Re: FreeMedForms projet

2020-01-11 Thread Eric Maeker

I'm really sorry, but I can not answer to everyone and all your questions.
I feel a bit flooded.

What I can say is that we are working (in real life, I alone, because I'm
the only one to manage Debian in the project, we have macist only...) to
finish the code of 1.1.0 and release it like we always do : source packaged
and freely available, bins ok, tests ok. No buggy soft, no untested
features. Now that doctors use our soft and put all patient data in it, we
can not deliver a buggy software and we must test update from older version
before any release. This means time...

About the website and the DFSG compliance, please consider that the website
translations are out of sync. FreeMedForms integrates now one extra content
: code128.ttf, that is not clearly licenced ( / This is required for all user who
wants to print bar codes (see This is why
the package is mentioned "not 100% DSFG compatible". But may be we made an
error (that anyone can correct) ?

All other extra-non-free content are only downloadable from our server
datapack (directly from the application) and users are well informed of all
licence and missing features (DDI management mainly). This choice goes
beyond the question of licenses since it also implies from managers of the
project medical and scientific responsibilities. This is also why we can
not accept that forks tries to download and install our private data.

We noticed that Popcon says:
*freemedforms-freedata* 62
*freemedforms-emr* 30
We understand that people are more interested by our data than by our
complete solution. This is not exactly what we thought at the start of the
project. Whatever, the project goes on!

I hope I made our choices clearer... You can consider that our engagement
in free software and specially in debian is still the same since 2008.

Belle journée

<> *Dr Maeker Éric*

*Gériatre, psychogériatre*
Twitter  @DrMaeker <>
RPPS 10002307964  Site personnel  Association Emp@thies  Logiciel médical

La gériatrie, c'est la médecine pour les pères et les mères Noël

Le sam. 11 janv. 2020 à 02:15, Paul Wise  a écrit :

> On Fri, 2020-01-10 at 17:34 +0100, Eric Maeker wrote:
> > We know that at least two forks exists (this is what our private data
> > server's log tells us). We do not receive any patch, invitation to
> > git repos, or any kind of official informations or queries.
> Having multiple forks and having folks not bother to send feedback is
> normal in Free Software, especially for software that uses github.
> There was a blog post about this recently but I'm unable to find it. I
> would not worry about there being forks available, instead focus on the
> feedback that you do get and try to build a community around the code.
> > we decide that our git repository will not be freely accessible.
> I encourage you to consider changing back to an open repository; as
> Andreas has pointed out, this is already affecting other potential
> contributors and affecting potential redistribution of your software.
> > Approval does only concern ... the ability to join the project as
> > member (coder, tester, communication manager...).
> This is normally how things work, you build up trust through your
> contributions to a project and then they invite you to join.
> --
> bye,
> pabs

Re: FreeMedForms projet

2020-01-10 Thread Eric Maeker
Oh! There is a misunderstanding here!
Let me correct my words:
-> full code of each stable released version is packaged and freely
available (but undocumented since v1.0.0).

Code is considered 100% stable (and released) when :
- it perfectly passes every the unit-tests in debug mode with MacOs,
Win32/64, Debian 64,
- it perfectly builds in each platform and
- it perfectly passes manual tests on the release bin for each platform.
Manual tests are available on our main website :
-> This is because we do not have time to test and pack all sub-versions
like before.
Currently v1.1.0 does passes all tests under MacOs, does build correctly on
Debian in debug mode but not in release, and is not tested on Win32/64
(build process, unit-tests, installation process, config process...)
because WinDevs quit the project. So it is considered as a pre-version
available only to testers (MacOs).

We know that at least two forks exists (this is what our private data
server's log tells us). We do not receive any patch, invitation to git
repos, or any kind of official informations or queries.

In consequence, we decide that our git repository will not be freely
accessible. Approval does only concern the FreeMedForms' git and the
ability to join the project as member (coder, tester, communication

I hope that the situation is clearer for you.

Belle journée

<> *Dr Maeker Éric*

*Gériatre, psychogériatre*
Twitter  @DrMaeker <>
RPPS 10002307964  Site personnel  Association Emp@thies  Logiciel médical

La gériatrie, c'est la médecine pour les pères et les mères Noël

Le ven. 10 janv. 2020 à 14:26, Daniel Hakimi  a
écrit :

> If the package is available under the GPL, it strikes me that requiring
> any non-trivial approval to obtain source under that license would not be
> allowed. If the form is just a check box verifying that you have received
> object code, maybe, but this sounds like it may be a license violation. Can
> we clarify what the approval process entails? How much information is
> required, and for what reasons might people be rejected?
> However, if some third party were to obtain this source, build from it,
> and make it available, that version of the code would be perfectly Free.
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2020, 08:15 Andreas Tille  wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 07:45:34AM -0500, Daniel Hakimi wrote:
>> > Can you please clarify -- you said the license was the same, but you
>> didn't
>> > say what that license actually was. What license is your code available
>> > under?
>> GPL-3+ [1]
>> BTW, I think if a Debian package is published the requirement to sign
>> anything to get the source code is useless since interested parties can
>> easily download the Debian source package.
>> This is for instance true for the latest source in Git which just has a
>> compile bug which we desperately try to fix to finalise the Qt4
>> removal[2].
>> Kind regards
>>   Andreas.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> > On Fri, Jan 10, 2020, 07:18 Eric Maeker  wrote:
>> >
>> > > Hi,
>> > >
>> > > For now, our NPO is too poor to engage in consulting or to pay
>> external
>> > > developments and we awfully miss time to manage all aspects of a
>> widely
>> > > collaborative project.
>> > > Sounds like we are travelling to "contrib" or "non-free" package ? Or
>> may
>> > > be "non-debian" ?
>> > >
>> > > Belle journée
>> > > Cordialement
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > <> *Dr Maeker Éric*
>> > >
>> > > *Gériatre, psychogériatre*
>> > >
>> > > Twitter  @DrMaeker <>
>> > > RPPS 10002307964
>> > >
>> > >  Site personnel
>> > >  Association Emp@thies
>> > >  Logiciel médical
>> > >
>> > > La gériatrie, c'est la médecine pour les pères et les mères Noël
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Le ven. 10 janv. 2020 à 03:03, Paul Wise  a écrit :
>> > >
>> > >> On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 8:00 PM Eric Maeker wrote:
>> > >>
>> > >> > Free Source code is provided to any demander approved by the 

Re: FreeMedForms projet

2020-01-10 Thread Eric Maeker

For now, our NPO is too poor to engage in consulting or to pay external
developments and we awfully miss time to manage all aspects of a widely
collaborative project.
Sounds like we are travelling to "contrib" or "non-free" package ? Or may
be "non-debian" ?

Belle journée

<> *Dr Maeker Éric*

*Gériatre, psychogériatre*
Twitter  @DrMaeker <>
RPPS 10002307964  Site personnel  Association Emp@thies  Logiciel médical

La gériatrie, c'est la médecine pour les pères et les mères Noël

Le ven. 10 janv. 2020 à 03:03, Paul Wise  a écrit :

> On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 8:00 PM Eric Maeker wrote:
> > Free Source code is provided to any demander approved by the NPO, code
> licence is still the same.
> I don't like this, people seeking source code should not have to get
> approval first. That said, I note that the source code is available
> directly from the site without approval.
> > But, the code documentation is only reserved to approved developers by
> this NPO.
> I definitely don't like this, it would be much better to publish the
> code documentation to everyone under a free license.
> > We do encourage new dev to apply to our NPO and to sign a CLA (which is
> still a draft piece of text actually).
> I don't like this either, it would be much better for devs to release
> their contributions under the same license that you do, then you can
> incorporate their changes, preserving their copyright over their
> changes and passing on their license to you to downstream users. So
> the whole of the software is then owned by a variety of copyright
> holders, each of whom also have to abide by the license given to them
> by the other contributors. The license on the software then cannot be
> changed without contributor consensus, so it becomes a much more solid
> project from a user perspective. Single-owner projects are much more
> easy to turn proprietary.
> > The problem is that FreeMedForms EHR needs access to private data
> Could you explain why this data needs to be private? It would be much
> better to release it publicly under a free license.
> > The private data are only available to paying partners to the NPO.
> Is this the only form of income that the NPO has available to it? It
> sounds like the NPO is seeking what is called an "Open Core" business
> model, where the core part of the project is public and freely
> licensed but addons are proprietary. The incentives here can be quite
> perverse, often companies seek to prevent outside contributions to the
> core or even remove features from the core so that more people start
> paying them for the proprietary addons. So I encourage you to consider
> alternative income streams.
> I think the best option for the would be to consult with as many of
> the practices, clinics, hospitals and emergency departments that you
> know about that use the software and find out the best way for the NPO
> to have enough resources to continue development consistent with the
> interests of the community of folks who use the software. Examples of
> potential income models could include: large grants/sponsorships that
> cover development and other costs, a membership subscriber base that
> pays for all maintenance and development costs, or more of a
> crowd-funding model where folks interested in specific features pay
> for their development, or a community of consultants that do all work
> on the project as requested by their customers or possibly a
> combination of these and other options.
> > Forks trie to access our private data using the open sourced server
> protocol (query to a php script).
> I would suggest to just make the data public and under a free license,
> but if you don't want to do that, the way to go would be to setup an
> e-commerce site where people have to pay before they can download the
> private data and then have in the software a way to load the locally
> saved data that has been downloaded from the site. I believe there are
> some freely licensed e-commerce tools in Debian and the consultants
> that offer support for Debian in your area might be able to help with
> finding, installing and configuring them.
> --
> bye,
> pabs

FreeMedForms projet

2020-01-09 Thread Eric Maeker
Hello everyone,

In introduction to this mail, let me introduce FreeMedForms (if you already
know it, read next paragraph). FreeMedForms is an open source EHR with a
complet drug-drug drug-patient interactions (DDPI) checker. It is a full
set of two apps : freemedforms-ehr and freediams. FreeDiams is the
prescriber assistant plugin of FreeMedForms build into a full complete
application. FreeMedForms is maintained by a french non profit organization
( (association loi 1901). Free
Source code is provided to any demander approved by the NPO, code licence
is still the same. But, the code documentation is only reserved to approved
developers by this NPO. We do encourage new dev to apply to our NPO and to
sign a CLA (which is still a draft piece of text actually).

The problem is that FreeMedForms EHR needs access to private data to
manage DDPI and for some medical forms (some are free, some are not). The
private data are only available to paying partners to the NPO. FreeMedForms
can fully work with free data but without the DDPI and some printing

As FreeMedForms is open source and is forked. Forks trie to access our
private data using the open sourced server protocol (query to a php
script). According to the server's log, we believe that at least two forks
are still trying to download our old private datapacks without any form of
We tried SSH access and crypt the data with a private key to share with our
paying partners, but we do not have (time and) competences to do/manage

We know that FreeMedForms is used in eastern europe, spain, france, russia,
argentina, some part of africa and may be other countries (china, uruguay,
brasil). Two clinics use it in their emergencies department. And I'm, as
main manager of the project and as president of the NPO, convinced that the
FreeMedForms project has its place in the Debian and also that the NPO
should focus on keeping FreeMedForms as a strong competitor in the field of
open source EHR.

My time to discuss legal and technical issues, code or support about the
project... is really weak as I'm a much more than full time MD, father,
writer, NPO manager, trainer of doctors, nurses and psychologists, etc...

Do you have any idea to progress with these legal/technical issues ?


 *Dr Maeker Éric*

*Gériatre, psychogériatre*
Twitter  @DrMaeker 
RPPS 10002307964  Site personnel  Association Emp@thies  Logiciel médical

La gériatrie, c'est la médecine pour les pères et les mères Noël

Re: FreeMedForms information: violation of the GPLv3

2017-03-02 Thread Eric Maeker
Hello all of you,

I really disapprove the previous mail and its content.

And, most of all, I dislike repeating myself.

> "Next week, FreeMedForms and FreeDiams MacOsX builds then April: Linux.
> Source available for approved devs only till end of this process." 12:47
> PM - 28 Feb 2017

Code source is still not releasable for Debian as I did not already have
the time to check the package build process using the .deb scripts.

So **wait** or join the community. Code source will be available when
**all** the code will be fully stable.

Thanks for your patience and my friendly apologises for this annoying


FreeMedForms information

2016-08-16 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi everyone,

Firstly, excuse me for beeing so quiet these past few months.

