FYI: new leap second on its way

2005-07-04 Thread Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Forwarded message from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -



61, Av. de l'Observatoire 75014 PARIS (France)
Tel.  : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 26
FAX   : 33 (0) 1 40 51 22 91

  Paris, 4 July 2005
  Bulletin C 30

  To authorities responsible 
  for the measurement and 
  distribution of time  

on the 1st of January 2006

 A positive leap second will be introduced at the end of December 2005.
 The sequence of dates of the UTC second markers will be:   

  2005 December 31, 23h 59m 59s
  2005 December 31, 23h 59m 60s
  2006 January   1,  0h  0m  0s
 The difference between UTC and the International Atomic Time TAI is:
  from 1999 January 1, 0h UTC, to 2006 January 1  0h UTC  : UTC-TAI = - 32s
  from 2006 January 1, 0h UTC, until further notice   : UTC-TAI = - 33s
 Leap seconds can be introduced in UTC at the end of the months of December 
 or June, depending on the evolution of UT1-TAI. Bulletin C is mailed every 
 six months, either to announce a time step in UTC or to confirm that there 
 will be no time step at the next possible date.

  Daniel GAMBIS
  Earth Orientation Center of IERS
  Observatoire de Paris, France

- End forwarded message -

Re: A datetime comparision question

2005-07-04 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, Albert Whale wrote:

I have a function which performs a test on a DB field, and performs an
addition of the NOW() + INTERVAL $auth_life_secs SECOND for a Table
update.  (I do not see this functionality in the DBI - one of the few Use 
statements in the perl script).

This question really has nothing to do with Perl, it's a SQL question.

Second, don't send the same message twice.  That's just rude.  If you 
didn't get answer it's because nobody knows the answer, nobody wants to 
answer, or as I mentioned, you're off-topic.


Your guide to all that's veg.   My book blog

Re: on a Diet

2005-07-04 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Mon, 4 Jul 2005, Daisuke Maki wrote:

 > I have found DateTime unsuitable to quite a few tasks for
 > various unfortunate reasons; which is a shame given the level of
 > following and amount of design time that's gone into it.

And I quite agree. It's a shame if we don't fix this and make useful in any project -- and damnit I want to see it
survive in Perl6.

Well, I'd take Sam's message with a grain of salt.  I use it in lots of 
projects, and I know it's being used by lots of other people for lots of 
things.  The idea that it's "too slow" is bogus.  It might be too 
slow/bulky if you're creating thousands or hundreds of thousands of 
objects at once, but even then I wonder if it is.

So without anymore adew, here's my braindump of things that needs
reviewing, and possible solutions:
 - Prioritize features in, and figure out the
   most effective area to improve
 - Use XS, where feasible. Move more existing PurePerl stuff
   in * modules

I think most everything that can be XS already is.  XS has its own 
overhead, and if you're just calling lots of Perl functions in XS, 
particularly OO stuff, it may not be that much faster.  I tried rewriting 
duration addition in XS and it didn't help at all.

Locale / TimeZone
   - Locale and TimeZones are singletons
   - They are not *that* often used

 Possible Improvements:
   - Defer loading them until absolutely necessary

That's already done.

   - Do not keep copy of a these objects in memory,
 and keep the ID only

This would be _slow_.  Going to disk every time you need to look up locale 
or time zone information would be a huge speed hit.

   - (collary: keep necessary flags like "is_floating"
  in memory as part of DateTime's blessed hash)

This isn't checked all that often.

 Also implement in XS?

Implementing time zones in XS as native C data structures would almost 
certainly be a huge win.  Unfortunately I don't have the C chops for this.

Locales are pretty small and I doubt they're a big speed hit.

Frankly, I thought Sam's message was a bit hand-wavy.  He says:

 I can see why you'd want to ship a copy of the locale information and
 timezone database, but IMHO there needs to be a way that these can be
 coded to be a little more space/file efficient.

