Finally something sensible from Dumsfeld.STOP WORK!

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
And,Stop supporting this criminal regime. Also,Do not use WOMD's or you 
will be tried as a war criminal. And We don't know if the dictators son 
has taken over the country. Rumsfeld also writes brilliantly under the nom 
de guerre,'Franola.

Are protesters trying to distract police so terrorists can hit America? 
Franola Ringodelangalitis 10:34pm Thu Mar 20 '03 (Modified on 11:23pm Thu 
Mar 20 '03)

Are protesters trying to distract police so terrorists can hit America?

Is the purpose of massive protests in America that intentionally result in 
disruptions and arrests to occupy the police, so that terrorists can hit 
America? add your own comments
Yes, you have now foiled our master plan (english)
protester with known links to Al Qaeda 10:39pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Damn you!! Damn you all to hell! Now what are we going to do?? Our plans 
have been exposed and we cannot successfully carry them out.

I guess we should all buy AK-47s, grow beards, and find caves somewhere. 
Then the Bush administration will have millions of bogey men out there to 
terrorize the American people into accepting their New American Century 
of a world under U.S. control.

Haha (english)
Franola Ringodelangalitis 10:51pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Haha, nice response.
But, in all seriousness, it's one thing to protest in organized fashion. 
It's another to actually block bridges, cause havok, make people angry (at 
the protesters), run yelling and scaring people, lying down in front of 
police cars, and forcing major portions of the police force into handling 
the situation and not doing their jobs elsewhere.

I take heart when I see so many trolls (english)
m. 10:55pm Thu Mar 20 '03
They wouldn't bother if they didn't percieve that we threaten the 
established order.

It is ok (english)
Osama Bin Hussein 10:57pm Thu Mar 20 '03
I think it can still work. We just continue with the plan as if it hasn't 
been exposed and things should still go quite smoothly. In fact probably 
better because now more cops and agents will be watching the protests so 
that's more resources taken from watching for terrorists. So the original 
plan still stands. While watching protestors who aren't actually terrorists 
means the authorities will be watching less terrorists and because those 
that aren't terrorists will be watched the other terrorists can go about 
carrying out their diversion terrorism and the real terrorists can do the 
real terrorism.

A better question. (english)
D. L. 11:04pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Are you supporters of the war trying to cause more and more Arab youth to 
hate America?

Are you trying to cause as much terrorism as possible, so the Government 
will take away all our rights?

Are you trying to make to make the arms companies as rich as possible?

Are you trying to increase the cycle of hatred and violence?

Are you trying to give the US more and more justification for invading 
Iran, and Syria, and Saudi Arabia?

Do you supporters of the war want to push the fatal day closer, when an 
enemy explodes the first suit case nuclear bomb in the US?

You pro war people complain about the protesters, saying THEY are 
endangering our security.

If you care about security, how about spending the 200 Billion dollars on 
something other than war, something which will make both the US and the 
world more secure?

Use your imagination. You can think of something.

Franola, you're so neive (english)
m. 11:08pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Repressing dissent IS the job of the police.

This presidency is illegal and this war is a horrendous crime. The police 
have been militarized and our rights have been taken away NOT to protect us 
from terrorists, but to PROTECT THE REGIME FROM US.

You know this in your heart. The factS are in front of you every day.

Brains of a pressed seed (english)
farmer 11:23pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Franola seems to have the wit, level of intelligence and imagination of a 
breakfast cereal or cooking oil, although I find myself leaning to cooking 
oil: its unctous. END.

Any terrorists reading this should know Pine Gap was the relay station for 
the Assassination politics attempt on A day.

In the name of Bog.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Much of what people do is done in the name of God.

Irishmen blow each other up in his name.
Arabs blow themselves up in his name.
Imams and ayatollahs oppress women in his name.
Celibate popes and priests mess up people's sex lives in his name.
Jewish shohets cut live animals' throats in his name.
The achievements of religion in past history - bloody crusades, torturing 
inquisitions, mass-murdering conquistadors, culture-destroying 
missionaries, legally enforced resistance to each new piece of scientific 
truth until the last possible moment - are even more impressive.

And what has it all been in aid of?

I believe it is becoming increasingly clear that the answer is absolutely 
NOTHING AT ALL. There is no reason for believing that any sort of gods 
exist and quite good reason for believing they do not exist and never have. 
It has all been a gigantic waste of life.

It would be a joke of cosmic proportions IF IT WEREN'T SO TRAGIC.

From The Improbability of God By Richard Dawkins.
Oxford's Professor of Public Understanding of Science.
(Humanist of the Year, 1996) 

B U K K A K E shots

2003-03-21 Thread Girl Zoo
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  thanks, I would rather see some Free Samples:  



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qkmn gvm1ivwmrn0hpmfkivskbx gvm1ivwmrn0hpmfkivskbx gvm1ivwmrn0hpmfkivskbx 

Commander in chief is a legit target according to Ari Fleshette.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

And another gem from Dum Dum Rummy...lay down your weapons and walk
Surrender before the full force and fury of war is
unleashed.More comments we can detourn for our own W.A.R. The World
Anarchist Revolution.
The fibreglass knives and shaped charge taking of a RR plane in DC looks
like a go with a few disposable caucs.The jihadi's finished off the WTC
so now the Pentagon awaits.
Group of 6 men used knives to seize Cuban plane,
FBI says
Miami Herald - 55 minutes
JAILED: These men are among six Cubans now in US custody on charges of
conspiring to seize an aircraft by force. They could get 20 years.
Six Cuban hijackers held without bond
Key West Citizen

The possibility of the United States winning the war and losing the peace in Iraq is real and serious.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

20 March 2003 ]
The War After the War
'According to recent unpublicised US
Army War College studies being read with increasing interest
by some Pentagon planners, The
possibility of the United States winning the war and losing the peace in
Iraq is real and serious. ' ( Village
Voice )
See also 'The Day After: The Army in a
Post-Conflict Iraq' (PDF), a paper from
Clash of Civilisations
'Under Bush, America has become a hegemon with a chip on its
shoulder, at once belligerent and xenophobic. The United States has been
seceding from a new world order of interdependence that, until recently,
it had helped construct. At the very moment when the world's peoples have
recognised the need to build global institutions to deal with a global
economy and environment, with globalised crime and weapons proliferation
and stateless terrorism, the United States has arrogated to itself the
right to ignore and undermine those parts of the emerging global
architecture that fail to please its eye' 
( Harold Meyerson via
American Prospect )
See also this article by David Held
Rachel's last mail
Text of Rachel Corrie's last e-mail exchange with her father,
from several days before her murder 
( Rachel Corrie via Guardian )
See also this blog entry from

Sovereignty is dead...get over it.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
The humanitarian arguments for this war are spurious
March 21 2003

Why, asks Scott Burchill, does the liberation of Iraq take precedence over 
concerns in West Papua and Palestine?

The onus is always on those who argue for war. They need to demonstrate a 
casus belli or just cause. There is no need to mount an argument against 
the use of violence, unless peace and order are regarded as undesirable 

So how should we assess the argument of supporters of this intervention in 
Iraq, that war can be justified on humanitarian grounds? There are four 
major problems with it.

1. While there is no disputing the brutal nature of Saddam Hussein's 
regime, the case for intervention made by those in Canberra, London and 
Washington is weakened by the fact that at the peak of Saddam's crimes in 
the late 1980s, they were either directly supporting him with weapons, 
technology and intelligence or were entirely indifferent to his behaviour. 
Even if they have belatedly recognised the error of their ways, how 
seriously can we take their concerns about weapons of mass destruction now, 
given they were his suppliers then?

2. In some quarters the humanitarian commitment to the people of Iraq 
appears only skin deep. Despite adumbrating Saddam's awful treatment of his 
citizens, both John Howard and Tony Blair said last week that he could stay 
in power - presumably to continue his brutality - provided he gave up his 
weapons of mass destruction. So much for their ethical concern.

3. The argument for humanitarian intervention in Iraq implies that 
sovereignty is no longer a protection against attack from outsiders who 
object to the nature of another government's rule. This principle, if 
widely adopted, would overturn the UN charter and international law more 
generally, and revolutionise international relations.
The idea of humanitarian intervention is widely contested and debated by 
academics, non-government organisations and governments around the world. 
No clear, consensually recognised criteria for it exist, even in recent 
cases such as Somalia and Kosovo where the principle was invoked. When 
Vietnam brought an end to Pol Pot's genocidal regime in Cambodia in 1979 it 
was treated as a pariah by the West, despite the improved humanitarian 
conditions the intervention produced.

To simply claim non-intervention will produce a worse humanitarian result 
than war ignores the significant reality that, for all its faults, the 
international system is still based on the independence of sovereign 
states, which enjoy an administrative monopoly over a bounded territory. To 
raise the principle of humanitarian intervention to the same legal and 
moral status of national sovereignty would have immediate and chaotic 
consequences for people across the world.

4. Howard's claim that doing nothing about Iraq, potentially, is much more 
costly than using force, if necessary, to ensure Iraq's disarmament is 
both wildly hypothetical and morally suspect. No one can accurately predict 
the number of innocent civilians who will be internally displaced, forced 
to become refugees, or be killed by this war. To imply there is a moral 
balance sheet that can be reconciled if the humanitarian effects of the war 
can are minimised is grotesque. As British philosopher Ted Honderich has 
said: There is no parity between our doing something with the dead 
certainty of killing and maiming thousands, and not doing it with only the 
probability that some people will suffer.

We are directly responsible for the effects of our intervention in Iraq. We 
are not responsible for the consequences of our inaction, unless - at the 
very least - the West suddenly owns up to the vital support it gave Saddam 
when he was gassing Kurdish villagers and Iranian soldiers in the 1980s. 
This has not happened.

However, by this logic we are equally accountable for much of the 
immiseration of Africa, Asia and Latin America. So why does the liberation 
of Iraq take precedence over longer-standing concerns in West Papua and 
Palestine, to cite only two peoples betrayed for more than 30 years by the 
UN and the West?

The sudden discovery of a humanitarian crisis in Iraq by people who were 
silent when it peaked in the 1980s is an unconvincing acknowledgement that 
all other arguments for this war against Iraq have collapsed.

It's a grab for the moral high ground which is, at best, tendentious, and 
at worse an action with unforeseen and possibly catastrophic consequences 
for Iraqis and others.

Scott Burchill lectures in international relations at Deakin University.

The Blind Assassin.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
When you open the door of war...
March 21 2003

Look at history to see the lessons that can be learnt from the fickle 
Goddess of Chance, writes Margaret Atwood.

In my high school music appreciation class, we listened to Tchaikovsky's 
1812 Overture. We liked it, because there was stuff we could identify: 
cannons boomed, bells rang, national anthems resounded and there was a 
satisfying uproar at the end.

The English - being English - have since produced a version performed by 
sheep and chickens. Generals screw up, their fiascos get made into art and 
then the art gets made into fiascos. Such is the march of progress.

We were told that Tchaikovsky's piece celebrated Napoleon's retreat from 
Moscow, but we weren't told who Napoleon was or what he was doing in Moscow 
in the first place. So, in case you had a similarly vague musical 
appreciation experience, here's the deep background.

Napoleon was a brilliant soldier who rose like a bubble during a time of 
unrest and bloodletting, won many battles and was thus able - like Julius 
Caesar - to grab near-absolute power. He got hold of Italy and Austria and 
Prussia and Spain. He replaced the French Republic with an emperor - 
himself - thus giving rise to much impressive furniture with eagles and 
columns on it. He also brought in a legal code, still somewhat admired today.

He had laudable motives, or so his spin-doctoring went: he wanted peace and 
justice and European unity. But he thought it would be liberating for other 
countries to have their stifling religious practices junked and their 
political systems replaced with one like his. To this end, he scrapped the 
kings of other countries and created new kings, who happened to be members 
of his own family.
Which brings me to Napoleon's two biggest mistakes. The first was Spain. 
Napoleon got Spain treacherously. He had an agreement whereby he could 
march through it on the way to Portugal, which was bothering him by 
interfering with his sanctions against trading with the British. Once his 
armies were in Spain he took the place over, whereupon his forces engaged 
in their usual practices of priest-pestering, church-looting and removing 
sparkly things and artworks to other locations for safekeeping.

Napoleon's big mistake was underestimating the religious feelings of the 
staunchly Roman Catholic Spanish. He thought they'd embrace liberation, 
but it seems they had a curious attachment to their own beliefs. The 
British annoyed Napoleon in Spain by winning battles against him, but the 
real defeat of the French was caused by widespread guerilla resistance.

Things got very nasty on both sides: the Spaniards cut French throats, the 
French roasted Spaniards alive, the Spaniards sawed a French general in 
two. The Spanish population won - although at enormous cost - because you 
can kill some of the people all of the time and you can kill all of the 
people some of the time but you can't kill all of the people all of the 
time. When a whole population hates you, and hates you fanatically, it's 
difficult to rule.

Present leaders, take note: never underestimate the power of religious 
fervour. Also: your version of what's good for them may not match theirs.

Napoleon's second big mistake was invading Russia. There's no one clear 
explanation for this. He didn't need to do it. Russia wasn't attacking him, 
though it had in the past and might in the future. Maybe he just wanted to 
add it to his set. In any case, he invaded. When his horse stumbled as he 
crossed the Dnieper - a bad omen - a voice said from the shadows: A Roman 
would have turned back.

Warfare at that time meant forcing your opponent to stand and fight, 
resulting in victory on one side or the other. But the Russians merely 
retreated, burning crops as they went and leading Napoleon deeper and 
deeper into the same huge Russian land mass and awful Russian weather that 
also defeated Hitler.

When Napoleon reached Moscow, he thought maybe he'd won, but the Russians 
burned Moscow and retreated again. Napoleon hung around the cinders, 
expecting the tsar to sue for peace, but no message arrived. Thus the 
retreat, the 1812 Overture and the decimation of the Grand Army. As others 
have learned since, it's very hard to defeat an enemy that never turns up.

The occupation of Japan after World War II has been proposed as a model for 
Iraq. It's not a helpful comparison.

First, the religious fervour of the Japanese soldier was attached to the 
emperor, who thus had the power to order a surrender. Iraq will have no 
such single authority. Second, Japan is an island: no Russian-style, 
Afghan-style retreat was possible. Third, the Japanese had no neighbours 
who shared their religious views and might aid them. They had only two 
choices: death or democracy.

Iraq on the other hand has many coreligionist neighbours who will 
sympathise with it, however repugnant they've previously found Saddam. A 
foreign occupation - not immediately, 

Who is in charge? Tommy or Tenet?

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Asked and answered.Tommy Franks must be spewing...and who could blame him.
Howards refreshing Honesty over Crean Meandering Mendacity.
by pr
My lust for blood and guts has been temporarily assuaged by living 
vicariously on CNNN.There is now absolutely no further need for blood 
curdling death threats...Assassination politics now has approval at the 
very top.

My thoughts drift to the contrast between our National Pup...Leaders.I just 
caught the tail end of Crean speech.The spin doctors are working on the 
body language but the song remains the same.And what a crashing Cacophony 
Creans music is!He tells us out of one side of his barracuda mouth that we 
are in an illegal war then 'we suppport the troops!?
WTF? We support the troops right to a fair nurermberg trial?
They are war criminals engaged in aggressive war crimes if we are to belive 
the great helmsman of the Laboral Party.Having bastardized each other right 
through basic training and sworn oaths to be slaves of the state and the 
wealthy they deserve our support...the support of the Gallows.Fuck the 
Army.I support the average grunts right to frag an obb noxious senior 
officer.Especially a snake with a forked tongue like Simon Crean.
Compared to Crean,Howard is actually looking refreshingly honest.For a 
start he clearly does not give a fuck about our national security.Just as 
the Indonesian warning was not passed on so we now become the staked goat 
for the US empire.Howard tells us we are an integral part of this Empire 
and why and how it will become worse for us.As Echelon is now essential for 
the illegal spying of the USA,UK and AU citizens this is how its going to be.
The crew are considered expendable.
Although we are a governor generalate,Howard now takes his orders and is 
backed up in them from Yank central.He knows he can call on all the various 
USA gestapo's and death squads who still call australia home,25 years after 
Nugan Hand.
Howard is an honest Gaulieter for Warthland overseas.He shares many of 
their crude reactionary and fanatical religious beliefs as his taliban 
members like Heffernan spread their dark wings over the land.
The covert state has become the overt state...Tenet overrules Tommy.In a 
secret state you need secret police with powers to burgle,torture and 
You need a collaborator class and you need spurious opposition that will 
not even talk about blocking supply.
This secret state needs the supine.It needs slaves like Howard and 
stupidity as exhibited by Simon.When all this new world order has become 
military, crime will consist of not killing when orders demand.
That day is moving closer every day.

Kill the commander in can do that!?

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Like a boomerang I need a repeat.Jim Bell has been totally vindicated by
the Tenet led attack on Iraq.Wether it's called Assassination
politics,APster or Kagaa,the system first enunciated in a modern format
by James Dalton Bell is now official policy of the biggest bad ass state
that has ever existed on earth.FREE JIM BELL and give the man a
medal...he even mentions Saddam as a possible prediction in 1996/7.
The idea is not to convince anyone with your arguments but to provide the
arguments with which they later convinces themselves.
When Cypherpunks are called
terrorists, we will have done our jobs.
Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold,1283,35620,00.html
If we find negligence on the side of any person or
... Public Subscription Assassination .Assassins sans Frontiers.
We did not enter into society to become worse than we were before,
nor to have fewer rights than we had before, but to have those rights
better secured. 

