Off-the-Record Messaging (IM plugin)

2004-12-16 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
Nikita Borisov and Ian Goldberg have released
Off-the-Record Messaging (,
an IM plugin for private communication providing not only
the usual encryption and authentication, but also deniability and
perfect forward secrecy.  Deniability avoids digital signatures on
messages (while preserving authenticity and integrity), so there is no
hard-to-deny proof you wrote anything in particular; in fact, there is a
toolkit to help people forge messages, making it extra-hard to pin
things on you.  Perfect forward secrecy means that your past messages
and conversations remain protected even if your keys are compromised.

You can read the OTR protocol description, download the
source code for the gaim-otr plugin, or grab a gaim-otr binary package for
Debian or Fedora Core.

Type III Anonymous message

2003-03-22 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
remember to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] a ssh2 key... below  is gpg key

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (OpenBSD)



Re: terror alert red

2003-03-21 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 08:31:59 -0600, you wrote:

Has anyone heard any more about the announcement made by the NJ gov that if
 we go to the next level -- red -- that everyone is confined to their houses?

Nope, but it's not surprising since there was NO announcement by 
the NJ gov that red means confinement to the house. If someone 
want to confine NJ residents to their homes, they need a 
conviction and sentence or a bond order from a judge that 
specifies that, or a legal declaration of martial law followed 
by such an order to the people.

Surely you don't think some press announcement by a governor is 
sufficient to place millions of people under house arrest 
without due process, indictment, arraignment, etc.

Re: pledge of allegiance in schools

2003-03-02 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 06:17:25 +, you wrote:

 Look at this shit on fox news, look how they bias the question and
 mis-represent the issue.

 They ask Should children be allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance
 in school?.  As if the children wanted to, and were being prevented!

 and the stats after voting no -- 88% yes.


The polls done by these news sites are not designed to gain an 
accurate, statistically valid measure of opinion, rather they 
are designed as user participation devices to get involvement 
by the user with the web site. Like Rush Limbaugh or Donahue, 
the networks magnify controversy to gain interest. Probably the 
same group that watches professional wrestling, thrives on this 
kind of rabble rousing. No one takes them seriously. They are 
about building readership and money, not learning and conveying 
the truth.


Re: cryptome log downloads

2003-02-26 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 23:50:06 +0100 (CET), you wrote:

 These IPs downloaded access log from cryptome during hacked state.

list of ip's snipped

Didn't everybody who wanted to know who had downloaded the log, 
which includes you, have to download the log?


Heroic Airport Screeners, hospital shut down

2003-02-20 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
Cologne Mist Sparks Pa. Airport Probe
Associated Press Writer
February 20, 2003, 10:33 AM EST PHILADELPHIA -- A Saudi Arabian 
traveler set the city's anti-terrorism machine into full gear 
when he sprayed three airport guards with cologne while trying 
to demonstrate that the liquid wasn't dangerous.

The [heroic] security screeners were rushed to Methodist 
Hospital after being spritzed Wednesday as the [swarthy 
complexioned] student passed through a [fatherland] checkpoint 
at Philadelphia International Airport.

Unsure whether they had a [vicious, freedom hating terrorist] 
biological attack on their hands, [heroic] hospital officials 
ordered a full quarantine.

Ambulances inbound to the [freedom loving people's] emergency 
room were diverted to other hospitals. Patients and staff who 
had contact with the [heroic, crusading] guards were quarantined 
for nearly three hours.

We didn't know what the [atomized chemical or bioweapon] 
substance was, said hospital spokeswoman Nan Myers.

[Heroic] FBI spokeswoman Linda Vizi said the 22-year-old [so 
called] student, whose [arabic sounding] name was withheld by 
authorities, was detained and [interrogated under duress and 
coercion and] questioned, then released [for further, secret 
surveillance] hours later after [the people's] chemical tests 
confirmed that the [terroristic] vapors were harmless [probably 
due to an oversight on the part of the freedom hating terrorist 
swarthy complexioned so called student].

He was here legally. All his papers were in order. His flight 
plans were in order. [Shit, we tried like hell for three hours 
to pin some kind of heavy shit on the kid, but the FBI newbies 
kept talking about 'facts are stubbord' or some such shit.]

No federal law was violated. He was released, Vizi said. He 
missed his flight to Europe. [We tried to fuck with him as much 
as we could, but time just ran out.]

