back, both sides of the spine. It 
was just extraordinary that she beat it. She had a lot of guts, he said.
William Kaye, QC, who conducted the inquiry, found criminal abortions had 
been performed in Melbourne for years only because of police co-operation.
Mr Kaye, later a Supreme Court judge, described Mrs Berman in his 1971 
report to Parliament as a dominant figure in corrupt practices with police 
The Kaye report said Mrs Berman had given evidence that police had made 
demands of eight doctors other than the three who employed her.
Crown prosecutor Norman O'Bryan told the jury at the conspiracy trial that 
corrupt police had preyed on Mrs Berman for years.
Mr O'Bryan, who also later became a Supreme Court judge, said that though 
Mrs Berman was no paragon of virtue she had shown in giving evidence the 
virtue of trying to tell the truth -- unlike the accused men.
Mrs Berman, who was released on a bond when she pleaded guilty to an 
abortion charge in 1970, was indemnified against prosecution.
She told the court she had had a sexual relationship with Ford for six 
years in the 1960s and that he had beaten her frequently while he was head 
of the homicide squad.

She said that as well as his $600 a month retainer fee from her 
employers, she had paid him $200 a month of her own money for two or three 
years to settle his gambling debts.
Mrs Berman is survived by her son and two grandsons.,5478,5709721%255E2862,00.html


2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X

Protestors Turn Focus Towards Oil
Peace and environmental activists are increasingly taking oil companies to 
task for their role in fomenting war and causing pollution. On Monday, 
December 3, a dramatic protest was held at the London offices of so-called 
environmental consultants [ 1 ]. Protesters from London Rising Tide 
occupied the Cavendish Square office of Environmental Resource Management 
(ERM). ERM has been performing research for oil giant BP on a proposed 
pipeline system from Baku in Azerbaijan, through Georgia to the port of 
Ceyhan in Turkey.
Read: entire feature
More information is available from erm concerns, Falkor I.C.Y., Rising Tide 
UK, Rising Tide International, Stop ExxonMobil, Pressure Point, and 
Greenpeace USA's Don't Buy ExxonMobil campaign.
[ United Kingdom IMC | Washington DC IMC | New York City IMC ]

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2002-12-19 Thread yalesession92388
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2002-12-19 Thread Mary0622j83

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Slashdot | Web Enabled Spacecraft (fwd)

2002-12-19 Thread Jim Choate


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  Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space

  [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] - Virginia Court Kills Web Libel Charge (fwd)

2002-12-19 Thread Jim Choate,aid,108097,00.asp


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space


It's coming

2002-12-19 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
Anyone from the area and more info ?

Vincent Penquerc'h 

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2002-12-19 Thread johnnumber1dp576
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Use your computer to make money!

2002-12-19 Thread sfranbobum483
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2002-12-19 Thread mrs mariam sese seko


2002-12-19 Thread The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
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2002-12-19 Thread sglloyd




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Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.

2002-12-19 Thread R. A. Hettinga


Yahoo! News   Thu, Dec 19, 2002

Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.
Wed Dec 18, 8:47 PM ET

By Jill Serjeant

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hundreds of Iranian and other Middle East citizens
were in southern California jails on Wednesday after coming forward to
comply with a new rule to register with immigration authorities only to
wind up handcuffed and behind bars.

Shocked and frustrated Islamic and immigrant groups estimate that more than
500 people have been arrested in Los Angeles, neighboring Orange County and
San Diego in the past three days under a new nationwide anti-terrorism
program. Some unconfirmed reports put the figure as high as 1,000.

The arrests sparked a demonstration by hundreds of Iranians outside a Los
Angeles immigration office. The protesters carried banners saying What's
next? Concentration camps? and What happened to liberty and justice?.

A spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service said no numbers
of people arrested would be made public. A Justice Department (news - web
sites) spokesman could not be reached for comment.

The head of the southern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties
Union (news - web sites) compared the arrests to the internment of Japanese
Americans in camps during the Second World War.

I think it is shocking what is happening. It is reminiscent of what
happened in the past with the internment of Japanese Americans. We are
getting a lot of telephone calls from people. We are hearing that people
went down wanting to cooperate and then they were detained, said Ramona
Ripston, the ACLU's executive director.


One activist said local jails were so overcrowded that the immigrants could
be sent to Arizona, where they could face weeks or months in prisons
awaiting hearings before immigration judges or deportation.

It is a shock. You don't expect this to happen. It is really putting
fright and apprehension in the community. People who come from these
countries -- this is what they expect from their government. Not from
America, said Sabiha Khan of the Southern California chapter of the
Council on American Islamic Relations.

The arrests were part of a post Sept. 11 program that requires all males
over 16 from a list of 20 Arab or Middle East countries, who do not have
permanent resident status in the United States, to register with U.S.
immigration authorities.

Monday was the deadline for men from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Sudan.
News of the mass arrests came first in southern California, which is home
to more than 600,000 Iranian exiles and their families.

Officials declined to give figures for those arrested or for the numbers of
people who turned up to register, be fingerprinted and have their
photographs taken.

We are not releasing any numbers, said Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS) spokesman Francisco Arcaute.


Islamic groups and the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) said they had been swamped with calls for help.

INS spokesman Arcaute said those arrested had violated immigration laws,
overstayed their visas, or were wanted for crimes. The program was prompted
by concern about the lack of records on tourists, students and other
visitors to the United States after the Sept. 11 hijack plane attacks on
New York and Washington.

Islamic community leaders said many of the detainees had been living,
working and paying taxes in the United States for five or 10 years, and had
families here.

Terrorists most likely wouldn't come to the INS to register. It is really
a bad way to go about it. They are being treated as criminals and that
really goes against American ideals of fairness, and justice and
democracy, Khan said.

The Iranian protesters said many of those detained were victims of official
delays in processing visa and green card requests.

My father, they just took him in, one young man told reporters. They've
been treating him like an animal. They put him in a room with, like, 50
other people and no bed or anything.

Khan said one of those in jail was a doctor, who was being sponsored for
U.S. citizenship when his sponsor died.

One Syrian man said he went to register in Orange County with a dozen
friends. He was the only one to come out of the INS office. All my friends
are inside right now, M.M. Trapici, 45, told reporters. I have to visit
the family for each one today. Most of them have small kids.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
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... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
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Re: Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.

2002-12-19 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:01 AM 12/19/02 -0500, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.

What, did you think the Park Service was renovating Manzanera for yucks?

Order Viagra Online

2002-12-19 Thread bud4x4s

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Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-19 Thread Michael Motyka
My intuition is that the government is going to be slightly fairer than, 
for example, Disney.  That's just a guess, though.


With an emphasis on slightly I might tend to agree but it looks more like the 
between liver cancer and kidney failure than it does the difference between perfect 
health and a cardiac arrest.

As I age I find my eyesight is changing and I have a tougher time discerning 
government from corporate entities. ( en what? ). Who writes our legislation? Who 
controls what is said in our mass media? Dumbing down the population so that when 
they put on their thinking caps they'll choose a good screwing every time seems to be 
job #1. The pit is getting deeper and the guards on the edge are better armed every 

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Que Se Vayan Todos.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Que Se Vayan Todos
December 19 and 20 mark the anniversary of the popular rebellion in 
Argentina ousting former President Fernando De la Rua. Citizens will go to 
the streets under the slogan Que Se Vayan Todos, (to hell with all the 
politicians). Massive mobilizations will take place in Buenos Aires, 
throughout Argentina, and around the globe. Organizers of actions to 
commemorate the anniversary maintain that actions will be peaceful and 
non-violent. In the past weeks, mass media has been creating a climate of 
tension and fear in preparation for the protests. In the face of this 
atmosphere, piqueteros, popular assemblies, cacerolazos, alternative media, 
and human rights activists will reclaim the streets for two days of 
non-violent actions.
The Argentina and Rosario IMCs will be providing extensive coverage of the 
actions as well as a live radio webcast (es). You can support this coverage 
by donating through paypal here.
Further coverage from the IMC network includes El 19 y 20, todos a... (es), 
El sol del 19 y 20 viene asomando (es), and Another D20 (en) from 
Argentina, Diciembre 19 y 20 de 2002 (es) from Uruguay, Tage des sozialen 
Ungehorsams (de) from Germany, D19-21: Tango Argentino e piquete global! 
(it) from Italy, International Action Days (nl/fr) from Belgium, 
Argentinie: een jaar na de opstand (nl) from the Netherlands, Argentina: 1 
Day (gr) from Athens, Argentina Libre (gr) from Thessaloniki, All of Them 
Out! (en) from Melbourne, and Thousands Pour into Buenos Aires for a New 
Argentina (en) from San Francisco.

[ CMI Argentina | CMI Rosario | CMI Argentina english coverage ]
Coast to Coast, the Antiwar Marches On

From Harlem to Chicago to Denver to Hollywood, people in the US continue 
to march against the war. Residents of Los Angeles are also mobilizing in 
the face of a mental environment mixing messages between celebrity, the 
Federal Communications Commission, Palestine, big-budget propaganda, and 
peace activism. In Washington DC, the ladies of Code Pink visited the house 
of US Secretery of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to sing War to the World and 
other parody carols.
In the world of academia, the University of Michigan recently joined the 
growing list of universities that have passed antiwar resolutions. 
Meanwhile, graduate faculty and students at the New School in New York 
City, together with faculty from other area schools, are calling for a 
teaching moratorium on the two days following the beginning of any US-led 
war on Iraq. The process of education about war continues, with teach-ins 
gathering steam, ranging from North Carolina to Wisconsin to Idaho.

Order by 4pm. est and recieve your medication the next business day

2002-12-19 Thread graceland_0801

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Want to work from home?

2002-12-19 Thread response





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2002-12-19 Thread ben_isikan
Dear Friend,

I am Dr.Ben Isikan. I am a Medical Doctor, A Kenyan man by Nationality,but I work here 
in Nigeria as a Specialist Medical Doctor to the Governor of Lagos State, Nigeria.

I am the Senior Doctor to (G.S.H.O.N) the Government Specialist Hospital
of Nigeria.

I have a case of a Man who had an accident and was rushed to the Hospital by some good 
Samaritans. My self and some other Specialist Doctors working
under me tried all we could, but unfortunately the Man died. Before he died I 
discovered a small box with him, I opened the box and found out so many Documents in 
it, I then realize that he is a German Man who only
came into Nigeria for business, but unfortunately he died. 

The other documents inside his box are documents with which he used depositing of the 
sum of US$18Million Dollars to with a Security Company Here in Nigeria,including the 
picture of the money in the box with which it was used to be deposited with the 
Diplomatic Security Company. but unfortunately he died
and left all these.

I have tried all I could to reach any of his family members, but i couldn't get any 
one from his family,he is single and not married,so his status really made it 
difficult for me to get any of his relatives.

With my position as the Specialist Doctor to the Governor, and as the Senior Doctor in 
the (G.S.H.O.N).Government Specialist Hospital Of Nigeria.
I wont be act as the next of kin to the consignment and clear the consignment(THE 

This is why I here by solicit your assistance to act as the next of kin
in the collection of this FUND from the Security Company. I shall provide you with the 
necessary documents for the collection of the FUND. If
you can assist in this transaction, I shall give you 15% of the Fund as your share and 
for your assistance in this transaction. 80% of the FUND shall be mine, and We (You 
and me) shall both invest the remaining
5% for the settlement of any expenditure that was been made during this transaction.

