Re: Trademark scope (just for the record)

2007-09-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Steve Langasek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 08:25:30AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
  As usual for trademark claims, the complainer greatly overstates the 
  rights actually available to trademark owners[1].  Briefly stated,
  establishing a valid trademark entitles you to prohibit others in your
  same trade or profession from offering competing commercial goods or
  services[2] using your mark in a way likely to confuse your customers
  into thinking you have produced or endorsed the competing goods or
  services.  All other uses of the mark are automatically lawful.[3]
 I don't think that Debian disagrees with this...

OK, that's good, because I often have a difficult time getting people to
believe that -- or even read carefully.  Let's trace out the implications: I'm not sure why you seem to have reached the opposite
 conclusion (your implicit point seems to be that Debian is ok to ship
 its browser as firefox without permission of Mozilla).

I am not rendering the Debian Project legal advice (at least, not within
the meaning of my local UPL statutes ;-  ), so I will not address that
_specific_ question.  However, I'm glad to discuss the operation of
trademark law generally as to what is and is not trademark infringement
-- and it would also be fair game to discuss its application in past
cases, and in hypothetical ones.

 Perhaps you don't understand that it's our position that Debian and its
 derivers need to have the freedom to make modifications to the browser
 without being obligated to either get prior approval from Mozilla Corp. for
 each change, or rip out the trademarks and/or rename the packages and/or
 update all marketing materials that might mention the browser?

Trademark law never requires any such thing.  

(I guess I'll borrow the sordid lives of Alice and Bob from their
traditional usage in cryptography texts, for the following.)

Let's say Alice writes a Web browser and establishes its name, stylistic
elements, and logo as a trademark in her country, under free-software
licensing (but publishes a restrictive trademark policy, alongside that).  
Bob is part of the Bob Project, a free-software Linux distribution, and
ITPs his packaged version of Alice's browser.  Alice complains, charging
that Bob is violating her trademark policy in, e.g., by building the
software's directory layout for Linux in FHS fashion, and otherwise
complying with Bob Project Policy that conflicts with hers.  She
suggests that Bob bring his package into compliance by substituting a
different name, logo, and various trademark-encumbered stylistic
elements for hers.

Bob's a nice guy, but is not an idiot in legal matters, and so carefully
studies the nature of the trademark infringement statutes and caselaw.
He sends Alice a memo, which is polite and appreciative but doesn't give
Alice what she wants:

  Dear Alice:

  We at the Bob Project indeed agree that we should take the utmost
  care in respecting your brand identity for the Earthbadger Web
  browser, and thank you for calling our attention to your common-law
  trademarks and pending application for a Federal trademark at USPTO.
  Our understanding of trademark law is that we're obliged to ensure
  that users of our derivative work understand that Alice Company
  does not produce or endorse our version of the browser.  Additionally,
  it is helpful and good manners (albeit nowhere required by law) to 
  acknowledge your trademark claim.  In order to respect and protect
  your trademark rights, we will be immediately doing both of those

  As I write this, I'm uploading to the ftpmasters our new packages
  of Earthbadger, whose About Earthbadger screen and 
  /usr/share/doc/earthbadger/README.gz file now include the prominent 
  text Bob Project's Earthbadger software build is not produced or 
  endorsed by Alice Company.  Earthbadger is a trademark of Alice Company.  
  When we hear that USPTO has issued your trademark registration, we'll 
  be glad to change the latter sentence to Earthbadger is a registered 
  trademark of Alice Company.

  We believe the above to fully satisfy our obligation to avoid 
  trademark infringement.  Thank you for the reference to your trademark
  policy, but we are not aware of any obligation on our part to abide 
  by any terms within it, as long as we have satisfied our obligations
  under actual trademark law, which appears to be the case.  If you 
  know of any aspect of our Earthbadger package that is in any way 
  likely to confuse your customers into thinking Alice Company has 
  produced or endorsed it, please let us know, and we will correct it
  immediately.  Thank you for producing Earthbadger, which our users
  appreciate greatly.

  /s/ Bob

 Even if we were shipping a browser package today that was the same as
 the upstream product (which we aren't, because of the logo change if
 nothing else), it's entirely possible that in the future we would be

Re: Trademark scope (just for the record)

2007-09-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Steve Langasek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 11:50:21PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:

 Trademark law never requires any such thing.  
 When you are distributing a product which is similar, but not identical, to
 the product of the trademark holder, using the trademark to identify it?  I
 beg to differ.

You can beg to differ all you want:  Trademark law imposes no such
requirement.  As I said, the test is a clearly established one that you
needn't take my word for.  You can check Bitlaw; you can check other
standard information resources; you can read the Lanham Act or other
applicable statute for your jurisdiction.

Nominative fair use expressly _permits_ use of names and other mark elements,
as long as the net effect that customers are not likely to believe that
the product with the allegedly confusing mark is produced / endorsed by
the organization that holds the registered mark.  A judicious distance
in brand identity might make it prudent that Bob name his offering
Bob's Earthbadger, but isn't going to bar him from making reference to
the earth and badgers.  Bob would not, for example, have to substitute
references to ice and weasels.

   Our understanding of trademark law is that we're obliged to ensure
   that users of our derivative work understand that Alice Company
   does not produce or endorse our version of the browser.
 So, here's where I believe the problem lies.  I'm not convinced (and
 won't be, without competent legal advice to that effect) that calling the
 browser Earthbadger, but posting a notice within About Earthbadger,
 satisfies the legal requirement to ensure that the users understand it's not
 a product of Alice Company; and I don't believe that Alice would be sanguine
 about this potential for confusion.

Mind you, that is not the only thing Bob could do to ward off Alice's 
legal claim.  E.g., he could name his package Bob Earthbadger (or do you
think Coca-Cola Company is able to bar sales of Royal Crown Cola?).  The 
About screen could flash at startup as a splash screen,  
Bob even could have it be part of the bottom page border of every window
unless disabled by the user in Preferences.  Additional or different
measures may be better.  But the point is, to prevail, Alice would need
to convince a judge that her customers were likely to think she produced
or endorsed Bob's browser.  When she tried that, Bob would point out to
the judge that, no, it says the exact opposite, right below the name and
copyright notice, and cite other measures taken to prevent that impression.

As says:

  Nominative fair use

  This is when a potential infringer (or defendant) uses the registered
  trademark to identify the registrant's product or service in
  conjunction with his or her own. To invoke this defense, the defendant
  must prove the following elements:

* his/her product or service cannot be readily identified without
  pointing to the registrant's mark
* he/she only uses as much of the mark as is necessary to identify
  the goods or services
* he/she does nothing with the mark to suggest that the registrant
  has given his approval to the defendant

 The nature of our disagreement seems to be in our differing
 assessments of what's going to cause confusion in the minds of the

I'd call that progress -- because _all of the prior writings_ from the
Debian Project on this and similar subjects have started and stopped
with Well, gosh, we need their permission to use their name / logo /
images, which is of course nonsense.

So, yes, the question you _should_ have asked is:  What is sufficient to 
convince a reasonable man that a claim lacks credibility that a
trademark owner's customers are likely to be confused into thinking a
third-party product is not produced or endorsed by that trademark owner.
Personally, I would expect a prominent, clear disclaimer to the opposite
effect is exactly what meets that need.  

_Linux Gazette_ did that, and it was exactly what was needed, even
though SSC's Phil Hughes was blowing $330 on a US Federal trademark
registration and waving his lawyers at us.  You open an issue of the
_Gazette_ and it says to the lower right of the front page, and below
the copyright notice on every article, that SSC
doesn't produce or endorse our magazine.  Now, does that mean all
readers of the magazine are unfailingly going to see that notice?  No.
That's not the standard the law imposes.
(If you were extremely skittish about nominative fair use, you would
also name your browser Bob Earthbadger or maybe even BobBadger -- but
you wouldn't, say, do something as pathetic as retreating all the way to
Iceweasel, right?  ;- )

Just for completeness's sake:  In Hughes's case, additionally, there was
the difference that his trademark claim was very weak, since the
founding editor had not transferred any commercial rights to SSC, during
the period

Re: Trademark scope (just for the record)

2007-09-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Ken Arromdee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 On Thu, 6 Sep 2007, Rick Moen wrote:
  Pepsico doesn't ask the Coca-Cola Company's permission to publish
  claims that its sugar-water is better tasting than is Coca-Cola.
  That ought to be a big, fat clue, but far too many people have been
  successfully conned and don't think about the implications.
 But on the other hand, Pepsi doesn't put out a soft drink which says
 on the label This is Coca-Cola, but it is not produced or endorsed by
 the Coca-Cola Corporation.

I didn't say it is.

To repeat myself, yet again:

  I was not suggesting that was the case.  Read what I _said_, please.  I
  was pointing out one huge clue, from the realm of everyday commerce,
  that should have alerted Debian users to the fact that, no, it is not
  true that one must ask a trademark owner's permission to use that mark.