Initially, even the [heroic] screeners themselves didn't 
consider the [terrorist] incident worth reporting, Vizi said. 
But they had second thoughts about the sweet-smelling spray and 
called police [after we told them this was a free ticket to 
fucking with an A-rab, why not have some fun?], she said.

Flights weren't disrupted and no one was evacuated from the 
terminal, said [people's] airport spokesman Mark Pesce.

Copyright ) 2003, The Associated Press

Re: The Train Wreck is Proceeding Nicely

2003-02-19 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 23:02:41 -0800, Tim May wrote:

 I'm quite happy with the way the train wreck/clusterfuck is developing. Consider 
some trends/outcomes:

 * dissatisfaction with NATO, tensions within the U.N.

They just voted unanimously to send the weaponry to Turkey, just 
like the US wanted.

 * American statism revealed nakedly: an America that _starts_ a war (never again can 
children be taught that the U.S. never initiates wars)

Really? They teach children that the Civil War was about 
slavery, don't they? Most people believe it. They teach that the 
second amendment is about duck hunting, don't they?

 * the possibility that a clusterfuck in Iraq will spin out of control, possibly even 
resulting in nukewar over and around Israel.

Israel will come out smelling like roses, regardless. They have 
nukes, a large military, and the total protection of the US 
military. It would just be an excuse to sterilie once and for 
all Ramallah and the West Bank.

 * increasing anarchist sentiments

They can't get organized.

 * rising sentiment against Total Information Awareness, Homeland Security, the 
Reichsprotektorate, etc.

Sentiment and $1.50 will get you a cup of starbucks.

 I never saw this much hatred toward the U.S Government by Europeans and Middle 
Easterners, even during the height of the Vietnam War and then the Cold War (where 
European pacifists were upset at the Pershing missile deployment, military bases, 

Like Bush cares. No effect, unless you are still hanging on to 
that will of the people bullshit.

 (BTW, we can help to feed this hatred in various ways. I've been spreading reports 
on Usenet groups and European chat rooms from a pro-U.S. point of view, talking 
about the SIOP nuke targetting plans for Iraq and Iran, mentioning CIA plans to 
implement regime change in France, etc. The astute in these newsgroups may realize 
I am yanking their chain, but it still inflames things. Which is good, for our goals.)

Wow, that will motivate maybe 16 easily delluded people.

 Disorder is on the rise. If a war happens, lots of opportunities.

For residential BE maybe.

 If the war is over too quickly, or fizzles, or the U.S. backs down, much is lost. 
The good war will have massive scenes of Iraqi casualties, graphic images of dead 
babies and women, and at least a few thousand dead American soldiers. An even better 
war will have the conflict lasting for many months, with U.S. stormtroopers occupying 
Baghdad. This will inflame the Arab street.

Easy to keep CNN out. And the news media is the new lapdog of 
the war machine.

 NATO will unravel (which is good, as its mission ended when the Cold War ended). The 
U.N. may relocate its HQ to Wien or Geneve, which is is absurd that 
a world body be located in the heart of America. (This will be good for NYC, 
actually, though not economically.)

Who cares.

 Fuck NATO. Fuck the U.N. Fuck the U.S. Security State.

 This train wreck is going better than I thought it would.

That's strange.

Re: Supressed? speech by Sen. Robert Byrd

2003-02-15 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:29:57 -0800, Tim May wrote:

 About Byrd's speech, he is protected by the same Bush doctrine. If a less powerful 
person made these charges, he'd face a talking to by the FBI. And after PATRIOT II 
passes with an overwhelming majority, but after no debate, he'd face having his DNA 
removed with extreme prejudice at the least, deportation as the middle option, or a 
life sentence for violations of the Reich Protektion Act as the most severe (assuming 
he wasn't simply disappeared).

 We live in fascist times.

 --Tim May

Well Tim, you are my canary. If the feebs ain't working you 
over, they sure as hell ain't coming for me yet. I mean when you 
write about people who need to be killed and lather people up 
with talk about fascists and stuff like that, you at least work 
your way above me on the list, if you know what I mean.