If you are interested and can assist in this transaction, Please reply immediately, so 
that we can move forward in this Transaction. Please it is very, very Confidential.

Best Regards,

Dr. Ben Isikan

This email is a free service of Phantom Email
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Where does the State leave off and the Corrupt Crony Corporado's Start?

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Some blood simple libertarians here actually seem to believe there is some 
'chinese wall' between the evil nasty State and the bold thrusting free 
entrepreneurs of Libertarian fairy tales.Those of us who want to know the 
enemy constantly have to deal with these dolts.The best way seems to be 
exposing their frauds and lies by contrasting them with facts.
Some of the facts on the investments of the bush coup regime...
About the PWP:
The Perpetual War Portfolio is an evenly weighted basket of five stocks 
poised to succeed in the age of perpetual war. The stocks were selected on 
the basis of popular product lines, strong political connections and 
lobbying efforts, and paid-for access to key Congressional decision makers.
How many Ex (?) Monsanto executives are now in the Bush's Cabinet?
Answer: Currently (as of 8/5/01) there are five, all in regulatory power 
1. Linda Fisher, Deputy Director, EPA - ex V.P. Of Monsanto  chief 
lobbyist 2. Donald Rumsfeld, Sec. of Defense - ex Pres of Searle 
Pharmaceuticals, owned by Monsanto 3. John L. Henshaw, Asst. Sec. of Labor 
for OSHA - A 20-year veteran of Monsanto 4. Ann Veneman, Sec. of 
Agriculture - Bd. of Dir. Calgene Pharmaceuticals, owned by Monsanto 5. 
Mitch Daniels, Dir. of the Office of Management and Budget - V.P. Eli Lilly 
So what's the tie-in between Daniels and Monsanto? Eli Lilly and Monsanto 
developed the genetically engineered
bovine growth hormone. Lilly owns the European franchise. Daniels 
presence insures that the bovine growth
hormone will one day be approved for use in Europe.
Next time corporate hoes like Declan,and fat old fools like Mongo tell you 
lies,tell them to take a hike.

Blacknet security slipup.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
DEA data thief sentenced to 27 months
By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus Online
Posted: 18/12/2002 at 10:38 GMT

 A 14-year veteran of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) who 
fled to Mexico to avoid federal computer crime charges was sentenced in a 
federal court in Los Angeles on Monday to 27 months in prison for selling 
information on private citizens he plundered from sensitive law enforcement 

Emilio Calatayud, 36, admitted in a plea agreement last August to raiding a 
variety of systems to investigate claimants in over 100 workers 
compensation cases being handled by Triple Check Investigative Services for 
unnamed insurance carriers. Triple Check paid the former agent at least 
$22,500 for the data over a six year period ending in 1999, according to 
court records.

The purloined data came from three law enforcement computers to which 
Calatayud had otherwise lawful access: the FBI's National Crime Information 
Center (NCIC), which maintains nationwide records on arrest histories, 
convictions and warrants; the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications 
System (CLETS), a state network that gives agents access to California 
motor vehicle records, rap sheets and fingerprints; and a DEA system called 
the Narcotics and Dangerous Drug Information System (NADDIS), described by 
a Justice Department Web page as a database of over 3,500,000 individuals, 
businesses, vessels and selected airfields.

Some privacy advocates have cited the Calatayud case to highlight the risks 
posed by the growing number of law enforcement databases housing 
information on individuals, and made widely accessible with minimal security.

The prosecution was briefly derailed last February, when Calatayud skipped 
out on a $100,000 property bond on what was to have been his first day of 
trial. He fled to Mexico, where four months later he was picked up in 
Guadalajara by Mexican federal police acting on information developed by 
the United States Marshal's Service.

Officials haven't revealed how Calatayud was tracked down, but as part of 
the plea deal they agreed not to prosecute the former fed for kiting checks 
through his Bank of America account while a fugitive.

Prosecutors also dropped wire fraud and computer fraud charges in the 
agreement. Calatayud plead guilty to bribery, tax evasion and failing to 
appear in court.

In addition to the jail time, federal judge William J. Rea ordered 
Calatayud to pay a $5,000 fine.


Patriot Act Revolt Spreads.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
War on Terror Walkouts
Oakland, Flagstaff City Councils to Vote on Opposition to Patriot Act 

By Dean Schabner

Dec. 17 .Two more cities could join 18 other municipalities around the 
country that have questioned whether the USA Patriot Act combats terror at 
the expense of Americans' constitutional rights.

Eight Cities in Patriot Act Revolt

The city council of Oakland, Calif., is scheduled to vote today on a 
resolution that would order city employees not to cooperate with federal 
investigations that are felt to violate civil liberties.
The city of Flagstaff, Ariz., also has a vote scheduled on a less harshly 
worded resolution that would be a statement by the city that it is 
concerned about potential violations of civil rights as a result of 
implementation of the USA Patriot Act, but stopping short of withdrawing 
the city's cooperation.

If both resolutions pass, the two cities would become the 19th and 20th 
local governments to formalize their opposition to provisions of the USA 
Patriot Act.

Supporters of the Oakland resolution, which include nearly two dozen 
organizations, say they expect the measure to pass.

I think there is strong support, City Councilwoman Nancy Nadel said. We 
can't trade our civil liberties for security and still be fighting for the 
freedoms our country symbolizes.

The Oakland draft resolution says in part that to the extent legally 
possible, no City employee or department shall officially assist or 
voluntarily cooperate with investigations, interrogations, or arrest 
procedures, public or clandestine, that are in violation of individuals' 
civil rights or civil liberties as specified in the above Amendments of the 
United States Constitution.

It also says that the City of Oakland affirms its strong opposition to 
terrorism, but also affirms that any efforts to end terrorism not be waged 
at the expense of the fundamental civil rights and liberties of the people 
of Oakland, the United States and the World.

The resolution originally put before the Flagstaff City Council was written 
in terms similar to the Oakland measure, but there has since been 
compromise to remove references to the police department and soften the 
criticism of the federal government, Flagstaff Mayor Joe Donaldson said.

We wanted it to be a citizens' reminder to the government that we're 
concerned about terror acts and at the same time we're concerned about 
civil liberties, Donaldson said.

Other Cities Considering Patriot Measures

Similar resolutions have already passed in 18 other communities, including 
Berkeley, Santa Cruz and Sebastopol, Calif.; Denver and Boulder, Colo.; 
four cities in Massachusetts; Ann Arbor, Mich.; Santa Fe, N.M.; Eugene, 
Ore.; Burlington, Vt.; and Madison, Wis.

There are efforts under way to rally support for such resolutions in dozens 
of other cities, including New York, Chicago, Miami, Seattle, Boston and 
Portland, Ore., according to the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, a 
Florence, Mass.-based organization that supports repeal of parts of the 
USA PATRIOT Act and Executive Orders that infringe on Constitutional rights.

There are votes on similar resolutions scheduled for January and February 
in Davis and Fairfax, Calif., and New Paltz, N.Y.

The USA Patriot Act was passed by overwhelming margins in both the Senate 
and the House of Representatives, but Nadel said she finds it hard to 
believe that legislators read it very carefully, because of what civil 
libertarians and constitutional rights groups say are the many areas where 
the law oversteps the bounds of proper law enforcement procedure.

Opponents of such measures say that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, are proof 
of the need for extraordinary measures to protect the country from terrorists.

What Cost Freedom?

Giving up civil liberties is no way to fight that fight, Nadel said.

It is not a small price to pay, she said. Our country was based on civil 
liberties. Some of these governments like the Taliban that we fought to put 
out of power had restrictions on what people read. If that's what we're 
trying to eradicate around the world, I don't think it's something we 
should be adopting here.

The U.S. attorney's office in San Francisco . the local arm of the Justice 
Department, which overseas federal investigations .declined to comment on 
the resolution that was up for a vote in Oakland.

Among the areas that Nadel said especially concern her in the Patriot Act 
are increasing the FBI's power to spy on Americans' e-mail and telephone 
conversations, allowing ethnic profiling, denying the right to attorney to 
some detainees . which she said is one of the most heinous aspects of the 
law . and allowing law enforcement access to records of the books people 
take out of the library.

The city's Public Library Commission has already passed a resolution 
opposing the Patriot Act.

Though the resolution's sponsors said it has strong support on the 

CARLO Software.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Sorry,' GENOA'. The New PROMIS?
Pentagon delivers software to assess data on terrorists
By Rowan Scarborough

 The Pentagon's Total Information Awareness program, derided as Big 
Brother by privacy advocates, has handed off its first technologies to 
government agencies, which are using the software to assess intelligence on 

 Pentagon officials say the software tools, named Genoa, let agencies 
better compare and exchange interpretations of a vast amount of data 
legally available to such terrorist-tracking agencies as the FBI and CIA.
 TIA's most contested work, a computer program designed to track 
everyday transactions, is still in the experimental stage, officials said.
 We're pleased, said Jan Walker, spokeswoman for the Pentagon's 
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), when asked how its 
technologies were performing in actual operations.
 As a piece of technology becomes mature enough, and if we can take a 
prototype and integrate it, we will do that, she said. We will be doing 
this over the course of the next five years.
 The TIA has come under severe attack in recent weeks from some press 
outlets and lawmakers who say it will be used to snoop on innocent 
citizens. TIA advocates say methods outside traditional criminal justice 
procedures are needed to foil terrorists bent on mass murder. They also say 
privacy safeguards are planned.
 The TIA would seek to create a massive database of billions of 
transactions  some public, some private. It would attempt to identify 
whether terrorists leave telltale transaction fingerprints while planning 
attacks. If so, TIA would find the fingerprints and alert law-enforcement 
agencies and the military.
 If terrorist organizations are going to plan and execute attacks 
against the United States, their people must engage in transactions and 
they will leave signatures in this information space, retired Vice Adm. 
John Poindexter, TIA's program director, said in a speech in the fall.
 Total Information Awareness is our answer. We must be able to 
detect, classify, identify and track terrorists so that we may understand 
their plans and act to prevent them from being executed, he said.
 The software tools handed over to government agencies in recent 
months are the first of several TIA components.
 The formal name for the new software is Genoa. Compared with other 
TIA programs, it is considered by privacy advocates and civil libertarians 
to be perhaps the most benign.
 Genoa, on which Adm. Poindexter worked in the private sector before 
joining DARPA in January, is designed to enhance the sharing and analysis 
of data legally available to government agencies, Ms. Walker says.
 In his speech, Adm. Poindexter said that Genoa provides tools for 
collaborative reasoning, estimating plausible futures and creating 
actionable options for the decision maker.
 The tougher road for TIA comes when, or if, Adm. Poindexter's program 
managers can produce the crown jewel  a supercomputer system that can mine 
data for telltale terrorist imprints among billions of commercial and 
government transactions.
 If Adm. Poindexter's theory proves to be correct, the Bush 
administration will face a big hurdle. Many of these transactions remain 
off-limits to law-enforcement investigators absent a court-authorized 
subpoena. Administration officials acknowledged in interviews that they 
would have to ask Congress to ease such rules and convince lawmakers that 
safeguards existed to protect law-abiding citizens.
 DARPA is often on the leading edge of technologies that help the 
military fight smarter. Some ideas, such as the agency's work to develop 
the World Wide Web, revolutionized the way people work.
 TIA is an umbrella for programs with such acronyms as TIDES, EARS and 
GENISYS that could revolutionize the hunt for Osama bin Laden's terrorists.
 The investigation into the September 11 attacks showed that the 19 
hijackers involved made scores of credit card, travel and passport 
transactions as they entered and left the country, and received money to 
finance the deadly acts.
 Adm. Poindexter's vision is a software detection system that could 
have spotted those pre-September 11 movements as terrorist fingerprints.
 We must become much more efficient and more clever in the ways we 
find new sources of data, mine information from the new and old, generate 
information, make it available for analysis, convert it to knowledge, and 
create actionable options, he said in a recent speech.
 Meanwhile, DARPA is getting both encouragement and flack from Capitol 
Hill. Adm. Poindexter, a figure in the Iran-Contra scandal, briefed the 
House and Senate armed services committees, which funded TIA in the 2003 
defense budget. The House's defense bill lauded one part of TIA, the Genoa 
collaborative assessment.
 The Big Brother analogy is being used 

All Cretans are Liars?

