Re: [ANN] New metapackages layout

2009-04-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ana Guerrero wrote:

 kde-standard:  it is a new package, currently it is the same than
The goal of this package is installing what a ramdom user
 expect in a desktop enviroment. The meta-package will
 contain this, as soon as we agree in what it should ship. :)
 The recommends method of installations is use kde-minimal and then use
 the apps you need/want.
 kde-standard will be for totally newbies users, that want a bit of
 everything in the beginning when they do not know what apps there are.
 With time they will learn what packages they want/need and just install

Why not copy for kde-standard the Kubuntu desktop with just a change of the 
kubuntu branding for a Debian one ?

Newbies could benefit from the vast pool of documentation available on the 
Web for Kubuntu. 

One can argue forever on what a good default is. Last time, I tried Kubuntu, 
I found it OK. Opensuse has also a nice default configuration.



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Re: [ANN] New metapackages layout

2009-04-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ana Guerrero wrote:

 branding? Do you mean like desktop-base?

 I have not idea what is the kubuntu package you refer, could you be a bit
 more verbose?

It is called kubuntu-desktop. It is what you get when you try the kubuntu 

The source package are here :


They have also a documentation package.

 And at this moment, i do not see why debian users could not benefit
 already of the documentation for kubuntu and viceversa :?

If the KDE Debian Desktop has the same settings than Kubuntu, screenshots of 
desktop will look alike (same buttons at the same place on the taskbar, 
etc.). This kind of little things help computer illiterates.



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Upgrading to KDE4 and Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon

I have upgraded my Debian sid box to KDE4. Thank you for the packaging work 

I have a USB Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard and upgrading to KDE4 (and maybe 
to the latest xorg) broke the keyboard mapping. For example, the 'Down' key 
is remapped to XF86Terminal.

The only way to restore a correct behaviour is to run on the command line :
setxkbmap -model cymotionlinux -layout fr

But the wrong keyboard layout comes back when I restart KDE

I have tried to change the keyboard layout in settings-Regional Settings 
without success.

The problem is specific to KDE because the keyboard layout is fine when I 
start another WM

I have tried to grep the .kde directory to find a problematic configuration 
file but without sucess.

I'm wondering if it is a problem of configuration files or a KDE4 bug ?

My xorg.conf keyboard section is :
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  kbd
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbModel  cymotionlinux
Option  XkbLayout fr
Option  XkbVariantlatin9



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Re: Upgrading to KDE4 and Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Valerio Passini wrote:

 IMHO this is not KDE's fault, but X: probably you will notice that in
 terminal the console is working properly. In the last X version keyboard
 and mouse are managed differently (by evdev driver) and If this is your
 problem, you should remove every line related to mouse and keyboard from
 /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and after configure console through: dpkg-reconfigure
 console-data. If you really need a different setup (evdev is not able to
 catch all the possible multimedia keys) you should tweak your xorg.conf to
 let X use the old drive. Bye

Thank you for your answer.

I have suppressed in xorg.conf the lines concerning the keyboard and it 
still does not work.

In .xsessions-errors, I have this line :
kxkb(3458) XKBExtension::setLayoutGroups: executing /usr/bin/setxkbmap -
model evdev -layout fr -variant  -option -option compose:lwin

which has a wrong syntax, it should be :
kxkb(3458) XKBExtension::setLayoutGroups: executing /usr/bin/setxkbmap -
model evdev -layout fr -option compose:lwin


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Re: Upgrading to KDE4 and Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon

 Can you start from a brand new xorg.conf file? Just dpkg-reconfigure
 xserver-xorg, it will produce a very essential xorg.conf. If you have
 nvidia or ATI card you can add the appropriate stanzas by copying/pasting
 from your old conf. Here it's mine (as an example):

No. It does not work with your xorg.conf. But with your options, I get 
compositing and the desktop effects work ;-)


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Re: KDE 3.5.7 in unstable and yes, we're working in KDE 4!

2007-05-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ana Guerrero wrote:

 KDE 3.5.7 is being released today and it is already available in unstable.
 If you're using i386 the update should go fine, if you're using another
 arch, like amd64, some packages will not be available for your arch yet.

Thanks for your work. Debian users are blessed with a great KDE packaging



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Re: Problème de clavier

2006-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Gilles Pelletier wrote:

 [English follows]
 Je ne suis pas un développeur et je tenterai donc d'être bref. Je ne
 désire que souligner un problème que j'éprouve actuellement pour le
 choix de mon clavier avec Knoppix 5.01 et toutes les versions de
 Linux qui utilisent la dernière version de KDE. Je suppose que ce
 doit être la même chose pour Etch.
 Il y a deux claviers au Québec, Canada. Le plus ancien s'appelle CF,
 le plus récent CA. Ce dernier permet d'écrire certains caractères
 accentués comme àçè en une seule frappe. C'est celui que j'utilise et
 le choisir avait coutume d'être une sinécure.
 Dans la dernière version de KDE, toutefois, le clavier CA a disparu et
 le CF a été renommé CA. Si ce n'est pas du sabotage, je me demande
 bien ce que ça peut être.

Il y a un menu déroulant qui permet de choisir une variante de disposition
pour le clavier dans le module de KControl de configuration des claviers.
Cela doit vous permettre de choisir votre type de clavier canadien en
particulier le clavier multilingue.



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Re: sound support under KDE

2005-12-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Matej Cepl wrote:

 1) Are they? I mean is arts dead or going to die soon?

Yes, arts is dead because is main developper left and nobody understands the
stuff. Is in maintainance state.