I wanted to inform you that the FreeMedForms project is still alive and
will release soon a 1.0 version after one year of testing and debugging.

The project has just been forked by Jérôme Pinguet. The code and wiki are
actually reproduced on one other website (a copy/paste effort). As he tells
me, he wanted to have his own soft for his commercial activities and that
he will ignore open source users comments and wishes... The FreeMedForms
community will not support this fork and some members of the community
asked me to bannish Jérôme Pinguet. Nothing is done yet. All his access to
the community servers, wiki, forum, repositories are currently removed. I
think he stole private data too. There is a threat, he will probably not
respect the GPL license terms.

Open source can lead to such a situation, I hope we will find the best way
to figure this. For sure, the FreeMedForms project is still alive and will
pursue its efforts !


Re: Fremedforms 0.9.2 not on sourceforge yet (Was: r17893 - trunk/packages/freemedforms-project/trunk/debian)

2014-09-03 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 03/09/2014 08:18, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi Eric,
> On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 04:17:13PM +0200, Eric Maeker wrote:
>> Yes the sf redirector is out of date. 0.9.2 src and sig are correctly 
>> uploaded on sf. This is a know big of this redirector. 
>> I do not have workaround for this. 
> I guess you noticed that I have uploaded 0.9.2 packages which I manually
> fetched from sourceforge.  However, due to the redirector problem I had
> no chance to verify the watch file.

Yes I saw that 0.9.2 was uploaded. I noticed that you corrected some
more lintian warnings I thought I corrected ;)

Thank you Andreas for your help
Eric Maeker
GPG: 0xB9520933

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Fremedforms 0.9.2 not on sourceforge yet (Was: r17893 - trunk/packages/freemedforms-project/trunk/debian)

2014-09-02 Thread Eric Maeker
Yes the sf redirector is out of date. 0.9.2 src and sig are correctly uploaded 
on sf. This is a know big of this redirector. 
I do not have workaround for this. 


Le 2 sept. 2014 à 11:01, Andreas Tille  a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> I get
> $ debian/rules get-orig-source
> mkdir -p ../tarballs
> uscan --verbose --force-download --destdir=../tarballs
> -- Scanning for watchfiles in .
> -- Found watchfile in ./debian
> -- In debian/watch, processing watchfile line:
>   opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.sig/ 
> uscan warning: In debian/watch,
>  no matching hrefs for watch line
> -- Scan finished
> debian/rules:114: recipe for target 'get-orig-source' failed
> make: *** [get-orig-source] Error 1
> and sourceforge page[1] does not show a version 0.9.1.
> Kind regards
> [1]
> On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 07:00:24AM +, Eric Maeker wrote:
>> Author: ericmaeker-guest
>> Date: 2014-09-02 07:00:23 + (Tue, 02 Sep 2014)
>> New Revision: 17893
>> Modified:
>>   trunk/packages/freemedforms-project/trunk/debian/changelog
>> Log:
>> freemedforms-project: closing bug about libquazip0 with v0.9.2
>> Modified: trunk/packages/freemedforms-project/trunk/debian/changelog
>> ===
>> --- trunk/packages/freemedforms-project/trunk/debian/changelog2014-09-01 
>> 14:01:17 UTC (rev 17892)
>> +++ trunk/packages/freemedforms-project/trunk/debian/changelog2014-09-02 
>> 07:00:23 UTC (rev 17893)
>> @@ -13,14 +13,15 @@
>>   * debian/*doc-base*;debian/*links
>> - Correcting doc-base packages content
>> - Removing symlinks
>> +  * debian/control:
>> +- Updating build dependencies to the new libquazip-dev
>> +  Closes: #760236
>>  -- Eric Maeker   Sun, 31 Aug 2014 20:53:29 +0200
>> freemedforms-project (0.9.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
>>   * Correcting user's documentation installation path
>> -  * debian/control:
>> -- Updating build dependencies to the new libquazip-dev
>>   * debian/rules;debian/control
>> - Using qtchooser and QT_VERSION system var
>> ___
>> debian-med-commit mailing list
> -- 

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New gpg keys

2014-07-16 Thread Eric Maeker

I've created a new pair of gpg keys. Please update your key database.


GPG: C217 B1B7 80E8 0381 FD5B  C3A5 75D4 AE85 B952 0933

Eric Maeker
GPG: C217 B1B7 80E8 0381 FD5B  C3A5 75D4 AE85 B952 0933

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: r17165 - in trunk/packages/libquazip/trunk/debian: . patches

2014-07-15 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi Andreas,

U've updated the libquazip package:
- -dbg are created
- unit-tests are included in the build process for each Qt version
- some cosmetics (using patches)
- lintian does only return this warning (that I missed in your previous
>>> W: libquazip1-qt5: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libquazip-qt5-1

I think the correct name should be: qt5-libquazip1


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: r17165 - in trunk/packages/libquazip/trunk/debian: . patches

2014-07-15 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 15/07/2014 09:19, Andreas Tille a écrit :
>>> > > PS: It's a shame we did not met at LSM. :-(
>> > 
>> > Ah yes, excuse me, I have tooo much work... Did you get in touch
>> > with Jérôme. He is new in our community and very smart.
>> > 
>> > What did you think about our presentation?
> I liked the presentation and it is good to know that you have another
> member in the team.

Yes we have many members but all at the same time in the same place ;)

>> > If you have any question about our project, you can ask freely on
>> > or on the Debian Med list. I'll be really
>> > pleased to answer ;)
> There was another talk by the MedinTux author and while I did not
> understand this French talk I asked about the cooperation between
> MedinTux and Freemedforms.  I did not really liked his answer.  You
> might like to watch the recording once it is available (probably my
> question can not be understood since I had no microphone but the answer
> was given in English in contrast to anything else in French).  I was
> asking whether there exist some cooperation between these two France
> originated projects using the same technical base.  He admited that he
> had no time to have a look and I think this attitude is plain wrong.

Well, the full story is that I was an admin of this software between
2005 and 2008. You can see my contribution to this project on the
Adullact web site[1].

We had a strong difference of opinion between the mixture of
free-and-open-source code and private code. And also between old Qt3 and
new Qt4 code. So was born the FreeMedForms project in 2008.
Thanks to the FreeMedForms and the GNUMed community, and at least since
2010[2], FreeDiams is totally useable with this software.

Unfortunately, this cooperation is not favored by the current admins of
this software, as it is in direct competition with their business plan.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: r17165 - in trunk/packages/libquazip/trunk/debian: . patches

2014-07-15 Thread Eric Maeker
> Many thanks for working on this.  I can confirm the package builds but has
> some lintian issues.

Ah... Oh yes I forgot to add the lintian param.

> $ lintian libquazip_0.6.2-1_amd64.changes 
> I: libquazip source: duplicate-short-description libquazip1 libquazip1-qt5
> I: libquazip source: duplicate-short-description libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev
> I: libquazip source: duplicate-short-description libquazip1-dbg 
> libquazip1-qt5-dbg

Ah yes I forgot the 'short' description !

> These infos are easily to be solved by just explaining the Qt4/Qt5
> difference in an additional paragraph.  Regarding the naming:  I admit I
> have no experience with Qt libraries but from my naive point of view it
> would make sense to use libquazip1-qt4 instead of libquazip1,
> libquazip1-qt4-dev instead of libquazip1-dev and as well for the -dbg
> package.  Please forget my hint in case other libraries also do not
> include qt4 in the package name and take this as default.

Well, mentors told me that Qt4 is the default Debian version. So
packages should not have to marked with -qt4 in opposition with -qt5
package. But you are right, I should ask twice ;)

> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/JlCompress.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/crypt.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/ioapi.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quaadler32.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quachecksum32.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quacrc32.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quagzipfile.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quaziodevice.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quazip.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quazip_global.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quazipdir.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quazipfile.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quazipfileinfo.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/quazipnewinfo.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/unzip.h
> W: libquazip source: binaries-have-file-conflict libquazip1-dev 
> libquazip1-qt5-dev usr/include/quazip/zip.h
> I think this can be solved either by a conflicts between these two
> packages if the header files are really different or if they are equal
> it might make sense to provide a libquazip1-headers file containing the
> common headers and let both -dev packages depend from it.

Ok I've already thought about this option. I've added such a package and
will test the build tonight.

> I: libquazip1: no-symbols-control-file 
> usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> Please ignore or override this.  To my experience in such low popcon
> packages symbols control files always have the purpose to put
> maintenance work on you and are not really needed.

Ok, since I have this file, from the upstream, I'll try to include it.

> W: libquazip1-qt5-dbg: empty-binary-package
> You said you wold work on this ... OK.

Ah ah ! Yes, you're right.

> W: libquazip1-qt5: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libquazip-qt5-1
> I guess this is hard to fullfill.  For the moment I would ignore it or
> ask on debian-mentors list how to copy with this.  I personally do not
> have any clue.
> I: libquazip1-qt5: no-symbols-control-file 
> usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> See above (ignore or override).
> W: libquazip1-dbg: empty-binary-package
> Feel free to ask here if you need further hints for the -dbg package(s).

The draft code is already included in the debian/rules, thanks.

When I ask you for a review, I know that I will still have some/a-lot-of
work to do ;)

Thank you Andreas for your (always) pertinent review ;)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: r17165 - in trunk/packages/libquazip/trunk/debian: . patches

2014-07-14 Thread Eric Maeker
>> I still have to manage the dual Qt version inside Debian: Qt4/Qt5. I'm
>> in touch with debian mentors.
> Hmmm, does this mean: "Andreas please upload" or "Andreas please wait
> until debian mentors has respondet"?

Ah ah ! It means : Andreas, the work is almost done, can you check a
build @home please ;)
The last commit is a real bomb ! 5 hours of work to get a dual Qt build !

> PS: It's a shame we did not met at LSM. :-(

Ah yes, excuse me, I have tooo much work... Did you get in touch
with Jérôme. He is new in our community and very smart.

What did you think about our presentation?

If you have any question about our project, you can ask freely on or on the Debian Med list. I'll be really
pleased to answer ;)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help with libquazip / Qt4-Qt5

2014-07-14 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi Mentors,

I've updated the libquazip package so that it builds a dual qt version
of the library: Qt4 and Qt5. I still have to include the -dbg package
may be using override_dh_strip (it's in progress).

The source package builds without any error with a debian sid pbuilder
base (pbuilder --distribution sid).

For mentors who are interested, can you review the code please.

Eric, Debian Med

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: r17165 - in trunk/packages/libquazip/trunk/debian: . patches

2014-07-14 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 16/06/2014 11:50, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> E: libquazip-doc: privacy-breach-logo 
> usr/share/doc/libquazip-doc/html/index.html
> W: libquazip0: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libquazip1

The debian package is now corrected.
I still have to manage the dual Qt version inside Debian: Qt4/Qt5. I'm
in touch with debian mentors.

Thanks for your review

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Licensing question

2014-07-11 Thread Eric Maeker

> Ask upstream for clarification.

Ok. Is there a french mentor in the list who sangs to manage this ? I can help 
but as I'm not a debian guru I'm afraid not to to be able to ask the good 
questions and get the wrong answers. 

If you drive me, I can write a letter to ask for specific clarifications about 
this licence and then give you the returned answer.

Thanks for your help
Éric, Debian Med

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Re: Licensing question

2014-07-11 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 11/07/2014 15:33, Guido van Steen a écrit :
> Hi Eric,
> It looks like your question has been discussed before:
> In the thread Charles Plessy argues that the licence seems to lack the
> right to "disseminate modified information", which would make it
> non-free from a Debian perspective. Charles's answer was not
> conclusive though.
> Best wishes,
> Guido

Thanks Guido,

I've read the thread. I think we should include this complex discussion
inside the Debian wiki.

If I've clearly understood, a package that would contain any data with
this licence would not be elligible to the free repo of Debian even if
these data remain "exactly as is".

We could think that these data could be distributed non modified with an
application and then when user runs this application for the first time,
data are processed. In this case, Debian distribute unmodified data. Am
I wrong?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Licensing question

2014-07-11 Thread Eric Maeker
Dear Mentors,

I'd like to include in a GPLv3 / LGPL2.1 application some data extracted
from a french OpenData website.