Yesterday was one of the heaviest days of anti-government protesting in years.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
This is no ordinary day, said Jason Mark, a San Francisco activist. 
America is different today: We've just launched an unprovoked, unjust war.

One protester died after tumbling from the Golden Gate Bridge. Authorities 
were investigating the death as a possible suicide. San Francisco had some 
of the largest anti-war activity, hobbling the morning and evening rush 
hours. Thousands in roving bands temporarily took control of some downtown 
streets and closed several exits from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

Smaller splinter groups broke windows, heaved debris into streets and 
occasionally scuffled with police. Some protesters hurled rocks at trains, 
briefly halting service at a station in nearby Oakland.

We went from what I would call legal protests to absolute anarchy, 
Assistant Police Chief Alex Fagan said.

America is different today: We've just launched an unprovoked, unjust 
war. - US peace activist
Police wearing helmets and carrying batons made at least 1,025 arrests.

We don't want to alienate people. I hope people realise that political 
murder merits action that inconveniences them, said protester Quinn 
Miller, who took the day off from his job for a banking company.

Several thousand marchers snarled afternoon rush-hour traffic along 
Chicago's main arteries, repeatedly breaking through lines of police on 
horseback or in riot gear.

I supported the first Gulf War. I think this is going to send a message, 
demonstrator Bill Quigley said. I think a broad-based protest against the 
war is the way to go.

In Washington, dozens of activists temporarily shut down inbound lanes of a 
Potomac River crossing, holding up the morning rush hour. Outside the White 
House, about 50 stood in chilly rain and shouted, No blood for oil!

Anti-war activists in Philadelphia blocked entrances to the downtown 
federal building, forcing police to detour motorists away from the area. 
Police arrested 107 protesters.

In New York, about 350 people rallied at Union Square under a steady 
drizzle. About a dozen students lay down in black garbage bags. We're 
expressing how the Iraqis are being killed for no reason, said Rachel 
Klepner, 14, who left class at Beacon High School for the protest.

AU Senate can block supply...they condemn the war.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
The Senate delivered an unprecedented vote condemning the war and demanding 
the forces come home.
The Senate vote was non-binding, but senators said it reflected deep 
community division over the war.
Opposition Leader Simon Crean, who tonight will make a televised speech to 
the nation, said it was a sad and tragic day for Australia. We are now 
involved in a conflict that we should never have been in, and we are going 
to become a target as a consequence of it, he told the National Press Club.
This is a reckless, dangerous act, and the Prime Minister should be 
hanging his head in shame as a result of that.
Mr Crean said Mr Howard had made Australia an even greater terrorist 
target. Mr Crean said his call for the troops to come home was like those 
made by former Labor leaders John Curtin, who defied Winston Churchill to 
have forces return from the Middle East in 1942 to defend Australia from 
the Japanese, and Gough Whitlam, who brought Australian troops home from 
Soon after the first bombs hit Baghdad, Mr Howard announced to a rowdy 
House of Representatives at 2pm that Australian troops had begun combat 
against Iraq.
His announcement sparked angry exchanges. Labor MPs yelled: Shame. 
Victorian Labor frontbencher Gavan O'Connor shouted: You've all got blood 
on your hands now.
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer accused Mr Crean of behaving like a 
child in a primary school on a major international issue.
The House of Representatives voted 80-63, along party lines, to support Mr 
Howard's resolution backing war to disarm Iraq. But the Senate instead 
passed a historic motion 37-32 to condemn the war and call for the 
immediate return of Australian troops. The motion was supported by Labor, 
the Democrats, Greens and independents Meg Lees and Brian Harradine.
Cabinet's national security committee will meet this morning.
Creans speech...
Crean responds
Opposition Leader Simon Crean responds to the PM's address to the nation. 

War zone
Have your say about war against Iraq.

The Shocking Truth.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Apart from 'shock and awe' being a psy-op and the real generals being the 
covert operatives in Langley?
And assassination politics becoming official USA policy?
Federal Opposition leader Simon Crean has used a televised address to the 
nation to warn the war on Iraq will create a generation of hate.
In his speech Mr Crean describes the war as reckless and wrong.
He says it will weaken the United Nations and will cause some Australians 
to question the American alliance.
He also says it will fuel terrorism.
It will give international terrorists new rallying cries and new causes, 
he said.
The shocking truth is that the evil forces of terrorism have been handed 
an opportunity and a cause beyond their wildest dreams.
A shadowy figure in a terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters to 
target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American citizens.
The United States has declared war, he said in a radio message to armed 
freedom  fighters Our obligation is to fight them.Anyone who destroys 
American interests, consulates, all missionary organisations, McDonald's, 
KFC, Shell or Caltex petrol pumps or American Express, or anyone who cuts 
off the head of an American, you will be given complete protection and a 
special place in paradise.

Re: When is iraq expected to fall.

2003-03-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 19 Mar 2003 at 22:55, Sarad AV wrote:
 how long does US analysts expect iraq to be completely 
 occupied by US and allied troops?

No definite plans, but Rumsfeld is thinking of an occupation 
force of 75 000 for several years.  Some want the kind of 
occupation where any time any Iraqi utters a racist slur, the 
marines take him away for sensitivity training, which would 
require about 200 000, whereas Rumsfeld has in mind an 
occupation more like Afghanistan, where so long as the rivers 
run with water, not blood, we pat ourselves on the back and 
count it a job well done.

Of course, all this assumes the war goes smoothly -- with a 
kill ratio of a thousand to one.   There is widespread failure 
to appreciate how remarkable such kill ratios are.  If it is 
merely one hundred to one, the war will be perceived as a 
defeat, and if it is merely ten to one, it actually will be a 

 James A. Donald

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-21 Thread James A. Donald
  The Taliban did not exist back then.  The guys the US aided 
  were for the most part, the guys that are running
  Afghanistan now.   The major recipients of US aid, for
  example the lion of Afghanistan were the people the
  Taliban murdered.

On 20 Mar 2003 at 8:16, Mike Rosing wrote:
 The Talib's have been around for more than a century.  The
 British fought them in the late 1800's in their first try to
 conquer Afghanistan.

The British did not fight Sunni islamic fundamentalists.  The
Taliban belongs to a sect that has never had a large following
in Afghanistan, which is part of the reason why they drove out
much of the Afghan population. 

 James A. Donald

Buy American and anti-abortion claws in US Vultures Plan Iraq.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
how long does US analysts expect iraq to be completely
 occupied by US and allied troops?
No definite plans, but Rumsfeld is thinking of an occupation
force of several for 75 000 years.
Homeland Security 'brown alert' camera's...

Oh say can you see?

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
By the wells burning light.
What so proudly siegheiled,
at twighlights last greeding.
Whose lash stripes and brown arse, though  perilous tight,
O'er the rampants we watched, where so gallivantly streaming?
And the italian' red eye glare, the bums busting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our dick was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled franger yet wave
O'er the land of the twee and the home of the slave?

B-52's on route.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
BBC reports live coverage in england of B52s taking off from Fairfort.

5am EST, BBC World reports B52s taking off from Fairfort, with live TV 
coverage in the UK. the B52s are the ones supposed to lead the air 
campaign, the so-called shock and awe notoriously termed by Rumsfeld. 
With a flight time of approx 5-6 hours from the UK to Iraq, the bombing is 
expected to begin around 11am EST.

James Donald international man of mystery.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

I love it when the loopy ex-trots start howling at the moon,funny how
much the wacky trots have in common with the lunar right.(and the
cypherpunk taliban libertarians)
Confessions of an ex commie.
Donald's hilarious entry in the god that failed genre. 
James Donald's Reign of Error. This
isn't the only thing Donald is wrong about 
James Donald's Argument in a Nutshell
James Donald on Honesty and the Lack Thereof.
James Donald Shifts his Ground.
On Changing One's Tune (To be PC).
Media Bias.
Mere Gooks.
James Donald: Lying Apologist for Mass Murder.
L'affaire Faurisson.
An Interesting Exchange.
Donald vs. Donald.
James Donald -- Caught Lying.
The Lying Liar Chomsky Lies: A New James Donald Rant Parody.
UseNet Post from Milan Rai's Chomsky's Politics.
Relevant Links.
Loony ex-trot syndrome includes Chris Hitchens,Michael Costa,Stephen
Schwartz and David Horowitz.Jamesd is one of the fruitier ones but.(and
he's all ours!)

Misuse of the term 'crypto-anarchy.'

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Monger thought cyber liberty sounded a bit lame so he tried to steal the
word 'anarchy',recognizing that it had more punch,especially combined
with 'crypto',as used to describe asshole brother number one,Buckley.(you
crypto-fascist! used in debate between William Buckly and Gore
This is described in detail in the archives and among Mongers bloated
meanderings online.(The crypto-anarchist manifesto) Monger never met an
authoritarian he didn't like borrowing the 'manifesto' from red fascist
Marx.None of this would be important if Anarchy itself had continued to
languish in obscurity,however the web and various social developments
have once again led to an organic resurgence in International
The so called 'anarcho-caps' or libertarians,objectivists,austrian
economists,etc have been caught red handed and like some thieves caught
in the act are capable of murder to cover it up.Jamesd is one of these
serial killers and here is evidence of that...
The hirstory of anarchy according to these bloody frothy liars starts
with religious propertarian bourgeois like Bastiat and moves on through
economic jokes like Mises and Hayek with no concrete evidence the lunacy
was ever put into practise .(though a feeble attempt was made to twist
the history of Iceland as well as Spain)
Is Medieval Iceland an example of
anarcho-capitalism working in practice? 
An excellent left-libertarian refutation of this position.
Part of An Anarchist FAQ Webpage.
Some rebuttals are available at David Friedman's home page. 

The thieves still want to call themselves anarchists even as they pay
tax,live like lords and rely on vicious police states to prop up their
pathetic meek and mild minarchism.
I have mentioned this before in the archives so I won't go on about
it,simply to say...cheats never prosper...and liars will get what's
coming to them,people hate being lied to.

Libertarians; bogus Anarchists.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
LIBERTARIANISM: BOGUS ANARCHY Peter Sabatini A distinct mainstream movement 
specific to the United States, Libertarianism had its inception during the 
1960s. In 1971 it formed into a political party and went on to make a 
strong showing in several elections.[1] Libertarianism is at times referred 
to as ``anarchism,'' and certain of its adherents call themselves 
``anarchists,'' e.g., the economist James Buchanan.[2] More significant, 
the work of US individualist anarchists (Benjamin Tucker et al.) is cited 
by some Libertarians.[3] Accordingly, it may rightly be asked whether 
Libertarianism is in fact anarchism. Exactly what is the relationship 
between the two? To properly decide the question requires a synopsis of 
anarchist history. The chronology of anarchism within the United States 
corresponds to what transpired in Europe and other locations. An organized 
anarchist movement imbued with a revolutionary collectivist, then 
communist, orientation came to fruition in the late 1870s. At that time, 
Chicago was a primary center of anarchist activity within the USA, due in 
part to its large immigrant population.4 (Chicago was also where the 
Haymarket affair occurred in 1886. An unknown assailant threw a bomb as 
police broke up a public protest demonstration. Many radicals were 
arrested, and several hanged on the flimsiest of evidence.) Despite off and 
on political repression, the US anarchist movement continued in an 
expansive mode until the mid-1890s, when it then began to flounder. By 
1900, anarchy was visibly in decline.[5] But like its counterpart in 
Europe, anarchism's marginalization in the United States was temporarily 
slowed by the arrival of syndicalism. North American syndicalism appeared 
1904-1905 in the form of a militant unionism known as the Industrial 
Workers of the World (IWW). Anarchists entered the IWW along with 
revolutionary socialists. The alliance did not last long. [6] Internal 
squabbles soon split the IWW, and for a time there existed anarchist and 
socialist versions. Finally, with involvement of the US in WWI, the 
anarchist IWW, and anarchism in general, dropped from the public 
domain.[7] Anarchy in the USA consisted not only of the 
Bakunin-collectivist/syndicalist and Kropotkin-communist strains, but also 
the Proudhon-mutualist/individualist variant associated most closely with 
Benjamin Tucker. Individualist anarchy actually had a longer history of 
duration within the United States than the other two, but not only because 
Proudhon preceded Bakunin and Kropotkin. There were other individualist 
anarchists before Tucker who had ties to various radical movements which 
predate Proudhon. Within the United States of early to mid-19th century, 
there appeared an array of communal and utopian counterculture groups 
(including the so-called free love movement). William Godwin's anarchism 
exerted an ideological influence on some of this, but more so the socialism 
of Robert Owen and Charles Fourier. [8] After success of his British 
venture, Owen himself established a cooperative community within the United 
States at New Harmony, Indiana during 1825. One member of this commune was 
Josiah Warren (1798-1874), considered to be the first individualist 
anarchist.[9] After New Harmony failed Warren shifted his ideological 
loyalties from socialism to anarchism (which was no great leap, given that 
Owen's socialism had been predicated on Godwin's anarchism).[10] Then he 
founded his own commune (Modern Times) and propounded an individualist 
doctrine which nicely dovetailed with Proudhon's mutualism arriving from 
abroad.[11] Warren's activities attracted a number of converts, some of 
whom helped to further develop American mutualism. The most important of 
these were Ezra Heywood (1829-1893), William B. Greene (1819-1878), and 
Lysander Spooner (1808-1887). The advent of the Civil War put an end to 
much of the utopian movement and its communal living experiments. 
Individualist anarchism was itself reduced to an agitprop journalistic 
enterprise of some measurable popularity.[12] And in this form it found its 
most eloquent voice with Benjamin Tucker and his magazine Liberty. Tucker 
had been acquainted with Heywood and other individualist anarchists, and he 
subsequently converted to mutualism.[13] Thereafter he served as the 
movement's chief polemist and guiding hand. The Proudhonist anarchy that 
Tucker represented was largely superseded in Europe by revolutionary 
collectivism and anarcho-communism. The same changeover occurred in the US, 
although mainly among subgroups of working class immigrants who were 
settling in urban areas. For these recent immigrants caught up in tenuous 
circumstances within the vortex of emerging corporate capitalism, a 
revolutionary anarchy had greater relevancy than go slow mutualism. On the 
other hand, individualist anarchism also persisted within the United States 
because it had the support of a different (more 

Constitutionalists may loathe lawyers, but they outdo them in their reverence for Law.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Once upon a time, there was a fair land called England. 
All the English were free men and most of them were serfs. All the
English were self-governing in counties run by sheriffs appointed by
kings, the descendants of a foreign conqueror. England alone enjoyed the
Common Law, handed down by Moses, and dating from 1215 A.D. Secured by
the Common Law, all men's property was inviolable, and it all belonged to
the king. The Common Law, also known as Natural Law and God's Law, only
restricted conduct that harmed the person or property of another, such as
swearing, fornicating, possessing weapons in the royal forests,
converting to Judaism, and dreaming that the king had died. There was
complete religious freedom, i.e., Roman Catholicism was the state church,
attendance at services was compulsory, and heretics were executed. As
perfect, as unchangeable as the Common Law always was, it got even better
when free and prosperous Englishmen fleeing persecution and poverty
brought it to America. They repaired there, as Garrison Keillor quipped,
to enjoy less freedom than they had in England. 
As fantasy, this Common Law England would never find a publisher: it's
not nearly as believable as Narnia or Never-Never Land. You don't even
have to know any real law or history to notice that it's nonsense. But as
myth, it appeals to increasingly frustrated conservatives, libertarians,
fundamentalists, and conspiracy theorists --
Constitutionalists -- with an urgent transrational need to
believe that the world was once the way they want it to be. The deeper
allure of Constitutionalism is that it purports to be not only history
which explains, but technique which controls. Resentful and suspicious,
Constitutionalists are sure that conniving judges, legislators, and
lawyers switched their own false law for the real law when the
people weren't looking. But the real law, the Common Law, lives still,
for it is deathless; it is God, Nature, and Reason all rolled up in one.
Although Constitutionalists loathe lawyers, they outdo them in their
reverence for Law, their solemn obeisance to what Oliver Wendell Holmes
mocked as a brooding omnipresence in the sky. 
Constitutionalists look upon law as the word-magic of lawyer-necromancers
who draw their wizardly powers from grimoires, from books of magic spells
they have selfishly withheld from the people. Constitutionalists have
extracted from these books -- from judicial opinions, from the
Constitution, from legal dictionaries, from the Bible, from what-have-you
-- white magic with which to confound the dark powers of legislation,
equity, and common sense. Never mind what words like Sovereign
Citizen or Lawful Money mean -- what does
abracadabra mean? -- it's what they do that counts.
Unfortunately, Constitutionalist words don't do anything but lose court
cases and invite sanctions. Constitutionalism is the white man's version
of the Ghost Dance. Believing you are invulnerable to bullets puts you in
more, not less, danger of being shot. 
Jutting out of the wreckage called Constitutionalism are a few more
elevated piles, such as Common Law and Magna
Carta. These are, if in no better repair than the rest of the
ruins, at least of respectable antiquity. Back when little was known of
English legal history -- when history as a discipline scarcely existed --
ingenious jurists like Selden, Coke, and Hale manipulated these hoary
myths to win some limited victories over royal absolutism and
arbitrariness. Even if Constitutionalists were juridical Jack Kennedys
and not, as they are, Dan Quayles, the conditions for getting away with
pious lying about these parts of the past no longer obtain. Good history
does not necessarily overthrow legal orthodoxy, but by now bad history
never does. So unprincipled are judges and lawyers that they will even
tell the truth if it serves their interests. Consider, for instance, the
unscrupulous way in which they might point out what the Magna Carta
actually says and what the Common Law actually is. 
Constitutionalists revere the Magna Carta, but if they were to read it,
they'd be baffled. Expecting to find, as libertarian Constitutionalist
Ken Krawchuck says, many of the rights we still enjoy today,1
they'd find themselves adrift in an alien, feudal world of
aids, wardship, scutage, knight
service, reliefs, wainage, castle
guard, socage, burgage, and other arcana
even medievalists toil to comprehend. 
The Magna Carta -- extorted from King John by a few dozen rebellious
barons in 1215, a dead letter within three months, voided by England's
feudal overlord, the pope -- did almost nothing for almost all of
England's two million people. It confirmed or created privileges for
churchmen and barons, occasionally for knights, and in only two instances
for free men. Most Englishmen were villeins, not freemen. And
as historian Sidney Painter has written, Whenever provisions of the
Charter seem to benefit the ordinary man, a close examination will show
that it is his lord's 