 URLs for some documents explaining this mess would be more than welcome as


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Re: KDE 3.4

2005-07-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Matej Cepl wrote:

 Andrew Ingram wrote:
 Hey list. Just a quick question. I've been hearing a lot about the
 progress of Xorg into Sid but not heard anything lately about KDE3.4
 On Xorg note: what I miss from Xorg available on deb testing xorg (which otherwise work like
 a charm; THANK YOU!!!) is equivalent of xfree86-driver-synaptics -- it is
 a real pain to use Laptop without it. Is there maintainer of Xorg packages
 on this list? Could you compile even this stuff, or it is not available at
I'm using the xorg synaptics driver packaged on


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Re: KDE 3.4 Help Center - Build Indices Bug

2005-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ryan Nowakowski wrote:

 While building a search index for Help Center, I got this error:
 INDEXDIR: /home/ryan/.kde/share/apps/khelpcenter/index/
 FINDCMD: find /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/ -name index.docbook
 Creating index for 'kde_application_manuals'
 find: /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/: No such file or directory
 htdig failed
 - Ryan

Maybe because in Debian this file is in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en
The packagers should then change the path to index.docbook I think Debian
has a different hierarchy of help files than Red Hat based distributions.


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Re: KDE 3.4: KDE 3.3.2 packages still floating around

2005-04-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Adeodato Simó wrote:

 ii  kcmlinuz   3.3.2-1KDE Frontend for the Linux kernel
   I'm not 100% sure about this one, Pierre (Habouzit) will know. Perhaps
   it's been dropped?
I think I've read that it has been removed from KDE (unmaintained code that
does not work)


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xhost+ and Konsole

2005-01-14 Thread Charles de Miramon

I'm running an uptodate KDE in Sid and I've noticed a small regression / bug
in Konsole that have appeared lately.

When I open a Konsole and type xhost+ and then open a second root tab in
Konsole. I'm unable to start from this Konsole X applications as root.
However, when I type in a Konsole xhost+ and then type su to become root. I
can launch X applications from this Konsole.

Does anyone has the same problem ?

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Re: kdevelop KDE

2004-06-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le mercredi 9 Juin 2004 22:05, Marie Regine SAPIR a écrit :

 I tried to install some KDE packages from the KDE website, and now get
 these errors:

 Invalid entry (missing '=') at /usr/bin/designer:8
You should maybe look line 8 of the batch file /usr/bin/designer for a clue
 kio (KService*): WARNING: The desktop entry file /usr/bin/designer has no

 I think I've messed up KDE somehow, but I can't figure out what the problem
 is. I've tried uninstalling the packages and reinstalling the ones from the
 Debian site, but that didn't help. Somehow the more I try out ideas I find
 by googling, the more I seem to break things :-((


Which version of Debian and which version of KDE do you use ? It looks like a 
problem of bad configuration files still laying on your computer.


Re: Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore

2004-04-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le mercredi 28 Avril 2004 16:23, Andrew Schulman a écrit :

 Does this happen for all users, or just charles?

It happens just for charles, for other users (for example root) it works. 

I've tried dpkg --purge kdm and reinstalling it to get clean configuration 
files but it did not solve my problem.

What is happening when I try to log with user charles is that the screen goes 
black for a second and kdm resets itself. So I guess, that after the 
authentification the X server crashes and resets itself. 

When I try to log through KDM with user charles, I get 
the /home/charles/.xsessions-error

Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Protocol not supported by server

xrdb: Can't open display ':0'

ranting mode
The day that Xfree has an easier configuration and meaningful error messages, 
Linux on the Desktop will be user friendly...
/ranting mode


Re: Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore

2004-04-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le jeudi 29 Avril 2004 16:19, Andrew Schulman a écrit :

 Charles, try removing your ~/.xsession, if you have one.  I've been
 having the same trouble lately.  I haven't finished figuring out why
 yet, but when I remove ~/.xsession it goes away.

I had no ~/.xsession but I've finally solved my problem by 
1) uninstalling kdm
2) installing xdm
4) log in as charles through xdm
5) reinstalling kdm

Logging in through xdm must have cleared some weird configuration problem...

It would be interesting to see if an upgrade from plain Woody (2.2) to Sarge 
(3.2.2) does not trigger problems with kdm. But who is still using KDE 2.2 ?

Thank you for all of you who helped me


BTW : I should be trying to interview the leader of an IT pilot project to 
create a Linux Desktop for employees of a big French bank. They are using 
Debian and KDE... 

Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore

2004-04-28 Thread Charles de Miramon

I've finally found time to upgrade my sid box from 3.1.x to 3.2.2. Everything 
worked fine except that KDM is not working anymore.

KDM starts and I get the greeting screen but the login for a user fails and 
bring back the greeting screen. I have to do a console login and startx to 
launch KDE.