I can't find the licence in the Debian compatible licences:

Can you please state about this licence:

PS: CC me as I'm not subscribed to mentors mailing list

Thanks for your wise advices
Eric, Debian Med Team

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Fwd: [efmi-lifoss-wg] Open Source Electronic Medical Record Software Survey

2014-06-06 Thread Eric Maeker


Début du message transféré :

> Expéditeur: Thomas Karopka 
> Date: 6 juin 2014 12:54:06 UTC+02:00
> Destinataire:
> Objet: [efmi-lifoss-wg] Open Source Electronic Medical Record Software Survey
> Répondre à:
> Dear colleagues,
> please find below a link to a survey about the motivation of open source in 
> health care developers.
> This is part of the thesis of Mona Alsaffar from UC Davis. Her advisor is Dr. 
> Mike Hogarth.
> Please take 5 minutes to answer the 20 questions. This will help Mona alot 
> and the results are also interesting for our community. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Thomas
> -- 
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "EFMI LIFOSS WG" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> For more options, visit

Re: Advice/pointers for new package

2014-05-26 Thread Eric Maeker

This discussion is really interesting. All medical application are welcome in 
debian med. 
I am not a debian guru but If I can help you, I will. Feel free to ask.


Le 26 mai 2014 à 16:06, Ian Wallace  a écrit :

> Andreas - Thanks for the very helpful email.  I think the mentoring for a 
> month sounds wonderful.  I have been working with Brady Miller discussing 
> this topic am he suggested I contact since he doesn't have time to take this 
> on.  Currently we have a packaging script in GitHub that works to create a 
> deb pkg but doesn't appear to conform to any of the deb standards.
> I appreciate the reply while on vacation and will start reading the 
> information you sent along.  I start a new job in June but should be able to 
> squeeze in getting this accomplished. Let me know how I proceed.  Git is 
> preferred over SVN since the rest of the project uses that exclusively.
> Ian
> Ian Wallace 303-681-5732
>> On May 25, 2014, at 11:38 PM, Andreas Tille  wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> I'm currently on vaccation but this mail seems important enough to at
>> least drop a short notice.
>>> On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 09:27:16PM -0700, Ian Wallace wrote:
>>> Hello!  Hope this isn't spamming the list but thought it would be best just
>>> to ask.  I am a developer on the OpenEMR php source code and we'd love to
>>> start including the package in the official Debian distros.
>> Mails like this are definitely no spam but the kind of mail we are
>> excited about and one of the reasons we have invented this list: To
>> get in contact with people we can work together to get packages of
>> high relevance done.
>>> I have been reading lots of packaging, control files, etc and to be honest
>>> I am a bit lost as to exactly what to do for a non-makefile package.  Since
>>> this is essentially a web application (PHP files only) there's no
>>> 'building' really just created a directory structure and packaging.  Does
>>> it matter which tool we use to do that?  Does it have to be a makefile?
>>> Thanks in advance.  Any advice/pointers/URL's/howto's appreciated.
>> As I said above I just want to drop a short notice:  About two years ago
>> at Libre Software Meeting in Geneva I started some preliminary work on
>> OpenEMR which was based on the work of Brady Miller .
>> Here you can find some past discussion about this:
>> (and following thread in mailing list.)
>> I do not really remember why this past discussion has stalled but the
>> according SVN I created for the Debian packaging here
>>  svn://
>> has not seen any commits since this time (except one automatic update I
>> pushed today).  So how could we proceed from here to finally get OpenEMR
>> packaged?  Since some time I'm running a teaching project called
>> Mentoring of the Month
>> which enabled us to get some quite interesting packages included into
>> Debian.  Since I'm back from vacation at beginn of Juni we could start
>> doing this for OpenEMR together.  Meanwhile you could have a look at
>> the relevant documentation we created for newcomers in our team which
>> is called "Debian Med team policy":
>> Here you will find useful hints how to start with the packaging.  You
>> might also like to decide in advance what version control system you
>> might like to use.  It has turned out that more and more people prefer
>> Git over SVN.  I'd volunteer to migrate the stuff I created in SVN to
>> Git if you like this more.
>> Kind regards and thanks for your interest
>> -- 
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive: 

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: FreeMedForms packages corrections

2014-05-18 Thread Eric Maeker
Forget about this, my personal error ;)
I've called my script with 0.9.0-3 instead of 0.9.0

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: FreeMedForms packages corrections

2014-05-18 Thread Eric Maeker
Le samedi 17 mai 2014 à 21:32 +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 08:45:26PM +0200, Eric Maeker wrote:
> > > Something seems to be really wrong on your side - but it is probably not
> > > the debian/watch file.  I checked out latest SVN and was running uscan on
> > > the last commit:
> > 
> > ah ?! your local version number is 0.9.0 mine is 0.9.0-3...
> ???
> I guess you are mixing up upstream version (= 0.9.0) and Debian package
> version 0.9.0-3.  Uscan is just verifying the upstream version number
> and ignored the Debian package revision.

My script uses svn-buildpackage
here is the french output
eric@ubuntu:Linux$ ./ -b freemedforms-project -v 0.9.0-3 -s
-r "trusty" -d
*** Processing freemedforms-project 0.9.0-3
* Source
* Source
* Creating working
* Fecthing svn debian files
  from Debian Med
Révision 16953 extraite.
* Patching debhelper dependency to 8.0, ubuntu trusty
* Patching changelog for: trusty
* Building DSC file: svn-buildpackage --svn-download-orig
-k0x3FA0BBEF -S  --svn-ignore
Information d'agencement complète:






L'archive source d'origine n'a pu être trouvée
Tentative de téléchargement de l'archive source en utilisant apt
Tentative de téléchargement de l'archive source en utilisant uscan
uscan warning: In debian/watch no matching hrefs for version 0.9.0-3 in
watch line (?:.*/|
Impossible de trouver une archive source
mode mergeWithUpstream detecté, recherche
I : la propriété mergeWithUpstream est définie, recherche d'une archive
source amont...
E : Impossible de trouver le fichier source amont, (il devrait s'agir
* Uploading to PPA: trusty

apt fails (ok no source already uploaded in launchpad ppa)
uscan fails?

Any idea ?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: FreeMedForms packages corrections

2014-05-17 Thread Eric Maeker
Le mercredi 14 mai 2014 à 21:54 +0200, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi Eric,
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 06:14:15PM +0200, Eric Maeker wrote:
> > I wrote some corrections on freemedforms-project package. I'm trying to
> > upload to launchpad but I have a problem with watchfile:
> > - changelog version is 0.9.0-3
> > - expected source version 0.9.0

> > Newest version on remote site is 0.9.0, local version is 0.9.0-3
> >  => remote site does not even have current version
> > -- Scan finished
> Something seems to be really wrong on your side - but it is probably not
> the debian/watch file.  I checked out latest SVN and was running uscan on
> the last commit:

ah ?! your local version number is 0.9.0 mine is 0.9.0-3...

> Newest version on remote site is 0.9.0, local version is 0.9.0
>  => Package is up to date
> -- Scan finished

> BTW, I do not even understand why you want to run uscan at all.  If you
> just want to create a new Debian release you can do
>apt-get source freemedforms-project
> to obtain the latest orig source tarball.  There is no point in using
> uscan at all.

When I try to upload a new PPA on launchpad, my script starts from
scratch (check debian files, download source, correctly re-create source
path...). So my script uses the watch file ==> uscan. But it looks for
0.9.0-3 not 0.9.0.
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04LTS.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

FreeMedForms packages corrections

2014-05-14 Thread Eric Maeker

I wrote some corrections on freemedforms-project package. I'm trying to
upload to launchpad but I have a problem with watchfile:
- changelog version is 0.9.0-3
- expected source version 0.9.0
but the uscan is looking for the changelog version. Can someone help me

eric@ubuntu:trunk$ uscan --verbose
-- Scanning for watchfiles in .
-- Found watchfile in ./debian
-- In debian/watch, processing watchfile line:
\.google\.com(//freemedforms\.googlecode\.com/)%$1$2% (?:.*/|
-- Found the following matching hrefs:
7Ebeta3.tgz (0.9.0~beta3)
7Ebeta2.tgz (0.9.0~beta2)
7Ebeta1.tgz (0.9.0~beta1)
Newest version on remote site is 0.9.0, local version is 0.9.0-3
 => remote site does not even have current version
-- Scan finished


Description: This is a digitally signed message part


2014-04-13 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

I’ve spent some time to update the french translation of the wiki « landing » 
page of Debian Med.

To ease this process, I’ve done some adaptations in the presentation of the 
site (just added some headings).

Tell me if you agree these changes…

French page:


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Fwd: [CFP] New submission : FreeMedForms project: Créez et utilisez votre propre jeu d'interaction médicamenteuses, l'application FreeDDIManager

2014-03-31 Thread Eric Maeker
RMLL / LSM 2014


Début du message réexpédié :

> De: 15th Libre Software Meeting 
> Objet: [CFP] New submission : FreeMedForms project: Créez et utilisez votre 
> propre jeu d'interaction médicamenteuses, l'application FreeDDIManager
> Date: 31 mars 2014 13:17:15 UTC+2
> Form " CFP" sent on 31/03/2014 at 11:17:15. 
> From this page.
> Your proposal
> Title (fr)
> FreeMedForms project: Créez et utilisez votre propre jeu d’interaction 
> médicamenteuses, l’application FreeDDIManager
> Titile (en)
> FreeMedForms project: Creating and using your own set of drug interactions, 
> The FreeDDIManager app.
> Introduction (fr)
> Le projet FreeMedForms est une suite de logiciels médicaux open source.
> L’équipe du projet FreeMedForms met à disposition une nouvelle application 
> FreeDDIManager. Cette application vous permet de créer vos propres jeux 
> d’interactions médicamenteuses, de les partager et de les utiliser au sein 
> des autres applications du projet (FreeMedForms EMR, FreeDiams - assistant de 
> prescription).
> Venez découvrir comment cet outil peut vous rendre service ?
> Rejoignez l’équipe FreeMedForms.
> Introduction (en)
> The FreeMedForms project is an open source set of medical applications.
> The FreeMedForms team provides a new FreeDDIManager application. This 
> application allows you to create your own set of pharmaceutical drug 
> interactions, share them and use them in other applications of the project 
> (FreeMedForms EMR FreeDiams - assistant prescription). 
> Come and find out what can this tool do for you?
> Join our FreeMedForms team.
> Description (fr)
> (no data entered)
> Description (en)
> (no data entered)
> Meeting duration
> 40
> Conference level
> confirm
> Target public
> pro
> Topic
> Health
> About you
> Your name
> Eric Maeker
> Your email
> Website
> Bio
> Médecin français, créateur et principal développeur de la suite FreeMedForms.
> Je suis actuellement gériatre en activité et développe FreeMedForms avec 
> l’aide d’une communauté hétéroclite.
> Bio (en)
> French MD, creator and main developer of the FreeMedForms project.
> I’m currently geriatrician and I’m developing the FreeMedForms project with 
> the help of a diverse community.
> Other pratical information
> (no data entered)
> ---
> Sent via the site 15th Libre Software Meeting

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [RMLL/LSM] - CfP 2014

2014-03-22 Thread Eric Maeker

Submission deadline is the 31th of march (9 days).
Is there any proposals from the debian med team ?


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: [RMLL/LSM] - CfP 2014

2014-03-12 Thread Eric Maeker

I think I will come to the LSM this year too.
May be to present the FreeDDIManager, but nothing is fixed as now.


Le 12 mars 2014 à 08:23, Andreas Tille  a écrit :

> Hi Johan,
> I plan to come and to participate in the Health track again.  I
> hope that more people from Debian Med team will join as well.
> I'll keep you updated about my talk submissions.
> Kind regards
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:11:57PM +0100, Johan Moreau wrote:
>>   LSM/RMLL 2014
>>15th *Libre* Software Meeting
>>  July 5-11, 2014
>> Montpellier, France
>>  Call For Papers and Participation
>>   limited on *health* & *accessibility* topic
>> [we apologize for duplicate receipt of this message]
>> Last call before deadline : march *31st* 2014
> -- 
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive:

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Re: [efmi-lifoss-wg] Call for participation - IWEEE 2014, 29-30 May, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain

2014-02-24 Thread Eric Maeker
>> The latest one is not so technical and might be a good
>> fit:
>> Any suggestions?

> Looking at its web site, this is a workshop, and submission rather look
> related to make a presentation, not poster.
> Workshop subject is interesting regarding DebianMed goal, but without
> more information on this conf, I think it is useless posting something
> with no attendee.