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
US Dept of Untruth prospers - Rumsfeld
By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
Posted: 18/12/2002 at 21:13 GMT

Earlier this year, the US administration floated the idea of an Office of 
Strategic Influence, a propaganda ministry whose job it would be to plant 
false stories in the press, home and abroad.

Thanks to several beautiful constitutional instruments, the United States 
frowns on such taxpayer sponsored boondoggles, and this was the first time 
the American government had proposed a department to lie on its citizens 

The outcry was swift and enormous: government is a duty that should be 
lightly held, with interference kept to a minimum, and career bureaucrats 
such as Rumsfeld ought not feather their terms of office by creating such 
ominous and deceptive institutions.

Well, OK, he replied, and the idea was swiftly forgotten.

And there it lay, until some pesky reporter from the Federation of American 
Scientists temporarily lapsed from his patriotic duty of warblogging, and 
asked if the organization really existed?

This provoked an astonishing reply:-

And then there was the Office of Strategic Influence. You may recall that. 
And 'oh my goodness gracious isn't that terrible, Henny Penny the sky is 
going to fall.' I went down that next day and said fine, if you want to 
savage this thing, fine, I'll give you the corpse. There's the name. You 
can have the name, but I'm gonna keep doing every single thing that needs 
to be done and I have.

His comments went unreported, and until Monday, when the New York Times 
provided specifics of the vigorous and creative propaganda we can expect 
[here], the disinformation project had gone ignored. (A search through 
Google News reveals only one article mentioning the subject.)

Britain has no such constitutional protections. In the 1980s, it was 
enthusiastically arming the Iraqi regime while telling parliament and the 
public that no policy change had taken place, and two prime ministers - 
each claiming amnesia or ignorance - were absolved of responsibility in the 
resulting scandal.
Thanks to the excellent web weekly WW3 Report for spotting this, and posing 
the following question:-
This raises the logical dilemma of whether an agency which admits to lying 
can be believed when it says it doesn't exist. Is the agency's supposed 
non-existence the first piece of disinformation? ®

Young Sweet Oh So Innocent

2002-12-19 Thread bill_2033f64
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Shot For Laughing At Police

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Unit 5: Community Protests Shooting By Police
Witnesses Claim Man Was Shot For Laughing At Police

POSTED: 5:05 p.m. CST December 11, 2002
UPDATED: 6:46 p.m. CST December 11, 2002

CHICAGO -- A southwest side community plans to take action after a young 
man was shot by a Chicago police officer.

 The officer clamed the shooting was in self defense, but the victim's 
mother told Unit 5's Renee Ferguson that her son was shot because he 
laughed at the police.

Crispus Booker (pictured, right) is no angel, Ferguson reported. He's done 
six months in jail on a drug charge and lives in a tough, drug-infested 
neighborhood. But, according to his attorney, Booker was shot by police 
recently not because he was seen selling drugs, but because he dared to 
laugh at a couple of cops.

The so-called joke ended with the 26-year-old Booker being taken away in 
an ambulance, having been shot by a Chicago police officer.

He has a hole in his liver, his lung collapsed on him and he's got the 
bullet in him next to his spine, Martha Booker (pictured, below left), the 
victim's mother, told Unit 5.

That was on Nov. 19. Eyewitnesses told Unit 5 that Booker was on his porch 
at 68th Street and South Talman Avenue watching as two uniformed officers 
chased a suspect on a bicycle. When the officers gave up the chase, Booker 
reportedly laughed out loud.

Ferguson said that that's when, according to witnesses, the officers went 
after Booker.

At first, they just started hitting him and he pushed them and ran, 
Martha Booker said.

 After shots were fired, Booker's mother said she arrived to find her son 
on the ground.

I asked the officer, 'Why did you shoot my son?' and he said, Because he 
shot at me.'

But Booker's attorney, James Montgomery, said there was no gunpowder 
residue on Booker's hands and no evidence he had a gun.

Witnesses saw this thing from the beginning to the end and it's very clear 
that it was an unprovoked attack and a shooting that was not justified, 
Montgomery said.

Police spokesman Pat Camden said the officer shot Booker because Booker 
tried to take his gun and that the officer was in fear for his life. He 
said two guns were found in the neighborhood.

Since the shooting, area residents say they have passed out fliers for a 
community meeting to be held Wednesday night at the Marquette Park field 

The community is outraged and everybody is mad. We're trying to take 
action with the police department to see what can be done about this, area 
resident Lashawn Greer told NBC5.
Booker went from the hospital to jail where he now sits, charged with 
aggravated battery, possession of a weapon and attempting to disarm a 
police officer.
He laughed at the police, said Booker's mother. This could happen to 
anybody and it's wrong. It's really wrong.

Student Uprisings against Big Brother?

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Colleges become Big Brother in file-sharing crackdown
As the recording industry pressures college officials to clamp down on 
music downloads from the Internet, privacy groups say campuses have to be 
careful not to invade students' privacy. — Fox News
Big brother on campus
Private companies have not been the only players in TIA research. Dozens of 
universities within and without the United States have also worked on the 
program’s components for years.
Since late 2000, researchers at Georgia Tech have been working on a new 
computer-based identification system called Human ID that theoretically can 
take video images from a camera and distinguish people by the way that they 
walk and their different mannerisms. The applications of this software 
could have unlimited potential when used with satellite imaging, government 
video, and even security cameras. The theory is that each person has 
distinctive body movements and by recording and analyzing these movements, 
the government could identify suspects even if they are wearing disguises 
or have altered their appearances.
According to unclassified budget documents recently released by the Defense 
Department, DARPA spent $11.8 million during the 2001 fiscal year to 
develop a “pilot force protection system” for Human ID as well as create 
prototype models and develop advanced sensors (p. 88.). DARPA’s new budget 
increases the program’s spending to $30.1 million during the next two 
fiscal years to identify the limitations of the range and accuracy of the 
program while fusing multi-modal technologies to derive biometric signatures.
Overall, Georgia Tech has received four federal grants totaling $1.2 
million for the “HumanID from movement” project, beginning in the last 
quarter of 2000. The funds are part of a $50 million DARPA program to 
identify people from a distance that encompasses 26 research projects 
including two from Georgia Tech to analyze movement.
In addition to recognizing people by body movement, Human ID is working on 
facial recognition and iris recognition software. These uses have been 
tested on subjects at a distance of 25-150 feet, but future DARPA plans 
anticipate distances as far as 500 feet.
“I do computer vision research,” said Aaron Bobick, an associate professor 
at Georgia Tech researching HumanID for DARPA. “Part of it is to see how to 
get computers to see things. One of things that I am working on is 
understanding motion and recognizing people from a distance.”
Bobick told the Center that the research is still preliminary. “We’ve found 
it to be successful in a limited number of cases but gait recognition is 
really in its infancy. We don’t know how successful it will be. We are 
still at the point where we don’t know what will be possible.”
DARPA projects on identification go well beyond “naked eye” visual 
appearance. The defense agency is currently trying to identify potential 
suspects by their unseen traits using plumes of odorant molecules. While 
doing experiments on subjects as small as moths, bacteria and mammals, 
scientists are finding new ways of differentiating small particles to 
understand identity.
DARPA has spent more than $427,000 on four grants to the University of 
Arizona dating back to 1998 to study this identification method called 
“biologically-inspired search algorithms for locating unseen odor sources.”
Like gait recognition, the smell test is still in development.
Research associate Ben Coates, database editor Aron Pilhofer, and executive 
director Charles Lewis contributed to this report. To write a letter to the 
editor for publication, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include 
a daytime phone number. 

Swedish SS.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Probe faults Cold War activities of Swedish secret service Tuesday, 
17-Dec-2002 10:20AM  Story from AFP
Copyright 2002 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

STOCKHOLM, Dec 17 (AFP) - Sweden's secret services violated constitutional 
rights as they spied on leftist groups -- and some 100,000 individuals -- 
during the anti-communist period of the Cold War, an investigating 
commission found in a report published Tuesday.

The 3,000-page report entitled National Security and Personal Integrity 
lists wire-tapping operations, documentation and surveillance of Swedish 
organisations and political groups constituting a threat, or believed to 
constitute a threat, to national security.

The activities mostly took place during the 1950s and 1960s, when 
anti-Communism was at its peak in Western Europe and the United States.

During that period, the secret services had files on more than 100,000 
individuals, believed to be communists or communist sympathisers, at times 
on flimsy grounds, the report found.

Wire-tapping, in particular, was used indiscriminately, and often targeted 
individuals other than the object of suspicion and thus violated their 
personal integrity.

The registration of political opinions was made illegal in 1969, but the 
practice has continued, mostly because it suited police chiefs and the 
governments of the day, the report claims.

Official guidelines were often written in a manner that could be 
interpreted in several ways. In this way it became possible to both satisfy 
political opinion and at the same time provide the Security Police with the 
authority deemed necessary in light of national security, the report said 
in its conclusion.