The New Dark Ages Set In Conkrete.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
MADISON - The most trusted man in America, retired CBS Evening News 
anchor Walter Cronkite, put aside his journalistic impartiality Tuesday 
night and issued a blistering dissent to President Bush's decision to wage 
war with Iraq.
At a Drew University forum, Cronkite said he feared the war would not go 
smoothly, ripped the arrogance of Bush and his administration and 
wondered whether the new U.S. doctrine of pre-emptive war might lead to 
unintended, dire consequences.
Every little country in the world that has a border conflict with another 
little country … they now have a great example from the United States, 
Cronkite, 86, said in response to a question from Drew's president, former 
Gov. Thomas Kean.
More than 2,000 people attended the 8 p.m. forum, including college 
students such as Jennifer Gross, 19, of Sparta, who wasn't yet born when 
Cronkite surrendered his groundbreaking anchor post in 1981.
Also attending was 83-year-old Debbie Langehammer of Morristown, who 
recalled Cronkite's most famous broadcasting moment - the tragic afternoon 
when he blinked back tears while announcing the death of President Kennedy 
in 1963.
Hobbled by a torn Achilles tendon, Cronkite began by discussing one of his 
journalistic high points, reviewing the D-Day invasion with President 
Eisenhower in Normandy. He then addressed the looming war with Iraq.
I'm very disappointed that we've come to this point, Cronkite said.
While many are confident the United States would easily oust Saddam 
Hussein, Cronkite said he isn't so sure. The military is always more 
confident than circumstances show they should be, he said.
Cronkite speculated that the refusal of many traditional allies, such as 
France, to join the war effort signaled something deeper, and more ominous, 
than a mere foreign policy disagreement.
The arrogance of our spokespeople, even the president himself, has been 
exceptional, and it seems to me they have taken great umbrage at that, 
Cronkite said. We have told them what they must do. It is a pretty dark 
Cronkite chided Congress for not looking closely enough at the war and 
attempting to ascertain a viable estimate of its eventual cost, 
particularly in light of Bush's commitment to tax cuts.
We are going to be in such a fix when this war is over, or before this war 
is over … our grandchildren's grandchildren are going to be paying for this 
war, Cronkite said.
I look at our future as, I'm sorry, being very, very dark. Let's see our 
cards as we rise to meet the difficulties that lie ahead, he added, in a 
play on Bush's dismissive remarks about France.
But Cronkite, who spent many days and nights on battlefields and in 
campgrounds with U.S. forces, also spoke of supporting the troops.
The time has come to put all of our, perhaps distaste, aside, and give our 
full support to the troops involved. That is the duty we owe our soldiers 
who had no role in deciding this course of action, Cronkite said.
In response to a question about media bias, Cronkite said the press is not 
politically partisan but does tilt toward liberalism. He said that the 
smartest president he ever met was Jimmy Carter.
Most news people start their early years as cub reporters, covering the 
seamy side of life. They see the poverty. They see the want - and as a 
result, Cronkite said, tend to favor the underprivileged.

Spare us the Qatar.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

As the US war against Iraq began, people
gathered in cities all over the world to voice their dissent, fear,
frustration, and anger. Read Indymedia reports from: 
Francisco |
Angeles |
DC |
York |
| United
Kingdom |
| West
Vlaanderen |
Provinces |
Aires |

Post additional reports


2003-03-21 Thread johnokon_4
John Okon
Bank Manager,
Orient Bank Of Nigeria,
Lagos Branch,


I am John Okon, Bank Manager of ORIENT BANK OF
NIGERIA, Lagos Branch. I have urgent and very
confidential business proposition for you.On November
1998, an American oil
consultant/contractor with the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation, Mr.
Barry Kelly made a numbered time (Fixed) deposited for
twelve calendar months, valued at US$25,000,000.00
(Twenty-five Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon
maturity, I sent a routine notification to his
forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we
sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his
contract employers, Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation that Mr. Barry Kelly died from an
automobile accident. On further investigation, I found
out that he did not leave a WILL and all attempts to
trace his next of kin were fruitless.
I therefore made further investigation and discovered
that Mr. Barry Kelly did not declare any next of kin
in all his official documents, including his Bank
Deposit paperwork. This sum of US$25,000,000.00 is
still sitting in the Bank and the interest is being
rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each
year. No one will come forward to claim it. According
to the Nigerian Law, at the expiration of 5 (five)
years, the money will revert to the ownership of the
Nigerian Government if nobody applies to claim
the funds.
Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a
foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to Mr. Barry
Kelly so that the fruits of this old man´s labor will
not get into the hands of some corrupt officials. This
is simple, I will like you to provide me immediately
with your full names, address and phone and fax
numbers so that the attorney will prepare the
 necessary documents and affidavits,
which will put you in place as the next of kin. We
shall employ the services of two attorneys for
drafting and notarization of the WILL and obtain the
necessary documents 

probate/administration in your favor the transfer. A
bank account in any part of the world, which you
provide, will then facilitate the transfer of this
money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin. The money
will be paid into your account for us to share in the
ratio of 60% for me and 40% for you.
There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this
transaction will be done by the attorney and my
position as the Branch Manager guarantees the
successful execution of this transaction. If you are
interested, please reply immediately via the private
email address below.
Upon your response, I shall then
provide you with more details and relevant documents
that will help you understand. Please observe utmost
confidentiality, and rest assured that this
transaction would be most profitable for both of us
because I shall require your assistance to invest
my share in your country.
Awaiting your urgent reply .
Thanks and regards
John Okon.


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! 

Re: jokefunny

2003-03-21 Thread Lyris ListManager
You have been subscribed to jokefunny with the email address 

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Listening to Osama.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Dearborn’s Osama Siblani cringes when he discusses American news
The editor and publisher of the Arab American News, the nation’s largest
and oldest Arab-American newspaper, says mainstream reporters in general,
and TV reporters in particular, are guilty of shallow coverage that fails
to probe government policies as the United States prepares to invade
For his stance — rarefied in the world of televised debate, compassionate
to Arabs, critical of U.S. foreign policy and Israel — Siblani, 48, has
become an international media darling. He’s interviewed constantly,
appearing recently on everything from “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer” and
“Crossfire” to “The O’Reilly Factor.” Since the terrorist attacks of
Sept. 11, Siblani has become a leading voice of the nation’s Arab
community — a group some 3 million strong.
“It seems to me that in this sea of ignorance, I am half-dumb, but more
informed than others,” says Siblani with a chuckle. “We have intelligent
people in the United States, but they are not allowed [by the media] to
say anything that makes sense.”
Just last Thursday, Siblani gave interviews to the Washington Post, the
Chicago Tribune, the Flint Journal, an Austrian television crew and a
Turkish reporter. All this on deadline day — when Siblani puts to press
his free weekly newspaper, which carries stories written from as far away
as Jordan and printed in both English and Arabic. The paper has 25,000
subscribers across the globe.
But it was Siblani’s appearance during his busy day at Southfield’s UPN
50/CBS Detroit Channel 62 television studio that could have been scripted
to prove his point of view.
On camera
Siblani arrives at the studio at about 3 p.m. to discuss war and
security for a new show, “Street Beat.” Joining Siblani on the panel are
Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, county Director of Homeland
Security Tony Shannon, Free Press nation/world editor Carol Cain and
state Republican Party vice chair Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski of Farmington
Before filming begins, Raczkowski, a captain in the U.S. Army Reserve,
talks excitedly about the movie Black Hawk Down. Though it’s
“gory,” he says, “It’s so accurate ... You’ve got to see it.” He notes
that he just obtained a “brand spanking new” M-19 gas mask; he’s prepping
for deployment.
Siblani frowns quietly.
The show’s hostess, Tara Wall, takes her seat. She turns to Siblani,
saying, “Before we start, let me ask, are you Arab or Palestinian?”
Siblani informs her the question is like asking a Michigander if she’s
from the United States.
He explains that Lebanon is his native land.
The taping begins. The first subject is the cost of the war, and Wall
throws out the number $30 billion. Cain says the six-month estimate is
closer to $100 billion. Siblani says the figures don’t include “bribes”
President Bush is offering for nations to support a U.S. invasion.
The discussion pops around. Wall, formerly Republican Gov. John Engler’s
liaison to Detroit, says, “War is certainly, I think, the only option at
this point.”
She asks Siblani, “Shouldn’t Saddam just leave?”
Break time. The panelists, talking among themselves, whip up a discussion
about the media.
Wall stands to the side, waiting to begin the final bit of taping. She
talks loudly to a woman on the film crew, saying she’s ready for the war
to start — she’ll have so many things to discuss on her show.
“It’s going to happen. We need to get behind it,” says Wall.
“We could do a show a week” on the war, says the crew woman.
“It’s going to be quick,” says Wall. “We’re going to go in there and blow
them out. Are you kidding me? There’s no competition.”
The crew woman brings up the issue of death: “Women and children, that’s
what they’re going to throw up at us. That’s what they’re going to use
against us.”
Wall shrugs off the suggestion.
“When you have war, people die,” Wall says. “That’s how it goes.”
As Wall closes her show, she informs her audience that war is sad, “but
inevitable.” Soldiers, she says, “want true freedom,” and “that’s the
price they’re willing to pay.”
As the panelists prepare to leave, Wall tells Siblani, “You can tell I
watch a lot of Fox News. I love Bill O’Reilly,” a conservative
broadcaster who often yells over show guests and favors attacking
Siblani tells her that if he had known, he wouldn’t have shown up.
Outside, smoking a cigarette, Siblani says Wall’s off-camera comments are
“How about she gives her life?” says Siblani. “It’s easy to offer life
when it’s not yours, or your family’s, or your people’s.”
The show is typical television news, he says.
“It’s entertainment,” he says.
“Sometimes, the media has no substance,” says Siblani. “Sound bites are
no longer the way to go, especially when we are dealing with such a
complex and sensitive subject. We’re sending people to kill and be
killed. We need to go in-depth. Here’s a reporter on the show that
doesn’t know if I’m Arab or Palestinian. It’s indicative of what you see.
Reporters don’t 

Assassinate the Commander in Chief.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Assassinate the Commander in Chief...You can do that!?
David Letterman standin pr.
A shadowy figure in a terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters to 
target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American citizens.
The United States has declared war, he said in a radio message to armed 
freedom fighters Our obligation is to fight them.Anyone who destroys 
American interests, consulates, all missionary organisations, McDonald's, 
KFC, Shell or Caltex petrol pumps or American Express, or anyone who cuts 
off the head of an American, you will be given complete protection and a 
special place in paradise.

When James Dalton Bell wrote 'Assassination Politics in 1996 he had in 
mind 'predictions' like Saddam Hussein.Now his philosophy has become 
official state policy I wonder when he will be released from Folsom and 
given a medal as Americas Nelson Mandela.It is exciting when the covert 
state pulls rank over the brass isn't it?
Tenet trumps Tommy.
I have become quite excited about politics again after 25 years of not 
voting.Bush Junior has done more for World Anarchist Revolution than anyone 
since Durruti or Mahkno.The chances of him winning in 04 seem slim however 
I believe he now represents the best chance we have to bring forward the 
first global revolution ever.
Just listen to Donald Rumsfeld for a minute...Stop work! Brilliant!
Throw down your weapons(of mass distraction and prepare to be judged.
Okay,it's not original but it works for me.
We could even have a global money supply to switch from soon! Think of how 
that will simplify matters.
Peaceful Anarchy backed up by distributed open source assassination 
politics has sustained my dreamtime for the last two years,although things 
look dark now it is often darkest just before the dawn.
There are two superpowers now,Anarchy and Amerikkka...We need an 
international revolutionary civil war, a total social revolution to take us 
to a new stage of stateless, communal Anarchism, not just to manage 
humanity and nature better, but to free both the people and their ability 
to survive and build a new economy. All power to the Anarchists!

Saddam futures,Bush Juniors futures,,1283,35620,00.html
If we find negligence on the side of any person or institution...
... Public Subscription Assassination .Assassins sans Frontiers.
We did not enter into society to become worse than we were before, nor to 
have fewer rights than we had before, but to have those rights better 

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2003-03-21 Thread Casino_Online_487

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Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-21 Thread Ken Brown
John Kelsey wrote:
 At 07:42 AM 3/20/03 -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
 The story you are telling is part of a big commie lie -- that
 the US aided the bigoted Taliban against the elightened
 communists who created a constitutional democracy where every
 man and every women have a vote, and universal education and
 health care were guaranteed, etc.
 I guess the particular Commie lie I'd always heard along these lines was
 more like the US aided a  lot of crazed, bloodthirsty bandit chieftains
 who were nominally anti-communist, and deeply anti-invading-Russians, some
 of whom later wound up being Taliban bandit chieftains. 

US originally helped the kind of people who later became the Northern
Alliance - a rather odd mixture of unreconstructed Stalinists,
liberals in the European sense of the word, separationists, local
bandit chiefs, drug growers, pro-Iranian Shiite Islamists and who knows
what else.  The Taliban formed later, in Pakistan, and was at least at
first indirectly funded by the US through Pakistan and through material
inherited from some other groups - and of course later by various Arabs
(who may or may not have thought of themselves as Al Qaida before the
US pinned the name on them while looking for a New Enemy for the New
World Order). But there certainly was some assistance from the US to the
Taliban. US They didn't buy those 500 Stingers in Kmart (though some of
them might have later turned up for sale in Peshawar or wherever it is
they sell such things)

Viagra - Xenical - Phentermine

2003-03-21 Thread
Title: Viagra - Xenical - Phentermine 

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Re: What shall we do with a bad government...

2003-03-21 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Greetings traitors, 


At 7:28 PM -0800 on 3/20/03, Tim May wrote:

 fact, Turkey is shaking down the U.S. for $30 billion in grants and aid 
 and loan guarantees.

Nope. See Below.


--- begin forwarded text

Status: RO
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 23:32:42 -0500
To: Philodox Clips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: U.S. Takes Back Turkey Aid Package

I guess this pretty much says we're going to go to war quite soon.


washingtonpost .com 

U.S. Takes Back Turkey Aid Package 

The Associated Press 
Saturday, March 15, 2003; 4:27 PM 

As U.S. hopes dwindled of going through Turkey for an attack on Iraq, the Bush 
administration took back its offer to give $15 billion in aid to Turkey in exchange 
for military cooperation, officials said Saturday. 

U.S. commanders have been eager to use the NATO ally to open a northern front in any 
invasion of Iraq. Staging in Turkey would allow more U.S. troops and heavier equipment 
to push toward Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit. 

The two countries had negotiated a package of U.S. grants and loans aimed at boosting 
Turkey's ailing economy, which is expected to suffer even more if there is war. 

Earlier this month, Turkey's parliament - mindful of polls showing a vast majority of 
the public opposed war - rejected a government motion to authorize the deployment of 
62,000 American troops on Turkish soil. 

Turkey has since delayed a final decision, and the new prime minister, Recep Tayyip 
Erdogan, said Saturday a second vote was at least another week off. 

Now, the $15 billion is off the table, said two senior U.S. officials, speaking on 
condition of anonymity. 

Nonetheless, Pentagon officials said Saturday there are no immediate plans to move any 
more U.S. military forces or equipment away from Turkey. 

Meanwhile, the White House's special envoy to the Iraqi opposition was in Ankara 
holding talks at the Turkish Foreign Ministry. Zalmay Khalilzad's primary mission 
during the Friday meeting was to persuade Turkey not to send its troops into northern 
Iraq, as the United States had agreed to allow as part of the negotiated aid package, 
one of the officials said. 

Khalilzad warned that such intervention would be a tragedy for U.S.-Turkish 
relations, another official said. 

Turkey already has thousands of troops in Kurdish areas of northern Iraq and has said 
it plans to send more in the event of a U.S.-led invasion. Turkey worries that the 
political aspirations of its own sizable Kurdish minority would be boosted if Iraqi 
Kurds win more independence. 