But it's not clear if he's looked at the locales.  They're already pretty 
tiny, just a few small arrays or hashes for each one.  It's not clear how 
you could make them any smaller, and they're only loaded as needed!

Anyway, before people rush off down various paths I'd suggest some 
profiling and benchmarking, rather than just "making it faster".

The first question to answer is what are people doing with these objects? 
I suspect the biggest benefit would be simply to speed up object creation, 
rather than the datetime math bits.  Secondly, I think slimming down time 
zones would be a big win (for memory savings), and speeding them up would 
be nice although not necessarily that noticeable.  After that improving 
datetime math would be good, I think.


Your guide to all that's veg.   My book blog

ANNOUNCE: DateTime 0.2901

2005-07-04 Thread Dave Rolsky

0.2901  2005-07-04

- A leap second for the end of 2005 was announced.


Your guide to all that's veg.   My book blog
===*/ on a Diet

2005-07-04 Thread Daisuke Maki
[using my gmail account because for some reason I'm not seeing my
mails go through to the list...]

Okay, I've been meaning to do this for a while, but now I've just
about had enough (plus, now I have some free time). As Sam Vilain
wronte in a separete thread:

  > I have found DateTime unsuitable to quite a few tasks for
  > various unfortunate reasons; which is a shame given the level of
  > following and amount of design time that's gone into it.

And I quite agree. It's a shame if we don't fix this and make useful in any project -- and damnit I want to see it
survive in Perl6.

So without anymore adew, here's my braindump of things that needs
reviewing, and possible solutions:

Break Down of
 - Accessors/Mutators
 - Formatters (ymd, mdy, stringify, etc)
 - Calculations (day_of_week, week, internal calculations, etc)
 - Date math (+DateTime::Duration)
  - Prioritize features in, and figure out the
most effective area to improve
  - Use XS, where feasible. Move more existing PurePerl stuff
in * modules

Locale / TimeZone 
- Locale and TimeZones are singletons
- They are not *that* often used

  Possible Improvements:
- Defer loading them until absolutely necessary
- Do not keep copy of a these objects in memory, 
  and keep the ID only
- (collary: keep necessary flags like "is_floating"
   in memory as part of DateTime's blessed hash)

  Also implement in XS?

If you guys have any suggestions, critiques, or anything else, please
let the list know. For one, I'm going to see where I can just go ahead
and switch to XS and send a patch...

Let's make this excellent framework leaner and meaner!


Re: Perl 6 DateTime

2005-07-04 Thread Sam Vilain

Dave Rolsky wrote:

I may have been quite vocal in the past about the practical failings
of DateTime for Perl 5, but as I'm sure we both know, the API has needed
Actually, I don't remember you saying anything, but maybe it was a while 
back on the datetime list?

Possibly.  I have found DateTime unsuitable to quite a few tasks for
various unfortunate reasons; which is a shame given the level of following
and amount of design time that's gone into it.

For instance, the in-memory objects are quite heavy, especially compared to
Class::Date, or a simple ISO representation as used by Date::Manip.  I can
see why you'd want to ship a copy of the locale information and timezone
database, but IMHO there needs to be a way that these can be coded to be a
little more space/file efficient.  Adding a parser for a new format was easy
enough, but the performance at the end of it was noticably slower than other

But of course these are all implementation problems so nothing to do with
what I grok DateTime is about ;)

Well, I think what you started already has some serious mistakes.  For 
one, the Huffman coding is backwards.  You've used "Date" for a generic 
interface, which is something that only calendar authors need to 
implement, and then used Date::Gregorian for the thing that will be used 
all the time.  Short names like "Date" or "DateTime" should go to the 
most commonly used bits, which is the Gregorian implementation.  
Interfaces should have long names, like "Date::Calendar::Interface".