  My point is that I've never seen any sign of awareness from Debian
  Project people or on this illustrious mailing list of that basic truth.

 In the Mozilla example, Debian's using the word to refer to their own

I am of course aware of that difference.  Again, to repeat myself:

  Nominative fair use expressly _permits_ use of names and other mark
  elements, as long as the net effect that customers are not likely to 
  believe that the product with the allegedly confusing mark is produced 
  / endorsed by the organization that holds the registered mark.  A 
  judicious distance in brand identity might make it prudent that Bob 
  name his offering Bob's Earthbadger, but isn't going to bar him 
  from making reference to the earth and badgers.  Bob would not, 
  for example, have to substitute references to ice and weasels.

My aim in this thread was _not_ to get Debian Project to reverse a
stupid, but already implemented, decision.  That's why the Subject 
header was Trademark scope (just for the record).

If I've had no greater effect than to call people's attention to the
fundamental error of thinking one must secure a trademark owner's
permission to use a brand name or identifying marks, then it will not
have been time wasted.

(E.g., you'll note that CentOS stupidly expunged all references to Red
Hat and Red Hat Enterprise Linux upon receipt of a trademark demand
letter from Red Hat Legal, and substituted vague references to an
Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided
to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.
That's just undignified, to be that spineless and bully-able, just
because you're ignorant and can't be bothered to consult standard
information resources about law.)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Trademark scope (just for the record)

2007-09-06 Thread Rick Moen
- Forwarded message from rick -

Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 19:15:11 -0700
Subject: Re: :-/

Quoting Trent W. Buck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 See for the full story. Sorry I didn't
 include that link before, I was lazy.

As usual for trademark claims, the complainer greatly overstates the 
rights actually available to trademark owners[1].  Briefly stated,
establishing a valid trademark entitles you to prohibit others in your
same trade or profession from offering competing commercial goods or
services[2] using your mark in a way likely to confuse your customers
into thinking you have produced or endorsed the competing goods or
services.  All other uses of the mark are automatically lawful.[3]

The standard way to disarm any possibility of a valid trademark
infringement complaint is to (1) state who owns the trademark, and (2)
say that trademark-owning party doesn't produce or endorse one's
separate offering.

Trademark law does _not_ entitle you to prohibit third-party uses you
haven't licensed.  It just doesn't.  Trademark owners always pretend it
does.  It's a bluff.[4]

And open source people fall for it every single time -- but one.  The
editors of _Linux Gazette_ faced down hostile trademark claims from SSC,
Inc.:  After the _Gazette_ staff left SSC's Web-hosting of their magazine,
SSC suddenly asserted trademark ownership over the magazine's name, and
threatened their Internet domain ownership and implied other possible
legal remedies.  The editors, who _did_ understand trademark law,
declined to back down, and appended the following notice to the Web site
and all issues of the magazine:

   Linux Gazette is not produced, sponsored, or endorsed by its prior
   host, SSC, Inc., which has been known to assert trademark claims
   despite our founding editor having clarified that he conveyed no
   trademark rights to them and that the magazine was to remain

After observing that the magazine declined to be bullied, SSC eventually
dropped that initiative entirely, and went away.  And _Linux Gazette_ 
remains _Linux Gazette_.

P.S.:  When someone says you need to comply with his/her trademark
policy, or says you need permission to use a trademarked name, reach
for your wallet.  ;-  (This is not to suggest in any way that Mozilla
Corporation are being evil.  They're not:  They're just trying to 
control the use of their trademarks, and prevent them from becoming 
generic, something all trademark owners are motivated to do.  See
the hyperlinks in footnote #4 for the reasons why.)

[1] Characterisation should be broadly valid across, at minimum, all
countries using English common law systems.  Probably European
continental civil law systems, too, but I cannot be sure.

[2] A trademark over a (non-physical-goods) service is technically
called a service mark.

[3] Not counting other torts like trademark _disparagement_, in which
you wrongfully sully the reputation of someone's trademark.

[4] Don't take my word for it:

Rick Moen  vi is my shepherd; I shall not font.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Psalm 0.1 beta
(_Linux Gazette_ Contributing Editor, but speaking for himself, here.)

- End forwarded message -

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DFSG conform OSI licenses

2007-09-06 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Francesco Poli ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

[Comparison of DFSG and OSD:]

 OSI based its OSD on the DFSG

More specifically, Bruce Perens wrote the latter document first, and
then copied it wholesale with trivial modifications to create the former
(The license instead of The license of a Debian component, and
shall not rather than may not, and must not be specific to a
product instead of must not be specific to Debian in a couple of

Later, I believe, there were two other minor divergences:  OSI added
some additional safeguards to those of DFSG#2 about separately available
source code, taken primarily from the text of GPLv2.  And, in reaction
to proposals of clickwrap software licences, OSI added the OSD#10
requirement (licence must be technology-neutral).

(Incidentally, Debian should consider updating DFSG to incorporate
wording similar to that of OSD#10.)

 ...but treats it as a *definition*, that is to say, a set a *rules*
 whose letter, it seems, must be met, in order for a *license* to be
 *approved* (OSI-certified) as Open Source.

This is true, but please note that approval is not endorsement, and OSI 
deprecates some because they're dumb in particular ways.  Its process
for classifying licences into recommended, less recommended, and are
you kidding? is slow, on account of bickering from those whose oxen are
getting gored (my interpretation, anyway).

 However OSI has begun to interpret the OSD in such a relaxed way, that
 it seems almost any license even vaguely resembling something acceptable
 gets approved, sooner or later...

I strongly dispute your assertion, having been active on OSI's
license-discuss mailing list for years and participated in pretty much
every evaluation there (while having been mostly a lurker here).  Would
you mind please citing a few examples?

 IMHO, the term Open Source has gradually become totally meaningless,
 because of this we-certify-everything attitude of OSI

I know of not even one example of same.  To the contrary, I was one of
several license-discuss participants who helped OSI reach consensus
to reject MPL 1.1 + Exhibit B badgeware licences, for example.

 (and, ironically, because of the success that the very term gained:
 everyone now uses and abuses the term Open Source to mean anything,
 just since it's a trendy term...).

The abuse of the term by, e.g., Centric CRM is surely not OSI's fault.
They vocally oppose it, for one thing.  And, actually, attempting to do
so is starting to emerge as a losing ploy, because it brings bad

Cheers,English is essentially a text parser's way of getting 
Rick Moen  faster processors built.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: old and new GNU documentation licenses, and the some of the manuals to which they apply

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Branden Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The simple license -- what I have been calling the traditional GNU
 documentation license, reads as follows:
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the copyright holder, or an organzation to whom
the copyright holder is willing to delegate this function.

If the point is obvious, my apologies, but:  If sufficiently motivated
people are annoyed by the ongoing conversion of GNU documentation to GFDL,
they may at any time fork the final non-GFDL version and maintain
derivative works (updated manuals) to benefit Debian and others.

Cheers,  Entia non sunt multiplicanta praeter necessitatem.
Rick Moen -- William of Ockham (attr.) 

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Andreas Barth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Making a contract is no violation of the Berne Convention (and
 contract doesn't mean you have always to sign anything).

I'm sure you'll have noticed that I didn't say it was.

 There are different ways to implement the rules of the Berne
 Convention, and there are a lot of countries who did the way Germany

Cite, please.  (I assume you mean insist that all software licences
must apply through contract law mechanisms.)

Cheers,Cthulhu loves me, this I know; because the High Priests tell me so!
Rick Moen   He won't eat me, no, not yet.  He's my Elder God, dank and wet!

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The question whether a copyright license necessarily is a contract has
 nothing to do with the Berne Convention. 

I'm sure you'll have noticed that I didn't say it did.

(As with my making that same comment to Andreas, I'm being _ironic_:
Plainly, you didn't bother to read my post carefully, since you are
reading into it a meaning wildly different from its plain sense.)

 Germany, like most European countries, does not require
 consideration to be present in a contract. 

That is vaguely interesting to know.  

 If I make an offer and you accept it, we've got a contract. 

You're saying there are _no_ other required elements of contract
formation under German law?  That seems very difficult to believe.
In English-derived common law legal systems (such as that of the USA), 
the required elements are:

  Offer.  This entails: 
Quantity (what is being exchanged)
Time (when the contract must be performed)
Identification of parties
Subject matter (what is the person making the offer willing to give)
  (Additionally, there must be serious intent to enter into a bargain, and
  certainty and definiteness of terms.)
  Acceptance.  This entails:
Serious intent to be bound.
Communication to offeror.
  (Offer and acceptance jointly establish privity of contract.)
Capacity (of offeror and offeree).
Lawful purpose.
Genuineness of assent (no fraud, duress, undue influence).
Form (i.e., some kinds of contract must be of written form).