Re: Degenerate Political Pressure (was RE: The Wimps of War)

2003-02-14 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
These guys were probably CIA. Now, since they are non-uniformed 
and not carrying arms visibly, and not engaged in hostilities 
qualifying under the Geneva Convetions, they are enemy 
combatants. They don't fall under the Geneva Conventions since 
they were not in qualifying hostilities. The torture and 
detention until they turn to fragments of dust, will begin 
now. Nice example the US govt sets. May God have mercy on them.


A U.S. government plane with five people on board crashed 
Thursday in rebel territory in southern Colombia, and those 
aboard may have been taken away by leftist rebels, a Colombian 
official said.

The Cessna had been headed from Bogota to the Florencia area, 
235 miles (380 kilometers) to the south, when radio contact was 
lost eight minutes before its scheduled landing, said a 
Colombian Civil Aviation official, speaking on condition of 

The official told The Associated Press that he had received 
reports that Colombian army troops had located the plane but 
found no one on board, and that it was feared they had been 
taken by rebels.

A U.S. Embassy spokesman told the AP that the U.S. government 
plane, a single-engine Cessna 208, crashed near Florencia 
during an attempted emergency landing shortly before 9 a.m. this 
morning. The cause of the crash was apparently engine failure.

The embassy spokesman said the fate of the pilot, co-pilot and 
three passengers aboard was unknown. The Colombian Civil 
Aviation official said all five aboard were believed to be 
American, but the U.S. Embassy spokesman said he was unable to 
confirm the nationalities.

Re: Trap guns, black baggers, and Arlington Road

2003-02-11 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:43:26 -0800, you wrote:
 -- how does a property owner authenticate a person or group claiming to be cops?
 Flashing a badge is not enough, as badges for hundreds of jurisdictions are for
 sale by mail order, gun shows, and probably lots of other shops. (For the
 uninitiated, these are _actual_ badges and/or nearly perfect replicas...they
 are absolutely undistinguishable from real badges, so say concerned cops.)

Apart from constitutional considerations, no-knock laws are 
bad. If its people are to have a respect for law, a nation must 
have respectable laws, and no law is respectable if it 
authorizes officers to act like burglars, and robs the people of 
the only means they have for determining whether those who seek 
to invade their habitations violently or by stealth are officers 
or burglars.

United States Senator Sam Ervin of Watergate fame.

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-11 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:44:13 -0800, Tim May wrote:

 But in postmodern America mentioning guns is simply NOT DONE. Not even on the Fox 
Network, a more rightward network than the others. (Being right no longer means 
mentioning guns, as Ashcroft and Cheney and the like would prefer that guns be in the 
hands of der polizei. There's a reason Hitler confiscated guns held privately by 

You are correct about the conspicuous absence of the mention of 
guns. Just not politically correct. Too much connection to 
individual action and power, which whether good, bad or 
indifferent is the enemy of passive submission to the state.

But you damage your accurate point by accompanying it with the 
erroneous, but often repeated claim about Hitler confiscating 
guns. The Waffengesetz of March 18, 1938 did not confiscate guns 
from German citizens. (Of course, Jewish people were not 
considered German citizens under the law at that time.) There 
was no need to confiscate guns from the population in general. 
Hitler was immensely popular with Germans, and the Weimar 
Republic had enacted some gun control in 1928, before Hitler 
gained power in 1933. The Hitler Confiscation of Guns is pure 
urban legend, that attempts to link gun registration and 
confiscation with evil's 20th Centure poster boy. It's bogus.

The German law certainly was not an ideal one from the 
viewpoint of today's beleaguered American patriot, because it 
did have certain licensing requirements. A permit 
(Waffenerwerbschein) was required to buy a handgun (but not a 
long gun), and a separate license (Waffenschein), good for three 
years, was required to carry any firearm in public.

Actually, the German law was less restrictive than most state 
and local laws in the United States were before the current 
campaign to nullify the Second Amendment shifted into high gear 
in 1993. More significantly, it ameliorated a law which had been 
enacted ten years earlier by a Left-Center government hostile to 
the National Socialists (the government headed by Wilhelm Marx 
and consisting of a coalition of Socialists and Catholic 
Centrists). The 1938 law irritated the Jews by pointedly 
excluding them from the firearms business, but it clearly was 
not a law aimed at preventing the ownership or use of firearms, 
including handguns, for either sporting or self-defense purposes 
by German citizens. As noted above, it actually relaxed or 
eliminated the provisions of a pre-existing law.
The facts, in brief, are these:
The National Socialist government of Germany did not fear its 
citizens. Adolf Hitler was the most popular leader Germany has 
ever had.