The Swedish judiciary has in recent years awarded compensation to several 
people who were sacked from their jobs after the secret police (Saepo) 
handed evidence on their political or trade union activities to their 


Latvian Defense Minister: Many Members of Latvian Parliament Are Moscow's Spies
One fifth of deputies of the Latvian Sejm work for Moscow and it is not 
possible to trust them with secret information.( Pravda, 19 Dec 02)

CIA will pay for performance...not through Nugan-Hand or BCCI though.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
CIA Undertakes a Very Public Experiment in Pay and Performance
The CIA will conduct an experiment next year aimed at linking pay to job 
performance -- a project that could serve as a model for a government-wide 
overhaul of federal pay.( Washington Post, 19 Dec 02)
CIA Establishing Spy Centers in Islamic Countries
...According to the report, offices called American Cultural Centers, which 
are libraries and English language institutes on the surface but are 
actually espionage centers run by Washington, have been opened in areas 
under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.( Tehran Times, 19 
Dec 02)
'Spy file' target seeks scrutiny of cops
Among the 20 pages that detail his height, weight and profession, Glenn 
Morris found something alarming in his Denver police spy file: a report 
that the department knew of a plot to kill him.( Denver Post, 19 Dec 02)
Spy files oversight debated.( Rocky Mountain News, 19 Dec 02)
Theodore Shackley
For the second time this year, conspiracy theorists have lost one of their 
favourite CIA targets. Ted Shackley, once in charge of the organisation's 
clandestine operations, has died at the age of 75. In the international 
demonology of espionage, he figured second only to General Vernon Walters, 
America's ubiquitous spy-for-all-seasons.( Guardian Unlimited, 18 Dec 02)
Wanted: A Master Spy
To help thwart another Al Qaeda attack, a House-Senate panel looking into 
intelligence lapses pre-Sept. 11 has recommended setting up one 
cabinet-level director of intelligence.( Christian Science Monitor, 18 
Dec 02)


2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Theodore Shackley

CIA mastermind of dirty tricks in Cuba, Chile and Vietnam

Harold Jackson
Wednesday December 18, 2002
The Guardian

For the second time this year, conspiracy theorists have lost one of their 
favourite CIA targets. Ted Shackley, once in charge of the organisation's 
clandestine operations, has died at the age of 75. In the international 
demonology of espionage, he figured second only to General Vernon Walters, 
America's ubiquitous spy-for-all-seasons (obituary, February 18).
Unlike the affable general, Shackley was far from popular with his 
colleagues. Though they rated him businesslike and efficient, he was also 
described as cold and weird. His nickname, the Blond Ghost, carried no 
overtones of affection, and he eventually left the agency under a cloud in 
1979; it remained unclear whether he resigned or was sacked.
Shackley's introduction to the intelligence world came in 1945 after the US 
army discovered he was fluent in Polish (an inheritance from his immigrant 
grandmother). As the cold war stirred into life, he was assigned to the 
counter-intelligence corps in Germany, first in Nuremberg and later in 
Berlin. On demobilisation, he planned to study law, but was recruited by 
the newly formed CIA in 1951.
The details are inevitably shadowy, but he seems to have emerged as an 
effective, self-promoting organisation man, a dab hand with flow charts and 
paperwork. Within a decade, he had become station chief in Miami, running 
one of the CIA's largest operations, focusing mainly on Fidel Castro.
Much of his effort went into sending sabotage teams into Cuba and trying to 
build a network of local spies. Neither had much impact, but subsequent 
freelance activities by some of his recruits brought the first rumours of 
Shackley's involvement in drug trafficking.
These grew stronger when he was transferred to Laos in 1966, and began 
recruiting Hmong tribesmen to attack North Vietnamese supply convoys on the 
Ho Chi Minh trail. In the complex political manoeuvring between local 
warlords, the Laotians' usual currency was heroin, later alleged to be the 
principal source of the drugs used by America's demoralised troops in Vietnam.
When the Laotian operation was abandoned by the Johnson administration 
(with 20,000 Hmong recruits killed and many more forced into exile), 
Shackley was transferred to Saigon. After the CIA's disastrous failure to 
detect the North Vietnamese build-up for the 1968 Tet offensive, he laid 
great emphasis on intelligence gathering. His subordinates, however, 
complained that he always wanted their reports to have a positive tone, a 
requirement that probably contributed to the Nixon administration's later 
misjudgment of the military situation.
In 1972, Shackley returned to Washington to run the CIA's western 
hemisphere division, responsible for activities in central and south 
America. He played a major role in the campaign against the Allende 
government in Chile, and in the September 1973 military coup which brought 
General Pinochet to power.
That success brought Shackley promotion to associate deputy director for 
operations, the CIA's third most senior post. But his accession came just 
as the storm clouds were gathering in Washington, and the senate 
intelligence committee wanted to know just what the agency had been up to 
in Chile - and in the Watergate scandal.
The committee's report, listing dozens of illegal activities, was a 
bombshell. The newly-elected President Carter put Admiral Stansfield Turner 
in charge of the CIA, with instructions to clean it up. Many of those 
involved in clandestine operations were sacked, and Shackley was sidelined, 
at least until it emerged he was a close associate of Edwin Wilson, a 
former spy eventually jailed for arranging illegal arms sales.
Shackley left the CIA in 1979 to run his own consulting firm, from where he 
continued to associate with old colleagues in the arms trade. Some were 
later jailed for their part in the Iran-Contra scandal, but no charges were 
laid against Shackley. His associates were also questioned by a senate 
sub-committee about involvement in the drug-trafficking activities of the 
Contra rebels. Once again, nothing was clearly established, though one of 
the central figures was named as a drug trafficker by the Costa Rican 
government, and was summarily expelled from the country.
Shackley is survived by his wife Hazel, and their daughter.
· Theodore G 'Ted' Shackley, intelligence agent, born July 16 1927; died 
December 9 2002 

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2002-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [e-gold-list] Announcing E-mail Privacy, Secure, Encrypted, accepts e-gold

2002-12-19 Thread Sunder
Yeah, except for the scummy multi level marketing and the rather expensive
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On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

 ...It had to happen sooner or later, I suppose...
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 Subject: [e-gold-list] Announcing E-mail Privacy, Secure,
 Encrypted, accepts e-gold
 Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 00:37:03 + (UTC)

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-19 Thread Tim May
On Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 12:29  PM, Michael Motyka wrote:

I believe that the primary battle, subversion of the proprietary OS 
and mainstream
applications for intelligence purposes, was over before we even 
thought about fighting

Now the commercial interests are being brought into the fold.

Care to share your reasons for believing this?

Nobody has reported solid evidence that Mac OS 9 or X is spying on 
customers and then dialing up Big Brother, nor even that buggy Windows 
code had the bugs deliberately inserted. If Windows 98 or NT or 2000 or 
XP was in fact providing a covert channel to BB and someone found this 
(by instrumenting the connections, by decompiling, etc.), this would be 
Very Big News. A career-creator bigger than what Wagner and Goldberg 
did with the random number generator flaw.

So far, nobody has found such a smoking gun.

--Tim May
The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the 
expense of everyone else. --Frederic Bastiat

Re: Privacy qua privacy (Was: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures...)

2002-12-19 Thread Adam Shostack
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 04:56:12PM -0500, John Kelsey wrote:
| At 12:53 PM 12/15/02 -0500, Adam Shostack wrote:
| ...
| I think that a law which re-affirmed the rights to be anonymous, to
| call yourself what you will, to be left alone, to not carry or show ID
| would transform the debate about privacy into terms in which the issue
| could be solved.  (At least as it affects private companies.)
| Companies would be able to do what they want with your data as long as
| you had a meaningful and non-coercive choice about handing it over.
| I think this would help, but I also think technology is driving a lot of 
| this.  You don't have to give a lot more information to stores today than 
| you did twenty years ago for them to be much more able to track what you 
| buy and when you buy it and how you pay, just because the available 
| information technology is so much better.  Surveilance cameras, DNA 
| testing, identification by iris codes, electronic payment mechanisms that 
| are much more convenient than cash most of the time, all these contribute 
| to the loss of privacy in ways that are only partly subject to any kind of 
| government action (or inaction) or law.
| The records are being created and kept by both government and private 
| entities.  The question is whether to try to regulate their use (with huge 
| potential free-speech issues, and the possibility of companies being able 
| to, say, silence criticism of their products or services) or leave them 
| alone (with the certainty that databases will grow and continue to be 
| linked, creating pretty comprehensive profiles of almost everyone's 
| reading, musical, spending, and travel patterns, and with anyone who takes 
| serious measures to avoid being profiled having obvious gaps in their 
| profiles to indicate their wish for privacy in some area).

Yep.  A lot of it, however, freeloads on the government certification
of identity.  Without the legal threats, it would be much harder to
assemble the data.  (Other things, like credit, also become much
harder. That may become less of an issue as id theft makes credit
visibly a two-edged sword.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-19 Thread Morlock Elloi
 Speculation: I expect the battles over cyberspace to shift to the OS, 
 with the leading private (non open source) OS makers enlisted in the 
 War Against Illegal Thoughts. The easiest initial front in this war, 
 one the OS companies like Apple and Microsoft have a corporate interest 
 in, is for the OS to more aggressively check for hacks or products not 

All one has to do is to refuse to upgrade. Unless you get over the upgrade hype
there is no cure - it's unlikely that home-manufactured computers for the
masses will be a reality any time soon.

The short life span of hw/sw platforms gives tremenduous power to mass
manufacturers. It becomes like food industry. Only this one is not base on need
for carbohydrates and proteins (and fat, of course), but on manufactured hype
about value of new vs. old.

Most of the stuff (except games) works perfectly functionally today in hw/sw
combinations from 1997. E-mail, http clients, ftp, usenet, graphic design/DTP,
wordprocessors. This is not a long-term solution, but it's the best there is.

What kind of effort is required to make computers (=hw+sw) have longevity of
books, and therefore eliminate the power of publishers ?

(of original message)

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Is your phone bill too high?

2002-12-19 Thread GreatDeals
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Using Brin to thwart ISP subpoenas

2002-12-19 Thread Steve Schear
This crackpot idea is a follow-on to my suggestion for improving public 
library privacy in the face of TLA inquiries.  The basic notion here is for 
na ISP to allow all its premises to be bugged.  Every room (except maybe 
the restroom) by its clients (or their proxies).  All communication could 
be monitored and the ISP would have no control.  My understanding of court 
orders that they must be served on the ISP at its business address.  Once 
the order is opened or discussed by the designated employee who receives 
the data all its clients would know in short order.  The employees and 
management will not have been responsible because they have not taken any 
affirmative actions to allow the information to escape their 
custody.   They will have protected the info withe the same diligence they 
show their own data. ;-)


If you can't join 'em, beat 'em.
  -- W's global policy of hegenomy

They're Beginning to Lock Out All Your Freedoms (fwd)

2002-12-19 Thread Sunder

They're Beginning to Lock Out All Your Freedoms (To the tune of It's
Beginning to look a lot like Christmas) 

They're beginning to lock out all your freedoms
No matter how you moan;
You'll have to pay five and ten, for listening once again
To songs you already own;
It's beginning to look a lot like Russia
Or 1984
What a frightening sight to see, a recording company
Can knock down your front door. 
Some encryption that bloops and software that snoops
Is the wish of Disney's top men;
Dolls that never talk and you never use chalk,
Every word is copywritten!
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for the revolution to begin. 

It's beginning to look a lot like prison
Ev'rywhere you go;
There's a camera on the Hotel, one in the park as well,
There's nothing they don't know.
They're beginning to lock out all your freedoms
Soon the bills will start,
And the thing that will make you pay, is the coming and fateful day
When they copyright your heart. 


 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.

RE: Using Brin to thwart ISP subpoenas

2002-12-19 Thread Trei, Peter
 Steve Schear[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 This crackpot idea is a follow-on to my suggestion for improving public 
 library privacy in the face of TLA inquiries.  The basic notion here is
 na ISP to allow all its premises to be bugged.  Every room (except maybe 
 the restroom) by its clients (or their proxies).  All communication could 
 be monitored and the ISP would have no control.  My understanding of court
 orders that they must be served on the ISP at its business address.  Once 
 the order is opened or discussed by the designated employee who receives 
 the data all its clients would know in short order.  The employees and 
 management will not have been responsible because they have not taken any 
 affirmative actions to allow the information to escape their 
 custody.   They will have protected the info withe the same diligence they
 show their own data. ;-)
A year or two ago, I suggested to someone associated with (an ISP based in an underground 
ex-RAF bunker in Britain) that they set up a web-accessible 
camera on the entrance, so that anyone could detect an 
attack in progress.