I've tried the modification mentionned by Dominique Devriese to /etc/pam.d/kdm 
with no result

/var/log/kdm.log is full of mentions like 
kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ group 
48x48/stock/text not valid.
which seems related to bug #241283 and should not be blocking

In /var/log/syslog I have the following error message :
Apr 28 12:31:37 zanzibar kdm_greet[669]: Can't open default user face
Apr 28 12:31:49 zanzibar kdm_greet[701]: Can't open default user face

and in /var/log/auth.log, I find the following messages :

Apr 28 11:01:20 zanzibar kdm: :0[458]: (pam_securetty) access denied: tty ':0' 
is not secure !
Apr 28 11:01:20 zanzibar kdm: :0[458]: (pam_unix) session opened for user 
charles by (uid=0)
Apr 28 11:01:21 zanzibar kdm: :0[458]: (pam_unix) session closed for user 
Apr 28 12:06:27 zanzibar kdm: :0[1040]: (pam_unix) session opened for user 
charles by (uid=0)
Apr 28 12:06:29 zanzibar kdm: :0[1040]: (pam_unix) session closed for user 
Apr 28 12:23:19 zanzibar kdm: :0[435]: (pam_unix) session opened for user 
charles by (uid=0)
Apr 28 12:23:19 zanzibar kdm: :0[435]: (pam_unix) session closed for user 
Apr 28 12:31:45 zanzibar kdm: :0[666]: (pam_unix) session opened for user 
charles by (uid=0)
Apr 28 12:31:45 zanzibar kdm: :0[666]: (pam_unix) session closed for user 

Does anyone knows how to solve this problem ?



Re: Graphics in KDE 3.2

2004-02-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 25 Février 2004 20:30, Bob Tilley (ATT) a écrit :
 There are many times that the appearance of KDE dialogs or other KDE
 windows are distorted.  The dialogs may be too narrow for the text, borders
 may be misaligned by one pixel, the text-entry areas may not be
 sufficiently wide or tall for the size of the window (this is especially
 true on pop-up messages), or other subtle errors.

The problem get even more complex with internationalization. The translation 
of an English string in French or German can be longer or shorter than the 
original and ruin the geometry of the dialog box.

 In no way am I trolling or otherwise insulting KDE.  I was a Macintosh user
 back when the platform was based on the Motorola 68xxx (Mac, Mac Plus, Mac
 Centris) chip and now I use a home-built PC, Linux, and kernel 2.6.  I have
 noticed these minor errors in KDE 3.2 and I'm sure they will be changed in
 future releases.

It will be changed if they are bug reports filed. We have at KDE a new quality 
project : that aim 
to adress the myriad of small quality problems that still exist in KDE and to 
help developers. Volunteering and adopting one of your pet KDE application as 
a janitor is a good way to contribute back even if you have little free time.



Re: Build a sub package of kdenetwork (CIFS support in lisa)

2004-01-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 17 Janvier 2004 23:50, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen a écrit :
 On Saturday 17 January 2004 20:21, A.M.P. Boelens wrote:
  Does this help? From the Debian New Maintainers' Guide:
  6.2 Quick rebuild
  fakeroot debian/rules binary

 Great! Thanks!

 I now have a working lisa with CIFS recognition on port 445, and added
 translation of the CIFS service name to the kio_smb protocol name SMB:/

 Maybe I should submit a patch.

You should definitely contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  maintainer of Lisa

If you are interested in network configuration and KDE, do you know Tim 
Jansen's Knot ( a implementation of Zeroconf for 
KDE. It is a young project with a lot of potential for KDE and I guess for 
Debian. Tim is looking for developers.


Re: What's New in KDE 3.1.5?

2004-01-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 14 Janvier 2004 09:19, Doug Holland a écrit :
 The past few days, I've been downloading lots of core KDE packages with
 version 3.1.5.  Funny thing is that I haven't seen any announcements on the
 KDE web site or or elsewhere, and I can't find a changelog for
 3.1.5.  My guess is that's it's just a bugfix release, but I'm curious as
 to exactly what bugs have been fixed. :D

Security fix. There must be also some progress in internationalization 
packages. The French translation team made some grammatical corrections for 


Recent bugs with accented characters

2003-11-19 Thread Charles de Miramon

I'm using KDE 3.1.4 on unstable (XFree from unstable). After an upgrade 
several weeks ago, I've this annoying bug with accented characters.

When I hit Alt-F2 gg:caractères accentués

I'll get in Konqueror/Google caract?res accentu?s

It used to work before.

Can somebody else confirm this bug ? Any pointer to solve the problem will be 


Re: Recent bugs with accented characters

2003-11-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 19 Novembre 2003 15:34, Caoilte O'Connor a écrit :
 ditto, though I assumed it was because I switched the font
 to verdana at the same time.


 On Wednesday 19 November 2003 14:00, Charles de Miramon

  I'm using KDE 3.1.4 on unstable (XFree from unstable).
  After an upgrade several weeks ago, I've this annoying
  bug with accented characters.
  When I hit Alt-F2 gg:caractères accentués
  I'll get in Konqueror/Google caract?res accentu?s
  It used to work before.
  Can somebody else confirm this bug ? Any pointer to solve
  the problem will be appreciated.

Ok, I think the problem is related to 

A recent patch to QT has broken the translation from UTF 8 to 8bits for URI. A 
workaround for the Google stuff is to  change the Web shortcut 
(Konqueror--settings) to
take away the UTF8 stuff like that :[EMAIL PROTECTED]
and put it in your encoding 

I'm wondering what should be done for Debian in KDE. Thiago Macieira is 
working on it but his patch will work only for 3.2 and Debian needs a 
solution for KDE 3.1.4 in Sarge. I cc him to have his feeling on this topic.


Re: Kgroupware packages

2003-07-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 28 Juillet 2003 13:27, Raúl Alexis Betancort Santana a écrit :
  Anyone knows if there are Kgroupware packages around inet ?, I have
 CVS code, but I'm unable to compile it.

  Best regargs
packages of the Kollab server for Woody. To my knowledge, the Kollab Kde 
Client has not been packaged for Debian.


Re: Packaging very large i18n material

2003-06-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 9 Juin 2003 03:46, Ben Burton a écrit :

 2) Build 37 different koffice-i18n-lang binary packages (like kde-i18n).