The spirit of National Socialism was one of manliness, and 
individual self-defense and self-reliance were central to the 
National Socialist view of the way a citizen should behave. The 
notion of banning firearms ownership was alien to National 

Gun registration and licensing (for long guns as well as for 
handguns) were legislated by an anti-National Socialist 
government in Germany five years before the National Socialists 
gained power. Five years after they gained power they got around 
to rewriting the gun law enacted by their predecessors, 
substantially ameliorating it in the process (for example, long 
guns were exempted from the requirement for a purchase permit; 
the legal age for gun ownership was lowered from 20 to 18 years; 
and the period of validity of a permit to carry weapons was 
extended from one to three years). They may be criticized for 
leaving certain restrictions and licensing requirements in the 
law, but they had no intention of preventing law-abiding Germans 
from keeping or bearing arms.

The highlights of the 1938 German Weapons Law (which in its 
entirety fills 12 pages of the Reichsgesetzblatt with legalese), 
especially as it applied to ordinary citizens rather than 
manufacturers or dealers, follow:
Handguns may be sold or purchased only on submission of a 
Weapons Acquisition Permit (Waffenerwerbschein), which must be 
used within one year from the date of issue. Muzzle-loading 
handguns are exempted from the permit requirement.

Holders of a permit to carry weapons (Waffenschein) or of a 
hunting license do not need a Weapons Acquisition Permit in 
order to acquire a handgun.

A hunting license authorizes its bearer to carry hunting weapons 
and handguns.

Firearms and ammunition, as well as swords and knives, may not 
be sold to minors under the age of 18 years.

Whoever carries a firearm outside of his dwelling, his place of 
employment, his place of business, or his fenced property must 
have on his person a Weapons Permit (Waffenschein). A permit is 
not required, however, for carrying a firearm for use at a 
police-approved shooting range.

A permit to acquire a handgun or to carry firearms may only be 
issued to persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and 
who can show a need for a permit. In particular, a permit may 
not be issued to:

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-11 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:00:38 -0800, you wrote:

 At 10:44 AM -0800 2/11/03, Tim May wrote:
 But in postmodern America mentioning guns is simply NOT DONE. Not even
 on the Fox Network, a more rightward network than the others. (Being
 right no longer means mentioning guns, as Ashcroft and Cheney and the
 like would prefer that guns be in the hands of der polizei. There's a
 reason Hitler confiscated guns held privately by Germans.)

 Firearms permits were instituted in the late 1920s and were required for ownership 
of firearms, ammunition, or the legal ability to manufacture either.

 When Hitler came to power, he had the laws changed so that only members of the Nazi 
party could obtain a firearms permit.
 J. Eric Townsend -- jet spies com
 buy stuff, damnit:

This one just won't die. People keep repeating it. Not much 
different from Bush's Time is running out or They hate us 
because we love freedom. Would you like to show us the part of 
the twelve page German law of March, 1938 that limits gun 
permits to members of the Nazi party? Uh huh, I didn't think so.

Re: Patriot II would outlaw encryption

2003-02-10 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
 actually..noit isn't my bust.  it is yours.

 it says:

 knowingly and willfully uses
 encryption technology to conceal any incriminating
 communication relating to a federal crime that they're
 committing, or attempting to commit.

 Thus, after the fact.I can send you an ecrypted email detailing my
 crime and I won't be upping the ante another five years.

Sure you will. The ongoing conspiracy (an agreement to commit 
a felony) continues after various events. For example, if Ted 
and Alice have an ongoing implicit understanding that they will 
meet in the shed behind her house occasionally to tend the five 
marijuana plants growing there, that is an ongoing conspiracy to 
commit a federal felony. So if, a week after Ted's last visit, 
Alice sends him an encrypted email saying Come over and watch a 
video, or whatever, the prosecutor can clearly use that (if he 
can decrypt it) as 5 more years in prison, since it used 
encryption technology and concealed an incriminating 
communication (the crime being conspiracy) that they are 
commiting (ongoing). The prosecutors can get Ted's passphrase by 
granting him immunity (probably ONLY immunity from the 
encryption enhancement penalty, or best case, from that and 
conspiracy, still nailing him for the pot felony, or getting 
Alice to roll over on him for the whole deal) and forcing 
him to disclose it having eliminated his 5th amendment defenses. 
Then they have Alice for the pot felony, conspiracy, and the 5 
year encryption booster. Of course, they will simply hang all of 
this draconian punishment over her head, her attorney will say 
they can fight for $75,000 and 2 years, during which she is in 
jail, or they can plead it out and become a felon with few 
further rights of citizenship.

