Re: [cdr] Re: The Register - eBay to Fees: come and get what you want (fwd)

2003-09-21 Thread professor rat
Third function.Look out behind you!

At 05:06 PM 9/20/03 +0200, you wrote:
also sprach Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.09.20.1638 +0200]:
Don't want to open a can of worms here, but is cypherpunks secondary
function to be Jim's link distribution list? I mean, we all know The
Register and we all look around.
martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[cdr] What to do when gibbering cowardly eunuchs panic,a website.

2003-09-13 Thread professor rat
Watching you prissy little twits running around flapping your hands has 
made my day!
Thank you so much.

 (One rule of thumb I use is to never, ever use actual names of
 burrowcrats. Except for a few at the top, I don't even make any effort
 to remember the names. It's hard to be charged with making a direct,
 credible threat when no specific person is either named or alluded to.)
Obey the five million laws at all times and make excuses for my 
senilty,gotcha chief.

 Allusions work, like the coke-snorting C student who drove his car
drunk into somebody's hedge.
I wouldn't necessarily leap to the conclusion Professor Rat lives in
Australia.  Perhaps he just has has a shell there.
Eric Michael Cordian 0+ 
Illusions work,like youse are some kind of free thinking revolutionaries.Oh 
you mean the Randite republican who was a snitch for Ed 
Meese and is now a senile racist nazi living in a bunker like Charles Ng

Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Shouldn't that read Obey Mongo who obeys all the laws all the time 
especially from Disneycops

You eunuchs crack me up,do you ever read what your shovelling?

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from 
their slaves.

kim stanley robinson

[cdr] Professor Rat lives in Australia.

2003-09-13 Thread professor rat
Like kaZaA lives in Vanuatu

 Being that he's in Australia, as far as I know, I doubt extradition 
will occur. 

Wow...Fingered by Ed Mees's personal snitch.How will I ever repay you Mong?

 The questions being asked of Jim 

Don't you mean the 'Rat'? :)

 may have to do with the Feds making the only prosecution they can make:


  ...that those passing on such threats via mailing lists are somehow 
guilty of some crime. This is just speculation on my part. 

Watch what you say,watch what you do. You are with us or you are with 
the terrorists.
Ring a bell moron? I hear there is a cure for Alziemers in the works.

 If so, the case may hinge on issues of common carrier status. Also, I 
believe Congress passed a bill explicitly saying that sysops are not liable 
for the e-mail passing through their systems...Declan will likely have the 
latest on this.

Lives in Cali and swears by Congress,this leader of the eunuch circle is 
truly dangerous.
Just remember like Nazi Germany the jails might be safer than the camps for 
a few years.

 Anyway, I'll bet good money 

That'll be the day,how about the SUV?...Mongo dead by Xmas? I'd buy that 
for a dollar!

 this is the series of messages in question. Nothing else I have seen 
either rises to this level or seems to involve Pennsylvania in any 
significant way.

--Tim May 

There is a new MEESE style attack on the adult movie industry,(you know 
when grown ups play let's pretend - only these ones have GENITALs. You must 
remember them)
Nothing is going on in Pennsylvania that will affect cypherpunk EUNUCHS 
that's for sure.

Who wants to join the LAST revolution? The one to take down ALL the 

James Dalton Bell.

[cdr] His posts are very direct threats

2003-09-13 Thread professor rat
 My comment is that this Professor Rat, whose posts I have not seen
 for as long as has been my feed, is probably in some real
 difficulty. His posts are very direct threats, not veiled in any of the
 vague, political politicians ought to be given a fair trial and then
 hanged or even the I hope Washington is nuked sorts.
Well Mongo never tires of making a jackass of himself or displaying his 
cowardice either.
I am charged with threats to kill Victorian police,under the crimes 
act,that has a 10 max penalty.
Sometimes the circle of eunuchs is approached by men with gonads.You do 
remember gonads don't you Mong?
Under the parchment you feeble minded freeper scum worship,that is not even 
a crime in yr shithole little nation.However - I am pleading NOT GUILTY and 
have made NO ADMISSIONS.
So I am INNOCENT till proven guilty dickwad.

Moron number two...

 hope this isn't going to be another one of those cases where some
federal judge reads list messages completely out of context, and concludes
that some plot is afoot to blow up the federal government. 
Please don't throw me in that ol briar patch massa Fox! Gee I hope I didn't 
frighten the eunuchs again.