They don't seem to have done so.

Peter Trei

adv: Get a DATE for the weekend

2002-12-19 Thread Find Someone Tonight


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		 Click here to get off the list.


2002-12-19 Thread PROFESSOR FRANK OBI
TELEPHONE: 234-1-776 0962
FAX: 234-1-759-4725   
I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent and profitable business proposal, 
though I don't know you neither have I seen you before but my confidence was reposed 
on you when the Chief Executive of Lagos State chamber of Commerce and Industry handed 
me your contact for a confidential business. 
I am the manager of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA), Ilupeju branch, Lagos Nigeria.
The intended business is thus; We had a customer, a Foreigner (a Turkish) resident in 
Nigeria, he was a Contractor with one of the Government Parastatals.He has in his 
Account in my branch the sum of US 38.6 Million (Thirty Eight Million, Six Hundred 
Thousand U.S. Dollars).
Unfortunately, the man died four years ago until today non-of his next of kin has come 
forward to claim the money. 
Having noticed this, I in collaboration with two other top Officials of the bank have 
covered up the account all this while.  
Now we want you (being a foreigner) to be fronted as one of his next of kin and 
forward your account and other relevant documents to be advised to you by us to attest 
to the Claim. 

We will use our positions to get all internal documentations to back up the claims 
.The whole procedures will last only five working days to get the fund retrieved 
successfully without trace even now or in future.
Your response is only what we are waiting for as we have arranged all necessary 
things. As soon as this message comes to you kindly get back to me indicating your 
interest, then I will furnish you with the whole procedures to ensure that the deal is 
successfully concluded. 

For your assistance we have agreed to give you twenty five percent (25%) of the Total 
sum at the end of the transaction while 65% would be for my colleagues and I and the 
remaining 10% would be for any form of expenses that may be incurred during the course 
of the transaction which would be given to us when the money is transferred into your 
account before splitting the balance on the agreed percentage of 65% to 25%. 
I await your earliest response.  


Yours Sincerely

Professor Frank Obi

The Better Pasta Pot - A Great Holiday Gift

2002-12-19 Thread Pasta Pro
Title: Pasta Pro


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Re: To Marcel Popescu On the Interventionist pseudo-Libs

2002-12-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 18 Dec 2002 at 9:50, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 Yeah, the Objectivists (TM) seem to have been taken over by 
 militant zionist interventionists too.

Of all the advanced states, Israel is arguably the one that 
accords least with Objectivist ideals.  It is nominally 
socialist in land and quite a lot of other stuff.  Of course if 
you are Jewish, that socialism can be set aside -- and is set 
aside to a greater or lesser extent for most Jews, though some 
Jews find it a lot easier to have a nominally socialist state 
treat stuff they care about as private property than other 
Jews.   Objectivists having orgasms over Israel because it is 
supposedly a liberal democracy is rather like communists having 
orgasms over Cuba because it was supposedly egalitarian.

It is also entertaining that the socialism of Israel is, like 
the socialism of the Sandinistas, a lot more socialist for 
ethnic groups that are hated than ethnic groups that are 
favored, which reminds me of the argument I sometimes hear from 
socialists about West Germany -- that all Germans were evil 
hateful nazi murderers, and therefore should have had a 
socialist economy imposed on them.

But I ramble and digress.  To get back on point, if those who 
purport to be objectivists are also militant zionist 
interventionists, we should not take their supposed objectivist 
ideals too seriously. 

 James A. Donald

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2002-12-19 Thread Goodman Systems
Title: Goodman Systems, Inc - Flyer





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Major Breaking News (Symbol:TDSY) Watch This Stock Trade

2002-12-19 Thread Investor Insights


			News Alert
			Trident Systems International, Inc (OTCBB: TDSY)
			6 Month Target Price: $2.99

		Shares Outstanding
		11.7 million
		Approx. Float
		1.6 million
		6 Month Price Proj.

			A Few Reasons to Own TDSY:

		$40 Billion Dollar industry
		30% Annual Industry Growth
		TDSY Embarks on $100 Million Synergistic Acquisition Strategy
		TDSY Projects 2002 Revenue of approximately $19,500,000
		TDSY Projecting $30,000,000 in Revenues for 2003
		Veteran management team with proven industry track record
		Continuous legislation of complex employment laws and regulation necessitate the outsourcing of human resource management
		TDSY Recently Launched New Multi-Channel marketing initiative 
		TDSY Entered definitive Letter of Intent to acquire a Computerized Payroll Services Company
		TDSYs CEO appointed presidential business commission and honorary chairman of republican parties business advisory counsel


	Huge News! With TDSY projecting around $20 Million Dollars in revenues for 2002, this acquisition would bring TDSY's revenues to $24 Million. As stated below, our hypothetical valuation for TDSY is based on revenues of $30 Million Dollars for 2003.
	According to the press release( read below), in our opinion, it appears to us that TDSY might be ahead of its schedule for top line growth. Therefore, if all this turns out to be true, then our hypothetical 6 month target price could possibly be too low.
	As always, time will tell, and one never knows when these PR announcements will pop up!

			Press Release
WHITEHOUSE, NEW JERSEY, December 19, 2002.  Trident Systems International, Inc. (OTCBB: TDSY) signed a Definitive Letter  of Intent  to acquire  National Employment Alternatives, Inc., a New Jersey based PEO  or professional employer organization with approximately $4 million in annual revenue.  This acquisition increases our revenue by more than 20% and demonstrates our company's strategy to acquire companies on an accretive basis.  
This acquisition is structure as part of our recently launched marketing and expansion program. This strategy is comprised of both a $100 million sector acquisition strategy and a multi-channel marketing campaign. 
The primary goal of this strategy is to capture additional market share and build upon our 2001 revenues of more than $17 million. Trident CEO Stephen Farkas commented, "We believe that our Company is uniquely situated to take advantage of the fractious PEO market with regard to acquisitions. Similarly, we are well positioned for organic growth as more and more employers are searching for ways to streamline their businesses in order to save money and yet still offer a wide array of employee benefits to their employees"  
The PEO market is $40 plus billion dollar a year industry with annual growth exceeding 30% according to NAPEO.  "The continuous and complex legislation by the Department of Labor, IRS, State and Local Government combined with the escalating costs of benefits and quality healthcare create a fertile environment for organic growth in the small and medium size company market. We intend to capitalize on this business climate by aggressively marketing our services to this underserved market", explained Stephen Farkas, CEO.
About the Company:
The Company, through its subsidiary AAMPRO, Inc. ("AAMPRO"), has refocused its business operations as a professional employer organization ("PEO").  AAMPRO provides a broad range of services comprised primarily of employee leasing and human resources management.  These services include payroll and benefits administration, health and workers' compensation insurance programs, state and federal labor compliance, tax filings, safety program design and management and other related 

Sorry, I sent the wrong link! Here is the one you need! (UCE)

2002-12-19 Thread Laszlo Cser

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Intern News Roundup.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X

INS Interns Hundreds, Refuses to Report

For their cooperation in an INS voluntary registration program, an 
unspecified number of Iranian and Middle Eastern nationals, estimated in 
the hundreds, have been detained indefinitely, cut off from family and 
legal assistance. Officials are refusing to report the identities or 
individual charges against those detained while LA area jails are overflowing.
The Southern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union 
received numerous phone calls for assistance from families of those 
detained, and many are comparing the arrests to the internment of Japanese 
Americans in camps during the Second World War. On Wednesday, December 18, 
more than three thousand persons, mostly Iranian Americans, rallied outside 
the Westwood Federal Building in LA to protest the roundups [ 1 ]. 
Meanwhile, solidarity protests are already planned, including one on Friday 
in Portland.
The detentions are currently receiving little comparative attention in US 
dominant media, with original coverage limited to an article in the Los 
Angeles Times and a wire report [ audio ]. More information is available 
from the LA IMC Dec 19 feature.

[ Los Angeles IMC | Payvand News of Iran | Alliance of Iranian Americans ]

Hewlett Packard, Dupont, Honeywell Damned.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
GLOBAL: WEAPONS PROLIFERATION Dec 19 2002 Iraq Report Documents Foreign 
Support For Weapons Programs

Hewlett Packard, Dupont, Honeywell and other major U.S. corporations, as 
well as governmental agencies including the Department of Defense and the 
nation's nuclear labs, and numerous companies from other countries, all 
helped Iraq to build its biological, chemical and nuclear weapons programs, 
according to Iraq's 12,000-page weapons declaration to the UN. This 
information was contained in the nearly 9000 pages removed by the United 
States before the report was circulated to the non-permanent members of the 
UN Security Council. The nuclear support under Presidents Reagan and Bush, 
Sr., violated non-proliferation treaties.
Read: entire feature | Democracy Now! coverage including an interview with 
the Geneva-based reporter who broke the story and translations of original 
German stories.

[ Democracy Now! | Die Tageszeitung [de] | Iraq Action Coalition ]

Undercover Punks and Anarchists.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
COPENHAGEN -- Danish police opened an inquiry Thursday into a group of 
civilian police officers who infiltrated a protest march during last week's 
EU summit by going undercover as supporters of the Palestinian cause, punks 
and anarchists.
Police chief Kaj Vittrup, in charge of police operations during the summit, 
said he was profoundly irritated to see images of police officers wearing 
masks and dressed as radical activists.
The Danish Stop the Violence organisation filmed at least a dozen police 
officers with scarves hiding parts of their faces, wearing rings in their 
noses or with mohawk haircuts during an anti-European Union march on Saturday.
The Stop the Violence footage showed the police officers, dressed to look 
like activists, participating in the protest. It argued that their 
appearance risked provoking other demonstrators to use violence.
Anti-globalisation activists also complained that the police officers broke 
the law by wearing masks or other gear that covered their faces, while 
police arrested other demonstrators who committed the same offense.
Protest organisers had reached a deal with Copenhagen police ahead of the 
summit, under which civilian police officers would only be called in if 
rioting broke out.
Eight peaceful organisations were held during the Copenhagen summit, 
drawing a total of 15,000 people.
The chairman of the Copenhagen police association Richard Andersen was 
quoted Thursday by Danish daily Politiken as saying he was stunned to see 
the police officers in disguise.

I had a hard time believing it was my colleagues, he said.

Incompetence of the FBI's International Terrorism Unit.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
I can personally vouch for the truth of that heading.
Called Off the Trail?
FBI Agents Probing Terror Links Say They Were Told, ‘Let Sleeping Dogs Lie’
By Brian Ross and Vic Walter

Dec. 19 — Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop 
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama bin Laden's al 
Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks.

Don't exercise; take a shower instead!

2002-12-19 Thread Ronni
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Bang in a Buck for a Bullet For Bush.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
84 Reasons why BUSH MUST GO!!!

1. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.

2. Cut federal spending on libraries by $39 million.

3. Cut $35 million in funding for doctors to get advanced pediatric training.

4. Cut by 50% funding for research into renewable energy sources.

5. Revoked rules that reduced the acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking 

6. Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual 
assistance to non-English speaking persons. This, from a candidate who 
would readily fire-up his Spanish-speaking skills in front of would-be 
Hispanic voters.

7. Proposed to eliminate new marine protections for the Channel Islands and 
the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii (San Francisco Chronicle, April 6, 2001).