I think it is the best short-term solution. The only long term solution would 
be to adapt the Debian packaging system for internationalization. Packager 
would create one metapackage for all the KOffice translation files packages 
and something like apt-get install --translation koffice would fetch the 
right translation package corresponding to my locale.

Somebody told me that something like that would be an heretical assault to 
Debian Policy, but I did not really understood his argument. 

I've just installed Mandrake 9.1 on a laptop and I must say that it is very 
nice to have everything automatically in French when it is a pain in the neck 
to get a 'French' Debian (even if it is possible).


Re: KDE 3.2 CVS - problems

2003-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mardi 27 Mai 2003 20:02, Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka a écrit :
 What am I to do now?
Look in the source for the email of the developer (he is French but I don't 
remember his name) and send him your bug report.


Re: Generated postscript only sans serif

2003-05-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 21 Mai 2003 22:21, Michael Schuerig a écrit :
 When I print or generate a postscript file from Konqueror or KWrite, the
 result always ends up completely in sans serif (Helvetica?). On the
 german KDE newsgroup I've been told this is caused by a bug in Qt
 (something about a fixed array size) and that it was already fixed
 in/by SuSE.

Have you switched on the option in kdeprint to embed fonts in postscript. 
Upgrading Cups tend to mess this option. It solved the problem for me.


Re: customizing desktop icons

2003-03-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 24 Mars 2003 15:50, Bernt Christandl a écrit :

 How can i change this shell to another icon (the mozilla-dragon or
 the openoffice-gulls)?

Very simple

Right-click on the icon
Select 'properties' 
On the property windows click on the icon and you'll get the dialog for 
selecting another icon.


Re: tabbed browsing with konqueror

2003-03-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 23 Mars 2003 14:10, Ralf Nolden a écrit :

 Can you file this as a bugreport on please ? Then it gets
 fixed for KDE 3.2 (the 3.1 branch doesn't allow any string changes)


Yes, but check first if it is a problem of the original English message or of 
the German translation.

Maybe someone on the list who use KDE and Mozilla in English can give us some 
precise informations.


Re: KDE woody debs on CD ?

2003-03-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 19 Mars 2003 13:29, Ralf Nolden a écrit :

 As commercial distros get less and their money shrinks so will their
 support for KDE in terms of employing people fulltime like Waldo. So I'm
 trying to find a way that will possibly lead us to the situation where the
 KDE project can finance itself better and maybe in a the future being able
 to employ developers.


The easiest way to make a few euros is selling the Live KDE-CD at shows by 
volunteers. KDE-France made some money with it and I guess that KDE-Ev made 
some money at Cebit (using your packages). Selling CDs all around the world 
is a cumbersome task : you will need a EU VAT number, a way to clear the 
payments, somebody to mail the CD's, a Visa Card account. A lot of work for a 
very little amount of money.

If we want to raise more money for KDE Ev, I think a much more interesting 
parth would be to ask money from the European Commission as we have a big 
majority of our programmers and users are from 'Old' Europe and that the RD 
programs are looking for truly European Programs to finance. But it is a bit 
offtopic to talk about that here, it is more a kde-promo topic.


Re: KDE meta-package suggestions

2003-03-17 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 17 Mars 2003 10:28, Ralf Nolden a écrit :

 You'll get that with apt-get install kdebase anyway :-) That's why I
 proposed to make it a metapackage for kdebase and kdm.

There are in Debian :
a x-system-core and a gnome-core. I would vote also for a kde-core so that the 
naming conventions are consistent across Debian. 
For Gnome : it looks like there are 3 main metapackages :
gnome ; gnome-core ; gnome-core-devel 


Re: Printing TT fonts from KDE Apps

2003-03-16 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 16 Mars 2003 19:07, Bruce a écrit :
I had also problem printing from Konqueror with screwed TT fonts. Finally, I 
found that setting in Kprinter the option 'Embed fonts in Postscript when 
printing' solved my problem.

Maybe, you should try that.



Re: kdepim sid

2003-03-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 12 Mars 2003 15:25, Marcin Juszkiewicz a écrit :
 I installed KMail from but
 it doesn't have addressbook. Ok - so I tried to install kdepim package
 but it is not found :( Is there any respository with rest of KDE 3.1
 packages for 'sid'?

deb ./

to /etc/apt/sources.list
or wait that KDE 3.1.1 enters SID (better solution at the moment). You can 
read Chris Cheney report on the list. Thanks Chris for the report and your 

Re: PyKDE packages?

2003-03-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Jeudi 13 Mars 2003 20:47, John Goerzen a écrit :
 Any idea on why PyKDE is not in sid, and when it might be?  Is anyone
 working on it?

 -- John
Jim Bublitz has not finished the PyKDE compatible with KDE 3.1 

You can find information on the Debian packages of PyQT on


Re: kaddressbook in unstable?

2003-03-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mardi 11 Mars 2003 14:09, Marco Feuerstein a écrit :
 Does anyone know where I can get kaddressbook for unstable?
 Thank you
Put :
deb ./

in your /etc/apt/sources.list


Re: Where is kdenetwork, where is Chris?

2003-03-04 Thread Charles de Miramon
The rumor on IRC was that there is a license problem that holds kdenetwork 
getting into Debian.

What are these license problems, I have no idea. To my knowledge, Chris Cheney 
has not posted on kde-policies or on any kde mailing lists on this topic. 