Are you saying that parties to German contracts aren't required to have
the legal capacity to enter into contracts?  Are they binding against
infants?  Somehow, I rather doubt it.

Cheers,  First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing, for
Rick Moenverbing weirds language.  Then, they arrival for the nouns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  and I speech nothing, for I no verbs. - Peter Ellis

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Andreas Barth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 B downloading from A is not a problem. The problem is: How can C get a
 valid contract from A, but he is downloading only from B? Well, A has
 said GPLv2, and within the first condition he has given implicit
 permission to make a GPLv2-contract on his behalf to anyone who has a
 piece of GPLv2-source of him.

Under common law (and extensions such as the Uniform Commercial Code), 
the required contract element of acceptance entails _communication_
of that acceptance to the offeror.  Obviously, C's acceptance per that 
framework is legally problematic.  

(Informally, one speaks of a meeting of the minds being required.)

Cheers,Cthulhu loves me, this I know; because the High Priests tell me so!
Rick Moen   He won't eat me, no, not yet.  He's my Elder God, dank and wet!

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 17 USC 106 (3) lists four ways for a copy to be distributed. [...]

If you think 17 USC limits the means of distribution of a copyrighted
work's instance to only four, and somehow precludes for software
anything other that sale or lease, then I think you have an extremely
active imagination.

_Obviously_ the Copyright Act in no wise addresses, let alone restricts,
the ways in which works may be distributed.  Be serious.

 In such a case, the licensor has no more rights than granted to him by
 copyright law.

Well, duh.

 If there is no privity, there can be no contract, therefore the
 rights granted are granted by statute.

That is a non-sequitur, and you are begging the question:  Open-source
licences such as GPLv2 and the BSD licence are _founded_ in the
assumption that licensors may grant rights above and beyond the
statutory ones, with attached conditions.

 Perhaps I'm missing some key point, but I don't see how we can use
 such software save under a valid license or leasing agreement persuant
 to section 106 (3) and following the legal forms of a lease.

Yes, you are indeed missing a key point.

Sorry, but this has become tedious.

Cheers, kill -9 them all.   
Rick Moen   Let init sort it out.   

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 You said in your previous message that you had in mind the
 overwhelming majority of jurisdictions that have copyright 
 regimes in line with the Berne Convention and that lack such
 additions. I interpreted this to mean that you thought that
 the BC was somehow relevant to Andreas' comment that in
 Germany you always make a contract, even with GPL.
 So now I am curious why you brought up the BC at all? 

Copyright regimes around the world tend to be more similar than
different in large part because they've mostly been brought into harmony
with the Berne Convention.  I had thought this was a familiar notion.

 There are of course other elements, such as the capacity of the
 parties, the manner of making the offer and the acceptance, whether
 offer or acceptance was made under duress or under wrong impressions,
 and so on.

OK.  If you're going to be so picky as to object to a general
observation as having exceptions in a few jurisdictions (especially
when those exceptions are known from recent discussion), then I'd
suggest you should yourself be careful to speak precisely.

 Let's say I offer to give (donate) you a painting. You have
 to do nothing but accept it. I do not ask anything in return.
 Assuming all elements other than consideration are in order,
 is there a contract under US law? 

I'll tell you what:  I've posted the required elements of contract
formation under common law (and UCC, which technically would apply in that
example).  You figure it out.  Have fun.

Cheers, kill -9 them all.   
Rick Moen   Let init sort it out.   

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Andreas Barth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Thank you for your explanation of the common law.

You're quite welcome.

 Well, we really have two legal systems in the world, the Roman Law
 (including the countries of both Roman Empires, that including Russia
 as sucessor of the east-roman empire, and the holy roman empire as
 sucessor of the west-roman empire and it's sucessors Spain, France and
 Germany and the other European countries except England and Ireland,
 all including their allied countries and other areas in near
 relation), and the common law (including the Kingdom of England and
 Wales, the Kingdoms united with these (Scottland, Northern Ireland),
 their (former) united and allied countries, their empire, the
 common-wealth, ...). The two legal systems are total different.

There is also Muslim law.  Yes, I'm quite well aware of the legal systems 
influenced by the Napoleonic Code on the Continent.  (It is not very
accurate to call that Roman Law.)  And I'm sure it's a fascinating
side-discussion, but one I'd rather not have at this time.  Still, I do
appreciate your posting the details of German contract formation.

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Best Regards, Rick Moen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

[USA Copyright Act:]

 It lists the four ways in which a copyright holder has the exclusive
 right to distribute a work. Leasing is the type of distribution
 typically considered for software. Leases follow the forms of Contract
 What other type of distribution are we talking about here?

Your implicit assumption that methods of distribution of a copyrighted
work must be enumerated specifically in the Copyright Act in order to be
lawful is blatantly absurd, and I do not accept it.  I have now said
that twice.

 If the license does not meet the conditions of a contract, the license
 is invalid, and any grants of permision contained within the license
 are null and void. 

That is the same non-sequitur as it was in your last message.  You are
repeating yourself.

 Of course. The entire point here is that the granting of permisions
 merely follows the forms of Contract Law. Nothing more.

No, it does not follow the forms of contract law.  There is (typically) no
acceptance conveyed to the licensor, for one thing.  Moreover, you are
ignoring my basic point that the question of contract formation is
irrelevant to the mechanism by which the specified licences operate.

 Since nothing in Copyright Law (or any other segment of law that I'm
 aware of) restricts the rights you can give away, Contract Law allows
 you to create a legally binding agreement to give away those rights
 subject to conditions.

Although _that_ statement may also be true, it is irrelevant to the
preceding discussion:  There need not _be_ formation of a contract for
copyright law to apply, and for copyright-based licences such as GPLv2 
and the BSD licence to apply though that law.  (Claimed exception of
German law noted again in passing.)

Cheers,   I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate
Rick Moen those who do.  And, for the people who like country music,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Richard Braakman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Um, you missed or other transfer of ownership.  The recipient
 gains ownership of a copy (and sometimes this is an actual sale,
 where money changes hands), and gets a license to make and
 distribute further copies under certain conditions.

Thank you.  Really, I wasn't going to spend time running through the
USA Copyright Act trying to find specific authorisation in it for
putting works out in public without selling or leasing them -- as
plainly that would not be necessary for it to apply subject to the
copyright regime --  but it's good to hear that such wording is
(apparently) actually in there.

Cheers, kill -9 them all.   
Rick Moen   Let init sort it out.   

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Joe Moore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 If that is the case (that a meeting of the minds is required for a valid
 contract to be formed), and a contract is required for a software license,
 then where is the meeting when Dell resells Microsoft's software?

Allegedly, Dell is operating as Microsoft Corp's business agent,
pursuant to an ongoing agency relationship.  (Do we need to get into the
law of agency?)

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Best Regards, Rick Moen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The issue is not whether they are lawfull or not, but merely that
 those are the only forms of distribution available exclusively to the
 copyright holder.

You are question-begging, again.  Sorry, I still do not accept the

  No, it does not follow the forms of contract law. 
 See MA Mortenson v. Timberline;[1]
 Pro CD v. Zeidenburg;
 In ProCD, which involved a retail purchase of software, the
 Seventh Circuit held software shrinkwrap license agreements are a
 valid form of contracting under Wisconsin's version of U.C.C.
 section 2-204, and such agreements are enforceable unless
 objectionable under general contract law such as the law of
 unconscionability.  ProCD, 86 F.3d at 1449-52.

GPLv2, the BSD licence, et alii are not shrinkwrap licences.  Moreover,
the enforceability of shrinkwrap licences has been heavily contested and
is in ongoing doubt, as they have tended to be ruled to be contracts of
adhesion (i.e., lacking in meaningful privity of contract).

E.g., Step-Saver Data Systems, Inc. v. Wyse Technology (939 F.2d 91
(3d Cir. 1991)) ruled that a particular shrinkwrap licence was subject
to the conventional contract-formation guidlines of UCC section 2-207
and would have failed to form a contract for lack of privity if an
existing contractual relationship hadn't existed before opening the
package.  Vault Corp. v. Quaid Software Ltd. (5th Circuit, on appeal --
847 F.2d 255 (5th Cir.  1988)) ruled that a different shrinkrwap licence
was indeed a contract of adhesion and unenforceable (and, indeed, threw
out an entire Louisiana statute that claimed the contrary).

And, by the way, I just refreshed my memory on your cite of ProCD Inc.
v. Zeidenberg, 86 F.3d 1447 (7th Cir. 1996).  The court held that no
contract was formed by the parties until the buyer accepted the
seller's terms by either returning the software after reading the
license agreement or electing to keep the goods.  Essentially, there has
to be meaningful opportunity for the buyer to approve or return, or
there could not be any meeting of the minds.  The same court later
reinforced this guideline in Hill v. Gateway 2000, Inc., 105 F.3d 1147
(7th Cir. 1997), that a 30-day approve-or-return period was sufficient
to overcome meeting-of-the-minds objections, and established binding

M.A. Mortenson Co. v. Timberline Software Corp., et al. (Supreme Court
of Washington 140 Wn.2d 568; 998 P.2d 305 2000) does _not_ advance your
assertion.  Buyer asserted that he was simply unaware of the purchase
terms and claimed he should not be bound, but the facts showed his
awareness (having  twice asked the buyer to sign an agreement comparable
to their disputed license agreement).