8. Cut funding by 28% for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and 

9. Suspended rules that would have strengthened the government's ability to 
deny contracts to companies that violated workplace safety, environmental 
and other federal laws.

10. OK'd Interior Department appointee Gale Norton to send out letters to 
state officials soliciting suggestions for opening up national monuments 
for oil and gas drilling, coal mining, and foresting.

11. Appointed John Negroponte - an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra 
figure to the post of United Nations Ambassador.

12. Abandoned a campaign pledge to invest $100 million for rain forest 

13. Reduced by 86% the Community Access Program for public hospitals, 
clinics and providers of care for people without insurance.

14. Rescinded a proposal to increase public access to information about the 
potential consequences resulting from chemical plant accidents.

15. Suspended rules that would require hardrock miners to clean up sites on 
Western public lands.

16. Cut $60 million from a Boy's and Girl's Clubs of America program for 
public housing.

17. Proposed to eliminate a federal program, designed and successfully used 
in Seattle, to help communities prepare for natural disasters.

18. Pulled out of the 1997 Kyoto Treaty global warming agreement.

19. Cut $200 million of work force training for dislocated workers.

20. Eliminated funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, which encourages 
farmers to maintain wetlands habitat on their property.

21. Cut program to provide childcare to low-income families as they move 
from welfare to work.

22. Cut a program that provided prescription contraceptive coverage to 
federal employees (though it still pays for Viagra).

23. Cut $700 million in capital funds for repairs in public housing.

24. Appointed Otto Reich - an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra figure - 
to Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs.

25. Cut Environmental Protection Agency budget by $500 million.

26. Proposed to curtail the ability of groups to sue in order to get an 
animal placed on the Endangered Species List.

27. Rescinded the rule that mandated increased energy-saving efficiency 
regulations for central air conditioners and heat pumps.

28. Repealed workplace ergonomic rules designed to improve worker health 
and safety.

29. Abandoned campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide, the waste gas 
that contributes to global warming.

30. Banned federal aid to international family planning programs that offer 
abortion counseling with other independent funds.

31. Closed White House Office for Women's Health Initiatives and Outreach.

32. Nominated David Lauriski - ex-mining company executive - to post of 
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.

33. OK'd Interior Secretary Gale Norton to go forth with a controversial 
plan to auction oil and gas development tracts off the coast of eastern 

34. Announced intention to open up Montana's Lewis and Clark National 
Forest to oil and drilling.

35. Proposes to re-draw boundaries of nation's monuments, which would 
technically allow oil and gas drilling outside of national monuments.

36. Gutted White House AIDS Office.

37. Renegotiating free trade agreement with Jordan to eliminate workers's 
rights and safeguards for the environment.

38. Will no longer seek guidance from The American Bar Association in 
recommendations for the federal judiciary appointments.

39. Appointed recycling foe Lynn Scarlett as Undersecretary of the Interior.

40. Took steps to abolish the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

41. Cut the Community Oriented Policing Services program.

42. Allowed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to shelve citizen-led grizzly 
bear re-introduction plan scheduled for Idaho and Montana wilderness.

43. Continues to hold up federal funding for stem cell research projects.

44. Makes sure convicted misdemeanor drug users cannot get financial aid 
for college, though convicted murderers can.

45. Refused to fund continued cleanup of uranium-slag heap in Utah.46. 
Refused to fund continued litigation of the government's tobacco company 

Weekend at Cheneys.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X

Residents say the blasts, which last three to five seconds each, have been 
going off two or three times a day, as early as 7 a.m. and as late as 11 
p.m., for nearly two months. When a woman feared it was a bomb or an 
earthquake, she called the police.

Booming work at Cheney's house stirs neighbors 

By David Nakamura, Washington Post, 12/15/2002

WASHINGTON - One man thought the noise was a sonic boom. Another guessed he 
was hearing rolling thunder. When a woman feared it was a bomb or an 
earthquake, she called the police. But they had no answers, either.

No one in the Massachusetts Avenue Heights neighborhood of Northwest 
Washington knows what is going on at the house of their neighbor, the vice 
president of the United States.

But one thing is certain: They're tired of the daily blasting at the US 
Naval Observatory that has shaken houses, rattled windows, and knocked 
mirrors off the walls.

''None of the neighbors object to any construction that is necessary in the 
Navy's view,'' said Nancy Nord, a community activist who lives on 
Observatory Circle. ''What we do object to is that there is no sense of the 
magnitude, no warning about something so intrusive to our lives, and no 
clear sense how long this is going to go or when it's going to stop.''

Residents say the blasts, which last three to five seconds each, have been 
going off two or three times a day, as early as 7 a.m. and as late as 11 
p.m., for nearly two months. But neighbors have received so little 
information from government officials about the top-secret project that 
speculation is running wild.

The leading theory: A security bunker is being built for Vice President 
Dick Cheney. The second most popular guess: The government is digging 
tunnels to spy on nearby embassies. In third place: A helicopter hangar is 
under construction.

As the government roots out terrorists around the globe and gears up for a 
possible military confrontation with Iraq, nothing is out of the realm of 
possibility, neighbors say.

''After 9/11, when you hear a big blast for the first time, you wonder what 
is going on,'' said Iza Warner, who had a mirror fall off the wall of her 
home a few blocks away from the construction site. Warner called police 
after guests at a dinner party became frightened by the racket.

''One guest said, `Oh, my God, what is going on, an earthquake?''' Warner 
recalled. ''She said it sounded just awful. I called the police, and they 
looked around, but they couldn't tell us anything.''

So far, the federal government's only response to the residents has been a 
three-page letter that the observatory's superintendent, David W. Gillard, 
sent to the advisory neighborhood commissioner, Rosalyn P. Doggett, on Nov. 

The blasting could last eight more months, Gillard said in the letter, but 
the Navy has attempted to limit noise by silencing backup alerts on trucks 
and removing most diesel-powered electric generators from the construction 

He did not disclose the nature of the project.

''Due to its sensitive nature in support of national security and homeland 
defense, project-specific information is classified and cannot be 
released,'' Gillard wrote. ''In addition, please understand we are severely 
constrained by operation requirements to perform this project on a highly 
accelerated schedule; therefore, it will not be possible to limit 
construction activities to the daytime, as you request.''

Doggett said the letter raised as many questions as it answered. ''I got 
back an information sheet that I thought was just not pertinent,'' she 
said. ''They do not have to tell us exactly what is happening, but they do 
need to minimize the impact.''

The matter has alarmed D.C. Council member Kathy Patterson, a Democrat from 
Ward 3, who said she has asked Deputy Mayor Margret Nedelkoff Kellems to 
press White House officials to work out a resolution.

''If the federal government is not being a good neighbor, we'll elevate the 
issue to a level where something can be done,'' Patterson said. ''We want 
to know what we can know about what they're up to and if they are able to 
be a bit more responsive.''

The Naval Observatory, which opened at 3450 Massachusetts Ave. in 1893, 
houses many of the Navy's precious instruments used for measuring time and 
astronomy. The house on its grounds was designated as the vice president's 
residence in 1974.

If residents' speculation is accurate and construction workers are digging 
deep into the ground, the project would be going through about 35 feet of 
common sand and gravel, according to federal officials at the US Geological 
Survey. Anything beyond that depth would hit tonalite, an intrusive igneous 
rock similar to granite and common to the area.

To resident Joe Rieser, the noise is ''quite remarkable.''

''It's like thunder,'' he said. ''It rolls. The windows rattle. 

The Fascist International.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Comment at Indymedia.
The anti-semites and anti-gays here.
Anti semites and anti gays have blood on their hands,they have started a 
fight and we must be the ones to finish it.
The most prolific members of the Fascist International must be hunted down 
and killed.You know the government/UN wont ever get around to this public 
health and safety issue.
This is the 21st century and there is absolutely no need for civilized 
human beings to put up with this shit a minute longer.Pacifists need not 
participate in the hunt so don't bother handwaving and weeping at me,I am 
not talking about forming mobs in meatspace either.No,those of us realists 
knowing that enviromental management mandates pest and disease control will 
simply agree to pool and pay online funds on the news of particular 
confirmed and efficacious hits.(my 2$)
For those who hate so much it should be considered mercy killing.We welcome 
prosecution and arrest for our considered response to this problem as that 
should publicize the concept.A concept based on an original idea by James 
Dalton Bell.

'Bill' permanently retired from the wire?

I'd buy that for a dollar!


2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
All one has to do is to refuse to upgrade. Unless you get over the 
upgrade hype there is no cure - it's unlikely that home-manufactured 
computers for the masses will be a reality any time soon. The short life 
span of hw/sw platforms gives tremenduous power to mass manufacturers. It 
becomes like food industry. Only this one is not base on need for 
carbohydrates and proteins (and fat, of course), but on manufactured hype 
about value of new vs. old. Most of the stuff (except games) works 
perfectly functionally today in hw/sw combinations from 1997. E-mail, http 
clients, ftp, usenet, graphic design/DTP, wordprocessors. This is not a 
long-term solution, but it's the best there is. What kind of effort is 
required to make computers (=hw+sw) have longevity of books, and therefore 
eliminate the power of publishers ? 

This has been discussed at the Register under the term,' stuckist,' web,I 
It could help make my Dell usable when and if I ever get it back.
I am running windows 98 se on this boxen as an experiment in stuckism.
(though hoping to go to full crypto penguin one day.)
Palladium looks dead in the water,though it will be fun blasting away at 
the corpse.

Mongo is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the expense 
of everyone else.

CDR: Using Brin to thwart ISP subpoenas

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
I have complete faith in native american ingenuity and inventiveness to 
defeat the Tyrannasaurous Rex of the Forth Reich. Complemented with a 
moderate amount of APster culling,life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness 
is in safe hands.
This concept might even be taken back another stage to the judges place of 
signing,presumably under CCTV,so enabling earlier warning still.
Brinworld can work for us...when the people control the camera's.(I still 
want to see David Brin in a box 2$.He's one of those libertarian 
weenies like Tim and Declan) If you can't join 'em, beat 'em.
This is NO crackpot idea,Steve,go to the head of the class!