But the United States, which insists it wants Iraq's current territorial boundaries to 
remain intact, hopes to keep violence from flaring in the volatile region now 
controlled by two autonomous Kurdish factions. 

U.S. military commanders and White House officials repeatedly have said they have 
other plans that, although costlier and riskier, allow for operating in northern Iraq 
without sending troops in from Turkey. 

But Pentagon officials said about three dozen ships with equipment for the Army's 4th 
Infantry Division will remain for now off Turkey's coast, where they have been for 
weeks. Other troops and equipment are still surging into Kuwait and the 4th Infantry's 
troops are still at their home base of Fort Hood, Texas, the officials said. 

It was not decided whether the U.S. aircraft carriers Theodore Roosevelt and Harry S. 
Truman would stay in the eastern Mediterranean or follow the other ships in their 
battle groups, armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, that already relocated to the Red 

Staying in the Mediterranean mean the carriers' planes might have to fly over Turkey 
to strike targets in northern Iraq. Turkey has not granted the United States the 
rights to fly warplanes or cruise missiles over Turkey to attack Iraq. 

The U.S. aid package was withdrawn because it was linked to a certain time frame, said 
one official. It was not clear if the package could be renegotiated if Turkey were to 
later approve a U.S. troop deployment. 

Meanwhile, U.S. forces continued upgrading some Turkish military bases, under a 
previous agreement that was meant to pave the way for American use of those bases. 
Workers continued unloading gear for that purpose at Turkish ports Saturday, but not 
the tanks, helicopters and other U.S. weaponry waiting in ships offshore. 

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

--- end forwarded text



2003-03-21 Thread =?iso-2022-jp?q?=8E=B5=95=9F=83l=83b=83g_
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2003-03-21 Thread =?iso-2022-jp?q?=8E=B5=95=9F=83l=83b=83g_
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Re: Libertarian Party expresses concern over war -- but does not

2003-03-21 Thread Mike Rosing
I agree, and I'm including the LP on cc (which I didn't notice till
I hit reply).  Now that congress has voted to support the troops
it's time for a revolution in the ballot box.  If enough of us tell
the LP to get some spine, they will!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Eric's statement was hyperbole, designed to provoke. My own view is
 that the Libertarian Party is being unfortunately wishy-washy when it
 comes to the war on Iraq.

 It correctly said that troops should not be blamed for politicians'
 choices, but it pointedly declined to say: This is an unjust war. We
 oppose it. The U.S. should not be in Iraq. It is arguably an
 unconstitutional war as well. The U.S. should not be in the business
 of initiating hostilities or playing the world's peacekeeper. Period.

 That it chose not to do so speaks volumes about the LP's timidity.

 Compare to the Green Party's unabashed, unashamed, unafraid position:
 the Green Party of the United States reaffirmed its opposition to the
 war and demand for the withdrawal of troops... President Bush and White
 House officials may find themselves indicted for numerous violations
 of U.S. and international law.  Greens and other antiwar activists are
 organizing emergency responses to the invasion, including a recall

 I'm not a Green Party voter, but at least they have spine.


 On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 06:38:51PM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Eric Cordian wrote:
   Libertarians are people who think the only legitimate use of state force
   is to protect them from their slaves.
  You get of the wrong side of bed this morning or what?
   It is unlikely that people who don't oppose the death penalty, nor the
   right of parents to beat their minor children at will, will care
   particularly about Shrub kicking the crap out of some disarmed third world
   country to steal its oil and advance the cause of the Jews.
  Go visit the site.  That's run by the Libertarians.
  They are definitly using this as a way to get more votes.
  They are consistenly the only party clamoring to bring all US troops back
  to US soil, and keep them there.  Hell, their platform includes
  eliminating a standing army altogether, because that's what the
  constitution orders!
   It's unlikely the American cowards will sustain any casualties, aside from
   friendly fire accidents.  Iraq is disarmed, and generations behind in
   weaponry.  Any suggestion that the country poses a threat is merely
   propaganda to make our soldiers look less like pussies kicking the shit
   out of a one-armed man.
  That's for sure.  With a bit of luck it can be used as impeachment
  evidence.  More like a miracle more likely.
  Patience, persistence, truth,
  Dr. mike

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread Tyler Durden

I've been thinking about this post, and though I agreed with the general 
gist of it, there were some points I thought worth mentioning...

May thousands of AmeriKKKan troops die painfully, along with their
handlers on the East Coast, as a deterrent to future illegal wars of
This was the part I had to think about the most. Right now, my feeling is 
that it would be a tragedy for a large mass of nearly-lumpen soldiers, 
educated by the US school system, to have to take the brunt of 
responsibility for this. And, if Iraq used some Weapons of Mass 
Destruction (read cheap-n-easy playing field levelers), Bush and the 
Republican Agit-prop machine would basically say, See? They had all this 
stuff all along and that's why we launched this war. And now, that's why 
everyone needs to support it. And I bet this would work.

May the world recognize that the UN can perform no other function than to
crawl on its hands and knees to kiss AmeriKKKa's ass, and cease to take it
Hey--I thought the UN did OK this time around. In the end, the UN is 
starting to look like a very fancy and expensive debating society, and 
that's of some kind of value somewhere, I think.

May the anti-war movement paralyze AmeriKKKa with demonstrations and work
stoppages, and cause consequences of significance to the economy and
standard of living of the world's war-monger.
This would be the most effective means possible right now, as far as I'm 
concerned. And the only thing to possibly cause the bloated leach of the 
military industrial complex to drop off its host for a little while (Man, 
some wierd taste in this blood...I'm full anyway...)

May the AmeriKKKan people cease to send their tax dollars to the Racist
Apartheid Zionist Entity, where they are spent to kill Palestinian
children with AmeriKKKan weapons, and run over peace activists multiple
times with AmeriKKKan bulldozers, and then attack and teargas the memorial
After looking at US foreign policy, particularly since WWII, I have slowly 
been drawn to the conclusion that racism is a consistent and underlying 
theme. These muslims don't want peace and freedom, and they'll choke us to 
death with their oil supplies if we let them. That's just their nature. 
Something like thatI like to simplify things for effect.

May Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush be forced to face their victims in an
international court of law, and be tried and sentenced appropriately.

They'd be at the end of a long line, with Henry Kissinger in the front.

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2003-03-21 Thread Fred Kamba
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am Mr. Fred Kamba, Provincial Manager Standard Bank of South Africa, Capetown, 
Branch. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.
On June 6, 1999, a foreign mining consultant/contractor with the South Africa Mining 
Corporation, Mr. Richard Moss made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar 
months, valued at US$25,000,000.00 (Twenty- five Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon 
maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. 
After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract 
employers, the South Africa Mining Corporation that Mr. Richard Moss died from an 
automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he died without making 
a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless.
I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr. Richard Moss did not 
declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit 
paperwork in my Bank. This sum of US$25,000,000.00 is still sitting in my Bank and the 
interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one 
will ever come forward to claim it. According to South African Law, at the expiration 
of 5 (five) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the South Africa 
Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.
Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the 
next of kin to Mr. Richard Moss so that the fruits of this old man's labour will not 
get into the hands of some corrupt government officials. This is simple, I will like 
you to provide immediately your full names and address so that the Attorney will 
prepare the necessary documents and affidavits which will put you in place as the next 
of kin. We shall employ the service of two Attorneys for processing and notarization 
of the WILL and to obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate/administration 
in your favour for the transfer. A bank account in any part of the world which you 
will provide will then facilitate the transfer of this money to you as the 
beneficiary/next of kin. The money will be paid into your account for us to share in 
the ratio of 60% for me and 40% for you.
There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the 
Attorney and my position as the Branch Manager guarantees the successful execution of 
this transaction. If you are interested, please reply immediately via the private 
email address below. Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details 
and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction. 
Please observe utmost confidentiality, and rest assured that this transaction would be 
most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to invest my 
share in your country.
Awaiting your urgent reply via my email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks and regards.
Mr. Fred Kamba.

Tragedy and Evolution: Revenge of the Nerds?

2003-03-21 Thread Tyler Durden
Variola wrote...

It would be a pain for their families and worse for their insurers,
certainly, but think of the evolutionary benefits to mankind.  You remove 
folks who *voluntarily* gave up moral control of their bodies to an unjust, 
cruel regime.  Such eagerness to be externally programmed for violence is 
undesirable in the modern environment, although no doubt considered useful 
by those who use the mercenary moral zombies.

Well, perhaps a good point. At least a point that should be made and then 
possibly debated. The question that would seem to follow is whether this is 
true (ie, that such behavior can be weeded out), or will we be doomed to 
repeat the same mistakes over and over? Given the track record of human 
history, I would think the latter, though perhaps we are in a modern era.

Oh, and it occurrs to me that this may be an additional reason why our 
schools suck.  Create soft, steerable minds that can be easily motivated to 
kill them, because they are evilbadragheads (stop). Reward jock-creation 
and aggression through trophies and short-skirted cheerleaders.

Well, if you are correct, then such weeding out would be the ultimate 
revenge of the nerds!

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Cypher Kiss Your Debt Goodbye

2003-03-21 Thread Debt Analysis
















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2003-03-21 Thread Melaine Ann

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Re: Libertarian Party expresses concern over war -- but does not

2003-03-21 Thread Bill Stewart
While I wish Mike were correct that the party would get some spine
just because we tell them to, I'm not holding my breath.
I was expecting better from Geoff.
The LP's traditional heritage was pretty radical about issues
like the draft (we opposed it) and drugs (got any good pot?)
and about free markets, but too many people reacted to 9/11
by supporting intervention to not only kill Osama,
but anybody else that the Administration felt like blaming,
such as the Taliban, and there are some people in the California party
who think that invading Iraq will somehow help stop anti-US terrorism
or will kill people who supported Osama and is therefore justifiable.
At 06:10 AM 03/21/2003 -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
I agree, and I'm including the LP on cc (which I didn't notice till
I hit reply).  Now that congress has voted to support the troops
it's time for a revolution in the ballot box.  If enough of us tell
the LP to get some spine, they will!
Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Eric's statement was hyperbole, designed to provoke. My own view is
 that the Libertarian Party is being unfortunately wishy-washy when it
 comes to the war on Iraq.

 It correctly said that troops should not be blamed for politicians'
 choices, but it pointedly declined to say: This is an unjust war. We
 oppose it. The U.S. should not be in Iraq. It is arguably an
 unconstitutional war as well. The U.S. should not be in the business
 of initiating hostilities or playing the world's peacekeeper. Period.

 That it chose not to do so speaks volumes about the LP's timidity.

 Compare to the Green Party's unabashed, unashamed, unafraid position:
 the Green Party of the United States reaffirmed its opposition to the
 war and demand for the withdrawal of troops... President Bush and White
 House officials may find themselves indicted for numerous violations
 of U.S. and international law.  Greens and other antiwar activists are
 organizing emergency responses to the invasion, including a recall

 I'm not a Green Party voter, but at least they have spine.


 On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 06:38:51PM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Eric Cordian wrote:
   Libertarians are people who think the only legitimate use of state 
   is to protect them from their slaves.
  You get of the wrong side of bed this morning or what?
   It is unlikely that people who don't oppose the death penalty, nor the
   right of parents to beat their minor children at will, will care
   particularly about Shrub kicking the crap out of some disarmed 
third world
   country to steal its oil and advance the cause of the Jews.
  Go visit the site.  That's run by the Libertarians.
  They are definitly using this as a way to get more votes.
  They are consistenly the only party clamoring to bring all US troops back
  to US soil, and keep them there.  Hell, their platform includes
  eliminating a standing army altogether, because that's what the
  constitution orders!
   It's unlikely the American cowards will sustain any casualties, 
aside from
   friendly fire accidents.  Iraq is disarmed, and generations behind in
   weaponry.  Any suggestion that the country poses a threat is merely
   propaganda to make our soldiers look less like pussies kicking the shit
   out of a one-armed man.
  That's for sure.  With a bit of luck it can be used as impeachment
  evidence.  More like a miracle more likely.
  Patience, persistence, truth,
  Dr. mike


2003-03-21 Thread Steven Okoma
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Re: Libertarian Party expresses concern over war -- but does not

2003-03-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Bill Stewart wrote:

 While I wish Mike were correct that the party would get some spine
 just because we tell them to, I'm not holding my breath.
 I was expecting better from Geoff.

 The LP's traditional heritage was pretty radical about issues
 like the draft (we opposed it) and drugs (got any good pot?)
 and about free markets, but too many people reacted to 9/11
 by supporting intervention to not only kill Osama,
 but anybody else that the Administration felt like blaming,
 such as the Taliban, and there are some people in the California party
 who think that invading Iraq will somehow help stop anti-US terrorism
 or will kill people who supported Osama and is therefore justifiable.

Uggh.  So there are neanderthal Libertarians too.  Bummer, I was
expecting them all to have different opinions, but it's pretty
obvious that we're creating more enemies and increasing terrorism.
Oh well, I guess they all get to learn by experience.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike


2003-03-21 Thread Gaye Mühendislik
Title: Post Message



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Type III Anonymous message

2003-03-21 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
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Willard's Revenge...

2003-03-21 Thread joke-of-the-day
Title: Joke-Of-The-Day from the Humor Network

sending over 1 BILLIONjokes
every year!

, This is Definitely The World's Largest Daily Joke
March 21, 2003

Quote of the

If evolution really works, how come mothers only have 
two hands? Milton Berle


It's the second day of seems there is enough TV
coverage for us to get the big picture...but I still get
confused. Are we winning? Is our military okay? The
videos of big explosions really scare that in 
Iraq or is that down the street? Well we'll just have to
sit tight and hope for the best

Here is an idea for getting rid of my mice that Sammy was
kind enough to share...(I have never heard of this before!)
and a lot of you who have the same problem as me want to
know what they can it is...
"I found a really cheap way to get rid of mice. Put a little 
dry dog food (about a teaspoonful) in a 5 gallon plastic 
bucket and place it near a counter or table where the 
mice are. They will get in the bucket to get the dog food and can't 
get out. Then you can dispose of them as you like. Perhaps give
them to your landlord. I have caught as many as thirteen in 
one night this way and its a lot cheaper than an exterminator."
Wow and thank you! Sammy's got the to get rid of 
the enemy...
Kerrie Lynn writes, "I  myself would check our WILLARD!!! Now 
thats a movie that will give ya some pointer's!" LOL

Well that's it folks...have a great Friday! 



A man with a nagging secret couldn't keep it any longer.
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"No, Father, I haven't," the man replied. "But if you can 
get the plans, I can get the lumber."

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MAXED - The worlds best selling Male Enhancement Formula

2003-03-21 Thread Build Stamina
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2003-03-21 Thread mindfuq
I compiling the Mixmaster remailer, I get an error the OpenSSL was not
compiled with IDEA support.  However, OpenSSL was supposed to have
compiled with IDEA out of the box, with only an option to disable it.
What am I missing?

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Smells Like Victory.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Dead bodies are everywhere ' . . . Saddam's
first martyrs lost
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
- 12 hours ago
... They were supported by US Navy aircraft which dropped 4
of explosives and napalm, a US officer told the Herald. A legal
Protecting Iraq's oil supply
CNN International, UK - 1 hour
... of feet off it. And anything that was up there that was left
all the explosions was then hit with napalm. And that pretty
'I pity anybody who's in there'
The Age, Australia - 10 hours
... which have a range of 30 kilometres. They were supported by US
aircraft, which dropped napalm. When dawn broke, all that could

Every Mongo has its day.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Long Live Falun Gong! Death to the Chinese Communist Party!
Crypto transmission failed...arms shipment to Shanghai delayed...will
re-route through Hong Kong...nerve gas (VX) to follow soonest.
Death to oppressors of Falun Gong!
B*bbKN)C7B B1B1B.B1b!B:b b 
f/e ge=d::f d?!e% geee g+ e=d9 f,h ig8f gc...d;
e$)e fe$)e8d;f;g;i=e(e d:,h/ee 
d8-e=gie/d::hfe1h/ch?d9f/d8 d8*e%=f:df%fif1f3=f0d8;e8-e
d;ge e?d;,o h?+e.3e e93d?!d;0h?e
Paleopunk Mong occasionally earns his dogfood.Fetch the constitution! Fetch 
boy! Good Mong,good dog!

Mother Warriors Voice.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

ANNOUNCEMENT: Your Mind  Human Rights - 21 March 2003
- please forward
MOTHER WARRIORS VOICE is the name of an 
international publication of, by and for 
women who are saying no to the global 
war against the poor.
Mother Warriors (formerly known as Welfare Warriors) 
is a leading organization in the poor people's struggle, 
and is also proud to be one of the 100 sponsor 
organizations in Support Coalition International.
Their newest powerful issue includes a two-page spread 
challenging the mental health system, and 
coverage of Support Coalition's planned hunger 
strike and May protests of American Psychiatric 
The 32-page newspaper-sized publication also 
includes articles about women standing up for 
peace internationally, Irish women setting 
up a peace camp, British struggle on welfare, 
activism in Canada, two pages in Spanish, 
and of course songs from their annual 
Holiday Caroling (words changed to calls 
for activism!), etc.
For a copy of their latest issue, send $2 
(free to mothers) to
You can also send them news items and messages 
of support to liaison Pat Gowen at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Feel free to forward this announcement.
- end - 
David Oaks, Executive Director 
MindFreedom Support Coalition International 
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284 
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA 
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax: (541) 345-3737 
phone: (541) 345-9106 toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRIDE
The mind is a terrible thing to label, forcibly drug  electroshock.
Freedom Rally, 18 May 2003, 1 pm, Moscone Center, SF, USA.