 Perhaps Professor Rat is a federal agent hoping to bait some list member
into publicly cheering when he criticizes high-ranking public officials. 
Oh you mean like confessed snitches Mongo (to MEESE!) Choate,(to the 
Fucking bureaucratic imbeciles.) or Peter Trei to CJ's parole filth.That 
was brazen.I did dob in some Kali Nazi wack job in to the ATF,I hope they 
are organizing a raid on his compound in the hills of Corralito's.I hope he 
is shot while shitting blood in terror like a gibbering coward.Maybe he is 
a survivalist who carries cyanide like his old mate Leonard.

 Or perhaps Professor Rat just made the mistake of playing Paintball on the
weekends while subscribed to the Cypherpunks list.
Nowt wrong with paintball or using this list as a toilet,don't worry the 
eunuchs here lap it all up.
You aint seen nothing yet.I promise you.

I despise you. I despise your order, your laws, your force-propped 
authority. Hang me for it!

Louis Lingg


[cdr] Mongo the greatest shrink since Radovan Karadizc?

2003-09-12 Thread professor rat
 Were he in the U.S., I'd expect he'd face serious charges. Being that
 he's in Australia, as far as I know, I doubt extradition will occur.
Um,I am facing charges with a 10 year penalty under the crimes act,I guess 
that's nothing these days over there in the Soviet Unions of America.Trial 
date is Oct 20.

 (Terrantson measl) I disagree (although I would not have several years 

The FBI has been learning to use international extradition over the last two
years or so, and are actually getting to be quite good at it from what I
hear. (measl is a weasel)
 And even if he were prosecuted, by Oz or by the U.S., his various
 articles indicate mental disturbance could be a winning defense, with
 him ordered to get back on his Prozac or Zoloft or whatever.
Ha! The FBI threatened to extradite me early in 2002 over the 'Pacifier 
They applied enough pressure for the Australian Federal Police to visit 
with my psychiatrist and together they cooked up a 'management plan' that 
Soviet and Cuban shrinks would be proud of.
This is, as far as I know ,a unique attempt to drug a dissident from 
another country!
I have a lot of FOI papers on this and posted a lot about it to the archive 
at the time.
Although almost nobbled and committed I managed to turn this telling 
incident to some advantage by passing a review with flying colors!
From plain vanilla schizophrenia to paranoid schizophrenia courtesy of the 
FBI,my pension is secured till the old age one kicks in.Thank you FBI!
The cascading agencies involved in my original bust make it easier to 
defend myself actually although it's nice to always have a 'Plan B'. 
(search on antipsychiatry non CoS)
I am available for extradition though the CIA has passed on some new laws 
to their puppets here that make 'offensive' material illegal,'cyberstalking 
is illegal and ASIO now can disappear people so why would they bother?
I would still consider it a propaganda coup,just less likely asSeppo's are 
not really flavor of the month here at the minute.
Thanks for the 'diagnosis' Dr Mong,thanks a hell of a lot.

I thought major league assholes like you were opposed to Soviet style 

I don't need any help to defend myself from this cypherpunk circle of eunuchs.


[cdr] Measl the Weasel - for the record

2003-09-12 Thread professor rat
Though described by some as 'humourless' we can now see clearly what a 
bundle of laughs our friend JA Terranson is...

 would dearly love to see this idiot named an enemy combatant, if for no
other reason that to laugh my ass off.  To paraphrase both Tim *and*
Mattd: Proffr Needs Killing - rlmao! 
What really cracks me up is that he still wont pledge any cash.This guy was 
ahead of his time though, way back before jya disgraced himself by acting 
as Mongo's echo chamber.The burn off of 20 million,etc Terranson was 
bending over in the showers for Tim with his gas them comment.Check the 
archives.To sum up a cheap plastic imitation Mongo wannabee who never 
was.Two of my countrymen have already been named EC's and spent over two 
years at Xray - For the record.

[cdr] Social Hack sets off security flappers.(and that just may be the point.)

2003-09-09 Thread professor rat
Customs Minister Chris Ellison has signalled an independent review of 
Customs' security following the theft of two computer servers at Sydney 
Airport last week.

The government has been embarrassed by the revelation that thieves posed as 
computer technicians to steal the computers from Australian Customs Service 
facilities at the airport.