See at page contact: you have some references for poster submission. I fully 
agree that without attendee it will be less useful than a concrete workshop 
presentation. But if two is less than one, one is not zero ;)
In term of impact, I think that we can have an audience to redirect to our wiki 

Unfortunately, I think that I will not have much time to spend on this poster 
since the deadline. Currently ultra-busy.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Fwd: [efmi-lifoss-wg] Call for participation - IWEEE 2014, 29-30 May, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain

2014-02-23 Thread Eric Maeker
May be we can submit a poster or a paper.


Début du message transféré :

> Expéditeur: Thomas Karopka 
> Date: 23 février 2014 21:20:37 UTC+01:00
> Destinataire:
> Objet: [efmi-lifoss-wg] Call for participation - IWEEE 2014, 29-30 May, Las 
> Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
> Répondre à:
> Dear colleagues,
> I would like to invite you to participate in the 7th International Workshop 
> on E-health in Emerging Economies (IWEEE) 2014, 29-30 May, Las Palmas de Gran 
> Canaria.
> IWEEE brings together a multi-disciplinary team representing NGOs, Academia, 
> Government and Industry to share their experiences and to try to find ways to 
> improve the lives of millions of human beings around the world. IWEEE focuses 
> on the human factor and raising awareness about the current situation of 
> societies. We will discuss mechanisms that help health professionals, 
> institutions and NGOs to improve people's quality of life. The workshop 
> promotes Free Software as an effective and ethical solution to provide 
> universality and equity in health care. There will not be parallel 
> conferences. All delegates will be able to assist and participate in the 
> workshops that they find of interest. Communication among delegates is key. 
> IWEEE is a non-profit event organized by GNU SOLIDARIO and supported by IMIA 
> If you would like to contribute to the conference please submit your proposal 
> through the website
> Looking forward to meet you in Las Palmas!
> All the best,
> Thomas
> -- 
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "EFMI LIFOSS WG" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> For more options, visit

Re: Please upload gnuhealth to unstable

2014-02-17 Thread Eric Maeker
Welcome to debian testing ;)


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

VKA plugin for FreeMedForms

2014-02-04 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

A new plugin is in preparation the FreeMedForms project. As you remember, this 
project owns an EMR, a pharmaceutical drug prescriber with drug-drug 
interaction checker. It is open source LGPL & GPLv3.

Please find a call for contribution/funding here (all information are here):

Thank you for relaying information

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms new upstream

2013-10-10 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 20 sept. 2013 à 19:12, Eric Maeker a écrit :

> Hi,
> Please can someone upload freemedforms-project 0.9.0 stable please? Debian 
> files are ready and recently tested.


Please can someone have a look at the freemedforms-project packages and upload 
them to testing?


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: contribute to useful tasks in medecine

2013-10-07 Thread Eric Maeker
Great ! I'll take a look at your page this morning


Le 5 oct. 2013 à 01:42, Julien Dordoigne  a écrit :

> Hello Eric,
>   Just sent the translated wiki at . I 
> found the process at 
> with the help of 
> Thomas Vincent .
> Please have a look at it and if you can enhance it , alter the translation 
> (You will need to create you a user account at the top of 
> . )
>   Thanks .
> Julien
> 2013/9/27 Julien Dordoigne 
>> Hello Andreas,
>>   Thanks for your advice. Just uploaded my first translation with ballview 
>> package .
>> I was pleased to attend DebConf13 . My first meeting with fully 
>> international people ... and I think I like it , it's a great opportunity to 
>> compare the ways of thinking and to improve mine  . Thank you to the 
>> organizers. Nice to meet you and learn more the project .
>>   Eric Maeker and I probably need help on how to send the translated wiki 
>> Kind regards
>> Julien
>> 2013/9/16 Andreas Tille 
>>> Hi Julien,
>>> recently bug #722618 was fixed and translations should again migrate to
>>> the Debian package pool.  I changed the Debian Med tasks pages to use
>>> again ( is not yet used and DSA has shut
>>> down the machine).  So you might like to inject the translations done on
>>> your local machine ... and everybody else who likes to do translations
>>> might also do so.
>>> As you can read in my post to debian-project[1] the the Debian I18n team
>>> is a bit short of man power.  So if you think you could help out there a
>>> bit - that would be a great service also for Debian Med.
>>> Kind regards and it was nice to learn you to know at DebConf
>>>   Andreas.
>>> [1]
>>> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 11:23:21PM +0200, Julien Dordoigne wrote:
>>> > Guten Abend,
>>> >
>>> >   I translated few packages
>>> >
>>> > The translate button looks still broken .
>>> >
>>> > Wir sehen uns bald.
>>> > Julien
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2013/7/19 Julien Dordoigne 
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > -- Forwarded message --
>>> > > From: Andreas Tille 
>>> > > Date: 2013/7/18
>>> > > Subject: Re: contribute to useful tasks in medecine
>>> > > To: Julien Dordoigne 
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > Hi Julien,
>>> > >
>>> > > at first:  The most important rule we have and what I forgot to mention:
>>> > > Please lets do all discussion in public!  The rationale behind this is
>>> > > that there might be people (now ... or in the future who seeked the
>>> > > mailing list archive) who are interested in the discussion.  It is
>>> > > simply a waste of time to talk about the very same things in private
>>> > > mails and it is simply unfair to hide potentially valuable information
>>> > > from others.  So feel free to quote me freely in your next reply to the
>>> > > public mailing list.
>>> > >
>>> > > On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 07:39:13PM +0200, Julien Dordoigne wrote:
>>> > > > Hello Andreas,
>>> > > >
>>> > > >   Thanks for your message. I gonna to start as you mentionned .
>>> > > > When I click to the button "Traduire la description" , the request is
>>> > > sent,
>>> > > > it takes a while, then nothing happens. The same using Chrome or 
>>> > > > Internet
>>> > > > Explorer. I'm located over there at a village with a 5 Mbps connection
>>> > > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > Well, I guess it is not your connection - currently I also get
>>> > >
>>> > >  $ ping
>>> > > PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > > By translating "", the server is located in
>>> > > > .
>>> > > > Start for screenshots . Please let me know if you find a solution for 
>>> > > > the
>>> > > > translation option . Thanks .
>>> > >
>>> > > My first reaction would be to simply wait because any server in
>>> > > domain is observed by DSA (Debian Server Admin) team and they
>>> > > usually take action if needed.  My guess is that this is just a
>>> > > temporary problem.  If nothing has changed we should ask DSA.
>>> > >
>>> > > Kind regards and thanks for your intention to help
>>> > >
>>> > >   Andreas.
>>> > >
>>> > > --
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > --
>>> > > Bien cordialement
>>> > > Julien Dordoigne
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Bien cordialement
>>> > Julien Dordoigne
>>> --
>> -- 
>> Bien cordialement
>> Julien Dordoigne
> -- 
> Bien cordialement
> Julien Dordoigne

freemedforms new upstream

2013-09-20 Thread Eric Maeker

Please can someone upload freemedforms-project 0.9.0 stable please? Debian 
files are ready and recently tested.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: packaging data that can't be distributed as part of a Debian package

2013-09-20 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 20 sept. 2013 à 12:27, Faheem Mitha a écrit :

> On Fri, 20 Sep 2013, Eric Maeker wrote:
>> Le 19 sept. 2013 à 23:44, Faheem Mitha a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a situation where I have some software I want to package for Debian. 
>>> This software needs to use some biological data, but I was told by the 
>>> website I got this data from that I could not redistribute it.
>>> So, I suppose anyone using the software needs to download it. I'll provide 
>>> a script to download the data, but if I want to build a Debian package 
>>> containing that data, how should I do it?
>> You should just add a menu in the application or a command-line script to 
>> let user download the data. I had the same problem with 
>> FreeMedForms/FreeDiams and drugs database. Now, user get the application 
>> with a minimal free set of data, and a "datapack" manager that let him 
>> download drugs databases (free or not) from other repositories than debian. 
>> The application is now in totally compatible with the DFSG and available in 
>> the "free" repositories of Debian (and derivates).
>> Eric,
> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for replying. Once the user has downloaded the data, does your package 
> have any provision to package up this data as a Debian package and install 
> it? That is what I'd like to do.

Nop, the data are dowloaded from our servers into a specific place 
(user-dependent, in his home path) and the application connect the database at 
this place. The data are not shared between users, so even if users use the 
same computer, each user needs to download its data pack.

This process is totally debian packaging independent. We did this way because 
we are strongly convinced that FreeMedForms must be a free and DFSG compatible 
application. Data can be released with any license. Users just have to accept 
license terms of the datapack before using them. WE can also think about 
commercial "datapack" which is not currently our objective.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Fwd: packaging data that can't be distributed as part of a Debian package

2013-09-20 Thread Eric Maeker
Wrong adress...

Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Eric Maeker 
> Date : 20 septembre 2013 10:18:54 HAEC
> À : Faheem Mitha 
> Objet : Rép : packaging data that can't be distributed as part of a Debian 
> package
> Le 19 sept. 2013 à 23:44, Faheem Mitha a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I have a situation where I have some software I want to package for Debian. 
>> This software needs to use some biological data, but I was told by the 
>> website I got this data from that I could not redistribute it.
>> So, I suppose anyone using the software needs to download it. I'll provide a 
>> script to download the data, but if I want to build a Debian package 
>> containing that data, how should I do it?
> You should just add a menu in the application or a command-line script to let 
> user download the data.
> I had the same problem with FreeMedForms/FreeDiams and drugs database. Now, 
> user get the application with a minimal free set of data, and a "datapack" 
> manager that let him download drugs databases (free or not) from other 
> repositories than debian. The application is now in totally compatible with 
> the DFSG and available in the "free" repositories of Debian (and derivates).
> Eric,

Eric Maeker, MD (Fr) : Suite logicielle médicale open source : Association 1901 des utilisateurs de la suite 
FreeMedForms : Debian Med est une distribution Debian 
orientée médecine : site personnel

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: contribute to useful tasks in medecine

2013-09-15 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 14 sept. 2013 à 19:25, Julien Dordoigne a écrit :

> Hello Eric,
>   Hope you're great .
> Don't know where this previous email has gone . I can't figure it out at 
> .
> Just finished the wiki page translation in french . 
> . 
> Please check it (particularly for technical words)

Ok I'll check this page. Now we just have to find how to create a translated 
wiki on wiki.d.o ;)
I'll try to find out


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: Searching for (medical) Qt application to be packaged

2013-09-08 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi Andreas,

Ok, look like:
- java coded ;)
- and source code not available from here:

Any idea ?


Le 8 sept. 2013 à 17:55, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> cool if you would like to spend some time on packaging.  I'm not fully
> sure but if I'm not miss leaded this
> is C++/Qt and also might fit your field of interest.  If not I might dive
> again into our todo list.
> Kind regards
>   Andreas.
> On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 03:34:47PM +0200, Eric Maeker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got some free time to spend on a new package. If you know an open 
>> source C++/Qt app in the medical field that needs some help to achieve a 
>> debian packaging, you can send me an email.
>> Thanks
>> Eric,
> -- 
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> Archive:

Eric Maeker, MD (Fr) : Suite logicielle médicale open source : Association 1901 des utilisateurs de la suite 
FreeMedForms : Debian Med est une distribution Debian 
orientée médecine : site personnel

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: New version of EDFbrowser 1.52

2013-09-07 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 7 sept. 2013 à 11:10, Teunis van Beelen a écrit :

> EDFbrowser 1.52 is available here:
> A viewer/toolbox for timeseries storage files like EDF, BDF, EDF+, BDF+
> EDFbrowser is a viewer/toolbox/converter for timeseries storage files
> containing data such as EEG, EMG, and ECG signals. It supports EDF(+) and
> BDF(+) file formats.
> Apart from viewing the files, it also supports some editing operations and
> can convert to/from other formats.
> Best Regards,
> Teunis van Beelen


I've quickly created a DMG for MacOs that self contains the Qt FrameWork as 
usual. I didn't take the time to include neither the icon and file association, 
nor the LICENSE/README files. If you want I can write a small script for this.

Mac users just have to download the DMG, dble-click, copy the app to 
Applications. And enjoy.

You can catch the DMG here (I'll delete it in few days - ping me back when you 
get it please)

Compiled & tested on 10.6.8 (intel only) and should work with newer MacOs 

Do you need some help with the Debian packaging?