That is true, but I think it is also very important that you can use;

  if ($item.does(Date)) {

And not have to worry about whether you're running on a system that uses
the Gregorian calendar as primary or not.  That might seem like an odd
requirement, but I see large sections of the world being forced to use the
relatively useless Solar calendar because of our society's inflexibility,
and it would be nice if we didn't need to force that.  Also how are aliens
supposed to write code in Perl 6 if we force them to constantly marshall
their non-linear time bases into our reference frame?  We cannot overlook
people living in regions where time requires junctions to be expressed.

In terms of Huffmanisation, I'd also like to see this sort of thing work;

  use Date;
  my $date = date(time());

And have the Date module find the preferred date module that you want to
use and present that.  If your code actually uses Gregorian-style accessors,
then you would want to use Date::Gregorian instead to imply that dependency.

No doubt, there will be a coerce method supplied;

  multi sub coerce:( Date $from, Date::Gregorian $to ) { ... }

(something like that - see autrijus' recent journal entry)

So that when you specify that a function requires the Date::Gregorian
interface, or a DateTime interface, or whatever, then it can silently
and transparently cast it.

I also am not big on exporting functions like "date()" by default.  I 
think that's useful, but it definitely be on request.

I used to be like this, too.  Then ingy suggested to me that I add a set()
constructor to Set::Object, exported by default, and I haven't looked back.

Also, I'm not sure how far specced the export traits are, or how far

Exporting by default is normally reserved only for the most useful
functions; such as exports Load and Dump but not LoadFile and
DumpFile.  If words clash, you can always provide a null export list, but
if you Get It Rightâ„¢, then the users of the module will just love it!  :)

Anyway, I think there's lots of time to play with this.  I think you 
should feel free to continue working on your code too, since there's no 
need to have a unified effort at this time.  If you'd prefer to work 
together, that's fine too.

Ok, well what I was aiming for was a unified "Date" role - abstract from
the implementation - so that authors of date code can fairly transparently
switch between implementations, if their usage is sufficiently basic.

At the very least, we can probably share parts of each other's test
suites so that both of our implementations are of high quality and we can
learn from each other's experiments.

The really cool thing about developing Perl6 for Pugs at the moment is 
that there's no way anyone can use it in production, so we're free to 
break backwards compatibility at the drop of a hat ;)

Yes, very true :-).

- Explore a new DateTime API - right now I'm inclined to start with 3 
core classes - Date, DateTime, and DateTimeTZ.  DateTime would be a 
datetime in the floating time zone, while DateTimeTZ would have a real 
tz.  I'm also thinking of trying to create a Time class, so that 
DateTime is simply a container of a Date and a Time.  The advantage here 
is that authors of calendar modules which have the same 24-hour time 
system can reuse that.  Probably we'd need Time and TimeLS (leap second) 
or something like that.

ok.  I think I get what you mean - there's a lot of clock related code

A datetime comparision question

2005-07-04 Thread Albert Whale

I have a function which performs a test on a DB field, and performs an
addition of the NOW() + INTERVAL $auth_life_secs SECOND for a Table
update.  (I do not see this functionality in the DBI - one of the few 
Use statements in the perl script).

I would like to set a variable equal to this amount so that I
can test the value of the DB Field to see if the update should be performed.

I want to modify the update to only update the field if the 
record_expires field is less than the quantity of NOW() + INTERVAL.

my $rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE table SET record_expires = NOW() + INTERVAL
$auth_life_secs SECOND, last_update=current_timestamp"

I need to modify the Select statement to ignore records which have a
record_expires field which is past the quantity of DATE() + INTERVAL.

How can I test the value of the record_expires field?

Albert E. Whale, CHS CISA CISSP
Sr. Security, Network, Risk Assessment and Systems Consultant
ABS Computer Technology, Inc. -
SPAM Zapper - - - SPAM Stops Here.
President of the Pittsburgh InfraGard Alliance

Please Ignore, This is a Test

2005-07-04 Thread Daisuke Maki
Some of my mails to seem to have vanished before
reaching the mail list... this is just a test. please ignore.