On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:13:30PM +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> I asked the FSF to publish a reasoned analysis on this.
> I did so back in 2015, but nothing has been disclosed yet (as far as I
> know).   :-(
> I am personally *not* convinced that CC-by v4.0 is GPL-compatible.

I think that being picky about licensing issues is a good thing.

In this particular case, it's going to require quite an effort to
counterweight the common opinion when Debian FTP masters, the FSF and
Creative Commons' lawyers say that there is no problem, but if you are
reasonably convinced that something is not right, I would encourage you
to continue writing to FSF for the detailed analysis. I'm using Creative
Common licenses quite extensively on several projects, so the analysis
will interest me a lot.

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