In any event, as I said, heavily contested:  The 7th Circuit with its
Wall Street proclivities says yes, adherents of Vault v. Quaid as the
leading case say no.

UCC2B would of course change that, and is one of the design goals of
that code.

  There is (typically) no acceptance conveyed to the licensor, for one
 Then as has been shown in various shrinkwrap cases, the entire license
 is null and void. [See Spect et al v. Netscape]

The alleged _contract_ is null and void.  You are still begging the
question of licensing irrespective of contract, and I still do not
accept your fundamental premise.

  Although _that_ statement may also be true, it is irrelevant to the
  preceding discussion: There need not _be_ formation of a contract for
  copyright law to apply, 
 Copyright law applies regardless.

Whether or not a contract forms is a separate question from whether or
not an enforceable licence can be constructed (e.g., GPLv2 and BSD
licence) entirely subject to copyright law.

And you have been wasting your time and mine.  Enough, sir.

Cheers,Remember:  The day after tomorrow is the third day
Rick Moen  of the rest of your life.

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Perhaps I'm just not seeing or understanding clearly, but so far no
 one who claims that free software licenses are neither a lease nor a
 contract (at least in the US) has explained what type of legal
 agreement they would be.

Just for the sake of anyone who may not have been following closely,
I'll mention again that this notion that agreement must be involved is
yours alone, and of course is part of why you see everything in terms of
contract law.

Cheers, Chaos, panic,  disorder - my work here is done.
Rick Moen

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-08 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 True. However, since we were discussing whether a license 
 necessarily is a contract, it seems strange to bring up
 a copyright treaty that has nothing to do with contracts.

Actually, it's that other guy who's fixated on contracts.  (Every time
a copyright licence discussion starts, there's always at least one such

The point is that copyright regimes tend to be generally similar across
most jurisdictions because of efforts to standardise them to benefit
international business.  E.g., the Berne Convention.  

Thus, although I doubt I'll ever become more than vaguely familar with
the fine details of most of the world's legal systems, it seems very
likely that most copyright regimes that participate in the international
framework will have mostly similar provisions in that area.  That was my
point of mentioning in passing the Berne Convention.

 Anyway, I think the only thing we can conclude is that it is
 in some countries possible for the GPL to be interpreted as 
 a contract, and in some countries it is not. 

I will certainly acknowledge the claims advanced here about German law.
I'm curious about specifics of that and other countries that might be
mentioned, and look forward to seeing them.  (Unfortunately, my command
of the German language probably isn't good enough to follow references.)

Cheers, We write preciselyWe say exactly
Rick Moen   Since such is our habit inHow to do a thing or how
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Talking to machines;  Every detail works.
Excerpt from Prof. Touretzky's decss-haiku.txt @

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Andreas Barth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 You are mistaken. Your statement is not true for parts of this world
 (but it may be true for other parts of the world). For example in
 Germany you're always making a contract, even with GPL.

I have no doubt you are correct -- but I had in mind the overwhelming
majority of jurisdictions that have copyright regimes in line with the
Berne Convention and that lack such additions.

Cheers,Cthulhu loves me, this I know; because the High Priests tell me so!
Rick Moen   He won't eat me, no, not yet.  He's my Elder God, dank and wet!

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-07 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I'm at a loss to find where copyright law specifies the terms and
 forms of an agreement or license. 

(Note:  Agreement is your addition to this discussion, part of your
attempt to change the subject to contract law.  I spoke nowhere of

Assuming we're talking about USA jurisdictions:  17 USC 106 et seq.
enumerates rights reserved to copyright owners by default.  Others are
conveyed automatically to any lawful recipient of a covered work -- the
default licence implicit in copyright law.  (The fact that the word
licence doesn't appear in the Copyright Act is entirely irrelevant to
the subject.)

GPLv2 is an example of a grant of some of those reserved rights subject
to specified conditions, above and beyond the default rights conveyed.
The BSD licence is another.

 See other messages in this thread in regards to consideration. 

I've been seeing them for many years, ad nauseum.  Whether valid
consideration exists sounds open to question.

 [I'm not all together sure why privity would play a role

Why am I not surprised?

If you are asserting that licences must apply through contract
mechanisms (which is what I understand to be your -- tediously familiar
from past iterations of this discussion -- argument), then privity of
contract between the licensor and third-hand recipients becomes a
problem.  You might be able to build a case that those downloading the
tarball directly from the author's site undergo the required offer 
acceptance, but further uploads and downloads entail no such
relationship between recipient and licensor.

 Licenses obey the forms of either a contract or a lease or they are
 not legally valid.
 That is false.  Please read, for example, GNU GPLv2.
 It has been argued that the GPL follows the forms of a legal
 agreement, or contract between two parties. 

Do I correctly understand that you are incapable of understanding the
plain language of GPLv2 clause 0?

The Program, below, refers to any such program or work, and 
a work based on the Program means either the Program or any 
derivative work under copyright law:

 If it doesn't, from which common law cases or statute does it draw its
 legal authority?

In the USA, 17 USC 101 et seq. (Copyright Act).

Cheers, Ever wonder why the _same people_ 
Rick Moen   make up _all_ the conspiracy theories? 

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-05 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Anthony DeRobertis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Why not do something like:
   statement (maybe) releasing work to public domain
   If the above is not legally possible, then (name[s]) grant(s) you
   and any other party receiving this code a perpetual, irrevocable,
   royalty-free license to [everything copyright law prohibits].
   (name[s]) additionally grant(s) you a royalty-free... license
   to do anything else that you would be allowed to do with a
   work in the public domain.
   It is the intent of (name[s]) that this work be treated as if
   the public domain statement above is valid.
 What would be wrong with that? Best case, it is public domain; worst 
 case, it is public domain in all but name.

I like it; it would probably work (my guess).  The only thing wrong with
it is there's no exclusion of warranties and damages, a la BSD or MIT/X
I still can't for the life of me understand why anyone would _not_ want
those on a work one is handing out for free, but to each his own.

Cheers, I used to be on the border of insanity.  However, due 
Rick Moen   to pressing political concerns, I recently had to invade.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]-- Kurt Montandon, in r.a.sf.w.r-j

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Licenses are primarily founded upon Contract Law, not Copyright Law.

You are mistaken.  You may wish to read GPLv2.

Please also consider the matter of privity of contract.

 In order for (2) to be legally indeterminate, there needs to be
 applicable statutory or case law limiting the rights which a copyright
 holder can give away.

This assertion is non-sequitur.  Your reasoning has gone transrational.

Reasons why it is indeterminate have been already stated.

Cheers,Remember:  The day after tomorrow is the third day
Rick Moen  of the rest of your life.

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-03 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I should have been more clear that I was refering to licenses in the 
 general sense.

Oh, so now you're attempting to change the subject!  I see.

You had said:

   My argument[1], for reference, is that a work dedicated to the
   public domain is equivalent to a work with a license granting unlimited
   unrevokable rights to the public to use, modify, copy, etc.

You claimed that this followed directly from contract law, to which I

   The falsity of that statement can be seen at a brief glance from the 
   fact that a license granting unlimited unrevokable rights to the public
   to use, modify, copy, etc. would be founded in copyright law, rather
   than copyright law, without even considering the merits of the public
   domain dedications.

 You are absolutely correct, though, in pointing out that Copyright Law
 plays a part in the rights that are granted to the public without a

The other gentleman did not say that.  Moreover, it is quite clear that
contract law need not be involved in the rights that are granted to the
public without a license.  For example, if I write a codebase and put
it up for public ftp without an explicit statement of licence, the
rights conveyed to downloaders are granted solely through action of
copyright law (forming a default licence that omits the right to
redistribute and create derivative works, among others).

Is it not the beauty of an asynchronous form of discussion that one can go and 
make cups of tea, floss the cat, fluff the geraniums, open the kitchen window 
and scream out it with operatic force, volume, and decorum, and then return to 
the vexed glowing letters calmer of mind and soul? -- The Cube,

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Branden Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 * To my knowledge, in the U.S, a statement from all the copyright
   holders of a work is sufficient to place it in the public domain, if
   they want to do so before it would otherwise pass into the public
   domain through expiration of copyright

Branden --

Would that it were so!  The matter has been the topic of extensive
discussion on the OSI license-discuss mailing list, and after a great
deal of discussion the issue remains unsettled, but nobody can cite any
clear indication of what the legal effect of such as declaration is:
There has been no relevant caselaw.

o  It might be ruled to constitute an irrevocable licences for gratis
   usage by anyone, for the remainder of the licence term.

o  It might be ruled to actually _place_ the work in the public domain,
   but this seems unlikely, as there is no statutory provision for doing
   so, and it seems unlikely the owner could excuse himself from the 
   duties of ownership through an act of will.

o  It might have no effect at all.

o  Or it might have some different effect entirely -- possibly various
   effects in diverse jurisdictions.