Sadly, it is not the first time that Chris Cheney has been incapable of 
communicating, cooperating with others and creating a team spirit.
We still don't have a proper web site, Karolina's hard work is more or less 
wasted, progress on the Debian desktop initiative has been null and the 
prospect of a simple kde metapackage for easy installation for newbies seems 
a farfetched dream.

A good maintainer for KDE in Debian should not only have good technical skills 
but be able to manage a team of fellows packagers, communicate to the users 
and power users for feedback, delegates some tasks. Ralf Nolden is good at 
it, Ivan Moore was good at it. Chris is much younger and don't have this 
experience, maybe he can learn. Indeed, if he wants to have a successfull 
career in IT after University, learning to be a good team manager should be 
his priority as it looks like it is its main weakness.



Re: Where is kdenetwork, where is Chris?

2003-03-04 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mardi 4 Mars 2003 16:35, Karolina Lindqvist a écrit :

 There are packaging bugs (*blush*) and unique debian bugs. But I have fixed
 those I found, last week. I will also build KDE 3.1.1, as soon as it is
 out, maybe next week. And in between I am building more applications, or
 rebuilding for new upstreams versions.

Are you adamant Karolina to work on you own set of packages or would you be 
ready if there is a correct agreement with Chris Cheney to work on a common 
official set of packages ?

I do understand that for learning purpose it can be nicer to work on your own 
but for the community, duplicating work when we have a shortage of capable 
packagers like you seems some kind of a waste.


Re: two questions about localisation of kde

2003-03-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 14:36, Wolfgang Mader a écrit :

 i wondered how to type scpecial characters like you have in france or
 spain. for example the e with graph.
Have you tried kcharselect ? If you type é,à, ê seldom it is maybe the easier 
way to do it.

Being able to type foreign characters on your German keyboard mean modifying 
the X keyboard. Look man xmodmap. Disclaimer, I've never been able to tweak 
xmodmap the way I want. It is certainly not very user friendly.



Re: My ITP on k3b

2003-02-20 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Jeudi 20 Février 2003 04:43, Jean-Michel Kelbert a écrit :
 Le 19/02/03 à 17:22 Ben Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) écrivait :
  Please feel welcome to package k3b separately.

 Ok. I will package it ! I also notice that there is a separate source
 file for locales. So there'll be two packages. I think it is a little
 bit stupid, but I can't merge uptsream sources ! On top of that the
 upstream configure require too much stuff for building locale (like qt
 for example).

 I've will package it after my mid-term exams next week.

Do you know that there are two scripts called cvs2dist / cvsextract to help 
packagers to merge sources and translations. If you have problem packaging 
k3b don't hesitate to mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] These scripts are not 
documented very much except on the archives of the kde-extra-gear mailing 

There is a French uptodate translation of k3b, it would be nice if French 
speaking  debian users get it.



Re: Bug#181009: ITP: koffice-i18n -- i18n files for koffice

2003-02-16 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 15 Février 2003 14:04, Ben Burton a écrit :

 If koffice-i18n is packaged as a single massive binary package, it means
 that as (say) a German speaker, I'd have to download what appears to be
 at least 8 megabytes worth of i18n package just to get my 200k of German

Another point of view would be to push Debian to have a global solution for 
translation packages and have some intelligence in apt so that apt-get 
install koffice will install automatically the translation package 
corresponding to your locale and have a new option in apt like apt-get 
install -translation=de kmail 

But Daniel Stone wrote an e-mail saying that this kind of behaviour would 
violate Debian Policy. I still don't understand really why it is such an 
heresy but it must be my ignorance.

But it doesn't solve your problem now. My point of view is to create separates 
i18n packages for koffice because of the different release cycles even if it 
adds to the entropy of Debian repositories.


Re: Bug#181009: ITP: koffice-i18n -- i18n files for koffice

2003-02-16 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 16 Février 2003 20:03, Hendrik Sattler a écrit :

 Hmm, not practical at all, since root does not have the same locale(s) as
 all users and the locale package is no base package.

why, if I am root with a French locale ? apt-get install koffice will install 
koffice and the French i18n package and if I have also a German user on my 
computer apt-get install -translation=de koffice install also the German i18n 

An automatic solution for the majority and a manual option for the minority.

Getting a French Debian today means following a howto and reconfiguring bash, 
X and KDE plus getting the correct fonts... It could be easier and more user- 



Re: kmail within kde3.1 on sid ?

2003-02-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
 I tracked down what it was (I have a few PowerPCs on hand), and smacked
 it down. A fixed Qt has since been uploaded.

Re: ACK! Blew up my KDE and need help in San Francisco!

2003-02-07 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Jeudi 6 Février 2003 21:43, Pietro Calogero a écrit :

 Downloaded KDE 3.1 .debs from, including packages.gz, created
 similar directory structure on local HD.
Why are you downloading the debs on your hd. If you have a fast internet 
connection ? You should add a line to your /etc/apt/sources.list with Creating a local debian mirror on your hd is done by people who have 
a fast internet connection at work and a dial up connection at home. They 
download at work, burn the packages and copy them on their home computer. In 
your case with a notebook, I don't see the point ?

 Cannot get dselect to install single packages without it returning an
 error. Cannot get online using Mozilla in GNOME; don't even know how to
 diagnose failure (ifconfig shows eth0 working correctly, pon
 dsl-provider seems to work)

Connect to your provider and try from the command line to
if that doesn't work anf ifconfig -a shows a working internet connection, it 
must be your route that is not set well, try to see what route says. In most 
linux manual there is information on routing and how to set it.

try then
if it doesn't work, it means that you have not set the DNS server of your 
provider correctly.