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Searching for (medical) Qt application to be packaged

2013-09-06 Thread Eric Maeker

I've got some free time to spend on a new package. If you know an open source 
C++/Qt app in the medical field that needs some help to achieve a debian 
packaging, you can send me an email.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: license of the DebianMed logo

2013-09-04 Thread Eric Maeker

I suppose that the logo is released in "public domain".
But Andreas should confirm.


Le 4 sept. 2013 à 19:14, Sasa Paporovic a écrit :

> Hi there,
> I want to use some themes/logos/icons of different Linux distributions in a 
> paper. One of the affected one is DebianMed/Debian.
> The Debian logo by itself is free to use. But it is not clear to me if this 
> is also true for the DebianMed logo. I am not able to find any hints to this. 
> After an examination of the EXIF data it has not become better.
> So, just this little mail. I want to ask if it is possible to get some 
> license information or the simple permission to use the logo.
> Thanks
> Sasa Paporovic
> (aka melchiaros)

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-24 Thread Eric Maeker
> The source package does not feature an Architecture field.  So you need
> to tag the single binary packages.  You might like to try whether some
> of the "Architecture: any" packages could be built on mipsel - but I
> doubt that even if there are such packages the package in itself does
> make any sense to exist on this architecture if the whole freemedforms
> suite is incomplete.  For the sake of simplicity I would simply
>   s/Architecture: any/& [!mipsel]/
> and be done with it.

Ok, you confirm my thoughts, I'll do this later. Thanks

I think that I should split the translation package into a "per-langugage" i18n 

Also, some plugins are automatically built but can be optional (and so 
removed). So I think that I will split the freemedforms-emr into multiple 
- freemedforms-emr (the bin and mandatory plugins)
- freemedforms-emr-xxx-plugin (optional plugins: webcam, account, agenda...)
But for this part, I not really sure...


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-24 Thread Eric Maeker
> I surely forgot to (re)comment this line in the rules file
> override_dh_makeshlibs:
> I'll make some test later today.

That was the problem, a fresh svn-buildpackage does not return any
problem. I've added small comments in the debian/rules files and

I've corrected the *desktop files problem in the freemedforms git repo
(so lintian warnings will be corrected with 0.9.0 stable release to

For mipsel, should I include the [!mipsel] for all bin packages or can
I only tag the source package?

Back to freemedforms plugin-unit-tests now... Pfiou!


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Re: contribute to useful tasks in medecine

2013-07-23 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi Julien

It is a very idea to translate package descriptions in french. I think that 
users do not always understand english.

I have the feeling that the debian med wiki pages should be translated also. 
May be we can discuss this together here and also try to improve the wiki 


Le 21 juil. 2013 à 23:23, Julien Dordoigne  a écrit :

> Guten Abend,
>   I translated few packages 
> The translate button looks still broken .
> Wir sehen uns bald.
> Julien
> 2013/7/19 Julien Dordoigne 
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: Andreas Tille 
>> Date: 2013/7/18
>> Subject: Re: contribute to useful tasks in medecine
>> To: Julien Dordoigne 
>> Hi Julien,
>> at first:  The most important rule we have and what I forgot to mention:
>> Please lets do all discussion in public!  The rationale behind this is
>> that there might be people (now ... or in the future who seeked the
>> mailing list archive) who are interested in the discussion.  It is
>> simply a waste of time to talk about the very same things in private
>> mails and it is simply unfair to hide potentially valuable information
>> from others.  So feel free to quote me freely in your next reply to the
>> public mailing list.
>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 07:39:13PM +0200, Julien Dordoigne wrote:
>> > Hello Andreas,
>> >
>> >   Thanks for your message. I gonna to start as you mentionned .
>> > When I click to the button "Traduire la description" , the request is sent,
>> > it takes a while, then nothing happens. The same using Chrome or Internet
>> > Explorer. I'm located over there at a village with a 5 Mbps connection
>> >
>> Well, I guess it is not your connection - currently I also get
>>  $ ping
>> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>> > By translating "", the server is located in
>> > .
>> > Start for screenshots . Please let me know if you find a solution for the
>> > translation option . Thanks .
>> My first reaction would be to simply wait because any server in
>> domain is observed by DSA (Debian Server Admin) team and they
>> usually take action if needed.  My guess is that this is just a
>> temporary problem.  If nothing has changed we should ask DSA.
>> Kind regards and thanks for your intention to help
>>   Andreas.
>> --
>> -- 
>> Bien cordialement
>> Julien Dordoigne
> -- 
> Bien cordialement
> Julien Dordoigne

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-23 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 23 juil. 2013 à 10:20, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 09:33:57PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 07:58:11PM +0200, Eric Maeker wrote:
>>> Can you send me your logs please. I'll take a look.
>> I'll create a fresh one with English locale tomorrow.
> Attached.

Thanks I see what is the problem ;)
I surely forgot to (re)comment this line in the rules file 


I'll make some test later today.

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-22 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 22 juil. 2013 à 21:33, Andreas Tille a écrit :

>E: Core build dependencies not satisfied; skipping

Yes but it does not tell which dependencies.

> To be sure you might ask at

Ah ok. I'll send them a mail.

How can I exclude this architecture?


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-22 Thread Eric Maeker
> Finally even the file
>  freemedforms-libs.lintian-overrides
> has the proper explanation that RPATH is OK in this case.

Since the start of it ;)

Cool, I'm really happy that we found a good comprise with this problem. As you 
can see, the rpath is dynamically define during the qmake processing and take 
into account the multi-architecture path. I think all is safe.

> I can build on
> my local testing machine and the package build process fails only in the
> very end which is now caused by a missing RPATH (sorry only German
> locale - if you need the message I can rerun Build with English locale).
> Please verify that you commited you current state to SVN.

Yop ok. My last "local clean build" was perfectly fine. May be I forgot to push 
some code update?
I will try a fresh pbuilder build on my machine tonight but I will, for this 
exercise, update the version number to 0.9.0~beta2-1 (source code is 
published). So don't worry about this.

Can you send me your logs please. I'll take a look.

Also, I received many build failures with 'mipsel'. I don't know what's 
'mipsel' means, and I can't understand the error (it seems like chroot is not 
completely populated with all required packages). Find a copy/paste of the 
* Source package: freemedforms-project
* Version: 0.9.0~beta1-1
* Architecture: mipsel
* State: failed
* Suite: experimental
* Builder:
* Build log:


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-10 Thread Eric Maeker
> doing a svn-buildpackage results in:
> cp -a global_resources/package_helpers/ 
> /home/debian/debian-med/qa/packages/freemedforms-project/build-area/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1/debian/tmp/usr/bin/freemedforms
> cp: cannot stat 'global_resources/package_helpers/': 
> No such file or directory
> make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_install] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory 
> `/home/debian/debian-med/qa/packages/freemedforms-project/build-area/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1'
> make: *** [binary] Error 2
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 
> 2
> Command 'dpkg-buildpackage' failed in 
> '/home/debian/debian-med/qa/packages/freemedforms-project/build-area/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1',
>  how to continue now? [Qri?]:

Rrraaa I didn't correctly clean my working copy before doing my latest 
test. Excuse me.

This is corrected and commited.

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-10 Thread Eric Maeker

I've commited the rpath issue correction. Please, if anyone can make a small 
test. Just compil, install, and run /usr/bin/freemedforms (or by the menu 


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-10 Thread Eric Maeker
>> I succeeded in:
>> - correctly build all apps without any rpath (and without patch)
>> - correctly manage dh_shlibdeps step
> I guess you are refering to the currently commented parts done in SVN
> commit r14132, right?  Without having tested this looks promising.


>> - create a small wrapper (that manages the LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
>> - launch freemedforms from the wrapper
>> Should I include the DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH in libs/plugins path?
> IMHO we should try to support multiarch if there are no strong reasons
> not to do this.  However, before we ask for new trouble we should
> probably resolve the rpath issue which is claimed by lintian (missing
> multiarch is not (yet) considered by lintian).

Hummm, I think I should work on this already before releasing the 0.9.0.
It will be easier for me as I'm currently documented. I already managed the 
build process but I have some trouble with the freemedforms internal code that 
I can easily fix.

>> * there are no arch dependent code in the project
> Did you missed an 'in' in front od dependent?  IMHO C++ code is always
> arch dependent.

Arf yes. I meant: I've no arch conditional code in the freemedforms project 
code ;)


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-10 Thread Eric Maeker
> I'm temped to say in upper case letters: "No, I can not believe this at
> all."  I have never seen anything else than Port 22 and if this would be
> the case there would have been some other reports about this problem.
> BTW, there is also no such thing than "default subversion configuration
> file installed in users home path".  Debian does not install anything in
> users home path.  May be some local admin has put some broken config
> into /etc/skel?

It is a fresh debian testing install (from scratch). I'm the only admin of the 
system. I've never edited any config files before my svn+ssh problem. I never 
copied any file to my personal folder. So this file "automatically installed 
and/or created in my home folder".

>> May be we can report this as a bug in the subversion package?
> No.  There must be some other cause of your problem than the subversion
> package.  There is no way for the package to put anything into users
> home directories.

I have no other idea...


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

freemedforms & rpath

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Maeker

Since v0.9.0~beta1-2, the FreeMedForms project applications libs and
plugins are build with a rpath setting. According to the Debian policy
this is an issue

I succeeded in:
- correctly build all apps without any rpath (and without patch)
- correctly manage dh_shlibdeps step
- create a small wrapper (that manages the LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
- launch freemedforms from the wrapper

Should I include the DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH in libs/plugins path?
* Currently libs are installed in
   . /usr/lib/freemedforms-common
* plugins are installed in
   . /usr/lib/freemedforms
   . /usr/lib/freediams
* there are no arch dependent code in the project


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Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Maeker
>> > [tunnels]
>> > ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -p 2201
>> Ok I've changed the port to 22

> I have no idea why you decided for
> something else.

I didn't decide anything, this is the default subversion configuration
file installed in my home path.
May be we can report this as a bug in the subversion package? And/or
add an information on the alioth documentation page:

And may be also the debian med wiki?


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Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Maeker
> My ~/.subversion/config
> [tunnels]
> ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -p 2201

Ok I've changed the port to 22
added /svn/ in the address svn.d.o/svn/... not svn.d.o/...

ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -v -p 22

then all works fine. I'll remove -v now ;)

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Fwd: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Maeker
sorry wrong mail

-- Forwarded message --
From: Eric Maeker 
Date: 2013/7/9
Subject: Re: FreeMedForms new upstream
To: Andreas Tille 

My ~/.subversion/config

ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -p 2201

There are no -q here??


Eric Maeker, MD  (FR)

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Fwd: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Maeker
Sorry wrong mail again...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Eric Maeker 
Date: 2013/7/9
Subject: Re: FreeMedForms new upstream
To: Andreas Tille 

Hi, I've restored my keys (pub/priv) *but*

>ssh -v
works fine (ask me my pass)

eric@debian-testing:~/svn$ ssh -v
OpenSSH_6.2p2 Debian-4, OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/eric/.ssh/config
debug1: /home/eric/.ssh/config line 1: Applying options for *
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: identity file /home/eric/.ssh/id_rsa type 1
debug1: Checking blacklist file /usr/share/ssh/blacklist.RSA-2048
debug1: Checking blacklist file /etc/ssh/blacklist.RSA-2048
debug1: identity file /home/eric/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1
debug1: identity file /home/eric/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
debug1: identity file /home/eric/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1
debug1: identity file /home/eric/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1
debug1: identity file /home/eric/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.2p2 Debian-4
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version
OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4
debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4 pat OpenSSH*
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: server->client aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
debug1: kex: client->server aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none
debug1: sending SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY
debug1: Server host key: RSA 8c:c0:b8:9f:0a:79:ee:1c:77:c4:b8:a1:70:55:b7:31
debug1: Host '' is known and matches the RSA host key.
debug1: Found key in /home/eric/.ssh/known_hosts:1
debug1: ssh_rsa_verify: signature correct
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug1: Roaming not allowed by server
debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/eric/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 277
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Authenticated to ([]:22).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Requesting
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: Sending environment.
debug1: Sending env LANG = fr_FR.UTF-8
Linux vasks 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Fri May 10 08:43:19 UTC 2013 x86_64 is a service run by the Debian project but it is
administered by a dedicated team:

For questions please check the FAQ first, then ask #alioth (on OFTC) or

-- The Alioth admins
Last login: Tue Jul  9 13:13:27 2013 from

ericmaeker-guest@vasks:~$ logout
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype reply 0

debug1: channel 0: free: client-session, nchannels 1
Connection to closed.
Transferred: sent 3848, received 3032 bytes, in 105.8 seconds
Bytes per second: sent 36.4, received 28.6
debug1: Exit status 0

eric@debian-testing:~/svn$ svn co
ssh: connect to host port 2201: Connection refused
svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option
from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration
svn: La connexion réseau a été fermée de façon inattendue

eric@debian-testing:~/svn$ svn co
ssh: connect to host port 2201: Connection refused
svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option
from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration
svn: La connexion réseau a été fermée de façon inattendue

Any suggestion ?