I will also be announcing an independent review of Customs security 
shortly and the form of that will be announced in a few days' time, 
Senator Ellison told ABC TV.

He said the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the secretive Defence Signals 
Directorate (DSD) and Customs were investigating the theft.

There has been a misrepresentation in the press as to what was actually 
taken, he said.

For a start, there weren't thousands of confidential files taken and we've 
ascertained that there weren't sensitive details relating to Customs 
officials ... taken either.

ASIO and the AFP did not complain to Customs about this matter.

Senator Ellison said the two servers were to enable communication across 
the Customs network.

We are concerned about it, we are investigating the matter but I think 
that to speculate whilst there is an investigation going would be 

He would not deny that the theft was terrorist-related.

To assume things in this environment is very dangerous. We have the AFP 
and DSD on the job.

They have reported to me the progress of the investigation. I'm happy with 
that. I'm not going to speculate as to the motive of the thief concerned, 
who was involved.,4057,7200178%255E15306,00.html

[cdr] Open source cryptoanarchy.

2003-09-08 Thread professor rat
Attempting to hold onto the intellectual property (cough) and then 
profit from carefully licensing it out to others is usually a lose. 

This also applies to land that is not being used and is needed by the 
Randite masses.You can keep your smelly house Mong but all the fences have 
to come down before we take them down.
Attempting to hold on to yr SUV is also a 'lose' you loser.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in 
moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for 


Morons, mental defectives, epileptics, illiterates, paupers, unemployables, 
criminals, prostitutes and dope fiends of the world unite.

Who wants to join the LAST revolution? The one to take down ALL the 

James Dalton Bell.

I was walking along the road with two friends.
The sun was setting.
I felt a breath of melancholy -
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red as the atmosphere tipped over into 
runaway greenhouse,
I stopped, and leaned against the railing, deathly tired -
looking out across the flaming clouds that hung like blood and a sword
over the blue-black fjord and town.
My friends walked on - I stood there, trembling with fear.
And I sensed a great, infinite scream pass through nature.

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in 
moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for 
John Kenneth Galbraith
economist and author

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are 
conservative. John Stuart Mill
British philosopher

 Free thought, necessarily involving freedom
 of speech  press, I may tersely define thus:
 no opinion a law --  no opinion a crime.
Alexander Berkman.

1915 -- Australia: Sterling work from the syndicalist Industrial
Workers of the World Wobbly Tom Barker is arrested for
his anti-war poster,
Workers, follow your masters: stay at home.

Anti-recruiting efforts finally get him 12 months
hard labour. He is released after only 3 months,
following a series of fires in stores  factories.
Is there a connection?
   For every day Barker is in jail,
   it will cost the capitalists £10,000.
2001 --  Australia: Government says it used the bones of 21,830
dead Australians in a nuclear radiation study without the consent
of relatives, 1957-78.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.
---Heinrich Heine
Allow me to quote a Chinese proverb which goes, 'If you are out to condemn 
someone, you can always trump up a charge.' Jiang Zemin

The NY Court of Appeals ruled that it is not possible to disturb the peace 
of a police officer. The incident was in fact someone calling a cop a 
pig, and their subsequent arrest for disturbing the peace. Any cop who 
reacts to being called useless pig is, in fact, one,and should be removed 
from positions of authority.

I'm not a believer in Anarchy because I believe that people will behave 
better without government than with, I'm a believer in Anarchy because then 
they can't hide behind lawyers and badges when they fuck someone. They can 
still hide behind guns, but that just makes their actions more honest. I 
don't believe in anarchy because I trust people. I believe in anarchy 
because I don't trust them. -- You don't expect governments to obey the law 
because of some higher moral development. You expect them to obey the law 
because they know that if they don't, those who aren't shot will be 
hanged. - -Michael Shirley

The issue is not that allowing it is good, but that banning it would 
require drastic and draconian enforcement measures.)
The problem with government is not that it is a conspiracy, it is an 
interlocking series of bureaucracies which all seek to avoid 
responsibility. I think that this Government is a threat to mankind. You 
can't protect freedom and liberties behind stock piles of chemical and 
biological weapons and nuclear weapons.

I am more afraid of an army of a hundred sheep led by a lion than an army 
of a hundred lions led by a sheep- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Legal principles of ultra vires and due process. That restricts how 
communities can police members. Decisions can't be made on a whim. They 
can't be out of proportion.
See also defence of necessity,allows you to shoot down a passenger 
jet,broke law to save greater evil,defence of necessity.