In the USA, creative works (including software) published or generated
directly by the Federal government are by law not covered by copyright,
and thus are public domain ab initio.  However, if the work was created
by a non-government contractor, it became copyrighted upon creation, and
nothing prevents the Feds from _owning_ such copyrights (e.g., as part
of the deal with the contractor).

Also, prior to 1978-01-01, it was possible to lose copyright protection
in the USA through pilot error, e.g., by publishing the work without a
valid copyright notice.  (For example, it's probable that ATT UNIX 32V
became public domain in that fashion, as indicated by the judge's
preliminary ruling in the ATT v. UC Regents lawsuit.  See:  Beginning
1978, however, to bring US law in compliance with treaty, copyright has
come into existence automatically whenever you put a (covered) creative
work in fixed form -- and owners got a five-year grace period to fix
any broken copyright notices.  It's possible that some software became
public domain through that mechanism, but not much -- and you'd
potentially have to prove it, in the event of dispute.

Other than that, it's a near-certainty that _no_ software of conceivable
modern interest has yet reached the public domain:  Not enough years
have passed.  Thus, if/when you see some package on the Net that's
described as public domain, beware:  That usually just means that the
person writing that descriptions is dangerously ignorant of copyright
law, and you incorporate such code into larger works at your peril.

More at:

BLINKResize your browser so the following line touches both margins!/BLINK
   HR WIDTH=75%
Best Regards, Rick Moen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I'm not surprised that there is no relevant caselaw, however, it's
 common to assume that placing (or dedicating) the work in (or to) the
 public domain is enough for the work to be in the public domain.

You can assume it.  Your assumption is most likely incorrect.

 You should be able to find caselaw involving a case where a work was
 improperly placed in the public domain (ie, the person dedicating it
 to the public isn't the copyright holder,) but as the US system is a
 law in action, you'll need to find a case where someone placed the
 work into the public domain, and then withdrew that placement and
 proceeded to sue people under it.
 That's a tall order.

That is _not_ necessary in order for the notion to be doubtful.  It
pretty much suffices that no statutory mechanism whatsoever exists to
enact that intention, and for the outcome to be both indeterminate and
mostly likely jurisdiction-dependent.

 What duties of ownership? [Well, at least post 1968.]

Sundry warranty issues.

 You always incorporate code into larger works at your peril.

Not exactly:  There is risk, and there is peril.  

When you use (e.g.) a third-party BSD-licensed work, you are relying on
the creator having sufficient title that his permission grant can be
relied upon, but that is usually a well-founded assumption.  With code
you come across that is described as public domain, statistically, 
you will find upon deeper examination that the person making that
declaration simply isn't taking copyright issues seriously.

I conducted my own study, for some weeks in 2000, of the packages in in the public domain licence category.  This was
because I was curious about whether the laxity, ownership problems, and
outright failure to mention significant copyright claims was widespread
in that entire category, after noticing it among PalmOS packages so
designated that I came across while assembling my collection of all
known open-source PalmOS software (
To my dismay, I found that _most_ of that category
(out of some hundreds of packages) were multi-author works with obvious
copyright encumbrances that had no matching permission statements from
some of those authors.

I brought this problem to the management staff at VA
Linux Systems, Inc.  They acknowledged the problem (I presented
examples), but took no action, feeling that the amount of software in
question wasn't large enough to merit their time and trouble.

My point is that, in my experience, a claim that a package is public
domain has a high statistical correlation with title problems, which
people making derivative works must beware of.

 Regardless, the standard sane aproach, is to assume that a This work
 is placed into the public domain statement is equivalent to a
 relieving yourself of the protection availed to you by copyright law,
 or equivalent to a widely permisive irrevocable license.[1]

I'm glad the uncredited author has an opinion.  Everyone should have a
few -- and festooning Web pages with them as he has done is a perfectly
fine pastime that no doubt reduces the rate of delinquency on our

But _relying_ on that would be about as perfect an example of idiocy as
I've seen recently -- though I suppose there's always room for
improvement in that area.

Cheers, The shortest distance between two puns is a straightline.
Rick Moen

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 The absense of a statutory mechanism isn't really at issue here. There
 are hosts of contractual forms for which there is no applicable
 statute.[1] The US legal system is not statute bound, as it is a
 common law system.

Allow me to reiterate, then, what I believe I've already mentioned once
before:  There is also an absence of caselaw. 

  Sundry warranty issues.
 Warranty isn't a duty of ownership. Warranty is a duty of a provider,
 distributor or retailer.

You seem to be being willfully dense:  If I put my name on a piece of
software and it becomes publicly available in a lawful fashion and is
claimed to have harmed someone, I am likely to face liability claims.
For that purpose, it really doesn't matter who was the

 In both cases, you have the a person who is presumably the copyright
 holder making the statement. If they're not the copyright holder, you
 have a problem. If they are, you're ok.

You seem to be being willfully dense:  As I've already clarified,
murky title and permission problems correlate strongly in my experience
to assertions of public domain status -- as is not the case with
statements of BSD-licensing.

 That's a problem with people making false statements, rather than a
 problem with the concept of placing a work into the public domain

You seem to be being willfully dense:  As I've already clarified, those
erroneous statements correlate strongly in my experience to assertions
of public domain status -- as is not the case with statements of

 What seems to be occuring here is a conflating of facts and law.

This allegation is incorrect.

I have made assertions in both realms, but have made them separately.
If you wish to more clearly understand what I wrote, I suggest you re-read.

Cheers, The genius of you Americans is that you never make 
Rick Moen   clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that make us wonder at the possibility that there may be 
something to them that we are missing. --Gamel Abdel Nasser

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Branden Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Okay.  I mostly concur with Don Armstrong's challenges to this, but I
 have one more add.

IANAL, but, when I posted my analysis of the matter to the OSI
license-discuss mailing list, OSI general counsel Larry Rosen replied
You've answered it beautifully.  Give this guy a law degree!

(Alas, that doesn't get me a law degree, but it means someone generally
considered a well-informed copyright lawyer thinks I was on-target.)

 In the U.S., copyrights are completely negotiable instruments.  That is,
 I can completely transfer my interest in them to another party (this is
 not so much the case in droit d'auteur jurisdisctions).
 Surely anything that I can sell, or give away to another party under
 contract, I can abandon altogether.

Certainly you can abandon it.  But that does not cause the _title_ to
cease to exist.  Remember:  Public domain creative works are those whose
copyright title has either lapsed, become invalid (pre-1978), or were
non-copyrightable ab initio (e.g., creative works published or generated
directly by the Federal government).

There is a difference between a piece of property whose ownership is up
for grabs and one that has ceased to exist.  If it's not the latter,
then it's not public domain (by definition).

Cheers, The shortest distance between two puns is a straightline.
Rick Moen

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 We've established that. I maintain that the absence of caselaw is
 merely attributable to the difficulty of finding an actionable claim.

Thus, you have an opinion.

 You maintain that it's because dedicating a work to the public domain
 is meaningless.

This I did not say.

 It would do much to advance your case if you would put forth an
 argument delineating why a work properly dedicated to the public
 domain would be meaningless, or at least devoid of the commonly
 understood meaning.

I have no intention of supporting an assertion I never made.

 My argument[1], for reference, is that a work dedicated to the public
 domain is equivalent to a work with a license granting unlimited
 unrevokable rights to the public to use, modify, copy, etc.

That is an opinion, with no known support in law.  

 I'll try to be clearer: The facts surrounding works dedicated to the
 public domain is, frankly, uninteresting to me. I really only wish to
 discuss the law regarding them.

That is a useful ambition.  Pity that there is no caselaw, and no
specified mechanism in statutes for an extant, unexpired copyright to be 
destroyed by the owner.  If you hear of relevant case citations, I will
be very interested to see them.

Cheers,   I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate
Rick Moen those who do.  And, for the people who like country music,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Nathanael Nerode ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Have you heard of the common law?

Oddly enough, I can't help noticing that your caselaw citations are missing.

 But Don Armstrong has a point: nobody but the copyright holder has standing 
 to sue.  If a court was convinced that the copyright holder had lost his 
 right to sue by making a public domain dedication, then effectively the work 
 *would* be in the public domain.

This assumes that the copyright holder has lost his right to sue (and,
moveover, any successors in interest).  And where are you determining
that, please?  As mentioned, I've seen no caselaw citations -- most
likely because none exist.