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Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Maeker

Just a "hello I'm still alive" mail

Firstly, thanks for the uploading. packages built fine but there is a problem 
with kfreebsd during the install process? I'll try to check this.
Can I create a pbuilder chroot using kfreebsd on a debian testing amd64?

Next is inline.

>> Yes, but pbuilder is too slow on my VBox (> 6 hours for *one* build).
> Ups, that's *really* slow.  You might gain some spead with cowbuilder
> (that uses copy on write to create the chroot system).

>> I only succeeded to have a debian testing with xfce running without crashing.
> I can not comment on this because it is to rare information.

I can now work with gnome 3.4.3 and/or 3.8 on my laptop without crash using the 
gnome classic mode.

>> But I did not succeed with the SVN+SSH configuration. Why??? I miss time to 
>> explore.
> As I wasked in my previous mail, please try to ssh into svn.d.o.  It is
> really hard to tall why it fails on your side without doing these simple
> tests.

Ok I'll send you the result (now it's problem of public key)

>>> I currently can't update my pbuilder environment (from Sao Paolo airport)
>> Yes, your Qt4 packages was the latests. May be we need to add
>>  qt4-default
>> to build-dep to get around this issue? Not sure.
> Well, your latest change was to add libopencv-objdetect-dev as
> Build-Depends which solved the problem I was observing on my side in the
> first place.  So it somehow seems settled.

That's strange because opencv does not affect Qt build process and your problem 
was clearly linked to the Qt build. Whatever, if all works fine we win some 
time on this side.

>> Ok you can test my very latest commit, it should work.
> I checked your last commit and also noticed the enhanced d/watch file.
> However, the current download page does not contain the version you
> injected in d/changelog.  Please note that I reverted the upstream
> version to what is downloadable for public.  I also have set the target
> distribution to UNRELEASED - please also do it this way until the
> package is actually uploaded.

Ooops, yes... Sorry. I'm tired and just wanted to write


> I did another change that uses xz compression in the resulting binaries
> - seems to be a good idea considering their size.

Ah? Interesting!

> What is confusing me a bit is the fact that the build keeps on working
> under my 'testing' system but fails again in pbuilder with the problem
> I reported initially.  I will try to track down this on my side first
> because Thorsten was obviously able to build the package.

May be you need to update the pbuilder root?

>> Yes I commit a draft code that I've reverted later.
> So this explains why it failed on my side.

No this had nothing to do with your previous build crash.

>>> Ahh, it is about the LSM presentation, right?  How many time is left?
>>> As I said I can not do anything the next 24 hours but I might have a
>>> look into what has changed on Tuesday once I might be back to normal
>>> operation.
>> I'm presenting FreeMedForms on the 11th july conference + workshop.
> OK.  You should be fine with the package that was uploaded to
> experimental by Thorsten.  

T.H.A.N.K.S. A L.O.T.!

the correct command to install the packages is

sudo apt-get -t experimental freemedforms-project

is that it?

> Any other polishing should be done without
> time pressure to finally polish everything that deserves beeing solved.

Yes I'm already investigation some issue on the package and already corrected 
two of them. I don't know what to do for the documentation packages. I'm trying 
to fine some information about the rpath issue.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-08 Thread Eric Maeker
Here is a paste of my svn problem:

eric@debian-testing:~/svn$ svn co
ssh: connect to host port 2201: Connection refused
svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option
from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration
svn: La connexion réseau a été fermée de façon inattendue

does git repo is also that complicated to use/configure?


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Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-08 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 7 juil. 2013 à 23:42, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> "CONFIG+=norpath"

Ah yes an error, I thought I'd correct it no ?


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-08 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 7 juil. 2013 à 23:15, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> On Sun, Jul 07, 2013 at 08:15:13PM +0200, Eric Maeker wrote:
>> Ok I'm giving up. After > 24h of work/tests, I'm not able to
>> - get a non freezing debian testing on my laptop (but in VBox with a
>> compil time near to 3hours)
>  There is no need at all to install a testing machine at all!  The
> only reason why I wrote that I was building under testing was the hint
> that it was not done under pbuilder as *any* build should be done.  Can
> you get the package builded with pdebuild?  

Yes, but pbuilder is too slow on my VBox (> 6 hours for *one* build). So I 
did try to install a dual boot with debian testing/OsX but I went through big 
problems... Now I only succeeded to have a debian testing with xfce running 
without crashing. But I did not succeed with the SVN+SSH configuration. Why??? 
I miss time to explore.

> I currently can't update my pbuilder environment (from Sao Paolo airport)

Yes, your Qt4 packages was the latests. May be we need to add


to build-dep to get around this issue? Not sure.

>> - correctly configure svn ssh
> What *exactly* is your issue?  I can only recommend

I read this. May be I doing something wrong... But what?

> Considering that you did commited not that long ago I have no idea what
> might be wrong.  The only thing that does not work as previously is
> *annonymous* checkout - but that's not what you are doing anyway.
>> - reproduce Andreas compilation issue
> I'll check with pbuilder once at home.  My mail was just to confirm that
> your latest change in svn
> r14082 | ericmaeker-guest | 2013-07-05 00:57:42 +0200 (Fr, 05. Jul 2013) | 1 
> Zeile
> has solved the first stumbling stone and the compilation was finished
> successfully.

Ok you can test my very latest commit, it should work.

>> - understand the subtleties of the rpath/dh_shlibs as freemedforms
>> does not provide any public libraries
> Well, in one of your previous mails you wrote that you have done some
> experiments with RPATH which failed.  I have the feeling that your last
> commit was somewhere in the middle of your experiments.  IMHO it would
> be sufficient to revert your change regarding RPATH and simply keep on
> delivering the packages including the RPATH warning.  So my test build
> was just intended to give you an idea about the problem your latest
> commit might have caused.

Yes I commit a draft code that I've reverted later.

>> - no available time +++
>> If the package does not compil on debian testing but compils fine on
>> Ubuntu 13.04 with the same source package, this looks like a bug in
>> the Qt packages. I'm not guru enough to inspect this.
> IMHO there is no guru needed to get the status we had before.  Lets try
> to ship the package with RPATH warning as before and tackle this later.
> Please check your hard disk if the status in SVN is just the same.


>> No time to create a live USB linux for people who want to test
>> FreeMedForms at LSM. So I think I'll just make a presentation on
>> Win/Mac/Ubuntu laptops. That is not the best configuration as the main
>> package maintainer is debian med. But that's all I can do.
> Ahh, it is about the LSM presentation, right?  How many time is left?
> As I said I can not do anything the next 24 hours but I might have a
> look into what has changed on Tuesday once I might be back to normal
> operation.

I'm presenting FreeMedForms on the 11th july conference + workshop.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-07 Thread Eric Maeker
Ok I'm giving up. After > 24h of work/tests, I'm not able to
- get a non freezing debian testing on my laptop (but in VBox with a
compil time near to 3hours)
- correctly configure svn ssh
- reproduce Andreas compilation issue
- understand the subtleties of the rpath/dh_shlibs as freemedforms
does not provide any public libraries
- no available time +++

If the package does not compil on debian testing but compils fine on
Ubuntu 13.04 with the same source package, this looks like a bug in
the Qt packages. I'm not guru enough to inspect this.

No time to create a live USB linux for people who want to test
FreeMedForms at LSM. So I think I'll just make a presentation on
Win/Mac/Ubuntu laptops. That is not the best configuration as the main
package maintainer is debian med. But that's all I can do.


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Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-05 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 5 juil. 2013 à 08:09, Eric Maeker a écrit :

>> lrelease global_resources/translations/*.ts
>> lrelease: could not find a Qt installation of ''

I'm googling about this issue. 
It seems to be an upstream / packager bug or a missing package like qt4-default 
or qtchooser.
I'm building with libqt4 version 4:4.8.2-1 without any problem.

Can you send me the entire build log please.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-04 Thread Eric Maeker
RPath issue looks much more complicated than a simple CONFIG+=norpath
Without any definition of the rpath during the building process I've got the 
following errors with dpkg-shlibdeps

   dh_shlibdeps -O--parallel -O--buildsystem=qmake_qt4
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque 
utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque 
utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
 (format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
 (format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque 
utilisée par 
 (format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
debian/freemedforms-libs/usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ (format 
ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque 
utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: erreur: impossible de trouver la bibliothèque utilisée par 
(format ELF : « elf32-i386 »; RPATH : «  »)
dpkg-shlibdeps: avertissement: la dépendance pourrait être évitée si « 
 » n'y était pas lié avec sans nécessité (il n'utilise aucun des 
symboles de la bibliothèque).
dpkg-shlibdeps: avertissement: la dépendance pourrait être évitée si « 
» n'y étaient pas lié avec sans nécessité (ils n'utilisent aucun 
des symboles de la bibliothèque).
dpkg-shlibdeps: avertissement: la dépendance pourrait être évitée si « 
debian/freemedforms-libs/usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ » n'y 

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-04 Thread Eric Maeker
> Did you tested with pbuilder?

nop svn-buildpackage

>  I get
> $ grep libqt4-dev 
> Depends: debhelper (>= 9), libqt4-dev (>= 4:4.8.0), libxext-dev, zlib1g-dev, 
> libopencv-core-dev (>= 2.3), libopencv-highgui-dev (>= 2.3), libquazip0-dev 
> (>= 0.4.4)
> pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy depends on libqt4-dev (>= 4:4.8.0); however:
>  Package libqt4-dev is not installed.
>  libqt4-declarative{a} libqt4-designer{a} libqt4-dev{a} libqt4-dev-bin{a} 
> Selecting previously unselected package libqt4-dev-bin.
> Unpacking libqt4-dev-bin (from .../libqt4-dev-bin_4%3a4.8.4+dfsg-4_amd64.deb) 
> ...
> Selecting previously unselected package libqt4-dev.
> Unpacking libqt4-dev (from .../libqt4-dev_4%3a4.8.4+dfsg-4_amd64.deb) ...
> Setting up libqt4-dev-bin (4:4.8.4+dfsg-4) ...
> Setting up libqt4-dev (4:4.8.4+dfsg-4) ...
>> dh build --parallel --buildsystem=qmake_qt4 # 
>> --dbg-package=freemedforms-project-dbg
>>   dh_testdir -O--parallel -O--buildsystem=qmake_qt4
>>   debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure
>> make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « 
>> /home/eric/svn/build-area/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1 »
>> lrelease global_resources/translations/*.ts
>> Updating 'global_resources/translations/axisante4_de.qm'...
>>Generated 0 translation(s) (0 finished and 0 unfinished)
> On the other hand I can also reproduce this on my testing system
> $ dh build --parallel --buildsystem=qmake_qt4
>   dh_testdir -O--parallel -O--buildsystem=qmake_qt4
>   debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure
> lrelease global_resources/translations/*.ts
> lrelease: could not find a Qt installation of ''
> make: *** [override_dh_auto_configure] Fehler 1

We should try with 


instead of



Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-04 Thread Eric Maeker
> ...
> dh build --parallel --buildsystem=qmake_qt4 # 
> --dbg-package=freemedforms-project-dbg
>   dh_testdir -O--parallel -O--buildsystem=qmake_qt4
>   debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure
> make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1'
> lrelease global_resources/translations/*.ts
> lrelease: could not find a Qt installation of ''
> make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_configure] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/buildd/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1'
> make: *** [build] Error 2
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2

Just tested on my Debian testing. This is not reproducible... May be the 
libqt4-dev is not correctly installed?

dh build --parallel --buildsystem=qmake_qt4 # 
   dh_testdir -O--parallel -O--buildsystem=qmake_qt4
   debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure
make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « 
/home/eric/svn/build-area/freemedforms-project-0.9.0~beta1 »
lrelease global_resources/translations/*.ts
Updating 'global_resources/translations/axisante4_de.qm'...
Generated 0 translation(s) (0 finished and 0 unfinished)


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-04 Thread Eric Maeker

> You should not try annonymous checkout.  It is known to be broken

Two weeks earlier I did not have any problem with read-only users for my tests.