The power of Accurate Observation is often dubbed Cynicism by those who 
lack it* GBShaw

It is a maxim among these lawyers, that whatever hath been done before, may 
legally be done again: and therefore they take special care to record all 
the decisions formerly made against common justice and the general reason 
of mankind.
- Jonathan Swift. Gulliver, in Gulliver's Travels, A Voyage to the Country 
of the Houyhnhnms
Only those beneath me can envy or hate me. I have never been envied nor
hated; I am above no one. Only those above me can 

Looking Better For Kagaa.

2003-03-23 Thread professor rat
On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Harmon Seaver wrote:
 Hey, this war is looking better all the time. We got our first fragging
 already, and the US troops are finding themselves no real match for the
 Iraqis. I just heard that there's at least 1 million well armed Ba'ath 
 irregulars, plus unknown numbers of armed Iraqi tribes, besides the 
 strong Iraqi army which clearly isn't rolling over like projected.
 Could it be that the US will actually get it's ass kicked? Unless dimwit
 dubya decides to start carpet bombing the civilian population, there's 
no way
 they can beat those numbers. The US airpower does them zilch good in the 
Don't get your hopes up. With air power and seige tanks the Iraqi's don't
have much ammo or food. Just like the US controls Afghanistan, they
will claim they control Iraq. There will be incidents and a few
minor operations to clean out enemy cells, but I don't expect to see any
well organized defense. The US technology is orders of magnitude better,
they can easily destroy large armies.
What they *can't* do is destroy small armies. So the Persians, Talibs and
other muslim groups that have a grudge against the US will bleed them to
death one soldier at a time. With truck bombs and grenades and other
suicide missions. Since this whole thing is about oil, they'll definitly
want to attack oil pipelines.
I don't think the majority of neanderthals in the US fully understand the
mess they've created, nor how they will ever extract themselves from this
tar baby. The reason the US got its butt kicked in Vietnam was the
refusal by congress to allow full military unleashing. Now, they've
unleashed the military, who will win the war, but never really fully
control anything.
The US now has troops in over 100 countries. That's a lot of targets to
pick at. Imagine losing a soldier somewhere once a day, everyday for the
next 10 years.

This is where Kagaa comes in,with the killer application for governmental 
accountability through anarchism we can 'decapitate' and/or 'nickle and 
dime' the biggest bad ass state that ever existed into the dust where it 

Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST revolution on 
earth, the one that'll take down ALL the governments? James Dalton Bell.

Canaries in a corralitos coalmine.

2003-03-11 Thread professor rat
I'm imagining Tim sitting at his window with a shotgun and some 
high-tech oxygen detector... 

Or a couple of low tech parrots like Declan McCatohead and jya.Hopefully 
Mongo will do a Hemingway soon.

The idea is not to convince anyone with your arguments but to provide the 
arguments with which they later convinces themselves. pr for open source 

Re: pledge of allegiance in schools

2003-03-06 Thread professor rat
One major news about which I have personal knowledge once decided the 
best poll questions were Mac vs. PC and gun rights vs. gun control. (Maybe 
nowadays Microsoft vs. Linux would be up there too.) -Declan 

Maybe CATO vs the black bloc?

Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST revolution on 
earth, the one that'll take down ALL the governments? James Dalton Bell.

Confusion thy name is May.

2003-03-06 Thread professor rat
Who're we? Are you writing on behalf of a committee or club, or do 
you have tapeworms? As for all of you not liking the name, fine, none of us 
is compelling your group to use any particular name. --Tim May 

He is still mentally in the army,mong and as he puts out better agitprop 
than you these days I wouldn't diss him to much.Thieves never prosper and 
as you stole the word anarchy what do y'all expect? Who're us? btw? 
Anarchists will shortly take back crypto anarchy from the senile racist 
lunatic in possession.(possessed by the rancid ghost of Aryan Rant)You have 
fair warning dogbreath.Disarm or face operation soft drill.

Re: Give peace a chance?

2003-03-06 Thread professor rat
Right. A lawyer who lives around the corner from me worked as a 
volunteer at at least one Olympics as an IP enforcer. Any people wearing 
shirts or sweatshirts or jackets with trademarks on them that were not 
Olympic sponsors got kicked out of the event. 