My best guess based on a pointer on OSI license-discuss[1] to some
halfway relevant cases (Micro-Star v. Formgen Inc., 154 F.3d 1107, 9th
Cir. 199 -- and Hampton v. Paramount Pictures Corp., 279 F.2d 100, 104,
9th Cir. 1960) is that voluntary copyright abandonments (such as public
domain dedications) _may_ (if adjudicated to be effective) merely
create a defence against infringement claims by the person making that
declaration (equitable estoppal), leaving unclear whether that defense
would be effective against successors in interest.  Or not.  The
question does not seem to have been adjudicated.

 So, what do you recommend for someone who really *wants* to put something in 
 the public domain?

Do you intend that as a real, non-rhetorical question?  If so, I
recommend BSD licence with no advertising clause (or MIT/X).  I mean,
why would you _not_ want the shield against warranty claims?

And if that person objects that, no, he really, really wants to destroy
his copyright and make the code be actually (or at least effectively but
for certain so) public domain, then I would advise him that it's an
imperfect world, and nobody knows how to do that without the risk of
creating very troublesome legal questions for the remaining duration of
the copyright term.

 If you really think that this is a serious problem, have you contacted 
 Creative Commons (, who promote public domain 

Oddly enough, a UK acquaintance of mine (from OSI license-discuss) was
in contact with several of the notables (including Prof. Lessig) whose
names are cited as founders, to see if they endorsed such site contents
as the Public Domain Dedication at .  He reports[2] that
they do not, and apparently the matter is the subject of some
controversy.  I have not yet inquired with them directly, though I may
get around to doing so.

 No such thing.  Warranties are incurred by distribution and stuff like that, 
 not by ownership.

(Please note that my use of the term owner was intended to connote
author or issuer, in this context.)  If you are trying to assert
that being the identifiable author of a piece of code that is claimed to
have done harm would not subject you to liability claims, I would
suggest you are mistaken.


[2] This was in a related discussion, which may have been on the mailing
list, on sci.crypt, or on talk.politics.crypto, but I'm unable to find
the reference at the moment.

Rick Moen Age, baro, fac ut gaudeam.

Re: Some licensing questions regarding celestia

2003-09-02 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Don Armstrong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, 02 Sep 2003, Rick Moen wrote:

  This I did not say.
 It's either meaningless or meaningfull. I can't quite reconcile the
 idea of it being both.

I didn't say that, either.

Don, if you're going to be spending the rest of the month inviting me to 
justify statements I did _not_ say, it's going to be a very long month.
Moreover, I usually jettison from my life as a hopeless time-waster
anyone who attempts it about three times in any fairly short period.
Your count, in that area, now stands at two.

 If you're trying to say

I see no need to tell you what I'm trying to say.  Having reviewed my
prior posts, the semantic payloads thereof should be amply clear.

  My argument[1], for reference, is that a work dedicated to the public
  domain is equivalent to a work with a license granting unlimited
  unrevokable rights to the public to use, modify, copy, etc.
  That is an opinion, with no known support in law.  
 It follows directly from contract law.

The falsity of that statement can be seen at a brief glance from the
fact that a license granting unlimited unrevokable rights to the public
to use, modify, copy, etc. would be founded in copyright law, rather
than copyright law, without even considering the merits of the public
domain dedications.

 I think I'm beginning to see the problem here.

Nope, you're seeing only one of two independent arguments.  Please see

 Dedicating a work to the public does not require that the copyright be

(1) If there's a copyright title extant, then by definition the article
is not public domain.  That is incontrovertible.

(2) Separately and aside from that, the effect of a public domain
dedication is thus far legally indeterminate, for reasons previously

Cheers, Don't use Outlook.  Outlook is really just a security
Rick Moenhole with a small e-mail client attached to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]-- Brian Trosko in r.a.sf.w.r-j

Re: The GPL and you

2003-09-01 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Daniel Isacc Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 It appears that way .. However, something else comes to mind.
 Some PHP applications are closed source. My code would facilitade a close
 source PHP script to _use_ talkfilters . But that's not a violated either,
 even if I keep it closed?

I'm not sure I understand that last sentence.

Let's recap:  You've written some PHP code supporting PHP access to a
GPLed library, talkfilters.  (You haven't specified what licence you
have placed your PHP glue code under.)

You are absolutely free to issue your PHP glue code under -- the code
you're asking about -- under any licence whatsoever.  A person who 
uses that code does not thereby violate any licence.  (Neither the GPL
nor the PHP licence regulates software usage.)  

Third parties who assemble the three codebases (the PHP interpreter,
your code, and talkfilters) apparently thereby create a derivative work
that is in licence conflict.  _Their_ redistribution of the three
codebases together would thus seem to constitute (technically) copyright
violation, to which the talkfilters author could in theory object.

 Ok, so the GPL doesn't apply unless I distribute something.

Let's be more precise, please:  If you accept someone else's work
subject to the terms of GPLv2, then your subsequent redistribution of
that work (or one that is derivative of it) entails obligations -- about
which you can read in the GPL text.

 Then it only applies if I create a derivative work, being source or

Once again:  Read the GPL.  

If you simply distribute your own glue code, you incur no obligations
from anyone else's licensing.  (Why would you?)  If you merely put your 
glue code on (e.g.) the same CD-ROM as talkfilters and/or the PHP
interpreter, and redistribute that, the combination imposes no
obligation on you:  As GPLv2 puts it, that is mere aggregation.  

If you distribute your glue code linked with the PHP interpreter and
talkfilters, that derivative work's distribution (given that it is in
licence conflict) very minimally violates the talkfilters author's
copyright.  He could theoretically object.


Cheers,   Dogs may have kept us company on the hunt, but it was 
Rick Moen the cats who insisted we invent houses and discover fire.

Re: The GPL and you

2003-09-01 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Daniel Isacc Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

   License conflict? Like it's not illegal but it's a taboo?

No.  {sigh}

Once again:  Read the GPL.

Under GPLv2 clause 6, your permission to redistribute a covered work
(including derivative works) is conditioned on your imposing no further
restrictions on recipients than GPLv2's own terms.  The PHP licence
includes one term that trivially restricts users (regarding the names
of their projects).  Thus, derivative works that incorporate PHP and
GPLv2-licensed code have requirements that conflict:  We speak of such 
works as being in licence conflict.

Since your permission to distribute GPL-encumbered derivative works (such
as your PHP glue code linked to the PHP interpreter and to the
talkfilters library) rests on your NOT imposing further restrictions
beyond those of GPLv2, since you cannot avoid one such restriction, you
may not distribute the derivative work.  Your doing so -- or anyone else
doing so who received his copy of talkfilters subject to GPLv2[1] --
constitutes (technically) the tort of copyright violation against the
talkfilters author.

By contrast, distributing your PHP glue code by itself violates nobody
else's rights[2].  Distributing talkfilters by itself violates nobody's
rights.  Distributing the PHP interpreter by itself violates nobody's
rights.  Distributing all three of them on the same CD-ROM violates
nobody's rights (mere aggregation).

Somebody _using_ any or all of those codebases violates nobody's rights.
(Neither GPLv2 nor the PHP licence regulates code usage.)

[1] You can receive and use a codebase that's GPL-licensed without
accepting that licence:  If you've lawfully received any piece of
programming code, you have certain implied rights by statute, including
the right to run it.  However, as GPLv2 clause 5 points out, nothing
then gives you the right to redistribute or to create derivative works,
rights that are reserved to the copyright owner by default.

[2] Assuming your permission grant for that code allows that.  You've 
not mentioned what licence terms you specify for that code.

Cheers,Cthulhu loves me, this I know; because the High Priests tell me so!
Rick Moen   He won't eat me, no, not yet.  He's my Elder God, dank and wet!

Re: The GPL and you

2003-09-01 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Daniel Isacc Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 That's interesting. In the Wine community the majority opinion is
 that the Win32 API and data structures are not copyrightable. My opinion
 is derived mainly from my work with Wine. Since the Win32 API is so vast
 (100's of functions and structures) I would think if header files are
 copyrightable then the Win32 headers must be copyrighted by Microsoft.
 As far as I know, Microsoft hasn't attacked Wine for using the API .
 I could be mixing two distinct ideas here. Copyrighting a header
 file could be completely different from copyrighting an API .. Ever though
 they seem like the same thing.

I think you may have a point.  During the ATT vs. UC Regents lawsuit,
part of UC's defence against charges that BSD incorporated ATT UNIX
32V's header files was that was functional code required for
compatibility, so that code written for 32V could run on BSD without
having to replicate all the header files' definitions and declarations.
Copyright law has traditionally given considerable leeway for
compatibility requirements, and generally only expressive code
qualifies for copyright coverage, not functional code.

I would tend to think that the talkfilters data structures and API are
not copyrightable.  (But IANAL, TINLA.)