> (I reportedt at debian-devel list) and could be done if you
>   s/
> if you try
>   svn+ssh://

Pfiouu, what a nightmare !!! I'm rusty with svn.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Fwd: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-04 Thread Eric Maeker
Sorry, wrong mail ;)

>>> I wrote an issue for the linux specific rpath problem in order to keep this 
>>> problem opened in the 0.9.0 release.
>>> I'll try to fix this in the current next month.
>> Thanks for considering this.  Please tell me explicitly that I should
>> upload the current status or whether you prefer waiting until this is
>> solved.

Here is my respond

> Can you please upload the current 0.9.0~beta1 version.
> I have many problems with svn under linux that I've never faced.
> eric@eric-VirtualBox:~$ svn co 
> svn:// ./
> svn: E210005: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 
> 'svn://'
> svn: E210005: No repository found in 
> 'svn://'
> eric@eric-VirtualBox:~$ svn co svn:// ./
> svn: E210005: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://'
> svn: E210005: No repository found in 'svn://'
> I can ping & wget from command line...
> I don't understand what is the problem
> Eric

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-04 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 3 juil. 2013 à 23:02, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> thanks for the reminder you just sended but I expected some reaction
> from your side to the rpath related things I have written below.

Yes, I'll make some tests but I currently miss time.
I wrote an issue for the linux specific rpath problem in order to keep this 
problem opened in the 0.9.0 release.

I'll try to fix this in the current next month.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-07-03 Thread Eric Maeker

This is just a reminder. If someone have some time to consider uploading 
freemedforms-project to experimental, we will be pleased. We'd like to present 
the project at LSM with this new version and the debian package will be very 

Thanks a lot for your time and comprehension

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-06-25 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 17 juin 2013 à 11:53, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> I try to have another look into the rpath issue if not yet solved.

I think the best way to correct the rpath issue is:
- to add to qmake commandline: "CONFIG+=norpath"
- create a bin wrapper that sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the right place 
according to the application

/usr/bin/ -> Wrapper to "/usr/bin/freemedforms" that can be 
simple bash like this
# Here an example for the FreeMedForms EMR
# May be wildcards can lead to uncorrect behavior
exec "freemedforms" ${1+"$@"}

Then make all launchers point to /usr/bin/

Any comment?

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: Data Licensing

2013-06-18 Thread Eric Maeker

>> CC licenses are not compatible with DFSG I think.

Ok v1.0 not compatible, v3.0 ok and a ftpmaster refused some of FMF pixmap 
because 2.x...

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: Data Licensing

2013-06-18 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 18 juin 2013 à 17:04, Yaroslav Halchenko a écrit :

> PDDL probably would be the best choice

Ok thanks a lot +++ a very very good start for me


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: Data Licensing

2013-06-18 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 18 juin 2013 à 17:34, Mathieu Malaterre a écrit :

> Just my two cents, GPL and/or LGPL are mostly related to code (notion
> of 'shared' lib). I would either check one of our french license
> CeCILL A/B/C or maybe creative commons which are more oriented with
> data stuff.

Yes GPL/LGPL are for the code. I need to enlighten the future debate of the 
licensing choice for the scientific data.
Do you have any notion about OpenData ?

CC licenses are not compatible with DFSG I think.


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Data Licensing

2013-06-18 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

I'm working on a new module of FreeMedForms based on data taken from the SFMG 
(French General Medicine Society). My code will be GPLv3 or may be LGPLv2.1. 
I've questioned the leaders of the SFMG about the licensing of their data. 
Typically, they never had any discussion about this. They think that their data 
are 'public domain with the obligation to publicly mention the SFMG'.

I told them that they need to go deep into this problematic if they want me to 
push code and data to the Debian repos with the sponsoring of the Debian Med 
team (if accepted by you of course). So they asked me to resume some of the 
available licenses compatible with the DFSG for their data.

Can you help me please. I need some good references to read (already started a 
google request ;) ).

Thanks a lot

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-06-16 Thread Eric Maeker

FreeMedForms is ready for upload.

PPA was correctly built on launchpad

I still have some problems with 12.04 and zlib/libquazip, but everything is 
correct with newer Ubuntu versions.

LSM takes place 11th of July and I hope to have the possibility to present the 
beta on a fresh Debian testing. So I hope you will be able to find some time to 
upload freemedforms-project.

Thanks a lot

Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-06-14 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 14 juin 2013 à 12:08, Eric Maeker a écrit :

> Is there a way to easily test if a package is available or not in the rules 
> and control file?
> Eg: if the Debian version used for the build process does not include 
> libquazip0-dev -> remove the build-depends: libquazip0-dev and remove the 
> CONFIG+="dontbuildquazip" in the rules file?

Can I use 

dpkg-gencontrol [...] -Vdist:Build-Depends="libquazip0-dev (>= 0.4.4)"

in the rules file? and add ${dist:Build-Depends} in the Build-Depends paragraph 
of the control file?

if we don't want to build the freemedforms-project internal libquazip sources?


Description: Ceci est une signature électronique PGP

Re: FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-06-14 Thread Eric Maeker
Is there a way to easily test if a package is available or not in the rules and 
control file?

Eg: if the Debian version used for the build process does not include 
libquazip0-dev -> remove the build-depends: libquazip0-dev and remove the 
CONFIG+="dontbuildquazip" in the rules file?


Le 14 juin 2013 à 10:14, Eric Maeker a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I've updated the svn debian files of FreeMedForms. A new upstream is 
> available 0.9.0~beta1.
> The build processing is much more simple than before and I removed the 
> freeaccount packages as they are not maintained anymore by upstream. I'm 
> sorry but I did not fixed the rpath issue as I'm not linux guru enough to 
> correct this.
> You can make some tests adding to qmake command line:
> I've pasted the lintian outputs.
> Thanks for your comments and help
> Eric
> eric@eric-VirtualBox:~/svn/build-area$ lintian -i -I *.dsc *.deb
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> N: 
> N:The binary or shared library sets RPATH. This overrides the normal
> N:library search path, possibly interfering with local policy and causing
> N:problems for multilib, among other issues.
> N:
> N:The only time a binary or shared library in a Debian package should set
> N:RPATH is if it is linked to private shared libraries in the same
> N:package. In that case, place those private shared libraries in
> N:/usr/lib/. Libraries used by binaries in other packages should
> N:be placed in /lib or /usr/lib as appropriate, with a proper SONAME, in
> N:which case RPATH is unnecessary.
> N:
> N:To fix this problem, look for link lines like:
> N:gcc test.o -o test -Wl,--rpath,/usr/local/lib
> N:or
> N:gcc test.o -o test -R/usr/local/lib
> N:and remove the -Wl,--rpath or -R argument. You can also use the chrpath
> N:utility to remove the RPATH.
> N:
> N:Refer to for details.
> N:
> N:Severity: serious, Certainty: possible
> N:
> N:Check: binaries, Type: binary, udeb
> N: 
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
> E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ 
> /usr/lib/freediams
> W: freemedforms-libs: postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
> N: 
> N:The postinst script calls ldconfig even though no shared libraries are
> N:installed in a directory controlled by the dynamic library loader.
> N:
> N:Note this may be triggered by a bug in debhelper, that causes it to
> N:auto-generate an ldconfig snippet for packages that does not need it.
> N:
> N:Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 8.1.1 (ldconfig) and
> N: for details.
> N:
> N:Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
> N:
> N:Check: shared-libs, Type: binary, udeb
> N: 
> W: freemedforms-libs: postrm-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
> N: 
> N:The postrm script calls ldconfig even though no shared libraries are
> N:installed in a directory controlled by the dynamic library loader.
> N:
> N:Note this may be triggered by a bug in debhelper, that causes it to
> N:auto-generate an ldconfig snippet for packages that does not need it.
> N:
> N:Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 8.1.1 (ldconfig) and
> N: for details.
> N:
> N:Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
> N:
> N:Check: shared-libs, Type: binary, udeb
> N: 
> I: freemedforms-libs: unused-override binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/* /usr/lib/freemedforms
> N: 
> N:Lintian discovered an unused override entry in its database. Most likely
> N:it was used for a false-positive that has been fixed. However, some tags
> N:are only triggere

FreeMedForms new upstream

2013-06-14 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

I've updated the svn debian files of FreeMedForms. A new upstream is available 
The build processing is much more simple than before and I removed the 
freeaccount packages as they are not maintained anymore by upstream. I'm sorry 
but I did not fixed the rpath issue as I'm not linux guru enough to correct 
You can make some tests adding to qmake command line:


I've pasted the lintian outputs.
Thanks for your comments and help

eric@eric-VirtualBox:~/svn/build-area$ lintian -i -I *.dsc *.deb
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
N:The binary or shared library sets RPATH. This overrides the normal
N:library search path, possibly interfering with local policy and causing
N:problems for multilib, among other issues.
N:The only time a binary or shared library in a Debian package should set
N:RPATH is if it is linked to private shared libraries in the same
N:package. In that case, place those private shared libraries in
N:/usr/lib/. Libraries used by binaries in other packages should
N:be placed in /lib or /usr/lib as appropriate, with a proper SONAME, in
N:which case RPATH is unnecessary.
N:To fix this problem, look for link lines like:
N:gcc test.o -o test -Wl,--rpath,/usr/local/lib
N:gcc test.o -o test -R/usr/local/lib
N:and remove the -Wl,--rpath or -R argument. You can also use the chrpath
N:utility to remove the RPATH.
N:Refer to for details.
N:Severity: serious, Certainty: possible
N:Check: binaries, Type: binary, udeb
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freediams
E: freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
W: freemedforms-libs: postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
N:The postinst script calls ldconfig even though no shared libraries are
N:installed in a directory controlled by the dynamic library loader.
N:Note this may be triggered by a bug in debhelper, that causes it to
N:auto-generate an ldconfig snippet for packages that does not need it.
N:Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 8.1.1 (ldconfig) and
N: for details.
N:Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
N:Check: shared-libs, Type: binary, udeb
W: freemedforms-libs: postrm-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
N:The postrm script calls ldconfig even though no shared libraries are
N:installed in a directory controlled by the dynamic library loader.
N:Note this may be triggered by a bug in debhelper, that causes it to
N:auto-generate an ldconfig snippet for packages that does not need it.
N:Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 8.1.1 (ldconfig) and
N: for details.
N:Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
N:Check: shared-libs, Type: binary, udeb
I: freemedforms-libs: unused-override binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/* /usr/lib/freemedforms
N:Lintian discovered an unused override entry in its database. Most likely
N:it was used for a false-positive that has been fixed. However, some tags
N:are only triggered in packages built on certain architectures. In this
N:case, the override may need an architecture qualifier.
N:If the override is unused, please remove it from the overrides file.
N:Refer to Lintian User's Manual section 2.4.3 (Architecture specific
N:overrides) for details.
N:Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain
I: freemedforms-libs: unused-override binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/* /usr/lib/freemedforms
I: freemedforms-libs: unused-override binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/* /usr/lib/freemedforms
I: freemedforms-libs: unused-override binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
usr/lib/freemedforms-common/* /usr/lib/freemedforms
I: freemedforms-libs: unused-override binary-or-shlib-defines-

Re: Desperately searching for a scientific programmer

2013-05-11 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 8 mai 2013 à 22:04, Prof. Dr. Antje Krause a écrit :

> Dear colleagues,
> sorry for being a bit off-topic:
> We are desperately searching for a good bioinformatics programmer who can 
> help us during the next 3 weeks to implement a software package. We already 
> have a prototype but need a working program within very short time. In 
> addition to good payment there will be, in case of success, a scientific 
> publication in a high ranking journal (and  fame and glory ;-). The topic is 
> in the field of NGS sequence data analysis.


Can you answer some question for us?
What is exactly the package (name...)?
What is its programming language?
And what is your license?


