Does kernel-package assume /etc/psdatabase - /boot/psdatabase?

1996-08-17 Thread Douglas Bates
Package: kernel-package
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: kernel-package
Version: 2.03
Depends: perl (= 5.002-8)
Recommends: libc-dev, gcc
Suggests: kernel-source

I am installing a custom kernel using kernel-package.  Whenever it
tries to build the new psdatabase I get an error message.  The
relevant portion of /var/lib/dpkg/info/kernel-image-2.0.12.postinst is

 if ( -x /sbin/psupdate  -f /boot/vmlinux-$version ) {
   symlink(/boot/psdatabase-$version, /boot/psdatabase);
   system(/sbin/psupdate /boot/vmlinux-$version);
   if ( -f /boot/psdatabase-$version ) {
   else {
 print \nAn error seems to have ocurred while generating the\n;
 print psdatabase file /boot/psdatabase.  NOT deleting the\n;
 print /boot/vmlinux-$version so that the database may be \n;
 print created manually\n;

so after running /sbin/psupdate there is an attempt to find if
/boot/psdatabase-2.0.12 exists.  The documentation for psupdate
indicates that it writes a new version of /etc/psdatabase.  I checked
and indeed that file was updated.  Am I supposed to have a link from
/etc/psdatabase to /boot/psdatabase?  This sequence would make sense
to me if that was the case.

Statistics Department608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Re: Does kernel-package assume /etc/psdatabase - /boot/psdatabase?

1996-08-17 Thread Michael Alan Dorman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Douglas Bates writes:
so after running /sbin/psupdate there is an attempt to find if
/boot/psdatabase-2.0.12 exists.  The documentation for psupdate
indicates that it writes a new version of /etc/psdatabase.  I checked
and indeed that file was updated.  Am I supposed to have a link from
/etc/psdatabase to /boot/psdatabase?  This sequence would make sense
to me if that was the case.

This has been brought up a couple of times in as many weeks.

It looks like what we're seeing is a change in behavior in psupdate.

Here's a patch to be applied to

--- image.postinst.~1~  Thu Jul 18 02:16:18 1996
+++ image.postinst  Wed Aug 14 11:53:45 1996
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@
   symlink(/boot/psdatabase-$version, /boot/psdatabase);
   system(/sbin/psupdate /boot/vmlinux-$version);
-  if ( -f /boot/psdatabase-$version ) {
+  if ( -f /etc/psdatabase ) {
+system(mv /etc/psdatabase /boot/psdatabase-$version );
   else {
 print \nAn error seems to have ocurred while generating the\n;

I'm still waiting for someone to let me know if psupdate was working
before and is now broken so the bug can be refiled against it, or
whether it was broken and is now working, in which case I'll release a
new kernel-package.

Don't let me make you unhappy by failing to be contrary enough