And if you detail a crime after the event in an encrypted 
communication, you've essentially included another person in the 
knowledge of a past crime in the expectation that such 
disclosure will remain secret from law enforcement. That is 
conspiracy to avoid prosecution and probably obstruction of 
justice. Conspiracy and obstruction are crimes, you've just used 
encryption in a federal felony, 5 year enhancement. Bye.

For arguments re: protections from forced disclosure of keys, see

Re: DoD badly protected web form lets users administer .mil domain names.

2003-01-25 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 19:05:45 -0800, you wrote:
 Care to register a .mil Web site of your own for free? The DoD has gone out of its 
way to make it a snap. An unbelievably badly-protected admin interface welcomes you 
to register whatever domain you please ( anyone?), or edit anything 
they've already got.

That's great. How about or want-to- or

Re: Deniable racial (etc) profiling coming to TSA, thanks to neural nets

2003-01-23 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:20:27 -0800, you wrote:
 acting on hunches vexes Tien.

 The holy grail is that these systems will learn and adjust their
 suspicion calculators on their own, untethered from human input, he
 said. But if you can't document the
 basis for a score or a decision, then you have a serious due process

How pre-911 can you get? There ARE no due process problems 
anymore. And no 6th amendment problems.

Re: Forget VOA -- new exec order creating Global Communications Office

2003-01-22 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:01:09 -0500, you wrote:
 This is also pretty clear, no? It basically says
 The truth is, our goal is to dominate the world,
 and we have operatives and cronies everywhere who
 share our goals, so stay out of our way and Don't
 Fuck With Us.

Actually, it is reality not a goal. A better statement would be 
The US dominates the world, and if you act otherwise, we will 
kill you. If you think otherwise, we will find out and you will 
become a person of interest and placed on the no-fly and TIA 
watch lists. And if you are a US citizen, remember you are a 
check mark away from being an enemy combatant in a military 
prison of our choosing, with no lawyer, no judge, no appeal to 
anyone, anywhere, forever.

The US is no longer content to be #1. It demands respect for 
being #1 thru #200, inclusive.

Re: Supremes and thieves.

2003-01-21 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:51:46 +0800, you wrote:

 The US Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws.


First, the US Constitution is a piece of paper currently being 
ignored by this administration, and most likely any 
administration going forward.

The current stance of the US government is that power comes from 
the barrel of a gun, not from a grant of limited powers to the 
government by the people.

Second, the now defunct prohibition of ex post facto laws 
regards criminalizing today what someone did yesterday, and 
imposing criminal penalties on that person for it.

 Bill Stewart wrote:

  There were documents that were _going_ to become public domain soon
  that will now stay copyrighted for another 20 years,
  and one of the issues addressed by the Supremes in Eldred was
  whether the grant of an extra 20 years of copyright monopoly to
  documents that already had expiration dates assigned under the
  old laws was appropriate, as distinguished from granting a
  longer monopoly to new documents, but I thought it was established law
  that if something once became public domain it stayed that way.

Re: Supremes and thieves.

2003-01-21 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 21:26:22 +0800, you wrote:

 Alif The Terrible wrote:
  On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Marc de Piolenc wrote:
   The US Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws.
  Which has not stopped them yet.

 Actually, that provision has held quite well so far. I can't think of
 one exception...unless it's this latest copyright extension.


Tax increases by the Clinton administration, passed well into 
the tax year, affecting income received prior to the passage of 
the increase. Avoidance of such taxes would be punished with 
criminal penalties.

Or Being a US citizen of Japanese Ancestry. Lots of them.

Re: Pigs Kill Family Pet

2003-01-10 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 12:35:38 -0500, you wrote:

 No they don't; or they wouldn't have had the balls to stop the car in the
 first place.