Your RaHoWa mate,Tim 'Mongo' May, loves these private dicks,he will assume 
the position for them while you print his tripe about shooting the 
goobermints police.You pissweak 'anarchist' cunts make me laugh.

Return to Sender.

2003-02-19 Thread professor rat
As part of the campaign, the U.S. Postal Service will send out brochures 
to every American.

Return to sender and vote against waste and fear and warmongering,leave no 
chad unturned!

Nigger Please.

2003-02-15 Thread professor rat
We live in fascist times. --Tim May 

That you and your 'libertarian' ilk have encouraged and still encourage in 
many ways,see archives.

(They got Debs put in prison for much less.) 

Not to mention anarchist Emma Goldman,Mr crypto-anarchist historian.Plus 
she was deported,nothing you'd ever have to worry about.

A war that, Allah willing, causes Washington, D.C. to be be hit with a 
suitcase nuke, cleansing it of a million criminal politicians and two 
million inner city welfare mutants. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be 
wished. --Tim May 

Nigger Please.

FOI Request for Cypherpunk files at the FBI.

2003-02-14 Thread professor rat
Anyone over there care to apply under FOI for all the cypherpunk files?
It might take a few decades but we all want to see how much is blacked out 
on us right? Know your enemy means know what your enemy knows about you.No?

Unless you hunt the terrorist group, the terrorist group will hunt you

Re: Patriot II would outlaw encryption

2003-02-10 Thread professor rat
knowingly and willfully uses  encryption technology to conceal any 
incriminating  communication relating to a federal crime that they're  
committing, or attempting to commit.

So like I've been saying,it's better to just say KILL the PRESIDENT out 
loud in public,sure they have made an example of a few unfortunates but 
they can't jail everyone and a simple phone tree aLa Solidnardosc can bring 
them down.This PATRIOT bs is all bluff,' Pay no attention to that man 
behind the curtain.
Truth be known the US govt is fucked coming and going.If they get more 
repressive they incite more resistance and they will end up like the 
Hitlerian or Leninist Tyrannies sooner or later.If they back off on the 
prosecution ( as they already have with me) then they are seen as pissweak 
and ripe for overthrowing.If they muddle along doing the odd black bag job 
on a made guy then they're naturally selecting the workarounds for those 
specific DIRTy tricks.In any darwinian race the govt will lose by creating 
the 'superbugs' that will destroy it.
This is not to be a complete fatalist or determinist,it's still a lot of 
fun smashing the state and I encourage new anarchists to join in 
anytime,(and drop out anytime,I did for 15 years once,part time and 
disabled are also most welcome.) After all what are you going to say when 
your kid(s) ask you.What did you and mommy/daddy do in the worldwide 

I've never seen a situation so dismal
that a policeman couldn't make it
Brendan Behan.

Subject: c'punks.

2003-02-09 Thread professor rat
Hey, asshole, why don't you quit using the cypherpunks list as your own 
private soapbox?

Hey asshole why don't you just try and make me?

 Just about everybody twitfiltered you long ago, but you're burning up 
a shitload of bandwidth with your spew. 

More than photo's of ground zero? If you don't know what your talking about 
you might try and keep your big trap shut btw.

AT BEST you should only be posting the URLs of whatever sites you are 
copy/pasting from,

I should listen to you because...? FUCK YOU JACKASS!

 but even that is doubtful as to the usefulness, since much of what you 
post has little or nothing to do with things of interest to the list. 

Yeah I noticed no one's commented on all the quantum crypto stuff I was 
first with,so the site has a lot of dickhead 'libertarians',so? All the 
more reason to treat them with contempt.Are you their best spokesdickhead? LOL.

Even the subject lines of your messages suck. 

Suck my dick faggot.

They don't even induce the reader to suspect that you might have posted 
something of relevence. Not that that's likely.
Say hello to Choate down there in the bit-bucket.

Whatever, Sluggo [EMAIL PROTECTED]you fucking whinger.Have a good cry 
baby,you'll feel better.

Two Finalists Are Selected for the Void at Ground Zero

2003-02-06 Thread professor rat
Putting the hideousness of what they both look like aside,how are they 
going to get fire union approval?
Don't tell me they still don't need it!
Shame Gaudi's rocket couldn't get up or even a bigger version of that big 
Stalin era hotel in Moscow.That would slot right into Gotham IMO.

I also don't see any provision for observation platforms/chopper evac 
area's.Lightning cant strike twice?