Cheers,   find / -user your -name base -print | xargs chown us:us
Rick Moen

Re: A possible GFDL compromise

2003-08-31 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian T. Sniffen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I don't think that's quite true: if the GPLv3 were to say, for
 example, that anyone using the code for an Application Service
 Provider would have to distribute code to all customers or
 users... that's not useful to me.  I would not be able to usefully
 implement the benefits of others' code.  Thus, the copyleft would fail
 there too: somebody effectively would have written something
 proprietary out of my code.

I think you're completely missing my point:  That would be an example of
a _more_ restrictive licence, which any recipient could (and would)
avoid by electing to receive the code under GPLv2, instead.  The main
developers could then, for the next version, either change the terms to
pure GPLv2 or (if all who own the rights agree) to some other suitable
successor to GPLv2.

Thus, such a hypothetical instance of the FSF going haywire would
(again) do the coders' interests no harm.  Which was my point.

Cheers,   I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate
Rick Moen those who do.  And, for the people who like country music,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart

Re: The GPL and you

2003-08-31 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Daniel Isacc Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I made a PHP extension for the talkfilters library. It's not a big
 achievement, it's maybe 100-200 lines of code .. I've run into a license
 problem . PHP is under the PHP license and the talkfilters library is
 under the GPL .

That would create a licence conflict if you were redistributing a
derivative work consisting of the talkfilters lib linked to the PHP
interpreter -- but you're not.

 What this means is that my software is automatically GPL'd even though
 it has no GPL'd source in it.

No, that's incorrect.  _You alone_ are legally empowered to state licence
terms for your code.  That's what we mean by copyright ownership.

 The GPL doesn't distinguish between linking and directly copying and
 pasting source code, or at least not from my perspective.

And?  You seem to have some misconceptions about the GPL's copyleft
provision, what its effect is, and in what circumstances it applies.  In

1.  The copyleft provision (GPLv2 clauses 3, 6, and 7) state what rights
must be conveyed to derivative works during redistribution of the code
as part of those derivative works.

2.  Those rights must not be less than those specified in GPLv2.

3.  The obligation is triggered by the act of redistribution, not usage.
(See also:  scope of GPLv2 detailed in clause 0.)  It can be satisfied
by one of the methods specified in clause 3.

 The problem is that , with my understanding, because my code gets
 incorporated directly into PHP that means that PHP automatically becomes

Your understanding is incorrect.  Just _think_, please:  How _could_ it 
possibly be correct?  That would constitute involuntary seizing of the PHP
interpreter authors' property (their copyright title).  That doesn't
happen.  Under copyright law, if you perform an act in violation of
someone's copyright, you have committed the tort of copyright violation.
In extreme cases, a judge might force you to pay damages in addition to
ceasing the violation, but there is zero likelihood that any of the
parties to that dispute would be ordered to grant a licence to his
(copyright) property against his will.

 So I tried to get the talkfilters developer to switch to the LGPL

Why?  Are you seeking to...

1) Link a GPL-covered work (talkfilters) to a PHP-licensed work 
(the PHP interpreter v. 4 or later), and 

2) Redistribute the resulting derivative work?

Based on your description, that does NOT appear to be the case.
Therefore, you would seem to be trying to solve a non-existent problem.

 I shouldn't have written anything, I suppose. Is that the power
 of the GPL? The GPL has the power to stop open source developers from
 developing. That doesn't make any sense to me.

It doesn't make any sense to me, either -- but not in the sense you
intend.  You appear to have fundamentally misunderstood how licensing
works.  Perhaps you should read the text of GPLv2, the text of the PHP
Licence v. 3.0, and the Copyright Act, contemplate the meaning of
derivative work in the latter, and work out how licensing works when
people re-use code.

 I like the idea of the GPL, but maybe we need to be a little more
 pragmatic. Or maybe people need to be educated with respect to the

Well, the latter for sure.  ;-  But, actually, the very same
considerations apply for combinations of code in proprietary licensing.

 The GPL isn't always the best license.

No doubt.  But that appears to be irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Cheers,   I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate
Rick Moen those who do.  And, for the people who like country music,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart

Re: The GPL and you

2003-08-31 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Mark Wielaard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 There is:
   4. Products derived from this software may not be called PHP, nor
  may PHP appear in their name, without prior written permission
  from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You may indicate that your software works in
  conjunction with PHP by saying Foo for PHP instead of calling
  it PHP Foo or phpfoo
 Which seems a (small) restriction of your rights regarding distribution
 of derived works that is not in the GPL.

Ah, you're right.  

Cheers,   Why is the alphabet in that order?  Is it because of that song?
Rick Moen  -- Steven Wright

Re: The GPL and you

2003-08-31 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Daniel Isacc Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I use talkfilters data structures and API in my code. Is that a
 derivate work? Everything else I've read indicates that it isn't..

Copyright doesn't cover ideas.

But I believe you're asking the wrong question.  The reason Debian
doesn't _redistribute_ GPLed PHP extensions is that they're believed to
be in licence conflict (when linked with the PHP interpreter).  But as
long as you're NOT seeking to create something that everyone will feel
comfortable redistributing, you're fine.

Moreover, all that's a change of subject from what you were saying

You were saying your software is automatically GPLed.  No.

You were saying use of your PHP extension with the PHP interpreter
automatically GPLs the PHP interpreter.  _No._

You were saying you have to release the source, but no one can use it.

Cheers,Remember:  The day after tomorrow is the third day
Rick Moen  of the rest of your life.

Re: GPL licenses and the any later version phrase (was: Re: A possible GFDL compromise)

2003-08-30 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Mathieu Roy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 You always can retroactively change the license for your
 software. It's *too late* only if people who received your software 
 before you change your license continue to distribute it. They can
 distribute it under your previous license, but only the previous
 versions, not the new, relicensed, version.

Just because many people (not you) get confused about this matter, I'll 
point out that a copyright licence (such as GPLv2) attaches to an
_instance_ of the covered code.  The copyright holder (being entitled to
generate as many diverse instances as he likes, and not needing to
consent to any licence to use his property) can switch to a different
licence (as to his code, not other people's that might be with it unless
they also consent) through the simple expedient of issuing a new
_instance_ with different terms.  For that matter, nothing stops him
from having simultaneous instances in circulation with (e.g.) GPLv2,
2-clause BSD, and proprietary licence terms.

People get tripped up by language:  For example, they speak of a
codebase as having a particular licence.  E.g., SourceForge [meaning
Alexandria] v. 2.5 was under GPLv2 or later.  We say that because it's
precise enough for most purposes, but it misleads people into thinking
of licensing as an essential property of the codebase.  It would be more
precise to say that _instances_ of that codebase are under GPLv2.

Also, the verb relicense is a bit misleading:  What really happens is
that a new code instance emerges with a different licence.

 That's why software project once free can become proprietary, like
 SourceForge to name a famous one.

VA Software, Inc. kept promising the release of Alexandria
(SourceForge) 2.6 under GPLv2, making a series of misleading press
releases on the subject, while releasing proprietary, non-redistributable 
successors in an attempt to build a proprietary software business based
on Alexandria (whose copyright it owned) and the sundry open-source
packages that with it comprise the SourceForge suite.  Eventually, it
became obvious that the company would never deliver on those promises, 
and multiple groups forked (variously) v. 2.5 or pre-2.6 CVS checkouts.
Those have started to merge after primary Alexandria author Tim Perdue's
VA-related legal entanglements expired six months following his layoff,
when he released GForge ( in conjunction with
Christian Bayle of the Debian-SF project and others.

Cheers,   I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate
Rick Moen those who do.  And, for the people who like country music,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart

Re: A possible GFDL compromise

2003-08-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Branden Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:44:57AM +0100, Scott James Remnant wrote:
  Ya know, I was always sure that or (at your option) any later version
  header people blindly add to their source would turn out to be a Bad
  Imagine... GPLv3 with Invariant Sections... Microsoft take Linux and add
  a bunch of code to it, maybe something really handy like the ability to
  run Win32 apps natively.

 Won't happen with Linux -- please review the license applied to the
 Linux kernel.  It's missing a certain phrase.

...or (at your [the recipient's] option) any later version.  The fact
that your refers to the _recipient_ means that Scott's worst-case
scenario of FSF issuing a screwball GPLv3 is not a serious concern
_even_ for work whose licence grants include the quoted phrase.

For example, consider the effect of an invariant-sections GPLv3 on
Samba, whose GPLv2 licence grant includes the quoted phrase.  Recipients
of extant Samba versions would then have the _option_ of accepting Samba
instances under silly licence terms -- or GPLv2 ones.  Forks could be
launched under the silly terms, but who'd want to?  And the next official
Samba release after that would probably omit the option phrase -- while
not accepting contributions under those other terms.

The same analysis applies to all other codebases that use the option
phrase.  And that, in turn, provides FSF a strong incentive not to fool 
too dramatically or hastily with GPL direction.  (Indeed, they've been
very cautious.)