If ping works but connections by tcp  (for example browsing fails), the reason 
is certainly that the mtu value is wrong. If you do ifconfig -a, you'll see a 
entry mtu in your eth0 line with a value, normally by default 1500. But 
certain dsl provider will work with a different value (for my provider it is 
1492). Try finding the correct mtu on your provider website or helpline and 
do man ifconfig to learn how to change the mtu of your ethernet connection.

Good luck,


Re: Questions about language-env

2003-02-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 1 Février 2003 21:20, Niklaus Giger a écrit :

Off-topic but I was wondering what language you are speaking when your family 
get together : French, Swiss-German, German, Korean?


Re: kdeextragear-1 not in i18n

2003-02-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 2 Février 2003 21:32, Henning Moll a écrit :


 It seems that localisation for kdeextragear is missing in kde-i18n-de
 (maybe also in packages for other languages...). So, some kde applications
 are only available in english at the moment...


Kdeextragear is a mess for translators. There is no freeze of messages for the 
module and each application goes its own way. Unless kdeextragear follows a 
proper release cycle there is no way that you can get good quality 


Re: Fresh Debian Stable install with nolden Woody - Small comments

2003-01-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 25 Janvier 2003 18:59, Michael Peddemors a écrit :
 Just a few notes .. Thought I would try an install as if I was a typical
 debian newbie.. And take notes along the way.

 Installed Debian Base.
 Did an 'apt-get update','apt-get upgrade'
 I find I can't do anything unless I can edit/look at files so I did a quick
 'apt-get vim less'
 Now, I added the nolden source, and did another 'apt-get update'

 Okay, now I decide I need mail, so 'apt-get  kmail'
 Hmm, okay in theory kmail can work like that, but as a user on a personal
 pc, it won't so did an 'apt-get xserver-svga' and went through the dpkg.

I think that a newbie should use tasksel and not apt for installing KDE. So It 
would be better to lobby for a KDE-Workstation task in tasksel that would 
automatically install X before KDE than creating dependencies in the 


Re: Problemas con konsole / Problems with Konsole

2003-01-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Vendredi 3 Janvier 2003 01:06, Daniel Alonso a écrit :
 --spanish version 


 Utilizo kde 3.0.4 en una Debuian sid... despues de una actualizacion,
 cuando intentaba iniciar konsole me daba un error. Os pongo debajo el
 output, a ver si me podeis echar una mano. Gracias. un saludo.

You have to downgrade your version of libqt. The new version in Sid doesn't 
work with 3.0.4. 
look in /var/cache/apt/archives/ if you can still find the old deb packages 
and reinstall them with dpkg

You will also have to change your /etc/apt/preferences to forbid upgrading. 
Read the archives of this list,  the solution was mentioned last week.

Feliz nuevo año con KDE !!



Re: deb line for French users in sources.list

2003-01-01 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 1 Janvier 2003 22:55, Philippe MERLIN a écrit :
 I would like dowload KDE3.05a but the line
 deb http ://
 answer unknown site 
 What is correct line for french user?

Il n'y a pas encore beaucoup de miroirs de et pour l'instant 
il n'en existe pas pour la France. S'il existe un jour, il se dénommera

Mais tu peux utiliser n'importe quel miroir par exemple ou car l'ensemble des paquetages se trouvent sur les miroirs 
et en particulier le paquetage de la traduction française.

Bonne année avec KDE,


Re: KDE 3.0.5a Packages for Woody uploaded

2002-12-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 22 Décembre 2002 23:22, Ralf Nolden a écrit :

 Merry Christmas,

Thanks Ralf and Merry Christmas


Re: kaplan

2002-12-09 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 8 Décembre 2002 22:35, Tom Badran a écrit :
 Using karolinas 3.1 debs, is it possible to get kaplan to do anything? When
 i run it it just returns to the konsole, and --help gives no indication
 that there are any options i can pass to it. Ive seen some screen shots of
 it running and it seems quite nice, any ideas?


To my knowledge. Kaplan in 3.1 is just a framework, a proof of concept but it 
doesn't really 'work'.
In CVS there is a heavy activity around KMail to merge in HEAD the 
enhancements of the Kroupware project and of Don Sanders Make-it-cool branch 
(the Kaplan stuff). 
For the time being, it looks a bit broken but maybe in a few weeks you could 
try to compile.


Re: suid root?

2002-12-01 Thread Charles de Miramon
There is a useful and comprehensive doc for sudo here :



Re: KDE3.1 release?

2002-11-24 Thread Charles de Miramon

 If not is there a good reason for it to me missing, or is there a problem
 with it that needs fixing?

To my knowledge, Kdebindings is just a place on KDE CVS where developpers can 
put software to create bindings or store bindings.

Mature bindings for a specific language should be packaged individually. For 
example PyQT and PyKDE for Python are packaged by Ricardo Javier Cardenes 
Medina part of them are in the Debian archive and part in his private archive 
look here for the line to put in /etc/apt/sources.list

Something for the Debian / KDE FAQ...

The new Eric3 integrated IDE for Python and KDE looks like hot stuff.


Re: KDE3.1 release?

2002-11-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
 Upto last week, the release schedule site was updated regularly as the
 schedule slipped. This week, however, there has been no update. The last
 entry still lists Nov 18th as the decision date for the final release.

To my knowledge, RC4 packaged by Dirk Mueller on the 19th is going to be the 
final. Packaging final should happen soon (or has already happen) and after 
that it is one or two weeks for the packagers to create the binaries and for 
Andreas Pour to write the press release.