Most cops in Cookeville, TN have dogs. I wonder if they would 
mind them being shotgunned to death. If the dog presents a 
threat of any type like running up wagging its tail like it did 
on the cop's video it is procedure to shoot them. If it's good 
enough for passing motorists pets it's sure good enough for 
cop's dogs seems to me. You just can't allow that threat to go 
unstopped you know? Buck shot is best according to the cops.

Re: citizens can be named as enemy combatants

2003-01-09 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 20:35:36 -0800, you wrote:

 I think you're overreacting a bit. The actual case involves someone
 who was in a foriegn country for years, and was in the war zone at the
 time he was fighting the US.

 The ruling says that he was squarely in teh war zone and discusses
 the issue that he hda been out of the US for a long time.

Where in the Constitution do we learn that being in a foreign 
country for years separates a United States Citizen from the 
rights provided by the Constitution? Exactly what period of 
years triggers this denial of Constitutional rights?

Please provide a map of the boundaries of the war zone for Mr. 
Bush's War on Terror.

If the President may deny habeas corpus in the absence of a 
declared war, and if the geography of a war zone is fluid and 
undefined by the government, and if the time period of absence 
from the US and relationship to time of capture is undefined, 
please show how denial of habeas corpus cannot be applied to 
every US Citizen who has ever been abroad, upon declaration of 
enemy combatant status by the United States Military, solely, 
under this ruling.

Last, if well established bedrock rights written into the 
highest law of the land like habeas corpus are denied by a 
government, please describe the moral authority underwhich that 
government may claim a right to be obeyed. Describing the power 
to capture, torture, imprison and kill, and the willingness to 
do so is not considered a moral authority in this question.

I guess Citizens should wait on events, while dangers gather? 
Citizens should forgo any preemption of those who would attack 

Re: No Ex Post Facto Laws, No Easy Loss of Citizenship

2003-01-09 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 23:07:50 -0800, you wrote:
  This man was and is a citizen. His presence overseas
  did not cause him to lose his citizenship. If he faces
  charges, he faces them in a U.S. court with full access
  to lawyers, full habeas corpus rights, full rights to face
  his accusers, and so on.

But isn't the point of the Bush-Military that he does not face 
charges, he is like a captured German Luftwaffe Pilot in 1944 
in France -- he is to be held in a prisoner of war prison until 
the end of hostilities (never, since you can't defeat a method 
like Terror), and repatriated to the country of his military 
commanders (never, since it is a group, not a country, and they 
will all be killed)?

But the point is more dangerous. The point is that the military 
alone can decide if you are an enemy combatant, and if they do, 
you can be held in secret anywhere, without notice to anyone, 
with no legal representation, until the day you die. A person 
disappears. That's all we would know, if that's the way the 
military wants to play it. Land of the free, home of the brave.

Re: citizens can be named as enemy combatants

2003-01-09 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
If Bush can decide alone whether or not we are at war, and if 
Bush can decide alone with whom we are at war, and if Bush can 
decide alone what the boundaries of the war zone are, and if 
Bush can decide alone what behavior makes one an enemy 
combatant, then we have one person, a totalitarian dictator, who 
can disappear you, imprison you, and kill you, at will, with no 
right of review by a court for any of it. That totalitarian 
dictator is Bush.

Do his war powers extend to cancelling elections? Why not? Can't 
judges disappear as well as anyone?

Re: Singularity ( was Re: Policing Bioterror Research )

2003-01-07 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
BTW, I think I read somewhere that when the water gets too hot the frog just 

Like someone already mentioned, all that is needed for the total collapse of the US 
government is that 90+% of sheeple abstains from TV and newspapers for 30 consecutive 
days (externally induced psychosis needs constant maintenance.) Such detox event would 
be the most dramatic social phenomenon in the last hundred years.

But it's impossible promulgate even that simple idea and therefore the frog stays.


The Two Towers....

2002-12-30 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
Blah blah blah wrote...

My hunch is that the new towers will never be filled and will turn out to be a 
business catastrophe 

Who gives a crap? Despite the fact that the original towers were as ugly as hell, they 
were a giant Fuck You to the rest of the world and we New Yorkers loved 'em. (I 
still say to NJ-based relatives that All of you conspired to knock down the 
towers...I refuse to distinguish between bin Laden, gov Florio (or whoever), and 
George Bush. All I know is that it was you non-New-Yorkers who did it 'cause you hate 
us and all our cool food, culture, filth and crime.) And until I stop paying taxes 
entirely, I might as well SEE something my tax $$$ may have been used to build, as 
opposed to stealth buildings and giant storage schools. (I always used the same 
argument to support the superconducting supercollider)

oops, I said business, when in fact it is the Port Authority, a weird melange of 
jurisdictions which is probably constitutionally invalid). 