Napalm Online.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Napalm.Net has bought 5,000 pounds of weapons grade Napalm and has
individually packaged it in safe, attractive, displayable canisters. Each
canister holds one liter of actual Napalm which you can ONLY purchase
through Napalm.Net.

Four Dead in Ohio.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Sorry...Yemen...At least four people have been killed and hundreds injured 
in as second day of violent protest across the Middle East against the 
American led attack on Iraq.

The biggest and most violent clashes were in Yemen where tens of thousands 
of protesters converged on the American Embassy demanding to be allowed to 
fight a Jihad or holy war alongside the Iraqis.

At least four demonstrators were killed and 18 were injured as police moved 
in to make dozens of arrests.

Equally fiery rallies were held in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria 
and the Palestinian Territories.

In the Egyptian capital Cairo police used water cannon and baton charges to 
disperse demonstrators and in the Gaza Strip, Hamas leaders urged Iraqis to 
follow their example and strap on suicide belts to fight the invading 
Another report mentioned dogs being released on demonstrators.

Vancouver Resistance Strike.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Rage Against the War in Vancouver
March 21st, 2003
Within hours of the beginning of the US-led war on Iraq, hundreds of 
demonstrators gathered at the Vancouver Art Gallery in opposition. The 
march through the streets of Vancouver that Wednesday night arrived at the 
US consulate building, and the demonstrators expressed their rage at the 
latest US imperialist attack. Later that night a rock was thrown which 
smashed a window at the US consulate building.
The next day, Thursday, March 20, hundreds of students walked out of 
classes, marched around their campuses and then boarded busses to head 
downtown to the US consulate. Throughout the day groups of students marched 
around the city and at one point sat down in front of a Canadian Armed 
Forces Recruitment Centre.
Two fights broke out during the day outside the US consulate over American 
flags. In the morning a man drove by in a car waving an American flag and a 
demonstrator grabbed it and threw it on the ground. The man got out of his 
car and a scuffle broke out as cops intervened and demonstrators tugged on 
the flag. Eventually the flag was grabbed and taken away. Later on, as 
demonstrators attempted to burn US and UK flags, peace activists 
violently assaulted the demonstrators, pushing and pulling, and grabbing 
the flags. At an anti-war rally later that night demonstrators managed to 
climb on a platform and burn the US and UK flags to the cheers of the 
crowd. A picture of George Bush was burned in effigy as the crowd chanted, 
burn Bush burn!

Battle of Halifax.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

11 people arrested. (All now released) 3 women and 6 men given a breach
of peace (what peace?) and no charge, 2 women charged with assaulting
police. Arrested men were held in cells together while the women were
each segregated. 
At around 2:30pm today the police attacked a group of peaceful anti-war
demonstrators. The group had already been marching on the streets around
the downtown for hours, without incident, when the police decided to
start trouble. After coming from the U.S. consulate where a non-violent
die-in took place, and just minutes away from our resting point at the
Spring Garden Library the police decided to move. People were being
grabbed and tasered for doing nothing more than walk down the street. One
man joining the march was smashed face first into a cop car while dancing
on the side of the road. Another peaceful marcher was grabbed forcefully
by his beard and hauled to the groud. Several non-violent women were
tasered repeatedly. Marchers sat on the road and linked arms and tried to
protect targeted marchers from arrest. 
Short Breakdown of events 
report from the Halifax anti-war actions today (Thursday): street theatre
march with an air raid siren, ESSO station covered with blood-red paint,
mock dead body outlines - civilians got killed, but hey, that's war.
Attempted citizens' weapons inspection at the armory, demonstration at
the US embassy, 10-12 arrests, organizers targeted, Pepper spray and
tasers used, jail solidarity demo 
There was a street theatre march with an air raid siren going off every
few minutes and people would scream and drop dead (symbolically). 
There was a protest at an ESSO station, which was covered with blood-red
There were mock dead body outlines - civilians got killed, but hey,
that's war. 
There was an attempted citizens' weapons inspection at the armory, but
there was a rapid response from the military police, who arrived as
people retreated just before being cornered by these military police.

Then folks went to join up with university  high school students for
further marching and demonstration at the US embassy. 
Later in the afternoon there were about 10-12 arrests, it seems some
organizers were targeted. Pepper spray and tasers were used. 

A) writes on Friday March 21 2003 @ 01:35PM PST: [
reply |
parent ] 
Pigs couldn't handle the fact we stayed ahead of them all day and were
smarter than them. From the start they tried to keep us on the sidewalk,
but we continued to resist and keep the streets for most of the day. They
also kept asking for leaders and march routes but we told them we had
neither. Finally just before the end, less than a block from the end, the
police started shoving matches with people and a few fights broke out.
Then everyone locked down on the busy road and police tazered people and
beat them. They broke up a puppy pile and we eventually got up and
started moving towards the end point. More people were pushed around and
arrested during a few more confrontations. That was the longest 100 feet
I've ever marched. 

Anarchist Arrested...State of Emergency!

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
It would seem that the progressive global justice movement in Serbia is 
facing numerous pressures following the murder, officially attributed by 
the government to organised criminal gangs (Zemun Clan) which are a key 
part of the state-mafia nexus, of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. As 
such a state of emergency is not necessary for those guilty of this crime 
are no doubt close to home: the state need not look very far to find the 
guilty parties.
The state has used its state of emergency powers and arrested Ratibor 
Trivunac, a Serbian anarcho-syndicalist activist.
I have noticed that I cannot access the web sites of the progressive global 
justice movement. The various human rights and democracy bodies glorified 
by the western media during the Milosevic era have largely remained silent, 
with the Helsinki Committe for Human Rights choosing to get excited about 
the speech of the priest at the Prime Minister's funeral (which had its 
good and shit parts). The youth resistance movement Otpor, which played a 
key role in the fall of Milosevic, actually supports the state of emergency.
I was wondering if there is more information out there about what is going 
on re the state of emergency? Prior to the murder of the PM there began the 
formation of serious autonomous social resistance movements in Serbian 
working class towns such as Bor.
The following, in Serbian, appeared on German Indymedia

Battle of Manila.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

March 18, 2003
Partido ng Manggagawa (PM)
Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP)
Pro-peace Rally at US Embassy Violently Dispersed
In a joint statement, militant groups Partido ng Manggagawa
(PM), Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP) and Sanlakas condemned
today the violent dispersal of a peaceful protest in front of the U.S.
embassy in Manila. 
The protesters planned to spend their night in a vigil in front of the US
Embassy in reaction to US President George W. Bush's 48-hour ultimatum
before war erupts. Their plan, however, did not occur after the picket
was brutally harassed by the police and pro-US group Discovery Crusade.
BMP Secretary-General Leody de Guzman and labor leader Baldo Balbadores
was among those who were hurt in the dispersal. 
The statement read, We condemn these goons in and out of uniform
for their infringement of our legitimate exercise of the Constitutional
right to peacefully assemble to air grievances. 
It said, We have strong reason to conclude that these hooligans are
in the pockets of the militarist hawks of the US Embassy. The violent
dispersal of this mass action - along with yesterday's repression of the
rally in Mendiola - shows that the Arroyo administration has adopted an
undeclared policy of no anti-war rallies. 
The militants are calling on the Senate and the House of Representatives
to conduct a congressional inquiry of this tacit policy They
are currently consulting their legal counsels in order to file criminal
charges against the police and the Discovery Crusade. 

Battle of Bellingham.The taking of the I5.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

At about 2:30pm, Thursday afternoon, a group of a few hundered people
spontaneiously marched right up the overpass onto I-5 at Lakeway in
Bellingham, Washington. Traffic was backed up as far as we could see. The
half-dozen police were ineffective in stopping the action. State patrol
was called in, but we chose to march back down to the federal building.
There were no arrests. 
Click here for photos of the day's
Click here for (relatively fair)
corporate media coverage. 


Battle of Chicago.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
In Chicago 10,000 of us took over the north and southbound Lake Shore Drive 
(8 lanes in total). We marched on it for about a mile (in addition to some 
other marching and stand-offs).
Cops were super pissed. After march was winding down, 1000 people were 
trapped, and mass arrests ensued. Over 500 hundred arrested. Most charges 
were dropped in the morninng. It made the city look bad.
I love it.
You should have seen the frightened look in the cops eyes as 15 of them 
tried to fend off 10,000 of us. 

Battle of Richmond.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Pouring rain didn’t keep angered individuals from assembling downtown
today in an emergency response to the war on Iraq. More than 100 people
gathered at the federal courthouse and rallied for an hour when about 40
people left the rally, took it to the streets and marched throughout the
business district of downtown for an additional hour. 
Larry Syverson, 54, participated in the noon demonstration. The
Chesterfield man carried a sign bearing photos of his sons, soldiers who
are set to fight in Iraq, that read “Not my sons’ blood for oil.” 
“I wished it wouldn’t have come to this. Innocent people in Iraq are
going to die along with american soldiers, “ Syverson said. 
A heavy police presence attempted to control the crowd but its numbers
grew as people from nearby office places joined. The protest filled the
sidewalk on tenth and Main streets as soaked people energetically
screamed, “Bush, Cheney better start shakin’, today’s pig is tomorrow’s
The crowd also chanted various anti capitalist slogans like, “They make
money, people bleed, no war for capitalist greed,” and “Resist, resist,
raise a fist, revolution will persist,” as a small counter demonstration
of three men gathered across the street. One held a sign that read
“Hippies go home.” 
Protester Jean Jearman responded by shouting across the street, “I’ve got
hippie for you. I’m a veteran; I served in the air force in Vietnam.” The
57-year-old woman from Richmond said the invasion of Iraq was a war
crime. Other protesters shouted, “You want a war chicken hawk, you go
fight it.” 
After 1 p.m. people stepped off the sidewalk and began to march up Main
street but were quickly confined to the sidewalk by police on horses. The
group of 40 attempted to enter the streets at other times but rough
handling by police kept the march on the sidewalk. 
Nonetheless, the fierce march of resistance continued downtown as the
group snaked through the city, circled city hall and paused at the
richmond times-dispatch building, screaming “Shame” and “LIES.” The
sopping wet group eventually broke up and a small remnant held vigil at
the intersection of Broad and Belvidere for several minutes. 
The anti-war movement now has a new mission to oppose the illegal
occupation of Iraq and to fight for a future without government
oppression and war. Resistance will continue to grow and we will move
forward, but we need to invest much time and thought into what direction
the movement will go. That said, all are invited to attend Richmond’s
RECLAIM!, a conference on community, war and oppression this weekend. The
conference serves as a time for reflection, planning and movement
The weekend includes
workshops, discussion, speaking
events, a spokescouncil, a keynote
address and a HUGE demonstration on


Battle of Portland Update...Mentioned in Despatches.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
writes on Thursday March 20 2003 @ 11:23PM PST: [ reply | parent ]
A group of 200-300 has settled in at the intersection of 2nd  Burnside and 
named the occupation the Burnside Freestate. Some are going to try and 
spend the night, presumably to block AM rush hour, and are asking for 
blankets, food  water.
The Anachronist writes on Thursday March 20 2003 @ 11:26PM PST: [ reply | 
parent ]
oops, they dispersed.
pdxer writes on Friday March 21 2003 @ 02:36AM PST: [ reply | parent ]
Yeah, tear gas volleys dispersed most of them at 11Pm, and the remaining 
100 or so were arrested. Oh well there's always tomorrow.
dadanarchist writes on Friday March 21 2003 @ 02:41AM PST: [ reply | parent ]
By 10 o'clock, the people who weren't locked down drifted away from 
fatigue, hunger, the strong urge to piss, and other reasons. By 11 the 
police began their assault. I held out til the bitter end, and then 
retreated to a local bar, where a resounding version of Solidarity 
Forever broke out. More plans are already under way in PDX to further fuk 
shit up.
 Reverend Chuck0 writes on Friday March 21 2003 @ 12:40PM PST: [ reply | 
parent ]
Keep up the good fight. The whole world is now fighting against the 
fascist, racist American state. It may take a few years to win this battle, 
but we will win eventually.

 writes on Friday March 21 2003 @ 01:28PM PST: [ reply | parent ]
I would like to compliment those in Portland for a fantastic demo. I'm 
watching from Seattle and the chaos is inspiring. I saw a group of masked 
people literally beat the shit out of cops with a large homeade 
sign...pinning them against their own squad car...sending one to the 
hospital...all the while sustaining baton blows to the head. What courage. 
I only wish there were examples of this from around the country!

Operation Bastille.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Inspired by Gay Pride events, activists in England
began MAD PRIDE about five years ago. And of
course these events can be held any time and any place.
Also, for 24 years psychiatric survivors have
used the French holiday of BASTILLE DAY
(this year July 14th is a Monday) as a day to remember
people imprisoned physically and mentally.
So each year a number of groups hold MAD PRIDE
events in July, especially around Bastille Day!
BELOW is information about already-planned events
organized for Toronto, New York and Oregon.
To register your event, large or small, e-mail to
these three initial sponsors at:
(1) Toronto - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(2) New York - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(3) Oregon - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BELOW are the initial announcements from these
three sites... please copy and forward far and wide!
Friendly News and Sign Up!
by Friendly Spike Theatre Band [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A get-a-way for the creative aspects of the mind
July 11th, 12th,13th, 14th 2003
TORONTO: In July of 2003 The Friendly Spike
Theatre Band will host an arts and education
festival dedicated to celebrating the
strengths and achievements of marginalized
and disadvantaged individuals and communities.
This event is part of a growing global
movement Mad Pride Day International usually
celebrated on July 14th, (briefly: Since 1993
The Toronto Psychiatric Survivor Community
has presented a designated Pride (and
memorial) Day. A few years ago the community
aligned it's special day with the
International Mad (as in persons deemed mad
or insane) Pride July 14th, Bastille
Day (associated with the freeing of
prisoners from jails and institutions).
Mad Pride Weekend will feature theatre,
music, educational workshops, and more,
more, more.
Mad Pride Weekend will take place at
Friendly Spike Warehouse Theatre, and at
various satellite venues throughout Parkdale.

All your oil are belong to US.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Your Oil Are Belong To Us!

posted by sTaRe : 6:37 AM : Permanent archive link to this story

Clear Channel,a Clear Enemy of the People.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Media Giant Clear Channel Sponsoring
Pro-War Rallies
Clear Channel Bans Dixie Chicks

The Infinite Pre-emption Event Horizon.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
America's Wars
Inventing Demons
There is a coalition of the radical right in the United States, including 
the odd Democrat, that has long held that patriotic mobilisation is 
important in holding American society together. When detente broke out in 
the 1970s, these hawks worried about any reduction in international 
tension, however slight. Since 11 September 2001 they have had no more worries.

The neo-conservative right has been attempting, with varying success, to 
establish itself as the dominant ideological force in the United States for 
more than 25 years, especially in the definition of foreign policy. Long 
thwarted by democratic process and public resistance to the national 
security state, it is now on the brink of success, thanks to George Bush's 
disputed electoral victory in 2000, and to 11 September 2001, which 
transformed an accidental president into an American Caesar. President Bush 
has become the neocon vehicle for a policy that is based on unilateralism, 
permanent mobilisation and preventive war.

War and militarisation would have been impossible without 11 September, 
which tipped the institutional balance in favour of the new right. There 
were other possible responses that would have had a less destabilising 
effect on the world. One would have been to strengthen multilateral 
cooperation to contain the stateless trans-national terrorist threat, and 
seek to reduce tensions and resolve conflicts in areas at risk, notably the 
Middle East. Another would have been Keynesian-style regional development 
on Marshall Plan lines. This would have encouraged local forces for 
democracy, and would undoubtedly have been more effective than war in 
stimulating the US and global economies.

As we know, neither course was followed. Instead, the Bush administration 
has allowed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to fester, mobilised 
massively, and opted for preventive war as a means of policing the 
planet. Apart from such opportunist motives as seizing the strategic chance 
to redraw the map of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf (1), this choice 
reflects much more far-reaching imperial ambitions. In the words of Anatol 
Lieven of the Carnegie Endowment in Washington, the basic and generally 
agreed plan is unilateral world domin ation through absolute superiority, 
and this has been consistently advocated and worked on by the group of 
intellectuals close to Dick Cheney and Richard Perle since the collapse of 
the Soviet Union in the early 1990s (2).

This authoritarian project became feasible in the unipolar world after 
1991, when the US got a monopoly on the use of force in interstate 
relations. But it was conceived in the 1970s, when the extremist coalition 
now in control was first formed. The aim is to unite the nation and secure 
US strategic supremacy worldwide. The instruments are war and permanent 
mobilisation, both requiring the constant identification of new enemies and 
the establishment of a strong national security state, which is independent 
of society.