Re: kde-i18n , help

2002-11-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
 3.I want to use kmail but have problems with kaddressbook:
   - columns are very small and not changable with save
This is fixed in KDE 3.1

   - how can I export addresses and import this file on another PC?
Now, just move the file and use the unix command line tools. The addressbook 
stores its data in vcard format a common standard so you should get good 
interoperability with others applications

   - where is the datafile of addresses located ?
Look ~/.kde/share/apps/kab
Kab is the back-end for the adressbook and Kadressbook is the front-end

There has been a lot of work on Kaddressbook for the 3.1 version. Everything 
is not perfect but we have made a lot of progress.



Integration of i18n packages in KDE meta-package

2002-11-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Discussing the Debian-Desktop project, one remark was that Debian has a bad 
support for language other than English.
Ideally, when a user type apt-get install kde, s(he) should get auto-magically 
the right i-18n package for his or her language or gracefully fall bak to 

I was wondering (well, it is more a hint for our Nordic power team of Yenar 
and Carolina) if it is technically possible to create a dependancy in kde to 
a pseudo-package kde-i18n that would find the locale of the user and download 
the appropriate package.

There is still the problem when there are multiple locales on a single box but 
I guess it is quite rare and then the administrator should know how to 
install manually the supplementary packages.


Re: Can't find X includes ( kdeartswork problem )

2002-10-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Vendredi 25 Octobre 2002 15:42, suresh kumar sharma a écrit :
 I have a debian 2.4.19 and kde 3.0.3 running on my
 I was trying to install kdeartworks, but when I ran
 the ./configure file It says can't find X includes .
 this is the error message I get .
 checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X
 includes. Please check your installation and add the
 correct paths!

I guess you are missing the xlibs-dev package.
If you are building a package from source, do you know this useful feature of 
apt-get build-dep kdeartwork 

will automagically install all the packages needed for building kdeartwork. 



Rebuilding kdelibs for Sid

2002-10-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
I'm trying to rebuild kdelibs without the ipv6 option.

I've downloaded the source package (apt-get source kdelibs)
I've downloaded the build dependencies (apt-get build-dep kdelibs)

I've changed the file /debian/rules

But when I run dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
I get this error message and the compilation abort : error: m4_popdef: undefined macro: AC_Dest
autoconf/status.m4:844: AC_CONFIG_FILES is expanded from... the top level
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1

Looking on Google, it seems to be related to an incompatible version of 
My autoconf version is 2.54 and automake version 1.5

Does anybody has a clue how to make it work ?


Re: alsamixer error ... CONTINUED .

2002-10-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 14 Octobre 2002 16:58, suresh kumar sharma a écrit :
 hi charles,
 install process of alsa went fine with out any error,
 so I did not run alsaconf.
 and I ran ./snddevices also that also ran success
 but I stillkeep getting the same errors.

logout of X and KDE to a pure console. Try alsamixer there and playing a sound 
with aplay. 
Try doing that as a user and as root to see if it is not a permission problem

Alsa is very tricky to set up on Debian... :-(

Re: alsamixer error.

2002-10-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 12 Octobre 2002 20:29, suresh kumar sharma a écrit :
 I Re installed ALSA on my system.
 everything went fine.
 but when I tried using amixer I got this error.
 ALSA lib control.c:601:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid
 CTL default
 amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or

Did alsaconf worked on your system ?

Does running the script /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/examples/snddevices of any 
help ?


Re: Question about upgrade KDE 3.0.4

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon

 First Question:  Does KDE 3.0 really work with Debian (I rather suspect
 something that hasn't made it into Debian's STABLE source yet).
KDE 3.0.4 works well on Debian and is in my opinion more stable than KDE 2.2.
I think you should upgrade if you use your computer mainly as a Desktop. If 
you use it as a server and use KDE only to fire some xterms. Maybe, you can 

 Second Question:  Can anyone tell me how to properly set DSELECT to a
 valid source?  Alternatively, if I have to download and compile myself
 (usually through the make series or whatever), do I have to do anything
 else to properly register KDE 3.0 with APT/APT-GET/DSELECT so that I
 don't find KDE downgraded sometime later?

- Mike
The easiest way is to dist-upgrade to sid and follow the instructions on and related links. 
Remember that you must first remove completely KDE 2 before installing KDE 3.
These faqs have not been updated for the new apt line for KDE 3.0.4.
which is for sid :

deb ./

(you can change uk for another code country and sid to woody)

Re: apt denies upgrade to KDE3? Help :..(

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon

It looks like a pinning problem :

Try apt-cache policy kmail 

That will give you the different pin values for your different deb sources. 
Modify your /etc/apt/preferences file accordingly. It can be a bit tricky, 
especially that there is no parsing of the preferences file to tell you that 
you have done some typographical mistakes.



Re: apt denies upgrade to KDE3? Help :..(

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon

 O.k. here is the result:
 # apt-cache policy kmail
   Installed: 4:2.2.2-14.1
   Candidate: 4:2.2.2-14.1
   Version Table:
  4:3.0.4-1 0
 500 woody/ Packages
  *** 4:2.2.2-14.1 0
 900 testing/main Packages
 -10 sid/main Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  4:2.2.2-14.0woody1 0
 500 woody/updates/main Packages

 Is there any way to see, what pinning might be entered for a specific apt
 source? Package pinning to specific packages is not possible, since they
 have nothing common in their names.
 Anything I could enter as archive name (a=), origin name (o=), component
 name (c=) or label (l=) for that KDE3 mirror?