The PA is certainly one of the more lecherous groups in these parts, including the 
mob. They were supposed to dissappear after the tolls paid for roads and bridges to be 
built. But using that ole' loophole (something to do with refinancing), they've 
maintained their incpometant and corrupt stranglehold on most of our major 
thoroughfares for lo these many years (increasing the pollution like crazy, too).

I wasn't sorry to see those Bauhaus boxes go.

Bauhaus? I guess. More like that 70s warmed over post-Bauhaus fascist crapola. Nobody 
in NYC really thought they were beautiful, but we do miss 'em (see above!).

And Peter Trei wrote...

One thing I liked in particular was that most of the designs 
weren't afraid to go high into the sky this time around. Building 
high is an expression of confidence.

This I more or less agree with. And it's not a government thing, not a business thing, 
just a New York thing. We need replacement towers for sure, and that design by David 
Rockwell  Co (with those odd empty tower-structures) might be good. They have the 
additional advantage of not casting such a dark shadow over downtown and Brooklyn 

PT wrote...
The WTC was a landmark 
for a huge part of the city; you could see it easily from most 
of midtown and downtown. 
but Blah Blah Blah wrote...

Hideous boxes. 

Again, you miss the point. We New Yorkers navigated by them, and when traveling out in 
th'sticks (ie, New Jersey and west of the hudson) those ugly boxes would come popping 
up over the horizon welcoming you home, just like your ugly ole' Mom.

Somebody wrote, and I really don't remember or care who. Hell, let's say Tim May wrote 
it just to piss him off...

My own initiial idea was to rebuild the towers as they were, but in 
goldtone instead of silver. Now, I'd like to be a little more respectful 
of the pre-WTC street grid (If you weren't actually going to the WTC, 
it was a huge obstacle to get around, either driving or on foot). But I 
still want towers which rise far above the skyline. 

That original twisty-towers design brought forward in response to how shitty the 
original official designs were by that Amalgamated Architects was the best design, but 
for some reason it didn't make it into the official final round.

One hopes not a single fucking dime of taxpayer money will go into rebuilding 
anything on that site. (Oh, I won't scream if $25,000 is allocated to hire that 
Chinese architect to replicate her Vietcong wall with the names of the dead so that 
the weepy ones can do their tracings and all. But nothing more should be spent out of 
the taxpayer's pocket.)

Like I said, you can either SEE your tax dollars build something (even if its 
useless), or else they'll just dissappear up some buereucrats (I can never spell that 
word) nose. Unless you pay zero taxes of course.

(Ayn Rand loved the Twin Towers, ironically, and typically, and disgustingly. But, 
then, she thought cigarette smoking was a symbolic affirmation of Man's control of 
fire and his striving to reify A or Not-A through purity of essence!

A read through a couple Ayn Rand books and none of this should be suprising. As far as 
I'm concerned she wasn't exactly von Neumann.

Tyler Durden

Re: 60 years to rights restoration

2002-12-11 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
This is the best explanation of the behavior of the Democratic 
Party I've ever seen.

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 20:01:37 -0500, you wrote:

 1. Put a bunch of gorillas in a cage.

 2. Put a nice stack of boxes in the cage.

 3. Then, string a big bunch of bananas from the top of the cage
 hanging within arm's reach from the top of the stack of boxes.

 (3a. Okay, put the gorillas in last, or you'll never get to steps 1
 and 2 :-).)

 4. When the first gorilla climbs to the top of the boxes to grab the
 bananas, do something extremely unpleasant to all the gorillas, like,
 say, deluging them with icy water from sprinklers at the top of the
 cage, or something.

 Pretty soon, they stop climbing the boxes completely.

 5. Then, replace the one gorilla. Watch the others physically
 restrain him if he tries to go for the bananas.

 Repeat 5 until all the gorillas have been replaced.

 6. The gorillas will physically assault anyone who climbs the
 pyramid, and they won't know why.