This project is now obvious, but it was already apparent in the mid-1970s, 
when the radical right sabotaged the new East-West detente. It took shape 
during the 1980s, when the same players ordered the biggest peacetime 
mobilisation ever, and in the early 1990s, when the neo-conservatives 
worked out the doctrine of US primacy (3). The demolition of East-West 
detente in the mid-1970s was a crucial moment in this process. In response 
to the broad popular revolt against the national security state and 
widespread cultural changes in US society, the radical right wing of the 
Republican party, led by Ronald Reagan, joined forces with elements in the 
national security apparatus bent on revenge for the humiliating defeat in 
Vietnam, and neo- conservative Democrats from the hardline anti-communist 
wing of the party. This coalition was determined to restore the state's 
authority and the national cold-war consensus, and to re-establish US 
strategic supremacy, and it conducted a political and ideological campaign 
to bury detente.

The campaign was directed at the realistic balance of power policy that was 
being pursued by Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon, which in the 
coalition's view represented a dangerous weakening of the collective US 
will. Rather than detente, the radical right coalition advocated massive 
mobilisation and a strategic offensive to roll back the Soviet regime. 
Containment and armed coexistence, the two pillars of George Kennan's cold 
war strategy, were to be abandoned in favour of active measures designed to 
induce a collapse of the Soviet system. As Kissinger once said, whereas 
the early cold warriors had been content to rely on containment to bring 
this change about in the fullness of time, their successors were promising 
significant changes in the Soviet system as the result of direct American 
pressure (4).

Richard Perle, one of the most influential neoconservatives 

Radio Geraldo from Baghdad Hooters.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

'Lying' CNN crews told to leave
US television news channel Cable News Network (CNN) has
been ordered to leave Iraq, an Iraqi information ministry official said.

CNN reporters Robertson, Brahimi expelled from
Dow Jones Newswires
CNN says Nic Robertson and Rym Brahimi were
ordered to leave immediately for the Jordanian border, and their
bureau was closed. The important thing is that these people get out
safely, CNN's Bill Hemmer said on the air. 
Posted at 12:08:40 PME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
CNN correspondent Sites really loves
blogging from Iraq 
San Francisco Chronicle
Kevin Sites says of his
blogging: This experience has
really made me rethink my rather orthodox views of reaching folks via
mass media. He calls weblogging an incredible tool, with
amazing potential. Dan Fost says Sites' weblog, which isn't
authorized by CNN, gives insight into the mind of the war correspondent.
UPDATE: I've been asked to suspend my war blogging for a
while, Sites writes on Friday.

Posted at 10:37:50 AME-mail this
item | QuickLink:
In what the media termed a healthy display of detached
introspection, the media today accused the media of unfairly
convicting the media in the media, according to a widely covered media
report critical of the media's self-absorbed coverage of itself. 
Lately it has been popular in the media to try and convict the
media for exaggerating the importance and influence of the media on
issues such as the economy and the Internet, said the report's
co-author, recently retired CNN anchor Bernard Shaw. We in the
media felt it was time to take a look at the way the media has been
looking at the media looking at the media's coverage, and we were
appalled at what we found ourselves finding ourselves finding out about
The report, however, drew immediate criticism from Shaw, who blasted
himself in a two-hour televised panel discussion. 
This report gives me pause to wonder if, by giving so much weight
to how we cover ourselves, we in the media aren't giving ourselves too
much credit for having an influence, he said. I just hope we
in the media have the guts to look into this. 
Another panel member, ABC Nightline anchor Ted Koppel, went a step
further. I think the big story here is not that we are unfairly
convicting ourselves of convicting ourselves. People simply don't care
about that, said Koppel. The big story is 'How are we in the
media going to react to the accusation that we are unfairly convicting
ourselves of convicting ourselves, and how is that going to influence our
coverage of how we influence events with our coverage?' Tonight after
your local news. 
A survey of people outside media circles, meanwhile, found that 92
percent had not heard of the report, or read the 647 newspaper stories
about it, or seen the 36 televised roundtable discussions on the topic
that have aired since this morning. Those results drew the ire of Heather
O'Mara, editor of newly launched, which covers, which covers what's going on inside the media. 
That's yet another example of how people outside the media just
aren't interested in keeping up with the news, said O'Mara.
It's one reason why we need to do a better job keeping track of
ourselves keeping track of ourselves. 
Nearly 100 percent of survey respondents, however, insisted that people
aren't interested in how the media covers itself covering a story, but
instead want to learn about the story itself. To that, media members
agreed wholeheartedly. 
The media has to step back and ask itself whether there even needs
to be coverage of its coverage, said TV journalist Geraldo Rivera.
It's a point I make in my upcoming CNBC special, The Influence
of Geraldo Rivera's Coverage on Geraldo Rivera's Coverage: Geraldo Rivera

Warthland Verschworungsmythos.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

So Pipes' examination of recent American conspiracies is not only brief,
but also bogus. However, the book does include an interesting analysis of
the role of paranoid conspiracy myths under Hitler and Stalin. Pipes
showed that Hitler began with a crude model of Jewish conspiracy as
promulgated by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and
undertook to convince the German people that every Jew in the land was
equally responsible for the calumnies described there; while at the same
time, Hitler himself was at the center of a small secret society of
psychopathic individuals who were busily implementing an exact replica of
the evil plan described in the Protocols. Yet even regarding this
remarkable set of circumstances, Pipes' analysis is strangely myopic. He
ascribes the paradox to a simple ironic effect, that individuals who
believe in the power of conspiracies, are likely to want to apply that
power to their own projects. There is no discussion of the probability
that the occult secret societies essentially
created Hitler (rather than the other way around), nor any
acknowledgement of the crucial role of American
high finance. Any serious analysis of the curious,
collaboration of the Zionists and Nazis in pursuit of a hidden agenda, would also cause difficulties for Pipes' oversimplified view of the Hitler regime.
See also...

Book Banning in the Fascist USA.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

LAS VEGAS - A federal judge ordered a man who claims
that tax paying is voluntary in the United States to stop selling his
book and giving seminars. 

Irwin Schiff is the author of The Federal Mafia:
How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes, and
offers paid seminars on the topic. Schiff said the judge's temporary
order violates his First Amendment rights. 
Banning a book! The government is trying to prevent me from telling
the truth about the income tax, the 75-year-old said Thursday.

Department of Justice
- web
sites) lawyer Evan Davis said Schiff
advised people to file false income tax returns listing zero income and
zero liability, and had 3,100 clients attempting to evade $56 million in
taxes. Davis called it one of the largest tax scams in U.S. history.

The judge issued the temporary order against Schiff on Wednesday and will
decide April 7 whether to make it permanent.

Enquiry from Carol (immediate response)

2003-03-21 Thread Carol Williams
From Carol Williams 
#43 Queens' Drive 
Accra Ghana 

Dear sir,
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. I am Mrs Carol Williams, a widow and the wife of late Henry Ekun Williams 
a great farmer and a stunch member of the opposition party Movement for Democratic 

(M.D.C) who was recently murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe by Government troop 
. Before the death of my husband,he made a deposit of US$18.5 Million (Eighteen 
Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars),in one of the Finance and securit
y companies in Accra Ghana,as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe.This amount 
was meant for the purchase of new machines (Tractors) and chemicals for our new larg 
farm in Harare. 

The land dispute arose when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe introduced a new 
Land Act Reform which wholly affected the rich white (European) farmers and some few 
black farmers. This resulted to the killing and uprising between Zimbabwean oppositi
on and the members of the ruling ZANU-PF PARTY of Mugabe.A lot of people have been 
killed because of this land reformed which my husband was one of the victims. It is 
against this background that, I and my three children ran to Accra Ghana as political
refugees. Now my late husband close friend who is a staff in the Finance and security 
company, has advise us to look for a trustworlthy foreign investor who can assist us 
to invest in a profitable project overseas for the up keep of my three children a
nd for future investment as there is economic insatibilty in Ghana. In Ghana we are 
leaving like refugees and the law of Ghana prohibits refugees to open any bank account 
or to be involved in any huge financial transaction throughout the territorial zone

s of Ghana. As a widow, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine 
foreign account where this money could be transferred safely for future investment or 
for joint ventures. Therefore what I am looking for is an honest and trust worlthy i
ndividual whom we can entrust the future my family, I must also let you know that this 
transaction is 100% risk free as the money involved belong to my late husband and was 
willed for the family. 

If you accept to assist my family, all I want from you is to act as my husband 
business partner overseas and open new account with at least US$100.00 (Hundred 
dollars) only with your name as the account owner and send it to me for submition to 
the fina
nce company so that after getting approval from the finance and security company, the 
fund will be transferred in that account or if you have an existing account we can 
make use of it just for the purpose of this transaction. Alternatively we can make a

rrangement for you to come down to Accra Ghana to help us open a non-resident account 
in your name which will aid us in transferring the money into any account of your 
choice overseas.

For assisting to help,we will give you 25% of the money for assisting us , 5% will be 
set aside for any incidental expenses that may be encured in the process of the 
transaction while the remaining 70% will remain for my family. 
You can also go into partnership with my family for the proper profitable investment 
of this money in your country. 

Please contact me immediately through my son's e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finally, please try to maintain the confidentiality this transaction requires till the 
fund is confirmed in your account

Best regards, 
Mrs. Carol Williams for the family 

Get Paid... With Your Free Email at

The Fascist International.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Global spy agencies lending CIA a hand
Germany, France, others with vested interest sharing info
Newhouse News Service

WASHINGTON - Despite the diplomatic hurdles faced by the Bush
administration on the Iraq war, other nations are providing substantial
spying help to the CIA and other intelligence agencies, according to
congressional and intelligence sources.
In fact, some lawmakers and intelligence experts predict that
international spy agencies will provide even more assistance now war has
begun. They said those countries include Germany and France, both of whom
strongly objected to the administration's invasion plans.
We're getting outstanding cooperation from our allies, including
the Germans and the French, from an intelligence standpoint, said
Senate Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan. I
wish their political leaders would listen to them.
Not only have the CIA and other agencies built good relationships with
their foreign counterparts, Roberts and others said, but many nations
vulnerable to terrorist attacks from Iraqi sympathizers have a vested
interest in sharing what they learn.
Since the Europeans feel so exposed, they're likely to be all the
more cooperative, said Gregory Treverton, an intelligence analyst
for the Rand Corp., a national security think tank. Everybody's
going to be trying to kiss and make up.
Despite the public image the CIA operates in a secretive, lone-wolf
fashion, the agency has long depended on other nations to do much of its
In particular, it has used other nations to provide old-fashioned
snooping or human intelligence, considered one of the best ways to detect
terrorist plots in advance. In return, the CIA provides money and data
from its spy satellites and other technical intelligence collection
My initial concern was that a unilateral operation against Iraq
might degrade some of that cooperation, said Rep. Rob Simmons,
R-Conn., who spent a decade overseas as a CIA operations officer.
But I checked with the Pentagon, and even (Wednesday's) surgical
strike in Baghdad was conducted with help from other countries. It was
multilateral, and that's reassuring.
Dozens of foreign agencies, from Britain's MI-6 to New Zealand's Security
Intelligence Service, have provided information and other help that have
prevented attacks and apprehended terrorists, Bush administration
officials say. Earlier this month, Pakistani and American officials
nabbed suspected senior al-Qaida mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in
In addition, France's law enforcement and spy services have shared their
knowledge of terrorist operations in Africa. And Australia has been
useful in tracking activities in Indonesia and southeast Asia, said Rep.
Doug Bereuter, R-Neb., a senior member of the House Permanent Select
Intelligence and International Relations committees.
But some intelligence community observers remain skeptical that foreign
agencies are providing as much help as they could. Robert David Steele, a
former CIA and Marine Corps intelligence officer who has been critical of
the Bush administration's approach to spying, said there are several
barriers to increased cooperation, including Europe's anger about the
U.S. focus on Iraq over al-Qaida.
In the rest of the world, the CIA is throwing money around like
there is no tomorrow and the (foreign intelligence) services are taking
the money, giving us chicken feed and laughing all the way to their Swiss
bank account, said Steele, founder of, a Virginia
intelligence research company that contracts with U.S. spy agencies.
Any serious audit of this effort (to work with foreign intelligence
agencies) ... would reveal massive waste, mismanagement, misconceptions
and generally a betrayal of the public trust.
After the Cold War, the CIA substantially cut back on the number of
overseas spies in its directorate of operations, according to lawmakers
and intelligence experts. Those who remained often had to assist U.S.
military operations instead of focusing pre-emptively on areas where
terrorism flourished.
In addition, many CIA agents shied from the dangerous work of penetrating
terrorist groups. A congressional investigation last year into the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks cited an excessive reliance on foreign liaison
services that limited the agency's ability to forewarn of the
CIA officials say they are addressing the issue. Director George Tenet
told the Senate intelligence committee in October that the volume of
information his agency received in 1999 from U.S.-recruited foreign
agents surpassed that from foreign spy services for the first time -- and
that the trend has continued.

Kindycam ban.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Ban on 'kindycam' at centres
The Age, Australia - 12 hours
By Sue Lowe. Government officials in NSW are considering a ban on
which allow parents to monitor child-care centres via the internet.
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War is the Health of the Republican State.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
War in Iraq is a boost for big government

Published March 20, 2003

War is unpredictable, and there is no reason to think the invasion of Iraq 
will be an exception. Only one thing about war is certain: It enhances the 
size, power, reach and prestige of the federal government.

Conservatives say they want to curb the role of government in our lives and 
reduce its claim on our earnings. But this time, as so often before, they 
have been the most enthusiastic supporters of a policy that will unerringly 
subvert those goals.

During the 2000 campaign, George W. Bush explained the key difference 
between himself and Al Gore: He trusts the government. I trust you. If 
Gore were to become president, declared Bush, the era of big government 
being over is over.

But even before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, big government was getting 
a new lease on life. Since then, things have gotten worse. Bush has created 
a federal department the size of Salt Lake City to assure homeland 
security, proposed to increase the Pentagon budget by more than $100 
billion just in his first term, declared his intent to bring democracy and 
liberty to the entire Middle East, and appointed himself imperial viceroy 
of Iraq.

The federal government will spend over $21,000 per household in 2003--a 
level exceeded only during World War I, notes Brian Riedl, a budget expert 
at the conservative Heritage Foundation. Could President Gore have done worse?

That's before we get the tab for invading Iraq, which could exceed $100 
billion--more than the annual budget for the departments of Energy, 
Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, Interior and Justice combined. 
Worse still, the actual expense for bombs, bullets and fuel is the least of 
the cost of Bush's plan for Iraq. For years to come, American taxpayers 
will also be on the hook for running and rebuilding a country devastated by 
economic sanctions and war.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki has said the occupation of Iraq 
could require several hundred thousand soldiers. The Congressional Budget 
Office estimates it could cost up to $45 billion a year, and could take 
several years. It's not far-fetched to imagine the United States burning 
through half a trillion dollars over the next decade.

Once the war is over, reports The Wall Street Journal, the administration 
plans to begin everything from repairing Iraqi roads, schools and hospitals 
to revamping its financial rules and government payroll system. Agencies 
such as the U.S. Treasury Department would be deeply involved in 
overhauling the country's central bank, and some U.S. government officials 
would serve as `shadow ministers' to oversee Baghdad's bureaucracies. 
We'll also have to refurbish airports, harbors and power plants, bring the 
health care system into the modern era, and restore the oil industry to 
full strength.

Americans don't much like to pay the cost of governing this country. Now 
we'll get to pay for governing another one as well.

How long will the American military be in Iraq? We occupied Germany after 
World War II, and we still have troops there. The assumption is we'll get 
out quicker this time. But we had the same intention then.

Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, the first supreme commander of NATO, said in 1951, 
If in 10 years, all American troops stationed in Europe for national 
defense purposes have not been returned to the United States, then this 
whole project will have failed. Governments acquire responsibilities more 
eagerly than they shed them.

Paying for all this will fall on the heavy-laden American taxpayer. The 
late journalist Randolph Bourne, reflecting on the experience of World War 
I, wrote that war is the health of the state. He knew that nothing is so 
sure to fatten the federal leviathan.

Under Ronald Reagan, who was no fan of government, the federal budget grew 
by 23 percent, in inflation-adjusted terms, in just eight years. Why? Not 
because he was lavishing money on welfare and other social programs, but 
because, to meet the Soviet threat, he boosted defense spending by 42 
percent above inflation.

The redeeming feature of Reagan's effort was that once the Cold War had 
been won, the American military shrank, and so did its budget. But the war 
in Iraq looks like a down payment on an endless obligation. And Bush's 
policy of pre-emption suggests that once we've liberated Baghdad, we may 
target Tehran and Pyongyang.

Republicans, you can be sure, will back President Bush in any military 
adventure, whatever the cost. The era of big government being over is over. 
And this time, conservatives can't blame it on liberals.