Your problem is that the testing debian archive has a pin value of 900 and has a pin value of 500. So apt-get will always try to 
fetch the kde packages on testing and not where you want.

Put something like that in your preferences file :

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 333

that will lower the pin value for the testing archive and make everything 
sweet as milk. Try ap-get update and apt-cache policy kmail to see if it 

By the way, why do you mix Sid, Sarge and Woody ? It looks to me like a recipe 
for problems. Go for an all-sid box or an all-woody box. When Kde 3.x enters 
the Debian archive you can go back to Sarge. But before it happens, I don't 
see the point of your configuration ?



Re: My KDE Headaches

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hi Rob,
It is very difficult to help you but my guess is that you have hardware 
problems. I used at one point to have strange freezes of my computer and I 
cursed everybody : Linux, Xfree, KDE, Mandrake (that I was using at this 
time) for my problem to discover later by running memtest86 an entire night 
(apt-get install memtest86) that one of my memory chips was faulty.

Try to look in the different /var/log/ files and see if you can find any 
information send by Xfree, the kernel or KDE before crashing that could lead 
you to the cause of your problem.

If you are doing any overclocking, disable it. It can also bring strange 



Re: Konqueror + Debian + IPv6?

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 12 Octobre 2002 19:56, Felix Homann a écrit :

 some webpages take extraordinary long time to load in Konqueror (all the
 3.0.x versions) on Debian (e.g. while they load fast in
 Mozilla or Konqueror on SuSE.

On my computer to Konqueror (3.0.4) loads much slower that 
Mozilla 1.1


Re: html documentation for kde

2002-09-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
  It might be useful for some, but is it useful enough to warrant separate
  packages for it?

You can also find the documentation (but only in English) at 
Maybe, we should ask Lauri Watts to add the option to download a 
documentation in HTML format for local browsing.



Re: Compiling KBabel 1.0.2 for KDE 3.0.3

2002-09-27 Thread Charles de Miramon

 install libdb2-dev

Thanks it worked. If somebody wants a crude .deb package of KBabel 1.0beta2
for Sid / KDE 3.0.3, please contact me



Re: To CVS experts

2002-09-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 21 Septembre 2002 12:05, Paolo Ulivi a écrit :

 Can someone please spell me the cvs commands to obtain this results ?

Have you tried cvsup ? I'm no cvs expert either and that is what I use to 
retrieve the kde-i18n module from cvs. There is a cvsup package in Debian 
(apt-get install cvsup), it is quite userfriendly and low ressource on 
explains how to set up the cvsup client


Re: Project planning sofware for KDE3 + Debian testing?

2002-09-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 22 Septembre 2002 21:45, Rachel Andrew a écrit :

 I have just installed KDE3 on Debian testing - the various instructions I
 found posted on the web as a result of searching here helped tremendously.

 Anyway, with KDE2.2 I was using a package called KFocus to do simple
 project planning, that doesn't appear to have a version for KDE3 and I
 wondered if anyone had any recommendations for similar applications?


As far asI know, there is no stable KDE Project management application. The 
development of KPlato is going very slowly...
Maybe you should look the Gnome Mrproject or Toutdoux

If your need is just sorting your working day between different tasks,  look 
karm and KOrganizer, maybe it is all you need.



Fwd: Re: KDE debs building

2002-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon

Hi Ralf,
Sorting the 'mess'of KDE packages on Debian will be a very nice 
I would just like to point a specific problem for the KDE translators. When,
like now, we are working on KDE 3.1, we need to have a CVS version of KDE to
check the new applications and see in context the strings to be translated.
Translators are generally not developpers, have slow computers, and not the
skill to compile from CVS.
For our use, Macolu ( has created 
debs of KDE CVS version that can be installed side by side with a stable KDE
in /opt/kde3cvs. You have to create a special user to use these debs and can
use on the same box a stable and a experimental KDE.
I think it would be nice and very useful to have a system like that 
that can
create experimental snapshots debs of KDE (with names like kdebase-CVS,
etc...) and generate stable debs when a new stable version comes out.
By this way, Debian could become the reference distribution for the 
(artists, translators, people writing documentation, bughunters, etc.) that
need bleeding edge KDE but are unable or unwilling to compile from CVS.



Re: Problems printing from Konqueror

2002-08-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
I found the solution to my problem (which had nothing to do with KDE)
Upgrading to SID had the unfortunate side-effect of uninstalling the printer 
drivers package from cupsomatic-ppd and me losing the 
driver for my printer.
I reinstalled the cupsomatic-ppd package and reconfigured the printer and it 
now works back.


Problems printing from Konqueror

2002-08-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
I'm running a uptodate Sid and KDE 3.0.3 with Cups and I have a bug when 
printing a HTML page from Konqueror that I didn't have in KDE 3.0.1.
The print preview is correct but when I print the top and the bottom of the 
page is partly cut out. I guess the problem is that Konqueror tries to create 
a 'letter' size page when my paper is A4 size.
Does anyone have experimented the same problem ? 
A friend running KDE 3.0.3 on Mandrake doesn't seem to have the printing 
problem so maybe it is package dependent or something weird in my 
configuration files or some bad interaction of gs / cups / kde.
Charles de Miramon
Centre de Recherches Historiques
Laboratoire EHESS / CNRS
54, bd Raspail
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Cursor vanished in KMail

2002-05-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
I can confirm the vanishing cursor in KMail for KDE 2.2 .2. 
Switching virtual desktop brings back the cursor.

Charles de Miramon
Centre de Recherches Historiques
Laboratoire EHESS / CNRS
54, bd Raspail
75270 Paris Cedex 06

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