State Labor governments now allow police break-ins, strip-searches of individuals as young as ten, and arrests without judicial warrant.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
But you knew that already...also current events downhere included a libel 
Defamation and the Internet: A Preliminary Investigation (PDF)
UK paper that investigates 'potential problems with the way the law of 
defamation and contempt of court affects Internet communications', and 
raises the possibility that ISPs could be given an exemption from liability 
as they are in the US ( Law Commission )
See also this Guardian coverage, and this earlier study (PDF) from May.LINKS?
Funny story.
Son of star wars leaves drivers stranded
Article about an upgrade of security and surveillance systems at RAF 
Fylingdales in Yorkshire, which is irritating locals with its side effect 
of 'knocking out the electrical systems of expensive cars' in the 
surrounding area ( Guardian )
See also this blog entry from last week

Watching the watchers is good,Cleaning their clocks will be better.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
I've put before-and-after screen captures here: Previous Politech 
messages: TIA, Poindexter, and the Incredibly Shrinking .Mil Website And let's not forget FEMA doing the 
same thing last month: History revisionism at FEMA site -- Operation TIPS 
vanishes -Declan --- Subject: 
Information Awareness Office (IAO, TIA) logo removed from DARPA website To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Thomas A Giovanetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 18 
Dec 2002 12:41:37 -0600 I've noticed this morning that the modification of 
the IAO website continues. The logo is gone. _ Tom Giovanetti President 
Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Environmental Technology Protecting Our Future

2002-12-19 Thread Enstech Inc.
Title: Enstech Inc


Come see our new
website at:

Our environment depends

AECWorkForce Professional News (December 20, 2002)

2002-12-19 Thread AECWorkForce Professional News
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Please do not reply to this address. Send inquiries to 

TO OPT OUT: If you received this in error, 

Call for new SEC probe of RSA.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Government Report Details a Chaotic S.E.C. Under Pitt
New York Times - 5 minutes ago
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 The Securities and Exchange Commission under Harvey L. 
Pitt was described today as dysfunctional by a government report examining 
the agency's selection of a new accounting oversight board.
Report describes SEC under Pitt as agency in chaos Houston Chronicle
Agency Faults SEC on Choice of Audit Panel Chief Washington Post
Atlanta Journal Constitution - Guardian - Financial Times (subscription) - 
BBC - and 57 related »
As RSA was investigated under Pitts SEC,surely a review of that 
particular,(and peculiar) probe is now in order.Peter who is your immediate 
superior there at RSA?

The Empire Built on Lies.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Wall Street Firms Are Ready to Pay $1 Billion in Fines
New York Times - 15 minutes ago
The nation's biggest brokerage firms have agreed to pay almost $1 billion 
in fines to end investigations into whether they issued misleading stock 
recommendations and handed out hot new shares to curry favor with corporate 
clients, people involved in the ...
Soures: Wall Street Settlement Could Come Friday
Wall St. agrees to $1 billion in fines Houston Chronicle
Financial Times (subscription) - The Globe and Mail - Washington Post - CBS 
MarketWatch - and 82 related »

Greed...for lack of a better word is good,its the foundation,the very 
bedrock of libertarian belief.

CIA gaining Traction.

2002-12-19 Thread Matthew X
Traction's product is a valuable tool among our growing portfolio of 
cutting-edge technologies that benefit enterprises like the CIA.
Gilman Louie,
President and CEO

Brazen little shit isn't he? (my 2$)

Re: cpunks ·|­û¿W¨É¡I

2002-12-19 Thread forcpunks










2002-12-19 Thread cyp
Title: ÎÞ±êÌâÎĵµ



2002-12-19 Thread ekiomo160
# 8 Queens Drive Ikoyi
INTRODUCTION: l am Mrs. Eki Omorodion l know this proposal will come to you as a 
surprise because we have not met before either physically or through correspondence. I 
have no doubt in your ability to handle this proposal involving huge sum of money.  

Head of my Community, JESSE (an oil rich town)in Nigeria. My late husband’S  community 
produces 3.5%  of the total crude oilproduction in Nigeria and 0.5%  of the Dollar 
value of each barrel is paid to my husband as royalty by the Federal Government. 

My husband was also the Chairman of  OMPADEC,Jesse branch.In his position as the Royal 
head and Chairman of the OMPADEC, Jesse branch,
he made some money which he left for me and our children as the only thing to inherit. 
The money is Twelve Million US Dollars($12M). 

Though this said fund accumulated  between the period 1976-1998. Due to 
poor banking system in Nigeria and political instability as a result of 
past Military rules (1985-1999), he deposited this Money in a  Strong 
Room/safe with an open beneficiary in Apex Bank of Nigeria pending 
when he would finish arrangement to transfer it abroad as a CONTRACT 
PAYMENT. He  was planning this when he died late last year of Heart 
THE PROPOSAL: Just before my husband died he called my attention to the 
money and charged me to look for a foreigner who would assist me in the 
transfer / investment of the funds abroad. So l would be very grateful 
if you could accept to help me archieve this great objective. 

I promise to give you 20% of the total funds transferred to your vital 
bank account as compensation for your assistance. Five percent(5%)would be set aside 
to take care of all expenses we may incure during the 
transaction. To indicate your interest, contact me urgently and 
confidentially for more information and the roles you will play in this 
business. All the legal information concerning  this Money will be sent to you  as 
soon as we agree together. 

Send your reply through this mail box, or see the note below 

Yours faithfully, 
MRS. Eki Omorodion.

I will like you to provide me immediately with your fullnames,telephone and fax 
numbers to enable my eldest son Donald Omorodion to contact you. He shall handle this 
transaction from A-Z on behalf of the family. Alternatively you can call him on his 
telephone numbers

234-1-7761459, 873-762-533-730, fax 873-762-533-731

Ask him for the code and he shall respond GOODLUCK before discussion.
Just to be sure that you are speaking to him.

This email is a free service of Phantom Email
available at
Looking for a date?  Check out

The Key To It All25254

2002-12-19 Thread Crystal
Title: This message has been sent to you in compliance with our strict anti 



  RJV Networks, Inc. (OTC BB:
  Price $4 -to- $6 in January 2003
  Tonight:RJNV holds
  exclusive licenses to state-of-the-art bio-technology developed at University
  of Michigan and the Cancer Control
  Agency of B.C. that experts are using to develop therapies believed to be
  capable of treating most cancers. 
  Through an acquisition of BioKinetix
  Research, Inc. (currently underway), RJVN is rapidly completing the development
  of a therapy for cancer that will make a lasting impression on the
  multibillion dollar bio-tech industry. Read more about this exciting up and
  comer below. 

Company Name RJV Networks,

Current Price $0.26
52 Week High
52 Week
Target $4 -to-
$6 Q1/2003

  Investment Highlights
  RJVN projects
  it will be able to treat most cancers with its combined targeted therapy
  treatment which is based upon an astounding discovery by a molecular
  biologist at the Univ. of Michigan
  - The causal link to breast and most other malignancies and cancers in the
  protein Mammastatin.
  has developed a series of cancer treatment therapies which utilize pan-cancer
  market antibodies. Antibody therapies do not create chemical toxicity and, as
  such, are fast tracked through the regulatory approval process.Using
  this approach, RJVN is targeted to enter testing for its products in six
  RJVN's combination of two leading, well known technologies previously
  announced by BioCurex and InNexus Corp along with RJVN's key MAb protein
  replicating technology has allowed the Company to create a series of patented
  therapeutic products that many molecular biologists believe will treat
  most cancers.
  RJVN's RD and Management are led by Dr. John Todd, Dr.
  Charles Morgan (a world renowned molecular biologist and 5 other industry
  leading Dr's all with several years experience in bio-tech development.

About the Company

  RJVN (through BioKinetix Research, Inc.) was formed
  after Dr. John Todd, a very well known and respected oncological surgeon from
  BC, approached us with the story of an astounding discovery that had been
  made by molecular biologists at the University of Michigan. This
  discovery was believed to be the causal link to breast cancer, the link is a
  medium sized (53KD) protein called Mammastatin.The evidence is that
  Mammastatin is the agent that, when present, prevents the development and
  growth of malignant breast tumors. Mammastatin is freely expressed by the
  epithelial cells in the breast and as such acts as a natural contra-agent to
  malignant development. Women who develop breast cancer have NO or
  extremely low levels of Mammastatin in their system. After testing
  hundreds of women, no woman with normal Mammastatin levels has developed
  breast cancer.
  Dr. John Todd in conjunction with the Cancer Control
  Agency of B.C. conducted compassionate trials on several terminally ill
  patients (authorized by Health Canada)
  with a Mammastatin replacement program the results of which thoroughly
  convinced Dr. Todd of the direct link.The challenge existed from the
  fact that proteins are extremely difficult to sequence (replicate).
  Mammastatin has over 400 amino-acids in its chain, and, even if successful in
  sequencing, the synthetic replication is even more difficult. Finally
  the delivery of a protein, natural or synthetic, will now have to face the natural
  breakdown of the chain as it circulates through the body.
  Dr. Charles Morgan is a world-renowned molecular
  biologist who has proposed an alternative approach to this problem. He
  is convinced, and several well known molecular biologists agree with him,
  that he can mimic the active component of the Mammastatin protein through the
  production of an anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody (MAb).These MAbs
  are stable, target specific and will in all measure act like the native
  Mammastatin.To dramatically enhance the bio-activity of these
  anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies, RJNV will create Superantibodies
  through the use of InNexus' Super Antibody platform technology (see news for OTC BB: BOCX about this
  technology). This technology allows the cross linking of antibodies to boost
  their potency and resiliency.
  As a result of the scientific approach implemented by
  RJNV's BioKinetix (acquisition underway), the company has negotiated a
  license from BioCurex OTC BB:
  BOCX to develop therapeutic products based on their pan-cancer marker
  antibodies.The combination of these two technologies gives RJVN the
  potential to create a series of therapeutic products that will 


2002-12-19 Thread baldwin33


Dear Sir,

I am Mr Baldwin Onuigbo, Bank Manager of Diamond Bank of
Nigeria, Lagos Branch.
I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for

On July 6, 1997, a Canadian Oil consultant/contractor with the
Shell Petroleum
Corporation, Mr. Fisher Wess made a numbered time
(Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at
US$15,000,000.00 (Fifteen
Dollars) in my branch.  Upon maturity, I sent a
routine notification to his forwarding address but got no
reply.  After a month, we sent a
reminder and finally we discovered from his contract
employers, the Shell Petroleum Corporation that Mr. Fisher
Wess died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he 
died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless.

I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr.
Fisher Wess did not declare any
kin or relations in all his official documents, including
his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank. This sum of
US$15,000,000.00 is still sitting in my
Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the
principal sum at the end of each year.  No one will ever come
forward to claim it.  According to Nigerian Law, at the expiration of 5 (five) years, 
the money will revert to the ownership of the Nigerian Government if nobody applies to 
claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you  to stand in
as the next of kin to Mr. Fisher Wess so that the fruits of this old man's labor will 
not get into the hands of some corrupt government
officials.  This is  simple, I will like you to provide immediately your full names 
and address so that the Attorney will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits  
which will put you in place as the next of kin.  We shall employ the
service of two Attorney for drafting and notarization of the
WILL and to obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate/administration in 
your favor for the transfer.  A bank account in any part of the world which you will 
provide will then facilitate the transfer of this money to you as the
beneficiary/next of kin.  The money will be paid into your account for us to share in 
the ratio of 70% for me and 25% for you. Then 5% will be used to offset any expenses 
incured during the entire processing.

There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the 
Attorney and
my position as the Branch Manager guarantees the successful execution of this 
transaction. If you are
interested, please reply immediately via the private email address below. You can also 
reply via my e-mail . Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details 
and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction.
that will help you understand the transaction. Please observe utmost confidentiality, 
and rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because 
I shall require your
assistance to invest my share in your country.

Awaiting your urgent reply via my email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks and regards.

Mr. Baldwin Onuigbo

__ - Full featured premium email you can count on.
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War for drugs...

2002-12-19 Thread Anonymous
 Yeah--you got it--Poppies...and now that the Warlords are back in
 charge the cash crop is back.

Remember that it was the US which encouraged the Taliban to crack down on the 
cultivation of Afghanistan poppies. A gift of several million US
dollars convinced the Taliban to ban the farming of poppies, depriving the Afghani 
farmers of their livlihood, while not impacting the world drug trade (the Taliban 
wisely retained stock-piles of processed crop, ready for price-fixing.)