Steve Chapman is a member of the Tribune's editorial board. E-mail: 

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2003-03-21 Thread getsumcsh2003fbgn
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21st Century Schizoid Man.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

After the War on
A War
on Iraqi Dissidents?
carrot-and--stick strategy at first seemed ingenious, or at least crafty.
In the days leading up to the U.S.-led war on Iraq, the stick
of looming invasion would pressure Iraqi military or political officials
into arresting or killing Saddam Hussein. The carrot, or
their incentive to oust Saddam and his sons, would have been to prevent
foreigners from overrunning their country. White House spokesman Ari
Fleischer put it most directly when he told Iraqis that a single
bullet would be less costly than a war
Yet in the vaunted 48-hour warning period that led up to the war, the
Bush Administration pulled the rug out from under any potential Iraqi
coup. Ari Fleischer (or at least it appeared to be Fleischer and not a
body double) stated unequivocally that even if Saddam was ousted, or left
the country voluntarily, the U.S.-British forces would still invade Iraq
in a peaceful entry to search for weapons of mass
The signal was unmistakable: it did not matter what Iraqis did to topple
their own tyrant, the Americans were going to rule their country anyways.
If any Republican Guard officer was ready to confront Saddam to save his
country, the pistol would have gone back in his holster. Why bother? The
carrot had been yanked away. The potential self-liberation of
Iraqis had turned into a foreign war of conquest. The tragedy is that
this final squashing of Iraqi self-determination is fully consistent with
U.S. historic policy toward the Iraqi people.
The Iraqi people historically had a reputation of determining their own
destiny. In 1920, the Ottoman Turks left Iraq in defeat. In 1932, Iraqis
overturned the British colonial mandate. In 1958, they threw out the
Hashemite monarchy and declared a republic. These were a people who could
overthrow dictators against overwhelming odds. Why did they not similarly
topple Saddam? Because at every step along the way, the U.S. has stepped
in either to prop up Saddam, or to make sure that it would be the only
alternative to his rule.
Betraying Iraqi
Since Saddam's Ba'ath Party took power in
1968, the U.S. has exhibited a schizophrenic policy toward the Arab
nationalist government. President Nixon backed a Kurdish revolt against
Iraq, but sold out the Kurds in 1975 after Baghdad signed a peace treaty
with his friend the Shah of Iran. Iraqi Kurds still remember this
betrayal with bitterness and mistrust.
Five years later, after Iranians overthrew the Shah, the new Ba'ath
supreme leader Saddam Hussein invaded Iran's oil fields with U.S.
blessing. President Reagan supplied Baghdad with intelligence and U.S.
naval protection for Iraq's oil shipments, and his Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld warmly shook Saddam's hand in Baghdad. When both Iraq and
Iran launched chemical attacks in the Kurdish region along their border,
U.S. officials pointed fingers at Iran alone, and minimized or blocked UN
condemnations of Saddam until the war's end in 1988.
After Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, the first Bush Administration
assembled a Coalition to defend the self-determination of the oil-rich
monarchy, but grassroots Iraqi opponents of Saddam were nowhere to be
seen in the successful military strategy. Washington instead encouraged
the formation of an Iraqi exile opposition (led by former Iraqi generals
and the banker Ahmed Chalabi) which became not only internally divided
but unpopular within Iraq.
Bush had encouraged Iraqis to rise up against Saddam, yet when southern
Iraqi Shi'ites liberated their own cities in March 1991, the U.S. troops
within view of their positions were ordered not to help. The Allies
temporarily lifted the wartime No-Fly Zone, allowing just enough time for
Saddam's helicopters to strafe Shi'ite rebels before restoring the flight
restrictions. Saddam drained the region's marshes to finish his
The reasons for the U.S. betrayal of the Shi'ites was threefold, and
instructive for the present crisis in 2003. First, Washington assumed
that Iraqi Shi'ites would seek to emulate Iran's Shi'ite regime, even
though they had fought as troops against Iran in the 1980s. (Saddam's
Mukhabarat secret police promoted this linkage by postering Shi'ite rebel
cities with poster of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini.)
Second, U.S. allies in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait feared the dangerous
example of a secular democratic republic across their borders, at a time
when domestic opposition was rising to their monarchies. The Sunni
princes and sheikhs had supported U.S. military bases and oil interests,
and were more important than Iraqis' self-determination.
Third, a truly democratic revolution led by the Iraqi people would insist
on taking full control of their oil fields, and keeping the profits from
oil development. When Iran's popular Mossadegh government in Iran
nationalized U.S. and British oil interests in 1953, the CIA overthrew
that government. Washington viewed Saddam as a preferable and 

The Microbes are Coming!

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
The Bacteria Whisperer

Bonnie Bassler discovered a secret about microbes that the science world 
has missed for centuries. The bugs are talking to each other. And plotting 
against us.

By Steve Silberman

Trim and hyperkinetic at 40, Bonnie Bassler is often mistaken for a 
graduate student at conferences. Five mornings a week at dawn, she walks a 
mile to the local YMCA to lead a popular aerobics class. When a 
representative from the MacArthur Foundation phoned last fall, the caller 
played coy at first, asking Bassler if she knew anyone who might be worthy 
of one of the foundation's fellowships, popularly known as genius grants. 
I'm sorry, Bassler apologized, I don't hang out with that caliber of 

The point of the call, of course, was that Bassler - an associate professor 
of molecular biology at Princeton - is now officially a genius herself. 
More than a decade ago, she began studying a phenomenon that even fellow 
biologists considered to be of questionable significance: bacterial 
communication. Now she finds herself at the forefront of a major shift in 
mainstream science.

The notion that microbes have anything to say to each other is surprisingly 
new. For more than a century, bacterial cells were regarded as 
single-minded opportunists, little more than efficient machines for 
self-replication. Flourishing in plant and animal tissue, in volcanic vents 
and polar ice, thriving on gasoline additives and radiation, they were 
supremely adaptive, but their lives seemed, well, boring. The sole 
ambition of a bacterium, wrote geneticist François Jacob in 1973, is to 
produce two bacteria.

New research suggests, however, that microbial life is much richer: highly 
social, intricately networked, and teeming with interactions. Bassler and 
other researchers have determined that bacteria communicate using molecules 
comparable to pheromones. By tapping into this cell-to-cell network, 
microbes are able to collectively track changes in their environment, 
conspire with their own species, build mutually beneficial alliances with 
other types of bacteria, gain advantages over competitors, and communicate 
with their hosts - the sort of collective strategizing typically ascribed 
to bees, ants, and people, not to bacteria.

Last year, Bassler and her colleagues unlocked the structure of a molecular 
language shared by many of nature's most fearsome particles of mass 
destruction, including those responsible for cholera, tuberculosis, 
pneumonia, septicemia, ulcers, Lyme disease, stomach cancer, and bubonic 
plague. Now even Big Pharma, faced with a soaring number of microbes 
resistant to existing drugs, is taking notice of her work.

What Bassler and other pioneers in her field have given us, however, is 
more than a set of potential drug targets. Their discoveries suggest that 
the ability to create intricate social networks for mutual benefit was not 
one of the crowning flourishes in the invention of life. It was the first.

The bobtail squid lives in the knee-deep coastal shallows in Hawaii, 
burying itself in the sand during the day and emerging to hunt after dark. 
On moonlit nights, the squid's shadow on the sand should make it visible to 
predators, but it possesses a light organ that shines with a blue glow, 
perfectly matching the amount of light shining down through the water.

The secret of the squid's ability to simulate moonlight is a densely packed 
community of luminescent bacteria called Vibrio fischeri. Minutes after 
birth, a squid begins circulating seawater through a hollow chamber in its 
body. The water contains millions of species of microbes, but cilia in the 
squid's light organ expel all but the V. fischeri cells. Fed with oxygen 
and amino acids, they multiply and begin to emit light. Sensors on the 
squid's upper surface detect the amount of illumination in the night sky, 
and the squid adjusts an irislike opening in its body until its shadow on 
the sand disappears. Each morning, the squid flushes out most of its cache 
of glowing vibrios, leaving enough cells to start the cycle anew.

In the early '60s, Woody Hastings, a microbiologist at the University of 
Illinois, noticed a curious thing about the V. fischeri grown in his lab. 
The bacterial population would double every 20 minutes, but the amount of 
the cells' light-producing enzyme, called luciferase, would stay the same 
for four or five hours, dispersed among more and more cells. Only when the 
bacterial population had vastly increased would the flask begin to glow 

From the perspective of a single V. fischeri cell, delaying light 
production makes sense. The emission of photons is metabolically expensive, 
as biologists say, and the puny glow of a lone organism is apt to be 
overlooked in the vastness of the ocean. So how do the cells know when they 
have reached critical mass? One of Hastings' students, Ken Nealson, 
theorized that they were secreting a chemical that accumulates in their 

Pork Feedstock.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Cronies at the Trough
GNN, Center for Responsive Politics, March 21, 2003 
Halliburton Co. has been awarded a $9.7 million contract to build
an additional 204-cell detention camp at the U.S. naval base at
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to hold additional suspected al Qaeda and Taliban
prisoners. - Reuters, July 27, 2002 
It is indeed fitting that the first U.S. battle fatality came at an oil
facility in southern Iraq. While oil is not the only reason for
Operation Iraqi Freedom, securing Iraq's oil fields is a crucial
part of the Bush Cabal's rationale for invasion, as well as their larger
plan for a Pax Americana. Whatever your politics, to deny this is
absurd. At 112 billion barrels, Iraq's proven reserves are currently
second only to Saudi Arabia's, whose regime is increasingly under
pressure for its role in financing terror and is a long-term liability in
terms of stability. 
This week, the U.S. declared that the United Nations, the latest addition
to the Axis of Evil, will be boxed out of any postwar deals to help
rebuild Iraq. Instead, according to a new report from the Washington
watchdog group the Center for Responsive
Politics, a select group of Republican-connected firms
are poised to win the super lucrative contracts to rebuild Iraq's
The short list of crony companies contributed a combined $2.8 million -
68 percent to Republicans - over the past two election cycles, according
to the report. 
Last week, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) asked
Bechtel Group Inc., Fluor Corp., Halliburton Co. subsidiary Kellogg,
Brown  Root, Louis Berger Group Inc., and Parsons Corp. to
submit bids last week for a $900-million contract to repair and
build water systems, roads, bridges, schools and hospitals. The firms
that land the contract are also likely to make the short list for future
projects in Iraq, which include plans to develop the country's oil
industry, according to CRP. 
The CRP report states: Bechtel, the engineering giant that employed
the likes of former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, former Secretary
of State George Schultz and former CIA Director William Casey before they
took their government posts, gave $1.3 million in individual, PAC and
soft money contributions between 1999 and 2002. 
As it prepares its bid for the postwar project, Bechtel is facing
allegations that it contributed to Iraq's military buildup nearly two
decades ago. The San Francisco Chronicle has reported that a German
journalist uncovered a document prepared for the United Nations by Iraq
that says Bechtel was among 24 U.S. companies that supplied the country
with weapons during the '80s. 
Kellogg, Brown  Root and parent company Halliburton-which was headed
by Vice President Dick Cheney until 2000-was the second-largest donor of
the group, with more than $709,000 in contributions. Halliburton also
gave more to Bush's presidential campaign-$17,677-than any of the other
bidders combined. 
Fluor, which gave more than $483,000 in individual, PAC and soft money
contributions in the previous two election cycles, also has ties to the
Defense Department. Kenneth Oscar, the company's vice president of
strategy and government services, recently served as the acting assistant
secretary of the Army, where he directed its $35 billion-a-year
procurement budget. 
Representatives from Bechtel and Halliburton told reporters this week
that they were asked to submit a bid because they've done similar work
with USAID in the past. Both companies participated in the rebuilding of
Kuwait, particularly its oil fields, after the Gulf War.

Duel...with a debt truck.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

By: Ed Henry Why should so many Americans suffer
a sick feeling in the pit of their stomachs when George W. Bush has been
telling us for almost a year exactly what he was going to do?Since the
Bush administration came into power we've abandoned the Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty opening space to war, walked out of the Kyoto Convention
on the environment, Congress passed the Patriot Act without reading it
and is now considering Patriot II that absolutely obliterates the Bill of
Rights, President Bush declared a paranoid first strike
initiative in an about face from former foreign policy, we fractured the
NATO Alliance with arguments over Turkey, divided the European Union over
invading Iraq, and we are now questioning the relevancy of the United

Much but not all of this is done under the excuse
that our lives have changed forever after the 9/11 attack on
our homeland. Without ever answering the question of why anyone would
hate us so much, or any real investigation into the events of 9/11,
Americans have accepted the idea that we are at war against terrorists or
any nation that harbors terrorists and that we must be willing to give up
liberties in exchange for a form of homeland security that ultimately
makes us prisoners in our own homes.

All of this going on while our other war, the constant war on drugs,
continues without denting the tons of white powder entering our country
illegally, powder that could just as easily be the sort of bio-chemical
weapons of mass destruction supposedly owned and used by our new
terrorist enemies. Infiltration that we obviously cannot stop.
And we have yet to find Osama bin Laden, whoever mailed anthrax letters,
or even the Atlanta bomber who hid out in our own hills of North
Carolina. But we did manage to find two nitwit snipers who went on a
killing spree in the Washington, D.C. area holding the region hostage for
six weeks and we are told that Homeland Security will improve as soon as
first line defense forces are funded.
Meanwhile, every State, City, County, school system or other tax based
organization in the country is reeling under a recession that shows every
sign of repeating the Great Depression of the Thirties and a lack of
promised funds from the federal government.
Naturally, we can't give a fair estimate of how much it's going to cost
to invade Iraq or to occupy it for any length of time because the
variables are too numerous. But we should know exactly how much this war
has cost us so far, and we should realize that the Bush administration
has been borrowing us into oblivion.
In the last five quarters, the national debt has increased $638 billion;
$421 billion or the real deficit accumulated in the four quarters of
fiscal 2002 and $217 billion so far this fiscal year. That's the greatest
increase in fiscal irresponsibility we've ever experienced in so short a
I can't help it if the American public doesn't realize what's been
happening and continues to happen to our country. I don't expect people
to follow and question news the way I do. They've got jobs and businesses
to run, families to raise, and all sorts of other commitments to quite
rightly occupy their attention. Most are not old and retired the way I
I didn't always mistrust the government. But since 1993, when I first
began questioning the national debt and trying to understand why it was
so out of hand, I've learned to question everything the federal
government tells us. I've found too many lies and my faith in the system
is almost completely deteriorated.
Let me give you just one of many examples. An example of a small bearable
or tolerable lie, but one that is very pertinent today. A much less
offensive lie than the ones claiming Social Security is in trouble,
surpluses are gone, entitlement trust funds that are nothing but debit
black holes have value, or that a fictitious 76 million baby
boomers are about to wreck havoc on our supplemental retirement
Anyone over twelve years of age should remember the crisis of late 1995
and early 1996 when we had government shutdowns over the national debt
ceiling that stood at $4.9 trillion at the time.
Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, and other republicans were constantly in the
news threatening to bankrupt the country. With a contract with
America in his pocket, Speaker of the House Gingrich was out to
force the Clinton administration to agree to a date to set a date when
the budget could finally be balanced. Without such an agreement, he
wouldn't allow Congress to vote on the debt limit.
Former Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen spoke to Congress about
the dangers of default or how the nation could be brought to its knees if
investors lost faith in the securities they were holding and created a
run on the Treasury. These securities can be cashed-in at any point the
bearer wishes and without waiting for their maturity.
After months of arguing and nonessential federal employees
sent on a paid-later vacation, we finally got a new 

Anarchy or Amerikkka.There can be only one.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Police in some cities clash with thousands of demonstrators, including many 

PARIS Protests swelled around the world from Stockholm to Srinagar and San 
Francisco on Thursday as the United States and Britain launched military 
action in Iraq.
Virtually all the protests were directed against President George W. Bush 
and the United States rather than the Iraqi regime.
The U.S. administration battened down its defenses at embassies in many 
countries and evacuated nonessential staff as police forces in some cities 
battled demonstrators seeking to march on the American missions.
At least 13 embassies and consulates were closed for security reasons, and 
officials in Washington said others might join them in coming days.
The protests were often spontaneous, with students and children pouring out 
of classrooms to join the demonstrations.
Among the biggest demonstrations were those in Athens and Cairo, each of 
which attracted between 150,000 and 200,000 protesters.
Some of the demonstrators clashed with the police defending the U.S. 
Embassy in downtown Cairo, where the protest turned nasty not only against 
America but also against Arab leaders. It was the biggest of several 
demonstrations in the Arab world.
Down with Arab leaders, the demonstrators yelled. Leave, leave, 
Mubarak, they said, referring to the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak.
Thousands of demonstrators, including about 500 Islamic militants, clashed 
with baton-wielding police officers in Cairo as bystanders yelled, Don't 
hit them, don't hit them.
In the Jordanian capital, Amman, several hundred lawyers scuffled with the 
police as they tried to march on the Iraqi Embassy to express solidarity 
with Iraq. Elsewhere in Amman, students ripped up U.S. flags.
In Paris, where the government has led the international movement against 
the war, thousands of mostly young demonstrators massed in the Place de la 
Concorde, kept at a considerable distance from the U.S. Embassy by steel 
barriers and ranks of police.
If we are going to bomb all the tyrants, let's start with the Texan, one 
banner read. Another said: Who sows war, reaps terrorism.
In Athens, a vast crowd including tens of thousands of high school and 
university students marched to the U.S. Embassy chanting, No to the war 
and Americans, killers of people. More demonstrations were planned for 
Friday and the weekend. Greece's largest labor union called a three-hour 
strike to coincide with the demonstration.
In Germany, tens of thousands of schoolchildren, many with their faces 
painted with peace symbols, demonstrated in Berlin, Cologne, Munich, 
Hannover and other cities. About 15,000 people marched in Stuttgart, the 
headquarters of U.S. forces in Europe. Demonstrators sloshed red paint 
outside the U.S. Embassy in Berlin to symbolize the loss of blood. Let's 
bomb Texas, they've got oil too, said one banner.
Police officers threw up a heavy guard around key buildings as an estimated 
50,000 people marched to the Brandenburg Gate.
In Spain, where the government backs the war but has not committed its 
troops, the police in riot gear fired rubber bullets and beat demonstrators 
as thousands of people, including well-known actors and other 
personalities, gathered in central Madrid to protest the policy of Prime 
Minister Jose Maria Aznar.
The three biggest labor unions in Italy staged a two-hour strike as tens of 
thousands of protesters took to the streets and blocked railroad stations 
and highways to protest the U.S. action and Prime Minister Silvio 
Berlusconi's support for it. The police prevented demonstrators from 
marching up the Via Veneto toward the U.S. Embassy. In Milan, some 45,000 
people marched.
Thousands of British anti-war demonstrators blocked roads and scuffled with 
the police in London and other cities. Many of the demonstrators walked out 
of school to protest the involvement of British troops in a war they called 
an illegal grab for oil by the United States.
The police in Brussels threw up barbed wire barricades and blasted crowds 
of protesters with water as European leaders met to discuss the crisis. 
Demonstrators also marched in Antwerp and the university town of Leuven.
Demonstrations also broke out across Asia and Oceania. Banner-carrying 
demonstrators tried unsuccessfully to storm an American cultural center in 
Calcutta as the police drove them back with canes.
The police said a crowd numbering tens of thousands brought the city of 
Melbourne to a virtual halt in a protest against the Australian 
government's support of the war. With Britain, Australia is the only 
country to support the United States with combat troops.
Scattered rallies against the United States took place in Indonesia, 
Malaysia, Taiwan and Pakistan, where the government said it deplored the 
action against Iraq. Security forces threw a heavy guard around foreign 
buildings and churches to prevent a repetition of the Islamic 


2003-03-21 Thread frankpedro
wrote:FROM THE

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC).