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Re: libquazip

2013-03-18 Thread Eric Maeker
>> Hi Eric,
>> The dev package does not contain a static library libquazip.a but it should 

Done, tested and committed -> v0.5.1-2


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Re: libquazip

2013-03-18 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 18 mars 2013 à 14:11, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Hi Eric,
> thanks for your work.  I guess we somehow talked about this but I'm to
> lazy to seek for this potential past discussion:  The dev package does
> not contain a static library libquazip.a but it should (according to
> library packaging guide).

Ah yes, I think I need to create a special rule (an independent build) for the 
static lib version (need a specific qmake command line). I'll work on this.

> I somehow have the feeling that not using
> d-shlibs enabled to simply ignore this part of a lib*-dev package.  BTW,
> I removed the d-shlibs stuff which I injected in some early state of
> packaging once but they are not used (perhaps d-shlibs can now be used
> unchanged if you decide to do so).

(Talking to myself) Does d-shlibs manage qmake commands? (I'll try to find out 
by myself ;) )

> So if you really have good reasons to not build the libquazip.a static
> library please document the reasons in README.Debian to let me remember
> in the future.

Ah ok good idea! Done and committed


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Re: libquazip

2013-03-18 Thread Eric Maeker

I've updated libquazip to v0.5.1


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Re: Med-E-Tel 2013 Poster

2013-03-17 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 17 mars 2013 à 09:58, Nicolas Barbier a écrit :

> 2013/3/16 Eric Maeker :
>> Thanks for your review and comments.
> “Actually, the DDI engine” → “Currently, the DDI engine”

Ah yes.

> “Some development is actually started” → “Some development is
> currently underway” (or “has just been started” or so)


> “during three different moments” → “at three different moments”
> (because “during” indicates a period, while “moment” is instantaneous)


> “to avoid competing conflicts”: What is a “competing conflict”?


> Of less importance are:
> “require a user validation to pass through.” → “require a user
> validation to continue.” (because “to pass through” has a more
> physical meaning in my mind)

Better like this no?

"blocking alerts which require acknowledgement before the user moves on"

> “the DDI software of the project” → “the project’s DDI software” or
> maybe “FreeMedForms’ prescription module”

Ah good

> Question: Does FreeMedForms use the same XML-based interface (as
> GNUmed) to communicate with FreeDiams?

No the (three) drugs plugins are directly included in FreeMedForms EMR. There 
are no need for it to work with an external process (everything is internal).

> “implemented this interoperability.” → “implemented this interface.”


> Great job of telling the important things in such a concise manner
> (which I guess is the most important property of such a poster?).

Yes I think it is (be concise, precise and documented). 
Thanks for noticing this effort :D 
It's the sign that we succeeded in the work!

Thanks for your review and help.

I just find that we missed two paragraphs:
- About the authors
- Thanks

Updated the PDF


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Re: Med-E-Tel 2013 Poster

2013-03-17 Thread Eric Maeker
Le 17 mars 2013 à 09:58, Nicolas Barbier  a écrit :

> “to avoid competing conflicts”: What is a “competing conflict”?

Ah ah ah I missed this ! This is the sign of 'working too late in the night' :D

Competing interests of course ;)

Thanks for your review, I ll make a longer answer tonight.


Re: Med-E-Tel 2013 Poster

2013-03-17 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 16 mars 2013 à 13:16, Sebastian Hilbert a écrit :

> Hi,
> Please consider the following changes.
>  have to be checked « by-hand » --> has instead of have, manually instead of 
> by-hand


> There are no automated data-mining --> There is instead of are

> some does not have any (or a weak) systemic passage --> some drugs do not ...

ok, changed to "some routes do not have"

> the engine analyses --> the engine analyzes ...


> GnuMED --> GNUmed


> Otherwise well done. Have a good time.

Thanks for your review. We also improved some parts of the text.

I've updated the PDF file


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Re: Med-E-Tel 2013 Poster

2013-03-16 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

So, we done the poster for the upcoming Med-E-Tel event - open source village.
We'd be happy to read your comments before the poster is printed.

Thanks for your review and comments.

PS: sorry for the duplicate sending, something goes wrong the first time...

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Re: Med-E-Tel 2013 Poster

2013-03-16 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

So, we done the poster for the upcoming Med-E-Tel event - open source village.
We'd be happy to read your comments before the poster is printed.

Thanks for your review and comments.


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Re: FreeMedForms 0.8.2 New upstream

2013-03-10 Thread Eric Maeker
> After beeing sure to work on your latest status I did a more thorough
> review and I now have additional remarks.  These remarks were triggered
> by lintian errors which were not properly covered by overrides.
> Previously they were written down with explicit versioning which made
> them ineffective for any new upstream release.  I now used wildcards
> which are working better.  It would be a good idea if you would fire
> up lintian before you offer the package for sponsering. :-)

Oh yes, I was a bit in the hurry without enough time to check everything...
The project is looking for a debian package maintainer.

> When looking at the package I also detected some code duplication
> issues:
> 1. /usr/lib/freemedforms/ and /usr/lib/freeaccount both have

Ok, you're right. But these files are not the same for each apps. These libs 
are plugins and plugins are specific to apps and are named identically. So 
common libs are copied into

and specific plugins in

>IMHO this should be strictly avoided.

With the precedent explanation is this remark this the same ?

>In my commit that fixes the lintian overrides I intentionally
>freeaccount: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freeaccount/ /usr/lib/freemedforms-common
>untouched to raise some signal.


> 2. Another code duplication is
>freemedforms-libs: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath 
> usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ /usr/lib/freemedforms
>Didn't you just packaged libquazip?  So why not linking against
>this package rather than injecting another rpath issue?

Ah yes, I can use the libquazip now that I'm sure that neither libquazip nor 
freemedforms 0.8x will be included in the future debian stable release. But 
Ubuntu precise does not include the libquazip, and as I'm using the same debian 
files for the PPA, I kept the libquazip building. I can work on a patch but I 
do not have any time for this before weeks...


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Re: FreeMedForms 0.8.2 New upstream

2013-03-08 Thread Eric Maeker
Oops, I just forget to commit ;)
So yes it is the and I corrected the date too.

Thanks for your pertinent review !

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FreeMedForms 0.8.2 New upstream

2013-03-07 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

The debian files are updated to the new 0.8.2(.1) upstream.
PPA is done (precise quantal).

Since this release, we found and corrected one bug that makes FreeMedForms 
unusable on Kubuntu only. So Kubuntu users have to wait for the 0.8.4 to be 
released, or rebuild from the source.

Thanks for your review and upload.

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Med-E-Tel 2013 Poster

2013-03-06 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

I'm preparing a poster for the upcoming Med-E-Tel event - open source village.

Education, Networking and Business


I was thinking on a simple presentation of the main feature of the FreeMedForms 
project: the drug-drug (DDI) and drug-patient interactions (DPI) engines.

Here is a simple title I'm suggesting.

FreeMedForms: managing complex drug-drug and drug-patient interactions. 
An open source experimentation.

The poster can consist on a basic presentation of the soft, some information 
about the DDI engine and the roadmap for the DPI illustrated by 
  - the allergy manager
  - the future PIM (potentially inappropriate medication in elderly) management 
  - and the future drug/renal function management.
I intend to
  - use/include only 5 main scientific publications
  - also present the 'Linux med' teams
  - (may be) use this as a basis for a scientific publication (JAMIA ?)

I already compiled a strong bibliography on computed DDI, software alerts...

Is there someone here interested to help me on this work ?


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Re: 4peaks targetscanner

2013-02-28 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 28 févr. 2013 à 10:05, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Hi,
> I stumbled upon
> which claims
>   TargetScanner for Mac OS X 10.2 Panther and above · Released as open source 
> under the GPL license

I own a Mac 10.6.8, I'll check this.


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Re: Packaging hunspell-en-med

2013-02-28 Thread Eric Maeker
> [1]


How does aspell-xx myspell-xx are configurated ? Are there any OOo extension 
file description ? Same content as yours ?

Here a "by-hand" extension explanation:


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Re: [MoM] Debian Med MoM for February

2013-02-15 Thread Eric Maeker
> Yes, we are.  Upload done.
> Congratulations to your first package

Great, one more !

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Re: [MoM] Debian Med MoM for February

2013-02-11 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi Sukhbir,

Does a French/Deutsch translation exist ? If so where can I find them ?

>>$ lintian hunspell-en-med_1-1_amd64.changes


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Re: FOSDEM 2013

2013-01-30 Thread Eric Maeker
Hi all,

Thanks for your involvement in the FOSDEM 2013 (specially to Andreas and 
Sébastien). Unfortunately, I will not be able to join your talks. But I wish 
you a very good time.

I'll probably be present at the LSM 2013 in Brussels too (july 2013) to present 
the FreeMedForms project.


Le 29 janv. 2013 à 22:33, Emilien Klein a écrit :

> Hi team,
> I saw that Andreas is giving 2 talks [0] at FOSDEM this Saturday, I'll
> be present, wondering if there would be other Debian Med members
> around to meet?
> See you in Brussels!
>   +Emilien
> [0]

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Re: Med-e-Tel 2013: Invitation for Participation

2013-01-18 Thread Eric Maeker
Dear Holger,
Dear Debian Med members,
Dear Med-e-Tel organizers,

Thanks for this information.
I would be very interested to participate in the Med-e-Tel. I think that 
FreeMedForms and FreeDiams are in a pre-1.0 release [1]. They are both reaching 
a strong stability and a good "first basic feature set". And as you know, they 
are both multi-lingual (which is rare for EMR). I'm planning the last 0.x 
release in few weeks. I hope to have enough time to include a "pregnancy 
checking" in the drug engine based on the tga data [3].

Unfortunately, registration fees and travel represent a heavy budget for a 
small non-profit organization. Some people of the FreeMedForms community have 
created a french non-profit association to support the suite [3]. But the fund 
raising is not yet started.

I'm wondering if the organizers of Med-e-Tel could accept the principle of 
free-registration for representatives of non-profit, community driven, open 
source project? This kind of engagement can be a very strong message for open 
source providers. One kind of "giant leap for mankind" and not only "small 
steps for a man". 



Le 18 janv. 2013 à 21:59, Holger Schmuhl a écrit :

> Dear packaging teams, developers and project communities,
> this years Med-e-Tel, International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT 
> Forum, comes again with a special feature dedicated to Open Source and Free 
> Software in the domains of medical informatics and health care. Software 
> projects, communities, NPOs and companies are invited to present their work 
> within the “Open Source Village” that will be hosted right in the central 
> expo area of the conference.
> If you are interested to present and/or participate, please take a look at 
> the details:
> Open Source Village @ Med-e-Tel 2013
> - Date: 10-12 April 2013
> - Deadline for submissions: 22 February 2013
> - Venue: LUXEXPO S.A., 10 circuit de la Foire Internationale, L-1347 
> Luxembourg
> - Details: 
> - Contact:
> It is co-organized by ISfTeH Collaborative Care Team in Open Source Working 
> Group, IMIA Open Source Working Group and EFMI LIFOSS Working Group.
> We are looking forward to your involvement!
> Best regards,
> Holger Schmuhl
> Vice-chair IMIA Open Source Working Group
> Coordinator

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Re: [opensuse-medical] OpenSuSE mediacal Wiki

2012-12-24 Thread Eric Maeker

Le 23 déc. 2012 à 15:54, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Hi Sascha,
> when preparing some multi distribution talk for FOSDEM I stumbled upon
> the SuSE medical Wiki page 


Found this also (which uses the Debian Med packages and tasks)

(dead) Kubuntu based project.

Note the News section:
"Ubuntu-Med development has temporarily stopped at this time. Certain 
components have not been updated since Lucid, and files have been removed. A 
new self-installing version will be compiled during the summer of 2012, 
possibly using a Debian base with updated components from Debian-Med."


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Re: libquazip 0.5.0

2012-12-18 Thread Eric Maeker
Svn commited 0.5.0 (tested)

2012/12/18 Eric Maeker :
> Hi,
> I'm working on the libquazip package to upgrade it to the new 0.5.0 upstream.
> The watch file needs an update as the schema is
> when version ends with .0 -> remove it
> actually the watchfile contains
> but how can I remove the .0, should I remove it from the changelog
> (0.5-1) or is there a way to correctly write the watchfile ?
> 0.5.0 url
> Thanks
> Eric

Eric Maeker, MD  (FR)

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