Oil might have something to do with the US's interest in being
Afghanistan's puppeteer, but it is unlikely that opium does as well.

Well, to be honest I don't know about the whole oil/drugs conspiracy thing. But I 
continue to point out (to those that will listen) that the circumstantial evidence is 
very good, and superficially it appears as if this is what's going on, and this 
appearence alone is of big concern.

As for the drugs/Afghanistan thing, I don't necessarily think it would be the Federal 
government per se. If there's any truth to it, this would be where the CIA is wielding 
its guns-of-fun.

In other words, the US government is by no means some large, monolithic 
has all sorts of compartments and factions. For instance, when that series of San 
Fransisco Examiner articles came out about the CIA targeting inner city areas for drug 
distribution, there were stories of the DEA arriving at a big bust, only to find the 
place cleaned out, apparently tipped off. And all signs pointed to the CIA.

And indeed I often wonder what, for instance, NSA dudes think when they sniff out the 
CIA doing some dastardly deed (or vice-versa). Do they say Shit--look at those CIA 
scumbags, or do they shut their mouths? (Or do they have special ultra discrete 
snoops who give periodic reports to the NSA chief, who merely nods his head sagely and 

More than just talking without being snooped upon...

2002-12-19 Thread Tim May
On Wednesday, December 18, 2002, at 10:31  PM, Anonymous wrote:

And again, who cares WHAT happens to governments, as long as I can say 
what I want to whomever I want without worry about it being snooped 
on. And there's no way they can stop that now, just make things suck a 
little until they realize it.

Talking without being snooped on is only one of the facets of what 
strong cryptography implies.

These things were obvious to many of us long before Cypherpunks, and to 
all thoughtful Cypherpunks shortly after discovering this list. You 
really need to stop posting for a while and start catching up. Try 
thinking out some implications.

--Tim May
If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third 
hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're 
around. --attribution uncertain, possibly Gunner, on Usenet

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-19 Thread Mike Rosing
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Tim May wrote:

 I just noticed a disclaimer in a t.v. ad for H-P computers.

 Intended only for lawful uses. at the bottom of the screen towards
 the end of the commercial.

 Strange. Why would H-P or any other computer company feel the need to
 include this warning/disclaimer? Worries about legal actions against
 the company should one or more of its millions of customers download or
 generate illegal words or images? Worries about General Jack D. Valenti
 coming after Carly for making DVD burning a possibility on H-P

Not so strange.  Computers can be used to hack into databases
to steal credit cards.  Or to compute trajectories of missiles.
Since lawyers are on a rampage to sue gun companies when some
idiot goes postal, what's to stop them from suing computer
companies when someone breaks into a bank?  It's just a cya
move set by precedent from other things, I bet it has nothing
to do with what OS is running.  Besides, if you run linux it
won't have any problems bypassing DVD security codes :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike


2002-12-19 Thread Tim May
I just noticed a disclaimer in a t.v. ad for H-P computers.

Intended only for lawful uses. at the bottom of the screen towards 
the end of the commercial.

Strange. Why would H-P or any other computer company feel the need to 
include this warning/disclaimer? Worries about legal actions against 
the company should one or more of its millions of customers download or 
generate illegal words or images? Worries about General Jack D. Valenti 
coming after Carly for making DVD burning a possibility on H-P 

A concerned person might also think that computer companies will in 
fact be deploying BigBrotherWare to monitor usages, to disable usages 
on some ban list (modulo Internet connectivity), even to disable the 
entire OS. The Microsoft and Intel initiatives, with other companies 
signing on. Apple taking steps to stop uses of non-Apple DVD burners 
with its software, as Declan reported on last summer:

Speculation: I expect the battles over cyberspace to shift to the OS, 
with the leading private (non open source) OS makers enlisted in the 
War Against Illegal Thoughts. The easiest initial front in this war, 
one the OS companies like Apple and Microsoft have a corporate interest 
in, is for the OS to more aggressively check for hacks or products not 
approved. Software registration and signatures will of course not be 
granted to DVD hacks.

(Much has been made of how the Microsoft- and Intel-backed security 
regimes will be opt in or voluntary. This seems dubious. It is 
precisely the non-volunteers who these companies, and Hollywood, and 
the Nation States, will be most concerned about. So I would expect this 
opt in approach to not be the full picture.)

--Tim May, Occupied America
They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759. 

Re: To Marcel Popescu On the Interventionist pseudo-Libs

2002-12-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 18 Dec 2002 at 9:50, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 Yeah, the Objectivists (TM) seem to have been taken over by 
 militant zionist interventionists too.

Of all the advanced states, Israel is arguably the one that 
accords least with Objectivist ideals.  It is nominally 
socialist in land and quite a lot of other stuff.  Of course if 
you are Jewish, that socialism can be set aside -- and is set 
aside to a greater or lesser extent for most Jews, though some 
Jews find it a lot easier to have a nominally socialist state 
treat stuff they care about as private property than other 
Jews.   Objectivists having orgasms over Israel because it is 
supposedly a liberal democracy is rather like communists having 
orgasms over Cuba because it was supposedly egalitarian.

It is also entertaining that the socialism of Israel is, like 
the socialism of the Sandinistas, a lot more socialist for 
ethnic groups that are hated than ethnic groups that are 
favored, which reminds me of the argument I sometimes hear from 
socialists about West Germany -- that all Germans were evil 
hateful nazi murderers, and therefore should have had a 
socialist economy imposed on them.

But I ramble and digress.  To get back on point, if those who 
purport to be objectivists are also militant zionist 
interventionists, we should not take their supposed objectivist 
ideals too seriously. 

 James A. Donald

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-19 Thread Tim May
On Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 12:29  PM, Michael Motyka wrote:

I believe that the primary battle, subversion of the proprietary OS 
and mainstream
applications for intelligence purposes, was over before we even 
thought about fighting

Now the commercial interests are being brought into the fold.

Care to share your reasons for believing this?

Nobody has reported solid evidence that Mac OS 9 or X is spying on 
customers and then dialing up Big Brother, nor even that buggy Windows 
code had the bugs deliberately inserted. If Windows 98 or NT or 2000 or 
XP was in fact providing a covert channel to BB and someone found this 
(by instrumenting the connections, by decompiling, etc.), this would be 
Very Big News. A career-creator bigger than what Wagner and Goldberg 
did with the random number generator flaw.

So far, nobody has found such a smoking gun.

--Tim May
The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the 
expense of everyone else. --Frederic Bastiat

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-19 Thread Adam Shostack
On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 10:54:57AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
| (Much has been made of how the Microsoft- and Intel-backed security 
| regimes will be opt in or voluntary. This seems dubious. It is 
| precisely the non-volunteers who these companies, and Hollywood, and 
| the Nation States, will be most concerned about. So I would expect this 
| opt in approach to not be the full picture.)

Aww, c'mon, Tim!  It'll be as voluntary as Clipper was!


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

RE: Using Brin to thwart ISP subpoenas

2002-12-19 Thread Trei, Peter
 Steve Schear[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 This crackpot idea is a follow-on to my suggestion for improving public 
 library privacy in the face of TLA inquiries.  The basic notion here is
 na ISP to allow all its premises to be bugged.  Every room (except maybe 
 the restroom) by its clients (or their proxies).  All communication could 
 be monitored and the ISP would have no control.  My understanding of court
 orders that they must be served on the ISP at its business address.  Once 
 the order is opened or discussed by the designated employee who receives 
 the data all its clients would know in short order.  The employees and 
 management will not have been responsible because they have not taken any 
 affirmative actions to allow the information to escape their 
 custody.   They will have protected the info withe the same diligence they
 show their own data. ;-)
A year or two ago, I suggested to someone associated with (an ISP based in an underground 
ex-RAF bunker in Britain) that they set up a web-accessible 
camera on the entrance, so that anyone could detect an 
attack in progress.

They don't seem to have done so.

Peter Trei

Re: [e-gold-list] Announcing E-mail Privacy, Secure, Encrypted, accepts e-gold

2002-12-19 Thread Sunder
Yeah, except for the scummy multi level marketing and the rather expensive
$25/month, it's nice, but I'm unsure how much nicer than say, hushmail :)

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.

On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

 ...It had to happen sooner or later, I suppose...
 --- begin forwarded text
 Status: RO
 To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [e-gold-list] Announcing E-mail Privacy, Secure,
 Encrypted, accepts e-gold
 Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 00:37:03 + (UTC)

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-19 Thread Morlock Elloi
 Speculation: I expect the battles over cyberspace to shift to the OS, 
 with the leading private (non open source) OS makers enlisted in the 
 War Against Illegal Thoughts. The easiest initial front in this war, 
 one the OS companies like Apple and Microsoft have a corporate interest 
 in, is for the OS to more aggressively check for hacks or products not 

All one has to do is to refuse to upgrade. Unless you get over the upgrade hype
there is no cure - it's unlikely that home-manufactured computers for the
masses will be a reality any time soon.

The short life span of hw/sw platforms gives tremenduous power to mass
manufacturers. It becomes like food industry. Only this one is not base on need
for carbohydrates and proteins (and fat, of course), but on manufactured hype
about value of new vs. old.

Most of the stuff (except games) works perfectly functionally today in hw/sw
combinations from 1997. E-mail, http clients, ftp, usenet, graphic design/DTP,
wordprocessors. This is not a long-term solution, but it's the best there is.

What kind of effort is required to make computers (=hw+sw) have longevity of
books, and therefore eliminate the power of publishers ?

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Re: Privacy qua privacy (Was: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures...)

2002-12-19 Thread Adam Shostack
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 04:56:12PM -0500, John Kelsey wrote:
| At 12:53 PM 12/15/02 -0500, Adam Shostack wrote:
| ...
| I think that a law which re-affirmed the rights to be anonymous, to
| call yourself what you will, to be left alone, to not carry or show ID
| would transform the debate about privacy into terms in which the issue
| could be solved.  (At least as it affects private companies.)
| Companies would be able to do what they want with your data as long as
| you had a meaningful and non-coercive choice about handing it over.
| I think this would help, but I also think technology is driving a lot of 
| this.  You don't have to give a lot more information to stores today than 
| you did twenty years ago for them to be much more able to track what you 
| buy and when you buy it and how you pay, just because the available 
| information technology is so much better.  Surveilance cameras, DNA 
| testing, identification by iris codes, electronic payment mechanisms that 
| are much more convenient than cash most of the time, all these contribute 
| to the loss of privacy in ways that are only partly subject to any kind of 
| government action (or inaction) or law.
| The records are being created and kept by both government and private 
| entities.  The question is whether to try to regulate their use (with huge 
| potential free-speech issues, and the possibility of companies being able 
| to, say, silence criticism of their products or services) or leave them 
| alone (with the certainty that databases will grow and continue to be 
| linked, creating pretty comprehensive profiles of almost everyone's 
| reading, musical, spending, and travel patterns, and with anyone who takes 
| serious measures to avoid being profiled having obvious gaps in their 
| profiles to indicate their wish for privacy in some area).

Yep.  A lot of it, however, freeloads on the government certification
of identity.  Without the legal threats, it would be much harder to
assemble the data.  (Other things, like credit, also become much
harder. That may become less of an issue as id theft makes credit
visibly a two-edged sword.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

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