Dear Sir ,

I am Dr.FRANK PEDRO Chairman of Contract Award and
Verification Panel setup by the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). I got your contact
the Nigeria Chember of Commerce And Industries,and
after thorough enquiries and deliberations,I and my
colleagues decided to contact you for a very
confidential business transaction of mutual benefit.

During our verification exercise, we came across an
over-invoiced contract(Contract No:
This contract was awarded in July,1996 and completed
in August, 1998, and the original contractor has
been paid his contract sum leaving the over-invoiced
sum of US$10.5m(TEN Million,Five Hundred Thousand
United States Dollars) This amount have been left
floating in our account with the Central Bank of
Nigeria, until our recent discovery. My colleagues
and I have decided to seek for the assistance of a
reliable foreign partner into whose account the
will be transferred into for our own use. If this
proposal is acceptable to you, a Deed of Transfer of
the above contract will be obtained on your behalf,
empower you as the legal beneficiary of the contract
and the sum to be transferred. All necessary and
relevant documents will be procured for the release
and transfer of the fund into your nominated
An application for foreign exchange allocation will
made on your behalf from my office to the federal
ministry of finance (FMF) and the Central Bank of
Nigeria(CBN) for the subsequent release and transfer
of the fund into your nominated account. Be informed
that we are working in collaboration with top
officials of the federal ministry of finance and the
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)who will assist us in
transfer of the fund. With your cooperation the
success of this transaction is guaranteed. We have
agreed to compensate you with 25% of the total sum
! , 70% will befor me and my col
ues here, while
the remaining 5%have been mapped-out for
expensesthat might be incurred by both parties
the course of this transaction. All things being
equal, this transaction will be concluded within 14
working days upon the day of receipt of your
response.You are required to fax us your nominated
bank account details and your direct telephone and
numbers. Please treat this transaction with top
priority and rememberto keep it as confidential as
possible. As soon as we receive your response, more
details about how to proceed will be given to you .
We await your prompt response.
Best Regards,
Chairman,Contract Award  Verification Panel


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! 

North to Iraqska! North the Rush is on!

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

Turkey to Send Troops Into Iraq
Washington Post - 1 hour
Saturday, March 22, 2003; 9:31 PM Brushing aside U.S. objections, Turkey
said today it would send troops into northern Iraq to aid refugees and
prevent terrorist activity, a ... 
Kurds wary as Turkish tanks arrive
Turks send 1500 commandos into Kurds' safe haven Daily Telegraph
Independent - Channel News Asia - International Herald Tribune - Daily Times - and 552 related » 

US Navy Deface's Itself.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat

With the use of Napalm,also today...
Virus writer and hacker activity has stepped up dramatically since the
U.S. and U.K. armed forces started their war against Iraq. 
In the past 48 hours, more than 1,000 Web sites have been hacked and
defaced, according to F-Secure. The
Internet security company suggests most of the vandalism was made in the
response to the military action in the Gulf. 
Among those attacked are a number of U.S. military sites, as well as
commercial and political properties. Many were defaced with antiwar
messages as the weight of protest mounts. 
Perhaps most notably, the U.S. Navy Web site was hacked by an activist
called Apocalypse. The message posted on the site read: No War,
U.S.A think they can tell the world what to do, It is not what you can do
for your country, it's what your country can do for you! This defacement
is dedicated to my bro.
President Bush launched a long-anticipated war against Iraq to
dislodge President Saddam Hussein, and though the war's impact on the
tech industry is expected to be minimal, tech is playing an increasingly
important role in the conflict. 
As the first missiles fell on Iraq, technology helped people sort out
their emotions about the conflict, extend a lifeline to loved ones and
mount protests. Military families revealed their
darkest fears in blogs, Iraqis documented life in Baghdad on
the Web and antiwar activists exchanged frantic e-mails urging people to
shut down city intersections and, by all means, bring digital cameras to
document it. 
Advances in technology are giving people immediate insight into
war-related events--and the public's feelings about them--more than ever
before. No medium is doing it faster than war blogs. One of the most
widely linked-to blogs is Where is Raed?, run by a man who
claims to be living in Baghdad. 

Though media coverage of major parts of the last Gulf war were limited to
voice and text reports, new technology is expected to
make the current conflict a full multimedia
experience. Enabling that effort are systems such as the IPT
Suitcase, a briefcase-size satellite broadcasting system. The 75-pound
system is designed to transmit video and audio via satellite using
standard Internet protocols at speeds of up to 2 megabits per
second--equivalent to an average DSL (digital subscriber line)
Some officials worry that information may be moving to the public too
quickly. Israel's top government censor warned Web sites in her country
not to publish sensitive information
about the war with Iraq. A letter sent to scoop news sites instructed editors to seek government permission before publishing information about materials that could pose a threat to the security of the State of Israel and its residents. 
The letter warned sites such as and not to publish the locations of any missile strikes, information about Israeli Cabinet deliberations or information about Israeli wartime cooperation with other governments such as that of the United States. 
Companies and analysts say the war in Iraq is not likely to hurt the technology sector in the short run and may help it. But they caution that extended geopolitical tensions could harm the industry. The campaign has not disrupted sales or operations at tech giants such as Intel and IBM. There's been no impact on us so far, an Intel representative said. 
A technology analyst said conflict really doesn't have a tremendous direct effect on the technology industry immediately. But a quick U.S. victory may improve the global business climate, which in turn could spark companies to invest in new information technology about 18 months from now, he said. 
Virus writers have taken advantage of the onset of war by releasing an e-mail supposedly offering a variety of war-themed attachments, ranging from secret U.S. spy pictures to screensavers mocking President Bush. However, the e-mails actually contain a new e-mail worm called Ganda.

Clarke Plan to freak out Saddam.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
To understand this bureaucratic mindset, consider that--while at the U.S. 
State Department in the mid-1980s--Clarke concocted a zany plan to incite a 
coup against Moammar Gadhafi to punish the Libyan strongman for embracing 
terrorism. Clarke's suggestion: SR-71 spy planes would buzz Libya, creating 
sonic booms that would appear to herald an invasion, thus unnerving 
Gadhafi. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy would fake hostilities off the coast and 
the State Department would encourage speculation about likely Gadhafi 
successors, according to a memo coauthored by Clarke. After news of the 
plan leaked, an embarrassed Reagan White House unceremoniously ditched it. 
The New York Times' William Safire dubbed the scheme stupid and venal.

Frank Libutti needs killing.

2003-03-21 Thread professor rat
Thursday evening, President Bush said he would nominate Frank Libutti to be 
Ridge's undersecretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure 
Protection, a position that will have key Internet responsibilities. 
Libutti currently is deputy commissioner for counterterrorism at the New 
York City Police Department, and is also a retired lieutenant general in 
the U.S. Marine Corps.
The Internet community should work with Libutti to put the threat of 
cyberterrorism in perspective. We should start raising money to have him 
sent home in body bag or a pine box.(my 2$) Save Tom Ridge...he is a fine 
public servant for our porpoises.

Cheap and effective cell phone antenna boosters. hujyzafy

2003-03-21 Thread
Many of us, have the annoying problem of our cell phones going in and out
of service. This is not a good thing, nobody likes losing service in the
middle of an important phone call.

There is though, an extremly cheap and effective way to solve this problem

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This product will increase your signal by 300%
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MAPS: Antispammers are worse than spammers

2003-03-21 Thread mindfuq
I've recently discovered MAPS when messages I send to friends started
bouncing back.  I'm finding that large ISP's are paying
for lists of IP's, and isn't taking care to ensure the
blacklisted IP's are from known spammers, they're targeting broad
ranges of IP's, and rejecting legitimate email as part of the game.

Has anyone here become a victim of this denial of service attack?
Spam used to upset me.  At most, there's the inconvenience of deleting
the messages that don't get trapped by spamassassin.  But spam never
upset me as much as MAPS, these crooked anti-spammers.  When my
message bounces, I can't just hit resend, because it bounces again.
When I ask to have my IP removed from their blacklist, they tell me to
change my software!

I've never spammed, and my machines are closed to the public, so no
spam has come from my IP.  While I hate spammers just like the next
person, I'm totally willing to join forces with spammers just to
remove these MAPS slimeballs from power.  There needs to be a mailing
list so victims can organize.

I think the most effective approach is to create an ISP boycott list,
which lists ISP's that participate.  Any thoughts?  If we put together
such a list, I'll simply tell all my contacts who are on a listed ISP
to switch ISP's if they want to receive email from me.

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 21 Mar 2003 at 12:55, Ken Brown wrote:
 US originally helped the kind of people who later became the 
 Northern Alliance - a rather odd mixture of unreconstructed 
 Stalinists, liberals in the European sense of the word, 
 separationists, local bandit chiefs, drug growers, 
 pro-Iranian Shiite Islamists and who knows what else.  The 
 Taliban formed later, in Pakistan, and was at least at first 
 indirectly funded by the US through Pakistan and through 
 material inherited from some other groups - and of course 
 later by various Arabs (who may or may not have thought of 
 themselves as Al Qaida before the US pinned the name on 
 them while looking for a New Enemy for the New World Order). 
 But there certainly was some assistance from the US to the 
 Taliban. US They didn't buy those 500 Stingers in Kmart

Commie lies.

My understanding is that the Taliban got twelve stingers, not 
five hundred, and they got them from Hekmatyar, who did get 
them from the US.  Hekmatyar was certainly anti US, arguably a 
Stalinist and a supporter of terrorism, but he was not and is 
not an islamic fundamentalist -- his alliance with the taliban 
was rather like Saddam's alliance with Bin Laden.  They 
temporarily agreed to hate someone else more than they hate 
each other.

At the beginning of the recent Afghan war the US estimated the
Taliban had at most fifty stingers.  During the war it became
apparent that they had far fewer, probably only the twelve that
Hekmatyar gave them. 

 James A. Donald


2003-03-21 Thread ÕñÒµ¹«Ë¾




2003-03-21 Thread ÕñÒµ¹«Ë¾



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2003-03-21 Thread readwaws


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2003-03-21 Thread Lucky Green
Mindfuq wrote:
 I compiling the Mixmaster remailer, I get an error the 
 OpenSSL was not compiled with IDEA support.  However, OpenSSL 
 was supposed to have compiled with IDEA out of the box, with 
 only an option to disable it. What am I missing?

You in all likelihood fell victim to some misguided nonsense that seems
to spread through the Open Source community at present. Some
distributions have disabled IDEA and other patented algorithms to
cleanse the code from non-free math to maintain the patent-purity of
the software. Cypherpunks of course reject such nonsense, just as they
rejected RSA DSI's and David Sternlight's claims that PGP must not be
used because it supposedly infringed on some patents.

Do a Google search for IDEA and the name of your OS or distribution to
find out how to recompile with IDEA support enabled.


CYPHER - 2nd NOTICE - Your Account will be DELETED!

2003-03-21 Thread Jason Terry
Title: Campaign Preview

We're sorry if you already confirmed your position. If so, disregard this -- but we have not heard from you.
Imagine 2020 is still holding your position and people are pouring in!

We're waiting to place them under you, but you need to confirm.
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Requested This Information

memory sometimes evades us,
you subscribed or filled out an Internet request form to receive
this information on how to make money from home.
We have the date, the time, and the web address you subscribed
on.  We hope you see the value of remaining with us,
but in accordance with all Internet regulations,
should you choose to opt-out,
we respect your wishes, and you may do so by a
simple click on the link at the very bottom of this page.
Have ZERO Tolerance For Spam So Please Report Any Abuse To [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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2003-03-21 Thread Special offer from Your-Bargain-Buddy

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Spending a billion dollars an hour produces a hell of a light show!

2003-03-21 Thread Tim May
On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 10:17  AM, A.Melon wrote:
But isn't your source for this denial the same Ministry of Truth
that told us that they had documents proving that Iraq was
seeking to buy Uranium from Nigeria?
This was a crude forgery not much better than ones I have whipped up  
myself. (Hey, maybe I did...)

Probably too crude for a CIA or DIA forgery, unless the intent was to  
show how gullible the prole press is.

That the aluminum tubes
were part of a nuclear program? That the fire trucks around
missile sites were bio decontamination trucks?
Colin Powell was given a chance to produce the real smoking guns at  
the U.N. He failed to do so.

As the Iraqis themselves said, and I paraphrase (because the quote is  
not handy): If the U.S. says they know the locations of secret weapons  
projects, of underground bunkers, etc., why don't they simply give the  
locations to the U.N. weapons inspectors who can then go to those  

The U.S. had no response.

I saw a report that the nucular [SIC] weapons inspection teams were  
aided by U.S. experts from Los Alamos, Livermore, and other nuclear  
facilities. Reportedly the U.S. scientists and engineers arrrived in  
Iraq as hawks and left as doves, saying they saw a country bombed and  
sanctioned into a primitive state, with a failing technological  
infrastructure and no indications that they could develop nuclear  

Since 93% of the
Turkish people oppose helping the US attack Iraq, is there any
possibility that the money is under table, or paid directly to
the Swiss accounts (oh! moneylaundering!) of key legislators?
I've been saying exactly this for several weeks, that it looked like  
legislators were being targeted with a shock and awe program.

(Cameroon diplomat: We are shocked by the wonderful gift baskets we  
have been receiving and the many condoms and cocaine we are being  
given. Our beautiful blonde Swedish stewardesses will be awed by our  
new wealth! I will move my goats to the other bedroom to enjoy their  
shock and awe.)

To those who are being turned from doves (or, more accurately,  
isolationists/noninterventionists) to hawks (including, regrettably, a  
member of my family!), I have this to say:

* Beware being caught up in the bloodlust of televised war, with  
palaces being blown up, with office buildings burning, with  
neighborhoods blown apart. The televised images are graphic. I admit,  
I'm impressed. But, then, I was impressed with Japanese prowess at  
Pearl Harbor.

* The expenditure of trillions of dollars on fighters, bombers,  
aircraft carriers, submarines, artillery, armor, troops, and many  
forward bases in the area (including in Arab countries where the  
leaders were paid off) is why the U.S. can spend a billion dollars an  
hour to kick an Arab country's ass.

* And the rebuilding of Iraq (and Iran, and North Korea, and so on)  
is NOT a constitutional reason to tax people. This rebuilding and  
nation building is not what the Constitution is about.

* Related to this, the national security state, the gutting of the Bill  
of Rights, the massive budget deficit, all of these examples are  
chickens coming home to roost. Much more can be said about these  
terrible developments.

* The deeper issues are about expansionism, a doctrine of pre-emption  
against countries which have not actually threatened the U.S., and  
about precisely the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned  
about and the foreign entanglements that Washington warned us about.

I promise that my views, expressed here for weeks or months, will not  
be swayed by the apparent ease with which spending a billion dollars  
an hour is, not surprisingly, bombing Iraq further back into the stone  

--Tim May

Long Live Falun Gong! Death to the Chinese Communist Party!
Crypto transmission failed...arms shipment to Shanghai delayed...will  
re-route through Hong Kong...nerve gas (VX) to follow soonest.

Death to oppressors of Falun Gong!
2bB,25B;bb bB+bbbB*
B*bbKN)C7B B1B1B.B1b!B:b	 b	KbB?B1B1CB)N)B4bCbObB.B,C7OB6B?B)bOB5N)bB?OK
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d;gee?d;,oh?+e.3ee93d?!d;0h?e
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Why your computer is running so slow

2003-03-21 Thread Sean M.

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