(See also:  Affero Licence, )

Cheers, kill -9 them all.   
Rick Moen   Let init sort it out.   

Re: Licence oddity in Securing Debian Manual

2003-08-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Brian T. Sniffen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 True.  But I read the phrase This document... explicit permission as
 saying that Appendix H has a different copyright-owner, and has been
 separately distributed under the GFDL1.2.  The whole work is under the
 GPL2, as said at the beginning. 

Securing Debian Manual authors Alexander Reelsen, Javier
Fernández-Sanguino Peña stated in the front matter that they were
issuing _their_ work under GPLv2 or later.  Whether Mr. Ratti did or not
strikes me as, unfortunately, somewhat ambiguous:  Ironically for that
claim of explicit permission, _lack_ of explicitness is precisely the

Did he explicitly issue this instance of the inclusion under GPLv2 or
later, under GFDL with a licence exception, or something else?
(something else might not make sense, to borrow your words, but cannot
be ruled out unless you're willing to take on faith that derivative-work
licensing can be assumed problem-free -- which seems a stretch.  ;-  )

Fortunately, as you point out, clarification from Mr. Ratti should fix
this in a hurry.

Cheers,He who hesitates is frost.
Rick Moen -- Innuit proverb

Re: relicensing dual-licensed works to single license.

2003-08-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Mark Rafn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Here's a thought: Dual-licensed works can generally be forked to be under
 either license. Doesn't this mean that the maintainer (or any distributor)  
 of a GPLv2 or any later version work could unilaterally re-release it
 under pure GPLv2 without consulting any contributors?

I think so:  He could then use that as the basis (if I understand
correctly) for a pure GPLv2 fork.  Other people, encountering that but
preferring a code instance under GPLv2 or any later version would need
to seek out an upstream version and eschew his additions.

BLINKResize your browser so the following line touches both margins!/BLINK
   HR WIDTH=75%
Best Regards, Rick Moen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A possible GFDL compromise

2003-08-29 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting paul cannon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 How about this scenario:
 1- A hostile group gets control of the FSF (treachery, trickery,
bribery, lawsuits, ...?)
 2- They release a new version of the GPLv4, which states that this
software should be treated as released into the public domain

Yes, this (less restriction) is the only GPLv3 scenario that could
arguably injure the interest of coders specifying GPLv2 or any later
version permission grants:  Such covered code then becomes free / 
open-source but non-copyleft, against its owners' intent.  Most would
call that outcome (1) astronomically unlikely and (2) not very harmful,

People worried about that, or just wanting to handle licence evolution
manually through new releases with changed terms (caveat: necessitating
agreement among all copyright holders affected) will eschew the or any
later version clause.  Those wanting FSF to be able to fix licence
problems (e.g., resulting from court decisions) without needing a
unanimous accord among copyright holder will include it.

Cheers,Send a policeman, and have it arrested.
Rick Moen -- Otto von Bismarck, when asked what he 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   would do if the British Army landed.

Licence oddity in Securing Debian Manual (was: Proposed addition to Debian web pages re: GNU FDL)

2003-08-28 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Nathanael Nerode ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I propose something like the following as an addition to the Debian web 
 pages, at the bottom of  I offer this 
 up for revision and use by the Debian community, or anyone else.
 Motivation: some people seem to wish to remain in denial about the 
 project's decision on this matter.  This will help their psychological 
 problem. ;-)

This reminded me of something I noticed earlier today.  The Securing
Debian Manual at has in its
front material the following:

  Copyright Notice

  Copyright © 2002, 2003 Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

  Copyright © 2001 Alexander Reelsen, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

  Copyright © 2000 Alexander Reelsen

  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Public License, Version 2 or any later
  version published by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed in
  the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. 

All well and good, so far.  Appendix H of the Manual, in
, has:

  This document is copyright 2002 Alexandre Ratti. It has been released
  under the GNU-FDL 1.2 (GNU Free Documentation Licence) and is included in
  this manual with his explicit permission. 

Doesn't that create a licence conflict?

Cheers,A: No.  
Rick Moen  Q: Should I include quotations after my reply? 

Re: non-disclosure agreement

2000-11-14 Thread Rick Moen
begin  Ian Zimmerman quotation:

 1/ Is my (literal) reading of the document essentially correct, or is
 my assumption that I can read English just so much hubris?

Your understanding matches mine.  You are _very_ wise to be cautious
about what you sign.

 2/ Will signing this agreement prevent me from contributing to Debian
 in the future?

If enforced, it would seem to do so.

 5/ If you were personally faced with this situation, what was (or
 would be) your reaction?  (You can reply to this part privately if you

If I were a coder faced with such a requirement, I would do one of the

(1) Cross out the offending clauses, and politely call that to the
attention of the Personnel Dept. as a counter-offer, or 

(2) Negotiate the replacement of that language with some acceptable

In either case, I would be prepared for the possibility of leaving
imminently to seek employment at a more-enlightened company, if need be.
(As it happens, my employer did, to my particular disgust, require a
similar clause.  I was willing to sign it, in part, because I do not
code for a living.  Also, the firm was so much better than the one I
just left, in every other respect, that I wasn't going to be picky. 
But I was deeply disappointed to see it at an otherwise progressive

Cheers,  Reality is not optional.
Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell

Re: Source code with no (explicit) licence

2000-10-16 Thread Rick Moen
begin Joseph Carter quotation:

 Your gut feeling is wrong.

To reiterate:  My gut feeling is that a non-licence remains no licence.

My idle afterthought that it would (if proposed) end up in non-free is
no doubt wrong, however.  It would, as I was suggesting as the main
thrust of my argument, have no clear licence.

 Without a license, the program cannot be distributed at all.

Other than by the copyright holder, you presumably mean.

 DJB knows this.  He likes it that way, apparently.

I believe I _just_ got through saying that.
Thank you for your comments, anyway.

Cheers,   Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm 
Rick Moen for a day.  Set a man on fire, and he will be warm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   for the rest of his life.   -- John A. Hrastar

Re: Source code with no (explicit) licence

2000-10-16 Thread Rick Moen
begin David Starner quotation:

 There's no legal question here, no arguments; that's what the law

The question, if any, is what licence might be created implicit in the
_circumstances_ (see two paragraphs down) of Bernstein's distribution.
Although I presumed to raise the issue on debian-legal, my concern is
not whether Bernstein's whack-assed software is acceptable to The Debian
Project, but rather with whether I'm being fair in my ftp-daemons
survey, especially since I am rather infamously hostile to the man's
softwarei[1], having had the gruesome experience of administering a
large qmail site at $PRIOR_FIRM.

So:  Within my ftp-daemons list, I am making every effort to state
accurately what licence applies to each entry.  And, with Publicfile, 
I have the difficulty of summarising what licence rights apply, by
default action of local law, absent any statement of licence.

Some of the resulting questions are unclear to me, even in USA copyright
law, let alone elsewhere:  Does Bernstein's posting the file to an
unrestricted public ftp or Web site create implicit general licence to
retrieve the file?  I would guess so.  To compile it?  I would guess so.
To modify it?  I would guess not.  To redistribute it with or without
modification?  I would guess not.

But I know of no statutory or case law that _says so_, and I am not a
copyright attorney.  My reasoning is based on a plausibility argument,
alone, and nothing more solid.  Perhaps you or Joseph Carter _are_
copyright attorneys and/or know the applicable law by heart.  If so, I'd
be glad to be enlightened.[2]

If not, those would seem intriguing questions and possibly worthy of
thought.  Mine if not yours.

Not for DJB's sake, who can proceed immediately and directly to the
ecclesiastical place of eternal torment[3], as far as I'm concerned.

[1] I.e., I wrote .

[2] Indeed, before posting, I slogged through all 24 months of list
archives.  Neither of you gentlemen has previously addressed that
question, though prior discussions of I hereby put this software in the
public domain licencing did occur and was slightly relevant.  On those
matters, I _do_ happen to know the ruling caselaw (CCNV vs. Reid), and
was surprised to not see it cited, here.  See: .

[3] And his little code, too.

Cheers,   Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm 
Rick Moen for a day.  Set a man on fire, and he will be warm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   for the rest of his life.   -- John A. Hrastar

Re: Source code with no (explicit) licence

2000-10-16 Thread Rick Moen
begin Raul Miller quotation:

 That said, this is a bit off-topic for this list.

If so, then numerous licence/legal questions about packages not proposed
for Debian over the past 24 months (and about sundry licences in the
abstract) have been likewise off-topic.

You might find this thread useful if future software authors post here,
asking about an ITP for their no-licence software:  It might help
list participants explain why an explicit licence is necessary, and what
happens in its absence (under USA law, at least).

The USA legal questions have been settled to my satisfaction.  My thanks
to you and David Starner.

Cheers,   Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm 
Rick Moen for a day.  Set a man on fire, and he will be warm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   for the rest of his life.   -- John A. Hrastar